Pursuant to 5 CFR 1320.5(b), an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to an information collection unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is XXXX-XXXX. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions. Send comments regarding this burden estimate and any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: Suzanne Plimpton, Reports Clearance Officer, Information Dissemination Branch, Division of Administrative Services, National Science Foundation, Alexandria, VA 22314.
Thank you for participating in the survey. We realize that the NSF ADVANCE Award [Award # pre-populated] is still ongoing at [Awardee Institution pre-populated]. Please answer survey questions to the best of your knowledge based on what you have done to date. Access to information about the award, such as annual reports, evaluation reports, and internal notes, may be helpful in responding to the questions. Also, if you hover your cursor over a bolded word, a small text box will pop up with the definition. The survey was designed so that you can skip sections and questions and focus only on the areas that apply to you. This survey has the following sections.
Section 2: Infrastructure Mechanisms
Section 3: Accountability Structures
Section 4: Factors that Affect Sustainability
Section 5: ADVANCE Products and Dissemination
Please hover your cursor over words in bold to see a definition.
This section focuses on formal policies and/or procedures that existed at [Awardee Institution pre-populated] BEFORE NSF ADVANCE funding, as well as those the institution/organization has worked on DURING the grant.
When responding to the questions in this section, consider only formal policies and/or procedures focused on faculty equity (with gender as one or the only focus).
Do you have knowledge about the existence of any formal policy and/or procedure focused on faculty equity (with gender as one or the only focus) at [Awardee Institution pre-populated] BEFORE NSF ADVANCE funding? Providing this information will help us establish a baseline for the institution/organization.
Yes…..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Go To Q2)
No……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Go To Q4)
Notes for programmer for Q2: Response option “j” should be exclusive if “j” is selected in Q2 along with any other letter from “a” – “m”, unselect any letters other than “j” and direct the respondent to Q4. Otherwise direct the respondent to Q3.
Please select the category of formal policies and/or procedures that existed at [Awardee Institution pre-populated] BEFORE NSF ADVANCE funding. Consider only formal policies and/or procedures focused on faculty equity (with gender as one or the only focus). There may be more than one policy and/or procedure for each category. Please answer to the best of your knowledge and recollection. (Select all that apply.)
Recruitment and Hiring
Dual Career
Salary Equity
Dependent Care Benefits
Parental Leave or Modified Duties
Other Accommodations for Pregnant or Lactating Women
Stop the Tenure Clock
Tenure and Promotion
Non-tenure Reappointment and Promotion
Don’t recall the specifics of any formal policy and/or procedure
Other Category [80 Character limit]: (80 character limit)
Other Category [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)
For each category of formal policies and/or procedures, please select the population of focus (tenured/tenure-track and/or non-tenure track faculty) and the level(s) at which it existed in [Awardee Institution pre-populated] BEFORE NSF ADVANCE funding.
Category of Policies and/or Procedures (Pre-populated with Q2, including any responses in the “Other Category”) |
Population of Focus (drop down) |
Levels (drop down) |
Notes for programmer for Q4: Response option “m” should be exclusive if “m” is selected in Q4 along with any other letter from “a” – “l”, unselect any letters other than “m” and direct the respondent to Q6. Otherwise direct the respondent to Q5.
Please select the categories of formal policies and/or procedures that [Awardee Institution pre-populated] has worked on DURING the NSF ADVANCE grant. Consider only the formal policies and/or procedures focused on faculty equity (with gender as one or the only focus). (Select all that apply.)
Recruitment and Hiring
Dual Career
Salary Equity
Dependent Care Benefits
Parental Leave or Modified Duties
Other Accommodations for Pregnant or Lactating Women
Stop the Tenure Clock
Tenure and Promotion
Non-tenure Reappointment and Promotion
Other Category [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)
Other Category [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)
Other Category [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)
Not Applicable
For each category of formal policies and/or procedures that [Awardee Institution pre-populated] has worked on DURING the NSF ADVANCE grant, please select the population of focus (tenured/tenure-track and/or non-tenure track faculty) and the level(s) at which it has been worked on.
Category of Policies and/or Procedures (Pre-populate with response options selected in Q4, including any responses in the “Other Category”) |
Population of Focus (drop down) |
Levels (drop down) |
Please hover your cursor over words in bold to see a definition.
This section focuses on the infrastructure mechanisms that existed at [Awardee Institution pre-populated] BEFORE NSF ADVANCE funding, as well as those the institution/organization has worked on DURING the grant.
Please do not focus on infrastructure required for your institution of higher education to comply with laws and rules as an employer (such as reporting data to the U.S. Department of Education, human resource offices, having a Title IX point of contact, etc.).
When responding to the questions in this section, please consider only infrastructure mechanisms that serve a primary purpose related to faculty equity (with gender as one or the only focus).
Do you have knowledge about the existence of any infrastructure mechanisms that served a primary purpose related to faculty equity (with gender as one or the only focus) at [Awardee Institution pre-populated] BEFORE NSF ADVANCE funding? Providing this information will help us establish a baseline for the institution.
Yes…..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Go To Q7)
No…....………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Go To Q8)
Notes for programmer for Q7: Response option “j” should be exclusive if “j” is selected in Q7 along with any other letter from “a” – “m”, unselect any letters other than “j”.
Please select the infrastructure mechanism(s) that existed at [Awardee Institution pre-populated] BEFORE NSF ADVANCE funding. Consider only infrastructure mechanisms that served a primary purpose related to faculty equity (with gender as one or the only focus). Please answer to the best of your knowledge and recollection. (Select all that apply.)
One or more administrative office(s) that address faculty equity, exclusively or as part of a broader portfolio
Full-time and/or part-time position(s) dedicated to faculty equity efforts
Operating budget for faculty equity efforts
Collection of faculty equity data
Regular administration of faculty climate survey(s)
Reporting/sharing of faculty climate survey results with stakeholders
Data-informed process(es) to monitor equity in recruiting and hiring faculty
Data-informed process(es) to monitor equity in evaluating and retaining faculty
Data-informed process(es) to monitor equity in tenure and promotion decisions
Don’t recall the specifics of any infrastructure mechanism
Other Mechanism [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)
Other Mechanism [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)
Other Mechanism [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)
Notes for programmer for Q8: Response option “m” should be exclusive if “m” is selected in Q8 along with any other letter from “a” – “l”, unselect any letters other than “m” and direct the respondent to Q10. Otherwise direct the respondent to Q9.
Please select the infrastructure mechanism(s) that [Awardee Institution pre-populated] has worked on DURING the NSF ADVANCE grant. Consider only infrastructure mechanisms that serve a primary purpose related to faculty equity (with gender as one or the only focus). (Select all that apply.)
One or more administrative office(s) that address faculty equity, exclusively or as part of a broader portfolio
Full-time and/or part-time position(s) dedicated to faculty equity efforts
Operating budget for faculty equity efforts
Collection of faculty equity data
Regular administration of faculty climate survey(s)
Reporting/sharing of faculty climate survey results with stakeholders
Data-informed process(es) to monitor equity in recruiting and hiring faculty
Data-informed process(es) to monitor equity in evaluating and retaining faculty
Data-informed process(es) to monitor equity in tenure and promotion decisions
Other Mechanism [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)
Other Mechanism [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)
Other Mechanism [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)
Not Applicable
For each infrastructure mechanism that [Awardee Institution pre-populated] has worked on DURING the NSF ADVANCE grant, please select the level(s) at which it has been worked on.
Infrastructure Mechanisms (Pre-populate with Q8, including responses in the “Other Mechanisms”) |
Levels (drop down) |
Section 3: Accountability Structures
Please hover your cursor over words in bold to see a definition.
This section focuses on the accountability structures that existed at [Awardee Institution pre-populated] BEFORE NSF ADVANCE funding, as well as those the institution/organization has worked on DURING the grant.
When responding to the questions in this section, please consider only accountability structures that serve a primary purpose related to faculty equity (with gender as one or the only focus).
Accountability Structures that Existed BEFORE NSF ADVANCE Funding
Do you have knowledge about the existence of any accountability structures that served a primary purpose related to faculty equity (with gender as one or the only focus) at [Awardee Institution pre-populated] BEFORE NSF ADVANCE funding? Providing this information will help us establish a baseline for the institution.
Yes…..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….(Go To Q11)
No…..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(Go To Q12)
Notes for programmer for Q11: Response option “e” should be exclusive if “e” is selected in Q11 along with any other letter from “a” – “h”, unselect any letters other than “e”.
Please select the accountability structures that existed at [Awardee Institution pre-populated] BEFORE NSF ADVANCE funding. Consider only accountability structures that served a primary purpose related to faculty equity (with gender as one or the only focus). Please answer to the best of your knowledge and recollection. (Select all that apply.)
A strategic plan with clearly articulated goal(s) for faculty equity
A standing committee of administrators and/or faculty to advise leadership on faculty equity issues
Documented expectations for leadership to act on faculty climate survey results
Documented expectations for leadership to act on faculty equity data (other than climate survey data)
Don’t recall the specifics of any accountability structure
Other Structure [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)
Other Structure [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)
Other Structure [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)
Notes for programmer for Q12: Response option “h” should be exclusive if “h” is selected in Q12 along with any other letter from “a” – “g”, unselect any letters other than “h” and direct the respondent to Q14 if any policies and/or procedures were selected in Q4 and/or infrastructure mechanisms were selected in Q8.
Direct the respondent to Q13 if only letters other than “h” were selected in Q14.
Direct the respondent to Q16 if “h” was selected in Q12 and neither policies and/or procedures in Q4 OR infrastructure mechanisms in Q8 were selected.
Please select the accountability structures that [Awardee Institution pre-populated] has worked on DURING the NSF ADVANCE grant. Consider only accountability structures that serve a primary purpose related to faculty equity (with gender as one or the only focus). (Select all that apply.)
A strategic plan with clearly articulated goal(s) for faculty equity
A standing committee of administrators and/or faculty to advise leadership on faculty equity issues
Documented expectations for leadership to act on faculty climate survey results
Documented expectations for leadership to act on faculty equity data (other than climate survey data)
Other Structure [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)
Other Structure [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)
Other Structure [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)
Not Applicable
For each accountability structure that [Awardee Institution pre-populated] has worked on DURING the NSF ADVANCE grant, please select the level(s) at which it has been worked on.
Accountability Structures (Pre-populate with Q12, including any responses in the “Other Structures”) |
Levels (drop down) |
Please hover your cursor over words in bold to see a definition. This section focuses on factors that may play a part in ADVANCE strategies CONTINUING AFTER NSF ADVANCE funding ends, as well as challenges and barriers to continuation.
Please indicate how important you anticipate each factor will be in facilitating the continuation of ADVANCE strategies at [Awardee Institution pre-populated] NSF ADVANCE funding ends.
Factors that May Affect Sustainability |
1 Not Important |
2 Slightly Important |
3 Moderately Important |
4 Very Important |
5 Extremely Important |
Factor does not apply |
What do you anticipate will be the main challenges and/or barriers to continuing ADVANCE strategies in [Awardee Institution pre-populated] AFTER NSF ADVANCE funding ends? Examples include: changes in institution’s leadership; the cost of continuing activities; no institutional infrastructure to continue the work; STEM faculty resistance; limited opportunity for hiring; budget cuts to higher education in the state; and/or difficulty in measuring ADVANCE impact. [200 character limit]
(Open ended – 200 character limit)
Please hover your cursor over words in bold to see a definition.
This section focuses on products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources) that have resulted from the NSF ADVANCE funding thus far, as well as their dissemination to others within and/or outside the institution/organization (e.g., institutions, societies, public).
Publications are excluded.
Have any products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources) been created as a result of the NSF ADVANCE funding thus far?
Please exclude publications that have resulted from the NSF ADVANCE funding, which will be obtained through other sources.
Yes...........................................................................................................................................................................(Go to Q17)
No.............................................................................................................................................................................(Go to Q19)
Don’t know/Don’t remember...................................................................................................................................(Go to Q19)
Please provide a description for up to 10 toolkits, materials, or other resources that have resulted from [Awardee Institution pre-populated]’s NSF ADVANCE funding thus far. In addition, please indicate if any product has been disseminated to others within and/or outside the institution/organization.
Product Name [25 character limit] (25 character limit) |
Describe toolkit, material, or resource [150 character limit] (150 character limit) |
Disseminated? (drop down) |
1. (25 character limit) |
1. [150 character limit] |
2. (25 character limit) |
2. [150 character limit] |
3. (25 character limit) |
3. [150 character limit] |
4. (25 character limit) |
4. [150 character limit] |
5. (25 character limit) |
5. [150 character limit] |
6. (25 character limit) |
6. [150 character limit] |
7. (25 character limit) |
7. [150 character limit] |
8. (25 character limit) |
8. [150 character limit] |
9. (25 character limit) |
9. [150 character limit] |
10. (25 character limit) |
10. [150 character limit] |
How are/were the toolkits, materials, or other resources disseminated? (Select all that apply.)
Program Website
Training Workshop(s)
Professional Meetings/Conferences
Professional Societies
Conference Proceedings W/ Articles
Papers and/or Reports
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Ad-hoc Informal Discussions
Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.
ARC Network
Collaboration with other institution
Compensated consultant work
Don’t know/Don’t remember
Other [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)
Please hover your cursor over words in bold to see a definition.
Please describe the impacts of the NSF ADVANCE project on the culture and/or climate of [Awardee Institution pre-populated] thus far, if any. Examples include: increased perceptions of transparency and fairness in the tenure and promotion processes; expectations of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) considerations in strategic planning; higher acceptance rate by those offered faculty positions; increased positive change in faculty climate surveys; and increased DEI language in leadership’s speeches and institutional reports and documents. [200 character limit]
(Open ended – 200 character limit)
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Labibah Tehreem;[email protected] |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-13 |