Single Institution Self-Assessment Ended Survey (version A) (IT Start and IT Catalyst)

Evaluating the Sustainability and Diffusion of the National Science Foundation ADVANCE Program

Attachment A4 Single Institution Self-Assessment Ended Survey (version A)

Single Institution Self-Assessment Ended Survey (version A) (IT Start and IT Catalyst)

OMB: 3145-0253

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Attachment A4: Single Institution Self-Assessment Ended Survey (version A) (IT Start and IT Catalyst)


Pursuant to 5 CFR 1320.5(b), an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to an information collection unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is XXXX-XXXX. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions. Send comments regarding this burden estimate and any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: Suzanne Plimpton, Reports Clearance Officer, Information Dissemination Branch, Division of Administrative Services, National Science Foundation, Alexandria, VA 22314.

Thank you for participating in the survey. This survey is for ADVANCE awardees who applied for additional ADVANCE grant(s) after receiving an IT Start or IT Catalyst award. Please answer survey questions to the best of your knowledge and recollection for the NSF ADVANCE Award [Award # pre-populated]. Access to information about the award, such as annual reports, evaluation reports, and internal notes, may be helpful in responding to the questions. Also, if you hover your cursor over a bolded word, a small text box will pop up with the definition. The survey was designed so that you can skip sections and questions and focus only on the areas that apply to you. This survey has the following major sections.

  • Impact of IT Start or IT Catalyst Project

  • Challenges in Implementation of IT Start or IT Catalyst Project

  • Related Grant Proposals and Awards

  • Changes as a Result of the IT Start or IT Catalyst Project’s Institutional Self-Assessment Activities

  • Sources of Funding After NSF ADVANCE Funding Ended

  • ADVANCE Products and Dissemination

Section 1: Impact of IT Start or IT Catalyst Project

Please hover your cursor over words in bold to see a definition. This section focuses on the impacts, if any, that the NSF ADVANCE IT Start or IT Catalyst project had on [Awardee Institution pre-populated].

  1. Please rate the impacts of the IT Start or IT Catalyst Project on your institution or specific populations as indicated in each item below.



No Impact


Minor Impact


Moderate Impact


Major Impact



  1. Awareness within the institution that gender equity issues for STEM faculty exist

  1. Willingness among the institution’s leadership to discuss gender equity issues for STEM faculty

  1. Willingness among faculty to discuss gender equity issues for STEM faculty

  1. Empowerment of junior faculty to raise concerns regarding faculty equity issues

  1. Empowerment of senior faculty to raise concerns regarding faculty equity issues

  1. Career direction of those who worked on the IT Start or IT Catalyst project

  1. Awareness within the institution that faculty equity issues for non-STEM faculty exist

  1. Please list additional impacts, whether positive or negative, of implementing the IT Start or IT Catalyst project, not captured in previous question. [200 character limit]

(Open ended – 200 character limit)

Section 2: Challenges in Implementation of IT Start or IT Catalyst Project

Please hover your cursor over words in bold to see a definition.

Notes for programmer: If the respondent has selected “2 Moderate Challenge” or “3 Major Challenge” in Q3, then direct them to Q4. If the respondent has not selected “2 Moderate Challenge” or “3 Major Challenge” in Q3, then direct them to Q5.

  1. Please rate the challenges [Awardee Institution pre-populated] may have encountered during the implementation of the IT Start or IT Catalyst project.



No Challenge


Minor Challenge


Moderate Challenge






  1. Convincing institution administrators and/or leadership that gender equity issues for STEM faculty exist

  1. Building understanding of the value of systemic solutions to gender equity issues

  1. Changes in leadership of ADVANCE project

  1. Changes in team members of ADVANCE project

  1. Changes in leadership at the Department, College/School, and/or Institutional level

  1. Junior faculty’s concerns about bringing gender equity issues to leadership’s attention

  1. Senior faculty’s concerns about bringing gender equity issues to leadership’s attention

  1. No clear responsible administrator(s) for faculty gender equity

  1. Other Challenge [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)

  1. Other Challenge [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)

  1. Other Challenge [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)

  1. Please discuss the impact of the challenges, rated as “major” and “moderate” in the previous question, on the implementation of the IT Start or IT Catalyst project.


[Pre-populated with Challenges from Q3 with which “2 Moderate Challenge” or “3 Major Challenge” was selected]

Discuss the impact on project implementation [200 character limit]: (200 character limit)

Section 3: Related Grant Proposals and Awards

Please hover your cursor over words in bold to see a definition. This section focuses on social science research proposals submitted to NSF programs (other than ADVANCE) or other funders, and factors that facilitated the submission of another NSF ADVANCE proposal by [Awardee Institution pre-populated].

  1. Did the NSF ADVANCE IT Start or IT Catalyst project result in submitting social science research proposal(s) to NSF programs (other than ADVANCE) or other funders? When responding to this question, please consider proposals on faculty equity issues that were funded, as well as those that were not funded.

    1. Yes………………………….…....................................................................................................................................(Go to Q6)

    2. No...................................................................................................................................................................................(Go to Q7)

    3. Don’t know/Don’t remember.........................................................................................................................................(Go to Q7)

  1. For up to five social science research proposals on faculty equity issues, please provide the topic and research questions and indicate whether or not it was funded.

Provide topic and research questions of social science proposals on faculty equity [200 character limit per proposal]

[Open ended]


(drop down)

1. (200 character limit)

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t know/Don’t remember

2. (200 character limit)

3. (200 character limit)

4. (200 character limit)

5. (200 character limit)

  1. The NSF ADVANCE program has different funding tracks (e.g., IT, Partnership, Adaptation). [Awardee Institution pre-populated] later submitted an NSF ADVANCE proposal for a track different than the IT Start or IT Catalyst. Regardless of whether or not the proposal was funded, please indicate how important each factor was in facilitating the submission for a different NSF ADVANCE track.






Slightly Important


Moderately Important









  1. Time and effort of proposal writing team supported by the IT Start or IT Catalyst grant 

  1. Time and effort of proposal writing team supported by the institution

  1. Leadership of IT Start or IT Catalyst project moved into institution leadership positions

  1. Support for continuing the work by leadership of institution

  1. STEM faculty buy-in for continuing the work 

  1. Access to complete and accurate faculty data 

  1. Cooperation of related offices/units within the institution

  1. Other Factor [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)

  1. Other Factor [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)

  1. Other Factor [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)

Section 4: Changes as a Result of the IT Start or IT Catalyst Project’s Institutional Self-Assessment Activities

Please hover your cursor over words in bold to see a definition. When responding to the question in this section, please consider changes made DURING the implementation of the institutional self-assessment activities and/or changes made AFTER NSF ADVANCE funding ended if those changes can be attributed to the findings of the IT Start or IT Catalyst project.

  1. Did [Awardee Institution pre-populated] make changes in any of the following areas as a result of the institutional self-assessment activities undertaken with the NSF ADVANCE IT Start or IT Catalyst project? Please hover your cursor over the words in bold to see their definitions.


Changes Made?



Don’t Know/

Don’t Remember

  1. Policies and/or procedures focused on faculty equity (with gender as one or the only focus) for tenured/tenure-track and/or non-tenure track faculty (e.g., Dual Career, Parental Leave or Modified Duties, Stop the Tenure Clock, etc.)

Go to Section 5

Go to Section 10

Go to Section 10

  1. Infrastructure mechanisms that supported faculty equity efforts (e.g., office space, operating budget, full or part-time staff, collection of faculty equity, data-informed process to monitor equity in tenure and promotion decisions, etc.)

Go to Section 6

Go to Section 10

Go to Section 10

  1. Accountability structures that supported faculty equity efforts (e.g., a strategic plan with clearly articulated goal(s) for faculty equity, a standing committee of administrators and/or faculty to advise leadership on faculty equity issues, documented expectations for leadership to act on faculty climate survey results, etc.)

Go to Section 7

Go to Section 10

Go to Section 10

  1. Other activity and/or intervention aimed to transform the culture and climate of institution/organization (e.g., mentoring, train the trainer, networking, etc.).

Exclude products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources) developed as part of the project. Information about products will be collected in a separate section of this survey.

Go to Section 8

Go to Section 10

Go to Section 10

Note: Once the entire table has been filled out, the respondents should be directed as stated below:

  • Situation 1:

    • If Q8a, Q8b, Q8c, and Q8d (the whole table) = “No” and/or “Don’t Know/Don’t remember”, then go to Q18.

  • Situation 2:

    • If Q8a= “Yes”, Go to Q9

    • If Q8b= “Yes”, Go to Q11

    • If Q8c= “Yes”, Go to Q13

    • If Q8d = “Yes”, Go to Q15

    • NOTE: If the respondent checks “Yes” for 2 or more of these options, they should go to all of the corresponding sections in order and then go to the next applicable question. Example: If Q8a = “Yes” and Q8c= “Yes”, then the respondent will go to Q9 and fill out the whole section, then go to Q13 and fill out the whole section, then go to the next applicable question.

Section 5: Policies and/or Procedures

Please hover your cursor over words in bold to see a definition. When responding to the questions in this section, consider only formal policies and/or procedures focused on faculty equity (with gender as one or the only focus).

  1. Please indicate which of the following categories of formal policies and/or procedures focused on faculty equity were changed as a result of the institutional self-assessment activities undertaken with the NSF ADVANCE project.

Category of Policies and/or Procedures

Changes Made?

(drop down)

  1. Recruitment and Hiring

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Do not have policies and/or procedures in that category

  4. Don’t know/Don’t remember

  1. Dual Career

  1. Salary Equity

  1. Dependent Care Benefits

  1. Parental Leave or Modified Duties

  1. Other Accommodations for Pregnant or Lactating Women 

  1. Stop the Tenure Clock

  1. Tenure and Promotion

  1. Non-tenure Reappointment and Promotion

  1. Other Category [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)

  1. Other Category [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)

  1. Other Category [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)

  1. For each category of formal policies and/or procedures, please select the range of years it CONTINUED AFTER NSF ADVANCE funding ended. If two or more policies and/or procedures exist within the same categoryplease specify the range of years for the most recent policy and/or procedure. Example: If the institution has two policies in the Recruitment and Hiring category (one still in place today and the other one having ended in 2012), report on the policy that is still in place today.

Category of Policies and/or Procedures



(drop down)

  1. <1 year

  2. 1-2 years

  3. 3-5 years

  4. 5+ years

  5. Still in place today

  6. Don’t know/Don’t remember

Note: Display Section 6 only if 8b = “Yes”

Section 6: Infrastructure Mechanisms

Please hover your cursor over words in bold to see a definition. When responding to the questions in this section, please consider only infrastructure mechanisms that served a primary purpose related to faculty equity (with gender as one or the only focus). Please do not focus on infrastructure required for your institution of higher education to comply with laws and rules as an employer (such as reporting data to the U.S. Department of Education, human resource offices, having a Title IX point of contact, etc.).

  1. Please indicate which of the following infrastructure mechanisms that served a primary purpose related to faculty equity (with gender as one or the only focus) were changed as a result of the institutional self-assessment activities undertaken with the NSF ADVANCE IT Start or IT Catalyst project.

Infrastructure Mechanisms

Changes Made?

(drop down)

  1. One or more administrative office(s) that address faculty equity, exclusively or as part of a broader portfolio

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t know/Don’t remember

  1. Full-time and/or part-time position(s) dedicated to faculty equity efforts

  1. Operating budget for faculty equity efforts

  1. Collection of faculty equity data

  1. Regular administration of faculty climate survey(s)

  1. Reporting/sharing of faculty climate survey results with stakeholders

  1. Data-informed process(es) to monitor equity in recruiting and hiring faculty

  1. Data-informed process(es) to monitor equity in evaluating and retaining faculty

  1. Data-informed process(es) to monitor equity in tenure and promotion decisions

  1. Other Mechanism [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)

  1. Other Mechanism [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)

  1. Other Mechanism [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)

  1. For each infrastructure mechanism, please select the range of years it CONTINUED AFTER NSF ADVANCE funding ended.

Infrastructure Mechanism



(drop down)

  1. <1 year

  2. 1-2 years

  3. 3-5 years

  4. 5+ years

  5. Still in place today

  6. Don’t know/Don’t remember

Note: Display Section 7 only if 8c = “Yes”

Section 7: Accountability Structures

Please hover your cursor over words in bold to see a definition. When responding to the questions in this section, please consider only accountability structures that served a primary purpose related to faculty equity (with gender as one or the only focus).

  1. Please indicate which of the following accountability structures that served a primary purpose related to faculty equity (with gender as one or the only focus) were changed as a result of the institutional self-assessment activities undertaken with the NSF ADVANCE IT Start or IT Catalyst project.

Accountability Structures

Changes Made?

(drop down)

  1. A strategic plan with clearly articulated goal(s) for faculty equity

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t know/Don’t remember

  1. A standing committee of administrators and/or faculty to advise leadership on faculty equity issues

  1. Documented expectations for leadership to act on faculty climate survey results

  1. Documented expectations for leadership to act on faculty equity data (other than climate survey data)

  1. Other Structure [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)

  1. Other Structure [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)

  1. Other Structure [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)

  1. For each accountability structure, please select the range of years that it CONTINUED AFTER NSF ADVANCE funding ended.

Accountability Structure



(drop down)

  1. <1 year

  2. 1-2 years

  3. 3-5 years

  4. 5+ years

  5. Still in place today

  6. Don’t know/Don’t remember

Note: Display Section 8 only if 8d = “Yes”

Section 8: Activities of the IT Start or IT Catalyst Project

Please hover your cursor over words in bold to see a definition.

  1. Please describe up to five activities of the NSF ADVANCE IT Start or IT Catalyst project and for each activity select the range of years that it CONTINUED AFTER NSF ADVANCE funding ended.

Activity [150 character limit]

(150 character limit)


(drop down)

1. (150 character limit)

  1. <1 year

  2. 1-2 years

  3. 3-5 years

  4. 5+ years

  5. Still in place today

  6. Don’t know/Don’t remember

2. (150 character limit)

3. (150 character limit)

4. (150 character limit)

5. (150 character limit)

Note: Display Section 9 if either Q9, Q11, and/or Q13 = “Yes” in the “Changes Made?” column AND/OR if Q15 = “a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, or “e” in the “CONTINUED AFTER NSF ADVANCE grant for…” column.

Section 9: Sources of Funding AFTER NSF ADVANCE Funding Ended

Please hover your cursor over words in bold to see a definition. This section focuses on the sources of funding for ADVANCE strategies that CONTINUED AFTER NSF ADVANCE funding ended.

  1. Did ADVANCE strategies that CONTINUED AFTER NSF ADVANCE funding ended require funding?

  1. Yes...............................................................................................................................................................................(Go to Q17)

  2. No.................................................................................................................................................................................(Go to Q18)

  3. Don’t know/Don’t remember.......................................................................................................................................(Go to Q18)

  1. How were the ADVANCE strategies funded AFTER NSF ADVANCE funding ended? (Select all that apply.)

  1. Institution/organization funds

  2. Private funds

  3. Another NSF ADVANCE grant

  4. NSF funds other than ADVANCE

  5. Federal funds other than NSF

  6. Don’t know/Don’t remember

  7. Other [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)

Section 10: ADVANCE Products and Dissemination

Please hover your cursor over words in bold to see a definition. This section focuses on products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources) that resulted from the NSF ADVANCE funding, as well as their dissemination to others within and/or outside the institution/organization (e.g., institutions, societies, public). Publications are excluded.

  1. Were there any products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources) created as a result of the NSF ADVANCE funding? Please exclude publications that resulted from the NSF ADVANCE grant, which will be obtained through other sources.

    1. Yes...............................................................................................................................................................................(Go to Q19)

    2. No...............................................................................................................................................................................(End Survey)

    3. Don’t know/Don’t remember.....................................................................................................................................(End Survey)

  1. Please provide a description for up to five toolkits, materials, or other resources that resulted from [Awardee Institution pre-populated]’s NSF ADVANCE funding. In addition, please indicate if any product was disseminated to others within and/or outside the institution/organization.

Product Name

[25 character limit]

(25 character limit)

Describe Toolkit, material, or resource [150 character limit]

(150 character limit)


(drop down)

1. (25 character limit)

1. (150 character limit)

  1. Yes, within the institution/organization…………………………………….…(Go to Q20)

  2. Yes, outside the institution/organization…………………………...……….…(Go to Q20)

  3. Both “a” and “b” ………………………………………………………………(Go to Q20)

  4. No, did not disseminate………………………………………………………(End Survey)

  5. Don’t know/Don’t remember………………………………………...…….…(End Survey)

2. (25 character limit)

2. (150 character limit)

3. (25 character limit)

3. (150 character limit)

4. (25 character limit)

4. (150 character limit)

5. (25 character limit)

5. (150 character limit)

  1. Please indicate which toolkits, materials, or other resources are currently being disseminated.

Product Name

[pre-populated with products names in column “Product Name” from Q19]

Currently Being Disseminated?

(drop down)

1. (150 character limit)

  1. Yes……………………………………………………………………………..(Go to Q21)

  2. No……………………………………………………………………………...(Go to Q21)

  3. Don’t know/Don’t remember………………………………………...…….…(Go to Q21)

2. (150 character limit)

3. (150 character limit)

4. (150 character limit)

5. (150 character limit)

  1. How are/were the toolkits, materials, or other resources disseminated? (Select all that apply.)

  1. Program Website

  2. Training Workshop(s)

  3. Professional Meetings/Conferences

  4. Professional Societies

  5. Conference Proceedings W/ Articles

  6. Papers and/or Reports

  7. Peer-reviewed journal articles

  8. Ad-hoc Informal Discussions

  9. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.

  10. Listservs

  11. ARC Network

  12. Collaboration with other institution

  13. Compensated consultant work

  14. Don’t know/Don’t remember

  15. Other [80 character limit]: (80 character limit)


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File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-13

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