Attachment B1: Invitation and Reminder Emails for ADVANCE Surveys
1. Single Institution Organizational Change (SIOC) Ended Survey
Invitation Email to Participate in Survey for SIOC ADVANCE GRANTEES
SUBJECT FOR EMAIL: NSF ADVANCE: Invitation to Participate in NSF ADVANCE Survey
Dear Dr. [Last Name pre-populated],
Science Foundation (NSF) invites you to participate in the survey for
former awardees for
the ADVANCE [Funding
track pre-populated]
Your perspective is invaluable
a representative
of the [Institution
Award ID [Award
# pre-populated].
The survey is one component of the ADVANCE program evaluation, which examines the sustainability of ADVANCE strategies and the diffusion of these strategies and products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources). The survey gathers information on formal policies and/or procedures, infrastructure mechanisms, and accountability structures that existed at the institution before the ADVANCE grant, as well as ADVANCE strategies that awardees worked on during the grant that continued after the grant ended. Survey responses will supplement information extracted from award documents and previous ADVANCE studies.
The survey will take approximately 45 minutes, and you can focus only on the areas that apply to your ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated]. To assist in responding to the questions, we recommend that you have access to annual reports, project notes, evaluation reports, project outcomes report, and other material associated with ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated].
Your participation in the survey is entirely voluntary. If you choose not to participate, there will be no impact on your current NSF awards or your ability to obtain future NSF awards. Survey responses collected will remain confidential.
To participate, please click the link below to access the consent form and complete the survey:
The link is uniquely tied to your email address, so please do not forward this email and/or link to others.
The survey will be open until [MM/DD/YYYY pre-populated] (11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time).
For additional information about the evaluation and/or survey, you may contact Dr. Jessie DeAro ([email protected]) at NSF or the Windrose Vision Team at [email protected].
[Insert name of designated Windrose Vision staff, office address, and phone number]
Reminder Invitation Email to Participate in Survey for SIOC ADVANCE GRANTEES (PROJECTS THAT HAVE ENDED)
Dear Dr. [Last Name pre-populated],
We recently invited you to participate in the survey for awardees for the ADVANCE [Funding track pre-populated] project. Your perspective is invaluable as a representative of the [Institution pre-populated] with Award ID [Award # pre-populated].
The survey is one component of the ADVANCE program evaluation, which examines the sustainability of ADVANCE strategies and the diffusion of these strategies and products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources). The survey gathers information on formal policies and/or procedures, infrastructure mechanisms, and accountability structures that existed at the institution before the ADVANCE grant, as well as ADVANCE strategies that awardees worked on during the grant that continued after the grant ended. Survey responses will supplement information extracted from award documents and previous ADVANCE studies.
Please click this link to complete the survey: [NSF ADVANCE Survey].
Approximately 45 minutes for completion
[MM/DD/YYYY pre-populated] (11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time) closing date and time.
Participation is entirely voluntary.
Survey responses collected will remain confidential.
To assist in responding to the survey questions, we recommend that you have access to annual reports, project notes, evaluation reports, project outcomes report, and other material associated with ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated]. If you choose not to participate in the survey, there will be no impact on your current NSF awards or your ability to obtain future NSF awards.
For additional information about the evaluation and/or the survey, please email Windrose Vision Team at [email protected] or call at (XXX-XX-XXXX).
[Insert name of designated Windrose Vision staff, office address, and phone number]
2. Single Institution Organizational Change (SIOC) Ongoing Survey
Invitation Email to Participate in Survey for SIOC ADVANCE GRANTEES
SUBJECT FOR EMAIL: NSF ADVANCE: Invitation to Participate in NSF ADVANCE Survey
Dear Dr. [Last Name pre-populated],
Science Foundation (NSF) invites you to participate in the survey for
current awardees for
the ADVANCE [Funding
track pre-populated]
Your perspective is invaluable
a representative
of the [Institution
Award ID [Award
# pre-populated].
The survey is one component of the ADVANCE program evaluation, which examines the sustainability of ADVANCE strategies and the diffusion of these strategies and products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources). The survey gathers information on formal policies and/or procedures, infrastructure mechanisms, and accountability structures that existed at the institution before the ADVANCE grant, as well as ADVANCE strategies that awardees worked on during the grant. Survey responses will supplement information extracted from award documents and previous ADVANCE studies.
The survey will take approximately 45 minutes, and you can focus only on the areas that apply to your ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated]. To assist in responding to the questions, we recommend that you have access to annual reports, project notes, evaluation reports, project outcomes report, and other material associated with ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated].
Your participation in the survey is entirely voluntary. If you choose not to participate, there will be no impact on your current NSF awards or your ability to obtain future NSF awards. Survey responses collected will remain confidential.
To participate, please click the link below to access the consent form and complete the survey:
The link is uniquely tied to your email address, so please do not forward this email and/or link to others.
The survey will be open until [MM/DD/YYYY pre-populated] (11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time).
For additional information about the evaluation and/or survey, you may contact Dr. Jessie DeAro ([email protected]) at NSF or the Windrose Vision Team at [email protected].
[Insert name of designated Windrose Vision staff, office address, and phone number]
Reminder Invitation email to Participate in Survey for SIOC ADVANCE GRANTEES (PROJECTS THAT ARE ONGOING)
Dear Dr. [Last Name pre-populated],
We recently invited you to participate in the survey for awardees for the ADVANCE [Funding track pre-populated] project. Your perspective is invaluable as a representative of the [Institution pre-populated] with Award ID [Award # pre-populated].
The survey is one component of the ADVANCE program evaluation, which examines the sustainability of ADVANCE strategies and the diffusion of these strategies and products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources). The survey gathers information on formal policies and/or procedures, infrastructure mechanisms, and accountability structures that existed at the institution before the ADVANCE grant, as well as ADVANCE strategies that awardees worked on during the grant. Survey responses will supplement information extracted from award documents and previous ADVANCE studies.
Please click this link to complete the survey: [NSF ADVANCE Survey].
Approximately 45 minutes for completion
[MM/DD/YYYY pre-populated] (11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time) closing date and time.
Participation is entirely voluntary.
Survey responses collected will remain confidential.
To assist in responding to the survey questions, we recommend that you have access to annual reports, project notes, evaluation reports, project outcomes report, and other material associated with ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated]. If you choose not to participate in the survey, there will be no impact on your current NSF awards or your ability to obtain future NSF awards.
For additional information about the evaluation and/or the survey, please email Windrose Vision Team at [email protected] or call at (XXX-XX-XXXX).
[Insert name of designated Windrose Vision staff, office address, and phone number]
SUBJECT FOR EMAIL: NSF ADVANCE: Invitation to Participate in NSF ADVANCE Survey
Dear Dr. [Last Name pre-populated],
Science Foundation (NSF) invites you to participate in the survey for
former awardees for
the ADVANCE [Funding
track pre-populated]
Your perspective is invaluable
a representative
of the [Institution
Award ID [Award
# pre-populated].
The survey is one component of the ADVANCE program evaluation, which examines the sustainability of ADVANCE strategies and the diffusion of these strategies and products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources). The survey gathers information on skill development efforts, formal policies and/or procedures, and other activities/interventions worked on during the grant, as well as those that continued after the grant ended. Survey responses will supplement information extracted from award documents and previous ADVANCE studies.
The survey will take approximately 30 minutes, and you can focus only on the areas that apply to your ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated]. To assist in responding to the questions, we recommend that you have access to annual reports, project notes, evaluation reports, project outcomes report, and other material associated with ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated].
Your participation in the survey is entirely voluntary. If you choose not to participate, there will be no impact on your current NSF awards or your ability to obtain future NSF awards. Survey responses collected will remain confidential.
To participate, please click the link below to access the consent form and complete the survey:
The link is uniquely tied to your email address, so please do not forward this email and/or link to others.
The survey will be open until [MM/DD/YYYY pre-populated] (11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time).
For additional information about the evaluation and/or survey, you may contact Dr. Jessie DeAro ([email protected]) at NSF or the Windrose Vision Team at [email protected].
[Insert name of designated Windrose Vision staff, office address, and phone number]
Reminder Invitation email to Participate in Survey for PARTNERSHIP ADVANCE GRANTEES - PROJECTS THAT HAVE ENDED
Dear Dr. [Last Name pre-populated],
We recently invited you to participate in the survey for awardees for the ADVANCE [Funding track pre-populated] project. Your perspective is invaluable as a representative of the [Institution pre-populated] with Award ID [Award # pre-populated].
The survey is one component of the ADVANCE program evaluation, which examines the sustainability of ADVANCE strategies and the diffusion of these strategies and products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources). The survey gathers information on skill development efforts, formal policies and/or procedures, and other activities/interventions worked on during the grant, as well as those that continued after the grant ended. Survey responses will supplement information extracted from award documents and previous ADVANCE studies.
Please click this link to complete the survey: [NSF ADVANCE Survey].
Approximately 30 minutes for completion
[MM/DD/YYYY pre-populated] (11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time) closing date and time.
Participation is entirely voluntary.
Survey responses collected will remain confidential.
To assist in responding to the survey questions, we recommend that you have access to annual reports, project notes, evaluation reports, project outcomes report, and other material associated with ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated]. If you choose not to participate in the survey, there will be no impact on your current NSF awards or your ability to obtain future NSF awards.
For additional information about the evaluation and/or the survey, please email Windrose Vision Team at [email protected] or call at (XXX-XX-XXXX).
[Insert name of designated Windrose Vision staff, office address, and phone number]
4. Single Institution Self-Assessment (SISA) Ended Survey (version A - grantee applied for another ADVANCE grant)
Invitation EMAIL to Participate in Survey for SISA (version a) ADVANCE GRANTEES (PROJECTS THAT HAVE ENDED)
SUBJECT FOR EMAIL: NSF ADVANCE: Invitation to Participate in NSF ADVANCE Survey
Dear Dr. [Last Name pre-populated],
Science Foundation (NSF) invites you to participate in the survey for
former awardees for
the ADVANCE [Funding
track pre-populated]
Your perspective is invaluable
a representative
of the [Institution
Award ID [Award
# pre-populated].
The survey is one component of the ADVANCE program evaluation, which examines the sustainability of ADVANCE strategies and the diffusion of these strategies and products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources). The survey gathers information on the actions taken and changes made as a result of the institutional self-assessment activities during the NSF ADVANCE grant and after the grant ended. Survey responses will supplement information extracted from award documents and previous ADVANCE studies.
The survey will take approximately 30 minutes, and you can focus only on the areas that apply to your ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated]. To assist in responding to the questions, we recommend that you have access to annual reports, project notes, evaluation reports, project outcomes report, and other material associated with ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated].
Your participation in the survey is entirely voluntary. If you choose not to participate, there will be no impact on your current NSF awards or your ability to obtain future NSF awards. Survey responses collected will remain confidential.
To participate, please click the link below to access the consent form and complete the survey:
The link is uniquely tied to your email address, so please do not forward this email and/or link to others.
The survey will be open until [MM/DD/YYYY pre-populated] (11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time).
For additional information about the evaluation and/or survey, you may contact Dr. Jessie DeAro ([email protected]) at NSF or the Windrose Vision Team at [email protected].
[Insert name of designated Windrose Vision staff, office address, and phone number]
REMINDER Invitation EMAIL to Participate in Survey for SISA (version a) ADVANCE GRANTEES (PROJECTS THAT HAVE ENDED)
Dear Dr. [Last Name pre-populated],
We recently invited you to participate in the survey for awardees for the ADVANCE [Funding track pre-populated] project. Your perspective is invaluable as a representative of the [Institution pre-populated] with Award ID [Award # pre-populated].
The survey is one component of the ADVANCE program evaluation, which examines the sustainability of ADVANCE strategies and the diffusion of these strategies and products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources). The survey gathers information on the actions taken and changes made as a result of the institutional self-assessment activities during the NSF ADVANCE grant and after the grant ended. Survey responses will supplement information extracted from award documents and previous ADVANCE studies.
Please click this link to complete the survey: [NSF ADVANCE Survey].
Approximately 30 minutes for completion
[MM/DD/YYYY pre-populated] (11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time) closing date and time.
Participation is entirely voluntary.
Survey responses collected will remain confidential.
To assist in responding to the survey questions, we recommend that you have access to annual reports, project notes, evaluation reports, project outcomes report, and other material associated with ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated]. If you choose not to participate in the survey, there will be no impact on your current NSF awards or your ability to obtain future NSF awards.
For additional information about the evaluation and/or the survey, please email Windrose Vision Team at [email protected] or call at (XXX-XX-XXXX).
[Insert name of designated Windrose Vision staff, office address, and phone number]
5. Single Institution Self-Assessment (SISA) Ended Survey (version B - grantee did not apply for another ADVANCE grant)
Invitation EMAIL to Participate in Survey for SISA (version a) ADVANCE GRANTEES (PROJECTS THAT HAVE ENDED)
SUBJECT FOR EMAIL: NSF ADVANCE: Invitation to Participate in NSF ADVANCE Survey
Dear Dr. [Last Name pre-populated],
Science Foundation (NSF) invites you to participate in the survey for
former awardees for
the ADVANCE [Funding
track pre-populated]
Your perspective is invaluable
a representative
of the [Institution
Award ID [Award
# pre-populated].
The survey is one component of the ADVANCE program evaluation, which examines the sustainability of ADVANCE strategies and the diffusion of these strategies and products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources). The survey gathers information on the actions taken and changes made as a result of the institutional self-assessment activities during the NSF ADVANCE grant and after the grant ended. Survey responses will supplement information extracted from award documents and previous ADVANCE studies.
The survey will take approximately 30 minutes, and you can focus only on the areas that apply to your ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated]. To assist in responding to the questions, we recommend that you have access to annual reports, project notes, evaluation reports, project outcomes report, and other material associated with ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated].
Your participation in the survey is entirely voluntary. If you choose not to participate, there will be no impact on your current NSF awards or your ability to obtain future NSF awards. Survey responses collected will remain confidential.
To participate, please click the link below to access the consent form and complete the survey:
The link is uniquely tied to your email address, so please do not forward this email and/or link to others.
The survey will be open until [MM/DD/YYYY pre-populated] (11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time).
For additional information about the evaluation and/or survey, you may contact Dr. Jessie DeAro ([email protected]) at NSF or the Windrose Vision Team at [email protected].
[Insert name of designated Windrose Vision staff, office address, and phone number]
REMINDER Invitation EMAIL to Participate in Survey for SISA (version b) ADVANCE GRANTEES (PROJECTS THAT HAVE ENDED)
Dear Dr. [Last Name pre-populated],
We recently invited you to participate in the survey for awardees for the ADVANCE [Funding track pre-populated] project. Your perspective is invaluable as a representative of the [Institution pre-populated] with Award ID [Award # pre-populated].
The survey is one component of the ADVANCE program evaluation, which examines the sustainability of ADVANCE strategies and the diffusion of these strategies and products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources). The survey gathers information on the actions taken and changes made as a result of the institutional self-assessment activities during the NSF ADVANCE grant and after the grant ended. Survey responses will supplement information extracted from award documents and previous ADVANCE studies.
Please click this link to complete the survey: [NSF ADVANCE Survey].
Approximately 30 minutes for completion
[MM/DD/YYYY pre-populated] (11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time) closing date and time.
Participation is entirely voluntary.
Survey responses collected will remain confidential.
To assist in responding to the survey questions, we recommend that you have access to annual reports, project notes, evaluation reports, project outcomes report, and other material associated with ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated]. If you choose not to participate in the survey, there will be no impact on your current NSF awards or your ability to obtain future NSF awards.
For additional information about the evaluation and/or the survey, please email Windrose Vision Team at [email protected] or call at (XXX-XX-XXXX).
[Insert name of designated Windrose Vision staff, office address, and phone number]
6. General ADVANCE Ended Survey
SUBJECT FOR EMAIL: NSF ADVANCE: Invitation to Participate in NSF ADVANCE Survey
Dear Dr. [Last Name pre-populated],
Science Foundation (NSF) invites you to participate in the survey for
former awardees for
the ADVANCE [Funding
track pre-populated]
Your perspective is invaluable
a representative
of the [Institution
Award ID [Award
# pre-populated].
The survey is one component of the ADVANCE program evaluation, which examines the sustainability of ADVANCE strategies and the diffusion of these strategies and products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources). The survey gathers information on the skill development efforts and other activities worked on during the grant, as well as those that continued after the grant ended. Survey responses will supplement information extracted from award documents and previous ADVANCE studies.
The survey will take approximately 30 minutes, and you can focus only on the areas that apply to your ADVANCE award [Award # pre-populated]. To assist in responding to the questions, we recommend that you have access to annual reports, project notes, evaluation reports, project outcomes report, and other material associated with ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated].
Your participation in the survey is entirely voluntary. If you choose not to participate, there will be no impact on your current NSF awards or your ability to obtain future NSF awards. Survey responses collected will remain confidential.
To participate, please click the link below to access the consent form and complete the survey:
The link is uniquely tied to your email address, so please do not forward this email and/or link to others.
The survey will be open until [MM/DD/YYYY pre-populated] (11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time).
For additional information about the evaluation and/or survey, you may contact Dr. Jessie DeAro ([email protected]) at NSF or the Windrose Vision Team at [email protected].
[Insert name of designated Windrose Vision staff, office address, and phone number]
reminder Invitation EMAIL to Participate in Survey foR GENERAL ADVANCE GRANTEES (PROJECTS THAT HAVE ENDED)
Dear Dr. [Last Name pre-populated],
We recently invited you to participate in the survey for awardees for the ADVANCE [Funding track pre-populated] project. Your perspective is invaluable as a representative of the [Institution pre-populated] with Award ID [Award # pre-populated].
The survey is one component of the ADVANCE program evaluation, which examines the sustainability of ADVANCE strategies and the diffusion of these strategies and products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources). The survey gathers information on the skill development efforts and other activities worked on during the grant, as well as those that continued after the grant ended. Survey responses will supplement information extracted from award documents and previous ADVANCE studies.
Please click this link to complete the survey: [NSF ADVANCE Survey].
Approximately 30 minutes for completion
[MM/DD/YYYY pre-populated] (11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time) closing date and time.
Participation is entirely voluntary.
Survey responses collected will remain confidential.
To assist in responding to the survey questions, we recommend that you have access to annual reports, project notes, evaluation reports, project outcomes report, and other material associated with ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated]. If you choose not to participate in the survey, there will be no impact on your current NSF awards or your ability to obtain future NSF awards.
For additional information about the evaluation and/or the survey, please email Windrose Vision Team at [email protected] or call at (XXX-XX-XXXX).
[Insert name of designated Windrose Vision staff, office address, and phone number]
7. General ADVANCE Ongoing Survey
Invitation Email to Participate in Survey for GENERAL ADVANCE GRANTEES (PROJECTS THAT ARE ONGOING)
SUBJECT FOR EMAIL: NSF ADVANCE: Invitation to Participate in NSF ADVANCE Survey
Dear Dr. [Last Name pre-populated],
Science Foundation (NSF) invites you to participate in the survey for
awardees for
the ADVANCE [Funding
track pre-populated]
Your perspective is invaluable
a representative
of the [Institution
Award ID [Award
# pre-populated].
The survey is one component of the ADVANCE program evaluation, which examines the sustainability of ADVANCE strategies and the diffusion of these strategies and products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources). The survey gathers information on skill development efforts, formal policies and/or procedures, and other activities/interventions worked on during the grant. Survey responses will supplement information extracted from award documents and previous ADVANCE studies.
The survey will take approximately 30 minutes, and you can focus only on the areas that apply to your ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated]. To assist in responding to the questions, we recommend that you have access to annual reports, project notes, evaluation reports, project outcomes report, and other material associated with ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated].
Your participation in the survey is entirely voluntary. If you choose not to participate, there will be no impact on your current NSF awards or your ability to obtain future NSF awards. Survey responses collected will remain confidential.
To participate, please click the link below to access the consent form and complete the survey:
The link is uniquely tied to your email address, so please do not forward this email and/or link to others.
The survey will be open until [MM/DD/YYYY pre-populated] (11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time).
For additional information about the evaluation and/or survey, you may contact Dr. Jessie DeAro ([email protected]) at NSF or the Windrose Vision Team at [email protected].
[Insert name of designated Windrose Vision staff, office address, and phone number]
Reminder Invitation email to Participate in Survey for GENERAL ADVANCE GRANTEES - PROJECTS THAT ARE ONGOING
Dear Dr. [Last Name pre-populated],
We recently invited you to participate in the survey for awardees for the ADVANCE [Funding track pre-populated] project. Your perspective is invaluable as a representative of the [Institution pre-populated] with Award ID [Award # pre-populated].
The survey is one component of the ADVANCE program evaluation, which examines the sustainability of ADVANCE strategies and the diffusion of these strategies and products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources). The survey gathers information on skill development efforts, formal policies and/or procedures, and other activities/interventions worked on during the grant. Survey responses will supplement information extracted from award documents and previous ADVANCE studies.
Please click this link to complete the survey: [NSF ADVANCE Survey].
Approximately 30 minutes for completion
[MM/DD/YYYY pre-populated] (11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time) closing date and time.
Participation is entirely voluntary.
Survey responses collected will remain confidential.
To assist in responding to the survey questions, we recommend that you have access to annual reports, project notes, evaluation reports, project outcomes report, and other material associated with ADVANCE Award ID [Award # pre-populated]. If you choose not to participate in the survey, there will be no impact on your current NSF awards or your ability to obtain future NSF awards.
For additional information about the evaluation and/or the survey, please email Windrose Vision Team at [email protected] or call at (XXX-XX-XXXX).
[Insert name of designated Windrose Vision staff, office address, and phone number]
8. ADVANCE IT Applicant
Invitation EMAIL to Participate in Survey for advance it applicants
SUBJECT FOR EMAIL: NSF ADVANCE: Invitation to Participate in NSF ADVANCE Survey
Dear Dr. [Last Name pre-populated],
Science Foundation (NSF) invites you to participate in a survey of
applicants to the ADVANCE Institutional Transformation (IT) grant
as a representative
of the [Institution
Proposal ID [Proposal
# pre-populated].
Your perspective is invaluable
to NSF in evaluating the NSF ADVANCE program.
The survey gathers information on the impact of preparing the ADVANCE IT proposal on the institution including actions taken or changes made at the institution, if any. Additional questions will gather information on efforts to disseminate products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources) if their creation can be attributed to the ADVANCE IT proposal development process. Survey responses will supplement information extracted from the proposal.
The survey will take approximately 30 minutes, and you can focus only on the areas that apply to your Proposal ID [Proposal # pre-populated]. To assist in responding to the questions, we recommend that you have access to the proposal, notes, and any institution materials associated with the development of the ADVANCE IT proposal [Proposal # pre-populated].
Your participation in the survey is entirely voluntary. If you choose not to participate, there will be no impact on your ability to obtain future NSF awards. Survey responses collected will remain confidential.
To participate, please click the link below to access the consent form and complete the survey:
The link is uniquely tied to your email address, so please do not forward this email and/or link to others.
The survey will be open until [MM/DD/YYYY pre-populated] (11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time).
For additional information about the evaluation and/or survey, you may contact Dr. Jessie DeAro ([email protected]) at NSF or the Windrose Vision Team at [email protected].
[Insert name of designated Windrose Vision staff, office address, and phone number]
Reminder Invitation email to Participate in Survey for advance it applicants
Dear Dr. [Last Name pre-populated],
Science Foundation (NSF) invites you to participate in a survey of
applicants to the ADVANCE Institutional Transformation (IT) grant
as a representative
of the [Institution
Proposal ID [Proposal
# pre-populated].
Your perspective is invaluable
to NSF in evaluating the NSF ADVANCE program.
The survey gathers information on the impact of preparing the ADVANCE IT proposal on the institution including actions taken or changes made at the institution, if any Additional questions will gather information on efforts to disseminate products (e.g., toolkits, materials, and resources) if their creation can be attributed to the ADVANCE IT proposal development process. Survey responses will supplement information extracted from the proposal.
Please click this link to complete the survey: [NSF ADVANCE Survey].
Approximately 30 minutes for completion
[MM/DD/YYYY pre-populated] (11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time) closing date and time.
Participation is entirely voluntary.
Survey responses collected will remain confidential.
We recommend that you have access to the proposal, notes, and any institution materials associated with the development of the ADVANCE IT proposal [Proposal # pre-populated]. If you choose not to participate in the survey, there will be no impact on your ability to obtain future NSF awards.
For additional information about the evaluation and/or the survey, please email Windrose Vision Team at [email protected] or call at (XXX-XX-XXXX).
[Insert name of designated Windrose Vision staff, office address, and phone number]
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Labibah Tehreem |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-13 |