Form 1 CWIG Customer Satisfaction Assessment Data Collection In

Fast Track Generic Clearance for Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

CWIG Customer Satisfaction Assessment_Data Collection Instruments_for CB...

Child Welfare Information Gateway's Customer Satisfaction Assessment

OMB: 0970-0401

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Child Welfare Information Gateway’s Customer Satisfaction Assessment:

Data Collection Instruments

Enclosed Instruments:

  1. Website Feedback Form

  2. Focus Group Questions

  3. Special Initiative Survey

  4. National Foster Care and Adoption Directory (NFCAD) Survey

  5. Adoption Triad Survey

  6. Webinar Survey

  7. Customer Services Information Questions

  8. General Customer Satisfaction Survey

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be 1 minute per response to complete this questionnaire. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The control number for this project is 0970-0401. The control number expires on XX/XX/XXXX.

  1. Website Feedback Form

Please provide your comments and suggestions!

Child Welfare Information Gateway does not have the authority to investigate reports of child abuse and neglect; if you are concerned that a child is being abused or neglected, please contact Child Help at 1.800.4 A Child (1.800.422.4453Call: 1.800.422.4453) or see our list of State Child Abuse Reporting Numbers by State.

Child Welfare Information Gateway constantly strives to improve products and services for the field. To help us better meet your needs, we welcome your comments and suggestions. If you have a specific question about our information and resources related to child abuse and neglect, child welfare, and/or adoption-related issues and wish to receive a reply, please do not use this form; send us an email at [email protected]

Please note: Child Welfare Information Gateway does not offer advice on personal issues. Please see our resources on finding help with a personal situation. Please provide your comment or suggestion in the space below.

  1. Please provide your comment or suggestion in the space below.
    (If it pertains to a page on the website, please include the URL so we can address your comment/suggestion).

  1. Which of the following best describes your professional background or role in the child welfare field? (Check one.)

  • Prevention/Family support

  • Child protective services

  • Foster care/Foster parenting

  • Adoption

  • Youth services

  • Juvenile justice

  • Health/Mental health

  • Legal/Courts

  • Researcher/Evaluator/Consultant

  • Early childhood educator (0–5yrs)

  • Teacher (K–12)

  • Professor/Faculty (higher education)

Student (e.g., K-12 or University)

Other professional: __________________

None of the above – I contacted Information Gateway for personal and NOT professional reasons.

  1. How many years of service do you have in your current profession?

      • Less than 1 year

      • 1–5 years of service

      • 6–10 years of service

      • 11–15 years of service

      • 16+ years of service

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be 1 hour per response to complete this questionnaire. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The control number for this project is 0970-0401. The control number expires on XX/XX/XXXX.

2. Child Welfare Information Gateway Focus Group Template for Gathering Information about a Specific Product or Service

Purpose: Learn more about the information needs of child welfare and related professionals and evaluate the usefulness of a specific product, tool, or topic so Child Welfare Information Gateway can better meet their needs and support their work in improving services and outcomes for children and families.

How the information will be used:

  • Inform Product Development regarding the content (topics, level of detail) of new and updated products to meet the information needs of these customer groups

  • Inform Outreach about how to make these audiences aware of relevant Child Welfare Information Gateway products and services

  • Inform Library Services about the types and formats of materials to acquire to meet the information needs of these customers

  • Inform Website Services about the content, organization, and presentation of information to meet the needs of these customers around a specific topic, tool, or product

  • Inform Management about staff development needs for Child Welfare Information Gateway staff to better serve these customers


  • Public child welfare agency administrators, supervisors, managers and direct service staff

  • Community agency (including child welfare and related professionals)administrators, supervisors, managers and direct service staff

  • Other related professionals that work in areas that overlap with child welfare such as mental health, domestic violence and substance abuse

Introduction (10 minutes)

Introduce leaders of the focus group and roles of each in supporting the meeting. Then explain the following to participants:

We are conducting focus groups with professionals to better understand your experiences with <insert name of product, tool, topic> in order to determine what information would be most useful to those serving children and families and how we can better get that information to you. Your participation is voluntary and confidential. Any input gathered will not be attributed to you individually, but will be combined with others for a fuller picture of the issues. We are recording the session to be sure our notes are accurate, but again, we will not connect any names to any comments. Please let me know if there are any concerns about this process.

This focus group involves having you answer a few questions to learn about your experiences with <insert name of product, tool, topic>, what you thought was particularly useful/helpful and how Information Gateway can make it more relevant to the work you do. There are no wrong answers–we want your honesty and we expect differences of opinion. And there are no bad questions so please feel free to speak up. The only limitation is to help us stay on time so we can cover all our questions.

Let’s do brief introductions–please give us your name and what you do.

Have you heard of the Child Welfare Information Gateway? [SHOW OF HANDS]

Briefly provide a foundation and parameters for what Information Gateway can do to help them improve their services and improve outcomes for the children and families they serve.

  • Describe our mission to serve as the connection to the best information that protects children and strengthens families. Explain we are a service of the Children’s Bureau, ACF, US. DHHS.

  • Briefly describe our topical scope and gateway concept.

  • Emphasize that Information Gateway provides information services (not direct services), and that our information is generally at the national or state level. We do not advocate for policies. Annually, Information Gateway receives over 4 million visitors to its website, processes over 100,000 print orders, responds to over 4,000 phone calls and emails, manages a library of over 60,000 items, writes or updates over 50 products each year and exhibits at more than 50 conferences.

  • Mention that almost all services and products are free.

[Don’t provide too much detail here; it may limit their thinking too much.]

We will use your input, along with input from other groups like this around the country, to make decisions about <insert name of product, tool, topic>, including what revisions needs to be made, what changes we need to make in our outreach and dissemination methods, as well as about what new products and services need to be developed to better support you in your work with children and families.

Any questions before we begin?

(If focus group participants do not have experience with the tool under review, please spend some time (e.g. 10 minutes) showing them the tool on the website and how it works. Please encourage them to ask questions and make comments about what they see and do not see as you are showing them the tool)

Explain the notecards we are using so they won’t be influenced by colleagues in the focus group and how the information on the notecards will be used to help generate discussion regarding the <insert name of product, tool, topic>. Then read the instructions to participants below and let them start.

Instructions to Participants: Think about your previous experience with reading, using, or learning about <insert name of product, tool, topic>. If you don’t have previous experience with this <product, tool, or topic>, think about what we just showed you and how it could be used in your work. Write your answers on the notecard. Then we’ll discuss them and write some notes on the flipchart. (5 minutes writing; 15 minutes discussing)

Notecard says:

Think about your experience with reading/using/learning about <insert name of product, tool, topic>.

  • Was the information/tool easy to understand and user-friendly? How so? If it was difficult to use, how so?

  • How do you feel about the way the information is displayed on the website or page? What do you like about it? What do you dislike?

  • How did you or would you use the information/tool? How was it or would it be helpful?

  • How did you learn about this tool or resource (e.g., from a conference, your supervisor, etc.)? Where would you usually go to find this type of information, tool or topic?

When participants have responded to all questions on the notecard, go through each question individually and ask participants to share what they’ve written. As they are talking, write their answers on a flipchart. If participants don’t speak up, feel free to call on someone and go around the room. During the conversation about each of the questions/responses on the notecard, you can probe for detail using the specific questions below. If participants create lists without conversations, you can use the questions below to extend the conversation. So as people are providing their thoughts, use the questions below to get them to expand upon their thoughts. Be very clear and focus the conversation on the product/tool of interest to get as much detail as possible.

  • Specific feedback about content -

    • Was this the type of information that you expected to see or were looking for? What was missing?

    • Was the information too advance/detailed or too basic?

    • How is the information applicable to your work?

    • Are there other topics that need tools similar to this one?

    • Are there other places that you already go to get this information? What do you like about them and dislike?

  • Usefulness –

    • How is the tool helpful?

    • How is the tool not helpful?

    • Where will you use this tool and why?

    • If they won’t need to use it, why? What do you need that is not here?

    • If there are specific aspects of the tool where feedback is needed –visit those aspects and ask these questions for each aspect.

  • Length, level of detail, format, layout – What would make it easier to use and understand? Probe the applicable aspects below:

    • web page layout, length, format, readability

    • interactivity of the tool

    • length of information

    • content layout (e.g. bullets vs. paragraphs)

    • If there are specific aspects of the tool where feedback is needed–visit those aspects and ask these questions for each aspect.

  • Where they learned about the tool –

    • Where did you learn about this tool (trainings, conferences, newsletters, and website)? If they mention anything specific, ask which one (e.g. which training, which conference, etc.)?

    • Once you heard about it, was this tool easy to find? Is it accessible to everyone who might need it? If not, what should be changed?

    • Is there a better place to put this tool that users would find easier to locate?

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be 5 minutes per response to complete this questionnaire. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The control number for this project is 0970-0401. The control number expires on XX/XX/XXXX.

Special Initiative Survey

  1. Please describe why you are visiting the [insert name of special initiative] website.

  1. Is this your first time visiting the [insert name of special initiative] website?

  • Yes - If so, how did you hear about us?

  • No - If not the first time, how many times?

  1. Which of the following best describes your background or role?

  • Prevention/family support

  • Child protective services

  • Foster care

  • Adoption

  • Youth services

  • Juvenile justice

  • Health/mental health Substance use

  • Legal/courts (e.g. GAL, CASA, attorney)

  • Researcher/evaluator/consultant

  • Early childhood educator (0–5yrs)

  • Teacher (K–12)

  • Professor/faculty (higher education)

  • Kinship caregiver (optional response option)

  • Training specialist (optional response option)

  • Licensing specialist (optional response option)

  • Foster youth (current or former) (optional response option)

  • Student (optional response option)

  • Prospective Adoptive Parent (optional response option)

  • Kinship caregiver (optional response option)

  • Training specialist (optional response option)

  • Licensing specialist (optional response option)

  • Foster/Adoptive Parent (optional response option)

  • Other (please describe):

  1. Which of the following best describes your workplace? (Check one.)

  • Local or county public agency

  • State agency

  • Tribal agency/organization

  • Federal agency

  • Community-based/faith-based organization

  • National organization (e.g., nonprofit, advocacy)

  • Training and technical assistance service provider

  • Educational institution (early education, K–12, college, university)

  • Other (Please describe.)

  1. Which of the following best describes your position? (Check one.)

  • Frontline worker (e.g., caseworker, direct service worker)

  • Supervisor/manager

  • Director/administrator

  • Training Specialist

  • Other (Please describe.)

  1. How useful are the information and resources available on the [insert name of special initiative] website?

  • Very useful (Please explain.)

  • Useful (Please explain.)

  • Somewhat useful (Please explain.)

  • Not useful (Please explain.)

  1. On a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent), please rate the following regarding the [insert name of special initiative] website

  • Ease of finding information on the website

  • Website organization

  • Appeal of the website design

  • Content that matches my needs

  1. The following tools are available to help you and your organization/agency promote [insert name of special initiative]. For each tool, please indicate whether or not you and your organization/ agency have used it or intend to use it to promote [insert name of special initiative]. (Check all that apply and indicate how you intend to use each).

  • Widgets

  • Sample signature blocks

  • Sample email messages

  • Sample social media messages

  • Library search

  • Frequently Asked Questions (optional response option)

  • Meet older youth feature (optional response option)

  • AdoptUSKids Illustration (optional response option)

  • National and State PSAs (optional response option)

  • Voices of Older Youth Videos (optional response option)

  • National Foster Care Month Graphics (Infographic, FB banner, etc.) (optional response option)

  • National Foster Care Month FAQs (optional response option)

  • Sample proclamations (optional response option)

  • National Child Abuse Prevention Month calendars (optional response option)

  1. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions?

Optional Special Initiative Survey Questions

  1. Did you access any of the [resource specific to the initiative] on the [insert name of special initiative] website?

  • Yes (If yes, tell us how you intend to use the [resource specific to initiative] and provide any comments or suggestions).

  • No

  • I don’t remember

  1. This year’s theme for our [insert name of special initiative] is [insert current theme]. Do you have suggestions for next year’s theme? 

  1. Please select the various ways in which you (or your work) might be affected if the [insert name of special initiative] website did not exist.

  • It would take me longer to find information, resources, or tools to promote [insert name of special initiative].

  • It would cost more money to get the information, resources, or tools I need to promote [insert name of special initiative].

  • It would be more difficult to share information, resources, or tools with others about [insert name of special initiative].

  • It would be more difficult to train staff and colleagues about [insert name of special initiative].

  • I would not have adequate access to publications and products on [insert name of special initiative].

  • It would affect me in other ways. (Please describe)

  • It would not affect me

  1. Please rate your agreement with the following statements. (Strongly agree; Agree; Neutral; Disagree; Strongly disagree; N/A)

  • The [insert name of special initiative] website promotes public awareness about [issues specific to initiative]

  • The [insert name of special initiative] website promotes the social and emotional well-being of children and families.

  • The [insert name of special initiative] website enhances services for children and families.

  • The [insert name of special initiative] website increased my knowledge about [issues specific to initiative]

  1. How do you intend to use the resources offered on the [insert name of special initiative] website? (Check all that apply and please provide details)

  • Increase my knowledge or inform my attitudes

  • Share with families and/or clients

  • Share with professionals or colleagues

  • Support public awareness or advocacy efforts

  • Share in a formal training environment

  • Support practice improvement and/or sustain good practice

  • Implement, sustain, or improve programs (e.g., program management, logic model development, program evaluation)

  • Support policy change and/or sustain good policies

  • Conduct research or evaluation

  • Grant writing/fundraising

  • My own professional development

  • Personal use

  • Other (please describe):

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be 3 minutes per response to complete this questionnaire. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The control number for this project is 0970-0401. The control number expires on XX/XX/XXXX.

  1. National Foster Care and Adoption Directory (NFCAD) Survey

  1. What type of information are you looking for in the National Foster Care and Adoption Directory (NFCAD)? (Check all that apply)

( ) I am looking for information to help me in my work (please describe):___________________

( ) I am looking for State foster/adopt information lines

( ) I am looking for search/reunion resources on how to find/reunite with my birth parent, birth sibling, or my biological child

( ) I am looking for contact information for a support group in my area

( ) I am looking for information on how to add my agency/organization to your directory

( ) I am looking for contact information for State officials

( ) I am looking for some other type of information (please describe):___________________

  1. I am a:

( ) Foster care/adoption professional

( ) Birth parent

( ) Legal guardian/relative (e.g., grandparent)

( ) Foster/adoptive parent

( ) Prospective adoptive parent

( ) Adopted person

( ) Foster youth (current or former)

( ) Other (please describe):___________________

  1. In which State/territory do you [insert either “live” or “work” depending on how they answer Q1]?

  1. How did you first find out about the NFCAD? (Check one)

( ) Search engine (e.g., Google, Yahoo)

( ) Linked from another website

( ) Colleague or friend told me about it

( ) Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)

( ) Mobile app search

( ) Referred by other organization

( ) Browsing Child Welfare Information Gateway’s website

( ) Other (please describe):___________________

5. How frequently do you use NFCAD?

( ) This is my first time

( ) More than once a week

( ) 1 to 4 times a month

( ) 1 to 4 times a year

( ) Less than once a year

  1. Have you downloaded and used our new mobile app?

( ) Yes

( ) No

6a. If not, Interested? Find it by searching NFCAD in the App Store  and for Android

at GooglePlay .

6b. If yes, how would you rate its usefulness?

    • Very useful (please explain):___________________

    • Useful (please explain): ___________________

    • Somewhat useful (please explain): ___________________

    • Not useful (please explain): ___________________

  1. How do you intend to apply/use the information from NFCAD? (Check all that apply)

( ) Provide NFCAD with information about my agency's services and work

( ) Help me locate foster care and/or adoption agencies

( ) Help me find contact information for Foster Care and Adoption State officials

( ) Help me connect with support groups

( ) Assist in my efforts to find/reunite with my birth parent, birth sibling, or biological child

( ) Access foster care and adoption education and training resources

( ) Other intended application/use (please describe):___________________

  1. On a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent), please rate your experiences with the following aspects of NFCAD:









Search functionality

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Ease of use

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Layout/appeal of the website

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Content that matches your needs

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Quality of information

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Please use the following space to explain your ratings.

  1. How satisfied are you with NFCAD?

( ) Very satisfied

( ) Somewhat satisfied

( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

( ) Somewhat dissatisfied (please explain): __________________________________________

( ) Very dissatisfied (please explain): _______________________________________________

  1. What suggestions do you have for improving NFCAD?

( ) Include new categories of agencies/organizations

Please describe: __________

( ) Expand current information about agency services (e.g., home study, post adoption, expectant parent counseling, etc.)

Please describe: ___________________

( ) Change website layout/interface (e.g., add more infographics)

Please describe: ___________________

( ) Other type of improvement

Please describe: ___________________

  1. Do you have any additional comments?

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be 5 minutes per response to complete this questionnaire. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The control number for this project is 0970-0401. The control number expires on X/XX/XXXX.

5. Adoption Triad Survey

  1. Which of the following best describes your professional background or role? (Check one.)

  • Adoption professional

  • Prevention/family support professional

  • Child protective services professional

  • Foster care professional

  • Birth parent

  • Legal guardian/relative (e.g., grandparent)

  • Foster/adoptive parent

  • Prospective adoptive parent

  • Adopted person

  • Foster youth (current or former)

  • Other (please describe): ____________

  1. Which of the following best describes your position? (Check one.)

  • Frontline worker (e.g., caseworker, direct service worker)

  • Supervisor/manager

  • Director/administrator

  • Training specialist

  • Other (please describe): ____________

  1. Which of the following best describes your workplace? (Check one.)

  • Local or county public agency

  • State agency

  • Tribal agency/organization

  • Federal agency

  • Private agency/organization (e.g., community-based/faith-based organization)

  • National organization (e.g., nonprofit, advocacy)

  • Educational institution (early education, K–12, college, university)

  • Other (please describe): ____________

  1. How did you first find out about the Adoption Triad newsletter? (Check one.)

  • Search engine (e.g., Google, Yahoo)

  • Linked from another website

  • Colleague or friend told me about it

  • Referred by other organization (please describe): ____________

  • Browsing Child Welfare Information Gateway’s website

  • Other (please describe): ____________

  1. Please select the electronic subscriptions that you currently receive on behalf of the Children’s Bureau and/or Child Welfare Information Gateway. (Check all that apply.)

  • Children’s Bureau Express

  • Child Welfare In the News

  • My Child Welfare Librarian

  • E-lert!

  • Other (please describe): ____________

  • Not applicable, I do not receive any of these subscriptions.

  1. How frequently do you read Adoption Triad newsletters?

  • I read the newsletter every month

  • I read the newsletter a few times a year

  • I read the newsletter less than once a year

  • I’ve never read the newsletter before

  1. What topics and types of information are you most interested in reading about in future Adoption Triad newsletters? (Check all that apply.)

  • Adoption education and training resources

  • Resources to support adoptive parents

  • Information on identifying, recruiting, and retaining prospective adoptive families

  • Training information for prospective adoptive families

  • Information to assist in my efforts to find/reunite with my birth parent, birth sibling, or biological child

  • Resources to learn more about ways to adopt

  • Other types of information/resources (please describe): ________________

  1. On a scale of 5 (strongly agree) to 1 (strongly disagree), please rate your level of agreement with the following statements regarding the Adoption Triad newsletter:

The Adoption Triad newsletter offers…

1-Strongly disagree


3-Neither agree nor disagree



5-Strongly agree


Content that meets my needs

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Information topics that are applicable to my work

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Credible and accurate information

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Adequate detail in articles

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

  1. Overall, how satisfied are you with the Adoption Triad newsletter?

  • Very satisfied

  • Somewhat satisfied

  • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

  • Somewhat dissatisfied

  • Very dissatisfied

  1. What suggestions do you have for improving the Adoption Triad newsletter?

  1. Do you have any additional comments? __________________

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be 3 minutes per response to complete this questionnaire. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The control number for this project is 0970-0401. The control number expires on X/XX/XXXX.

6. Webinar Survey

Thank you for attending <insert title of webinar> on <insert date>. Please provide your feedback about the webinar by completing the brief survey below. Your responses are anonymous and will help <insert either the Children’s Bureau or Child Welfare Information Gateway (CWIG)> to provide useful, informative, and relevant webinars in the future.

The following are statements about the webinar presenter and the overall event. Please rate your agreement using this scale:

SA – Strongly agree

A – Agree

N – Neither agree nor disagree

D – Disagree
SD – Strongly disagree
NA – Not applicable

Webinar Presenter(s)

The presenter(s) was well-prepared, knowledgeable, and professional.







The presenter(s) provided the information clearly and logically.







Webinar Event

The material was appropriate for my level of experience and knowledge.







The webinar has increased my knowledge and/or my practical skills in this topic.







I will be able to apply what I learned in my work.







The webinar addressed the critical issues of the topic.







I will share the information I received at the webinar with my colleagues.







I would recommend participation in future <insert either Children’s Bureau or CWIG> sponsored webinars to others.







I am satisfied with the overall quality of this webinar.







  1. What aspects of this webinar were most helpful to you?

  1. What, if anything, would you suggest to change for future webinars?

  1. Did you attend this webinar by yourself or with colleagues (in a group)? Alone Group

  1. How do you intend to use the information you learned in this webinar? (Check one)

  • Grant writing/Fundraising

(Please describe)_____________

  • Provide information to clients/families (please describe)__

  • My own professional development

(Please describe)_____________

  • Program improvement

(Please describe)_____________

  • Train staff/colleagues

(Please describe)_____________

  • Policy development

(Please describe)_____________

  • Research

(Please describe)_____________

  • Public awareness/Advocacy

  • Other (please describe)____________

  1. The following are suggestions for future webinar topics. There is also space to write in webinar topics that would be of interest to you. For each suggestion, please indicate the level of information that would be helpful.

    Webinar Topic Suggestions

    Level of Information Needed

    1) <Insert webinar topic suggestion>



    Advanced/ Expert

    2) <Insert webinar topic suggestion>



    Advanced/ Expert

    3) <Insert webinar topic suggestion>



    Advanced/ Expert




    Advanced/ Expert

  2. Have you attended previous webinars sponsored by <insert either Children’s Bureau or CWIG>? Yes No

  3. How did you hear about this webinar (Check one)?

  • Children’s Bureau listserv (e.g. SLO, CB Grantee listserv)

  • Children’s Bureau Express (CBX)

  • Referred by a colleague

  • Child Welfare Information Gateway website

  • Other:___________________

  1. Which of the following best describes your professional background or role in the child welfare field? (Check one)

  • Prevention/Family support

  • Child protective services

  • Foster care/Foster parenting

  • Adoption

  • Youth services

  • Juvenile justice

  • Health/Mental health

  • Legal/Courts

  • Researcher/Evaluator/Consultant

  • Early childhood educator (0–5yrs)

  • Teacher (K–12)

  • Professor/Faculty (higher education)

  • Student (e.g., K-12 or University)

  • Other professional:___________________

  • None of the above – I contacted Information Gateway for personal and NOT professional reasons.

  1. Which of the following best describes your workplace? (Check one)

      • Community-based organization/Faith-based organization

      • Local or county public agency

      • State agency

      • Federal agency

      • Legislature

      • Tribal agency/organization

      • CB T/TA Network

      • National organization (nonprofit, advocacy)

      • Educational institution (early education, K–12, college, university)

      • Other (please describe)____________

  1. Which of the following best describes your position? (Check one)

      • Frontline worker (e.g., caseworker, direct service worker)

      • Supervisor/Manager

      • Director/Administrator

      • Other (please describe)____________

  1. How many years of service do you have in your current profession? (Check one)

      • Less than 1 year

      • 1–5 years of service

      • 6–10 years of service

      • 11–15 years of service

      • 16+ years of service

  1. In which State/territory is your work geographically located? ____________________________

  1. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions?

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be 1 minute per response to complete this questionnaire. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The control number for this project is 0970-0401. The control number expires on XX/XX/XXXX.

7. Customer Services Information (IMS/Online Ordering) Questions

  1. Which of the following best describes why you are visiting Child Welfare Information Gateway and your background or role in the child welfare field? (Check one)

  1. I am looking for information to help me in my work (please indicate your professional affiliation below):

  • Prevention/Family support

  • Child protective services

  • Foster care/Foster parenting

  • Adoption

  • Youth services

  • Juvenile justice

  • Health/Mental health

  • Legal/Courts

  • Researcher/Evaluator/Consultant

  • Early childhood educator (0–5yrs)

  • Teacher (K–12)

  • Professor/Faculty (higher education)

  • Other (please describe)____________

  1. I am looking for information to help me with my schoolwork/coursework (please indicate level below):

  • Undergraduate

  • Postgraduate

  • Other (please describe)____________

  1. None of the above – I am looking for information to help me with a personal situation. I am a(n):

  • Parent

  • Legal guardian/Relative

  • Adopted person

  • Foster youth (current or former)

  • Concerned person

  • Other (please describe)____________

  1. In which State/territory is your work geographically located? ____________________

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be 5 minutes per response to complete this questionnaire. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The control number for this project is 0970-0401. The control number expires on X/XX/XXXX.

8. General Customer Satisfaction Survey

1abc.1 Which of the following best describes why you are visiting Child Welfare Information Gateway? (Check one)*

( ) I am looking for information to help me in my work. → 2a (Professional)

( ) I am looking for information to help me with my education. → 2b (Student)

( ) I am looking for information to help me with a personal situation. → 2c (Personal)

2a. Please indicate your primary background/role related to child welfare services below. →3a

( ) Prevention/family support

( ) Child protective services

( ) Foster care

( ) Adoption

( ) Youth services

( ) Juvenile justice

( ) Health/mental health

( ) Substance use

( ) Legal/courts

( ) Researcher/evaluator/consultant

( ) Early childhood educator (0–5yrs)

( ) Teacher (K–12)

( ) Professor/faculty (higher education)

( ) Other (please describe): _________________________________________________

2b. What degree are you pursuing? →3b

( ) B.S.W.

( ) M.S.W.

( ) D.S.W.

( ) Ph.D. (please indicate your fields of study): _________________________________________

( ) None of the above

2c. I am a(n): →3c

( ) Parent (includes birth parent, adoptive parent, foster parent) → 2c1

( ) Legal guardian/relative (e.g., grandparents)

( ) Adopted person

( ) Foster youth (current or former)

( ) Concerned person

( ) Prospective adoptive/foster parent

( ) Other (please describe): _________________________________________________

2c1. If you are a parent, are you a(n): (Check all that apply.) → 3c

( ) Birth parent

( ) Adoptive parent

( ) Foster parent

3abc. In which State/territory…

3a. …do you work? →4a

3b. …is your school located? →5b

3c. …do you live? →5c

4a. Which of the following best describes your position (Check one.) →5a

( ) Frontline worker (e.g., caseworker, direct services worker)

( ) Supervisor/manager

( ) Director/administrator

( ) Other (Please describe.) _________________________________________________

5abc. How frequently do you contact Child Welfare Information Gateway? →6abc

( ) This is my first time

( ) More than once a week

( ) 1 to 4 times a month

( ) 1 to 4 times a year

( ) Less than once a year

6abc. What was the primary topic of information you were looking for today? →7abc

( ) Child abuse & neglect

( ) Prevention

( ) Family support & preservation

( ) Kinship care

( ) Out-of-home care (e.g., foster care, transitioning youth, residential group care)

( ) Permanency (e.g., reunification, guardianship)

( ) Adoption

( ) Management & supervision (e.g., training, workforce, system reform, evaluation)

( ) Systemwide (e.g., domestic violence, substance use, behavioral/mental health, youth, human trafficking)

( ) Trauma-informed services

( ) Behavioral health and wellness

( ) Other (please describe): _________________________________________________

7abc. Overall, how satisfied are you with your interaction with Child Welfare Information Gateway? →8abc

( ) Very satisfied

( ) Somewhat satisfied

( ) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

( ) Somewhat dissatisfied (please explain): ___________________________________________

( ) Very dissatisfied (please explain): _______________________________________________

8abc. On a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent), please rate the Child Welfare Information Gateway website on each of the following based on your experiences: →9a/10ab









Ease of finding information on the website

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Website organization

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Appeal of the website design

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Content that matches up to my needs

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Quality of search tool

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

9a. How did you first find out about Child Welfare Information Gateway? (Check one.) →10a

First-time professional (Q4abc)

( ) Search engine (e.g., Google, Yahoo)

( ) Linked from another website

( ) Conference or presentation

( ) Email from Information Gateway or Children’s Bureau

( ) Colleague or friend told me about it

( ) Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)

( ) Hardcopy publication

( ) Podcast/webinar

( ) Other (please describe):_______________

10ab. How do you intend to use the information or resources… →11abc

10a. …from Child Welfare Information Gateway? (Check all that apply.)

( ) Increase my knowledge or inform my attitudes

( ) Share with families and/or clients

( ) Share with professionals or colleagues

( ) Support public awareness or advocacy efforts

( ) Share in a formal training environment

( ) Support practice improvement and/or sustain good practice

( ) Implement, sustain, or improve programs (e.g., program management, logic model development, program evaluation)

( ) Support policy change and/or sustain good policies

( ) Conduct research or evaluation

( ) Grant writing/fundraising

( ) Other (please describe): _________________________________________________

10b. … you were looking for today? (Check all that apply.)

( ) Class assignment

( ) Research (e.g., dissertation, paper) (please describe): ___________________________________

( ) Internship/Practicum (please describe): ______________________________________________

( ) Career information

( ) Other (please describe): _________________________________________________

11abc. If Information Gateway did not exist… (Repeat customer only: Q4abc not equal first-time)

11a. … please select the various ways in which your work might be affected. (Check all that apply.) →12a

Repeat professional (Q4abc)

( ) It would take me longer to find information/resources.

( ) It would cost more money to get the information/resources needed.

( ) It would be harder to stay informed of effective practice.

( ) It would be harder to implement and sustain effective policies and programs.

( ) It would be harder to stay current on the latest research and trends.

( ) It would be more difficult to share information/resources with others.

( ) It would be more difficult to train staff and other colleagues.

( ) I would not have adequate access to child welfare related publications and products

( ) It would make my job more difficult.

( ) Other (please describe): _________________________________________________

( ) Not applicable. / My work would not be affected. / I would not be affected.

11b. … which of the following would be true? (Check all that apply.) →12b

Repeated student (Q4abc)

( ) It would be harder to stay informed of effective practice.

( ) It would be harder to stay current on the latest research and trends.

( ) I would not have adequate access to child welfare related publications and products.

( ) It would be more difficult to find information about child welfare careers.

( ) It would make completing schoolwork more difficult.

( ) It would be harder to raise public awareness or conduct advocacy work.

( ) Other (please describe): _________________________________________________

( ) Not applicable. / My work would not be affected. / I would not be affected.

11c. … which of the following would be true? (Check all that apply.) →15abc

Repeat personal (Q4abc)

( ) It would be more difficult to report child abuse and neglect.

( ) I would not know how to get information on how to regain custody of my child.

( ) I would not know how to file a complaint against a child welfare agency (child protective services [CPS]).

( ) It would be more difficult to get information related to kinship care (grandparents or relatives caring for a child).

( ) It would be more difficult to get information on financial assistance.

( ) I would not have full and accurate State-specific information about how to adopt.

( ) I would not have State-specific information on searching for my birth family. (Q6c = Adoption)

( ) I would not know about the children and youth waiting for adoption. (Q5c = Adoption)

( ) It would take me much longer to find State-specific information about the adoption laws in my State. (Q6c = Adoption)

( ) I would not be aware of adoption agencies or support groups in my area. (Q6c = Adoption)

( ) I would not know about the education and training vouchers that are available to me as a youth adopted from foster care. (Q6c = Adoption)

( ) Other (please describe): _________________________________________________

( ) Not applicable. / My work would not be affected. / I would not be affected.

12a. Besides Child Welfare Information Gateway, where else do you go to access child welfare information? (Check all that apply.) →13a

( ) Search engine (e.g., Google, Yahoo)

( ) State or local public child welfare agency

( ) Federal agency website (e.g., Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families [ACF])

( ) Children’s Bureau Capacity Building Collaborative website (e.g., Center for Tribes, Center for States, Center for Courts)

( ) University or nonprofit organizations (please describe: _____________________________)

( ) Networking with colleagues

( ) National organizations (e.g., Child Welfare League of America [CWLA], National Children’s Alliance, etc.)

( ) Other (please describe): ______________________________________________________

13a. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the statements in the table below. →14abc

Repeat professional (Q4abc)

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree


Child Welfare Information Gateway supports professionals working with children and families to have better access to relevant publications or products.

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Child Welfare Information Gateway provides information in a format that is useful to my needs (e.g., publications, searchable databases, links).

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Child Welfare Information Gateway provides timely and current information when I need it.

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Child Welfare Information Gateway increases knowledge or informs attitudes for professionals working with children and families.

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Child Welfare Information Gateway contributes to improved outcomes for children and families.

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

14abc. If you could improve one thing about Child Welfare Information Gateway, what would it be? →15abc Repeat professional (Q4abc)

FY 2017 First-time professional (Q6abc): Overall, what is your first impression of Child Welfare Information Gateway?

15abc. Do you have any additional comments?


1 The “a,” “b,” and “c” after the question number indicate the type of customers who will answer the question. a = professional customer, b = student customer, c = personal customer


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleChild Welfare Information Gateway
Last Modified BySYSTEM
File Modified2018-02-13
File Created2018-02-13

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