OMB #: 0970-0539
Expiration Date: 01/31/2021
Consent for Two-Week Follow-up Telephone Survey
Thank you. The purpose of this survey is to learn about your experience with the National Human Trafficking Hotline when you contacted the hotline about two weeks ago. RTI International is collecting this feedback on behalf of the Administration for Children and Families to improve response to and prevent human trafficking.
The survey will take about 6 minutes. At the end of the survey you will have the option to provide a telephone number or an e-mail address to receive a $10 Starbucks electronic gift card. Participation is voluntary. You can stop participating at any time. If at any point it is not safe for you to continue the survey, please hang up immediately.
This call may be monitored by my supervisor for quality assurance. Hotline staff will not know if you take the survey and will not see your responses. The information you provide will be kept private to the extent permitted by law. However, if you tell me that you intend to harm yourself or another person or if I have reason to believe that a child, elder, or dependent adult is being hurt or not taken care of, I may need to tell the authorities.
Before we begin the survey, I am required to let you know that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number is 0970-0539 and the expiration date is 01/31/2021. Do you have any questions? (Answer questions, if asked.)
OK, let’s get started. (Begin survey instrument.)
Consent for Two-Week Follow-up Web Survey
The purpose of this survey is to learn about your experience with the National Human Trafficking Hotline when you contacted the hotline about two weeks ago.
The survey will take about 6 minutes and you will have the option to receive a $10 Starbucks electronic gift card by text message or email at the end of the survey.
Participation is entirely voluntary. You can stop participating at any time. If at any point it is not safe for you to continue the survey, immediately close the survey window.
Hotline staff will not know if you take the survey and will not see your responses. The information you provide will be kept private to the extent permitted by law. RTI International is collecting this feedback on behalf of the Administration for Children and Families to improve response to and prevent human trafficking. If you have questions about the survey, please contact a survey representative at [insert toll-free study telephone number].
If you agree to participate in the survey, click the “Begin” button below to start the survey.
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. OMB
No. 0970-0539 Expiration
date is 01/31/2021
Survey Questions
[Reasons for Contact]
[Web] Below is a list of reasons some people contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline. For each one, please indicate whether it was a reason for your contact to the hotline two weeks ago.
[Phone] First, we would like to understand why you contacted the National Human Trafficking Hotline about two weeks ago. I’m going to read a list of reasons some people call the hotline. For each one, please tell me whether it was a reason for your contact to the hotline about two weeks ago.
Did you contact the hotline …?
To learn about services or resources that are available in the community
To get connected to help, such as shelter, counseling, legal or medical help, or other services
(If yes) What type of help or services were you looking for? ________________
To get help exiting a trafficking situation
To make a tip or report about a potential trafficking situation
To learn about ways to plan for safety
To understand more about human trafficking or the hotline
To learn how to help someone who was in trouble or may have been in trouble
To talk with someone who might be able to understand your situation
For some other reason
(If yes) What was the reason? __________________________
Have you contacted the hotline more than once in the last two weeks?
(if yes) For the rest of the survey, please try to think about your contact with the hotline about two weeks ago when answering the remaining questions.
[Needs Met]
On a scale of 1 to 5, to what extent do you think your needs were met – meaning, you got what you were asking for – by the hotline staff?
1 - Not at all
2 - Slightly
3 - Moderately
4 - Considerably
5 - Completely
What was most helpful about the hotline? ___________________________________
What do you wish the hotline had helped you with that it didn’t? ______________________
Because of your interaction with the hotline, do you know more about …?
What human trafficking is and who can experience it
Red flags to look for if you suspect someone is experiencing trafficking
How to report suspected incidents of trafficking
How the hotline can help people experiencing trafficking
Resources or organizations available to help people at risk of or who have experienced trafficking
Ways to plan for safety
Another topic
(If yes) What topic? __________________________
On a scale of 1 to 5, how useful was the information the hotline provided to you?
1 - Not at all useful
2 - Slightly useful
3 - Moderately useful
4 - Very useful
5 -Extremely useful
Have you shared the information you received with anyone else who needed it?
(If yes) Who did you share the resource information with? (Please do not share names.) ___________________
During your contact, did the hotline staff connect you directly to another organization for assistance?
9a. (If yes) Was the other organization able to help you?
(If no) What was the reason for why they could not help? ________________
Did the hotline staff give you contact information for a service provider who could assist you, or information about other resources that may help address your needs?
No (Skip to Q15, multiple calls)
(If yes to Q10, got referral)
Have you contacted the service provider or used the resources that hotline staff provided to you?
(If no) What kept you from contacting the service provider or resources? ________________ (Skip to Q14)
(If yes to Q11, contacted referral)
Did those service providers or resources assist you with your needs?
(If no)
12a. What was the reason for why they could not help? ________________
12b. Were you denied services for any reason?
No (Skip to Q14)
(If yes) For what reason or reasons were you denied services? _______________________________________ (Skip to Q14)
(If yes to Q12, got help from referral)
On a scale of 1 to 5, how helpful were the resources or service providers at addressing your needs?
1 - Not at all helpful
2 - Slightly helpful
3 - Moderately helpful
4 - Very helpful
5 - Extremely helpful
Have you shared the resource or service contact information with anyone else who needed it?
(If yes) Who did you share the resource information with? (Please no names) ___________________
(If yes to Q2, multiple contacts)
You stated previously that you contacted the hotline multiple times in the last two weeks. Was this because you didn’t get what you needed during your first contact?
[Tips and Expectations Management]
[Phone] Instructions for telephone interviewer: Ask the following questions only of those who stated they contacted the hotline to provide a tip in Q1(reason for contact). Otherwise, skip to Q19 (other feedback).
You stated that you contacted the hotline to provide a tip or report about a potential trafficking situation.
Do you know what the hotline did with the information your provided?
(If yes) How did you learn about what they did with the information? __________
(If yes) What did they do with it? ________________________
Have law enforcement officials reached out to you because of the information you gave to the hotline?
If you saw or became aware of a similar situation as the one that you reported two weeks ago, would you contact the hotline again to make a report?
(If no) Why not? _______________________________________
[Other Feedback]
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your contact with the hotline?
No -> skip Q19a
Yes -> Q19a -> What would you like to tell us? _________________________________
[Web] Thank you for your time to complete the survey. How would you like to receive the $10 Starbucks electronic gift card? We will only use the contact information you give us for the purpose of sending you the gift card.
Text Message
Do not send me a gift card
(If text)
Please enter a 10-digit phone number that RTI can use to safely text you a link to your electronic gift card. The number you will see when we text you is XXX-XXX-XXXX.
[] [] [] – [] [] [] – [] [] [] []
(If email)
Please enter the e-mail address where you would like to receive a link to your electronic gift card. The e-mail will come from [email protected].
You will receive the link to your gift card within 48 hours. If do not receive the gift card, please contact a survey representative at XXX-XXX-XXXX. Thank you for your time to complete the survey.
For your privacy, we have included information on how to clear your internet browser history. Click the links below for the internet browser you are currently using to open a new link with instructions on how to erase your internet history or cache, or how to use the built-in anti-tracking mode.
Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer ---> erase history | clear cache | private browsing mode |
Google Chrome ---> erase history | clear cache | incognito mode |
Mozilla Firefox ---> erase history | clear cache | private browsing mode |
Safari ---> erase history | clear cache | private browsing mode |
Safari (iPad, iPhone) ---> erase history | clear cache | private browsing mode |
[Phone] Thank you for completing the survey. How would you like to receive the $10 electronic gift card?
Text Message
Do not send me a gift card
(If text)
Starting with area code, please give me a phone number that RTI can use to safely text you a link to your electronic gift card. [Record phone number XXX-XXX-XXXX] The number you will see when we text you is XXX-XXX-XXXX.
(If email)
Please give me the e-mail address where you would like to receive a link to your electronic gift card. [Record email address] The e-mail will come from [email protected].
You will receive the link to the gift card within 48 hours. If do not receive the gift card, please contact a survey representative at [insert toll-free study telephone number]. Thank you for your time to complete the survey.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Charm, Samantha |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-13 |