Please make sure that all instruments, instructions, and scripts are submitted with the request.
Proposed Interview Script for Program Impact Evaluations (Level 3 Evaluations)
Focus Programs:
Strengthening Police and Community Partnerships
Engaging Partnerships with Muslim-Americans and Sikh Americans
Today’s Date:
Program Name:
Program Location:
Hello, my name is XXXX and I am joined by my colleague XXX. We represent LinkVisum Consulting Group, who is conducting follow-up interviews on behalf of the Community Relations Services of the Department of Justice.
We appreciate your agreeing to interview regarding your participation in the CRS facilitated dialogue or training program (insert NAME of PROGRAM) held on XXXXXX. The purpose of the interview (or electronic survey) is to identify the impact and outcomes of (insert NAME OF PROGRAM) and make recommendations for how CRS can improve its programs and services.
As you may know, the Community Relations Service, or CRS, is an agency of the US Department of Justice. CRS serves as “America’s Peacemaker” for community groups, including schools, facing conflict around issues of race, color, national origin, and in prevention of and response to alleged hate crimes based on perceived or actual race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or disability. CRS provides facilitation, mediation, training, and consultation services to communities across the country.
Let me share information and expectations about the interview.
This interview is scheduled for up to one hour. Or, the electronic survey is expected to take 20-30 minutes.
We will follow the questions in order as they appear on the survey that you received.
We will be taking notes.
Responses will not be attributed to any specific individual — just the program attended and the position (for example, law enforcement officer, school principal, SPIRIT Council member).
We would like to contact you if we need to follow upon a topic, for example, to ensure clarity or elaborate on an idea.
Do you have any questions and agree to proceed with the interview?
Let us get started.
INSERT QUESTIONS HERE (See three sets of questions below)
Again, thank you for taking the time to speak with us. We greatly appreciate your time and perspective. Please feel free to contact XXXX if you have any questions. (Leave behind contact information)
Questions for School-SPIRIT Program
Scope: This Program Impact Evaluation will evaluate the impacts of the School-SPIRIT Program.
The audience is school principals, administrators, teachers, counselors or other staff who supported the SPIRIT Program and the Council.
The audience is also student leaders on the SPIRIT Council.
Please respond to the following questions. Note your answers to Questions #2 and #3 will direct you to different questions.
Check the following statement that applies.
I am a school principal or administrator.
I am a teacher, counselor or school staff member.
I am a facilitator or advisor to the SPIRIT Council.
I am a student leader on the SPIRIT Council.
Did the SPIRIT Council meet at least one time?
Yes (If you answered yes, go directly to questions 4a-4n)
No (If you answered no, go directly to questions 6a-6f.)
Is the SPIRIT Council still meeting?
Yes (If you answered yes, answer questions 4a-4n.)
No (If you answered no, answer questions 5a-5n.)
If the SPIRIT Council met at least once and is still meeting:
How often does the SPIRIT Council meet?
How many SPIRIT Council meetings have been held since the SPIRIT program was delivered?
What has enabled the SPIRIT Council to be successful?
For example, did the SPIRIT Council have support from the school leadership?
Did the school provide funding to support the Council?
Were the meetings facilitated at consistent times?
What challenges, if any, has the SPIRIT Council experienced?
For example, has attendance at the SPIRIT Council been consistently strong?
Do SPIRIT Council members seem engaged?
Does the SPIRIT Council have support from school leadership necessary to accomplish its goals?
What actions, if any, have been implemented by the SPIRIT Council?
For example, has the SPIRIT Council’s work resulted in policy changes or new programs that have positively impacted the school community?
What future actions, if any, does the SPIRIT Council plan to implement in the next 3 to 6 months?
What future actions, if any, does the SPIRIT Council plan to implement in the next 6-12 months?
The top issues from your report were __________. What actions were completed that relate to the top issues identified by student leaders during the School-SPIRIT program?
What were the most significant impacts of the SPIRIT program?
Is the school community’s capacity improved to prevent and respond to conflicts as a result of the School-SPIRIT program and the work of the SPIRIT Council? If yes, how?
Is the school community’s capacity improved to prevent and respond to bias incidents or alleged hate crimes as a result of the School-SPIRIT program and the work of the SPIRIT Council? If yes, how?
Have levels of tension decreased as a result of the School-SPIRIT program and the work of the SPIRIT Council? If yes, how?
Are tensions lower between student groups?
Are tensions lower between students and administrators?
Are tensions lower between student and teachers?
Did the School-SPIRIT program address the issues, tensions or conflicts it was intended to address? If yes, how?
What services/support could CRS have provided to the SPIRIT Council and school leadership to improve the ability to implement actions?
For example, did CRS provide the appropriate level of facilitation services during the SPIRIT Council meetings?
Did CRS provide the SPIRIT Council or school leadership with best practices to sustain the Council and implement actions?
Would you recommend the School-SPIRIT Program to another school? If yes, why? If no, why?
If the SPIRIT Council met, but is no longer meeting:
Why did the SPIRIT Council stop meeting?
How often did the SPIRIT Council meet?
How many SPIRIT Council meetings were held following the SPIRIT program?
What has enabled the SPIRIT Council to be successful?
For example, did the SPIRIT Council have support from the school leadership?
Did the school provide funding to support the Council?
Were the meetings facilitated at consistent times?
What challenges, if any, has the SPIRIT Council experienced?
For example, has attendance at the SPIRIT Council been consistently strong?
Do SPIRIT Council members seem engaged?
Does the SPIRIT Council have support from school leadership necessary to accomplish its goals?
What actions, if any, have been implemented by the SPIRIT Council? For example, has the SPIRIT Council’s work resulted in policy changes or new programs that have positively impacted the school community?
The top issues from your report were __________. What actions were completed that relate to the top issues identified by student leaders during the School-SPIRIT program?
What were the most significant impacts of the SPIRIT program?
Is the school community’s capacity improved to prevent and respond to conflicts as a result of the School-SPIRIT program and the work of the SPIRIT Council? If yes, how?
Is the school community’s capacity improved to prevent and respond to bias incidents or alleged hate crimes as a result of the School-SPIRIT program and the work of the SPIRIT Council? If yes, how?
Have levels of tension decreased as a result of the School-SPIRIT program and the work of the SPIRIT Council? If yes, how?
Are tensions lower between student groups?
Are tensions lower between students and administrators?
Are tensions lower between student and teachers?
Did the School-SPIRIT program address the issues, tensions or conflicts it was intended to address? If yes, how?
What services/support could CRS have provided to the SPIRIT Council and school leadership to improve the ability to implement actions?
For example, did CRS provide the appropriate level of facilitation services during the SPIRIT Council meetings?
Did CRS provide the SPIRIT Council or school leadership with best practices to sustain the Council and implement actions?
Would you recommend the School-SPIRIT Program to another school? If yes, why? If no, why?
If SPIRIT Council did not meet at all:
Why did the SPIRIT Council not conduct meetings?
What services/support could CRS have provided to the SPIRIT Council and school leadership to improve the likelihood for the SPIRIT Council to conduct meetings? For example, did CRS provide the SPIRIT Council or school leadership with best practices to conduct SPIRIT Council meetings?
Did school leadership implement any of the recommendations created during the SPIRIT Program?
Is the school community’s capacity improved to prevent and respond to conflicts as a result of the School-SPIRIT program? If yes, how?
Is the school community’s capacity improved to prevent and respond to bias incidents or alleged hate crimes as a result of the School-SPIRIT program? If yes, how?
Have levels of tension decreased as a result of the School-SPIRIT program? If yes, how?
Are tensions lower between student groups?
Are tensions lower between students and administrators?
Are tensions lower between student and teachers?
Questions for Engaging and Building Partnerships with Muslim and Sikh Americans
Scope: This Program Impact Evaluation will evaluate the impact of the Engaging & Building Partnerships with Muslim & Sikh Americans training programs.
Audience: The audience is law enforcement officers.
Note: The word “community” refers to Muslim-American community and/or the Sikh-American community.
Please check all statements that apply to you.
I am a law enforcement officer.
I am a patrol officer.
I am a supervisor.
I am an outreach officer.
I am a chief of police.
Did the training improve your ability to interact with the community?
If you answered yes, how?
As a result, has there been a change in your level of outreach to the Sikh-American and/or Muslim-American community?
1. Yes
2. No
If you answered yes, what has been the change?
If you answered no, what barriers have you encountered?
Please refer to your action plan from the training. Have you completed any individual actions on your action plan?
If you answered yes, how have those actions helped you? Check all that apply.
I now know more members of the community.
I get more information and support from community members and leaders.
People seem friendlier and less afraid of me.
I am increasing my comfort level and knowledge to work with members of the community.
If you answered no, why haven’t you completed the individual actions? Check all that apply.
I have not had the time.
I am not sure how to begin.
I am not really interested in doing it.
I forgot about it.
My organization’s policies prohibit me.
My organization’s management doesn’t prioritize community outreach.
The actions are not within my job responsibilities.
Has your organization done any new community outreach since the training program?
If you answered yes, what has been the outcome of those activities? Check all that apply.
We now have more regular communications with community leaders.
Reporting of incidents has increased.
Reporting of crime tips has increased.
Tension in the community has decreased.
Has CRS helped you and/or your organization improve relations with the community since the training?
If you answered yes, check all that apply.
CRS provided guidance on how to do some of the best practices.
CRS helped us plan to implement some of the best practices.
CRS convened meetings between my organization and the community.
CRS introduced us to community leaders.
CRS did not provide additional services.
Not sure
If you checked “Number 5,” what additional CRS services would be helpful?
What content from the course have you found to be the most useful in your work?
Have you used what you learned in the training?
No. I doubt I will have an opportunity.
No, but I’m still planning on using what I have learned.
Yes, I have already used what I learned.
If you answered yes, what, specifically, have you used?
Since the training, have you had any enforcement contacts with the community?
If you answered yes, did the training improve specific interactions you’ve had with members of the community during these enforcement contacts?
If you answered yes, how?
Looking back, what about the training had the most impact on your beliefs and perceptions about the Muslim and/or the Sikh community and on your behavior?
Scope: This Program Impact Evaluation will evaluate the Strengthening Police and Community Partnership (SPCP) program.
Audience: The audience is community leaders and law enforcement officers who supported the SPCP program and the SPCP Council.
Check the following statement that applies.
I am a member of the SPCP Council.
I am a community leader.
I am a law enforcement officer.
Did the SPCP Council meet at least one time?
Yes (If you answered yes, go directly to questions 4a-4n.)
No (If you answered no, go directly to questions 6a-6f.)
3. Is the SPCP Council still meeting?
Yes (If you answered yes, go directly to questions 4a-4n.)
No (If you answered no, go directly to questions 5a-5n.)
If the SPCP council met at least once and is still meeting:
How often does the Council meet?
How many SPCP Council meetings have been held since the SPCP program was conducted?
What has enabled the SPCP Council to be successful?
For example, did the SPCP Council have support from the community leadership?
Did the community leadership provide funding to support the Council?
Were the meetings facilitated at consistent times?
What challenges, if any, has the SPCP Council experienced?
For example, has attendance at the SPCP Council been consistently strong?
Do Council members seem engaged?
Does the SPCP Council have support from community leadership necessary to accomplish its goals?
What actions, if any, have been implemented by the SPCP Council?
For example, has the SPCP Council’s work resulted in policy changes or new programs that have positively impacted the school community?
What future actions, if any, does the SPCP Council plan to implement in the next 3 to 6 months?
The top issues from your report were_________________. What actions were completed that related to the top issues identified by participants during the SPCP Program?
What were the most significant impacts of the SPCP Program?
Is the community’s capacity improved to prevent and respond to conflicts as a result of the SPCP program and the work of the SPCP Council? If yes, how?
Is the community’s capacity improved to prevent and respond to bias incidents and hate crimes as a result of the SPCP program and the work of the SPCP Council? If yes, how?
Have levels of tension decreased as a result of the SPCP program and the work of the SPCP Council? IF yes, how?
Are tensions lower between law enforcement and community leaders?
Are tensions lower between groups?
Did the SPCP program address the issues, tensions, or conflicts it was intended to address? If yes, how?
What services/support could CRS have provided to the SPCP Council to improve the ability to implement actions?
For example, did CRS provide the appropriate level of facilitation services during the SPCP Council meetings?
Did CRS provide the SPCP Council with best practices to sustain the Council and implement actions?
Would you recommend the SPCP program to another city or town? If yes, why? If no, why not?
If the SPCP Council met, but is no longer meeting:
Why did the SPCP Council stop meeting?
How often did the SPCP Council meet?
How many SPCP Council meetings were held following the SPCP program?
What has enabled the SPCP Council to be successful?
For example, did the SPCP Council have support from the community leaders?
Did the community provide funding to support the Council?
Were the meetings facilitated at consistent times?
What challenges, if any, has the SPCP Council experienced?
For example, has attendance at the SPCP Council been consistently strong?
Do SPCP Council members seem engaged?
Does the SPCP Council have support from community leadership necessary to accomplish its goals?
What actions, if any, have been implemented by the SPCP Council? For example, has the SPCP Council’s work resulted in policy changes or new programs that have positively impacted the school community?
The top issues from your report were_________________. What actions were completed that related to the top issues identified by participants during the SPCP Program?
What were the most significant impacts of the SPCP Program?
Is the community’s capacity improved to prevent and respond to conflicts as a result of the SPCP program and the work of the SPCP Council? If yes, how?
Is the community’s capacity improved to prevent and respond to bias incidents and hate crimes as a result of the SPCP program and the work of the SPCP Council? If yes, how?
Have levels of tension decreased as a result of the SPCP program and the work of the SPCP Council? If yes, how?
Are tensions lower between law enforcement and community leaders?
Are tensions lower between groups?
Did the SPCP program address the issues, tensions, or conflicts it was intended to address? If yes, how?
What services/support could CRS have provided to the SPCP Council to improve the ability to implement actions?
For example, did CRS provide the appropriate level of facilitation services during the SPCP Council meetings?
Did CRS provide the SPCP Council with best practices to sustain the Council and implement actions?
Would you recommend the SPCP program to another city or town? If yes, why? If no, why not?
IF the SPCP Council did not meet at all:
Why did the SPCP Council not conduct meetings?
What service/support could CRS have provided to the SPCP Council and community leadership to improve the likelihood for the Council to conduct meetings? For example, did CRS provide the Council with best practices to conduct SPCP meetings?
Did the community leadership implement any of the recommendations created during the SPCP program?
Is the community’s capacity improved to prevent and respond to conflicts as a result of the SPCP program? If yes, how?
Is the community’s capacity improved to prevent and respond to bias incidents or alleged hate crimes as a result of the SPCP program? If yes, how?
Have levels of tension decreased as a result of the SPCP program? If yes, how?
Are tensions lower between law enforcement and community leaders?
Are tensions lower between groups?
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | 558022 |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-13 |