60 Day FRN

OSHA-2009-0035-0011 (15).pdf

Ethylene Oxide Standard (29 CFR 1910.1047)

60 Day FRN

OMB: 1218-0108

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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 102 / Wednesday, May 27, 2020 / Notices

the lock-up facility, internet users are
not allowed to digest data 30 minutes
before the official release time. Internet
users are also disadvantaged relative to
lock-up participants to the extent that
internet postings may lag slightly
behind lock-up transmissions.
Developments in high-speed algorithmic
trading technology have also raised
concerns about the possible impact of
unequal access to sensitive economic
data. As discussed above, DOL’s
Inspector General has issued multiple
reports with findings that the current
press lock-up ‘‘creates an unfair
competitive advantage for certain news
organizations and their clients.’’
It was never the intent of DOL in
establishing the lock-up facility to
provide a financial windfall to paying
clients of credentialed media
organizations, or to allow credentialed
media organizations to profit off of the
privilege of early access to government
data. DOL does not wish to facilitate
those practices. Although DOL
understands that certain high-frequency
trading firms may retain some advantage
in faster ingestion and downloading of
government data even after the lock-up
process is discontinued, DOL itself will
no longer have any role in facilitating
such an advantage.
It is no longer necessary to use the
credentialed news media to help the
Department disseminate DOL’s
statistical data widely because the
internet permits the public and
interested users to obtain releases for
themselves. Discontinuing the lock-up
will not disadvantage the lock-up
participants; it will merely remove the
advantage they currently enjoy. In the
time since the OIG recommendations
were issued, BLS and ETA have devoted
significant resources to introducing
improved technologies to ensure data
are posted and accessible on their
websites immediately following the
official release time. When the COVID–
19 pandemic required the closure of the
media lock-up in March of 2020, these
improved technologies allowed BLS and
ETA to disseminate the data
immediately and widely to the public
without incident and without providing
early access to lock-up participants.
Specifically, the March Employment
Situation report, released on April 3,
2020 without a lock-up, demonstrates
that the BLS website can serve all
interested users in the seconds after
release time with little or no
degradation in response time and a
negligible error rate. The same holds
true for the Unemployment Insurance
Weekly Claims Reports issued since
March 20, 2020. Stories in the press
covering the March data were available

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to the public only slightly later—and, in
at least one case, actually earlier—than
they were a month earlier when a lockup was held. Given this success over the
past two months, DOL now believes it
can continue to disseminate the data to
the public, including the media, in a
timely manner. DOL will therefore
discontinue the use of the lock-up
facility to allow all parties, including
the media, commercial entities, and the
public, equitable and timely access to
our most important statistical data.
IV. Result
By permanently discontinuing the
lock-up facility as of June 3, 2020, DOL
intends to protect the integrity of its
data and enable dissemination of news
releases in an equitable, secure, and
cost-effective manner so that all
information is available to the public
and the media at the official release
The Commerce Department’s Bureau
of Economic Analysis and U.S. Census
Bureau are also committed to the secure,
timely, and equitable release of all data.
As such, for the reasons stated in this
notice, both Bureaus will also
discontinue embargoed media lock-ups
at the Department of Labor’s facility and
will continue to release their data
securely through their websites.

http://www.msha.gov/regsinfo.htm or
http://www.regulations.gov [Docket
Number: MSHA–2018–0015].
Email Notification: To subscribe to
receive email notification when MSHA
publishes rulemaking documents in the
Federal Register, go to https://
Roslyn B. Fontaine, Acting Director,
Office of Standards, Regulations, and
Variances, MSHA, at fontaine.roslyn@
dol.gov (email), 202–693–9440 (voice),
or 202–693–9441 (fax). These are not
toll-free numbers.
Cancellation of Program Policy Letter

Signed at Washington, DC, this 19th day of
May 2020.
William W. Beach,
Commissioner of Labor Statistics.

On July 29, 2019, MSHA published in
the Federal Register a PPL to clarify
requirements in 30 CFR 57.11050,
Escapeways and Refuges, together with
a request for public comment (84 FR
36623). The PPL was intended to assist
MNM mine operators with guidance on
the placement of escapeways and
refuges that underground miners need
to use in emergency situations. On
October 10, 2019, MSHA also held a
public stakeholder meeting to ensure
that the public would have additional
opportunities to provide feedback. After
reviewing all the comments received
during both the public comment period
and the stakeholder meeting, MSHA has
now determined that the clarification in
this PPL is not needed. Therefore,
MSHA cancels the PPL.

[FR Doc. 2020–11297 Filed 5–26–20; 8:45 am]

(Authority: 30 U.S.C. 811)


David G. Zatezalo,
Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety
and Health Administration.


[FR Doc. 2020–11300 Filed 5–26–20; 8:45 am]

Mine Safety and Health Administration


[Docket No. MSHA–2018–0015]

Escapeways and Refuges in
Underground Metal and Nonmetal
Mine Safety and Health
Administration, Labor.
ACTION: Notice of cancellation; Program
Policy Letter.

Occupational Safety and Health


The Mine Safety and Health
Administration (MSHA) cancels a
Program Policy Letter (PPL) that was
issued on July 29, 2019 to provide
guidance on escapeways and refuges
used by underground metal and
nonmetal miners in emergency


Cancellation as of May 27, 2020.
Federal Register Publications: Access
rulemaking documents electronically at

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[Docket No. OSHA–2009–0035]

The Ethylene Oxide (EtO) Standard;
Extension of the Office of Management
and Budget’s (OMB) Approval of
Information Collection (Paperwork)
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), Labor.
ACTION: Request for public comments.

OSHA solicits public
comments concerning the proposal to
extend the Office of Management and
Budget’s (OMB) approval of the
information collection requirements





Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 102 / Wednesday, May 27, 2020 / Notices
specified in the Ethylene Oxide (EtO)
DATES: Comments must be submitted
(postmarked, sent, or received) by July
27, 2020.
Electronically: You may submit
comments and attachments
electronically at http://
www.regulations.gov, which is the
Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Follow the
instructions online for submitting
Facsimile: If your comments,
including attachments, are not longer
than 10 pages you may fax them to the
OSHA Docket Office at (202) 693–1648.
Mail, hand delivery, express mail,
messenger, or courier service: When
using this method, you must submit
your comments and attachments to the
OSHA Docket Office, Docket No.
OSHA–2009–0035, Occupational Safety
and Health Administration, U.S.
Department of Labor, Room N–3653,
200 Constitution Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20210. Deliveries
(hand, express mail, messenger, and
courier service) are accepted during the
Docket Office’s normal business hours,
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., ET.
Instructions: All submissions must
include the agency name and the OSHA
docket number (OSHA–2009–0035) for
the Information Collection Request
(ICR). All comments, including any
personal information you provide, such
as social security number and date of
birth, are placed in the public docket
without change, and may be made
available online at http://
www.regulations.gov. For further
information on submitting comments
see the ‘‘Public Participation’’ heading
in the section of this notice titled
Docket: To read or download
comments or other material in the
docket, go to http://www.regulations.gov
or the OSHA Docket Office at the above
address. All documents in the docket
(including this Federal Register notice)
are listed in the http://
www.regulations.gov index; however,
some information (e.g., copyrighted
material) is not publicly available to
read or download from the website. All
submissions, including copyrighted
material, are available for inspection
and copying at the OSHA Docket Office.
You also may contact Theda Kenney at
the below phone number to obtain a
copy of the ICR.
Theda Kenney or Seleda Perryman,
Directorate of Standards and Guidance,
OSHA, U.S. Department of Labor;
telephone (202) 693–2222.

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II. Special Issues for Comment

I. Background

OSHA has a particular interest in
comments on the following issues:
• Whether the proposed information
collection requirements are necessary
for the proper performance of the
agency’s functions, including whether
the information is useful;
• The accuracy of OSHA’s estimate of
the burden (time and costs) of the
information collection requirements,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
• The quality, utility, and clarity of
the information collected; and
• Ways to minimize the burden on
employers who must comply; for
example, by using automated or other
technological information collection
and transmission techniques.

The Department of Labor, as part of
the continuing effort to reduce
paperwork and respondent (i.e.,
employer) burden, conducts a
preclearance consultation program to
provide the public with an opportunity
to comment on proposed and
continuing information collection
requirements in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44
U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)). This program
ensures that information is in the
desired format, reporting burden (time
and costs) is minimal, collection
instruments are clearly understood, and
OSHA’s estimate of the information
collection burden is accurate. The
Occupational Safety and Health Act of
1970 (the OSH Act) (29 U.S.C. 651 et
seq.) authorizes information collection
by employers as necessary or
appropriate for enforcement of the OSH
Act or for developing information
regarding the causes and prevention of
occupational injuries, illnesses, and
accidents (29 U.S.C. 657). The OSH Act
also requires that OSHA obtain such
information with minimum burden
upon employers, especially those
operating small businesses, and to
reduce to the maximum extent feasible
unnecessary duplication of efforts in
obtaining information (29 U.S.C. 657).
The EtO Standard (29 CFR 1910.1047)
specifies a number of paperwork
requirements. The following is a brief
description of the collection of
information requirements contained in
the standard.
The information collection
requirements specified in the Ethylene
Oxide Standard protect workers from
the adverse health effects that may
result from occupational exposure to
ethylene oxide. The principal
information collection requirements in
the EtO Standard include conducting
worker exposure monitoring, notifying
workers of the exposure, implementing
a written compliance program, and
implementing medical surveillance of
workers. Also, the examining physician
must provide specific information to
ensure that workers receive a copy of
their medical examination results. The
employer must maintain exposuremonitoring and medical records for
specific periods, and provide access to
these records by OSHA, the National
Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health, the affected workers, and their
authorized representatives and other
designated parties.

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III. Proposed Actions
OSHA is requesting that OMB extend
the approval of the collection of
information (paperwork) requirements
contained in the Ethylene Oxide
Standard. There is an overall adjustment
increase in burden hours for this ICR.
The burden hours have increased a total
of 3,377 hours (from 27,880 hours to
31,257 hours). The adjustment increase
is primarily due to estimated number of
establishments covered by the standard.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Title: Ethylene Oxide (EtO) Standard
(29 CFR 1910.1047).
OMB Number: 1218–0108.
Affected Public: Businesses or other
Number of Respondents: 2,085.
Frequency of Response: Initially,
annually; on occasion.
Total Responses: 112,016.
Average Time per Response: Various.
Estimated Total Burden Hours:
Estimated Cost (Operation and
Maintenance): $4,971,000.
IV. Public Participation—Submission of
Comments on This Notice and Internet
Access to Comments and Submissions
You may submit comments in
response to this document as follows:
(1) Electronically at http://
www.regulations.gov, which is the
Federal e-Rulemaking Portal; (2) by
facsimile; or (3) by hard copy. All
comments, attachments, and other
material must identify the agency name
and the OSHA docket number for this
ICR (Docket No. OSHA–2009–0035).
You may supplement electronic
submissions by uploading document
files electronically. If you wish to mail
additional materials in reference to an
electronic or facsimile submission, you




Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 102 / Wednesday, May 27, 2020 / Notices

must submit them to the OSHA Docket
Office (see the section of this notice
titled ADDRESSES). The additional
materials must clearly identify your
electronic comments by your name,
date, and the docket number so the
agency can attach them to your
Because of security procedures, the
use of regular mail may cause a
significant delay in the receipt of
comments. For information about
security procedures concerning the
delivery of materials by hand, express
delivery, messenger, or courier service,
please contact the OSHA Docket Office
at (202) 693–2350, (TTY (877) 889–
Comments and submissions are
posted without change at http://
www.regulations.gov. Therefore, OSHA
cautions commenters about submitting
personal information such as your social
security number and date of birth.
Although all submissions are listed in
the http://www.regulations.gov index,
some information (e.g., copyrighted
material) is not publicly available to
read or download from this website. All
submissions, including copyrighted
material, are available for inspection
and copying at the OSHA Docket Office.
Information on using the http://
www.regulations.gov website to submit
comments and access the docket is
available at the website’s ‘‘User Tips’’
link. Contact the OSHA Docket Office
for information about materials not
available from the website, and for
assistance in using the internet to locate
docket submissions.
V. Authority and Signature
Loren Sweatt, Principal Deputy
Assistant Secretary of Labor for
Occupational Safety and Health,
directed the preparation of this notice.
The authority for this notice is the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3506 et seq.) and Secretary of
Labor’s Order No. 1–2012 (77 FR 3912).
Signed at Washington, DC, on May 19,
Loren Sweatt,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor
for Occupational Safety and Health.


[FR Doc. 2020–11299 Filed 5–26–20; 8:45 am]

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Information Collection: License and
Radiation Safety Requirements for
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Renewal of existing information
collection; request for comment.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) invites public
comment on the renewal of Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
approval for an existing collection of
information. The information collection
is entitled, ‘‘License and Radiation
Safety Requirements for Well-Logging.’’
DATES: Submit comments by July 27,
2020. Comments received after this date
will be considered if it is practical to do
so, but the Commission is able to ensure
consideration only for comments
received on or before this date.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by any of the following methods:
• Federal Rulemaking website: Go to
https://www.regulations.gov and search
for Docket ID NRC–2019–0182. For
technical questions, contact the
individual listed in the FOR FURTHER
• Mail comments to: David Cullison,
Office of the Chief Information Officer,
Mail Stop: T–6 A10M, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington,
DC 20555–0001.
For additional direction on obtaining
information and submitting comments,
see ‘‘Obtaining Information and
Submitting Comments’’ in the
this document.
David Cullison, Office of the Chief
Information Officer, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington,
DC 20555–0001; telephone: 301–415–
2084; email: Infocollects.Resource@


I. Obtaining Information and
Submitting Comments
A. Obtaining Information
Please refer to Docket ID NRC–2019–
0182 when contacting the NRC about
the availability of information for this
action. You may obtain publiclyavailable information related to this
action by any of the following methods:
• Federal Rulemaking website: Go to
https://www.regulations.gov and search

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for Docket ID NRC–2019–0182. A copy
of the collection of information and
related instructions may be obtained
without charge by accessing Docket ID
NRC–2019–0182 on this website.
• NRC’s Agencywide Documents
Access and Management System
(ADAMS): You may obtain publiclyavailable documents online in the
ADAMS Public Documents collection at
adams.html then select ‘‘Begin Webbased ADAMS Search.’’ For problems
with ADAMS, please contact the NRC’s
Public Document Room (PDR) reference
staff at 1–800–397–4209, 301–415–4737,
or by email to [email protected].
The supporting statement is available in
ADAMS under Accession
• NRC’s Clearance Officer: A copy of
the collection of information and related
instructions may be obtained without
charge by contacting NRC’s Clearance
Officer, David Cullison, Office of the
Chief Information Officer, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington,
DC 20555–0001; telephone: 301–415–
2084; email: Infocollects.Resource@
B. Submitting Comments
Please include Docket ID NRC–2019–
0182 in the subject line of your
comment submission, in order to ensure
that the NRC is able to make your
comment submission available to the
public in this docket.
The NRC cautions you not to include
identifying or contact information in
comment submissions that you do not
want to be publicly disclosed in your
comment submission. The NRC will
post all comment submissions at https://
www.regulations.gov as well as enter the
comment submissions into ADAMS,
and the NRC does not routinely edit
comment submissions to remove
identifying or contact information.
If you are requesting or aggregating
comments from other persons for
submission to the NRC, then you should
inform those persons not to include
identifying or contact information that
they do not want to be publicly
disclosed in their comment submission.
Your request should state that the NRC
does not routinely edit comment
submissions to remove such information
before making the comment
submissions available to the public or
entering the comment into ADAMS.
II. Background
In accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35), the NRC is requesting
public comment on its intention to
request the OMB’s approval for the



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File Modified2020-05-27
File Created2020-05-27

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