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MSHA Training Plan Advisor
MSHA will be transitioning to a new Electronic Training Plan Advisor (eTPA) on January 23, 2017. As a result of this transition,
we would like to share some important information that will result from the new application. As of January 22, 2017 the current
training plan advisor will be resricted to a "Read Only" format. At that point all users that elect to use eTPA will be required to
use the new advisor. Mos important, the new training plan advisor will reside in EGov and use the passwords that current users
have already esablished in the EGov application. The passwords that are currently used for the old Electronic Training Plan
Advisor will not apply to the new application. In the event that you do not have an EGov password, you will need to create a new
account and password in EGov to use the new eTPA.
Additionally, the training plans that have been created in the current training plan advisor will not be transferred to the new eTPA.
Therefore, all training plans will need to be created as new plans in the new eTPA within the EGov application. This will not afect
the satus of any plan created in the old Electronic Training Plan Advisor that is currently approved in your respective disrict. For
your convenience, "Read Only" access to the current training plan advisor will remain available until January 22, 2018.
*The use of the eTPA is voluntary and meant to assis operators with the development of their training plans.
Contact information for additional assisance:
MSHA's Helpdesk: (877) 778-6055
Educational Field and Small Mine Services
New EGov Users Regisration
The Mine Safety and Health Adminisration (MSHA) Training Plan Advisor provides guidance to help mine owners and operators
develop their Federally required training plans. In some cases, independent contractors mus develop their own training plans. State
grantees and others may also develop their own plans.
There are two diferent types of training plans required, depending on the type of mine or operation:
Surface nonmetal mines that are designated as shell dredging, sand, gravel, surface stone, surface clay, colloidal phosphate, and
surface limestone mines are required to have a Part 46 training plan. Other types also include surface operations that produce
marble, granite, sandstone, slate, shale, traprock, kaolin, cement, feldspar, and lime, even though these types are not specifically
included in the title of the Part 46 regulations.
All coal mines, all underground metal and nonmetal mines, and other surface metal and nonmetal mines (not included above) are
required to have a Part 48 training plan.
If you are a frs time user, we recommend you read all applicable regulations and policy documents.
Additional help may be obtained[3/9/2021 2:21:41 PM]
elaws - MSHA Training Plan Advisor
from MSHA's Educational Policy and Development Directorate (EPD), MSHA Coal Mine Safety and Health Disrict Ofces, MSHA
Metal and Nonmetal Disrict Ofces, or from an MSHA-approved sate grant program.
If you need assisance working through this computerized version of the training plan, you may contact your local Educational Field
Services representative or call EPD Headquarters in Arlington at 202-693-9570. This assisance is to help you with completing the
plan. We would not be able to address specifc problems with your internet service provider, browser software, or computer hardware.
Review the applicable training regulations:
Training and retraining of miners--shell dredging, sand, gravel, surface stone, surface clay, colloidal phosphate, and surface
30 CFR Part 46.
Training and retraining of miners--coal and metal/nonmetal--
30 CFR Part 48.
Mandatory safety standards--underground coal mines--subpart B Qualified and Certified Persons--
30 CFR Part 75.
Mandatory safety standards--surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines--
subpart B Qualified and
Certified Persons--
30 CFR Part 77.
Review the MSHA policy documents--coal and metal/nonmetal-- Program Policy Manual.
The MSHA Training Plan Advisor is one of a series of elaws (Employment Laws Assisance for Workers and Small Businesses)
Advisors developed by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) to help employers and employees undersand their rights and
responsibilities under Federal employment laws. To view the entire lis of elaws Advisors please visit the elaws website. To learn more
about DOL's eforts to prevent death, disease and injury from mining and to promote safe and healthful workplaces for the nation's
miners, visit the MSHA website.
Begin Mine Safety and Health Adminisration (MSHA) Training Plan Advisor Now
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File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | elaws - MSHA Training Plan Advisor |
File Modified | 2021-03-09 |
File Created | 2021-03-09 |