OMB Control Number: 1205-0342
Expiration Date: X/XX/XXXXCompliance Date: [DATE]
Contact the U.S. Department of Labor: [INVESTIGATOR NAME] – Email: [EMAIL]
Phone: 202-693-[XXXX] – Fax: 202-693-3986/3585/3584
Instructions for Completing this Form
A petition for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) for Workers has been filed on behalf of a group of workers at [WORKERS’ FIRM NAME], [CITY], [STATE]. By law (19 U.S.C. 2273(a)), a determination on the petition must be made within 40 calendar days following the filing date of the petition. The Secretary of Labor is authorized to obtain the information requested in this survey through subpoena if the firm fails to comply with this request (19 U.S.C. 2272(d)(3)(B) and 2321). Your assistance in expeditiously completing this form is necessary for the U.S. Department of Labor (Department) to determine whether these workers may be eligible to apply for federal benefits. Complete and return this form no later than [Insert date here].
Background. The TAA for Workers program (TAA Program) is authorized under Title II of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (19 U.S.C. § 2271 et seq.) (“the Act”). The TAA Program provides workers who have been adversely affected by foreign trade with opportunities to obtain skills, credentials, resources, and support necessary to become reemployed. The TAA Program offers the following services to eligible workers: employment and case management services, training, out of area job search and relocation allowances, income support through Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA), and the Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA) benefit for workers age 50 or older who find qualifying reemployment. Filing a petition is the first step in qualifying for TAA Program benefits and services. In response to a filing, the Department conducts an investigation to determine whether foreign trade was an important cause of the workers’ job loss or threat of job separation. After the investigation, the Department issues a determination regarding the worker group’s eligibility to apply for TAA Program benefits and services. A state workforce representative will notify workers in a certified worker group of the determination, at which time the individual worker may apply for eligibility of benefits and services at a local American Job Center. Additional information is available on our website at
Completing Form. Individuals are only required to respond to this information request if the form displays a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. Type or print legibly and complete all sections. If there is no quantity or value for a field in a section on this form, enter “zero,” “0,” or “None” Include any relevant information not covered in this form on a separate sheet of paper and/or attach other supporting documents when submitting this form to the Department. If you have any difficulty completing this form, or have questions, contact [Insert investigator name here].
Confidentiality. All information submitted under this request will be used to determine whether the criteria for certification of the workers covered by the petition have been satisfied. The Department will protect the confidentiality of the information you provide to the full extent of the law, in accordance with the Act, 19 U.S.C. 2272 (d)(3)(C); the Trade Secrets Act, 18 U.S.C. 1905; the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4); Executive Order 12600 (52 F.R. 23781, June 25, 1987); Executive Order 13392 (70 F.R. 75373, December 19, 2005); Presidential Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies Concerning the Freedom of Information Act (74 F.R. 4683, January 21, 2009); and Attorney General Holder's Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies Concerning the Freedom of Information Act (March 19, 2009), available at Information (on the form and attachments) which your firm would like to be considered as confidential must be placed in brackets and accompanied with a justification for such designation.
Public Burden Statement. This collection of information is mandatory (19 U.S.C. 2272(d)(3)(B) and 2321). Public reporting burden for this collection is estimated to average 4 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Trade Adjustment Assistance, Room N-5428, 200 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20210 (Paperwork Reduction Project 1205-0342).
Report the number of hours and costs to your firm for completing this form.
Hours: ________ Cost in Dollars: ____________________
Affirmation of Information
A qualified representative of your firm is required to complete this request because a petition for a determination of eligibility to apply for TAA benefits and services has been filed on behalf of workers employed or previously employed by your firm.
Information from the firm is needed in order to determine if the worker group can be certified as having been impacted by foreign trade under the Act. Knowingly making a false statement of a material fact, knowing it to be false or knowingly failing to disclose a material fact on this form, is a Federal offense (19 U.S.C. § 2316). By signing below, you agree to the following statement:
“Under penalty of law, I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information I have provided on this form is true, correct, and complete.”
NAME OF COMPANY OFFICIAL: _____________________________________________________________________
TITLE: ________________________________________________________________________________
SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________ DATE: ______________________
BUSINESS ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER: ______________________________ ALTERNATE NUMBER: ____________________________
Additional Company Contacts
Provide contact information for individuals who may be contacted with supplemental questions, if different from the company official signing the affirmation.
Primary Contact 1 |
Primary Contact 2 |
a) a) |
Name of Company Official |
b) |
Title |
c) |
Business Address |
d) |
E-mail Address |
e) |
Phone Number |
f) |
Alternative Number |
Part I |
Provide the official name of the firm and its location (the subject of the investigation). Any corrections or clarification to the group articulated within the header should be reconciled here. |
(1) Workers’ Firm Name: |
Department and/or Division |
Address: |
Website: |
(2) Provide the names and addresses of all companies supplying staffed workers to supplement the firm’s workforce during the period from [DATE] to [DATE], describe their functions, and identify whether the staffed workers performed these functions on-site or off-site. |
(Attach any existing diagrams of organizational structure and any website address providing information on the organizational structure.)
If there are other subdivision(s) within the firm manufacturing articles and/or supplying services that are like or directly competitive with the articles manufactured and/or services supplied where the subject workers are/were employed, provide a list of location(s), including the city, state, and country, where these activities are performed.
C. ACTIVITIES OF THE WORKERS’ FIRM (1) Check the box identifying whether the parent company is in the manufacturing sector or service sector. Article Producer/Manufacturer Service Sector Firm
(3) Provide a detailed description of the activities performed by the workers’ firm identified within Part I A.(1) (i.e., whether the workers are engaged in activities related the production of an article or the supply of a service) and provide specifics regarding what articles are produced or service is supplied, as applicable.
(7) Identify the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code(s) for the workers’ firm and the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) code for the articles produced, if known. Refer to the following websites: NAICS: and HTS: |
(9) Are the outputs identified within Part I C.(3) directly incorporated by the firm, an affiliated location, and/or the end-user/consumer? Yes No |
If yes, identify the finished article(s), next stage of production, and the entity engaged in this next stage of production. |
(10) If more than one article is produced or more than one service is supplied (as applicable) at the workers’ firm, are workers separately identifiable by activities performed? Yes No If yes, explain. (Examples – Workers are cross trained to produce articles A and Band do/can switch between operations, as needed or as scheduled; the workers are individually identified as workers who produce article A and workers who produce article B, and they are not interchangeable.) |
Part II |
Address the allegation(s) made by petitioner(s). See attached petition.
Part III |
Identify Article(s) Produced or Service(s) Supplied (identified within Part I, C.(3)):
Explain the reason(s) for the cessation of operations.
(a) If yes, date of shutdown: ________________ (b) Is the shutdown permanent? Yes No
Explain the reason(s) for the shutdown.
Report the workers’ firm’s sales data for the articles or services, as applicable (identified within Part I C.(3)) for the periods provided in the table. Below the table, provide the applicable unit of measurement. If more than one article is produced or service is supplied at this location, reproduce this page and complete the page for each article or service, as applicable.
Identify Article(s) Produced or Service(s) Supplied (identified within Part I, C.(3)):
Measurement of quantities provided.(Example: units, kilograms, pounds, tons, hours of work, value contract, number of phone calls, etc.)
Report the workers’ firm’s production data for the articles or services, as applicable (identified within Part I C.(3)) for the periods provided within the table. Below the table, provide the applicable unit of measurement. If more than one article is produced or service is supplied at this location, reproduce this page and complete the page for each article or service, as applicable.
Identify Article(s) Produced or Service(s) Supplied (identified within Part I, C. (3)):
Measurement of quantities provided. (Example: units, kilograms, pounds, tons, hours of work, value contract, number of phone calls, etc.)
Report the workers’ firm’s export data for the articles or services, as applicable (identified within Part I C. (3)) for the periods provided within the table. Below the table, provide the applicable unit of measurement. If more than one article is produced or service is supplied at this location, reproduce this page and complete the page for each product or service, as applicable.
Identify Article(s) Produced or Service(s) Supplied (identified within Part I, C.(3)):
Measurement of quantities provided. (Example: units, kilograms, pounds, tons, hours of work, value contract, number of phone calls, etc.)
Report the import data for the articles or services, as applicable (identified within Part I C. (3)), as well as like or directly competitive articles or services, as applicable, by the firm (identified within Part I B.(1)) for the periods provided within the table. Below the table, provide the applicable unit of measurement. If more than one article is produced or service is supplied at this location, reproduce this page and complete the page for each product or service, as applicable.
Identify Article(s) Produced or Service(s) Supplied (identified within Part I, C.(3)):
Measurement of quantities provided: _____________________________ (Example: units, kilograms, pounds, tons, hours of work, value contract, number of phone calls, etc.) Country(s) of import origination: ______________________________
Report the import data for finished articles (identified within Part I, C.(9)) containing components parts that are like or directly competitive with the articles identified within Part I, C.(3) by the firm or services supplied identified Part I, C.(3) in the production of the finished articles within for the periods provided within the table. Below the table, provide the applicable unit of measurement. If more than one article is produced or service is supplied at this location, reproduce this page and complete the page for each article or service, as applicable.
Identify Article(s) Produced or Service(s) Supplied (identified within Part I, C.(9)): |
Measurement of quantities provided: _____________________________ (Example: units, kilograms, pounds, tons, hours of work, value contract, number of phone calls, etc.) Country(s) of import origination: ______________________________
Report the non-import data for the firm’s articles or services, as applicable (identified within Part I C.(3)), as well as like or directly competitive articles or services by the firm (identified within Part I B(1)) for the periods provided within the table. Below the table, provide the applicable unit of measurement. Non-import data includes, but is not limited to, shift in production/operations to another country, shift in the supply of services to another country, contracting with another entity to have production occur in another country, contracting with another entity to have the supply of services occur in another country, and increasing reliance on existing operations in another country while decreasing reliance on existing domestic operations. If more than one article is produced or service is supplied at this location, reproduce this page and complete the page for each product or service, as applicable.
Measurement of quantities provided: _____________________________ (Example: units, kilograms, pounds, tons, hours of work, value contract, number of phone calls, etc.) Country(s) of import origination: ______________________________ |
Yes No
Measurement of quantities provided: _____________________________ (Example: units, kilograms, pounds, tons, hours of work, value contract, number of phone calls, etc.) Country(s) of import origination: ______________________________
For each article or service, as applicable, identified within Part I, C.(3), produced/supplied by the workers’ firm (identified within Part I A), provide a list of reoccurring customers that each account for at least 20% of the workers’ firm’s sales. Report the workers’ firm’s data for the period stated within the table. Reproduce and attach additional sheet(s) as necessary.
If the worker’s firm solely operates under a contract environment where revenue is generated by a bid-by-bid basis, skip this section and complete Part V, C. |
Identify Article(s) Produced or Service(s) Supplied (identified within Part I, C.(3)):
[DATE] to [DATE] |
[DATE] to [DATE] |
(1) Customer Name: |
Dollars |
Ship to Address: |
Customer Official: |
Customer Official Address: |
Quantity |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
(2) Customer Name: |
Dollars |
Ship to Address: |
Customer Official |
Customer Official Address: |
Quantity |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
(3) Customer Name: |
Dollars |
Ship to Address: |
Customer Official |
Customer Official Address: |
Quantity |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
(4) Customer Name: |
Dollars |
Ship to Address: |
Customer Official |
Customer Official Address: |
Quantity |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
B. SALES TO CUSTOMERS For each article or service, as applicable, identified within Part I, C.(3) produced/supplied by the workers’ firm, (identified within Part I A, provide a list of domestic customers which constitute reoccurring customers which represent the majority of the decline in workers’ firm’s sales. Report the workers’ firm’s data for the period stated within the table. Reproduce and attach additional sheet(s) as necessary.
If the worker’s firm operates solely under a contract environment where revenue is generated by a bid-by-bid basis, skip this section and complete Part V, C.
Identify Article(s) Produced or Service(s) Supplied (identified within Part I, C.(3)):
Did the workers’ firm lose bids for contracts to produce articles or supply services, identified within Part I, C(3), during the period from [DATE] to [DATE]? Yes No
If yes, list the major projects for which the workers’ firm submitted unsuccessful bids during the period referenced above. Reproduce and attach sheet(s), if needed, to provide information for major contracts lost.
(1) Contracting Firm: |
Project Manager Name: |
Address: |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Website: |
Project Identification: |
Project Description: |
Amount of Bid: |
Period of Performance: |
Date of Award: |
Awardee (if known): |
(3) Contracting Firm: |
Project Manager Name: |
Address: |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Website: |
Project Identification: |
Project Description: |
Amount of Bid: |
Period of Performance: |
Date of Award: |
Awardee (if known): |
(4) Contracting Firm: |
Project Manager Name: |
Address: |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Website: |
Project Identification: |
Project Description: |
Amount of Bid: |
Period of Performance: |
Date of Award: |
Awardee (if known): |
For more information, visit our website at Revision Date: 9/2020
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | NAFTA Transitional Adjustment |
Author | kbancroft |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-13 |