Approval No. 1290-0027
Date: 12/31/2022
18-Month Participant Follow-Up Survey
Web Survey Details for Programming
The U.S. Department of Labor has funded two organizations, Westat and MDRC, to conduct a survey of people who applied for training through the [NAME OF PROGRAM] program at [NAME OF GRANTEE]. The survey covers several topics, including education and training, employment, earnings, barriers to employment, use of services, and overall well-being. Most of the questions we ask refer to a specific date. This is the date you applied to the [NAME OF PROGRAM] program. You may remember that you applied to the [NAME OF PROGRAM] program about one year and a half ago. You may have received a letter recently which explained the study to you.
The survey is short and should take around 30 minutes to complete. If you complete the survey before [DATE] we will send you a Visa gift card worth $50. After [DATE], we will send you a $40 Visa gift card if you complete the survey. The card can be used anywhere that a credit or debit card can be used. Please allow about 4-6 weeks for the gift card to arrive.
Your opinions and experiences are extremely important, even if you were not selected to be in the program. Individual responses will be kept private. Responses to this data collection will be used only for the purposes of the study. The reports prepared from this survey will summarize findings across all study participants and individual responses will not be available to anyone outside the study team, except as required by law.
If you have any questions, please contact Westat at 1-855-210-4396 or [email protected].
Frequency Asked Questions and Answers
What is the [TechHire/SWFI] Study?
The [TechHire/SWFI] study is a study to learn how and whether [TechHire/SWFI] helps people get the training and skills needed for well-paying jobs. The study will compare the experiences of people who receive the training and support services with those who do not. This will help us learn more about how to make these kinds of services more effective. The U.S. Department of Labor is paying for the study. The study is run by Westat and MDRC. You can learn more about Westat by visiting our website at
What is my role in the study?
By participating in the study, you will provide important information that will help create better programs for other people like you. The study offers you the opportunity to share your experiences and opinions in two surveys over a two-year period. In each survey, we will ask questions about your job experiences, education and training activities, use of community services, and some questions about your household. All your personal information will be kept private and we will never use names in a public report.
Do I get anything for completing the survey?
Each time you complete one of the surveys, you will receive a debit card worth anywhere between $30 and $50 as a thank you.
What if I’m not participating in the program right now (or have never participated)?
Even if you aren’t participating in the program now (or never did), you are still a very important part of the study. We want to know how you’re doing so we can learn how to support better programs for people like you.
Will my answers be kept private?
Yes. All of the information we collect in the survey will be kept private to the extent permitted by federal law and will be used for research purposes only. Your answers will be combined with those of others and your name will never be used in reporting the results of the study. Your answers to questions will not affect your eligibility for any public program.
How do I contact you?
Our toll-free phone number is 1-855-210-4396 .There is no cost for calling this number. You can also send us an e-mail at [email protected].
A. Education and Training |
The first set of questions is about any school or training experiences you have had since [RAMY]. To help you remember this date, our records show that it was about then that you applied for the [NAME OF PROGRAM] program at [NAME OF GRANTEE].
A1. At any time since [RAMY], have you taken any of the following? Please include any classes you have taken, even if you only went for a short time.
NO |
A2. At any time since [RAMY] did you get vocational training for a specific job, trade, or occupation? By vocational training, we mean courses or programs where you are trained for a specific occupation, which usually leads to a certificate, license, or credential.
Respondent was assigned to treatment group, and A2 = missing or
records indicate that approximately 18 months ago, you enrolled in
the [NAME OF PROGRAM] program offered by [NAME OF GRANTEE]. Did you
participate in that program?
A4. Are you currently enrolled in vocational training?
A5. For how much time since [RAMY] did you attend vocational training? You can answer in hours, days, weeks, or months.
Don’t know
A6. In which of the following fields did you receive vocational training since [RAMY]?
Select all that apply.
Information technology
Financial services
Advanced manufacturing
Health care
Educational services
Something else (please specify)
Specify Text limit 100 characters
A7. Have you dropped out or left any vocational training program before the program ended since [RAMY]?
No (GO TO A9)
A8. What was the main reason that you stopped attending the training?
Courses or program poorly taught
Started other school/training
Not enough money to continue
Needed to work/not enough time with working
Not interested/didn’t like the program
Didn’t think it would help me find a job
Program was too difficult
Own illness or disability
Child care issues
Caring for family members with physical or mental health problems
Problems with transportation
Personal problems
Found a job/re-employed
Other (please specify)
A9. Have you completed any vocational training since [RAMY]?
No (GO TO A11)
A10. In which of the following fields did you complete vocational training since [RAMY]?
Select all that apply.
Information technology
Financial services
Advanced manufacturing
Health care
Educational services,
Other (please specify)
A11. The next questions are about professional certifications and licensures that you’ve obtained. Since [RAMY], have you earned or received a professional certification or state or industry license? A professional certification or license shows you are qualified to perform a specific job and includes things like Certified Nursing Assistant, Certified Production Technician, or an IT certification.
No (GO TO A14)
A12. How many professional certifications, or state or industry licenses have you received since [RAMY]?
A13. What is/are the name(s) of the professional, state, or industry certification(s), license(s), or credential(s) you received?
A14. The next questions are about training that you may have received through an employer. Since [RAMY] have you had a paid or unpaid internship, on-the-job training (OJT), or apprenticeship?
No (GO TO A16)
A15. Are you currently working in an internship, on-the-job training, or apprenticeship?
Ask A16-A17 of everyone. |
A16. Have you earned any of the following academic degrees or credentials since [RAMY]?
Select all that apply.
High school diploma
GED or alternative high school credential
A diploma/certificate requiring less than a full year’s worth of credit
A diploma/certificate requiring a full year or more’s worth of credit (but less than an Associate’s Degree)
Associate’s degree
Bachelor’s degree or higher
None of the above
A17. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your career?
Strongly agree |
Somewhat agree |
Somewhat disagree |
Strongly disagree |
a. I am making progress towards my long-range employment goals. |
b. I see myself on a career path. |
B. Services |
Ask B1 and B2 if A2 = 1 or A3 = 1 |
B1. The next set of questions are about the types of services and assistance you may have received since [RAMY]. During your training experience since [RAMY], did any of the following funding sources help pay for some or all of the direct costs of training—that is, things like tuition and fees?
Yes |
No |
a. Your own earnings |
b. Earnings from a spouse, partner, or other family member |
c. Loans |
d. Pell grant or other government grant or scholarship—not counting loans that you have to pay back |
e. Grant or scholarship from any non-government source—not counting loans that you have to pay back |
f. Another funding source (please specify)
B2. How difficult would you say it has been to pay for training since [RAMY]?
Very difficult
Somewhat difficult
Not very difficult
Not difficult at all
Ask B3 of everyone. |
B3. The next set of questions are about the types of services other than financial assistance that you may have received since [RAMY]. Since [RAMY], have you received any of the following services from any source?
Yes |
No |
B4. [If Respondent assigned to treatment group]: Overall, how useful was the [NAME OF PROGRAM] in helping you do each of the following? Would you say it was very useful, somewhat useful, or not at all useful?
Very Useful |
Somewhat Useful |
Not At All Useful |
a. Train for work in a particular occupation |
b. Find a job |
c. Get a job which offers opportunities for advancement |
The next questions are about your employment experiences.
C1. [Required]Have you ever worked for pay since [RAMY]? Please include any full- or part-time jobs, self-employment, temporary positions, odd jobs, side jobs such as babysitting, gardening, or housekeeping, under-the-table jobs, business ventures, or other types of paid jobs that you have had.
No ➔ [SKIP TO D1]
C2. [Required]Are you currently working at a job for pay?
No ➔ [SKIP TO C4]
C3. How many paid jobs do you currently have?
C4. [Required] Who is your current employer?/At which of your jobs do you work the most hours?/Where did you work most recently since [RAMY]? Please enter the name of the company or employer.
IF C2 = YES AND C3 = 1 THEN “Who is your current employer?”
IF C2 = YES AND C3 > 1 THEN “At which of your jobs do you work the most hours?”
IF C2 = NO THEN “Where did you work most recently since [RAMY]?”
C4a. In which field [is/was] your job at [JOB NAME/your [most recent] employer]? C4a
Select only one.
Information technology 1
Financial services 2
Advanced manufacturing 3
Health care 4
Educational services 5
Other (please specify) 6
Specify Text limit 100 characters C4a_OTH
If C4 has text, then “[JOB NAME]” – use text from C4 If C4 is blank and C2 = 1, then “your employer” If C4 is blank and C2 ≠ 1, then “your most recent employer” |
C5. When did you start working at [JOB NAME]?
4 Digit Year
[DROP DOWN 1990 – 2020]
Don’t know
Ask if C2 = 0 (no) |
C6. When did you stop working at [JOB NAME]?
4 Digit Year
Don’t know
C7. What was your reason for leaving [JOB NAME]?
Laid off, the company downsized, or the plant closed
Became disabled
Moved away from that area
Job was temporary and ended
Other (Please specify):
C8. [IF C7 = FIRED OR QUIT] Why did you (quit/get fired from) your last job? Was it because you…
Select all that apply:
Didn’t like supervisor or co-workers
Didn’t like job duties
Didn’t like job earnings
Had difficulty getting to work on time (late or missed days)
Didn’t have or like opportunities for advancement
Didn’t like location
Transportation issues or problems (no car or public transportation available, transportation cost too much)
Decided to go to school
Had child care responsibilities (including being pregnant)
Had other family or personal reasons
Had physical or mental health issues or problems
Something else (please specify)
C9. How many hours per week, including regular overtime hours [do/did] you usually work on that job?
Hours per week
Don’t know
IF C2 = YES, THEN “do”
IF C2 = NO, THEN “did”
C10. [IF C9 = DK] About how many hours [do/did] you work at [JOB NAME] in a typical week?
1 – 19 hours
20 – 29 hours
30 – 34 hours
35 – 40 hours
More than 40 hours
Don’t remember
IF C2 = YES, THEN “do”
IF C2 = NO, THEN “did”
C11. How much [are / were] you making, [at / when you left] [JOB NAME]? Please include tips, commissions, bonuses, and regular overtime.
Round to the nearest dollar and enter numbers only
Dollar amount: $ _________.00 Numeric characters only between 1 and 300,000
Every two weeks
Don’t know ➔ [SKIP TO C11b]
IF C2 = YES, THEN “are”; “at”
IF C2 = NO, THEN “were”; “when you left”
C11a. Is that amount before, or after, taxes are deducted?
Before taxes
After taxes
Don’t remember
C11b. [ONLY ASL IF C11 = DK or MISSING] Which of the following ranges best describes your annual pay at [JOB NAME]?
Less than $5,000
$5,000 or more, but less than $10,000
$10,000 or more, but less than $20,000
$20,000 or more, but less than $30,000
$30,000 or more, but less than $40,000
$40,000 or more, but less than $50,000
$50,000 or more
Don’t remember
C12. Which of the following best describes the hours you usually (work / worked) at [JOB NAME]?
Regular daytime shift (working any time between 6am and 6pm with the same or similar schedule week to week)
Regular evening shift (working any time between 6pm and 6am with the same or similar schedule week to week)
Rotating shift (one that changes regularly from days to evenings to nights)
Split shift (one consisting of two distinct periods each day)
An irregular schedule (one that changes from day to day or week to week)
IF C2 = YES, THEN “work”
IF C2 = NO, THEN “worked”
C13. How would you describe your work at [JOB NAME]?
NO |
a. Seasonal work, meaning you were hired for only a few weeks or months? |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
c. Work for a staffing agency? |
1 |
0 |
d. An occasional odd job, meaning you were hired for only a few hours or days and you did not expect it to turn into anything more than that? |
1 |
0 |
e. Work you do for a friend or family member? |
1 |
0 |
f. A regular permanent job? |
1 |
0 |
g. Something else? (please specify) |
1 |
0 |
C14. (Are / Were) any of the following benefits available to you at [JOB NAME]?
NO |
a. Sick days with full pay? |
1 |
0 |
b. Paid vacation? |
1 |
0 |
c. Paid holidays, such as Christmas and New Year’s Day? |
1 |
0 |
d. Dental benefits? |
1 |
0 |
e. A health plan or medical insurance? |
1 |
0 |
f. A retirement or 401K plan? |
1 |
0 |
g. Tuition reimbursement? |
1 |
0 |
IF C2 = YES, THEN “Are”
IF C2 = NO, THEN “Were”
C15. [if C14e = YES] [Are/Were] you enrolled in the health insurance plan?
IF C2 = YES, THEN “Are”
IF C2 = NO, THEN “Were”
C16. Do you agree with the following statement about your job at [JOB NAME]? There [are/were] many opportunities for career advancement for me.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
IF C2 = YES, THEN “are”
IF C2 = NO, THEN “were”
C17. How closely related [is/was] your job at [JOB NAME] to the education and training you had when you were last in school or training?
Closely related
Somewhat related
Not related
Never received education or training specific to any job
IF C2 = YES, THEN “is”
IF C2 = NO, THEN “was”
C18. Taking everything into consideration, how [do / did] you feel about your job at [JOB NAME] as a whole?
Extremely dissatisfied
Slightly dissatisfied
Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Extremely satisfied
IF C2 = YES, THEN “do”
IF C2 = NO, THEN “did”
D. Barriers to Employment |
The next few questions are about things that affect your ability to go to school or work, search for jobs, and manage family responsibilities.
D1. In the past 12 months, how often did each of the following situations interfere with your school, work, job search, or family responsibilities?
Never |
Sometimes |
Very Often |
D2. How difficult do you think it is for you to get a job in your chosen field or occupation?
Not difficult (GO TO E1)
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
D2a. Which of the following situations make it difficult for you?
Select all that apply.
Child care arrangements
Alcohol or drug use
An illness or health condition
Lack of required education
Lack of experience
Lack of job openings
Other (please specify)
E. Household |
The next set of questions are about your household.
E1. What is your current marital status?
Single, never married
Married and living with spouse (SKIP TO E3)
Married but living apart from spouse
Legally separated
E2. Are you currently living with a partner?
E3. Thinking about the place where you are currently living, do you:
Rent your home or apartment
Own your own home
Live with family or friends and pay part of the rent or mortgage
Live with family or friends and do not pay rent
Live in a group shelter
Live in some other housing arrangement
E4. How many people, including yourself, currently make up your household? By household, we mean people who live together and share finances, including dependents.
E5. Have you been homeless and living on the street or in a shelter at any time since [RAMY]?
E6. Are you the parent or guardian of any children age 13 or younger who are living in your household?
E7. Are you the parent or guardian of any children ages 14 to 18 who are living in your household?
No (GO TO G1) This was caught on 5/13 and needs to be corrected for the next data collection.
E8. Do any of your children between 14 and 18 have a disability?
Section F: Childcare Arrangements
Ask if E6 = 1 or E8 = 1
next questions are about childcare arrangements.
F1. Since [RAMY], have you received help with the following from programs or organizations in your community?
NO |
a. Finding child care? |
b. Finding child care in a location convenient to you? |
c. Finding or paying for transportation to child care? |
d. Finding child care that offers hours which fit with your work, school, or training schedule? |
e. Paying for child care? |
f. Finding emergency alternatives for when your regular child care arrangements fall through? |
The next questions are about your youngest child.
F2. Since [RAMY], has your youngest child who lives with you received care from anyone other than your or your spouse/partner while you were working or in school or job training?
No (GO TO G1)
F3. Since [RAMY], who cared for your youngest child while you were working or in school or job training?
Select all that apply
Head Start or Early Head Start
Preschool, nursery school, or child care center
A non-relative such as a friend, neighbor, sitter, nanny, or au pair
A family day care home
Before or after school program
A sibling, grandparent, or other relative
Child cared for him or herself
F4. Since [RAMY], have you or anyone in your household paid anything for child care for your youngest child? Include payments that were later paid back or reimbursed.
F5. Since [RAMY], has anyone else paid or reimbursed part or all of the costs of child care for your youngest child?
F6. Since [RAMY], have you had a child care arrangement where the amount you paid depended on how much your income was?
F7. Since [RAMY], did any of the following happen for you, your spouse, or partner? This
does not include your child being sick.
NO |
F8. How often are each of the following statements true for you?
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Always |
NA |
G. Income and Financial Well-Being |
These next questions are about your personal and household income in the past month.
G1. Did you or anyone in your household have income from any of the following sources in [PRIOR MONTH]?
Yes |
No |
Don’t Know |
Job earnings |
WIC or the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children |
Food stamps or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) |
Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) |
Public assistance or welfare |
Housing assistance such as public or low-income subsidized housing or the Housing choice voucher program (Section 8) |
Energy assistance |
Child care subsidy |
Retirement or social security |
Unemployment insurance |
Worker’s compensation or disability |
Child support |
Other (Please specify): |
G2. Thinking of all of the income you received last month, what was your total personal income in [PRIOR MONTH]? Please include your job earnings, benefits, and any other types of income except for tax refunds in your answer. Please do not include any refunds of federal, state, or local income taxes you paid in past years.
Don’t know
[If G2=DK, ask G2a. Otherwise, skip to G3]
G2a. Approximately what was your total personal income in [PRIOR MONTH]?
None ($0)
$1 - $500
$2501 or more
Don’t know
G3. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement? My financial situation is better than it was in [RAMY].
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
G4. In the past 12 months, did any of the following happen because you did not have enough money?
NO |
G5. Think again over the past 12 months. Generally, at the end of the month do you end up with: more than enough money left over, some money left over, just enough to make ends meet, or not enough to make ends meet?
Enough money left
Some money left
Just enough money left
Not enough money left
G6. Getting enough food can be a problem for some people. Which of these statements best describes the food eaten in your household in the past 6 months? Would you say there is . . .
Enough of the kinds of food you want
Enough but not always the kinds of food you want
Sometimes not enough to eat
Often not enough to eat
G7. Are you currently covered by any type of health insurance, including private insurance or Medicaid?
G8. Taken all together, how would you say things are these days? Would you say that you are…
Very happy
Pretty happy
Not too happy
H. Criminal Justice Involvement |
These next questions are about experiences you may have had with the police or courts. All of your answers will be kept private to the fullest extent of the law.
H1. Have you been arrested since [RAMY]?
No➔ [SKIP TO H4]
H2. How many times have you been arrested since [RAMY]?
Don’t remember
H3. [IF H2 = DON’T REMEMBER] About how many times were you arrested since [RAMY]?
1 – 2 times
3 – 5 times
6 or more times
Don’t remember
H4. Have you been convicted of a felony since [RAMY]?
I. Impact of Coronavirus |
I1. Were you working just before the coronavirus pandemic began in March 2020?
No (Go to I3)
I2. Which of y following the start of the coronavirus pandemic? the following statements best describes your work status in the weeks immediatel
I3. Since the pandemic began in March 2020, have you applied for Unemployment Insurance benefits?
No (Go to I5)
I4. Were you approved for Unemployment Insurance benefits?
I5. Just before the pandemic began in March 2020, were you enrolled in education/training classes?
No (Go to I10)
I6. How did your education/training change as a r?esult of the pandemic
My training moved online and I was able to continue (Go to I10)
My training moved online but I was no longer able to continue
My training was cancelled (Go to I9)
Other (Specify: )
I7. Why were you unable to continue the education/training online? (Select all that apply.)
I did not have access to a computer or tablet
I did not have Internet access
I did not have needed software
I had to care for a child
Other (specify: )
I8. Did you/are you planning to go back to school to get additional education or training?
No (Go to I10)
I9. Was/will this training be in the same occupation or field for which you originally received training or in a different occupation or field?
I10. Were you using any form of childcare just before the pandemic began in March 2020?
No (Go to I12)
I11. Which of the following statements best describes win the weeks immediately following the start of the coronavirus pandemichat happened to your childcare in March 2020?
My child care provider remained open and I continued to send my child
My child care provider remained open but I chose not to send my child
My child care provider remained open but the provider could no longer care for my child due to limited spaces/hours
My child care provider closed
Other (specify)
I12. Have you or anyone in your household done any of the following for any of your children who were attending a child care provider or school since the start of the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020?
J. Address and Contact Information |
J1. The next questions are about how to contact you. We will be sending your payment in 4-6 weeks and need to make sure we have your correct address.
Street Address 1
Street Address 2 or Apt
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Thank you for your participation in this important study.
You will be receiving a gift card within the next 4-6 weeks to thank you for completing the survey!
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Joseph Gasper |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-13 |