List of Forms - Current & Removed

0648-0593 List of forms.xlsx

NMFS Observer Programs' Information That Can Be Gathered Only Through Questions

List of Forms - Current & Removed

OMB: 0648-0593

Document [xlsx]
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Northeast Fisheries Observer Program Pre-Trip Vessel Safefy Checklist 2021 NEFOP 00 PTVSC.pdf

Vessel and Trip Information Log 2021 NEFOP 01 Vessel & Trip Log.pdf

Gillnet Characteristics Log 2021 NEFOP 03 Gillnet Gear Log.pdf

Gillnet Haul Log 2021 NEFOP 04 Gillnet Haul Log.pdf

Trawl gear characteristics log 2021 NEFOP 05 Bottom Trawl Gear Log.pdf

Trawl haul log 2021 NEFOP 06 Bottom Trawl Haul Log.pdf

Pair and single midwater gear characteristics log 2021 NEFOP 07 Mid-Water Trawl Gear Log.pdf

Pair and single midwater haul log 2021 NEFOP 08 Mid-Water Trawl Haul Log.pdf

Twin trawl gear log 2021 NEFOP 09 Twin Trawl Gear Log.pdf

Twin trawl haul log 2021 NEFOP 10 Twin Trawl Haul Log.pdf

Scallop trawl gear characteristics log 2021 NEFOP 11 Scallop Trawl Gear Log.pdf

Scallop trawl haul log 2021 NEFOP 12 Scallop Trawl Haul Log.pdf

Scallop trawl off-watch haul log 2021 NEFOP 13 Scallop Trawl Off-Watch Log.pdf

Scallop dredge gear characeristics log 2021 NEFOP 14 Scallop Dredge Gear Log.pdf

Scallop dredge haul log 2021 NEFOP 15 Scallop Dredge Haul Log.pdf

Scallop dredge off-watch haul log 2021 NEFOP 16 Scallop Dredge Off-Watch Log.pdf

Lobster, Crab, and Fish Pot Gear Characteristics Log 2021 NEFOP 17 PotTrap Gear Log.pdf

Lobster, Crab, and Fish Pot Haul Log 2021 NEFOP 18 PotTrap Haul Log.pdf

Purse seine gear characteristics log 2021 NEFOP 19 Purse Seine Gear Log.pdf

Purse seine Set Log 2021 NEFOP 20 Purse Seine Set Log.pdf

Beach Seine Gear/Beach Anchored Gillnet Gear Characteristics 2021 NEFOP 21 Beach Seine Gear Log.pdf

Beach Seine/Beach Anchored Gillnet Haul Log 2021 NEFOP 22 Beach Seine Haul Log.pdf

Longline Gear Characteristics Log 2021 NEFOP 23 Longline Gear Log.pdf

Longline Haul Log 2021 NEFOP 24 Longline Haul Log.pdf

Clam/Quahog Dredge Gear Characteristics Log 2021 NEFOP 25 Clam Dredge Gear Log.pdf

Clam/Quahog Dregde Haul Log 2021 NEFOP 26 Clam Dredge Haul Log.pdf

Clam/Quahog Dredge Off-Watch Haul Log 2021 NEFOP 27 Clam Dredge Off-Watch Log.pdf

Marine mammal/sea turtle/sea bird incidental take log 2021 NEFOP 28 Incidental Take Log.pdf REMOVE - observer observations only (no standard questions to fishermen)

Protected species sighting log 2021 NEFOP 29 Sighting Log.pdf REMOVE - observer observations only (no standard questions to fishermen)

Individual Animal Log 2021 NEFOP 30 Individual Animal Log.pdf REMOVE - observer observations only (no standard questions to fishermen)

Length Frequency Log 2021 NEFOP 31 Length Frequency Log.pdf REMOVE - observer observations only (no standard questions to fishermen)

Catch Composition Log 2021 NEFOP 32 Catch Composition Log.pdf

NMFS Fishery Observer Program Discard Log 2021 NEFOP 34 Discard Log.pdf

Crustacean Sample Log 2021 NEFOP 35 Crustacean Log.pdf ====== ID#AAAAGzohbFo Debra Duarte - NOAA Federal (2020-08-14 16:05:59) These logs in red are still being used, but they are only based on observer sampling (no standardized questions to fishermen). So they may or may not need to be included, depending on the results of that discussion. REMOVE - observer observations only (no standard questions to fishermen)

Marine mammal biological sample log 2021 NEFOP 36 Marine Mammal Sample Log.pdf REMOVE - observer observations only (no standard questions to fishermen)

Sea turtle biological sample log 2021 NEFOP 37 Sea Turtle Sample Log.pdf REMOVE - observer observations only (no standard questions to fishermen)

Fishermen's Comment Card 2021 NEFOP 39 FIshermen's Comment Log.pdf

Pinger Tester Worksheet 2021 NEFOP 40 Pinger Tester Worksheet.pdf REMOVE - observer observations only (no standard questions to fishermen)

ASM Vessel Reimbursement Form AIS ASM Vessel Reimbursement Form AIS.pdf REMOVE-- no longer used

ASM Meal Reimbursement Form EWTS ASM Meal Reimbursement Form EWTS.pdf REMOVE-- no longer used

Captain Interview Questions Captain Interview Questions.pdf

Trip Data Release Form Trip Data Release Form.pdf

Vessel reimbursement form ====== ID#AAAAGzohbFw Debra Duarte - NOAA Federal (2020-08-14 16:06:42) this one is truly not being used (provider-created form from company that is no longer active in our region) Vessel Reimbursement form-revised MRAG.pdf REMOVE-- no longer used

Observer meal reimbursement form ====== ID#AAAAGzohbF0 Debra Duarte - NOAA Federal (2020-08-14 16:06:48) this one is truly not being used (provider-created form from company that is no longer active in our region) Vessel Reimbursement form-revised MRAG.pdf REMOVE-- no longer used

North Pacific Groundfish and Halibut Observer Program Vessel/Plant Operator Comment Form Writeable Comment Form 6_10_2015.pdf updated form

Safety checklist 2015 safety check list Alaska.pdf Updated form

Tagged Fish and Crab Form Tagged Fish and Crab Form 2009.pdf

Fishing effort summary fixed gear Fishing effort summary fixed gear 11_8_2012.pdf

Fishing effort summary trawl gear Fishing effort summary trawl 11_28_2012.pdf

Alaskan Marine Mammal Observer Program Data release form Data Release Form.pdf REMOVE-- no longer used

Fishermen's Comment Card Writeable Comment Form 6_10_2015.pdf

At Sea Hake Observer Program (NW)
Vessel Safety checklist Vessel Safety Checklist.pdf

A-SHOP Logbook logbook 2020.pdf Includes Vessel Safety Checklist and PRA statement

Bird Interaction Activity and Species Form Bird Interaction, Activity, and Species Form final 2010.pdf

Marine Mammal Interaction & Specimen Form Marine Mammal interaction & specimen form 2009 final.pdf

A-SHOP Deck Form Deck Form_A-SHOP 2016.pdf

A-SHOP Observer Haul Form OHF_A-SHOP 2016.pdf

Bird Specimen and Tag Form Bird specimen and tag form final.pdf

A-SHOP Vessel Haul Form VHF_A-SHOP 2016.pdf

Marine Mammal Sighting Form Marine Mammal Sighting.pdf

A-SHOP Trip Form Trip Form_A-SHOP 2016.pdf

WCGOP: West Coast Groundfish Observer Programs (NW) PRA Statement WCGOP PRA statement - Observer Logbook.pdf

Safety Checklist WCGOP Vessel Safety Checklist - Observer logbook.pdf New Field - Crew names

Vessel Diagram WCGOP Vessel Diagram - Observer Logbook.pdf 1st PRA approval

Trip Information Form WCGOP Trip Information v2020.pdf updated form

Trawl Deck Form WCGOP Trawl Deck Form v2020.pdf updated form

Fixed Gear Deck Form WCGOP Fixed Gear Deck Form v2020.pdf updated form

Trawl Bycatch Reduction Device Characterization Form WCGOP BRD Characterization.pdf updated form

Hook and Line Fleet Chracterization Form WCGOP Hook and Line Fleet Characterization v2020.pdf

IFQ Priority Species Tracking Form WCGOP IFQ Priority Species Tracking v2019.pdf (Catch Shares only)

Retained Sablefish Collection Form WCGOP Retained Sablefish Collection.pdf 1st PRA approval

Marine Mammal, Seabird and Sea Turtle Interaction and Sighting Form WCGOP MMSBST v2020.pdf 1st PRA approval

Tagged Fish Form WCGOP Tagged Fish v2020.pdf 1st PRA approval

Hook & Line EFP Sampling Form WCGOP H&L EFP v2019.pdf NEW FORM TO ADD

OTS App (Observer Trip Selection) WCGOP OTS Screenshot.pdf NEW APP/FORM TO ADD

West Coast Groundfish Catch Shares Species Composition Form WCGOP species composition form.pdf REMOVE-- no longer used

Catch shares trawl and prawn catch form Trawl deck form.pdf REMOVE-- no longer used

Pacific Halibut Viability Log Pacific Halibut Viability Log.pdf REMOVE-- no longer used

Pacific Islands Region Observer Program Hawaii Placement checklist PlacementChecklist 2015.pdf remove - used by observer provider

Hawaii Dos and Don'ts Version 10.2016 remove - used by observer provider

Hawaii Trip specifications TS.12.12 (December, 2012) revised.pdf revised version 20.01

Gear configuration log GC.13.02 (Febrary 2013) revised.pdf REMOVE-- no longer used

Post-trip interview (observer evaluation) Post Trip FORM OBM.doc REMOVE-- no longer used

General vessel and trip information for all vessel types-English obs_hi_ecpfc_sep_2013.pdf Revised version 20.01

Hawaii Set and haul information PS.12.12 (December, 2012) revised.pdf Labelled Set&Haul Information revised 20.01

Hawaii Gear configuration form GC.13.02 (Febrary 2013) revised.pdf Revised 20.01

Hawaii Trip expenditure form (captain)-English Hawaii_LL_Econ2011_English-OMB_no.pdf

General vessel and trip information-Korean obs_hi_ecpfc_sep_2013_kor.pdf REMOVE-- no longer used

General vessel and trip information-Vietnamese obs_hi_ecpfc_sep_2013_vtm.pdf REMOVE-- no longer used

Hawaii Trip expenditure form (captain)-Korean Hawaii_LL_Econ2011_Korean-OMB_no.pdf

Hawaii Trip expenditure form (captain)-Vietnamese Hawaii_LL_Econ2011_Vietnamese-OMB_no.pdf

American Samoa Trip expenditure form (captain) revised 1/20/15 NEEDS TO BE ADDED, different from Hawaii

Hawaii Observer performance evaluation for captains Observer Performance Evaluation form for captains OBM.doc Hawaii Labelled Captain Evaluation Version 11.2012

Marine debris report form Debris Report form Nov 2012.pdf REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community/completed by observer

American Samoa Do's/Don'ts No version remove - used by observer provider

American Samoa Placement Checklist No version remove - used by observer provider

Trip specifications log - American Samoa TS.12.12 (December, 2012) revised.pdf revised version 20.01

Set and haul information - American Samoa SH.12.12.AS (December 2012) revised.pdf revised version 20.01

gear configuration log - American Samoa GC.13.02 (Febrary 2013) revised.pdf revised version 20.01

Protected species event log PS.12.12 (December, 2012) revised.pdf REMOVE-- no longer used

Protected species event log - American Samoa PS.13.02.AS (February, 2013) revised.pdf REMOVE-- no longer used

Southeast Shark Fishery Observer Program Observer notification form 5_Observer_Notification_Form_certification6-30-2012.pdf REMOVE-- no longer used

HMS Observer notification form SE-1 SFOP Highly Migratory Species Observer Notification Form.pdf REMOVE-- no longer used

Safety checklist PRE-TRIP SAFETY CHECK 11-15.pdf

Reimbursement form Vessel REimbursement form.pdf_11-12.pdf

Observer evaluation form Fisherman Feedback Form 06_14.pdf

Selection letter SGOP selection letter.docx REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community/completed by observer

Southeast Pelagic Observer Program Highly Migratory Species Observer Notification Form 2020 - Highly Migratory Species Observer Notification Form - PRA.pdf Revised with updated PRA statement

Vessel safety checklist 2020 - Vessel Safety Checklist (WATERPROOF) - PRA.pdf Revised with updated PRA statement

Observer Evaluation 2020 - Observer Evaluation - PRA.pdf Revised with updated PRA statement

Reimbursement form for assistance with bluefin tuna sampling POP_reimburse_BFT_PRA_2015.pdf REMOVE-- no longer used

Reimbursement for equipment expenses POP_reimburse_form_equipment.pdf REMOVE-- no longer used

Reimbursement Invoice for Contract Observers - Liability Insurance 2020 - Reimbursement Invoice for Contract Observers - Liability Insurance - PRA.pdf Revised with updated PRA statement

Reimbursement Invoice for Contract Observers - Meal reimbursement 2020 - Reimbursement Invoice for Contract Observers - Meal Reimbursement - PRA.pdf Revised with updated PRA statement

Sea Turtle Release Equipment Checklist 2020 - Sea Turtle Release Equipment Checklist - PRA.pdf NEW - Revised with updated PRA statement

Selection letter SGOP selection letter.docx REMOVE-- duplicate

Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish and Shrimp Observer Program Selection letter SGOP selection letter.docx

Observer evaluation Observer Eval_Galveston.doc

Pre-trip safety checklist Safety Check Off Galveston.doc

RF Observer notification form Observer Notification Form_Galveston.doc

Vessel reimbursement form Vessel Reimbursement Form_11-12.pdf New Name

West Coast Region Observer Program - some forms shared with PIRO Pre Trip Safety Check List DSBG,DN,SN,LL,Purse Seine

DN Gear and Set DGN

SN Gear and Set Set Gillnet

Purse Seine Gear and Set Purse Seine

Trip Specification Form (LL) LL (HI)

Trip Data Summary REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Tag Event Form REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Set Haul Information LL (HI)

Marine Debris Encounter Form REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Longline Trip Expense Form LL (HI)

Gear Configuration LL (HI)

Data Quality Control Sheet REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Large Whale Interaction Form REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Trip Specifications Record REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Sighting Record REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Photo Log REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Deep Set Buoy Gear Trip Specifications DSBG

Fish and invertebrate measurement data 8.1 fish and invert measure.pdf REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

shark life history form 9.1 shark life history form.pdf REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Seabird mitigation form BirdMit.pdf REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Seabird biological data form Birds.pdf REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Catch event log Catch.pdf REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Gear configuration log GrCfg.pdf REMOVE-Duplicate, shared with Gear Configuration Hawaii Longline

Marine mammal biological data form Mammals.pdf REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Photo log Photos.pdf REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Protected species event log PSI.pdf REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Set and haul information SetEnv.pdf REMOVE- Duplicate, Shared with set and haul configuration Hawaii Longline

Sketch form including description of category - if a sketch is needed for some purpose Sketch.pdf REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Specimen log Specimen.pdf REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Tag events Tags.pdf REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Trip specification log Trips.pdf REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Pre-Trip Notification Form
REMOVE- Used by Observer provider and does not require PRA control number

Sea turtle biological data form Turtles.pdf REMOVE- the questions do not require an answer from the fishing community and do not require a PRA number.

Southwest Region Observer Program - currently lumped in with WCROP Pre-Trip Safety checklist (duplicate of WCROP)

Drift gillnet trip expense form SW CA-OR DGN Observer addon 051409.pdf REMOVE - no longer in use

Pre-trip notification form SWR observer pre-trip notification form.pdf REMOVE- Used by Observer provider and does not require PRA control number

Gulf of Mexico Snapper-Grouper Observer Program Selection letter SGOP selection letter.docx Not in use

Fisherman feedback form Fisherman Feedback Form 06_14.pdf REMOVE-- no longer used

Observer evaluation (duplicate) Observer Eval_Galveston.doc

Shrimp Observer notification form Observer Notification Form_Galveston.doc

Panama City Vessel Pre-trip safety checklist Safety Check Off Galveston.doc

Vessel reimbursement form (duplicate) Vessel Reimbursement Form_11-12.pdf


Southeast Reef Fish Program Safety checklist VesselPreCheck_2019.pdf

Vessel Reimbursement Vessel Reimbursement Form 2019

Fisherman feedback form Fisherman Feedback Form 2019

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