ACS Methods Panel 2020 Specialized Mail Materials Test NSC

ACS Methods Panel NSC 2020 Specialized Mail Materials Test.pdf

American Community Survey Methods Panel Tests

ACS Methods Panel 2020 Specialized Mail Materials Test NSC

OMB: 0607-0936

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OMB Nonsubstantive Change Request
Department: Commerce
Agency: U.S. Census Bureau
Title: American Community Survey Methods Panel Tests, 2020 Specialized Mail Materials
OMB Control Number: 0607-0936
Expiration Date: 08/31/2021
Request: The U.S. Census Bureau plans to conduct additional research under the American
Community Survey (ACS) Methods Panel Tests clearance to test the efficacy of ACS mail
materials with decennial census messaging during a decennial census. The Census Bureau
proposes to conduct a national self-response test with the ACS production sample from March
through September 2020. No additional burden is expected.
Background: Households in sample for the ACS in 2020 are legally required to complete both
the ACS and the decennial census. Receiving two sets of mailings in one calendar year can be
confusing to respondents, which can increase the perception that the ACS is burdensome and
intrusive and decrease the rate of self-response. During the 2010 Census, ACS response rates
were higher than usual in the first few months of the year but were lower than usual in the spring
and summer months (see Chesnut and Davis 2011, Baumgardner 2013). The increased response
rates early in the year were attributed to the decennial census communications campaign, while
the decrease later in the year was attributed to respondent confusion or burden, as respondents
had already filled out their decennial census form.
To mitigate these issues for 2020, a set of modified mail materials were developed with language
that directly addresses the difference between the ACS and the 2020 Census, in order to
differentiate the two. These materials will be used during the main response period for the 2020
Census, March through September. The 2020 ACS language modifications are based on an
evaluation conducted by the Census Bureau in 2010 to examine the use of modified language,
color, and branding to create a distinct identity for the ACS (see Chesnut and Davis 2011).
Additionally, cognitive interviews of the 2020 ACS materials were conducted in the fall of 2018
(report forthcoming).
Timeline: This test is being planned as part of the ACS March through September 2020 panels,
adhering to the same data collection protocols as production ACS.
Method: The Census Bureau will compare two treatments using a randomized controlled
experiment. From March through September, the ACS will use mail materials that help clarify
that these mailings are not for the 2020 Census. This will be the control treatment for the
experiment and will be sent to approximately 264,000 sampled addresses each month. The
experimental treatment will not contain the modified language but otherwise will be the same as
the control materials. These materials will be sent to approximately 24,000 sampled addresses
each month from March through September. Note that the materials used for the experimental
treatment are the same materials that will be used for ACS production for the remainder of the
year (January, February, and October through December).


Analysis Metrics: The Census Bureau will assess the effect of decennial census messaging in
ACS materials by comparing the control and experimental treatments response rates—overall, by
mode, and by month.
Sample: The test will employ a sample size of approximately 264,000 addresses in the control
and 24,000 in the experimental treatment each month. This results in a total sample size of
approximately 2,016,000 housing unit addresses. This sample size is designed to detect a
difference of less than 1 percentage point between the self-response rates of the control and
experimental treatments at the national level by month.
Use of Incentives: None.
Burden: There is no change in burden to the public associated with this test, as this test uses
production ACS sample. The burden to the public will fall within the burden hours estimated in
the request submitted by the Census Bureau to the Office of Management and Budget for
authorization to conduct the ACS Methods Panel tests.
Baumgardner, S. (2013). “Tracking American Community Survey Mail Response During the
2010 Census.” 2013 American Community Survey Research and Evaluation Report
Memorandum Series #ACS13-RER-16. Retrieved on August 26, 2019 from
Chesnut, J. and Davis, M. (2011). “Evaluation of the ACS Mail Materials and Mailing Strategy
during the 2010 Census.” 2011 American Community Survey Research and Evaluation Report
Memorandum Series #ACS11-RER-09 and DSSD 2011 American Community Survey
Memorandum Series #ACS11-MP-02. Retrieved on August 26, 2019 from

Attachment: Mail Materials for the 2020 Specialized Mail Materials Test
30 Day Federal Register Notice
ACS Methods Panel Burden Hour Tracker

Contact Information:
Please contact the following individuals for further information about this test:
Data Collection:
Jennifer Ortman
American Community Survey Office
U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, D.C. 20233
[email protected]

Statistical Aspects:
Elizabeth Poehler
Decennial Statistical Studies Division
U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, D.C. 20233
(301) 763-9305
[email protected]


Attachment: Mail Materials for the 2020 Specialized Mail Materials Test
Mail Materials Summary
Mail Material

Initial Mailing

Second Mailing

Third Mailing

Fourth Mailing
Fifth Mailing

Form Number

Form Number







Instruction Card
Pressure Seal

ACS-9 (2020)

ACS-9 (2020)





ACS-46 (2020)





6385-47 (2020)
ACS-29 (2020)

6385-47 (2020)
ACS-29 (2020)



Return Envelope
Pressure Seal

How the
Treatment is
different from
Form number is
different to help
with processing
2020 Census
language and
FAQs included
No difference
No difference
2020 Census
Form number is
different to help
with processing
2020 Census
language and
FAQs included
No difference
No difference
No difference
No difference


Initial Mailing – Envelope for the Control and Experimental Treatments
There is no 2020 Census-specific language on the Control Treatment envelope; the form number
on the back of the envelope is different from the Experimental Treatment to help with processing
at the National Processing Center.


Initial Mailing – Control Treatment (front)
The second paragraph contains two sentences with 2020 Census-specific language.


Initial Mailing – Control Treatment (back)
The first two FAQs discuss the 2020 Census.


Initial Mailing – Experimental Treatment (front)
There is no 2020 Census-specific language in this letter.


Initial Mailing – Experimental Treatment (back)
There is no 2020 Census-specific language in this letter.


Initial Mailing – Instruction Card (front and back) for the Control and Experimental Treatments
There is no 2020 Census-specific language on the Instruction Card.


Initial Mailing – Multilingual Brochure for the Control and Experimental Treatments
There is no 2020 Census-specific language on the Multilingual Brochure.


2nd Mailing – Control Treatment 2020 Modified Pressure Seal Mailer (address side)
The address side of the pressure seal mailer mentions the American Community Survey.


2nd Mailing – Control Treatment Pressure Seal Mailer (letter side)
2020 Census-specific language is in the second paragraph.


2nd Mailing – Experimental Treatment Pressure Seal Mailer (address side)
There is no 2020 Census-specific language on the address side of the pressure seal mailer and it
does not mention the American Community Survey.


2nd Mailing – Experimental Treatment Pressure Seal Mailer (letter side)
There is no 2020 Census-specific language on the letter side of the pressure seal mailer.


3rd Mailing – Envelope for the Control and Experimental Treatments
There is no 2020 Census-specific language on the 3rd mailing envelope.


3rd Mailing – Control Treatment Letter (front)
The paragraph below the response options contains 2020 Census-specific language.


3rd Mailing – Control Treatment Letter (back)
The first two FAQs contain 2020 Census-specific language.


3rd Mailing – Experimental Treatment Letter (front)
There is no 2020 Census-specific language in the Experimental Treatment letter.


3rd Mailing – Experimental Treatment Letter (back)
There is no 2020 Census-specific language in the Experimental Treatment letter.


3rd Mailing – Return Envelope for the Control and Experimental Treatments
There is no 2020 Census-specific language on the return envelope.


4th mailing – Reminder Postcard (front and back) for the Control and Experimental Treatments
There is no 2020 Census-specific language in the 4th mailing.


5th mailing – Final Reminder Pressure Seal Mailer (address side) for the Control and
Experimental Treatments
There is no 2020 Census-specific language in the 5th mailing.


5th mailing – Final Reminder Pressure Seal Mailer (letter side) for the Control and Experimental
There is no 2020 Census-specific language in the 5th mailing.


Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 212 / Friday, November 1, 2019 / Notices
Membership of the Departmental
Performance Review Board
Department of Commerce.
Notice of membership of the
Departmental Performance Review


The Department of Commerce
(DOC), announces the appointment of
those individuals who have been
selected to serve as members of the
Departmental Performance Review
Board. The Performance Review Board
is responsible for (1) reviewing
performance appraisals and ratings of
Senior Executive Service (SES) members
and (2) making recommendations to the
appointing authority on other
performance management issues, such
as pay adjustments, bonuses and
Presidential Rank Awards. The
appointment of these members to the
Performance Review Board will be for a
period of twenty-four (24) months.
DATES: The period of appointment for
those individuals selected for the
Departmental Performance Review
Board begins on November 1, 2019.
Nagielski, U.S. Department of
Commerce, Office of Human Resources
Management, Department of Commerce
Human Capital Client Services, Office of
Employment and Compensation, 14th
and Constitution Avenue NW, Room
50013, Washington, DC 20230, at (202)
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 4314(c)(4), the
Department of Commerce (DOC),
announces the appointment of those
individuals who have been selected to
serve as members of the Departmental
Performance Review Board. The
Performance Review Board is
responsible for (1) reviewing
performance appraisals and ratings of
Senior Executive Service (SES) members
and (2) making recommendations to the
appointing authority on other
performance management issues, such
as pay adjustments, bonuses and
Presidential Rank Awards. The
appointment of these members to the
Performance Review Board will be for a
period of twenty-four (24) months. The
name, position title, and type of
appointment of each member of the
Performance Review Board are set forth
1. Department of Commerce, Office of
the Secretary (OS)
Renee Macklin, Director of
Information Technology for
Enterprise Services, Career SES

VerDate Sep<11>2014

19:23 Oct 31, 2019

Jkt 250001

2. Department of Commerce, Office of
the General Counsel, Office of the
Secretary (OGC/OS)
John Guenther, Chief, Employment
and Labor Law Division, Career SES
3. Department of Commerce, Economic
Development Agency (EDA)
Gregory Brown, Chief Financial
Officer and Chief Administrative
Officer, Career SES
4. Department of Commerce, U.S.
Bureau of the Census
Lisa Blumerman, Chief, Office of
Survey and Census Analytics,
Career SES
Dated: October 29, 2019.
Joan Nagielski,
Human Resources Specialist, Office of
Employment and Compensation, Department
of Commerce Human Capital Client Services,
Office of Human Resources Management,
Office of the Secretary, Department of
[FR Doc. 2019–23887 Filed 10–31–19; 8:45 am]

Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
The Department of Commerce will
submit to the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for clearance the
following proposal for collection of
information under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act.
Agency: U.S. Census Bureau.
Title: American Community Survey
Methods Panel Tests, 2020 Specialized
Mail Materials Test.
OMB Control Number: 0607–0936.
Form Number(s): ACS–1(X) (2020),
ACS internet.
Type of Request: Non-Substantive
Change Request.
Number of Respondents: 2,016,000.
Average Hours per Response: 40
minutes for the average household
Burden Hours: No additional burden
hours are requested under this nonsubstantive change request.
Needs and Uses: The American
Community Survey (ACS) collects
detailed socioeconomic data from about
3.5 million housing units in the United
States and 36,000 in Puerto Rico each
year. The ACS also collects detailed
socioeconomic data from about 195,000
residents living in Group Quarter (GQ)
facilities. An ongoing data collection
effort with an annual sample of this
magnitude requires that the ACS
continue research, testing, and
evaluations aimed at reducing
respondent burden, improving data
quality, achieving survey cost

PO 00000

Frm 00008

Fmt 4703

Sfmt 4703


efficiencies, and improving ACS
questionnaire content and related data
collection materials. The ACS Methods
Panel is a research program designed to
address and respond to issues and
survey needs.
Households in sample for the ACS in
2020 are legally required to respond to
both the ACS and the decennial census.
Receiving two sets of mailings in one
calendar year can be confusing to
respondents, which can increase the
perception that the ACS is burdensome
and intrusive and decrease the rate of
self-response. During the 2010 Census,
ACS response rates were higher than
usual in the first few months of the year
but were lower than usual in the spring
and summer months (Chesnut and Davis
2011, Baumgardner 2013). The
increased response rates early in the
year were attributed to the decennial
census communications campaign while
the decrease later in the year was
attributed to respondent confusion or
burden, as respondents had already
filled out the decennial census form.
To mitigate these issues, a set of
modified mail materials were developed
with language that directly addresses
the difference between the ACS and the
2020 Census, in order to differentiate
the two. These materials will be used
during the main response period for the
2020 Census, March through September.
The language modifications in the 2020
ACS materials are based on an
evaluation conducted by the Census
Bureau in 2010 to examine the use of
modified language, color, and branding
to create a distinct identity for the ACS
(Chesnut and Davis 2011). Additionally,
cognitive interviews of the 2020 ACS
modified materials were conducted in
the fall of 2018.
In order to assess the effect of the
modified messaging in the ACS
materials the Census Bureau is
proposing to conduct the 2020
Specialized Mail Materials Test. From
March through September, the ACS will
use mail materials that help clarify that
these mailings are not for the 2020
Census. This will be the control
treatment for the experiment and will be
sent to approximately 264,000 sampled
addresses each month. The
experimental treatment will not contain
the modified language but otherwise
will be the same as the control
materials. These materials will be sent
to approximately 24,000 sampled
addresses each month from March
through September and will also be
used for ACS production for the
remainder of the year (January,
February, and October through




Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 212 / Friday, November 1, 2019 / Notices

Affected Public: Individuals or
Frequency: One-time test, over seven
Respondent’s Obligation: Mandatory.
Legal Authority: Title 13, United
States Code, Sections 141, 193, and 221.
This information collection request
may be viewed at
Follow the instructions to view
Department of Commerce collections
currently under review by OMB.
Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to OIRA_Submission@ or fax to (202) 395–5806.
Sheleen Dumas,
Departmental Lead PRA Officer, Office of the
Chief Information Officer, Commerce
[FR Doc. 2019–23880 Filed 10–31–19; 8:45 am]

Bureau of Economic Analysis
[Docket Number 191028–0071]
RIN 0691–XC107

Request for Comment; Notice of
Development of Economic Statistics
for Puerto Rico
Bureau of Economic Analysis,
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice; request for comments.

The Bureau of Economic
Analysis (BEA) is soliciting comments
from the public on its new prototype
Economic Statistics for Puerto Rico,
which cover consumer spending,
business investment, and trade in goods
for Puerto Rico. BEA seeks comments on
the statistics’ methodology,
presentation, level of detail, and scope.
Following the public comment period,
BEA will incorporate feedback, update
the methodology and related materials
for these economic statistics, and
incorporate the revised prototype
economic statistics into research to
develop estimates of Puerto Rico GDP.
DATES: Comments must be received no
later than December 2, 2019.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by the following methods:
• Email: [email protected].
• Mail: Sabrina Montes, Office of the
Director, Bureau of Economic Analysis,
Department of Commerce, 4600 Silver
Hill Road (BE–40), Washington, DC
Comments sent by any other method
or after the comment period may not be

VerDate Sep<11>2014

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considered. All comments are a part of
the public record.
Sabrina Montes, Office of the Director,
Bureau of Economic Analysis,
Department of Commerce, 4600 Silver
Hill Road (BE–40), Washington, DC
20233; phone: (301) 278–9268 or email
[email protected].
BEA initiated a project to calculate GDP
for Puerto Rico in order to support
Puerto Rico’s economic recovery
following devastating hurricanes in
2017. This project follows technical
collaborations between BEA and the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico dating
back to 2010. The project also responds
to recommendations from the
Congressional Task Force on Economic
Growth in Puerto Rico and Government
Accountability Office that BEA calculate
GDP for Puerto Rico.
The present project—a collaborative
effort between the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico and BEA—combines the
best available Puerto Rico source data
with BEA’s current national accounting
methodologies. The project seeks to
produce accurate and objective
economic statistics for Puerto Rico
comparable to data for other U.S.
territories, states, and the nation.
Methodological updates incorporated
in the prototype statistics include:
• Using chain-type Fisher indexes to
calculate changes in aggregate output
and prices;
• Expanding the use of economic
census data from the U.S. Census
Bureau; and
• Treating expenditures on intangible
assets as investment to allow users to
understand how these intangible assets
drive economic growth.
In October 2019, BEA published
prototype estimates that incorporate
these methodological updates for select
GDP components for 2012–2017.
BEA is seeking feedback on its
prototype statistics of consumer
spending, business investment, and
trade in goods for Puerto Rico. BEA will
consider this feedback as it continues to
refine source data, methodology, and
data presentations before incorporating
these measures into future prototype
Puerto Rico GDP statistics.
BEA invites comments from the
public; private industry; state, local, and
territorial governments; non-profit
organizations; and other interested
parties to assist in improving the
prototype statistics. In particular, BEA is
interested in feedback regarding the
1. How will the statistics on consumer
spending, business investment, and
trade in goods for Puerto Rico be used?

PO 00000

Frm 00009

Fmt 4703

Sfmt 4703

2. Would an annual publication in
May be useful? If not, what time of the
year would be most valuable to inform
planning and other uses?
3. Are the prototype estimates
consistent with the data and local
information that are available elsewhere
on Puerto Rico? If not, please describe
the differences.
4. Do you have any feedback about the
methodology used to create the
prototype Economic Statistics for Puerto
Rico described in the October 2019
Summary of Methodologies: Puerto Rico
Personal Consumption Expenditures,
Private Fixed Investment, and Net
Exports of Goods (available at
5. Are there additional or alternative
source data that you believe could be
used to generate and corroborate these
statistics beyond those described in the
October 2019 Summary of
Methodologies: Puerto Rico Personal
Consumption Expenditures, Private
Fixed Investment, and Net Exports of
Goods (available at
6. Which would be more useful: Lessdetailed industry breakdowns, which
will result in fewer data suppressions to
protect confidentiality, or more-detailed
industry breakdowns, with the
necessary suppressions?
Authority: Chapter 5, Title 15 U.S.C.; 15
U.S.C. Section 1516; 13 U.S.C. Section 401
and 402.
Sabrina Montes,
Economist, Bureau of Economic Analysis.
[FR Doc. 2019–23866 Filed 10–31–19; 8:45 am]

International Trade Administration

Carbon and Alloy Seamless Standard,
Line and Pressure Pipe (Under 4.5
Inches) From Romania: Partial
Rescission of Antidumping Duty
Administrative Review; 2018–2019
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce
(Commerce) is rescinding the
administrative review, in part, of the
antidumping duty order on carbon and
alloy seamless standard, line and
pressure pipe (under 4.5 inches) (small
diameter seamless pipe) from Romania
for the period August 1, 2018 through
July 31, 2019.
DATES: Applicable November 1, 2019.
Katherine Johnson or Samantha Kinney,
AD/CVD Operations, Office VIII,



Methods Panel Burden Tracker
3-year American Community Survey Methods Panel Tests (0607-0936) (August 2018 - August 2021)
Total Burden Hours Requested over 3 years: 348,167

Methods Panel Submissions for Tests in
August 2018-August 2021

Mail Materials Test
2019 Census Test

2019 ACS Due Dates Test

2020 Specialized Mail Materials Test


Field Date

September 2018
June 2019

September 2019
March 2020
through September

Size (HUs)

Number of

Cost to

Burden Hours














There is no change in burden to the public
associated with this test. The test is being conducted
using production ACS sample
There is no change in burden to the public
associated with this test. The test is being conducted
using production ACS sample
There is no change in burden to the public
associated with this test. The test is being conducted
using production ACS sample



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleNSC for 2020 Specialized Mail Materials Test
AuthorKathryn A Cheza (CENSUS/ACSO FED)
File Modified2019-11-06
File Created2019-11-06

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