Instrument 3_PREP Performance Reporting System Data Entry Form_clean_121420

Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) Performance Measures and Adulthood Preparation Subjects (PMAPS)

Instrument 3_PREP Performance Reporting System Data Entry Form_clean_121420

OMB: 0970-0497

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Personal responsibility education program (PREP)

Instrument 3

performance reporting system data entry form

DECEMber 2020

The 92 estimated grantees will report measures on participant demographics, behaviors, intentions, and perceived effects; attendance, reach, and dosage; implementation challenges and needs for technical assistance; and structure, cost, and support for program implementation. The contractor (Mathematica) will develop tools grantees can use to aggregate data originating from subrecipient providers and to organize all of the performance measures data elements to facilitate entry into the national system. However, these tools are considered voluntary and to be used at the discretion of the grantees. Grantees may elect to use alternative means to collect and aggregate the data that will be submitted. The only requirement is that all grantees enter the required measures into the national system systematically, and for that they will use an online form that contains all of the items in this instrument.

Measures of Demographics and Behaviors

Collected at Program Entry


[reporting period]


Enter grantee name


Enter provider name


Enter program name

Enter Count

Enter Count

Total Entry Surveys Completed (Middle School):

Total Entry Surveys Completed (High School or Older):

Did the program receive an approval from their Federal Project Officer to delay their survey data collection start date?


Did the program receive an approved waiver from their Federal Project Officer for any entry survey items?


At any point during the reporting period [DATES], was the program unable to collect Entry Survey data due to COVID-19?


What mode(s) of data collection did the program use for participant entry surveys during the reporting period? MARK YES OR NO FOR EACH

In-person paper-and-pencil survey


Online, web-based survey


Telephone survey


Mail survey


Other (specify:___________)


Enter Count

Enter Count


Age 10



Age 11


Age 12


Age 13


Age 14

Age 15

Language(s) spoken at home


Age 16


Age 17*

Other (specify:

Age 18*


Age 19*


Age 20 or older*




Measures of Demographics and Behaviors

Collected at Program Entry


[reporting period]


Enter grantee name


Enter provider name


Enter program name

Enter Count

Enter Count




Grade 5+


Grade 6+


Grade 7+


Grade 8+

Grade 9


American Indian or Alaska Native

Grade 10*


Grade 11*

Black or African American

Grade 12*

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

School does not assign grade levels

White or Caucasian

Dropped out of school and is not working on getting a high school diploma or GED*



Living with family [parent(s), guardian, grandparents, or other relatives]

Working toward GED*

Vulnerable Populations

In foster care, living with a family

Has high school diploma or GED but is not currently enrolled in college or technical school*

In foster care, living in a group home

Couch surfing or moving from home to home

Has high school diploma or GED and is currently enrolled in college or technical school*

Living in a place not meant to be a residence, such as outside, in a tent city or homeless camp, in a car, in an abandoned vehicle, or in an abandoned building

Staying in an emergency shelter or transitional living program

Not currently enrolled in school+

Staying in a hotel or motel


In juvenile detention, jail, prison or another correctional facility, or under the supervision of a probation officer


None of the above



Total (unduplicated) youth in foster care

Total (unduplicated) runaway or homeless youth

Total (unduplicated) youth in adjudication system

Measures of Demographics, Behaviors, and Intentions

Collected at Program Entry


[reporting period]


Enter grantee name


Enter provider name


Enter program name

Enter Count

In past three months, the respondent:

All of the time

Most of the Time

Some of the Time

None of the time



Resisted or said no to peer pressure

Managed emotions in healthy ways

Worked together to find a solution when disagreed with a friend

Chose to spend time with friends that keep them out of trouble

Made decisions to not use drugs and alcohol

Was respectful of others

Thought about the consequences before making a decision

Talked with parent, guardian, or caregiver about things going on in their life

Talked with parent, guardian, or caregiver about sex

Measures of Demographics, Behaviors, and Intentions

Collected at Program Entry


[reporting period]


Enter grantee name


Enter provider name


Enter program name

Enter Count

How true is each statement:

Not true at all

Somewhat true

Very true



Makes plans to reach goals

Cares about doing well in school

Plans to graduate high school or get GED

Plans to get more education and/or training after high school or completing GED

Plans to get a full-time steady job after school

Feels comfortable talking to parent, guardian, or caregiver about sex

Would speak up or ask for help if being bullied in person or online, via text, while gaming, or through other social media

Would speak up or ask for help if others were being bullied in person or online, via text, while gaming, or through other social media

Saves money to get what they want

Feels confident about how to open a bank account

Feels confident about how to prepare a budget

Feels confident about tracking expenses

Understands costs associated with raising a child

Understands what makes a relationship healthy

Looks for information and resources about dating violence

Would be able to resist or say no to someone they are dating or going out with if pressured to participate in sexual acts

Would talk to a friend if someone they are dating or going out with makes them uncomfortable, hurts them, or pressures them to do things they don’t want to do

Would talk to a trusted adult if someone they are dating or going out with makes them uncomfortable, hurts them, or pressures them to do things they don’t want to do

Would talk to a trusted adult if someone other than the person they are dating or going out with makes them uncomfortable, hurts them, or pressures them to do things they don’t want to do

Plans to delay having sexual intercourse until graduates high school or receives GED*

Plans to delay having sexual intercourse until graduates college or completes another education or training program*

Plans to delay having sexual intercourse until married*

Plans to be married before having a child*

Plans to have a steady full-time job before getting married*

Plans to have a steady full-time job before having a child*

Measures of Demographics, Behaviors, and Intentions

Collected at Program Entry


[reporting period]


Enter grantee name


Enter provider name


Enter program name

Enter Count



Never had sex

Not sure


No response because completed middle school version of survey


Ever had sexual intercourse*

Ever been/gotten someone pregnant*

Ever been told by doctor or other medical provider they had an STI*

Enter Count

Never had sex

Have had sex but not

in the past 3 months



4 or more people

No response

because completed

middle school version

of the survey



Number of people with whom had sexual intercourse in past 3 months*

Enter Count

Never had sex

Have had sex but not

in the past 3 months

All of the Time

Most of the Time

Some of the Time

None of the time


No response because

completed middle school

version of survey


How often used a condom for sexual intercourse in past three months*

How often used birth control other than condoms for sexual intercourse in past three months*

Measures of Demographics, Intentions, and Perceived Effects

Collected at Program Exit


[reporting period]


Enter grantee name


Enter provider name


Enter program name

Enter Count

Enter Count

Total Exit Surveys Completed (Middle school):

Total Exit Surveys Completed

(High school and older):

Did the program receive an approval from their Federal Project Officer to delay their survey data collection start date?


Did the program receive an approved waiver from their Federal Project Officer for any exit survey items?


At any point during the reporting period [DATES], was the program unable to collect Exit Survey data due to COVID-19?


What mode(s) of data collection did the program use for participant exit surveys during the reporting period?


In-person paper-and-pencil survey


Online, web-based survey


Telephone survey


Mail survey


Other (specify:___________ )


Enter Count

Enter Count


Age 10



Age 11


Age 12


Age 13


Age 14

Age 15

Language(s) spoken at home


Age 16


Age 17*


Age 18*


Age 19*


Age 20 or older*




Enter Count

Enter Count




Grade 5+


Grade 6+


Grade 7+


Grade 8+

Grade 9


American Indian or Alaska Native

Grade 10*


Grade 11*

Black or African American

Grade 12*

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

School does not assign grade levels

White or Caucasian

Dropped out of school and is not working on getting a high school diploma or GED*


Working toward GED*


Has high school diploma or GED but is not currently enrolled in college or technical school*

Has high school diploma or GED and is currently enrolled in college or technical school*

Vulnerable Populations

Living with family [parent(s), guardian, grandparents, or other relatives]

Not currently enrolled in school+

In foster care, living with a family


In foster care, living in a group home


Couch surfing or moving from home to home

+ = Middle school survey only

* = High school and older survey only

Living in a place not meant to be a residence, such as outside, in a tent city or homeless camp, in a car, in an abandoned vehicle, or in an abandoned building

Staying in an emergency shelter or transitional living program

Staying in a hotel or motel

In juvenile detention, jail, prison or another correctional facility, or under the supervision of a probation officer

None of the above



Total (unduplicated) youth in foster care

Total (unduplicated) runaway or homeless youth

Total (unduplicated) youth in adjudication system

Measures of Demographics, Intentions, and Perceived Effects

Collected at Program Exit


[reporting period]


Enter grantee name


Enter provider name


Enter program name

Enter Count

Enter the number of respondents who report the program made them much more, somewhat more, about the same, somewhat less, or much less likely to exhibit the following adult behaviors or sexual activities.

Much more likely

Somewhat more likely

About the same

Somewhat less likely

Much less likely



Resist or say no to peer pressure

Manage emotions in healthy ways

Work together to find a solution when disagree with a friend

Choose to spend time with friends that keep them out of trouble

Make decisions to not use drugs and alcohol

Be respectful of others

Think about the consequences before making a decision

Make plans to reach their goals

Care about doing well in school

Graduate high school or get GED

Get more education and/or training after high school or completing GED

Get a steady full-time job after school

Save money to get things they want

Feel confident about how to open a bank account

Feel confident about how to prepare a budget

Feel confident about how to track expenses

Understand the costs associated with raising a child

Talk with parent, guardian, or caregiver about things going on in their life

Talk with parent, guardian, or caregiver about sex

Feel comfortable talking with parent, guardian, or caregiver about sex

Speak up or ask for help if being bullied in person or online, via text, while gaming, or through other social media

Speak up or ask for help if others were being bullied in person or online, via text, while gaming, or through other social media

Better understand what makes a relationship healthy

Look for information and resources about dating violence

Resist or say no to someone they are dating or going out with if they pressure them to participate in sexual acts

Talk to a friend if someone they are dating or going out with makes them uncomfortable, hurts them, or pressures them to do things they don’t want to do

Talk to a trusted adult if someone they are dating or going out with makes them uncomfortable, hurts them, or pressures them to do things they don’t want to do

Talk to a trusted adult if someone other than the person they are dating or going out with makes them uncomfortable, hurts them, or pressures them to do things they don’t want to do

Enter Count

How true is each statement:

Not true at all

Somewhat true

Very true



Plans to delay having sexual intercourse until graduates high school or receives GED

Plans to delay having sexual intercourse until graduates college or completes another education or training program

Plans to delay having sexual intercourse until married

Plans to be married before having a child

Plans to have a steady full-time job before getting married

Plans to have a steady full-time job before having a child

Enter Count



Not sure


No response because completed middle school version of survey


As a result of being in the program, plans to abstain from sexual intercourse for at least the next 3 months*

Enter Count

How important are each of these reasons in respondent’s decision to not have sex for at least the next 3 months:

Not at all important

Not too important

Somewhat important

Very important

Question does not apply because they do not plan to abstain for next 3 months

No response because completed middle school version of the survey



How it might affect plans for the future*

Possible emotional consequences (for example, feeling sadness or regret) *

Possible social consequences (for example, get a bad reputation or have rumors spread about you, have to deal with drama, make your relationship with someone you are dating or going out with worse, or get in trouble with your parents) *

Risk of getting a sexually transmitted infection (STI) *

Risk of getting pregnant or getting someone pregnant*

Enter Count

Enter the number of respondents who report the program made them much more, somewhat more, about the same, somewhat less, or much less likely to exhibit the following behaviors.

Much more likely

Somewhat more likely

About the same

Somewhat less likely

Much less likely


Question does not apply because will not have sex

No response because completed middle school version of survey


Have sexual intercourse in the next 3 months*

Use (or ask your partner to use) a condom if having sexual intercourse in the next 3 months*

Use (or ask your partner to use) birth control other than condoms if having sexual intercourse in the next 3 months*

Measures of Demographics, Intentions, and Perceived Effects

Collected at Program Exit


[reporting period]


Enter grantee name


Enter provider name


Enter program name

Enter Count

Enter the number of respondents who assessed their program experience according to the scale to the right. How often in this program…

All of the time

Most of the time

Some of the time

None of the time



Felt interested in program sessions and classes

Felt the material presented was clear

Felt discussions or activities helped to learn program lessons

Had a chance to ask questions about topics or issues that came up in the program

Felt respected as a person

Were picked on, teased, or bullied

Any youth were picked on, teased, or bullied

Enter Count

Enter the number of respondents who assessed their program experience according to the scale to the right. How satisfied were they with…

Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

A little satisfied

Not at all satisfied



The amount of information they received about abstaining from sex (choosing to not have sex)

The amount of information they received about condoms and birth control

Measures of Attendance, Reach, and Dosage


[reporting period]


Enter grantee name


Enter provider name


Enter program name

Enter Count


Enter the number of youth during the reporting period who:

Attended at least one program session

Number of middle school age participants

Number of high school age or older participants

Program Setting

Attended a session in school during school

Attended a session in school after school

Attended a session in a community-based organization

Attended a session in a clinic

Attended a session in a foster care setting

Attended a session in a juvenile detention center

Attended a session in a residential mental health treatment facility

Attended a virtual session1

Attended a session in another setting

Majority population

Indicate whether more than 50 percent of youth attending the program were:

In foster care

Homeless or runaway

Pregnant or parenting

In adjudication systems


Enter the appropriate count below

The number of youth who completed at least 75 percent of scheduled program hours

Measures of Attendance, Reach, and Dosage


[reporting period]


Enter grantee name


Enter provider name


Enter program name












Enter a unique identifier for each cohort that ended the program during this reporting period.

How many hours of programming, overall, were delivered to the cohort?

Measures of Implementation Challenges and Needs for Technical Assistance


[reporting period]


Enter grantee name


Enter provider name

Use the scale at the right to indicate how provider assessed the implementation challenges below.

Not a Problem

Somewhat a problem

A serious problem

Recruiting youth

Keeping youth engaged

Getting youth to attend regularly

Recruiting qualified staff

Ensuring facilitators understand content

Covering program content

Staff turnover

Negative peer reactions

Youth behavioral problems

Natural disasters

Program facilities

Obtaining buy-in or support from key stakeholders

Use the scale at the right to indicate if the provider has expressed interest in receiving technical assistance for the implementation factors below.

Not Interested Because Already Received

Not Interested

Somewhat Interested

Very Interested

Recruiting youth

Keeping youth engaged in program sessions

Getting youth to attend regularly

Recruiting qualified staff

Training facilitators

Retaining staff

Minimizing negative peer reactions

Addressing youth behavioral issues

Obtaining buy-in or support from key stakeholders

Evaluation (e.g., how to select or manage an evaluator, data collection, data analysis, and report writing)

Parent support and engagement


Measures of Structure, Cost, and Support for Program Implementation


[reporting period]


Enter grantee name

PREP Operational Status Related to COVID-19

Did the grantee experience any interruptions of PREP administrative operations during the reporting period due to COVID-19?


Did the grantee experience any interruptions of PREP services to youth during the reporting period due to COVID-19?


PREP Funding

Total amount of PREP grant funding obligated (including any carryover funds) during [reporting period]


Of that total, percentage obligated for:

  • Direct service provision (youth programming)

  • Training, technical assistance, and monitoring conducted at the grantee level3

  • Evaluation and/or research

  • Retained for administrative purposes at the grantee level4





Grantee Staffing


Number of grantee staff involved in overseeing PREP5


Number of staffing vacancies at any point during the reporting period due to COVID-19

(enter 0 if none)


Of those vacancies, number filled by the end of the reporting period (enter 0 if none)


Number of grantee FTEs involved in overseeing PREP


Number of grantee FTEs vacant at any point during the reporting period due to COVID-19 (enter 0 if none)


Of those vacant FTEs, number filled by the end of the reporting period (enter 0 if none)


Grantee Observation, Training and Technical Assistance


Grantee or its designee observed program delivery to monitor quality and fidelity to program models

Type of organization that conducted observations (mark all that apply):



Training or technical assistance partner

Evaluation partner

Program provider

Grantee or its designee provided technical assistance to support program implementation

Type of organization that provided technical assistance (mark all that apply):



Training or technical assistance partner

Evaluation partner

Program provider

Grantee or its designee conducted training of facilitators who deliver the program (or of other staff who might train facilitators)

Type of organization that conducted program facilitator training (mark all that apply):



Training or technical assistance partner

Evaluation partner

Program provider

Provider Count


Number of providers funded

Number of new providers

Measures of Structure, Cost, and Support for Program Implementation


[reporting period]


Enter grantee name


Enter provider name

Provider Funding


PREP award amount (for current reporting period only)


Amount of non-PREP funding received during current reporting period to support PREP programming


Provider Staff Administering PREP


Number of provider staff involved in administering PREP programs6

Number of PREP administrative staff vacancies at any point during the reporting period due to COVID-19 (enter 0 if none)

Number of those vacancies filled by the end of the reporting period (enter 0 if none)

Number of provider FTEs involved in administering PREP programs

Number of provider PREP administrative staff FTEs vacant at any point during the reporting period due to COVID-19 (enter 0 if none)

Of those vacant FTEs, number filled by the end of the reporting period (enter 0 if none)

Provider Status


Is provider new for the [reporting period]?

Did provider serve youth during the [reporting period]?



Number of PREP facilitators working for provider

Number of PREP facilitator staff vacancies at any point during the reporting period due to COVID-19 (enter 0 if none)

Number of those vacancies filled by the end of the reporting period (enter 0 if none)

Facilitator Training and Observation


Number of PREP facilitators trained in delivering core program model

Number of PREP facilitators observed exactly once

Number of PREP facilitators observed twice or more

Measures of Structure, Cost, and Support for Program Implementation


[reporting period]


Enter grantee name


Enter provider name


Enter program name

Program Delivery

Program model implemented

Number of intended program delivery hours

PREP Operational Status Related to COVID-19

Y / N

Offered PREP programming virtually, rather than in person, during the reporting period due to COVID-19?

If yes:

Continued to offer programming virtually after shifting from in-person programming during the previous reporting period

Shifted to virtual programming beginning in the current reporting period

Indicate which, if any, of the following youth groups are target populations for the provider’s program

Y / N

Target Population

Youth in foster care

Homeless or runaway youth

Youth living with HIV/AIDS

Pregnant or parenting youth

Hispanic/Latino youth

African American youth

Native American youth

Youth in adjudication systems

Male youth

Youth in high-need geographic areas

Out of school or dropout youth

Youth in residential treatment for mental health issues

Trafficked youth

Indicate which of the following adulthood preparation subjects (APS) are covered by the program

Y / N

Adulthood Preparation Subjects

Healthy relationships

Adolescent development

Financial literacy

Parent child communication

Educational and career success

Healthy life skills

For each APS selected, indicate whether content is (mark all that apply):

Y / N

Source of Adulthood Preparation Subjects Content

Included in the program’s evidence-based or evidence-informed APP curriculum

Covered by incorporating an entire additional existing curriculum

Covered by adding selected lessons from another existing curriculum

Covered by original content that we or a partner organization created

11Virtual includes any programming that is facilitated online rather than by an in-person facilitator, regardless of the physical setting where participants are located

2 PMMS will include the following hover-over text: “A cohort, in this context, represents a group of youth that all jointly receive a defined PREP program, which could include a specific curriculum and any additional hours of programming added to meet all requirements for the PREP program, including requirements for covering select adulthood preparation subjects. If a provider is delivering a PREP program to multiple groups of youth simultaneously, but these groups meet separately, each group of youth should be considered a separate cohort. A cohort could consist of an individual, if programming is delivered one-on-one.

3 PMMS will include the following hover-over text: “This would include funds for training or TA that is provided by the grantee or its designee for grantee staff, provider staff, or program staff. However, it would exclude funds given to subrecipient program providers and used by those providers for their own training or TA.”

4 PMMS will include the following hover-over text: “This would include funds used for grantee administrative purposes but would exclude funds given to subrecipient program providers and used by those providers for administrative purposes.”

5 PMMS will include the following hover-over text: “This measure should include grantee staff, such as PREP program directors and program coordinators, who were directly responsible for administering, managing, and overseeing the PREP program. Do not include grantee staff who provide programming directly to youth but do not oversee PREP in this measure. Those staff should be counted in the measure of facilitators on the program provider data page. If staff play both roles, they should be included in both measures.”

6 PMMS will include the following hover-over text: “This measure should include provider staff, such as PREP program directors and program coordinators, who were directly responsible for administering, managing, and overseeing the PREP program for the provider. Do not include staff who provide programming directly to youth in this measure. Those staff should be counted in the measure of facilitators later in this section. If staff play both roles, they should be included in both measures.”

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-05-05

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