Self-Administered Forms (Mother)

The Study to Explore Early Development (SEED) - Phase 3 (Modified for COVID-19 Impact Assessment)

Attachment 8.h. Services and Treatments Questionnaire SEED 3

Self-Administered Forms (Mother)

OMB: 0920-1171

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OMB No. 0920-XXXX

Attachment 8.h. Exp. Date: XX/XX/20XX

Study ID #: ______________

Date of Completion:________

Study to Explore Early Development

Services and Treatments Questionnaire

Many children participate in classroom based preschool programs, individual group programs, complementary therapies, alternative therapies, or other therapies to meet their developmental needs. We would like to get a sense of the types of services and treatments your child has received. Has your child ever used any of the following services or therapies?




Age at first service date (any location; (specify years and months)

Is child still receiving service?


Age at last service date

(any location; specify years and months)


Total Hours per week


Service takes place…

(check all that apply)

Preschool program (general)

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months


Enter IN school

Preschool program (special needs)

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months


Enter IN school

Respite care

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months


Enter OUT of school

ABA Behavior modification

____years & ____months

Yes No

____years & _____ months

in school

out of school

Classroom aide, para-educator or shadow

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

in school

out of school

Occupational therapy, including sensory therapy

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

in school

out of school

Physical therapy

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

in school

out of school

Social skills training

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

in school

out of school

Speech language therapy

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

in school

out of school

Other: specify:____________

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

in school

out of school

Other: specify:____________

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

in school

out of school

Other: specify:____________

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

in school

out of school

In the next sections, note the types of additional therapies your child has ever received and the types of medications he or she has ever been prescribed to treat behavioral symptoms.

Complementary or alternative therapies ever used to treat behavioral symptoms



Age when first used (specify years and months)

Is child still receiving treatment?


Age when last used

(specify years and months)

If EVER used,

Specify type of therapy or diet

Chelation therapy

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

Chiropractic Care or massage therapy

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

Diet: Gluten and/or Casein Free

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

Diet: Yeast Free Diet

____years & ____months

Yes No

____years & _____ months

Diet: Other

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

Dietary or Vitamin Supplements

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

Herbal supplements, medication or tea

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

Immune treatments (e.g. stem cell transplants or antibiotic or antiviral therapies)

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

Other: specify:_______________

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

Other: specify:_______________

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

Other: specify:_______________

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

Medications ever used to treat behavioral symptoms



Age at first dose

(specify years and months)

Is child still receiving medication?


Age at last dose

(specify years and months)

If EVER used,

Specific name(s) of medication(s)

Antidepressants, anti-anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive medications, such as Prozac or Zoloft

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

Atypical Antipsychotics, such as Risperdal or Abilify

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

Medications used to treat seizures and/or stabilize mood, such as Tegretol, Lamictal

____years & ____months

Yes No

____years & _____ months

Non-stimulant medications used to treat hyperactivity or inattention, such as Tenex or Clonidine

____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

Stimulant medications often used to treat hyperactivity or inattention, such as Ritalin or Adderall

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

Other medication

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

Other medication

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

Other medication

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months

Other medication

_____years & ____ months

Yes No

_____years & _____ months


Common Medications Used to Treat Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Antidepressant, anti-anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive medications:

  • Zoloft® (Also called sertraline.)

  • Effexor® (Also called venlafaxine.)

  • Prozac® (Also called fluoxetine.)

  • Wellbutrin® (Also called buproprion.)

  • Paxil® (Also called paroxetine.)

  • BuSpar® (Also called buspirone.)

Atypical antipsychotics (commonly used to treat irritability and/or challenging behaviors):

  • Risperdal® (Also called risperidone.)

  • Clozaril® (Also called clozapine.)

  • Abilify® (Also called aripiprazole.)

  • Haldol® (Also called haloperidol.)

  • Seroquel (Also called quetiapine.)

  • Mellaril® (Also called thioridazine.)

  • Zyprexa® (Also called olanzapine.)

  • Orap® (Also called pimozide.)

Hypertension agents (as alpha adrenergic agonists, commonly used to hyperactivity and inattention):

  • Tenex® (Also called Guanfacine.)

  • Clonidine® (Also called Catapres.)

Medications used to treat seizures and/or stabilize mood:

  • Depakote® (Also called valproic acid.)

  • Eskalith® (Also called lithium carbonate.)

  • Tegretol® (Also called carbamazepine.)

  • Lithobid® (Also called lithium carbonate.)

  • Cibalith-S® (Also called lithium citrate.)

  • Lamictal® (Also called lamotrigine.)

Stimulant Medications (often used to treat hyperactivity and inattention):

  • Ritalin® (Also called methylphenidate.)

  • Dexedrine® (Also called dextroamphetamine.)

  • Concerta® (Also called methylphenidate.)

  • Dextrostat® (Also called dextroamphetamine.)

  • Metadate® ER (Also called methyphenidate.)

  • Focalin® (Also called dexmethylphenidate.)

  • Adderall® (Also called amphetamine.)

  • Strattera® (Also called atomoxetine.)

  • Cylert® (Also called pemoline.)

  • Daytrana® (Also called methylphenidate transdermal patches.)

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 10 minutes, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.  Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74,  Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN:  PRA (0920-0010).

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleStudy Start Services and Treatment Questionnaire 2007
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-02-19

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