US Department of Transportation
2020 NextGen National Household Travel Survey (NHTS)
May 2020
Study Information
Client: US Department of Transportation
Project Title: 2020 NextGen National Household Travel Survey (NHTS)
Account Executive: Robert Torongo
Project Manager: Ryan Tully
Length of interview: TBD
Sample Variables
KP Standard Demographic Variables
Standard Question Type Descriptions
Standard question types include:
S = Single Select: Allows respondents to select one answer in a list of options.
M = Multi-select: Allows respondents to select multiple answers from a list of options.
DD = Dropdown Menu: Allows respondents to select one answer from a drop-down menu of options.
Grid (including options for banked or accordion grids)
S (Optional: Banked/Accordion) Grid: Allows respondents to select one answer in a 2-dimensional grid layout.
M (Optional: Banked/Accordion) Grid: Allows respondents to select multiple answers in a 2-dimensional grid layout.
N = Number: Allows respondents to enter a numeric response in an open-ended answer field (specify valid range or number of digits, e.g., up to three digits for age, five numbers for zip code)
T = Text: Allows respondents to enter a text response in an open-ended answer field (specify size as Small, Medium, Large or a specific number of characters, e.g., two letters for U.S. state)
D = Display/Descriptive Content: Displays text and/or multimedia elements to respondents without requiring interaction.
RT = Ratings Thermometer: Allows respondents to select a numeric value (usually 0-100 on a visual scale resembling a thermometer
RS = Ratings Slider: Allows respondents to select a numeric value (usually 0-100 on a horizontal visual scale with the endpoints labelled
Main Questionnaire (including screener)
Scripting Notes:
Code refusals as -7, unless specified otherwise as specified
Use default instruction text for each question type unless otherwise specified.
Respondents should be required to answer all questions where required response is indicated.
I. Recruitment Survey
base: main respondent
recruitment display [d]
Thank you for being part of the National Household Travel Survey. The US Department of Transportation is conducting this study to understand the daily travel needs of Americans and how well the road, highway, bus and rail systems are working and to help us plan for the future.
Your responses are important to help us understand the issues you and people in your household may face. Our initial section of the survey should take you about 5 to 10 minutes and as our thank you for completing this section, you will receive [insert $2 if kp sample].
Participating is voluntary and your responses will be kept confidential. If you have comments or suggestions about your participation or this survey, please contact [insert name], [insert title], [insert organization], [insert number], [insert e-mail address], [insert address]. Please refer to OMB Control Number [insert number]-[insert number], expiration date [insert date].
Please click the ‘Next’ button below to proceed to the survey.
base: main respondent
q1 [banked grid, sp across; required response]
In the past 30 days, did you use the following types of transportation?
Statements in row:
Q1_1. Taxi service
Q1_2. Rideshare such as Uber/Lyft
Q1_3. Bike share
Q1_4. E-Scooters
Q1_5. Public transit
Answers in column:
1. Yes
2. No
3. Don’t know
base: show if q1_1=1 ‘yes’
taxiservice [n; required response]
In the past 30 days, on how many days did you use a taxi service?
[insert numeric box, range 0-30] Number of days
base: show if q1_2=1 ‘yes’
rideshare20 [n; required response]
In the past 30 days, on how many days did you use a rideshare service (e.g. Uber, Lyft,)?
[insert numeric box, range 0-30] Number of days
base: show if q1_3=1 ‘yes’
bikeshare20 [n; required response]
In the past 30 days, on how many days did you use a bike share program (e.g. Bikeshare, Zagster, or Citi Bike)?
[insert numeric box, range 0-30] Number of days
base: show if q1_4=1 ‘yes’
escooterused [n; required response]
In the past 30 days, on how many days did you use e-scooters (e.g., Lime or Bird)?
[insert numeric box, range 0-30] Number of days
base: show if q1_5=1 ‘yes’
ptused [n; required response]
In the past 30 days, on how many days did you use public transportation such as buses, subways, streetcars, or commuter trains?
[insert numeric box, range 0-30] Number of days
base: main respondent
homeown [s]
Is the house, apartment, or mobile home in which you live…?
1. Owned by you or someone in the household with a mortgage or loan (including home equity loans)
2. Owned by you or someone in the household free and clear (without a mortgage or loan)
3. Rented by you or someone in the household
4. Occupied without payment of rent
base: main respondent
home type [s]
Which best describes the building where you live?
1. One-family house detached from any other house
2. One-family house attached to one or more houses (such as a condo or townhouse)
3. Building with 2 or more apartments
4. Mobile home
5. Boat, RV, van, etc.
Scripting: Please display PPT18OV, PPT517, and PPT04 on same screen
base: main respondent
NUMADULT [n, range 0-20; prompt if all ages are under 18: Please give the age of at least one person who is over 18; required response; sum total of numadult + pp517 + youngchild should not exceed 15 people]
How many people currently live in your household who are 18 years old or older?
[insert numeric box] Number of adults 18 years of age or older
base: main respondent
ppt517 [n, range 0-20; required response]
How many children currently live in your household who are 5 to 17 years old?
[insert numeric box] Number of children 5 to 17 years old
base: main respondent
YOUNGCHILD [n, range 0-20; required response]
How many children under the age of 5 live in your household?
[insert numeric box] Number of children under age 5
Scripting: Please create variable HHSIZE, which should contain the sum total of NUMADULT + PPT517 + YOUNGCHILD
ii. extended travel diary survey
ii a. address confirmation
base: main respondent
consent [d]
Next, each member of your household will be asked where, when and how they traveled to each of the places they went yesterday, [insert day prior date]. In addition, we will ask about work, school, and how the people in your household usually travel from place to place. We will also ask you some general questions about your household, such as about the vehicles that you have. If the person is not around or unavailable to complete their section, you may answer for them.
This portion of the survey will take about [insert if hhsize=1: 30 minutes ; if hhsize=2: 50 minutes ; if hhsize=3: 70 minutes ; if hhsize=4: 90 minutes [continue for additional hhsize]] and you will receive [insert if hhsize=1: $5 if you ; if hhsize=2: $5 if both people in the household ; if hhsize=3: $5 if all three people in the household ; if hhsize=4: $10 if three or more people in the household [continue for additional hhsize]] complete this portion of the survey.
Please click the ‘Next’ button below to continue.
base: main respondent
confirmadd [s; required response]
To help us understand the things that influence your travel choices, we have a few questions about your household. First, we want to confirm your address. Do you live at…
[insert address1] [insert address2]
[insert city], [insert state] [insert zip code]
1. Yes
2. No, I need to update or correct
base: show if confirmadd=2
confirmadd2 [t; required response]
What is your correct address?
Address1. [insert small text box]
Address2. [insert small text box]
City. [insert small text box]
State. [insert small text box]
Zip Code. [insert small text box]
Scripting: Please create variables LOCNAME and LOCTYPE. Please autopopulate LOCNAME=Home’ and LOCTYPE=1.
II B. Household Vehicle Information
base: main respondent
hhvehcnt [n, range 0-20; prompt: Knowing how many vehicles are available to a household is important for understanding how people go from place to place. We need you to report this information in order to continue with the survey; required response]
How many motor vehicles are owned, leased, or available for regular use on the road by the people who currently live in your household? Please include motorcycles, mopeds, and RVs. Enter “0” if your household has no motor vehicles to use regularly
[insert small numeric box] Total number of motor vehicles for regular use
base: show if hhvehcnt > 0
vehroster [n, range 1900-2022; accordion format; required response]
For each of the vehicles available to your household, to the best of your recollection, what is the year, make and model? (Make is the manufacturer like Ford or Toyota, Model is the product name like ‘Escape’ or ‘Camry’)
Scripting: Rows included should reflect the number given in HHVEHCNT
Vehicle # |
vehyear Year of Vehicle |
make Make of Vehicle |
model Model of Vehicle |
1 |
[RANGE 1900 - 2022] |
[Autofill; 997 Something else [make_o insert small text box]] |
[Autofill; 99997 Something else [model_o insert small text box]] |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
base: show if hhvehcnt > 0
vehtype [s; Accordion format]
And what type is each vehicle?
Scripting: Rows included should reflect the number given in HHVEHCNT
Vehicle |
Type of Vehicle |
1. Automobile/Car/Station Wagon 2. Van (Minivan/Cargo/Passenger) 3. SUV (Santa Fe, Tahoe, Jeep, etc.) 4. Pickup Truck 5. Other Truck 6. RV (Recreational Vehicle) 7. Motorcycle/Moped 97. Something Else [vehtype_o insert small text box]
base: show if hhvehcnt > 0
vehfuel [s]
What type of fuel does each vehicle run on?
Scripting: Rows included should reflect the number given in HHVEHCNT
Vehicle |
Fuel Used |
1. Gas 2. Diesel 5. Electric only (e.g. Nissan Leaf) 6. Hybrid (gas / electric, not plug-in e.g., Toyota Prius) 4. Plug-in Hybrid (gas / electric e.g., Chevy Volt) 3. Biodiesel 97. Uses other fuel [fueltype_o insert small text box]
base: show if hhvehcnt > 0
And are any of these vehicles used for business purposes (such as deliveries, ride-sharing, or other commercial/business purposes)?
Vehicle |
Used For Business Purposes |
1. Yes 2. No
base: show if hhvehcnt > 0 and if vehcommercial=1 for a given vehicle
commercialfreq [n]
Over the past 30 days, how many days was each vehicle used for business purposes (such as deliveries, ride-sharing, or other commercial/business purposes )?
Vehicle |
Number of days [range 0-30] |
base: show if hhvehcnt > 0
vehowned [s]
And have you or a member of your household owned each vehicle 1 year or more?
Vehicle |
Owned 1 year or more |
1. Yes 2. No |
base: show if hhvehcnt > 0 AND for each vehicle where vehowned=2 ‘no’
vehownmo [s]
How many months have you or a member of your household owned each vehicle?
Vehicle |
Months Owned [range 1-11] |
II C. Household Roster Information
base: main respondent
hhconf [grid; prompt; prompt if all ages do not add to groups defined in ppt18ov, ppt517, ppt04; required response]
You indicated you have [insert combined number from ppt18ov, ppt517, ppt04=HHSIZE] people living in your household. We’d like to know a little more about each person so we can assess their travel needs. First, please enter a name, nickname, or even just initials that we can use to refer to people in future questions and then what the person’s age is. Please enter ‘0’ if a child is less than 1 year old.
Scripting: Rows included should reflect the total number given in PPT18OV, PPT517, PPT04. Ages should match the categories given and respondents should be prompted if there is a conflict.
name First name, nickname, or initials |
r_age This person’s age [range 0-110] |
Person 1 |
You: |
Person 2 |
Person 3 |
Person 4 |
Person 5 |
Person 6 |
Person 7 |
Person 8 |
Person 9 |
Person 10 |
base: main respondent
r_sex [grid; prompt; required response]
Next, are they male or female?
Scripting: Rows included should reflect the total number given in PPT18OV, PPT517, PPT04. Please insert name and age provided in 280.
Household Member |
This person’s sex |
You: |
Male Female |
Male Female |
Male Female |
Male Female |
Male Female |
Male Female |
Male Female |
Male Female |
Male Female |
Male Female |
base: data only variable
dov_person [code all people in the household in roster]
1. You
2. [insert initials/name, insert age year old, insert sex]
3. [insert initials/name, insert age year old, insert sex]
4. [insert initials/name, insert age year old, insert sex]
5. [insert initials/name, insert age year old, insert sex]
6. [insert initials/name, insert age year old, insert sex]
7. [insert initials/name, insert age year old, insert sex]
8. [insert initials/name, insert age year old, insert sex]
9. [insert initials/name, insert age year old, insert sex]
10. [insert initials/name, insert age year old, insert sex]
Scripting: Please create variable PERSONID for each individual in the household
base: show if household has more than one household member; ask of main respondent
R_RELAT [s; ACCORDION FORMAT; prompt; loop for each person in the household roster that is not dov_person=1 ‘you’]
What is your relationship to [insert dov_person]? [dov_person] is my… Relationships include biological, adopted and step.
2. Spouse/Unmarried Partner
3. Child
4. Parent
5. Brother/Sister
6. Other relative
7. Not related
base: main respondent
hhfaminc [s; required response]
How much did ALL members of your household earn in income last year? Total household income is for all people in the household from jobs, businesses, farms, rent, social security, etc.
1. Less than $10,000
2. $10,000 to $14,999
3. $15,000 to $24,999
4. $25,000 to $34,999
5. $35,000 to $49,999
6. $50,000 to $74,999
7. $75,000 to $99,999
8. $100,000 to $124,999
9. $125,000 to $149,999
10. $150,000 to $199,999
11. $200,000 or more
[show if respondent attempts to move to next screen] -8. I don’t know
[show if respondent attempts to move to next screen] -7. I prefer not to answer
base: show if hhvehcnt > 0; ask of main respondent
Who is the main driver of each household vehicle?
Vehicle |
Main Driver of Vehicle |
[insert household roster by person who is 16 or older; 97 someone else]
Scripting: Please display BABYR_HISP and BABYR_RACE on same screen
base: show if personid=1 has completed the full diary and there are household members between 0 to 4 (loop for each eligible hh member). ask of main respondent
babyr_hisp [s; required response]
[insert if first time seeing screen: You indicated you have one or more children age 0 to 4 years of age.] Is [insert dov_person initials/name who is between the age of 0-4] of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
1. Yes
2. No
base: show if dov_person=1 has completed the full diary and there are household members between 0 to 4 (loop for each eligible hh member) . ask of main respondent
babyr_race [m; required response]
What race or races does [insert dov_person initials/name who is between the age of 0-4] consider themselves to be? Please select ALL that apply to them.
race_1 1. White
race_2 2. Black or African American
race_4 4. American Indian or Alaska Native
race_3 3. Asian
race_5 5. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
race_se 97. Other, please specify: [race_o insert small text box]
base: show if dov_person=1 has completed the full diary and there are household members between 5 and 15
youthscreen [required response]
[insert if this is the first time this question is displayed: You have just completed your travel diary. However, we need to obtain travel diaries for all household members. From here, we will ask you to respond for the members of your household who are between the ages of 5 and 15 to tell us a bit about them, their typical travel and the places they went yesterday, [insert date]. We need to have information for all household members to complete the study and for you to receive your incentive]. Please select the person below (age 5 to 15) to begin reporting on their travel.
Scripting: Populate the list below with all individuals from DOV_PERSON who are between the ages 5 to 15.
Household Member |
Status |
You: |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
base: show if (dov_person=1 has completed the full diary) and (any household members that are between the age of 5 and 15 have had their diaries completed) and (there are additional household members age 16 or older)
adultscreen [required response]
[insert if this is the first time this question is displayed and they did not see youthscreen: You have just completed your travel diary. However, we need to obtain travel diaries for all household members.] [insert if this is the first time this question is displayed and they did not see youthscreen or if they are seeing this screen for the first time after completing youthscreen: From here, we will ask each member of the household who is 16 and older to tell us a bit about themselves, their typical travel and the places they went yesterday, [insert date]. After they answer their questions, the survey will return to this screen again so that the next household member (age 16 or older) can answer. If they are not currently available, please complete these sections for them. We need to have information for all household members to complete the study and for you to receive your incentive.] Please select the person below (age 16 or older) to begin reporting on their travel.
Scripting: Populate the list below with all individuals from DOV_PERSON who are age 16 or older.
Person |
Status |
You: |
Completed |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
Completed / Partial / Not Completed |
base: show after each respondent for adultscreen
proxy [s; required response]
Who is completing this section for [insert dov_person selected in adultscreen]?
1. [insert dov_person initials name selected in adultscreen]
2. Someone else
Scripting: Please create variable WHOPROXY and populate with PERSONID to indicate who is reporting for each HH member
II D. Individual Demographic & Behavioral Information
base: all respondents (age 5 or older)
R_HISP[s; required response]
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?] [insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: Is [insert dov_person initials/name] of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
1. Yes
2. No
base: all respondents (age 5 or older)
r_race [m; required response]
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: What race or races do you consider yourself to be? Please select ALL that apply to you.] [insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: What race or races does [insert dov_person initials/name] consider themselves to be? Please select ALL that apply to them.]
race_1 1. White
race_2 2. Black or African American
race_3 4. American Indian or Alaska Native
race_4 3. Asian
race_5 5. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
race_se 97. Other, please specify: [race_o insert small text box]
base: all respondents (age 5 or older)
qacslan1 [s]
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: Do you; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: Does [insert dov_person initials/name]] speak a language other than English at home?
1. Yes
2. No
base: qacslan1=1 ‘speaks language other than english’
qacslan2 [s]
What language [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: do you; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: does [insert dov_person initials/name]] speak at home other than English?
1. Spanish
2. Chinese (any dialect)
3. Tagalog
4. Vietnamese
5. French
6. German
7. Another language [qacslan2_o insert small text box]
base: qacslan1=1 ‘speaks language other than english’
qacslan3 [s]
How well [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: do you; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: does [insert dov_person initials/name]] speak English?
1. Very well
2. Well
3. Not well
4. Not at all
base: respondents (age 14 or older)
educ [s; required response]
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have completed?] [insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: What is the highest level of school [insert dov_person initials/name] has completed or the highest degree [insert dov_person initials/name] has completed?
1. Less than high school
2. Some high school, no diploma/GED
3. High school graduate, have diploma/GED
4. Some college, no degree
5. Associate degree (2-year degree)
6. Bachelor’s degree
7. Master’s degree
8. Professional/Doctorate degree (MD, PhD, JD, etc.)
base: all respondents (age 14 or older)
drvr [s; required response]
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: A couple questions about you and your normal activities.] [insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: A couple questions about [insert dov_person initials/name] and their normal activities.]
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: Do you drive?] [insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: Does [insert dov_person initials/name] drive?]
1. Yes
2. No
base: all respondents (ages 16 or older except main respondent)
q1 [banked grid, sp across; required response]
In the past 30 days, did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name] use the following types of transportation?
Statements in row:
Q1_1. Taxi service
Q1_2. Rideshare such as Uber/Lyft
Q1_3. Bike share
Q1_4. E-Scooters
Q1_5. Public transit
Answers in column:
1. Yes
2. No
3. Don’t know
base: show if q1_1=1 ‘yes’ (ages 16 or older except main respondent)
taxiservice [n; required response, range 0-30]
In the past 30 days, on how many days did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name] use a taxi service?
[insert numeric box] Number of days
base: show if q1_2=1 ‘yes’ (ages 16 or older except main respondent)
rideshare20 [n; required response, range 0-30]
In the past 30 days, on how many days did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name] use a rideshare service (e.g. Uber, Lyft,)?
[insert numeric box] Number of days
base: show if q1_3=1 ‘yes’ (ages 16 or older except main respondent)
bikeshare20 [n; required response, range 0-30]
In the past 30 days, on how many days did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name] use a bike share program (e.g. Bikeshare, Zagster, or Citi Bike)?
[insert numeric box] Number of days
base: show if q1_4=1 ‘yes’ (ages 16 or older except main respondent)
escooterused [n; required response, range 0-30]
In the past 30 days, on how many days did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name] use e-scooters (e.g., Lime or Bird)?
[insert numeric box] Number of days
base: show if q1_5=1 ‘yes’ (ages 16 or older except main respondent)
ptused [n; required response, range 0-30]
In the past 30 days, on how many days did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name] use public transportation such as buses, subways, streetcars, or commuter trains?
[insert numeric box] Number of days
base: show if hhvehcnt > 0 and vehowned=1 for a given vehicle and main driver of vehicle (if no main driver is given, please ask of main respondent)
vehmiles [n; 0-200,000]
During the past 12 months, about how many miles was each vehicle driven by all drivers?
Vehicle |
Number of miles |
base: show if hhvehcnt > 0 and vehowned=2 for a given vehicle and main driver of vehicle (if no main driver is given, please ask of main respondent)
estmiles [n; 0-200,000]
About how many miles has each vehicle been driven by all drivers since you or a member of your household have had it?
Vehicle |
Number of miles |
base: all respondents (ages 16 or older)
payprof [s; required response]
Last week, did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] do any work for either pay or profit?:
1. Yes
2. No
base: all respondents age 16 or older and payprof=2
prmact [s; required response]
During most of last week, [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: were you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: was [insert dov_person initials/name]:
2. Temporarily absent from a job or business
3. Looking for work/unemployed
4. A homemaker
5. Going to school
6. Retired
97. Something else
Scripting: Please create variable EMPLOYED variable and punch 1 ‘Yes’ if PAYPROF=1 OR PRMACT=2
base: show if employed=1
employment2 [n; required response]
How many hours [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: do you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: does [insert dov_person initials/name] typically work for pay or profit per week? Please include hours you work for pay or profit at all your jobs if you have more than one job. If none, enter “0”. If less than an hour in a week, enter “1”.
[insert numeric box, RANGE 0-99] Hours per week
base: show if drvr=1 and employed=1
drivingoccupation [s]
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: Are you regularly required to drive or operate any vehicle to do your job ?] [insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: Is [insert dov_person initials/name] regularly required to drive or operate any vehicle to do their job?]
1. Yes
2. No
base: show if drivingoccupation=1
drivingvehicle [s]
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: Do you use a household vehicle when you drive for your job?] [insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: Does [insert dov_person initials/name] use a household vehicle when they drive for their job?]
1. Yes, they use a household vehicle
2. No, they use a non-household vehicle
3. They use both household and non-household vehicles
base: show if employed=1
WKFMHM20 [s]
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: In a typical work week, how often do you work only at home for an entire work day instead of traveling to your usual workplace?] [insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: In a typical work week, how often did [insert dov_person initials/name] work only at home for an entire work day instead of traveling to your usual workplace?]
1. Never
2. One or two days a week
3. Three or four days a week
4. Five or more days a week
base: show if employed=1 and wrk_home =1 through 3
workaddress [t; required response]
What is the address of [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: does [insert dov_person initials/name]’s] primary workplace?
Please provide [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]’s] work address or nearest cross street of [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: their] workplace]
Name of Work: [insert small text box]Address1. [insert small text box]
Address2. [insert small text box]
City. [insert small text box]
State. [insert small text box]
Zip Code. [insert small text box]
Scripting: Please create variables LOCNAME and LOCTYPE. Please autopopulate LOCNAME=’Work’ if left blank’ and LOCTYPE=2.
base: show if employed=1 and wrk_home =1 through 3
EMPLOYED=YES and wrk_home ne 4
wrktrans [s; required response]
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: How do you usually get to work in a typical week?] [insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: How does [insert dov_person initials/name] usually get to work in a typical week?] If more than one method is used during the trip, please select the ONE used for most of the distance.
1. Car
2. Van
3. SUV
4. Pickup Truck
5. Other Truck
6. RV
7. Motorcycle
8. Public or commuter bus
9. School bus
10. Street car or trolley car
11. Subway or elevated rail
12. Commuter rail
13. Amtrak
22. Ferryboat
14. Airplane
15. Taxicab or limo
16. Other ride-sharing service (such as, Uber, Lyft, etc.)
17. Paratransit / Dial-a-ride
18. Bicycle
19. E-scooter (such as Lime, Bird, etc.)
20. Walked
21. Other [insert small text box]
base: all respondents (ages 5 or older)
school1 [s]
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: Are you currently enrolled in a school or academic program?] [insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: Is [insert dov_person initials/name] currently enrolled in a school or academic program [if household member is between 5 and 7 years old, insert: , not including child care/Pre-K)]?
1. Yes
2. No
base: if school1=1 ‘yes’
stude [s]
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: Which of the following best describes the school or academic program you are currently enrolled in?] [insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: Which of the following best describes the school or academic program [insert dov_person initials/name] is currently enrolled in?]
1. K-12th Grade including GED
2. Vocation/Technical/Trade School
3. Part-Time college/University
4. Full Time college/University
5. Other [insert small text box]
base: if school1=1 ‘yes’ and stude=1 ‘k-12th grade including ged’
schtyp [s]
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: What type of school do you attend?] [insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: What type of school does [insert dov_person initials/name] attend?]
1. Public or private school
2. Home schooled
3. Other, please specify [insert small text box]
base: if stude=2 or 3 or 4 or 5
school1c [s]
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: How do you typically attend classes for the school or academic program you are currently enrolled in?] [insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: How does [insert dov_person initials/name] typically attend classes for the school or academic program they are currently enrolled in?]
1. In-person
2. Online
3. Other, please specify [insert small text box]
base: if school1=1 ‘yes’ and schtyp=1 ‘public or private school’ or 3 ‘other’ or school1c=1 ‘in-person’ or 3 ‘other’
schooladdress [t; required response]
What is the address of [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]’s] school?
[show if =1 Please provide the main or primary school location that [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] goes to the most in a typically week.]
Name of School: [insert small text box]
Address1. [insert small text box]
Address2. [insert small text box]
City. [insert small text box]
State. [insert small text box]
Zip Code. [insert small text box]
99. I prefer not to answer
Scripting: Please create variables LOCNAME and LOCTYPE. Please autopopulate LOCNAME=’School’ if left blank’ and LOCTYPE=3.
base: show if schooladdress=99 ‘ i prefer not to answer’
schooladdress1 [n; required response]
What is the total distance that [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you travel; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name] travels] one-way from your home to school? Please provide either approximate number of miles or blocks below.
[insert numeric box, RANGE 0-4500] Total miles traveled [s]
[insert numeric box, RANGE 0-99] Total blocks traveled [s]
base: if school1=1 ‘yes’ and schtyp=1 ‘public or private school’ or 3 ‘other’ or school1c=1 ‘in-person’ or 3 ‘other’
schtrn1 [s; required response]
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: How do you usually get to school in a typical week?] [insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: How does [insert dov_person initials/name] usually get to school in a typical week?] If more than one method is used during the trip, please select the ONE used for most of the distance.
1. Car
2. Van
3. SUV
4. Pickup Truck
5. Other Truck
6. RV
7. Motorcycle
8. Public or commuter bus
9. School bus
10. Street car or trolley car
11. Subway or elevated rail
12. Commuter rail
13. Amtrak
22. Ferryboat
14. Airplane
15. Taxicab or limo
16. Other ride-sharing service (such as, Uber, Lyft, etc.)
17. Paratransit / Dial-a-ride
18. Bicycle
19. E-scooter (such as, Lime, Bird, etc.)
20. Walked
21. Other [insert small text box]
base: all respondents (age 16 or older)
deliver [n, range 0-99; required response]
Changing topics, in the past 30 days, on how many times did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] purchase something online and have it delivered to your home?
[insert numeric box] Number of times
II E. Personal Health Module
base: all respondents (age 5 or older)
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: [Do you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: Does [insert dov_person initials/name]] have a condition or disability that makes it difficult to travel outside of the home?
1. Yes
2. No
-8. I don’t know
-7. I prefer not to answer
base: medcond=1
medcond6 [s]
How long [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: have you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: has [insert dov_person initials/name]] had this condition?
1. 6 months or less
2. More than 6 months
3. All [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: my ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: their] life
-8. I don’t know
-7. I prefer not to answer
base: medcond=1
mca8 [m]
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: Do you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: Does [insert dov_person initials/name]] use any of the following?
Please select all that apply.
w_cane 1. Walking cane or stick
w_wlkr 2. Walker
w_whcane 3. Cane for the blind or visually-impaired
w_dog 4. Seeing – eye dog or other K-9 assistance
w_crutch 5. Crutches
w_scootr 6. Motorized scooter
w_chair 7. Manual wheelchair
w_mtrchr 8. Motorized wheelchair
mca8_os 97. Something else, please specify: [insert small text box]
w_none 0. None of the above [S]
w_dk -8. I don’t know [S]
w_rf -7. I prefer not to answer [S]
base: respondents age 80 or older or medcond=1
contrav [m]
[show if medcond=1: Because of this condition, [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: have you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: has [insert dov_person initials/name]]…? ]
Please select all that apply.
condtrav 1. Reduced [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: my ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: their] day-to-day travel
condride 2. Asked others for rides
condnigh 3. Limited driving to daytime
condrive 4. Given up driving altogether
condpub 5. Use the bus or Subway less frequently
condspec 6. Use special transportation services such as Dial-A-Ride
condtax 7. Use a reduced fare taxi
condrid 8. Use a rideshare such as Uber/Lyft
condnone 9.
It’s not been affected [S]
conddk -8.
I don’t know [S]
condrf -7. I prefer not to answer [S]
III. Travel Diary
base: all respondents (age 5 or older)
travel diary introduction [d]
Next, we would like to ask you about where [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]’s] went on [insert diary date day of week, date] from 4 am that day to 4 am the next day [insert current day of week, date]. This is a full 24-hour period that we’d like for you to report on.
FRSTHM [s; required response]
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: Were you; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: Was [insert dov_person initials/name]] home at 4:00 am on [insert diary date day of week, date]?
1. Yes
2. No
base: show if b2=2 ‘no’
b2a [t; required response]
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: Where were you; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: Where was [insert dov_person initials/name]] at 4:00am on [insert diary date day of week, date]?
Name of Destination: [insert small text box]
Address1. [insert small text box]
Address2. [insert small text box]
City. [insert small text box]
State. [insert small text box]
Zip Code. [insert small text box]
Scripting: Please create variables LOCNAME and LOCTYPE. Please autopopulate LOCNAME=’School’ if left blank’ and LOCTYPE=2 Work if B1B=3 or 4 or 5 ; 3 School if B1B=6 ; Else=Other.
base: show if b2=2 ‘no’
b1b [m]
What was the main reason [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] was not home at 4:00 am on [insert diary date day of week, date]?
3. Work at a non-home location
4. Work activity: drop-off/pick up someone/thing
5. Other work-related activities (meetings, buying office supplies, other work-related)
6. Attend school as a student
7. Attend child care or adult care
8. Volunteer activities (not paid)
9. Change type of transportation
10. Drop off /pick up someone (personal)
11. Health care visit (medical, dental, therapy)
12. Buy meals (go out for a meal, snack, carry-out, drive through – whether paid for on-site or online)
13. Shop/Buy/Pick-up or Return goods (groceries, clothes, appliances, fuel – whether paid for on-site or online)
14. Other Family/Personal errands (banking, dry cleaners, service a car, pet care, post office, library)
15. Recreational activities (visit parks, movies, bars, museums)
16. Exercise (go for a jog, walk, walk the dog, go to the gym)
17. Visit friends or relatives
18. Rest or relaxation/vacation
19. Religious or other community activities
97. Something else [insert small text box]
base: all respondents (age 5 or older)
b1a [s]
Did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] leave [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: their] [insert if b2=1 home ; [insert if b2=2 starting location] on [insert diary date day of week, date] from 4 am to 4 am on the next day [insert next day of week, date] for any reason, including walking or using a wheelchair outside?
Note: If you are not sure about this person’s travel, please ask them.
1. Yes, [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: I ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] made a trip/trips
2. No, [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: I ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] stayed home all day
base: show if b1a=1 ‘yes’ and drvr=1 and direct report
park [s; required response]
Did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] personally pay for parking at any point on [insert diary date day of week, date]?
1. Yes
2. No
base: show if b1a=2 ‘no’
sameplc [m]
Why did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] not make any trips on [insert diary date day of week, date]?
1. Personally sick
2. Vacation or personal day
3. Caretaking
12. School holiday/teacher work day
4. Disabled or home-bound
5. Worked at home (for pay)
6. Not scheduled to work
7. Worked around home (not for pay)
8. Bad weather
9. Out of country
10. No transportation available
11. No longer a household resident
13. No, this person actually made trips on [insert diary date day of week, date] [scripting please loop respondent back to b1a]
97. Something else, please specify: [insert small text box]
-8. I don’t know [S]
-7. I prefer not to answer [S]
base: show if b1a=1 ‘yes’
b2a1 [s; required response] RANGE 1-50 TRIPS PER PERSON
[if b2=1 ‘yes’ and first time seeing screen, insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: You started the day at home. When you left home, where did you go first?] [if b2=1 ‘yes’, insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name] started the day at home. When they left this location, where did they go first?]
[if b2=2 ‘no’ and first time seeing screen, insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: You started the day at a location other than your home. When you left this location, where did you go first?] [if b2=2 ‘no’, insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name] started the day at a location other than their home. When they left this location, where did they go first?]
[if not first time seeing screen: And where did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] go next?]
[if first time seeing screen insert: We are interested each time [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] traveled or went to a new location. Sometimes people take what are known as ‘loop trips.’ We are interested in these too! Loop trips are short trips that start and end at the same location. Examples of loop trips could be someone walking their dog, walking or strolling around the block, or going on a bike ride around the neighborhood.]
Whenever [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] took a loop trip during the course of insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: their] travel day, please select ‘[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: I ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name] went on a loop trip prior to leaving this location’ and click the ‘Next’ button.
Please enter a trip location by typing in the exact address or closest intersections/landmark in the text box below. After finding each trip location, please select the green ‘Confirm’ button within the map.
[insert text box]
97. [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: I ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name] went on a loop trip prior to leaving this location.
[if not first time seeing screen, also show buttons:
98. [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: I ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name] remained at this location until 4 AM on [insert diary date day of week, date]
99. [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: I ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name] went home.
base: show if ‘i went on a loop trip’ is selected in b2a1
looptrip1 [s; required response]
Why did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] go on a loop trip at [insert last location found in b2a1]?
1. Went for a walk, jog or a run
2. Went for a bike ride
3. Walked the dog
97. Something else [insert small text box]
base: show if ‘i went on a loop trip’ is selected in b2a1
loopdistancetraveled [n; required response]
What was the total distance that [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] traveled on this loop trip? Please provide either approximate number of miles or blocks below.
[insert numeric box, RANGE 0-200] Total miles traveled [s]
[insert numeric box, RANGE 0-99] Total blocks traveled [s]
Scripting: Send respondent back to B2A1 after completing this question.
base: show if b1a=1 ‘yes’
strttime [n; required response]
What was the approximate time that [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] left to go [insert if location given: to this location ; insert if loop trip: on this loop trip]?
[insert numeric box; 1-12] Hour [insert numeric box; 0-59] Minute 1. AM 2. PM
Scripting: Please ensure variable uses HHMM military time format
base: show if b1a=1 ‘yes’
endtime [n; required response]
What was the approximate time that [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] [insert if location given: arrived at this location ; insert if loop trip: returned from this loop trip]?
[insert numeric box; 1-12] Hour [insert numeric box; 0-59] Minute 1. AM 2. PM
Scripting: Please ensure variable uses HHMM military time format
base: show if b1a=1 ‘yes’
trphhveh [s; required response]
Did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] use a household vehicle to travel [insert if location given: to this location ; insert if loop trip: on this loop trip]?
1. Yes
2. No
base: show if trphhveh=1 ‘yes’
vehid [s; required response]
Which household vehicle did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] use to travel [insert if location given: to this location ; insert if loop trip: on this loop trip]?
[insert household vehicle roster from dov_person]]
base: show if b1a=1 ‘yes’ and trphhveh=2
trptrans [s; required response]
How did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] [insert if location given: get to this location ; insert if loop trip: travel on this loop trip]?
1. Car
2. Van
3. SUV
4. Pickup Truck
5. Other Truck
6. RV
7. Motorcycle
8. Public or commuter bus
9. School bus
10. Street car or trolley car
11. Subway or elevated rail
12. Commuter rail
13. Amtrak
22. Ferryboat
14. Airplane
15. Taxicab or limo
16. Other ride-sharing service (such as, Uber, Lyft, etc.)
17. Paratransit / Dial-a-ride
18. Bicycle
19. E-scooter (such as, Lime, Bird, etc.)
20. Walked
21. Other [insert small text box]
base: show if b1a=1 ‘yes’
trpaccmp [n; required response]
How many people traveled with [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] [insert if location given: to this location ; insert if loop trip: on this loop trip]?
Please include [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: yourself ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] in the count.
[insert numeric box, range 0-99] number of people
Scripting: Please calculate NUMONTRP and calculate value (TRPACCMP + 1)
base: show if trpaccmp=2 or more and household size is more than 1
trphhacc [m]
Which of your household members, if any, travel with [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] [insert if location given: to this location ; insert if loop trip: on this loop trip]?
[insert roster from dov_person without the person answering or having proxy report provided; variables should be recorded as ontd_1, ontd_2, etc where 1 corresponds with personid=1, 2 corresponds with personid=2, etc.]
98. No members of my household members traveled with [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: me ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] [insert if location given: to this location ; insert if loop trip: on this loop trip]
Scripting: Please create NONHHCNT and calculate value (TRPACCMP – TRPHHACC)
base: show if hhvehicle=1 or if trptrans=1 through 7
whodrove [m]
Who drove the vehicle to get [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] [insert if location given: to this location ; insert if loop trip: on this loop trip]?
1. You
[insert household drivers from roster who are not the person answering]
97. Someone who is not a member of our household
Scripting: Auto-punch the primary respondent or proxy respondent if TRPACCMP=1.
Scripting: Please create DRVR_FLG and assign value of 1 if driver on this trip matches PERSONID of the respondent being asked about. Please create ELSE_PSGR_FLG and assign value of 1 if driver on this trip does not match PERSONID of the respondent being asked about.
base: show if b1a=1 ‘yes’ and hhvehicle=1 or if trptrans=1 through 7
and b2a1 does not equal 1 and park=1 and is not a loop trip and is a direct report, RANGE 0-30
park2 [n; required response]
What was the cost of parking for [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] at this location?
Amount Paid |
Type of Payment |
$ [insert numeric box; 1-999]
1. One Time 2. Per Week 3. Per Month 4. Per Quarter 5. Per Semester 6. Per Year |
9996. N/A - Paid-for by employer [show if working full or part time] [s]
9997. N/A – Paid-for by school [show if student full or part time] [s]
9998. Paid but I don’t remember the cost [s]
9999. I did not pay for parking at this location [s]
base: show if b1a=1 ‘yes’ and is not a loop trip
WHYTO [s; required response]
Why did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] [insert if location given: to this location ; insert if loop trip: on this loop trip]?
1. Regular activities at home
2. Work from home (paid)
3. Work at a non-home location
4. Work activity: drop-off/pick up someone/thing
5. Other work-related activities (meetings, buying office supplies, other work-related)
6. Attend school as a student
7. Attend child care or adult care
8. Volunteer activities (not paid)
9. Change type of transportation
10. Drop off /pick up someone (personal)
11. Health care visit (medical, dental, therapy)
12. Buy meals (go out for a meal, snack, carry-out, drive through – whether paid for on-site or online)
13. Shop/Buy/Pick-up or Return goods (groceries, clothes, appliances, fuel – whether paid for on-site or online)
14. Other Family/Personal errands (banking, dry cleaners, service a car, pet care, post office, library)
15. Recreational activities (visit parks, movies, bars, museums)
16. Exercise (go for a jog, walk, walk the dog, go to the gym)
17. Visit friends or relatives
18. Rest or relaxation/vacation
19. Religious or other community activities
97. Something else [insert small text box]
base: show if trptrans=1-7 or hhvehicle=1 and is not a loop trip and is a direct report
walk [s]
How long did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] walk from where [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] parked to [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: their] destination or transfer location?
1. 0 minutes – [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1:I ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] parked in the same building
2. 1 to less than 5 minutes
3. 5 to less than 10 minutes
4. 10 to less than 15 minutes
5. 15 to less than 20 minutes
6. 20 minutes or more
7. N/A – someone else took [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: my ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: their] vehicle
8. N/A – [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: I ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] didn’t park [show if trip duration is less than 1 hour]
Scripting: Send respondent back to B2A1 unless respondent had selected 1 ‘I returned home from this location’
base: show if b2a1=98 ‘I remained at this location until 4 AM on [insert diary date day of week, date]’ and location is not home address
nothome [s]
You have indicated that [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] stayed at a location other than your home until 4 AM on [insert diary date day of week, date]. Is this correct?
1. Yes, [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: I ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: they] stayed at this location until 4 AM on [insert diary date day of week, date].
2. No, [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: I ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: they] went to another location prior to 4 AM on [insert diary date day of week, date].
Scripting: Send respondent back to B2A1 if they select 2 ‘No’
base: show if nothome=1 or home=2
trip summary log [s]
Thank you for filling out [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]’s] diary day! Great Job!
Please carefully review the summaries of [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]’s] diary day below. If any of the information is not recorded properly, you can edit the summary in the text box below.
indicates a data inconsistency with your response that we have
detected that may or may not be true. An explanation will immediately
follow the
Please review this explanation and correct as needed.
Scripting: If respondent did not make any trips, please show:
[insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: You ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] did not make any trips because [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] were [insert reason for samplc].
If respondent did make trips, please show vertical array:
Trip # |
Location |
Description |
Is this correct? |
Start of Day |
[insert name] was [insert starting location] at 4:00am on his diary day.
Yes No [if no, insert:] Comments: [insert text box] |
Location 1 |
[insert for each location]
[insert name] left [insert origin] at [insert departure time] and arrived at [insert destination] at [insert arrival time] to [insert purpose]. [insert name] went there by [insert mode(s)]. |
Yes No [if no, insert:] Comments: [insert text box] |
Location X |
[repeat for each location]
Yes No [if no, insert:] Comments: [insert text box] |
End of Day |
[insert name] was [insert last location] until 4:00 am the next morning. |
Yes No [if no, insert:] Comments: [insert text box] |
Respondents should be instructed to: Click ‘Next’ to continue.
Long Distance Travel Section
base: all respondents (age 5 or older)
longdist [d; required response]
Now I’d like you to think back over the past 30 days, from [insert one month ago from today] to today. How many trips did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] make over the past 30 days where the furthest destination was at least 50 miles (one-way) from home, even if the trip did not begin at home? If there was more than one destination on the trip, please count it as one trip.
Do not include any trips made as a daily commute, if applicable.
[range: 0 - 100] Long-distance trips
base: show if longdist = 0 or -8 ‘i don’t know’
ld4. [n]
In what month and year did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] take your most recent long-distance trip?
[numeric text box, RANGE 1-12] Month [numeric text box, RANGE 2020-r_age of respondent] Year
base: show if longdist > 0 and there are no trip destinations in the travel diary that were 50 miles or more away from the respondent’s reported home address
ld5. [n]
On what date did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] begin [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: their] most recent long-distance trip
[insert pop-up calendar limited to the past month]
base: show if longdist > 0 and there are no trip destinations in the travel diary that were 50 miles or more away from the respondent’s reported home address
ld6. [n]
On what date did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] return home after completing [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: their] most recent long-distance trip?
[insert pop-up calendar limited to the past month]
base: show if there are no trip destinations in the travel diary that were 50 miles or more away from the respondent’s reported home address
ld_mode. [s; prompt if refused]
What was the main mode of transportation for the majority of [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]’s] most recent long-distance trip, [if longdist=0, insert: even though it was not within the past 30 days]? If more than one mode of travel was used, please select the one mode that was used for the longest segment of the trip.
1. Car
2. Van
3. SUV
4. Pickup Truck
5. Other Truck
6. RV
7. Motorcycle
8. Public or commuter bus
9. School bus
11. Subway or elevated rail
12. Commuter rail
13. Amtrak
22. Ferryboat
14. Airplane
15. Taxicab or limo
16. Other ride-sharing service (such as, Uber, Lyft, etc.)
17. Paratransit / Dial-a-ride
18. Bicycle
23. Charter/tour buses
24. Inter-city bus service (such as, Greyhound, MegaBus)
21. Other [insert small text box]
base: show if there are no trip destinations in the travel diary that were 50 miles or more away from the respondent’s reported home address
ld2. [S]
Thinking about [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]’s] most recent long-distance trip [if longdist=0, insert: even though it was not within the past 30 days], was the farthest destination on that trip…?
If there was more than one destination on the trip, think about the farthest one from home.
1. In the US
2. Outside the US
base: show if ld2 = 1
ld3. [t]
Thinking about [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]’s] most recent long-distance trip [if ld1=0, insert: even though it was not within the past 30 days], what was the farthest city and state [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: they] went to on that trip?
[insert small text box] City [autofill; insert small text box] State
base: show if ld2 = 2 and ld_mode ne 18 ‘airplane’
ld3a. [t]
Thinking about [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]’s] most recent long-distance trip [if ld1=0, insert: even though it was not within the past 30 days], at what location did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: they] leave the United States on that trip?
[insert small text box] City [autofill; insert small text box] State
base: show if ld2 = 2 and ld_mode ne 18 ‘airplane’
ld3c. [t]
Thinking about [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]’s] most recent long-distance trip [if ld1=0, insert: even though it was not within the past 30 days], at what location did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: they] return to the United States on that trip?
[insert small text box] City [autofill; insert small text box] State
base: show if ld2 = 2 and ld_mode=18 ‘airplane’
ld3b. [t]
Thinking about [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]’s] most recent long-distance trip [if ld1=0, insert: even though it was not within the past 30 days], at what airport did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: they] depart from to fly to [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: their] international destination on that trip? If you do not know the name of the airport, please provide the city in the text box below.
[insert small text box] Airport or location of airport
base: show if ld2 = 2 and ld_mode=18 ‘airplane’
ld3d. [t]
Thinking about [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]’s] most recent long-distance trip , [if ld1=0, insert: even though it was not within the past 30 days], at what airport did [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: they] return from [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: their] international destination on that trip? If you do not know the name of the airport, please provide the city in the text box below.
[insert small text box] Airport or location of airport
base: show if longdist > 0 and there are no trip destinations in the travel diary that were 50 miles or more away from the respondent’s reported home address
ld7. [n; prompt if refused]
Not counting yourself, how many members of your household traveled with [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] on [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: their] most recent long-distance trip from home?
[insert numeric box; range 0 to total hh size minus 1] number of household members (not counting [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: yourself ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]])
base: show if ld7 > 0
ld8. [n; prompt if refused]
Which of the following household members traveled with [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] on [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: their] most recent long-distance trip from home?
[insert roster from dov_person without the person answering or having proxy report provided]
base: show iflongdist > 0 and there are no trip destinations in the travel diary that were 50 miles or more away from the respondent’s reported home address
ld9. [m]
What was the main reason that [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: you ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: [insert dov_person initials/name]] took [insert if dov_person=1 or if proxy=1: your ; insert if dov_person is selected in youthscreen or proxy=2: their] most recent long-distance trip?
1. Business trip
2. Personal vacation
3. Visit family or friends
4. Other, please specify: [insert small text box]
Scripting: Please return respondent to either YOUTHSCREEN or ADULTSCREEN if any eligible household members are not listed a ‘complete’ in the roster. Proceed to closing once all eligible household members are listed as ‘complete.’
base: show if all travel diaries are complete
closing [t]
Thank you for taking time to help the US Department of Transportation better understand the transportation needs of your community and the nation. If you have any questions about the survey or your participation, please call 1-855-350-6487 (NHTS).
Do you have any additional comments about this study?
[insert medium text box]
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | SSR Questionnaire Template |
Author | Priyanka Rawool |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-04-12 |