525 instructions 12.17.20

High-Cost Universal Service Support

525 instructions 12.17.20

OMB: 3060-0986

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FCC Form 525 OMB Control No. 3060-0986

Estimated Time Per Response: 6 Hours

Instructions for Completing Competitive Carrier Line Count Report FCC Form 525

* * * * *

NOTICE: All competitive eligible telecommunications carriers (CETCs) requesting support from high cost support from USAC, the universal service Administrator shall file line count information. This information must be submitted on a quarterly basis. This collection of information stems from the Commission's authority under Section 254 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 254. The data in the form will be used to calculate the amount of support, if any, that each reporting CETC is eligible to receive from the High Cost Support Mechanism.

USAC estimates that each response to this collection of information will take, on average 6 hours. USAC’s estimate includes the time to read the instructions, look through existing records, gather and maintain the required data, and actually complete and review the form or response. If you have any comments on this estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to the Federal Communications Commission, AMD-PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060-0986), Washington, D.C. 20554. We also will accept your comments via the Internet if you send them to [email protected]. Please DO NOT SEND COMPLETED DATA COLLECTION FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS.

Remember -- You are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. This collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060-0986.

The Commission is authorized under the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to collect the information requested in this form. Provided information will be used to determine High Cost Support Mechanism amounts. If USAC believes there may be a violation or potential violation of a statute or a Commission regulation, rule, or order, your form may be referred to the Federal, state, or local agency responsible for investigating, prosecuting, enforcing, or implementing the statute, rule, regulation, or order. In certain cases, the information in your form may be disclosed to the Department of Justice, court, or other adjudicative body when (a) the Commission; (b) any employee of the Commission; or (c) the United States government, is a party to a proceeding before the body or has an interest in the proceeding.

If you do not provide the information we request on this form, you are not eligible to receive support under the High Cost support mechanisms, 47.C.F.R. §§ 54.307 and 54.802.

The foregoing Notice is required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, P.L. No. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. § 3501, et seq.

Specific Instructions

  1. Introduction and Background.

Competitive eligible telecommunications carriers (CETCs) are eligible to receive High Cost support if they serve lines in an incumbent carrier’s service area, and that incumbent carrier receives High Cost support. CETCs are eligible to receive the same per-line support amount received by the incumbent carrier in whose study area the CETC serves lines. Unlike the incumbent carriers, CETCs will use FCC Form 525 to submit their line count data to USAC.

  1. The Carrier or the Carrier’s Agent May File This Form.

As a CETC, you may choose to complete FCC Form 525 and submit it to USAC. Alternatively, you may choose to designate an agent to file FCC Form 525 on your behalf. Please note that, if you choose to designate an agent to complete and submit FCC Form 525 on your behalf, an authorized officer or employee of your company must advise USAC of the identity of your agent, and certify that the actual line count data provided to your authorized agent is accurate to the best of his/her knowledge. Your authorized agent must:

    1. certify that he/she is authorized to submit the information on behalf of the reporting CETC;

    2. certify that the line count data provided on the form is based on actual line count data received from the reporting CETC;

    3. certify that the information on the form is accurate to the best of the agent’s knowledge; and

    4. provide copies of the line count filing to the reporting CETC within 15 days.

Specific instructions for complying with these steps are set forth below on pages 14 and 15 of these instructions.

  1. CETCs Complete Different Worksheet Areas in This Form Consistent with the Disaggregation Path Selected by the Incumbent Carrier in Whose Service Area the CETC Serves Lines.

Path 1: If the incumbent carrier in whose service area a CETC serves lines elects not to disaggregate and target support, they are a Path 1 carrier. For lines served by CETCs in Path 1 incumbent carrier service areas, CETCs shall report lines at a study area level.

Path 2 & 3: Alternately, if the incumbent carrier in whose service area a CETC serves lines elects to disaggregate and target support, CETCs must provide information consistent with the approved Path 2 or Path 3 disaggregation plan elected by the incumbent carrier.

  1. Line Count Information.

CETCs must file the number of working loops served in the service area of an incumbent carrier, disaggregated by the incumbent carrier’s cost zones, if applicable, for High Cost Loop (HCL), Local Switching Support (LSS), Long Term Support (LTS), and Interstate Common Line Support (ICLS). ICLS will also require the loops to be reported by customer class as further described

below. For Interstate Access Support (IAS), CETCs must file the number of working loops served

in the service area of an incumbent carrier by Unbundled Network Element (UNE) zone and customer class. Working loops provided by CETCs in service areas of non-rural incumbents receiving High Cost Model (HCM) support must be filed by wire center or other methodology as determined by the state regulatory authority. The two customer classes for the purposes of ICLS and IAS and the CETC form are:

  • Residential and single-line business access lines in service; and

  • Multi-line business access lines in service.

  1. Effect of Disaggregation on Line Count Reporting Requirements.

If an incumbent has established disaggregation zones within its study area pursuant to 47 C.F.R.

§54.315, CETCs must report the actual line count data for each disaggregation zone. Reporting worksheets affected by disaggregation are designated by each component as follows:

  • HCL and LSS (Page 2)

  • ICLS (Page 3)

CETCs are bound by the disaggregation path chosen by the incumbent carrier in whose study area the CETC serves.

  1. When Must CETCs File Line Count Reports?

CETCs must file quarterly line count reports according to the following schedule to be eligible to receive:

  • High Cost Loop (HCL)

  • Local Switching Support (LSS)

  • Interstate Common Line Support (ICLS); and

  • High Cost Model Support (HCM)


Filing Due Date for Line Counts

Lines Reported As Of

High Cost Components


7/31 of each year

Lines served as of 12/31 of the preceding year



9/30 of each year

Lines served as of 3/31 of the current year



12/30 of each year

Lines served as of 6/30 of the current year



3/30 of each year

Lines served as of 9/30 of the preceding year


CETCs must file quarterly line count reports according to the following schedule to be eligible to


Interstate Access Support (IAS):


Filing Due Date for Line Counts

Data End-of Period Information

High Cost Component


Last business day of June each year

Lines served as of 3/31 of the current year



Last business day of September each year

Lines served as of 6/30 of the current year



Last business day of December each year

Lines served as of 9/30 of the current year



Last business day of March each year

Lines served as of 12/31 of the preceding year


CETCs are eligible to receive the same per-line amounts available to incumbent carriers in whose study areas the CETCs serve. 47 C.F.R. § 54.307.

Page 1 – General Information/Competitive Carrier High Cost Data Submission

Item 1, Quarterly Submission Date: Provide the completion date of the form. This may be different from the quarter end filing date for which support is being requested in Item 12.

Item 2, USAC Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN): Provide the nine-digit SPIN assigned by USAC. Your company SPIN was assigned through your initial submission of FCC Form 498. If you do not know your SPIN, you may contact USAC’s Billing, Collections, and Disbursements Call Center at 1-888-641-8722.

Item 3, Company Study Area Code (SAC): USAC assigns CETCs a SAC for each jurisdiction served. Please be sure to file a separate Competitive Carrier form for each jurisdiction or study area in which you serve. If you are a CETC and do not know your SAC, please contact USAC’s High Cost Customer Service Center at 1-877-877-4925 for assistance.

Item 4, Study Area Name: Provide the standard name that you use to identify your study area. Typically, the name is the same as your company name.

Item 5, Company Legal Name: Provide the name of your company as it appears on your ETC designation Order from the state Public Service Commission (PSC) or the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Item 6, Filer 499 ID: Provide the same ID that this carrier provided on FCC Form 499. This code is assigned by the Commission’s Data Collection Agent after a company files its first FCC Form 499-

A. Filer 499 IDs for current filers can be found at http://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/cib/form499/499a.cfm or in the FCC report Telecommunications Provider Locator, which is available on the Commission’s web site at http://www.fcc.gov/wcb/iatd/stats.html. If you are having difficulty finding this ID, call

USAC’s High Cost Customer Service Center at 1-877-877-4925.

Item 7, Mailing Address: Provide the address, city, state, and zip code of your business location. If your business address has changed from your previous data submissions, please indicate this by checking the box provided.

Item 8, Contact Name: Provide the name of the individual that prepared the data submission for your company. Providing this information will assist USAC in resolving any issues or questions that arise from the data submission.

Item 9, Title: Provide position title of contact name listed in Item 8.

Item 10, Telephone Number: Provide the telephone number of the individual that prepared the data submission for your company. Providing this information will assist USAC in resolving any issues or questions that arise from the data submission.

Item 11, E-mail Address: Provide the e-mail address of the individual that prepared the data submission for your company. Providing this information will assist USAC in resolving any issues or questions that arise from the data submission.

Item 12, High Cost Mechanism Selection Box: Please mark the boxes for the corresponding mechanisms for which you are requesting support. CETCs are eligible to receive support for the same mechanisms that the incumbent ETC, in whose study area the CETC serves lines, receives support. Please be aware that on a study area basis, a CETC will be eligible for HCL OR HCM. Additionally, a CETC will be eligible for IAS OR ICLS. The incumbent ETC profile will dictate which of these mechanisms the CETC can receive. The incumbent’s status as a rural or non-rural carrier, rate-of-return or price cap carrier will dictate the support mechanisms for which CETCs will be eligible to receive support.

Item 13, Lines Reported as of: Provide the date the lines were reported as of for each of the mechanisms in which you are requesting support. Please see Section VI. for reporting as of dates for each mechanism.

For example, you would enter 12/31/2002 for your line count data that is reported in the July 31, 2003 line count filing, because the report contains lines served as of December 31, 2002.

Item 14, Type of Filing: Mark the “Type of Filing” column(s) accordingly. For original data submissions please place a mark in the “Original” column. Where CETCs require corrections to previously submitted information, a mark should be placed in the “Revision” column. In the event that a CETC files a “Revision”, please be sure to double check the “Lines Reported as of” date for accuracy so that USAC can adjust the appropriate time frames.

Item 15, Worksheet to Complete: Use this column as a reference guide for verifying which worksheet(s) need to be completed for proper filing, based on requested support mechanism selected in fields #13 and #14.


Page 2 of the High Cost Data Submission Form contains two (2) blocks of required information. The General Information portion requires CETCs to state their SPIN, Study Area Name and Number, Lines Reported as of date and Type of Filing as listed in General Information on page 1. The Line Count Data portion requires the specific information concerning the territory in which the CETC serves lines and the way in which those lines are served (e.g. UNEs or facilities based). The CETC will be required to file line count data consistent with the disaggregation path selected by the incumbent carrier in whose territory the CETC serves. In general, most CETCs serve in more that one incumbent carrier’s territory.

Page 2– General Information.

Please note: The information provided in the general information section (for Items 2, 3, 4, 13, &

14) will only need to be populated if submission is performed manually. If manual submission is chosen, please populate from these general information items from the similarly numbered items as found on Page 1 (as discussed in pages 4-5 of the instructions). For electronic filing, the general information will automatically populate from the information entered on page 1.

Page 2– Line Count Data for Path 1, 2, & 3 Carriers.

Where the incumbent ETC(s) in whose territory(s) a CETC serves lines has chosen not to disaggregate or the incumbent ETC(s) does not have an approved disaggregation plan from its state commission or the FCC, a CETC shall enter line count information for HCL and LSS for the entire incumbent carrier study area on one line. Where the incumbent ETC(s) have chosen Path 3 or have approved Path 2 disaggregation plans, the CETC must provide line counts on separate lines for each disaggregation zone in which the CETC serves lines. In the event that the lines served by the CETC within the incumbent carrier’s SAC are provided via unbundled network elements (UNEs), the CETC shall be required to fill out the UNE page discussed below. Where the CETC serves lines within an incumbent carrier’s SAC through both UNE’s and its own facilities, the CETC shall list these lines on two (2) separate lines, one for UNEs and one for its own facilities.

Column 16, Incumbent Carrier Name: CETC must identify the incumbent carrier in whose territory it serves lines.

Column 17, Incumbent Carrier SAC: CETC must provide the incumbent carrier’s study area code (SAC). The SAC is the six-digit number assigned to all incumbent and competitive ETCs on a state-by-state basis. In the event a CETC does not know the SAC of the incumbent carrier, the CETC may call the USAC’s Customer Service Center at 1-877-877-4925 and the information will be provided. This information can also be found in the High Cost appendices, located on USAC ‘s web site under FCC Filings.

Column 18, ETC Designation: CETC must state whether it has received an ETC designation for the territory of the incumbent carrier where the competitive carrier serves lines. Where the CETC is designated in an area smaller than that of the incumbent carrier, the CETC must report lines for the areas designated only. In the event the CETC wishes to report lines for those areas of the

incumbent carrier’s study area where the CETC is not yet designated as an ETC, the CETC must

use a separate line and enter “NO” for ETC designation. Where a competitive carrier has ETC status pending and chooses to report lines to USAC, the competitor must also enter “NO” for the ETC designation column.

Column 19, Path Designation: CETC must indicate Path 1, 2 or 3 for each incumbent carrier listed under #16, Incumbent Carrier Name. In the event a CETC does not know which disaggregation path the Incumbent Carrier has selected and has been approved, the CETC may call USAC’s High Cost Customer Service Center at 1-877-877-4925 and the information will be provided. This information can also be found on USAC’s web site at http://www.universalservice.org/hc/disaggregation/checklist.asp.

Column 20, Disaggregation Zone Name: CETC must identify the disaggregation zone within the incumbent ETC’s study area for which the CETC serves lines. CETCs are bound by the disaggregation path selected by the incumbent ETC in whose service area the CETC serves, and must report the disaggregation zone name as listed in the incumbent ETC’s approved disaggregation plan. In the event that a CETC does not know the proper name of an incumbent ETC’s disaggregation zone, the CETC may call USAC’s High Cost Customer Service Center at 1-877-

877-4925 and request a copy of the disaggregation plan required.

Column 21, Wire Center CLLI Code: Indicate the unique eight-digit alpha code identifying the wire center of the incumbent carrier listed in column 16. Typically, the wire center CLLI code will be similar in name to the disaggregation zone listed in column 20.

Column 22, Total Number of Lines in Service: Indicate total number of lines in service, excluding any UNE lines, at the end of the period for which you are filing.

Column 23, Any lines provided through UNEs: If any lines were provided through UNEs, please proceed to the UNE Agreement instructions and the attendant sheet of this Form to provide UNE information

Page 3 – Interstate Common Line Support (ICLS) Line Count Worksheet Page 3– General information

Please note: The information provided in the general information section (for Items 2, 3, 4, 13, &

14) will only need to be populated if submission is performed manually. If manual submission is chosen, please populate from these general information items from the similarly numbered items as found on page 1 (as discussed in pages 4-5 of the instructions). For electronic filing, the general information will automatically populate from the information entered on page 1.

Page 3– Line Count Data for Path 1, 2 and 3 Carriers

Column 24, Incumbent Carrier Name: CETCs must identify the incumbent carrier in whose territory they serve lines.

Column 25, Incumbent Carrier SAC: CETC must provide the incumbent carrier’s study area code (SAC). The SAC is the six-digit number assigned to all incumbent and competitive ETCs on a

state-by-state basis. In the event a CETC does not know the SAC of the incumbent carrier, the

CETC may call USAC’s High Cost Customer Service Center at 1-877-877-4925 and the information will be provided. This information can also be found in the High Cost appendices, located on USAC’s web site under FCC Filings.

Column 26, ETC Designation: CETC must state whether it has received an ETC designation for the territory of the incumbent carrier where the competitive carrier serves lines. Where the CETC is designated in an area smaller than that of the incumbent carrier, the CETC must report lines for the areas designated only. In the event the CETC wishes to report lines for those areas of the incumbent carrier’s study area where the CETC is not yet designated as an ETC, the CETC must use a separate line and enter “NO” for ETC designation. Where a competitive carrier has ETC status pending and chooses to report lines to the Administrator, the competitor must also enter “NO” for the ETC designation column.

Column 27, Path Designation: CETC must indicate Path 1, 2 or 3 for each incumbent carrier listed under column 24, Incumbent Carrier Name. In the event a CETC does not know which disaggregation Path the incumbent carrier has selected and been approved for where required, the CETC may call USAC’s High Cost Customer Service Center and the information will be provided. This information can also be found on USAC’s web site at http://www.universalservice.org/hc/disaggregation/checklist.asp.

Column 28, Disaggregation Zone Name: CETC must identify the disaggregation zone within the incumbent ETC’s study area for which the CETC serves lines. CETCs are bound by the disaggregation path selected by the incumbent ETC in whose service area the CETC serves, and must report the disaggregation zone name as listed in the incumbent ETC’s approved disaggregation plan. In the event that a CETC does not know the proper name of an incumbent ETC’s disaggregation zone, the CETC may call USAC’s High Cost Customer Service Center at 1-877-

877-4925 and request a copy of the disaggregation plan required.

Column 29, Wire Center Code: Indicate the unique eight-digit alpha code identifying the wire center of the incumbent carrier listed in column 24. Typically, the wire center CLLI code will be similar in name to the disaggregation zone listed in column 28.

Column 30, Residential and Single-Line Business: CETC must identify the total number of residential and single-line business access lines in service. A CETC’s residential/single-line business lines reported may include single and non-primary residential lines, single-line business lines, basic rate interface (BRI) integrated services digital network (ISDN) service, and other related residence class lines.

Column 31, Multi-Line Business: CETC must identify its total number of multi-line business access lines in service. Multi-line business class lines reported may include multi-line business, Centrex, PRI ISDN, and other related business class lines. Such lines include all business class lines assessed the end user common line charge pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 69.104. Pursuant to §§ 69.104(p) and (q), you should include in your multi-line business access line count five (5) lines for each PRI ISDN service arrangement that you offer in your study area.

Column 32, Total Number of Access Lines in Service: CETC must enter the sum of columns 30 and 31 here.

Page 4 – High Cost Model (HCM) Line Count Worksheet

Page 4– General Information

Please note: The information provided in the general information section (for Items 2, 3, 4, 13, &

14) will only need to be populated if submission is performed manually. If manual submission is chosen, please populate from these general information items from the similarly numbered items as found on page 1 (as discussed in pages 4-5 of the instructions). For electronic filing, the general information will automatically populate from the information entered on page 1.

Page 4– HCM Wire Center Data

Column 33, Incumbent Carrier Name: CETCs must identify the incumbent carrier in whose territory they serve lines.

Column 34, Incumbent Carrier SAC: CETC must provide the incumbent carrier’s study area code (SAC). The SAC is the six-digit number assigned to all incumbent and competitive ETCs on a state-by-state basis. In the event a CETC does not know the SAC of the incumbent carrier, the CETC may call USAC’s High Cost Customer Service Center at 1-877-877-4925 and the information will be provided. This information can also be found in the High Cost appendices, located on USAC’s web site under FCC Filings.

Column 35, ETC Designation: CETC must state whether it has received an ETC designation for the territory of the incumbent carrier where the competitive carrier serves lines. Where the CETC is designated in an area smaller than that of the incumbent carrier, the CETC must report lines for the areas designated only. In the event the CETC wishes to report lines for those areas of the incumbent carrier’s study area where the CETC is not yet designated as an ETC, the CETC must use a separate line and enter “NO” for ETC designation. Where a competitive carrier has ETC status pending and chooses to report lines to the Administrator, the competitor must also enter “NO” for the ETC designation column.

Column 36, Wire Center CLLI Code: Indicate the unique eight-digit code identifying the wire center of the incumbent carrier listed in column 53. USAC provides an HCM Tool on its web site for those CETCs that are unsure of the proper wire center CLLI code. The web site is found at http://www.universalservice.org/hc/clli/.

Column 37, Wire Center Name: If known, indicate wire center name associated with the wire center code listed in column 36. USAC provides an HCM Tool on its web site for those CETCs that are unsure of the proper wire center name. The web site is found at http://www.universalservice.org/hc/clli/.

Column 38, Total Lines: CETC must indicate the total number of lines in service, excluding any UNE lines, at the end of the period for which you are filing for the wire center listed.

Page 5 – Interstate Access Support (IAS) Line Count Worksheet

Page 5 –General Information

Please note: The information provided in the general information section (for Items 2, 3, 4, 13, &

14) will only need to be populated if submission is performed manually. If manual submission is chosen, please populate from these general information items from the similarly numbered items as found on page 1 (as discussed in pages 4-5 of the instructions). For electronic filing, the general information will automatically populate from the information entered on page 1.

Page 5, IAS Detail Line Count Worksheet

Column 39, Incumbent Carrier Name: CETCs must identify the incumbent carrier in whose territory they serve lines.

Column 40, Incumbent Carrier SAC: CETC must provide the incumbent carrier’s study area code (SAC). The SAC is the six-digit number assigned to all incumbent and competitive ETCs on a state-by-state basis. In the event a CETC does not know the SAC of the incumbent carrier, the CETC may call USAC’s High Cost Customer Service Center at 1-877-877-4925 and the information will be provided. This information can also be found in the High Cost appendices, located on USAC’s web site under FCC Filings.

Column 41, ETC Designation: CETC must state whether it has received an ETC designation for the territory of the incumbent carrier where the competitive carrier serves lines. Where the CETC is designated in an area smaller than that of the incumbent carrier, the CETC must report lines for the areas designated only. In the event the CETC wishes to report lines for those areas of the incumbent carrier’s study area where the CETC is not yet designated as an ETC, the CETC must use a separate line and enter “NO” for ETC designation. Where a competitive carrier has ETC status pending and chooses to report lines to the Administrator, the competitor must also enter “NO” for the ETC designation

Columns 42-49, Zone 1, 2, 3 and 4 Residential & Single Line Business/Multi-line Business: CETC must identify its total number of residential and single-line business access lines in service for each specified Unbundled Network Element (UNE) zone. CETC must also identify its total number of multi-line business access lines in service for each specified UNE zone. If zone information is not known, please contact USAC’s High Cost Customer Service Center or visit online at: http://www.universalservice.org/hc/maps/.

Column 50, Total Lines: CETC must indicate total number of lines in service for all customer classes in the indicated zones, at the end of the period for which the CETC is filing.

Page 6 – Unbundled Network Elements (UNE) Reporting Page 6 - General Information

Please note: The information provided in the general information section (for Items 2, 3, 4) will only need to be populated if submission is performed manually. If manual submission is chosen, please populate from these general information items from the similarly numbered items as found

on page 1 (as discussed in pages 4-5 above). For electronic filing, the general information will

automatically populate from the information entered on page 1. Page 6 - Incumbent Details:

Each CETC must complete a separate worksheet for each study area of an incumbent carrier that has elected Path 1 disaggregation where the CETC is reporting access lines based on leased UNEs from the incumbent carrier in order to provide service for the reported access lines.

Item 51, Incumbent Carrier Name: CETC must identify the incumbent carrier in whose territory it serves lines using UNEs.

Item 52, Incumbent Carrier Study Area Code: CETC must provide the incumbent carrier’s study area code (SAC). The SAC is the six-digit number assigned to all incumbent and competitive ETCs on a state-by-state basis. In the event a CETC does not know the SAC of the incumbent carrier, the CETC may call USAC’s High Cost Customer Service Center at 1-877-877-4925 and the information will be provided. This information can also be found in the High Cost appendices, located on USAC’s web site under FCC Filings.

Reporting Lines for Incumbent Carriers that Elected Path 1 Disaggregation:

Column 53, UNE Zone: Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §51.507, UNE rates charged by incumbent carriers are established according to at least three different geographic cost zones. Each CETC must report the number of UNEs per cost zone that are used to serve lines reported on this form. Pursuant to 47

C.F.R. §51.507, the state regulatory commission with jurisdiction over the incumbent carrier’s UNE prices prescribes the UNE cost zone names. UNE Zone names may differ from those listed on the form. CETC may manually change UNE Zone name where required.

Loop w/o port costs:

The CETC must provide the number of UNE loops that it leases from the incumbent carrier to provide service to end user customers within the incumbent study area. The number of loops must be identified separately for each UNE price zone, and further itemized per residential and single- line business lines and for multi-line business lines within each UNE price zone. For CETCs that lease UNE-platform (“UNE-P”), the CETC must report loop costs exclusive of any port costs. The port of the UNE-P cost associated with port service must be reported separately in column 57, “Price/port.”

Column 54, No. of Loops: CETC must report the number of UNE loops in each UNE price zone that are leased from the incumbent carrier to provide service to customers. The number of loops used to provide service to residential and single-line business customers must be itemized separately from the number of loops used to provide service to multi-line business customers.

Column 55, Price per Loop: The CETC must report the price per UNE loop that it pays to the incumbent carrier within each UNE price zone, and per residential and single-line business lines and per multi-line business lines.


Column 56, No. of Ports: The CETC must report the number of UNE ports in each UNE price zone that are leased from the incumbent carrier to provide service to customers. The number of ports used to provide service to residential and single-line business customers must be itemized separately from the number of loops used to provide service to multi-line business customers. For CETCs leasing UNE-P, the number of ports must also include the ports associated with the UNE-P lines.

Column 57, Price per Port: The CETC must report the price per UNE port that it pays to the incumbent carrier within each UNE price zone, and per residential and single-line business lines and per multi-line business lines.

Vertical Services:

Vertical services are those services that are secondary features integrated into the telecommunications network including, but not limited to, call forwarding, call waiting, Caller ID, three way calling, voice mail and other ancillary services. The CETC must provide the number of UNE loops with vertical services that it leases from the incumbent carrier within the incumbent carrier’s study area. The number of loops with vertical services must be identified separately for each UNE price zone, and further itemized by residential and single-line business lines and by multi-line business lines within each UNE price zone.

Column 58, No. of Loops w/ Vertical Services: The CETC must report the number of UNE loops with vertical services in each UNE price zone that are leased from the incumbent carrier to provide service to customers. The number of loops with vertical services used to provide service to residential and single-line business customers must be itemized separately from the number of loops with vertical services used to provide service to multi-line business customers.

Column 59, Price for Vertical Services on each Loop: The CETC must report the price for vertical services for each UNE loop that it pays to the incumbent carrier within each UNE price zone, and per residential and single-line business lines and per multi-line business lines.


CETC must provide the number of UNE loops with switching services that it leases from the incumbent carrier to provide service to customers within the incumbent carrier’s SAC. The number of loops with switching services must be identified separately for each UNE price zone, and further itemized by residential and single-line business lines and by multi-line business lines within each UNE price zone.

Column 60, No. of Loops with Switching Services: CETC must report the number of UNE loops with switching services in each UNE price zone that are leased from the incumbent carrier to provide service to customers. The number of loops with switching services used to provide service to residential and single-line business customers must be itemized separately from the number of loops with vertical services used to provide service to multi-line business customers.

Column 61, No. of Switching Minutes: CETC must report the number of switching minutes used to provide service to customers whose lines are being reported, per UNE price zone, and per

residential and single-line business lines and per multi-line business lines.

Column 62, Price per Minute: CETC must report the price per switching minute that it pays to the incumbent carrier to provide service to customers whose lines are being reported, per UNE price zone and by residential and single-line business lines and by multi-line business lines.

Path 2 & 3 Rural Carriers

Reporting Lines for Rural Incumbent Carriers that Elected Path 2 or 3 Disaggregation:

Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §51.507, UNE rates charged by incumbent carriers are established according to at least three different geographic cost zones. Each CETC must report the number of UNEs per cost zone that are used to serve lines reported on this form. Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §51.507, the state regulatory commission with jurisdiction over the incumbent carrier’s UNE prices prescribes the UNE cost zone names. UNE Zone names may differ from those listed on the form. CETC may manually change UNE Zone name where required. CETC must be sure to list the incumbent carrier name and SAC in items 51 and 52 for this section.

Each CETC must complete a separate worksheet for each rural incumbent carrier that has elected Path 2 and/or Path 3 disaggregation in which the CETC is reporting access lines and for which the CETC leases UNEs from the incumbent carrier in order to provide service to the reported access lines. The CETC must report its lines according to the disaggregation zone names and UNE cost zones that have been established for each incumbent carrier’s study area in which the CETC is reporting lines. CETCs must report lines separately for each combination of UNE cost zones and disaggregation zones in which its lines are located. For example, CETCs must separately report lines served by UNEs leased at a unit rate of UNE Cost Zone 1 that may be located in two different disaggregation zones of the incumbent carrier. If a CETC does not know the disaggregation path chosen by the incumbent or the incumbent’s disaggregation zone names and boundaries, please contact USAC’s High Cost Customer Service Center at 1-877-877-4925 for assistance.

Column 63, UNE Zone Name: CETC must provide the UNE zone name applicable to the UNEs leased by the CETC for provision of the reported lines.

Column 64, Disaggregation Zone Name: CETC must provide the rural disaggregation zone established by the incumbent carrier in which the lines are located.

Columns 65-68, UNE Type, Quantity, Price, and Minutes:

General Information: Column 65, UNE type, lists the UNE items that the CETC must report for Path 2 and 3 rural incumbent carriers. UNEs must be identified separately for each UNE price zone and each disaggregation zone, and further itemized per residential and single-line business lines and for multi-line business lines within each UNE price zone. Column 66, Quantity, requires CETCs to provide the number of UNE types as listed in column 65. Column 67, Price, requires the CETC to provide the per UNE price for each UNE type listed in column 65. Lastly, Column 68, Minutes, requires the CETC to provide the number of switching minutes as provided by the incumbent carrier for provision of service to CETC’s end-user customers.

Loops without port costs: The CETC must report the number of UNE loops in each UNE

price zone and in each disaggregation zone that are leased from the incumbent carrier to

provide service to customers. The number of loops used to provide service to residential and single-line business customers must be itemized separately from the number of loops used to provide service to multi-line business customers. For CETCs leasing UNE-platform (“UNE-P”), the CETC must report loop costs exclusive of any port costs. The port of the UNE-P cost associated with port service must be reported below in “Ports”. The CETC must report the price per UNE loop that it pays to the incumbent carrier within each UNE price zone and in each disaggregation zone, and per residential and single-line business lines and per multi-line business lines.

Ports: The CETC must report the number of UNE ports in each UNE price zone and each disaggregation zone in addition to the price per port leased from the incumbent carrier to provide service to customers. The number of ports used to provide service to residential and single-line business customers must be itemized separately from the number of loops used to provide service to multi-line business customers. For CETCs leasing UNE-P, the number of ports must also include the ports associated with the UNE-P lines.

No. Loops w/ Vertical Services: Vertical services are those services that are secondary features integrated into the telecommunications network including, but not limited to, call forwarding, call waiting, Caller ID, three way calling, voice mail and other ancillary services. The CETC must provide the number of UNE loops with vertical services that it leases from the incumbent carrier to provide service to customers in the study area of the incumbent carrier. The number of loops with vertical services must be identified separately for each UNE price zone and each disaggregation zone, and further itemized per residential and single-line business lines and for multi-line business lines within each UNE price zone. The CETC must report the price per vertical services for each UNE loop that it pays to the incumbent carrier within each UNE price zone and each disaggregation zone, and per residential and single-line business lines and per multi-line business lines.

No. of Loops with Switching: CETC must report the number of UNE loops with switching services in each UNE price zone that are leased from the incumbent carrier to provide service to customers. The number of loops with switching services used to provide service to residential and single-line business customers must be itemized separately from the number of loops with vertical services used to provide service to multi-line business customers. The CETC must report the price per switching minute that it pays to the incumbent carrier to provide service to customers whose lines are being reported, per UNE price zone and disaggregation zone, and per residential and single-line business lines and per multi-line business lines. The CETC must report the number of switching minutes used to provide service to customers whose lines are being reported, per UNE price zone and per disaggregation zone, and per residential and single-line business lines and per multi-line business lines.

Pages 7-8 - Certifications General Information

Each CETC must submit certifications with the signature of an authorized person with FCC Form

Page 5 – Interstate Access Support (IAS) Line Count Worksheet

Page 5 –General Information

Please note: The information provided in the general information section (for Items 2, 3, 4, 13, & 14) will only need to be populated if submission is performed manually. If manual submission is chosen, please populate from these general information items from the similarly numbered items as found on page 1 (as discussed in pages 4-5 of the instructions). For electronic filing, the general information will automatically populate from the information entered on page 1.

Page 5, IAS Detail Line Count Worksheet

Column 39, Incumbent Carrier Name: CETCs must identify the incumbent carrier in whose territory they serve lines.

Column 40, Incumbent Carrier SAC: CETC must provide the incumbent carrier’s study area code (SAC). The SAC is the six-digit number assigned to all incumbent and competitive ETCs on a

state-by-state basis. In the event a CETC does not know the SAC of the incumbent carrier, the CETC may call USAC’s High Cost Customer Service Center at 1-877-877-4925 and the information will be provided. This information can also be found in the High Cost appendices, located on USAC’s web site under FCC Filings.

Column 41, ETC Designation: CETC must state whether it has received an ETC designation for the territory of the incumbent carrier where the competitive carrier serves lines. Where the CETC is designated in an area smaller than that of the incumbent carrier, the CETC must report lines for the areas designated only. In the event the CETC wishes to report lines for those areas of the incumbent carrier’s study area where the CETC is not yet designated as an ETC, the CETC must use a separate line and enter “NO” for ETC designation. Where a competitive carrier has ETC status pending and chooses to report lines to the Administrator, the competitor must also enter “NO” for the ETC designation

Columns 42-49, Zone 1, 2, 3 and 4 Residential & Single Line Business/Multi-line Business: CETC must identify its total number of residential and single-line business access lines in service for each specified Unbundled Network Element (UNE) zone. CETC must also identify its total number of multi-line business access lines in service for each specified UNE zone. If zone information is not known, please contact USAC’s High Cost Customer Service Center or visit online at: http://www.universalservice.org/hc/maps/.

Column 50, Total Lines: CETC must indicate total number of lines in service for all customer classes in the indicated zones, at the end of the period for which the CETC is filing.

Page 6 – Unbundled Network Elements (UNE) Reporting

Page 6 -General Information

Please note: The information provided in the general information section (for Items 2, 3, 4) will only need to be populated if submission is performed manually. If manual submission is chosen, please populate from these general information items from the similarly numbered items as found


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  1. If You Have Questions.

Please consult the USAC Web site, www.universalservice.org/hc for important information and updates. You may submit questions via e-mail to [email protected] You may telephone the USAC High Cost Customer Service Center at: 1-877-877-4925 When submitting any inquiry to USAC’s High Cost Division, whether by telephone, e-mail, or fax, please provide the name of the person submitting the inquiry and the company on whose behalf the inquiry is submitted, the person’s telephone number, e-mail address, and fax number, and please describe your inquiry as specifically as possible.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleMicrosoft Word - FCC Form 525 Instructions.doc
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-05-17

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