SORN FWS-26 MB Population & Harvest Systems (64 FR 29055)

SORN FWS-26 05122015 80FR27183 2015-11430.pdf

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SORN FWS-26 MB Population & Harvest Systems (64 FR 29055)

OMB: 1018-0185

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mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 91 / Tuesday, May 12, 2015 / Notices
programs, seven representatives of
recreational boat manufacturers and
associated equipment manufacturers,
and seven representatives of national
recreational boating organizations and
the general public, at least five of whom
are representatives of national
recreational boating organizations.
Members are appointed by the Secretary
of the Department of Homeland
The Council usually meets at least
twice each year at a location selected by
the Coast Guard. It may also meet for
extraordinary purposes. Subcommittees
or working groups may also meet to
consider specific issues.
We will consider applications for
seven positions that expire or become
vacant on December 31, 2015:
• Two representatives of State
officials responsible for State boating
safety programs;
• Two representatives of recreational
boat and associated equipment
manufacturers; and
• Three representatives of national
recreational boating organizations or the
general public.
• Applications will also be
considered for a one vacancy in the
national recreational boating
organizations or the general public
membership category that was caused
by a last minute change in eligibility of
an individual recommended for
appointment in 2015. This position will
serve a term that expires on December
31, 2017.
Applicants are considered for
membership on the basis of their
particular expertise, knowledge, and
experience in recreational boating
safety. The vacancies announced in this
notice apply to membership positions
that become vacant on January 1, 2016.
To be eligible, you should have
experience in one of the categories
listed above.
Registered lobbyists are not eligible to
serve on Federal advisory committees in
an individual capacity. See ‘‘Revised
Guidance on Appointment of Lobbyists
to Federal Advisory Committees, Boards
and Commissions’’ (79 FR 47482,
August 13, 2014). The category for a
member from the general public would
be someone appointed in their
individual capacity and would be
designated as a Special Government
Employee as defined in 202(a) of Title
18, United States Code. Registered
lobbyists are lobbyists required to
comply with provisions contained in
The Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995
(Pub. L. 104–65; as amended by Title II
of Pub. L. 110–81).
Each member serves for a term of
three years. Members may be considered

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to serve a maximum of two full
consecutive terms. All members serve at
their own expense and receive no
salary, or other compensation from the
Federal Government. The exception to
this policy is when attending National
Boating Safety Advisory Council
meetings; members may be reimbursed
for travel expenses and provided per
diem in accordance with Federal Travel
The Department of Homeland
Security does not discriminate in
selection of Council members on the
basis of race, color, religion, sex,
national origin, political affiliation,
sexual orientation, gender identity,
marital status, disability and genetic
information, age, membership in an
employee organization, or other nonmerit factor. The Department of
Homeland Security strives to achieve a
widely diverse candidate pool for all of
its recruitment actions.
If you are selected as a nonrepresentative member or as a member
from the general public, you will serve
as a Special Government Employee as
defined in section 202(a) of title 18,
United States Code. As a candidate for
appointment as a Special Government
Employee, applicants are required to
complete a Confidential Financial
Disclosure Report (OGE Form 450). The
Coast Guard may not release the reports
or the information in them to the public
except under an order issued by a
Federal court or as otherwise provided
under the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a).
Applicants can obtain this form by
going to the Web site of the Office of
Government Ethics ( or by
contacting the individual listed above in
Applications which are not
accompanied by a completed OGE Form
450 will not be considered.
If you are interested in applying to
become a member of the Council, send
your cover letter and resume to Mr. Jeff
Ludwig, Alternate Designated Federal
Officer of National Boating Safety
Advisory Council by email or mail
according to the instructions in the
ADDRESSES section by the deadline in
the DATES section of this notice. Indicate
the specific category you request to be
considered for and specify your area of
expertise that qualifies you to serve on
the National Boating Safety Advisory
Council. All email submittals will
receive email receipt confirmation.
To visit our online docket, go to Enter the
docket number for this notice (USCG–
2010–0316) in the Search box, and click
‘‘Search.’’ Please do not post your
resume or OGE–450 Form on this site.

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Dated: May 6, 2015.
Jonathan C. Burton,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Director of
Inspections and Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2015–11408 Filed 5–11–15; 8:45 am]

Fish and Wildlife Service
Privacy Act of 1974, As Amended;
Revision of a System of Records
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Proposed revisions to an
existing system of records.

The Department of the
Interior (DOI) is issuing public notice of
its intent to revise a system of records
in its current inventory, Migratory Bird
Population and Harvest Surveys—
Interior, FWS–26, subject to the Privacy
Act of 1974. This action is necessary to
meet the requirements of the Privacy
Act to publish in the Federal Register
a notice of amended systems of records.
This system of records was previously
published in the Federal Register on
March 24, 1981 (46 FR 18378). The
agency is updating information on the
system and adding new information on
purposes, routine uses, and procedures.
DATES: Comments on this revised
system of records must be received on
or before June 22, 2015.
ADDRESSES: Address all comments on
this revised system of records to U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, Privacy Act
Officer, Mail Stop IRTM, 5275 Leesburg
Pike, Falls Church, Virginia 22041–
3830; or by email at Melissa_Allen@


Melissa Allen, Privacy Act Officer, U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, telephone:
703–358–2470, or fax: 703–358–2251.
Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS)
migratory bird population and harvest
survey programs collect information
that is used in the promulgation of
annual migratory bird hunting
regulations. People who participate in
annual migratory bird population
surveys are professional biologists and
biological technicians employed by
cooperating Federal and State agencies;
we collect and maintain their name,
address, telephone number, and email
address information in order to facilitate
the communication and coordination
efforts needed to conduct those surveys.
People participating in migratory bird
harvest surveys have obtained hunting




Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 91 / Tuesday, May 12, 2015 / Notices

licenses from a State wildlife agency
(State) and have been identified as
migratory bird hunters by the States.
The States collect the required
information from those hunters and
provide the data to the FWS, which then
selects samples of those hunters for
voluntary mail surveys. Information
collected by the States and provided to
the FWS includes name, mailing
address, email address, date of birth,
date the license was issued, what
migratory game birds the person hunted
the previous year, and approximately
how many birds he or she took the
previous year. We updated information
for this system of records to reflect
current categories of individuals and
records covered by the system, as well
as current locations of records and
system managers. We deleted all
categories of individuals and records
related to bird banding permits and bird
band encounters from this system,
because those categories now fall under
the purview of the U.S. Geological
The Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(11))
requires that the public be provided a
30-day period in which to comment on
the intended use of the information in
the system of records. The Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), in
Circular A–130, requires an additional
10-day period (for a total of 40 days) in
which to make these comments. Any
persons interested in commenting on
this proposed system notice may do so
by submitting comments in writing as
indicated under ADDRESSES. Comments
received within 40 days of publication
will be effective as proposed at the end
of the comment period, unless
comments are received that would
require a contrary determination. We
will publish a revised notice if we make
changes based on our review of
comments received.

mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

Public Comments
You may submit your comments and
supporting materials to the address in
the ADDRESSES section. We will not
consider comments sent by email or fax,
or written comments sent to an address
other than the one listed in the
ADDRESSES section.
If you submit a comment, your entire
comment—including any personal
identifying information—may be
available to the public. If you submit a
comment that includes personal
identifying information, you may
request that we withhold the
information from public review, but we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.

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Dated: February 5, 2015.
Melissa Allen,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Privacy Act

population surveys, and to provide a
sampling frame of migratory bird
hunters for national migratory bird
harvest surveys.




Migratory bird population and harvest


The records are stored at the
following offices of the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (FWS):
(1) Population surveys records:
Division of Migratory Bird Management,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Patuxent
Wildlife Research Center, Merriam
Building, 11510 American Holly Drive,
Laurel, Maryland 20708.
(2) Harvest surveys records: Division
of Migratory Bird Management, U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, Patuxent
Wildlife Research Center, 10815
Loblolly Pine Drive, Laurel, Maryland

Records are maintained by biologists
and biological technicians who
participate in the Mourning Dove Callcount Survey and the American
Woodcock Singing-ground Survey.
Records are also kept for all persons
who obtain hunting licenses and
indicate to the State licensing authority
that they intend to hunt migratory game
birds, as required by the Migratory Bird
Harvest Information Program (50 CFR
20.20). This includes the subset of
hunters who are selected to participate
in one of the FWS’s national harvest

Records for migratory bird population
survey participants contain the name,
address, work telephone number,
facsimile number, and email address of
each participant. Each migratory bird
hunter record contains the name,
mailing address, email address, date of
birth, date the license was issued, what
migratory game bird species the person
hunted the previous year, and
approximately how many birds he or
she took the previous year.

Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16 U.S.C.

The purposes are to facilitate the
communication and coordination efforts
needed to conduct migratory bird

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The FWS is the primary user of the
system, and the primary uses of the
records will be:
(1) To contact population survey
participants annually and coordinate
the scheduling, operating procedures,
data transmittal, and reporting of results
for each survey.
(2) To select members of the public
(migratory bird hunters) and ask them to
participate in voluntary harvest surveys.
(3) To mail survey forms to select
members of the public. Electronic files
containing the mailing information will
be sent to a private company to print out
the survey forms, insert them in
envelopes, and deliver the survey forms
to the U.S. Postal Service. Any company
awarded this printing contract by the
Government Publishing Office will be
certified to handle Privacy Act
materials. All databases will be deleted
by the contractor upon at the end of
each survey year. However, we will
maintain records in accordance with the
Service’s applicable records schedule.
(4) To track the timing and types of
responses from selected harvest survey
participants. Upon completion of the
harvest surveys, the personal identifier
information is removed from each
participant’s survey response data, and
the personal identification information
is destroyed.
(5) To determine the total number of
licensed migratory bird hunters in each
Disclosures outside the DOI may be
made under the routine uses listed
below without the consent of the
individual if the disclosure is
compatible with the purposes for which
the record was collected.
(1) To the individual State wildlife
agencies that provided the migratory
bird hunter information to the FWS.
(2) To the Department of Justice (DOJ),
or a court, adjudicative, or other
administrative body or to a party in
litigation before a court or adjudicative
or administrative body, when:
(a) One of the following is a party to
the proceeding or has an interest in the
(i) The DOI or any component of the
(ii) Any DOI employee acting in his or
her official capacity;
(iii) Any DOI employee acting in his
or her individual capacity where the
DOI or DOJ has agreed to represent the
employee; or



Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 91 / Tuesday, May 12, 2015 / Notices
(iv) The United States, when DOI
determines that DOI is likely to be
affected by the proceeding; and
(b) The DOI deems the disclosure to
(v) Relevant and necessary to the
proceedings; and
(vi) Compatible with the purpose for
which we compiled the information.
(3) To the appropriate Federal, State,
tribal, local, or foreign governmental
agency that is responsible for
investigating, prosecuting, enforcing, or
implementing a statute, rule, regulation,
order, or license, when we become
aware of an indication of a violation or
potential violation of the statute, rule,
regulation, order, or license.
(4) To a congressional office in
response to an inquiry to the office by
the individual to whom the record
(5) To the General Accounting Office
or Congress when the information is
required for the evaluation of the
migratory bird population and harvest
surveys programs.
(6) To a contractor, expert, or
consultant employed by the FWS when
necessary to accomplish a FWS function
related to this system of records.
Policies and practices for storing,
retrieving, accessing, retaining, and
disposing of records in the system.



Records are maintained in accordance
with the Service’s applicable records



Chief, Division of Migratory Bird
Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, 5275 Leesburg Pike, MS MB,
Falls Church, Virginia 22041–3830.

Any individual may request
information regarding this system of
records, or information as to whether
the system contains records pertaining
to him/her, from the System Manager
identified above. We require that the
request to be in writing and signed by
the requester, and to include the
requester’s full name, address, and
Social Security number. See 43 CFR
2.60 for procedures on making inquiries.

For copies of your records, write to
the System Manager identified above.
The request envelope and letter should
be clearly marked ‘‘PRIVACY ACT
REQUEST FOR ACCESS.’’ A request for
access must meet the content
requirements of 43 CFR 2.63(b)(4).

Use the same procedures as ‘‘Records
Access Procedures’’ section above. See
43 CFR 2.71.


Paper records are stored in file boxes
in rooms and offices until they have
been converted to electronic form, after
which they are shredded. Electronic
records are stored on a computer server
and disks or tapes.


(1) Federal and State agencies that
assign their personnel to participate in
migratory bird population surveys; and
(2) State wildlife agencies that collect
the information from licensed migratory
bird hunters.



Electronic records may be searched on
or reported by any data field.

[FR Doc. 2015–11430 Filed 5–11–15; 8:45 am]


mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES


Access to records in the system is
limited to authorized personnel whose
official duties require such access, in
accordance with requirements found in
the Code of Federal Regulations (43 CFR
2.51). Paper records are maintained in
secured rooms. Electronic records are
password-protected, backed up daily,
and maintained with safeguards meeting
the security requirements of 43 CFR

Bureau of Indian Affairs
A0A501010.999900 253G]


Additional tribal consultation
meeting; extension of comment period.
The Bureau of Indian
Education (BIE) published a notice in
the Federal Register on March 25, 2015
(80 FR 15807), announcing the
American Indian Education Study
Group (Study Group) will conduct four
consultation meetings with Indian tribes
to obtain oral and written comments.
Another Federal Register notice was
published on April 17, 2015 (80 FR
21261) to announce BIE will conduct an
additional consultation for a total of five
consultation meetings with Indian tribes
to obtain oral and written comments.
This notice extends the comment
deadline by 7 days and announces an
additional meeting scheduled for May
15, 2015, making a total of 6 tribal
consultation meetings.

The BIE will host an additional
tribal consultation session on Friday,
May 15, 2015. We will consider all
comments received by May 22, 2015,
5:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time.


Submit comments by mail
or hand-deliver written comments to:
Ms. Jacquelyn Cheek, Special Assistant
to the Director, Bureau of Indian
Education, 1849 C Street NW., Mailstop
4657–MIB, Washington, DC 20240;
facsimile: (202) 208–3312; or email to:
[email protected].


Jacquelyn Cheek, Special Assistant to
the Director, Bureau of Indian
Education, telephone: (202) 208–6983.


consultation meeting is scheduled
under exceptional circumstances due to
the request of several tribal leaders to
hold a tribal consultation session in
Albuquerque, New Mexico. This
complies with the Department of the
Interior’s Policy on Consultation with
Indian Tribes.
The additional tribal consultation
session on the BIE Restructuring will be
held on the following date and at the
following location:


American Indian Education Study

Bureau of Indian Affairs,





Friday, May 15, 2015 .................................

9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. (Local Time) ..........

Isleta Resort and Casino, Seminar Room, 11000
Broadway Boulevard, Southeast, Albuquerque, New
Mexico 87105.

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