Application for Electronic Direct Deposit |
PBGC Form 710
Benefit Guaranty Corporation. |
For assistance, call 1-800-400-7242 |
Plan Name: FX.PrismCase.CaseTitle.XF |
Plan Number: FX.PrismCase.CaseIdNmbr.XF |
Participant Name : FX.PrismCust.FullName.XF |
Printed: Date of Plan Termination: FX.PrismCase.DOPT.XF
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete this form to have PBGC send your pension benefit payments directly to your bank or other financial institution through electronic direct deposit (EDD). This form may also be used for an Electronic Transfer Account (ETA). Your name must be on the account. If you have questions, call our Customer Contact Center at 1-800-400-7242. Print clearly with blue or black ink.
1. General information about you
Plan Name (as shown on check) |
Last Name |
First Name |
Middle Name |
Other Last Name(s) Used |
Social Security Number |
PBGC Plan Number |
- |
- |
Mailing Address |
Apartment / Route Number |
City |
State |
Zip Code |
Country |
Daytime Phone |
Extension |
Evening Phone |
( |
) |
- |
x |
( |
) |
- |
Approved OMB 1212-0055
Expires xx/xx/xx
Application for Electronic Direct Deposit |
Form 710, page 2 of 2 |
Plan Number: FX.PrismCase.CaseIdNmbr.XF |
Participant Name: FX.PrismCust.FullName.XF |
2. Financial institution information – Please provide the information in this section to have your payment sent directly to a financial institution. The information is available from your financial institution or can be found on your checks, account statement or deposit slip. The sample check below shows the location of your nine-digit routing number and account number. If you are unsure of the routing number or your account number, contact your financial institution. You can cancel or change this arrangement by calling PBGC at 1-800-400-7242. The financial institution can cancel it by sending you a written notice.
All fields required
Routing Number |
Account Number – Numbers only |
Account Type |
Checking |
Savings |
3. Signature – I hereby authorize PBGC to deposit my pension benefit funds into my account. I understand that I may change this election in the future.
date |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | General Information Form_PBGC Form XXX |
Author | PBGC\IOD |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-04-19 |