D1_Recruitment Website_6.11.21

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child Care Settings II (SNACS-II) (New)

D1_Recruitment Website_6.11.21

OMB: 0584-0669

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D1. Recruitment Website

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OMB Number: 0584-xxxx
Expiration Date: xx/xx/20xx

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II
Recruiting Website
April 19, 2021

The following pages represent individual webpages that study participants will be able
to access on the recruiting website. Sample groups will be given passcodes to allow
them to access both general study information as well as specific information related to
their role in the study. For additional privacy information visit

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) is collecting this information to understand the nutritional quality of CACFP meals and snacks, the cost to produce
them, and dietary intakes and activity levels of CACFP participants. This is a voluntary collection and FNS will use the information to examine CACFP
operations. The collection does request personally identifiable information under the Privacy Act of 1974. Responses will be kept private to the extent
provided by law and FNS regulations. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information
collection is 0584-xxxx. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 0.4389 hours (26 minutes) per response,
including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including
suggestions for reducing this burden, to: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Office of Policy Support, 1320 Braddock Place, 5th
Floor, Alexandria, VA 22314.

This page has been left blank for double sided copying.

Outline of Website Content (Website Crosswalk)

Examples of Content

A. Home Page

Note: The study name and logo will appear on all pages with a hyperlink back to the
home page. The floating links will also appear on all pages.
1. Home Page (A)
• Links
➢ States (C)
➢ Sponsors (D)
➢ Center-Based Providers (E)
➢ Family Child Care Homes (FCCHs) (F)
➢ Parents/Guardians (G)
➢ Youth (H)
➢ Onsite point-of-contact (POC) (L)

What is the Study about?


Reason for the Study


Study Schedule


Support for SNACS-II


About Mathematica


About Westat


Floating links
➢ SNACS-II Data Collection (B1)
➢ Letters of Support/Endorsement (B2)
➢ Contacts and Technical Support (B3)
➢ Frequently Asked Questions (B4)

B. All Pages


SNACS-II Data Collection (B1)
Letters of Support/Endorsement (B2)
Contacts and Technical Support (B3)
Frequently Asked Questions (B4)

C. State Page


State Landing page (C1)



Why is it important for States to participate?


What does State participation entail?


Instructions on uploading data files


Link to Reference Guide for sample frame data files (C2)


Link to State Data File Template


Link to securely upload data files


Link to summary of other participation for States (C3)

• Link to State FAQs (C4)
Reference Guide for Sample Frame Data Files (C2)
Summary of other participation for States (C3)

4. State FAQs (C4)



Examples of Content

D. Sponsor Page


E. Center-Based
Provider Page

F. FCCH Provider

Sponsor Landing Page (D1)

Why is it important for sponsors to participate?


What does sponsor participation entail?


Link to Summary of provider and family participation (D2)


Link to Sponsor FAQs (D4)


Link to About the Provider Survey (I1)


Link to About the Menu Survey (J1)


Link to About the Cost Interview and forms (K1)


• Link to Sponsor Confirmation of Enrollment (D3)
Summary of Provider and Family Participation (D2)
Sponsor Confirmation of Enrollment (D3)
Sponsor FAQs (D4)


Center Landing Page (E1)

Why is it important for providers to participate?


What does provider participation entail?


What does participation of parents/guardians and infants, children, and teens
from my center entail?


Link to Center FAQs (E2)


Link to About the Provider Survey (I1)


Link to About the Menu Survey (J1)


Link to About the cost interviews and forms (K1)


• Link to Center Confirmation of enrollment (E3)
Center FAQs (E2)
Center Confirmation of Enrollment (E3)


FCCH Landing Page (F1)




Why is it important for family child care providers (FCCHs) to participate?


What does FCCH participation entail?


What does participation of parents/guardians, infants, and children from my
FCCH entail?


Link to Additional Assistance for FCCHs (F2)


Link to FCCH Confirmation of Enrollment (F3)


Link to FCCH FAQs (F4)


Link to About the Provider Survey (I1)

• Link to About the Menu Survey (J1)
Additional Assistance for FCCHs (F2)

What types of additional assistance are available?


What do I need to do to get additional assistance?

• Link to FCCH FAQs (F4)
FCCH Confirmation of Enrollment (F3)



Examples of Content

G. Parent/Guardian



Parent/Guardian Page (G1)

Why should I participate?


Why should my child participate?


How to take part in the study


Data collection at your child’s provider


Link to About the Parent Interview (G2)


Link to Parent of an Infant Participant (G3)


Link to Parent of a Child Participant (G4)

• Link to Parent of a Youth Participant (G5)
About the Parent Interview (G2)

H. Youth Page



About the
Provider Survey
About the Menu

About the Parent Interview


• Rights as a Participant
Parent of an Infant Participant (G3)
Parent of a Child Participant (G4)
Parent of a Youth Participant (G5)


Youth Page (H1)



K. About the Cost
Interviews and


L. Resources for
onsite Point-ofcontact (POC)




Why should I participate in this study?


What would I need to do?


What about my privacy?


Your rights as a participant


Frequently Asked Questions

About the Provider Survey (I1)

About the Provider Survey


Reference Guide for the Provider Survey

About the Menu Survey (J1)

About the Menu Survey


Reference Guide for the Menu Survey

About the Cost Interviews and Forms (K1)

About the Cost Interviews and Forms


Reference Guide for the Cost Interviews and Forms

Onsite POC Page (L1)



Your Role


Link to Onsite POC Roles and Responsibilities Guide (L2)

• Link to Onsite POC How-To Steps (L3)
Onsite POC Roles and Responsibilities Guide (L2)
Onsite POC How-To Steps (L3)


W.A. Home Page

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture




Child Care





What is the Study about?
Child care centers, family child care homes, and before and after school programs
participating in USDA’s Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) play a critical role
in supporting the health and wellness of the children they serve. For millions of
American children, this is where they receive much of the nutrition, care, and
socialization they need for proper growth and development. In 2010, Congress asked
USDA to conduct the Study of Nutrition and Physical Activity in Child Care Settings
(SNACS), the first nationally representative study of the nutrition and physical activity
environment of CACFP child care programs.
USDA is now conducting the second iteration of the study, referred to as SNACS-II.
The goal of SNACS-II is to provide up-to-date and nationally representative data on

Nutritional quality of meals served
Wellness policies and practices of providers
Energy and nutrient intake of children in CACFP child care settings
CACFP meal costs and revenues
Observed plate waste in CACFP settings

Reason for Study
[Note to reviewers: This section will be filled with information from the second FAQ in
the Study FAQs document. Final text from that document will be updated here.]

The study aims to determine changes in the following:
o Children’s dietary intake both in and outside of CACFP care;


W.A. Home Page

o Plate waste, or food that is discarded; and
o Cost to produce meals.
Study Schedule
Spring 2022

States provide list of sponsors and providers

Fall 2022

Recruit and enroll sponsors and providers

Fall 2022-Spring 2023

Recruit and enroll parents and youth

Winter-Spring 2023

Conduct data collection

Fall 2023-Spring 2025

Produce final study reports

About Mathematica
Mathematica is a private employee-owned research company headquartered in
Princeton, New Jersey, with nine locations nationwide. Mathematica’s mission is to
improve public well-being by bringing the highest standards of quality, objectivity, and
excellence to bear on the provision of information collection and analysis to our clients.
Mathematica’s areas of research include early childhood, nutrition, education, and
family support. For more information about Mathematica, please visit
About Westat
Westat is a private employee-owned research company headquartered in Rockville,
Maryland, with 14 locations nationwide. Westat conducts research in health, education,
social policy, and transportation. Westat is dedicated to improving lives through
research. For more information about Westat, please visit https://www.westat.com
For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)

Letters of Support/


Contacts and


W.B1. SNACS-II Data Collection

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

SNACS-II Data Collection
Who is involved and what kind of information are we collecting?
 State agencies:
o State agencies will provide the list of providers, their sponsors, and programs in their
State. We will select Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) providers from 25
States for participation in SNACS-II. Sponsored and independent child care centers,
family child care homes, Head Start centers, at-risk afterschool centers, and outsideschool-hours care centers are the types of CACFP providers that will be included in the
 Sponsors:
o We will work with sponsors to engage and recruit providers to participate in the study.
o We will ask sponsors to contact providers to encourage their participation in the study.
We will also contact providers directly with the sponsor’s permission.
o Sponsors will complete surveys or interviews about the costs to operate the CACFP
 Providers:
o We will work with the providers that were selected for onsite data collection to obtain
information on the groups of children (including ages) and to identify an onsite point-ofcontact (POC). The POC will facilitate onsite data collection by being available to answer
parents’/guardians’ questions, provide more information about the study, and assist in
the recruitment of parents/guardians.
o Providers will be asked to complete a Provider Survey and a Menu Survey.
o Providers participating in onsite data collection will be visited by trained data collectors
who will conduct meal and classroom observations and height and weight assessments
on sampled children (age 1 to 12 years). Parents/guardians will provide written
permission for this activity.
o Providers with infants (under age 1) will be asked to record what the infants eat and
drink for one day in child care. Parents/guardians will provide written permission for this
o During visits to providers with youth (age 10 to 18 years), the youth will complete a brief
hardcopy survey. Parents/guardians will provide written permission for this activity.


W.B1. SNACS-II Data Collection

 Parents/guardians:
o Parents/guardians of children (age 1 to 12 years) will complete two or three telephone
interviews and will be asked to provide certain information about their children’s dietary
intake and physical activity.
o Parents/guardians will also provide permission for professional data collectors to
conduct observations of their child’s meals and activities at the child care center, as well
as measure their child’s height and weight. For infants (less than 1 year),
parents/guardians will provide their infant’s recent weight.
o Parents/guardians of youth (age 10 to 18 years) will complete one telephone interview to
describe household characteristics.
o Parents/guardians will be compensated for their time.
 Children (age 1 to 12 years):
o Children will have their height and weight measured and their meals and snacks
observed by trained data collectors on one day when the child is in care. Some children
will have a second day of meals and snacks observed when the child is in care. Children
can choose not to participate.
o The data collector will have minimal physical contact with children and will never be
alone with them.
 Youth (age 10 to 18 years):
o Youth will complete a brief, hardcopy survey about their food and physical activity
experiences. Parents/guardians will provide written permission for this activity.
o Youth will receive a gift for their time.

For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
Thank you for taking part in this very important study!
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)

Letters of Support/

Contacts and
Technical Support


Frequently Asked

W.B2. Letters of Support/Endorsement

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

SNACS-II is supported by several organizations including:

[Name of Organization 1] link to website of organization


[Name of Organization 2] link to website of organization



USDA encourages your participation in SNACS-II. Click here to read USDA’s letter:
For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)

Letters of Support/

Contacts and


W.B3. Contacts and Technical Support

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

If you need assistance, you can contact the SNACS-II study team by phone at
[INSERT TOLL-FREE NUMBER] (toll-free) or email us at [INSERT EMAIL
You may also complete the form below and we will contact you within one business day:

Reason for Contact (select one)*
General Inquiry

Technical Issue or Support



*Required field
Submitted messages will be sent to the study’s email inbox and the Study Management
System (SMS).
SNACS-II Study Team

SNACS-II Technical Support Team








W.B3. Contacts and Technical Support

For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)

Letters of Support/


Contacts and


W.B4. Frequently Asked Questions

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Note to reviewers: The content of this page will correspond with the Study FAQs in
Appendix C5. The final draft of this page will include the approved text from the Study
Frequently Asked Questions

For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)

Letters of Support/

Contacts and


W.C1. State Landing Page

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Why is it important for States to participate?
 Your participation will ensure that a representative sample of CACFP providers is
included in the study and is part of the data that are used to make improvements to
the CACFP program.
 Your participation will help support the USDA’s mission to improve the quality of
meals and activity in child care centers.
What does State participation entail?
 State agencies are asked to provide the list of CACFP providers, and their sponsors
and programs, in your State.
o Provider types include: sponsored child care centers, independent child care
centers, family child care homes, Head Start centers, at-risk afterschool care
centers, and outside-school-hours care centers.
 We will sample providers from the list that your agency provides for participation in
the SNACS-II study.
Instructions on uploading data files:
See Also:

For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)

Letters of Support/

Contacts and

Frequently Asked

W.C2. Reference Guide for Sample Frame Data Files

For Additional Assistance, Contact Us:


a) This request asks for:
1. A complete list of all child care providers (and their sponsors) participating in the Child
and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) for your State, as reported to FNS on Form 44
in March 20XX.
2. A complete list of all sponsor organizations and the number of meals claimed in March
3. For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
b) Regarding the list of child care providers:
1. We use this list to randomly sample CACFP child care providers (sponsored child care
centers, independent child care centers, Head Start centers, family child care homes, atrisk afterschool centers and outside-school-hours child care centers) and their sponsors
for the SNACS-II.
2. If feasible, do not include adult care centers, homeless shelter providers, drop-in only
centers or emergency shelters.
3. The list should include providers, not sites within a provider/center. However, if your data
file includes sites within a provider/center, they should have the same provider/center ID
(making it feasible to identify sites within a provider/center).
4. The list should include the sponsor unique identifier for each sponsored center. This must
be the same unique identifier in the sponsor list to facilitate linking providers/centers to
5. The data reported should match data reported to FNS on Form 44 in March 20XX.
Moreover, the number of records in your data file should match the number of child care
provider outlets that your State reported in to FNS on Form 44 (Part B, Question 9,
Column A) in March 20XX.
6. We need information on every program that a child care provider operates. The template
provides space for up to 3 programs for each provider. Please feel free to edit the
template as appropriate.


W.C2. Reference Guide for Sample Frame Data Files

Data File Requirements:
a) The data file(s) must be an Excel or CSV formatted text file. You can use the provided Data File
Template as a guide, if you’d like.
b) If the variables listed below are available in a different existing format, please let us know. We will
coordinate with you to accommodate your existing data file structure as best as possible.
c) States can submit one or multiple files that include the requested data.
d) The data file(s) with the list of child care providers should include the twenty (20) data elements
listed below in Section III.
e) The data file with the list of sponsors should include the eleven (11) data elements listed below in
Section IV.


The data files should be uploaded to our secure file transfer site, as outlined on the State page of
our study website [LINK TO C1].

Required Data Elements for the List of Child Care Providers (also referred to as Centers):
Data Element



1. Provider
Unique identifier


This is the ID, code or other shortcut identifier assigned by the
State to each provider/center for administrative purposes.
Ensure that the assigned identifier is not duplicated.
If the State does not use this type of identifier, please assign a
code that begins with the two (2) alpha characters of your
State’s abbreviation with sequential numeric characters. For
example, Maryland would use MD101, MD102, MD103 … and
so on.

2. Provider Name


The full legal name of the child care provider.

3. Provider
Address 1


The physical street where the child care provider is located.

4. Provider
Address 2


Additional address details such as suite number or floor

5. Provider City


The town or city where the child care provider is physically

6. Provider State


This should automatically be your State.

Do not use P.O. Box addresses or the address of the sponsor
organization, even if this is the mailing address.

The data file should list only those child care providers
physically located within your State’s boundaries, regardless of
the location of the sponsor organization.


W.C2. Reference Guide for Sample Frame Data Files
Data Element



7. Provider Zip


The zip code for the street address where the child care
provider is physically located.

8. Type of Provider


9. Early Head Start


The category in which the child care provider is counted in your
March 20XX report to FNS on Form 44, Part C. Valid options
• Non-profit child care provider, For-profit child care
provider, Head Start, Outside-school-hours, At-risk
after school, family child care home provider.
• Indicate only one type per provider. If the provider
operates multiple programs, please include each
program as a separate listing.
Flag “Yes” or “1” if the provider is an Early Head Start Center.

10. Multi-Site


Flag “Yes” or “1” if the provider has multiple sites or locations.

11. Multi-Program


Flag “Yes” or “1” if the provider has multiple programs at a
single site.
For example, a provider may operate both a Head Start
program and an At-risk program at the same location.
In this case, we would consider these as two separate
If the provider operates multiple programs, please 1)
include each program as a separate listing on its own
row, or 2) populate the additional program detail
columns in the provided template in the same row.



12. Provider
Average Daily


If known, the portion of the total count of the average daily
attendance for your State from this particular provider as
reported in March 20XX to FNS on Form 44, Question 10,
Column A.

13. Provider Primary
Contact Name


The first and last name of the person with overall responsibility
for the management of the child care provider’s operational
activities. This is typically the center director.

14. Provider Primary
Contact Phone


The primary contact’s (named in #12) phone number.

15. Provider Primary
Contact Email


The primary contact’s (named in #12) email address.

16. (if known) Age of
youngest child
served (months)


xx months

17. (if known) Age of
youngest child
served (years)


xx years


W.C2. Reference Guide for Sample Frame Data Files
Data Element



18. (if known) Age of
oldest child


xx years

19. Sponsored


Indicate whether or not the center is a sponsored child care
Record “Yes” or “1” if the child care center operates under the
umbrella of a sponsor organization, including the State agency,
that assumes fiscal responsibility and provides training and
monitoring to ensure that the center comply with all CACFP
Record “No” or “2” if the child care center operates
independently, acting as its own sponsor.

20. Sponsor Unique


This is the ID, code or other shortcut identity assigned by the
State to each sponsor organization for administrative purposes.
Ensure that the assigned identifier is not duplicated.
If the State does not use this type of identifier, please assign a
code that begins with the two (2) alpha characters of your
State’s abbreviation, followed by SP with sequential numeric
characters. For example, Maryland would use MDSP101,
MDSP102, MDSP103 … and so on.


Required Data Elements for the List of Sponsor Organizations:
Data Element

Variable Name


1. Sponsor


This is the ID, code, or other shortcut identity assigned by the
State to each sponsor organization for administrative purposes.
Ensure that the assigned identifier is not duplicated.
If the State does not use this type of identifier, please assign a
code that begins with the two (2) alpha characters of your State’s
abbreviation, followed by SP with sequential numeric characters.
For example, Maryland would use MDSP101, MDSP102,
MDSP103 … and so on.

2. Name of


The full legal name of the sponsor organization.

3. Sponsor’s
Number of


The total number of meals claimed in March 20XX for the
sponsor organization.


W.C2. Reference Guide for Sample Frame Data Files
Data Element

Variable Name


4. Sponsor


The first and last name of person with overall responsibility for the
management of the sponsor organization’s operational activities.

5. Sponsor
Address 1


The physical street address for where the sponsor organization is
Do not use P.O. Box addresses.

6. Sponsor
Address 2


Additional address details such as suite number or floor number.

7. Sponsor City


The town or city for the address of the sponsor organization.

8. Sponsor


The two character code for the State for the address of sponsor

9. Sponsor Zip


The zip code for the address of the sponsor organization.

10. Sponsor


The phone number for the sponsor primary contact (named in #4).

11. Sponsor


The email address for the sponsor primary contact (named in #4).


W.C3. Summary of other participation for States

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Note to reviewers: The content of this page is similar to parts of the “SNACS-II Data
Collection” page.
From the data files that you provide, we will select providers for participation in the
SNACS-II study. From the sampled providers, we will also sample children, infants, and
youth, and their parents/guardians. For each participating sponsor, provider, parent, and
youth, the study team will work with them in the following ways:
 Sponsors:
o We will work with sponsors to engage and recruit providers to participate in the
o We will ask sponsors to contact providers to encourage their participation in the
study. We will also contact providers directly with the sponsor’s permission.
o Sponsors will complete surveys or interviews about the costs to operate the
CACFP program.
 Providers:
o We will work with the providers that were selected for onsite data collection to
obtain information on the groups of children (including ages) and to identify an
onsite point-of-contact (POC). The POC will facilitate onsite data collection by
being available to answer parents’/guardians’ questions, provide more
information about the study, and assist in the recruitment of parents/guardians.
o Providers will be asked to complete a Provider Survey and a Menu Survey.
o Providers participating in onsite data collection will be visited by trained data
collectors who will conduct meal and classroom observations and height and
weight assessments on sampled children (age 1 to 12 years). Parents/guardians
will provide written permission for this activity.
o Providers with infants (under age 1) will be asked to record what the infants eat
and drink for one day in child care. Parents/guardians will provide written
permission for this activity.
o During visits to providers with youth (age 10 to 18 years), the youth will complete
a brief hardcopy survey. Parents will provide written permission for this activity.


W.C3. Summary of other participation for States

 Parents/guardians:
o Parents/guardians of children (age 1 to 12 years) will complete two or three
telephone interviews and will be asked to provide certain information about their
children’s dietary intake and physical activity.
o Parents/guardians will also provide permission for professional data collectors to
conduct observations of their child’s meals and activities at the child care center,
as well as measure their child’s height and weight. For infants (less than 1 year),
parents/guardians will provide their infant’s recent weight.
o Parents/guardians of youth (age 10 to 18 years) will complete one telephone
interview to describe household characteristics.
o Parents/guardians will be compensated for their time.
 Children (age 1 to 12 years):
o Children will have their height and weight measured and their meals and snacks
observed by trained data collectors on one day when the child is in care. Some
children will have a second day of meals and snacks observed when the child is
in care. Children can choose not to participate.
o The data collector will have minimal physical contact with children and will never
be alone with them.
 Youth (age 10 to 18 years):
o Youth will complete a brief, hardcopy survey about their food and physical activity
experiences. Parents/guardians will provide written permission for this activity.
o Youth will receive a gift for their time.
For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)

Letters of Support/

Contacts and


Frequently Asked

W.C4. State FAQs

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Frequently Asked Questions by State Agencies
Why did you select my State?
We selected your State and the others chosen for SNACS-II by chance. This is called “random
selection.” It ensures the study has States with different characteristics, such as population and
geographic location. Selecting States this way allows the study to reflect CACFP providers
My State participated in SNACS-I. Why was my State selected again?
Thank you for participating in SNACS-I! SNACS-I collected data in 2017. A lot has changed with
child care since then, so SNACS-II selected a new sample. Your State was selected for both
SNACS-I and SNACS-II by chance.
Am I required to participate?
While participation in this study is voluntary, States are strongly encouraged to participate per
Section 28 of the National School Lunch Act. More importantly, your participation will help
provide a realistic snapshot of the experiences of CACFP providers and the families they serve.
This information is critical to policymakers working to support child care providers and children.
Can I participate in the selection of providers?
We will need your help with selecting providers! A member of the study team will request a list
of all CACFP providers in your State for the selection process. We will choose providers from
this list by chance. This ensures the providers participating in the study reflect CACFP providers
The data requested is not available in a single file. Can I submit multiple files?
Yes. States can submit one or multiple files that include the requested data.
Can we submit the data in a different format or with different variable names than those
listed in the request?
The data file(s) uploaded to the secure file transfer site must be an Excel or CSV formatted text
file. We prefer that you submit the data in a file that follows the format and variable names listed
in the request, as outlined in the Reference Guide for Sample Frame Data Files. However, you
may use another format or different variable names, if you prefer.


W.C4. State FAQs

Can I send the data in a manner other than the secure file transfer protocol on the study
No. The data file must be uploaded to the study website via the secure file transfer protocol.
Please call our study team toll-free at [study number] if you need assistance.

For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)

Letters of Support/

Contacts and



W.D1. Sponsor Landing Page

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Why is it important for sponsors to participate?
 Your participation will ensure that a representative sample of CACFP providers is
included in the study and is part of the data that are used to make improvements to
the CACFP program. Your participation in the cost interviews and support of the
study will ensure the findings are representative of providers nationwide.
 Your participation will help support the USDA’s mission to improve the quality of
meals and activity in child care centers.
What does sponsor participation entail?
 Sponsors are asked to engage and help recruit their sampled providers to participate
in the study by:
o Notifying their sampled providers about the study
o Giving the study permission to contact their sampled providers directly to recruit
them to participate
 Sponsors will be asked to complete a survey or interview about the cost to operate
their CACFP programs.
 For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
See Also:

Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)

Letters of Support/

Contacts and

Frequently Asked

W.D2. Summary of Provider and Family Participation

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Note to reviewers: The content of this page is similar to parts of the “SNACS-II Data
Collection” page.
We will contact your sampled providers to recruit them to participate in the SNACS-II
study. From the sampled providers, we will also sample children, infants, youth, and
their parents/guardians. For each participating provider, parent, child, and youth, the
study team will work with them in the following ways:
 Providers:
o We will work with the providers that were selected for onsite data collection to
obtain information on the groups of children (including ages) and to identify an
onsite point-of-contact (POC). The POC will facilitate onsite data collection by
being available to answer parents’/guardians’ questions, provide more
information about the study, and assist in the recruitment of parents/guardians.
o Providers will be asked to complete a Provider Survey and a Menu Survey.
o Providers participating in onsite data collection will be visited by trained data
collectors who will conduct meal and classroom observations and height and
weight assessments on sampled children (age 1 to 12 years). Parents/guardians
will provide written permission for this activity.
o Providers with infants (under age 1) will be asked to record what the infants eat
and drink for one day in child care. Parents/guardians will provide written
permission for this activity.
o During visits to providers with youth (age 10 to 18 years), the youth will complete
a brief hardcopy survey. Parents/guardians will provide written permission for this
 Parents/guardians:
o Parents/guardians of children (age 1 to 12 years) will complete two or three
telephone interviews and will be asked to provide certain information about their
children’s dietary intake and physical activity.


W.D2. Summary of Provider and Family Participation

o Parents/guardians will also provide permission for professional data collectors to
conduct observations of their child’s meals and activities at the child care center,
as well as measure their child’s height and weight. For infants (less than 1 year),
parents/guardians will provide their infant’s recent weight.
o Parents/guardians of youth (age 10 to 18 years) will complete one telephone
interview to describe household characteristics.
o Parents/guardians will be compensated for their time.
 Children (age 1 to 12 years):
o Children will have their height and weight measured and their meals and snacks
observed by trained data collectors on one day when the child is in care. Some
children will have a second day of meals and snacks observed when the child is
in care. Children can choose not to participate.
o The data collector will have minimal physical contact with children and will never
be alone with them.
 Youth (age 10 to 18 years):
o Youth will complete a brief, hardcopy survey about their food and physical activity
experiences. Parents/guardians will provide written permission for this activity.
o Youth will receive a gift for their time.
For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)

Letters of Support/

Contacts and


Frequently Asked

W.D3. Sponsor Confirmation of Enrollment

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child Care Settings-II (SNACS-II): Confirmation of
Sponsor Enrollment
Thank you for agreeing to participate in the second Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings (SNACS-II). Your participation is important and will make a difference.
Your agreement to participate means you agree to:
1. Work with the study team to encourage providers to participate in the study. This may
include assisting with the recruitment of providers.
2. If needed, complete an interview about the costs to operate the CACFP program. (Note:
If providers can report all the information needed for the study, this activity may not be
necessary. We will follow up with you at a later time.)
A few important reminders:
 All information collected about sponsors, providers, children, and families in the study
will be kept private to the fullest extent allowed by law.
 Being in the study will not affect families’ child care or any other services that families
receive or may apply for in the future.
 Taking part in the study is voluntary for parents.
 For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
How to contact us:
[Recruiter Name]

[Recruiter Phone Number]

[Recruiter Email]

[INSERT Study Website]

[INSERT Study Toll Free #]

[INSERT Study Email Address]

W.D4. Sponsor FAQs

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Frequently Asked Questions by Sponsors
Why did you select my sponsor organization?
We selected child care providers by chance. This is called “random selection.” It
ensures the study has centers with different characteristics, such as size, location, and
types of families served. This allows the study to reflect CACFP providers nationwide.
Sponsors are identified for the study based on the providers that are selected.
My organization participated in SNACS-I. Why was my organization selected
Thank you for participating in SNACS-I! SNACS-I collected data in 2017. A lot has
changed with child care since then, so SNACS-II selected a new sample of providers.
Sponsors are identified for the study based on the providers that are selected.
Am I required to participate?
While participation in this study is voluntary, sponsors are strongly encouraged to
participate per Section 28 of the National School Lunch Act. More importantly, your
participation will help provide a realistic snapshot of the experiences of CACFP
providers and the families they serve. This information is critical to policymakers
working to support child care providers and children.
Are there any risks or benefits to participation?
Your organization will not benefit directly from being in the study, but it will be making an
important contribution by providing information on nutrition and activity in child care
settings. Although there is a very small chance someone could see the information your
organization provides, the study team has taken many steps to reduce this risk. For
example, we store contact information separately from study data. For additional
information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
Can I participate in the selection of providers?
No. The study team already selected providers for the study.
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)

Letters of Support/

Contacts and


W.E1. Center Landing Page

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Note to reviewers: Some of the content of this page is similar to parts of the “SNACS-II
Data Collection” page.
Why is it important for providers to participate?
 Your participation will ensure that a representative sample of center based providers
is included in the study and is part of the data that are used to make improvements
to the CACFP program.
 Your participation will help support the USDA’s mission to improve the quality of
meals and activity in child care centers.
 There are over 1,300 providers invited to participate who represent providers across
the country. You participation will ensure that providers like yours are represented.
What does provider participation entail?
 Providers are asked to complete a web-based Provider Survey to provide
information about food service operations and physical activity practices at your
center. You are also asked to complete a paper-based Menu Survey to provide
detailed information about the CACFP meals and snacks served to children for a
one-week period.
 Providers selected for on-site observations are asked to work with the study team to
identify a point-of-contact (POC) for onsite data collection. The POC will be available
to answer parents’/guardians’ questions, provide more information about the study,
and assist in the recruitment of parents/guardians.
 Providers selected for on-site observations are asked to provide enrollment
information so the study can sample groups of infants, children, and teens, and their
parents/guardians for participation in the study.
 Providers selected for on-site observations are asked to facilitate an in-person data
collection visit by a professional data collector for onsite meal observations and
height/weight assessments of sampled children, with their parent’s permission. The
visit will be scheduled for two or three days.
 If your center is selected for on-site observations and your center cares for infants
(under age 1), the person who completes the Menu Survey will also be asked to
complete an Infant Menu Survey and up to five Infant Intake Forms.


W.E1. Center Landing Page

 Providers selected for the cost study will be asked to participate in in-person
interviews about time spent on CACFP activities and food costs. If your center is
sponsored, your CACFP sponsor may also provide some of this information.
 During their visit to your center, data collectors will observe what a sample of
children eat in their CACFP meals and snacks and measure their height and weight.
We will ask the parents/guardians of these children to complete short telephone
interviews about their household and the food their child eats while outside of care.
We ask that providers encourage parents to participate in these interviews.
 Providers who care for youth ages 10 to 18 may be selected for the Food and
Physical Activity Experiences Survey. Sampled youth ages 10 to 18 will be asked to
complete a brief survey on paper about their experiences with food and physical
activity. We will also ask the parents/guardians of these teens to complete a short
telephone interview about their household. We ask that providers encourage youths
and their parents to participate in these surveys.
What does participation of parents/guardians and infants, children, and teens
from my center entail?
 Parents/guardians:
o Parents/guardians of children (ages 1 to 12) will complete two or three telephone
interviews and will be asked to provide certain information about their child’s
dietary intake and physical activity.
o Parents/guardians will also provide permission for professional data collectors to
conduct observations of their child’s meals and activities at the child care center,
as well as measure their child’s height and weight. For infants (less than 1 year),
parents/guardians will provide their infant’s recent weight.
o Parents/guardians of youth (age 10 to 18 years) will complete one telephone
interview to describe household characteristics.
o Parents/guardians will be compensated for their time.
 Children:
o Children (ages 1 to 12) will have their height and weight measured and their
meals and snacks observed by trained data collectors on one day when the child
is in care. Some children will have a second day of meals and snacks observed
when the child is in care. Children can choose not to participate.
o The data collector will have minimal physical contact with children and will never
be alone with them.
 Youth:
o Youth (ages 10 to 18) will complete a brief paper survey about their dietary intake
and physical activity on a day when the teen is in care. We will obtain
parent/guardian permission first. Youth will receive a gift for their time.


W.E1. Center Landing Page

See Also:

For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)

Letters of Support/

Contacts and


Frequently Asked

W.E2. Center FAQs

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Frequently Asked Questions by Center-Based Providers
Why did you select my center?
We selected your center and the others chosen for SNACS-II by chance. This is called
“random selection.” It ensures the study has centers with different characteristics, such
as size, location, and types of families served. This allows the study to reflect CACFP
providers nationwide.
I participated in SNACS-I. Why was I selected again?
SNACS-I collected data in 2017. A lot has changed with child care since then, so
SNACS-II selected a new sample of providers. Your center was selected for both
SNACS-I and SNACS-II by chance.
Am I required to participate?
While participation in this study is voluntary, providers are strongly encouraged to
participate per Section 28 of the National School Lunch Act. More importantly, your
participation will help provide a realistic snapshot of the experiences of CACFP
providers and the families they serve. This information is critical to policymakers
working to support child care providers and children.
How long will the data collection visit take?
If your center was selected for a data collection visit, it will take one to three days
depending on the planned activities. A member of the study team will work with you to
schedule the visit for a convenient time.
Can I participate in the selection of parents/guardians?
If your center was selected to have families participate, we will need your help with
selecting parents/guardians! A member of the study team will request a list, or roster, for
the selection process. We will choose children and their parents/guardians from this list
by chance. This is called “random selection.” It ensures the families participating in the
study reflect families nationwide.


W.E2. Center FAQs

What are the requirements for the onsite point-of-contact (POC)?
If your center was selected to have families participate, the POC is critical to the
success of the study because they are the main point of contact for the data collection
visit. The POC should be detail-oriented and familiar with your center’s operations to
help with recruiting parents/guardians and coordinating the visit. We will compensate
the POC for their time with a $350 stipend.
What kind of information do you want to collect about families enrolled at my
If your center was selected to have families participate, we will ask for different kinds of
information depending on the child’s age and the data collection activities in which they
were selected to participate.
• We will ask parents/guardians of infants (age under 1 year) to share their infant date
of birth and weight at the last medical visit and give permission for the teachers or
caregivers to record the amount and types of food and beverages consumed by
infants in child care on one day.
• We will ask parents/guardians of children (age 1 to 12 years) to participate in up to
three telephone interviews with questions about the food their child eats outside of
child care and their physical activity. We will mail parents a gift card after completing
each interview. We will also ask parents their permission for professional data
collectors to observe the meals and snacks served to and eaten by their child at the
child care center, observe their child’s activities while at the child care center, and
take height and weight measurements of their child.
• We will ask parents/guardians of youth (age 10 to 18 years) to participate in a
telephone interview with questions about their household. We will mail parents a gift
card after completing this interview. We will also ask parents their permission for
professional data collectors to give their child a paper survey that asks questions
about their physical activity and food situation. Their child will receive a small gift for
completing the survey.
Are there any risks or benefits to participation?
Your organization will not benefit directly from being in the study, but it will be making an
important contribution by providing information on nutrition and activity in child care
settings. Although there is a very small chance someone could see the information your
organization provides, the study team has taken many steps to reduce this risk. For
example, we store contact information separately from study data. For additional
information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.


W.E2. Center FAQs

What steps will the study team take to keep children and staff safe during a data
collection visit?
If your center was selected for a data collection visit, our data collection protocols are
designed to minimize time spent on site. We will provide data collectors with personal
protective equipment (PPE) and instruct them to wash their hands frequently. If your
center was selected to have families participate, data collectors will sanitize the height
and weight measurement equipment after measuring each child. Data collectors will
avoid touching children.
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)

Letters of Support/


Contacts and


W.E3. Center Confirmation of Enrollment

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child Care Settings-II (SNACS-II) Confirmation of
Center-Based Provider Enrollment
Thank you for agreeing to participate in the second Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings (SNACS-II). Your participation is important and will make a difference.
Your agreement to participate means you agree to:
1. Complete a Provider survey.
2. Complete a Menu survey.
3. In addition, your center/home may be asked to participate in additional data collection
activities. For more information on your center/home’s data collection activities, please
contact the study team at [study number] (toll-free) or email [study email].
A few important reminders:
 All information collected about providers, children, and families in the study will be kept
private to the fullest extent allowed by law.
 Being in the study will not affect families’ child care or any other services that families
receive or may apply for in the future.
 While participation in this study is voluntary, providers are strongly encouraged to
participate per Section 28 of the National School Lunch Act. Taking part in the study is
voluntary for parents.
 For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
How to contact us:
[URL], passcode: [passcode]

[Study Phone]

[Study Email]

W.F1. FCCH Landing Page

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Note to reviewers: Some of the content of this page is similar to parts of the “SNACS-II
Data Collection” page.
Why is it important for family child care homes (FCCHs) to participate?
 Your participation will ensure that a representative sample of family child care
homes is included in the study and is part of the data that are used to make
improvements to the CACFP program.
 Your participation will help support USDA’s mission to improve the quality of meals
and activity in child care, including family child care homes.
 Over 1,300 providers are invited to participate to represent providers across the
country. You participation will ensure that FCCHs are included and represented.
What does FCCH participation entail?
 FCCHs are asked to provide enrollment information so the study can sample infants
and children, and their parents/guardians, for participation in the study.
 FCCHs are asked to work with the study team by answering parents’ questions,
providing more information about the study, and assisting in the recruitment of
 FCCHs are asked to complete the web-based Provider Survey and paper-based
Menu Survey. If your home cares for infants under the age of 1, the person who
completes the Menu Survey will be asked to complete an Infant Menu Survey and
Infant Intake Forms. If your home is selected for an on-site visit, data collectors will
visit your site for one to three days to conduct observations of physical activities,
meals, and practices related to serving CACFP meals and snacks.
What does participation of parents/guardians, infants, and children from my
FCCH entail?
 Parents/guardians:
o Parents/guardians of children (ages 1 to 12) will complete two or three telephone
interviews and will be asked to provide certain information about their child’s
dietary intake and physical activity.
o Parents/guardians will also provide permission for professional data collectors to
conduct observations of their child’s meals and activities at the child care center,


W.F1. FCCH Landing Page

as well as measure their child’s height and weight. For infants (less than 1 year),
parents/guardians will provide their infant’s recent weight.
o Parents/guardians will be compensated for their time.
 Children:
o Children (ages 1 to 12) will have their height and weight measured and their
meals and snacks observed by a trained data collector on one day when the
child is in care. Some children will have a second day of meals and snacks
observed when the child is in care. Children can choose not to participate.
o The data collector will have minimal physical contact with children, and will never
be alone with them.
See Also:

For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)

Letters of Support/

Contacts and


Frequently Asked

W.F2. Additional Assistance for FCCHs

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Additional Assistance for Family Child Care Homes
What types of additional assistance are available?
SNACS-II recognizes that family child care homes (FCCHs) are unique and may need
special assistance to participate in research studies. To help you and children attending
your home participate in the study, the study team will provide:
• A recruitment specialist trained to work with family child care homes;
• Customized data collection schedule and activities;
• Recruiters who speak both English and Spanish;
• Materials that are available in both English and Spanish;
• Accommodations to alleviate any cost burdens for participating in the study; and
• Other accommodations as needed.
What do I need to do to get additional assistance?
Please contact the study directly at [Study Toll-Free Number] (toll-free) and ask for the
family child care home recruitment specialist.
See also:

For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)

Letters of Support/

Contacts and


W.F3. FCCH Confirmation of Enrollment

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child Care Settings-II (SNACS-II) Confirmation of
Family Child Care Home (FCCH) Provider Enrollment
Thank you for agreeing to participate in the second Study of Nutrition and Activity in
Child Care Settings (SNACS-II). Your participation is important and will make a
Your agreement to participate means you agree to:
1. Complete a Provider survey.
2. Complete a Menu survey.
3. In addition, your home may be asked to participate in additional data collection
activities. For more information on your home’s data collection activities, please contact
the study team at [study number] (toll-free) or email [study email].
A few important reminders:
 All information collected about providers, children and families in the study will be kept
private to the fullest extent allowed by law.
 Being in the study will not affect families’ child care or any other services that families
receive or may apply for in the future.
 While participation in this study is voluntary, providers are strongly encouraged to
participate per Section 28 of the National School Lunch Act. Taking part in the study is
voluntary for parents/guardians and children.
 For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
How to contact us:
[URL], passcode: [passcode]

[Study Phone]

[Study Email]


Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Frequently Asked Questions by Family Child Care Home Operators
Why did you select my family child care home (FCCH)?
We selected your FCCH and the others chosen for SNACS-II by chance. This is called
“random selection.” It ensures the study has FCCHs with different characteristics, such
as size, location, and types of families served. This allows the study to reflect CACFP
providers nationwide.
I participated in SNACS-I. Why was I selected again?
Thank you for participating in SNACS-I! SNACS-I collected data in 2017. A lot has
changed with child care since then, so SNACS-II selected a new sample of providers.
Your FCCH was selected for both SNACS-I and SNACS-II by chance.
Am I required to participate?
While participation in this study is voluntary, providers are strongly encouraged to
participate per Section 28 of the National School Lunch Act. More importantly, your
participation will help provide a realistic snapshot of the experiences of CACFP
providers and the families they serve. This information is critical to policymakers
working to support child care providers and children.
How long will the data collection visit take?
If your FCCH was selected for a data collection visit, it will take one or two days
depending on the planned activities. A member of the study team will work with you to
schedule the visit for a convenient time.
Can I participate in the selection of parents/guardians?
If your FCCH was selected to have families participate, we will need your help with
selecting parents/guardians! A member of the study team will request a list, or roster, for
the selection process. We will choose children and their parents/guardians from this list
by chance. This is called “random selection.” It ensures the families participating in the
study reflect families nationwide.



What are the requirements for the onsite point-of-contact (POC)?
If your FCCH was selected to have families participate, an onsite POC is critical to the
success of the study because they are the main point of contact for the data collection
visit. The POC should be detail-oriented and familiar with your home’s operations to
help with recruiting parents/guardians and coordinating the visit. We will compensate
the POC for their time with a $150 stipend.
What kind of information do you want to collect about families enrolled at my
If your FCCH was selected to have families participate, we will ask for different kinds of
information depending on the child’s age and the data collection activities they were
selected to participate in.
• We will ask parents of infants (under age 1) to share their infant date of birth and
weight at the last medical visit and give permission for the caregivers to record
the amount and types of food and beverages consumed by infants in child care
on one day.
• We will ask parents of children (age 1 to 12 years) to participate in up to three
telephone interviews with questions about the food their child eats outside of
child care and their physical activity. We will mail parents a gift card after
completing each interview. We will also ask parents their permission for
professional data collectors to observe the meals and snacks served to and
eaten by their child at the FCCH, observe their child’s activities while at the
FCCH, and take height and weight measurements of their child.
Are there any risks or benefits to participation?
Your organization will not benefit directly from being in the study, but it will be making an
important contribution by providing information on nutrition and activity in child care
settings. Although there is a very small chance someone could see the information your
organization provides, the study team has taken many steps to reduce this risk. For
example, we store contact information separately from study data. For additional
information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
What steps will the study team take to keep children and staff safe during a data
collection visit?
If your FCCH was selected for a data collection visit, our data collection protocols are
designed to minimize time spent on site. We will provide data collectors with personal
protective equipment (PPE) and instruct them to wash their hands frequently. Data
collectors will sanitize the height and weight measurement equipment after measuring
each child. Data collectors will avoid touching children.
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)

Letters of Support/


Contacts and


W.G1. Parent/Guardian Page

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Parents and guardians, SNACS-II needs you!
Why should I participate?
The information you provide to us about your child’s food consumption, physical activity,
and the programs your child participates in will help us learn more about the
characteristics of children who receive meals and snacks through the CACFP. You and
your child will represent many families just like yours across the country. You will play a
vital role in improving the quality of child care programs for infants, children, and youth.
Why should my child participate?
Numerous research studies have associated good quality child care with positive
developmental outcomes for children. By allowing your child to participate, we will be
able to assess the nutritional quality of meals and snacks being served directly to your
child at the child care center, family child care home, or program your child attends.
How to take part in the study
If you agree to participate, you will be asked to sign and return a Parent Consent and
Permission Form. You can review and submit your consent form by clicking here: [link
to consent form].
Parents/guardians of children (age 1 to 12 years) will be asked to complete two or three
telephone interviews and will be asked to provide information about your child’s dietary
intake and physical activity. You will be compensated for your time.
Parents/guardians of infants (under age 1) will be asked to provide your infant’s age and
weight at the time of their last medical visit.
Parents/guardians of youth (age 10 to 18 years) will be asked to complete one
telephone interview to describe household characteristics. You will be compensated for
your time.


W.G1. Parent/Guardian Page

Data collection at your child’s provider
If you have a child (age 1 to 12 years), a professional data collector will observe your
child’s meals and classroom during the time that your child is in child care. The data
collector will also measure your child’s height and weight. They will be assisted by an
onsite point-of-contact or center staff. They will never be alone with your child.
If you have an infant (under age 1), the caregiver or teacher will be asked to record
what the infant eats and drinks for one day in child care.
If you have a youth (age 10 to 18 years), they will complete a brief, hardcopy survey
about their food and physical activity experiences. Youth will receive a gift for their time.
For more information, please see the following:
About the Parent Interview

Parent of an
Infant Participant

Parent of a Child

Parent of a

For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
Floating links (to be included/accessible on each web page)

Letters of Support/


Contacts and
Technical Support

Asked Questions

W.G2. About the Parent Interview

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

About the Parent Interview
We will invite you to complete up to three telephone interviews. The number and type of
interviews that we invite you to complete will depend on which child care center your
child attends and your child’s age. A member of the study team will let you know how
many interviews and the compensation you will receive for each interview.

Parent Interview A:
o We will invite parents/guardians of children age 1 to 12 years to complete this
o This interview will take no more than 45 minutes. It has questions about:
 Your child’s care schedule
 The food and beverages your child consumed outside of care
 Your child’s physical activity
 The meals you send with your child to the child care center
 Your household information
o We will schedule this interview for 1 or 2 days after a professional data collector
visits your child care center.
o The recruiter will schedule time for this interview when you agree to participate.
o This interview will focus on the day in which your child attended the child care
o You will receive a $20 gift card for completing this interview.


Parent Interview B:
o We will invite parents/guardians of children age 1 to 12 years to complete this
o This interview will take no more than 30 minutes. It has questions about the food
and beverages your child consumed outside of care.
o At the end of Parent Interview A, the interviewer will schedule this interview for a
day and time that is convenient for you.
o This interview will focus on a day in which your child did not attend the child care
o You will receive a $30 gift card for completing this interview.


W.G2. About the Parent Interview


Parent Interview C:
o We will invite 10% of parents/guardians of children age 1 to 12 years to complete
this interview, depending on their child care center.
o This interview will take no more than 30 minutes.
o This interview will be scheduled for 2 days after Parent Interview A or within a
week of Parent Interview B.
o If you are selected, the interviewer will schedule this interview at the end of
Parent Interview A or Parent Interview B. We will schedule the interview for a
time that is convenient for you.
o This interview will either focus on a day in which your child attended the child
care center, or a day in which your child did not attend the child care center. You
may be selected for one or the other, but not both.
o You will receive a $30 gift card for completing this interview.


Parent Interview D:
o We will invite parents/guardians with a child age 10 to 18 years to complete this
o If your child is age 10 to 12 years, you will be invited to complete either Parent
Interviews A-C or Parent Interview D, but not both.
o This interview will take approximately 10 minutes. It has questions about your
o An interviewer will contact you to schedule this interview for a day and time that
is convenient for you.
o You will receive a $10 gift card for completing this interview.

Rights as a Participant
These interviews are voluntary. You may skip questions or stop at any time.
Participating in the Parent Interview will not affect any benefits you may receive in any
The information we collect will be kept private and used only for research purposes. We
will not include information that identify you or your family members in any reports. The
responses of all parents taking part in this study will be combined for reporting
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W.G3. Parent of an Infant Participant

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

What does infant participation in SNACS-II entail?
SNACS-II will examine the feeding practices, food intake and activity levels of infants
while in child care. If you agree to participate:

Providers at the child care center or family child care home your infant attends will
complete a survey that provides information about the foods and drinks offered to
your infant on one day.


We will ask you to provide your infant’s age and weight at the time of their last
medical visit.

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W.G4. Parent of a Child Participant

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

What does child participation in SNACS-II entail?
SNACS-II will examine food intake and activity levels of children while they are in child
care and while they are outside of child care. If you agree to participate:
A professional data collector will:
• Observe your child’s meals during the time your child is in child care
• Observe your child’s activities during the time your child is in child care
• Measure your child’s weight and height at the child care center. Center staff will
help the data collectors. Data collectors will never be alone with your child.
In addition, your child care provider will be asked about the meals they serve and the
play activities they provide for children. Some child care providers will also be asked to
provide information about the cost of the meals and snacks served.

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W.G5. Parent of a Youth Participant

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

What does youth participation in SNACS-II entail?
In this study, youth are ages 10 to 18 years. If you agree to your youth’s participation in
SNACS-II, they will be asked to complete a brief, hardcopy survey about their food and
physical activity experiences. A trained data collector will administer the survey during a
visit to the child care provider.
Youth who complete the survey will receive a small gift.

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W.H1. Youth Page

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Are you between the ages of 10 and 18? If so, SNACS-II could use your help!
Why should I participate in this study?
The SNACS-II study would like to learn more about your food and physical activity
experiences and the time you spend attending a before or after school child care
By agreeing to participate, we learn more about your unique experience, which could be
used to help improve the program you attend for other youth just like you.
What would I need to do?
If you agree to participate, a data collector will ask you to complete a brief paper survey
when they visit your program. You will receive a small gift for participating!
What about my privacy?
The information we collect from the survey will be kept private and used only for
research purposes. We will not include information that identifies you or your family
members in any reports. The responses of all study participants will be combined for
reporting purposes. For additional information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.
Your rights as a participant
 Your participation is voluntary.
 You may decide to skip questions or stop filling out the survey at any time.
 Participating in this study will not affect any benefits you may receive in any way.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why am I being asked to participate?
You were randomly selected to participate to represent youth who attend child care
Do I have to participate?
No. You can choose not to participate. You can also choose not to answer any
questions you don’t want to answer.


W.H1. Youth Page

Who is conducting this study?
Mathematica and Westat are conducting the study on behalf of the US Department of
Agriculture (USDA), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS).
How long is the survey?
The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.
What kinds of questions will you ask on the survey?
The survey asks questions about your participation at the child care center, the time you
spend being physically active and watching screens and your food situation.
What do I get for completing the survey?
You will receive a gift (either a small backpack or water bottle).]
I have questions about my participation. Who should I contact?
You can contact us at [study toll free number] or [study email address].
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W.I1. About the Provider Survey

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

About the Provider Survey
The Provider Survey will gather information about food service operations and
physical activity practices at CACFP child care centers and homes.
The survey is divided into up to 10 sections and will be completed on the web. Providers
will receive an email invitation with a link to access the survey. Providers will be able to
save their answers and complete the survey in one or more sessions. The survey will
take approximately 50 minutes to complete.
Reference Guide for the Provider Survey
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W.J1. About the Menu Survey

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

About the Menu Survey
The Menu Survey will collect information about all of the foods offered to children at the
provider’s child care facility during an assigned target week. This survey should be
completed by the person most familiar with food preparation at your child care center or
home. This person will receive a mailed copy of the Menu Survey before the target
week, and someone from the study team will follow up to review the instructions and
answer questions.
If the child care facility also serves foods to infants (under age 1), the respondent will
also be asked to complete the Infant Menu Survey. It will be enclosed with the Menu
Respondents will receive a $50 gift card for completing the Menu Survey.
Reference Guide for the Menu Survey
The Menu Survey is divided into four sections:
1. Menu Survey Instructions

Includes the instructions for completing each section of the Menu Survey

2. Daily Menu Forms

Includes menu forms for the foods and beverages served during meals and
snacks at the child care facility during the target week

3. Foods You Prepared Forms

For items made from two or more ingredients and served at the child care facility

4. Food Description Guide

Guidance for what details to include about each food listed on the Daily Menu Forms



W.J1. About the Menu Survey

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W.K1. About the Cost Interviews and Forms

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

About the Cost Interviews and Forms
The SNACS-II cost interviews and forms will collect information about the costs to
produce CACFP meals and snacks and sources of revenue. Sponsors, center directors,
and food preparers will be asked to participate in in-person interviews about time spent
on CACFP activities and food costs. If a sponsor is not located near the sampled child
care facility, the interviews may be done over the telephone.
Reference Guide for the Cost Interviews and Forms
Pre-Visit Cost Telephone Interview and Form
The study team will conduct telephone interviews with sponsors and center directors to
collect information that will help with planning the visit by determining the staff who are
most knowledgeable about different aspects of food service operations. This interview
will take about 15 minutes to complete.
Afterward, we will email the Pre-Visit Cost Form that requests some additional
information. Respondents will upload the form and a financial statement to a secure
site. This activity will take about 10 minutes to complete.
Self-Administered Cost Questionnaire
Sponsors or independent child care centers will receive this questionnaire shortly before
the scheduled visit so that they can complete it and give it to the trained data collector
during the visit. This questionnaire asks about operating days, the number of meals and
snacks served, and average daily attendance. It will take about 20 minutes to complete.
Center Food Service Cost Interview
The Center Food Service Cost Interview will gather time use and payroll data for staff
whose primary role is food service at the sampled child care facility. A trained data
collector will conduct the interview with the food preparer during the scheduled visit. The
interview will take about 30 minutes to complete.


W.K1. About the Cost Interviews and Forms

Center Director Cost Interview
The Center Director Cost Interview will gather time use and payroll data for child care
center staff whose job responsibilities do not primarily include food service, but who still
assist with CACFP operations. A trained data collector will conduct the interview with
the center director during the scheduled visit. The interview will take about 45 minutes
to complete.
Sponsor/Center Cost Interview
The Sponsor/Center Cost Interview contains several modules that may require different
respondents. We will determine the most knowledgeable staff for each module based
on whether the sampled child care provider is sponsored and which staff are identified
in the Pre-Visit Cost Telephone Interview.
Sponsors will complete modules in the interview to provide time use and payroll data
about sponsor staff who have a direct or support role in CACFP operations. Sponsors or
centers will complete modules in the interview to provide documentation for the prices of
foods served in CACFP meals and snacks. In addition, they will provide the fringe
benefit rate and review a current revenue statement with the trained data collector.
The respondents typically include the sponsor or center directors and business
managers. The interview will take about 65 minutes to complete across all modules.
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W.L1. Onsite POC Page

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Onsite Point-of-Contact (POC)
Thank you for agreeing to serve as the SNACS-II onsite point-of-contact (POC)! We
look forward to working with you.
The study team will coordinate with you to assist with parent/guardian recruitment and
coordination of data collection activities. You will receive a stipend for completing these
• At child care centers: We will randomly select at least 12 children or youth per child care
center. If the center has infants enrolled, we will also randomly select up to 4 infants.
• At family child care homes: We will randomly select up to 3 infants and 6 children at
each family child care home.
• We will conduct observations of children’s meals and activities.
• We will measure children’s height and weight.
• We will ask infants’ teachers or caregivers to complete a survey about the foods and
drinks offered to infants on one day when the infant is in care.
Your Role
Your role will be to help the study team with selecting children and directing their
parents/guardians to this website. Also, you will assist the data collectors with onsite
data collection activities listed above. A member of the study team will provide you with
study materials and instructions to help with these activities.
Please visit the onsite POC Roles and Responsibilities page for the full list of onsite POC responsibilities.
For additional privacy information visit https://www.usda.gov/privacy-policy.


W.L1. Onsite POC Page

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W.L2. Onsite POC Roles and Responsibilities Guide

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Onsite point-of-contact (POC) Roles and Responsibilities
As the onsite point-of-contact, you are critical to the success of SNACS-II! As such, you
will receive a stipend for completing these activities. A member of the study team will
discuss the stipend with you.
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W.L3. Onsite POC How-To Steps

Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child
Care Settings II (SNACS-II) links to homepage
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Onsite Point-of-Contact (POC)How-To Steps
Note to reviewers: Below is an outline for the content to be developed.
A. Onsite POC Role before the Study Visit
a. Summary of Recruitment Activities
i. Recruitment protocols
ii. Parent recruitment letter and parent brochure
iii. Recruitment website
B. Onsite POC Role during the Study Visit
a. Systems Access How-To Steps
C. Summary of Data Collection Activities
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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2021-06-10
File Created2021-04-19

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