
Request for Investigation under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act


OMB: 0694-0120

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Cover Page
Table of Contents
General Instructions

Sheet 1: Cover Page

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OMB Control Number: XXXX-XXXX

Expiration Date: June 30, 2022
Section 232 Investigation into Imports of Neodymium-Iron-Boron (NdFeB) Permanent Magnets

The U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), Office of Technology Evaluation (OTE), is conducting a survey of the U.S. NdFeB Permanent Magnet industry. The survey results will be used to support an ongoing investigation on the effect of imports of Neodymium-Iron-Boron (NdFeB) Permanent Magnets on the U.S. national security initiated under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, as amended.

The principal goal of this survey is to assist the U.S. Department of Commerce in determining whether NdFeB Permanent Magnet imports are being imported into the United States in such quantities or under such circumstances as to threaten to impair the national security. Information collected will include: organization and facility information, production, feedstock and resale purchases, sales, employment, capital expenditures, research and development, intellectual property, national defense & critical infrastructure, and competition/challenges. The resulting data will provide the U.S. Department of Commerce detailed NdFeB Permanent Magnet industry information that is otherwise not publicly available and needed to effectively conduct this Section 232 investigation.
A response to this survey is required by law (50 U.S.C. Sec. 4555). Failure to respond can result in a maximum fine of $10,000, imprisonment of up to one year, or both. Information furnished herewith is deemed confidential and will not be published or disclosed except in accordance with Section 705 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. Sec. 4555). Section 705 prohibits the publication or disclosure of this information unless the President determines that its withholding is contrary to the national defense. Information will not be shared with any non-government entity, other than in aggregate form. The information will be protected pursuant to the appropriate exemptions from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), should it be the subject of a FOIA request.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required to respond to nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 12 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information to BIS Information Collection Officer, Room 6883, Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (OMB Control No. xxxx-xxxx), Washington, D.C. 20503.
BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 2: Table of Contents

Previous Page Next Page
Table of Contents
I Cover Page
II Table of Contents
III General Instructions
IV Definitions
1 Organization Information
2a Production Facilities
2b Distribution Facilities
3a U.S. Production
3b Non-U.S. Production
4a Sourcing/Feedstock Purchases
4b NdFeB Permanent Magnet Purchases
5 Sales
6 Employment
7 Capital Expenditures
8 Research & Development/Intellectual Property
9 National Defense/Critical Infrastructure
10 Competition/Challenges
11 Certification
BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 3: General Instructions

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Next Page
General Instructions
A. Your organization is required to complete this survey of the U.S. vanadium industry, which can be downloaded from the BIS website: XXX

If you are unable to download the survey document, at your request, BIS survey support staff will e-mail the Excel survey template directly to you.

For your convenience, a PDF version of the survey and required drop-down content is available on the BIS website to aid internal data collection. DO NOT SUBMIT the PDF version of the survey as your response to BIS. Should this occur, your organization will be required to resubmit the survey in the requested Excel format.
B. Respond to every question. Surveys that are not fully completed will be returned for completion. Use the comment boxes to provide any information to supplement responses provided in the survey form. Make sure to record a complete answer in the space provided, even if the space does not appear to expand to fit all of the information.

DO NOT CUT AND PASTE RESPONSES WITHIN THIS SURVEY OR PASTE IN RESPONSES FROM OUTSIDE THE SURVEY. Survey inputs should be completed by typing in responses or by using a drop-down menu. The use of cut and paste can corrupt the survey template. If your survey response is corrupted as a result of cut and paste response, your survey will be rejected and your organization must immediately resubmit the survey.
C. Do not disclose any USG classified information in this survey form.
D. Upon completion of the survey, final review, and certification, transmit the survey document via e-mail to: [email protected]
E. Questions related to the survey should be directed to BIS survey support staff at [email protected]

E-mail is the preferred method of contact.

You may speak with a member of the BIS survey support staff by calling (202) 482-0194.
F. For questions related to the overall scope of this Section 232 Investigation, contact [email protected] or:

Jason D. Bolton
Program Manager, Industrial Studies
BIS/Export Administration/Office of Technology Evaluation
1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 1093
Washington, DC 20230

DO NOT submit completed surveys to Mr. Bolton's postal or personal e-mail address. All surveys must be submitted electronically to: [email protected]
BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 4: Definitions

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Term Definition
Authorizing Official An executive officer of the organization or business unit or another individual who has the authority to execute this survey on behalf of the organization.
Bonded NdFeB Magnet A magnet comprised of NdFeB powder bound by a matrix of polymer produced via compression, injection or calendaring.
Capital Expenditures Investments made by an organization in buildings, equipment, property, and systems where the expense is depreciated. This does not include expenditures for consumable materials, other operating expenses, and salaries associated with normal business operations.
Critical Infrastructure Sectors whose assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, are considered so vital to the United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health and safety, or any combination thereof.
Customer Any organization (external or internal entity) for which your organization manufactures/processes any product comprised of NdFeB permanent magnets or related products for.
Defense-related Sales/Activities Any product or service that your organization produces that is ultimately used by the U.S. Government for defense purposes, whether by the armed services, the Department of Defense, or any other U.S. Government entity.
Development The design, simulation, and testing of a prototype, including experimental software or hardware systems, to validate technological feasibility or concept of operation in order to reduce technological risk, or provide test systems prior to production approval.
Distributor An independent selling agent who has a contract to sell the products of a manufacturer.
Dysprosium Oxide (Dy2O3) The commonly produced form of dysprosium oxide
Exports Shipments to destinations outside the United States.
Facility A building or the minimum complex of buildings or parts of buildings that conducts NdFeB permanent magnet or related products production, in which an organization operates to serve a particular function, producing revenue, and incurring costs for the company. A facility may produce an item of tangible or intangible property or may perform a service. It may encompass a floor or group of floors within a building, a single building, or a group of buildings or structures. Often, a facility is a group of related locations at which organization employees work, together constituting a profit-and-loss center for the company, and it may be identified by a unique DUNS number.
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Employees Employees who work for 40 hours in a normal work week. Convert part-time employees into "full time equivalents" by taking their work hours as a fraction of 40 hours.
Global Headquarters A location that serves as the organization’s hub of worldwide operations with all global branches or divisions reporting to it.
Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) A 10-digit numbering system that classifies a good based on its name, use, and/or the material used in its construction. The number provides Customs and Border Protection (CBP) with a standardized method of tracking all merchandise imported into the United States and sets out the tariff rates and statistical categories.
Imports (Value) Values reported should be landed, duty-paid values at the U.S. port of entry, including ocean freight and insurance costs, brokerage charges, and import duties (i.e., all charges except inland freight in the United States).
NdFeB Alloy The NdFeB precursor materials from which sintered NdFeB magnets are produced.
NdFeB Magnet The final sintered or bonded magnet form (often coated to protect from corrosion), ready for use in a particular end.
NdFeB Powder The NdFeB precursor material form which bonded magnets are manufactured.
NdPr Oxide (aka Didymium Oxide) Combined form of neodymium (75%) and praseodymium (25%) oxide commonly used by NdFeB manufacturers instead of neodymium and/or praseodymium oxide.
Neodymium Oxide (Nd2O3) The commonly produced form of neodymium oxide.
Non-U.S. Facility A facility that is physically located outside of the United States.
Organization A company, firm, laboratory, or other entity that owns or controls one or more U.S. establishment or facility capable of designing, manufacturing, or distributing NdFeB permanent magnets or related products.
Praseodymium Oxide (Pr6O11) The commonly produced form of praseodymium oxide.
Production The process of transforming inputs (raw materials, semi-finished goods, subassemblies, ideas, information, knowledge) into goods or services.
Rare Earth Elements (REE) The lanthanide series of chemical elements, plus yttrium.
Research & Development Basic and applied research in the engineering sciences, as well as design and development of prototype products and processes.  Efforts that an organization conducts towards innovating, introducing and/or improving products and processes.
Sales All reported and unreported sales of NdFeB permanent magnets or related products, including sales to end-users, producers, financial entities, intermediaries, traders, distributors, et al.
Single Source An organization that is designated as the only accepted source for the supply of parts, components, materials, or services, even though other source with equivalent technical know-how and production capability may exist.
Sintered NdFeB Magnet A fully dense magnet produced via the sintering process (i.e., pulverizing ingots in a magnetic field then hot treating in a sintering furnace).
Sole Source An organization that is the only source for the supply of parts, components, or services. No alternative U.S. or non-U.S. based suppliers exist other than the current supplier.
Supplier An entity from which your organization obtains inputs, which may be goods or services. A supplier may be another organization with which you have a contractual relationship, or it may be another facility owned by the same parent organization.
Terbium Oxide (Tb4O7) The commonly produced form of terbium oxide.
Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO) The collective of all rare earth oxides combined.
United States The "United States" or "U.S." includes the 50 states, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Trust Territories, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 5: 1

Previous Page

Next Page
1. Organization Information
A. Provide the following information for your organization. Please select "Other" for "State/Province" if located outside of the U.S.
Organization Name
Street Address
ZIP Code
Country of Global Headquarters
U.S. Point of Contact Name
U.S. Point of Contact Email
U.S. Point of Contact Phone
B. Is this organization owned, in whole or in part, by any Non-U.S. entity? Indicate Yes/No, then identify the entities below, if applicable.
List entities with at least 5% ownership. Include only direct relationships.

Entity Name Global Headquarters Street Address Global Headquarters City Global Headquarters State/Province Global Headquarters Country Ownership %

C. Please provide your organization's CAGE, DUNS, and or NAICS code(s). Blank entries will be considered as "Not Applicable".
Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code(s)
Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Code(s)
NAICS (6-digit) Code(s)

Find CAGE codes at:
Find DUNS numbers at:
Find NAICS codes at:

D. Identify the steps in the NdFeB Permanent Magnet supply chain that your organization currently participates in. Please do not include standby/idle, closed, or future facilities in this section.
Activity Number of U.S. Facilities Number of Non-U.S. Facilities
Mining of Rare Earth (RE) Minerals

Processing and Separation of Rare Earth (RE) Carbonates and Oxides

NdFeB Alloy Production

Sintering of NdFeB Permanent Magnets

Bonding of NdFeB Permanent Magnets

Importer/Reseller/Distributor of NdFeB Permanent Magnets

Milling, Cutting, and Coating of NdFeB Permanent Magnets

Integration of NdFeB Permanent Magnets into Assemblies/Systems

Recycling/Reclamation of Rare Earth Elements (REE) from Waste

Recycling/Reclamation of NdFeB Permanent Magnets from Waste

End User of NdFeB Permanent Magnets

Other (Specify Here)

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 6: 2a

Previous Page
Next Page
2a. Production Facilities
Identify all of your organization's production facilities with NdFeB Permanent Magnet related operations including facilities that are on standby/idle and closed. If your organization does not currently operate any NdFeB Permanent Magnet related production facilities, indicate "No" and proceed to part B. Provide the LOCATION (U.S. and Non-U.S.) of the facility, indicate all operations at each facility using the drop down menus, and specify any changes that may impact that facility over the next five years. If a given facility has more than one operation, list each operation at the facility and the given operation's capacity on separate lines. Note, only list facilities that produce NdFeB Permanent Magnets or related products. Do not list any distribution or resale facilities. Once completed, please proceed to Part B.
Facility Name Location Facility Operation Facility Capacity Outlook
City State/Province
(Select "Other" if outside the U.S.)
Country Operation Type Facility Operating Status Average Annual Operating Cost
(Cost of Goods Sold + Operating Expenses)
($ Thousands USD)
Unit of Measurement Total Facility Capacity (Specified Unit) Average Capacity Utilization Rate
(Last Full Year of Operation)
Time to Reach 100% Capacity Utilization (in days) Cost to Reach 100% Capacity Utilization ($ Thousands USD) Do you anticipate any significant changes in this particular operation the next five years? If yes or unknown, provide a brief explanation.

Mining of RE Minerals Operating


Separation and Processing of RE Carbonates and Oxides Standby/Idle
Metric Ton (MT)


NdFeB Alloy Production Closed


Sintered NdFeB Magnet Production

Short Ton (TN)


Bonded NdFeB Magnet Production



Recycling/Reclamation of Rare Earth Elements (REE) from Waste


Recycling/Reclamation of NdFeB Permanent Magnets from Waste














If your organization plans to operate and or fund new NdFeB Permanent Magnet or related product production facilities in 2022-2026, please answer the following: What is the operation type for the facility, the initial expected capacity, the final expected capacity, the expected start date, the primary challenge to start (if applicable), the estimated total cost to reach full production, and the previously allocated funds to reach full production. If your organization does not plan to operate or fund new production facilities between 2022-2026, indicate "No" and proceed to the next section. Note, only list facilities that will produce NdFeB Permanent Magnets or related products. Do not list any distribution or resale facilities. Once completed, please proceed to the next section.
Facility Name Location Facility Operation Start Factors Explain
City State/Province
(Select "Other" if outside the U.S.)
Country Operation Type Unit of Measurement Initial Expected Facility Capacity (Specified Unit) Full Expected Facility Capacity (Specified Unit) Expected Start Date Primary Challenge to Start
(If applicable)
Estimated Total Cost to Reach Full Production
($ Thousands USD)
Previously Allocated Funds to Reach Full Production
($ Thousands USD)

Mining of RE Minerals Kg

NdFeB Price


Separation and Processing of RE Carbonates and Oxides Metric Ton (MT)

Loss of Market Share to Imports


NdFeB Alloy Production Lbs

Loss of Market Share to Domestic Competition


Sintered NdFeB Magnet Production Short Ton (TN)

Declining Demand


Bonded NdFeB Magnet Production Units

High Operating Costs


Recycling/Reclamation of Rare Earth Elements (REE) from Waste



Recycling/Reclamation of NdFeB Permanent Magnets from Waste















BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 7: 2b

Previous Page
Next Page
2b. Distribution Facilities
Identify all of your organization's distribution facilities with NdFeB Permanent Magnet related operations including facilities that are on standby/idle and closed. If your organization does not currently operate any NdFeB Permanent Magnet related distribution facilities, indicate "No" and proceed to part B. Provide the LOCATION (U.S. and Non-U.S.) of the facility, indicate all operations at each facility using the drop down menus, and specify any changes that may impact that facility over the next five years. If a given facility has more than one operation, list each operation at the facility and the given operation's capacity on separate lines. Note, only list facilities that distribute NdFeB Permanent Magnets or related products. Do not list any production facilities. Once completed, please proceed to Part B.
Facility Name Location Facility Operation Facility Capacity Outlook
City State/Province
(Select "Other" if outside the U.S.)
Country Operation Type Facility Operating Status Average Annual Operating Cost
(Cost of Goods Sold + Operating Expenses)
($ Thousands USD)
Unit of Measurement Average Annual Facility Throughput Capacity (Specified Unit) Average Throughput Capacity Utilization Rate
(Last Full Year of Operation)
Time to Reach 100% Throughput Capacity Utilization (in days) Cost to Reach 100% Throughput Capacity Utilization ($ Thousands USD) Do you anticipate any significant changes in this particular operation the next five years? If yes or unknown, provide a brief explanation.

Importer/Reseller/Distributor of NdFeB Permanent Magnets Operating


Milling, Cutting, and Coating of NdFeB Permanent Magnets Standby/Idle
Metric Ton (MT)


Integration of NdFeB Permanent Magnets into Assemblies/Systems Closed


End User of NdFeB Permanent Magnets

Short Ton (TN)



















If your organization plans to operate and or fund new NdFeB Permanent Magnet or related product distribution facilities in 2022-2026, please answer the following: What is the operation type for the facility, the initial expected throughput capacity, the final expected throughput capacity, the expected start date, the primary challenge to start (if applicable), the estimated total cost to reach full throughput capacity, and the previously allocated funds to reach full throughput capacity. If your organization does not plan to operate or fund new distribution facilities between 2022-2026, indicate "No" and proceed to the next section. Note, only list facilities that will distribute NdFeB Permanent Magnets or related products. Do not list any production facilities. Once completed, please proceed to the next section.
Facility Name Location Facility Operation Start Factors Explain
City State/Province
(Select "Other" if outside the U.S.)
Country Operation Type Unit of Measurement Initial Expected Facility Throughput Capacity (Specified Unit) Full Expected Facility Throughput Capacity (Specified Unit) Expected Start Date Primary Challenge to Start
(If applicable)
Estimated Total Cost to Reach Full Throughput Capacity
($ Thousands USD)
Previously Allocated Funds to Reach Full Throughput Capacity
($ Thousands USD)

Importer/Reseller/Distributor of NdFeB Permanent Magnets Kg

NdFeB Price


Milling, Cutting, and Coating of NdFeB Permanent Magnets Metric Ton (MT)

Loss of Market Share to Imports


Integration of NdFeB Permanent Magnets into Assemblies/Systems Lbs

Loss of Market Share to Domestic Competition


End User of NdFeB Permanent Magnets Short Ton (TN)

Declining Demand


Other Units

High Operating Costs


















BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 8: 3a

Previous Page
Next Page
3a. U.S. Production
Indicate if your organization produced (or plans to produce) NdFeB Permanent Magnets or related products between 2017-2021 (and 2022-2026 expected) in the United States. If your organization only distributed the following products, indicate "No" and proceed to the next section.
Has your organization produced, is currently producing, and or plans to produce NdFeB Permanent Magnets or related products in the United States? If "No", please proceed to the next section.
Do not include facilities that solely distribute, import, or export. Only include facilities that produce NdFeB Permanent Magnets and or related products.
A. Mining of Rare Earth (RE) Minerals
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)

Actual Production from TREO Economic Viability (2021 Only) Estimated Production from TREO
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Average Cost per Unit to Produce
($ USD)
Capacity Utilization Needed to Remain Profitable 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO)
Total Production (U.S. Facilities)

(% of Rare Earth Elements (REE) contained in TREO)
(% of Rare Earth Elements (REE) contained in TREO)
1 Dysprosium

2 Neodymium

3 Praseodymium

4 Terbium

5 Other Rare Earth Element (REE) (Specify Here)

6 Other Rare Earth Element (REE) (Specify Here)

Total: 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
B. Recycling/Reclamation of Rare Earth Elements (REE) from Waste Material
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)

Actual Production from Waste Material Economic Viability (2021 Only) Estimated Production from Waste Material
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Average Cost per Unit to Recycle
($ USD)
Capacity Utilization Needed to Remain Profitable 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Primary Waste Material Utilized
Total REE Production (U.S. Facilities)
(Specify Here)

(% of Rare Earth Elements (REE) contained in Waste Material)
(% of Rare Earth Elements (REE) contained in Waste Material)
1 Dysprosium

2 Neodymium

3 Praseodymium

4 Terbium

5 Other Rare Earth Element (REE) (Specify Here)

6 Other Rare Earth Element (REE) (Specify Here)

Total: 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
C. Separation and Processing of RE Carbonates and Oxides
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)

Actual Production Economic Viability (2021 Only) Estimated Production
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Average Cost per Unit to Produce
($ USD)
Capacity Utilization Needed to Remain Profitable 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Total Production (U.S. Facilities)

1 Nd Oxide

2 Dy Oxide

3 NdPr Oxide

4 Pr Oxide

5 Other REE Oxides (Specify Here)

D. NdFeB Alloy/Metal Production
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)

Actual Production Economic Viability (2021 Only) Estimated Production
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Average Cost per Unit to Produce
($ USD)
Capacity Utilization Needed to Remain Profitable 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Total Production (U.S. Facilities)

1 Nd Metal

2 Dy Metal

3 NdPr Metal

4 Pr Metal

5 Other REE Metals (Specify Here)

E. Sintered NdFeB Permanent Magnet Production
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)

Actual Production Economic Viability (2021 Only) Estimated Production
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Average Cost per Unit to Produce/Recycle
($ USD)
Capacity Utilization Needed to Remain Profitable 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Total Production (U.S. Facilities)

1 N25-N30

2 N31-N35

3 N36-N40

4 N41-N45

5 N46-N50

6 N51-N55

7 N25M-N30M

8 N31M-N35M

9 N36M-N40M

10 N41M-N45M

11 N46M-N50M

12 N51M-N55M

13 N25H-N30H

14 N31H-N35H

15 N36H-N40H

16 N41H-N45H

17 N46H-N50H

18 N51H-N55H

19 N25SH-N30SH

20 N31SH-N35SH

21 N36SH-N40SH

22 N41SH-N45SH

23 N46SH-N50SH

24 N51SH-N55SH

25 N25UH-N30UH

26 N31UH-N35UH

27 N36UH-N40UH

28 N41UH-N45UH

29 N46UH-N50UH

30 N51UH-N55UH

31 N25EH-N30EH

32 N31EH-N35EH

33 N36EH-N40EH

34 N41EH-N45EH

35 N46EH-N50EH

36 N51EH-N55EH

37 N25AH-N30AH

38 N31AH-N35AH

39 N36AH-N40AH

40 N41AH-N45AH

41 N46AH-N50AH

42 N51AH-N55AH

43 Other (Specify Here)

F. Bonded NdFeB Permanent Magnet Production
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)

Actual Production Economic Viability (2021 Only) Estimated Production
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Average Cost per Unit to Produce/Recycle
($ USD)
Capacity Utilization Needed to Remain Profitable 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Total Production (U.S. Facilities)
Mega Gauss Oersted (MGOe)

1 1 MGOe

2 2 MGOe

3 3 MGOe

4 4 MGOe

5 5 MGOe

6 6 MGOe

7 7 MGOe

8 8 MGOe

9 9 MGOe

10 10 MGOe

11 11 MGOe

12 12 MGOe

13 1H MGOe

14 2H MGOe

15 3H MGOe

16 4H MGOe

17 5H MGOe

18 6H MGOe

19 7H MGOe

20 8H MGOe

21 9H MGOe

22 10H MGOe

23 11H MGOe

24 12H MGOe

25 Other (Specify Here)

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 9: 3b

Previous Page
Next Page
3b. Non-U.S. Production
Indicate if your organization produced (or plans to produce) NdFeB Permanent Magnets or related products between 2017-2021 (and 2022-2026 expected) outside the United States. If your organization only distributed the following products, indicate "No" and proceed to the next section.
Has your organization produced, is currently producing, and or plans to produce NdFeB Permanent Magnets or related products outside the United States? If "No", please proceed to the next section.
Do not include facilities that solely distribute, import, or export. Only include facilities that produce NdFeB Permanent Magnets and or related products.
A. Mining of Rare Earth (RE) Minerals
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)

Actual Production from TREO Economic Viability (2021 Only) Estimated Production from TREO
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Average Cost per Unit to Produce
($ USD)
Capacity Utilization Needed to Remain Profitable 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO)
Total Production (Non-U.S. Facilities)

(% of Rare Earth Elements (REE) contained in TREO)
(% of Rare Earth Elements (REE) contained in TREO)
1 Dysprosium

2 Neodymium

3 Praseodymium

4 Terbium

5 Other Rare Earth Element (REE) (Specify Here)

6 Other Rare Earth Element (REE) (Specify Here)

Total: 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
B. Recycling/Reclamation of Rare Earth Elements (REE) from Waste Material
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)

Actual Production from Waste Material Economic Viability (2021 Only) Estimated Production from Waste Material
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Average Cost per Unit to Recycle
($ USD)
Capacity Utilization Needed to Remain Profitable 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Primary Waste Material Utilized
Total REE Production (Non-U.S. Facilities)
(Specify Here)

(% of Rare Earth Elements (REE) contained in Waste Material)
(% of Rare Earth Elements (REE) contained in Waste Material)
1 Dysprosium

2 Neodymium

3 Praseodymium

4 Terbium

5 Other Rare Earth Element (REE) (Specify Here)

6 Other Rare Earth Element (REE) (Specify Here)

Total: 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
C. Separation and Processing of RE Carbonates and Oxides
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)

Actual Production Economic Viability (2021 Only) Estimated Production
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Average Cost per Unit to Produce
($ USD)
Capacity Utilization Needed to Remain Profitable 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Total Production (Non-U.S. Facilities)

1 Nd Oxide

2 Dy Oxide

3 NdPr Oxide

4 Pr Oxide

5 Other REE Oxides (Specify Here)

D. NdFeB Alloy/Metal Production
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)

Actual Production Economic Viability (2021 Only) Estimated Production
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Average Cost per Unit to Produce
($ USD)
Capacity Utilization Needed to Remain Profitable 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Total Production (Non-U.S. Facilities)

1 Nd Metal

2 Dy Metal

3 NdPr Metal

4 Pr Metal

5 Other REE Metals (Specify Here)

E. Sintered NdFeB Permanent Magnet Production
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)

Actual Production Economic Viability (2021 Only) Estimated Production
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Average Cost per Unit to Produce
($ USD)
Capacity Utilization Needed to Remain Profitable 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Total Production (Non-U.S. Facilities)

1 N25-N30

2 N31-N35

3 N36-N40

4 N41-N45

5 N46-N50

6 N51-N55

7 N25M-N30M

8 N31M-N35M

9 N36M-N40M

10 N41M-N45M

11 N46M-N50M

12 N51M-N55M

13 N25H-N30H

14 N31H-N35H

15 N36H-N40H

16 N41H-N45H

17 N46H-N50H

18 N51H-N55H

19 N25SH-N30SH

20 N31SH-N35SH

21 N36SH-N40SH

22 N41SH-N45SH

23 N46SH-N50SH

24 N51SH-N55SH

25 N25UH-N30UH

26 N31UH-N35UH

27 N36UH-N40UH

28 N41UH-N45UH

29 N46UH-N50UH

30 N51UH-N55UH

31 N25EH-N30EH

32 N31EH-N35EH

33 N36EH-N40EH

34 N41EH-N45EH

35 N46EH-N50EH

36 N51EH-N55EH

37 N25AH-N30AH

38 N31AH-N35AH

39 N36AH-N40AH

40 N41AH-N45AH

41 N46AH-N50AH

42 N51AH-N55AH

43 Other (Specify Here)

F. Bonded NdFeB Permanent Magnet Production
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)

Actual Production Economic Viability (2021 Only) Estimated Production
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Average Cost per Unit to Produce
($ USD)
Capacity Utilization Needed to Remain Profitable 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Total Production (Non-U.S. Facilities)
Mega Gauss Oersted (MGOe)

1 1 MGOe

2 2 MGOe

3 3 MGOe

4 4 MGOe

5 5 MGOe

6 6 MGOe

7 7 MGOe

8 8 MGOe

9 9 MGOe

10 10 MGOe

11 11 MGOe

12 12 MGOe

13 1H MGOe

14 2H MGOe

15 3H MGOe

16 4H MGOe

17 5H MGOe

18 6H MGOe

19 7H MGOe

20 8H MGOe

21 9H MGOe

22 10H MGOe

23 11H MGOe

24 12H MGOe

25 Other (Specify Here)

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 10: 4a

Previous Page

Next Page
4a. Sourcing/Feedstock Purchases
Did your organization purchase feedstocks which were used to produce NdFeB Permanent Magnets or related products between 2017-2021 (and 2022-2026 expected)? If yes, answer the following questions below for each of your organization's suppliers. If no, please proceed to the next section. If your organization has more than ten suppliers, rank them by volume of purchases over the 2017-2026 period (greatest to least). For 2022-2026, limit your responses to signed contracts and memorandums of understanding (MOUs). Do not include speculative/desired feedstock purchases. Note, do not include any purchases which were intended for resale (i.e. purchases which do not include value-add activities).

A. Separation and Processing of RE Carbonates and Oxides
(Purchases of Total Rare Earth Oxides and Waste Material)
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)
Supplier Name Country of Purchase (Location of Feedstock) Single/Sole Source? 10-Digit HTSUS Code (If Known) Feedstock Type Specify Waste Material
(If Applicable)
Top Factor Influencing Purchase TREO Content (% of REE contained in TREO) or
(% of Rare Earth Elements (REE) contained in Waste Material)
Total: 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 2026

Dysprosium Neodymium Praseodymium Terbium (Specify Here) (Specify Here) Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)

Single Source
Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO)
Financial Consideration


Sole Source
Waste Material
Technical Specification













B. NdFeB Alloy/Metal Production
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)
Supplier Name Country of Purchase
(Location of Feedstock)
Type of REE Oxide Feedstock Specify Other REE Oxides
(If Applicable)
Single/Sole Source? 10-Digit HTSUS Code
(If Known)
Total: 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 2026

Top Factor Influencing Purchase Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)

Nd Oxide
Single Source
Financial Consideration


Dy Oxide
Sole Source
Technical Specification


NdPr Oxide


Pr Oxide



Other REE Oxides







C. Sintered NdFeB Magnet Production
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)
Supplier Name Country of Purchase
(Location of Feedstock)
Type of REE Metal Feedstock Specify Other REE Metals/Waste Material
(If Applicable)
Single/Sole Source? 10-Digit HTSUS Code
(If Known)
Percent of Recycled Material Total: 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 2026

Top Factor Influencing Purchase Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)

Nd Metal
Single Source

Financial Consideration


Dy Metal
Sole Source

Technical Specification


NdPr Metal



Pr Metal






1001 Steel


Other REE Metals


Waste Material



D. Bonded NdFeB Magnet Production
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)
Supplier Name Country of Purchase
(Location of Feedstock)
Type of REE Metal Feedstock Specify Other REE Metals/Waste Material
(If Applicable)
Single/Sole Source? 10-Digit HTSUS Code
(If Known)
Percent of Recycled Material Total: 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 2026

Top Factor Influencing Purchase Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)

NdFeB Powder
Single Source

Financial Consideration


Sole Source

Technical Specification


1001 Steel



Waste Material









BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 11: 4b

Previous Page

Next Page
4b. NdFeB Permanent Magnet Purchases
Did your organization purchase NdFeB Permanent Magnets or NdFeB Permanent Magnet Blocks between 2017-2021 (and 2022-2026 expected)? If yes, answer the following questions below for each of your organization's suppliers. If no, please proceed to the next section. If your organization has more than twenty-five suppliers, rank them by volume of purchases over the 2017-2026 period (greatest to least). For 2022-2026, limit your responses to signed contracts and memorandums of understanding (MOUs). Do not include speculative/desired purchases. Note, do not include any feedstock purchases in this section (i.e. purchases which are self consumed intended for resale as a different product).

A. Sintered NdFeB Magnet Production
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)
Supplier Name Country of Purchase
(Location of Product)
Type of Magnet Purchased Single/Sole Source? 10-Digit HTSUS Code
(If Known)
Operation Type Total: 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 2026

Top Factor Influencing Purchase Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)

N25-N30 Single Source
Importer/Reseller/Distributor of NdFeB Permanent Magnets Financial Consideration


N51-N55 Sole Source
Milling, Cutting, and Coating of NdFeB Permanent Magnets Technical Specification


N25M-N30M Neither
Integration of NdFeB Permanent Magnets into Assemblies/Systems Relationship



End User of NdFeB Permanent Magnets Delivery



Other Other

























B. Bonded NdFeB Magnet Production
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)
Supplier Name Country of Purchase
(Location of Product)
Type of Magnet Purchased Single/Sole Source? 10-Digit HTSUS Code
(If Known)
Operation Type Total: 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 2026

Top Factor Influencing Purchase Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)

1 MGOe Single Source
Importer/Reseller/Distributor of NdFeB Permanent Magnets Financial Consideration


12 MGOe Sole Source
Milling, Cutting, and Coating of NdFeB Permanent Magnets Technical Specification


1H MGOe Neither
Integration of NdFeB Permanent Magnets into Assemblies/Systems Relationship


12H MGOe

End User of NdFeB Permanent Magnets Delivery


Other Other
















BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 12: 5

Previous Page

Next Page
5. Sales
A. Did your organization sell NdFeB Permanent Magnets or related products between 2017-2021 (and 2022-2026 expected)? If yes, answer the following questions below for each of your organization's customers. If no, please proceed to the next section. If your organization has more than ten customers, rank them by volume of sales over the 2017-2026 period (greatest to least). For 2022-2026, limit your responses to signed contracts and memorandums of understanding (MOUs). Do not include speculative/desired sales. Note, do not include intra-company transfers or list any material that was internally consumed (i.e. Only include sales to other entities outside of your organization).
DFARS 225.7018, 10 U.S.C. 2533c, ‘The John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act – NDAA 2019':
Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO)
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)
Customer Name Country of Sale End Use
(If Known)
10-Digit HTSUS Code (If Known) Top Factor Influencing Sale TREO Content (% of REE contained in TREO) Total: 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 2026

Dysprosium Neodymium Praseodymium Terbium (Specify Here) (Specify Here) Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)

Sintered NdFeB Permanent Magnets
Financial Consideration


Bonded NdFeB Permanent Magnets
Technical Specification


Offshore wind turbines


Electric vehicles


Consumer electronics


Industrial motors


Non-drivetrain motors in vehicles





B. RE Carbonates and Oxides
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)
Customer Name Country of Sale Type of REE Oxide Specify Other REE Oxides
(If Applicable)
End Use
(If Known)
10-Digit HTSUS Code
(If Known)
Total: 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 2026

Top Factor Influencing Sale Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)

Nd Oxide
Sintered NdFeB Permanent Magnets


Dy Oxide
Bonded NdFeB Permanent Magnets


NdPr Oxide
Offshore wind turbines


Pr Oxide
Electric vehicles


Other REE Oxides
Consumer electronics


Industrial motors


Non-drivetrain motors in vehicles





C. NdFeB Alloys & Metals
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)
Customer Name Country of Sale Type of REE Alloy/Metal Specify Other REE Alloy/Metals
(If Applicable)
End Use
(If Known)
10-Digit HTSUS Code
(If Known)
Total: 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 2026

Top Factor Influencing Sale Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)

Nd Metal
Sintered NdFeB Permanent Magnets


Dy Metal
Bonded NdFeB Permanent Magnets


NdPr Metal
Offshore wind turbines


Pr Metal
Electric vehicles


Other REE Metals
Consumer electronics


Industrial motors


Non-drivetrain motors in vehicles





D. Sintered NdFeB Magnets
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)
Customer Name Country of Sale Type of Magnet End Use
(If Known)
DFARS 225.7018, 10 U.S.C. 2533c Compliant? 10-Digit HTSUS Code
(If Known)
Total: 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 2026

Top Factor Influencing Sale Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)

N25-N30 Sintered NdFeB Permanent Magnets Yes


N25M-N30M Bonded NdFeB Permanent Magnets No


N25H-N30H Offshore wind turbines Unknown


N25SH-N30SH Electric vehicles


N25UH-N30UH Consumer electronics


N25EH-N30EH Industrial motors


N25AH-N30AH Non-drivetrain motors in vehicles




E. Bonded NdFeB Magnets
Select "No" if category is not relevant to your operations

Unit of Measurement
(Specify Here if Other)
Customer Name Country of Sale Type of Magnet End Use
(If Known)
DFARS 225.7018, 10 U.S.C. 2533c Compliant? 10-Digit HTSUS Code
(If Known)
Total: 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 2026

Top Factor Influencing Sale Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)
Volume Value
($ Thousands USD)

1 MGOe Sintered NdFeB Permanent Magnets Yes


12 MGOe Bonded NdFeB Permanent Magnets No


1H MGOe Offshore wind turbines Unknown


12H MGOe Electric vehicles


Consumer electronics


Industrial motors


Non-drivetrain motors in vehicles




BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 13: 6

Previous Page
Next Page
6. Employment
Record the total number of full time equivalent (FTE) employees and contractors for the 2017 to 2021 (and expected for 2022-2026) period for your organization employed at the locations listed in sections 2a and 2b. Estimates are acceptable.
Past Current Expected
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
FTE Employees & Contractors

Record the number of workers by occupation employed at the locations listed in sections 2a and 2b for 2022 only. Estimates are acceptable.
B. Occupation Number of Employees
Engineers, Scientists, R&D
Production Line Operations
Testing and Quality Control
Information Technology/Computing
Sales, Administrative, and Management
Other (Specify Here)
Total: 0
C. Issue Timeframe Primary Occupation Affected Explain
Attracting Workers to Location Ongoing, Expected to Continue Engineers, Scientists, R&D
Employee Turnover Past Only (Resolved) Production Line Operations
Finding Experienced Workers Expected In Future Testing and Quality Control
Finding Qualified Workers No or Not Applicable Information Technology/Computing
Finding U.S. Citizens
Sales, Administrative, and Management
Significant Portion of Workforce Retiring
Other (Specify Here)
Other (Specify Here)

D. Describe any significant changes in the recruitment, hiring and/or retention of human capital
E. If you plan to shutdown a facility, do you reasonably anticipate being able to hire or rehire workers?
BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 14: 7

Previous Page
Next Page
7. Capital Expenditures
A. Has your organization conducted NdFeB Permanent Magnet product related capital expenditures (CapEx) from 2017-2021 (and or expects to for 2022-2026)?
If no, proceed to the next section.
B. Record your organization's CapEx dollar expenditures and type of CapEx for the 2017-2021 (2022-2026 estimates) period.
Record $ in Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input of $12

Past Current Future
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
1 Total CapEx $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
2 Machinery, Equipment, and Vehicles

3 IT, Computers, Software

4 Land, Buildings, and Leasehold Improvements

5 Other (Specify Here)

6 Other (Specify Here)

C. Provide your organization's CapEx funding sources for 2021 only. Estimates are acceptable. U.S. and Non-U.S. Industry refers to joint ventures or other partnerships with your organization (does not include bonds, IPOs, or other funding sources). In addition, please provide any relevant CapEx projects that your organization is currently conducting (or plans to conduct by 2026).
Source of Funding CapEx Project(s) Explain:
DOE-Related (Including CMI & AMES)
Other USG-Related
State/Local Government
U.S. Industry
Non-U.S. Industry
Non-U.S. Government
Other (Specify Here)
Total: 0%
D. From 2017-2021, did your organization experience any major change(s) in CapEx related to NdFeB Permanent Magnet related products?

If Yes, identify the reasons for these change(s):
For 2022-2026, does your organization anticipate any major change(s) to CapEx related to NdFeB Permanent Magnet related products?

If Yes, identify the reasons for these change(s):
E. In order to produce NdFeB Permanent Magnets and or related products, are there significant CapEx costs associated with production? If yes, please answer the following below. If no, please proceed to the next section. (Note, only provide CapEx for the step(s) of the process chain that your organization participates in).

Mining of RE Minerals
Equipment Equipment Producer Name Equipment Producer Country Single/Sole Source Average lead time to acquire (in days) Reason For Disruption
(If Applicable)
Primary Resolution
(If Applicable)
Criticality Average cost to acquire
($ Thousands USD)

Single Source
Cyber Security Incident Designed Input 4 - Little to no impact on production

Sole Source
Disease/Quarantine Developed Captive Capability 3 - Partial impact on production

Equipment Outage Identified Another Supplier 2 - Significant impact on production

Financial Constraint Stockpiling 1 - Critical to production (cannot produce without)

Labor Disruption Substituted Input

Regulatory/Environmental Restrictions Waited Until Disruption Passed

Other Other

None None

Recycling/Reclamation of Rare Earth Elements (REE) from Waste Material
Equipment Equipment Producer Name Equipment Producer Country Single/Sole Source Average lead time to acquire (in days) Reason For Disruption
(If Applicable)
Primary Resolution
(If Applicable)
Criticality Average cost to acquire
($ Thousands USD)

Separation and Processing of RE Carbonates and Oxides
Equipment Equipment Producer Name Equipment Producer Country Single/Sole Source Average lead time to acquire (in days) Reason For Disruption
(If Applicable)
Primary Resolution
(If Applicable)
Criticality Average cost to acquire
($ Thousands USD)

NdFeB Alloy Production
Equipment Equipment Producer Name Equipment Producer Country Single/Sole Source Average lead time to acquire (in days) Reason For Disruption
(If Applicable)
Primary Resolution
(If Applicable)
Criticality Average cost to acquire
($ Thousands USD)

Sintered NdFeB Magnet Production
Equipment Equipment Producer Name Equipment Producer Country Single/Sole Source Average lead time to acquire (in days) Reason For Disruption
(If Applicable)
Primary Resolution
(If Applicable)
Criticality Average cost to acquire
($ Thousands USD)

Bonded NdFeB Magnet Production
Equipment Equipment Producer Name Equipment Producer Country Single/Sole Source Average lead time to acquire (in days) Reason For Disruption
(If Applicable)
Primary Resolution
(If Applicable)
Criticality Average cost to acquire
($ Thousands USD)

Recycling/Reclamation of NdFeB Permanent Magnets from Waste
Equipment Equipment Producer Name Equipment Producer Country Single/Sole Source Average lead time to acquire (in days) Reason For Disruption
(If Applicable)
Primary Resolution
(If Applicable)
Criticality Average cost to acquire
($ Thousands USD)

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 15: 8

Previous Page
Next Page
8. Research & Development/Intellectual Property
A. Has your organization conducted NdFeB Permanent Magnet product related research and development (R&D) from 2017-2021 (and or expects to for 2022-2026)?
If no, proceed to part D below.
B. Record your organization's R&D dollar expenditures and type of R&D expenditure for the 2017-2021 (2022-2026 estimates) period.
Record $ in Thousands, e.g. $12,000.00 = survey input of $12

Past Current Future
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
1 Total R&D Expenditures $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
2 Basic Research

3 Applied Research

4 Product/Process Development

C. From 2017-2021, did your organization experience any major change(s) in R&D expenditures related to NdFeB Permanent Magnet related products?

If Yes, identify the reasons for these change(s):
For 2022-2026, does your organization anticipate any major change(s) to R&D expenditures related to NdFeB Permanent Magnet related products?

If Yes, identify the reasons for these change(s):
Provide your organization's R&D funding sources for 2021 only. Estimates are acceptable. U.S. and Non-U.S. Industry refers to joint ventures or other partnerships with your organization (does not include bonds, IPOs, or other funding sources). In addition, please provide any relevant R&D projects that your organization is currently conducting (or plans to conduct by 2026).
Source of Funding R&D Project(s) Explain:
DOE-Related (Including CMI & AMES)
Other USG-Related
State/Local Government
U.S. Industry
Non-U.S. Industry
Non-U.S. Government
Other (Specify Here)
Total: 0%
D. Did your organization own or use NdFeB Permanent Magnet related intellectual property (IP) from 2017-2021 (and or expects to for 2022-2026)? For original inventors, date of acquisition refers to when the IP was licensed from a regulatory agency. For licensees, date of acquisition refers to when access to the IP was approved. Note, only provide IP which is critical (can not produce without) to the production of NdFeB Permanent Magnets or related products.
If no, proceed to the next section.
E. Record the following: The serial number of the IP your organization utilizes, the organization which owns the IP, and the date of acquisition (can include anticipated acquisition dates).
IP Number Name of IP Owner Country of IP Owner Date of Acquisition Cost of Acquisition ($ Thousands USD) Comments

Has your organization encountered difficulties in obtaining NdFeB Permanent Magnet related IP? If yes, please explain below.

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 16: 9

Previous Page
Next Page
9. National Defense/Critical Infrastructure
A. Since 2017, has your organization directly or indirectly supplied NdFeB Permanent Magnets or related products for incorporation into U.S. critical infrastructure sectors? If no, proceed to part C. If yes, proceed to part B.
For 2022-2026, does your organization plan to directly or indirectly supply NdFeB Permanent Magnets or related products for incorporation into U.S. critical infrastructure sectors? If no, proceed to part C. If yes, proceed to part B.
B. For 2017-2021, rank the top three critical infrastructure sectors your organization directly or indirectly supplies NdFeB Permanent Magnets and or related products for. Please do the same for 2022-2026.
Definitions of each sector may be found at:
Critical Infrastructure Sector (2017-2021) (2022-2026)
Chemical Sector

Commercial Facilities Sector

Communications Sector

Critical Manufacturing Sector

Dams Sector

Defense Industrial Base Sector

Emergency Services Sector

Energy Sector

Financial Services Sector

Food and Agriculture Sector

Government and Facilities Sector

Healthcare and Public Health Sector

Information Technology Sector

Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste Sector

Transportation Systems Sector

Waste and Wastewater Systems Sector

C. How have current market conditions involving the subject product categories affected your ability to meet current U.S. Critical Infrastructure requirements? Please explain below. If no, proceed to part D.

D. How have current market conditions involving the subject product categories affected your ability to meet current U.S. Defense requirements? Please explain below. If no, proceed to part E.

E. How is your organization ensuring that its sales are compliant with DFARS 225.7018, 10 U.S.C. 2533c, ‘The John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act – NDAA 2019'? Indicate when your organization began this effort (or plans to) and please explain below.

Definition/Terms may be found at:

BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 17: 10

Previous Page

Next Page
10. Competition/Challenges
A. Does your organization struggle to compete against imports and or exporting abroad? Do you expect the same/similar conditions to persist in the future? If yes, proceed to the next question. If no, please proceed to part B.

Are any of the input conditions below hindering your organization's ability to compete on price? If yes, answer the following questions below. If no, please proceed to part B.

Input Condition Percentage of total operating costs
(Estimates Acceptable)
Would changing current government regulations/incentives significantly improve your organization's ability to compete on price? If Yes, specify the regulation/incentive below Explain

Environmental Regulations

Export Licensing/Regulations
Not Applicable


Sourcing Feedstock Material


Transportation Costs

VAT Taxes, Tariffs, and other Trade Duties

Other (Specify Here)

Total: 0%
What single change (and to which portion of the NdFeB Permanent Magnet supply chain) would most significantly improve cost competitiveness by 2026? Please explain to the right.
B. Does your organization currently participate in any cooperative production, sourcing, information sharing, and or other agreements with other firms/governments outside of the United States? Do you intend to participate in the future/continue participation? If yes, answer the following questions below. If no, please proceed to Part C.

Country Anticipated/Past Start Date
(If Applicable)
Anticipated/Past End Date
(If Applicable)

C. Is your organization looking to expand its operations domestically (or internationally) between 2022-2026? If yes, answer the following questions below. If no, please proceed to part D. Note, limit market share responses to only activities that your organization performs (i.e. do not provide responses on the market as a whole or in general).

Country Current market share
(Estimates acceptable)
Anticipated change in market share 2022-2026 Primary challenge to increasing market share
(If Applicable)

Increase Domestic Competition

Decrease Environmental regulations/remediation

No Change Export controls/ITAR & EAR

Unknown Financing/credit availability

Foreign Competition

Input availability

Labor availability/costs

Quality of inputs


Trade disputes/tariffs
D. Identify the primary challenges/issues affecting your competitive position in the overall [U.S. and non-U.S.] subject product markets. Rank the leading 5 most significant challenges (1 being the most important issue/impact; 2 being the next most important issue/impact, etc.). Explain your response.
Challenge/Issue Challenge Experienced? Rank Top 5 Explain
1 Aging equipment, facilities, or infrastructure Yes 1
2 Aging workforce No 2
3 Counterfeit parts
4 Cyber security
5 Domestic competition
6 Environmental regulations/remediation

7 Export controls/ITAR & EAR

8 Financing/credit availability

9 Foreign competition

10 Government acquisition process

11 Government purchasing volatility

12 Government regulatory burden

13 Healthcare

14 Industrial espionage - domestic

15 Industrial espionage - foreign

16 Input availability

17 Intellectual property/patent infringement

18 Labor availability/costs

19 Natural disasters (including disease/quarantine)

20 Obsolescence

21 Pension costs

22 Proximity to customers

23 Proximity to suppliers

24 Qualifications/certifications

25 Quality of inputs

26 R&D costs

27 Reduction in USG demand

28 Taxes

29 Trade disputes/tariffs

30 Worker/skills retention

31 Other (specify)

32 Other (specify)

E. Identify any impacts or actions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic at your organization, ranking the three most significant impacts and three most important actions (1 being the most important impact/action; 2 being the next most important impact/action, etc.):
Impacts Experienced -Yes/No- Rank
Top 3
Actions Taken Short Term/ Long Term Rank
Top 3
Increased cost of materials Yes 1 Reduce workforce Short Term 1
Inability to access work location No 2 Increase online/remote work capabilities Long Term 2
Inability to fulfill contracts
3 Seek government assistance Both 3
Reduced sales

Delay or reject new contracts

Foreign supplier manufacturing delays

Begin to produce pandemic-related products

Domestic supplier manufacturing delays

Increase use of domestic suppliers

Increased demand

Reduce use of suppliers located in China

Transportation-based disruptions

Reduce use of suppliers located outside the U.S. and China

Financing difficulties

Increase inventories

Labor shortages

Increase supplier redundancy

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Identify any USG actions that could have better mitigated/prevented COVID-19 impacts to your organization:
Identify any USG actions that will limit future COVID-19-related impacts to your organization:
BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act

Sheet 18: 11

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11. Certification
The undersigned certifies that the information herein supplied in response to this questionnaire is complete and correct to the best of his/her knowledge. It is a criminal offense to willfully make a false statement or representation to any department or agency of the United States Government as to any matter within its jurisdiction (18 U.S.C. 1001 (1984 & SUPP. 1197)).

Once your organization has completed this survey, save a copy and submit it via email to [email protected]. Be sure to retain your survey for your records and to facilitate any necessary edits or clarifications.

Organization Name 0
Organization's Internet Address
Name of Authorizing Official
Title of Authorizing Official
E-mail Address
Phone Number and Extension
Date Certified
In the box below, provide any additional comments or any other information you wish to include regarding this survey assessment.

How many hours did it take to complete this survey?
BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL - Per Section 705(d) of the Defense Production Act
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