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Survey of Doctorate Recipients
Dependent Interviewing Study (DIS)
Pilot Test
Survey of Doctorate Recipients
Dependent Interviewing Study (DIS) Pilot Test
Final Findings Report
February 2021
Darby Steiger
Westat SDR Team
Submitted to:
National Science Foundation
2415 Eisenhower Ave
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Submitted by:
An Employee-Owned Research Corporation®
1600 Research Boulevard
Rockville, Maryland 20850-3129
(301) 251-1500
Table of Contents
1. Background ................................................................................................... 3
2. Data Collection Methodology .................................................................... 6
3. Results ............................................................................................................ 8
3a. Methodological findings .............................................................. 8
3b. Response Distributions to Key Variables ............................... 15
3c. Key findings from analytic tables ............................................. 18
3d. Response Analysis Survey Findings ......................................... 26
3e. Meaningful Change Analysis ..................................................... 30
4. DI Decision Criteria................................................................................... 32
4a. Should 2021 SDR Proceed with Dependent
Interviewing? YES ............................................................ 32
4b. If we do proceed with dependent interviewing, which
approach should be used? DI-2 is recommended ....... 39
4c. If we do proceed with DI, will it apply just to the
longitudinal sample, or to the full continuing
cohort?................................................................................ 40
4d. If we do proceed with DI, would we use the approach
with all items tested in the Pilot Study, or a
subset? ................................................................................ 41
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
1. Background
The Dependent Interviewing Study (DIS) Pilot test is a quantitative test of dependent
interviewing that involved assigning sample members to one of three experimental
treatments to determine the best questionnaire design approach for the 2021 SDR. The DIS
Pilot was designed to identify an appropriate follow-up instrument for the longitudinal
component of SDR.
This experiment served three purposes:
inform the 2021 SDR data collection instrument design,
identify which of the three treatments yields high data quality and is also perceived
positively by the SDR population, and
fill a gap in the literature regarding the use of dependent interviewing for selfadministered questionnaires.
The experiment included a sample of respondents to the 2019 SDR, as well as a small
sample of respondents who participated in the 2015 or 2017 SDR cycles, but who did not
participate in 2019. Including cases who have not responded in the most recent SDR cycle
allowed us to gather information from respondents who may have a different perception of
seeing their response data from 3 or more years ago displayed in the instrument they are
asked to complete.
Cases were randomly assigned to one of three instrument design conditions:
an abbreviated version of the usual SDR questionnaire (IND, or independent
measure condition);
a dependent interview questionnaire that uses a single stage task to collect updated
information (DI-1 condition), covering the same content as the independent
measures; or
a dependent interview questionnaire that uses a two-part question to collect
updated information (DI-2 condition), also covering the same content as the
independent measures.
All treatments used a web survey instrument for data collection. The DIS Pilot did not
include CATI or paper data collection.
Dependent interviewing is a technique increasingly used in panel surveys, in which
substantive answers from prior cycles are “fed forward and used to tailor the wording and
routing of questions or to include in interview edit checks” (Jackle, 2006). Dependent
interviewing can reduce measurement error by reducing repetitiveness and burden, aiding
respondent recall, reducing spurious change, and generally providing respondents with a
sense of continuity over the course of their participation in the panel (Pascale and Mayer,
2004). Several major household surveys in the U.S. use a dependent interviewing approach,
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
including for the household rostering process (Panel Survey of Income Dynamics, National
Longitudinal Survey of Youth), for tracking health conditions and health care providers
(Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, Medicare Current Beneficiaries Survey), and to
measure changes in labor force participation (Survey of Income and Program Participation,
Panel Survey of Income Dynamics).
Much of the research on dependent interviewing has focused on testing “proactive”
dependent interviewing (PDI) versus “reactive” dependent interviewing (RDI) (Sala and
Lynn, 2004; Lynn et al, 2005; Hoogendoorn, 2004; Lugtig and Lensvelt-Mulders, 2014; Al
Baghal, 2017). In RDI, respondents are asked the question, and data from previous surveys
are used as edit checks. In PDI, respondents are provided with the answers to the prior
wave within the survey question, and are asked whether this information is still correct.
Several studies have used PDI for recall items, with results suggesting that PDI increases
data quality by reducing the spurious change frequently found in panel surveys
(Hoogendoorn 2004; Jackle 2009; Lynn and Sala 2006).
Nearly all of these studies are based on computer administered interviews with an
interviewer asking the questions. The PDI approach typically uses two steps to ask the
question, with the interviewer presenting the prior wave’s data and asking if this data is
“still correct” (or some variation of this language). If the information is not still correct,
they are asked to provide updated information. Only a small handful of studies, all
conducted in Europe, have explored the use of DI in a web-based self-administered survey
(Hoogendoorn, 2004; Lugtig and Lensvelt-Mulders, 2014; al Baghal, 2017). Hoogendoorn
(2004) seems to be the only study that tested a one-stage approach to DI, in which web
respondents are shown their prior wave responses and can edit the data on that screen,
without having to answer yes/no if the information is still correct. NCSES agreed that this
approach merits additional research, especially as household respondents have become
accustomed to filling out electronic forms in which they can simply update prior
information, rather than having to be asked if each data element is still correct. This was
the impetus for the experiment embedded in the DIS Pilot test, namely, to test a one-stage
DI approach versus a two-stage approach vs. no DI, or independent measures. The results
of this experiment provide guidance about whether to implement a DI instrument in the
2021 SDR, how to structure DI in a self-administered survey, and add to the small body of
literature on use of DI methods in self-administered forms.
Purpose of research
Because the literature available focuses primarily on interviewer-administered surveys,
there is not an established best practice for applying dependent interviewing to a selfadministered survey. In the 2017 SDR data collection, 84% of the completed surveys came
from web self-administered questionnaires, and in the 2019 data collection, 93% of the
surveys were completed via the web questionnaire. With an increasing proportion of the
sample completing via a self-administered web instrument, this experiment was designed
to test two possible dependent interviewing approaches for the web instrument that can be
compared to the usual repeated measures version of the questionnaire, as well as to each
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
In addition to the IND, DI-1, or DI-2 survey, all respondents were asked to complete a
response analysis survey (RAS). The RAS was designed to collect data on respondents’
experience and reactions to the version of the Pilot survey they completed. Including the
subjective measures regarding respondent perceptions is important to consider in deciding
the approach for 2021 SDR given the need to maintain the cooperation of sampled
members across many cycles of data collection.
The DIS Pilot Study addresses the following three research questions:
Does dependent interviewing reduce the time to administer the SDR as
compared to the standard repeated measures approach currently used in the
Does dependent interviewing affect response quality (e.g., item nonresponse)
and the measurement of employment changes relative to independent
What do respondents think of the experience of responding to a pre-filled webbased questionnaire?
The Pilot also evaluates whether the two dependent interviewing approaches differ in their
results to these same research questions.
Is there a difference in administration time between DI-1 and DI-2 instrument
designs? How does the administration time for each compare to the time to
administer the independent measures approach currently used in the survey?
Is there a difference in response quality (e.g., item nonresponse) and
measurement of employment changes between DI-1 and DI-2 instrument
designs? How does the response quality (e.g., item nonresponse) and the
measurement of employment changes for each DI approach compare to
independent measures?
Are there differences in how DI-1 and DI-2 respondents think of their
experience in responding to the pre-filled web-based questionnaire? How do
the perceptions of each DI approach compare to independent measures?
3,900 cases were selected from the 2019 SDR production sample living within the US, and
all were invited to participate in the Pilot test. Since the pilot content focuses on
employment status and occupation, the Pilot only selected from sample members who
reported working in their last cycle of participation. By definition, all cases eligible for the
Pilot were included in the 2015 sample expansion. Of the total 3,900 sampled cases, 3,600
cases were selected from sample members who completed the 2019 survey and an
additional 300 cases that did not participate in 2019 but last participated in 2015 or 2017.
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
Respondents who provided critical items only (CIO) were not be eligible for selection for
the Pilot since the two dependent interview approaches required items beyond the CIO
items to prefill the questionnaire. Including only non-CIO respondents helped to minimize
differences between sample members assigned to the three treatment groups.
Table 1 below shows the selection from the past three SDR cycles.
Table 1. DIS Pilot sample allocation by cohort and year of last response
2015 cohort
2017 new cohort
2019 new cohort
& supplemental
Last responded: 2015
Last responded: 2017
Last responded: 2019
The 3,600 cases were selected among the 2019 eligible respondents after stratifying the
cases into 8 cells defined by gender, race/ethnicity (minority, other) and cohort (new 2019
cohort, other). The sample allocation was finalized after considering the numbers available
in each cell. A modified version of proportional allocation was used, so that cells in which
the proportional allocation did not provide sufficient sample size were adjusted. Within
each cell, cases were sorted by field of degree prior to drawing the sample by systematic
2. Data Collection Methodology
The field period for the DIS Pilot study began on October 13, 2020 corresponding with the
survey invitation mailing, and closed on November 23, 2020. All data were collected via an
online web survey. The web instrument was programmed to be a mobile aware survey that
rendered in a user-friendly format on mobile devices
Of 3,900 sampled cases, 26 were dropped as ineligible prior to the start of data collection
(discussed in section 3a.) The remaining 3,874 sample members received up to six
communications requesting their participation in the DIS Pilot, sent via mail, email or both
depending on the contact information available for each case. All sample cases followed the
same contact strategy, regardless of the assigned instrument version. The content of these
contacts can be found in Appendix A. Table 2 shows the DIS Pilot contact strategy.
Table 2: Sequence of DIS Pilot contacts by mode and timeline
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
Invitation letter
Invitation email
Reminder postcard
Reminder email
Non-response follow-up
Non-response follow-up
Who received?
All sample members with a valid mailing address
All sample members with a valid email address
Sample members who have not yet responded, and
for whom there is a valid mailing address (e.g., will
exclude Postal Non-Deliverable, PND)
Sample members who have not yet responded, and
for whom there is a valid email address
Sample members who did not respond to any prior
contact, and for whom there is a valid mailing
address; FedEx was used for 2019 nonrespondents
and USPS for all others
Sample members who did not respond to any prior
contact, and for whom there is a valid email
All sampled cases received a preloaded $30 debit card in the initial survey invitation
mailing as a token of appreciation. Subsequent communications noted the prior mailing of
the debit card. The language for all communications are included in Appendix A.
As previously noted, participants were randomly assigned to one of the following
experimental conditions:
Independent measures questionnaire (IND)
One-stage dependent interviewing questionnaire (DI-1)
Two-stage dependent interviewing questionnaire (DI-2)
Each of the three instruments followed the introduction screens used in prior SDR cycles,
starting with informed consent information and general navigation instructions.
Continuing with the flow from prior SDR cycles, each instrument then asked the Sample
Person Verification (SPV) items that ask about field and year of degree, as well as the
doctoral awarding institution. Responses to these items allowed the SDR to verify that the
respondent is the intended sampled person. The SPV portion of the instrument has
historically used a two-stage dependent interview approach, prefilling data from the
Doctorate Record File (DRF). The Pilot used the exact same SPV questions as asked in the
production SDR survey for the IND and DI-2 version of the instrument. The DI-1 version of
the instrument maintained the same content, but presented the questions in the one-stage
format to keep internal consistency with the presentation of prefilled information within
the DI-1 instrument.
The look and feel of the instrument and methods of navigation matched that used in the
2019 data collection and was the same across the instruments. All three instruments were
designed to render appropriately for mobile data collection.
Upon completion of the IND, DI-1, or DI-2 portion of the survey, the application
automatically routed respondents to the Response Analysis Survey (RAS). Respondents
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
saw a transition statement at the start of the RAS so it was clear that this portion of the
instrument was collecting their feedback on the test version of the SDR they just
The instrument specifications for the IND, DI-1 and DI-2 instruments, including the
introductory screens and Sample Person Verification (SPV) series, are included in
Appendices B, C, and D respectively. The specifications for the RAS that followed each
survey are shown in Appendix E.
Westat operated a toll-free help line and an email box for respondents to contact with
questions or concerns throughout the data collection cycle.
3. Results
3a. Methodological findings
Final dispositions by condition
The SDR Pilot Study used a subset of 2019 SDR survey cycle final case outcome dispositions
and added 3 additional codes meaningful for pilot analysis (10a, 10b, 10c). Table 1
presents response rate categories mapped to final case outcome dispositions.
Table 3a-1. Response Rate Category Mapped to Final Case Outcome Disposition
RR Calculation Category and Final Case Outcome
Eligible Respondents (R)
Partial - Main survey complete, RAS incomplete (10b)
Partial - Main survey complete, RAS complete, CI
incomplete (10c)
Complete – Web (52)
Eligible Nonrespondents (NR)
Partial - Main survey incomplete (10a)
Hard refusal (92)
Non-response other (99)
Ineligible Respondents (IE)
Deceased (66)
Out of Scope, other (73)
Unknown Eligibility Nonrespondents (UE)
SPV failure (87)
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
SPV failures/ineligible (disposition = 87)
Similar to prior SDR cycles, the SDR Pilot Study included the Sample Person Verification
(SPV) module that uses preloaded doctorate institution, field of study, and year earned
information to verify that the person is the intended sampled member. Respondents who
confirmed at least 2 of the 3 doctorate information were considered successfully located
sample members and were directed to complete the rest of the survey. Otherwise,
respondents who did not confirm at least 2 of the 3 doctorate information (item
nonresponse or failed SPV) were considered ineligible and exited the survey. Unlike in the
main SDR cycles, there was no SPV manual review protocol conducted to determine
whether the intended sample member was reached using other survey data. This
abbreviated SPV assessment protocol was implemented due to the shortened data
collection period and due to the contents of the Pilot survey which did not collect all
necessary information critical to the SPV manual review process as was done in the main
Below is a summary of the 17 SPV Ineligible cases:
o 12 cases (mixed conditions) did not confirm the preloaded doctorate information
but made only minor corrections to their doctorate information (institution, field of
study, and year) that we are confident the intended respondent was reached.
o 4 cases (all DI1 condition) did not provide responses under any of the 3 doctorate
confirmation questions and also did not provide corrections when prompted.
o The remaining case (DI1 condition) did not provide responses under 2 of the 3
confirmation questions and did not provide corrections when prompted. This case
did not confirm the preloaded doctorate year and made a correction when
Completes (disposition = 52) vs. partials (disposition = 10a, 10b, 10c)
For the Pilot Study, Completes are defined as any case where the respondent passed the
SPV criteria as described above, completed the entire survey from start to finish and
submitted the survey submit button at the end of the survey. Partial completes are any case
where the respondent broke-off at any point during the survey and did not return to
complete the survey. Partial completes have the following subcategories:
o 10a – cases where the respondent broke off at any point in the main portion of the
survey. These include both break-offs early in the SPV module where the SPV had
not yet be assessed and cases where the respondent passed the SPV criteria but
broke off at some point during the main survey
o 10b – cases where the respondent passed the SPV criteria, completed the main
survey, but did not start or broke off at some point in the RAS portion of the survey.
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
o 10c – cases where the respondent passed the SPV criteria, completed the main
survey and the RAS, but broke off at some point in the Contact Information section.
Other dispositions (refusals, unavailable during survey period, etc.)
Summaries of the remaining disposition statuses are below.
o 66 – Deceased
o 73 – Out of Scope. These records were flagged as ineligible for the following reasons
prior to the start of Pilot Study data collection and were excluded from the mailing
o Incorrectly sampled cases
o NSF employee
o International mailing address
o 92 – Hard refusal
o 99 – Non -response other. These records are cases where a mailing was sent but we
did not receive a response.
Response rates by condition
Sample members were randomly assigned to one of three conditions as part of the sample
selection process. Condition 1 cases were assigned to the DI1 interview, condition 2 cases
were assigned to the DI2 interview, and condition 3 cases were assigned to the IND
interview. While it was possible for a sample member to be shown a different version of an
individual question from the one to which they were assigned, the dispositions presented
in table 2 were tracked based on the initially assigned conditions.
Three sets of response rates are shown: for full completes, for completed surveys with no
contact information, and for substantive completes. All three sets of response rates range
from 64 to 68 percent overall and across conditions. Even though there is a nominal
increase in response rates between DI-1 and IND for all three sets, p-values from pairwise
comparisons only show statistical significance for a few of them. At an alpha= 0.1 level of
significance, there are significant differences for all response rates between DI-1 and IND.
At an alpha= 0.05 level of significance, the only difference that approaches significance is
between DI-1 and IND, for substantive completes.
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
Table 3a-2. Response rates overall and by condition: SDR Pilot Study
Response rates overall and
by condition
Full completes
Completes, no contact info
Substantive completes
Response rate
DI1 vs DI2
DI1 vs
DI2 vs
Demographics of respondents by condition
Table A1 in Appendix F shows that respondent characteristics including year of graduation,
sex, race/ethnicity, age, citizenship, and SDR response year, are comparable across
conditions. The majority of respondents obtained their doctorate degree after the year
2000 and are less than 50 years old. The gender distribution is balanced. As expected, most
of the respondents in all conditions participated in the 2019 SDR.
Editing and coding by condition
For the 2020 SDR Pilot, the edits implemented to prepare the data for analysis and coding
required some modifications. Editing conducted in the Pilot was focused on preparing the
data for occupation coding. Because of this, edits which were unrelated to variables used in
the occupation coding process were omitted. Additionally, imputation was not conducted
in the pilot, eliminating the need for edits that set variables for imputation, and because the
web was the only mode of data collection, edits were modified to only include web allowed
values. Finally, the Pilot survey contained several new coronavirus specific variables for
which data cleaning edits were modified or created.
Pilot 2020 coding was limited to only include occupation coding. Institution, other specify,
and field of study coding were not performed. For occupation coding, the same coding rules
and guidelines were followed.
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
Timing of response by condition
The chart below shows the count of returns by day, per condition, with the date of each
contact identified with a vertical line. The timing of completed surveys relative to the SDR
contact is virtually the same across the three conditions. For each condition, the largest
counts of returns occurred on the days emails with the link to the survey went out to
sample members. The invitation email went out four days after the invitation mailing, and
Westat receipted the largest number of returns that day, for each condition (153 DI-1, 136
DI-2, and 134 IND). The next highest count of returns on a single day corresponded with
the reminder email sent on day nine of the contact protocol, for each condition (87 DI-1,
102 DI-2, and 94 IND.
Within three days of both of the first class mailings, for each condition, we observed an
increase in the number of completed surveys, but not quite as large as the jump in
completes observed on the days when emails were sent. For all conditions, just over half of
the final count of completed surveys were received within a day of the reminder email, or
nine days from the invitation letter mailing and just about a week from the invitation email.
The remaining half of completed surveys came in over the next month.
Figure 1. Timing of Survey Completes by Condition
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
Incentive use by condition
A total of 3,844 survey members with a valid mailing address received a $30 Visa prepaid
card in their invitation letter. Based on the data as of December 21, of the 3,844 cards sent
with the invitation letter, 1,259 (33%) people used the card and 2,585 (67%) had not used
the card. The roughly 30/70 split was shown across all three conditions, as shown in Figure
1 below.
Figure 2. Incentive usage by experimental condition
Not Spent
Of the 3,844 sample members who were mailed an incentive card, 2,544 1(67.4%)
completed the survey, (826 DI-1, 851 DI-2, and 867 IND).Of the 2,544 who completed the
survey and received a prepaid card, only 1,186 (46.6%) used the card of which 398 DI1,
393 DI2, and 395 IND (Of the 3,844 selected survey members who were mailed an
incentive card, 1,300 (33.8%) did not complete the survey, of which 453 DI-1, 430 DI-2,
and 417 IND. Of the 1,300 who did not complete the survey, only 73 (5.6%) used the card,
of which 30 DI-1, 16 DI-2, and 27 IND .
One of the 2,545 completes did not have a valid address and was not mailed an incentive. The sample member
completed the survey via the link sent with an email survey invitation.
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
Figure 3. Count of sample members who used the incentive, by completion status
Not Complete
Not Complete
Not Complete
Not Spent
Note that 54 respondents contacted the help desk and requested a re-mail of the card. The
case management system counts the 54 re-mailed cards as part of the 3,844 cards initially
mailed. Westat transferred the funds from the initial card to the re-mailed card so the
funds could not be spent twice. However, those 54 cards show in the system as used
because of the transfer of funds to the replacement card.
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
3b. Response Distributions to Key Variables
This section presents the distribution of responses on key variables in the DIS Pilot Test
instrument, showing very few differences by condition. Detailed tables with statistical
testing are presented in Appendix F, and a summary of the results is presented in Table 3b.
Table 3b-1. Summary of statistical testing of differences in key variables by condition
Employment status
Employer type
In a non-incorporated business, professional practice,
or farm
In an incorporated business, professional practice, or
In a for-profit company or organization
In a non-profit organization (including tax-exempt and
charitable organizations)
In a local government in the U.S. (e.g., city, county,
school district)
In a U.S. state government (including U.S. state
In the U.S. military service, active duty or Commissioned
Corps (e.g., USPHS, NOAA)
In the U.S. federal government (e.g., civilian employee)
In a non-U.S. government (at any level)
Employer size
Educational institution
Type of educational institution
Preschool, elementary, middle, or secondary school or
Two-year college, community college, or technical
Four-year college or university, other than a medical
Medical school (including university-affiliated hospital
or medical center)
University-affiliated research institute
Faculty rank
Not applicable; no ranks designated at this institution
Not applicable; no ranks designated for my position
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Supervision of others
Work activities:
Accounting, finance, contracts
DI-1 vs.
DI-1 vs.
DI-2 vs.
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
Basic research - study directed toward gaining scientific
knowledge primarily for its own sake
Applied research - study directed toward gaining
scientific knowledge to meet a recognized need
Development - using knowledge gained from research
for the production of materials, devices
Design of equipment, processes, structures, models
Computer programming, systems or applications
Human resources - including recruiting, personnel
development, training
Managing or supervising people or projects
Production, operations, maintenance (e.g., chip
production, operating lab equipment)
Professional services (e.g., health care, counseling,
financial services, legal services)
Sales, purchasing, marketing, customer service, public
Quality or productivity management
Other activity
DI-1 vs.
DI-1 vs.
DI-2 vs.
3b1. Current employment status (Table 23)
All respondents sampled for the DIS Pilot Test were working at the time of their prior cycle
response. We did not expect to see any differences in employment status by condition,
since condition was randomly assigned. Indeed, there are no statistically significant
3b2. Employer type (Table 24)
Respondents in DI-1 were significantly less likely than DI-2 or IND respondents to say they
worked at a for-profit company or organization, and were more likely to say they worked
for a non-US government entity (p <0.05). IND respondents were significantly more likely
to say they worked in the U.S. military (p <0.05).
3b3. Size of employer (Table 25)
When asked to report the number of people who work for their primary employer, no
significant differences were detected by interviewing condition, with more than six in ten
working for employers with more than 1,000 employees (Table 25).
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
3b4. Educational institutions (Table 26)
When asked whether or not their primary employer is an educational institution, no
significant differences were detected by interviewing condition, with approximately 45
percent in each condition working for an educational institution (Table 26).
3b5. Type of educational institution (Table 27)
Among those who work for an educational institution, there were no differences in the type
of educational institution they work for across the two dependent interviewing conditions,
however, DI-1 respondents were significantly more likely than IND respondents to be
working at two-year institutions or four-year colleges and universities (Table 27).
3b6. Faculty rank (Table 28)
The distribution of faculty ranks was almost entirely equivalent across interviewing
condition, with roughly two-thirds having a rank of professor, associate professor, or
assistant professor. DI-1 respondents were significantly less likely to report a rank of
Assistant Professor than DI-2 respondents (Table 28).
3b7. Supervision of others (Table 29)
Just under half of all respondents across the interviewing conditions have supervisory
responsibilities, with no significant differences detected by condition (Table 29).
3b8. Job activities (Table 30)
Respondents were presented with a list of 14 job activities and were asked to report which
ones they spent at least 10 percent of their time performing during a typical week at their
job. A few significant differences emerged, with those in the DI-1 condition significantly
less likely than those in DI-2 to report doing basic research or applied research (Table 29).
Those assigned to DI-1 were significantly more likely to report being a sales, purchasing,
marketing, customer service, or public relations role than those in the IND condition. Those
in the IND condition were significantly more likely to report doing some “other” activity
than those assigned to the DI-2 condition.
3b9. Comparison of employer and job to prior cycle reference date, EMSMI
(Table 31)
Respondents were asked if they were working for the same employer and in the same type
of job during the pilot test reference period as they were during the prior cycle reference
period. The response distribution was similar across the three conditions, with roughly
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
eight in ten saying they had the same employer and same type of job as previously
3c. Key findings from analytic tables
The DIS Pilot Study aimed to answer a number of research questions concerning the impact
of implementing a dependent interviewing approach on response burden, response quality,
and respondent reactions to being shown their pre-filled answers. This section presents
the findings on response burden and response quality. All detailed tables appear in
Appendix F, and a summary of tables with significance testing is presented in Table 3c.
Table 3c-1. Summary of statistical testing from analytic tables by condition
Average survey length
Average survey length among employed respondents
making a change to data
Any change in employer
Any change in job title
Any change in job duties
Distribution of having same employer/same job when
occupation code changed
Distribution of having same employer/same job when
occupation code did not change
Average number of characters in verbatim responses for
job title and job duties among those typing in a response
Count of change flags
20 or more
Frequency making a change, by type of item
SPV items
Text response items
Single response items
Grid item
Frequency of moving backwards in the instrument
20 or more
Rates of change in employment status from previous SDR
DI-1 vs.
DI-1 vs.
DI-2 vs.
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
Rates of change in employer name from previous SDR
Rates of change in principle job title from previous SDR
Rates of occupation change from previous SDR response
3c1. Response burden (Tables 1 and 1a)
As shown in Table 1, the average length of the DIS Pilot Study was 14.70 minutes for DI-1,
14.05 minutes for DI-2 and 15.25 minutes for IND. These are all statistically significantly
different from each other. The bulk of this burden was the time to complete the survey,
with roughly the same amount of time spent for DI-1 (8.08 minutes) and DI-2 (7.76
minutes), and slightly more time spent on IND (9.77 minutes). As anticipated, the RAS took
less than 5 minutes to complete, averaging 4.35 minutes for DI-1, 4.12 minutes for DI-2 and
3.35 minutes for IND. As expected, average timings were longer for respondents who are
currently employed than for those not currently working.
Table 1a breaks out burden levels by whether or not any changes were made to prior cycle
responses. One would expect burden to increase for respondents who are making updates
to their prior cycle responses, and one might also expect that it would take slightly longer
to make changes in a two-stage format than in a one-stage format. Indeed, the average
timing was 2.55 minutes longer for DI-1 for those who made a change compared to those
who did not; the average timing was 3.07 minutes longer for DI-2 respondents who made
changes. Among those making changes, there were no significant burden differences
between DI-1 and DI-2.
Perceived burden results are presented in Table 19 and discussed in section 3d13.
3c2. Rate of making changes to key open-ended employment items (Table 2)
Table 2 shows rates of entering edits to text-field employment variables by the version of
the instrument respondents were exposed to for that measure. Note that even if
respondents were assigned to a DI condition, if there was no prior cycle response for that
measure, or if they indicated they had changed jobs (after reporting employer
information), they were directed to the IND version of the question.
Editing rates are statistically equivalent across the two DI conditions. However, DI-1 is
generating significantly more changes in job duties. This may be due to the ease of making
edits on the DI-1 screen, whereas in DI-2, the sample member must first indicate that the
information is no longer correct, and then enter the response on a blank screen, which may
be perceived as more burdensome.
All edits are counted as changes in this table, even if respondents changed a character or
added a word to their response. (See section 3e for a discussion of meaningful change.)
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
3c3. Consistency between reported job change and occupation coding change
(Table 2a)
Table 2a examines the level of consistency between the EMSMI variable (asking if the
respondent has the same employer and type of job as in the prior cycle) and whether a
change in OCC (occupation) code was measured. One would expect that respondents with a
change in occupation code would have been more likely to report in EMSMI that their job
had changed.
The table suggests a relatively low level of consistency between the two variables. For DI-1,
32 percent of those who had a measured OCC code change reported that they had a
different job in EMSMI, compared to 38 percent in DI-2 and 20 percent in IND. DI-1 and DI2 results are statistically comparable to each other, but both are significantly different from
Conversely, when OCC code remained consistent, respondents were much more likely to
say that their job had not changed (91% DI-1, 95% DI-2, 93% IND). DI-1 results are
significantly different from DI-2, and DI-2 are significantly different from IND.
These results suggest that there may be significant measurement error in the way
respondents are interpreting the concept of a “different job” in EMSMI.
3c4. Level of Effort in Entering Verbatim Text Responses (Table 2b)
Table 2b compares the number of characters provided in verbatim text responses for job
title and job duties. While there were no differences between DI-1, DI-2 and IND, those in
the DI-1 condition provided marginally significantly more information for their job duties
than DI-2 (p-value=0.0885). As evidenced in Table 35 (section 3e4), those in the DI-1
condition tended to provide more meaningful edits to their job duties than those in the IND
3c5. Overall Changes Made Throughout the Instrument (Table 2c)
Table 2c summarizes the rate at which respondents changed any of their data between
their prior cycle response and the Pilot Test on the items that used dependent
interviewing. “Changes” include modifying a response to a closed-ended question, or
changing even a single character in an open-text field. Notably, those in the IND condition
were not shown their prior cycle responses, so one would expect more changes to be made
to their data in the absence of this information. Indeed, 97 percent of IND respondents
changed their answer to at least one variable in the study, compared to roughly 68 percent
of DI-1 respondents and 52 percent of DI-2 respondents. While DI-2 respondents were the
least likely to make at least one change, the average number of changes made was not
meaningfully different between DI-1 (2.00) and DI-2 (1.91), but both were significantly
lower than IND (10.60).
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
3c6. Changes Made to Types of Survey Items (Table 2d)
Table 2d presents the average number of change flags that were triggered for different
types of survey items throughout the instrument, including the SPV section, verbatim text
response items, single response items, and grid questions. In assessing the performance of
dependent interviewing, we wanted to be sure to test the approach with different types of
questions to be able to assess how DI might affect survey estimates.
The SPV items reflect the respondent’s first exposure to the dependent interviewing style.
Note that the respondents in the IND condition and the DI-2 condition were presented with
the traditional SDR presentation of the SPV items, which uses a DI-2 approach, displaying
their prior cycle response and asks if the information was still correct. As expected, for the
SPV items, we find essentially the same rate of change and average number of changes for
DI-2 and IND. DI-1 produces a significantly higher rate of change. As discussed in section
3e, most of these changes were non-meaningful, with the bulk of the edits being
respondents adding or removing details about their PhD field, rather than substantively
changing the information.
For the text response items, all IND respondents (99.88%) triggered change flags for at
least one item, editing an average of 4.27 items. Again, this is not unexpected, since
respondents could not see their prior responses. And also, as one might expect, we see a
significantly higher rate of change for DI-1 items than for DI-2 items. With an editable text
response in DI-1, it is easier for respondents to make changes than in DI-2, where they first
need to indicate that the information is no longer correct, and then need to type in the
entire response on the subsequent screen. Since edits are so much easier to make in DI-1,
we would expect to be picking up more non-meaningful change in DI-1. In fact, this is what
we see, for example, with the job duties variable, with seven in ten respondents in DI-1
providing a non-meaningful change, compared to 55 percent in DI-2 (see Table 35).
For the single-response items, which include employer type, employer size, academic
employer, and supervising others, we should not expect to see differences among the three
conditions. However, IND respondents were about three times more likely to make changes
to at least one single-response item than either DI-1 or DI-2. This could be a potential sign
of confirmation bias with the DI approach, or conversely, an improvement in the quality of
information collected. DI-1 respondents were also significantly more likely to make an edit
to at least one of these variables than DI-2.
Finally, for the grid style of questions, we analyzed the item about work activities that
presents 14 activities in a yes/no grid format, and found that IND respondents were again
at least 4 times more likely to make a change to at least one of the items in the grid than
were DI-1 and DI-2 respondents. As a point of comparison, between the 2017 and 2019
production SDR collections, 81 percent of respondents made a change to at least one item
in this grid. In the Pilot, 93 percent made at least one change in the IND condition,
compared to 21 percent in DI-1 and 10 percent in DI-2. In spite of DI-1 respondents being
twice as likely to change at least one item in the grid as DI-2, the average number of
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
changes made within the grid was very similar across the two conditions (0.35 items
changed in DI-1, 0.62 items changed in DI-2).
3c6a. Frequency of making a meaningful change to text-response items
(Table 2e)
Table 2e summarizes the rate at which respondents made “meaningful” changes to any of
their data between their prior cycle response and the Pilot Test on the open-text items that
used dependent interviewing. A detailed discussion of meaningful change analysis is
presented in section 3e below, but it is important to note that the definition of “meaningful”
is inherently subjective.
Notably, those in the IND condition were not shown their prior cycle responses, so one
could expect more meaningful changes to be made to their data in the absence of this
information. Indeed, for employer name, job title, and job duties, those in the IND condition
were significantly more likely to make meaningful edits to their prior cycle responses. It is
certainly reasonable that we are seeing more meaningful changes for the IND condition
because of increased noise in the IND measurements, with the respondent more likely to
refer to the same thing differently after a 1-year gap. So the direction of the difference is
not unexpected.
3c7. Item Nonresponse (Table 3)
Table 3 displays item nonresponse rates by the version of the question to which
respondents were exposed, rather than the condition to which they were assigned. Some
DI-1 and DI-2 respondents were presented with the IND version of the question when they
had missing data from the prior cycle, or if they had indicated that they had changed
employers since the prior cycle. Thus significance testing is not performed on this table.
Item nonresponse was extremely low across all three of the questionnaire conditions.
There were a handful of items where item nonresponse exceeded 3 percent, most of which
were text-response items. The condition(s) in which item nonresponse was above 3
percent are mentioned in parentheses.
Other reason for leaving principal employer (DI-1)
Month and year of leaving principal employer (DI-1, DI-2)
Other type of employer (DI-1)
Other type of academic position (DI-1, DI-2)
Other type of educational institution (IND)
Other type of work activity (DI-1, DI-2, IND)
Salary (DI-1, IND)
Salary range (DI-1, DI-2, IND)
Other reason salary impacted by COVID-19 (DI-1, DI-2)
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In addition, while none of the closed-ended RAS items garnered more than 3 percent
nonresponse, each of the text-response RAS items generated considerable item
nonresponse in all three conditions.
3c8. Data Quality: Backing up Behaviors in DI-2 (Table 4a)
One concern in the DI-2 design is confirmation bias, namely that respondents would
indicate that something had changed in the item being measured, but when asked to input
the corrected information, respondents would change their mind and back up to say that
nothing had changed in order to avoid the added burden of having to re-answer the
question. This proved to be an extremely rare phenomenon, with only 4 percent of
respondents doing this at any point during the instrument. This backing up behavior never
occurred for more than 2 percent of respondents in any of the items.
Another concern about confirmation bias is that respondents might initially indicate that
there was no change to the measure when perhaps there actually was. To detect this, we
looked for behaviors in which respondents initially said no change, and then later backed
up and modified their answer to indicate that there had been a change. This occurred for
fewer than 5 percent of respondents.
3c9. Data Quality: Making a Change but Indicating “No Change” in DI-1 (Table
One concern in the DI-1 design is that participants might make a change to the prior cycle
response for a measure, but also mark the box at the bottom of the screen to indicate that
the information has not changed since the prior cycle year. Each time this type of error
occurred, respondents were shown an error message and were asked to re-enter their
information. This could be an indication of user error, or an indication that they are
updating the information but that it is only editorial, and not a substantive change. Fewer
than 10 percent of respondents ever engaged in this behavior, and nearly all of them only
made this error one time.
3c10. Frequency of Backing Up (Table 4c)
At any point during the survey, respondents could back up in the instrument to either
review or change a prior response. The distribution of backing-up behavior was very
similar across the three conditions. Respondents in each condition backed up between one
and two times and roughly half of the respondents in each condition backed up at least one
time during the instrument.
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
3c11. Average length of gap between last job and reference date (Table 5)
For respondents who reported a job change or are currently not employed, Table 5
presents the average number of days between the prior job and the Pilot Test reference
date of September 1, 2020. With small numbers of cases to analyze on this measure, the
results were generally comparable between conditions.
3c12. Rates of change in employment status (Table 6a)
Consistent with the findings that DI-1 respondents were significantly more likely to be
unemployed as of the Pilot Test reference date (Table 23), we see marginally significantly
higher rates of change in employment status for DI-1 than DI-2 or IND (Table 6).
3c13. Rates of change in employer name (Table 6b)
Among those who were employed as of the reference date, we did not see any differences
in rates of change of employer name for DI-1 and DI-2, but we did see roughly three times
more change for those in the IND condition. As noted in the meaningful change analysis,
this was heavily due to respondents entering slightly different information than they did in
the prior cycle that was not deemed to be meaningful.
3c14. Rates of change in principal job title (Table 6c)
Table 6c presents the rate of change in job title, overall and by key respondent
characteristics. Because some DI-1 and DI-2 respondents were exposed to the IND version
of the item (if they were missing prior cycle data or had changed employers), we do not
have significance testing on this table. However, one can see there is no difference between
DI-1 and DI-2 rates of change in job title, but more than four times more change in the IND
condition. As noted in the meaningful change analysis, this was heavily due to IND
respondents entering slightly different information that was not deemed to be meaningful
than they did in the prior cycle.
3c15. Rates of Occupation Code Change from 2019 (Table 6d)
Table 6d presents the rates of occupation codes changing based on responses to a
collection of SDR survey items and our coding process. We see that rates of occupation
code changes are consistent between DI-1 (21.19%) and DI-2 (22.89%), and are both
significantly lower than IND (36.10%). As a point of comparison, 40% of working
respondents in 2019 had an occupation code change from 2017, and 38% had an
occupation code change between 2015 and 2017. This could be an indication that
dependent interviewing is leading to an underestimate of change in occupation, or it could
be that it is actually improving estimates by reducing spurious change, especially given that
the two DI approaches are so similar to each other.
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
Additionally, table 6e shows the distribution of occupation codes by condition, as well as
from the full set of 2019 working respondents. The codes have been aggregated to the
broader job categories shown to respondents and used by coders in selecting a “best” code.
The distribution of occupation codes within these job categories for each of the pilot
conditions does not meaningfully differ from the 2019 unweighted distribution. The
similarity of the distributions suggests that the occupation code changes that occurred
between 2019 and the pilot in the IND version and similarly between the 2017 and 2019
SDR production cycles may reflect only changes at the detailed code levels, and do not
affect the higher level job categories. The lower rate of change in occupation code in the DI
versions may just reflect a reduction in the changes that occur at the more detailed level. If
the more detailed occupation codes are not the primary level for analysis, the statistical
difference in occupation code changes between the DI methods and IND may not be
3c16. Breakoff Rates (Table 21)
Table 21 presents the rates of breaking off the survey before completion. As shown in the
table, there was only one breakoff, occurring in the IND condition at the job title question.
There were a small handful of breakoffs in the RAS in each condition, and also a few during
the contact information module.
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3d. Response Analysis Survey Findings
In addition to the main questionnaire items, respondents were asked to complete a
response analysis survey (RAS). The RAS collected data on respondents’ experience and
reactions to the questionnaire version they completed. Including the subjective measures
regarding respondent perceptions is important to consider in deciding the approach for
2021 SDR given the need to maintain the cooperation of sampled members across many
cycles of data collection. Table 3d below shows the high-level summary of findings from the
RAS responses. In general, respondents in the DI-1 and DI-2 conditions reported similar
responses to the RAS.
Table 3d-1. Summary of statistical testing from RAS by condition
DI-1 vs. DI-2
DI-1 vs. IND
DI-2 vs. IND
Perceived length
Perceived similarity to other SDR surveys
Level of enjoyment
Perceived sensitivity
Level of confidence in protection of data
Recall of completing prior cycle SDR
Recall of prior cycle SDR answers
Prior experience with dependent interviewing
Reactions to dependent interviewing:
Impact of dependent interviewing on accuracy
Acknowledgement of confirmation bias
Yes for one question
Yes for more than one question
Additional reports of confirmation bias
Yes for one question
Yes for more than one question
Perceived burden with dependent interviewing
Overall reaction to idea of dependent interview
3d1. Perceived Length (Table 7)
Table 7 presents respondents’ perceptions of how quickly they felt they were able to
complete the survey. DI-1 and DI-2 garnered similar reactions, with more than 9 out of 10
indicating that they survey went “somewhat” or “very” fast. Those in the IND condition
were significantly less likely to say the survey was somewhat or very fast (83%).
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
3d2. Perceived Similarity to other SDR Surveys (Table 8)
Table 8 presents respondents perceptions of how similar or dissimilar the Pilot Study was
to other SDR surveys. DI-1 and DI-2 garnered similar reactions, with more than 9 out of 10
indicating that they survey was “very” or “somewhat” similar. Those in the IND condition
were significantly less likely to say the survey was very or somewhat similar, though the
difference may not be seen as meaningful (91%).
3d3. Level of Enjoyment of Pilot Survey (Table 9)
Participants were asked to rate the extent to which they enjoyed completing the survey. DI1 and DI-2 garnered similar reactions, with more half indicating that they enjoyed the
survey “a great deal” or “somewhat.” Those in the IND condition provided significantly,
though perhaps not meaningfully, lower levels of enjoyment (Table 9).
3d4. Perceived Sensitivity of Pilot Survey (Table 10)
Participants were asked to rate how sensitive the survey questions were. One might expect
respondents in the dependent interviewing conditions to feel the questions were more
sensitive, since their prior responses were being displayed on the screen. While the DI-1
and IND conditions garnered similar responses, DI-2 respondents were significantly less
likely to feel the questions were sensitive than either DI-1 or IND (Table 10).
3d5. Level of Confidence in NCSES Protecting Survey Responses (Table 11)
If the dependent interviewing approach is to be used, it is important that respondents feel
confident that their data is being protected by NCSES. Indeed, regardless of condition,
roughly 89 percent of respondents across all conditions are very or somewhat confident
that NCSES will protect their answers, with more than half each condition saying they are
very confident (Table 11).
3d6. Recall of Completing Prior Cycle SDR (Table 12)
In implementing a dependent interviewing approach with a survey that is only conducted
biannually, it is possible that respondents could be surprised by seeing their previous
responses on the screen if they do not recall completing the prior cycle’s survey. In fact
more than 9 out of 10 respondents in the dependent interviewing conditions do recall
completing the prior cycle of SDR (Table 12), with no significant difference between
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
3d7. Recall of Prior Cycle SDR Answers (Table 13)
While nearly all DI respondents recall their past participation in SDR, as shown in Table 13,
they are less likely to recall their specific responses to questions. With no significant
differences by DI condition, roughly 6 in 10 say they recall what their responses were.
3d8. Prior Experience with Dependent Interviewing (Table 14)
DI-1 and DI-2 respondents were asked if they had ever participated in a survey in which
historical information had been pre-filled for them to confirm or update. Only 4 in ten
respondents reported this experience, regardless of condition (Table 14).
3d9. Reactions to Dependent Interviewing (Table 15)
Respondents were shown a set of seven possible reactions that they may have experienced
in seeing their pre-filled answers on the screen. Those in the IND condition were asked the
extent to which they might have these reactions if the survey had pre-filled their answers,
while DI-1 and DI-2 respondents were asked to assess the extent of their actual reactions.
As shown in Table 15, there was only one significant difference between DI-1 and DI-2
respondents in terms of their reactions to the survey, with DI-1 respondents slightly more
likely to express confusion than DI-2 respondents. Among DI-1 and DI-2 respondents,
roughly 9 out of ten were neither confused nor annoyed, more than 8 out of ten were not
concerned, and more than half were not surprised. Roughly 7 in ten were comfortable with
the approach, more than 6 in ten were appreciative, and roughly one-third were relieved.
IND respondents, however, had significantly different reactions to the idea of dependent
interviewing on all measures, expressing more negativity about the approach on each
3d10. Impact of Dependent Interviewing on Accuracy (Table 16)
Those in the DI-1 and DI-2 conditions were asked if pre-filling their answers helped their
answers to be more or less accurate, and those in the IND condition were asked how they
thought this approach might affect their accuracy (Table 16). As seen with the reactions to
the survey, again there were no significant differences in the impact of DI on accuracy for
DI-1 and DI-2 respondents, with roughly 6 in ten saying it made their answers more
accurate, and most others saying it had no impact on their accuracy. IND respondents,
however, were much more likely to say that dependent interviewing could make their
answers less accurate (18%).
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
3d11. Acknowledgment of Confirmation Bias in Dependent Interviewing
(Table 17)
Those in the DI-1 and DI-2 conditions were asked if there were any questions in the survey
where they felt the prior cycle response was “accurate enough”, and rather than updating it
to make it more accurate, they left the prior response as-is (Table 17). While there could be
some social desirability bias in acknowledging that they did not provide fully accurate
responses, more than 3 in ten respondents in each condition did admit to doing this at
some point in the survey, with DI-2 respondents significantly more likely to acknowledge
that this behavior occurred on one question.
Respondents were asked to explain why they did not update answers that were “close
enough.” Some of those open-ended responses are provided for illustrative purposes, with
key phrases provided in bold.
my field was called Algebraic Topology, not Topology Foundations, but I guess
it's close enough. (DI-2)
The question regarding how many hours I work each week had the answer prepopulated. I glanced at it, felt it looked about right, and moved on. If it had not
been pre-populated, I might have given it a bit more thought. (DI-2)
It was easier than making it more accurate. (DI-2)
The answers are accurate enough and I didn't feel a need to change. I would
only change it if the information was entirely inaccurate. (DI-2)
For the percentage of time that I spend on various activities, it can be hard to
really calculate, as it varies from week to week and from season to season. I
didn't think that I had significantly better data, so I left the choices as they
were. But I might have done differently from scratch. (DI-1)
I had written in 2019 in that my main job was research/program evaluation and
supervising "10" staff. I only have 9 supervisees right now, but that number
fluctuates over time, so I figured 10 was close enough and decided to leave the
pre-populated response. I didn't think the detail mattered. (DI-1)
As long as the previous info is roughly the same, I leave the answer as-is even
though it may not be very accurate, since it is more convenient. (DI-1)
My job description is pretty much all over the place. I wear a lot of hats. I felt like
there were things I put in last year that I would have forgotten to put in this year
and updating one item didn't seem necessary. It was good enough for this
survey in my mind. (DI-1)
3d12. Additional Reports of Confirmation Bias in Dependent Interviewing
(Table 18)
Those in the DI-1 and DI-2 conditions were also asked if there were any questions in the
survey where they felt the prior cycle response was “wrong”, and rather than updating it to
make it accurate, they left the prior response as-is (Table 18). Only about 5 percent of
respondents in each condition acknowledged doing this at some point in the survey, with
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
DI-1 respondents significantly more likely to say it happened at more than one question
(2.6% vs. 1.3%).
3d13. Perceived Burden of Dependent Interviewing (Table 19)
DI-1 and DI-2 respondents were asked if the dependent interviewing approach made the
survey more or less burdensome; IND respondents were asked if they thought this
approach would make the survey more or less burdensome. There were no significant
differences between DI-1 and DI-2, with 87 percent of respondents in each condition saying
that it made the survey much less or a little less burdensome (and roughly 63 percent
saying much less burdensome). Those in the IND condition were significantly less positive
about the idea, but still more than 7 in ten felt it would make the survey at least a little less
3d14. Overall Reaction to the Idea of Dependent Interviewing (Table 20)
All respondents were asked if they thought pre-filling answers was a good or a bad idea.
There were no significant differences between DI-1 and DI-2, with 90 percent of
respondents in each condition saying that dependent interviewing was a very or somewhat
good idea. Those in the IND condition were significantly less positive about the idea, but
still two-thirds thought it was a very or somewhat good idea.
3e. Meaningful Change Analysis
For text response items in the DI-1 condition, respondents were asked to edit their prior
cycle information on the screen, or to mark if the information from the prior cycle was still
correct. Any edits that were made to the prior cycle information, even minor spelling
corrections, were flagged as changes. Likewise for DI-2 text response items, respondents
were shown their prior cycle response and were asked if the information was still correct
as of the reference date. If not, they were taken to a new screen to type in the updated
information. Regardless of the nature of the change, if it did not identically match the prior
cycle response, it was flagged as a change. Finally, for IND, respondents were asked the
survey measure with no presentation of the prior cycle response. Thus even if nothing had
changed since the prior cycle, they may have entered the response slightly differently from
the prior cycle, which would have triggered a change flag. To better understand the nature
of changes that were made to prior cycle responses, this section explores whether the
changes were determined to be meaningful or non-meaningful. Non-meaningful edits are
defined as making spelling or grammatical changes, as well as edits that add or remove
detail from the prior cycle response without substantially changing the answer. Examples
of this are a prior cycle response for job title of “Anthropology Professor” being edited to
“Anthropological Professor,” or a prior cycle response for PhD Institution of “CUNY
Graduate School and University Center” being edited to “CUNY Graduate Center.”
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
3e1. PhD field of study (Table 32)
Very few changes were made to the PhD institution name in the SPV module. While the
numbers are still relatively small, a higher number of DI-1 respondents made edits to their
PhD field of study (n=85), compared to approximately 30 in each of the DI-2 and IND
conditions. While there was no significant difference in rates of providing non-meaningful
edits to field of study, nearly all of these edits were non-meaningful (Table 32).
3e2. Employer name (Table 33)
IND respondents were much more likely to make an edit to their employer name (N=383,
compared to 110 for DI-1 and 132 for DI-2). While there were no differences in meaningful
changes for DI-1 and DI-2, those in the IND condition were 4 to 5 times more likely than DI1 and DI-2 to make a non-meaningful change to the information they had provided in the
prior cycle.
3e3. Job title (Table 34)
Again, IND respondents were much more likely to make an edit to their employer name
(N=582, compared to 208 for DI-1 and 221 for DI-2). While there were no differences in
meaningful changes for DI-1 and DI-2, those in the IND condition were four times more
likely than DI-1 and DI-2 to make a non-meaningful change to the information they had
provided in the prior cycle.
3e4. Job duties (Table 35)
Nearly all IND respondents provided a different response to their job duties than they had
in the prior cycle (N=835), and nearly all of those changes were determined to be nonmeaningful edits (80%). While significantly less than IND, those in the DI-1 condition were
significantly more likely to make non-meaningful changes to their prior cycle job duties
(69%) than those in the DI-2 condition (55%).
3e5. Relationship between meaningful changes to job duties and OCC coding
(Table 36)
One way of understanding the impact of the meaningful change analysis is to explore how
respondents who had changes in their occupation (OCC) code handled the job duties
question. We hypothesize that those with an occupation change should have been more
likely to report a meaningful change in their job duties, though a number of variables go
into the occupation coding scheme. This hypothesis did not play out in the data. Among
those who had a change in their OCC code, most in the DI-1 (49%) and DI-2 (44%)
conditions had made no changes at all to their job duties, and an additional 24 percent
made non-meaningful changes. Only 26 percent of DI-1 and 30 percent of DI-2 respondents
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
who had an OCC code change had made a meaningful edit to their job duties, a similar
proportion to those in the IND condition
Conversely, among those who did not have a change in their occupation code, we would
expect few meaningful changes to their job duties. This did play out in the data, with fewer
than five percent of DI-1 and DI-2 respondents making meaningful changes to job duties,
and most in fact making no changes at all. Similarly, nearly all IND respondents who had no
change in OCC code had made non-meaningful edits to their job duties.
4. DI Decision Criteria
4a. Should 2021 SDR Proceed with Dependent Interviewing? YES
Based on the key findings in this report, we recommend that 2021 proceed with dependent
interviewing, specifically the DI-2 approach. A summary of those findings is presented
below in order to support the recommendation.
4a1. Burden assessment: DI is less burdensome than IND
Overall, the DI-2 interview was significantly shorter than the IND version; the DI-1
interview was not significantly shorter than IND, and was significantly longer than DI-2
(Table 1). However, given that 97 percent of IND respondents made at least one change to
their prior cycle response (Table 2c), it is also important to compare timings to those who
made changes to the dependent interviewing version of the instrument. The average timing
of 15.80 minutes for IND respondents is comparable to the timings of 15.81 minutes for DI1 and 15.92 minutes for DI-2 respondents who made at least one change to their prior cycle
responses (Table 1a).
With few differences in actual burden when changes are being made to prior cycle
responses, it is also important to assess perceptions of burden. Regardless of a DI-1 or DI-2
approach, those assigned to dependent interviewing were significantly more likely to
believe that they were able to complete the survey “very or somewhat fast” and that
dependent interviewing made the survey “much less or somewhat less burdensome” than
IND respondents (Table 19).
4a2. Response Rate: DI is comparable to IND
As discussed in section 3a, response rates were not significantly different between the
dependent interviewing conditions and the IND condition, though DI-1 tended to have the
lowest response rates.
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
4a3. Data Quality: DI may produce some non-meaningful confirmation bias
There are several measures of data quality that should be assessed to determine how the
DI approach performed compared to IND. These include item nonresponse and breakoffs,
backing up behavior, and degree to which respondents may be subject to confirmation bias.
a. Item nonresponse and breakoffs
Item nonresponse and breaking off behaviors were both extremely low across all
conditions (Tables 3 and 22). These are both indicators that dependent interviewing does
not differ from IND in terms of data quality.
b. Backing up behaviors
Overall, backing up behaviors were equivalent across the three conditions (Table 4c), with
roughly half of respondents backing up at least once during the instrument. One concern
with the DI-2 approach is that respondents might change their minds about editing their
data once they realized they would have to re-enter the information. This problem did not
play out, with fewer than 5 percent of respondents engaging in backing up behavior to
change answers from “yes change” to “no change” at any point during the instrument.
c. Confirmation bias
One concern about dependent interviewing is that respondents might accept their prior
cycle responses as “accurate enough” and, rather than taking the time to update the
information to be more accurate, would accept the prior cycle response. This is a concern if
the prior cycle response is, in fact, incorrect for the current cycle, which would lead to socalled confirmation bias and result in estimates of change that are too low. However,
independent interviewing can lead to “anti-confirmation bias”: when the concept targeted
by the survey question is difficult to define accurately (e.g. job duties), it is possible for the
respondent to provide an answer that is different from that given in the previous cycle,
even though the underlying situation of the respondent did not actually change. In such
situations, independent interviewing might lead to estimates of change that are too high.
By showing the response from the previous cycle, dependent interviewing can help reduce
the likelihood of non-meaningful change occurring in the data. There are 4 ways in which
we have explored the extent to which confirmation bias (or anti-confirmation bias)
1) Rate of non-meaningful change on open-text responses. If confirmation bias were an
issue, we would expect respondents to only make meaningful changes to their
employer and job information, and avoid taking the time to make minor updates.
While minor updates do not substantively change the survey findings, they can help
improve the overall quality of the SDR dataset. There may be some evidence of this;
we find that, among those who made an edit to their employer name or job title,
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
fewer than 15 percent in either DI-1 or DI-2 conditions made non-meaningful
updates (Tables 33 and 34). However, more than half of respondents who made
edits to their job duties made non-meaningful updates (Table 35). This suggests that
respondents are willing to take the time to make edits to their data, even if it is just
to make minor updates.
2) Rate of backing up and changing answers from “yes, change” to “no change” after
realizing they would have to enter information from scratch. In the DI-2 condition, it
is possible that respondents could demonstrate confirmation bias by initially
indicating that their prior cycle response was no longer correct, but when realizing
that they would have to take the extra step of re-answering the question (on a
second screen), changed their answer to say that actually, there was no change. We
found very little evidence of this, as shown in Table 4a. Fewer than 5 percent of
respondents engaged in this behavior at any point during the instrument.
3) Rate of acknowledging confirmation bias. In the RAS portion of the instrument, DI-1
and DI-2 respondents were asked to acknowledge if they ever left answers as-is,
rather than changing them, either because the prior cycle response was “accurate
enough.” One might expect that DI-2 respondents were more likely to have engaged
in these behaviors, again, because of the added burden of clicking onto a 2nd screen.
We do see a marginally, but not significantly, higher rate of engaging in this behavior
among DI-2 respondents (35% acknowledged this vs. 32% for DI-1). We also asked
if they ever left an inaccurate answer as-is, rather than correcting it. This behavior
was far less common, with only 7% of DI-1 and 5% of DI-2 respondents
acknowledging this.
4) Statistical modeling of likelihood to report change in key SDR variables. Unweighted
logistic regression was used to assess whether question presentation (IND vs. DI-1
and DI-2) resulted in shifts in the likelihood to report a change in a set of key SDR
variables in the pilot study. The five variables evaluated in this analysis are:
• NEDTP: A10. Employer type
• TENSTA: A18. Tenure status
• EMED: A14. Indicator for educational institution employer
• OCPRT: A19. Principal job title
• EMMAIN: A11. Main business or industry
The following 18 variables were considered as possible confounders for the effect of DI-1
and DI-2:
CONDITION: From 2019 pilot data, indicators for 3 categories (1: DI1, 2: DI2, 3:
GENDER: From 2019 pilot data, indicators for 3 categories (1: DI1, 2: DI2, 3:
NSDRMEMTOD: From 2019 RUF. Field of study for first US S&E or health PhD
(major group,
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
TOD), with 8 categories.
EMSECSM: From 2019 RUF. 3-category employer sector (1: Educational
Institution, 2: Government, 3: Business/Industry)
HCAPIN: From 2019 RUF, physical disabilities indicator for 2 categories (N: No,
Y: Yes)
URM19: From 2019 paradata, Under-represented minority (URM) flag from
sample frame, with 2 categories (1: URM, 2:non-URM)
COHORT19: From 2019 paradata, 2019 SDR sample cohort indicators for 3
categories (NEW: 2016/2017 graduates from SED, SUPP: 2015 supplemental
panel, CONT: 2015/2017 continuing panel)
CURCIT19: From 2019 paradata, Sample member's current citizenship, with 2
categories (1: U.S., 2: non-U.S.)
YEARS_SINCE_PHD: Derived from 2019 RUF, indicators for 4 categories (1: <10,
2: 10-20, 3: 20-30, 4: >30)
AGEGROUP: Derived from 2019 RUF, indicators for 5 categories (1: <3, 2: 35-44,
3: 45-54, 4: 55-64, 5: >64)
RACETHM_R: Derived from 2019 RUF, indicators for 3 categories (1: Asian, 2:
White, 4: Other)
EVER_LOC19: From 2019 paradata, indicators of whether sample member ever
needed locating in 2019, with 2 categories (Y: Needed locating, N: Locating not
DR19_R: Derived from 2019 paradata, with 5 categories (1: 25 percentile, 2: 50
percentile, 3: 75 percentile, 4: 100 percentile, 5: 0). Quantiles of
DifferentiationRatio (Mean of the ratio of the maximum number of consecutive
items with the same response, of all items in the grid set across grid sets).
SL19_R: Derived from 2019 paradata, with 5 categories (1: 25 percentile, 2: 50
percentile, 3: 75 percentile, 4: 100 percentile, 5: 0). Quantiles of Straightlining
(Mean of indicators (1, if all items in the set having the same response) and (0, if
at least one answer differed of all items in the grid set) across grid sets).
EDITSCORE_DATA_R: Derived from 2019 paradata, with 5 categories (1: 25
percentile, 2: 50 percentile, 3: 75 percentile, 4: 100 percentile, 5: 0). Quantiles of
number of edits made at all variables
IMPscore_data_R: Derived from 2019 paradata, with 5 categories (1: 25
percentile, 2: 50 percentile, 3: 75 percentile, 4: 100 percentile, 5: 0). Quantiles of
number of imputations made at all variables
FINAL_INCENTIVE19: From 2019 paradata, indicators of final incentive offer for
4 categories (NONE: No incentive offer, EARLY: Early offer in Starting Phase,
BOTH: Both early and late offers, LATE: Late offer made in Late Stage)
IN_RR_GROUP19: From 2019 paradata, response categories that correspond to
sample member outcomes at the beginning of the Interim Phase, with 4
categories (R, IE, NR, UE)
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
The table below shows the estimated odds ratios for the use of DI-1 and DI-2 vs. IND, their
confidence intervals and the associated p-values. As the results show, all odds ratios are
less than 1 and are statistically significantly so for at least one of the two DI conditions.
Hence, the evidence shows that the use of DI results in lower estimates of the occurrence of
changes in these SDR variables.
d. Rates of change by device type
Dependent interviewing should produce comparable rates of change regardless of what
type of device is used to complete the instrument. Table 37 shows the percentage of
respondents making at least one change to different types of items by device type, as well
as the average number of changes made for each type of question. There were very few
responses using tablets, so results focus on comparing desktop/laptop behaviors to mobile
phone behaviors. Within the DI-1 condition, we see very similar response patterns for SPV
items (29% change on PC vs. 26% change on mobile) and text response items (37% vs.
38%). Mobile phone respondents were slightly more likely to make edits to single response
items (32%) than PC respondents (24%), and PC respondents were slightly more likely to
make edits to the grid item (22%) than mobile respondents (16%), but none of these
differences were statistically significant.
Slightly different patterns were detected with DI-2 respondents. Minimal differences were
found between PC and mobile users on SPV items and single response items. PC users were
somewhat more likely to make edits to text response items (25%) than mobile users
(17%), and were also slightly more likely to make an edit to the grid item (11%) than
mobile users (4%), but none of these differences were statistically significant.
These findings suggest that dependent interviewing performs similarly, regardless of
device type.
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
4a4. Respondent Reactions to Dependent Interviewing: DI generates very
positive reactions; IND respondents express some skepticism
Across the board, respondents assigned to dependent interviewing report the same or
significantly more positive reactions to dependent interviewing. Regardless of DI approach,
nine out of ten thought it was a very good or somewhat good idea to pre-fill answers, and
87 percent say it made the survey a little less or much less burdensome. Roughly six in ten
say that DI made their answers more accurate (with only 1 percent saying it made their
responses less accurate). More than half in each condition say they were not surprised by
seeing their answers prefilled, nine out of ten were not confused, eight out of ten were not
concerned, more than six in ten were very appreciative, and roughly seven in ten were very
IND respondents, however, expressed more skepticism about the idea of dependent
interviewing, having not experienced it during the pilot test instrument. Fewer than seven
in ten say it is a very good or somewhat good idea, and roughly an equal proportion
anticipate it would make the survey less burdensome. Just over one-third suspect it would
make their answers more accurate (whereas nearly half anticipate it would have no
impact). They were significantly less likely to express positive reactions to the idea (such as
appreciation or relief), and significantly more likely to express concerns about the idea
(such as surprise, confusion, annoyance, or concern).
Respondents were invited to provide open-ended comments about their reactions to
dependent interviewing. Roughly one-third of DI-1 and DI-2 participants provided
comments, along with roughly one-quarter of IND respondents. Westat staff coded those
responses into positive, neutral, and negative sentiments. DI-1 and DI-2 respondents
shared similar sentiment about dependent interviewing, with both garnering about 70%
positive reactions, 5% neutral, and roughly 25% negative reactions. IND reactions were
less positive, with about half expressing positive reactions, one-quarter neutral, and about
one in five negative.
Some comments provided by respondents are shared for illustrative purposes:
Positive Sentiment
• It is actually nice to be reminded of what I answered last time and just to be given
the opportunity to confirm or change the response. It makes filling out the survey
much easier. (DI-2)
• It was really nice to not have to re-enter the info since it had not changed. Good job!
• I like being able to see my previous answers and update them. I've been in my job
awhile and not much has changed. Also, I was surprised to see some of the detail I
put in my answers previously. I'm glad I didn't need to recreate that. (DI-1)
• This is by far the easiest survey experience I can remember...I never felt some of the
redundancy I usually do. (DI-2)
• I don't like to have to repeat inputting information you already have. Glad to have
you populate and confirm information rather than me trying to populate. (IND)
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
Having that data preloaded would be another indicator that you were legit--that you
already knew many of the things you were asking and requiring less decisions from
me about what/what not to divulge. And it saves time. (IND)
Negative Sentiment
Data Protections
• Because I am likely to go through these forms quickly, I would be worried that prefilled answers would actually make [me] go more slowly because I would worry that
the pre-filled information is incorrect. (IND)
• I suppose the only thing I worry about with any survey info is hacking. This info
could be used to help establish a false identity based on me. (DI-1)
• I am always nervous giving out information that could be used for phishing
purposes. (DI-2)
• Having the personal data prefilled in a survey makes me concerned about the data
security and privacy. (DI-1)
Concerns about Confirmation Bias
• Pre-fills would probably reduce my level of effort. I usually read the entire list of
options and try to find the closest match -- especially since my job is unique and I
don't remember the details of past surveys. With pre-filled answers, I would
probably just click through, thinking, "Yeah, that option's probably good enough."
• My only concern is that it is easier to gloss over answers without critically deciding
if the answer has changed. (DI-2)
• I think having my previous answers available might make me pay less attention to
my responses. (IND)
• Seeing my previous responses would initially surprise me. My concern would be
that those responses (especially to behavior-type questions) might guide my initial
gut reaction to the question. I would be more likely to be persuaded by my previous
answer. (IND)
4a5. Response Distributions to DI and IND are Comparable
In determining whether to proceed with dependent interviewing, it is critical to assess the
potential impact on survey estimates. If respondents are less likely to make changes to
prior cycle information because of confirmation bias, this could impact longitudinal trends.
Conversely, if respondents report a much higher rate of change than seen in the IND, trends
may also be affected. As we see in tables 23-31, there were very few significant differences
in the response distributions of key survey items. More specifically, DI-2 responses did not
differ from IND for any of the items examined, and DI-1 differed from IND for only one
item, employer type.
However, the rate of change in occupation code was significantly smaller in both DI
approaches relative to IND. As context, the rate of change in occupation code between
2015 and 2017, and between 2017 and 2019 SDR production cycles was 37.7% and 39.9%
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
respectively. The IND rate of change in occupation code was similar at 35.8% despite the
shorter elapsed time period. The two DI methods resulted in a rate of occupation code
change of 20% (DI-1) and 22% (DI-2). While there is not a measure of truth available with
this study design, prior research suggests that proactive dependent interviewing
approaches reduce measurement error in reporting change (Mathiowetz, 2000; Sala,
2004), particularly in reporting occupation. It is also interesting that the rate of change in
the Pilot IND condition, with a much shorter elapsed period of time, was comparable to the
rate of change in the usual two-year elapsed time. This may indicative of measurement
error with occupation coding in the IND approach.
4b. If we do proceed with dependent interviewing, which approach
should be used? DI-2 is recommended
4b1. Burden Assessment: DI-1 slightly longer than DI-2
Overall, DI-1 timings are significantly longer (15.21 minutes) than DI-2 (14.37 minutes)
(Table 1). When respondents made changes to their prior cycle responses, there were no
significant differences between the DI-1 and DI-2 approaches. We might have expected that
DI-2 changes would have been more burdensome, since respondents needed to visit two
screens to make a change, whereas in DI-1, the edits could be made on a single screen.
However, this did not play out for any of the DI items. Timing differences for those who
made changes at any point during the instrument were insignificant (Table 1a).
A significant difference is seen for those who did not make any changes to their prior cycle
data (13.58 minutes for DI-1 vs. 12.75 minutes for DI-2). This could be a result of learning
the functionality of the DI-1 approach, in which respondents need to mark a box indicating
“no change” if the information has not changed. In the DI-1 condition, respondents were
asked to either update the information on the screen, or to mark a checkbox indicating that
the information had not changed since the prior cycle. Some respondents did not realize
they had to mark the checkbox if nothing had changed, and would click the next button
without doing anything on the screen. Respondents could receive up to two soft error
messages if this occurred (across both in the SPV section and the survey items). In the SPV
section, 295 respondents in the DI-1 condition (fully 34% of respondents) received an
error message saying that they had left a screen blank rather than marking that no change
had occurred. Within the survey itself, 154 DI-1 respondents triggered this soft error
(18%). This suggests that some DI-1 respondents did not fully understand how to navigate
the DI-1 functionality, which could have led to the increased burden for those making no
4b2. Rate of Problematic Response Behavior: DI-1 higher than DI-2
As just indicated, roughly one-third of DI-1 respondents showed some confusion with how
to navigate initial SPV screens when no changes had occurred. Conversely, when making a
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
change to the prior cycle response for a measure, approximately 10 percent of DI-1
respondents also marked the box at the bottom of the screen to indicate that the
information had not changed since the prior cycle year. If this type of error occurred,
respondents were shown an error message and were asked to re-enter their information.
This could be an indication of user error, or an indication that they are updating the
information but that it is only editorial, and not a substantive change. Nearly all of these
respondents only made this error one time, but again it is an indication that DI-1 is eliciting
user errors.
For the DI-2 condition, two types of problematic behaviors were analyzed. First, we
analyzed the rate at which respondents backed up to change their answer to the “gate”
question of whether or not the prior cycle response was still correct (Table 4a-1). Fewer
than 4 percent of respondents backed up to change their answer from a “yes” to a “no” at
any point during the instrument.
Second, we analyzed whether respondents initially indicated that there was no change to
the measure when perhaps there actually was (Table 4a-2). To detect this, we looked for
behaviors in which respondents initially said no change, and then later backed up and
modified their answer to indicate that there had been a change. This occurred for fewer
than 5 percent of respondents.
4b3. Unit and Item Nonresponse – No difference
As shown in chapter 3 methodological results, there was no significant difference in
response rates between DI-1 and DI-2, though DI-1 did result in a slightly lower nominal
response rate. Item nonresponse rates were low across the board, and not significantly
different by condition.
4b4. RAS Results – No difference
As shown in tables 7 through 20, there were no significant differences in reactions to the
two dependent interviewing approaches.
4b5. Response Distributions – No difference
As shown in tables 23-31, there were very few significant differences between DI-1 and DI2 for frequency distributions on key survey measures.
4c. If we do proceed with DI, will it apply just to the longitudinal
sample, or to the full continuing cohort?
We recommend implementing dependent interviewing with the full continuing cohort, due
to the reduction in burden and the positive reactions to the DI approach.
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
4d. If we do proceed with DI, would we use the approach with all
items tested in the Pilot Study, or a subset?
We recommend implementing dependent interviewing with all of the items that were
tested in the Pilot Study. However, we do believe that further testing is merited for the job
duties item in the DI-2 approach. For respondents who indicate the information is no
longer correct, they could be shown their prior cycle job duties in an editable field, rather
than being provided with a blank screen to enter the information from scratch.
SDR DIS Pilot Test Draft Report
File Type | application/pdf |
Author | Milan, Lynn M. |
File Modified | 2021-02-23 |
File Created | 2021-02-23 |