Att 7_Materials Testing Guide

Formative Research to Develop HIV Social Marketing Campaigns for Healthcare Providers

Att7-Materials Testing Guide

Att 7_Materials Testing Guide

OMB: 0920-1182

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Form Approved

OMB No. 0920-1182

Expiration Date 5/31/2020

Formative Research to Develop HIV Social Marketing Campaigns for Healthcare Providers

Attachment 7: Materials Testing Guide

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; Attn: OMB-PRA (0920-1182)

I. Welcome

Thank you for coming here today. Your participation is very important. I’m _______ and I’m from _________________________ (insert contractor name). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is sponsoring this research. The purpose of this interview is hear your reactions to materials currently being developed by the CDC for health care providers who deliver care to people at risk for or living with HIV. Your insights are very important to us and your time today is appreciated. We will have about 1 hour for our discussion.


  • I know that you’ve had a chance to review the consent form and indicate your consent. Do you have any questions about the study or your participation before we begin?

Before we begin, I want to review a few ground rules for our discussion.

  • Your participation is voluntary and you have the right to withdraw from the study at any time.

  • We are audio recording the interview [If applicable: and we have a live video stream]. I want to give you my full attention and not have to take a lot of notes. At the end of our discussion, I have to write a report and will refer to the recording when writing the report.

  • [If in-person] Behind me is a one-way mirror. Some of the people working on this project are observing this discussion so that they can hear your opinions directly from you and take notes so that your opinions are accurately captured. [If video-conference or telephone: Members of CDC staff are observing via a live video stream/ listening via telephone.]

  • Your identity and anything you personally say here will remain private. Your name, address, and phone number will not be given to anyone and no one will contact you after this interview is over. Interview notes will be kept secure and separate from identifiable information.

  • The informed consent has contact information for the project director, in case you have questions about the study, and contact information for RTI’s Office of Human Subjects Projection in case you have questions about your rights as a participant.

  • Most importantly, there are no right or wrong answers. We want to know your opinions and what you think about the issues we will be discussing. I do not work for the people who are sponsoring this research, so don’t hold back from giving me your honest opinions.

  • Please turn your cell phone to vibrate or silent mode. The interview will last no more than 1 hour.

  • If you need to go to the restroom during the discussion, please let me know.

  • Do you have any questions before we begin?

II. Warm up

I would like to begin our discussion by asking you to introduce yourself and tell me:

  • your first name

  • number of years in practice

  • professional affiliations (HIV Medicine Association (HIVMA); American Academy of HIV Medicine (AAHIVM); American College of Physicians (ACP); American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP); Society for General Internal Medicine (SGIM); National Medical Association (NMA); and National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA); state and local organizations)

  • a description of your practice (size, number of patients with HIV seen per month)

  • your patients’ insurance coverage (Medicare, Medicaid, HMO, private insurance, self pay)

  • about the patients you see in your practice (men, women, diverse populations, age range)

III. Questions

I want to now show you some materials that are being developed for health care providers who work with people who are at high risk for HIV or HIV positive. Some of the materials are for patient-education purposes.

Layout and Design

  1. First thing, tell me your first reaction to seeing this [MATERIAL]?

  • Color

  • Title Text

  • Format

  • Size

  1. What are your thoughts about the graphics used?

  1. What about its look do you think could be improved?


Please take a look at its content and read through some of its sections.

  1. After reviewing the content, what are your thoughts about it?

  • Dislikes

  • Likes

  1. How much of this information is new to you?

  1. What other information do you think we should add?

  1. What could be done to improve it?

Use / Challenges

  1. Would you have time to use this [MATERIAL] in your practice? If so, how would you use it?

  • Would you recommend it to other providers? If so, specify what type.

  1. Is the level of information adequate? Appropriate?

Intent / Clarity

  1. In your opinion, what is the overall intent of this [MATERIAL]?

  1. What is the intent of the [MATERIAL]?

  • How does [MATERIAL] relate to you and your practice?

  1. Based on the information in the [MATERIAL], do you know what actions to take? If yes, what are they?

Patient Education Materials

I’m going to ask you a few questions about how you currently use education materials with patients. Before we look at it, I’d like to ask…

  1. Does your office ever use patient education materials from pharmaceutical companies, professional associations, a federal agency or other sources?

      • If so, what kind of materials do you have in your office now?

      • How does your office decided what is used?

  1. Does your office have policies about what kinds of patient educational materials you can use?

  • If so, what are the policies?

  • Are there some subject matters considered too sensitive to post? (E.g. STDs, HIV)

  1. In your practice, how are patient education materials provided to patients?

  • Do you actively give patients education materials when you think they need them?

  • How often do patients ask you for education materials?

  • How often do patients pick up education materials on their own? If so, where do they pick them up (waiting room)?

Give participant the material

  1. What are your overall reactions to this [MATERIAL]?

  • Visual appeal and design

  • Size and Shape

  • Creditability

  1. What do you think about the content of the [MATERIAL]?

  • How appropriate are the topics?

  • Is there anything missing?

  • Do you think the [MATERIAL] is written at the right reading comprehension level for your patients?

  1. What do you think about the title of the [MATERIAL]?

  1. Would you use this [MATERIAL] as part of your patient education efforts? If yes, how would you use it? Would you put it in your waiting room? If not, why not?

Internet Content

We are going to look at a website that is being developed as part of the campaign. However before I put the website up on the screen, I would like to ask you about your use of the CDC website. Interviewer shows the participants the web site on the wall projector screen.

  1. How often do you visit the CDC website?

  • What are some of the reasons you go to visit it?

  • Are there any other similar sites that you visit, such as NIH? How often?

Next, we are going to look at the campaign web site. I’m going to ask you to review some of the pages on the web site and provide your initial thoughts and reactions to them.

We’ll start with the website’s home page. Please take a moment to look it over.

Moderator will post the web site home page on a screen in front of the participants.

NOTE: If a participant asks, the site will be 508 compliant before launch.

  1. What are your initial reactions to this webpage?

  • Design- overall visual appeal and clarity

  • Amount of text/text size, colors and fonts

  • Graphics

  • Layout and organization

  1. In your own words, what is the purpose of this webpage?

  • Is it relevant/important to you?

  • Who do you see this site as being direct towards?

  1. What do you think about the content?

  • What parts would you use?

  • How would you use the information?

  1. What is missing on this page?

  1. Where would you want to go next, after reviewing this page (i.e., page or link)? Why is that?

______Page / Link


Rating Materials

  1. Now I’m going to show you some materials and ask you to rate them. The response scale is 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).

Interviewer note: Repeat for each material.

Strongly disagree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

  1. Overall, I liked this [insert material type here].

  1. This [insert material type here] grabbed my attention.

  1. This [insert material type here] was confusing.

  1. This [insert material type here] was convincing.

  1. This [insert material type here] said something important.

  1. This [insert material type here] gave me good reasons to [insert behavior].

  1. This [insert material type here] speaks to me.

  1. This [insert material type here] [insert descriptor here].

Ranking of Materials

Now that we have had a chance to review and discuss the materials for encouraging you or your patients to [INSERT BEHAVIOR HERE], please think about which one is the most motivating to you.

  1. If you were to rank the materials from most to least motivating at [INSERT BEHAVIOR], which would you rank as most motivating at [INSERT BEHAVIOR]?

    • What is it about this material that you find most motivating?

  1. Which would you rank as least most motivating? Why is that?

V Closing

Okay, we are pretty much out of time.

  1. Do you have any last thoughts?

[Moderator will check with observers for additional questions or comments.]

I would like to thank you for coming here today and providing important feedback to CDC. This has been very useful in helping us to evaluate materials and resources developed for providers.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleForm Approved
AuthorJennifer Uhrig
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-09-06

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