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pdfHOME Match Report
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Community Planning and Development
OMB Approval No. 2506-0171
(exp. 8/31/2009)
Match Contributions for
Federal Fiscal Year (yyyy)
Part I Participant Identification
1. Participant No. (assigned by HUD) 2. Name of the Participating Jurisdiction
3. Name of Contact (person completing this report)
5. Street Address of the Participating Jurisdiction
4. Contact's Phone Number (include area code)
6. City
7. State
8. Zip Code
Part II Fiscal Year Summary
1. Excess match from prior Federal fiscal year
2. Match contributed during current Federal fiscal year (see Part III.9.)
3. Total match available for current Federal fiscal year (line 1 + line 2)
4. Match liability for current Federal fiscal year
5. Excess match carried over to next Federal fiscal year (line 3 minus line 4)
Part III Match Contribution for the Federal Fiscal Year
1. Project No.
or Other ID
2. Date of
3. Cash
(non-Federal sources)
4. Foregone Taxes,
Fees, Charges
5. Appraised
Land / Real Property
6. Required
7. Site Preparation,
Construction Materials,
Donated labor
8. Bond
9. Total
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form HUD-40107-A (12/94)
Name of the Participating Jurisdiction
1. Project No.
or Other ID
2. Date of
Federal Fiscal Year (yyyy)
3. Cash
(non-Federal sources)
4. Foregone Taxes,
Fees, Charges
5. Appraised
Land / Real Property
6. Required
7. Site Preparation,
Construction Materials,
Donated labor
8. Bond
9. Total
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form HUD-40107-A (12/94)
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 45 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information
unless that collection displays a valid OMB control number.
The HOME statute imposes a significant number of data collection and reporting requirements. This includes information on assisted properties, on the owners or tenants of the properties, and on other
programmatic areas. The information will be used: 1) to assist HOME participants in managing their programs; 2) to track performance of participants in meeting fund commitment and expenditure
deadlines; 3) to permit HUD to determine whether each participant meets the HOME statutory income targeting and affordability requirements; and 4) to permit HUD to determine compliance with other
statutory and regulatory program requirements. This data collection is authorized under Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act or related authorities. Access to Federal grant
funds is contingent on the reporting of certain project-specific data elements. Records of information collected will be maintained by the recipients of the assistance. Information on activities and
expenditures of grant funds is public information and is generally available for disclosure. Recipients are responsible for ensuring confidentiality when public disclosure is not required.
Instructions for the HOME Match Report
The HOME Match Report is part of the HOME APR and
must be filled out by every participating jurisdiction that
incurred a match liability. Match liability occurs when FY
1993 funds (or subsequent year funds) are drawn down
from the U.S. Treasury for HOME projects. A Participating Jurisdiction (PJ) may start counting match contributions as of the beginning of Federal Fiscal Year 1993
(October 1, 1992). A jurisdiction not required to submit
this report, either because it did not incur any match or
because it had a full match reduction, may submit a HOME
Match Report if it wishes. The match would count as
excess match that is carried over to subsequent years. The
match reported on this form must have been contributed
during the reporting period (between October 1 and September 30).
This form is to be submitted as part of the HOME APR on
or before December 31. The original is sent to the HUD
Field Office. One copy is sent to the
Office of Affordable Housing Programs, CGHF
Room 7176, HUD, 451 7th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20410.
The participating jurisdiction also keeps a copy.
Instructions for Part II:
1. Excess match from prior Federal fiscal year: Excess
match carried over from prior Federal fiscal year.
2. Match contributed during current Federal fiscal
year: The total amount of match contributions for all
projects listed under Part III in column 9 for the
Federal fiscal year.
3. Total match available for current Federal fiscal
year: The sum of excess match carried over from the
prior Federal fiscal year (Part II. line 1) and the total
match contribution for the current Federal fiscal year
(Part II. line 2). This sum is the total match available
for the Federal fiscal year.
5. Excess match carried over to next Federal fiscal
year: The total match available for the current Federal
fiscal year (Part II. line 3) minus the match liability for
the current Federal fiscal year (Part II. line 4). Excess
match may be carried over and applied to future HOME
project match liability.
4. Match liability for current Federal fiscal year: The
amount of match liability is available from HUD and
is provided periodically to PJs. The match must be
provided in the current year. The amount of match that
must be provided is based on the amount of HOME
funds drawn from the U.S. Treasury for HOME projects.
The amount of match required equals 25% of the
amount drawn down for HOME projects during the
Federal fiscal year. Excess match may be carried over
and used to meet match liability for subsequent years
(see Part II line 5). Funds drawn down for administrative costs, CHDO operating expenses, and CHDO
capacity building do not have to be matched. Funds
drawn down for CHDO seed money and/or technical
assistance loans do not have to be matched if the
project does not go forward. A jurisdiction is allowed
to get a partial reduction (50%) of match if it meets one
of two statutory distress criteria, indicating “fiscal
distress,” or else a full reduction (100%) of match if it
meets both criteria, indicating “severe fiscal distress.”
The two criteria are poverty rate (must be equal to or
greater than 125% of the average national family
poverty rate to qualify for a reduction) and per capita
income (must be less than 75% of the national average
per capita income to qualify for a reduction).
addition, a jurisdiction can get a full reduction if it is
declared a disaster area under the Robert T. Stafford
Disaster Relief and Emergency Act.
Instructions for Part III:
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1. Project No. or Other ID: “Project number” is assigned by the C/MI System when the PJ makes a
project setup call. These projects involve at least some
Treasury funds. If the HOME project does not involve
Treasury funds, it must be identified with “other ID” as
follows: the fiscal year (last two digits only), followed
by a number (starting from “01” for the first nonTreasury-funded project of the fiscal year), and then at
least one of the following abbreviations: “SF” for
project using shortfall funds, “PI” for projects using
program income, and “NON” for non-HOME-assisted
affordable housing. Example: 93.01.SF, 93.02.PI,
93.03.NON, etc.
Shortfall funds are non-HOME funds used to make up
the difference between the participation threshold and
the amount of HOME funds allocated to the PJ; the
participation threshold requirement applies only in the
PJ’s first year of eligibility. [§92.102]
Program income (also called “repayment income”) is
any return on the investment of HOME funds. This
income must be deposited in the jurisdiction’s HOME
account to be used for HOME projects. [§92.503(b)]
form HUD-40107-A (12/94)
Non-HOME-assisted affordable housing is investment
in housing not assisted by HOME funds that would
qualify as “affordable housing” under the HOME Program definitions. “NON” funds must be contributed to
a specific project; it is not sufficient to make a contribution to an entity engaged in developing affordable
housing. [§92.219(b)]
2. Date of Contribution: Enter the date of contribution.
Multiple entries may be made on a single line as long as
the contributions were made during the current fiscal
year. In such cases, if the contributions were made at
different dates during the year, enter the date of the last
3. Cash: Cash contributions from non-Federal resources.
This means the funds are contributed permanently to the
HOME Program regardless of the form of investment the
jurisdiction provides to a project. Therefore all repayment, interest, or other return on investment of the contribution must be deposited in the PJ’s HOME account to
be used for HOME projects. The PJ, non-Federal public
entities (State/local governments), private entities, and
individuals can make contributions. The grant equivalent of a below-market interest rate loan to the project is
eligible when the loan is not repayable to the PJ’s HOME
account. [§92.220(a)(1)] In addition, a cash contribution
can count as match if it is used for eligible costs defined
under §92.206 (except administrative costs and CHDO
operating expenses) or under §92.209, or for the following non-eligible costs: the value of non-Federal funds
used to remove and relocate ECHO units to accommodate eligible tenants, a project reserve account for replacements, a project reserve account for unanticipated
increases in operating costs, operating subsidies, or costs
relating to the portion of a mixed-income or mixed-use
project not related to the affordable housing units.
4. Foregone Taxes, Fees, Charges: Taxes, fees, and charges
that are normally and customarily charged but have been
waived, foregone, or deferred in a manner that achieves
affordability of the HOME-assisted housing. This includes State tax credits for low-income housing development. The amount of real estate taxes may be based on the
post-improvement property value. For those taxes, fees,
or charges given for future years, the value is the present
discounted cash value. [§92.220(a)(2)]
bond financing as an eligible source of match will be
available upon publication of the implementing regulation early in FY 1994.
5. Appraised Land/Real Property: The appraised value,
before the HOME assistance is provided and minus
any debt burden, lien, or other encumbrance, of land or
other real property, not acquired with Federal resources. The appraisal must be made by an independent, certified appraiser. [§92.220(a)(3)]
9. Total Match: Total of items 3 through 8. This is the
total match contribution for each project identified in
item 1.
6. Required Infrastructure: The cost of investment, not
made with Federal resources, in on-site and off-site
infrastructure directly required for HOME-assisted
affordable housing. The infrastructure must have been
completed no earlier than 12 months before HOME
funds were committed. [§92.220(a)(4)]
7. Site preparation, Construction materials, Donated
labor: The reasonable value of any site-preparation
and construction materials, not acquired with Federal
resources, and any donated or voluntary labor (see
§92.354(b)) in connection with the site-preparation
for, or construction or rehabilitation of, affordable
housing. The value of site-preparation and construction materials is determined in accordance with the
PJ’s cost estimate procedures. The value of donated or
voluntary labor is determined by a single rate (“labor
rate”) to be published annually in the Notice Of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the HOME Program.
Ineligible forms of match include:
1. Contributions made with or derived from Federal resources e.g. CDBG funds [§92.220(b)(1)]
2. Interest rate subsidy attributable to the Federal taxexemption on financing or the value attributable to
Federal tax credits [§92.220(b)(2)]
3. Contributions from builders, contractors or investors,
including owner equity, involved with HOME-assisted
projects. [§92.220(b)(3)]
4. Sweat equity [§92.220(b)(4)]
5. Contributions from applicants/recipients of HOME
assistance [§92.220(b)(5)]
6. Fees/charges that are associated with the HOME Program only, rather than normally and customarily
charged on all transactions or projects [§92.220(a)(2)]
7. Administrative costs
8. Bond Financing: Multifamily and single-family
project bond financing must be validly issued by a
State or local government (or an agency, instrumentality, or political subdivision thereof). 50% of a loan
from bond proceeds made to a multifamily affordable
housing project owner can count as match. 25% of a
loan from bond proceeds made to a single-family
affordable housing project owner can count as match.
Loans from all bond proceeds, including excess bond
match from prior years, may not exceed 25% of a PJ’s
total annual match contribution. [§92.220(a)(5)] The
amount in excess of the 25% cap for bonds may carry
over, and the excess will count as part of the statutory
limit of up to 25% per year. Requirements regarding
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form HUD-40107-A (12/94)
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | 40107-A |
Subject | 40107-A |
Author | ELK |
File Modified | 2008-01-15 |
File Created | 2002-04-02 |