UAS Flight Anomaly Report User Guide

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) BEYOND and Partnership for Safety Plan (PSP) Programs

UAS Flight Anomaly Report User Guide

OMB: 2120-0800

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U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration

Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)
Flight Anomaly Report

User Guide

Table of Contents
DESIGN OF THE UAS ANOMALY REPORT ................................................................................. 3
TOUR OF THE REPORT WORKBOOK ......................................................................................... 3
GENERATE THE CUSTOM UAS ANOMALY REPORT ................................................................ 4
MACRO-FREE VERSION OF THE UAS ANOMALY REPORT ..................................................... 4
POPULATE THE UAS ANOMALY REPORT ................................................................................. 4
STANDARD QUESTIONS .................................................................................................................. 5
PLANNED FLIGHT PATH DEVIATION QUESTIONS ............................................................................... 6
The UA deviated from the planned flight path. ......................................................................... 6
The UA crossed the geofencing boundary. .............................................................................. 6
The UA landed outside the designated landing area. .............................................................. 7
UNPLANNED FLIGHT TERMINATIONS ................................................................................................ 7
One or more critical aircraft components failed, resulting in terminating the flight. ................. 7
The control station malfunctioned, resulting in terminating the flight. ...................................... 7
The flight termination system failed to deploy when needed. .................................................. 7
MITIGATIONS REQUIRED ................................................................................................................. 7
The cargo delivery system malfunctioned. ............................................................................... 7
The agricultural application system malfunctioned. ................................................................. 8
The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) link was lost long enough to trigger a
mitigation response. ................................................................................................................. 8
Communication between crewmembers was lost long enough to trigger a mitigation
response, including the use of backup communication devices. ............................................. 9
The Control and Non-Payload Communication (CNPC) link was lost long enough to trigger a
mitigation response. ................................................................................................................. 9
The parachute failed to deploy. ................................................................................................ 9
An anomaly, other than those listed above, triggered a mitigation response. ....................... 10
DID THE FLIGHT TERMINATION SYSTEM DEPLOY? ............................................................................ 10
DID THE FLIGHT TERMINATION SYSTEM DEPLOY UNEXPECTEDLY? .................................................... 10
DID THE PARACHUTE DEPLOY? ...................................................................................................... 10
DID THE PARACHUTE DEPLOY UNEXPECTEDLY? .............................................................................. 10
W AS THIS A PART 135 FLIGHT? ..................................................................................................... 11
APPENDIX A: DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS......................................................................... 12
REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 16
UAS Flight Anomaly
Report User Guide

Issued on Jan. 5, 2021
UAS Integration Office

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Introduction to the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Anomaly Report

The UAS Anomaly Report is a way for the UAS Integration Office and other Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) offices with the responsibility of safely integrating UAS into the National
Airspace System (NAS) to gather data about minor unexpected events that occur during normal
UAS operations. This data, when aggregated, will assist with setting performance standards, will
inform future rulemaking, and may reveal questions to address to improve the safety of UAS
operations in the NAS. This data will not be used in a punitive fashion against any participant in
the BEYOND program or Partnership for Safety Program (PSP). Participants will not submit this
report for every flight, only for flights in which an anomaly occurred.
The UAS Anomaly Report does not replace official accident and incident reporting
requirements. If an accident occurs that results in at least serious injury to any person or any
loss of consciousness, or if it causes damage to any property (other than the UAS itself) in
excess of $500 to repair or replace the property (whichever is lower), report the accident to the
FAA within ten days using DroneZone or by contacting the nearest Flight Standards District
Office. Will Carry operators must report any dangerous goods incidents, discrepancies, and
apparent violations in accordance with the Hazardous Materials Regulations.

Design of the UAS Anomaly Report

The UAS Anomaly Report is a customizable report: the user identifies the anomalies that
occurred during the flight and a form with only questions pertaining to the selected anomalies will
be generated. The form contains a combination of multiple-choice questions using drop-down
boxes and open-ended questions with open text boxes. The user can view quick tips about each
question by left-clicking once in the response field.

Tour of the Report Workbook

The UAS Anomaly Report is a Microsoft Excel macro-enabled workbook. To generate the report,
the user must enable macros in Excel. To enable macros, complete these steps in Excel:
1. Click the File tab.
2. Click Options.
3. Click Trust Center, and then click Trust Center Settings.
4. In the Trust Center, click Macro Settings.
5. Select “Enable all macros.” (The wording may differ slightly among different versions of
6. Click OK.
The workbook contains multiple tabs:
• Instructions: This tab contains a summary version of the instructions in this user guide.
• Assess: This is the starting point for submitting a UAS Anomaly Report. The user
answers the questions on this tab to generate the custom report.
• REPORT: This is the custom UAS Anomaly Report generated based on the user’s
responses on the Assess tab.
• Definitions: The definitions in Appendix A of this guide are also provided in the workbook
for ready reference.
Let’s get started!

UAS Flight Anomaly
Report User Guide

Issued on Jan. 5, 2021
UAS Integration Office

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Generate the Custom UAS Flight Anomaly Report

There are roughly 60 questions unique to specific types of anomalies. In order to prevent the user
from searching through the entire set of questions in order to answer as few as 1 anomalyspecific question about a flight, the user begins the reporting process by customizing the report
needed. To generate the custom report, complete these steps:
1. Open the Excel workbook titled “UAS Flight Anomaly Report.”
2. Click the “Assess” tab.
3. Select all of the anomalies that occurred during the flight by clicking the checkboxes next
to the applicable description.
4. If the answer to any of the six shaded questions at the bottom of the form is yes, click the
applicable checkbox.
5. Click the “Generate Form” button. The anomaly-specific questions will be appended to
the standard questions on the “REPORT” tab.
6. Save the file with a different filename in order to preserve both the original file and the
newly-generated report for future use.
Note: To clear all of the checkboxes at once, click the “Clear All Checkboxes” button near the top
of the form.

Macro-Free Version of the UAS Flight Anomaly Report

There is a version of the UAS Flight Anomaly Report that contains no macros. The questions are
the same but generating the report is different.
The workbook contains multiple tabs:
• Instructions: This tab contains a summary version of the instructions in this user guide.
• Definitions: The definitions in Appendix A of this guide are also provided in the workbook
for ready reference.
• Assess: This is the starting point for submitting a UAS Flight Anomaly Report. The user
answers the questions on this tab to identify which tabs to populate.
• General Info: The user must populate this tab in addition to the tabs identified on the
Assess tab.
• 1-20: These tabs contain questions specific to each type of anomaly.

To complete the report, complete these steps:
1. Open the Excel workbook titled “UAS Flight Anomaly Report Form_no macros.”
2. Click the “Assess” tab.
3. Select all of the anomalies that occurred during the flight by clicking the checkboxes next
to the applicable description.
4. If the answer to any of the six shaded questions at the bottom of the form is yes, click the
applicable checkbox.
5. Complete the “General Info” tab and the tabs listed in Column D of the “Assess” tab.
6. Save the file with a different filename in order to preserve both the original file and the
newly-generated report for future use.

Populate the UAS Flight Anomaly Report

Once the custom UAS Anomaly Report is generated, the next step is to populate the form.
Because each form is unique, the guidance in this section begins with the standard questions and
then continues in the same order as the anomalies on the “Assess” tab of the workbook.

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Report User Guide

Issued on Jan. 5, 2021
UAS Integration Office

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Standard Questions
To clear all of the answers to the standard questions, click the “Clear First Section of Form”
1. Aircraft Nickname or Registration Number. Provide the unique identifier of the aircraft that
experienced the anomaly. Depending on the weight of the aircraft and when the aircraft
was registered, the unique identifier may be the nickname assigned to the aircraft when
registering it in DroneZone or it may be the registration number assigned to the aircraft
when registering it using AC Form 8050-1. The aircraft nickname/registration number,
combined with the launch date and time, is used to link the anomaly report with the
monthly flight report data to expand the analysis without the user providing the same
information twice.
2. Launch Date. Enter the date that the flight departed from the launch location.
3. Launch Time. Enter the time that the flight departed from the launch location. If using a
12-hour clock, include am or pm to designate a morning or afternoon flight. In the dropdown box to the right of the launch time, indicate whether the time is local time or
coordinated universal time (UTC) time.
4. Time of Anomaly. If known, enter the time that the anomaly occurred. If multiple
anomalies occurred, enter the first known time of the first known anomaly. If using a 12hour clock, include am or pm to designate a morning or afternoon flight. Use the same
time format (local or UTC) as the launch time.
5. Geographical Coordinates of Anomaly. If known, enter the geographical coordinates
where the anomaly occurred. If multiple anomalies occurred, enter the first known
coordinates of the first known anomaly. The form allows the coordinates to be provided in
any format but decimal degrees are preferred.
6. Anomaly Severity. Identify the severity of the anomaly as either minor or negligible.
These are the least severe categories used in the risk matrix in Appendix A of Advisory
Circular (AC) 107-2, Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Events with higher severity
categories are likely to be defined as accidents or incidents and require accident or
incident reports (see the introduction to this guide).
a. Minor: Nuisance. Operating limitations. Use of emergency procedures.
b. Negligible: Little consequence.
7. Mission Type. Select the category that best represents the purpose of the mission/flight.
If the mission type was not one of the types listed below, select “Other” in the drop-down
box and then briefly describe the mission type in the line below. This field is not required
if you use the Monthly Individual Flight Report instead of the Monthly Summary Flight
a. Aeronautical Research: The purpose of the flight is to research unmanned
aircraft systems and/or their components.
b. Agricultural Delivery/Application: The purpose of the flight is to apply fertilizer,
pesticide, or other agricultural products to crops, to deliver bait to traps to capture
animals that are destroying crops or preying on livestock, or to transport and/or
apply other materials in support of agricultural programs.
c. Agricultural Operation: The purpose of the flight is to monitor the health of crops
or livestock, or conduct other flights in support of agricultural programs that do
not involve transporting cargo.
d. Environmental Survey: The purpose of the flight is to monitor the climate, soil,
and/or living things by measuring atmospheric conditions, charting changes in
soil conditions over time, counting wildlife, etc.
e. Infrastructure Inspection (Linear): The purpose of the flight is to inspect manmade constructions that extend in a nearly straight line. Examples include
inspections of roads, power lines, railway lines, canals, pipelines, and fences.

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Report User Guide

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Infrastructure Inspection (Non-Linear): The purpose of the flight is to inspect
man-made constructions that do not extend in a nearly straight line. Examples
include buildings and aircraft.
g. Public Safety: The purpose of the flight is for law enforcement, fire, or emergency
medical services departments/agencies to protect the welfare of the general
8. Flight Type. Select the purpose of the flight: operational, functional check, or training.
This field is not required if you use the Monthly Individual Flight Report instead of the
Monthly Summary Flight Report.
a. Operational: The purpose of the flight is to complete a routine business function.
b. Functional Check: The purpose of the flight is to check the performance of the
UAS as part of an inspection process.
c. Training: The purpose of the flight is to increase the proficiency of the pilot and/or
other crewmembers in flying the UAS.
9. Description of Damage to Persons or Property. If known that anybody sustained any
minor injuries or if any property was damaged, describe the injuries and/or property
damage. Include, if known, the extent of the injuries and/or property damage. If no known
injuries or property damage resulted from the flight, leave this question blank.
10. Description of Damaged to Unmanned Aircraft. If the UA itself sustained any damage
during the flight, describe the damage and the extent of the damage. If the UA did not
sustain any damage during the flight, leave this question blank.
Planned Flight Path Deviation Questions
The UA deviated from the planned flight path.
1. Cause of Unplanned Flight Path Deviation. Describe what happened that resulted in the
UA straying from the planned flight path.
2. Did the UA exceed the approved altitude? Select No or Yes.
3. If the answer to the previous question is Yes, state the number of minutes and/or
seconds that the UAS exceeded the approved altitude.
4. Was the horizontal deviation greater than 50 feet? Select No or Yes.
The UA crossed the geofencing boundary.
1. What action took place upon the UA crossing the geofencing boundary? Select one of the
following actions in the drop-down box:
a. Automatic contingency system activated. The UAS detected the boundary
crossing and initiated a pre-programmed response.
b. Flight outside geofence area terminated only when UA power supply was
consumed. The UA continued its flight outside the geofence until it ran out of
power. Note: True flyaways due to a flight control system malfunction or failure
must be reported to the NTSB immediately.
c. RPIC initiated contingency procedures. Upon becoming aware of the UA
crossing the geofencing boundary, either via the control station or a visual
observer, the RPIC implemented the pre-defined response to the boundary
2. If the automatic contingency system activated, identify the contingency action. If you
selected the first answer in the drop-down box for the previous question, select one of the
following options in the drop-down box:
a. Landed at waypoint. The UA landed at a pre-determined intermediate
geographical position on the flight path.
b. Landed in place. The UA landed at the geographical position where it detected
that it crossed the geofencing boundary.
c. Returned to home. The UA returned to its launch location.
If the automatic contingency system was not activated, leave this question blank.
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Report User Guide

Issued on Jan. 5, 2021
UAS Integration Office

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3. Did the UA return to within the geofencing boundary? Select No or Yes.
4. If No, identify any hazards or damage resulting from landing outside the geofencing
boundary. If the UA landed outside the geofencing boundary, describe any potential or
actual damage resulting from the landing. If left blank, it will be assumed that there were
no hazards or damage.
5. How long was the UA outside the geofencing boundary? State the number of minutes
and/or seconds that the UA spent outside the geofencing boundary before it returned to
within the boundary or landed.
The UA landed outside the designated landing area.
1. How far from the designated landing area did the UA land? In the first box following this
question, enter the number (using up to two decimal places) representing the distance
between the designated landing area and the actual landing area. In the second box,
select the unit of measure used (feet, inches, meters, nautical miles, etc.).
2. What caused the UA to land outside the designated landing area? Describe what
happened that resulted in the aircraft landing outside its appointed area.
Unplanned Flight Terminations
One or more critical aircraft components failed, resulting in terminating the flight.
1. Which aircraft component(s) failed to operate as intended? List the parts of the UA that
failed which caused an unplanned end of the flight. Systems or components in the
category of aircraft failure include the frame, propulsion system, electrical system,
aircraft-mounted safety-critical sensors, and cameras used for mitigation.
2. Describe the circumstances behind the aircraft failure. As much as is known, describe the
factors that contributed to the failure of the aircraft component(s).
The control station malfunctioned, resulting in terminating the flight.
1. Describe the circumstances leading to the control station malfunction, including the
components involved if known (e.g., battery, software, sensor, etc.). Only include
malfunctions of devices that have the ability, or potential, to control the aircraft. Do not
include malfunctions of informational stations. As much as is known, describe the factors
that contributed to the control station malfunction.
The flight termination system failed to deploy when needed.
1. Describe the flight termination system installed on the aircraft. Provide the characteristics
of the flight termination system that are relevant to the anomaly that occurred.
2. Describe the circumstances leading to the failure of the flight termination system. If
known, what caused the flight termination system to fail? As much as is known, describe
the factors that contributed to the failure of the flight termination system.
3. What corrective action was taken to minimize the risk of the same type of failure
occurring again? Describe the changes made to the flight termination system and/or
procedures to try to prevent the same failure from reoccurring.
Mitigations Required
The cargo delivery system malfunctioned.
1. Weight of Cargo Transported During Flight. In the first box following this question, enter
the number (using up to two decimal places) representing the weight of the package
being delivered. In the second box, select the unit of measure used (grams, kilograms,
pounds, or ounces). If the actual weight of the cargo is unknown, leave this question
blank and answer the next question.
2. If the weight is unknown, what is the maximum cargo weight allowed by the UAS in order
to launch? In the first box following this question, enter the number (using up to two
decimal places) representing the maximum allowable cargo weight. In the second box,
select the unit of measure used (grams, kilograms, pounds, or ounces). If the actual
UAS Flight Anomaly
Report User Guide

Issued on Jan. 5, 2021
UAS Integration Office

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weight of the cargo that was transported is known, leave this question blank and answer
the previous question.
3. Describe the cargo delivery system. Provide the characteristics of the cargo delivery
system that are relevant to the anomaly that occurred.
4. Describe the circumstances leading to the cargo delivery malfunction, including the
components involved if known. As much as is known, describe the factors that
contributed to the failure of the cargo delivery system.
5. What corrective action was taken to minimize the risk of the same type of malfunction
occurring again? Describe the changes made to the cargo delivery system and/or
procedures to try to prevent the same failure from reoccurring.
The agricultural application system malfunctioned.
1. Weight of Cargo Transported During Flight. In the first box following this question, enter
the number (using up to two decimal places) representing the weight of the agricultural
material onboard the UA. In the second box, select the unit of measure used (grams,
kilograms, pounds, or ounces). If the actual weight of the material is unknown, leave this
question blank and answer the next question.
2. If the weight is unknown, what is the maximum cargo weight allowed by the UAS in order
to launch? In the first box following this question, enter the number (using up to two
decimal places) representing the maximum allowable cargo weight. In the second box,
select the unit of measure used (grams, kilograms, pounds, or ounces). If the actual
weight of the material that was transported is known, leave this question blank and
answer the previous question.
3. Describe the application/delivery system. Provide the characteristics of the system used
to transport and apply the agricultural material that are relevant to the anomaly that
4. Describe the circumstances leading to the application/delivery system malfunction,
including the components involved if known. As much as is known, describe the factors
that contributed to the failure of the system used to transport and apply the agricultural
5. What corrective action was taken to minimize the risk of the same type of malfunction
occurring again? Describe the changes made to the agricultural application system
and/or procedures to try to prevent the same failure from reoccurring.
The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) link was lost long enough to trigger a
mitigation response.
1. GNSS Lost Link Latency Threshold. State the number of minutes and/or seconds that the
UAS can be without its GNSS link before the UAS initiates the programmed response to
the absence of the link.
2. Number of GNSS Lost Link Occurrences. Enter the number of times during the flight that
the GNSS link was lost long enough to trigger a mitigation response.
3. For each GNSS lost link occurrence, enter the last known geographical coordinates
before the GNSS lost link occurred. Note: If there was more than one GNSS lost link
occurrence, click the “Add” button for each additional occurrence. For each click of the
“Add” button, a supplementary section will be added to the end of the form to enter the
last recorded geographical coordinates and the duration of the lost link for each additional
lost link occurrence.
Enter the latitude and longitude in the first two boxes. (Any format of geographical
coordinates is accepted but decimal coordinates are preferred [example: 38.820450,77.050552].) In the third box, enter the number (using up to two decimal places)
representing the altitude. In the fourth box, select the unit of measure used (feet, meters,
nautical miles, etc.).

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4. Duration of GNSS Lost Link Occurrence. For each lost link occurrence during the flight,
state the number of minutes and/or seconds that the UAS was without the GNSS link.
See the note in paragraph 3 above.
5. Source of Geographical Coordinates. Select what you used to identify the last known
geographical coordinates before the lost link occurred. If the source was other than the
flight log or Google Earth, select “Other” in the drop-down box and then list the source in
the line below.
6. If the RPIC controlled multiple UA on the mission, how many UA were affected by the
GNSS lost link? If multiple UAs were in flight simultaneously and controlled by the same
control station, enter the number of UA that initiated lost link procedures due to the GNSS
lost link.
7. GNSS Lost Link Procedure Performed. From the drop-down box, select the type of
mitigation that the UA(s) performed in response to the GNSS lost link. If the procedure
was something other than those listed in the drop-down box, select “Other” in the dropdown box and then describe the procedure in the line below.
Communication between crewmembers was lost long enough to trigger a mitigation
response, including the use of backup communication devices.
1. What type of primary communication device did the crew use (cellphone, radio, etc.)?
Describe the primary means of communication among the crewmembers.
2. If applicable, the crew used what type(s) of backup communication device? When the
crew lost use of the primary communication device, describe the backup communication
device(s) that the crew used to restore/continue communication.
3. Describe the circumstances leading to the loss of communication between
crewmembers. If known, what caused the loss of communication? As much as is known,
describe the factors that contributed to the failure of the primary communication device.
4. How did the communication loss affect the aircraft? From the drop-down box, select the
programmed response initiated by the UAS when the communication loss reached the
threshold. If the response was something other than those listed in the drop-down box,
select “Other” in the drop-down box and then describe the response in the line below.
5. What corrective action was taken to minimize the risk of losing primary communication
among crewmembers again? Describe the changes made to the primary communication
device and/or procedures to try to prevent the same failure from reoccurring.
The Control and Non-Payload Communication (CNPC) link was lost long enough to trigger
a mitigation response.
1. Number of CNPC Lost Link Occurrences. Enter the number of times during the flight that
the CNPC link was lost long enough to trigger a mitigation response.
2. Longest Duration of CNPC Lost Link Occurrence. For the longest CNPC lost link
occurrence during the flight, state the number of minutes and/or seconds that the UAS
was without the link.
3. If the RPIC controlled multiple UA on the mission, how many UA were affected by the
CNPC lost link? If multiple UAs were in flight simultaneously and controlled by the same
control station, enter the number of UA that initiated lost link procedures due to the CNPC
lost link.
4. CNPC Lost Link Procedure Performed. From the drop-down box, select the type of
mitigation that the UA(s) performed in response to the CNPC lost link. If the procedure
was something other than those listed in the drop-down box, select “Other” in the dropdown box and then describe the procedure in the line below.
The parachute failed to deploy.
1. Describe the parachute recovery system installed on the aircraft. Provide the
characteristics of the parachute recovery system that are relevant to the anomaly that
UAS Flight Anomaly
Report User Guide

Issued on Jan. 5, 2021
UAS Integration Office

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2. Describe the circumstances leading to the failure of the parachute recovery system. If
known, what caused the parachute recovery system to fail? As much as is known,
describe the factors that contributed to the failure of the parachute to deploy.
3. What corrective action was taken to minimize the risk of the same type of failure
occurring again? Describe the changes made to the parachute recovery system and/or
procedures to try to prevent the same failure from reoccurring.
An anomaly, other than those listed above, triggered a mitigation response.
1. Describe the anomaly. Describe the equipment malfunction, lost communication with air
traffic control, crewmember error, or other event that adversely affected the flight and
required a mitigation strategy or resulted in the aircraft exceeding its operational
2. If known, what caused the anomaly? As much as is known, describe the factors that
contributed to the adverse event.
3. If applicable, what corrective action was taken to minimize the risk of the anomaly
reoccurring? Describe the changes made to the UAS and/or procedures to try to prevent
the same failure from reoccurring.
Was unscheduled corrective maintenance required as a result of the anomaly?
1. Type of Unscheduled Corrective Maintenance. From the drop-down box, select the type
of unscheduled corrective maintenance that was required as a result of the anomaly:
repair, replace, or ground check.
2. UAS Component(s) that Required Unscheduled Corrective Maintenance. List the
components of the UAS that were repaired, replaced, or ground checked.
3. Description of Unscheduled Corrective Maintenance. Briefly describe the repair,
replacement, or ground check that was performed after the anomaly occurred.
Did the flight termination system deploy?
1. Describe the flight termination system installed on the aircraft. Provide the characteristics
of the flight termination system that are relevant to the event that occurred.
2. Describe the circumstances leading to the deployment of the flight termination system. If
known, what caused the flight termination system to deploy? As much as is known,
describe the factors that contributed to the deployment of the flight termination system.
Did the flight termination system deploy unexpectedly?
1. What corrective action was taken to minimize the risk of the flight termination system
unnecessarily deploying again? Describe the changes made to the flight termination
system and/or procedures to try to prevent the same unintended deployment from
Did the parachute deploy?
1. Describe the parachute recovery system installed on the aircraft. Provide the
characteristics of the parachute recovery system that are relevant to the event that
2. Describe the circumstances leading to the deployment of the parachute. If known, what
caused the parachute to deploy? As much as is known, describe the factors that
contributed to the deployment of the parachute.
Did the parachute deploy unexpectedly?
1. What corrective action was taken to minimize the risk of the parachute recovery system
unnecessarily deploying again? Describe the changes made to the parachute recovery
system and/or procedures to try to prevent the same unintended deployment from

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Report User Guide

Issued on Jan. 5, 2021
UAS Integration Office

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Was the unmanned aircraft carrying hazardous materials (HAZMAT) cargo?
1. UN #. Enter the four-digit UN # that is used to identify the hazardous material.
2. Proper Shipping Name. Identify the standard technical name from the hazardous
materials table in 49 CFR 172.101.
3. Packing Group. Select the applicable packing group from the drop-down box.
4. Inner Quantity. In the first box, enter the numerical value of the quantity in the individual
inner package(s). In the second box, enter the unit of measure used to record the
5. Total Quantity. In the first box, enter the numerical value of the total quantity (the inner
quantity x the number of inner packages). In the second box, enter the unit of measure
used to record the quantity.
6. What happened to the package/container (i.e., was it a hard landing, did it fall from cruise
altitude, etc.)? Describe what happened to the package/container and the resulting
damage to the package/container.
7. Was any HAZMAT released? Select No or Yes.
Was this a Part 135 flight?
1. For each crewmember role, enter the number of crewmembers working the flight. If left
blank, it will be assumed that the number is zero (0). If a crewmember role was not one of
the types listed, enter the number of crewmembers in the “Other” role and then briefly
describe the role in the line below
2. If the pilot to aircraft ratio was greater than one to one (1:1), enter the ratio using the
format 1:n. If left blank, it will be assumed that the ratio is 1:1.

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Report User Guide

Issued on Jan. 5, 2021
UAS Integration Office

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Appendix A: Definitions and Acronyms



Accident [UAS]

An occurrence associated with the
operation of any public or civil
unmanned aircraft system that takes
place between the time that the system
is activated with the purpose of flight and
the time that the system is deactivated at
the conclusion of its mission, in which:
(1) Any person suffers death or serious
injury; or (2) The aircraft has a maximum
gross takeoff weight of 300 pounds or
greater and sustains substantial
An event (e.g., equipment malfunction or
loss of a safety-critical communication or
navigation link) that does not meet the
reporting criteria of an accident, incident,
or occurrence but adversely affects the
operation of any public or civil
unmanned aircraft system between the
time that the system is activated with the
purpose of flight and the time that the
system is deactivated at the conclusion
of its flight, in which (1) a mitigation
strategy is executed (via application of
technology and/or procedures); or (2)
the aircraft exceeds its operational
Any property carried on an aircraft other
than mail and accompanied or
mishandled baggage.

49 CFR 830.2

The communication between the control
station and the unmanned aircraft used
to perform navigational functions,
including mitigations and maneuvers.
In addition to the crewmembers
identified in 14 CFR part 1, a UAS
flightcrew member includes pilots,
sensor/payload operators, and VOs but
may include other persons as
appropriate or required to ensure safe
operation of the aircraft.
See Hazardous material.

IPP Data Team

Anomaly [UAS]


Control and Non-Payload
Communication (CNPC)
Crewmember [UAS]

Dangerous goods

UAS Flight Anomaly
Report User Guide

Issued on Jan. 5, 2021
UAS Integration Office

IPP Data Team


N 8900.227

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Flight termination system

A system that terminates the flight of a
UAS in the event that all other
contingencies have been exhausted and
further flight of the aircraft cannot be
safely achieved, or other potential
hazards exist that immediate
discontinuation of flight.
Pilot time that commences when an
aircraft moves under its own power for
the purpose of flight and ends when the
aircraft comes to rest after landing.
When the pilot is unable to effect control
of the aircraft and, as a result, the UA is
not operating in a predictable or planned
A substance or material that the
Secretary of Transportation has
determined is capable of posing an
unreasonable risk to health, safety, and
property when transported in commerce,
and has designated as hazardous under
section 5103 of Federal hazardous
materials transportation law (49 U.S.C.
An occurrence, other than an accident,
associated with the operation of an
aircraft, which affects or could affect the
safety of operations.
Examples of serious incidents from
NTSB Advisory to Operators of Civil
Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the
United States:
True "fly-away", inability of required flight
crewmember to perform normal duties
as result of injury or illness, inflight fire,
aircraft collision in flight, >$25K damage
to objects other than the aircraft, aircraft
is overdue and is believed to have been
involved in an accident
Nuisance. Operating limitations. Use of
emergency procedures. Minor incident.
Little consequence.
An abnormal event, other than an
accident or incident. Examples include:
low speed aborts or air turnbacks.
Any aerodynamic deceleration device
designed to slow the descent of sUA
when not under stable safe flight.
Summation of the components of a
parachute recovery system that work to
reduce descent velocity.

ASTM F3298-19

Flight time


Hazardous material


Minor [severity definition]
Negligible [severity definition]
Parachute [UAS]
Parachute recovery system

UAS Flight Anomaly
Report User Guide

Issued on Jan. 5, 2021
UAS Integration Office

14 CFR 1.1

JO 7200.23A

49 CFR 171.8

49 CFR 830.2

AC 107-2
AC 107-2
FAA Order
ASTM F3322-18
ASTM F3322-18

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Remote Pilot in Command

Person who is directly responsible for
and is the final authority as to the
operation of the UAS; has been
designated as remote pilot in command
before or during the flight of a UAS; and
holds the appropriate CAA certificate for
the conduct of the flight.
Any injury which: (1) Requires
hospitalization for more than 48 hours,
commencing within 7 days from the date
of the injury was received; (2) results in
a fracture of any bone (except simple
fractures of fingers, toes, or nose); (3)
causes severe hemorrhages, nerve,
muscle, or tendon damage; (4) involves
any internal organ; or (5) involves
second- or third-degree burns, or any
burns affecting more than 5 percent of
the body surface.
Damage or failure which adversely
affects the structural strength,
performance, or flight characteristics of
the aircraft, and which would normally
require major repair or replacement of
the affected component. Engine failure
or damage limited to an engine if only
one engine fails or is damaged, bent
fairings or cowling, dented skin, small
punctured holes in the skin or fabric,
ground damage to rotor or propeller
blades, and damage to landing gear,
wheels, tires, flaps, engine accessories,
brakes, or wingtips are not considered
“substantial damage” for the purpose of
this part.
Four-digit number used to identify
hazardous chemicals or classes of
hazardous materials worldwide.
An aircraft operated without the
possibility of direct human intervention
from within or on the aircraft.
An unmanned aircraft and associated
elements (including communication links
and the components that control the
unmanned aircraft) that are required for
the pilot in command to operate safely
and efficiently in the national airspace
The certificate holder has authorization
to transport dangerous goods in its

ASTM F3266-18

Serious Injury

Substantial Damage

United Nations (UN) Number
Unmanned Aircraft (UA)
Unmanned Aircraft System

Will Carry

UAS Flight Anomaly
Report User Guide

Issued on Jan. 5, 2021
UAS Integration Office

49 CFR 830.2

49 CFR 830.2

MSDS Online
JO 7200.23A
JO 7200.23A

AC 121-40

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Advisory Circular


Control and Non-Payload Communication
Federal Aviation Administration
Global Navigation Satellite System
Hazardous Material
National Airspace System
National Transportation Safety Board


Partnership for Safety Program
Remote Pilot In Command
Unmanned Aircraft
Unmanned Aircraft System
United Nations
Coordinated Universal Time

UAS Flight Anomaly
Report User Guide

Issued on Jan. 5, 2021
UAS Integration Office

Page 15 of 16

Appendix B: Dangerous Goods (Hazardous Materials) Reporting
49 CFR §171.15: As soon as practical but no later than 12 hours after the occurrence of any
incident described in paragraph (b) of this section, each person in physical possession of the
hazardous material must provide notice by telephone to the National Response Center (NRC) on
800-424-8802 (toll free) or 202-267-2675 (toll call) or online at the National Response Center
49 CFR §171.16: Each person in physical possession of a hazardous material at the time that
any of the following incidents occurs during transportation (including loading, unloading, and
temporary storage) must submit a Hazardous Materials Incident Report on DOT Form F 5800.1
(01/2004) within 30 days of discovery of the incident.
49 CFR §175.31: Each person who discovers a discrepancy, as defined in paragraph (b) of this
section, relative to the shipment of a hazardous material following its acceptance for
transportation aboard an aircraft shall, as soon as practicable, notify the nearest FAA Regional or
Field Security Office by telephone or electronically.

UAS Flight Anomaly
Report User Guide

Issued on Jan. 5, 2021
UAS Integration Office

Page 16 of 16

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleUAS Anomaly Report User Guide
Subject[Add a short, descriptive summary here]
AuthorKim Merchant
File Modified2021-06-16
File Created2021-04-20

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