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Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to CDC, Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road, MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30329, ATTN: PRA (0920-0743). Do not send the completed form to this address.
About the Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC)™ trademark: The mPINC trademark (word and logo) are owned by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in the United States. An organization’s participation in CDC’s mPINC survey does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
About this survey: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) invites you to participate in a national survey of newborn feeding practices at hospitals in the United States and Territories that provided maternity care in the past year. The survey is being conducted for CDC by Battelle, a national survey and research organization with extensive experience in the collection of health data. Participation of every hospital providing maternity care makes this survey representative of all maternity care hospitals in the United States and Territories. If your hospital provided maternity care at multiple locations, only report data for the specific physical location listed in your email invitation.
Your participation in the survey is completely voluntary.
Prior to submitting the survey, you will have the opportunity to provide your contact information so that you, the survey recipient, will receive one (1) electronic copy of your hospital’s results. Providing your contact information is voluntary. Your contact information will in no way be connected to survey responses or scores.
How long will this survey take to complete? The survey will take about 30 minutes to complete.
How will this information be used? The purpose of this survey is to learn about newborn feeding practices at hospitals in the United States and Territories. After data collection is complete, your hospital will receive an individualized report containing a summary of survey results. Data will also be used to generate state-specific reports, national aggregate data tables, and may be used to answer other questions. Data may be released for additional approved purposes and may be shared with state health departments for the development of public health programs. Information from this survey will also assist CDC with program planning.
Are our survey responses kept confidential? Your responses will be treated in a secure manner and will not be disclosed unless required by law. Your name, hospital name, and any other personal identifiers will not be included in either oral or written presentation of survey results. Responses will only be reported in summary form so individual responses cannot be identified.
Survey Instructions: Please use Google Chrome Browser to complete your survey.
Survey Instructions: Thank you for participating in this survey. You have been identified as the survey recipient for your hospital, which means that only you have access to the unique link to complete and submit the 2022 mPINC survey for your hospital.
We are asking you to fill out the survey with data from the 2021 calendar year (January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021) or your hospital’s fiscal year 2021. Unless otherwise specified, questions on the survey are asking about healthy newborns who are discharged to home (i.e., not transferred or admitted to the Special Care Nursery (SCN) or Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)).
This survey contains 6 core sections and an additional section for hospitals with an SCN or NICU. Each section should be completed by the most knowledgeable and appropriate staff. For example, the Mother-Baby Unit supervisor may be better able to answer one section, while the Lactation Services coordinator or NICU nurse manager may be better able to complete another section. See the table below for a list of people who may be helpful with completing different sections of the survey.
Titles of staff who may be appropriate to fill out sections of the survey include:
Some questions ask you to enter exact percentages; however, if your hospital does not formally track this information, please provide your best estimate.
Click here to download a blank copy of the survey. This version should only be used as a worksheet to record responses prior to entering and submitting them online. No paper copies of the survey will be accepted.
You may wish to work on this survey over a period of time, particularly if it will be completed by multiple staff. You can view all sections and pages in the survey and you may go back and forth and edit responses as needed. Your responses will only be saved after you have clicked Next at the bottom of the page. If you cannot complete the survey all at one time, click Save, and return at a later time. When you return, you may continue where you left off. Before submitting you will be able to review the questions and your answers. You will be notified before your final submission if you have missed any items.
Survey Tips:
What to do if you have questions: If you have any questions about the survey, please call the Battelle Survey Line toll free at 1 (866) 826-4176.
What to do when you have completed the survey: Once you are finished with the survey, you will have the option to review and print your answers by selecting Review Survey. Once you are done reviewing or printing your survey, click Next. When you are ready to submit your survey, please select Submit Survey on the Table of Contents Page and click Next. You will be redirected to a screen thanking you for your submission. This action will send the survey to a secure database. Once you have submitted the survey, you will not be able to return to the survey. It is important to remember to click Submit and then Next to complete the submission process and ensure you receive a hospital report.
Thank you for your contribution! |
Hovers, skip patterns, & notes |
SECTION A: Hospital Data This section is about deliveries and general hospital information. Mouse over underlined text for a definition or more information. |
A1 What type of facility is your hospital? (select 1 option only)
This should be a drop down menu |
A2 Is your hospital a teaching hospital (e.g., medical residents, nursing students)?
A3 Is your hospital currently designated as “Baby-Friendly” by the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)?
A5 Do women who deliver at your hospital have the opportunity to receive prenatal breastfeeding education (in either group or individual settings) provided by your hospital and/or a hospital-affiliated clinic or service?
Complete the following items using data from the past calendar or fiscal year:
A5_a Among women delivering in your hospital, approximately what percent are: (Round to nearest percentage. Percentages are not required to add to 100%. If information on maternal race is not collected by the hospital or available to report, please leave all rows blank.)
A5_b Among women delivering in your hospital, approximately what percent are: (Round to nearest percentage. If information on maternal ethnicity is not collected by the hospital or available to report, please leave all rows blank.)
If information on maternal ethnicity is not collected by the hospital or available to report, please leave all rows blank and click next to continue.”
Complete the following items using data from the past calendar or fiscal year: A6 [Total live births]: ____________
Total number of live births includes vaginal and Cesarean (C-Section) deliveries. For multiple births, count each newborn as a separate live birth.
A7 Does your hospital perform deliveries by Cesarean section?
Those who enter “no” will not see any future cesarean-related items (A7a & C2)
This question is only asked of those who report “Yes” for item A7. If they select “no” for A7, skip to A8.
A7a [Total live births delivered by Cesarean section]: ____________
Total number of live birth Cesarean (C-Section) deliveries that were performed at your hospital, including in the perinatal services area, an operating room, or any other location within the hospital.
A8 How many healthy newborns at your hospital have their umbilical cord clamped more than one minute after birth?
A9 Throughout their hospital stay, what percent of healthy newborns are fed the following?
[ONLY breast milk]:
If the respondent enters values that do not total to 100%, the screen will say, “Total should equal 100%. Please fix or click next to continue.” |
A10 Among breastfed newborns who are supplemented, and not in a special care nursery or neonatal intensive care unit, how many receive donor human milk?
Although most of the survey is about early postpartum care practices for healthy mother-baby dyads, the following items address a special population of newborns. |
A11_0a (new) In the past year, has your hospital cared for ANY newborns diagnosed with [Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)]? No, we did not have any newborns born in our hospital who were diagnosed with NAS (skip to B1) No, all newborns with NAS born in our hospital were transferred to another facility (skip to B1) Yes (proceed to A11_Ob)
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): A newborn with confirmed or suspected in utero exposure to opioids, benzodiazepines, or barbiturates. Please see the “CSTE Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Standardized Case Definition.” |
A11_0b (new) In the past year, our hospital cared for approximately the following number of newborns diagnosed with NAS:
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): A newborn with confirmed or suspected in utero exposure to opioids, benzodiazepines, or barbiturates. Please see the “CSTE Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Standardized Case Definition.” |
A11 How many newborns diagnosed with NAS. . .
Rooming-in is a practice where mother and newborn are in close proximity.
Skin-to-skin contact: The naked newborn is placed directly on the mother’s bare chest or abdomen (with or without a diaper).
Kangaroo Care refers to skin-to-skin care where a newborn, often premature, is placed prone directly on the mother's, father's, or other's bare chest or abdomen. The caregiver is then wrapped in a blanket or other cloth to secure the newborn against his or her chest.
A12 Are the following included in a written policy/protocol about management of NAS at your hospital?
Rooming-in is a practice where mother and newborn are in close proximity.
Kangaroo Care refers to skin-to-skin care where a newborn, often premature, is placed prone directly on the mother's, father's, or other's bare chest or abdomen. The caregiver is then wrapped in a blanket or other cloth to secure the newborn against his or her chest.
Skin-to-skin contact: The naked newborn is placed directly on the mother’s bare chest or abdomen (with or without a diaper).
A13. Which NAS scoring/assessment system does your hospital primarily use? Check one
Note for programming: Only 1 option can be selected
Add mouse over: Maternal Opioid Treatment: Human Experimental Research (MOTHER) Neonatal Abstinence Measure
SECTION B: SPECIAL CARE NURSERY (SCN) AND / OR NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT (NICU) This section is about practices in your hospital’s SCN and / or NICU. Mouse over underlined text for a definition or more information. The primary contact should consult with an SCN or NICU colleague before answering these questions. |
B1 What is the highest level of neonatal care provided at your hospital?
The remaining questions in Section B only apply if your hospital has Level II-Level IV neonatal care.
If level 1 is selected, pop up should appear stating, “You’ve selected Level 1. The rest of the questions in this section do not apply. Click Next to return to the Table of Contents. If you selected Level 1 by mistake, please correct your answer before clicking Next.” |
This section is only available to those who have a Level 2-4 SCN or NICU from Item B1. If they select Level 1 for B1, skip the remaining items in Section B and go right to Section C.
If level 1 is selected: You’ve selected Level 1. The rest of the questions in this section do not apply. Click Next to return to the Table of Contents. If you selected Level 1 by mistake, please click Previous, return to the question and correct your answer
B2 How many mothers with newborns in your hospital’s SCN or NICU . . .
B3 Among SCN/NICU newborns eligible for [Kangaroo Care], how many practice Kangaroo Care?
Kangaroo Care refers to skin-to-skin care where a newborn, often premature, is placed prone directly on the mother's, father's, or other's bare chest or abdomen. The caregiver is then wrapped in a blanket or other cloth to secure the newborn against his or her chest.
B4 What percent of infants are receiving their mother’s own breast milk at any time in the SCN/NICU?
B5 How many infants receive donor human milk at any time while cared for in your hospital’s SCN/NICU?
SECTION C: CARE PRACTICES This section is about early postpartum care practices for all healthy mother-baby dyads, REGARDLESS OF FEEDING METHOD. Mouse over underlined text for a definition or more information. |
C1 After vaginal delivery, how many newborns remain in uninterrupted [skin-to-skin contact] with their mothers beginning immediately after birth . . .
skin-to-skin contact: The naked newborn is placed directly on the mother’s bare chest or abdomen (with or without a diaper).
C2 After Cesarean-delivery, how many newborns remain in uninterrupted [skin-to-skin contact] with their mothers as soon as the mother is responsive and alert after birth?
skin-to-skin contact: The naked newborn is placed directly on the mother’s bare chest or abdomen (with or without a diaper).
This item is skipped if no cesareans (A7 = no)
C3 How many vaginally-delivered newborns are separated from their mothers [before] starting [rooming-in]?
Before: Prior to or during transfer from Labor / Delivery care to Postpartum / Nursery care
Rooming-in is a practice where mother and newborn are in close proximity. |
C4 What percent of newborns stay in the room with their mothers for 24 hours per day (not including those separated for medical reasons)?
C5 How many newborns receive continuous [observed monitoring] throughout the first two hours immediately following birth?
Observed monitoring includes for positioning, color, and breathing |
C6 Where are newborns usually located during each of the following situations? Click one location per situation. For situations addressed in multiple locations in your hospital, choose the most frequently-used location.
C7 Does your hospital have a protocol that requires frequent observations of [high-risk] mother-infant dyads by nurses to ensure safety of the infant while they are together?
Examples of high-risk include: low Apgar scores, late preterm, infants who required resuscitation, difficult delivery, or medications given to the mother that may make her drowsy or sedated or affect the newborn.
SECTION D: FEEDING PRACTICES This section is about infant feeding practices for healthy BREASTFED newborns. Mouse over underlined text for a definition or more information. |
D1 How
many healthy breastfed newborns are given pacifiers by staff?
D3 What percent of healthy, term breastfed newborns are fed any of the following?
D5 Does your hospital perform routine blood glucose monitoring of full-term healthy newborns who are NOT at risk for hypoglycemia?
SECTION E: EDUCATION AND SUPPORT OF MOTHERS This section is about information taught to mothers and caregivers about feeding and caring for their newborn and support provided to mothers by staff. Mouse over underlined text for a definition or more information. |
E1 To prevent newborn adverse events (e.g., infant falls, accidental suffocation) associated with maternal sleep in the hospital, how many mothers are shown by staff how to place their newborn on a separate, [safe sleep] surface or with another caregiver when the mother becomes sleepy/drowsy?
Safe sleep: infants are placed on their backs on a firm, flat surface (e.g., bassinet) that is free of any items and will prevent infant falls.
E2 How many breastfeeding mothers are taught or shown how to . . .
Feeding cues: Signs the baby is ready to feed, including increased alertness, flexion of the extremities, mouth and tongue movements, cooing sounds, rooting, bringing fist toward the mouth, or sucking on fingers / hand.
As often and as long: Also known as 'cue-based' or 'on-demand' feeding.
Without restrictions: Without setting a schedule for how long baby should be at the breast and/or the amount of time that should pass between feeds.
Use and risks of artificial nipples and pacifiers: hygiene, oral formation, and recognition of feeding cues.
E3 When breastfeeding mothers request infant formula, how often do staff counsel them about the possible consequences to the health of their infant and the success of breastfeeding?
E4 Among mothers whose newborns are fed any formula, how many are taught . . .
Feeding in response to hunger cues and holding the baby closely during the feed, allowing for eye-to-eye contact.
Safely prepare and feed: Instructions for mixing, handling, and storing infant formula. |
E5 Do your discharge criteria for breastfeeding newborns require. . .
E6 What discharge support does your hospital routinely provide to breastfeeding mothers?
In-person follow-up visits: Breastfeeding assessments, support, and weight checks at a post-discharge home, hospital, clinic, or office visit; breastfeeding-specific support group in a hospital wellness center
Formalized, coordinated referrals: Scheduling an appointment on the mother’s behalf with a lactation provider, WIC peer counselor, or home visiting program; providing a referral for insurance coverage; providing access to lactation support via interactive smartphone app or other online/remote support; writing a prescription for lactation support.
Breastfeeding information and resources: Educational booklets/pamphlets, informational smartphone app or other online information, list of community resources, breastfeeding assessment sheet/feeding log, warm-lines.
SECTION F: STAFFING This section is about maternity-care staff and providers who work in your maternity-care unit, as well as staff and provider responsibilities and training. Mouse over underlined text for a definition or more information. |
F3 How often are nurses [formally assessed] for clinical competency in breastfeeding support and lactation management?
Systematic evaluation of staff’s hands-on ability to support breastfeeding mothers, and may include demonstration of competency at an annual skills lab or observation by a lactation specialist.
F4 Are nurses required to demonstrate competency in the following skills?
Skin-to-skin contact: The naked newborn is placed directly on the mother’s bare chest or abdomen (with or without a diaper).
Safe sleep: infants are placed on their backs on a firm, flat surface (e.g., bassinet) that is free of any items and will prevent infant falls.
F7 How often does your hospital require that maternity staff and providers complete [continuing education or in-service training] on breastfeeding support and lactation management?
Participation in educational and training activities that improve the care that is provided to mothers and infants.
SECTION G: POLICIES AND PROCEDURES This section is about hospital policies and procedures. Mouse over underlined text for a definition or more information. |
G1 Does your hospital…
Human milk is the only food provided and includes expressed human milk from the mother or from a donor milk bank. Medicines, minerals, and vitamins may also be given, but no formula, water, or other preparations.
G2 Which of the following are included in a written policy (or policies) at your hospital?
Non breast milk feedings: formula, water, glucose water Safe sleep: infants are placed on their backs on a firm, flat surface that is free of any items and will prevent infant falls. Rooming-in is a practice where mother and newborn are in close proximity. As often and as long: Also known as ‘cue-based’ or ‘on-demand’ feeding. Without restrictions: Without setting a schedule for how long baby should be at the breast and/or the amount of time that should pass between feeds.
G3 How many health care providers who have any contact with pregnant women, mothers, and/or newborns have been oriented on the hospital’s infant feeding policies?
G4 How does your hospital acquire each of the following:
Consistent with hospital-wide vendor policy
G5 Does your hospital give mothers any of the following items free of charge, as gifts or free samples (not including items prescribed as part of medical care)?
G6 How does your hospital certify compliance with Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) health and safety standards? Check one.
H1 Select the positions or titles of the people who have participated in completing this survey, including your own. Click all that apply.
H2 Contact information for mPINC reports
We will email a copy of your hospital’s results. To protect the confidentiality of your hospital’s scores, we cannot send electronic copies of the Hospital Report to personal email addresses (e.g., Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail). Please enter your name, position, and official hospital email address so that we may email your hospital’s results. Providing your contact information is voluntary; your contact information will be used to electronically provide your hospital’s results and inform you of mPINC survey related opportunities. You, the survey recipient, will receive one (1) electronic copy of your hospital’s results. Your contact information will in no way be connected to survey responses or scores.
H3 Comments
Free text
Thank you for your time!
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | mPINC 2018 Survey |
Author | Anstey, Erica Hesch (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP) (CTR) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-10-13 |