Notice regarding Section 508 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998: Section 508 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 requires that all U.S. Federal Agencies make their web sites fully accessible to individuals with disabilities. See 29 U.S.C. §794d. While the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) forms do comply with Section 508, the PDF preview of the TEAS forms currently do not meet all standards for web accessibility. If you cannot access a TEAS form preview or have any questions about this notice, please contact the Trademark Assistance Center (TAC) at 1-800-786-9199 (select option#1), Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., ET.
STEP 2: Enter registration number or access saved form:
to the owner's/holder's and appointed attorney's address(es) can
be made within this form. If no attorney is appointed, the
owner's/holder's email address is the Primary Email Address for
STEP 3: If preparing a new request form, carefully answer each question below to build the appropriate form.
1. Do you want to amend your mark? |
2. Do you want to correct or change any additional statement(s) about the mark that appear(s) on the registration certificate, e.g., a disclaimer, translation, or claim of a prior registration? [Click link to view full range of possible statements available within this section.] NOTE: If you wish for any reason to attach a file within this form, you must do so within the "miscellaneous statement" portion of the additional statement section, which allows for both free-entry of text and/or a jpg/pdf attachment.
NOTE: You may use this form to correct a mistake(s) in a registration due to an error by the USPTO or the owner/holder of the registration that does not result in a change that would require republication; e.g., a correction to add a statement that published correctly, but was then inadvertently omitted from the registration certificate, or correction of a typographical error in a statement printed on the registration. See TMEP § 1609.10(a) for information on correcting a USPTO error that would materially change the registration. |
4. Do you need to correct information pertaining to the basis for filing/registration of the mark? |
Owner/Holder Information Instructions: |
* Name |
* Mailing
Address |
Internal Address |
* City |
* State |
* Country/Region/Jurisdiction/U.S. Territory |
* Zip/Postal
Code |
Address |
Phone Number |
Fax Number |
* Email
Address |
Mark Information NOTE: While minor changes in the mark are sometimes permitted under Section 7, any material alteration of the mark will NOT be permitted and will result in the denial of the request on that ground. |
The owner/holder of the registration must submit a specimen showing use of the proposed mark, as amended, for each class in the registration. A specimen is required even if the mark originally registered under Section 44(e), based on a foreign registration. The following statement must be made of record by checking the box:
on the 'Attach' button to select the file in JPG/PDF format (not
exceeding 5 megabytes per attachment) or .WAV, .WMV, .WMA, .MP3,
.MPG, or .AVI format (not exceeding 5 megabytes for sound files or
30 megabytes for motion files). 0 file(s) attached
each attached specimen and the class that it applies to:
webpage URL(s) and dates(s) of access below if it does NOT appear
on the attached specimen. If
your specimen consists
of a webpage, indicate the date you accessed or printed the
webpage: |
may use this section to request changes to correct a mistake in a
registration due to either USPTO error or owner/holder error if
the correction does not result in a change that would require
republication. For example, the following may be permitted: a
correction to add a statement that appeared as part of the mark at
the time of publication but that was inadvertently omitted from
the registration certificate or a correction to a typographical
error in a statement printed on the registration
certificate. See TMEP
§ 1609.10(a) for
information on correcting a USPTO error that would materially
change the registration. |
CLASSIFICATION AND LISTING OF GOODS/SERVICES/COLLECTIVE MEMBERSHIP ORGANIZATION NOTE: You may use this form to request changes to the listing of the goods/services/collective membership organization to: (1) restrict the identification; (2) delete a class entirely; (3) correct obvious typographical errors; or (4) otherwise change the registration in a way that would not require republication of the mark, but never to add to or broaden the goods/services/nature of the collective membership organization in a registration by amendment or correction. Any request to amend or correct the classification must coincide with the current version of the Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks. See TMEP § 1609.10(a) for information on correcting a USPTO error that would materially change the registration. WARNING: Registration
Subject to Cancellation for Fraudulent Statements |
Enter information for the Class |
International Class : |
of Goods/Services/Collective Membership Organization [NOTE: Do not
enter a class number or letter or any other code in the field
below. You must enter only the common commercial name for the
specific goods/services/nature of the collective membership
organization associated with the mark. Also, do not include any
html or other programming code or language that may create links
in the listing of goods/recitation of services/description of the
collective membership organization. If you wish to delete the
class entirely, then remove all displayed wording, and enter the
specific wording "DELETE CLASS ENTIRELY"- do not merely
leave the field blank]. For more information about acceptable
language for the goods/services, see the USPTO's on-line Goods
and/or Services Manual. |
DATES OF USE NOTE: Amendment or correction may be made to the dates of use. However, the USPTO will not accept any amendment or correction wherein the amended dates of use are later than the dates that would have been accepted when the underlying application was examined prior to registration. . |
the mark published with the correct basis, but the information did
not appear on the registration certificate, the omitted basis(es)
may be added under Section 7. In all other cases, only minor
corrections are permissible; e.g., to correct the foreign
registration number or the country that issued the registration,
if supported by the record. |
* Year
of Admission |
* U.S.
State/Commonwealth/Territory |
* Membership
* City |
* State |
* Zip/Postal
Code |
make changes to the Primary
Email Address for Correspondence below,
either |
Email Address for Correspondence
i |
NOTE: Only one signature is required, regardless of the number of owners/holders. The person signing for each section may be different, depending on who has the required knowledge to sign. The
signatory being warned that willful false statements and the like
are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. §
1001, and that such willful false statements and the like may
jeopardize the validity of this submission, declares that all
statements made of his/her own knowledge are true and all
statements made on information and belief are believed to be
true. |
more than one trademark owner/holder, ALL must sign the
overall submission.
1: Review the Request data,
available below in various formats, by clicking on any of the
phrases listed under Request Data. Use the print function within
your browser to print these pages for your own records. |
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with an information collection subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless the information collection has a valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 0651-0055. Public burden for this form is estimated to average 35 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the information collection. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden to the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, United States Patent and Trademark Office, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450 or email [email protected].
Privacy Act Statement
The USPTO collects this information under authority of 35 U.S.C. 2(b)(2). The information you provide will be used to process your applications and submissions related to trademark registration. The information in this system of records is used to manage name, citizenship, domicile, email address, postal address, and telephone number of the trademark applicant, registrant, and applicant’s or registrant’s legal or other authorized representative(s), an attorney’s law firm or company affiliation and professional licensing information, and other information pertaining to an applicant’s or registrant’s activities in connection with the applied-for or registered mark. The information is protected from disclosure to third parties in accordance with the Privacy Act. However, routine uses of this information may include disclosure to the following: the public; certain foreign entities, professional organizations or associations, audit or oversight controls; law enforcement; non-federal personnel working for the agency; record and informational inquiries; coordinators of data breach response; litigation actions; Department of Justice; Office of Personnel Management; Congressional inquiries; the National Archives and Records Administration; and Office of Management and Budget. If you do not furnish the requested information, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office may not be able to process and/or examine your submission, which may result in termination of proceedings or abandonment of the application for trademark registration. The applicable Privacy Act System of Records Notice for this information request is COMMERCE/USPTO-26, Trademarks Application and Registration Records: Federal Register vol. 85 February 18, 2020, p 8847, available at https://
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Smalls, Jonya |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-10-26 |