email & Instructions

Attachment 1 Email and Instructions 070721 rev.pdf

Generic Clearance for NIH Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing Projects (OD)

email & Instructions

OMB: 0925-0766

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Attachment 1: Webpage Solicitation Email and Instructions
Dear Dr(s). <>,
Congratulations on your new or continued SPORE! As a part of your participation in the SPORE
Community we request that you prepare your NCI SPORE Webpage, which will be included on the
Translational Research Program Website. Additionally, the contact information you provide will allow us
to update the SPORE Directors, Administrators and Administrative Assistants directory.
This is a public website used by researchers, clinicians, patients and families, advocates, and
congressional staffers interested in NCI funding decisions and/or SPORE-associated research and
outcomes. SPORE Webpages provide summary level details on SPORE leadership, projects, cores, and
programs (example: Baylor College of Medicine SPORE Breast Cancer) and should align with the funded
SPORE grant.
Please submit information pertaining to federally funded components within the SPORE Website and
Advocate Collection at:
The attached SPORE Webpage Instructions support the website to develop your SPORE Webpage. Here
are a few things to keep in mind when developing your page:

Ensure the components are up to date. Only include SPORE funded projects.
Renewed grantees should provide updated webpage information for their newly funded grant.
We have implemented a new template, so please make sure your new page is following the new
Press releases should not be published until the SPORE Webpages are publicly available. To
avoid delay of institutional press releases, please submit your webpage information as soon as

Responses are due by August 15, 2021. Contact Tam Walton at 240-276-5686 or
[email protected] for any questions.


Instructions: Please follow the instructions below to develop content for your SPORE’s webpage,
which will be made available on the Translational Research Program Website. An example page can
be found here:
SPORE TITLE – Titled used in the application.
INSTITUTION NAME – The webpage will be filed under the primary institution, that is, the submitting
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(S) –Include the Principal Investigator (PI) name(s) and credentials. Provide a
picture of the PI(s) (required). MPI(s) options will become available after each entry.
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR CONTACT INFORMATION – Include name, institution, position title, address,
phone, and email for the SPORE Director(s).
Administrative Assistant – Provide name, phone and email.
SPORE Administrator(s) - This will be the individual managing the day-to-day administrative and/or
financial activities of the SPORE, e.g. grants manager/administrators, project managers, or
administrative directors). No more than 2 Administrators should be listed per SPORE; however, by

exception and approval, one additional Administrator from Cancer Center administration is allowed. A
request can be emailed to Tam Walton at [email protected].

SPORE Advocate(s) - The SPORE program encourages the inclusion of SPORE Advocates. The SPORE
Advocate will not be listed on the website unless specifically requested. However, we often interact with
Advocates for SPORE-related updates and invitations to related webinars and meetings. To increase

programmatic support, we would like to build a comprehensive roster of SPORE advocates to get input
on what resources and activities (teleconferences, webinars etc.) would be most beneficial for them.

OVERVIEW – Provide an Overview abstract of the active grant with a maximum of 350 words. An
example page can be found here: Upload
a MS WORD .docx or .doc ONLY. Avoid PDFs.

PROJECTS – Upload all projects individually. Maximum of 350 words. Each Project should include the



Complete Project Title with project number – as listed within the application.
Name(s) and credentials of the Project Co-leaders only – as listed within the application
(no photos).
Identify "Basic" Project Leader versus "Clinical/Applied" Project Leader.

Hyperlink each name with the contact email.
An abstract/brief description for each project, which may include figures, tables,
cartoons, and images related to the abstract or description. Please include the title and
description for all figures, tables, etc. Do not include links to websites or videos.
An example page can be found here:

CORES - List all Cores. Each Core listing should include the following:



Administrative Core, Pathology/Biospecimen Core are required. Then list all other cores.

Complete Core Title – as listed within the application.
Name(s) and credentials of the Core Director(s) only – as listed within the application
(no photos). Hyperlink each name with the contact email for the director(s).
Hyperlink each name with the contact email.

An abstract/brief description for each core, which may include figures, tables, cartoons,
and images related to the abstract or description. Please include the title and
description for all figures, tables, etc. Do not include links to websites or videos.
An example page can be found here:

• Complete Program Title – as listed within the application.
• Name(s) and credentials of the Director(s) only – as listed within the application (no
• Hyperlink each name with the contact email for the director(s).
• An optional brief description of the program (1-3 sentences minimum). Do not include
links to websites or videos. Description of awardees should not be provided.
CAREER ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM - Include the following:
• Complete Program Title – as listed within the application (no photos).
• Name(s) and credentials of the Director(s) only – as listed within the application.
• Hyperlink each name with the contact email for the director(s).
• An optional brief description of the program (1-3 sentences minimum). Do not include
links to websites or videos. Description of awardees should not be provided.
INSTITUTIONAL SPORE WEBSITE – If available, please provide the link to your Institutional SPORE
Website. Before adding, please be sure that the link works, is directing to the correct page, and that the
information provided on the site/page is up-to-date. Do not include links to non-SPORE related pages.

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorTingle, Sharna (NIH/NCI) [C]
File Modified2021-07-07
File Created2021-07-07

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