5800-054 Local Leadership Survey

Chesapeake Bay Program Citizen Stewardship Index, Diversity Profile, and Local Leadership Surveys (New)

Local Leadership Survey

Chesapeake Bay Program Citizen Stewardship Index, Diversity Profile, and Local Leadership Surveys

OMB: 2003-0002

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OMB Control Number: 2003-NEW
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

Recommended Survey Questions for Local Leaders
This collection of information is approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. (OMB Control
No. 2003-NEW). Responses to this collection of information are voluntary (33 U.S.C. 1267). An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number. The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to be 0.142
hours per response. Send comments on the Agency’s need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden
estimates and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden to the Regulatory Support Division Director, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (2821T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control
number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address.

This survey is designed to be completed by elected or appointed officials or senior staff who
are involved in policy making. It should take about 10 minutes to complete. Responses are
confidential and results will be used to improve and enhance training and information for
elected leaders. We appreciate your honest feedback.
1. What kind of role do you have in your community?
a. Elected official
b. Appointed official
c. Senior staff
2. Are you involved in making policy decisions for your community?
a. Yes
3. What role do you hold in your community? Please check all that apply.
a. Executive position (e.g., Mayor, County Executive, etc.)
b. Municipal governing body member (e.g., City or Town Council, County Board
or Commission, Township or County Supervisor, etc.)
c. Board member for a Soil and Water Conservation District
d. Board member for Water and Sewer Authority
e. Board member for Planning Commission
f. None
4. What is the population of the community you represent?
a. 2,999 residents and under
b. 3,000-9,999 residents
c. 10,000-24,999 residents
d. 25,000-99,999 residents
e. 100,000-249,999 residents

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f. 250,000+ residents
5. Where is the community you represent located? [Follow by drop-down list of
counties; TERMINATE respondents in counties not part of the Chesapeake Bay]
a. Delaware
b. Maryland
c. Pennsylvania
d. New York
e. Virginia
f. Washington, D.C.
g. West Virginia
Thanks. Now we want to ask some questions about how you make policy decisions.
6. How much are you thinking about downstream communities and/or the Chesapeake
Bay when making policy decisions for your community? [1-7 scale from “Not at all” to
“A great deal”]
7. How much impact do you think the decisions you make have on downstream
communities and/or the Chesapeake Bay? [1-7 scale from “None” to “A great deal”]
8. How much impact do you think the decisions upstream communities make have on
your communities’ water quality? [1-7 scale from “None” to “A great deal”]
9. Given your local budget and existing constraints, how much do you think about
downstream communities and/or the Chesapeake Bay when making decisions
related to: [1-7 scale from “Not at all” to “A great deal”] [ROTATE]
a. Land use policy/plans
b. Drinking water
c. Water resources
d. Local ordinances
e. Economic development
f. Stormwater management
g. Infrastructure
10. Given your local budget and existing constraints, which of the following do you see
as a priority for your local community? Please check all that apply. [Select all that
apply] [ROTATE]
a. Building climate resiliency
b. Mitigating flooding
c. Making sure streams are healthy to support fish populations
d. Achieving and maintaining healthy watersheds
e. Dealing with and preventing toxic contaminants
f. Protecting and preserving tree coverage
g. Protecting and preserving wetlands
h. Protecting and preserving blue crabs
i. Setting policy/guidance for how land is used
j. Helping people understand environmental issues
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k. None of the above
11. When your community takes steps to protect the environment, including protecting
water resources and the Chesapeake Bay, how much impact does that have on: [1-7
scale from “None at all” to “A great deal” or not sure] [ROTATE]
a. Your local economy
b. Local recreational and tourism opportunities
c. Local drinking water quality
d. Public health/community health
e. Public safety
f. Infrastructure
g. Quality of life
12. Which of the following tools would you use or consider as a way to protect or improve
water resources for your community? Please check all that apply. [Select all that
apply] [ROTATE]
a. Comprehensive planning
b. Zoning ordinances, including growth boundaries
c. Subdivision and land development ordinances
d. Stormwater management ordinances
e. Local taxation polices or fees (e.g., environmental impact fees)
f. Conservation easements and/or purchase of development rights
g. Source water protection plans
h. Forest protection or tree canopy ordinances
i. Litter control ordinances
j. Erosion and sediment control ordinances
k. None of the above
13. In general, how well do you understand environmental rules and regulations at the:
[1-7 scale from “Not very much” to “A great deal”]
a. Local/County level
b. State level
c. Federal level
14. Which of the following rules or regulations is your community subject to? If you are
not sure if your community is subject to these rules or regulations, please select not
sure. [ROTATE] ([subject to/not subject to/not sure]
a. NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System)
b. MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems)
c. CSO (Combined Sewer Overflows)
d. Chesapeake Bay TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load)
e. Local TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load)
f. CBPRP (Chesapeake Bay Pollutant Reduction Plan)
g. SDWA (Safe Drinking Water)
h. Groundwater withdrawal restriction permits

Pg. 3

15. If you had a question about water resources or how best to implement environmental
policy, do you have a knowledgeable person or source you could go to for
a. Yes
b. No
16. If you wanted to learn more about environmental policy and/or water resources,
which of the following would you want to access? Please check all that apply. [Select
all that apply] [ROTATE]
a. In-person classes or training
b. Online classes or training (including webinars)
c. A person to call or email for more information
d. Case studies, best practices, or guidance documents
e. Non-profit organizations or non-government organizations
f. University or academic resources (e.g., extension programs)
g. Resources provided by Federal or State government
h. Resources provided by Local/County government
i. Other: ______________
j. None of the above
17. In the last three years, which of the following has your community undertaken related
to water quality or water resources? Please check all that apply.
a. Community outreach efforts
b. Public meetings or public discussions
c. Adopting local rules, ordinances, or regulations
d. Implementation/enforcement of local rules, ordinances, or regulations
e. “On the ground” projects to directly improve water quality or water resources
f. Developing a comprehensive plan
g. Apply for grants/funding to assist with projects
h. Formation of an advisory council or citizen advisory committee
i. Other: ______
j. None of the above
18. Based on your current understanding, which of the following statements about a
watershed are true: [Select all that apply] [ROTATE]
a. A watershed is a specific geographic area
b. Watershed boundaries are based on local jurisdictions (e.g., cities and
c. Every community is part of a watershed
d. All watersheds are approximately the same size
e. My community is part of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
f. Actions taken in one part of a watershed affect other parts of the watershed
Thank you. The following questions are for demographic purposes only:
19. What is your gender?
a. Male
b. Female
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c. Prefer not to answer
20. What is your age?
a. Under 30
b. 31-40
c. 41-50
d. 51-60
e. 61-70
f. 71 or older
g. Prefer not to answer
21. How many years have you served in your position?
a. Less than one
b. 1-2 years
c. 3-5 years
d. 6-10 years
e. 11 or more years
f. Prefer not to answer
Thanks so much for taking this survey and for taking the time to answer these
questions. This survey is being sponsored by the Chesapeake Bay Program
Partnership to better understand how to equip local leaders to make policy decisions
related to water resources and the Chesapeake Bay. For more information, please
visit www.Chesapeakebay.net.
EPA Form: 5800-054

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleApril 19, 2006
AuthorChristine Brittle
File Modified2021-04-30
File Created2021-04-30

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