VA Loan Electronic Reporting Interface (VALERI) | |||||||
Servicing Events Import Spreadsheet - Version 23.0 | |||||||
Effective Date: April 29, 2021 | |||||||
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Introduction | |||||||
Welcome to the VALERI servicing events import spreadsheet. This spreadsheet is a tool that will allow your organization to report bulk events to the Department of Veterans Affairs using the VALERI servicer web portal. If you require assistance in using this spreadsheet, please contact your organization's system administrator. | |||||||
How to use this spreadsheet: | |||||||
Each worksheet in this document represents a template for one type of event. Each column in a tab represents the data fields required by the VA for that event. Each row should contain one event of the type specified for the tab. For example in the tab titled "LoanPaidInFull", each line would contain a loan that has been paid in full, and the supporting data required by the VA. Each column has a specified data type in parentheses next to the column name. These data types are described below. For specific requirements for each event type, please see the Documentation Tab. |
Required fields have a green column header. | |||||||
Data Types: | |||||||
Text | An alphanumeric value. Limited to the length specified on the column. | ||||||
Money | A number with 13 digits to the left of the decimal, and two to the right. | ||||||
Integer | A number with no decimal. Limited from -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647 | ||||||
InterestRate | A number with 2 digits to the left of the decimal, and 4 to the right | ||||||
Event Type: Lists the event type that corresponds to the tab name in this spreadsheet. | ||||
Data Element/Field Name: Lists the data elements to be reported for the event. These data elements correspond to a column heading and must be formatted according to the header requirements. | ||||
Column Format: The data type and maximum length of characters for that field. | ||||
Description: Provides information to describe what the Data Element/Field Name means. | ||||
Required: Provides guidance to determine if the field is required. On each tab, if the data is a required field, the column name will be highlighted in green. If the field is NOT required, the header will be blue. | ||||
Refer to the Introduction tab for accpetable date formats | ||||
Header Tab (MUST be filled out when reporting any event) |
Servicer Name | Text Max: 20 characters |
Servicer Company Name | Yes |
Servicer ID Number | Text Max: 6 characters |
The six digit VA Servicer identification number. | Yes | |
Effective Date of Reporting | Date | Date of reported event | Yes | |
Data Required: ALL EVENTS (The following fields are repeated on each event tab and must be filled out for every event.) |
VA Loan Number | Text Max: 12 characters |
The VA Loan number | Yes |
Original Loan Amount | Money (two decimal places) | The total amount on the original VA Loan | Yes | |
Property State | Select from list | The two letter abbreviation of the state in which the property is located | Yes | |
Loan Origination Date | Date | Date that the initial loan was issued. Does not include Loan Modification dates. | Yes | |
Servicer Loan Number | Text Max: 20 characters |
Servicer loan identifier. Can contain letters and/or numbers. | Yes | |
MonthlyLoanStatusUpdate | UnpaidPrincipalBalance | Money (two decimal places) | Present portion of the loan not yet repaid, exclusive of interest or other charges | Yes |
PaymentDueDate | Date | Month, day, & year of the earliest payment not fully satisfied by the proper application of available credits or deposits | Yes | |
LoanPaidInFull | DateLoanWasPaidInFull | Date | Month, day, and year of full satisfaction of a guaranteed loan | Yes |
UnpaidPrincipalBalance | Money (two decimal places) | Present portion of the loan not yet repaid, exclusive of interest or other charges | Yes | |
TransferOfOwnership | DateOfTransferOfOwnership | Date | Month, day, & year that loan is assumed by another party (date of settlement) | Yes |
LastNameOfTransferee | Text Max: 25 characters |
Last name of individual assuming the loan; reported if an individual is assuming the loan and not an entity | Yes, if NameOfEntity is blank | |
FirstNameOfTransferee | Text Max: 25 characters |
First name of individual assuming the loan; reported if an individual is assuming the loan and not an entity | Yes, if NameOfEntity is blank | |
MiddleNameOrInitialOfTransferee | Text Max: 1 character |
Middle initial of individual assuming the loan; reported if an individual is assuming the loan and not an entity | No | |
SuffixOfTransferee | Text Max: 6 characters |
Surname of individual assuming loan; reported if an individual is assuming the loan and not an entity | No | |
SSNOfTransferee | Text Max: 9 characters (no dashes) |
Social security number of individual assuming loan; reported if an individual is assuming the loan and not an entity | Yes, if NameOfEntity is blank | |
NameOfEntity | Text Max: 50 characters |
Name of entity assuming loan, if applicable; reported is an entity is assuming the loan and not an individual | Yes, if LastNameOfTransferee is blank | |
TaxpayerIdentificationNumber | Text Max: 9 characters (no dashes) |
Taxpayer identification number of entity assuming the loan; reported is an entity is assuming the loan and not an individual | Yes, if LastNameOfTransferee is blank | |
LastNameOfCoTransferee | Text Max: 25 characters |
Last name of second individual assuming the loan; reported if there is a co-transferee | No | |
FirstNameOfCoTransferee | Text Max: 25 characters |
First name of second individual assuming the loan; reported if there is a co-transferee | No | |
MiddleNameOrIntialOfCoTransferee | Text Max: 1 character |
Middle initial of second individual assuming the loan; reported if there is a co-transferee | No | |
SuffixOfCoTransferee | Text Max: 6 characters |
Surname of second individual assuming loan; reported if there is a co-transferee | No | |
SSNOfCoTransferee | Text Max: 9 characters (no dashes) |
Social security number of second individual assuming loan; reported if there is a co-transferee | Yes, if LastNameOfCoTransferee is NOT blank |
ReleaseOfLiability | DateOfRelease | Date | Month, day, & year on which the former obligor is no longer responsible for the loan | Yes |
PartialReleaseOfSecurity | DatePartialReleaseOfSecurityDocumentWasExecuted | Date | Month, day, & year that the security document releasing a portion of the secured property is executed | Yes |
ServicingTransfer-Transferring | ServicingReleaseDate | Date | Month, day, & year that a servicer transfers responsibility for servicing a guaranteed loan to another servicer | Yes |
NameOfNewServicer | Text Max: 50 characters |
Name of servicer receiving responsibility for servicing a guaranteed loan | Yes | |
ServicingTransfer-Receiving | DateLoanAcquired | Date | Month, day, and year on which a servicer became responsible for servicing a guaranteed loan | Yes |
PreviousServicerLoanNumber | Text Max: 20 characters |
Loan number associated with the loan on the previous servicer's system | Yes | |
ElectronicDefaultNotification | DateOfFirstPaymentOnTheOriginalLoan | Date | Month, day, and year of the first scheduled payment on the loan (per the loan instruments) | Yes |
PaymentDueDate | Date | Month, day, & year of the earliest payment not fully satisfied by the proper application of available credits or deposits | Yes | |
PropertyAddressLine1 | Text Max: 50 characters |
Location of the security for the loan, including street, city, state, and zip code | Yes | |
PropertyAddressLine2 | Text Max: 50 characters |
The second line of the expanded property address | No | |
PropertyAddressUnitNumber | Text Max: 20 characters |
The unit number of the expanded property address | No | |
PropertyAddressCity | Text Max: 30 characters |
The city name of the expanded property address | Yes | |
PropertyAddressZipCode | Text Max: 5 characters |
A group of fields containing the zip code +4 of the expanded property address. | Yes | |
PropertyAddressSuffix | Text Max: 4 characters |
The zip code suffix of the expanded property address | No | |
PropertyAddressStateAbbreviation | Select from list | The state abbreviation of the expanded property address. | Yes | |
LastNameOfCurrentOwner | Text Max: 25 characters |
Surname of the individual who currently owns the property; if owner is an individual and not an entity | Yes, if NameOfEntityThatIsCurrentOwner is blank |
FirstNameOfCurrentOwner | Text Max: 25 characters |
First name of the individual who currently owns the property | Yes, if NameOfEntityThatIsCurrentOwner is blank |
MiddleInitialOfCurrentOwner | Text Max: 1 character |
First letter of the middle name, if any, of the individual who currently owns the property; if owner is an individual and not an entity | No | |
SuffixOfCurrentOwner | Text Max: 6 characters |
Suffix (Jr., Sr., III, etc.), if any, of the individual who currently owns the property; if owner is an individual and not an entity | No | |
SsnOfCurrentOwner | Text Max: 9 characters (no dashes) |
Unique SSA-issued number assigned to the individual who currently owns the property; if owner is an individual and not an entity | Yes, if NameOfEntityThatIsCurrentOwner is blank |
LastNameOfCurrentCoOwner | Text Max: 25 characters |
Surname of the individual who currently co-owns the property, if applicable | No | |
FirstNameOfCurrentCoOwner | Text Max: 25 characters |
First name of the individual who currently co-owns the property, if applicable | No | |
MiddleInitialOfCurrentCoOwner | Text Max: 1 character |
First letter of the middle name, if any, of the individual who currently co-owns the property, if applicable | No | |
SuffixOfCurrentCoOwner | Text Max: 6 characters |
Suffix (Jr., Sr., III, etc.), if any, of the individual who currently co-owns the property, if applicable | No | |
SsnOfCurrentCoOwner | Text Max: 9 characters (no dashes) |
Unique SSA-issued number assigned to the individual who currently co-owns the property, if applicable | No | |
NameOfEntityThatIsCurrentOwner | Text Max: 50 characters |
Name of entity that currently owns the property, if owner is an entity and not an individual | Yes, if LastNameOfCurrentOwner is blank | |
TaxpayerIdentificationNumber | Text Max: 9 characters (no dashes) |
Unique IRS-issued number assigned to the entity who currently owns the property, if owner is an entity and not an individual | Yes, if LastNameOfCurrentOwner is blank | |
MailingAddressLine1 | Text Max: 50 characters |
First line of the mailing address of current owners | Yes, if NameOfEntityThatIsCurrentOwner is blank |
MailingAddressLine2 | Text Max: 50 characters |
Second line of the mailing address of current owners | No | |
MailingAddressSuffix | Text Max: 4 characters |
The zip code suffix of the mailing address | No | |
MailingAddressUnitNumber | Text Max: 20 characters |
The unit number of the expanded mailing address | No | |
MailingAddressCity | Text Max: 30 characters |
The city name of the expanded mailing address | Yes, if NameOfEntityThatIsCurrentOwner is blank |
MailingAddressZipCode | Text Max: 5 characters |
A group of fields containing the zip code +4 of the expanded mailing address. | Yes, if NameOfEntityThatIsCurrentOwner is blank |
MailingAddressStateAbbreviation | Select from list | The state abbreviation of the expanded mailing address. | Yes, if NameOfEntityThatIsCurrentOwner is blank |
InterestRateOnLoan | Interest Rate Max: 2 digits to the left of the decimal and 5 to the right |
Rate of interest charged on the loan, expressed as a percentage, per the loan instruments | Yes | |
UnpaidPrincipalBalance | Money (two decimal places) | Present portion of the loan not yet repaid, exclusive of interest or other charges | Yes | |
PrincipalAndInterestPortionOfMonthlyInstallment | Money (two decimal places) | Amount of principal & interest due monthly under the terms of the loan agreement | Yes | |
TaxesAndInsurancePortionOfMonthlyInstallment | Money (two decimal places) | Amount of the tax & insurance deposit due monthly under the terms of the loan agreement and determined by the servicer IAW RESPA | Yes | |
OtherPortionOfMonthlyInstallment | Money (two decimal places) | Amount due monthly that does not pertain to principal and interest, taxes & insurance, or late charges due under the terms of the obligation as of notice date (example is HOA fees) | Yes | |
LateChargesDue | Money (two decimal places) | Amount due as a result of penalties imposed by the servicer that a borrower must pay when a payment is missed or made after the due date under the terms of the obligation as of notice date | Yes | |
OccupantOfProperty | Select from list | Status of who currently resides in the property securing the loan obligation, or reason why no one resides there | Yes | |
FirstPhoneNumberObligor1 | Text Max: 15 characters |
First phone number (obligor 1) | No | |
PhoneNumberTypeForFirstPhoneNumberObligor1 | Select from list | Phone number type for first phone number (obligor 1) | No | |
SecondPhoneNumberObligor1 | Text Max: 15 characters |
Second phone number (obligor 1) | No | |
PhoneNumberTypeForSecondPhoneNumberObligor1 | Select from list | Phone number type for second phone number (obligor 1) | No | |
PhoneNumberObligor2 | Text Max: 15 characters |
Phone number (obligor 2) | No | |
PhoneNumberTypeObligor2 | Select from list | Phone number type (obligor 2) | No | |
PhoneNumber1OtherAuthorizedParty | Text Max: 15 characters |
Phone number 1 (other authorized party) | No | |
PhoneNumber1TypeOtherAuthorizedParty | Select from list | Phone number type (other authorized party) | No | |
PrimaryReasonForDefault | Select from list | Reason obligor is unable to or did not remit monthly payments | Yes | |
SuspenseBalance | Money (two decimal places) | The balance on the loan held in suspense, if applicable | No | |
DelinquencyStatusUpdate | UnpaidPrincipalBalance | Money (two decimal places) | Amount of principal due under the terms of the obligation as of payment due date | Yes |
PaymentDueDate | Date | Month, day, & year of the earliest payment not fully satisfied by the proper application of available credits or deposits | Yes | |
PrincipalAndInterestPortionOfMonthlyInstallment | Money (two decimal places) | Amount of principal & interest due monthly under the terms of the loan agreement, if changed from last report | Yes | |
TaxesAndInsurancePortionOfMonthlyInstallment | Money (two decimal places) | Amount of taxes and insurance due monthly under the terms of the loan agreement, if changed from last report | Yes | |
OtherPortionOfMonthlyInstallment | Money (two decimal places) | Amount due that does not pertain to principal and interest and/or taxes & insurance, due under the terms of the obligation (example is HOA fees), if changed from last report | No | |
LateChargesDue | Money (two decimal places) | Amount due as a result of penalties imposed by the servicer that a borrower must pay when a payment is missed or made after the due date under the terms of the obligation as of notice date | No | |
ExpensesIncurredToDate | Money (two decimal places) | Any costs that have been paid by the servicer and can be charged to the loan | No | |
ContactInformationChange | LastNameOfCurrentOwner | Text Max: 25 characters |
Surname of the individual who currently owns the property; if owner is an individual and not an entity | At least 1 field must be populated on this tab to indicate what contact information will change |
FirstNameOfCurrentOwner | Text Max: 25 characters |
First name of the individual who currently owns the property | ||
UpdatedMailingAddressLine1 | Text Max: 50 characters |
First line of the mailing address of current owners, if changed from last report | ||
UpdatedMailingAddressLine2 | Text Max: 50 characters |
Second line of the mailing address of current owners, if changed from last report | ||
UpdatedMailingAddressSuffix | Text Max: 4 characters |
A group of fields containing the zip code +4 of the expanded mailing address, if changed from last report | ||
UpdatedMailingAddressUnitNumber | Text Max: 20 characters |
The unit number of the expanded mailing address, if changed from last report | ||
UpdatedMailingAddressCity | Text Max: 30 characters |
The city name of the expanded mailing address, if changed from last report | ||
UpdatedMailingAddressZipCode | Text Max: 5 characters |
The 5 digit postal zip code of the mailing address, if changed from the last report | ||
UpdatedMailingAddressStateAbbreviation | Select from list | The state abbreviation of the expanded mailing address, if changed from last report | ||
UpdatedFirstPhoneNumberObligor1 | Text Max: 15 characters |
First phone number (obligor 1) | ||
UpdatedPhoneNumberTypeForFirstPhoneNumberObligor1 | Select from list | Phone number type for first phone number (obligor 1) | ||
UpdatedSecondPhoneNumberObligor1 | Text Max: 15 characters |
Second phone number (obligor 1) | ||
UpdatedPhoneNumberTypeForSecondPhoneNumberObligor1 | Select from list | Phone number type for second phone number (obligor 1) | ||
UpdatedPhoneNumberObligor2 | Text Max: 15 characters |
Phone number (obligor 2) | ||
UpdatedPhoneNumberTypeObligor2 | Select from list | Phone number type (obligor 2) | ||
UpdatedPhoneNumber1OtherAuthorizedParty | Text Max: 15 characters |
Phone number 1 (other authorized party) | ||
UpdatedPhoneNumber1TypeOtherAuthorizedParty | Select from list | Phone number type (other authorized party) | ||
OccupancyStatusChange | DateChangeInOccupancyDiscoveredByServicer | Date | Month, day, and year that occupancy status change was discovered by the servicer | Yes |
OccupancyStatus | Select from list | Status of who currently resides in the property securing the loan obligation, or reason why no one resides there | Yes | |
BankruptcyFiled | DateBankruptcyFiled | Date | Month, day, & year that obligor filed for protection under US bankruptcy codes. | Yes |
TypeOfBankruptcy | Select from list | Type of bankruptcy (chapter number) under which the obligor filed for protection | Yes | |
BankruptcyCaseNumber | Text Max: 20 characters |
Case number assigned by the bankruptcy court | Yes | |
BankruptcyCode | Select from list | Indicates whether the mortgagor, co-mortgagor, or both are filing bankruptcy. | No | |
PrimaryDebtorName | Text Max: 50 characters |
Name of obligor that filed petition for relief under the U.S. bankruptcy code - report all applicable | Yes | |
PrimaryDebtorFilingIndicator | Select from list | Sets the indicator if the Debtor is or is not a participant in the Bankruptcy filing | Yes | |
PrimaryDebtorSSNorTIN | Text Max: 9 characters (no dashes) |
Unique SSA-issued number or unique IRS-issued number (TIN) of the obligor that filed a petition for relief under the U.S. bankruptcy code | Yes | |
SecondaryDebtorName | Text Max: 50 characters |
Name of obligor that filed petition for relief under the U.S. bankruptcy code - report all applicable | No | |
SecondaryDebtorFilingIndicator | Select from list | Sets the indicator if the Debtor is or is not a participant in the Bankruptcy filing | No | |
SecondaryDebtorSSNorTIN | Text Max: 9 characters (no dashes) |
Unique SSA-issued number or unique IRS-issued number (TIN) of the obligor that filed a petition for relief under the U.S. bankruptcy code | No | |
AlternateDebtor1Name | Text Max: 50 characters |
Name of obligor that filed petition for relief under the U.S. bankruptcy code - report all applicable | No | |
AlternateDebtor1FilingIndicator | Select from list | Sets the indicator if the Debtor is or is not a participant in the Bankruptcy filing | No | |
AlternateDebtor1SSNorTIN | Text Max: 9 characters (no dashes) |
Unique SSA-issued number or unique IRS-issued number (TIN) of the obligor that filed a petition for relief under the U.S. bankruptcy code | No | |
AlternateDebtor2Name | Text Max: 50 characters |
Name of obligor that filed petition for relief under the U.S. bankruptcy code - report all applicable | No | |
AlternateDebtor2FilingIndicator | Select from list | Sets the indicator if the Debtor is or is not a participant in the Bankruptcy filing | No | |
AlternateDebtor2SSNorTIN | Text Max: 9 characters (no dashes) |
Unique SSA-issued number or unique IRS-issued number (TIN) of the obligor that filed a petition for relief under the U.S. bankruptcy code | No | |
BankruptcyUpdate | DateOfBankruptcyEvent | Date | The date when the reported event occurred | Yes |
BankruptcyEvent | Select from list | Any significant action taken during the bankruptcy process as defined in the eight following items | Yes | |
PartialPaymentReturned | DatePartialPaymentReturned | Date | The date that the servicer returned the payment | Yes |
DefaultCuredLoanReinstated | DateLoanReinstated | Date | The date that all delinquent amounts were fully repaid; a loan is current if the payment due date is the first day of the next month (as of the last day of the previous month) | Yes |
RepaymentPlanApproved | DateRepaymentPlanApproved | Date | The date that servicer approved written agreement with the obligor for reinstatement of the loan through a schedule of increased payments | Yes |
PlanStartDate | Date | Month & year that repayment plan is documented to begin | Yes | |
EstimatedCureDate | Date | Estimated date that the delinquency will be fully satisfied by the proper application of available credits or deposits resulting from the repay plan | Yes | |
SpecialForbearanceApproved | EstimatedCureDate | Date | Estimated date that the delinquency will be fully satisfied by the proper application of available credits or deposits resulting from the proposed special forbearance. | Yes |
DateSpecialForbearanceApproved | Date | Month, day, & year servicer approved written agreement with the obligor for reinstatement of the loan through a special forbearance. | Yes | |
LoanModificationComplete | DateModificationOfLoanApproved | Date | Month, day, & year that servicer approves a permanent change in one or more of the terms of the loan and usually includes re-amortization of the balance due | Yes |
DateLoanModificationFullyExecuted | Date | Month, day, & year that servicer and borrower execute the modification agreement thereby completing a permanent change in one or more of the terms of the loan that results in loan reinstatement | Yes | |
ModifiedLoanAmount | Money (two decimal places) | Total amount of principal owed on the mortgage after the loan modification and before any payments are made; only unpaid principal, accrued interest, deficits in the taxes and insurance impound accounts, and advances required to preserve the lien position, such as homeowner association fees, special assessments, water and sewer liens, etc., may be included in the modified indebtedness, late fees and other charges may not be capitalized | Yes | |
Term | Integer | Number of months over which the unpaid balance of the modified loan will be repaid | Yes | |
ModifiedLoanMaturityDate | Date | Month, day, & year that modified loan will be paid in full | Yes | |
InterestRate | Interest Rate Max: 2 digits to the left of the decimal and 5 to the right |
Rate of interest charged on the loan, expressed as a percentage, per the modified loan instruments | Yes | |
DateOfFirstPayment | Date | Month, day, and year that first installment on modified loan is due | Yes | |
NewPrincipalAndInterestPayment | Money (two decimal places) | Monthly amount due (for principal & interest) on the modified loan | Yes | |
CompromiseSaleComplete | ActualSettlementDate | Date | Actual month, day, & year that obligor's property was sold to a third party in a private sale and the proceeds were less than the amount required to pay the mortgage in full | Yes |
PayoffOfFirstMortgageLoan | Money (two decimal places) | Net proceeds from the sale, listed in line 504 from HUD-1 form (also known as the "closing statement" or "settlement sheet"), which will be applied toward the payoff of the first mortgage loan | Yes | |
DeedInLieuComplete | DateDeedWasRecorded | Date | Month, day & year that DIL document is recorded, or sent for recording. | Yes |
NetValue | Money (two decimal places) | The fair market value of the property minus the VA cost factor (net value = fair market value of the property * (1-the net value factor)). | Yes | |
TotalEligibleIndebtedness | Money (two decimal places) | The unpaid principal balance, accrued unpaid interest, allowable advances, liquidation expenses, and property preservation expenses (if incurred prior to the actual foreclosure sale date or the end of the foreclosure timeframe, whichever is earlier), less any credits | Yes | |
ForeclosureAttorneyContactInfo | Name Of Foreclosure Attorney | Text Max: 50 characters |
The first and last name of the attorney who initiated the foreclosure process. | Yes |
Phone Number | Text Max: 20 characters |
Foreclosure Attorney Phone Number - The numeric digits are required. These separators are acceptable; left parenthesis '(', right parenthesis ')', dash '-', period '.', spaces between the numbers and ext. for extensions. Example preferred ‘2125551212’, acceptable ‘(212) 555-1212’ or ‘(212) 555-1212 ext. 1212.’. | Yes | |
Email Address | Text Max: 50 characters |
The foreclosure attorney's email address. If entered the'@' sign is required. | No | |
ForeclosureReferral | DateOfReferralToAttorney | Date | Month, day, & year servicer refers obligor's loan to legal counsel to initiate the foreclosure process | Yes |
DateOfMostRecentPropertyInspection | Date | Month, day, & year of the most recently performed property inspection for the current default | Yes | |
UpdatedReasonForDefaultAtTimeOfForeclosure | Select from list | Basis for determination that foreclosure process should be initiated | Yes | |
ForeclosureSaleScheduled | DateOfScheduledForeclosureSale | Date | Month, day, & year the property will be sold to satisfy the loan obligation (or month, day, & year it is anticipated the property will be sold to satisfy the loan obligation for states such as South Dakota) | Yes |
ForeclosureType | Select from list | Type of legal process by which the property is sold to satisfy the loan obligation | Yes | |
ResultsOfSale | DateOfSale | Date | Month, day, & year the foreclosure sale was held | Yes |
SheriffsAppraisedValue | Money (two decimal places) | Value of the property as determined by the court ordered sheriff’s appraisal. Entry of a value greater than zero in Sheriff’s Appraised Value is required when the property state is Louisiana, Oklahoma, Ohio or Kentucky. | Yes | |
SuccessfulBidder | Select from list | Designates whether the sucessful bidder was the holder or a third party | Yes | |
AmountOfSuccessfulBid | Money (two decimal places) | The amount of money bid to acquire the property | Yes | |
NetValue | Money (two decimal places) | The fair market value of the property minus the VA cost factor (net value = fair market value of the property * (1-the net value factor)). | Yes | |
TotalEligibleIndebtedness | Money (two decimal places) | The unpaid principal balance, accrued unpaid interest, allowable advances, liquidation expenses, and property preservation expenses (if incurred prior to the actual foreclosure sale date or the end of the foreclosure timeframe, whichever is earlier), less any credits | Yes | |
Transfer of Custody | MortgageHoldersPayeeVendorId | Text Max: 6 characters |
Unique FMS-assigned number used to identify the payee for VA purposes; servicer reports own vendor ID if servicer is payee. | Yes |
PayeeLoanNumber | Text Max: 20 characters |
Unique payee-assigned number, used to identify the account | Yes | |
DateOfConfirmationRatificationOfSale | Date | Month, day, & year the foreclosure sale was confirmed or ratified (as required by State law) | Yes | |
Redemption Expiration Date | Date | The date that a property owner has to redeem a foreclosed property. This field is required for all states that allow redemption. | Required for all states that allow redemption. | |
InsuranceType1 (Columns continue through InsuranceType5) | Select from list | The type of insurance in force at the time of transfer of custody to VA | Only InsuranceType1 is required. | |
PolicyNumber1 (Columns continue through PolicyNumber5) | Text Max: 30 characters |
Unique insurance company issued number identifying the specific insurance coverage plan | Only PolicyNumber1 is required. | |
NameOfCarrier1 (Columns continue through NameOfCarrier5) | Text Max: 50 characters |
Name of the company that provides the insurance coverage | Only NameOfCarrier1 is required. | |
ExpirationDate1 (Columns continue through ExpirationDate5) | Date | Date that the insurance coverage terminates | Only ExpirationDate1 is required. | |
TaxParcelIdentificationNumber1 (Columns continue through TaxParcelIdentificationNumber20) | Text Max: 30 characters |
Unique number assigned by the local taxing authority to identify the property | Only TaxParcelIdentificationNumber1 is required. | |
TaxType1 (Columns continue through TaxType20) | Select from list | The type of tax assessed to the property | Only TaxType1 is required. | |
TaxTypeDescription1 (Columns continue through TaxTypeDescription20) | Text Max: 20 characters |
A description of the type of tax assessed to the property | Only TaxTypeDescription1 is required. | |
ImproperTransferOfCustody | ReasonForTheImproperTransferOfCustody | Select from list | Reason servicer erroneously transferred custody of a property to VA | Yes |
DateImproperTransferDiscovered | Date | The date that the servicer discovered the improper transfer of custody of a property to the VA | Yes | |
InvalidSaleResults | ReasonSaleInvaliDated | Select from list | Basis for determination that results changed or sale invalid | Yes |
DateInvalidSaleDiscovered | Date | The date that the servicer discovered that results changed or the sale was invalid | Yes | |
ConfirmedSaleDateWithNoTransferOfCustody | ConfirmationOrRatificationDate | Date | Date of sale confirmation or ratification when the servicer chooses to retain the property and the property is located in a confirmation or ratification of sale state. | Yes |
PartialClaim | VA Loan Number | Text Max: 12 characters |
The VA Loan number. | Yes |
Original Loan Amount | Money (two decimal places) | The total amount on the original VA Loan | Yes | |
Property State | Select from list | The two letter abbreviation of the state in which the property is located | Yes | |
Loan Origination Date | Date | Date that the initial loan was issued. Does not include Loan Modification dates. | Yes | |
Servicer Loan Number | Text Max: 20 characters |
Servicer loan identifier. Can contain letters and/or numbers. | Yes | |
Principal Amount | Money (two decimal places) | Total of all scheduled but missed monthly payments of principal, as described in § 36.4805. | No | |
Interest Amount | Money (two decimal places) | Total of all scheduled but missed monthly payments of interest, as described in § 36.4805. | No | |
Tax Advance Amount | Money (two decimal places) | Total of all payments the servicer made to real estate tax authorities on the veteran’s behalf, as described in § 36.4805. | Yes, if Tax Advance Date is populated. | |
Tax Advance Date | Date | The date the servicer made the tax payments mentioned above. | Yes, if Tax Advance Amount is populated. | |
Insurance Advance Amount | Money (two decimal places) | Total of all payments the servicer made to insurance providers on the veteran’s behalf, as described in § 36.4805. | Yes, if Insurance Advance Date is populated. | |
Insurance Advance Date | Date | The date the servicer made the insurance payments mentioned above. | Yes, if Insurance Advance Amount is populated. | |
Partial Claim Origination Date | Date | The date the borrower(s) executes the note described in § 36.4806. | Yes | |
Partial Claim Legal Description | Text Max: 4000 characters |
The legal description of the property. | Yes | |
Partial Claim Lien Position | Integer Max: 1 character |
The lien position of the new loan. | Yes | |
Second Borrower Birth Date | Date | The birth date of the second borrower. | No | |
Recording Fee | Money (two decimal places) | The amount of the recording fee paid by the servicer for the partial claim | Yes |
Servicer Name (Text - 20) | Servicer ID Number (Text - 6) | Effective Date of Reporting (Date) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | UnpaidPrincipalBalance (Money) | PaymentDueDate (Date) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DateLoanWasPaidInFull (Date) | UnpaidPrincipalBalance (Money) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DateOfTransferOfOwnership (Date) | LastNameOfTransferee (Text - 25) | FirstNameOfTransferee (Text - 25) | MiddleNameOrInitialOfTransferee (Text - 1) | SuffixOfTransferee (Text - 6) | SSNOfTransferee (Text - 9) | NameOfEntity (Text - 50) | TaxpayerIdentificationNumber (Text - 9) | LastNameOfCoTransferee (Text - 25) | FirstNameOfCoTransferee (Text - 25) | MiddleNameOrIntialOfCoTransferee (Text - 1) | SuffixOfCoTransferee (Text - 6) | SSNOfCoTransferee (Text - 9) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DateOfRelease (Date) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DatePartialReleaseOfSecurityDocumentWasExecuted (Date) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | ServicingReleaseDate (Date) | NameOfNewServicer (Text - 50) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DateLoanAcquired (Date) | PreviousServicerLoanNumber (Text - 20) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DateOfFirstPaymentOnTheOriginalLoan (Date) | PaymentDueDate (Date) | PropertyAddressLine1 (Text - 50) | PropertyAddressLine2 (Text - 50) | PropertyAddressUnitNumber (Text - 20) | PropertyAddressCity (Text - 30) | PropertyAddressZipCode (Text - 5) | PropertyAddressSuffix (Text - 4) | PropertyAddressStateAbbreviation (List) | LastNameOfCurrentOwner (Text - 25) | FirstNameOfCurrentOwner (Text - 25) | MiddleInitialOfCurrentOwner (Text - 1) | SuffixOfCurrentOwner (Text - 6) | SsnOfCurrentOwner (Text - 9) | LastNameOfCurrentCoOwner (Text - 25) | FirstNameOfCurrentCoOwner (Text - 25) | MiddleInitialOfCurrentCoOwner (Text - 1) | SuffixOfCurrentCoOwner (Text - 6) | SsnOfCurrentCoOwner (Text - 9) | NameOfEntityThatIsCurrentOwner (Text - 50) | TaxpayerIdentificationNumber (Text - 9) | MailingAddressLine1 (Text - 50) | MailingAddressLine2 (Text - 50) | MailingAddressUnitNumber (Text - 20) | MailingAddressCity (Text - 30) | MailingAddressZipCode (Text - 5) | MailingAddressSuffix (Text - 4) | MailingAddressStateAbbreviation (List) | InterestRateOnLoan (InterestRate) | UnpaidPrincipalBalance (Money) | PrincipalAndInterestPortionOfMonthlyInstallment (Money) | TaxesAndInsurancePortionOfMonthlyInstallment (Money) | OtherPortionOfMonthlyInstallment (Money) | LateChargesDue (Money) | OccupantOfProperty (List) | FirstPhoneNumberObligor1 (Text - 15) | PhoneNumberTypeForFirstPhoneNumberObligor1 (List) | SecondPhoneNumberObligor1 (Text - 15) | PhoneNumberTypeForSecondPhoneNumberObligor1 (List) | PhoneNumberObligor2 (Text - 15) | PhoneNumberTypeObligor2 (List) | PhoneNumber1OtherAuthorizedParty (Text - 15) | PhoneNumber1TypeOtherAuthorizedParty (List) | PrimaryReasonForDefault (List) | SuspenseBalance (Money) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | PaymentDueDate (Date) | UnpaidPrincipalBalance (Money) | PrincipalAndInterestPortionOfMonthlyInstallment (Money) | TaxesAndInsurancePortionOfMonthlyInstallment (Money) | OtherPortionOfMonthlyInstallment (Money) | LateChargesDue (Money) | ExpensesIncurredToDate (Money) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | LastNameOfCurrentOwner (Text - 25) | FirstNameOfCurrentOwner (Text - 25) | UpdatedMailingAddressLine1 (Text - 50) | UpdatedMailingAddressLine2 (Text - 50) | UpdatedMailingAddressUnitNumber (Text - 20) | UpdatedMailingAddressCity (Text - 30) | UpdatedMailingAddressZipCode (Text - 5) | UpdatedMailingAddressSuffix (Text - 4) | UpdatedMailingAddressStateAbbreviation (List) | UpdatedFirstPhoneNumberObligor1 (Text - 15) | UpdatedPhoneNumberTypeForFirstPhoneNumberObligor1 (List) | UpdatedSecondPhoneNumberObligor1 (Text - 15) | UpdatedPhoneNumberTypeForSecondPhoneNumberObligor1 (List) | UpdatedPhoneNumberObligor2 (Text - 15) | UpdatedPhoneNumberTypeObligor2 (List) | UpdatedPhoneNumber1OtherAuthorizedParty (Text - 15) | UpdatedPhoneNumber1TypeOtherAuthorizedParty (List) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DateChangeInOccupancyDiscoveredByServicer (Date) | OccupancyStatus (List) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DateBankruptcyFiled (Date) | TypeOfBankruptcy (List) | BankruptcyCaseNumber (Text - 20) | BankruptcyCode (List) | PrimaryDebtorName (Text - 50) | PrimaryDebtorFilingIndicator (List) | PrimaryDebtorSSNorTIN (Text - 9) | SecondaryDebtorName (Text - 50) | SecondaryDebtorFilingIndicator (List) | SecondaryDebtorSSNorTIN (Text - 9) | AlternateDebtor1Name (Text - 50) | AlternateDebtor1FilingIndicator (List) | AlternateDebtor1SSNorTIN (Text - 9) | AlternateDebtor2Name (Text - 50) | AlternateDebtor2FilingIndicator (List) | AlternateDebtor2SSNorTIN (Text - 9) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DateOfBankruptcyEvent (Date) | BankruptcyEvent (List) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DatePartialPaymentReturned (Date) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DateLoanReinstated (Date) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DateRepaymentPlanApproved (Date) | PlanStartDate (Date) | EstimatedCureDate (Date) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | EstimatedCureDate (Date) | DateSpecialForbearanceApproved (Date) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DateModificationOfLoanApproved (Date) | DateLoanModificationFullyExecuted (Date) | ModifiedLoanAmount (Money) | Term (Integer) | ModifiedLoanMaturityDate (Date) | InterestRate (InterestRate) | DateOfFirstPayment (Date) | NewPrincipalAndInterestPayment (Money) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | ActualSettlementDate (Date) | PayoffOfFirstMortgageLoan (Money) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DateDeedWasRecorded (Date) | NetValue (Money) | TotalEligibleIndebtedness (Money) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | Attorney Name (Text - 50) | Email Address (Text - 50) | Phone Number (Text - 20) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DateOfReferralToAttorney (Date) | DateOfMostRecentPropertyInspection (Date) | UpdatedReasonForDefaultAtTimeOfForeclosure (List) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DateOfScheduledForeclosureSale (Date) | ForeclosureType (List) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DateOfSale (Date) | SheriffsAppraisedValue (Money) | SuccessfulBidder (List) | AmountOfSuccessfulBid (Money) | NetValue (Money) | TotalEligibleIndebtedness (Money) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | MortgageHoldersPayeeVendorId (Text - 6) | PayeeLoanNumber (Text - 20) | DateOfConfirmationRatificationOfSale (Date) | RedemptionExpirationDate (Date) | InsuranceType1 (List) | PolicyNumber1 (Text - 30) | NameOfCarrier1 (Text - 50) | ExpirationDate1 (Date) | InsuranceType2 (List) | PolicyNumber2 (Text - 30) | NameOfCarrier2 (Text - 50) | ExpirationDate2 (Date) | InsuranceType3 (List) | PolicyNumber3 (Text - 30) | NameOfCarrier3 (Text - 50) | ExpirationDate3 (Date) | InsuranceType4 (List) | PolicyNumber4 (Text - 30) | NameOfCarrier4 (Text - 50) | ExpirationDate4 (Date) | InsuranceType5 (List) | PolicyNumber5 (Text - 30) | NameOfCarrier5 (Text - 50) | ExpirationDate5 (Date) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber1 (Text - 30) | TaxType1 (List) | TaxTypeDescription1 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber2 (Text - 30) | TaxType2 (List) | TaxTypeDescription2 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber3 (Text - 30) | TaxType3 (List) | TaxTypeDescription3 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber4 (Text - 30) | TaxType4 (List) | TaxTypeDescription4 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber5 (Text - 30) | TaxType5 (List) | TaxTypeDescription5 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber6 (Text - 30) | TaxType6 (List) | TaxTypeDescription6 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber7 (Text - 30) | TaxType7 (List) | TaxTypeDescription7 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber8 (Text - 30) | TaxType8 (List) | TaxTypeDescription8 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber9 (Text - 30) | TaxType9 (List) | TaxTypeDescription9 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber10 (Text - 30) | TaxType10 (List) | TaxTypeDescription10 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber11 (Text - 30) | TaxType11 (List) | TaxTypeDescription11 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber12 (Text - 30) | TaxType12 (List) | TaxTypeDescription12 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber13 (Text - 30) | TaxType13 (List) | TaxTypeDescription13 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber14 (Text - 30) | TaxType14 (List) | TaxTypeDescription14 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber15 (Text - 30) | TaxType15 (List) | TaxTypeDescription15 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber16 (Text - 30) | TaxType16 (List) | TaxTypeDescription16 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber17 (Text - 30) | TaxType17 (List) | TaxTypeDescription17 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber18 (Text - 30) | TaxType18 (List) | TaxTypeDescription18 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber19 (Text - 30) | TaxType19 (List) | TaxTypeDescription19 (Text - 20) | TaxParcelIdentificationNumber20 (Text - 30) | TaxType20 (List) | TaxTypeDescription20 (Text - 20) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DateImproperTransferDiscovered (Date) | ReasonForTheImproperTransferOfCustody (List) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | DateInvalidSaleDiscovered (Date) | ReasonSaleInvalidated (List) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | ConfirmationOrRatificationDate (Date) |
VA Loan Number (Text - 12) | Original Loan Amount (Money) | Property State (List) | Loan Origination Date (Date) | Servicer Loan Number (Text - 20) | Principal Amount (Money) | Interest Amount (Money) | Tax Advance Amount (Money) | Tax Advance Date (Date) | Insurance Advance Amount (Money) | Insurance Advance Date (Date) | Partial Claim Origination Date (Date) | Partial Claim Legal Description (Text - 4000) | Partial Claim Lien Position (Integer) | Second Borrower Birth Date (Date) | Recording Fee (Money) |
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File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |