1980-88 Strategic Economic and Community Development Application

Strategic Economic and Community Development

Form RD1980-88

OMB: 0570-0068

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Form RD 1980-88 Form Approved OMB No. 0570-0068

(Rev. 10-21) Expiration Date 02/28/2022


Rural Development



The following statement is made in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC 552a) and the Paperwork Act of 1995, as amended. The authority for requesting the following information is 7 USC 2008v. This information may be provided to other agencies, Internal Revenue Service, Department of Justice, or other State and Federal law enforcement agencies, and in response to a court magistrate or administrative tribunal. The provisions of criminal and civil fraud statutes, including 18 USC 286, 287, 371, 641, 1001; 1014, 15 USC 714m; and 31 USC 3729, may be applicable to the information provided.

Attached to this form are detailed instructions, the Forms Manual Insert (FMI), for each section. Please refer to the FMI when completing this form for guidance. Use attachments as necessary.

I. Applicant Information

A. Applicant Legal Name:

B. Applicant telephone number:

C. Applicant email address:

D. Type of entity (check all that apply):

State County Municipal Tribal Non-profit For-profit Other

II. Strategic Community Investment Plan (the Plan) Information

A. Name of the Plan:

B. Plan Date:

1. Effective date of the Plan:

2. Dates Plan is in effect:

C. Plan Contact Information (if more rows are needed, please provide an attachment with the requested information):

Name: ________________________________________________

Organization: ___________________________________________

Title: __________________________________________________

Telephone Number:

Email Address:

Name: ________________________________________________

Organization: ___________________________________________

Title: __________________________________________________

Telephone Number:

Email Address:

Name: ________________________________________________

Organization: ___________________________________________

Title: __________________________________________________

Telephone Number:

Email Address:

D. Describe the jurisdiction of the Plan. In lieu of providing your own description, you may submit an excerpt from the Plan that describes the Plan’s jurisdiction. If you are submitting an excerpt, please check this box:

E. Web site link for the Plan (if one is available):

III. Project Information:

A. Project Name:

B. In order to be eligible for Section 6401 reserved funding, the project must be “carried out in a rural area.” Please answer both of the following questions. Note that the definition of “rural area” depends on the specific program for which you are applying for.

Is your project physically located in a rural area? Yes No

Do all of the beneficiaries of the services provided by the Project either

reside in a rural area (if they are individuals) or located in a rural area (if they are businesses)? Yes No

C. Attach a letter from the appropriate entity(ies) with jurisdiction over the Plan, submitted for implementation by the Project, indicating that the Project is consistent with the Plan and that the Plan has been Adopted.

IV. Scoring Information for Section 6401:

A. Scoring of the Proposed Project

For each of the Plan’s objectives that the proposed project directly supports, complete Attachment A. Information provided in Attachment A will be used to determine how many Section 6401 points will be awarded in accordance with § 1980.1020(b)(1).

B. Scoring of the Plan.

Attach documentation that addresses each of the five areas described below. Information provided will be used to determine how many Section 6401 points will be awarded in accordance with § 1980.1020(b)(2).

  1. The Plan was developed through the participation of multiple stakeholders, including local and regional partners, in the jurisdiction of the Plan;

  2. The Plan demonstrates an understanding of and leverages, the applicable region’s assets that could support the Plan;

  3. The Plan includes investments (monetary or non-monetary) from strategic partners, such as private organizations, cooperatives, other government entities (other than USDA-RD), Indian Tribes and philanthropic organizations;

  4. The Plan proposes a variety of activities designed to facilitate the vision of a rural community for the future, including considerations for improving and expanding broadband services; and

  5. The Plan contains clear objectives with performance measures, action steps for implementation and methods to track progress towards achieving the Plan’s objectives

V. Agency Coordination

A. Program area(s) for which Section 6401 reserved funds are being requested (check all that apply):

Business and Cooperative Development - Rural Business Development Grant Program:

Rural Community Facilities - Community Facilities Grant Program:

Rural Community Facilities - Community Facility Loans:

Rural Community Facilities - Community Programs Guaranteed Loans:

Rural Utilities - Water and Waste Disposal Programs Guaranteed Loans:

Rural Utilities - Water and Waste Disposal Loans and Grants:

Rural Utilities – Community Connect Grants:

B. Multiple Program Applications (if applicable). If you are submitting two or more program applications for Section 6401 reserved funding in the same Federal fiscal year, provide the following information on each program application.

1a. Project Name:

2a. Program Area(s) for which Section 6401 reserved funding is requested (check all that apply):

Business and Cooperative Development

Rural Community Facilities:

Rural Utilities:

3a. Date application submitted:

1b. Project Name:

2b. Program Area(s) for which 6401 reserved funding is requested (check all that apply):

Business and Cooperative Development

Rural Community Facilities:

Rural Utilities:

3b. Date application submitted:

1c. Project Name:

2c. Program Area(s) for which Section 6401 reserved funding is requested (check all that apply):

Business and Cooperative Development

Rural Community Facilities:

Rural Utilities:

3c. Date application submitted:

C. Previous Program Application Information: If you previously submitted one or more program applications for Section 6401 reserved funding, provide Attachment B for each previous program application.

VI. Certification of Documentation and Acceptance:


I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information included with this Form RD 1980-88, including all attachments, are true and correct.



By:                                                    (Officer, Member, Partner, Proprietor)




Complete Attachment A for each Plan objective the proposed project directly implements. Make copies as needed.

I. Name of Plan Objective that the proposed project directly implements.

II. Description of Plan Objective. You may either describe the objective or attach excerpts from the Plan that describe the objective. If you are submitting excerpts, please check this box:

III. Description of how the proposed project directly achieves the objective.


Fill out Attachment B for each program application previously submitted for SECD. Make copies as needed.

I. Date Application Submitted:

II. Project Name:

III. Program Area(s) for which SECD application was submitted (check all that apply):

Business and Cooperative Development

Rural Community Facilities:

Rural Utilities:

IV. Was the project selected for funding? (check applicable box)

Yes. If you check this box, complete Block V No. If you check this box, do not complete Block V

V. Funded Project Information

i. Name of program(s) that provided the funding.

ii. Date of Award

iii. Amount of Award

iv. Did any portion of the funding come from SECD reserved funds?

Yes No Unsure

Yes No Unsure

Yes No Unsure

I. Date Application Submitted:

II. Project Name:

III. Program Area(s) for which SECD application was submitted (check all that apply):

Business and Cooperative Development

Rural Community Facilities:

Rural Utilities:

IV. Was the project seleted for funding? (check applicable box)

Yes. If you check this box, complete Block V No. If you check this box, do not complete Block V

V. Funded Project Information

i. Name of program(s) that provided the funding.

ii. Date of Award

iii. Amount of Award

iv. Did any portion of the funding come from SECD reserved funds?

Yes No Unsure

Yes No Unsure

Yes No Unsure


The following information is based on the programmatic requirements for the Strategic Economic and Community Development (SECD) found in 7 CFR 1980, subpart K.

Form RD 1980-88 - Strategic Economic and Community Development (Section 6401)

Block I.A, B, Self-explanatory. If you are submitting this form at the same time as the program’s application, to the extent this

and C information is contained in the application for the program for which Section 6401 reserved funds are requested, please be sure to be consistent with that information.

Block I.D The purpose of this question is to identify the applicant and/or co-applicants entity types. This information is needed to ensure the applicant and/or co-applicant receives concurrence from appropriate entities indicating the proposed project’s consistency with an adopted strategic community investment plan.

Block II.A Provide the name of the strategic economic or community development plan (the Plan), or parts thereof, that the project implements.

Block II.B.1 Provide the date the Plan was put into effect.

Block II.B.2 If the Plan is effective over a specified period of time, identify the time period. If the Plan is “open ended,” leave this block empty.

Block II.C Provide the name, telephone number, and email address of the primary contact of the Plan identified in Block II.A. If there are multiple contacts, please provide this information for each. Use additional sheets if necessary.

Block II.D Describe the jurisdiction covered covered by the Plan. Alternatively, you may submit an excerpt from the Plan that describes the Plan’s jurisdiction. If you elect to submit excerpts from the Plan, please be sure to check the box in this block. This information is necessary because the criterion for collaboration is based, in part, on the collaboration of stakeholders within the jurisdiction of the plan.

Block II.E Self-explanatory.

Block III.A Self-explanatory.

Block III.B Please answer both questions. At least one of the questions must be a “Yes” in order to be considered for Section 6401 reserved funds. See table below for cross-references to the definition of “rural area” in each underlying program.

The first question focuses on the physical location of the project and without regard as to who will benefit from the project. For example, a hospital built entirely in a rural area would meet this criterion regardless if it provides health care services to non-rural residents. In this scenario, you would check the “Yes” box. However, if any portion of this hypothetical hospital lies outside a rural area, then you would check the “No” box.

The second question focuses on who benefits (individuals or businesses) from the project and not the project’s physical location. For example, consider a project designed to provide water to only residents of a rural area, where part of the project is located in a non-rural area and part of the project is located in a rural area. For this water project, you would check the “No” box to the first question because part of the project is located in a non-rural area. However, for this water project, you would check the “Yes” box to the second question because the beneficiaries of the services (in this case, the individuals) all reside in a rural area. If, however, some of the beneficiaries reside in a non-rural area, then this project would not be an eligible project under either metric.

Your program application should provide sufficient information for the Agency to determine the accuracy of your responses to these questions. If your program application does not provide sufficient information, the Agency may request you to provide such information in order to be considered for Section 6401 reserved funds.

Covered Program

Rural Area Definition Cross-Reference

Community Facility Loans (7 CFR 1942, subpart A)

7 CFR 1942.17(b)(2)

Community Facilities Grant Program (7 CFR 3570, subpart B)

7 U.S.C. 1991(a)(13)

Community Programs Guaranteed Loans (7 CFR part 5001)

7 CFR 5001.3

Water and Waste Disposal Programs Guaranteed Loans (7 CFR part 5001)

7 CFR 5001.3

Water and Waste Loans and Grants (7 CFR 1780)

7 CFR 1780.3

Community Connect (7 CFR 1739, subpart A)

7 CFR 1739.3

Rural Business Development Grants (7 CFR 4280, subpart E)

7 CFR 4280.403 (see 7 U.S.C. 1991(a)(13)(A) and (D) et seq.)

Block III.C Provide a letter from the appropriate entity/entities who approved the Plan. Such entity may include an elected or appointed official or board chairperson.

“Adopted” means that the Plan has been officially approved for implementation by the appropriate entity or entities in the jurisdiction(s) affected by the Plan (for example, a State, Indian Tribe, county, city, township, town, borough, council of governments or school or special district, etc.).

Block IV.A Self-explanatory

Block IV.B Attach descriptions on each of these areas. You may provide this information by submitting copies of the relevant pages from the Plan or providing your own descriptions. This information is particularly important because these areas are the seven criteria, as set by the authorizing statute, by which the Agency will evaluate and score the Plan for purposes of assigning Section 6401 points. Failure to provide this information or failure to provide sufficient detail may result in a lower Section 6401 score.

Philanthropic organization” means an entity whose mission is to provide monetary, technical assistance, or other items of value for religious, charitable, community and economic development, scientific, literary, or educational purposes.

Block V.A Self-explanatory.

Block V.B If you submit more than one program application for Section 6401 reserved funding in a single Federal fiscal year, you must fill out this block. In addition, you must submit a separate Form RD 1980-88 for each program for which you will be applying. If you are only submitting one program application for which you are requesting 6401 reserved funding in a fiscal year, do not fill out this block.

Guidance for 1a, 2a, and 3a

A. If this form is submitted prior to submitting the program application:

B.1a Enter the name of the project.

B.2a Check the applicable Program Area. Refer to Block V.A to identify the appropriate program area.

B.3a Indicate the anticipated date the program application will be submitted. If you do not know when the program application will be submitted, enter “TBD”.

B. If this form is submitted with the program application:

B.1a Enter the name of the project. Be sure that this name matches that in the program application.

B.2a Check the applicable Program Area. Refer to Block V.A to identify the appropriate program area.

B.3a Insert date the program application is being submitted.

Guidance for 1b, 2b, and 3b and subsequent rows

Complete these additional rows for each additional program application(s) that you submit or plan to submit during the same fiscal year. For example, suppose you submit an application for a Business and Industry (B&I) guaranteed loan for a convenience store in January and you are planning to submit an application for a Community Facility grant for a library in March. In this instance, you will fill out 1a, 2a, and 3a with the information on the convenience store project and you will fill out the second row (1b, 2b, 3b) for the library project. This would look something like what is shown below.

1a. Project Name:

Convenience store

2a. Program Area(s) for which Section 6401 reserved funds are requested (check all that apply):

Business and Cooperative Development

Rural Community Facilities:

Rural Utilities:

3a. Date application submitted:

January X, Year

1b. Project Name:


2b. Program Area(s) for which Section 6401 reserved funds are requested (check all that apply):

Business and Cooperative Development

Rural Community Facilities:

Rural Utilities:

3b. Date application submitted:

March X, Year

If you do not know if you will be submitting two or more program applications during the same fiscal year for Section 6401 reserved funds, you do not need to fill out Block V.B when submitting this form the first time in a fiscal year. However, if you do submit at a later date another program application for Section 6401 for reserved funds, you must fill out Block V.B to show each prior program application submittal. To illustrate, suppose you submit a Water and Waste Disposal grant application for a water treatment facility on December 14 for Section 6401 reserved funds and at that time you do not plan on submitting another program application for Section 6401 reserved funds. However, early the next year, you decide to submit a Rural Business Development Grant (RBDG) application for a drug store project and submit that application on February 22. Block V.B in this form would look something like this:

1a. Project Name:

Drug store

2a. Program Area(s) for which Section 6401 reserved funds are requested (check all that apply):

Business and Cooperative Development

Rural Community Facilities:

Rural Utilities:

3a. Date application submitted:

February X, Year

1b. Project Name:

Water treatment facility

2b. Program Area(s) for which Section 6401 reserved funds are requested (check all that apply):

Business and Cooperative Development

Rural Community Facilities:

Rural Utilities:

3b. Date application submitted:

December X, Year

Block VI. Agency reserves the right to ask for additional information to determine project and applicant eligibility.

Attachment A – Plan Objectives

Block I From the most current version of the Plan identified in Block II.A, provide the name of the Plan’s objective(s) that the proposed project directly implements.

Block II From the most current version of the Plan identified in Block II.A, provide a description of the Plan’s objective (as identified in Block I of Attachment A) that the proposed project directly implements. In lieu of filling out this block, you may submit copies of the relevant page(s) from the Plan that describe the objective. If you elect to submit excerpts from the Plan, please be sure to check the box in this block.

Block III For the objective identified in Block II, provide a description of how the project directly implements the objective. Failure to provide sufficient information to demonstrate direct support of the objective may result in a lower Section 6401 application score.

Attachment B – Previous Program Applications

If you have submitted one or more program applications in a prior Federal fiscal year for SECD, provide the information in this attachment for each such previously submitted program application. Attach additional sheets as necessary.

Blocks I and II Self-explanatory.

Block III Check the applicable Program Area. Refer to Block V.A to identify the appropriate program area.

Block IV Self-explanatory.

Block V.i Enter the specific name(s) of the program(s) from which funds were provided. See Block V.A for the specific program names.

Block V.ii and iii Self-explanatory.

Block V.iv Projects seeking Section 6401 reserved funds may have been funded using SECD reserved funding or using non-reserved funds from the program for which Section 6401 reserved funds are requested, or a combination of both. If the project received any funds from SECD reserved funds, check the “Yes” box. If the project was funded wholly from non-reserved funds of the program for which Section 6401 reserved funds is requested, check the “No” box.

A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to

the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 0570-0068. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 8 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, completing and reviewing the collection of information.

All responses to this collection of information are voluntary. However, in order to obtain or retain a benefit, the information in this form is required by Pub. L. 115-334 Sec. 6401. Rural Development has no plans to publish information collected under the provisions of this program. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, Rural Development Innovation Center, Regulations Management Division at ICRMTReque[email protected]

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civi om

326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice or TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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