Hemp production and Cost Study

Survey of Hemp Producers and Production Trends

Survey of Hemp Producers and Production Trends

survey of Hemp Producers

OMB: 0581-0341

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Description. USDA-AMS is partnering with a multi-state team of university scientists to collect information on hemp production practices and costs. You are receiving this questionnaire because you represent a household, business, farm/ranch, or other organization that registered with a state, tribal, or USDA hemp program during the period 2014 to 2020.

Goal. This study aims to develop a representative understanding of hemp production practices and costs at the state, regional, and national levels. You will receive no direct monetary benefit for completing this questionnaire, but results of the study will be publicly disseminated. Our findings can help aid your hemp operation in making informed production and business management decisions. We also anticipate that the results will inform the U.S. hemp sector more generally, including in the development of public hemp rules and regulations.

Eligibility. You are eligible to complete this questionnaire if you represent a household, business, farm/ranch, or organization that registered to grow hemp with a state, tribal, or USDA hemp program during the period 2014 to 2020. We ask that you complete this questionnaire whether or not you grew successfully.

Estimated Time to Complete. The time required to complete this questionnaire is estimated to average 30 minutes per response. Reviewing the instructions and gathering your existing hemp records and data before beginning will shorten the time that it takes you to complete the study.

Your Rights as a Study Participant. Your individual responses will be kept confidential and the information that you provide will be used for statistical purposes only. All information reported to the public will be in aggregate form. Your response is voluntary and you may skip any question(s) that you prefer not to answer. Additionally, if you hold multiple licenses for the production of multiple products (i.e. grain, fiber, and/or floral) please complete for each product area. If you have multiple licenses for a single product (i.e. grain, fiber, and/or floral) please completed the survey using an average of all licenses.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is OMB 0581-NEW. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident.

Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: [email protected]. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender


The term “you” refers to you or the family member, partnership, corporation, or organization for which you are responding. The term “your hemp operation” refers to all hemp-related activities (production, processing, or marketing) conducted by the entity identified on the mailing label.

A1. In 2020, did you hold one or more hemp licenses or registrations through a state, tribal, or USDA hemp program?

Yes Continue below No Skip to J1 Don’t know Skip to J1

  1. In what state, tribe, or territory did you hold a hemp cultivation license or registration in 2020? If multiple, provide response that represents the most land area cultivated. Leave blank if unknown.


  1. In what county did you cultivate or intend to cultivate most of your hemp crop in 2020? If multiple, provide response that represents the most land area cultivated. Leave blank if unknown.


  1. How many hemp licenses/registrations did you hold in 2020? Leave blank if unknown.


A2. Do you know how much you and/or others spent in dollars on licensing and registration fees for your hemp operation in 2020?

Yes Continue below No Skip to B1 Don’t know Skip to B1

  1. How much did you and/or others spend in total on licensing and registration fees in dollars for your hemp operation in 2020? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.


  1. What percent of licensing and registration fees, if any, were paid by an outside partner, contractor, investor, or landlord in 2020? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.



The term hemp “strains” also refers to hemp “varieties” or “cultivars”.

B1. How many unique hemp strains did you cultivate in 2020, whether sourced as seed or starters (clones, transplants, etc.)? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.

If “0” skip to C1

Shape6 Shape7

  1. Where did you obtain the hemp strains that you cultivated in 2020, whether sourced as seed or starters (clones, transplants, etc.)? Mark all that apply.

Trade show Contractor/investor Seed catalog

Online supplier Your operation/home grown Don’t know

Local supplier Friend, neighbor, other operation Other, explain: __________

  1. Were any of the hemp strains that you cultivated in 2020 designated as “certified” or “approved” by your state, tribe, or territory hemp program?

Yes No Don’t know Other, explain: ____________

  1. Were any of the hemp strains that you cultivated in 2020 provided by an outside contractor, investor, or landlord at a reduced cost or no cost to you?

Yes No Don’t know Other, explain: ____________

B2. Do you know how much you or others spent in dollars on hemp strains in 2020, whether sourced as seed or starters (clones, transplants, etc.)?

Yes Continue below No Skip to B3 Don’t know Skip to B3

  1. How much did you or others spend in total on hemp strains in dollars in 2020, whether as seed or starters? Include all costs even if not planted. If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.


  1. What percent of hemp strain costs in 2020, if any, were paid by an outside partner, contractor, investor, or landlord? Include all costs even if not planted. If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.


B3. Was any of the hemp that you grew in 2020 tested for its THC level prior to harvest? Include mandatory tests ordered by a state, tribal, or USDA hemp program and voluntary tests ordered by your hemp operation.

Yes Continue below No Skip to B4 Don’t know Skip to B4

  1. How many tests for THC levels were conducted on the hemp that you grew in 2020? How much did you or others spend in total on this testing in dollars in 2020? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.


Number of tests

Total amount spent in dollars

i. Mandatory THC tests

ii. Voluntary THC tests

B4. Was any of the hemp that you grew in 2020 tested for its cannabinoid profile or potency of specific cannabinoids such as CBD? Include tests on raw hemp material (flower, biomass, etc.). Exclude tests on processed products (oils, distillates, concentrates, etc.). Exclude tests if included in Question B3 above.

Yes Continue below No Skip to B5 Don’t know Skip to B5

  1. How many tests for potency were conducted on the hemp that you grew in 2020? How much did you or others spend in total on this testing in dollars in 2020? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.


Number of tests

Total amount spent in dollars

i. Potency tests on hemp plant material

ii. Potency tests on processed hemp products

B5. Was any of the hemp that you grew in 2020 tested for potential contaminants such as pesticides, mycotoxins, microbials, heavy metals, or residual solvents? Include tests on raw hemp material (flower, biomass, etc.). Exclude tests on processed products (oils, distillates, isolates, etc.).

Yes Continue below No Skip to B6 Don’t know Skip to B6

  1. How many tests for contaminants were conducted on the hemp that you grew in 2020? How much did you or others spend in total on this testing in 2020? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.


Number of tests

Total amount spent in dollars

a. Contaminant tests for pesticides

b. Contaminant tests for mycotoxins or microbials

c. Contaminant tests for heavy metals

d. Contaminant tests for residual solvents

e. Contaminant tests, other

B6. Which information sources did you consult before selecting hemp strains in 2020? Which information sources influenced your actual hemp strain selection decisions? Complete both columns.

Information source

Which information sources did you consult before selecting hemp strains?

Which information sources influenced your actual hemp strain decisions?

Mark all that apply

Mark all that apply

a. Own previous hemp production experience

b. Outside hemp partners, contractors, or investors

c. Hemp strain supplier or other input dealer

d. Other hemp growers

e. Paid consultants

f. News reports in the media

g. Social media

h. Hemp industry organizations

i. Farm and ranch organizations

j. University extension and research organizations

k. State Departments of Agriculture

l. U.S. Department of Agriculture (FSA, AMS, etc.)

m. Other federal government agencies

n. Other, explain: _______________________________

B7. How likely are you to trust information about hemp strains from the following information sources, regardless of whether you actually obtained information from that source? Mark one response for each row.

Information source

Very unlikely




Very likely

Not applicable

Mark one for each row

a. Own previous hemp production experience

b. Outside hemp partners, contractors, or investors

c. Hemp strain supplier or other input dealer

d. Other hemp growers

e. Paid consultants

f. News reports in the media

g. Social media

h. Hemp industry organizations

i. Farm and ranch organizations

j. University extension and research organizations

k. State Departments of Agriculture

l. U.S. Department of Agriculture (FSA, AMS, etc.)

m. Other federal government agencies

n. Other, explain: ________________________

B8. What characteristics are most important to you when selecting hemp strains? Rank the options below from #1 (most important) to #5 (least important) by writing numbers into the boxes.

Rank from #1 (most important) to #5 (least important) (use each number once, without repetition):

End-product yield (Examples: quantity of fiber, grain, floral material harvested)

End-product quality (Examples: percent cannabinoid content, length of fiber, grain weight)

Seed or transplant costs (Examples: price per seed, transplant, seed starter, or clone)

Plant characteristics (Examples: plant size, structure, harvestability, maturity)

THC content (Examples: strain known for or certified as having low THC content)


Hemp field production includes all hemp grown outdoors, including cropland, garden areas, or other uncovered locations. This includes even very small hemp plots less than one acre. Please round to nearest quarter acre. It excludes hemp grown indoors or under covered structures like greenhouses.

C1. Did you license or register any outdoor land area for hemp field production in 2020?

Yes Continue below No Skip to E1 Don’t know Skip to E1

  1. How many acres of land did you license/register and plant for hemp field production in 2020? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.

Acres licensed or registered

Shape10 Shape11

Actual acres planted If “0”, skip to E1

Shape12 Shape13

  1. How many different fields did you plant to hemp in 2020? Count each unique or non-contiguous location as a separate hemp field. A single field may include multiple strains. Leave blank if unknown.


  1. What date did you begin planting hemp in 2020? Leave blank if unknown.

Date format MM/DD/2020

Shape15 Shape16

  1. Did you need to replant any hemp acres in 2020? If yes, what percent of hemp acres did you replant?

Yes If YES: % replanted: _____ No Don’t know

C2. Did you plant/transplant all of your hemp field production acres in a single workday in 2020?

Yes Skip to C3 No Continue below Don’t know Skip to C3

  1. About how many acres of hemp could you plant in a single day under good weather conditions? Leave blank if unknown.


C3. How many acres of hemp field production did you harvest? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.

If “0”, skip to C4

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  1. What date did you begin harvesting your hemp field production acres in 2020? Leave blank if unknown.

Date format MM/DD/2020

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  1. Did you harvest all of your hemp field production acres in a single workday or less?

Yes Skip to C4 No Continue Don’t know Skip to C4

  1. About how many acres of hemp could you harvest in a single day under good weather conditions? Leave blank if unknown.



C4. Did you plant hemp for fiber as the intended primary end product in 2020? Exclude dual-purpose hemp produced for both fiber and grain as intended end products. Exclude hemp produced primarily for grain or floral material as the intended end products.

Yes Continue below No Skip to C7 Don’t know Skip to C7

  1. What planting method was used for the hemp that you grew for fiber in 2020? Mark one. If multiple, choose option representing the most planted area.

Direct seeded, drill Broadcaster/spreader Don’t know

Direct seeded, planter Hand planted Other, explain: _________________

  1. What seeding rate was used for the hemp that you grew for fiber in 2020? Enter a response for one box only. Leave blank if unknown.

Pounds of hemp seed planted per acre


Total pounds of hemp seed planted on all acres

C5. How many acres of hemp did you harvest for fiber in 2020? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.

If “0” skip to C7

  1. What harvest method was used for the hemp that you grew for fiber in 2020? Mark one. If multiple, choose option representing the most land area.

Farm machinery & equipment Don’t know

By hand Other, explain: _________________

  1. What retting method (drying) was used for the hemp fiber biomass in 2020? Mark all that apply.

None / No retting Field retting, standing crop Don’t know

Chemical retting Field retting, cut and laid down Other, explain: _______________

  1. What yield did you obtain for the hemp that you grew for fiber in 2020? Enter a response for one box only. Leave blank if unknown.

Tons of hemp biomass harvested per acre


Total tons of hemp biomass harvested


Other (Enter units harvested, unit name, and unit measurement. Ex: 10 bales at 1500 lbs/bale)

  1. After harvesting the hemp that you grew for fiber in 2020, did you further handle it by decorticating or scutching before it was sold or delivered?

Yes No Don’t know Other, explain: _________________

C6. What percentage of the hemp crop you harvested for fiber in 2020 had moved through each of the following marketing channels by Dec. 31, 2020? Enter percentages into boxes below. The total of all numbers entered should sum to 100. If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.

% delivered via share contracts (Example: land rental share agreement)

% delivered via production contracts (Example: contractor pays operator a fixed fee to grow hemp)

% delivered via marketing contracts (Example: sales agreement with price set before harvest)

% sold via cash sales (Example: hemp sold on spot market without a prearranged buyer)

% retained for further processing/extraction (Example: by your operation or a custom processor)

% retained for seed or clone stock (Example: Kept for your operation or to sell to other growers)

% unsold (Example: Hemp that was harvested in 2020 and remained in storage as of Dec. 31, 2020)

% other, explain: __________________


C7. Did you plant hemp for grain as the intended primary end product in 2020? Include dual-purpose hemp produced for both grain and fiber as intended end products. Exclude hemp produced primarily for fiber or floral material as the intended end products.

Yes Continue below No Skip to C11 Don’t know Skip to C11

  1. What planting method was used for the hemp that you grew for grain in 2020? Mark one. If multiple, choose option representing the most planted area.

Direct seeded, drill Broadcaster/spreader Don’t know

Direct seeded, planter Hand planted Other, explain: ____________

  1. What seeding rate was used for the hemp that you grew for grain 2020? Enter a response for one box only. Leave blank if unknown.

Pounds of hemp seed planted per acre


Total pounds of hemp seed planted on all acres

C8. How many acres of hemp did you harvest for grain in 2020? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.

If “0” skip to C11

  1. What harvest method was used for the hemp that you grew for grain in 2020? Mark one. If multiple, choose option representing the most harvested area.

Combine, traditional header Swather & combine Don’t know

Combine, draper header By hand Other, explain: _________________

  1. What yield did you obtain for the hemp that you grew for grain in 2020? Enter a response for one box only. Leave blank if unknown.

Pounds of hemp grain harvested per acre


Total pounds of hemp grain harvested on all acres


Other (Enter units harvested, unit name, and unit measurement. Ex: 2 tons of hemp grain)

  1. After harvesting the hemp you grew for grain in 2020, did you dry it before it was sold or delivered?

Yes, grain bin with fan Yes, grain dryer Don’t know

Yes, grain bin with supplemental heat No Other, explain: __________

  1. After harvesting the hemp you grew for grain in 2020, did you clean or dehull it before it was sold or delivered?

Yes No Don’t know Other, explain: __________________

C9. What percentage of the hemp that you harvested for grain in 2020 had moved through each of the following marketing channels by Dec. 31, 2020? Enter percentages into boxes below. Total of all numbers entered should sum to 100. If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.

% delivered via share contracts (Example: land rental share agreement)

% delivered via production contracts (Example: contractor pays operator a fixed fee to grow hemp)

% delivered via marketing contracts (Example: sales agreement with price set before harvest)

% sold via cash sales (Example: hemp sold on spot market without a prearranged buyer)

% retained for further processing/extraction (Example: by your operation or a custom processor)

% retained for seed or clone stock (Example: Kept for your operation or to sell to other growers)

% unsold (Example: Hemp that was harvested in 2020 and remained in storage as of Dec. 31, 2020)

% other, explain: __________________

C10. In addition to the hemp grain that you harvested in 2020, did you also harvest hemp biomass from the same field for fiber material as part of a dual-purpose hemp production system?

Yes Continue below No Skip to C11 Don’t know Skip to C11

  1. What biomass yield did you obtain for the dual-purpose hemp biomass in 2020? Enter a response for one box only. Include hemp biomass harvested under a dual-purpose system. Exclude hemp grain yields. Leave blank if unknown.

Tons of hemp biomass per acre


Total tons of hemp biomass


Other (Enter units harvested, unit name, and unit measurement. Ex: 10 bales at 1500 lbs/bale)


C11. Did you plant hemp for floral material as the intended end product in 2020? Include hemp flowers or other hemp biomass that you grew for the purpose of extracting cannabinoids, terpenes, essential oils, or other hemp compounds/derivatives.

Yes Continue below No Skip to D1 Don’t know Skip to D1

  1. What planting method was used for the hemp that you grew for floral material in 2020? Mark one. If multiple, choose option representing the most planted area.

Clones, hand transplanted Direct seeded, feminized seed

Clones, mechanically transplanted Direct seeded, non-feminized seed

Seed starts, hand transplanted Don’t know

Seed starts, mechanically transplanted Other, explain: ___________________________

  1. Did you use plastic mulching on any of the hemp that you grew for floral material in 2020? Plastic mulching is also called “plasticulture” or “poly mulch”.

Yes No Don’t know Other, explain: __________________

  1. What planting density did you use for the hemp that you grew for floral material in 2020? Enter a response for one box only. Leave blank if unknown.

Hemp plants per acre


Total hemp plants on all acres

C12. How many acres of hemp did you harvest for floral material in 2020? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.

If “0” skip to D1

  1. How did you harvest the hemp that you grew for floral material in 2020? Mark one. If multiple, choose option representing the most harvested area.

Combining equipment By hand Don’t know

Custom hemp-harvesting equipment Baling equipment Other, explain: _____________

  1. What yield did you obtain for the hemp that you grew for floral material in 2020? Enter a response for one box only. Leave blank if unknown.

Pounds of hemp floral material per acre


Total pounds of hemp floral material on all acres


Other (Enter units harvested, unit name, and unit measurement. Ex: 10 bales at 1500 lbs/bale)

C13. What percentage of the hemp that you harvested for floral material in 2020 had moved through each of the following marketing channels by Dec. 31, 2020? Enter percentages into boxes below. Total of all numbers entered should sum to 100. If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.

% delivered via share contracts (Example: land rental share agreement)

% delivered via production contracts (Example: contractor pays operator a fixed fee to grow hemp)

% delivered via marketing contracts (Example: sales agreement with price set before harvest)

% sold via cash sales (Example: hemp sold on spot market without a prearranged buyer)

% retained for further processing/Extraction (Example: by your operation or a custom processor)

% retained for seed or clone stock (Example: Kept for your operation or to sell to other growers)

% unsold (Example: Hemp that was harvested in 2020 and remained in storage as of Dec. 31, 2020)

% other, explain: _________________

C14. After harvesting the hemp that you grew for floral material in 2020, did you dry or cure the material before it was sold or delivered?

Yes No Don’t know Other, explain: __________________

C15. After harvesting the hemp that you grew for floral material in 2020, did you buck and/or grind the material before it was sold or delivered?

Yes No Don’t know Other, explain: __________________


D1. Prior to planting hemp in 2020, did you encounter any of the following challenges? Mark all that apply.

Inability to find or purchase hemp seed or starters (clones, transplants, etc.)

Inability to find or purchase other hemp production inputs (labor, equipment, water, machinery, etc.)

Inability to find or access loans or financing (operating loans, lines of credit, outside investment, etc.)

Delays related to outside contractors, investors, or partners

Delays related to licensing, regulation, or enforcement

Delays related to weather

Other, explain: ______________________

D2. After planting hemp in 2020, did you experience crop loss or a major decrease in quality due to the following factors? If so, what percent of your hemp acres were affected? Mark all that apply.

Forced destruction (failed test, property dispute, other enforcement) If YES: % acres affected: ______

Poor weather (drought, insufficient irrigation, flood, hail) If YES: % acres affected: ______

Pest infestation (insects, diseases, weeds) If YES: % acres affected: ______

Poor seed germination If YES: % acres affected: ______

Other, explain: _________________________ If YES: % acres affected: ______

D3. How was the land that you planted to hemp in 2020 used the previous year (2019)? Mark all that apply.

Cropland Pasture/range Don’t know

Sod/lawn Fallow/unused Other, explain: ________________

  1. What crops were grown on this land in 2019? Leave blank if none. If more than two, enter the response representing the most land area. Enter “DK” if unknown.

Name of previous crop #1

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Name of previous crop #2

Shape25 Shape26

D4. What was the status of the land used for hemp production in 2020? Mark all that apply.

Privately owned land Tribal trust land Don’t know

Privately rented land Tribal fee land Other, explain: _________

  1. What percent of your hemp acres were rented from others in 2020? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.

If “0” skip to D5

  1. What type(s) of rental agreement did you have with your landlord(s) in 2020? Mark all that apply.

Cash rent If YES: Rental rate: _____ $/acre

Share rent If YES: Share amount: _____ %

Don’t know

Other, explain: _______

D5. Did you use any of the following soil, crop, or management practices on your hemp acres in 2020? Mark all that apply.

No-till/strip-till Contour farming Field border Other,

Other conservation tillage Terraces Filter strip explain: __________

Cover crops Grassed waterway Don’t know

D6. Was some of your hemp production certified organic, or transitioning to become certified organic, in 2020? Mark all that apply.

No Yes, certified organic If YES: % of hemp acres that were certified: _____

Don’t know Yes, transitioning to organic If YES: % of hemp acres that were transitioning: _____

D7. What commercial nutrients or fertilizers did you apply on your planted hemp acres in 2020, and how many pounds were applied per acre on average? Mark all that apply. Leave blank if unknown.

Nitrogen If YES: _____ lbs/acre

Phosphate (P2O5) If YES: _____ lbs/acre

Potash (K2O) If YES: _____ lbs/acre

Sulfur (S) If YES: _____ lbs/acre

Other, explain: ___________ If YES: _____ lbs/acre

D8. Did you apply any of the following other inputs to your hemp acres in 2020? Mark all that apply.

Manure Micronutrients Seed treatment Lime Don’t know

Compost Biocontrols/biopesticides Soil inoculant Other, explain:______________

D9. Did you irrigate some or all of your hemp field production acres in 2020?

Yes Continue below No Skip to D10 Don’t know Skip to D10

  1. What percent of your hemp acres were irrigated in 2020? Leave blank if unknown.


  1. What were the primary sources of irrigation water? Mark all that apply.

Surface water Treated/municipal water Don’t know

Groundwater Other, explain: _______________

D10. Did you custom hire any field operations for hemp production in 2020? If yes, what rate did you pay? Leave blank if none. Custom hire is where you paid another self-employed person or business for work or services that were done on your hemp operation.

Land preparation If YES: _____ $/acre

Planting/transplanting If YES: _____ $/acre

Weed control If YES: _____ $/acre

Fertilizer/pesticide application If YES: _____ $/acre

Harvest If YES: _____ $/acre

Other, explain: ____________ If YES: _____ $/acre

D11. Did you own any of the farm equipment, machinery, or implements used to produce hemp in 2020?

Yes Continue No Skip to D12 Don’t know Skip to D12

  1. Over the past five years, how much did you or others spend in dollars on farm equipment, machinery, or implements specifically for hemp? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.


  1. What percent of these equipment, machinery, or implement costs, if any, were paid for by an outside partner, contractor, investor, or landlord? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.


  1. Consider the farm equipment, machinery, and implements that you owned. How many of each type were used for hemp production in 2020? Were they also used to grow other crops in 2020?

Type of equipment, machinery, or implement

Number of each type used for

hemp production in 2020

If used for hemp in 2020:

Also used to grow other crops in 2020?

Planting & land prep:

Leave blank if none

Mark all that apply

Mechanical seed planter

Mechanical transplanter

Tillage implements

Other planting/tillage implements

Harvest implements:

Combine header for hemp

Specialized hemp harvester




Other harvest implements

Power sources:



Other power source


Pickup truck

Flatbed trailer

Other #1, explain: _____________

Other #2, explain: _____________

D12. What information gathering technologies or sources did you use for hemp production activities in 2020, if any? Mark all that apply. Leave blank if none.

Soil sensors Online remote sensing data or maps Drones or airplanes

Crop condition sensors Weather station data Don’t know

Soil tests Paid crop consultants Other, explain: ________

D13. How many people performed fieldwork related to the following production activities? Enter the number of workers and managers in the table below. Include the primary decision maker and family members if they did field work. Include all volunteer, hired, and contract labor. Leave blank if none. Enter “DK” if unknown.

Field Work Activity

Number of

unpaid managers

Number of

paid managers

Number of

unpaid workers

Number of

paid workers

a. Planting (planting, transplanting, land preparation, etc.)

b. Crop management (scouting, weed control, culling of male plants, fertilizing, etc.)

c. Harvest (exclude post-harvest handling or further processing)

D14. How many labor hours were spent on each of the following production activities? Enter the total labor hours spent doing field work by the workers and managers listed in Question D13 above. Leave blank if none. Enter “DK” if unknown.

Approximating Total Labor Hours – Example: Suppose your hemp harvest lasted two days and required three paid workers, each of whom spent about six hours per day. Total labor hours for all paid workers would equal 36 hours, that is: 2 days x 3 workers x 6 hours per day = 36 total hours.

Field Work Activity

Total hours, unpaid managers

Total hours,

paid managers

Total hours, unpaid workers

Total hours,

paid workers

a. Planting (planting, transplanting, land preparation, etc)

b. Crop management (scouting, weed control, culling of male plants, fertilizing, etc)

c. Harvest (exclude post-harvest handling or further processing)


Some hemp activities use greenhouses, buildings, or other covered structures like sheds, warehouses, hoop houses, or high tunnels. Examples include the production of hemp seed or transplants, the hardening of transplants before planting, the drying of harvested hemp materials, or full hemp production.

E1. Did you use greenhouses, buildings, or other covered structures for hemp activities in 2020? Include staging, production, storage, processing, and marketing activities.

Yes Continue below No Skip to F1 Don’t know Skip to F1

  1. How many square feet of greenhouse or other covered structures did you use for hemp activities in 2020? Leave blank if unknown.

Shape30 Shape31

  1. How many unique greenhouses or other covered structures did you use for your hemp activities in 2020? Count each unique or non-contiguous structure as a separate location. Leave blank if unknown.


E2. What hemp activities did you carry out using greenhouses, buildings, or other structures in 2020? How many weeks per year and about how many square feet did each activity use? Leave blank if unknown.


Carried out activity in 2020?

If YES complete information below:

Weeks per year

Square feet used

Mark box if yes

Number of weeks

Number of sq feet

a. Staging/hardening of hemp starters before planting

b. Drying/curing of hemp material after harvest

c. Storage of hemp material after harvest

d. Production of non-feminized hemp seed

e. Production of feminized hemp seed

f. Production of hemp seed starts

g. Production of hemp clones

h. Production of smokable hemp

i. Production of hemp floral material

f. Other, explain: ___________________________

E3. Consider the greenhouses, buildings, and other structures that you used for hemp activities. How many of each type did you use for hemp activities in 2020? Were they also used for non-hemp activities in 2020?

Type of building/structure

Number of each type used for hemp activities in 2020

If used in 2020:

Also used for other (non-hemp) activities in 2020?

Leave blank if none

Mark box if Yes

a. Greenhouse, glass

b. Greenhouse, plastic

c. Shed/barn

d. Hoop house/high tunnel

e. Warehouse

f. Other, explain: _______

E4. Did you retrofit (improve or repair) any existing greenhouses, buildings, or other covered structures specifically for hemp production?

Yes Continue No Skip to E5 Don’t know Skip to E5

  1. Did the retrofit include structural renovations like ventilation or lighting?

No Yes If YES: total cost of structural changes: $ ____________ Leave blank if unknown

  1. Did the retrofit include installation of shelving, drying racks, irrigation, fogging, or other equipment?

No Yes If YES: total cost of equipment: $ ______________ Leave blank if unknown

E5. How many people worked on the hemp-related activities that you managed inside of greenhouses, buildings, or other covered structures in 2020? Include the primary grower and family members if applicable. Leave blank if none. Enter “DK” if unknown.

Greenhouse/Indoor Activity

Number of

unpaid managers

Number of

paid managers

Number of

unpaid workers

Number of

paid workers

a. Staging (hardening of seed starts or clones before planting outdoors, etc.)

b. Drying/curing (handling plants or raw material after harvest, etc.)

c. Storage (handling dried or processed plants or raw hemp)

d. Production of hemp seed or transplants (seed starts, clones)

e. Production of hemp floral material or smokable hemp

f. Other, explain: _______________

E6. How many labor hours were spent on each of the following production activities? Report the total labor hours spent performing each activity by the managers and workers listed in Question E5 above. Leave blank if none. Enter “DK” if unknown.

Example - Approximating Total Hours: Suppose you staged hemp clones in a shed before planting and this activity required two unpaid managers for three weeks, with each spending about four hours per week. Total hours for unpaid managers would equal 24 hours, that is: 2 managers x 3 weeks x 4 hours per week = 24 total hours.


Total hours, unpaid managers

Total hours,

paid managers

Total hours, unpaid workers

Total hours,

paid workers

a. Staging (hardening of seed starts or clones before planting outdoors, etc.)

b. Drying/curing (handling plants or raw material after harvest, etc.)

c. Storage (handling dried or processed plants or raw hemp)

d. Production of hemp seed or transplants (seed starts, clones)

e. Production of hemp floral material or smokable hemp

f. Other, explain: _______________


F1. Did you have a hemp production contract in place before planting in 2020? For this study, a production contract is where a grower is paid a fee to cultivate hemp on behalf of a contractor or investor with strains, practices, and costs/fees determined before planting.

Yes Continue below No Skip to F2 Don’t know Skip to F2

a. Did you produce enough hemp to fulfill the production contract as originally specified?

Yes No Don’t know Other, explain: ___________

b. Did your contractor or investor pay you per the terms of the production contract? Mark one.

Yes, received full payment No, received no payment Don’t know

Contract still pending No, received partial payment Other, explain: _____________

F2. Did you have a hemp marketing contract in place before harvesting in 2020? For this study, a marketing contract is where a grower sells hemp to a contractor or investor with prices set before harvest.

Yes Continue below No Skip to F3 Don’t know Skip to F3

a. Did you produce enough hemp to fulfill the marketing contract as originally specified?

Yes No Don’t know Other, explain: ___________

b. Did your contractor or investor pay you per the terms of the marketing contract? Mark one.

Yes, received full payment No, received no payment Don’t know

Contract still pending No, received partial payment Other, explain: _____________

F3. Did you keep any raw hemp material in storage during 2020? Raw hemp material is unprocessed hemp biomass, floral material, fiber, or grain.

Yes Continue below No Skip to F4 Don’t know Skip to F4

a. Did the storage location have any of the following capabilities? Mark all that apply.

Temperature controlled UV light protected Don’t know

Humidity controlled Other, explain: ___________

b. About how much raw hemp material did you have in storage at the start and end of 2020? Include any hemp material left over from the 2019 production year.

Quantity in storage as of

January 1, 2020

Quantity in storage as of

December 31, 2020

Floral material

_____________ lbs

_____________ lbs


_____________ lbs

_____________ lbs


_____________ tons

_____________ tons

F4. Did you process, or intend to process, raw hemp material that you produced in 2020? Processing includes the extraction or manufacture of products like oils, distillates, isolates, tinctures, or topicals; proteins, dehulled seed, nuts, or hearts; or textiles, paper, or building materials. Include processing performed by your own hemp operation and custom processing that you hired out.

Yes Continue No Skip to G1 Don’t know Skip to G1

a. Were you successful at processing some or all of the hemp that you had intended to process in 2020?

Yes Continue No Skip to G1 Don’t know Skip to G1

b. Who did the processing or extraction of your hemp in 2020? Mark all that apply.

Your hemp operation Contractor or investor Don’t know

Custom/toll processor Other, explain: ___________

F5. What products did you have processed from the hemp you grew in 2020? Mark all that apply.

Crude oil Tincture Hemp oil Textile/fabric

Distillate Topicals Hemp seeds, nuts, hearts Don’t know

Isolate Hemp protein Paper/packaging products Other, explain: ________________

F6. Did you sell processed hemp products direct to any of the following outlets in 2020? Mark all that apply.

Individual consumers, physical storefront Processor, extractor, manufacturer

Individual consumers, famers market, farm stand, or similar Regional distributor/wholesaler

Individual consumers, online store format Don’t know

Retail outlets that sold directly to individual consumers Other, explain: ________________

F7. About what percent of the hemp products that you had processed in 2020 were unsold or otherwise still in inventory at the end of 2020? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.

% of processed products in inventory

as of December 31, 2020

Crude oil, distillate, isolates

_____________ %

Other processed products

_____________ %

F8. How many people worked on hemp-related processing and marketing activities in 2020? Report the number of workers and managers in the table below. Include the primary grower and family members if applicable. Leave blank if none. Enter “DK” unknown.


Number of

unpaid managers

Number of

paid managers

Number of

unpaid workers

Number of

paid workers

a. Processing

b. Marketing

F9. How many labor hours were spent on hemp processing and marketing activities in 2020? Report the total labor hours spent on each activity in 2020 by type of worker. Leave blank if none. Enter “DK” if don’t know.

Example - Approximating Total Hours: Suppose your processing activity required two unpaid managers for three weeks, with each spending about four hours per week. Total hours for unpaid managers would equal 24 hours, that is: 2 managers x 3 weeks x 4 hours per week = 24 total hours.


Total hours,

unpaid managers

Total hours,

paid managers

Total hours,

unpaid workers

Total hours,

paid workers

a. Processing

b. Marketing

F10. Did you encounter any of the following issues with processing, or attempting to process, your raw hemp material in 2020? Mark all that apply.

Delayed/insufficient processing capability on your operation

Delayed/insufficient processing capability at a custom processor

Unfulfilled processing commitment by contractor or investor

Could not identify a custom processor with available capacity

Did not meet processing agreement due to testing issues (THC content, contaminants, etc.)

Other, explain: _____________________________________

F11. Which of the following information sources did you consult before making hemp marketing decisions in 2020, including contracting, pricing, and processing? Which of those sources influenced your actual marketing decisions? Complete both columns.

Information source

Where did you source information about hemp marketing in 2020?

What sources influenced your actual hemp marketing decisions?

Mark all that apply

Mark all that apply

a. Own previous hemp production experience



b. Outside hemp partners, contractors, or investors



c. Hemp strain supplier or other input dealer



d. Other hemp growers



e. Paid consultants



f. News reports in the media



g. Social media



h. Hemp industry organizations



i. Farm and ranch organizations



j. University extension and research organizations



k. State Departments of Agriculture



l. U.S. Department of Agriculture (FSA, AMS, etc.)



m. Other federal government agencies



n. Other, explain: _______________________________



F12. How likely are you to trust information about hemp marketing from each of the following sources, regardless of whether you actually obtained information from that source? Mark one response per row.

Information source

Very unlikely




Very likely

Not applicable

Mark one for each row

a. Own previous hemp production experience

b. Outside hemp partners, contractors, or investors

c. Hemp strain supplier or other input dealer

d. Other hemp growers

e. Paid consultants

f. News reports in the media

g. Social media

h. Hemp industry organizations

i. Farm and ranch organizations

j. University extension and research organizations

k. State Departments of Agriculture

l. U.S. Department of Agriculture (FSA, AMS, etc.)

m. Other federal government agencies

n. Other, explain: ________________________


G1. Did you grow hemp in any year prior to 2020?

Yes Continue No Skip to G2 Don’t know Skip to G2

  1. How much hemp land area did you register and harvest each year, and what were the intended end products? Complete the table below. Leave blank if none.


Hemp field production

Acres Registered

Hemp field production

Acres Harvested

Greenhouse/indoor hemp production

Square feet

Intended end product

Mark all that apply


Fiber Grain Floral material


Fiber Grain Floral material


Fiber Grain Floral material


Fiber Grain Floral material


Fiber Grain Floral material


Fiber Grain Floral material

  1. Did you produce hemp for the same intended end product (fiber, grain, floral, etc.) in 2020 and 2019?

Yes Continue No Skip to G2 Don’t know Skip to G2

  1. How did your hemp production in 2020 compare to your hemp production in 2019?

Not applic-able

Lower by

more than 25%

Lower by 10 to 25%

No to little change

Higher by 10 to 25%

Higher by 25% or more

Don’t know

Mark one response for each row

Yield per acre

Pounds of hemp seed or number of hemp transplants per acre

Cost per hemp seed or hemp transplant

Price received per ton or per pound

Number of paid employees per year

Hours worked per employee per year

Number of hemp lab tests per year

Average cost of lab tests

Share of hemp acres under production or marketing contract prior to harvest

Share of harvested raw hemp material retained for processing

G2. In addition to hemp, how many acres of other cropland did you operate in 2020? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.


G3. In addition to hemp, how many other square feet of indoor/covered space did you operate in 2020? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.


G4. Did you purchase a hemp crop insurance policy in 2020? Mark all that apply.

USDA Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) USDA Nursery Insurance

USDA Multi-peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) Private crop insurance

USDA Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance (NAP) Other, explain: ____________

G5. Within the past five years, have you produced and sold over $1,000 of any of the following products in a single calendar year? Mark all that apply.

Field/row crops Greenhouse/nursery plants Fruit/orchard crops Poultry

Forage/hay crops Trees/landscaping plants Legal marijuana Don’t know

Vegetable crops Livestock or dairy Other, explain: ______________________

G6. Was your hemp operation structured as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in 2020?

Yes No Don’t know

G7. How was your hemp operation or LLC organized in 2020? Mark one.

Individual, single family, sole proprietor Estate or trust

Multiple individuals/families, partnership Public organization (university, government, etc.)

S Corporation Private organization (foundation, non-profit, etc.)

C Corporation Don’t know

Cooperative or agricultural cooperative Other, explain: ____________________________

G8. Did you form this operation or LLC specifically for the purpose of hemp production?

Yes No Don’t know

G9. Have you ever obtained a loan, outside financing, or private investment to help pay for hemp input or operating costs? Include loans, financing, or investments from entities like banks, credit unions, private lenders, private equity or venture capital firms, or business partners like processors or seed/clone suppliers.

Yes Continue No Skip to G10 Don’t know Skip to G10

a. What was the source of the loan, financing, or investment? Mark all that apply.

Farm Credit System Commercial bank Credit cards

USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Credit union Other debts (such as unpaid bills)

Small Business Administration (SBA) Processor/extractor Any other individuals

Implement dealer/financing Contractor Any other lenders

Input dealer/hemp strain supplier Business partner Don’t know

Farmer Mac Co-ops & other merchants Other, explain: __________

b. Approximately what percent of your total hemp input or operating costs did this loan, outside financing, or private investment cover? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.


G10. Have you ever obtained a loan, outside financing, or private investment to purchase (or retrofit) hemp-related farm machinery or equipment, or farm buildings like sheds or greenhouses, for your hemp operation? Include loans, financing, or investments from entities like equipment dealers, banks, credit unions, private lenders, private equity or venture capital firms, or business partners like processors or input suppliers.

Yes Continue No Skip to G11 Don’t know Skip to G11

a. What was the source of the loan, financing, or investment? Mark all that apply.

Farm Credit System Commercial bank Credit cards

USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Credit union Other debts (such as unpaid bills)

Small Business Administration (SBA) Processor/extractor Any other individuals

Implement dealer/financing Contractor Any other lenders

Input dealer/hemp strain supplier Business partner Don’t know

Farmer Mac Co-ops & other merchants Other, explain: __________

b. What were these loans, financing, or investments used for? Mark all that apply.

Purchase new machinery/equipment Purchase new buildings/greenhouses Don’t know

Retrofit existing machinery/equipment Improve existing buildings/greenhouses Other: ______

G11. Have you ever obtained a loan, outside financing, or private investment to purchase farmland or real estate specifically for your hemp operation? Include loans, financing, or investments from entities like banks, credit unions, private lenders, or private equity or venture capital firms.

Yes Continue No Skip to G12 Don’t know Skip to G12

a. What was the source of the loan, financing, or investment? Mark all that apply.

Farm Credit System Commercial bank Credit cards

USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Credit union Other debts (such as unpaid bills)

Small Business Administration (SBA) Processor/extractor Any other individuals

Implement dealer/financing Contractor Any other lenders

Input dealer/hemp strain supplier Business partner Don’t know

Farmer Mac Co-ops & other merchants Other, explain: __________

G12. Did you have a written business plan for your hemp operation in 2020?

Yes Continue No Skip to G13 Don’t know Skip to G13

a. Did this written business plan include any of the following items? Mark all that apply.

A description of how to dispose of hemp plants if they were to exceed applicable THC limits

A description of how to maintain cash flow if hemp plants were to exceed applicable THC limits

A description of an established hemp market for where to sell harvested or processed hemp products

G13. What was the total gross cash farm income from agricultural or greenhouse product sales in 2020, including hemp sales? Mark one.

Less than $150,000 Between $350,000 and $999,999 $5,000,000 or more

Between $150,000 and $349,999 Between $1,000,000 and $4,999,999 Prefer not to respond


The “primary decision maker” is the individual who was most responsible for hemp decisions in 2020.

H1. Who is completing this form? Mark all that apply.

Primary decision maker Hired manager

Family member of the primary decision maker Other, explain: ___________________

H2. How many years of farming or ranching experience did the primary decision maker have on this operation as of 2020? Include the year 2020. Leave blank if unknown.


H3. How many years of farming or ranching experience did the primary decision maker have on any operation as of 2020? Include the year 2020. Leave blank if unknown.


H4. How many years of greenhouse or other indoor plant cultivation experience did the primary decision maker have on this operation as of 2020? Include the year 2020. Leave blank if unknown.


H5. How many years of greenhouse or other indoor plant cultivation experience did the primary decision maker have on any operation as of 2020? Include the year 2020. Leave blank if unknown.


H6. What was the primary decision maker’s age in years as of Dec. 31, 2020? Leave blank if unknown.


H7. Was the primary decision maker retired as of Jan. 1, 2020, even if they spent some time farming, ranching, or working on hemp or other plant cultivation activities?

Yes No Don’t know

H8. Did the primary decision maker and persons related to the primary decision maker own more than half of the hemp business in 2020?

Yes No Don’t know

H9. How did the primary decision maker spend most of their work time (50% or more) in 2020? Mark one.

Farming/ranching Work other than farming/ranching/indoor cultivation

Greenhouse/other indoor plant cultivation Other, explain: _________________________

H10. What is the primary decision maker’s gender? Mark all that apply.

Male Transgender Not listed

Female Non-binary or non-conforming Prefer not to respond

H11. What is the primary decision maker’s race? Mark all that apply.

Asian American Indian or Alaska Native, specify tribe: Black or African American Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

White Prefer not to respond

H12. Is the primary decision maker a person of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?

Yes No Don’t know Prefer not to respond

H13. Did the primary decision maker identify with any of the following categories in 2020? Mark all that apply. See definitions below.

Woman farmer or rancher Limited resource farmer or rancher Disabled farmer or rancher

Beginning farmer or rancher Veteran farmer or rancher Other, explain:_____________

Definitions: A beginning farmer or rancher has not operated a farm or ranch for more than 10 years, does not own a farm or ranch greater than 30% of the average size in the county, and substantially participates in the operation. A limited resource farmer or rancher is a person with direct or indirect gross farm sales not more than $179,000 and with a total household income at or below the national poverty level in each of the previous two years. For woman farmer include anyone who identifies as female.

H14. What is the highest level of formal education the primary decision maker has attained? Mark one.

Less than high school Some college (include associates degree) Prefer not to respond

High school Four-year college graduate and beyond

H15. In addition to the primary decision maker, how many other people also contributed to hemp decision-making for your operation in 2020? Include family members, business partners, and hired managers. Exclude outside contractors and investors. If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.

If “0”, skip to H16

Shape41 Shape42

  1. Did any of the additional individual(s) who contributed to hemp decision-making for your operation in 2020 identify with any of the following groups? Mark all that apply.

Black or African American Hispanic/Latino Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Prefer not to respond

  1. Did any of the additional individual(s) who contributed to hemp decision-making for your operation in 2020 identify with any of the following groups? Mark all that apply.

Woman farmer or rancher Limited resource farmer or rancher Disabled farmer or rancher

Beginning farmer or rancher Veteran farmer or rancher Other, explain:_____________

H16. Including the primary decision maker, how many people were in the primary decision maker’s household in 2020? If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.


End of Survey


J1. Did you grow hemp in any year prior to 2020? Round to nearest quarter acre.

Yes Continue No Skip to J2 Don’t know Skip to J2

  1. How much hemp area did you register and harvest each year, and what were the intended end products? Complete the table below. If none, enter “0”. Leave blank if unknown.


Hemp Field Production

Greenhouse/indoor activities

Square feet

Intended end product

Mark all that apply

Acres registered

Acres harvested


Fiber Grain Floral material


Fiber Grain Floral material


Fiber Grain Floral material


Fiber Grain Floral material


Fiber Grain Floral material


Fiber Grain Floral material

J2. What was the primary reason that you decided not to grow hemp in 2020? Mark one.

Hemp was not profitable

Hemp was profitable, but not enough to justify the effort and/or expenses to produce it

Uncertain markets, market prices, or market access

Unable to find or purchase needed inputs or equipment

Unable to find or hire enough workers

Regulation too burdensome to justify the effort and/or expenses to produce it

Stable and compliant hemp genetics were not available

Prefer to spend time and expenses elsewhere

Lacked the knowledge, experience, or time to be successful at growing hemp

Other, explain: _____________________________________________________

End of Survey

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