MSAP Data Tables and Budget Tool

Magnet Schools Assistance Program- Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Table Form

1855-0025 MSAP Data Tables and Budget Form Collection Tool

OMB: 1855-0025

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U .S. Department of Education OMB No: 1855-xxxx

Check only one box per Program Office instructions. Exp: dd/mm/yy

Annual Performance Report Final Performance Report

Explanation: When grantees enter the web-based reporting system, they are taken to a main menu that allows them to access the sections described in detail in this document. The Resources page allows grantees to download three guidance documents for completing the annual performance report (APR) and using the web-based reporting system, but requires no data entry.

Public Burden Statement:

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number.  The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1855-0025.  Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.  The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain benefit under 20 USC Section 7231. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form, application or survey, please contact the MSAP program office, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, LBJ-Room 3C134, Washington, DC, 20202 or [email protected] directly.

MSAP Annual Performance System

Instructions: Before you begin, please read the Dear Colleague Letter, Instructions for Grant Performance Report (ED 524B Instructions), and Magnet Schools Assistance Program Guide to Annual Performance Reporting (APR Guide). To access these documents and to find the MAPS User Guide, which has information about how to use the system’s features, click on the icon in the Resources box below.



Cover Sheet

Cover Sheet

Executive Summary

Section A - Performance Objectives Information and Related Performance Measures Data

Project Status Chart

Data Collection Tables – Grant Project

Data Collection Tables – School

Section B – Budget Information

Budget Summary

Section C – Additional Information

Desegregation Plan Information Forms

Assurances and Certifications

Table 1: Enrollment Data-LEA Level

Table 2: Year of Implementation for Existing Magnet Schools

Table 3: Enrollment Data-Feeder Schools

Cover Sheet

Explanation: Grantees complete one Cover Sheet per grant project. The data entry is organized across four tabbed pages in the web-based system. Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8a will be prepopulated with data. After entering the data, the grantee prints the Cover Sheet, has it signed by the district’s authorized representative, and uploads a PDF of the signed copy to the web-based system to be included in the final PDF of their report. The year for which data are entered will change each reporting year. Grantees already report these data in the annual performance report (APR).

Instructions: Page 1-Enter or verify the information in the ED 524B Cover Sheet. Page 4-Please print and upload your signed Cover Sheet.

General Information

1. PR/Award #: Click here to enter text. 2. Grantee NCES ID#: Click here to enter text.

(Block 5 of the Grant Award Notification - 11 characters.) (See instructions. Up to 12 characters.)

3 Project Title: Click here to enter text.

(Enter the same title as on the approved application.)

4. Grantee Name (Block 1 of the Grant Award Notification.): Click here to enter text.

5. Grantee Address (See instructions.) Click here to enter text.

6. Project Director (See instructions.) Name: Click here to enter text. Title: Click here to enter text.

Phone #: Click here to enter text. Ext: (Click here to enter text.) Fax #: Click here to enter text.

Email Address: Click here to enter text.

Reporting Period Information (See instructions.)

7. Reporting Period: From: Click here to enter a date. To: Click here to enter a date.

Budget Expenditures (To be completed by your Business Office. See instructions.)

8. Budget Expenditures

Federal Grant Funds

Non-Federal Funds

(Match/Cost Share)

a. Previous Budget Period

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

b. Current Budget Period

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

c. Entire Project Period (For Final Performance Reports only)

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Indirect Cost Information (To be completed by your Business Office. See instructions.)

9. Indirect Costs

a. Are you claiming indirect costs under this grant? Yes No

b. If yes, do you have an Indirect Cost Rate Agreement approved by the Federal Government? Yes No

c. If yes, provide the following information:

Period Covered by the Indirect Cost Rate Agreement: From: Click here to enter a date. To: Click here to enter a date.

Approving Federal agency: ED other (Please specify): Click here to enter text.

Type of Rate (For Final Performance Reports Only): Provisional Final Other (Please specify): Click here to enter text.

d. For Restricted Rate Programs (check one) -- Are you using a restricted indirect cost rate that:

Is included in your approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement?

Complies with 34 CFR 76.564(c)(2)?

Not applicable

Human Subjects (Annual Institutional Review Board (IRB) Certification) (See instructions.)

10. Is the annual certification of Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval attached? Yes No N/A

Performance Measures Status and Certification (See instructions.)

11. Performance Measures Status

a. Are complete data on performance measures for the current budget period included in the Project Status Chart? Yes No

b. If no, when will the data be available and submitted to the Department? Click here to enter a date.

12. To the best of my knowledge and belief, all data in this performance report are true and correct and the report fully discloses all known weaknesses concerning the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the data.

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Name of Authorized Representative Title

Click here to enter text. Click here to enter a date.

Signature Date

Executive Summary

Explanation: Grantees complete one Executive Summary per grant project. Grantees can type their responses to the Executive Summary questions into a textbox or they can upload a PDF version of their responses using an upload button. There will also be a separate upload button for grantees to provide the requested documentation for question 4. This narrative helps the program office get information on the project’s progress that is not captured through data entry. While the questions have slightly changed, grantees already provide this information the APR.

Instructions: You may type the narrative directly into the text box on the MAPS page or you may upload the summary as a PDF file. Whichever you choose, please keep it concise-no more than five pages.

  1. Explain the biggest success(es) in your project.

  1. Explain the biggest challenge(s) in your project.

  1. Please provide updates on, including any anticipated changes to your MSAP project's:

    1. Student selection process;

    2. Desegregation Plan, including feeder schools (If there are no changes, please provide a signed and dated letter from your superintendent or designated official attesting to that fact); and/or

    3. Activities in responses to OCR technical assistance, resolutions or technical assistance, including any revisions to policies or programs.

  1. Please describe your MSAP project's efforts this year (including updates on challenges that may have been encountered and efforts to address those challenges) in the following areas:

    1. Meeting targets to reduce, eliminate, or prevent minority group isolation, including updates or improvements to marketing and recruitment strategies.

    2. Promoting student achievement, generally, and with regards to the schools' thematic content.

    3. Increasing family engagement.

    4. Providing effective professional development for magnet school educators. Please include information on the topics, target audiences, and providers for specific PD; what monitoring or follow-up efforts are in-place to ensure the core concepts of the PD are being applied; and what outcomes have resulted from that PD. Include preliminary data if available.

    5. Providing theme-aligned out-of-school time and extended learning opportunities for students in each MSAP school.

    6. Building program sustainability beyond the life of the grant.

  1. Please discuss any key lessons your MSAP team has learned from program evaluation, data collection, research or implementation experience this year and how that learning will be used to improve your MSAP project, change policies or practices, and/or contribute to reform and improvement efforts in participating LEAs beyond the MSAP program.

  1. Please indicate if you anticipate any changes to your program budget. If you have already received approval for these changes, please ensure that you reflect these in your budget information in this APR. If you have not received prior approval, and you intend to move more than 10% of the budget from one category to another, use carry over funds, or have an expense not previously outlined in your application or subsequent approved revisions, please notify your program officer separately and include the following information:

    1. The amount of the change and where money is being reallocated from and to in the budget;

    2. Why the change is needed to better meet the program scope and goals; and

    3. Why the change will not harm your ability meet the originally approved scope and goals.

SECTION A – Performance Objectives Information and Related Performance Measures Data

Project Status Chart

Explanation: Grantees have project-level objectives and performance measures that were approved by the program office and are prepopulated in the web-based system. When grantees enter the Project Status Chart in the web-based system, they see a list of their project objectives. Then grantees click on the Edit link next to a project objective to view and edit data for each performance measures listed within that objective. This is when grantees see the page shown here, which allows them to enter data for each performance measure. For each measure, grantees enter either a raw number or a ratio/percentage. These data help the program office track the project’s progress in meeting the goals stated in the grant application. Grantees already report these data in the APR.

Instructions: Provide data for each performance measure and describe findings or outcomes to demonstrate that you have met or are making progress toward meeting the performance measure. You will also explain how your performance measure data demonstrate that you have met or are making progress toward meeting the project objective.

Project Objective Click here to enter text.

Project Performance Measure



Raw Number



Raw Number



Click here to enter text.

Enter #


Enter %

Enter #


Enter %

Explanation of Progress

  1. Status of progress:


    Not Met

    In Progress (only applicable to measures with completion dates that fall after the end of the reporting period.

    In Progress measures must be updated in the Ad Hoc Report )

  2. Description of progress (include challenges faced, if any)

  1. If Measure was “Not Met,” describe how and when the measure will be met, and outline any steps and/or strategies that will help ensure continued progress.

Data Collection Tables – Grant Project

Explanation: Grantees answer the questions in this section once for the entire grant project. This section is new to the APR.

Part I. Student Recruitment and Selection

Student Recruitment

Explanation: Grantees may type their response to these questions into a text box or they can upload a PDF version of their responses using an upload button. This narrative helps the program office and the Office for Civil Rights understand grantees’ recruitment and lottery processes and how those may affect meeting minority group isolation targets.

Instructions: Respond to the questions below. You can type in the textbox below or upload your responses as a PDF.

    1. Describe any student recruitment plans that were implemented in the current reporting period.

    2. What specific strategies did you use to increase racial diversity by taking into account socioeconomic diversity in the MSAP schools?

    3. Have there been any changes in the way you conduct your lotteries from what was presented in your original application and/or the desegregation plan? If so, please explain.

Student Selection

Explanation: For each question, grantees select the response that best represents their project. These data will be carried over in the web-based system between reporting periods so grantees only have to update what has changed. These data will help the program office and the Office for Civil Rights understand grantees’ lotteries because those are integral to reducing minority group isolation.

Instructions: Respond to the questions below. Remember to click Save Record before proceeding.

  1. My lottery system is used for (Select one.)

  • MSAP schools only

  • A larger subset of local education agency (LEA) schools

  • Entire LEA

  • Multiple LEAs

  1. How are the student enrollment applications made available to students and families? (Select all that apply.)

  • Online

  • Hard copy

  • In multiple languages

Part II. Evidence of Promise

Explanation: Grantees select the appropriate response to each question. The data entered here will be carried over between reporting periods so grantees only have to update their responses with any changes. If grantees select “No” for item 3, they do not need to answer item 3a. There will be upload buttons for items 5 and 11 so the grantee can upload the requested documentation when it is available. If a grantee selects “There were no challenges” for item 11, they will not have to answer item 11a. This section is new to the APR. These data will help the program office track grantees’ progress in completing the evidence of promise evaluation required by the grant competition.

Instructions: Select the appropriate response for each item below.

  1. Have you contracted with an evaluator who has the knowledge and skills to conduct an evaluation that meets evidence of standards design requirements? Yes No

3a) If yes, what factors led to your determination of the evaluator’s qualifications and independence? (Select all that apply.)

Provided documentation of prior experience conducting randomized controlled trials

Provided documentation of prior experience conducting quasi-experimental studies

Provided documentation of prior experience conducting correlational studies

Reputation of the individual(s) or the organization

Knowledge of magnet programs and schools

Prior experience studying my local education agency’s (LEA’s) magnet programs and schools

Prior experience conducting (non-magnet) evaluations in my LEA

Does not work for district

Does not have other contracts/grants to provide services in my LEA

  1. Do you have an evaluation plan that (1) meets evidence of promise design requirements, (2) is aligned with your approved grant application (any modifications have been approved), (3) specifies the activities, timelines, and benchmarks for conducting the evaluation and (4) includes the five core components below?

Yes No

Explanation of five core components

  • Study intervention – What is being evaluated – e.g., schools, component of the program?

  • Study goals - What are the research questions?

  • Study contrast – How is the study sample comprised? What is the comparison condition? Is the study sample of sufficient size (e.g., number of students, teachers, or schools) that there is adequate statistical power to detect relationships or effects?

  • Measurement - What are the key outcome measures? What data will be collected? When?

  • Analysis approach - What model(s) will be used? How will missing data be handled? Are there relevant subgroup analyses? Which sensitivity tests are necessary?

  1. If your evaluation plan is complete (first time submission) or has changed considerably from a previously submitted plan (i.e., meaningful change in the design, sample size, data collection strategy, etc.), please upload your current evaluation plan.

  1. Have you secured Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for your study? Yes No

  1. Have you identified your study sample? Specifically, have you selected or assigned treatment and comparison groups (e.g., schools, teachers, students)? Yes No

  1. In this grant year, did you collect data necessary to address your primary research questions that were developed to address evidence of promise? Yes No

  1. In this grant year, did you analyze data to address your primary research questions that were developed to address evidence of promise? Yes No

  1. If you developed a study report (interim or final) in this grant year, please upload the report.

  1. In this grant year, to what extent did your evaluation contractor experience challenges implementing the evaluation as specified in the grant proposal?

Minor challenges (e.g., minor delays in data collection, sample sizes smaller than intended)

Moderate challenges that required revisions to the study design

Significant challenges that mean the contractor will not be able to address the research questions

There were no challenges

11a) If the contractor experienced significant challenges carrying out the evaluation as specified in the grant proposal, check each aspect of the study that was problematic.

Developing the evaluation plan

Identifying the study sample (treatment and comparison groups)

Collecting data

Conducting analyses that address the research questions

Developing a report that demonstrates the study meets evidence of promise design specifications

Data Collection Tables – School

Explanation: When grantees enter the School section of the Data Collection Tables, they see a list of all of their MSAP-funded schools. The grantee clicks the Edit link next to a school name to enter data for that school. The grantee must complete Parts I-IX of the Data Collection Tables for each school in the grant project. The school years for which data are reported will change each grant year.

Part I. School Demographic Data

Explanation: In this section, grantees enter demographic data about the school for the current grant year. Items 1 and 2 will be prepopulated with data. Grantees must check the grades served in item 3 by the magnet program because the grades served may change as the program is implemented and may be different from the grades served in the entire school. The grades served also determine whether other sections of the report are available for data entry in the web-based system for that grantee (i.e., only high schools must complete certain tables). If a grantee selects “No” for item 5, they do not have to answer item 5a. Free and reduced-price lunch data are collected in item 10 to ensure the program office has the most current data in time to submit the GPRA Report to Congress. The options for item 8 may change as states’ accountability plans under the Every Student Succeeds Act are approved by the U.S. Department of Education. An updated list of options will be provided in the web-based system.

The year for which data are entered will change each reporting year. Although some questions have been modified, grantees already report these data in the APR.

Instructions: Part I collects MSAP school demographic data. Complete this section by entering school demographic data in items 1-10.

School demographic data

  1. School name

Click here to enter text.

  1. Grantee name

Click here to enter text.

  1. Check all grades served by your magnet program.















  1. What is the school’s magnet program type?

Whole-school Partial

  1. Has this school been assigned a rating (e.g., A-F; 1-10; 1-100; 1-5 stars; needs improvement, average, good, great, excellent) under your state’s summative rating system?

Yes No

5a. If you answered yes to item 5, what is the most recent summative rating assigned to this school?

Click or tap here to enter text.

  1. Is this a Title I funded school?

Yes No

  1. Is this school in Title I improvement?

Yes No

  1. How has this school been identified under ESSA? (Select only one.)

Additional targeted support

Additional comprehensive support


Charter and strategic waiver performance contracts

Comprehensive support and improvement

Comprehensive support school (turnaround)

Comprehensive support type 1 (CS1)

Comprehensive support type 2 (CS2)

Comprehensive support type 3 (CS3)

Consistently underperforming subgroup

CS - Additional targeted





Focus school


Priority school

Reward school

Schools of recognition

Small school CSI

Small school support

Small school TSI

Targeted support and improvement

Targeted support type 1 (TS1)

Targeted support type 2 (TS2)

Targeted support school (focus)

Targeted support schools for consistently low-performing English Learner progress

Tier 1: Exemplary school

Tier I Targeted support

Tier 2: Commendable school

Tier 2 Target support

Tier 3: Underperforming school

Tier 4: Lowest performing school

Turnaround eligible



Universal support


Not applicable

9. If this school has been classified as low-performing, please briefly explain planned strategies for improving the school’s performance.

Click here to enter text.

10. What percentage of students enrolled in this school are eligible for the Free and Reduced-Priced Meal Program for the current school year?

Click here to enter text.percent

11. Was this school in a planning year or an implementation year?

Planning year Implementation year

Part II. School Enrollment Data

Explanation: Grantees enter applicant pool and student enrollment data by racial/ethnic groups for the grade levels the school serves to track the school’s progress in increasing student enrollment and reducing minority group isolation. These data are used to report the program’s GPRA measures. Grantees enter numbers and the system automatically calculates the totals and percentages. The year for which data are entered will change each reporting year. Grantees already report these data in the APR. (This table combines two tables that collected similar enrollment data to reduce the data collection burden on the grantees.)

Instructions: Part II collects data for calculating minority group isolation outcomes for each minority/racially isolated group in a magnet school. Report student applicant pool data for the grade level the students apply to enter. Then enter whole-school enrollment data by grade level and student enrollment type. Use data reported as of October 1 for the upcoming school year.

  1. Applicant Pool Data

Grade Level

American Indian / Alaskan Native (Number)

American Indian / Alaskan Native (%)

Asian (Number)

Asian (%)

Black or African American (Number)

Black or African American (%)

Hispanic/Latino (Number)

Hispanic/Latino (%)

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Number)

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (%)

White (Number)

White (%)

Two or more races (Number)

Two or more races (%)





Total Applicants


































































































































































































































  1. Enrollment Data

Grade Level

American Indian / Alaskan Native (Number)

American Indian / Alaskan Native (%)

Asian (Number)

Asian (%)

Black or African American (Number)

Black or African American (%)

Hispanic/Latino (Number)

Hispanic/Latino (%)

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Number)

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (%)

White (Number)

White (%)

Two or more races (Number)

Two or more races (%)

Total Students

Number of students who applied and then enrolled


































































































































































































































New students who enrolled but were not required to apply for admission
















Continuing students who enrolled
















Total school enrollment

Check this box if some fields were intentionally left blank

Part III. Minority Group Isolation Data

Explanation: Grantees select the appropriate response for each question based on the school’s minority group isolation performance measure. When grantees select a minority isolated group for item 12, the system will automatically select that racially isolated group for items 13, 14, 16, 17, and 18. If the grantee selects “MSAP school” for item 13, the Actual enrollment percentage in item 16 will be automatically calculated from the school enrollment table in Part II. If a grantee selects “Feeder school” for item 13, the grantee will enter the Actual enrollment percentage in item 16 and the feeder school name right above that. If a grantee needs to enter data for more than one feeder school, the grantee can click an “Add new record” button that will add a new item 16 table where the grantee can enter the data for the other feeder school(s). These data are used to report the program’s GPRA measures. The year for which data are entered will change each reporting year. Grantees already report these data in the APR.

Instructions: Part III also collects data for calculating minority group isolation outcomes for each minority/racially isolated group in a magnet school. See the APR Guide for instructions about reporting these data. When you finish entering data for this page, click on Save Record before proceeding.

  1. For this school, identify which student group is minority/racially isolated. If the school has more than one minority/racially isolated group, select all that apply.

American Indian or Alaska Native students

Asian students

Black or African-American students

Hispanic or Latino students

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students

White students

  1. Indicate whether each minority/racially isolated group identified in item 12 is located at this MSAP school or at a feeder school.

Racial/ethnic groups

MSAP school

Feeder school

American Indian or Alaska Native students

Asian students

Black or African-American students

Hispanic or Latino students

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students

White students

  1. Indicate how the school with the minority/racially isolated group(s) plans to change the enrollment percentage of each minority/racially isolated group identified in item 12.

Racial/ethnic groups

Decrease enrollment percentage

Increase enrollment percentage




American Indian or Alaska Native students

Asian students

Black or African-American students

Hispanic or Latino students

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students

White students

  1. Indicate the targeted racial/ethnic group for the school with the minority/racially isolated group(s). The targeted racial/ethnic group is the group the school would like to enroll more of in order to change the enrollment of the minority/racially isolated group. If the school has more than one targeted racial/ethnic group, select all that apply.

American Indian or Alaska Native students

Asian students

Black or African-American students

Hispanic or Latino students

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students

White students

  1. Enter an annual target enrollment percentage and an actual enrollment percentage for each minority/racially isolated group selected in item 12. Leave fields blank for racial/ethnic groups that have not been identified as minority/racially isolated.

If the isolated group is located at a feeder school, enter the feeder school name Click here to enter text.

Racial/ethnic groups

Target enrollment percentage for

fall of the upcoming school year

Actual enrollment percentage for

fall of the upcoming school year

American Indian or Alaska Native students

Asian students

Black or African-American students

Hispanic or Latino students

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students

White students

  1. Indicate whether the school met its enrollment target for each minority/racially isolated group identified in item 12.

Racial/ethnic groups

Met target

Did not meet target

American Indian or Alaska Native students

Asian students

Black or African-American students

Hispanic or Latino students

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students

White students

  1. If this school did not meet its annual minority/racial group isolation enrollment target, indicate whether the school made progress toward achieving the target. “Made progress” means a school did not meet its annual enrollment target for a minority/racially isolated group, but enrollment for that minority/racially isolated group moved in the right direction.

Select the appropriate response for each minority/racially isolated group identified in item 11. If the school met its target for a particular minority/racially isolated group, select “Not applicable.”

Racial/ethnic groups

Made progress

Did not make progress

Not applicable

American Indian or Alaska Native students

Asian students

Black or African-American students

Hispanic or Latino students

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students

White students

Check this box if some fields were intentionally left blank

Part IV. Achievement Data

Explanation: Grantees enter numbers of students in each cell of the table for the current grant year; these data are used to report the program’s GPRA measures. The year for which data are entered will change each reporting year. Grantees already report data for reading/language arts and mathematics in the APR. Collecting science data is new to the APR; these data will help examine STEM-related MSAP schools’ progress in improving student achievement in science.

Instructions: Part IV collects data on student achievement. See the APR Guide for instructions about reporting these data. When you finish entering data for this page, click on Save Record before proceeding.

State assessment participation data

State assessment achievement data

Number of students that participated in the state assessment in reading/language arts, mathematics, and science


Current year


Current year


Current year

Number of students who met or exceeded the state’s standards in reading/language arts, mathematics, and science


Current year


Current year


Current year

19. All students

  1. All students

20. American Indian or Alaska Native students

  1. American Indian or Alaska Native students

21. Asian students

  1. Asian students

22. Black or African-American students

  1. Black or African-American students

23. Hispanic or Latino students

  1. Hispanic or Latino students

24. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students

  1. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students

25. White students

  1. White students

26. Two or more races students

  1. Two or more races students

27. Economically disadvantaged students

  1. Economically disadvantaged students

28. English language learners

  1. English language learners

Check this box if some fields were intentionally left blank

Part V. Course Enrollment Data

Explanation: Grantees only complete these tables for the high schools in their projects. If the school is not a high school, these tables will be grayed out so grantees cannot enter data into them. If a grantee selects “yes” for the question above the table, stating the school does not offer that type of course, the grantee will not have to enter data for that school. Grantees enter numbers in the tables, and the system automatically calculates the percentages and totals. The percentages by racial/ethnic group will be calculated using the school enrollment data reported in Part II of the School Data Collection Tables; since these data are not reported by gender and it will be burdensome for grantees to calculate and enter those percentages themselves, the percentages by gender will not be calculated. These data serve to track within-school equity. The year for which data are entered will change each reporting year. This section is new to the APR.

Advanced Placement Student Enrollment


  • Enter the number of students in grades 9-12 enrolled in at least one Advanced Placement (AP) course. Include ungraded high school age students in the count. Ungraded refers to a class that is not organized on the basis of age or grade grouping and has no standard grade designation.

  • After you enter the number of students, the percent column will automatically calculate the percent of students taking the courses based on student enrollment data.

  • Enter 0 if there are no students enrolled for that group.

  • The count should be based on October 1 for the upcoming school year (or the closest school day to October 1).

Does this high school offer AP classes? Yes No

# of Hispanic or Latino students

% of Hispanic or Latino students

# of American Indian or Alaska Native


% of American Indian or Alaska Native students

# of Asian students

% of Asian students

# of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students

% of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students

# of Black or African American students

% of Black or African American students

# of White students

% of White students

# of Two or more races students

% of Two or more races students

Total students enrolled in AP courses

Female students enrolled in at least one AP course

Male students enrolled in at least one AP course

Total students enrolled in at least one AP course

Dual Enrollment Program Student Enrollment


  • Enter the number of students in grades 9-12 enrolled in at least one dual enrollment/dual credit program. Include ungraded high school age students in the count. Ungraded refers to a class that is not organized on the basis of age or grade grouping and has no standard grade designation.

  • After you enter the number of students, the percent column will automatically calculate the percent of students taking the courses based on student enrollment data.

  • Enter 0 if no students are enrolled for that group.

  • Do not include students simply because they are enrolled in the Advanced Placement (AP) program or the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.

  • Report data based on October 1 for the upcoming school year (or the closest school day to October 1).

Does this high school offer dual enrollment or dual credit classes? Yes No

# of Hispanic or Latino students

% of Hispanic or Latino students

# of American Indian or Alaska Native students

% of American Indian or Alaska Native students

# of Asian students

% of Asian students

#of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students

% of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students

# of Black or African American students

% of Black or African American students

# of White students

% of White students

# of Two or more races students

% of Two or more races students

Total students in dual enrollment programs

Female students enrolled in at least one dual enrollment/dual credit program

Male students enrolled in at least one dual enrollment/dual credit program

Total students enrolled in at least one dual enrollment/dual credit program

Part VI. Graduation Rate Data

Explanation: Grantees only complete this table for high schools with grade 12. If the school is not a high school, these tables will be grayed out so grantees cannot enter data in them. Grantees enter numbers into the table, and the system automatically calculates the percentages. The year for which data are reported will change each reporting year. These data are used to establish trend data for the program’s GPRA measures. Grantees already report these data in the APR.

Instructions: Part VI collects high school graduation rates. High school graduation rate data will be collected annually to establish trend data. However, the annual measurable objective data will be collected 3 years after the grant ends. Follow the instructions in the APR Guide to complete the items in each row.

Magnet school graduation rate

Current school year

Student groups

Four-year adjusted cohort

Number of students

who graduated

Percentage of students

who graduated

39. All students

40. American Indian or Alaska Native students

41. Asian students

42. Black or African-American students

43. Hispanic or Latino students

44. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students

45. White students

46. Two or more races students

47. Economically disadvantaged students

48. English language learners

Check this box if some fields were intentionally left blank

VII. School Activities Data

Explanation: This section enables the program office to collect uniform data on the specific activities grantees implement to create their magnet programs. All sections of Part VII are new to the APR.


Explanation: Grantees select the appropriate response for the MSAP school. Definitions of each instructional method will be provided in the web-based system. If grantees select “Inquiry-based learning” for item 49, they will be prompted to also select one or more sub-options. If grantees select “Other,” they will be prompted to enter the method into a textbox. The response to this question will carry over in the web-based system between reporting periods since grantees do not have to re-enter the response if it has not changed.

Instructions: Select the appropriate response. If you select “Inquiry-based learning,” please also select one or more of the sub-options.

49. What instructional methods are used at this school? (Select all that apply.)

Inquiry-based learning

Project-based learning

Problem-based learning

Object-based learning

Cooperative or collaborative learning

Direct instruction

Differentiated instruction

Personalized learning

Multiple intelligences


Community Partnerships

Explanation: Grantees enter these data for as many community partners as they currently have. Grantees use the dropdown menus described in the table below to enter information for all of their current partners. This information will be carried over between reporting periods so grantees do not have to re-enter information; they will just update the data with any changes. Note: Click the field that says “Choose an item” to see the dropdown options that will appear for that column.

Instructions: Enter the name of a current community partner, then select from the dropdowns to enter data for that partner. Repeat for each current partner.

Column 1-Partner name

Column 2-Partnership type

Column 3-Partnership primary focus

Column 4- Partnership primary service

Column 5- Partnership secondary focus

Column 6- Partnership secondary service

Column 7-Performance measure link

Grantees will enter the name of an MSAP community partner in a text box.

Grantees will select the partner’s organizational type from a dropdown menu. (Click “Choose an item” to see menu options.)

Grantees will select the primary focus of the partner from a dropdown menu. (Click “Choose an item” to see menu options.)

Grantees will select the service provided by the partner from a dropdown menu. The options are determined by grantees’ selection of the partner’s focus from Column 3 (e.g., if the grantee selects “Student centered” in Column 3, they will only see the options for “Student centered” in the Column 4 dropdown). (Click “Choose an item” to see menu options.)

If a partner has a secondary focus, grantees will select from the same options in Column 3. A “Not applicable” option will also be available if the partnership does not have a secondary focus.

If a secondary focus is selected, grantees will select from the same options in Column 4. If the grantee selects “Not applicable” in Column 5, they will not be able to select an option in Column 6.

Grantees will enter the performance measure(s) numbers related to this partner's work in a text box. 

Student Selection

Explanation: Grantees select the appropriate response for each question. If grantees select “No” for item 50, they do not answer 50a. The percentages in 57 and 58 are automatically calculated by the system, unless the grantees selects “Not applicable” for item 56, in which case the percentages are not relevant. The year for which data are reported will change each reporting year. These data provide detailed information on how the school’s lottery was managed during the reporting year to help the program office better understand grantees’ strategies to reduce minority group isolation.

Instructions: Answer the questions below for the current school year.

  1. Are any students automatically admitted to the MSAP school?

Yes No

50a. If yes, what criteria are used to automatically admit students? (Select all that apply.)

Reside in attendance zone

Sibling of enrolled student

Parent/guardian’s place of employment/district employee

Other, please specify


  1. How are students who are not automatically admitted to the MSAP school selected?

First come, first served basis

Random lottery

Weighted lottery

  1. If a weighted lottery is used to select students not automatically admitted to the MSAP school, what weights did you use this grant year? (Select all that apply.)

Composition of geographic area

Socioeconomic status of a geographic area

Socioeconomic status of individual student

Sibling of enrolled student

Reside in attendance zone

Reside outside of the attendance zone

Parent/guardian’s place of employment

Magnet theme articulation

Other, please specify

Not applicable

  1. What entrance requirements does this school have, if any? (Select all that apply.)

Course grades or grade point average

Test scores


Prerequisite courses

Identification of student as gifted


Other, please specify


  1. What is the total number of seats available for students based on the MSAP school’s building capacity? Click here to enter text.

  2. How many seats were available in this school’s magnet program? Click here to enter text.

  3. How many magnet program seats were available for students who reside outside of the MSAP school’s attendance zone? Click here to enter text. Not applicable

  1. Percentage of total school capacity seats available to non-zoned students. Click here to enter text.

  2. Percentage of magnet program seats available to non-zoned students. Click here to enter text.

  3. This school is currently (select one)

At capacity


If oversubscribed, describe the waitlist process for this MSAP school. Click here to enter text.


If undersubscribed, how are you addressing undersubscription at this MSAP school. Click here to enter text.

Section B – Budget Summary

Explanation: Grantees complete this section once for the entire grant project. The reporting start and end dates will be prepopulated in the web-based system. In item 2, grantees enter as many funding streams as necessary. The data are necessary to track grantees’ spending and carryover as well as to identify whether the MSAP schools have complementary Federal funding sources they could use to support the MSAP project. While there are some modifications, grantees already submit these data in the APR.

Page 1

Instructions: Income

  1. Approved Budget: Enter the start date of the grant budget year (e.g., 10/01/yy) and the end date of the budget year (e.g., 09/30/yy). If you are not sure of the start and end dates of the budget year for your grant, contact your project officer.

Enter each funding stream and the amount awarded in each funding stream for the current reporting year. Include all formula and discretionary Federal funds received by your MSAP schools during this reporting period. The program office is seeking information on ALL known Federal funding streams; however, the program office has a particular interest in Title I, theme-related (e.g., career and technical education, arts education), and professional development grants.

Instructions: Expenses

  1. Carryover from Previous Budget Period: Enter the amount of any funds carried over from the prior budget year.

  2. Approved Budget: Enter the amount awarded for the current reporting year in each budget category. Enter the start date of the grant budget year (e.g., 10/01/yy) and the end date of the budget year (e.g., 09/30/yy). If you are not sure of the start and end dates of the budget year for your grant, contact your project officer.

  3. Expenditures: Enter the amount of funds expended to date in each budget category. Enter the period that the expenditures cover. The start date will be the start of the grant budget year (e.g., 10/01/yy). The end date will be the end of the current reporting period (e.g., mm/dd/yy or 09/30/yy). If you are not sure of the start of the budget year or the end of the current reporting period, contact your project officer.

  4. Anticipated Costs: Enter the amount of funds encumbered that will be expended prior to the end of the grant budget year. If this report covers the end of the budget year, this column should be empty.

  5. Carryover to Future Budget Period: Enter the amount of funds you propose to carry over to the next budget period.



Funding Stream

Approved Budget

Reporting Period:

Start: mm/dd/yy

End: mm/dd/yy


Enter $ Amount

2. Other: Enter Name of Funding Stream

Enter $ Amount



Budget Categories

Carryover from Previous Budget Period

Approved Budget


Anticipated Costs

Carryover to Future Budget Period

Reporting Period:

Start: mm/dd/yy

End: mm/dd/yy

Start: mm/dd/yy

End: mm/dd/yy

Start: mm/dd/yy

End: mm/dd/yy

Start: mm/dd/yy

End: mm/dd/yy

Start: mm/dd/yy

End: mm/dd/yy

2. Personnel

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

3. Fringe Benefits

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

4. Travel

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

5. Equipment

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

6. Supplies

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

7. Contractual

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

8. Construction

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

9. Other

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

10. Total Direct Costs (items 2-9)

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

11. Indirect Costs

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

12. Training Stipends

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

13. Total Costs (items 10-12)

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

14. Transportation

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

15. Evaluation

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

16. Planning Costs

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Enter $ Amount

Page 2

Explanation: Grantees answer the questions listed below in textboxes. If they select “No” for item 5, they do not need to answer item 5a. The grantees also upload budget spreadsheets for the current reporting period and the upcoming reporting period. These data provide the program office additional information about expenditures and carryover.

Instructions: Answer the questions below. Use the Upload buttons to upload budget spreadsheets for the current reporting period and the upcoming reporting period. See the Dear Colleague Letter for additional information.

  1. Please provide an explanation if funds have not been drawn down from the G5 System to pay for the budget expenditure amounts reported in items 8a. – 8c of the Cover Sheet.

  1. Please provide an explanation if you did not expend funds at the expected rate during the reporting period.

  1. Describe any significant changes to your budget resulting from modification of project activities.

  1. Please describe any changes to your budget that affected your ability to achieve your approved project activities and/or project objectives.

  1. Do you expect to have any unexpended (carryover) funds at the end of the current budget period? Yes No.

    1. If yes, please explain why, provide an estimate, and indicate how you plan to use the unexpended funds in the next budget period.

  1. Describe any anticipated changes in your budget for the next budget period that require prior approval from the Department? (See EDGAR, 2 CFR 200.407, as applicable.)

Section C – Additional Information

Desegregation Plan Information Forms

Explanation: On this page, grantees select whether their desegregation plan is required or voluntary, and then, based on that response, they are instructed to upload the necessary documentation. These data are necessary for the Office for Civil Rights to review the desegregation plan for compliance with the program. Grantees already report these data in the APR.

Instructions: Please choose the type of desegregation plan and upload the appropriate documents as noted for each plan.

A Required Plan
A plan that is (1) implemented pursuant to a final order of a court of the United States, or a court of any State, or any other state agency or official of competent jurisdiction and (2) the order requires the desegregation of minority group segregated children or faculty in the elementary and secondary schools of that agency or those agencies.


A Voluntary Plan
A plan to reduce, eliminate or prevent minority group isolation that is being implemented (or would be implemented if assistance under the Magnet Schools Assistance Program is made available) on either a voluntary basis or as required under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


Assurances and Certifications

Explanation: This page requires grantees to upload the signed Assurances and Certifications document for the Office for Civil Rights. Grantees already upload this document in the APR.

Instructions: Upload a copy of the signed and dated Assurances and Certification form. To create the form, please follow these steps: (1) print a paper copy of the form, (2) have the authorized representative sign and date the paper copy, (3) scan the signed copy to create a PDF file, and (4) upload the PDF file to MAPS.

If there are any known internal control weaknesses concerning data quality (as disclosed through audits or other reviews), this information must be disclosed along with the remedies taken to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the data.

Table 1: Enrollment Data-LEA Level

Explanation: Grantees enter enrollment data for their LEA by grade level. They only enter data for the grade levels served by the MSAP project. Grantees enter enrollment numbers, and the percentages and totals are automatically calculated. The year for which data are reported will change each reporting year. These data are necessary for the Office for Civil Rights districtwide review. Grantees already report these data in the APR.

Instructions: Enter enrollment data for your local education agency. Only enter data for the grades served by your MSAP schools.

Table 1: Enrollment Data-LEA Level

Check this box if all the magnet schools included in the program are implementing a magnet program for the first time.

Actual Enrollment

(October 1 of current school year)

Grade Level

American Indian / Alaskan Native (Number)

American Indian / Alaskan Native (%)

Asian (Number)

Asian (%)

Black or African American (Number)

Black or African American (%)

Hispanic/Latino (Number)

Hispanic/Latino (%)

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Number)

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (%)

White (Number)

White (%)

Two or more races (Number)

Two or more races (%)

Total Students


































































































































































































































Table 2: Year of Implementation for Existing Magnet Schools

Explanation: Grantees will enter a year for each school in the MSAP project. The school names will be prepopulated in the table. The data will be carried over each reporting period so grantees do not need to enter them again. These data are necessary for the Office for Civil Rights review. Grantees already report these data in the APR.

Instructions: For each participating school, enter the first school year as a magnet school.

Table 2: Year of Implementation for Existing Magnet Schools included in the Project

School Name

First School Year as a Magnet School

Table 3: Enrollment Data-Feeder Schools

Explanation: Grantees provide enrollment data for all their MSAP schools’ feeder schools. (Note: For the purposes of MSAP, “feeder school” means a school that students would otherwise attend if they did not attend the magnet school.) The grantees’ feeder school names will be prepopulated in a dropdown in the web-based system. Grantees select a feeder school name from the dropdown menu, check which prepopulated MSAP school(s) name(s) it is a feeder for, and then enter enrollment data for the feeder school. They repeat these steps for all feeder schools. Grantees enter numbers, and the percentages and totals are automatically calculated. The year for which data are reported will change each reporting year. These data are necessary for the Office for Civil Rights review. Grantees already report these data in the APR.

Instructions: For each feeder school, identify the magnet school(s) to which the feeder school would send students. If a feeder school would send students to all magnet schools at a particular grade level (for example, Elementary Feeder School “X” would send students to all of the elementary magnet schools participating in the project, indicate “All” in the “Magnet School” column associated with Elementary Feeder School “X”).

Table 3: Enrollment Data-Feeder School


Enrollment as of October 1

(Current School Year)



American Indian /Alaskan Native (Number)

American Indian /Alaskan Native (%)

Asian (Number)

Asian (%)

Black or African-American (Number)

Black or African-American (%)

Hispanic/Latino (Number)

Hispanic/Latino (%)

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Number)

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (%)

White (Number)

White (%)

Two or more races (Number)

Two or more races (%)

Total Students

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