Form ASF VSDIR 1 ASF VSDIR 1 Veterinary Services Dog Import Record: Dog(s) from an AS

African Swine Fever; Importation of Live Dogs for Resale from Regions Where ASF Exists or is Reasonably Believed to Exist

ASF VSDIR 1 (AUG 2021) fillable final

Private Sector

OMB: 0579-0478

Document [pdf]
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OMB Approved 0579-0478, Exp. XX/XXXX

Veterinary Services Dog Import Record: Dog(s) from an ASF
Affected Country
Documentation for dogs imported for resale into the United States from countries with
African swine fever must be completed and submitted to APHIS by uploading to eFile within
2 business days following the dog(s)’ arrival.
Dear Importer:
Thank you for your recent import permit application requesting permission from the U.S. Department
of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to import dog(s) for resale into the
United States. Dogs for resale include any transfer of ownership or control of an imported dog at least
6 months of age to another person, for more than de minimis consideration. Your application,
submitted to APHIS’ Animal Care program, indicates the dog(s) are coming from a country affected by
African swine fever (ASF). As a result, you must meet Animal Care’s requirements along with the
requirements established by APHIS’ Veterinary Services program to prevent the introduction of disease
(hyperlink to VS requirements web page). If your import permit application is approved, then when
your permit is issued, you will receive an email to remind you about Veterinary Services’ requirements.
To comply with Veterinary Services’ requirements, the shipment of dog(s) must meet the following
 The dog(s) and their shipping crate/container must be free of dirt, wood shavings, hay, straw,
or any other organic/natural bedding material.
 All bedding that accompanies the dog(s) during transit must be properly disposed of at the U.S.
post-entry point(s) of concentration.
 Each dog must have an ISO compliant microchip implanted, and the individual microchip
number must be verified immediately before each animal is bathed.
 Each dog must be bathed at the U.S. post-entry point(s) of concentration within 2 calendar days
of arrival in the United States. Bathing must be documented in Part 2 of the attached
Veterinary Services Dog Import Record.
The attached “Veterinary Services Dog Import Record” must be completed and submitted within 2
business days of the dog(s)’ entry into the United States. You will submit this document by uploading
it to the “Notes and Attachments” section of the import permit’s authorization in your eFile account.
This is the same section of the authorization where the import permit is located.
If you have any questions about Veterinary Services’ requirements, please contact the VS Live Animal
Import Team before the dog(s) leave the country of origin.

PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACTION DISCLOSURE: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0579-0478. The time
required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,
gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

ASF VSDIR 1 (AUG 2021)

Veterinary Services Dog Import Record: Dog(s) from an ASF
Affected Country
**All parts of this document must be completed and submitted by uploading to the import permit’s
authorization in eFile within 2 business days of the dog(s)’ entry into the United States**
I. Importer Contact Information:
Name of Importer: _____________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

II. Shipment Information:
Country of Origin (Exporting Country): ______________________________________________________
APHIS Animal Care Import Permit #: ____________________________________________ (attach copy)
Number of dog(s) shipped: _______________________________________________________________
Date of arrival into the U.S.: ______________________________________________________________
U.S. Port of Entry: ______________________________________________________________________
Address(es) of first post-entry point(s) of concentration: _______________________________________

III. Importer Certification:
I, _____________________________ (importer of record), verify by checking the boxes below that the following
Veterinary Services import conditions as described in APHIS Federal Order DA-2021-01 (August 2, 2021) were met
for all dog(s) in this shipment and that required supporting documents, including a copy of the associated Animal
Care Import Permit(s), are attached to this form.
 The dog(s) and their shipping crate/container was free of dirt, wood shavings, hay, straw, or any other
organic/natural bedding material.
 All bedding that accompanied the dog(s) during transit was properly disposed of at the post-entry point(s) of
Disposal methods may include incineration; or disinfecting the bedding with an APHIS Approved Disinfectant, placing
the bedding in a leakproof bag, sealing the bag, disinfecting the bag exterior with an APHIS Approved Disinfectant,
inserting the disinfected bag into another leakproof bag, sealing that bag, disinfecting the bag exterior with the same
disinfectant product, and disposing of the bag in a landfill in accordance with all state and local regulations.

 Each dog has an ISO compliant microchip implanted, and the microchip number was verified immediately
before the animal was bathed.
 Each dog was bathed at the U.S. post-entry point(s) of concentration destination within 2 calendar days of
arrival in the United States.
Bathing of all dogs in the shipment must be complete before this form is submitted. Bathing documentation is
attached, and includes each dog’s microchip number, a brief description of the animal (age, breed, gender, color/
markings), the date the bath was completed, and the name and contact information of the person that bathed the

Importer Signature


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APHIS Veterinary Services may require, at its discretion, animal inspection at the post-entry point(s) of concentration in the United States
to verify import requirements were met. Documented non-compliance with any of APHIS’ import requirements by an importer could result
in the suspension or revocation of import permit issuance or other appropriate enforcement action based on the situation.

Veterinary Services Dog Import Record: Dog(s) from an ASF
Affected Country
**Bathing must be completed within 2 calendar days of the dog(s)’ entry into the United States.**
APHIS Animal Care Import Permit #: ______________________________

I. Bathing Confirmation:
Dog(s) listed on the following page(s) were bathed at the U.S. post-entry point(s) of concentration within
2 calendar days of arrival in the United States.
Microchip #: _____________________________________________________________
Dog name (if applicable): ___________________________________________________
Age and gender: __________________________________________________________
Breed, color, and markings: _________________________________________________
Date of bath: _____________________________________________________________
Microchip #: _____________________________________________________________
Dog name (if applicable): ___________________________________________________
Age and gender: __________________________________________________________
Breed, color, and markings: _________________________________________________
Date of bath: _____________________________________________________________
Microchip #: _____________________________________________________________
Dog name (if applicable): ___________________________________________________
Age and gender: __________________________________________________________
Breed, color, and markings: _________________________________________________
Date of bath: _____________________________________________________________
Microchip #: _____________________________________________________________
Dog name (if applicable): ___________________________________________________
Age and gender: __________________________________________________________
Breed, color, and markings: _________________________________________________
Date of bath: _____________________________________________________________
Microchip #: _____________________________________________________________
Dog name (if applicable): ___________________________________________________
Age and gender: __________________________________________________________
Breed, color, and markings: _________________________________________________
Date of bath: _____________________________________________________________

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APHIS Veterinary Services may require, at its discretion, animal inspection at the post-entry point(s) of concentration in the United States
to verify import requirements were met. Documented non-compliance with any of APHIS’ import requirements by an importer could result
in the suspension or revocation of import permit issuance or other appropriate enforcement action based on the situation.

Veterinary Services Dog Import Record: Dog(s) from an ASF
Affected Country
Bathing Confirmation, continued (use if shipment contains more than 5 dogs)
Microchip #: _____________________________________________________________
Dog name (if applicable): ___________________________________________________
Age and gender: __________________________________________________________
Breed, color, and markings: _________________________________________________
Date of bath: _____________________________________________________________
Microchip #: _____________________________________________________________
Dog name (if applicable): ___________________________________________________
Age and gender: __________________________________________________________
Breed, color, and markings: _________________________________________________
Date of bath: _____________________________________________________________
Microchip #: _____________________________________________________________
Dog name (if applicable): ___________________________________________________
Age and gender: __________________________________________________________
Breed, color, and markings: _________________________________________________
Date of bath: _____________________________________________________________
Microchip #: _____________________________________________________________
Dog name (if applicable): ___________________________________________________
Age and gender: __________________________________________________________
Breed, color, and markings: _________________________________________________
Date of bath: _____________________________________________________________
Microchip #: _____________________________________________________________
Dog name (if applicable): ___________________________________________________
Age and gender: __________________________________________________________
Breed, color, and markings: _________________________________________________
Date of bath: _____________________________________________________________
Microchip #: _____________________________________________________________
Dog name (if applicable): ___________________________________________________
Age and gender: __________________________________________________________
Breed, color, and markings: _________________________________________________
Date of bath: _____________________________________________________________
Microchip #: _____________________________________________________________
Dog name (if applicable): ___________________________________________________
Age and gender: __________________________________________________________
Breed, color, and markings: _________________________________________________
Date of bath: _____________________________________________________________
[Duplicate this page as needed to capture all dog information]

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APHIS Veterinary Services may require, at its discretion, animal inspection at the post-entry point(s) of concentration in the United States
to verify import requirements were met. Documented non-compliance with any of APHIS’ import requirements by an importer could result
in the suspension or revocation of import permit issuance or other appropriate enforcement action based on the situation.

Veterinary Services Dog Import Record: Dog(s) from an ASF
Affected Country
II. Attestation and Signatures
By signing the below, I attest that each of the dogs in this shipment were identified and bathed as described
within this document.
Importer Name, phone, and email

Importer Signature and Date

Bather name, phone number, and email

Bather’s Signature and Date

Bather name, phone number, and email (if applicable)

Bather’s Signature and Date

Bather name, phone number, and email (if applicable)

Bather’s Signature and Date

Bather name, phone number, and email (if applicable)

Bather’s Signature and Date

Bather name, phone number, and email (if applicable)

Bather’s Signature and Date

Bather name, phone number, and email (if applicable)

Bather’s Signature and Date

Bather name, phone number, and email (if applicable)

Bather’s Signature and Date

Bather name, phone number, and email (if applicable)

Bather’s Signature and Date

Bather name, phone number, and email (if applicable)

Bather’s Signature and Date
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APHIS Veterinary Services may require, at its discretion, animal inspection at the post-entry point(s) of concentration in the United States
to verify import requirements were met. Documented non-compliance with any of APHIS’ import requirements by an importer could result
in the suspension or revocation of import permit issuance or other appropriate enforcement action based on the situation.

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorSiegel, Shanna L - APHIS
File Modified2021-11-08
File Created2021-08-09

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