1 2021_DRAFT RSR_Manual

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Client-Level Data Reporting System

Tab B 2021_DRAFT RSR_Manual

OMB: 0906-0039

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Ryan White
Program Services
Report (RSR)

Instruction Manual 2021
Release Date: November 01, 2021
Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is
not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is
0906-0039, and the expiration date is 12/31/2021. Public reporting burden for
this collection of information is estimated to average 51 hours per response,
including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,
and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments
regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to HRSA Reports
Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 14N136B, Rockville, Maryland
Division of Policy and Data
Health Resources and Services Administration
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 9N164A
Rockville, MD 20857

RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Icons Used in this Manual
The following icons are used throughout this manual to alert you to important
and/or useful information.
The Note icon highlights information you should know when
completing this section.

The Tip icon points out recommendations and suggestions that
can make it easier to complete this section.

The Question Mark icon indicates common questions and their

All new text in the document is indicated with a gray highlight.

The No icon indicates answer options that cannot be selected or
information that cannot be entered under certain circumstances.

Icons Used in This Manual


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Table of Contents
Icons Used in This Manual ............................................................................................ i
Table of Contents .........................................................................................................ii
What’s New for 2021 ................................................................................................... 1

Expanding Eligible Scope......................................................................................................................................1
Clients by ZIP Code system update ......................................................................................................................1

Background ................................................................................................................. 2
Recipient/Subrecipient Reporting Requirements ......................................................... 4
Recipient and Subrecipient Relationships .................................................................... 6
Recipient/Subrecipient Exemptions ............................................................................. 8

Frequently Asked Questions About Recipient/Subrecipient Relationships and Reporting Requirements .........9

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services......................................................................11
Checking the Client-Level Data XML File .....................................................................12
2021 Ryan White Services Report (RSR) Provider Checklist .........................................14
RSR Recipient Report ..................................................................................................15

The Grantee Contract Management System .................................................................................................... 15
Instructions to Complete the Recipient Report ................................................................................................ 16
Frequently Asked Questions About the RSR Recipient Report .......................................................................... 24

RSR Provider Report ...................................................................................................28

Instructions for Completing the Provider Report ............................................................................................. 28
Frequently Asked Questions About the RSR Provider Report ............................................................................ 45

RSR Client-Level Data Report ......................................................................................50

Importing the Client- Level Data XML File to the Provider Report ................................................................... 50
Client-Level Data Elements ............................................................................................................................... 51
RWHAP-Eligible Services Reporting .................................................................................................................. 53
Frequently Asked Questions About Eligible Services Reporting ....................................................................... 54

Appendix A. Required Client-Level Data Elements for RWHAP Services ......................79
Glossary ......................................................................................................................81
Index ..........................................................................................................................88

Table of Contents


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

What’s New for 2021
Expanding Eligible Scope
Starting in 2021, the eligible reporting scope for the RSR has been officially
expanded to include clients who are RWHAP eligible and who received a service
funded by RWHAP-related funding (rebates and program income). Previously, it
was not a requirement to report clients that received services supported only by
RWHAP-related funds.
For further guidance on reporting RWHAP-related funded services, please refer
to Policy Clarification Notice (PCN) #15-03 “Clarifications Regarding the Ryan
White HIV/AIDS Program and Program Income”and PCN #15-04 “Utilization and
Reporting of Pharmaceutical Rebates.”

DUNS number being replaced by the
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) .
HRSA will be making updates in the electronic handbooks (EHBs) to support the
transition from using the DUNS number to the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI);
The UEI is a new 12-digit alphanumeric identifier that SAM.gov will provide to all
entities who register to do business with the federal government.
To support this transition, HRSA’s EHBs are being incrementally updated to
change all DUNS number fields to UEI fields and to update the associated
processes, such as the grant folder search pages. Please note: you do not need
to take any action. SAM.gov will automatically create the UEI, and it will be
imported into EHBs for all actively registered organizations.

Clients by ZIP code: system update
Providers are still required to report the number of clients served in their ZIP
code of residence, and this year we have expanded to 3,000 the number of
codes that can be entered (it was only 490 last year).
Providers still have the option to manually enter these data or use the simple
upload template available in the Clients by ZIP code section of the Provider
Report. For further information on this, see page 37 below.

What’s New for 2021


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP), first authorized by the U.S.
Congress in 1990, is administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS), Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) HIV/AIDS
Bureau (HAB). 1 HRSA’s RWHAP uses dynamic data-driven and innovative
approaches to provide a comprehensive system of care to achieve optimal
health outcomes for people with HIV. RWHAP funds are provided to cities,
states, and local community-based organizations that provide HIV medical care,
treatment, and essential support services to more than half a million people in
the United States with HIV infection. A smaller but equally critical portion of
RWHAP funds are used to fund technical assistance, clinical training, and the
development of innovative models of HIV care.
More than half of all people diagnosed with HIV in the United States receive
services through the RWHAP. RWHAP provides a comprehensive system of care
and treatment that plays a key role in ending the HIV epidemic in the United
States. RWHAP is critical to ensuring that under- or uninsured individuals with
HIV are linked to and retained in medical care, are prescribed antiretroviral
medications, and achieve sustained viral suppression. HIV treatment is a proven
form of prevention.
The RWHAP works to support the four national goals outlined in the HIV
National Strategic Plan:

Prevent new HIV infections
Improve HIV-related health outcomes of people with HIV
Reduce HIV-related disparities and health inequities
Achieve integrated and coordinated efforts that address the HIV epidemic among all partners and

RWHAP has been increasingly successful at achieving improved outcomes along
the HIV care continuum. 2 For example, the RWHAP Services Report (RSR) clientlevel data demonstrate annual improvements in viral suppression, from 69.5
percent in 2010 to 89.4 percent in 2020.
Continued improvements in viral suppression will help improve quality and


The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009—Title XXVI of the Public Health Service Act, as amended—the
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program legislation. https://hab.hrsa.gov/about-ryan-white-hivaids-program/ryan-white-hivaidsprogram-legislation.


HRSA’s Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Overview of Clients: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, 2019.


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

length of life for people with HIV and prevents further HIV transmission.
HRSA HAB regularly monitors program performance to demonstrate
accountability and impact. It also integrates performance measurement into
long-term programmatic plans to ensure its programs support HRSA strategies.


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Recipient and Subrecipient
Reporting Requirements
Federal regulations state explicitly that grant recipients must monitor and
report program performance to ensure they are using their federal grant
program funds in accordance with program requirements.1
Title 45 CFR § 75.342(a), monitoring and reporting program performance:
The non-Federal entity is responsible for oversight of the operations of
the Federal award-supported activities. The non-Federal entity must
monitor its activities under Federal awards to assure compliance with
applicable Federal requirements and performance expectations are
being achieved. Monitoring by the non-Federal entity must cover each
program, function, or activity. See also §75.352.
The federal regulations additionally impose subrecipient monitoring
requirements. See 45 CFR §75.352(d):
All pass-through entities must: . . . . (d) Monitor the activities of the
subrecipient as necessary to ensure that the subaward is used for
authorized purposes, in compliance with Federal statutes, regulations,
and the terms and conditions of the subaward; and that subaward
performance goals are achieved.
Likewise, HRSA, HHS, and Congress hold HRSA HAB responsible for monitoring
and reporting the program performance of its recipients and its subrecipients,
the RWHAP service providers. HRSA HAB has established the following Office of
Management and Budget-approved reporting requirements , and has imposed
them as a condition of award on RWHAP-funded recipients and subrecipients
If any protected health information is included in the RSR, such disclosure is
permitted by covered entities, without the written authorization of the
individual, as a disclosure to a public health authority. 45 CFR 164.512(b).
Additional information on a covered entity’s use or disclosure of protected
health information without the written authorization of the individual to a
public health authority is covered in 45 CFR 164.512.

Recipient/Subrecipient Reporting Requirements


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual



rules and requirements that govern the administration of HHS grants are set forth in the
regulations found in the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit
Requirements for HHS Awards, 45 CFR part 75.

Recipient/Subrecipient Reporting Requirements


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Recipient and Subrecipient
Recipients receive federal funding directly from HRSA. Recipients may provide
services or fund other agencies to provide services to RWHAP-eligible clients.
Agencies that receive funding from recipients are called subrecipients.
Recipients and subrecipients work together to quickly and easily submit the RSR.
Figures 1–4 offer illustrations and definitions of recipient and subrecipient

Figure 1. Recipient-Provider
A recipient-provider, which is a
service provider that also is a
recipient, must complete a Recipient
Report and a Provider Report. A
recipient-provider of core medical or
support services must also upload
client-level data.

Figure 3. Second-Level Provider
recipients will use
an administrative
agent to award
and/or monitor the
use of their RWHAP
funds. In this
situation, the
agent (or fiscal
service provider) is
the recipient’s
subrecipient. When
the recipient’s subrecipient (administrative agent or
fiscal intermediary provider) enters into a contract
with another provider to use the recipient’s funds
to deliver services, that provider is considered a
second-level provider to the recipient. A secondlevel provider must complete a Provider Report

Figure 2. Subrecipient
A service organization that has a
contract with a recipient is
considered a subrecipient. A
subrecipient must complete a
Provider Report and, if it provides
core medical or support services,
upload client-level data.

and, if it provides core medical or support services,
upload client-level data.

Figure 4. Multi-Level Provider
If a service
organization is a
provider (a
provider to one
recipient and a
subrecipient to
recipient), it
must complete a
single Provider
Report and, if it
provides core
medical or
support services,

Recipient and Subrecipient Relationships


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

upload client-level data. The provider must include
client data for all its RWHAP contracts.

Recipient and Subrecipient Relationships


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Recipient and Subrecipient
At the recipient’s discretion, service organizations may be exempt from
completing their own Provider and Client Report if any of the following apply to

They submit only vouchers or invoices for payment (e.g., a taxicab
company that only provides transportation services)
They do not see clients on a regular and sustained basis (e.g., on an
emergency basis only)
They offer services to clients on a “fee-for-service” basis
They provide only laboratory services to clients
They received less than $10,000 in RWHAP funding during the reporting
period (January 1—December 31)
They see a small number (1–25 patients) of RWHAP clients
They did not provide services during the reporting period (January 1—
December 31)
They are no longer funded by the recipient
They are no longer in business

Recipients should contact their project officer for questions about
exemption requirements.

Service providers that only provide laboratory services and no other services
may be exempt from this reporting requirement. However, HRSA HAB requires
service providers that offer laboratory services among other services to report
laboratory service data under Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services, even if a
client only received the laboratory services and no other service.
If a recipient exempts a subrecipient from submitting a Provider Report or Client
Report, this does not exempt the recipient from collecting and submitting data
for that subrecipient. This includes subrecipients exempted because they only
provide laboratory services. If a recipient exempts a subrecipient, the recipient
must ensure that the subrecipient’s data are reported to HRSA HAB. See page
14 for instructions on marking a subrecipient as exempt in the RSR system. If a
recipient exempts a subrecipient, it must do one of the following:

Complete a Provider Report and upload client-level data in the
exempted subrecipient’s name. In this case, recipients do not select

Recipient/Subrecipient Exemptions


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual


the “Exempt” check box.
Report the exempted subrecipient’s data with its agency’s RSR data.
In this case, all recipients must select the “Exempt” box.
Include the second-level provider’s data in the subrecipient’s
Provider Report. In this case, the recipient WILL select the “Exempt”
checkbox for the second-level provider.

Recipient guidelines for exempting subrecipients include the following:


Not all subrecipients are eligible to receive a reporting exemption.
Recipient-providers may not be given an exemption.
Multilevel providers may not be given an exemption.
A multiply funded subrecipient may be given an exemption only if
all its recipients agree to the exemption.

Frequently Asked Questions About
Recipient and Subrecipient Relationships
and Reporting Requirements
I have decided to give one of my subrecipients an exemption
from submitting the RSR Provider Report and client-level data.
How should I report the data for the exempted subrecipient?
If you exempt a subrecipient from submitting an RSR Provider
Report and client-level data, you are required to submit the data
to HRSA HAB on behalf of the subrecipient. There are three
options for accomplishing this:
1. Complete the subrecipient’s RSR Provider Report and upload clientlevel data into the subrecipient’s report.
2. Direct your subrecipient to complete the report on a second-level
subrecipient’s behalf. If you or your subrecipient will be completing
the report, DO NOT indicate that the subrecipient is exempted from
3. Report the exempted subrecipient’s data with your agency’s RSR
data. In this instance, you WILL select the exempt option in your
Recipient Report. See page 14 for instructions on marking a
subrecipient as exempt in the RSR system.

Recipient/Subrecipient Exemptions


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Subrecipients cannot access a second-level provider’s report. Only
recipients that provide funding to subrecipients can access the provider
report for a second-level provider.

What if a subrecipient that receives funding from multiple
RWHAP Parts is given an exemption from reporting by one
recipient but not another?
Subrecipients must be exempted from reporting by all their
recipients. If your subrecipient is funded by other recipients, you
will need to coordinate with those other entities to ensure that
all are in agreement regarding the exemption. If one or more
recipients do not agree to exempt the subrecipient, the
subrecipient will still need to complete the RSR Provider Report.
I have a subrecipient that has been exempted by all recipients
that fund the agency. Why is there a report in “Not Started”
status for the agency?
If a subrecipient has been exempted by all recipients that fund
the agency, all recipients will still be required to submit a “blank”
report for the agency. See page 17 for instructions.
We are funded for Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services, and
we provide laboratory services. Are we exempt from reporting
the laboratory services?
Laboratory services are considered an activity of the
Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services category. Therefore,
the recipient would report laboratory services data under
Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services, even if a client only
received the laboratory services, and no other
Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services activity was included.

Recipient/Subrecipient Exemptions


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program
For the purposes of reporting, RWHAP and RWHAP-related funded services
(program income and/or pharmaceutical rebates) are divided into three groups:
1. Administrative and technical services
2. Core medical services
3. Support services

For agencies that received Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) funds
The service category “Ending the HIV Epidemic Services” (EHE) includes those services that are funded
through EHE initiative but do not meet the definition of a RWHAP service as outlined in PCN #16-02.
EHE funding dedicated to services that do meet the definition of one of the RWHAP core medical or
support service categories should be listed (reported?) under that specific service category.

For agencies that received Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic
Security (CARES) Act (2020) funds
Add text here about CAREs Act services to be reported in the RSR

Descriptions of all RWHAP services are located in PCN #16-02, Ryan White
HIV/AIDS Program Services: Eligible Individuals and Allowable Uses of Funds.
Starting in 2021, agencies are now required to submit client-level data for
services funded with RWHAP-related funding (program income or
pharmaceutical rebates).
For further information, please see RSR in Focus: Understanding Eligible
Services for 2021 Data or the Preparing for 2021 RSR Submission: Understanding
Reporting Changes webinar.

Ryan White HIV/AIDs Program Services


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Checking the Client-Level Data
XML File
The Check Your XML feature—available to users before the RSR Recipient
Report opens—allows subrecipients to confirm that their Extensible Markup
Language (XML) file complies with the latest RSR client-level data schema. It also
allows agencies to validate their client-level data and helps identify specific data
issues prior to final submission.
Click here for the guide How to Access and Use the Check Your XML Feature for
the RSR on the TargetHIV website. Instructions on how to import client-level
data are on page 35 of this manual.
Uploading client-level data in the Check Your XML feature DOES NOT
meet the requirement for data reporting. Final client-level data must be
uploaded using the “Import Client-level Data” link in the RSR Provider
Report to meet the reporting requirement.

Checking the Client-Level Data XML File


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

2021 Ryan White Services Report (RSR)
Recipient Checklist

This checklist for recipients/recipient-providers is designed to help you complete each step in the RSR
submission process. The Tip box below also lists helpful resources you can review before and/or during the
submission process. It’s a good idea to review these to help ease the data entry burden.


Review all RSR guidance material (see suggestion box below).

 Confirm all contracts have been added to the Grantee Contract Management System (GCMS).
 Certify the 2021 RSR Recipient Report. You have completed this step once your report has advanced to
“Certified” status.Complete the 2021 RSR Provider Report (if applicable).
 Accept Provider Reports through all funding grants.
Review all RSR guidance materials before starting the submission process to
help ease the data entry burden. These materials include this 2021 RSR
Instruction Manual, the 2021 GCMS Instruction Manual, and the RSR Data
Webinar Calendar during the reporting period. If you need further assistance,
please contact Ryan White Data Support.

RSR Recipient Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

2021 Ryan White Services
Report (RSR) Provider Checklist
This checklist for providers is designed to help you complete each step in the RSR submission process. The Tip box
below also lists helpful resources you can review before and/or during the submission process. It is highly
recommended that you review these resources to help ease the data entry burden.
 Review all RSR Guidance Material (see Tip box below).
 Complete the 2021 RSR Provider Report.
 Contact your funding recipients to notify them your Provider Report is complete.
 Confirm your Provider Report is in “submitted” status to ensure completion of the submission process.
It is highly recommended that you review RSR guidance materials before
starting the submission process to help ease the data entry burden. These
materials include the 2021 RSR Instruction Manual and RSR Data Webinar
Calendar during the reporting period. If you need further assistance, email
Ryan White Data Support or contact 888-640-9356.

RSR Recipient Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

RSR Recipient Report
Recipients must submit a report for each RWHAP grant they receive from HRSA.
For example:

An agency with only a RWHAP Part A grant will complete one
Recipient Report.


An agency with an EHE grant and a RWHAP Part A grant will
complete two Recipient Reports—one for its RWHAP Part A
grant and one for its EHE grant.


An agency with RWHAP Parts C and D grants will complete two
Recipient Reports—one for its RWHAP Part C grant and one for
its RWHAP Part D grant.


An agency with RWHAP Parts C and D grants and RWHAP Parts
C and D CARES Act grants will complete four Recipient
Reports—one for its RWHAP Part C grant, one for its RWHAP
Part D grant, and two more for its RWHAP Part C CARES Act
grant and RWHAP Part D CARES Act grant.

The Grantee Contract Management System
All RWHAP contract information between recipients and the subrecipients
providing services for them is stored in the Grantee Contract Management
System (GCMS). Information about a recipient’s contracts is entered and
maintained in one place (yet accessed by multiple reports) to decrease
recipeints’ data entry burden.
If the subrecipient and service information populated from the GCMS is
accurate and up to date, you will not have to synchronize any changes to the
RSR Recipient Report. However, if the data that populate the Recipient Report
are missing and/or incorrect, you must first add or edit the information in the
GCMS and then integrate your changes with your RSR via the synchronize step
on the Program Information page of the RSR Recipient Report.

Refer to the 2021 GCMS Manual on the TargetHIV website for further
guidance on how to manage contracts for your subrecipeints.

RSR Recipient Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Instructions to Complete the Recipient
STEP ONE: Access the GCMS
There are several methods of accessing the GCMS in the EHBs interface. For
further instructions, please see the Completing the GCMS webinar on the
TargetHIV website. However, recipients and recipient-providers can log into the
HRSA HAB EHBs and navigate to their GCMS via their RSR by doing the following:

Hover your mouse over the “Grants” tab on the top-left side of the
screen to show a drop-down menu.
On the drop-down menu under “Submissions,” select “Work on
Performance Report.”
On the bottom of the Submissions - All page, under “Submission
Name,” locate your 2021 RSR Deliverable and click “Start” or
On the left side of the screen, under the Navigation panel, select
“Search Contracts” to navigate to the GCMS.
If you need help navigating the EHBs to find your annual RSR, call the
EHBs Customer Support Center at 1-877-464-4772.

STEP TWO: Verify your contracts in the GCMS
In the GCMS, enter the date range for your submission as the search criteria. For
example, for the 2021 RSR, enter “1/1/2021” in the Range Start Date field or
select the date from the calendar, and enter “12/31/2021” in the Range End
Date Field or select the date from the calendar.
Contracts listed in the GCMS should match the actual agreements you have in
place with your subrecipients. For the purpose of the RSR, contracts include
formal contracts, memoranda of understanding, or other agreements. Each
subrecipient listed and the corresponding services it is funded to provide will be
copied into your RSR Recipient Report when it is created.

Editing Contracts in the GCMS
If you need to make modifications to your list of service provider contracts
displayed, use the drop-down menu in the “Action” column and select
“Edit/Remove.” Then click “Go” to open the desired contract. Make the edits
and click “Save.”

Adding Contracts in the GCMS

RSR Recipient Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

If you search for a contract for one of your subrecipients and cannot find it, you
must add the contract to the GCMS. Follow these steps or refer to the
instructions in the 2021 GCMS Manual to add the new contract:
1. Click “Add Contract” below the search results table.
2. Search for the organization by registration code, name, or city/state.
3. Locate the subrecipient in the results table and click “Add” under the
“Action” column.
4. Complete questions 1–9.
If you need help locating/adding a subrecipient to the GCMS, call Data
Support at 1-888-640-9356 or e-mail
[email protected].

Note: Recipients should refer to the 2021 GCMS Instruction Manual and
2021 GCMS Webinar for further guidance on managing contracts in the


Figure 5: GCMS Update Services Table*
STEP THREE: Open and complete your RSR Recipient Report
Once all contracts from the submission period are in the GCMS, under the Inbox
heading in the left Navigation panel, select the “Recipient Report Inbox” link.
Create or open your Recipient Report by clicking the envelope icon under the
“Action” column. You will be redirected to the RSR Recipient Report General
Information page (see Figure 6).

General Information

RSR Recipient Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Figure 6. RSR Recipient Report Online Form: Screenshot of the General Information Section

Items 1–3 show the information on the Recipient Report prepopulated from
your notice of award (NoA). These fields are editable, and you should update
your agency’s information according to your NoA:
1. Official Mailing Address

ZIP Code

2. Organization Identification

RSR Recipient Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual


DUNS will be replaced by UEI. To support this transition, HRSA’s EHBs
are being updated to change all DUNS number fields to UEI fields.
SAM.gov will automataically create the UEI and import it into the EHBs
for all active organizations. Please note: You do not need to take any

3. Contact information of person completing this form (editable fields).
This will be the primary contact person for RSR-related issues.
4. Name
e. Title
f. Phone and extension (if applicable)
g. Fax
h. Email
RWHAP Part C and D Recipients Only: Indicate whether your agency
received a Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) designation during the
reporting period. If your agency did receive MAI funding, specify the
most recent percentage designation for the reporting period.
Click “Save” on the bottom right of the page.

Program Information
Figure 7. RSR Recipient Report Online Form: Screenshot of the Program Information Section

1. On the left Navigation panel, select “Program Information.” Review
the list of your service providers that were active during the

RSR Recipient Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

reporting period.
2. Select the “+/- (Expand/Collapse)” icon to view the services you
funded for each subrecipient. The list should display all the services
that were funded, regardless of whether the subrecipient actually
delivered the service.
3. If you need to exempt a subrecipient from reporting, check the box
in the “Exempt” column, and enter a brief explanation for the
exemption. Please Note: If a subrecipient has other recipients in
addition to you, all its recipients must check “Exempt” for the
subrecipient to be considered exempt from reporting. If one or
more recipient(s) chooses not to exempt the subrecipient, the
provider must complete the Provider Report and should include
data for all services Refer to page 5 for a list of exemption criteria.
If all the information displayed is correct, click “Save” at the bottom of the page,
and move on to Step 4 (Validate and Certify your RSR Recipient Report).

Synchronizing Changes to Your RSR Recipient Report
If you edit contracts in the GCMS after you start your Recipient Report,
synchronize the changes so that they are updated and transferred to your
RSR Recipient Report by following these steps.
1. To access the “Synchronize” feature, click “Program Information” in
the left Navigation panel. A Warning message will appear that
contains links for each subrecipient with contract edits (see Figure

RSR Recipient Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Figure 8. RSR Recipient Report Online Form: Screenshot of the Program Information Section with
Synchronization Warning

2. Click “Synchronize All” in the Warning message box at the top of the
page to synchronize contract information across providers and their
respective reports.
If you added a new subrecipient contract in the GCMS, you will not see that
subrecipient in your list. Select the link with the “Synchronize All” button in
the Warning at the top of the page for it to synchronize and be added to
your list.

Figure 9. RSR Recipient Report Online Form: Screenshot of the Synchronization Confirmation Section

RSR Recipient Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

3. Review the list of changes you made to the subrecipient contract(s)
(see Figure 9). To accept the changes and update the data in your
Recipient Report, click “Synchronize” at the bottom of the page.
4. Synchronize your Recipient Report to incorporate any changes you
made in the GCMS. Changes are not visible to subrecipients until
they have been synchronized.

STEP FOUR: Validate and certify your RSR Recipient Report
Once your Recipient Report is complete and correct, validate your Recipient
Report by selecting “Validate” in the left Navigation panel.
1. Allow the system to validate for a few minutes, and then refresh the
page by selecting “Validate” again.
2. Once the system displays your validation results, it will let you know if
there are any errors, warnings, or alerts.

Errors must be fixed. You cannot certify your Recipient Report
with errors.

Warnings require that you either address the warning or add a
comment that explains why the information is correct or can’t be
changed.. Address warnings to prevent your project officer from
returning the report to you. To add a comment to a warning, follow
these steps:
• Select “Add Comment” under the “Actions” column to the
right of the warning validation.
• A new window will appear for you to enter your comment.
Enter your comment.
• When finished, select “Save” at the bottom of the text box.

Alerts are informational and do not require any action in the
system.However, it is highly recommended that you review your data and
address the alerts the best way you can before your report is submitted and

RSR Recipient Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

reviewed by your Project Officer.
3. Indicate that you have completed data entry for your RSR Recipient Report
by certifying the report by doing the following:
• Click “Certify” in the left Navigation panel. Enter a comment in the text
box. The comment box is your opportunity to add feedback regarding
your submission and is reviewed at the end of the reporting period to
help improve future submissions.
• Check the box under the comment box indicating that you certify that
the information is accurate.
Try to certify your RSR Recipient Report as soon as possible after the
RSR web system opens. Subrecipients cannot submit their RSR Provider
Report and client-level data until their recipient(s) certify their RSR
Recipient Report(s).
If you need to make edits to your Recipient Report after it has been
certified, you will need to request a decertification. To request a
decertification, call Data Support at 1-888-640-9356 or email
[email protected].

STEP FIVE: Accept Provider’s Reports (after subrecipients
have submitted their report)
When your subrecipient(s) have submitted their RSR Provider Report and clientlevel data, it is your responsibility to review the reports.
Navigate to each subrecipient’s RSR by using the Provider Report inbox or
searching for the subrecipient using the search feature in the left Navigation
panel. Open the Provider Report by selecting the envelope icon in the “Action”
Review the following:


Provider Report
Upload Completeness Report
Any validation comments
Use the links in the left Navigation panel to either “Submit/Accept” or
“Return for Changes.”

RSR Recipient Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

If you fund a single subrecipient with more than one grant, such as
RWHAP Parts C and D grants, you must accept the report from both
grant folders before the Provider Report will advance to “Submitted”
Your RSR Recipient Report will not advance to “Submitted” status until you have
accepted ALL of your providers’ reports. If you are unsure which recipients
and/or grants need to accept your providers’ reports, please contact Ryan
White Data Support for confirmation.
For Exempted Subrecipients Only: If all recipients have exempted a
subrecipient, click the envelope icon “Create” to create and open the Provider
Report. Click the “Submit/Accept” link to submit a blank provider report.
However, the recipient will need to complete the Service Delivery section of the
Provider Report prior to submitting it.
If you need help completing your Recipient Report or reviewing your
providers’ reports, contact RWHAP Data Support at 1-888-640-9356 or
[email protected].

Frequently Asked Questions About the RSR
Recipient Report
Are recipients able to pull previous years’ submissions to review
the data submitted for the RSR Recipient Report?
Recipients can review previously submitted Recipient Reports in
the RSR web system at any time. To access these reports, search
for the applicable year’s performance report. If you need further
assistance searching for these reports, contact the DISQ Team
and/or Ryan White Data Support.
We are a RWHAP Part C and D recipient; we are also a RWHAP
Part A subrecipient. We do not have RWHAP Part C or D
subrecipients. We use all our funds to deliver HIV counseling
and testing and core medical (see Table 1 on page 6 for a full list
of core medical services), and support services (see Table 2 on
page 6 for a full list of support services.) What components of
the RSR do I have to complete?
To complete your RSR, submit two RSR Recipient Reports, one for
your RWHAP Part C grant and one for your RWHAP Part D grant.
Complete one RSR Provider Report that includes data on all the
services your agency is funded to deliver. Submit client-level data
that includes one record for each eligible client that received a
service visit during the reporting period.

RSR Recipient Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Are agenicies that are only funded by a Part B Minorty AIDS
Iniative (MAI dollars required to submit the RSR?
A Part B Minority Aids Iniative (MAI) funded subrecipient may
report on the RSR if the service they are providing fits within a
service category definiton listed PCN 16-02. If the service does
not meet the criteria you should not report the RWHAP Part B
MAI service on the RSR.

Is information for RWHAP-related funded (program income or
pharmaceutical rebates) services required in my Recipient
Report for the 2021 RSR?
Yes. Any recipient-provider and subrecipient providing services
with RWHAP-related funding (program income or
pharmaceutical rebates) should be reflected in your Recipient
Report. These services must be marked accordingly in the
appropriate contract.
One I contract with one of my subrecipients to provide AIDS
Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) services only. Will this
subrecipient submit an RSR?
No. This subrecipient is not required to submit an RSR. Recipients
should exclude contracts from the GCMS for subrecipients that
are exclusively funded to provide only ADAP services.
Our organization contributes RWHAP Part A Eligible
Metropolitan Area/Transitional Grant Area funds for RWHAP
Part B ADAP. Should I include a contract with the State (or its
RWHAP ADAP contractor) on my contract list?
Yes, a contract should be entered into the GCMS for the
respective contract period. However, agencies that are only
funded for ADAP services will not be required to submit an RSR,
and the system will not populate the report. ADAP-only funded
services are reported on the ADAP Data Report.
I am a recipient and have a contract with a fiscal intermediary.
Do I list second-level provider services in the fiscal intermediary

RSR Recipient Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

No. First, create a contract for the fiscal intermediary in the
GCMS. On question 5 of the contract, indicate that the
subrecipient is a fiscal intermediary. Then, create a separate
contract for the second-level provider. Under question 6 in the
GCMS, indicate “Yes,” and select the fiscal intermediary that
funds the organization. The services that the second-level
provider is funded for should be included in the second-level
provider’s contract.
The services listed for one of my subrecipients are not correct.
Where can I edit the services?
You can make modifications to the contract in the GCMS. Select
“Search Contracts” to enter the GCMS, search and select the
subrecipients, make updates as necessary, and synchronize your
report. As a reminder, verify contracts BEFORE starting the
Recipient Report to avoid the need to synchronize the data.
I have already certified my Recipient Report, and I am no longer
able to make any changes. What do I need to do?
You are not able to make changes to your Recipient Report
while it is in “Certified” status. You will need to “request
decertification.” If you need to request a decertification to
make changes to your report, contact Ryan White Data Support
at 1-888-640-9356 or [email protected] for
What does it mean if a contract has been signed and executed,
and do I need to check off the box if the contract is with my own
A contract is signed and executed if there is an
agreement/arrangement in place to provide services with
RWHAP funding. An agency should mark that its contract has
been executed even if the contract is self-funded.
Do I need to complete a Recipient Report for my EHE and CARES
Act funding?
Yes. Because EHE and 2020 CARES Act funding are considered
RWHAP funding, you will need to complete a Recipient Report for
each grant your organization recieves from HRSA.

RSR Recipient Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

CARES Act Funding and RSR reporting
All RWHAP recipients will be required to report data for services
provided with 2020 CARES Act funding.
Recipients who received a No Cost Extension to continue providing
services after the initial funding period ended will still need to report
that data in the 2021 RSR.
Note that household members who received services funded through
the CARES Act should not be reported in the RSR (if they are not
RWHAP eligible clients).

RSR Recipient Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

RSR Provider Report
Any organization that provides RWHAP services to people with HIV are required
to complete an RSR Provider Report. The four types of organizations are defined
in detail on page 4 and are listed below:

A recipient-provider
A subrecipient
A second-level provider
A multi-level provider

For the purposes of the Provider Report, all these entities are referred to as
The Provider Report is a collection of basic information about the provider and
the services the provider delivered under each of its RWHAP contracts. Agencies
that provide services using RWHAP funding (including 2020 CARES Act funding
and EHE funding) and/or RWHAP-related funding (program income and/or
pharmaceutical rebates) are required to complete a 2021 RSR Provider Report.
Multiply funded providers will include information from all the RWHAP
Parts under which the agency is funded in one Provider Report.

Unless exempted, all provider agencies are expected to complete their own
reports to confirm that their data accurately reflect their program and the
quality of care their agency provides. A full explanation of exempting providers
is on page 5.

Instructions for Completing the Provider
STEP ONE: Open the Provider Report.
Recipient-providers and providers (subrecipients) both access and complete the
2021 RSR Provider Report via the HRSA EHBs. However, your access to the EHBs
will differ depending on how your organization is categorized. Recipientproviders will access the EHBs using the Recipient portal; subrecipients will
access the EHBs using the Service Provider portal. The following details explain
how to access the RSR based on your organization’s categorization.

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

If you need assistance logging into the appropriate EHBs portal, contact
RWHAP Data Support at 1-888-640-9356 or
[email protected].
Recipient-providers: Access the RSR web system by logging in to the EHBs; then
navigate to your Performance Reports (see Figure 10).EHBs; then navigate to
your Performance Reports (see Figure 10).

Figure 10. Recipient-Provider Login Page: Screenshot of the Recipient-Provider EHB Login Page

There are several ways to access the RSR in the EHBs interface:

Hover your mouse over the “Grants” tab on the top-left of
the screen to show a drop-down menu.
On this drop-down menu, under “Submissions,” select “Work
on Performance Report.”
On the bottom of the Submissions - All page, under
“Submission Name,” locate your most recent RSR submission.
Find your 2021 RSR Deliverable, and click “Start” or “Edit.”
On the left side of the screen, under the Inbox heading, select
“Provider Report.” Use the envelope icon in the Action
column to access your Provider Report.

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

If you need help navigating the EHBs to find your annual RSR, call the
EHBs Customer Support Center at 1-877-464-4772.

EHBs log-in information for Providers

Providers Only: Complete the RSR Provider Report by accessing the RSR
web system in the EHBs service provider portal (Figure 11).
Enter your username and password and click “Login.” If you are a new
user, click “Create an Account”; you will need your agency’s registration
code to create a username and password.

Figure 11. Service Provider Login Page: Screenshot of the EHB Service Provider Login Page

To obtain your registration code, contact your recipient or Data Support
at 1-888-640-9356 or [email protected]. If you need
help logging in or creating an account, contact the EHBs Customer
Support Center at 1-877-464-4772.

If you need assistance with creating an EHBs account, contact the EHBs
Customer Support Center at 1-877-464-4772.

Once you are logged in, follow the steps below to access the Provider

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Report inbox page:
1. Click the Organization tab at the top of the page (see Figure 12).

Figure 12. Getting Started with the Handbooks Page: Screenshot of EHB Service Provider Home Page


Select the “Organization Folder” option for your assigned organization
(Figure 13).

Figure 13. My Registered Organizations – List Page: Screenshot of Registered Organization Page

3. Click the “Access RSR (includes modules such as Check your XML HIVQM,
CDR, and EHE)” link (see Figure 14).

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Figure 14. Organization Home Page: Screenshot of Organization Home Page

The Provider Report inbox page is displayed (Figure 15). Select the envelope
icon in the “Action” column to access your Provider Report; you will be taken
directly to the first page of your Provider Report.

Figure 15. RSR Provider Report Inbox: Screenshot of RSR Provider Report Inbox

STEP TWO: Complete the Provider Report

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

On the left Navigation panel, find the “Provider Report Navigation” header.
Here you will find six links: General Information, Program Information, Service
Information, HC&T Information, Clients by ZIP Code, and Import Client-level
Complete each section before validating and submitting the report. Use these
links to navigate between the various sections of the report.

General Information
This information is populated from your organization’s profile (see Figure 16).
The provider’s organization information should be entered in the General
Information section regardless of whether the recipient completed the Provider

Figure 16. RSR Provider Report Online Form: Screenshot of General Information

You are responsible for confirming the following information:
Organization Details
Use the “Update” link highlighted in red (Figure 16, above) to modify the
Organizational Details as needed.

Organization Name (editable for service “Provider Only”

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual


Mailing Address

DUNS will be replaced by UEI. To support this transition, HRSA’s EHBs are
being updated to change all DUNS number fields to UEI fields. SAM.gov
will automatically create the UEI and import it into the EHBs for all active
organizations. Please note: You do not need to take any action.

Organization Contacts


The organization contacts are prepopulated from the previous RSR
submission. Review the contact information and be sure to update it
accordingly, as HAB’s technical assistance providers use this
information for outreach purposes.
Select the “Edit” or “Delete” links under the “Actions” column to
modify or remove an existing contact.
Select “Add Contact” to add a new contact to your report.

Provider Profile Information
Select “Update” to the right of the “Provider Profile Information” header to
make any necessary modifications to this section
Provider Type (select only one): Select the provider type that best describes
your agency.



Hospital or university-based clinic includes
ambulatory/outpatient care departments or clinics,
emergency rooms, rehabilitation facilities (physical,
occupational, speech), hospice programs, substance use
disorder treatment programs, sexually transmitted
diseases clinics, HIV/AIDS clinics, and inpatient case
management service programs.
Publicly funded community health center includes
community health centers, migrant health centers, rural
health centers, and homeless health centers.
Publicly funded community mental health center is a
community-based agency, funded by local, State, or
federal funds, that provides mental health services to
low-income people.
Other community-based service organization includes
nonhospital-based organizations, HIV/AIDS service and
volunteer organizations, private nonprofit social service

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual



and mental health organizations, hospice programs
(home and residential), home health care agencies,
rehabilitation programs, substance use disorder
treatment programs, case management agencies, and
mental health care providers.
Health department includes State or local health
Substance use disorder treatment center is an agency
that focuses on the delivery of substance misuse
treatment services.
Solo/group private medical practice includes all health
and health-related private practitioners and practice
Agency reporting for multiple fee-for-service providers
is an agency that reports data for more than one feefor-service provider (e.g., a State operating a
reimbursement pool).
People Living with HIV (PLWH) coalition includes
organizations that provide support services to
individuals and families affected by HIV and AIDS.
VA facility is a facility funded through the U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs.
Other provider type is an agency that does not fit the
agency types listed above. If you select “Other facility,”
you must provide a description.

Section 330 funding received: funds community health centers, migrant health
centers, and health care for the homeless: Section 330 of the Public Health
Service Act supports the development and operation of community health
centers that provide preventive and primary health care services, supplemental
health and support services, and environmental health services to medically
underserved areas/populations. Indicate if you received such funding during the
reporting period.
 Yes
 No
 Unknown
Ownership Type (select only one):
 Public/local is an organization funded by a local government entity and
operated by local government employees. A local health department is
an example.
 Public/State is an organization funded by a State government entity and
operated by State government employees. A State health department is
an example.
 Public/Federal is an organization funded by the Federal government
and operated by Federal government employees. A VA hospital is an

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

 Private, nonprofit is an organization owned and operated by a private
not-for-profit entity. A nonprofit health clinic is an example.
 Private, for-profit is an organization owned and operated by a private
entity, even though it may receive government funding. A privately
owned hospital is an example.
 Unincorporated is an agency that is not incorporated.
 Other is an agency other than those listed above.
Faith-Based Organization (indicate whether your organization considers itself
faith based):
 Yes
 No
Part of a real-time electronic data network: A real-time, electronic data
network allows clients’ health information to be shared and managed by an
authorized group of providers. It is a network of electronic health information
systems, typically with all data stored on a central server.
 No
 Yes
 Unknown
Service Delivery Sites
If the provider delivers client services, at least one service delivery site should
be listed, even when the service delivery address matches the provider's mailing
address (see Figure 17). If you are a recipient and have exempted providers, you
are still responsible for completing this section of their report.
Review the information in the table for accuracy. Use the “Edit” link to make
changes to site information and modify delivered services at each agency, or
select the “Delete” link to delete a service delivery site. Select “Add a Site” to
add additional service delivery sites, or select “Add Organization Address as a
Site” to add a service delivery site for this organization using the current mailing

Figure 17. RSR Provider Report Online Form: Screenshot of the Service Delivery Sites

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Follow the on-screen prompts to enter the information into the “Add/Edit a
New Service Delivery Site” screen. The Hours of Operation field is a text field, so
you can enter anything, such as “By appointment only,” to complete this item.
Once you enter all the required information, select “Save” at the bottom of the

Program Information

Contact Information of person responsible for this submission.
Verify that the contact information is correct and make any
necessary changes.

Select the status of your agency’s clinical quality management program (select
only one):
 Clinical quality management program initiated this reporting period;
 Previously established clinical quality management program;
 Previously established program with new quality standards added this
reporting period; or
 Do not have a clinical quality management program;
Further information on clinical quality management is in PCN #15-02 available
on the HRSA HAB website.
Funding Source Certification
This item lists all your agency’s sources of RWHAP and RWHAP-related funding
(program income and pharmaceutical rebates)(see Figure 18). Verify this list is
accurate by checking the box under the funding source table. If a funding
source is missing or services listed are inaccurate, contact your recipient and ask
it to add your agency to its list of contractors. If a recipient that did not fund
your organization is listed, contact Data Support for assistance.

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Figure 18. RSR Provider Report Online Form: Screenshot of the Funding Source Certification

Opioid-Use Treatment
Within your organization/agency, identify the number of physicians, nurse
practitioners, or physician assistants who obtained a Drug Addiction Treatment
Act of 2000 (DATA) waiver to treat opioid use disorder with medications
(medication-assisted treatment [MAT], e.g., buprenorphine, naltrexone)
specifically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Enter the
number of the above-mentioned staff who obtained the waiver in either the
current year or prior years. Enter zero if none of the abovementioned staff
obtained the waiver.
How many of the above physicians, nurse practitioners, or physician assistants
prescribed MAT (e.g., buprenorphine, vivitrol) for opioid use disorders in the
reporting period? Enter the number of the abovementioned staff who prescribed
MAT. Enter zero if none of the abovementioned staff prescribed MAT.
How many RWHAP clients were treated with MAT during the reporting period?
Enter the number of clients treated. Enter zero if no clients were treated.
For questions 4 and 5 (see Figure 19), providers should report information on all
providers in the unit or subunit of their organization that are funded to provide
RWHAP services (regardless of whether that unit or subunit is specifically
funded to provide MAT through RWHAP).
For question 6, providers should report all RWHAP-eligible clients who were
treated with MAT during the reporting period in the unit or subunit of their
organization funded to provide RWHAP services.

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Figure 19. RSR Provider Report Online Form: Screenshot of the Opioid Reporting Questions

Service Information
Review the services funded by your recipient(s) listed in the Administrative and
Technical Services, Core Medical Services, Support Services, and EHE Initiative
Services tables (see Figure 20).
These tables are populated from the services indicated as funded by your
recipient(s) in its Recipient Report(s). The tables include all sources of RWHAP
funding as well as RWHAP-related funding (program income and pharmaceutical
rebates), if applicable.
Your agency should select the “Delivered” checkbox for any service category
that was delivered using RWHAP funding (including 2020 CARES Act and EHE
initiative funding) and RWHAP-related funding (program income and
pharmaceutical rebates) during the reporting period.
If a service category that was funded by your recipient is missing, contact the
appropriate recipient to have it added to your report. Use the Additional
Services table at the bottom of the page to check off any additional services that
your agency provided through its own RWHAP-related funding (program income
and pharmaceutical rebates).
Only service categories not already listed as funded by your recipient will be
included in this table.

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Figure 20. RSR Provider Report Online Form: Screenshot of the Service Information

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

HIV Counseling and Testing (HC&T) Information
Regardless of whether your agency used RWHAP funding to provide HIV
counseling and testing (HC&T) services during the given reporting period, you
are required to complete this section. Report ALL people who received the
service at your agency during the reporting period, regardless of funding source.
Complete this section even if RWHAP funds are only used for staff salaries. If
your agency did not provide HC&T during the reporting period select “No” for
question #8.

Figure 21. HIV Counseling and Testing Service Information: Screenshot of the HC&T Information Page

If you provide HC&T services as part of your Early Identification of Individuals with
HIV/AIDS (EIIHA) activities or under EIS for RWHAP Parts A, B, or C, report your
HC&T data in this section.
Did your organization use RWHAP funds to provide HIV Counseling and Testing
services during the reporting period? Indicate “Yes” or “No.”
Number of individuals tested for HIV: Indicate the number of people tested
using an FDA-approved test during the reporting period.
Of those tested (#9 above), number who tested NEGATIVE: Indicate the number
who tested NEGATIVE for HIV during the reporting period.

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Of those tested (#9 above), number who tested POSITIVE: Of the total number
tested, indicate how many tested positive for HIV during the reporting period.
Of those who tested POSITIVE (#11 above), number referred to HIV medical
care: Of the total number who tested positive for HIV, indicate how many were
referred to HIV medical care.

Clients by ZIP Code
Report the number of clients served by the client’s ZIP Code of residence (see
Figure 22). Providers may manually enter the data or upload a file (refer to the
Clients by ZIP Code template file) that contains two fields:

The ZIP Code of residence.
The number of clients residing in that ZIP Code who received
services that were funded using RWHAP and/or RWHAPrelated funding (program income or pharmaceutical rebates).

Residence information may not be available for some clients. Special
instructions cover the following groups:


Clients who change residential ZIP Codes during the reporting
period: Report the client’s most recent ZIP Code on file.
Clients experiencing homelessness: Although many clients
experiencing homelessness live doubled up or in shelters,
transitional housing, or other fixed locations, others—
especially those living on the street—do not know or will not
share an exact location. When a ZIP Code location is
unavailable or the location offered is questionable, providers
should use the service location ZIP Code as a proxy.
Unknown ZIP Code: For the small number of patients with an
unknown residence or who do not have a proxy, report the
client’s ZIP Code as “99999” to indicate the residence is

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Figure 22. RSR Provider Report Online Form: Screenshot of Clients by ZIP Code

STEP THREE: Complete the Client-Level Data Report: Import
client-level data (if applicable)
If you provide core medical or support services, upload a client-level data file to
complete your Provider Report. The Client-Level Data Report is a collection of
RWHAP client records that must be submitted in a properly formatted clientlevel data XML file. The client-level data XML file should include data for clients
who received services provided through all RWHAP funding (including CARES
Act and EHE) and RWHAP-related funding (program income and/or
pharmaceutical rebates) as well as data for those clients who received a service
eligible for RWHAP funding, regardless of payor. To learn how to upload the
client-level data XML file, see page 52.

Step Four: Validate your RSR Provider Report and client-level
Validate your Provider Report by clicking “Validate” on the left Navigation panel
in the “Provider Report Actions” section.

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Validation results are divided into three categories: Errors, Warnings, or Alerts.



Errors must be corrected before you can submit the report or
data. If the errors are triggered by the Provider Report, correct
the information entered. If the errors are triggered by the
client-level data, correct the data file and re-upload it to the
system. Be sure to clear the old file by using the “Clear Clients”
feature in the left Navigation panel before uploading the
corrected data file. When you have finished updating your data,
validate your report again.
Warnings either need to be corrected or you must enter a
comment explaining why the data are correct or can’t be
corrected. To submit your Provider Report with warnings, write
a comment for all the warnings that can’t or should not be fixed
by clicking the “Add Comments” link under the “Action” column
in your validation report. Do not include personal health
information (PHI) when entering warning comments.
Alerts are informative and intended to help you identify
potential issues in your data collection and reporting processes.
You can submit your report with alerts; however, it is highly
recommended that you correct these data as much as possible
before submission.
If you have questions about a specific data validation check, contact Data
Support at 1-888-640-9356 or [email protected]

Your data system contains PHI that includes, but is not limited to, client names,
addresses, dates of birth (DOB), social security numbers (SSN), dates of service,
and URNs generated for your organization’s client-level data XML file. To ensure
client confidentiality, you must be compliant with all relevant federal
regulations. Protect this information the same way you protect all client data.
Do not disclose sensitive information in your reporting comments. For
additional information about client confidentiality and privacy, visit the HHS
Office of Civil Rights Health Infomration Privacy Page

Step Five: Submit your report
When you are satisfied that your Provider Report is complete, submit it and
your client-level data by clicking “Submit” in the left Navigation panel. On the

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

page that appears, you will be required to enter a comment. The comment box
is your opportunity to add feedback regarding your submission and is reviewed
at the end of the reporting period to help improve future submissions. Next,
check the box under the comment box indicating that you certify the data are
accurate, and select the “Submit Report” button.
Your RSR Provider Report will proceed to either “Review” or “Submitted” status.
If your report advances to “Submitted” status, you are done. If your report
advances to “Review” status, one or more RWHAP funders must review and
accept the report before it will advance to “Submitted” status.
If you have questions about the status of your RSR, contact Data Support
at 1-888-640-9356 or [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions About the RSR
Provider Report
Should I include funding information for RWHAP-related
funding (program income or pharmaceutical rebates) in my
Provider Report?
Yes, include funding information for additional services that are
provided using your own RWHAP-related funding (program
income or pharmaceutical rebates). If a funded service is
missing or incorrect, please contact your recipient.
Do providers need to report data on services provided with
RWHAP-related funding (program income or pharmaceutical
rebates) on the 2021 RSR?
Yes. Services funded with RWHAP-related (program income or
pharmaceutical rebates) are required for submission on the
2021 RSR.

Do providers that receive funding from multiple RWHAP Parts
complete multiple Provider Reports?

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

No, each subrecipient will submit only one Provider Report
including data from all RWHAP Parts the agency is funded
Are providers we do not have formal contracts with required
to submit data?
For the purpose of the RSR, “contracts” include formal
contracts, memoranda of understanding, or other agreements.
Data must be reported for all providers that delivered RWHAP
Do providers need to submit a Provider Report and client-level
data if they do not serve any clients, submit only vouchers,
only serve clients on a fee-for-service basis, or receive a small
amount of funding from my grant?
Each provider listed on your contract lists will be required to
complete an RSR Provider Report unless all of its RWHAP
funders have marked it as exempted. Data are still required of
all providers that delivered RWHAP services. Please refer to
page 5 to review how to report for an exempted provider.
Do second-level providers have to submit Provider Reports?
Yes, both subrecipients and second-level providers need to
complete Provider Reports. Second-level providers will see the
name of their RWHAP funders and the name of their fiscal
intermediary, the agency through which it receives funding, in
their contracts list.
I have a lot of providers and have set an early submission
deadline so I have time to review their submissions. But one of
my providers is multiply funded, and the other recipient told
my provider that it does not need to submit its data until HRSA
HAB’s recommended submission deadline. I really need my
provider to submit its data early. What do I do?
Contact your provider’s other RWHAP funder(s), preferably
before the report submission period begins, to coordinate your
deadlines. Taking the time upfront to agree on the submission
deadlines that all the provider’s RWHAP funders will enforce
will help ensure a smooth submission process. If your provider
is also a recipient, be sure to negotiate an early submission
deadline that is agreeable to both of you. Project officers can be
helpful in these decisions and can suggest due dates for
Recipient Reports.
How do I report a service that I delivered that does not appear
in my Provider Report?

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

If you receive RWHAP or RWHAP-related funding (program
income or pharmaceutical rebates) from a recipient to deliver a
service that is not populated in your Provider Report, contact
your recipient to add the service(s) on its Recipient Report. If a
service that was funded using your own RWHAP-related funding
(program income or pharmaceutical rebates) is missing, click
the corresponding checkbox in the Additional Services table in
the Service Information section of your Provider Report to add
the service. If you did not receive RWHAP or RWHAP-related
funding (program income or pharmaceutical rebates) to deliver
the service, do not mark it in your Provider Report.
When completing the opioid-use treatment questions in the
Provider Report, should we count providers covered under a
Yes, include subcontract providers.
If our agency has a separate non-RWHAP-funded program that
provides MAT for opioid use, do we need to report on these
No, only report all RWHAP-eligible clients who were treated
with MAT during the reporting period in the unit or subunit of
their organization funded to provided RWHAP services.
For the opioid-use treatment questions about how many
clients were treated with MAT during the reporting period,
should we include the RWHAP-eligible patients who received
MAT at an outside organization?
No, only report RWHAP-eligible clients who were treated with
MAT during the reporting period in the unit or subunit of their
organization funded to provide RWHAP services.
Is question 6 under the opioid-use treatment questions asking
how many clients the organization has prescribed MAT
treatment to? Or are the questions asking how many clients of
the organization have been prescribed MAT treatment
(regardless of who prescribed it)? Some of our provider
agencies do not prescribe MAT treatment, but clients they
serve are on MAT treatment prescribed elsewhere.
Question 6 asks how many RWHAP eligible clients were treated
with MAT during the reporting period. Providers should report
all RWHAP-eligible clients who were treated with MAT in the
unit or subunit of their organization funded to provide RWHAP
services during the reporting period.

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

In the Clients by ZIP Code section, do we report the ZIP Code of
the client’s home address or where the client receives
Report the ZIP Code of the client’s home address.
Do I submit the ZIP Codes of all clients seen by my agency or
just RWHAP clients?
Providers should report the number of RWHAP clients receiving
services by their ZIP Code of residence.
How do I report the ZIP Code of a client who has moved during
the reporting period?
If a client has changed ZIP Codes during the reporting period,
report the most recent known ZIP Code for that client.
How do I report the ZIP Code of homeless clients?
When a ZIP Code location is unavailable for a homeless client or
the location offered is questionable, providers should use the
service location ZIP Code as a proxy.
How do I report a client in the Clients by ZIP Code section if his
or her ZIP Code is unknown?
Providers should use the service location ZIP Code as a proxy.
For the small number of clients for whom residence is not
known or for whom a proxy is not available, report the client’s
ZIP Code as “99999” to indicate that the residence is unknown.
Are we allowed to upload more than 490 ZIP code records in
the 2021 RSR?
Providers can now upload 3,000 ZIP code records into the RSR
Provider Report. You have the option to upload ZIP codes
manually or use the template provided in the Clients by ZIP
code section of the report.

Can I upload more than one ZIP Code file?
No. Providers should upload one .csv file that includes their ZIP
Code(s) using the provided template. Providers cannot upload
multiple files. The system only accepts one file at a time; when a
second file is uploaded, the first file’s data will be erased and

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Why has my Provider Report not moved into “Submitted”
status even though the report has been accepted?
A Provider Report will only be moved to “Submitted” status if all
funding grant recipients have accepted the report. If you have
entered contracts in the GCMS for your own organization to
provide services through multiple program Parts (e.g., your
agency receives RWHAP Parts C and D funding), the report must
be accepted under both grants.

RSR Provider Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

RSR Client-Level Data Report
Client-level data must be submitted for all providers who used RWHAP or
RWHAP-related funding (program income or pharmaceutical rebates) to provide
core medical or support services directly to clients during the reporting period.
Unless exempted from reporting, all provider agencies must complete their own
reports to confirm that their data accurately reflect their program and the
quality of care their agency provides. A full explanation of exempting providers
is located on page 5.

Importing the Client-Level Data XML File to
the Provider Report
Providers need to extract the client-level data from their systems into the
proper XML format before the data can be submitted to HRSA HAB. Software
applications that manage and monitor HIV clinical and supportive care can
export the data in the required XML format. Refer to RSR-Ready Data Systems
Vendor Information on the TargetHIV website for a list of RSR-ready vendor
systems that can generate the RSR client-level data XML file. If your organization
uses a custom-built data collection system, you have two options:
1. Write a program that extracts the data and inserts it into an XML file
that conforms to the rules of the RSR XML schema. Obtain the Ryan
White Services Report (RSR) Data Dictionary and XML Schema
Implementation Guide for the Client-Level Data Report on the TargetHIV
website. These items are updated every year.
2. Use TRAX to create your client-level data XML file. TRAX was developed
to help recipients and providers that do not use CAREWare, a provider
data import, or another RSR-ready vendor system to create their clientlevel data XML file.

If you need help generating or modifying your XML file, contact the
DISQ Team at [email protected]

To upload a client-level data XML file, open your RSR Provider Report. From
within the RSR Provider Report, click the “Import Client-level Data” link in the
Provider Report Navigation panel on the left. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Each file uploaded into the RSR system goes through an automatic schema
validation check. If the file is noncompliant, the RSR system rejects the file, and
a complete list of error messages will be displayed. Download the list as a text

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

file and use it to fix the client-level data in your source system.
If you need help correcting a schema check error, contact the DISQ
Team at [email protected]. Include a screenshot of the schema
check error message(s) with your email.
The Upload Completeness Report (UCR) is a report available in the RSR web
system that displays the uploaded data by data element so you can review your
data quality. The UCR allows you to identify both missing data and incorrect
data. Generate the UCR from the left Navigation panel to review your data
before submission.
Data files must be uploaded to the RSR Provider Report. Uploading to the
Check Your XML feature does not meet the reporting requirements.

Client-Level Data Elements
The client report should contain one record for each client who was eligible and
received RWHAP core medical services or support services during the reporting
period. The data elements reported per client are determined by the specific
RWHAP services your agency is funded to provide. See the chart on page 59 to
determine which client-level data elements to report for a client.
Up to 56 data elements may be reported for each client (see Figure 23); they
include the following:


Encrypted Unique Client Identifier (eUCI)
Demographic information
The core medical and support services received
Clinical information if the client received Outpatient/Ambulatory
Health Services

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Figure 23. Screenshot of Client-Level Data Element and Element ID

Below is the list of data fields that may be submitted in the client-level data XML
file. Each description includes the following:
Element ID: Each data element has been assigned a value for convenient
referencing between this document and the RSR Data Dictionary available on
the TargetHIV website.
RSR Client-Level Data Element: A brief description of the client-level data
element being collected.
XML Variable Name: The data elements have been assigned a variable name in
the RSR Data Dictionary as the way to label data in the RSR client-level data XML
file. The variable name is provided for convenient referencing between this
document and the RSR Data Dictionary.
Required for clients with service visits in the following categories: The data
elements that must be reported for your clients are based on the types of
services your agency is funded to provide. Report the data element for all clients
who meet your eligibility criteria for the RWHAP or RWHAP-related funded
service (program income or pharmaceutical rebates), regardless of payor.
Description: A detailed discussion, if required, of the variable and responses
that may be reported for the variable. This section defines the responses
allowed for the data element.
Frequently asked questions about this data element: Where applicable,
answers are provided to the questions recipients and providers ask the most
about the data element.

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

RWHAP-Eligible Services Reporting
Beginning with the 2019 RSR, agencies were able to report client-level data on
additional service categories funded with RWHAP-related funding (program
income or pharmaceutical rebates). Agencies now must collect client-level data
on these additional services provided with RWHAP-related funding (program
income or pharmaceutical rebates) and submit these data in the 2021 RSR.
When determining whether to report a client, providers should consider two

1. Did this client receive at least one service during the reporting period

that my organization was funded to provide with RWHAP funding
(including EHE Initiative and CARES Act funding), and/or RWHAPrelated funding (regardless of payor)?
2. Is this client eligible to receive RWHAP and/or RWHAP-related funded

Providers are required to report eligible clients who received a service
funded with only RWHAP-related funding (program income or
pharmaceutical rebates) in the 2021 RSR. For further guidance on these
reporting requirements, review RSR in Focus: Understanding Eligible
Services for 2021 Data
For example, you have three clients, Aaron, Robert, and Maria, who meet the
eligibility requirements for RWHAP participation. Your agency receives funding
to provide Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services (OAHS) and RWHAP-related
funding (program income or pharmaceutical rebates) to provide Medical Case
Management services. Your agency also provides Housing Services but does not
receive RWHAP or RWHAP-related funding (program income or pharmaceutical
rebates) for this service.
Aaron received OAHS, but his visits were paid for by a payor other than RWHAP
or RWHAP-related funding (program income or pharmaceutical rebates). Aaron
should be reported on the 2021 RSR, as he meets the eligibility requirements for
participation, and this agency received RWHAP funding to provide the services
he received. The actual payor of the service does not determine if the client is
reported in the RSR.
Robert received Medical Case Management services but has no other payor.

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Robert should be reported on the 2021 RSR, as this agency collects data on
these services, because he meets the eligibility requirements, and this agency
receives RWHAP-related funding (program income or pharmaceutical rebates)
to provide the services he received.
Maria only received Housing Services. Maria should not be reported on the RSR
because this agency is not funded through RWHAP or RWHAP-related funding
(program income or pharmaceutical rebates) to provide Housing Services.

Frequently Asked Questions About Eligible
Services Reporting
How do I determine which clients are eligible for RWHAP?
Requirements for RWHAP are typically set at the recipient level.
Contact your RWHAP funder(s) to determine your site’s eligibility
requirements for all funding provided by your recipient(s).
Additionally, providers that generate their own RWHAP-related
funding (program income or pharmaceutical rebates) set their
own requirements for those funds.
How do I know if I should report a client?
You should report a client if:
The client receives a RWHAP-eligible service (regardless of the
payor) -ORThe client received a service from your agency that was funded
by any RWHAP or RWHAP-related (including program income
and/or pharmaceutical rebates) funding.

What do I report if a client has a gap in eligibility? For example,
a client is eligible from January to July and has service visits in
January and December. Which visits do we count?
If the client moves in and out of eligibility, report services that
were within the period of eligibility (Items 16–44, 75). If an
OAHS client moves in and out of eligibility and the agency is
funded by RWHAP or RWHAP-related funding (program income
or pharmaceutical rebates) for OAHS, report the services (ID 16)
within the period of eligibility AND all the clinical data elements
(including OAHS visit dates ID 48) from the ENTIRE year.

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Should I report client-level data from Housing Opportunities for
Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) clients?
HOPWA clients should only be included in the RSR if they have
received another service the orginaztion is funded with RWHAP
funding or uses RWHAP-related funding to provide. If the client
is considered a HOPWA only client please do not report those
individuals on the RSR. For further information on the HOPWA
program, visit the HUD Exchange website.

System Variables
This section includes the list of data elements that may be reported for each
client. . It also includes information on how to indicate information for types of
variables. The 56 data elements required for the client-level data file are listed
in the table below (Table 4).

RSR system’s unique provider ID: SV2
XML Variable Name:
The unique provider organization identifier assigned through the RWHAP RSR
web application.

RSR system’s unique provider registration code: SV3
XML Variable Name:
The unique provider registration code is automatically generated when the
provider is entered into the RSR web system provider directory. It is the same
code that providers use when they create an account in the RSR web system.

Client’s encrypted Unique Client Identifier: SV4
XML Variable Name:
Required for clients with service visits in the following categories:
All core medical and support services
To protect client information, an encrypted UCI (eUCI) is used for reporting
RWHAP client data. Using eUCIs allows HRSA HAB to deduplicate the clients and
obtain a more accurate count of the clients’ RWHAP services.

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Note: Your data system contains PHI that includes, but is not limited to, client
names, addresses, DOB, SSN, dates of service, and URNs generated for your
organization’s client-level data XML file. To ensure client confidentiality, you
must be compliant with all relevant federal regulations. Protect this information
the same way you protect all client data. For additional information, visit the
HHS Office of Civil Rights Health Information Privacy web page. Do not disclose
sensitive information in your reporting comments. Refer to Health Information
Privacy on the HHS website for additional information about client
confidentiality and privacy.
To learn more about the eUCI, including rules on how to construct the
UCI before encryption, view the Encrypted Unique Client Identifier
(eUCI): Application and User Guide on the TargetHIV website.
Guidelines for Collecting and Recording Client Names
Develop business rules/operating procedures outlining the method by which
client names are collected and recorded. For example:


Enter the client’s entire name as it normally appears on
documentation such as a driver’s license, birth certificate, passport,
or Social Security card.
Follow the naming patterns, practices, and customs of the local
community or region (e.g., for Hispanic clients living in Puerto Rico,
record both surnames in the appropriate order).
Avoid using nicknames (e.g., do not use Becca if the client’s first
name is Rebecca).
Avoid using initials.

Instruct providers and staff on how to enter their client’s names. This is
especially true when clients receive services from multiple providers in a
network. To avoid false duplicates, client names must be entered in the same
way at each provider location so that the client has the same eUCI.
Frequently Asked Questions About This Data Element
What if I am missing data elements that compose the eUCI?
If you are missing data elements required for the eUCI, do
everything possible to obtain those data elements. They are
required for each client. This effort will improve not only the
quality of data linking but also patient care and case
Guidelines for collecting Demographic Data
You can report up to 18 demographic data elements for each client. Determine
which demographic data elements are required for a particular client by looking

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

at Appendix A on page 58.

Client’s vital status at the end of the reporting period: 2
XML Variable Name:
Required for clients with service visits in the following categories:

Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services
Medical Case Management
Non-Medical Case Management
EHE Initiative Services

This is the client’s vital status at the end of the reporting period. Response
categories for this data element are:


Frequently Asked Questions About This Data Element
How do I report a client who is no longer receiving services?
If a client is no longer receiving services (i.e., the client is no
longer active due to referral, relocation, or any other reason),
report the client’s last known status.
Our agency stopped receiving RWHAP funding during the
reporting period. How do I report vital status for our clients?
HRSA HAB recommends that providers report the vital status
associated with the client at the time funding ended.

Client’s year of birth: 4
XML Variable Name:
Required for clients with service visits in the following categories:
All core medical, support, and EHE Initiative services
This is the client’s birth year. Even though only the year of birth will be reported
to HRSA HAB, collect the client’s full date of birth, as the client’s birth year,
month, and day are used to generate the UCI. The value must be on or before all
service dates for the client. This is a variable that is used for the eUCI. The RSR
System will reject any XML file with client records that do not include the

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

client’s year of birth.
Guidelines for Reporting Client Race and Ethnicity
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Revisions to the Standards for the
Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity provides a minimum
standard for maintaining, collecting, and presenting data on race and ethnicity
for all federal reporting purposes. The standards were developed to provide a
common language for uniformity and comparability in the collection and use of
data on race and ethnicity by federal agencies.
The standards have five categories for data on race: American Indian or Alaska
Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific
Islander, and White. There are two categories for data on ethnicity: Hispanic or
Latino and Not Hispanic or Latino. In addition, identification of ethnic and racial
subgroups is required for the categories of Hispanic/Latino, Asian, and Native
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander. The racial category descriptions, defined in October
1997, are required for all federal reporting as mandated by the OMB.
HRSA HAB is required to use the OMB reporting standard for race and ethnicity.
However, service providers should feel free to collect race and ethnicity data in
greater detail. If the agency chooses to use a more detailed collection system,
the data collected must be organized so that any new categories can be
aggregated into the standard OMB breakdown.
RWHAP providers are expected to make every effort to obtain and report
race and ethnicity based on each client’s self-report. Self-identification is
the preferred means of obtaining this information. Providers should not
establish criteria or qualifications to use to determine a particular
person’s racial or ethnic classification, nor should they specify how
someone should classify himself or herself.

Client’s self-reported ethnicity: 5
XML Variable Name:
Required for clients with service visits in the following categories:
All core medical, support, and EHE Initiative services
The client’s ethnicity based on his or her self-report. These are the response
category options:

Hispanic/ Latino/a—A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto
Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual


origin, regardless of race. The term “Spanish origin” can be
synonymous with “Hispanic or Latino.” If a client identifies as
Hispanic/Latino/a or Spanish origin, choose all Hispanic
subgroups that apply in ID 68.
Non-Hispanic/Latino/a—A person who does not identify his
or her ethnicity as “Hispanic or Latino.”

Client Report Hispanic subgroup: 68
XML Variable Name:
Required for clients if EthnicityID is Hispanic/Latino(a) or Spanish origin with
service visits in the following categories:
All core medical, support, and EHE Initiative services
If the response to ID 5, client’s self-reported ethnicity, is “Hispanic/Latino/a,”
indicate the client’s Hispanic subgroup (choose all that apply).
These are the response category options:

Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a
Puerto Rican
Another Hispanic, Latino/a or Spanish origin

Client’s self-reported race: 6
XML Variable Name:
Required for all clients with service visits in the following categories:
All core medical, support, and EHE Initiative services
This is the client’s race based on his or her self-report. NOTE: Multiracial clients
should select all categories that apply.


American Indian or Alaska Native—A person having origins in
any of the original peoples of North and South America
(including Central America), and who maintains tribal
affiliation or community attachment.
Asian—A person having origins in any of the original peoples
of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent
including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea,
Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and
Vietnam. If a client identifies as Asian, choose all Asian

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual



subgroups that apply in ID 69.
Black or African American—A person having origins in any of
the black racial groups of Africa.
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander—A person having origins
in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or
other Pacific Islands. If a client identifies as Native
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, choose all Native Hawaiian/Pacific
Islander subgroups that apply in ID 70.
White—A person having origins in any of the original peoples
of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

Client report Asian subgroup: 69
XML Variable Name:
Required for clients if RaceID is Asian with service visits in the following
All core medical, support, and EHE Initiative services
If the response to ID 6, client’s self-reported race, is “Asian,” indicate the client’s
Asian subgroup (choose all that apply).
These are the response category options:


Asian Indian
Other Asian

Client Report Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (NHPI) subgroup: 70
XML Variable Name:
Required for clients if RaceID is Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander with service
visits in the following categories:
All core medical, support, and EHE Initiative services
If the response to ID 6, client’s self-reported race, is “Native Hawaiian or Other
Pacific Islander,” indicate the client’s Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander subgroup
(choose all that apply).

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual


Native Hawaiian
Guamanian or Chamorro
Other Pacific Islander

Client’s current self-reported gender: 7
XML Variable Name:
Required for clients with service visits in the following categories:
All core medical, support, and EHE Initiative services
Indicate the client’s gender (the socially and psychologically constructed,
understood, and interpreted set of characteristics that describe the current
sexual identity of an individual) based on his or her self-report. Gender cannot
be missing; one of the options below must be reported for current gender. This
is a variable that is used for the eUCI.





Male—An individual with strong and persistent identification with
the male gender.
Female—An individual with strong and persistent identification with
the female gender.
Transgender Male to Female—An individual whose sex assigned at
birth was male but identifies their gender as female, regardless of the
status of social gender transition or surgical and hormonal sex
reassignment processes.
Transgender Female to Male—An individual whose sex assigned at
birth was female but identifies their gender as male, regardless of the
status of social gender transition or surgical and hormonal sex
reassignment processes.
Transgender Other—An individual who does not identify with the
other transgender options and/or does not identify with the binary
positions of male/female. These individuals may or may not engage in
social gender transition or surgical and hormonal sex reassignment
processes (e.g., gender nonconforming, genderqueer, nonbinary,
gender fluid, bigender, two-spirited).
Unknown—Indicates the client’s gender category is unknown, was
not reported, or does not fit within one of the available options.

Client sex at birth: 71
XML Variable Name:
Required for clients with service visits in the following categories:

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

All core medical, support, and EHE Initiative services
The biological sex assigned to the client at birth.



Client’s percent of the Federal poverty level: 9
XML Variable Name:
Required for clients with service visits in the following categories:


Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services
Medical Case Management
Non-Medical Case Management
EHE Initiative Services

This is the client’s income in terms of the percent of the Federal poverty level at
the end of the reporting period. Enter up to four digits in the data entry field. No
decimals are allowed.
If your organization collects this information early in the reporting period, it is
not necessary to collect it again at the end of the reporting period (although you
should document changes). Report the latest information on file for each client.
There are two slightly different versions of the Federal poverty measure—the
poverty thresholds (updated annually by the U.S. Bureau of the Census) and the
poverty guidelines (updated annually by HHS). For more information on poverty
measures and to see the most recent HHS Poverty Guidelines, go to Poverty
Research on the HHS website.

If your agency already uses the U.S. Bureau of the Census poverty
thresholds to calculate this data element, continue to do so. Otherwise,
HRSA HAB recommends (and prefers) that you use the HHS poverty
guidelines to collect and report these data.

Client’s housing status: 10
XML Variable Name:

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Required for clients with service visits in the following categories:


Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services
Medical Case Management
Non-Medical Case Management
Housing Services
EHE Initiative Services

This data element is the client’s housing status at the end of the reporting
period. There are three response categories for this data element:


Stable Permanent Housing
Temporary Housing
Unstable Housing

Stable Permanent Housing includes the following:


Renting and living in an unsubsidized room, house, or apartment
Owning and living in an unsubsidized house or apartment
Unsubsidized permanent placement with families or other selfsufficient arrangements
HOPWA-funded housing assistance, including Tenant-Based Rental
Assistance or Facility-Based Housing Assistance, but not including the
Short-Term Rent, Mortgage and Utility Assistance Program.
Subsidized, non-HOPWA, house or apartment, including Section 8,
the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, and public housing.
Permanent housing for formerly homeless persons, including Shelter
Plus Care, the Supportive Housing Program, and the Moderate
Rehabilitation Program for SRO Dwellings.
Institutional setting with greater support and continued residence
expected (psychiatric hospital or other psychiatric facility, foster care
home or foster care group home, or other residence or long-term
care facility).

Temporary Housing includes the following:


Transitional housing for homeless people
Temporary arrangement to stay or live with family or friends
Other temporary arrangement such as a RWHAP-housing subsidy
Temporary placement in an institution (e.g., hospital, psychiatric
hospital or other psychiatric facility, substance use disorder
treatment facility, or detoxification center)
Hotel or motel paid for without emergency shelter voucher

Unstable Housing Arrangements include the following:

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual



Emergency shelter or a public or private place not designed for, or
ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for humans,
including a vehicle, an abandoned building, a bus/train/subway
station/airport, or anywhere outside.
Jail, prison, or a juvenile detention facility
Hotel or motel paid for with emergency shelter voucher

These definitions are based on:


HOPWA Program, Annual Progress Report, Measuring Performance
Outcomes, form HUD- 40110-C
McKinney-Vento Act, Title 42 US Code, Sec. 11302, General definition
of homeless person

Client’s housing status collection date: 11
XML Variable Name:
Required for clients with service visits in the following categories:


Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services
Medical Case Management
Non-Medical Case Management
Housing Services
EHE Initiative Services

This data element is the most recent date the client’s housing status was
Housing Status Collected Date:


MM/DD/YYYY (must be within the reporting period year)

Client’s HIV/AIDS status: 12
XML Variable Name:
Required for clients with service visits in the following categories:


Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services
Medical Case Management
Non-Medical Case Management
EHE Initiative Services

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

This data element is the client’s HIV status at the end of the reporting period.
For HIV-affected clients with unknown HIV status, leave this value blank. The
response categories for this element are:


HIV-negative (affected)—Client has tested negative for HIV, or is an
affected partner or family member of a person who is HIV positive
and has received at least one support service during the reporting
HIV-affected clients are clients who are HIV negative or have an unknown
HIV status. An affected client must be linked to a client/person with HIV.



HIV-positive, not AIDS—Client has diagnosed HIV but not diagnosed
HIV-positive, AIDS status unknown—Client has diagnosed HIV. It is not
known whether the client has diagnosed AIDS.
CDC-defined AIDS—Client has HIV and meets the CDC AIDS case
definition for an adult or child. NOTE: Once a client has AIDS, he or
she always is counted in the CDC-defined AIDS category regardless of
changes in CD4 counts.
HIV-indeterminate (infants <2 years only)—A child under the age of 2
years whose HIV status is not yet determined but was born to a
woman with HIV.
Once an HIV-indeterminate (infants <2 years only) client is confirmed
HIV-negative, he or she must be reclassified as an HIV-affected client.

Frequently Asked Questions About This Data Element
What is the operational definition of AIDS?
HRSA HAB uses the current CDC surveillance case definition for
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome for national reporting.
For additional information, see:


Revised Surveillance Case Definitions for HIV Infection
Among Adults, Adolescents, and Children Aged <18
Months and for HIV Infection and AIDS Among Children
Aged 18 Months to <13 Years
— United States, 2008
• Revised Surveillance Case Definition for HIV Infection
— United States, 2014

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Client’s risk factor for HIV: 14
XML Variable Name:
Required for clients with service visits in the following categories:


Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services
Medical Case Management
Non-Medical Case Management
EHE Initiative Services

This data element is the client’s initial risk factor for HIV transmission. Report all
the response categories that apply. It is primarily based on self-report. For HIVaffected clients for whom HIV status is not known, leave this value blank.





Male-to-male sexual contact cases include men who report sexual
contact with other men (i.e., same-sex contact) and men who report
sexual contact with both men and women (i.e., bisexual contact).
Injection drug use cases include clients who report receiving an
injection, either self-administered or by another person, of a drug
that was not prescribed by a physician for this person. The drug itself
is not the source of the HIV infection but rather the sharing of
syringes or other injection equipment (e.g., cookers and cottons),
which can result in transmission of bloodborne pathogens such as
Hemophilia/coagulation disorder cases include clients with delayed
clotting of the blood.
Heterosexual contact cases include clients who report specific
heterosexual contact with an individual known to have, or to be at
high risk for, HIV infection (e.g., an injection drug user or a man who
has sex with men).
Receipt of transfusion of blood, blood components, or tissue cases
include transfusion- transmitted HIV through receipt of infected
blood or tissue products given for medical care.
Perinatal transmission cases include transmission from mother to
child during pregnancy or childbirth. This category is exclusively for
clients with perinatally acquired HIV. This category includes clients
born after 1980 who are known to have HIV and whose infection is
attributed to vertical transmission, as well as infants with
indeterminate serostatus.
Risk factor not reported or not identified above. This category also
refers to HIV-affected clients.

Frequently Asked Questions About This Data Element

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

How do we report risk factors not listed above?
Risk factors that are not expressly stated above—occupational
exposure, prison tattoos, etc.— should be reported under risk
factor not reported or not identified above.
RWHAP providers are expected to make every effort to obtain and report
HIV risk factor(s) based on each client’s self-report. Self-identification is
the preferred means of obtaining this information.

Client’s health coverage: 15
XML Variable Name:
Required for clients with service visits in the following categories:


All core medical services
Non-Medical Case Management
EHE Initiative Services

Report all sources of health care coverage the client had for any part of the
reporting period (select one or more).

 Private—Employer
 Private—Individual
 Medicare is a health insurance program for people ages 65 years and



older, some disabled people ages 64 years and younger, and people
with end-stage renal disease (permanent kidney failure treated with
dialysis or a transplant).
Medicaid, CHIP, or other public plan
Veterans Health Administration (VA), military health care (TRICARE),
and other military health care
Indian Health Service
Other plan means client has an insurance type other than those listed
above. An example would be a company that chooses to “self-insure”
and pay the medical expenses of its employees directly as they are
incurred rather than purchasing health insurance for its employees to
No insurance/uninsured means the client did not have health
insurance at some time during the reporting period.

Frequently Asked Questions About This Data Element

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

How should a provider report clients who have private
insurance but use RWHAP funds to pay their copay, deductible,
and/or premium?
If the client was covered through private insurance for the entire
year, select the corresponding response option. Select all
responses that apply to the client’s payor of premium, copays, or
deductibles during the reporting period.
How should a provider report a client who has insurance for
part of the reporting period but has no insurance at a different
point in the same reporting period?
If the client has insurance for part of the reporting period, select
the corresponding response option AND select “No Insurance.”
Select all responses that apply.
How should a provider report a client who is covered by
When a client is covered by COBRA, the client is responsible for
payment, and insurance status should be reported as “Private–

HIV diagnosis year: 72
XML Variable Name:
Required for new clients if HIVAidsStatusID is not HIV-negative or HIVindeterminate (infants <2 years only) with service visits in the following


Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services
Medical Case Management
Non-Medical Case Management
EHE Initiative Services



If the response to ID 12 is not “HIV-negative” or “HIV-indeterminate
(infants <2 years only),” indicate the client’s year of HIV diagnosis, if

HIV Diagnosis Year:


yyyy (must be less than or equal to the reporting period year)

New client: 76

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

XML Variable Name:
Required for clients with service visits in the following categories:


Core Medical Services
Support Services
EHE Initiative Services

Indicatewhether the client is new to the service provider. The allowed values



Please see the FAQ below for the definition of a new client.
Frequently Asked Questions About This Data Element
How do we determine a new client?
A new client is a client who is new to care at the provider of HIV
services (i.e., the client has never received care at the HIV
service provider). For example, if a client has received care in the
department of cardiology at a university hospital and then
receives care a year later at the HIV clinic in the same hospital,
they would be considered a new client because they are new to
receiving care from the HIV services provider.

Received Service Previous Year: 77
XML Variable Name:
Required for clients with service visits in the following categories:


Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services
Medical Case Management
Non-Medical Case Management
EHE Initiative Services


RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Indicate whether the client received at least one service in the previous year.
This should be completed if the client is not new to the service provider. The
allowed values are:



Service visits delivered: 16, 18–19, 21–27, 28-44, 75, 78
XML Variable Name:


ServiceID (see Tables 1, 2, and 3)
Visits (number of visits [1–365] the client received in the service
category indicated)

Required for clients with service visits in the following categories:
Recipients of at least one core medical service, per client, as listed in Table 1.
Recipients of at least one support service, per client, as listed in Table 2.
Report the number of core medical and support service visits the client received
during the reporting period. Only report services with visits (including
telehealth/telemedicine). For each day, only one visit per service category may
be reported for the RSR—even if the client receives more than one service in a
particular category during the day.
Example 1: During her visit with the dentist on June 19, Sue Chrysler receives
five services: a dental exam, a cleaning, a filling, X-rays, and a fluoride
treatment. In this situation, even though Sue received five services, the provider
will only report one Oral Health Care service visit for that day.
Example 2: On December 7, Tim Ford has a medical visit with his physician,
meets with his medical case manager, and participates in an individual
counseling session with his psychologist in the morning. Later that day, he also
participates in a group counseling session. Even though Tim received four
services, the provider will report only three service visits for that day: one
Mental Health service visit, one Medical Case Management service visit, and
one Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Service visit.
Core medical services (Element IDs 16, 18–19, 21–27) should be reported
only for HIV-positive and HIV-indeterminate (infants <2 years) clients.
HIV-negative clients who receive HC&T services as part of EIS for RWHAP
Parts A, B, and C should only be reported in the HC&T section of the
Provider Report.

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

The definitions for the RWHAP core medical services are in PCN 16-02 on the
HRSA HAB website.

Table 1. RWHAP Core Medical Services Definitions
Element ID

Service Category



Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services

ID 8


Oral Health Care

ID 10


Early Intervention Services

ID 11


Home Health Care

ID 13


Home and Community-Based Health Services

ID 14



ID 15


Mental Health Services

ID 16


Medical Nutrition Therapy

ID 17


Medical Case Management, including Treatment
Abusei Outpatient Care

ID 18


ID 19

The definitions for the RWHAP support services are in PCN 16-02 on the HRSA
HAB website.

Table 2. RWHAP Support Services Definitions
Element ID

Service Category



Non-Medical Case Management Services

ID 20


Child Care Services
Emergency Financial Assistance

ID 21
ID 23


Food Bank/Home-Delivered Meals
Health Education/Risk Reduction

ID 24
ID 25
ID 26


Linguistic Services

ID 28


Medical Transportation

ID 29


Outreach Services
Psychosocial Support Services

ID 30
ID 32


Referral for Health Care and Support Services
Rehabilitation Services

ID 33
ID 34


Respite Care
Substance Abuse Services (residential)

ID 35
ID 36


Other Professional Services

ID 42

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Table 3. EHE Initiative Services Definition
Element ID

Service Category


Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative Services

ID 46

Frequently Asked Questions About This Data Element
What is the definition of Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative
The new service category, “Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative
Services,” includes those services that are funded through EHE
Initiative funding but do not meet the definition of a RWHAP
service as outlined in PCN #16-02. EHE funding dedicated to
services that meet the definition of one of the RWHAP core
medical or support service categories should be listed under that
specific service category.

Core medical services delivered: 17, 20
XML Variable Name:


ServiceID (see Table 3)
DeliveredID (2—Yes)

Report whether clients received these core medical services during the
reporting period. Only report services that were actually delivered. Do not
report services that were not delivered. The definitions for the RWHAP core
medical services are in PCN #16-02 on the HRSA HAB website.

Table 3: RWAP Core Medical Services Definitions
Element ID

Service Category



AIDS Pharmaceutical Assistance (LPAP, CPAP)
Health Insurance Premium and Cost-Sharing Assistance
for Low-Income Individuals

ID 9
ID 12

Guidelines for reporting Clinical Information
The final group of data elements collected in the client-level data XML file are
the clinical information data elements. All providers that received RWHAP
funding to provide Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services are required to
report clinical information.

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Clinical information is required for HIV-positive clients who received an
Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services visit. Clinical information is not
required to be reported for HIV-indeterminate (infants <2 years only)
Data provided in this section will help HRSA HAB assess to what extent RWHAP
is meeting patient care and treatment standards according to HHS HIV
Treatment Guidelines.

Date client’s first HIV outpatient/ambulatory health service visit: 47
XML Variable Name:
Required for HIV-positive clients with service visits in the following categories:
Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services
Report the date of the client’s first HIV Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Service
visit with this provider. When responding to this ID, keep these points in mind:


The visit must meet the RWHAP definition of an
Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services visit.
You are not expected to resort to unreasonable measures to locate
this information in your files. If you are unable to identify the first
date of service, report the earliest date available in your records.
This visit may have occurred before the start of the reporting period.
This visit may or may not be a RWHAP-funded visit.
The date of first HIV Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Service visit does
not change in subsequent reports.

Dates of the client’s outpatient/ambulatory health service visits: 48
XML Variable Name:



Required for HIV-positive clients with service visits in the following categories:
Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services
Report all dates (MM/DD/YYYY) of the client’s Outpatient/Ambulatory Health
Service visits in this provider’s HIV care setting with a clinical care provider

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

during the reporting period, regardless of the payor. A clinical care provider is a
physician, physician assistant, clinical nurse specialist, nurse practitioner, or
other healthcare professional who is certified in his or her jurisdiction to
prescribe antiretroviral therapy. The number of Outpatient/Ambulatory Health
Service visit dates reported for this ID should be equal to or greater than the
number of visits reported in ID 16.
NOTE: The visits should meet the RWHAP definition of an
Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services visit.

Client’s CD4 test: 49
XML Variable Name:



Required for HIV-positive clients with service visits in the following categories:
Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services
Report the value and test date for all CD4 count tests administered to the client
during the reporting period. The CD4 cell count measures the number of Thelper lymphocytes per cubic millimeter of blood. As CD4 cell count declines,
the risk of developing opportunistic infections increases. The test date is the
date the client’s blood sample is taken, not the date the results are reported by
the lab.

Client’s viral load test: 50
XML Variable Name:



Required for HIV-positive clients with service visits in the following categories:
Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services
Report the value and test date for all viral load tests administered to the client
during the reporting period. Viral load is the quantity of HIV RNA in the blood
and is a predictor of disease progression. Test results are expressed as the
number of copies per milliliter of blood plasma. The test date is the date the
client’s blood sample is taken, not the date the results are reported by the lab. If
a viral load count is undetectable, report the lower bound of the test limit. If the
lower bound is not available, report zero.

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Client prescribed ART: 52
XML Variable Name:
Required for HIV-positive clients with service visits in the following categories:
Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services
ART is antiretroviral therapy, the daily use of a combination of HIV medicines to
treat HIV.
NOTE: Report “Yes” if the client began or was continuing on ART during the
reporting period. Report “No” if the client was not prescribed ART during the
reporting period.



For additional information about ART, visit: ART Clinical Information

Client was screened for syphilis during this reporting period: 55
XML Variable Name:
Required for HIV-positive clients with service visits in the following categories:
Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection that can be diagnosed by examining
material from a chancre (infectious sore) using a dark-field microscope or with a
blood test. This element is not required for clients ages 17 years or younger who
are not sexually active. Has the client been screened for syphilis during this
reporting period?


Not medically indicated

For additional information, visit: HIV Clinical Guidelines

Client was pregnant: 64
XML Variable Name:
Required for HIV-positive clients with service visits in the following categories:

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services
Reported for pregnant people with HIV (including cisgender women, transgenderand non-binary people).
Was the client pregnant during the reporting period?


Not applicable

Positive HIV test date: 73
XML Variable Name:
Required for all clients with a new diagnosis of HIV in the reporting period
with service visits in the following categories:
Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services
Date of the client’s first documented positive HIV test during the reporting
period. It can be a positive HIV test from another site as long as it is
documented and not a client self-report. May be the client’s HIV confirmatory
test date.
Positive HIV Test Date:


MM/DD/YYYY (must be within the reporting period year)

Outpatient/ambulatory health service link date: 74
XML Variable Name:
Required for all clients with a new diagnosis of HIV in the reporting period
with service visits in the following categories:
Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services
Date of client’s first OAHS medical care visit after positive HIV test. The OAHS
visit date must be a visit with a prescribing provider and cannot be a date before
that reported in ID 73.
HIV OAHS linkage date:


MM/DD/YYYY (must be within the reporting period and on the same
day or later than positive HIV test date)

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Frequently Asked Questions About the Client-Level Data
My RWHAP funding covers only salaries. Do I report client-level
Yes. HRSA HAB expects that staff whose salary is paid by RWHAP
will see clients who meet RWHAP-eligibility requirements.
Providers should report all RWHAP-eligible clients who received
services that the provider was funded for.
Do I need to report my client-level data by RWHAP Part?
No. HRSA HAB does not require you to submit your client-level
data by RWHAP Part. Although providers should have an
adequate mechanism for tracking clients and services by contract
or funding source (RWHAP and non-RWHAP), the intention of the
RSR client-level data is to capture all services for all clients served
by a provider, regardless of RWHAP Part.
May I upload more than one client-level data file?
Yes. If you choose to upload more than one client-level data file
to “build” the client report, take the time to (1) make certain your
data systems are generating client eUCIs consistently and (2)
review the rules that the RSR system follows when it combines
information from two or more client-level data files before you
upload multiple client-level data XML files. To learn more about
the RSR system merge rules, see the RSR Merge Rules on the
TargetHIV website.
What client-level data do I need to report?
Collect the applicable client-level data elements for each client
who received services during the reporting period. The data
elements reported depend on the service(s) each client receives.
To determine the client-level data elements that must be
reported for each client, review the chart in Appendix A on page
What if we collect our client information at the first visit in the
reporting period rather than at the end?
HRSA HAB recommends recipients and subrecipients determine
a standard policy and procedure for data variable collection and
to report the latest information on file for each client.
What do we report if a client does not provide all of the data,
and there is no option to report the element as unknown?

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

HRSA HAB encourages you to submit the most complete data
possible. If you are unable to collect the data, drop the tag from
your data file, and it will be considered a missing value. You may
receive a validation message and will need to add comments as
necessary. Please refer to page 30 to review data validation
reporting requirements.
My agency provides services to HIV-indeterminate infants. We
do not perform CD4 or viral load tests on these clients. How do
I report this?
Providers are not required to report clinical information (IDs 47–
50, 52, 55, 64 and 73–74) for HIV- indeterminate infants (<2 years

RSR Client-Level Data Report


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Appendix A. Required Client-Level Data
Elements for RWHAP Services
Rationale Codes
1. Necessary for identifying new clients
2. 2009 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Legislation requirement
3. Necessary to assess RWHAP performance as required for HRSA HAB’s programmatic measures
4. Necessary to track enrollment or vital status over the course of the reporting period
5. Informs the denominator of other items
6. Used to identify important population subgroups

Appendix A


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

1) report the data element

Client-Level Data Elements
Client Demographics
Year of birth
Hispanic subgroup
Asian subgroup
NHPI subgroup
Sex at birth
Health coverage
Housing status
Housing status collection date
Federal poverty level percent
HIV/AIDS status
Client risk factor
Vital status
HIV diagnosis year (for new clients)
New Client
Received services previous year
First outpatient/ambulatory health service visit date
Outpatient ambulatory health service visits and dates
CD4 counts and dates
Viral load counts and dates
Prescribed ART
Screened for syphilis
Date of first positive HIV test (for clients with new HIV
Date of OAHS visit after first positive HIV test

Outpatient/Ambulatory Health
Medical Case Management
Oral Health Care
Early Intervention Services
Home Health Care
Home and Community-Based
Health Services
Hospice Services
Mental Health Services
Medical Nutrition Therapy
Substance Abuse Outpatient Care
AIDS Pharmaceutical Assistance
Health Insurance Premium and
Cost-Sharing Assistance
Non-Medical Case Management
Child Care Services
Emergency Financial Assistance
Food Bank/Home-Delivered Meals
Health Education/Risk Reduction
Linguistics Services
Medical Transportation
Outreach Services
Other Professional Services
Psychosocial Support Services
Referral for Health Care and
Support Services
Rehabilitation Services
Respite Care
Substance Abuse Services

Table 4. Required Client-Level Data Elements for RWHAP Services













• • •


• • • • •

















• • • • • • • • • •


• •





Appendix A


RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

Active client: A person who was a client when the reporting period ended and is
expected to continue in the program during the next reporting period.
Affected client: A family member or partner of a person with HIV who receives
at least one RWHAP support service during the reporting period.
AIDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. An advanced stage of HIV
infection when CD4+ T- lymphocyte values are usually persistently depressed
ART: Antiretroviral Therapy. Standard ART consists of the combination of at
least three antiretroviral drugs to maximally suppress the HIV virus and stop the
progression of HIV disease.
ARV: Antiretroviral. A drug that interferes with the ability of a retrovirus, such as
HIV, to make more copies of itself.
CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services agency that administers HIV-prevention programs,
including the HIV Prevention Community Planning Process, among others. CDC
is responsible for monitoring and reporting infectious diseases, administers HIV
surveillance grants, and publishes epidemiologic reports such as the HIV
Surveillance Report.
Client: A person who is eligible to receive at least one RWHAP service during the
reporting period. See affected client, active client, or indeterminate client.
Clinical care provider: A physician, physician assistant, clinical nurse specialist,
nurse practitioner, or other healthcare professional who is certified in his or her
jurisdiction to prescribe ARV therapy.
Combination therapy: Two or more drugs or treatments used together to
achieve optimum results against HIV/AIDS. For more information on treatment
guidelines, visit: HIV/AIDS Treatment Guidelines
Confidential information: Information, such as name, gender, age, and HIV
status, that is collected on the client and the unauthorized disclosure of which
could cause the client unwelcome exposure or discrimination.
Consortium/HIV care consortium: An association of one or more public, and
one or more nonprofit private, healthcare, and support providers; people with
HIV groups; and community-based organizations operating within areas
determined by the State to be most affected by HIV disease. The consortium
agrees to use RWHAP Part B grant assistance to plan, develop, and deliver
(directly or through agreement with others) comprehensive outpatient health



RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

and support services for people with HIV. Agencies constituting the consortium
are required to have a record of service to populations and subpopulations with
Continuum of care: An approach that helps communities plan for and provide a
full range of emergency and long-term service resources to address the various
needs of people with HIV.
Contract: An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is
written and enforceable by law. 4 For the purposes of the RSR, contracts include
formal contracts, memoranda of understanding, or other agreements.
Core medical services: A set of essential, direct healthcare services provided to
people with HIV and specified in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension
Division of Policy and Data: The division within HRSA HAB that serves as HAB’s
focal point for program data collection and analysis, development of policy
guidance, advancement of implementation science, and analyses of data for
reports for dissemination, coordination of program and clinical performance
activities, and technical assistance and training internally and externally. The
Division of Policy and Data coordinates all data technical assistance activities for
HAB in collaboration with each HRSA HAB division.
Eligible Scope reporting: The method of data reporting where one must report
client level data (CLD) on clients who are RWHAP-eligible and received at least
one service for which the provider received RWHAP funding.
Eligible Services reporting: The method of data reporting where one must
report client-level data (CLD) on clients who are RWHAP-eligible and received at
least one service for which the provider received RWHAP funding or used
RWHAP-related funding (program income and/or pharmaceutical rebates) to
provide the service.
EMA/TGA: Eligible Metropolitan Area/Transitional Grant Area. The geographic
area eligible to receive RWHAP Part A funds. The boundaries of the EMA/TGA
are defined by the Census Bureau. Eligibility is determined by AIDS cases
reported to the CDC. Some EMA/TGAs include just one city, and others are
composed of several cities and/or counties. Some EMA/TGAs extend across
more than one State.
eUCI: Encrypted Unique Client Identifier. A unique alphanumeric code that
distinguishes one RWHAP client from all others and is the same for the client

Contract. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.
Accessed November 28, 2018, at Dictionary.com website:



RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

across all provider settings.
UEI: The Unique Entity Identifer is a new 12-digit alphanumeric identifier that
SAM.gov will provide to all entities who register to do business with the federal
government. It replaces the DUNS number.
Exposure category: See risk factor.
Family-centered: A model in which systems of care under RWHAP Part D are
designed to address the needs of people with HIV and affected family members
as a unit by providing or arranging for a full range of services. The family
structures may range from the traditional, biological family unit to
nontraditional family units with partners, significant others, and unrelated
Fee-for-service: The method of billing for health services whereby a physician or
other health service provider charges the payer (whether it be the patient or his
or her health insurance plan) separately for each patient encounter or service
GCMS: The Grantee Contract Management System. An electronic data system
that RWHAP recipients use to manage their subrecipient contracts.
HAB: HIV/AIDS Bureau. The HHS HRSA bureau that is responsible for
administering RWHAP. Within HRSA HAB, the Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS
Programs administers RWHAP Part A; the Division of State HIV/AIDS Programs
administers RWHAP Part B and the RWHAP AIDS Drug Assistance Program
(ADAP); the Division of Community HIV/AIDS Programs administers RWHAP Part
C, D, the RWHAP Part F Dental Reimbursement Program, and the RWHAP Part F
Community-Based Dental Partnership Program; and the Office of Training and
Capacity Development administers the RWHAP Part F AIDS Education and
Training Centers Program and the RWHAP Part F Special Projects of National
Significance Program. HAB’s Division of Policy and Data administers HIV
evaluation studies, the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services Report, the
RWHAP ADAP Data Report, the Dental Services Report, the Allocation and
Expenditure Reports, HIV Quality Measures Module, and the AIDS Education
and Training Centers Report.
High-risk insurance pool: A State health insurance program that provides
coverage for people who are denied coverage due to a preexisting condition or
who have health conditions that would normally prevent them from purchasing
coverage in the private market.
HIP: Health insurance premium and cost-sharing assistance for low-income
individuals. A program that provides financial assistance for eligible clients with
HIV to maintain continuity of health insurance or to receive medical and
pharmacy benefits under a health care coverage program. The service provision
consists of either/or both of the following: paying health insurance premiums to
provide comprehensive HIV Outpatient Ambulatory Health Services and



RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

pharmacy benefits that offer a full range of HIV medications for eligible clients
and/or paying cost-sharing on behalf of the client.
HIV disease: Any signs, symptoms, or other adverse health effects due to the
human immunodeficiency virus.
HOPWA: Housing opportunities for persons with AIDS. A program administered
by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that provides
funding to support housing for people with HIV and their families.
HRSA: Health Resources and Services Administration. A Federal public health
agency within HHS that is responsible for directing national health programs
that improve the nation’s health by assuring equitable access to comprehensive,
quality healthcare for all. HRSA works to improve and extend life for people with
HIV, provides primary healthcare to medically underserved people, serves
women and children through State programs, and trains a health workforce that
is both diverse and motivated to work in underserved communities. HRSA
administers RWHAP.
Indeterminate client: A child ages 2 years or younger with an HIV status that is
not yet determined but was born to a mother with HIV.
Inpatient setting: This includes hospitals, emergency rooms and departments,
and residential facilities where clients typically receive food and lodging as well
as treatments.
Institution: This includes residential, healthcare, and correctional facilities.
Residential facilities include supervised group homes and extended treatment
programs for alcohol and other drug misuse or for mental illness. Healthcare
facilities include hospitals, nursing homes, and hospices. Correctional facilities
include jails, prisons, and correctional halfway houses.
Laboratory services: Services provided by a licensed clinical laboratory
responsible for analyzing client specimens to inform the diagnosis, treatment,
and evaluation of health factors for people with HIV.
MAI: Minority AIDS Initiative. A national initiative that provides special
resources to reduce the spread of HIV and improve health outcomes for people
with HIV within communities of color. This initiative was enacted to address the
disproportionate impact of the disease in such communities.
Multi-level provider: An organization that is a second-level provider to a
recipient and a subrecipient to another or the original funding recipient.
Not medically indicated: A determination made by a clinical care provider that a
service, procedure, or treatment is not medically necessary. Medically necessary
healthcare services are procedures used by a prudent medical care provider to
diagnosis or treat an illness, injury, or disease or its symptoms in a manner that
is (1) in accordance with generally accepted standards of medical practice; (2)



RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

clinically appropriate in terms of type, frequency, extent, site, and duration, and
considered effective for a patient’s illness, injury, or disease; and (3) not
primarily for the convenience of the patient or treating clinical care provider.
OI: Opportunistic infection. An infection or cancer that occurs in people with
weak immune systems due to HIV, cancer, or immunosuppressive drugs such as
corticosteroids or chemotherapy. Kaposi’s sarcoma, Pneumocystis jiroveci
pneumonia, toxoplasmosis, and cytomegalovirus are all examples of such
OMB: Office of Management and Budget. The office within the executive branch
of the Federal government that prepares the president’s annual budget,
develops the Federal government’s fiscal program, oversees administration of
the budget, and reviews government regulations.
Outpatient setting: Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services that provide
diagnostic and therapeutic-related activities directly to a client by a licensed
healthcare provider in an outpatient medical setting. Outpatient medical
settings may include: clinics, medical offices, mobile vans, using telehealth
technology, and urgent care facilities for HIV-related visits.
Provider (or service provider): The agency that provides direct services to
clients (and their families) or the recipient. A provider may receive funds as a
recipient (such as under RWHAP Parts C and D) or through a contractual
relationship with a recipient funded directly by RWHAP. Also see subrecipient.
Real time electronic data network: A real-time data network allows clients’
health information to be created and managed by authorized providers in a
digital format that is capable of being shared with other providers across more
than one health care organization. It is a network of electronic health records.
Recipient of record (or recipient): An organization receiving financial assistance
directly from an HHS- awarding agency to carry out a project or program. A
recipient also may be a recipient-provider if it provides direct services in
addition to administering its grant.
Recipient-provider: An organization that receives RWHAP funds directly from
HRSA HAB and provides direct client services.
Reporting period: A 12-month period, January 1 through December 31, of the
calendar year.
Risk factor or risk behavior/exposure category: See also “transmission
category.” Behavior or other factor that places a person at risk for HIV. This
includes such factors as male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use.
RSR: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services Report.
RWHAP-funded service: A service paid for with Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program



RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

RWHAP Part A: The Part of RWHAP that provides direct financial assistance to
designated EMAs/TGAs who have been the most severely affected by the HIV
epidemic. The purpose of these funds is to deliver or enhance HIV-related core
medical and support services to people with HIV.
RWHAP Part B: The Part of RWHAP that authorizes the distribution of Federal
funds to States and territories to improve the quality, availability, and delivery
of core medical and support services for people with HIV. RWHAP emphasizes
that such care and support is part of a coordinated continuum of care designed
to improve medical outcomes.
RWHAP Part B ADAP: AIDS Drug Assistance Program. The Part of RWHAP that
authorizes the distribution of Federal funds to States and territories to provide
FDA-approved medications to low-income people with HIV who have limited or
no health coverage from private insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare. Congress
designates a portion of the RWHAP Part B appropriation for the RWHAP ADAP
RWHAP Part C: The Part of RWHAP that provides funding to local communitybased organizations to support Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services and
support services for people with HIV through Early Intervention Services (EIS)
program grants.
RWHAP Part D: The Part of RWHAP that supports coordinated family-centered
outpatient care for women, infants, children, and youth with HIV.
RWHAP-related funding of services: Refers to RWHAP eligible services that are
funded with program income or pharmaceutical rebates, as distinguished from
direct RWHAP grant funds.
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009: The Federal Legislation
that addresses the healthcare and service needs of low income people with HIV
and their families in the United States and its territories.
Second-level provider: An organization that receives RWHAP funds from a
recipient through a fiscal intermediary service provider.
Subrecipient: The legal entity that receives RWHAP funds from a recipient and is
accountable to the recipient for the use of the funds provided. Subrecipients
may provide direct client services or administrative services directly to a
Support services: A set of services needed to achieve medical outcomes that
affect the HIV-related clinical status of a person with HIV.
Transmission category: is the term for the classification of cases that
summarizes an adult’s or adolescent’s possible HIV risk factors; the summary



RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

classification results from selecting, from the presumed hierarchical order of
probability, the 1 (single) risk factor most likely to have been responsible for
transmission. For surveillance purposes, a diagnosis of HIV infection is counted
only once in the hierarchy of transmission categories [10]. Adults or adolescents
with more than 1 reported risk factor for HIV infection are classified in the
transmission category listed first in the hierarchy. The exception is men who had
sexual contact with other men and injected drugs; this group makes up a
separate transmission category. (Ref: CDC, Diagnoses of HIV Infection in the
United States and Dependent Areas 2019: Technical Notes.)
XML: eXtensible Markup Language. A standard, simple, and widely adopted
method of formatting text and data so that it can be exchanged across the
different computer platforms, languages, and applications.



RWHAP Services Report (RSR)
Instruction Manual

ADAP, 17

Multilevel provider, 4

ART, 54

Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (NHPI) subgroup, 43

Asian subgroup, 43

Provider Report, 19–33

CD4 count, 54

Service Delivery Sites, 25

Check Your XML, 8

Validation, 30–31

Client-level data, 35–57

Race, 41, 42

Clinical information, 52–56

Recipient Report, 14

Demographic data, 40–49

Decertification, 16, 18

Eligible Scope reporting,

Synchronizing, 14–15

Eligible Services reporting, 37–38

Validation, 16

Ethnicity, 41

Second-level provider, 4, 17, 32

eUCI, 39, 40

Syphilis, 55

Exemptions, 5, 6, 14, 17

Viral load count, 54

Fiscal intermediary provider, 4, 17

Vital status, 40

Grantee Contract Management System
(GCMS), 9–12

XML file, 8, 35

Health coverage, 48–49
Hispanic subgroup, 42
HIV risk factor, 47–48
HIV/AIDS status, 46–47, 46–47
HIV-affected clients, 46
HIV-indeterminate clients, 47, 51, 53, 57
Housing status, 45
Laboratory services, 5, 6



File Typeapplication/pdf
File Title2021 Program Terms Report (PTR)/Allocations Report
SubjectInstruction Manual 2020
File Modified2021-10-27
File Created2021-10-27

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