Urine Lab a_b_c Ch 2018 Urine Lab a_b_c Checklist

Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs

2018 Urine Lab a_b_c checklist.Final

Laboratory Application

OMB: 0930-0158

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Effective 1 October 2017
Revised December 2018
Rev. 1218


RTI International
Center for Forensic Sciences
3040 Cornwallis Road
P.O. Box 12194
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709

Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The
OMB control number for this project is 0930-0158. Public reporting burden for this collection of
information is estimated to average 4 hours per respondent per year, including the time for reviewing
instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate
or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to
SAMHSA Reports Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 15E57-B, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.

Rev. No.
December 12,
Rev. 1218

Revisions to the urine laboratory information checklist are
documented in separate document: Summary of Changes December 2018, NLCP Manual for Urine Laboratories


Table of Contents

Instructions for the Laboratory



Laboratory Information



Laboratory Procedures


Urine, Laboratory

October 2017
Rev. 1218




Instructions for the Laboratory

Pre-inspection Materials
Before each scheduled inspection, the NLCP sends instructions to the laboratory listing
the required pre-inspection materials with due dates for provision. The required
materials depend on the inspection type (e.g., initial inspection, maintenance inspection,
records audit, special inspection). The following describes some items that may be
1. NLCP Urine Laboratory Information Checklist (Sections B and C)
The laboratory provides up-to-date information to the NLCP on its drug testing
operation (i.e., staffing, facility, and procedures) using the NLCP Urine Laboratory
Information Checklist (Sections B and C). The information is maintained in NLCP
records and is verified by the inspection team (i.e., inspectors, records auditors) at
each NLCP inspection.
2. Laboratory Operation Schedule/Inspection Schedule
The laboratory provides a schedule of its operations to the NLCP, listing the days
and hours for various processes (e.g., receiving, accessioning, initial testing,
confirmation aliquotting, confirmatory drug test extractions, certification). Using this
schedule, NLCP staff prepare a tentative schedule for the inspection team. To
adequately assess operations on every shift, inspectors will periodically inspect
processes that occur during off-shifts. The lead inspector determines the final
schedule for the inspection team at most NLCP inspections. The lead auditor
determines the final schedule for a records audit. Inspectors should note any
changes to the schedule in their checklist submission.
3. Key Staff Interview List
The laboratory provides a Staff Interviews List to the NLCP, listing key staff, their job
titles, and work schedules. NLCP staff select individuals from the list to be
interviewed at the inspection and return the list to the laboratory, instructing the
laboratory to ensure that the selected individuals are available for interview during
the inspection. In addition to interacting with laboratory staff in the course of the
inspection, the inspection team conducts formal interviews (i.e., 10 – 15 minutes
each) with each selected staff member individually to evaluate their knowledge and
ability to fulfill job duties.
4. Laboratory Computers and Information Systems (Section P)
To facilitate the inspection of the laboratory’s computers and information systems,
the NLCP directs the laboratory to perform a self-assessment using Section P,
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Laboratory Computer Systems. The laboratory will answer Section P checklist
questions and provide explanatory comments (e.g., describe procedures and
records) to support those answers. The laboratory provides the completed Section P
to the inspection team at the beginning of the inspection.
5. Floor plan of the laboratory
The floorplan must clearly identify areas (e.g., accessioning, testing, certification,
reporting), clearly indicate how the areas are secured and what security devices are
utilized (e.g., which walls are outside walls; which are secured up to the ceiling; the
location and type of security devices such as magnetic key cards, cipher locks,
padlocks; location of secured storage areas such as refrigerators or freezers and
how they are secured).
6. Laboratory data packages
The laboratory provides two data packages to the NLCP: one for a positive
specimen and one for a specimen that was reported as adulterated, substituted, or
invalid based on specimen validity testing (i.e., invalid-abnormal pH, invalidinconsistent creatinine and specific gravity results, or invalid-possible 
activity). These data packages should contain all chain of custody forms,
worksheets, initial drug test data, screening/differential specimen validity test data,
initial specimen validity test data, confirmatory specimen validity test data,
confirmatory drug test data, and reports pertaining to the specimen. The programrequired format for data packages is described in Section R of the NLCP Manual for
Urine Laboratories. These must be recent specimens, processed since the last
NLCP inspection using the laboratory’s current procedures. The laboratory must
provide test data for all samples in the confirmatory drug test batch. Note: if the
laboratory uses more than one technology for initial drug tests (e.g., immunoassay,
LC-MS/MS) or confirmatory drug tests (e.g., GC-MS, GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS), the
laboratory must also provide drug test batch data and associated documents for a
drug positive sample tested using each technology.
7. Hotel list
The laboratory provides a list of several hotels/motels located in close proximity to
the laboratory and to the airport. Hotels selected should ensure the safety and
welfare of the inspectors during the inspection. During the inspection, inspectors
should notify the RP of alternate hotel suggestions and notify the NLCP of
suggestions after the inspection.
8. Directions
The laboratory provides a clear, precise map with directions describing the routes
from the airport to the hotels and from the hotels to the laboratory.
Non-Negative Specimen List (NNSL)
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Prior to each NLCP inspection that includes a records audit, the NLCP notifies the
laboratory of the specified audit period (e.g., the six-month period ending one month
prior to the month of the inspection). The laboratory is required to identify all regulated
specimens reported during that time period as positive, adulterated, substituted, invalid,
rejected, reconfirmed, or failed to reconfirm. In addition, the laboratory must identify all
specimens received for testing from an Instrumented Initial Test Facility (IITF), including
specimens reported as negative. The laboratory must submit to the NLCP a list of these
specimens, with specific information for each specimen. The laboratory also provides a
monthly summary for the records audit period listing the numbers of regulated
specimens reported as positive, adulterated, substituted, invalid, negative, rejected,
reconfirmed, or failed to reconfirm.
The NLCP provides instructions for the NNSL to the laboratory prior to the inspection.
These instructions include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Format for NNSL spreadsheet
2. NNSL categories:
• The laboratory will provide information concerning results reported for the
following NNSL categories: amphetamine/methamphetamine/enantiomers,
methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)/methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA),
benzoylecgonine, codeine/morphine, 6-acetylmorphine (6-AM),
hydrocodone/hydromorphone, oxycodone/oxymorphone, phencyclidine,
cannabinoids, adulterated, invalid, substituted, and rejected.
• If the laboratory has tested a regulated specimen for an additional Schedule I or
II drug upon request of a federal agency and reported the specimen as positive
(i.e., drug present at or above the cutoff used for the test), the laboratory must
submit a separate NNSL sheet for that drug.
• If no specimen is identified for a specific category, the laboratory must submit
that sheet indicating “None.”
3. Specimens to be included on the NNSL:
• Specimens reported positive, adulterated, substituted, invalid, rejected,
reconfirmed, and failed to reconfirm.
• Specimens received for testing from an IITF, including those reported negative.
The laboratory must remove all known NLCP performance testing (PT) samples.
4. Requirements for records assembly
The NLCP selects specimens from the submitted NNSL for review during the
inspection and provides the selected list to the laboratory and to the lead auditor.
The laboratory must organize and assemble records for each of the selected
specimens to facilitate their review by the audit team during the inspection. At a
minimum, records must be assembled by NNSL category and in chronological order,
to facilitate their location within labeled storage folders/boxes. Auditors must be able
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to retrieve all records (excluding failed batches) pertaining to a specimen on the
selected NNSL with a minimum of assistance from the laboratory staff.
During the inspection, the lead auditor and the Responsible Person (RP) will prepare
an inventory of records for the selected specimens on the NNSL that were not
available for review. The RP must forward the missing records to the NLCP for
subsequent review and follow-up.
Laboratory Preparation Criteria List
Prior to each inspection, the NLCP sends a Laboratory Preparation Criteria List to the
laboratory, listing materials that must be available for the inspection team upon their
arrival at the laboratory. Materials include a copy of the standard operating procedures
(SOP) manual for each inspection team member, NLCP PT records, personnel files,
quality assurance (QA) records, calibrator and control records, reagent records,
validation records, a timeline of any changes in calibrator or control criteria and
acceptance limits during the records audit period, and documentation of security
procedures (e.g., access rosters and visitor logs for each secured area). Other items
may be requested for review prior to or during the inspection.

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Laboratory Information (completed by the laboratory)


Name of Laboratory: ____________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________
City, State, ZIP: _______________________________________
Telephone: ( ___ ) _____-________
FAX: ( ___ ) ____ -______


Responsible Person(s)
RP’s name: ___________________________________________
RP’s title: ____________________________________________
RP’s name: ___________________________________________
RP’s title: ____________________________________________
RP’s name: ___________________________________________
RP’s title: ____________________________________________
Alternate Responsible Person(s)
Alt-RP’s name: ________________________________________
Alt-RP’s title: __________________________________________
Alt-RP’s name: ________________________________________
Alt-RP’s title: __________________________________________


I certify that the statements and information presented in Sections B and C
are true and correct as of this date. I affirm that the key staff have read and
are familiar with the current version of the NLCP Manual for Urine
Laboratories. I also recognize my responsibility for providing amended
Sections B and C to the inspectors at the beginning of the inspection if
changes are made between the date of this submission and the inspection.


Any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or information presented in sections
B and C or misrepresentations relative thereto may violate Federal Law and could
subject you to prosecution, monetary penalties, or both (Sec 18 U.S.C. 1001; 31
U.S.C. 3801-812).

Signature, Responsible Person


Signature, Responsible Person


Signature, Responsible Person


Urine, Laboratory


October 2017
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List the changes made by the laboratory (e.g., new instrumentation, new
or revised analytical procedures, new or revised software) since the last
NLCP inspection, and effective date of each change:


Days/hours of operation of the forensic urine drug testing laboratory:
_________days per week; ________hours per day
If ≤ 6 days, indicate the day(s) that the laboratory is routinely not operational:


Does the laboratory have a U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)



If YES, for which schedules?
___1 ___2 ___2N ___3 ___3N ___4 ___5
If NO, explain how controlled reference materials are acquired:

Describe the State licensure requirements for urine forensic toxicology for
the State in which the laboratory is located:


List laboratory certifications/licenses:
____ States (List): ________________________________________________
____ CLIA/HCFA1 (List Specialties): __________________________________
____ CAP2 (List Specialties): ________________________________________
____ Others (Specify):______________________________________________

Laboratory Improvement Amendments(CLIA)/Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)
of American Pathologists (CAP)

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List name, job title, education, and licenses/certifications for the following
key staff:
Note: (1)

May attach separate sheet listing additional key staff
Indicate (*) individuals new to the positions in the last 6 months

Job Title








Other Key

Urine, Laboratory


October 2017
Rev. 1218


Is licensure and/or certification required for any of the above
positions in the State in which the laboratory is located?





If YES, describe requirements:
B-10. If there is more than one RP, briefly describe how the RPs share the
responsibilities for the various laboratory operations and procedures.
B-11. Describe the administrative relationships that exist for the key staff of the
forensic drug testing laboratory (see B-9 above):

To whom does the RP(s) report? _____________________


Who evaluates the performance of the RP(s)? ___________


What staff administratively report directly to the RP(s)? ___


The RP(s) evaluates the performance of which staff members?


Which staff members do not report to the RP(s)? _________

B-12. Does the laboratory test any federal agency specimens for drugs other
than those specified in the HHS Guidelines?
If YES, list the drug(s) and answer a and b below:
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Does the laboratory have a copy of the HHS waiver for a federal
agency to test the additional drug(s) on a routine basis?



Does the laboratory maintain written authorization from federal
agencies to test the additional drug(s) on a case-by-case basis?



B-13. Average number of specimens analyzed by the laboratory each day for
drugs of abuse during the six months preceding submission of
Sections B and C (both regulated and non-regulated specimens):
Specify the months_________________________________
Total specimens/day ______
How was this number derived? ____________________________
B-14. The total number of staff who have authorized access to the secure
forensic drug testing laboratory facility:


B-15. List the total numbers of staff who are trained and routinely perform the following
activities for regulated specimens:
No. of

Initial drug testing
Screening/initial specimen validity testing
Confirmatory specimen validity testing
Confirmatory drug testing

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Laboratory Procedures (completed by the laboratory)

NOTE: Before using an electronic Federal Custody and Control Form (ECCF) system for regulated
specimens, an HHS-certified test facility must submit a detailed plan and proposed standard operating
procedures (SOPs) for the ECCF system to the NLCP for review and authorization, and undergo an
onsite inspection.


Provide a description of the laboratory's procedures for the following:
• Building
• Department
• Specimens
• Records

Note: (1)

Insert here.
Do not exceed a total of one page.

Provide a description of the laboratory's procedures for the following:
Specimen Receiving/Accessioning
• Receipt of specimen packages, how they are handled, receipt of specimens
received with a paper custody and control form (CCF), receipt of specimens
received with an ECCF, who reviews the accuracy of the information on the
custody and control forms and how discrepancies are documented.
• Handling problems with specimen bottles and/or custody and control forms.
• Assignment of laboratory accession numbers.
• Location of temporary storage area(s).

Note: (1)

Insert here.
Do not exceed a total of one page.

Provide a description of the laboratory's procedures for the following:
Aliquotting Procedures
• Aliquotting of the original specimen bottles (i.e., who and where).
• The actual aliquotting procedure (pouring or pipetting and amounts) used for
preparing aliquots for initial drug tests, specimen validity tests, and confirmatory
drug tests.
• Transfer of aliquots from the individuals performing the aliquotting to those who
will be testing the aliquots.

Note: (1)

Urine, Laboratory

Insert here.
Do not exceed a total of one page.

October 2017
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Provide a description of the laboratory's procedures for the following:
Specimen Accessioning
• Introduction and/or aliquotting of blind controls into the test batches by
accessioning personnel.
• If applicable, preparation and submission of blind samples as donor specimens
from external sources.

Note: (1)

Insert here.
Do not exceed a total of one page.

Provide a description of the laboratory's procedures for the following:
First and Second Initial Drug Tests
• Handling and testing of aliquots by laboratory personnel.
• Maintenance of chain of custody during the testing.

Note: (1)

Insert here.
Do not exceed a total of one page.

Provide a description of the laboratory's procedures for the following:
First and Second Initial Drug Tests
• How batches are constituted (e.g., how many specimens are in a batch, is it
constituted in one session or are specimens added to the batch throughout the
day, are regulated and non-regulated specimens tested in the same batch?).
• The distribution of specimens, calibrators, and controls within each batch.
• The acceptance criteria for calibration and for each control (open and blind) in
each batch and when and by whom these are evaluated and documented.
• The criteria for accepting all donor specimen results or only a partial number of
donor specimens in a batch.
• For an alternate technology initial test (as applicable), the criteria for accepting a
donor specimen result, reextracting a specimen, or reinjecting a specimen.

Note: (1)

Insert here.
Do not exceed a total of one page.

Provide the following information for the first and second initial drug tests:
Describe the procedure(s) and acceptance criteria for calibration:

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Describe the method used to calculate the concentrations/results of

Provide a description of the laboratory's procedures for the following:
Specimen Validity Tests (Initial, Confirmatory and Screening/Differential)
• Handling and testing of aliquots by laboratory personnel.
• Maintenance of chain of custody during the testing.

Note: (1)

Insert here.
Do not exceed a total of one page.

Provide an outline or a legible flowchart that comprehensively describes the
laboratory's Specimen Validity Testing.

Note: (1)

Insert here.
Do not exceed a total of one page.


List any changes to the specimen validity testing outline/flowchart
during the time period of the NNSL audit, with the effective date of
each change.

C-10. Provide a description of the laboratory's procedures for the following:
Specimen Validity Tests (Initial, Confirmatory and Screening/Differential)
• How batches are constituted.
• The distribution of specimens, calibrators, and controls within each batch.
• The acceptance criteria for each control (open and blind) in each batch and when
and by whom these are evaluated and documented.
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The criteria for accepting all donor specimen results or only a partial number of
donor specimens in a batch.

Note: (1)

Insert here.
Do not exceed a total of one page.

C-11. Provide the following information for the Specimen Validity Tests (i.e., initial,
confirmatory, and screening/differential tests):
Describe the procedures and acceptance criteria for calibration:
Describe the method used to calculate the concentrations/responses of

C-12. Provide a description of the laboratory's procedures for the following:
Confirmatory Drug Tests
• Handling and testing of aliquots by laboratory personnel.
• Maintenance of chain of custody during the testing.

Note: (1)
Urine, Laboratory

Insert here.
Do not exceed a total of one page.

October 2017
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C-13. Provide a description of the laboratory's procedures for the following:
Confirmatory Drug Tests
• How batches are constituted (e.g., how many specimens are in a batch, is it
constituted in one session or are specimens added to the batch, are regulated
and non-regulated specimens tested in the same batch?).
• The distribution of the donor specimens, calibrators and controls within each
• The acceptance criteria for each control (open and blind) in each batch and when
and by whom these are evaluated and documented.
• The criteria for accepting a donor specimen result, reextracting a specimen, or
reinjecting a specimen.

Note: (1)

Insert here.
Do not exceed a total of one page.

C-14. Provide the following information for the Confirmatory Drug Tests:
Describe the requirements for calibration including criteria for exclusion of
unsatisfactory calibrators:
Describe the method used to calculate the concentrations of analytes for
each calibration procedure used by the laboratory:
C-15. Provide a description of the laboratory's procedures for the following:
Certification/Reporting Procedures
• Review of all calibration and control data.
• Review of chain of custody forms.
• Review of specimen data.
• Documentation and certification of results (i.e., procedures for paper CCFs,
combination electronic/paper CCFs, and ECCFs, including use of electronic
signatures by certifying technicians and certifying scientists).
• Release/reporting of results.
• Verification of information (e.g., CCF and computer resident result).

Note: (1)
Urine, Laboratory

Insert here.

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Do not exceed a total of one page.

C-16. Provide a description of the laboratory's procedures for the following:
Electronic Reporting Procedures
• Reporting using an ECCF system: ECCF system provider(s) name and address;
ECCF reporting procedures including how ECCF data are secured (e.g., during
transmission and storage); reporting methods; how MROs access completed
• Web-based reporting: where report data are sent (i.e., website addresses;
location and ownership of servers); file formats; external service provider(s)
name and address (including cloud-based service providers); how report data are
secured (i.e., during transmission and storage); how MROs access reports
• Release of computer-generated electronic reports (i.e., methods other than

Note: (1)

Insert here.
Do not exceed a total of one page.

C-17. Provide an example of the laboratory's computer-generated electronic report for
each of the following laboratory results:

Negative, Dilute
Cocaine Metabolite Positive
6-AM/Codeine/Morphine Positive
Hydrocodone/Hydromorphone Positive
Oxycodone/Oxymorphone Positive
Amphetamine/Methamphetamine Positive
d-Methamphetamine (if applicable)
MDMA/MDA Positive
Invalid Result
Specimen Adulterated: pH
Specimen Adulterated: Others as Pertinent
Split Specimen: Reconfirmed
Split Specimen: One or More Primary Specimen Results Not Reconfirmed

C-18. Does the laboratory use an off-site computer information system?



Address: ____________________________________________
City, State, ZIP: _______________________________________

Urine, Laboratory


October 2017
Rev. 1218

C-19. Provide a description of the laboratory's procedures for the following:
Disposition of Specimens and Aliquots
• Handling of original specimen bottles and aliquots after testing is completed.
• Procedure for transferring positive, adulterated, substituted, and invalid
specimens to long-term frozen storage.

Note: (1)

Insert here.
Do not exceed a total of one page.

Complete the C Tables:
Table C-1-a-1.

Immunoassay Initial Drug Test Methods and Instruments

Table C-1-a-2.

LC-MS/MS Initial Drug Test Methods

Table C-1-a-3.

Initial Drug Test Methods and Instruments – Liquid Chromatography.

Table C-1-a-4.

Initial Drug Test Methods and Instruments – Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Table C-1-b.

Immunoassay First Initial Drug Test Calibrators and Controls

Table C-1-c.

Immunoassay Second Initial Drug Test Calibrators and Controls

Table C-1-d.

Initial Drug Test Calibrators and Controls – LC-MS/MS

Table C-2-a-1.

Initial Specimen Validity Test Methods and Instruments
(continued on Table C-2-a-2 as needed)

Table C-2-b-1.

Confirmatory Specimen Validity Test Methods and Instruments (continued on
Table C-2-b-2 as needed)

Table C-2-c-1.

Screening/Differential Specimen Validity Test Methods and Instruments
(continued on Table C-2-c-2 as needed)

Table C-2-d-1.

Initial Specimen Validity Test Calibrators and Controls
(continued on Table C-2-d-2 as needed)

Table C-2-d-3.

Confirmatory Specimen Validity Test Calibrators and Controls
(continued on Table C-2-d-4 as needed)

Table C-2-d-5.

Screening/Differential Specimen Validity Test Calibrators and Controls

Table C-3-a.

Confirmatory Drug Test Methods

Table C-3-b-1.

Primary Confirmatory Drug Test Methods and Instruments – Gas

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Table C-3-b-2.

Alternate Confirmatory Drug Test Methods and Instruments – Gas

Table C-3-b-3.

Primary Confirmatory Drug Test Methods and Instruments – Liquid

Table C-3-b-4.

Alternate Confirmatory Drug Test Methods and Instruments – Liquid

Table C-3-c-1.

Primary Confirmatory Drug Test Methods and Instruments – Mass Spectrometry

Table C-3-c-2.

Alternate Confirmatory Drug Test Methods and Instruments – Mass Spectrometry

Table C-3-c-3.

Primary Confirmatory Drug Test Methods and Instruments – Tandem Mass

Table C-3-c-4.

Alternate Confirmatory Drug Test Methods and Instruments – Tandem Mass

Table C-3-d-1.

Primary Confirmatory Drug Test Calibrators and Controls

Table C-3-d-2.

Alternate Confirmatory Drug Test Calibrators and Controls

Table C-4-a.

AMPS Enantiomer Test Methods

Table C-4-b.

AMPS Enantiomer Calibrators and Controls

Table C-4-c.

AMPS Enantiomer Result Calculation

Urine, Laboratory


October 2017
Rev. 1218

File Typeapplication/pdf
Author[email protected]
File Modified2020-04-28
File Created2018-12-17

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