Template Letter for Requesting Excess Funds to be Voluntarily Reallocated
_________, 202__
U.S. Treasury Department
Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Dear Treasury,
The undersigned grantee (Grantee) is writing in reference to the Emergency Rental Assistance program (ERA1) under Section 501 of Division N of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (the Act), under which the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) makes payments to eligible grantees to provide financial assistance and housing stability services to eligible households.
Section 501(d) of the Act requires Treasury to recapture excess award funds not obligated by ERA1 grantees and reallocate such funds beginning on September 30, 2021. As provided by Treasury’s ERA 1 Reallocation Guidance (Reallocation Guidance), grantees may request to voluntarily reallocate some or all of their remaining ERA1 award funds to another ERA1 grantee that administers an ERA1 program in the same state, territory, or Tribal area and that has obligated at least 65% of its own ERA1 award by the time of such transfer.
The Grantee hereby requests the reallocation of $ (Identified Funds) from its initial ERA1 award. The Grantee requests either a “General Reallocation” or “Designated Reallocation” as follows:
Check one: |
General Reallocation: The Grantee requests Treasury to award the Identified Funds to other grantees in accordance with the priorities under the Reallocation Guidance, meaning the Identified Funds will be made available first to one or more grantees operating in the same state, territory, or Tribal area where the funds were initially allocated, but otherwise may be disbursed to another ERA1 grantee.
Designated Reallocation: The Grantee requests Treasury to award the Identified Funds to (Transferee).*
If the Grantee has requested a Designated Reallocation, the Grantee understands and agrees that no reallocated funds will be distributed to the proposed Transferee in excess of the amount identified in the first paragraph of a Request for Reallocated Funds form submitted by the Transferee and approved by Treasury. If Treasury does not approve the Grantee’s requested Transferee, the Grantee understands it will be allowed five business days after notification from Treasury to withdraw this request. The Grantee will provide written notification to Treasury of any such election via e-mail to the address identified above with the subject line “Withdrawal of Voluntary Reallocation Request – [Name of Grantee].” If not withdrawn as described, the Grantee understands and agrees that Treasury will treat this letter as a request for General Reallocation.
Upon approval of this request, the Grantee requests that Treasury notify the Grantee at the e-mail address provided below and provide instructions for returning the Identified Funds. The Grantee acknowledges that the Identified Funds will be designated “excess funds” under the Act and, upon such designation by Treasury, disclaims any further right, title, or interest in such funds. The Grantee understands that Treasury’s approval of this request and receipt of the Identified Funds will modify the Grantee’s ERA1 award and that the Grantee’s total ERA1 award will be deemed to be reduced by the amount of such voluntary reallocation.
As required by the Reallocation Guidance, the Grantee agrees that it will comply with all requirements applicable to the transfer of federal funds between and among grantees, and acknowledges these requirements prohibit grantees from transferring ERA1 funds directly to another grantee for reallocation purposes. The Grantee further attests that is has complied with the statutes, regulations, policy guidance, and Award Terms governing its ERA1 award, and will use its remaining ERA1 funds, if any, in compliance with all such authorities. For Designated Reallocations, the Grantee understands that Treasury must similarly obtain the Transferee’s agreement to comply with all administrative and operational requirements related to the transfer and use of reallocated ERA1 funds. These requirements may include, without limitation, the provision of any standard form documents needed to confirm a grantee’s data universal numbering system (DUNS) number, deposit account, wire instructions, or other funds transfer information. The Grantee understands and agrees that if the Transferee does not comply with these requirements after approving the Grantee’s request for a Designated Reallocation, Treasury will treat this letter as a request for General Reallocation.
The undersigned authorized representative of the Grantee hereby certifies to Treasury that the information provided above is true and correct and that this request letter does not deviate from the template form published by Treasury for this purpose.
Grantee: By:
Grantee’s E-mail:
The information collected will be used for the U.S. Government to process requests for support. The estimated burden associated with this collection of information is 1 hour per response. Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate and suggestions for reducing this burden should be directed to the Office of Privacy, Transparency and Records, Department of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20220. DO NOT send the form to this address. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid control number assigned by OMB.
AUTHORITY: Solicitation of this information is authorized by section 501 of division N of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (the “Act”)
PURPOSE: The Act requires Treasury to allocate funds to eligible grantees for the delivery of emergency rental assistance to eligible households. Eligible grantees include states, local governments, U.S. territories, Tribes or Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs), as applicable, and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. Treasury maintains contact information for authorized representatives and contact persons of the ERA grantees for the purpose of communicating with ERA grantees regarding the administration of their award under the Act.
ROUTINE USES: The information you furnish may be shared in accordance with the routine uses outlined in the Treasury’s system of records notice, Treasury .017 – Correspondence and Contact Information, which can be found at 81 FR 78266 (Nov. 7, 2016).
DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of this information is voluntary. However, grantees/recipients that do not disclose contact information will be unable to communicate with Treasury on issues related to their obligations under the Act which may affect the status of their award.
*If the Grantee plans to request voluntary reallocation to multiple grantees, a separate letter in this format should be submitted for each proposed Transferee. The amount inserted in the “Identified Funds” blank should reflect the amount to be reallocated to the Transferee identified in the “Designated Reallocation” box rather than the aggregate total the Grantee intends to reallocate to all proposed Transferees.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Keyser, Raymond (Detailee) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-11-16 |