West Coast Commercial Catcher Vessel Cost Earnings Surve

Economic Surveys of Specific US Commercial Fisheries

NWFSC IC_West Coast Commercial Catcher Vessel Cost-Earnings Survey for the Limited Entry, Fixed Gear Groundfish Fishery 012022.d

OMB: 0648-0773

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File Name: NWFSC IC_West Coast Commercial Catcher Vessel Cost-Earnings Survey for the Limited Entry, Fixed Gear Groundfish Fishery 012022

OMB Control No. 0648-0773

Expires XX/XX/20XX



Conducted by:

NOAA Fisheries – Northwest Fisheries Science Center

This survey is being sent to all owners of a commercial fishing vessel that (i) operated during 20XX or 20XX+1 with a limited entry groundfish permit having a fixed gear endorsement, (ii) landed at least $1,000 of fish on the West Coast (California, Oregon, and Washington) during 20XX or 20XX+1, and (iii) did not participate in the West Coast groundfish trawl fishery. Please see the accompanying letter for instructions about completing this survey.


You and other vessel owners are the only ones that can provide this information to this survey. In order to track who has responded, please list your contact information here. Your individual responses will be kept confidential and reported only in combination with other participants.

1 Name:

2 Relationships of Respondent to Vessel: Vessel Owner Spouse/Relative of Owner

Vessel Captain Accountant/Bookkeeper for Owner Other

3 Email Address:

4 Telephone: ( )

5 Mailing Address Street:

City: State: Zip Code:

6 Date of Survey Response (Month/Day/Year):


7 Please enter the following information about your vessel.



a. Vessel Name


b.Vessel ID (USCG or State)


c. Home Port (city and state)


d. Length Overall (feet)


e. Fuel Capacity (gallons)


f. Total Horsepower of Main Engines


8Has a marine survey been performed for this vessel?

  • Yes (proceed to question 9)

  • No (proceed to question 10)

9 Answer the following questions referring to the most recent marine survey value of the vessel.

a. What was the year of this vessel’s last value survey?



b. What was the market value of the vessel from the survey, rounded to the nearest 100 dollars?


c. What was the replacement value of the vessel from this survey, rounded to the nearest 100 dollars?


d. Do the survey values given above include the value of permits associated with the vessel at the time of the survey?

Yes No

e. Do the survey values given above include the value of all fishing gear on the vessel at the time of the survey?

Yes No

10 On what date did your 20XX fiscal year begin?

  1. Month _______


b. Day _____


c. Year ______



11 For each of the below actives, please provide for your vessel: (1) the number of days at sea; speed while fishing, fuel use per day (for propulsion or other uses), and crew size (not including captain) during both the 20XX and 20XX+1 fiscal years. (This information will be used to allocate some expenditures among the fisheries in which this vessel participated.

  • Please note that there is a special category for days at sea traveling between the West Coast and Alaska.

  • Count partial days as full days.

  • Fuel use per day should be an average that includes steaming to the fishing grounds, harvesting fish, and steaming back to port and should include all fuels used for propulsion or other uses

  • Count days tendering as well as days fishing

  • Put an “NA” in the Activity column for activities in which you did not operate this vessel.


Days at Sea

Speed While Fishing (knots)

Fuel Use

Gal / Day


Crew Size (not including captain)









a. West Coast groundfish fixed gear (longline or pots)



b. West Coast crab



c. West Coast salmon



d. West Coast shrimp trawl gear



e. West Coast tuna



f. West Coast halibut (Pacific or California)



g. Other West Coast fisheries

h. West Coast chartering, research, or tendering

i. Alaska chartering, research, or tendering



j. Alaska fisheries (not including chartering research, or tendering)



k. Steaming between West Coast and Alaska



Questions 12, 13 and 14 collect information about this vessel’s costs and earnings while participating in all the activities listed in question 11.

12 Provide total costs (both expenses and capitalized expenditures) during fiscal years 20XX and 20XX+1 in each of the following categories for this vessel’s operations in all fisheries.

  • If you do not track expenses for captain and crew separately, report combined expenses under captain and “NA” under crew.

  • Round all answers to the nearest 100 dollars.

  • Include all chartering expenses, even if directly reimbursed.

Expense Category

20XX ($)

20XX+1 ($)

a. Captain (including wages, bonuses, benefits, payroll taxes, and unemployment insurance)



b. Crew (including wages, bonuses, benefits, payroll taxes, and unemployment insurance)



c. Crew or captain travel not deducted from wages



d. Observer fees



e. Fishing association and commission costs



f. State licensing and federal permit fees



g. Fuel and lubrication



h. Food



i. Ice



j. Bait



k. Off-load expenses (cross dock fees, port tariffs, hoist fees, etc.)



l. Freight to the vessel on supplies



m. Communications, including VMS, satellite phone, and skymate



n. Trucking of fish to buyer



o. Vessel and on-board equipment purchases, upgrades, repair, and maintenance

  • Include all electronics, safety equipment, and machinery not used to harvest fish

  • Exclude fishing gear and processing equipment



p. Fishing gear purchases, upgrades, repair, and maintenance

Include nets, doors, traps, pots, cables, and fishing machinery



q. Processing equipment purchases, upgrades repair, and maintenance

Include any equipment used to process or head and gut fish on-board the vessel



r. Total payments made for loans on the vessel



s. Insurance premium payments (hull and machinery, protection and indemnity, and pollution insurance)



t. Moorage



u. Lease or bareboat charter of this vessel



v. Purchase of permits associated with this vessel



w. Leasing of permits and quota associated with this vessel



x. Other supplies (cleaning, clothing, safety, etc.)



y. Total depreciation (vessel, on-board equipment, processing equipment, and quota) taken during the year



13 Did you have any loan(s) on your vessel at any time during fiscal year 20XX or 20XX+1: Yes No

If Yes:

20XX ($)

20XX+1 ($)

a. Total amount you still owed at end of the fiscal year:



Please split total loan payments (question 12, item r) into:

20XX ($)

20XX+1 ($)

b. Interest paid:



c. Principal repaid:



14 For each of the earnings sources listed below, indicate the income earned during fiscal years 20XX and 20XX+1.

  • If no income was earned from a source during a particular fiscal year, enter $0 in the appropriate cell.

  • Round all answers to the nearest 100 dollars.

Earnings (Income) Source



  1. West Coast shoreside landings; this information will be obtained from fish ticket data

b. Alaska shoreside landings and at-sea deliveries of fish harvested with this vessel



c. Sale of permits and quota associated with this vessel



d. Leasing of permits and quota associated with this vessel



e. Leasing of vessel



f. West Coast chartering, research, or tendering: include direct reimbursements



g Alaska chartering, research, or tendering: include direct reimbursements



h. Other, Please describe ___________________________




15 From fiscal years 20XX to 20XX+1, in which of the following fisheries did this vessel derive the most revenue from West Coast landings? (Please select only one.)

  • Groundfish

  • Salmon

  • Crab

  • Shrimp

  • Other West Coast Fishery

16 When operating in the fishery identified in the previous question, did this vessel make any trips where a crew share system was used to pay the crew?

  • Yes (proceed to question 17)

  • No (proceed to question 21)

17 Which of the following expenses were deducted from total revenue before calculating the crew share when this vessel operated in the fishery identified in question 15? Mark “Yes” for expenses that were deducted from total revenue and “No” for expenses that were not deducted from total revenue. If the calculation of crew share changed, please report the method used most frequently.

Deduction from Total Revenue

a. Crew or captain travel if not deducted from wages

Yes No

b. Observer fees

Yes No

c. Fishing association and commission costs

Yes No

d. State licensing and Federal permit fees

Yes No

e. Buyback fees

Yes No

f. Fuel and lubrication

Yes No

g. Food

Yes No

h. Ice

Yes No

i. Bait

Yes No

j. Off-load expenses

Yes No

k. Freight to the vessel on supplies

Yes No

l. Other supplies (cleaning, clothing, safety, etc.)

Yes No

m. Communications

Yes No

n. Trucking of fish to the buyer

Yes No

o. Insurance premium payments

Yes No

p. Lease or charter of this vessel

Yes No

q. Expenses for purchase and leasing of permits and quota associated with this vessel

Yes No

r. Other, Please describe: _________________________________

Yes No

18 On what percentage of fishing trips in the fishery identified in question 15 did the vessel owner serve as captain?

________ %

19 On trips in the fishery identified in question 15 when the vessel owner served as captain, please indicate the share of net revenue (revenue minus the deductions listed in question 17) going to the vessel, captain, and crew. If the vessel owner did not serve as captain on any trips, write “NA”.

a. Vessel share

________ %

b Captain share

________ %

c. Crew share

________ %

20 On trips in the fishery identified in question 15 when the vessel owner did not serve as captain, please indicate the share of net revenue (revenue minus the deductions listed in question 17) going to the vessel, captain, and crew. If the vessel owner always served as captain, please write “NA”.

a. Vessel share

________ %

b Captain share

________ %

c. Crew share

________ %


Please answer questions 21 – 23 for fiscal years 20XX and 20XX+1.

21 In 20XX and 20XX+1, how did you change your fishing activities due to COVID-19, and what were the main reasons you made those changes?

22 Did you substantially change your fishing activities in 20XX and/or 20XX+1? (Please check each that applies)

No, not in either year  Yes in 20XX  Yes in 20XX+1

If YES in 20XX, please answer the following questions.

22a How did you change your fishing activities in 20XX?

22b What were the main reasons you made those changes in 20XX?

22c By what percentage did each of the following increase or decrease for your vessel(s) in 20XX due to those changes? (Please enter “0” if there was no change)

Landings decreased by ______% OR increased by______% in 20XX

Fishing revenues decreased by ______% OR increased by______% in 20XX

Total operating costs decreased by ______% OR increased by______% in 20XX

Crew size decreased by ______% OR increased by______% in 20XX

If YES in 20XX+1, please answer the following questions.

22d How did you change your fishing activities in 20XX+1?

23e What were the main reasons you made those changes in 20XX+1?

22f By what percentage did each of the following increase or decrease for your vessel(s) in 20XX+1 due to those changes? (Please enter “0” if there was no change)

Landings decreased by ______% OR increased by______% in 20XX+1

Fishing revenues decreased by ______% OR increased by______% in 20XX+1

Total operating costs decreased by ______% OR increased by______% in 20XX+1

Crew size decreased by ______% OR increased by______% in 20XX+1

23 Did you substantially change your non-fishing activities in 20XX and/or 20XX+1? (Please check each that applies)

No, not in either year  Yes in 20XX  Yes in 20XX+1

If YES in 20XX, please answer the following questions.

23a How did you change your non-fishing activities in 20XX?

23b What were the main reasons you made those changes in 20XX?

If YES, in 20XX+1, please answer the following questions.

23c How did you change your non-fishing activities in 202XX+1?

23d What were the main reasons you made those changes in 20XX+1?

24 Is there any other information you would like to share with us?

Thank you for participating in this survey. The information you have provided will improve studies of the economic performance and economic impact of the West Coast limited entry, fixed gear groundfish fishery. A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with an information collection subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 unless the information collection has a currently valid OMB Control Number. The approved OMB Control Number for this information collection is 0648-0773 and its expiration data is XX/XX/20XX. Without this approval, we could not conduct this information collection. Public reporting for this information collection is estimated to be approximately three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the information collection. All responses to this information collection are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Allen Chen, NOAA Fisheries, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, 2725 Montlake Blvd East, Seattle, WA 98112-2097 (206-302-1762) [email protected].

Privacy Act Statement: Authority: The collection of this information is authorized under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, 16 U.S.C 1801 et seq. Purpose: The Magnuson-Stevens Act requires that conservation and management measures must prevent overfishing while achieving, on a continuing basis, the optimum yield from each fishery. Economic surveys of fisheries are essential tools in the management of fishery resources. Section 303(a)(5) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act specifically identifies the kinds of data to be collected for fishery management plans (FMPs). Routine Uses: The Department of Commerce will use this information for effective fishery management. Disclosure of this information is permitted under the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. Section 552a), to be shared within NOAA Fisheries offices, in order to coordinate monitoring and management of sustainability of fisheries and protected resources, as well as with the applicable State or Regional Marine Fisheries Commissions and International Organizations. Disclosure of this information is also subject to all of the published routine uses as identified in the COMMERCE/NOAA-6, Fishermen's Statistical Data. Disclosure: Submission is voluntary; however, the more information collected, the better we can manage fisheries resources.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorCarl Lian
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2022-05-10

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