CNHGQ Data Elements (2020)

Att C_CNHGQ - Data Elements 2020.xlsx

Use of the Cyclosporiasis National Hypothesis Generating Questionnaire (CNHGQ) During Investigations of Foodborne Disease Clusters and Outbreaks

CNHGQ Data Elements (2020)

OMB: 0920-1198

Document [xlsx]
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ControlId ControlType ControlPrompt
CaseStatus CheckBox Classify case based on CDC case definition [Confirmed/Probable]
StateID TextBox State/NNDSS ID#
DateStoolCollected Date Date stool collected for Cyclospora testing
TestResult CheckBox Test results [Positive/Negative/Indeterminate/Pending]
LabType CheckBox Specify type of testing laboratories and testing method [table with test type (O&P, GI PCR Panel, PCR, Lab-developed test, Other) in columns and laboratory type (Clinical, Commercial, State, CDC) in rows]
Coinfection TextBox Specify name of lab-confirmed coinfection
StateLabID TextBox State Lab accession number
Interviewer TextBox Name
IntAgency TextBox Agency or Organization
IntPhone NumericTextBox Contact phone number
InterviewDate Date Date of Interview
TimesInt CheckBox Before this interview how many times has the case-patient been interviewed about his/her illness?
Respondent CheckBox Respondent for current interview was [Self/Parent/Spouse/Other (specify)]
ForCDCUseOnly GroupBox For CDC Use Only
EnteredatCDC CheckBox Entered at CDC
UserID TextBox UserID
State TextBox State
County TextBox County
ZipCode TextBox Zip Code
BirthMon NumericTextBox Birth month
BirthYr NumericTextBox Birth year
Age NumericTextBox Age
Sex CheckBox Sex
Ethnicity CheckBox Do you consider yourself of Hispanic or Latino origin [Yes/No/Unknown]
Race CheckBox How would you describe your race? [White, American Indian/Alaska Native, Black/African American, Asian, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Unknown, Other (Specify)]
OnsetDate Date What date did you (your child) first feel sick?
OnsetDateUnknown CheckBox Unknown
OnsetDateApproximate CheckBox Approximate date
Diarrhea CheckBox Did you (your child) have any diarrhea (defined as loose or watery stools that you do not normally have)?
DiarrheaDate Date Date diarrhea started
DiarrheaStopped Date Date diarrhea stopped?
DiarrheaOngoing CheckBox Ongoing
WeightLoss CheckBox Weight Loss
Fever CheckBox Fever
Fatigue CheckBox Fatigue
Anorexia CheckBox Anorexia
Nausea CheckBox Nausea
Vomiting CheckBox Vomiting
AbdominalCramps CheckBox Abdominal Cramps
Symptomsstopped CheckBox Have your (your child's) other symptoms stopped?
DateSymptomsStop Date If yes, date symptoms stopped [text/unknown]
Hospitalized CheckBox Were you (your child) hospitalized overnight?
NightsHosp NumericTextBox How many nights were you (your child) hospitalized?
DateHospitalized Date Admission date
HospName TextBox Hospital name:
WithinStateTravel TextBox List Counties in home state (outside county of residence) where you (your child) might have purchased or eaten foods during the 14 days before onset of illness.
UnkWithinStateTravel CheckBox Unknown
WithinStateDeparted1 Date Date Departed
WithinStateReturned1 Date Date Returned
WithinStateFood TextBox Foods Eaten
StateTravel TextBox List all US cities and states (outside of home state) where you (your child) might have purchased or eaten foods. This includes airports, bus or train stations.
UnknownStateTravel CheckBox Unknown
DateDepartedUS1 Date Date Departed
DateReturnedUS1 Date Date Returned
FoodsEatenUS1 TextBox Foods Eaten
TravelOutsideUS TextBox List all countries outside the US and dates or travel where you (your child) might have purchased or eaten foods.
UnkTravelOutsideUS CheckBox Unknown
NoIntlTravel CheckBox Did not travel Outside US
CountryTraveled1 TextBox Countries Traveled
CountryDateDeparted1 Date DateDeparted
CountryDateReturned1 Date Date Returned
CountryFoodsEaten1 TextBox Foods Eaten
Events CheckBox Did you (your child) attend any events where food was served (e.g., parties, fairs, concerts, tournaments, conventions)?
EventsInfo TextBox Please list the name of event, date, and location
OtherIll CheckBox Do you know of any other person(s) who has been sick recently with a similar illness?
OtherIllInfo TextBox If yes, please provide information for other ill person(s) including number of ill persons and
relationship to you (e.g. son, mother, neighbor, friend, etc.)*.
OtherIllComments TextBox Please provide information about the other ill persons and their relationship to you (include the STATE ID, do not enter names or other personally identifiable information)
lblFoodHome Literal Did you (your child) eat foods from: grocery stores or supermarkets, warehouse stores, small markets (such as gas stations), ethnic specialty markets, health food stores, co-ops, fish or meat specialty shops, farmer's markets or food directly from a farm, or any other sources?
StoreName1 TextBox Store Name
StoreAddress1 TextBox Address
StoreCity1 TextBox City
StoreState1 TextBox State
DatesShopped1 Date Date shopped
ItemsPurchased1 TextBox Items purchased
ShopperCard TextBox Shopper card #
ShopperCardRefused CheckBox Refused to give shopper card #
lblFoodAway CheckBox Did you (your child) eat foods from: national fast food chains, Mexican-style, Italian, seafood, Jamaican/Cuban/Caribbean, Chinese/Indian/Japanese/Asian, vegetarian or vegan, barbeque or home-style, steakhouse or grill, diner, Middle Eastern/Arabic/Lebanese/African, all-you-can-eat buffet, sandwich shop or deli, salad bar, take-out, breakfast or brunch, school or institution, food truck, or other restaurants or commercial food establishments?
RestaurantName1 TextBox Restaurant Name
RestaurantAddress1 TextBox Address
RestaurantCity1 TextBox City
RestaurantState1 TextBox State
DatesPatronized1 Date Meal date
FoodsEaten1 TextBox Foods eaten
FoodAwayComments1 TextBox Additional Comments
Cluster CheckBox Is this case associated with a cluster [Yes/No]
ClusterName TextBox What is the cluster name?
Basil CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any fresh basil?
Sweetbasil CheckBox Sweet
PurpleBasil CheckBox Purple (i.e., purple leaves and stems)
ThaiBasil CheckBox Thai (i.e., green leaves and purple stems)
OthUnkBasilType CheckBox Other/Unknown
BasilBrand TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Brand(s) purchased:
BasilPlacePurch TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Place(s) purchased:
BasilHomeNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat at home)
grpBasil_Away GroupBox If eaten outside the home
BasilAwayName TextBox If eaten outside the home: List name(s) of establishment(s) and locations:
BasilAwayNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat outside the home)
Cilantro CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any fresh cilantro?
CilantroBrand TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Brand(s):
CilantroPlacePurch TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Place(s) purchased (names, locations):
CilantroHomeNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat at home)
CilantroAwayName TextBox If eaten outside the home: List name(s) of establishments:
CilantroAwayNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat outside the home)
Parsley CheckBox Fresh parsley
Oregano CheckBox Fresh oregano
Thyme CheckBox fresh thyme
Mint CheckBox Fresh mint
Dill CheckBox Fresh dill
Sage CheckBox Fresh sage
Rosemary CheckBox Fresh rosemary
OtherHerb CheckBox Other fresh herbs?
OtherHerbDesc TextBox Type(s)
UnkOtherHerbType CheckBox Unknown
HerbComments TextBox Additional Comments
RedRasp CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any fresh red raspberries?
RedRaspBrand TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Brand(s):
RedRaspPlacePurch TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Place(s) of purchase:
RedRaspHomeNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat at home)
RedRaspAwayName TextBox If eaten outside the home: List name(s) of establishment(s):
RedRaspAwayLoc TextBox If eaten outside the home: List location(s):
RedRaspAwayNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat outside the home)
Blackberry CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any fresh blackberries?
BlackberryBrand TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Brand(s):
BlackberryPlacePurch TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Place(s) of purchase:
BlackberryHomeNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat at home)
BlackberryAwayName TextBox If eaten outside the home: List name(s) of establishment(s):
BlackberryAwayLoc TextBox If eaten outside the home: List location(s):
BlackberryAwayNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat outside the home)
BlackRasp CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any black raspberries?
GoldRasp CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any golden raspberries?
Strawberry CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any strawberries?
Blueberry CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any blueberries?
Boysenberry CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any boysenberries?
OtherBerry CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any other fresh berries?
OtherSpecificBerries TextBox If yes, please specify:
BerryUnknown CheckBox Unknown
Apple CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any apples?
Grape CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any grapes?
Pear CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any pears?
Peach CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any peaches?
Nectarine CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any nectarines?
Plum CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any plums?
Orange CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any oranges?
Grapefruit CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any grapefruit?
Tangerine CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any tangerines?
LemonLime CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any fresh lemon or lime? This could include a garnish on a drink.
Cherry CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any cherries?
Cantaloupe CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any cantaloupe?
Honeydew CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any honeydew melon?
Watermelon CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any watermelon?
PreCutMelon CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any precut melon or melon salad?
OtherMelon CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any other melon?
Pineapple CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any pineapple?
Mango CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any mango?
Coconut CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any coconut (whole or shredded)?
OtherFruit CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any other fruit (e.g., kiwi, papaya, guava, pomegranate, other [specify])?
FreshFruitComments TextBox Additional Comments
PremadeSalad CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any pre-made, single serving salads (e.g., ready to eat salads with toppings, meats, dressing)?
PremadeSaladIngredients TextBox Ingredients (lettuce, cabbage, carrots, etc.)
PremadeSaladBrand TextBox Brand(s):
PremadeSaladPlacePurch TextBox Place(s) purchased (names, locations):
Iceberg CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any iceberg lettuce?
PrepackagedIceberg CheckBox Prepackaged
HeadLooseIceberg CheckBox Head/Loose
ToppinggarnishIceberg CheckBox Topping/garnish
UnkIcebergType CheckBox Unknown
IcebergBrand TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Brand(s):
IcebergPlacePurch TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Place(s) purchased (names, locations):
IcebergHomeNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat at home)
IcebergAway TextBox If eaten outside the home: List name(s) of establishment(s) and locations:
IcebergAwayNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat outside the home)
Romaine CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any romaine lettuce?
RomaineTypeGroup CheckBox If eaten at home: What was the type?
PrepackagedRomaine CheckBox Prepackaged
HeadLooseRomaine CheckBox Head/Loose
ToppinggarnishRomaine CheckBox Topping/garnish
UnkRomaineType CheckBox Unknown
RomaineHomeBrand TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Brand(s):
RomainePlacePurch TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Place(s) purchased (names, locations):
RomaineHomeNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat at home)
RomaineAway TextBox If eaten outside the home: List name(s) of establishment(s) and locations:
RomaineAwayNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat outside the home)
Mesclun CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any mesclun lettuce (e.g., spring mix, field greens, baby greens)?
MesclunBrand TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Brand(s) purchased:
MesclunPlacePurch TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Place(s) purchased (names, locations):
UnkMesclunPlacePurch CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat at home)
MesclunAwayName TextBox If eaten outside the home: List name(s) of establishment(s) and location(s):
MesclunAwayNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat outside the home)
Cabbage CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any fresh cabbage?
RedCabbage CheckBox Red
GreenCabbage CheckBox Green
SavoyCabbage CheckBox Savoy (aka, curly)
NapaCabbage CheckBox Napa
Bokchoy CheckBox Bok choy
BrusselsSprouts CheckBox Brussels sprouts
OthUnkCabbageType CheckBox Other/Unknown
CabbageBrand TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Brand(s) purchased:
CabbagePlacePurch TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Place(s) purchased (names, locations):
CabbageHomeNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat at home)
CabbageAwayName TextBox If eaten outside the home: List name(s) of establishment(s) and location(s):
CabbageAwayNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat outside the home)
Spinach CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any fresh spinach?
PrepackagedSpinach CheckBox Prepackaged
HeadLooseSpinach CheckBox Head/Loose
ToppinggarnishSpinach CheckBox Topping/garnish
UnkSpinachType CheckBox Unknown
SpinachHomeBrand TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Brand(s):
SpinachHomePlacePurch TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Place(s) purchased (names, locations):
SpinachHomeNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat at home)
SpinachAwayPlaceName TextBox If eaten outside the home: List name(s) of establishment(s) and locations:
SpinachAwayNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat outside the home)
OtherGreens CheckBox 53. Did you (your child) eat any other lettuce or leafy greens?
Arugula CheckBox Arugula
Kale CheckBox Kale
Endive CheckBox Endive
mustardgreens CheckBox Mustard greens
radicchio CheckBox Radicchio
UnkLeafyGreenType CheckBox Unknown
OtherLeafyGreens CheckBox Other
OtherLeafySpecify TextBox Please specify:
LettuceLeafyComments TextBox Additional Comments
Prepkgdsalad CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any other prepackaged salad mix (not previously identified above)?
Prepkgdsaladingredients TextBox Ingredients (lettuce, cabbage, carrots, etc.)
Prepkgdsaladbrand TextBox Brand(s):
PrepkgdsaladPlacePurch TextBox Place(s) purchased (names, locations):
LeafyGreensComments TextBox Additional Comments
Cucumber CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any cucumbers?
Zucchini CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any zucchini?
Squash CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any squash?
BellPepper CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any bell peppers?
RedBellPepper CheckBox Red
GreenBellPepper CheckBox Green
OrangeBellPepper CheckBox Orange
YellowBellPepper CheckBox Yellow
UnkBellPepper CheckBox Unknown
HotPepper CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any hot chili/chile peppers?
Celery CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any celery?
MiniCarrot CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any "mini" carrots? These are often peeled and sold in a sealed bag.
OtherCarrot CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any other fresh carrots?
RootVeg CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any other raw root vegetables?
Radish CheckBox Radish
Beets CheckBox Beets
Turnips CheckBox Turnips
RootVegUnk CheckBox Unknown
RootVegOther CheckBox Other [specify]
RootVegOtherSpecify TextBox Specify
Peas CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any fresh, raw peas? May be shelled or in the pod.
GardenPeas CheckBox Garden peas
SnowPeas CheckBox Snow peas (i.e., flat, shiny pods containing tiny peas)
SugarSnapPeas CheckBox Sugar snap peas (i.e, plump, crisp, edible pods)
OthUnkPeas CheckBox Other/Unknown
OthUnkPeasSpecify TextBox Specify
PeasBrand TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Brand(s) purchased:
PeasPlacePurch TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Place(s) purchased (names, locations):
PeasHomeNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat at home)
PeasAwayName TextBox If eaten outside the home: List name(s) of establishments and locations:
PeasAwayNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat outside the home)
Broccoli CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any broccoli?
Cauliflower CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any cauliflower?
Sprouts CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any sprouts?
Onion CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any raw onions?
WhiteOnion CheckBox White
YellowOnion CheckBox Yellow
RedPurpleOnion CheckBox Red/Purple
UnkOnion CheckBox Unknown
OtherOnion CheckBox Other
OtherOnionSpecify TextBox Other specify
Scallion CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any raw green onions/scallions?
Tomato CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any fresh tomatoes?
RedRoundTomato CheckBox Red round
RomaTomato CheckBox Roma (oval-shaped)
GrapeCherryTomato CheckBox Grape/Cherry (bite-sized)
UnkTomato CheckBox Unknown
OtherTomato CheckBox Other
OtherTomatoSpecify TextBox Other specify
Pico CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any fresh salsa or pico de gallo (not from a jar)?
PicoBrand TextBox If eaten at home what was the: Brand(s) purchased:
PicoPlacePurch TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Place(s) purchased (names, locations):
PicoHomeNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat at home)
PicoAwayName TextBox If eaten outside the home: List name(s) of establishment(s) and locations:
PicoAwayNotApplicable CheckBox Not Applicable (did not eat outside the home)
Guacamole CheckBox Did you (your child) eat any fresh guacamole (not from a jar)?
GuacBrand TextBox If eaten at home what was the: Brand(s) purchased:
GuacPlacePurch TextBox If eaten at home, what was the: Place(s) purchased (names, locations):
GuacHomeNotApplicable TextBox Not Applicable (did not eat at home)
GuacAway CheckBox If eaten outside the home: List name(s) of establishment(s) and locations:
GuacAwayNotApplicable TextBox Not Applicable (did not eat outside the home)
FreshVegComments TextBox Additional Comments
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