OMB Control No. 0970-0449 LIHEAP Performance Data Form for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2021 Expiration Date: XX/XX/XX |
MODULE 1 (LIHEAP Grantee Survey) |
Grantee Name: |
Date: |
Contact Person: |
Phone Number: |
The 50 States and the District of Columbia are required to complete the LIHEAP Grantee Survey Section of the LIHEAP Performance Data Form in providing estimates of sources and uses of funds, average benefits, and the maximum income cutoff in dollars for a 4-person household as of 10/1/16 for each type of LIHEAP assistance provided in FFY 2021.
Additionally, the 50 states and the District of Columbia are required to complete the LIHEAP Performance Measurement Section of the LIHEAP Performance Data Form. This Federal Report provides data on three required LIHEAP Performance Measures for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2021, the period of October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2021. The Report consists of the following sections: (1) Energy Burden Targeting, (2) Restoration of Home Energy Service, and (3) Prevention of Loss of Home Energy Service. |
Timely response to questions on this report is mandatory. The information will be used to respond to Congressional inquiries, to calculate LIHEAP benefit targeting, and to provide Federal Fiscal Year data for the Department's annual LIHEAP Report to Congress that is required under Section 2610 of Public Law 967-35, as amended. The data are also used in measuring LIHEAP performance under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993, as amended by the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010. As the reported data are aggregated, the information in this report is not considered to be confidential. |
ALL OF FFY 2021 10/1/2020 TO 9/30/2021) |
Amount Rounded to the Nearest Dollar |
A. All Funds Except CARES Act and other Supplemental Funding (Items 1-9) |
1. FFY LIHEAP Block Grant Allotment (Net of Indian Tribal Set-Asides)--regular funds |
This value is pre-populated and locked from editing. Please review and confirm that it is correct.
$0 |
2. FFY Emergency Contingency Funds (Net of Indian Tribal Set-Asides) |
This value is pre-populated with $0 and locked from editing because this source of funds is not applicable for this report.
$0 |
3. LIHEAP Block Grant Funds from Previous FFY Reallotted to FFY |
This value is pre-populated and locked from editing. Please review and confirm that it is correct.
$0 |
4. Previous FFY Unobligated Emergency Contingency Funds, not Subject to 10% Carryover Limit |
This value is pre-populated with $0 and locked from editing because this source of funds is not applicable for this report.
$0 |
5. All Funds Carried Over From Previous FFY (except Funds in item 4 and 9 in this Section) |
This value is pre-populated using the amount reported in your prior Module 1 Grantee Survey. This line is editable and should be updated as needed.
$0 |
6. Petroleum Violation Escrow (Oil Overcharge) Funds Obligated in FFY |
This value is pre-populated with $0 and locked from editing because this source of funds is not applicable for this report.
$0 |
7. FFY Residential Energy Assistance Challenge (REACH) Program |
This value is pre-populated with $0 and locked from editing because this source of funds is not applicable for this report.
$0 |
8. Previous FFY REACH Program award obligated in FFY |
Pre-populated & locked. Added by Peter E. in response to Lauren's request from last year
$0 |
9. FFY Leveraging Incentive Award |
This value is pre-populated with $0 and locked from editing because this source of funds is not applicable for this report.
$0 |
10. Previous FFY Leveraging Incentive Award obligated in FFY |
This value is pre-populated with $0 and locked from editing because this source of funds is not applicable for this report.
$0 |
B. Estimated Subtotal Sources of Funds--Non-CARES/Supplemental Funding |
11. Sum of Items 1-10. This should equal the sum in Section IV. Column D, Item 13. |
This value is auto-calculated by summing items 1-10 of this section. Grantees are locked from editing this field.
$0 |
C. All Supplemental Funds (Items 12-14) |
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For FY 2020, this field was the allotment. For FY 2021, it should be the amount a grantee carried over to FY 2021.
12. Previous unobligated CARES Act Allotment, not Subject to 10% Carryover Limit. This should equal the sum in Section IV Column D, Item 23. |
This value is pre-populated, but open for editing.
$0 |
[Threaded comment]
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This is where ARP goes. For FY 2021, it is fine as is. Fir FY 2021, it should be the amount a grantee carried over.
13. American Rescue Plan Act Allotment (Net of Indian Tribal Set-Asides). This should equal the sum in Section IV Column D, Item 33. |
This value is pre-populated and locked from editing.
$0 |
14. [RESERVED, if applicable] Other Supplemental2 Allotment (Net of Indian Tribal Set-Asides). This should equal the sum in Section IV. Column D, Item 43. |
This value is pre-populated with $0 and locked from editing because this source of funds is not applicable for this report.
$0 |
D. Estimated Subtotal Sources of Supplemental Funds |
15. Sum of Items 12-14. This should equal the sum in Section IV. Column D, Item 44. |
This value is auto-calculated by summing items 12-14 of this section. Grantees are locked from editing this field.
$0 |
E. Estimated Total of Sources of All Funds |
16. Item 11 plus Item 15. This should equal the sum in Section IV. Column D, Item 45. |
This value is auto-calculated by summing items 11 & 15 of this section. Grantees are locked from editing this field.
$0 |
A. Type of LIHEAP Assistance--Non-Supplemental Funds (Items 1-4) |
All of FFY 2021 (10/1/2020) to 9/30/2021) |
Amount Rounded to the Nearest Dollar |
Total Funds/Awards |
Average Household Benefit |
Maximum Annual Dollar Income for 4-Person Household as of the effective date |
1. Heating Assistance Benefits--non-supplemental funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
2. Cooling Assistance Benefits--non-supplemental funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
3. Crisis Benefits by Type--non-supplemental funds |
a. Winter Crisis Benefits--non-supplemental funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
b. Summer Crisis Benefits--non-supplemental funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
c. Year-round Crisis Benefits--non-supplemental funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
d. Other Crisis Benefits--non-supplemental funds |
This value is auto-calculated by summing sums sub-sub-items 3.d.(1) - 3.d.(3) below. Grantees are locked from editing this field.
$0 |
(1) Specify--non-supplemental funds |
$0 |
$0 |
(2) Specify--non-supplemental funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
(3) Specify--non-supplemental funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
4. Weatherization Assistance Benefits--non-supplemental funds |
$0 |
$0 |
B. Other Permitted Uses of LIHEAP Funds--non-supplemental funds (Items 5-12) |
5. Nominal Payments--non-supplemental funds |
$0 |
6. FFY Unobligated Funds (excluding funds in Items 8 & 9) Carried Over to next FFY--non-supplemental funds |
$0 |
7. FFY Allowable Unobligated Emergency Contingency Funds, not Subject to 10% Carryover Limit, Obligated in next FFY |
This value is pre-populated with $0 and locked from editing because this source of funds is not applicable for this report.
$0 |
8. FFY Leveraging Incentive Award Obligated in next FFY |
This value is pre-populated with $0 and locked from editing because this source of funds is not applicable for this report.
$0 |
9. FFY LIHEAP Block Grant Allotment Used to Identify, Develop & Demonstrate Leveraging Incentive Activities--non-supplemental funds |
$0 |
10. Assurance 16 Activities--non-supplemental funds |
$0 |
11. FFY Residential Energy Assistance Challenge (REACH) Program |
This value is pre-populated with $0 and locked from editing because this source of funds is not applicable for this report.
$0 |
12. Administration/Planning Costs--non-supplemental funds |
$0 |
C. Estimated Total Uses of Funds--non-supplemental funds |
13. Sum of Items 1-4 and 5-12. This should equal the sum in Section III. Column D, Item 11. |
This value is auto-calculated by summing items 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13; and sub-items 3.a. -3.d; of this section. Grantees are locked from editing this field.
$0 |
Q1. Obligated funding for a given type of assistance in current FFY, but will serve households in the subsequent FFY--regular funds |
-Select- |
Q2. Average Household Benefits are estimated due to unique program operation, rather than directly calculated--regular funds |
-Select- |
D. Type of LIHEAP Assistance--CARES Act Funds (Items 14-17) |
All of FFY 2021 (10/1/2020) to 9/30/2021) |
Amount Rounded to the Nearest Dollar |
Total Funds/Awards |
Average Household Benefit |
Maximum Annual Dollar Income for 4-Person Household as of the effective date |
14. Heating Assistance Benefits--CARES Act Funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
15. Cooling Assistance Benefits--CARES Act Funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
16. Crisis Benefits by Type--CARES Act Funds |
a. Winter Crisis Benefits--CARES Act Funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
b. Summer Crisis Benefits--CARES Act Funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
c. Year-round Crisis Benefits--CARES Act Funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
d. Other Crisis Benefits--CARES Act Funds |
This value is auto-calculated by summing sums sub-sub-items 17.d.(1) - 17.d.(3) below. Grantees are locked from editing this field.
$0 |
(1) Specify--CARES Act Funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
(2) Specify--CARES Act Funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
(3) Specify--CARES Act Funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
17. Weatherization Assistance Benefits--CARES Act Funds |
$0 |
$0 |
E. Other Permitted Uses of LIHEAP Funds--CARES Act Funds (Items 18-22) |
18. Nominal Payments--CARES Act Funds |
$0 |
19. Unobligated CARES Act Funds Carried Over to next FFY |
$0 |
20. FFY LIHEAP Block Grant Allotment Used to Identify, Develop & Demonstrate Leveraging Incentive Activities--CARES Act Funds |
$0 |
21. Assurance 16 Activities--CARES Act Funds |
$0 |
22. Administration/Planning Costs--CARES Act Funds |
$0 |
F. Estimated Total Uses of Funds--CARES Act Funds |
23. Sum of Items 14-17 and 18-22. This should equal the sum in Section III. Column D, Item 12. |
This value is auto-calculated by summing items 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24; and sub-items 17.a. -17.d; of this section. Grantees are locked from editing this field.
$0 |
Q3. Obligated funding for a given type of assistance in current FFY, but will serve households in the subsequent FFY--CARES Act Funds |
-Select- |
Q4 Average Household Benefits are estimated due to unique program operation, rather than directly calculated--CARES Act Funds |
-Select- |
G. Type of LIHEAP Assistance--ARPA Funds: (Items 24-27) |
All of FFY 2021 (10/1/2020) to 9/30/2021) |
Amount Rounded to the Nearest Dollar |
Total Funds/Awards |
Average Household Benefit |
Maximum Annual Dollar Income for 4-Person Household as of the effective date |
24. Heating Assistance Benefits--ARPA Funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
25. Cooling Assistance Benefits--ARPA Funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
26. Crisis Benefits by Type--ARPA Funds |
a. Winter Crisis Benefits--ARPA Funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
b. Summer Crisis Benefits--ARPA Funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
c. Year-round Crisis Benefits--ARPA Funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
d. Other Crisis Benefits--ARPA Funds |
Locked with formula that sums sub-sub-items 28.d.(1) - 28.d.(3)
$0 |
(1) Specify--ARPA Funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
(2) Specify--ARPA Funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
(3) Specify--ARPA Funds |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
27. Weatherization Assistance Benefits--ARPA Funds |
$0 |
$0 |
H. Other Permitted Uses of LIHEAP Funds--ARPA Funds (Items 28-32) |
28. Nominal Payments--ARPA Funds |
$0 |
29. Unobligated ARPA Funds Funds Carried Over to next FFY |
$0 |
30. FFY LIHEAP Block Grant Allotment Used to Identify, Develop & Demonstrate Leveraging Incentive Activities--ARPA Funds |
$0 |
31. Assurance 16 Activities--ARPA Funds |
$0 |
32. Administration/Planning Costs--ARPA Funds |
$0 |
I. Estimated Total Uses of Funds--ARPA Funds |
33. Sum of Items 24-27 and 28-32. This should equal the sum in Section III. Column D, Item 13. |
Locked with formula that sums Items 26, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, and 35; and sub-items 28.a. -28.d; of this section
$0 |
Q5. Obligated funding for a given type of assistance in current FFY, but will serve households in the subsequent FFY--ARPA Funds |
Select "Yes" or "No" from the dropdown list.
Q6. Average Household Benefits are estimated due to unique program operation, rather than directly calculated--ARPA Funds |
Select "Yes" or "No" from the dropdown list.
J. [RESERVED, if applicable] Other Supplemental Funds2: (Items 34-37) |
All of FFY 2021 (10/1/2020) to 9/30/2021) |
Amount Rounded to the Nearest Dollar |
Total Funds/Awards |
Average Household Benefit |
Maximum Annual Dollar Income for 4-Person Household as of the effective date |
34. Heating Assistance Benefits--Other Supplemental2 [reserved] |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
35. Cooling Assistance Benefits--Other Supplemental2 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
36. Crisis Benefits by Type--Other Supplemental2 |
a. Winter Crisis Benefits--Other Supplemental2 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
b. Summer Crisis Benefits--Other Supplemental2 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
c. Year-round Crisis Benefits--Other Supplemental2 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
d. Other Crisis Benefits--Other Supplemental2 |
Locked with formula that sums sub-sub-items 39.d.(1) - 39.d.(3)
$0 |
(1) Specify--Other Supplemental2 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
(2) Specify--Other Supplemental2 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
(3) Specify--Other Supplemental2 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
37. Weatherization Assistance Benefits--Other Supplemental2 |
$0 |
$0 |
K. Other Permitted Uses of LIHEAP Funds--Other Supplemental2 (Items 38-42) |
38. Nominal Payments--Other Supplemental2 |
$0 |
39. Unobligated Other Supplemental2 Funds Carried Over to next FFY |
$0 |
40. FFY LIHEAP Block Grant Allotment Used to Identify, Develop & Demonstrate Leveraging Incentive Activities--Other Supplemental2 |
$0 |
41. Assurance 16 Activities--Other Supplemental2 |
$0 |
42. Administration/Planning Costs--Other Supplemental2 |
$0 |
L. Estimated Total Uses of Funds--Other Supplemental2 |
43. Sum of Items 34-37 and 38-42. This should equal the sum in Section III. Column D, Item 14. |
Locked with formula that sums Items 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46; and sub-items 39.a. -39.d; of this section
$0 |
Q7. Obligated funding for a given type of assistance in current FFY, but will serve households in the subsequent FFY--Other Supplemental2 |
Select "Yes" or "No" from the dropdown list.
Q8. Average Household Benefits are estimated due to unique program operation, rather than directly calculated--Other Supplemental2 |
Select "Yes" or "No" from the dropdown list.
Notes: Include any notes. Please indicate type of LIHEAP assistance and item being referenced. |
M. Estimated Subtotal Uses of Supplemental Funds |
44. Sum of Items 23, 33, and 43. This should equal the sum in Section III. Column D, Item 15. |
This value is auto calculated by summing Items 25, 36, and 47 of this section. Grantees are locked from editing this field.
$0 |
N. Estimated Subtotal Uses of All Funds |
45. Sum of Items 13 and 44. This should equal the sum in Section III. Column D, Item 16. |
This value is auto calculated by summing Items 14 and 48 of this section. Grantees are locked from editing this field.
$0 |
-Select- |
Yes |
No |