ACS NSC Email Collections for HUs and eListing for GQs June 2021

NSC_ACS GQ and Email Reminders June 2021.pdf

The American Community Survey

ACS NSC Email Collections for HUs and eListing for GQs June 2021

OMB: 0607-0810

Document [pdf]
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Request for Nonsubstantive Change to the
2022 American Community Survey Email Collection for Housing Units and
2022 American Community Survey and Puerto Rico Community Survey
eListing for Group Quarters
OMB Control No. 0607-0810
U.S. Department of Commerce
U.S. Census Bureau

The American Community Survey (ACS) is requesting to implement collecting email addresses
and sending email reminders to housing units in sample starting in early 2022. The Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) approved this change in 2019 (ICR Reference Number 2019030607-005); ACS plans to implement the change to increase the number of returns on internet,
improve data quality, and reduce additional follow up visits from field staff. The ACS is also
requesting to add another option to receive group quarters (GQ) facility rosters to reduce or
eliminate a field representative (FR) visit.
Housing Unit Email Address Collection and Reminders
Currently, the ACS sends up to five mailings to an address in sample. The first mailing—sent to
all mailable addresses in the sample—includes an invitation to participate in the ACS online and
states that in a few weeks, the Census Bureau will send a paper questionnaire to respondents
who are unable to reply by the internet. Subsequent mailings serve as a reminder to respond to
the survey, with a paper questionnaire included in the third mailing for those households that
prefer to respond by mailing back the questionnaire. The Census Bureau will ask those who
begin filling out the survey online to provide an email address. Approximately one week before
sending the paper questionnaire, the Census Bureau will use the email address to send an email
reminder to households that did not complete the online form. The reminder asks them to log
back in to finish responding to the survey.
Group Quarters eListing Application
Beginning in January 2022, ACS and the Puerto Rico Community Survey (PRCS) will start using
an Electronic Facility Listing System (eListing) for the ACS and PRCS GQ operation, where a
contact person at the facility has the option to provide the FR with the listing information to be
entered into the GQ facilities questionnaire instrument or the GQ contact person can upload
an electronic listing (e.g., excel, pdf, or word document) of the residents or enter the residents.
This system is similar to the GQ eResponse system used for the 2020 Census where the system
stored the facility's resident information including basic demographic information however,
the ACS and PRCS model will only store name, location, phone number, and email addresses
through the six week panel. Implementing eListing allows facilities to provide their listing
without a personal visit and at their convenience, reducing, or eliminating FR travel.


There are no substantive changes to the program resulting from these modifications. This
change adds email response reminders for sampled housing units and provides additional
options for collecting GQ roster data.
A - Respondent screen with email collection
B - ACS Email Correspondence Text
C - eListing ACS-18 GQ email
C - eListing Blaise Slides Contact Screens
C - eListing Burden_Confidentiality_Security
C - eListing Contact Us Wording
C - eListing Email UserID
C - eListing Quick Reference Guide
C - eListing Roster Template_508_Compliant
C - eListing Screens -- Centurion--06
D - ACS-18(L)(C)(GQ)(2022) ACS GQ Student Housing Introductory Letter
D - ACS-18(L)(GQ)(2022) ACS GQ Facility Manager Introductory Letter
D - ACS-18(L)(GQ)(PR)(2022) PRCS GQ Introductory Letter (English)
D - ACS-18(L)(GQ)(PR)(S) PRCS GQ Introductory Letter (Spanish)
D - ACS-18(L)(H)(GQ)(2022) ACS GQ Health Care Introductory Letter


Attachment A: Respondent Screen with Email Field

Attachment A: Respondent Screen with Email Field
Help Text
Why We Ask?
We ask for a respondent’s name and contact information in case we need to contact someone
to ask about incomplete or missing survey information.


The U.S. Census Bureau is required by law to protect your information. The Census
Bureau is not permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify
this household. Per the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are
protected from cybersecurity risks through screening of the systems that transmit your
Providing a name helps eliminate confusion as you proceed through the survey to know
about whom questions are being asked.
The Census Bureau will only use the phone number and email address you provide for
official business. You may be asked to participate in other Census Bureau surveys.

Attachment B: Email Correspondence Text

ACS Email Correspondence Text

From: U.S. Census Bureau
Subject line: Reminder to complete the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey

Recently, you may have begun answering questions online for the American Community Survey.
Thank you for any of your answers so far. It is important that you complete the survey; you are
required by U.S. law to respond.
Click here to return to the survey. Enter your USER ID XXXXX-XXXXX followed by your assigned
PIN. If you have trouble returning to the survey, please call toll free 1-800-354-7271.
Finishing the survey online saves time and money by reducing the need for further contact by
Census Bureau interviewers. Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Attachment C: eListing ACS-18 GQ email

Email Subject line: American Community Survey eListing Instructions

As we discussed, this email contains instructions on how to access the U.S. Census
Bureau’s eListing site to submit a list of residents in your facility.
We will use the list to select a sample of residents to participate in the American
Community Survey.
Please follow these steps to submit the list:
1. Locate your 10-digit User ID on the mail label of the letter we sent you.
— The User ID is above the address and to the right.
— Please contact me if you have lost the letter.
2. Click on this link: Login | American Community Survey Group Quarters eListing
— Copy and paste the link into your browser if necessary.
3. Log in with your User ID. (The User ID is case sensitive.)
4. Follow the instructions to create and upload the list.
Questions? Please call me at 000-000-0000 if you have any questions about creating
or uploading the list or about the survey.
To protect your privacy, please do not respond to this email with any personal
information about you or your facility.
I am not authorized to conduct this survey or answer any detailed questions about the
survey or our protocols by email.
The Census Bureau is required by law to keep all survey data confidential.
Thank you for participating in this survey. We greatly appreciate your cooperation.

(insert FR name)
(normal signature block appears here)

GQSample Section
New Screens

Attachment C - eListing Blaise Slides Contact Screens

If the FR is conducting an interview on the
phone and the contact says that they can
provide a roster, the instrument will come to
this screen.

Attachment C - eListing Blaise Slides Contact Screens

If the FR is conducting an interview either in
person or on the phone and the contact is
unable to provide a roster, the instrument
will come to this screen.

Attachment C - eListing Blaise Slides Contact Screens

Attachment C - eListing Burden_Confidentiality_Security

BURDEN STATEMENT: “The Census Bureau estimates that, for the average facility,
this eListing process will take 10 minutes to complete, including the time for reviewing
the instructions and downloading/uploading the template. You may email comments
regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,
including suggestions for reducing burden, to: [email protected]. Use "Paperwork
Project" as the subject. Or you may send comments to: Paperwork Project, U.S. Census
Bureau, 4600 Silver Hill Road, ADDC – 4H277, Washington, D.C. 20233.”
CONFIDENTIALITY/SECURITY language: “The U.S. Census Bureau is required by law
to keep your information confidential. The Census Bureau is not permitted to publicly
release your responses in a way that could identify this household. Per the Federal
Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protected from cybersecurity
risks through screening of the systems that transmit your data.”

Attachment C - eListing Contact Us Wording
Contact Us Wording:
If you need help or have questions, please email: [email protected] and a Census
Bureau representative will respond to your email.
For more information about the American Community Survey, visit our web site

Attachment C - eListing Email UserID

Email Subject Line: User ID for eListing
Dear (Insert Point of Contact Name):
Your User ID for electronically submitting the list of residents is: XXXXX - XXXXX
The User ID is case sensitive. Please enter the ID exactly as you see it above.
Please retain this code until you complete the listing.
For assistance, please call me at (insert FR number).
(insert FR name)
(regular signature block appears here)

Attachment C - eListing Quick Reference Guide

American Community Survey
Group Quarters
Electronic Listing (eListing)
Quick Reference Guide for Uploading Rosters


Attachment C - eListing Quick Reference Guide

How To Access The GQ Electronic Listing Data Transfer (eListing) Website
Upon accessing the secured website, enter your unique User ID. Your User ID is listed on the
address label of the advance mailer you were sent and in the official Census Bureau email you
received from your American Community Survey Field Representative. (If you have misplaced
your letter and/or did not receive an email, please email [email protected]. Please
include the name of your facility, the address of your facility, and the telephone number of the
facility.) For security reasons, you may need to check the "I'm not a robot" box and make the
appropriate reCAPTCHA selections. Also, these steps should be done on a computer, not a
mobile device.

Note: When entering your User ID for the first time, a system generated PIN will be assigned to
you. It is very important that you retain this PIN. You will need this PIN if you need to log
back into the eListing system for any reason.


Next, you will be asked to select and provide responses to two security questions.
Please make sure you select answers to questions that are easy to remember. Note:
Do not skip the security questions as they are needed to reset your PIN if
necessary. After entering your answers to both questions click on “Next”.


The Import Wizard allows you to upload an existing roster file or create a roster file by inputting
your roster information in the downloadable Census Template that is available.
Downloading the Census Bureau Template
Note: If you are using an existing roster file you can skip to the next section “Uploading Your
Step 1: Click on Download Census Template.


Step 2: Preparing the template.

1. Once you download the Census template please do the following:

a. Save the Census template to your computer.
b. Click on "Enable Editing" in order to edit the document.
Then go to the "GQ Name” column and enter the name of the facility in sample
starting on line 4. Enter as much information as possible such as name, location
(e.g. room/bed number), telephone number, and email address on each of the
rows until the roster for the facility is complete.
c. Save the Census Bureau template file to your local desktop.
d. The Census Bureau template file is now ready to be uploaded.


Uploading Your Roster
The Import Wizard allows you to upload an existing roster file, or a roster file created using the
downloadable Census Template. The previous section provided steps for downloading and inputting
roster information into the Census Template. The following steps guide you through uploading
either an existing roster file, or the roster file you created using the Census Template.

Step 1: Click on Browse
Step 2: Choose file
Step 3: Click the Upload File button to start the uploading process
Step 4: Once the file has uploaded successfully, the file name will appear in the box below.
Step 5: Click Submit Data, to complete your submission.


You will receive a confirmation message that your file has been successfully submitted.

Congratulations, this message confirms that you are finished uploading your roster. Your Census
Bureau field representative will contact you within the next several days to discuss the next steps. In
the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out to your field representative if you have any
questions or need additional assistance. Thank you for your participation!


Attachment C - eListing Roster Template_508_Compliant

Group Quarters Listing Template
Group Quarters Name


Freshman Hall

First Name

Middle Initial

Last Name(s)




Room Number or Bed

bed 4

Floor Number

Phone Number



Attachment C - eListing Roster Template_508_Compliant

Email Address

[email protected]

Attachment C - eListing Screens -- Centurion

Attachment C - eListing Screens -- Centurion

Attachment C - eListing Screens -- Centurion

Attachment C - eListing Screens -- Centurion

Attachment C - eListing Screens -- Centurion

Attachment C - eListing Screens -- Centurion

Attachment D- ACS-18(L)(C)(GQ)(2022) ACS GQ Student Housing Introductory Letter


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233
Office of the Director

A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
To: Director of Student Housing
Your student housing facility has been selected to participate in the American Community Survey,
which is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Federal agencies use statistics provided by this
survey to determine the distribution of Title I funding and college tuition grant and loan programs.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections
141, 193, and 221). The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), along with Title 13, allows
the Census Bureau to collect student data for this survey. The Census Bureau is required by law to
protect the confidentiality of all survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9).
In a few days, a Census Bureau interviewer will contact you or someone in your office to:
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a random sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the American Community Survey on the back of this letter, in
the enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call
our Atlanta Regional Office at 1–800–424–6974 (ext. 53955).
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.


Some Frequently Asked Questions

What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The U.S. Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as the student housing director?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of students living
or staying at the facility. According to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the
Census Bureau is permitted to collect this information.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
What happens if a student is unable to complete the survey?
We will need you to provide some basic information about students who cannot complete the
survey. As stated in FERPA, colleges and universities can lawfully disclose basic directory
information from student records to the Census Bureau without prior consent of the student,
parents, or guardians. Basic directory information includes name, date of birth, school address,
and dates of attendance.
Will student information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the Atlanta Regional Office at 1–800–424–6974 (ext. 53955).
ONLINE: Search the name in our staff database at

The American Community Survey: Helping Communities Make Informed Decisions


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233
Office of the Director

A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
To: Director of Student Housing
Your student housing facility has been selected to participate in the American Community Survey,
which is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Federal agencies use statistics provided by this
survey to determine the distribution of Title I funding and college tuition grant and loan programs.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections
141, 193, and 221). The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), along with Title 13, allows
the Census Bureau to collect student data for this survey. The Census Bureau is required by law to
protect the confidentiality of all survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9).
In a few days, a Census Bureau interviewer will contact you or someone in your office to:
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a random sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the American Community Survey on the back of this letter, in
the enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call
our Chicago Regional Office at 1–800-865–6384 (ext. 1).
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.


Some Frequently Asked Questions

What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The U.S. Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as the student housing director?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of students living
or staying at the facility. According to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the
Census Bureau is permitted to collect this information.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
What happens if a student is unable to complete the survey?
We will need you to provide some basic information about students who cannot complete the
survey. As stated in FERPA, colleges and universities can lawfully disclose basic directory
information from student records to the Census Bureau without prior consent of the student,
parents, or guardians. Basic directory information includes name, date of birth, school address,
and dates of attendance.
Will student information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the Chicago Regional Office at 1–800–865–6384 (ext. 1).
ONLINE: Search the name in our staff database at

The American Community Survey: Helping Communities Make Informed Decisions


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233
Office of the Director

A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
To: Director of Student Housing
Your student housing facility has been selected to participate in the American Community Survey,
which is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Federal agencies use statistics provided by this
survey to determine the distribution of Title I funding and college tuition grant and loan programs.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections
141, 193, and 221). The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), along with Title 13, allows
the Census Bureau to collect student data for this survey. The Census Bureau is required by law to
protect the confidentiality of all survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9).
In a few days, a Census Bureau interviewer will contact you or someone in your office to:
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a random sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the American Community Survey on the back of this letter, in
the enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call
our Denver Regional Office at 1–888–209–7659.
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.


Some Frequently Asked Questions

What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The U.S. Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as the student housing director?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of students living
or staying at the facility. According to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the
Census Bureau is permitted to collect this information.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
What happens if a student is unable to complete the survey?
We will need you to provide some basic information about students who cannot complete the
survey. As stated in FERPA, colleges and universities can lawfully disclose basic directory
information from student records to the Census Bureau without prior consent of the student,
parents, or guardians. Basic directory information includes name, date of birth, school address,
and dates of attendance.
Will student information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the Denver Regional Office at 1–888-209–7659.
ONLINE: Search the name in our staff database at

The American Community Survey: Helping Communities Make Informed Decisions


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233
Office of the Director

A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
To: Director of Student Housing
Your student housing facility has been selected to participate in the American Community Survey,
which is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Federal agencies use statistics provided by this
survey to determine the distribution of Title I funding and college tuition grant and loan programs.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections
141, 193, and 221). The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), along with Title 13, allows
the Census Bureau to collect student data for this survey. The Census Bureau is required by law to
protect the confidentiality of all survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9).
In a few days, a Census Bureau interviewer will contact you or someone in your office to:
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a random sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the American Community Survey on the back of this letter, in
the enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call
our Los Angeles Regional Office at 1–800–992–3530 (ext. 1).
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.


Some Frequently Asked Questions

What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The U.S. Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as the student housing director?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of students living
or staying at the facility. According to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the
Census Bureau is permitted to collect this information.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
What happens if a student is unable to complete the survey?
We will need you to provide some basic information about students who cannot complete the
survey. As stated in FERPA, colleges and universities can lawfully disclose basic directory
information from student records to the Census Bureau without prior consent of the student,
parents, or guardians. Basic directory information includes name, date of birth, school address,
and dates of attendance.
Will student information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the Los Angeles Regional Office at 1–800–992–3530 (ext. 1).
ONLINE: Search the name in our staff database at

The American Community Survey: Helping Communities Make Informed Decisions


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233
Office of the Director

A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
To: Director of Student Housing
Your student housing facility has been selected to participate in the American Community Survey,
which is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Federal agencies use statistics provided by this
survey to determine the distribution of Title I funding and college tuition grant and loan programs.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections
141, 193, and 221). The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), along with Title 13, allows
the Census Bureau to collect student data for this survey. The Census Bureau is required by law to
protect the confidentiality of all survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9).
In a few days, a Census Bureau interviewer will contact you or someone in your office to:
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a random sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the American Community Survey on the back of this letter, in
the enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call
our New York Regional Office at 1–800–991–2520 (ext. 1).
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.


Some Frequently Asked Questions

What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The U.S. Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as the student housing director?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of students living
or staying at the facility. According to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the
Census Bureau is permitted to collect this information.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
What happens if a student is unable to complete the survey?
We will need you to provide some basic information about students who cannot complete the
survey. As stated in FERPA, colleges and universities can lawfully disclose basic directory
information from student records to the Census Bureau without prior consent of the student,
parents, or guardians. Basic directory information includes name, date of birth, school address,
and dates of attendance.
Will student information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the New York Regional Office at 1–800–991–2520 (ext. 1).
ONLINE: Search the name in our staff database at

The American Community Survey: Helping Communities Make Informed Decisions


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233
Office of the Director

A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
To: Director of Student Housing
Your student housing facility has been selected to participate in the American Community Survey,
which is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Federal agencies use statistics provided by this
survey to determine the distribution of Title I funding and college tuition grant and loan programs.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections
141, 193, and 221). The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), along with Title 13, allows
the Census Bureau to collect student data for this survey. The Census Bureau is required by law to
protect the confidentiality of all survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9).
In a few days, a Census Bureau interviewer will contact you or someone in your office to:
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a random sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the American Community Survey on the back of this letter, in
the enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call
our Philadelphia Regional Office at 1–866–238–1374.
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.


Some Frequently Asked Questions

What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The U.S. Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as the student housing director?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of students living
or staying at the facility. According to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the
Census Bureau is permitted to collect this information.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
What happens if a student is unable to complete the survey?
We will need you to provide some basic information about students who cannot complete the
survey. As stated in FERPA, colleges and universities can lawfully disclose basic directory
information from student records to the Census Bureau without prior consent of the student,
parents, or guardians. Basic directory information includes name, date of birth, school address,
and dates of attendance.
Will student information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the Philadelphia Regional Office at 1–866–238–1374.
ONLINE: Search the name in our staff database at

The American Community Survey: Helping Communities Make Informed Decisions

Attachment D - ACS-18(L)(GQ)(2022) ACS GQ Facility Manager Introductory Letter


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233
Office of the Director

A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
To: Facility Manager
Your facility has been selected to participate in the American Community Survey, which is conducted
by the U.S. Census Bureau. Federal, state, and local governments use the statistics provided by the
survey to determine funding levels for things like health care, education, and transportation projects.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections
141, 193, 221, and 223). The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the confidentiality of all
survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We are committed to protecting the
privacy of all survey participants.
In a few days, a Census Bureau interviewer will contact you or someone in your office to:
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a random sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the American Community Survey on the back of this letter, in the
enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call our
Atlanta Regional Office at 1–800–424–6974 (ext. 53955).
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.



Some Frequently Asked Questions
What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as a facility manager?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of residents living
or staying at the facility.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
Will resident information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the Atlanta Regional Office at 1–800–424–6974 (ext. 53955).
ONLINE: Search the last name in our staff database at

The American Community Survey: Helping Communities Make Informed Decisions


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233
Office of the Director

A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
To: Facility Manager
Your facility has been selected to participate in the American Community Survey, which is conducted
by the U.S. Census Bureau. Federal, state, and local governments use the statistics provided by the
survey to determine funding levels for things like health care, education, and transportation projects.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections
141, 193, 221, and 223). The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the confidentiality of all
survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We are committed to protecting the
privacy of all survey participants.
In a few days, a Census Bureau interviewer will contact you or someone in your office to:
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a random sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the American Community Survey on the back of this letter, in the
enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call our
Chicago Regional Office at 1–800–865–6384 (ext. 1).
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.



Some Frequently Asked Questions
What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as a facility manager?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of residents living
or staying at the facility.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
Will resident information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the Chicago Regional Office at 1–800–865–6384 (ext. 1).
ONLINE: Search the last name in our staff database at

The American Community Survey: Helping Communities Make Informed Decisions


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233
Office of the Director

A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
To: Facility Manager
Your facility has been selected to participate in the American Community Survey, which is conducted
by the U.S. Census Bureau. Federal, state, and local governments use the statistics provided by the
survey to determine funding levels for things like health care, education, and transportation projects.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections
141, 193, 221, and 223). The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the confidentiality of all
survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We are committed to protecting the
privacy of all survey participants.
In a few days, a Census Bureau interviewer will contact you or someone in your office to:
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a random sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the American Community Survey on the back of this letter, in the
enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call our
Denver Regional Office at 1–888–209–7659.
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.



Some Frequently Asked Questions
What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as a facility manager?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of residents living
or staying at the facility.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
Will resident information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the Denver Regional Office at 1–888–209–7659.
ONLINE: Search the last name in our staff database at

The American Community Survey: Helping Communities Make Informed Decisions


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233
Office of the Director

A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
To: Facility Manager
Your facility has been selected to participate in the American Community Survey, which is conducted
by the U.S. Census Bureau. Federal, state, and local governments use the statistics provided by the
survey to determine funding levels for things like health care, education, and transportation projects.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections
141, 193, 221, and 223). The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the confidentiality of all
survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We are committed to protecting the
privacy of all survey participants.
In a few days, a Census Bureau interviewer will contact you or someone in your office to:
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a random sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the American Community Survey on the back of this letter, in the
enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call our
Los Angeles Regional Office at 1–800–992–3530 (ext. 1).
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.



Some Frequently Asked Questions
What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as a facility manager?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of residents living
or staying at the facility.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
Will resident information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the Los Angeles Regional Office at 1–800–992–3530 (ext. 1).
ONLINE: Search the last name in our staff database at

The American Community Survey: Helping Communities Make Informed Decisions


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233
Office of the Director

A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
To: Facility Manager
Your facility has been selected to participate in the American Community Survey, which is conducted
by the U.S. Census Bureau. Federal, state, and local governments use the statistics provided by the
survey to determine funding levels for things like health care, education, and transportation projects.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections
141, 193, 221, and 223). The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the confidentiality of all
survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We are committed to protecting the
privacy of all survey participants.
In a few days, a Census Bureau interviewer will contact you or someone in your office to:
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a random sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the American Community Survey on the back of this letter, in the
enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call our
New York Regional Office at 1–800–991–2520 (ext. 1).
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.



Some Frequently Asked Questions
What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as a facility manager?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of residents living
or staying at the facility.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
Will resident information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the New York Regional Office at 1–800–991–2520 (ext. 1).
ONLINE: Search the last name in our staff database at

The American Community Survey: Helping Communities Make Informed Decisions


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233
Office of the Director

A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
To: Facility Manager
Your facility has been selected to participate in the American Community Survey, which is conducted
by the U.S. Census Bureau. Federal, state, and local governments use the statistics provided by the
survey to determine funding levels for things like health care, education, and transportation projects.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections
141, 193, 221, and 223). The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the confidentiality of all
survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We are committed to protecting the
privacy of all survey participants.
In a few days, a Census Bureau interviewer will contact you or someone in your office to:
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a random sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the American Community Survey on the back of this letter, in the
enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call our
Philadelphia Regional Office at 1–866–238–1374.
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.



Some Frequently Asked Questions
What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as a facility manager?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of residents living
or staying at the facility.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
Will resident information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the Philadelphia Regional Office at 1–866–238–1374.
ONLINE: Search the last name in our staff database at

The American Community Survey: Helping Communities Make Informed Decisions

Attachment D - ACS-18(L)(GQ)(PR)(2022) PRCS GQ Introductory Letter (English)


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233
Office of the Director

A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
To: Facility Manager
Your facility has been selected to participate in the Puerto Rico Community Survey, which is
conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. The survey provides statistics that help leaders determine
funding levels for important projects and services that affect communities throughout Puerto Rico.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections
141, 193, 221, and 223). The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the confidentiality of all
survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We are committed to protecting the
privacy of all survey participants.
In a few days, a Census Bureau interviewer will contact you or someone in your office to:
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the Puerto Rico Community Survey on the back of this letter, in
the enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call our
New York Regional Office at 1–800–991–2520 (ext. 1).
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.



Some Frequently Asked Questions
What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The U.S. Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as a facility manager?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of residents living
or staying at the facility.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
Will resident information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the New York Regional Office at 1–800–991–2520 (ext. 1).
ONLINE: Search the last name in our staff database at
How does the Puerto Rico Community Survey help communities?
Information from this survey helps determine federal funding for things like emergency management
and infrastructure projects. Local governments can use the survey information to budget and plan for
services like assistance for the elderly. Organizations and businesses can use this information to
provide services to the community and to plan for new facilities, buildings, and programs.

Attachment D - ACS-18(L)(GQ)(PR)(S)(2022) PRCS GQ Introductory Letter (Spanish)
Conserve esta carta hasta
completar la encuesta.

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233
Office of the Director

Mensaje del Director de la Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos:
Para: Administrador(a) de esta instalación
Se ha seleccionado a su instalación para participar en la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad de Puerto
Rico, llevada a cabo por la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. La encuesta proporciona estadísticas
que ayudan a las autoridades a determinar la cantidad de fondos que se asignarán a importantes
proyectos y servicios que afectan a las comunidades en todo Puerto Rico.
La participación en la encuesta es tan importante que es requerida por ley (Título 13, Código de los
EE. UU., Secciones 141, 193, 221 y 223). La Oficina del Censo está obligada por ley a proteger la
confidencialidad de toda la información de encuestas que recibimos (Título 13, Código de los
EE. UU., Sección 9). Estamos comprometidos a proteger la privacidad de todos los participantes de
la encuesta.
En los próximos días, un entrevistador de la Oficina del Censo se comunicará con usted o con alguien
de su oficina para:
 responder cualquier pregunta que usted tenga sobre la encuesta.
 recopilar y verificar información básica sobre su instalación.
 solicitar una lista de residentes que actualmente viven o se quedan en su instalación.
 seleccionar una muestra de residentes a quienes entrevistar para la encuesta.
Usted puede obtener más información sobre la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad de Puerto Rico al
dorso de esta carta, en el folleto adjunto y por internet en (en inglés). Si tiene
preguntas adicionales, llame a nuestra Oficina Regional de Nueva York al 1-800-991-2520 (ext. 1).
Gracias por su cooperación. Esperamos poder trabajar con usted.

Documentos adjuntos


Algunas Preguntas Frecuentes
¿Por qué se eligió a esta instalación para participar en la encuesta?
Cada año, la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. selecciona una muestra de instalaciones de vivienda
de grupo para que participen. Se seleccionan al azar personas que viven en estas instalaciones
para que respondan a la encuesta. Todas las respuestas que se reciben durante el año se
combinan para producir las estadísticas que se encuentran por internet en (en
¿Cuál es mi responsabilidad como administrador de una instalación?
Necesitamos que usted conteste algunas preguntas básicas acerca de la instalación y que prepare
una lista de los residentes que viven o se quedan en esta instalación.

Conserve esta carta. Necesitará la Identificación de Usuario que se encuentra en la etiqueta con la
dirección si elige enviar la lista de residentes de forma electrónica. Cuando un entrevistador de la
Oficina del Censo se comunique con usted, le dará más información sobre este proceso.
¿Se mantendrá confidencial la información de los residentes?
Sí. La Oficina del Censo está obligada por ley a proteger la privacidad de todas las personas
encuestadas y a mantener la confidencialidad de todas las respuestas (Título 13, Código de los
EE. UU., Sección 9). No identificamos a las personas en los datos que publicamos. Solo
publicamos estadísticas.
¿Cómo podré saber si la persona que se contacte conmigo realmente trabaja para la Oficina del
Censo de los EE. UU.?
Hay dos formas de verificar si un entrevistador de la Oficina del Censo trabaja para nosotros.
 POR TELÉFONO: Llame a nuestra Oficina Regional de Nueva York al 1-800-991-2520
(extensión 1).
 POR INTERNET: Busque los apellidos en nuestra base de datos de personal en (en inglés).
¿Cómo ayuda la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad de Puerto Rico a las comunidades?
La información de esta encuesta ayuda a determinar la asignación de fondos federales para cosas
tales como manejo de emergencias y proyectos de infraestructura. Los gobiernos locales pueden
usar la información de la encuesta para presupuestar y planificar servicios tales como asistencia a las
personas de la tercera edad. Las organizaciones y las empresas pueden usar esta información para
proporcionar servicios a la comunidad y para planificar nuevas instalaciones, edificios y programas.

Attachment D - ACS-18(L)(H)(GQ)(2022) ACS GQ Health Care Introductory Letter


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.


A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
Your KHDOWKFDUHfacility has bHHQselected to participate in the $PHULFDQ&RPPXQLW\6XUYH\, which is
conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Communities can use the survey information to develop
programs that provide health care assistance for seniors, veterans, and those with disabilities.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law7LWOH86&RGH6HFWLRQV
, and 223 Both Title 13 and the Privacy Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) allow you to disclose information for this survey. The Census Bureau
is required by law to protect the confidentiality of all survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code,
Section 9).
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a random sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the American Community Survey on the back of this letter, in the
enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call our
Atlanta Regional Office at 1–800–424–6974 (ext. 53955).
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.




Some Frequently Asked Questions
What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The U.S. Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as the health care facility administrator?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of residents living
or staying at the facility.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
What happens if a resident is unable to complete the survey?
We will need you to provide some basic information about residents who cannot complete the
survey. According to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), to the
extent required by Title 13, a facility covered by HIPAA is permitted under the Privacy Rule to
disclose protected health information to the Census Bureau for survey purposes.
Will resident information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the Atlanta Regional Office at 1–800–424–6974 (ext. 53955).
ONLINE: Search the last name in our staff database at

The American Community Survey: Helping Communities Make Informed Decisions


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.


A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
Your KHDOWKFDUHfacility has bHHQselected to participate in the $PHULFDQ&RPPXQLW\6XUYH\, which is
conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Communities can use the survey information to develop
programs that provide health care assistance for seniors, veterans, and those with disabilities.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law7LWOH86&RGH6HFWLRQV
, and 223 Both Title 13 and the Privacy Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) allow you to disclose information for this survey. The Census Bureau
is required by law to protect the confidentiality of all survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code,
Section 9).
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a random sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the American Community Survey on the back of this letter, in the
enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call our
Chicago Regional Office at 1–800–865–6384 (ext. 1).
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.




Some Frequently Asked Questions
What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The U.S. Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as the health care facility administrator?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of residents living
or staying at the facility.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
What happens if a resident is unable to complete the survey?
We will need you to provide some basic information about residents who cannot complete the
survey. According to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), to the
extent required by Title 13, a facility covered by HIPAA is permitted under the Privacy Rule to
disclose protected health information to the Census Bureau for survey purposes.
Will resident information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the Chicago Regional Office at 1–800–865–6384 (ext. 1).
ONLINE: Search the last name in our staff database at

The American Community Survey: Helping Communities Make Informed Decisions


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.


A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
Your KHDOWKFDUHfacility has bHHQselected to participate in the $PHULFDQ&RPPXQLW\6XUYH\, which is
conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Communities can use the survey information to develop
programs that provide health care assistance for seniors, veterans, and those with disabilities.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law7LWOH86&RGH6HFWLRQV
, and 223 Both Title 13 and the Privacy Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) allow you to disclose information for this survey. The Census Bureau
is required by law to protect the confidentiality of all survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code,
Section 9).
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a random sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the American Community Survey on the back of this letter, in the
enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call our
Denver Regional Office at 1–888–209–7659.
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.




Some Frequently Asked Questions
What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The U.S. Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as the health care facility administrator?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of residents living
or staying at the facility.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
What happens if a resident is unable to complete the survey?
We will need you to provide some basic information about residents who cannot complete the
survey. According to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), to the
extent required by Title 13, a facility covered by HIPAA is permitted under the Privacy Rule to
disclose protected health information to the Census Bureau for survey purposes.
Will resident information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the Denver Regional Office at 1–888–209–7659.
ONLINE: Search the last name in our staff database at

The American Community Survey: Helping Communities Make Informed Decisions


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.


A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
Your KHDOWKFDUHfacility has bHHQselected to participate in the $PHULFDQ&RPPXQLW\6XUYH\, which is
conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Communities can use the survey information to develop
programs that provide health care assistance for seniors, veterans, and those with disabilities.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law7LWOH86&RGH6HFWLRQV
, and 223 Both Title 13 and the Privacy Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) allow you to disclose information for this survey. The Census Bureau
is required by law to protect the confidentiality of all survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code,
Section 9).
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a random sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the American Community Survey on the back of this letter, in the
enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call our
Los Angeles Regional Office at 1–800-992–3530 (ext. 1).
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.




Some Frequently Asked Questions
What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The U.S. Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as the health care facility administrator?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of residents living
or staying at the facility.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
What happens if a resident is unable to complete the survey?
We will need you to provide some basic information about residents who cannot complete the
survey. According to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), to the
extent required by Title 13, a facility covered by HIPAA is permitted under the Privacy Rule to
disclose protected health information to the Census Bureau for survey purposes.
Will resident information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the Los Angeles Regional Office at 1–800–992–3530 (ext. 1).
ONLINE: Search the last name in our staff database at

The American Community Survey: Helping Communities Make Informed Decisions


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.


A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
Your KHDOWKFDUHfacility has bHHQselected to participate in the $PHULFDQ&RPPXQLW\6XUYH\, which is
conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Communities can use the survey information to develop
programs that provide health care assistance for seniors, veterans, and those with disabilities.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law7LWOH86&RGH6HFWLRQV
, and 223 Both Title 13 and the Privacy Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) allow you to disclose information for this survey. The Census Bureau
is required by law to protect the confidentiality of all survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code,
Section 9).
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a random sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the American Community Survey on the back of this letter, in the
enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call our
New York Regional Office at 1–800–991–2520 (ext. 1).
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.




Some Frequently Asked Questions
What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The U.S. Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as the health care facility administrator?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of residents living
or staying at the facility.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
What happens if a resident is unable to complete the survey?
We will need you to provide some basic information about residents who cannot complete the
survey. According to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), to the
extent required by Title 13, a facility covered by HIPAA is permitted under the Privacy Rule to
disclose protected health information to the Census Bureau for survey purposes.
Will resident information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the New York Regional Office at 1–800–991–2520 (ext. 1).
ONLINE: Search the last name in our staff database at

The American Community Survey: Helping Communities Make Informed Decisions


Please keep this letter until
you complete the survey.


A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau:
Your KHDOWKFDUHfacility has bHHQselected to participate in the $PHULFDQ&RPPXQLW\6XUYH\, which is
conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Communities can use the survey information to develop
programs that provide health care assistance for seniors, veterans, and those with disabilities.
Participation in the survey is so important that it is required by law7LWOH86&RGH6HFWLRQV
, and 223 Both Title 13 and the Privacy Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) allow you to disclose information for this survey. The Census Bureau
is required by law to protect the confidentiality of all survey information we receive (Title 13, U.S. Code,
Section 9).
• answer questions you may have about the survey
• collect and verify basic information about your facility
• ask for a list of residents currently living or staying at your facility
• select a random sample of residents to interview for the survey
You can find out more about the American Community Survey on the back of this letter, in the
enclosed brochure, and online at For additional questions, please call our
Philadelphia Regional Office at 1–866–238–1374.
Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you.




Some Frequently Asked Questions
What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly
basis. When governments, businesses, and community leaders need to make important decisions
that affect our lives, they often turn to the American Community Survey for help.
To learn how real people use the data to make informed decisions visit:
Why was this facility selected to participate in the survey?
The U.S. Census Bureau selects a sample of group living facilities each year to participate.
Individuals living in the facilities are randomly selected to respond to the survey. All responses
received throughout the year are combined to create the statistics found online at
What is my responsibility as the health care facility administrator?
We need you to answer some basic questions about the facility and prepare a list of residents living
or staying at the facility.

Please keep this letter. You will need the User ID from the address label if you choose to
submit the list of residents electronically. When you are contacted by a Census Bureau
interviewer, you will learn more about this process.
What happens if a resident is unable to complete the survey?
We will need you to provide some basic information about residents who cannot complete the
survey. According to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), to the
extent required by Title 13, a facility covered by HIPAA is permitted under the Privacy Rule to
disclose protected health information to the Census Bureau for survey purposes.
Will resident information be kept confidential?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect the privacy of every respondent and keep all
answers confidential (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). We do not identify individuals in the data we
publish. We only publish statistics.
How can I tell if the person who will contact me really works for the U.S. Census Bureau?
There are two ways to verify that a Census Bureau interviewer works for us.
BY PHONE: Call the Philadelphia Regional Office at 1–866–238–1374.
ONLINE: Search the last name in our staff database at

The American Community Survey: Helping Communities Make Informed Decisions

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorDameka M Reese (CENSUS/ACSO FED)
File Modified2021-06-24
File Created2021-06-24

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