ACS Revisions to Respondent Contact Materials

ACS NSC Revisions to Respondent Contact Materials 100621.pdf

The American Community Survey

ACS Revisions to Respondent Contact Materials

OMB: 0607-0810

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Request for Nonsubstantive Change to the
2022 American Community Survey
Revisions to Respondent Contact Materials
OMB Control No. 0607-0810
U.S. Department of Commerce
U.S. Census Bureau

The American Community Survey (ACS) is requesting to revise respondent contact materials
starting in early 2022. The ACS plans to implement the change to increase the number of
returns on internet, improve data quality, and reduce ACS spending.
Housing Unit Revisions to Respondent Contact Materials
Current Mailing Strategy
For households eligible to receive survey materials by mail, the first contact includes a letter
and instruction card explaining how to complete the survey online. Also included is a brochure
that provides basic information about the survey in English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese,
Vietnamese, and Korean, and provides a phone number to call for more information in each
language. The instruction card provides information on how to respond in English and Spanish.
The letter explains that if the respondent is unable to complete the survey online, a paper
questionnaire will be sent later.
The second mailing is a letter that reminds respondents to complete the survey online, thanks
them if they have already done so, and informs them that a paper questionnaire will be sent
later if we do not receive their response. This letter includes clear login instructions and
prominently displays the user identification number. We utilize a pressure seal mailer for this
In a third mailing, the American Community Survey Household (HU) Questionnaire Package is
sent only to those sample addresses that have not completed the online questionnaire within
two weeks. The content includes a follow-up letter, a paper copy of the questionnaire, and a
return envelope. The cover letter with this questionnaire package reminds the household of
the importance of the ACS, and asks them to respond soon either by completing the survey
online or by returning a completed paper questionnaire.
The fourth mailing (Attachment D) is a postcard that reminds respondents that “now is the
time to complete the survey,” informs them that an interviewer may contact them if they do
not complete the survey, and reminds them of the importance of the ACS.
A fifth mailing (Attachment E) is sent to respondents who have not completed the survey
within five weeks. This mailing reminds these respondents to complete the survey by a
predefined due date and thanks them if they have already done so. This letter includes clear

login instructions and prominently displays the user identification number. We utilize a
pressure seal mailer for this mailing.
Respondent Contact Material Revisions
Based on results from a 2021 field test, the ACS will convert the initial mail package (first
mailing) from a standard envelope with inserted materials to a pressure seal mailer
(Attachment A). The multilingual brochure and instruction card will no longer be used and the
messaging in the letter will be modified. In the 2021 field test, the ACS discovered an increase
in return rates prior to the third mailing using the pressure seal mailing. Converting the initial
mailing to a pressure seal mailer reduces the number of materials commercially printed,
reducing the overall cost to the program.
The pressure seal mailer will provide instructions on how to complete the survey online, will
prominently display the user identification number, and explain that a paper questionnaire will
be sent later if the respondent is unable to complete the survey online. Compared with the
current initial mailing letter, the pressure seal letter deemphasizes that the paper
questionnaire will be sent by un-bolding the text and moving it to the middle of a paragraph.
FAQs from the back of the initial mail package letter were condensed and included in small
font on the pressure seal letter.
The instruction card currently used in the initial mailing provides login information which will
now be more clearly conveyed in the pressure seal letter. However, the instruction card also
provides login information in Spanish. This language will not fit on the initial mailing pressure
seal letter and instead will be added to the second mailing (Attachment B). Additionally, some
information from the multilingual brochure will now be conveyed on the letter in the third
mailing (Attachment C). The back of the third mailing letter will direct respondents to call the
Census Bureau for more information in Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean.
A detailed list of changes to the respondent contact materials is outlined in Attachment F.

First Mailing (Initial Pressure Seal Mailer)
Second Mailing (Reminder Pressure Seal Mailer)
Third Mailing Letter (Questionnaire Package)
Fourth Mailing (Postcard Reminder Mailing)
Fifth mailing (Final Reminder w/Due Dates Pressure Seal Mailer)
Detailed List of Mailout Strategy Changes


Attachment A – First Mailing (Initial Mailing)


Attachment A – First Mailing (Initial Mailing)


Attachment B – Second Mailing (Reminder Pressure Seal Mailer)


Attachment B – Second Mailing (Reminder Pressure Seal Mailer)


Attachment C – Third Mailing Letter (Questionnaire Package)


Attachment C – Third Mailing Letter (Questionnaire Package)


Attachment D – Fourth Mailing (Postcard Reminder Mailing)



Attachment E – Fifth mailing (Final Reminder w/Due Dates Pressure Seal Mailer)


Attachment E – Fifth mailing (Final Reminder w/Due Dates Pressure Seal Mailer)


Attachment F - Detailed List of Mailout Strategy Changes

Mailing Order


Initial mailing



Description of Changes

Current Language

Removal of Mail material from Initial mailing package.

Updated Language

Removal of Mail material from Initial mailing package. A message from the Director of the U.S. Census Bureau:
Proposing replacement with the ACS-13PS (see updated
Your address has been randomly selected by the U.S. Census Bureau to participate in the
language column and/or row 9 in this tab).

Initial mailing


Letter (Front)

Your address has been randomly selected by the U.S. Census Bureau to participate in the
American Community Survey. The Census Bureau conducts this survey each year to give our
country an up-to-date picture of how we live — including our housing, education, and jobs.

Communities across the country rely on information from this survey to decide where important
services are needed, including:

Communities across the country rely on information from this survey to decide where important
services are needed, including:

● Improving roads and reducing traffic
● Building schools
● Planning for the health care needs of the elderly

● Improving roads and reducing traffic
● Building schools
● Planning for the health care needs of the elderly

Respond now at

Respond now at
Log in with this user ID:

If you are unable to complete the survey online, we will send you a paper questionnaire in a
few weeks. The Census Bureau is using the internet to collect this information to conserve natural
resources, save taxpayers’ money, and process data more efficiently.
If you need help completing the survey or have questions, please call our toll-free number
Thank you in advance for your prompt response.

E l my response be confidential?
Yes. The U.S. Census Bureau is required by law to protect this information. The Census Bureau is
not permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify you. We are
conducting this survey under the authority of Title 13, United States Code, Sections 141 and
193. Federal law protects your privacy and keeps your answers confidential (Title 13, United
States Code, Section 9). Per the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are
protected from cybersecurity risks through screening of the systems that transmit your data.
Am I required to fill out the survey?
Yes. Your response to this survey is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections 141, 193, and
221). Title 13, as changed by Title 18, imposes a penalty for not responding. As a randomly
selected representative of your community, you are the voice of your neighbors and peers. To
create an accurate picture of your community, it is critical that you respond.

Initial mailing


Letter (Back)

A message from the Director of the U.S. Census Bureau:

American Community Survey. The Census Bureau conducts this survey each year to give our
country an up-to-date picture of how we live – including our education, housing, and jobs.

Your response is required by U.S. law.
Because your household has been asked to participate on behalf of your community, it is vital
that you complete this survey to help meet critical needs in your area.

Removal of Mail material from Initial mailing package.
Proposing replacement with the ACS-13PS (see updated
language column).


How will the Census Bureau use the information I provide?
By law, the Census Bureau can only use your responses to produce statistics. Your information
will be used in combination with information from other households to produce data for your
community. Similar data will be produced for communities across Puerto Rico and the United
We may combine your answers with information that you gave to other agencies to enhance the
statistical uses of these data. This information will be given the same protections as your survey
information. Based on the information that you provide, you may be asked to participate in
other Census Bureau surveys that are voluntary.

Your response is required by U.S. law.
Because your household has been asked to participate on behalf of your community, it is vital
that you complete this survey to help meet critical needs in your area.
The Census Bureau is using the internet to collect this information to conserve natural resources,
save taxpayers’ money, and process data more efficiently. If you are unable to complete the
survey online, we will send you a paper questionnaire in a few weeks. If you need help
completing the survey or have questions, please call our toll-free number (1–800–354–7271).
Thank you in advance for your prompt response.

The Census Bureau is not permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify you. We are conducting this
survey under the authority of Title 13 U S Code Sections 141 and 193 Title 13 Section 221 as changed by Title 18 imposes a

Remove this wording as the proposal is to remove the letter and replace it with a Pressure Seal Mailer (ACS-13PS(2022)). The FAQs on the
back of the ACS-13(L) are similarly covered in the text at the bottom of the ACS-13PS(2022).

Attachment F - Detailed List of Mailout Strategy Changes

Removal of Mail material from Initial mailing package.

Information From the
U.S. Census Bureau
[The above text is translated into Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, and Korean - translations appear in the same order and
are vertically aligned. ]

The U.S. Census Bureau is conducting
the American Community Survey

Initial mailing


In a few weeks you will receive
an American Community Survey
questionnaire in the mail. Because you
are living in the United States, you are
required by law to respond to this survey.
If you have questions about the form,
please call us at 1-800-354-7271.

Brochure (Front)


What is the American Community

Initial mailing

Initial mailing



Brochure (Back)

Removal of Mail material from Initial mailing package.
Removal of Mail material from Initial mailing package.


[Not shown: Similar language as the front of the ACS-9 Multi-lingual brochure in Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, and Korean is also
included on the ACS-9].
Go to to complete the American Community Survey online.
(Vea el otro lado
para español.)

Instruction Card



IMPORTANT: You will need information from the address label on this card to log in. If you need help or have questions about the American
Community Survey, call the toll-free number 1-800-354-7271.

Removal of Mail material from Initial mailing package.
Initial mailing

The American Community Survey is
an important survey conducted by the
Census Bureau. It is designed to give
communities current information about
its people and housing. In order to make
well-informed decisions, a community
needs accurate and reliable information.
By responding to this survey, you are
helping your community to get this kind
of information.

Vaya a para completar la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense por
Internet en español.
ATENCIÓN: Necesitará información que aparece en la etiqueta en el otro lado de esta tarjeta para iniciar la sesión.
Si usted necesita ayuda para llenar la encuesta o tiene preguntas acerca de la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad
Estadounidense, llame sin cargo al 1-877-833-5625.

Instruction Card


See other side for English.

Proposed replacement for the ACS-13(L). This will be the A message from the Director of the U.S. Census Bureau:
only material in the Initial mailing.
This pressure seal mailer will include a de-emphasized
paper questionnaire reference.

Your address has been randomly selected by the U.S. Census Bureau to participate in the
American Community Survey. The Census Bureau conducts this survey each year to give our
country an up-to-date picture of how we live — including our housing, education, and jobs.
Communities across the country rely on information from this survey to decide where important
services are needed, including:
● Improving roads and reducing traffic
● Building schools
● Planning for the health care needs of the elderly

Initial mailing

Respond now at
Log in with this user ID:

Pressure Seal


Your response is required by U.S. law.
Because your household has been asked to participate on behalf of your community, it is vital
that you complete this survey to help meet critical needs in your area.
The Census Bureau is using the internet to collect this information to conserve natural resources,
save taxpayers’ money, and process data more efficiently. If you are unable to complete the
survey online, we will send you a paper questionnaire in a few weeks. If you need help
completing the survey or have questions, please call our toll-free number (1–800–354–7271).
Thank you in advance for your prompt response.

Initial mailing


Pressure Seal


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Attachment F - Detailed List of Mailout Strategy Changes

Add Spanish wording to the inside/front of the Reminder A message from the Director of the U.S. Census Bureau:
letter to provide information to those who speak
A few days ago, you should have received instructions for completing the American Community

Reminder Letter


Pressure Seal
Mailer (Front)

A message from the Director of the U.S. Census Bureau:

Survey online. Local communities depend on information from this survey to decide where schools,
highways, hospitals, and other important services are needed. If you have not already responded,
please do so now.

A few days ago, you should have received instructions for completing the American Community
Survey online. Local communities depend on information from this survey to decide where schools,
highways, hospitals, and other important services are needed. If you have not already responded,
please do so now.

Respond now at
Log in using this user ID:

Respond now at
Log in using this user ID:

If we do not receive your response online, we will mail a paper questionnaire to your address.

If we do not receive your response online, we will mail a paper questionnaire to your address.

Your response to this survey is required by law.
Your response is critically important to your local community and your country. Responding
promptly will prevent you from receiving additional reminder mailings, phone calls, or personal visits
from Census Bureau interviewers.

Your response to this survey is required by law.
Your response is critically important to your local community and your country. Responding
promptly will prevent you from receiving additional reminder mailings, phone calls, or personal visits
from Census Bureau interviewers.

If you need help completing the survey or have questions, please call our toll-free number

If you need help completing the survey or have questions, please call our toll-free number

Thank you in advance for your prompt response.

Thank you in advance for your prompt response.

Para completar la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense en español:
Por internet - Visite Haga clic en "Para completar en español, oprima aquí".
Por teléfono - Llame al 1–877–833–5625 para hablar en español con un empleado de la Oficina del Censo.

Reminder Letter


Pressure Seal
Mailer (Back)

Add Spanish wording to the inside of the Reminder letter
to provide information to those who speak Spanish. No
changes proposed for the back/outside of the ACS-20.


Updates will only be applied to the back of the letter. No A message from the Director of the U.S. Census Bureau:
updates being proposed for the front of the letter.

The U.S. Census Bureau recently sent you a request to complete the American Community Survey
online. If you have not already responded to this important survey, please do so now.
Complete the survey using ONLY ONE of the following options:
● Respond online at
● If you are unable to respond online, please fill out and
mail back the enclosed questionnaire.

mailout package

ACS-14(L) Letter (Front)

You are required by U.S. law to respond to this survey.
The Census Bureau has randomly selected your address to receive this survey as part of a nationally
representative sample. Because you will be providing important information on behalf of your
community, it is vital that you complete this survey to help meet critical needs in your area – including
determining where to locate new schools, hospitals, and fire stations.
If you do not respond promptly, a Census Bureau interviewer may contact you to complete the survey.
The Census Bureau is required by law to keep your information confidential.
The Census Bureau is not permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify
you or your household.
If you need help completing the survey or have questions, please call our toll-free number
Thank you for your prompt response.



Attachment F - Detailed List of Mailout Strategy Changes

Add "If you have questions about the American
Community Survey, please call us at (Phone Number)" to
the back of the letter after the FAQs in the following
languages: Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese,
Russian, and Korean.

mailout package

ACS-14(L) Letter (Back)

Will my response be confidential?
Yes. The U.S. Census Bureau is required by law to protect this information. The Census Bureau is
not permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify you. We are
conducting this survey under the authority of Title 13, United States Code, Sections 141 and
193. Federal law protects your privacy and keeps your answers confidential (Title 13, United
States Code, Section 9). Per the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are
protected from cybersecurity risks through screening of the systems that transmit your data.

Will my response be confidential?
Yes. The U.S. Census Bureau is required by law to protect this information. The Census Bureau is
not permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify you. We are
conducting this survey under the authority of Title 13, United States Code, Sections 141 and
193. Federal law protects your privacy and keeps your answers confidential (Title 13, United
States Code, Section 9). Per the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are
protected from cybersecurity risks through screening of the systems that transmit your data.

Am I required to fill out the survey?
Yes. Your response to this survey is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections 141, 193, and
221). Title 13, as changed by Title 18, imposes a penalty for not responding. As a randomly
selected representative of your community, you are the voice of your neighbors and peers. To
create an accurate picture of your community, it is critical that you respond.

Am I required to fill out the survey?
Yes. Your response to this survey is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections 141, 193, and
221). Title 13, as changed by Title 18, imposes a penalty for not responding. As a randomly
selected representative of your community, you are the voice of your neighbors and peers. To
create an accurate picture of your community, it is critical that you respond.

How will the Census Bureau use the information I provide?
By law, the Census Bureau can only use your responses to produce statistics. Your information
will be used in combination with information from other households to produce data for your
community. Similar data will be produced for communities across Puerto Rico and the United
We may combine your answers with information that you gave to other agencies to enhance the
statistical uses of these data. This information will be given the same protections as your survey
information. Based on the information that you provide, you may be asked to participate in
other Census Bureau surveys that are voluntary.

How will the Census Bureau use the information I provide?
By law, the Census Bureau can only use your responses to produce statistics. Your information
will be used in combination with information from other households to produce data for your
community. Similar data will be produced for communities across Puerto Rico and the United
We may combine your answers with information that you gave to other agencies to enhance the
statistical uses of these data. This information will be given the same protections as your survey
information. Based on the information that you provide, you may be asked to participate in
other Census Bureau surveys that are voluntary.
Para completar la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense en español:
Por internet – Visite Haga clic en "Para completar en español, oprima aquí."
Por teléfono – Llame al 1–877–833–5625 para hablar en español con un empleado de la Oficina del Censo.
[Note: The following wording will be translated into Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, and Korean. Each language will have a different phone
b ]

Current Production Initial Mailing Package Letter (ACS-13(L)(2021)(02-12-20210 compared to the ACS-13PS(2022)
Page 1 of 2

Page 2 of 2

Approved/Current: ACS-13(L)(2021)(02-12-2021)

Page 1 of 2

Page 2 of 2

Proposed: ACS-13PS(2022)

Current Production ACS-20 and Proposed updates to the ACS-20

Approved/Current: ACS-20(L)(2021(04-19-2021)
Page 1 of 2

Proposed: ACS-20(L)(2022)
Page 1 of 2

Page 2 of 2

Page 2 of 2

Current Production ACS-14(L) and Proposed updates to the ACS-14(L)

Approved/Current: ACS-14(L)(2021)(02-12-2021)
Page 1 of 2

Proposed: ACS-14(L)(2022)
Page 1 of 2

Page 2 of 2

Page 2 of 2

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorDameka M Reese (CENSUS/ACSO FED)
File Modified2021-10-06
File Created2021-10-06

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