0917-0036 FY21 OIT RPMS Training Needs Assessment Survey

Fast Track Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery: IHS Customer Service Satisfaction and Similar Surveys

FY2021 OIT RPMS Training Needs Assessment Final

OMB: 0917-0036

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OMB Form No. 0917-0036
Expiration Date: 1/31/2022
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Thank you for taking the time to complete this Office of Information Technology (OIT) RPMS training
needs assessment. Results will be communicated to the Area Training Coordinators and used to help
determine the annual training schedule.

Demographic Information

* 1. Please select your Area.

* 2. With which IHS/Tribal/Urban (I/T/U) organization are you affiliated?

* 3. What is the role that most closely describes your position? Please select all that apply.
Area Business Office Staff (Contract Health Service, Patient Registration, etc.)
Area Clinical Application Coordinator (CAC) / Clinical Informaticist
Area Information Systems Coordinator
Area Laboratory Consultant
Area Privacy Coordinator
Area Program Consultant
Area Quality Assurance/Process Improvement professional (QA/PI)
Area Training Coordinator
Area Utilization Review
Auditor/Data Analyst
Community Health Representative
Facility Business Office Staff (Contract Health Service, Patient Registration, etc.)
Facility Clinical Applications Coordinator (CAC)/Clinical Informaticist
Facility Health Information Management (HIM) (Coders, Techs, Supervisors, Managers/ Medical Records Staff)
Facility Healthcare Administrator/ Manager
Facility Healthcare Provider (Physician, Nurse, Pharmacist, Behavioral Health, Lab, etc.)
Facility Information System Coordinator/ Specialist
Facility QA/ PI
Facility Utilization Review
Other (please specify)

Clinical Applications

* 4. Would you like to provide input on the need for Clinical application training topics?

Clinical Applications

Please rate the Clinical applications training need for you, your facility and/or your Area.
* 5. Behavioral Health System- Data Entry Part 1- Overview and Individual Visit Entry: Focuses on navigating,
accessing patient information and documenting individual visits in the RPMS Behavioral Health System.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 6. Behavioral Health System- Data Entry Part 2- Group Entry, Intake, and Case Management: Focuses on the
Group, Intake and Case Management functionalities of the RPMS Behavioral Health System.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 7. Behavioral Health System- Data Entry Part 3- Treatment Plans, Suicide Reporting Form and
Administrative/Community Activities: Focuses on treatment plans, the Suicide Reporting Form and
administrative/community activities in the RPMS Behavioral Health System.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 8. Behavioral Health System- Manager Utilities and Reports Overview: Focuses on manager utilities and
reports in the RPMS Behavioral Health System.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 9. Diabetes Management System: Teaches students to establish and maintain a diabetes register, generate
reports, perform ad hoc retrievals of data, set up taxonomies and execute an automated diabetes audit.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 10. Diabetes Management System- Office Hours: Provides a brief topic specific presentation followed by an
open forum for DMS questions and answers.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 11. Understanding the Electronic Dental Record (EDR) Interface: Provides participants with an overview of the
EDR interface, including the type of data that is transmitted between Dentrix and RPMS and how the interface
works. Focuses on understanding and troubleshooting issues with the Ensemble EDR interface and includes
a question/answer forum.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 12. Health Information Management (HIM) /VistA Imaging Quality Monitoring of Scanned Images: Teaches
participants the quality functions and reports in VistA of scanned documents. Quality standards and
destruction methods required by federal regulations before the destruction of scanned images will be
reviewed. Provides instructions on the use of the VistA Imaging Quality Assurance Utility review and report,
required security keys and who in HIM should be performing and how often.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 13. iCare- A Population Management Tool: Designed to teach participants about the unique features and
functionalities of iCare that include Care Management Event Tracking (CMET), Human Immunodeficiency
Virus (HIV) Management System and Improving Patient Care.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 14. iCare- Nuts and Bolts I: Part 1 of a 2-part beginning level iCare training series that demonstrates iCare
features and functionality, initial user set-up/access, application navigation, population identification, user
preferences selection and custom panel layouts/views of patient data to identify patient care needs.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 15. iCare- Nuts and Bolts II: Part 2 of a 2-part beginning level iCare training series expanding on panel
creation, documenting reminder notifications, managing site parameters and taxonomies, entering/editing
patient data/Text Integration Utility (TIU) notes in the patient record and identifying patient care needs and
areas for improvement.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 16. iCare- Care Management Event Tracking (CMET) Part I: Part 1 of a 2-part CMET series demonstrating the
mechanics/workflow of electronically tracking/managing breast, cervical, colon, liver and skeletal-related
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 17. iCare- Care Management Event Tracking (CMET) Part II: Part 2 of a 2-part CMET series expanding on
setting up CMET site parameters/user preferences, batch processing normal pap smears and mammograms
and managing CMET data.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 18. iCare- Office Hours: An open forum for iCare questions and answers.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 19. Immunization Data Exchange (BYIM): This session will provide instruction on the use of the new
functionality added as a result of the 2015 Edition certification.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 20. Immunization Tracking System (BI): This session will provide instruction on the use of the new functionality
added as a result of the 2015 Edition certification.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 21. Laboratory Informaticist: Focuses on the use and integration of data, information, knowledge and
technology involved with clinical laboratory testing to improve outcomes and provides RPMS Laboratory
Informaticist the knowledge and skills to configure and maintain their database in addition to understanding
the Laboratory Information System workflow.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 22. RPMS Suicide Reporting Form (SRF): Provides the background and purpose of the SRF including
entering a suicide event data into the RPMS Behavioral Health System and Electronic Health Record (EHR).
Will also demonstrate local RPMS SRF reports.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 23. VistA Imaging- VistARad, DICOM Gateways, and the Background Processor: A coordinated session with
the VA CLIN3 team. Focuses on how to set up, maintain and troubleshoot for the VistARad, DICOM
Gateways and the Background Processor applications.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 24. VistA Imaging- Clinical Capture and Clinical Display: Designed for new and veteran users for configuration
of Clinical Capture and Display workstations and will include set up, troubleshooting and quality
assurance utility.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 25. Women's Health, Prenatal, iCare and CMET- Office Hours: An open forum for Women's Health, Prenatal,
iCare and CMET questions and answers.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

Practice Management Applications

* 26. Would you like to provide input on the need for Practice Management application training topics?

Practice Management Applications

Please rate the Practice Management applications training need for you, your facility and/or your
* 27. Accounts Receivable: Focuses on creating/editing/finalizing collection batches, posting
payments/adjustments/refunds, patient statements, debt letters, managing aged receivables and reports.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 28. Accounts Receivable- Collection Batches: Overviews adding and maintaining the collection points,
creating a Collection Batch, editing the collection batch using the Collections Entry option and the Edit
Treasury Deposit Number (ETDN) /Intra-governmental Payment and Collection System Number option and
how to finalize the collection batch for posting.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 29. Accounts Receivable- Debt Letters: Overviews setting up, generating and working with debt letters.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 30. Accounts Receivable- Patient Prepayments: Overviews entering a patient payment into the Accounts
Receivable application using the prepayment option, as well as batching that payment and posting to a bill.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 31. Accounts Receivable- Patient Statements: Overviews setting up statements and printing an entire
statement run, a single statement and recreating a statement run.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 32. Accounts Receivable- Posting Payments and Adjustments, Flat Rate Posting: Overviews posting
payments and adjustments as well as using the Flat Rate Posting option.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 33. Accounts Receivable- Processing Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) (835) Files: Overviews the loading
and processing an 835 file in RPMS.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 34. Accounts Receivable- Software Updates: Overviews software updates (patches) released over the past
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 35. Accounts Receivable/Third Party Billing- Basic: Focuses on the third party revenue cycle including
discussion of claims generations, adding/editing insurance information, editing/approving/managing claims,
discussing various posting scenarios, managing aged receivables and presenting commonly used reports.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 36. Accounts Receivable/Third Party Billing- Key Business Office Reports: Overviews key business office
reports in both Third Party Billing and Accounts Receivable used in day-to-day business operations.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 37. Contract Health Services Management System: Covers the automated document and fiscal management
system, shared patient/vendor data files and commitment register of obligated and paid Contract Health
Services funds.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 38. Practice Management Application Suite (PMAS) Admit Discharge Transfer GUI (BPRM): Overviews the
Admit Discharge Transfer (ADT) workspace. Includes admitting, transferring and discharging a patient. Users
are guided through the settings module for ADT and learn to generate and print reports related to ADT.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 39. Practice Management Application Suite Office Hours (BPRM). Ask the PMAS Expert your questions. This
is a question and answer session.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 40. Practice Management Application Suite Patient Registration GUI (BPRM): Overviews the registration
workspace. Includes registering a new patient, editing an existing patient, entering and sequencing insurance
information and reviewing reports.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 41. Practice Management Application Suite Scheduling GUI (BPRM): Overviews the Scheduling workspace.
Includes creating a new appointment, editing existing appointments, creating an appointment for a
nonregistered patient, working with the waitlist and reviewing reports.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 42. Practice Management Application Suite Scheduling GUI- Settings and Availability (BPRM): Overviews
scheduling settings, clinic parameters and configuration. Includes creating new clinics, adding availability,
editing availability and creating patient letters.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 43. Patient Registration (AG): Designed to teach the fundamentals including adding/editing a new patient,
entering and sequencing insurance information and printing routine reports.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 44. Pharmacy Point of Sale (ABSP): Designed to teach the fundamentals including adding/editing ABSP
insurers, working rejections, processing manual claims and printing routine reports.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 45. Referred Care Information System (RCIS): Provides instruction on automating the clinical and
administrative management of all referred care, including in-house referrals, referrals to other Indian Health
Services facilities and referrals to outside contract providers.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 46. Third Party Billing: Focuses on editing/approving/managing claims, discussing secondary billing, printing
paper claims, creating electronic claim files and overviewing reports.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 47. Third Party Billing- Fee Schedules: Overviews fee schedules.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 48. Third Party Billing- Secondary Billing: Overviews the secondary billing page Coordination of Benefits
(COB) in the Third Party Billing claim editor for both electronic and paper export modes.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 49. Third Party Billing- Software Updates: Overviews software updates (patches) released over the past year.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 50. Third Party Billing- Insurer Setup and Maintenance: Overviews insurer set up in Third Party Billing and
explains required fields for electronic billing.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 51. Third Party Billing- Setting up Electronic Clearinghouses for 837 Files: Overviews setting up the electronic
clearinghouse functionality in RPMS.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 52. Third Party Billing- 837 Segment Overrides and Form Locator Overrides: Overviews setting up 837
segment overrides and paper claim form locator overrides in Table Maintenance.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 53. Third Party Billing- 837 Files/ Understanding the Structure and Working Rejections: Overviews the 837 file
structure as well as explains payer rejections.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 54. Third Party Billing- Creating 837 Files and Printing Paper Claims: Overviews creating and exporting 837
electronic claim files as well as printing paper claims.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 55. Third Party Billing- Claim Editor/ Editing and Approving Claims: Overviews the different functions available
in the Third Party Billing claim editor including correcting errors and warnings.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

Data Entry and Management, Reports and Measures

* 56. Would you like to provide input on the need for Data Entry and Management, Reports and Measures
training topics?

Data Entry and Management, Reports and Measures

Please rate the Data Entry and Management, Reports and Measures training need for you, your facility
and/or your Area.
* 57. Clinical Quality Measures (CQM): Provides an understanding of the evolving use of CQMs and the new
IHS RPMS CQMs available.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 58. Health Information Management (HIM) Data Capture Office Hours Series: provides basic and advanced
aspects of RPMS data capture workflows, such as Patient Care Component (PCC), Electronic Health
Record (EHR), Electronic Dental Record (EDR), etc. Presentations and demonstrations are intended for PCC
Managers, HIM Supervisors, HIM Leads, Coding Specialist, other HIM personnel, Informaticists and other
stakeholders that needs a refresher in data capture processes.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 59. Patient Care Component (PCC)- Outputs: Participants learn to navigate PCC reports.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 60. QMAN/VGEN/Reporting: Instruction on selecting, running and formatting ad hoc searches/reports.
Training provided on capturing/exporting PCC data to Patient Care programs.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 61. Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS) Administrator- Journaling and Database
Backup: RPMS Administrators learn journaling and database functions.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 62. Resource and Patient Management (RPMS) Administrator- Taskman Management: Site managers learn to
successfully configure and schedule Taskman.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 63. Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS) Administrator- Troubleshooting: RPMS
Administrators learn troubleshooting techniques using Healthshare and RPMS utilities.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 64. Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS) Administrator- Bootcamp: Designed to provide Site
Managers with the knowledge and skills to build and manage their facility’s RPMS system.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

Electronic Health Record (EHR) Applications

* 65. Would you like to provide input on the need for EHR application training topics?

EHR Applications

Please rate the EHR applications training need for you, your facility and/or your Area.
* 66. Advanced Text Integration Utilities (TIU): Provides an in-depth look at TIU.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 67. Bar Code Medication Administration (BCMA)- End User Training and Go-Live: The primary purpose of this
BCMA training activity is to address Nursing and Pharmacy processes and issues as well as the necessary
collaborative effort involved to implement and effectively use the BCMA application with a main objective
being to document medication administration activities and reduce medication errors.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 68. Drug File Optimization for ePrescribing, Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy (CMOP) and Bar Code
Medication Administration (BCMA): Provides Informaticists with the fundamentals for developing,
implementing, maintaining, troubleshooting, identifying issues and supporting ePrescribing, CMPO and
BCMA. Participants learn to safely and effectively order, dispense and administer medication as well as
update for different manufacturers, new products, shortages and non-formulary medications.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 69. Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Bar Code Medication Administration (BCMA) Configuration and Endto-End Testing Deployment: Instruction on EHR configuration and test optimization for hospitals in the process
of implementing BCMA bedside scanning. Emphasis is placed on safe medication administration processes.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 70. EHR and BCMA for Hospitals Configuration and Test: Newly approved I/T/U Hospitals as well as CAC
Informaticists learn inpatient activities such as: Emergency Department, Day Surgery, Inpatient, Obstetrics,
Lab, Radiology, Pharmacy or Ancillary Services with the intent to produce a complete end product ready for
end-to-end testing and deployment.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 71. EHR/Clinical Reminders Office Hours: Provide guidance, clinical workflow analysis and troubleshooting
skills for EHR/Clinical Reminder processes or problems/errors. Promote the importance of the Clinical
Informatics Role within the IHS Health Care environment. Provide training as needed.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 72. RPMS EHR Informatics Series- Data Management and Analysis: Covers the process for extracting and
analyzing data from RPMS EHR.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 73. EHR for the Emergency Department: Provides Informaticists with the necessary skills to manage an
emergency department in RPMS EHR.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 74. EHR for Health Information Management (HIM) Health Informatics: HIM professionals and Health
Informaticists learn to manage RPMS EHR within their facility. Skills focus on the technical aspects of RPMS
EHR as it pertains to HIM.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 75. EHR Optimization for Prenatal Care: Informaticists learn the skills to effectively manage RPMS EHR
applications as they apply to prenatal care.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 76. Emergency Department (ED) Dashboard- Office Hours: An open forum for ED questions and answers.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 77. Integrated Behavioral Health: Informaticists learn the skills to effectively manage behavioral health issues
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 78. Pharmacy Informaticist: Focuses on the use and integration of data, information, knowledge and
technology involved with medication use processes to improve outcomes and provides RPMS Pharmacy
Informaticist skills paramount for safeguarding the processes impacting medication administration.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 79. RPMS/EHR Office Hours: An open forum for RPMS and EHR questions and answers.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 80. Understanding Medication Management's Impact on EHR for the Informaticist: Targeted towards all EHR
Informaticists, providing the knowledge and skills required for optimization and maintenance.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 81. RPMS EHR Informatics Series - Fundamentals and Foundations: This course will provide Clinical
Informaticists an overview of the RPMS packages and skills required for Basic EHR maintenance. Participants
will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to fully utilize the EHR, instruct other clinicians in EHR
use, and utilize the basic tools necessary for maintenance.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 82. RPMS EHR Informatics Series- Advanced Informatics Processes and Skills: This course will provide
Clinical Informaticists an in-depth knowledge of the RPMS packages and skills required for RPMS EHR
maintenance. Participants will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to fully utilize the EHR,
instruct other clinicians in EHR use, and utilize more advanced tools necessary for maintenance.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 83. RPMS EHR Policy Orders: Management of Standing Orders, Policy Orders, Order Sets, & Protocols
within the RPMS Electronic Health Record (EHR) are confusing and challenging. The Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS) requires that these orders be dated, timed, and authenticated (42 CFR § 482.24 –
Condition of participation: Medical record services). This course will compare and contrast EHR Policy
Orders, Standing Orders, Policy Orders, Order Sets, Protocols, & Nurse Initiated Protocols within the RPMS
EHR environment and delineate the process for configuring these orders from beginning to end.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 84. Electronic Prescribing for Controlled Substances (EPCS) Office Hours: The EPCS application will deliver
required changes to RPMS-EHR to achieve certification with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to
allow electronic prescribing of all controlled substances to internal pharmacies using RPMS Pharmacy
Package as well as electronic prescriptions transmitted to external pharmacies via Surescripts.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 85. Clinical Documentation Improvement Strategies: Provides strategies to facilitate the accurate
representation of patient clinical status translating into quality coded data, reports, report cards,
reimbursement, public health data and disease tracking and trending.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

RPMS Network

* 86. Would you like to provide input on the need for RPMS Network training topics?

RPMS Network

Please rate the RPMS Network topics training need for you, your facility and/or your Area.
* 87. Health Information Exchange (HIE)- Administrator: Provides in depth training on the HIE Auditing and
User applications. Discusses its usage, policies and reviews HIE Administrative and User roles and
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 88. Health Information Exchange (HIE)- User: Detailed overview of IHS HIE and eHealth Exchange and
related policies. Includes training to use HIE to view IHS and eHealth exchange data.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 89. Master Patient Index (MPI)- Administrator: Provides detailed training on the MPI Administrator and User
application, its usage, workflow process and policies and reviews MPI related roles and responsibilities.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 90. Master Patient Index (MPI) and Health Information Exchange (HIE) - Simplified Authentication Solution
(SAS) E1 and D1 Registration: Focuses on Federal, Tribal and Urban user's registration process for MPI and
HIE using the E1 (Secondary Active Directory) and D1 Active Directory.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 91. Master Patient Index (MPI) and Health Information Exchange (HIE) - Technical Installation and
Configuration: Provides guidance and information on onboarding with MPI and HIE and the configuration
steps and requirements.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 92. Master Patient Index (MPI) - User: Detailed overview of the MPI User application, Data Quality Manager
(DQM) and related MPI user responsibilities and policies.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 93. Personal Health Record (PHR)- Area Administrator: Focuses on the PHR Admin portal, Area Administrator
role, responsibilities, and policies for PHR.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 94. Personal Health Record (PHR)- Registrar: Provides training on the PHR Admin and User portal on how to
use the applications and register patients to see their personal health record.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 95. Personal Health Record (PHR) - Service Unit/Facility Administrator: Focuses on the PHR Admin portal,
related policies, and the facility Administrator roles and responsibilities for PHR.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 96. RPMS Direct- Area Administrator: Provides instruction on RPMS Direct administrative and user
applications, related policies, and functionality. Further understanding of administrator roles and
responsibilities will be provided.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 97. RPMS Direct- Message Agent and User: Teaches RPMS Direct Users application (Webmail) functionality.
Also covers policies, use cases, and workflows to be leveraged by RPMS Direct users.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 98. RPMS Direct- Patient Secure Messaging and Electronic Transition of Care: Provides guidance on setting
up RPMS Direct to send Patient Secure messages, send electronic Transitions of Care (ToC) for referrals and
understand ToC measures.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

* 99. RPMS Direct- Service Unit/Facility Administrator: Focuses on the RPMS Direct administrative application,
functionality, policies and the facility administrator roles and responsibilities.
Not needed
Somewhat needed
No opinion

Training Needs Feedback

100. Please enter five (5) RPMS Training topics not accounted for, that you need in priority order with your
highest priority topic listed first. Include the objective for topic-as able.
First priority
Second priority
Third priority
Fourth priority
Fifth priority

101. Did you know that you may view recorded RPMS training modules in the RPMS Training Repository
(https://ihs.cosocloud.com/rpms-tr/event/event_info.html)? The link may contain material that is not accessible
to everyone.

102. Did you know that you may access RPMS training materials on-demand from IHS.GOV

103. Please add all additional comments here:

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleView Survey
File Modified2020-04-07
File Created2020-04-07

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