3510-2E NPDES Application Form 2E

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program (Renewal)

NPDES Application Form 2E

Consolidated NPDES ICR - Public Sector

OMB: 2040-0004

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United States
Environmental Protection Agency

Office of Water
Washington, D.C.

OMB No. 2040-0004
Expires MM/DD/YYYY

Water Permits Division

Application Form 2E

Manufacturing, Commercial,
Mining, and Silvicultural
Facilities Which Discharge
Only Nonprocess Wastewater
NPDES Permitting Program

Note: Complete this form and Form 1 if your facility is a new or existing manufacturing, commercial,
mining, and silvicultural facility that discharges only nonprocess wastewater.

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice
This collection of information is approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C.
3501 et seq. (OMB Control No. 2040-0004). Responses to this collection of information are mandatory
(40 CFR 122.21). An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a
collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The public reporting
and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to be 2.7 hours per response.
Send comments on the Agency’s need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden
estimates and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden to the Regulatory Support
Division Director, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2821T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW,
Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send the
completed form to this address.

General Instructions
Who Must Complete Form 2E?
You must complete Form 2E if you answered “Yes” to Item 1.2.4 on
Form 1—that is, if you are a new or existing facility (including
manufacturing, commercial, mining, and silvicultural facilities) that
discharges only nonprocess wastewater.
Where to File Your Completed Form
Submit your completed application package (Forms 1 and 2E) to
your National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
permitting authority. Consult Exhibit 1–1 of Form 1’s “General
Instructions” to identify your NPDES permitting authority.
Public Availability of Submitted Information
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will make
information from NPDES permit application forms available to the
public for inspection and copying upon request. You may not claim
any information on Form 2E (or related attachments) as
You may make a claim of confidentiality for any information that
you submit to EPA that goes beyond the information required by
Form 2E. Note that NPDES permitting authorities will deny claims
for treating any effluent data as confidential. If you do not assert a
claim of confidentiality at the time you submit your information to
the NPDES permitting authority, EPA may make the information
available to the public without further notice to you. EPA will handle
claims of confidentiality in accordance with its business
confidentiality regulations at Part 2 of Title 40 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR).
Completion of Forms
Print or type in the specified areas only. If you do not have enough
space on the form to answer a question, you may continue on
additional sheets, as necessary, using a format consistent with the
Do not leave any response areas blank unless the form directs you
to skip them. If the form directs you to respond to an item that does
not apply to your facility or activity, enter “NA” for “not applicable” to
demonstrate that you considered the item and determined a
response was not necessary for your facility.
The NPDES permitting authority will consider your application
complete when it and any supplementary material are received and
completed according to the authority’s satisfaction. The NPDES
permitting authority will judge the completeness of any application
independently of the status of any other permit application or
permit for the same facility or activity.
The legal definitions of all key terms used in these instructions and
Form 2E are in the “Glossary” at the end of the “General
Instructions” in Form 1.
Line-by-Line Instructions
If you have multiple outfalls, you must submit a separate Form 2E
for each (Sections 1, 3, and 4 only).

Follow-up Requirements for New Dischargers
Note that no later than 24 months after commencement of
discharge from the proposed facility, you must complete
and submit Section 4 of this form. At that time you must test
and report actual rather than estimated data for the
pollutants or parameters listed, unless waived by the
NPDES permitting authority.
EPA Identification Number, NPDES Permit Number, Facility
Name, and Outfall Number
Provide your EPA Identification Number from the Facility Registry
Service, NPDES permit number, and facility name at the top of
each page of Form 2E and any attachments. If you do not know
your EPA Identification Number, contact your NPDES permitting
authority. See Exhibit 1–1 of Form 1’s “General Instructions” for
contact information.
Section 1. Outfall Location
Item 1.1. Complete Sections 1 through 6 for each outfall. Provide
the latitude and longitude to the nearest 15 seconds or equivalent
decimal degrees (e.g., 38.893829, -77.029289) for the outfall.
Latitude and longitude coordinates may be obtained in a variety of
ways, including use of hand held devices (e.g., a GPS enabled
smartphone), internet mapping tools, geographic information
systems (e.g., ArcView), or paper maps from trusted sources (e.g.,
U.S. Geological Survey or USGS). The location of each outfall (i.e.,
where the coordinates are collected) shall be the point where the
discharge is released into a water of the United States. If you need
further guidance in responding to Item 1.1, refer to
Section 2. Discharge Date
Item 2.1. Indicate whether you are a new or an existing discharger.
If you are an existing discharger, skip to Section 3 after completing
this item.
Item 2.2. Indicate the date on which the facility will or is estimated
to commence discharge.
Section 3. Waste Types
Item 3.1. Indicate the general type(s) of wastes being discharged
or to be discharged, depending on whether you are an existing or
new discharger. If you mark the response “Other Nonprocess
Wastewater,” specify the nature of your discharge.
Item 3.2. Indicate if the facility uses cooling water additives. If yes,
continue. If no, skip to Section 4.
Item 3.3. List the cooling water additives being used (or to be
used) and specify the composition of the additives, if such
information is available to you. You can generally find composition
information on product labels or from manufacturers’ data sheets.
Section 4. Effluent Characteristics
Items 4.1 to 4.8. These items require you to collect and report data
for the parameters and pollutants listed in Section 4. The
instructions are distinct for applicants with existing discharges
versus applicants that are new.

Important note: Read the “General Instructions for Reporting,
Sampling, and Analysis” on pages 2E-5 and 2E-6 before
completing Section 4.
Item 4.1. Indicate whether you have completed monitoring for all
parameters in the table under Item 4.2 and attached it to the
application package. If you answer “No” because you have
requested a waiver for one or more parameters from your NPDES
authority, attach the waiver request and additional information.
Item 4.2. Provide the sampling data requested in the table per the
“General Instructions for Reporting, Sampling, and Analysis” for
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended solids (TSS),
oil and grease, ammonia (as N), flow, pH, and temperature (winter
and summer).
Item 4.3. Answer whether you believe fecal coliform to be present
in your discharge or whether sanitary waste is discharged (or will
be discharged). If you answer “No,” skip to Item 4.5. Otherwise,
continue to Item 4.4.
Item 4.4. Provide the sampling data requested in the table per the
“General Instructions for Reporting, Sampling, and Analysis” for
fecal coliform, Escherichia coli (E. coli), and enterococci.
Item 4.5. Indicate whether chlorine is used (or will be used). If no,
skip to Item 4.7. Otherwise, continue to Item 4.6.
Item 4.6. Provide the sampling data requested in the table per the
“General Instructions for Reporting, Sampling, and Analysis” for
total residual chlorine.
Item 4.7. Answer whether non-contact cooling water is (or will be)
discharged from your facility. If no, skip to Section 5. If yes,
continue to Item 4.8.
Item 4.8. Provide the sampling data requested in the table per the
“General Instructions for Reporting, Sampling, and Analysis” for
chemical oxygen demand (COD), and total organic carbon (TOC).

limitations. If you wish to demonstrate your eligibility for a “net”
effluent limitation (i.e., an effluent limitation adjusted to provide
credit for the pollutant(s) present in your intake water), add a short
statement as to why you believe you are eligible. See also 40 CFR
122.45(g). You will be contacted by the NPDES permitting authority
with further instructions.
Section 8. Checklist and Certification Statement
Item 8.1. Review the checklist provided on the application. In
Column 1, mark the sections of Form 2E that you have completed
and are submitting with your application. For each section in
Column 2, indicate whether you are submitting attachments.
Item 8.2. The Clean Water Act (CWA) provides for severe
penalties for submitting false information on this application form.
CWA Section 309(c)(2) provides that “Any person who knowingly
makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any
application, …shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine of no
more than $10,000 or by imprisonment for not more than six
months, or both.”
A. For a corporation, by a responsible corporate officer. For the
purpose of this section, a responsible corporate officer means:
(1) a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the
corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any
other person who performs similar policy- or decision-making
functions for the corporation, or (2) the manager of one or
more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities,
provided the manager is authorized to make management
decisions which govern the operation of the regulated facility
including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major
capital investment recommendations, and initiating and
directing other comprehensive measures to assure long term
environmental compliance with environmental laws and
regulations; the manager can ensure that the necessary
systems are established or actions taken to gather complete
and accurate information for permit application requirements;
and where authority to sign documents has been assigned or
delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate
B. For a partnership or sole proprietorship, by a general partner
or the proprietor, respectively.
C. For a municipality, state, federal, or other public facility, by
either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official.
For purposes of this section, a principal executive officer of a
federal agency includes: (1) the chief executive officer of the
agency or (2) a senior executive officer having responsibility
for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the
agency (e.g., Regional Administrators of EPA).

Section 5. Flow
Item 5.1. Indicate whether any of the discharges that you
described in Sections 1 and 3 (except for stormwater runoff, leaks,
or spills) are intermittent or seasonal. If yes, continue to Item 5.2. If
no, skip to Section 6.
Item 5.2. Describe the average frequency of flow and duration of
any intermittent or seasonal discharge (except for stormwater
runoff, leaks, or spills) in gallons or million gallons per day (gpd or
mgd), whichever is appropriate. The frequency of flow is the
number of days or months per year there is an intermittent
discharge. Duration is the number of days or hours per discharge.
For new dischargers, report your best estimate.
Section 6. Treatment System
Item 6.1. Briefly describe any treatment system(s) used (or to be
used for new dischargers), indicating whether the treatment system
is physical, chemical, biological, sludge and disposal, or other. Also
give the particular type(s) of process(es) used (or to be used). For
example, if a physical treatment system is used (or will be used),
specify the processes applied (or to be applied), such as grit
removal, ammonia stripping, dialysis, etc.

Submit your completed Form 1, Form 2E, and
all associated attachments
(and any other required NPDES application forms)
to your NPDES permitting authority.

Section 7. Other Information
Item 7.1. OPTIONAL ITEM. Report any additional information or
data (such as sampling results) that you believe the NPDES
permitting authority should consider when establishing permit

General Instructions for Reporting, Sampling, and Analysis
Important note: Read these instructions before completing
Section 4 of Form 2E.

If you have sampling and analysis questions, direct them to your
NPDES permitting authority. The authority may request that you do
additional testing, if appropriate, on a case-by-case basis under
CWA Section 308.

General Items
Complete the applicable tables for each outfall at your facility. Be
sure to note the EPA Identification Number, NPDES permit
number, facility name, and applicable outfall number at the top of
each page of any associated attachments.

New Dischargers
You must provide maximum daily and average daily discharge
estimates for the parameters or pollutants listed in Section 4, unless
specifically indicated on the form. Note that if you have the results
of actual analyses for the listed parameters or pollutants, you are
required to report those results rather than submit estimates.

You may report some or all of the required data by attaching
separate sheets of paper instead of completing Section 4 for each
of your outfalls so long as the sheets contain all of the required
information and are similar in format to Section 4.

Report or estimate all parameter or pollutant levels as concentration
and as total mass, except for flow, pH, and temperature. Indicate
the source of all estimates in the appropriate column in the
Section 4 tables using the engineering study codes below. Note
that you are required to conduct follow-up testing and reporting no
later than two years once your facility commences discharge.
Engineering Report Codes
Actual data from pilot plants.................................. 1
Estimates from other engineering reports ............. 2
Data from other similar plants ............................... 3
Best professional estimates .................................. 4
Others ..........................................specify on the form

Reporting of Effluent Data
Report pollutant levels for all pollutants in Section 4 as
concentration and total mass, with the exception of flow, pH, and
temperature. Total mass is the total weight of pollutants
discharged over a day.
Flow, temperature, pH, and fecal coliform organisms must be
reported as mgd, degrees Celsius (°C), standard units, and most
probable number per 100 milliliters (MPN/100 mL), respectively.
Use the following abbreviations in the columns requiring “units” in
Section 4.
ppm = parts per million
mg/L = milligrams per liter
ppb = parts per billion
µg/L = micrograms per liter
MPN = most probable number
per 100 milliliters

lbs. = pounds
ton = tons (English tons)
mg = milligrams
g = grams
kg = kilograms
T = tonnes (metric tons)

Base your determination of whether a pollutant will be present in
your discharge on your knowledge of the proposed facility’s use of
maintenance chemicals and any analyses of your effluent or of any
similar effluent. You may also provide the estimates based on
available in-house or contractor engineering reports or any other
studies performed on the proposed facility.
Pollutants Solely in Intake Water

Existing Dischargers

If you expect a pollutant to be present solely because of its
presence in your intake water, you must still provide an estimate or
analytical result in Section 4; however, you should indicate in
Section 7 in Item 7.1 that you believe the pollutant or parameter to
be present only due to its presence in your source water. See the
instructions under Item 7.1.

You must provide at least one analysis for each parameter or
pollutant, including the following: BOD, TSS, oil and grease,
ammonia (as N), fecal coliform including E. coli and enterococci (if
believed present or if sanitary waste is or will be discharged), total
residual chlorine (if chlorine is or will be used), COD, and TOC (if
non-contact cooling water is or will be discharged), discharge flow,
pH, and temperature (winter and summer).

Testing Waivers
The NPDES permitting authority may waive the testing and
reporting requirements for flow or any of the pollutants listed in
Section 4 if you submit a written request for such a waiver before
or with your application. Contact your NPDES permitting authority
for more information.

You may report quantitative data that you have collected over the
past 365 days if they are representative of your current
operations. The data reported must include maximum daily
discharge, average daily discharge, and number of analyses. Most
existing facilities routinely monitor the pollutants and parameters
listed in Section 4 as part of their existing NPDES permit


You must collect and analyze samples in accordance with 40 CFR
136. Grab samples must be used for analyses of pH, temperature,
total residual chlorine, oil and grease, fecal coliform (including E.
coli), enterococci (previously known as fecal streptococcus), and
volatile organic compounds. Twenty-four-hour composite samples
must be used for all other pollutants, using at least four grab
samples unless otherwise specified at 40 CFR 136. For a
composite sample, only one analysis of the composite of aliquots is

The collection of samples for the reported analyses should be
supervised by a person experienced in performing sampling of
industrial wastewater. You may contact your NPDES permitting
authority for detailed guidance on sampling techniques and for
answers to specific questions. See Exhibit 1–1 of Form 1 for
contact information. Any specific requirements in the applicable
analytical methods—for example, sample containers, sample
preservation, holding times, and the collection of duplicate
samples—must be followed.


General Instructions for Reporting, Sampling, and Analysis Continued
The time when you sample should be representative of your
normal operation, to the extent feasible, with all processes that
contribute wastewater in normal operation, and with your
treatment system operating properly with no system upsets.
Collect samples from the center of the flow channel, where
turbulence is at a maximum, at a site specified in your present
NPDES permit, or at any site adequate for the collection of a
representative sample.
Except as specified below, all required quantitative data shall be
collected in accordance with sufficiently sensitive analytical
methods approved under 40 CFR 136 or required under 40 CFR
Chapter I, Subchapter N or O. A method is “sufficiently sensitive”


The method minimum level (ML) is at or below the level of
the applicable water quality criterion for the measured
pollutant or pollutant parameter.
The method ML is above the water quality criterion, but the
amount of the pollutant or pollutant parameter in the facility’s
discharge is high enough that the method detects and
quantifies the level of the pollutant or pollutant parameter in
the discharge.


The method has the lowest ML of the analytical methods
approved under 40 CFR 136 or required under 40 CFR
Chapter I, Subchapter N or O, for the measured pollutant or
pollutant parameter.

Consistent with 40 CFR 136, you may provide matrix- or samplespecific MLs rather than the published levels. Further, where you
can demonstrate that, despite a good faith effort to use a method
that would otherwise meet the definition of “sufficiently sensitive,”
the analytical results are not consistent with the quality assurance
(QA)/quality control (QC) specifications for that method, then the
NPDES permitting authority may determine that the method is not
performing adequately and the NPDES permitting authority should
select a different method from the remaining EPA-approved
methods that is sufficiently sensitive consistent with 40 CFR
122.21(e)(3)(i). Where no other EPA-approved methods exist, you
must select a method consistent with 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3)(ii).
When there is no analytical method that has been approved under
40 CFR 136; required under 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter N or
O; or otherwise required by the NPDES permitting authority, you
may use any suitable method but shall provide a description of the
method. When selecting a suitable method, you may consider
other factors such as a method’s precision, accuracy, or


EPA Identification Number

NPDES Permit Number

Facility Name

OMB No. 2040-0004
Expires MM/DD/YYYY

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater


Outfall Location

1.1 Provide information on each of the facility’s outfalls in the table below.
Receiving Water Name


2.1 Are you a new or existing discharger? (Check only one response.)
 New discharger
 Existing discharger  SKIP to Section 3.
2.2 Specify your anticipated discharge date:

Waste Types

SECTION 3. WASTE TYPES (40 CFR 122.21(H)(3))
3.1 What types of wastes are currently being discharged if you are an existing discharger or will be discharged if you are
a new discharger? (Check all that apply.)
 Sanitary wastes
 Other nonprocess wastewater (describe/explain
directly below)
Restaurant or cafeteria waste


Non-contact cooling water


Does the facility use cooling water additives?
 Yes
 No  SKIP to Section 4.
List the cooling water additives used and describe their composition.
Cooling Water Additives
Composition of Additives

(if available to you)

Effluent Characteristics

4.1 Have you completed monitoring for all parameters in the table below at each of your outfalls and attached the results
to this application package?
No; a waiver has been requested for one or more parameters from my
 Yes
 NPDES permitting authority (attach waiver request and additional
4.2 Provide data as requested in the table below. 1 Enter “Waiver” in the “Number of Analyses” column for those
parameters for which you are requesting a waiver. (See instructions for specifics.)
Maximum Daily
Average Daily
Number of
(use codes
Parameter or Pollutant
(if actual data

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5)
Total suspended solids (TSS)
Oil and grease
Ammonia (as N)
Discharge flow
pH (report as range)
Temperature (winter)
Temperature (summer)

(specify units)



(specify units)




Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant
parameters or required under 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter N or O. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3).

EPA Form 3510-2E

Page 1

EPA Identification Number


NPDES Permit Number

Facility Name

Is fecal coliform believed present, or is sanitary waste discharged (or will it be discharged)?
 Yes
 No  SKIP to Item 4.5.
Provide data as requested in the table below. (See instructions for specifics.)
Maximum Daily
Average Daily
Number of
Parameter or Pollutant
(specify units)

Effluent Characteristics Continued

(if actual data







(use codes

(specify units)





Total residual chlorine
Is non-contact cooling water discharged (or will it be discharged)?
 Yes
 No  SKIP to Section 5.
Provide data as requested in the table below. (See instructions for specifics.)
Maximum Daily
Average Daily
Number of
Parameter or Pollutant
(specify units)

(if actual data



(specify units)



(use codes

Fecal coliform
E. coli
Is chlorine used (or will it be used)?
 Yes
 No  SKIP to Item 4.7.
Provide data as requested in the table below. (See instructions for specifics.)
Maximum Daily
Average Daily
Number of
Parameter or Pollutant
(specify units)
(specify units)
(if actual data


OMB No. 2040-0004
Expires MM/DD/YYYY




(use codes

Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
Total organic carbon (TOC)
SECTION 5. FLOW (40 CFR 122.21(H)(5))
5.1 Except for stormwater water runoff, leaks, or spills, are any of the discharges you described in Sections 1 and 3 of
this application intermittent or seasonal?



Yes  Complete this section.


No  SKIP to Section 6.

Briefly describe the frequency and duration of flow.

Treatment System

6.1 Briefly describe any treatment system(s) used (or to be used).

Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant
parameters or required under 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter N or O. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3).

EPA Form 3510-2E

Page 2

EPA Identification Number

NPDES Permit Number

Facility Name

OMB No. 2040-0004
Expires MM/DD/YYYY

Other Information

Use the space below to expand upon any of the above items. Use this space to provide any information you believe
the reviewer should consider in establishing permit limitations. Attach additional sheets as needed. (optional item)

Checklist and Certification Statement

In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 2E that you have completed and are submitting with your application.
For each section, specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note
that not all applicants are required to provide attachments.
Column 1
Column 2



Section 1: Outfall Location


w/ attachments (e.g., responses for additional outfalls)


Section 2: Discharge Date


w/ attachments


Section 3: Waste Types


w/ attachments


Section 4: Effluent Characteristics


w/ attachments


Section 5: Flow


w/ attachments


Section 6: Treatment System


w/ attachments


Section 7: Other Information


w/ attachments


Section 8: Checklist and Certification Statement


w/ attachments

Certification Statement
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision
in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the
information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons
directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and
belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,
including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
Name (print or type first and last name)
Official title


Date signed

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EPA Form 3510-2E

Page 3

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleNPDES Permitting Program: Manufacturing, Commercial,Mining, and Silvicultural Facilities Which Discharge Only Nonprocess Wastewa
SubjectU.S. Environmental Protection Agency, office of water, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, NPDES, Permitting Progra
AuthorUSEPA, OW, OWM, WPD, National Program Branch
File Modified2021-06-30
File Created2021-06-15

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