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Undergraduate & Post-Undergraduate Experiences Follow-Up Survey [REU Program Follow-up Survey]
Thank you for taking part in the Computing Research Association's (CRA’s) Undergraduate Experiences Survey [REU Program Survey]! The survey should take no more than 20 minutes of your time to complete. This survey works best with Google Chrome.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, an information collection unless it displays a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 3145-XXXX. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions. Send comments regarding the burden estimate and any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: Suzanne H. Plimpton, Reports Clearance Officer, National Science Foundation Alexandria, VA 22314.
Yes, I am currently an undergraduate student [Go to undergraduate student survey]
Yes, I am currently a graduate student [Go to graduate student survey]
Yes, I am currently a non-degree earning student (e.g., taking courses only, certificate program, bootcamps, etc.) [Go to non-degree earning student survey]
No, I am NOT currently a student.
this survey, we will use the terms "computing"
and "computing-related".
or "computing-related" includes the fields below and other
similar fields:
Computer Science
Computer Engineering
Software Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Systems Engineering
Computer Hardware Engineering
Computing Information Systems
Information Systems, Information Science
Informatics, Bioinformatics
Data Science/Data Analytics
Machine Learning
High Performance Computing
Human-Computer Interaction
Computational Science/Social Science
Computational Biology
Computational Economics
Computational Mathematics
Any other computing & technology field
Some college (no degree earned)
Associate’s degree
Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Doctoral degree
Less than 1 year
1 – 5 years
More than 5 years
[Display if Q2 is “Some college (no degree earned)”]
You indicated you have at least some college experience. We would like to ask about your pre-college experience (i.e., prior to entering some type of undergraduate/postsecondary program).
[Display if Q2 is “Associate’s degree”]
You indicated you have an Associate's degree. We would like to ask about your experience prior to entering your undergraduate level Associate's degree.
[Display section if Q2 is NOT “Associate’s degree”]
I have taken courses for credit at a community college
I have completed a degree or certificate at a community college
None of the above [Exclusive answer]
[Display if Q4 is “I have completed a degree or certificate at a community college”]
In the previous question, you indicated that you completed a degree or certificate at a community college.
What did you earn from community college? Select all that apply.
Associate’s degree
A certification (not a degree)
Something different
[Display if Q2 is “Associate’s Degree”]
At which institution did you earn your most recent associate’s degree? If you do not see your institution on the list, scroll to the bottom of the list and select 'Other'.
[List of institutions]
[Display if Q6 is “Other”]
Please list the name of the institution at which you earned your most recent associate's degree. Please avoid acronyms.
What was your field of study for your most recent associate’s degree? Choose up to 2 responses if you had a double-major.
Note: If you do not see your exact program name, please select the option(s) most closely related.
[List of majors]
[List of years]
[Display if Q2 is “Bachelor’s degree”, “Master’s degree”, OR “Doctoral degree”]
At which institution did you earn your most recent undergraduate degree? If you do not see your institution on the list, scroll to the bottom of the list and select 'Other'.
[List of institutions]
[Display if Q10 is “Other”]
Please list the name of the institution at which you earned your most recent undergraduate degree.
In which year did you earn your most recent undergraduate degree?
[List of years]
What was your undergraduate major in college for your most recent undergraduate degree? Choose up to 2 responses if you had a double-major.
Note: If you do not see your exact program name, please select the option(s) most closely related.
[List of majors]
The next set of questions will focus on your previous formal research experience as an undergraduate student (i.e., REU). Formal research includes any experience you applied for and through which you worked closely with a mentor or research advisor.
Before we move into questions about formal REUs, please answer the following question.
During your undergraduate program, which of the following experiences were you involved in that were NOT part of a formal REU?
Independent research projects
Course-based research projects
Internships or co-ops
Research Assistant
None of the above
Reminder: Formal REU includes any experience you applied for and through which you worked closely with a mentor or research advisor.
Yes, I participated in at least one formal research experience as an undergraduate [Go to Q17]
No, I NEVER participated in a formal research experience as an undergraduate [Answer Q16; skip to PRE-GRADUATE SCHOOL JOB EXPERIENCE section]
[If Q15 is “No, I never… ”]
Which of the following reasons explain why you did not participate in a formal research experience? Choose up to 3 responses.
I was not aware of research opportunities available to me
I didn’t have time
It never occurred to me to do research
I was not interested in doing research
I preferred more practical experiences such as internships
It didn’t pay well enough or not at all
Other; please specify: _______________________
[If Q15 is “Yes…”]
Which of the following reasons best explain your motivations to participate in a formal REU? Please choose up to 3 responses.
To increase my competitiveness for graduate school
To learn more about what graduate school might be like
To have something to do outside of my coursework
To build work experience and my resume/CV
To participate in something prestigious
To expand on what I had been learning about in my classes
To develop or improve my technical skills
The research project(s) seemed interesting
To learn more about a specific research area of interest to me
To learn more about what being a researcher is like
To build my confidence as a researcher
To better understand the connection between research and real world applications
To build connections and/or collaborate with other student researchers
To build connections and/or collaborate with particular faculty
To have a paid opportunity
To help pay for my living expenses while in college
Other; please specify: _____________
[Answer the section below (PAST REU INFORMATION) if Q15 is “Yes…”]
During your undergraduate program, how many formal REUs did you complete?
4 or more
[Repeat Q19 – Q28 for each REU]
[List of years]
Was this REU funded by NSF?
Yes [answer next question]
No [skip to Q23]
do not know [skip
to Q23]
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation
Research Experiences for Teachers
Other: please specify
[If Q21 = “REU”] Was this an REU Site or REU Supplement?
REU Site (typically involves working with a group of 10 or so other undergraduates at a university other than one’s undergraduate institution)
REU Supplement (typically working individually or with one other student on a PI’s funded project, usually at one’s undergraduate institution)
Don’t know
{Academic Year; Summer}
At my home college or university
At another college or university
At a company or organization or government institution outside of my college or university
Somewhere else
[If “At another college or university”]
What was the name of the institution where you completed this REU?
[List of institutions]
[If “At a company…”]
was the name of the company or organization where you completed this
Which of the following apply to this REU?
You received a stipend (not including other paid benefits)
You were provided housing
You were provided with a local public transportation pass
You were provided with a meal stipend
You were provided with a computer
You had a dedicated space to do your work
You could attend professional development seminars (including grad school advice)
You could attend technical seminars
You received one-on-one advising from my faculty mentor
You met peers with whom you have kept in touch
I don’t remember [Exclusive answer]
None of the above [Exclusive answer]
[Answer Q27 - 28 if received a stipend]
You indicated that you received a stipend for this REU. How much do you feel you deserved to be paid relative to the amount of work expected of you during this REU?
Deserved a lot less
Deserved a little less
Deserved neither less nor more
Deserved a little more
Deserved a lot more
Less than $1,000
$1,000 - $2,999
$3,000 - $4,999
$5,000 - $6,999
$7,000 - $8,999
$9,000 - $10,999
$11,000 - $12,999
$13,000 - $14,999
$15,000 or more
I don’t remember
REU PROMPT (Questions 29 through 38 are for NSF REU PARTICIPANTS ONLY)
The next set of questions will focus on your previous formal research experiences as an undergraduate student (i.e., REU). Formal research includes any experience you applied for and through which you worked closely with a mentor or research advisor.
Before we move into questions about formal REUs, please answer the following question.
During your undergraduate program, which of the following experiences were you involved in that were NOT part of a formal REU?
Independent research projects
Course-based research projects
Internships or co-ops
Research Assistant
None of the above
Now we would like to ask about your NSF REU experience that you participated in from [insert start date] to [insert end date].
How often are you in touch with the following people from this REU?
(Never; Rarely, Occasionally, Frequently, Very frequently/// Not Applicable)
Your faculty advisor/the PI
A postdoc
Graduate student(s)
A staff member of the lab
Other students from your cohort
Which of the following happened after this REU experience? Please select all that apply.
You received an NSF-funded stipend to continue working on this REU project for additional semesters/quarters
You had an opportunity to continue research with the REU faculty as an intern or in a non-NSF-funded paid position when your REU ended
You developed a new research project based on your work in this REU
You began working with another research group based on your REU work
You submitted a research paper or poster to a conference based on your REU
You presented a research paper or poster at a conference based on your RE
You contributed to a research article with your peers and PI from your REU
You published your research from your REU
In what way did this REU experience impact your subsequent CS elective coursework?
I decided to take fewer CS elective courses
I decided to take more CS elective courses
I decided to take different CS elective courses
My REU did not impact my subsequent CS elective coursework
To what degree did this REU impact your interest in the following?
(Less interested, More interested, No impact)
Pursuing more research opportunities
Pursuing a research career
Pursuing a non-research career
Getting a master’s degree
Getting a doctoral degree
Since completing this REU(s), have you ever worked on an REU in a supervisory or mentoring role?
Which of the following are true for your career pathway? Select all that apply.
Your mentor for this REU served as a reference for one or more of your jobs
You decided to work in the same research area as this REU
You learned of job opportunities through your connections from this REU
You got a job through your connections from this REU
The skills you gained from this REU helped you get a job
None of the above
To what degree did this REU influence your career pathway?
Not at all
A moderate amount
Quite a bit
A great deal
I don’t remember
To what degree did this REU help set you up for success in your career?
Not at all
A moderate amount
Quite a bit
A great deal
I don’t remember
After [insert end date of REU], did you participate in any additional formal REUs during your undergraduate program?
Reminder: Formal REU includes any experience you applied for and through which you worked closely with a mentor or research advisor.
If your NSF REU extended beyond the term listed above, please answer “Yes.”
Yes, I participated in at least one formal undergraduate research experience after that time. [Go to Q40]
No, I did not participate in another formal undergraduate research experience after that time. (Go to Q39]
[If Q38 is “No…”]
Which of the following reasons explain why you did not participate in another formal research experience? Choose up to 3 responses.
I was close to graduating
I was not aware of research opportunities available to me
I didn’t have time
It never occurred to me to do more research
I was not interested in doing research
I preferred more practical experiences such as internships
It didn’t pay well enough or not at all
Other; please specify: _______________________
[If Q38 is “Yes…”]
Which of the following reasons best explain your motivations to participate in another formal REU? Please choose up to 3 responses.
To increase my competitiveness for graduate school
To learn more about what graduate school might be like
To have something to do outside of my coursework
To build work experience and my resume/CV
To participate in something prestigious
To expand on what I had been learning about in my classes
To develop or improve my technical skills
The research project(s) seemed interesting
To learn more about a specific research area of interest to me
To learn more about what being a researcher is like
To build my confidence as a researcher
To better understand the connection between research and real world applications
To build connections and/or collaborate with other student researchers
To build connections and/or collaborate with particular faculty
To have a paid opportunity
To help pay for my living expenses while in college
Other; please specify: _____________
[Answer the section below (PAST REU INFORMATION) if Q38 is “Yes...”]
Since your NSF REU that you participated in from [insert start date] to [insert end date], how many additional formal REUs did you complete? Reminder – If you participated in your NSF REU for additional terms, please include this in your count below.
4 or more
[Repeat Q42 – Q51 for each REU]
[List of years]
Was this REU funded by NSF?
Yes [answer next question]
No [skip to Q46]
do not know [skip
to Q46]
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation
Research Experiences for Teachers
Other: please specify
[If Q44 = “REU”] Was this an REU Site or REU Supplement?
REU Site (typically involves working with a group of 10 or so other undergraduates at a university other than one’s undergraduate institution)
REU Supplement (typically working individually or with one other student on a PI’s funded project, usually at one’s undergraduate institution)
Don’t know
{Academic Year; Summer}
At my home college or university
At another college or university
At a company or organization or government institution outside of my college or university
Somewhere else
[If “At another college or university”]
What was the name of the institution where you completed this REU?
[List of institutions]
[If “At a company…”]
was the name of the company or organization where you completed this
Which of the following apply to this REU?
You received a stipend (not including other paid benefits)
You were provided housing
You were provided with a local public transportation pass
You were provided with a meal stipend
You were provided with a computer
You had a dedicated space to do your work
You could attend professional development seminars (including grad school advice)
You could attend technical seminars
You received one-on-one advising from my faculty mentor
You met peers with whom you have kept in touch
I don’t remember [Exclusive answer]
None of the above [Exclusive answer]
[Answer Q50 - 51 if received a stipend]
You indicated that you received a stipend for this REU. How much do you feel you deserved to be paid relative to the amount of work expected of you during this REU?
Deserved a lot less
Deserved a little less
Deserved neither less nor more
Deserved a little more
Deserved a lot more
Less than $1,000
$1,000 - $2,999
$3,000 - $4,999
$5,000 - $6,999
$7,000 - $8,999
$9,000 - $10,999
$11,000 - $12,999
$13,000 - $14,999
$15,000 or more
I don’t remember
[Display if Q2 is “Master’s degree” OR “Doctoral degree”]
How many jobs did you have after you graduated from your undergraduate studies, but before you began your graduate studies?
More than 2
[Display if selected Q52 is NOT “0”]
Which of the following apply to the job(s) you had after you graduated from your undergraduate studies, but before you began your graduate studies? Select all that apply.
Computing related
Research focused
Industry position
Academic position
None of the above [Exclusive answer]
[Display if Q2 is “Doctoral degree”]
Note: A terminal master's degree program is a program to which you applied to earn a master's degree only. You would have graduated and finished the program with a master's degree
Yes, I completed a terminal master’s program
No, I did not complete a terminal master’s program
[Display is Q54 is “Yes, I completed a terminal master’s program”]
What made you decide to pursue a doctoral program after completing a terminal master’s program?
Wanted to change fields
Wanted to grow expertise in my field
Wanted to pursue a research career
It was required for a position I was interested in
Other; please specify: ___________
[Display if Q2 is “Master’s degree” OR,
Q2 is Doctoral degree AND Q54 is “Yes, I completed a terminal master’s program]
At which institution did you earn your most recent terminal master’s degree? If you do not see your institution on the list, scroll to the bottom of the list and select ‘Other’.
[List of institutions]
[Display if Q56 is “Other”]
Please list the name of the institution at which you earned your most recent terminal master’s degree?
In which year did you earn your most recent terminal master’s degree?
of years]
In which field did you earn your terminal master's degree? Choose up to 2 responses.
Note: If you do not see your exact field, please select the option(s) most closely related.
of fields]
Before you earned your master's degree, did you complete any of the following?
A master's thesis
A capstone project (not your thesis)
An independent research project (not your thesis or capstone)
A teaching assistantship
A research assistantship
An internship
None of the above [Exclusive answer]
Employed full-time
Employed part-time
None of the above [Exclusive answer; Go to Question 87]
[Display if Q61 is “Employed full-time” AND “Employed part-time”]
You indicated you are employed both full-time and part-time.
In the next section, we will ask you about your career as it relates to only one position. Think about the job you consider to be your primary position and answer the following questions.
Which career level best describes your current professional status?
Entry level
Mid level
Senior level
Executive level
Note: If you do not see your exact field, select the option(s) most closely related.
[List of fields]
[If Q63 is a non-computing field]
Which of the following reasons below best explain why you do not currently work in computing? Choose up to 3 responses.
I do not have the required education/training for computing positions
There is nothing available in my geographic location
There is nothing available in my field of interest
I am not interested in working in a computing related job
Jobs in computing are too stressful
I am experiencing a two-body problem, which currently inhibits my ability to work in computing
I do not see a place for myself in computing
I have had negative experiences in computing
I have a strong interest in a different field that is not related to computing
I did not earn a degree in computing
I am currently in the job market for a computing job
Other; please specify: ________
How long have you been at your current place of employment? If you have been with your current workplace for less than one year, only enter the number of months. Please use numerical values only.
Years: ________
How many times have you been promoted?
Never [Go to Question 68]
Three times
Four or more times
How long have you been in your current position? If you have been in your current position for less than one year, only enter the number of months. Please use numerical values only.
Years: ________
Months: ________
Academia, PhD granting institution
Academia, non-PhD granting institution
Something else
[Display if Q68 is “Academia…”]
Yes, I am tenured
Yes, I am tenure-track
No, I am neither tenured nor tenure-track
What is the primary focus of your current position? Choose up to 3 responses that best describe the focus of your position.
Skilled labor
[Display if Q68 is “Academia…”]
What is your current position? If you do not see your exact title, please select the one that best fits your position.
Technical staff
Administrative staff
Lecturer/Instructor/Adjunct faculty
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Full Professor
Professor of the Practice
Administration/Leadership level position
[Display if Q68 is “Academia…”]
Received distinguishment or endowment
Associate department chair
Department chair
Faculty director
Associate faculty director
Lab director
None of the above
[Display if Q68 is NOT “Academia…”]
I received a signing bonus
I received relocation funds
I relocated to a new area for my job
My position is a postdoctoral position [Display if Government/Industry/Other]
I manage or supervise other staff
I have professional development opportunities
I have a flexible schedule with options for working from home
None of the above
[Display if Q74 is “I relocated to a new area for my job”]
To which country/location did you relocate for your current position?
[List of countries]
is your annual salary (in US dollars) for your current
If you are working in an hourly-rate position, please indicate
approximately how much you make in a year.
▼ $0 (23) ... More than $150,000 (22)
Very difficult
Somewhat difficult
Neither difficult nor easy
Somewhat easy
Very easy
How much do you feel you deserve to be paid relative to the amount of work expected of you for your current position?
Deserve a lot less
Deserve a little less
Deserve neither less nor more
Deserve a little more
Deserve a lot more
How committed are you to your current position?
Not at all committed
Slightly committed
Moderately committed
Quite committed
Extremely committed
[Display section if Q3 is “Less than 1 year” OR “1-5 years”]
Rate the degree to which you disagree or agree that the following helped prepare you for your current position.
Note: If you did not complete a particular activity listed below, please select “Not applicable.”
{Strongly disagree; Somewhat disagree; Neither agree nor disagree; Somewhat agree; Strongly agree; Not applicable}
Courses taken for my degree program
Courses taken outside of my degree program
Workshops or other trainings
Independent projects or research
Formal research experiences
Teaching experience
Previous employment
Student or professional groups
Guidance from mentors/advisors
We are interested in learning about your current research skills and knowledge, even if this is not part of your current work responsibilities.
How would you rate your current skill level in each of the following:
{Poor/Fair/Good/Very good/Excellent}
Generating hypotheses
Using scientific methods to test a hypothesis
Collaborating with colleagues
Collecting data or conducting experiments
Analyzing data with statistics or other tools
How would you rate your current skill level in each of the following:
{Poor/Fair/Good/Very good/Excellent}
Summarizing published research results
Explaining research results
Writing or co-authoring a research paper or report
Presenting a research paper or report
Publishing a research paper or report
[Display section if Q61 is “Employed full-time” or “Employed part-time”]
How often have you considered leaving your current position?
Never [Go to Question 88]
All of the time
Why did you consider leaving your current position? Choose up to 3 responses.
I was interested in trying different types of work
I was having trouble advancing in my current position
I was looking for better career prospects
I was looking for educational advancements
I was not making enough money for the job I was doing
I had negative experiences in my workplace
I did not like my supervisor/boss
I had personal reasons (e.g., family responsibilities, etc.)
Other; please specify: _____________
What helped you continue in your current position when you were contemplating leaving? Choose up to 3 responses.
My family encouraged/supported me
I enjoyed the work
I found a better supervisor/boss
My friends encouraged/supported me
The pay was good
My mentor(s) encouraged/supported me
I was not able to find a better option
I need the job
I have grant considerations
My advisees are here
My benefits are good
Other; please specify: ____________
[Display section if Q61 is “None of the above” AND if Q1 is “No, I am NOT currently a student (e.g., postdoc, not enrolled in any educational program, working, etc..)]
Based on your responses, you are not currently a student, and you are not currently employed full time or part time. Which of the following below best explains why you are neither working nor in school? Choose up to 3 responses.
There is nothing available in my geographic location
There is nothing available in my field
I am underqualified for the positions I am interested in
I am overqualified for the positions I am in
I am experiencing a two-body problem
I am taking a break
I have family responsibilities
I am not interested in going to school
I am not interested in working
I am retired
I have been laid off/furloughed
I am still in the job market
Other; please specify: __________________
{Highly deficient; Deficient; Average; Proficient; Highly proficient}
Mentoring others
Building/maintaining a professional network
Dealing with conflict
Providing constructive feedback
Please rate the degree of your proficiency (how skilled you are) in the following items:
{Highly deficient; Deficient; Average; Proficient; Highly proficient}
Time management
Speaking clearly and effectively
Presenting research
Planning and organizing projects
Writing scientific papers
Please rate the degree of your proficiency (how skilled you are) in the following items:
{Highly deficient; Deficient; Average; Proficient; Highly proficient}
Obtaining funding for research
Teaching in a classroom setting
Writing scientific papers for publications
Writing for non-technical audiences
Please rate the degree of your proficiency (how skilled you are) in the following items:
{Highly deficient; Deficient; Average; Proficient; Highly proficient}
Identifying career options
Preparing job application materials
Interviewing techniques
Preparing your CV/resume
Preparing graduate school application materials
Identifying graduate school options
The following questions ask how you think about yourself and your personal identity. We want to understand how much you think that being a scientist is part of who you are.
How true of you are the following statements:
{Not at all true; A little true; Moderately true; Quite true; Extremely true}
In general, being a scientist is an important part of my self-image.
I have a strong sense of belonging to the community of scientists.
Being a scientist is an important reflection of who I am.
I have come to think of myself as a “scientist.”
I am a scientist.
Please indicate the extent to which you disagree or agree with the following statement. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
{Strongly disagree; Somewhat disagree; Neither agree nor disagree; Somewhat agree; Strongly agree}
I see myself as a “computing person".
I feel like I “belong” in computing.
I feel like an outsider in computing.
Computing is a big part of who I am.
I feel welcomed in computing.
I am confident that I can...
{Strongly disagree; Somewhat disagree; Neither agree nor disagree; Somewhat agree; Strongly agree}
clearly communicate technical problems and solutions to a range of audiences.
articulate thoughtful answers to questions about my work during a presentation.
introduce myself to new peers/colleagues at professional meetings
be a capable researcher in computing
find employment in an area of computing interest.
[Display if Q2: Some college (no degree earned), Associate’s degree]
I am confident that I can...
{Strongly disagree; Somewhat disagree; Neither agree nor disagree; Somewhat agree; Strongly agree}
complete an undergraduate degree in computing.
get admitted to a graduate computing program.
be successful in a graduate computing program.
Display if Q2: Bachelor’s degree]
I am confident that I can...
{Strongly disagree; Somewhat disagree; Neither agree nor disagree; Somewhat agree; Strongly agree}
get admitted to a graduate computing program.
be successful in a graduate computing program.
I am confident that I can...
{Strongly disagree; Somewhat disagree; Neither agree nor disagree; Somewhat agree; Strongly agree}
successfully teach a course in my field.
be an effective mentor.
become an expert in my field.
discuss my work with senior members of my field.
publish in tier 1/top conferences and journals in my field.
[Display if Q61: Employed full-time, Employed part-time]
I am confident that I can...
{Strongly disagree; Somewhat disagree; Neither agree nor disagree; Somewhat agree; Strongly agree}
raise important issues in meetings.
speak directly with my supervisor about issues at work.
negotiate for resources (e.g., salary, lab space, equipment, etc.)
A mentor is someone with whom you have an ongoing relationship, and who provides you with advice and assistance in advancing in your career. To what extent do you have a mentor who…
{Not at all; A little; Somewhat; Quite a bit; Very much}
helps you improve your computing skills?
helps you improve your research skills?
helps you identify or develop your research interests?
gives you insight into what graduate school is like?
provides information or advice about applying for graduate school?
shows compassion for any issues you discussed with them?
shares personal experiences as an alternative perspective to your problems?
explores career options with you?
supports your research ideas?
provides constructive feedback?
Among the people below, who do you consider to be a mentor? Select all that apply.
My former advisor
A former REU mentor (display to REU participants only)
A former professor within my department (not my advisor)
A former professor outside of my department
A director or administrative faculty
A graduate student (includes graduate teaching/research assistants and student mentors)
An undergraduate student (includes undergraduate teaching/research assistants and student mentors)
Someone I met at a conference or mentoring program sponsored by an outside organization (or other professional activity)
A family member, partner, friend, religious leader, or someone else with whom I have a personal relationship
A coworker, supervisor, or someone else with whom I have a professional relationship
Someone else
No one [Exclusive answer]
To what extent is each of the following available to you at this point?
{Not at all; A little; A moderate amount; Quite a bit; Very much}
A strong network of peers to interact with at conferences.
A strong network of mentors to interact with at conferences.
People who would be excited to learn about your professional successes.
People with whom you can discuss issues you are having.
Please indicate the extent to which you disagree or agree with the following statements.
{Strongly disagree; Somewhat disagree; Neither agree nor disagree; Somewhat agree; Strongly agree}
People have a certain amount of ability to learn computing, and they really can’t do much to change it.
Anyone has the ability to learn computing and be good at it.
Computing comes naturally to some people but not others.
Not everyone is well-suited for computing.
In your opinion, to what extent are each of the following statements true of you:
{Not at all true; A little true; Moderately true; Quite true; Extremely true}
I can give the impression that I'm more competent than I really am.
When others praise me for something I have accomplished, I am afraid I will not be able to live up to their expectations of me in the future.
At times, I feel my success has been due to some kind of luck.
At times, I am disappointed in my present accomplishments and think I should have accomplished much more by now.
To what degree is the following a regular aspect of your professional life?
{Not at all; A little; A moderate amount; Quite a bit; A great deal}
Mentoring others
Supervising others
Teaching courses
Helping prepare grant proposal(s) (not as a PI or Co-PI)
Departmental service [Display if Q68 is “Academia…”]
Entrepreneurial or consulting projects (e.g., tech start-ups, client services, etc.)
Leading grant awards as the Principal Investigator (PI)
Leading grant awards as a Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
Publishing in tier 1 conferences and journals in your field
To what degree is the following a regular aspect of your professional life?
{Not at all; A little; A moderate amount; Quite a bit; A great deal}
Involvement in outreach to K-12 students related to computing
Involvement in efforts to broaden participation in computing
Involvement in career mentoring programs or workshops as an invited speaker or mentor
To what degree is the following a regular aspect of your professional life?
{Not at all; A little; A moderate amount; Quite a bit; A great deal}
Leadership role in professional societies related to computing
Organizing technical conferences related to computing
Organizing career mentoring programs or workshops
Organizing trainings or workshops in computing (other than conferences)
Up to this point in your career, have you been involved in any of the following conferences or programs as a participant, speaker/mentor, or organizer? Select all that apply.
{Participant; Speaker/Mentor; Organizer; Not applicable}
ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing
ACM Programming Languages Mentoring Workshops (PLMW)
CRA-W/CRA-WP Early-career Mentoring Workshops
CRA-W/CRA-WP Mid-career Mentoring Workshops
CRA-W/CRA-WP Grad Cohort for Women
CRA/CRA-WP Grad Cohort for Underrepresented Minorities + Persons with Disabilities
Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing
STARS Computing Corps conference or workshops, or home team meetings
Local events related to diversity in computing
CRA Career Mentoring Workshops
The following questions ask about your interests in and knowledge about future computing research pathways.
What is your current level of interest in the following:
{Not at all interested/Slightly interested/Moderately interested/Quite interested/Extremely interested}
Conducting research as a graduate student
Learning more about computing
Pursuing a master’s degree in a computing field
Pursuing a doctoral degree in a computing field
Pursuing a research career
Pursuing a non-research career
Mentoring others on a future REU project
How likely is it that you will enroll in a terminal master’s program in a computing field?
Not at all likely
Slightly likely
Moderately likely
Quite likely
Extremely likely
How likely is it that you will enroll in a doctoral program in a computing field?
Not at all likely
Slightly likely
Moderately likely
Quite likely
Extremely likely
How much do you feel you know about the following:
{Nothing, a little, a moderate amount, quite a bit, a lot}
What to look for in a graduate research advisor
The research areas you would pursue in graduate school
What graduate admissions committees look for in an applicant
How to choose graduate programs that are a good fit for you
What being a graduate student would be like
How much do you feel you know about the following:
{Nothing, a little, a moderate amount, quite a bit, a lot}
Career options in computing
Career options in research
What it would be like to work in academia
[Display If NOT selected Question 2: Doctoral degree]
What is the highest degree you plan to attain? ? Note: Even if you are not sure yet, please select the degree you would like to attain if you could.
Technical certificate
Associate’s degree
Bachelor’s degree
Graduate certificate
Master’s degree
Doctoral degree
I have already earned the highest degree I plan to attain
[Display if Q113 is Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral]
which field do you intend to earn your highest degree?
If you do not see your exact field, please select the option most
closely related.
[List of fields]
Go back to school [Go to Question 126 ]
Start working (includes internship, full/part time work, postdoc, etc.) [Go to Question 116]
Continue working in my same job [Go to Question 140 or Question 145]
Move up the career ladder with my employer [Go to Question 140 or Question 145]
Change employers [Go to Question 116]
Create a start-up [Go to Question 140 or Question 145]
Other [Go to Question 140 or Question 145]
I don’t know at all [Go to Question 140 or Question 145]
Which of the following steps, if any, have you taken in the job search process? Select all that apply.
Exploring my options
Applied for jobs
Interviewed for jobs
Received a job offer
Negotiated a job offer
Accepted a full-time job offer
Accepted a part-time job offer
None of the above [Exclusive answer]
[If Q116 is “Received a job offer”]
many job offers have you received since starting the job search
process? (Please use numerical values only). _______________
[Display following section if Q116 is “Accepted a full-time/part-time job offer”]
We would like to ask you some questions about the job offer you accepted.
How best would you describe your new job?
Entry level
Mid level
Senior level
Executive level
which field is your new job most closely related? Choose up to 2
If you do not see your exact field, please select the option(s) most
closely related.
[List of fields]
In what setting is your new job?
Academia, PhD-granting institution
Academia, non-PhD granting institution
What is the focus of your new job?
Skilled labor
What is your job title? (50 character limit) ________________
What is the starting annual salary (in US dollars) for your job?
▼ $0 (23) ... More than $150,000 (22)
Which of the following apply to your new job?
I received a signing bonus
I received relocation funds
I will relocate to a new area for my job
I will be managing or supervising other staff
None of the above [Exclusive answer]
To which country/location are you relocating for your position?
[List of countries]
You indicated your future plans include going back to school. We'd like to ask you a few questions related to going back to school.
Exploring my options
Preparing applications
Submitting applications
Received waitlist notifications
Received acceptance letters
Accepted an offer from a program to which I applied
None of the above [Exclusive answer]
[Display following question if “Received waitlist notifications”
How many waitlist notifications did you receive? (Numbers only) __________
[Display following question if “Received acceptance letters”]
many acceptance letters did you receive? (Numbers only) _________
[Display following section if “Preparing applications” or “Submitting applications”
which type of program are you applying to go back to school? Select
all that apply.
Note: If you have not started the application
process yet, please select the programs to which you are interested
in applying.
Certificate programs
Associate’s programs
Bachelor’s programs
Master’s programs
Doctoral programs
you applying for on campus or online programs? Select all that
Please do not include temporary circumstantial changes to program
formats due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
On campus only
Online only
Primarily on campus, but some courses are online
Primarily online, but some courses are on campus
In which fields are you applying, or have you applied, for your future program? Select all that apply.
Note: If you do not see your exact field, please select the option(s) most closely related.
[Display following section if Q126 is “Accepted an offer from a program to which I applied”]
From which program did you accept an offer?
Certificate program
Associate’s program
Bachelor’s program
Master’s program
Doctoral program
which field will your program be? Choose up to 2 responses.
If you do not see your exact field, please select the option(s) most
closely related.
[List of fields]
Will your program be full time or part time?
Full time
Part time
Non-degree earning student
Is your program on campus or online? Note: Please do not include temporary circumstantial changes to program formats due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
On campus only
Online only
Primarily on campus, but some courses are online
Primarily online, but some courses are on campus
Will you have to re-locate to a new geographic location for your program?
Yes, I am relocating within the United States
Yes, I am relocating to a country outside of the United States.
No, I am not relocating. [Go to Question 140 or Question 145]
[List of countries]
[Displayed if NOT selected Question 2: Doctoral degree; AND
NOT selected Question 115: Go back to school]
I have personal and/or family obligations
I do not feel academically prepared
I am worried about financial support
I want to take a break from school
I am considering a job
It takes too long to complete
I do not see the value in it
I think school is too difficult
I am not interested in getting another degree
I have already earned the highest degree I plan to attain
Other; please specify: _________
How likely are you to apply for graduate programs in the future?
Not at all
A little
Quite a bit
[Display Section “General Job Interest” if Q3 is “Less than 1 year” OR “1-5 years”]
{Very uninterested; Somewhat uninterested; Neither uninterested nor interested; Somewhat interested; Very interested}
College or university professor in computing field (teaching focused)
College or university professor in computing field (research focused)
K-12 computing teacher
Computing researcher in industry
Computing researcher in a government lab or agency
A non-research computing position in industry (e.g., software engineer)
A non-research computing position in government
Entrepreneur (computing related; e.g., individual contractor; build a start-up)
Non-computing career
[Display Section “Specific Career Interests” if Q3 is “Less than 1 year” OR “1-5 years”]
For your future career, in which setting would you like to work the most?
Something else
How likely will your future career have a computing-related focus?
Extremely unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Somewhat likely
Extremely likely
How likely will your future career have a research focus?
Extremely unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Somewhat likely
Extremely likely
[Display if Q113 is NOT “I have already earned my highest degree”]
What job title would you like to have after you finish your highest degree? If you are uncertain, you are welcome to enter a job title that interests you the most (e.g., Professor; Software Engineer; Senior Researcher; etc. 50 character limit.)
{Not at all; A little; A moderate amount; Quite a bit; Extremely}
Make a lot of money
Work independently
Work collaboratively
Spend a lot of time with my family and friends
Have a social impact
Have a flexible work schedule
Be a role model
Become well-known in my field
Help others
Build a strong professional network
In your opinion, to what extent would (or does) a career in computing allow you to do the following....
{Not at all; A little; A moderate amount; Quite a bit; Very much}
Serve humanity
Be in a position of influence in society
Spend a lot of time with family
We have just a few more questions about your academics and background.
[If Q147 is “No”]
Yes, I plan to take the GRE in the future
No, I do not plan to take the GRE in the future
I am not sure yet
[If Q147 is “Yes”]
Please provide us with your GRE scores using numerical values. If you do not know your score, simply leave the space blank.
Verbal score:________________________________________________
Quantitative score:________________________________________________
Analytic writing score:________________________________________________
records indicate that on a past survey you completed for us, you
answered our demographics questions. Here is the list of demographic
questions we ask: Gender
household income
& family status
Family background
If you think something has changed and you would like to update your demographic data, please indicate which sections you would like to update.
Veteran status
Citizenship status
Disability status
Annual household income
Sexual orientation
Marital & family status
Family history
[Display all Demographics questions from T1 selected above]
If you are interested in being entered in the CRA raffle to win 1 of 150 $10.00(USD) gift cards to Amazon, please provide your email address. The email you provide will only be used to contact you if your name is drawn for the prize; it will not be used for any other purpose.
Email address:
This survey was developed by Computing Research Association’s (CRA) Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline (CERP). Please acknowledge CRA and CERP in all publications using this survey and direct other parties interested in obtaining the survey to CERP ([email protected]).
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Burcin Tamer |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-01-20 |