APHIS 7082, Dog Breeder/Dealer Pre-License Checklist

APHIS 7082 OCT 2018 SECURE.pdf

Animal Care; Standards for Birds for Use in Research Under the Animal Welfare Act

APHIS 7082, Dog Breeder/Dealer Pre-License Checklist

OMB: 0579-0486

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Dog Breeder/Dealer Pre-License Checklist
This checklist is a tool for Inspectors to use to ensure important and relevant topics are discussed with all applicants
during every first pre-license inspection. Ensuring full compliance of the applicant’s facility and paperwork is critical prior to
licensure. The Inspector should be on time for the scheduled inspection, be courteous, carry identification and business
cards, and have all necessary equipment and supplies including gloves, shoe covers, camera and batteries, and
temperature measuring equipment to conduct the inspection. Directs can be pointed out to the applicant and recorded as
non-compliant items in the report, but not specifically cited as directs. SACS should be notified when direct NCIs are
identified during a pre-license inspection. Photographs should not be taken nor uploaded into ACIS for prelicense
inspections. Team inspections are required for third pre-licenses; one team member should be a VMO or a Compliance
Specialist, if possible. This list is not intended to be all-inclusive.
§2.40 Attending Veterinarian and Adequate Vet Care
 Formal arrangement with Attending Veterinarian (AV)
 AV has conducted an on-site visit
 AV and Applicant signed Program of Veterinary Care
 AV has been given appropriate authority to provide
 Program in place to observe animals daily
 Documentation provided for dogs with pre-existing
health issues
 Veterinary records are current and dogs receiving
veterinary care are properly documented
 Medication is properly labeled, not expired, and the
route, duration, and dosage is listed. Routine
medication is also labeled correctly with the same
 Preventative medication protocols as listed on the PVC
were discussed and compared with what was onsite
 All dogs have been observed for matted hair, long
toenails, frequent scratching, obvious eye and ear
issues, evident respiratory issues, lameness, adequate
body condition, and dog exhibiting common behaviors
associated with dental issues have been properly
§2.50 Time and Method of Identification
 All dogs identified as required by tag, tattoo, or
 Tag requirement explained
 Cage card requirement explained for newborn and
weaned puppies
§2.75 Records
 APHIS Form 7005 – Dogs on Hand – has been
explained and all required information documented
including ID numbers, gender, date of birth, weight,
breed, physical description, date acquired, name and
required information on party dog was acquired from,
date removed or sold, date of death or euthanasia
 APHIS Form 7006 – Record of Disposition – has been
explained and all required information documented
including date of transaction; sale, exchange, transfer,

APHIS Form 7082
OCT 2018

or donation; seller’s name, address, USDA license
number if applicable; identification number; gender;
date of birth; weight; breed; physical description;
delivery by information; received by information,
signature, title, and date.
§2.126 Access and Inspection of Records and Property
 Explained and received business hours
 Explained that by conducting regulated activity and
obtaining a license, the applicant will allow APHIS
Inspectors to enter the place of business during
business hours; examine records; make copies of
records; inspect and photograph the facilities, property,
and animals; document areas of noncompliance; use a
room, table, or facility to examine records or animals
 Ensure a responsible adult is present and available to
accompany Inspector during entire inspection.
§2.130 Minimum Age Requirement
 No dogs transported in commerce under 8 weeks and
§3.1 Housing Facilities, General
 Housing facilities are structurally sound, in good repair,
protect animals from injury, contain the animal
securely, and restrict other animals from entering and
include all pens, yards, sides, dividers, tops, doors and
gates, and structural supports
 Animal housing areas are free of clutter, junk, debris,
weeds, trash, waste, and currently unused materials
and are kept neat and tidy
 Surfaces in the housing facility are able to be cleaned
and sanitized at a frequency and intensity to maintain a
safe and hygienic environment and surfaces are
removed and replaced when worn, soiled, or damaged;
free of excessive rust; free of sharp or jagged edges
 Routine maintenance plan in effect
 Spot cleaning and sanitizing as often as necessary to
allow animals freedom to avoid waste
 Running, potable water and electric power are

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Food and bedding stored so as to avoid contamination,
are off the floor and away from the walls, and kept in
leak-proof containers with tightly fitting lids
Toxic substances are stored away from food and
Waste disposal occurs at a frequently and trash
containers have tightly fitting lids
Drainage systems are in good repair and are functional
to rapidly eliminate excess standing fluids

§3.2 Indoor Housing Facilities
 Facility able to be heated, cooled, temperature
regulated between 45 and 85 degrees, and ventilated
 Lighting sufficient to allow for complete animal
observation, inspection, and cleaning of facility and to
allow for the health of the dogs
 Interior surfaces are impervious to moisture including
floors, walls, dividers, doors, gates, and ceilings or tops
§3.3 Sheltered Housing Facilities
 Facility able to be heated, cooled, temperature
regulated between 45 and 85 degrees, and ventilated
 Lighting sufficient to allow for complete animal
observation, inspection, and cleaning of facility and to
allow for the health of the dogs
 Shelter from direct sunlight, wind, rain, and snow
 Interior surfaces are impervious to moisture including
floors, walls, dividers, doors, gates, and ceilings or tops
 Outdoor floor areas not exposed to sunlight are a hard
material and outdoor floor areas exposed to the sun
are compacted earth, absorbent bedding, sand, gravel,
or grass
§3.4 Outdoor Housing Facilities
 Old, young, sick, infirm, non-acclimated, and breeds
with low heat or cold tolerance are not kept outdoors
without AV acclimation or approval statement
 Necessary shelter is available for all dogs that provides
adequate protection from heat and cold; protection
from direct sunlight and provide adequate shade; and
are equipped with wind, rain, and snow breaks.
Applicant understands that clean and dry bedding must
be provided when the temperature falls below 50
degrees and additional bedding required when
temperature drops below 35 degrees.
 All building surfaces are impervious to moisture
 Metal barrels, cars, refrigerators, and the like are not
being used as shelter
§3.6 Primary Enclosures
 Structurally sound in good repair, protect animals from
injury, have no rust or sharp edges, contain the animal
securely, and restrict other animals from entering
 Mesh, wire, or slatted floors do not allow feet to pass
through and has at least 9 gauge wires or is coated
and floors are adequately supported to prevent

APHIS Form 7082
OCT 2018


Provide protection from the elements
Adequate floor space for all dogs including nursing
Dogs have a minimum of 6 inches of head room
No regulated dog is tethered

§3.7 Compatibility
 Dogs are housed in compatible groups
 Vicious or overly aggressive dogs are housed
 There are no enclosures housing more than 12 adult
 Puppies under 4 months are only housed with dam or
foster dam
§3.8 Exercise
 Written, AV approved exercise plan
§3.9 & §3.10 Feeding and Watering
 Potable water and palatable, nutritious food is
conveniently accessible and of sufficient quantity to
provide for hydration and to maintain normal weight
 Food and water receptacles are clean, smooth, and
free of any damage and placed in a manner to prevent
§3.11 Cleaning, Sanitization, Housekeeping, and Pest
 All enclosures are clean
 Cleaning protocols are appropriate
 Explained the requirement to sanitize used enclosures
and food and water receptacles a minimum of every 2
 Area under, above, beside, and adjacent to enclosures
are clean as often as necessary
 The premise is clean, in good repair, tidy, wellmanicured, and free of clutter, trash, and junk
 Effective pest control measures are appropriate
§3.12 Employees
 There are a sufficient number of trained employees to
care for and properly maintain the number of dogs and
§3.14 & §3.15 Transportation
 Dogs are transported in an enclosure
 Enclosures can safely, securely, and comfortably
transport dogs
 Enclosures have sufficient ventilation, appropriate
handles or handholds, a raised flood or bedding to
absorb waste, “Live Animal” labeling, and appropriate
food and water container
 Feeding certification and health certificate requirement
 Transport vehicles are appropriate for transport with
appropriate heat and air conditioning available to keep

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all animals in the vehicle maintained at required
Enclosures are able to be securely placed without

APHIS Form 7082
OCT 2018

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File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorCarter Corker, Kay A - APHIS
File Modified2018-10-25
File Created2018-10-22

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