Developmental Studies Results

Appendix 5 NHES 2023 Developmental Studies Results_2022-01-21.pdf

National Household Education Survey 2023 (NHES:2023) Full-scale Data Collection

Developmental Studies Results

OMB: 1850-0768

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National Household Education Survey 2023
Full-scale Data Collection
OMB# 1850-0768 v.19
Appendix 5 – NHES 2023
Developmental Studies Results

February 2022


Research and Design Work in Preparation for NHES 2023 ............................................................................................... 2
2022 National Household Education Survey (NHES) Web Usability Testing (OMB# 1850-0803 v.265) ............................3
2022 National Household Education Survey (NHES) English and Spanish Cognitive Interviews (OMB# 1850-0803 v.268)
2023 National Household Education Survey (NHES) Web Usability and Cognitive Testing(OMB# 1850-0803 v.287) .. 512
2023 National Household Education Survey (NHES) English and Spanish Screener Cognitive Interviews (OMB# 18500803 v.290) ..................................................................................................................................................................... 562
2023 National Household Education Survey (NHES) English and Spanish Alternate Contact and Early Bird Incentive
Contact Materials Cognitive Interviews(OMB# 1850-0803 v.290)..................................................................................672

Research and Design Work in Preparation for NHES 2023
In preparation for NHES 2023, several research projects were undertaken. These projects were designed to
improve various aspects of the methodology, implementation, and content of the NHES 2023 recruitment
and data collection effort. Presented in this document are reports or memos from each of these research
projects. Text that includes participant direct identifiers has been deleted from this document. Two reports
relevant to the NHES:2023 design are currently under review at NCES and are thus not included here; these
reports are "National Household Education Surveys Program of 2019 Study of Nonresponding
Addresses" (OMB# 1850-0768, NCES 2022-043), and "National Household Education Surveys Program of
2019 Methodological Experiments Report" (OMB# 1850-0768, NCES 2022-001). When these reports are
published, they will be available on the NCES website at and on the NHES
page within the NCES website at


2022 National Household Education Survey (NHES) Web Usability
Testing (OMB# 1850-0803 v.265)

(Survey Methodology #2020-x)
Qualitative pretesting findings in testing the English online version of a subset of screens for
the upcoming 2023 National Household Education Survey
Erica Olmsted-Hawala, Elizabeth M. Nichols, Shaun Genter, Dawn V. Nelson

Center for Behavioral Science Methods
Research and Methodology Directorate
U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, D.C. 20233

Report issued: September, 2020
Disclaimer: This report is released to inform interested parties of research and to encourage
discussion of work in progress. Any views expressed on the methodological issues are those of
the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Census Bureau.

This page intentionally left blank.


Executive Summary

In 2020, staff in the Center for Behavioral Science Methods of the U.S. Census Bureau conducted
usability and cognitive testing of a subset of screens in English for the upcoming 2023 National
Household Education Survey (NHES) online survey. Twenty English-speaking participants took
part in the study. During the usability sessions, participants accessed the survey on their own
personal PC or laptop computer (referred to as a PC in this document). None of the participants
completed the survey on a tablet or smartphone.
This report documents the research findings from the usability testing as they relate to portions
from the PFI homeschool series and ECPP series that were identified as requiring additional
research. These include: automated fills to distinguish between parent sections, start screen in
both English and Spanish languages, section headings removed, field labels and location
redesigned, open text fields instead of dropdown, branching for multiple questions on the screen
redesigned, modified approach to ask for child’s name, the filter that routes respondents into
type(s) of care arrangement, a new series on young children’s health including developmental
delays, and the number of grades child was homeschooled question. In addition, the report
documents user satisfaction with the instrument.
During the sessions, participants were able to fully understand the sections of the questionnaires
without section headings. There were no observable reporting errors in the parent sections when
the fills of “you”, “mother” and “father” were used in the parent section of the questionnaire.
The enable/disable branching (where the second part of the question is grey and disabled until
the filter question is answered) did generate comments indicating initial confusion from half of
the participants. These same survey design issues can affect other online surveys. More testing
is needed on the other topics tested in order to make definitive conclusions about any usability
or cognitive improvements because of them.
As part of the testing, we collected satisfaction ratings from the participants. PFI participants
gave an overall satisfaction rating with the survey a 7 out of 7 (where 7 is pleasant and 1 was
unpleasant). However for the ECPP overall satisfaction rating was 6 (out of 7 where 7 is pleasant).
Four participants rated it lower than a 6.
Keywords: survey design, field labels, grids, filters, fills, skips, usability, cognitive testing
Suggested Citation: Erica Olmsted-Hawala, Elizabeth M. Nichols, Shaun Genter & Dawn V.
Nelson. (2020). Usability and cognitive findings in testing a subset of screens from the online
version of the 2022 National Household Education Survey. Research and Methodology


Directorate, Center for Behavioral Survey Methods Study Series (Survey Methodology #2020-x).
U.S. Census Bureau.



Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................................ i

Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1


Methods ................................................................................................................................................ 3

Participants ................................................................................................................................... 4


Usability Procedure ....................................................................................................................... 5


Analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 6

3. Usability Findings and Recommendations ................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Global Findings (pertain to both ECPP & PFI sections) ....................................................................... 7
3.1.1. Automated Fills ........................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.2. English and Spanish on Start Screen ........................................................................................... 8
3.1.3. Removal of Section Headings on each Page ............................................................................. 10
3.1.4. Updated Labeling Fields & Moving Dropdowns to Open Text Fields ....................................... 11
3.1.5. Within-Screen Branching Design Updates ............................................................................... 14
3.1.6 Text on Roster Screen ................................................................................................................ 18
3.1.7. Roster Showing Five Open Fields .............................................................................................. 19
3.1.8. Marital Status ............................................................................................................................ 20
3.1.9. Race and Hispanic Origin question ........................................................................................... 21
3.1.10. Where were you born question .............................................................................................. 22
3.1.11. One or more children living in household .............................................................................. 23
3.1.12. Rewording of question about child residence ........................................................................ 24
3.2 ECPP Instrument Findings ................................................................................................................. 25
3.2.1. ECPP Filter Question ................................................................................................................ 25
3.2.2. ECPP Child Care Filter Change ................................................................................................... 27
3.2.3. Wording change on ECPP hours per week question ................................................................. 28
3.2.4. Future tense for one ECPP question ......................................................................................... 29
3.2.5 Cognitive confusion with ECPP question in non-relative care series......................................... 30
3.2.6. ECPP Terminology nuances ‘Regular Basis’ & ‘home child care provider’................................ 31
3.3 Findings on the ECPP young children health question series ........................................................... 32
3.3.1. Matrix with three different developmental delays listed out .................................................. 32
3.3.2. Use of words “at risk” ............................................................................................................... 33
3.3.3. You or another parent expressed concerns on child’s health. ................................................. 34


3.3.4. Milestones Matrix question ...................................................................................................... 34
3.3.5. Special Education question ....................................................................................................... 36
3.3.6. General health of child .............................................................................................................. 36
3.4 PFI Instrument Findings .................................................................................................................... 37
3.4.1. Redesign of years homeschooled question ............................................................................. 37
3.4.2. Private tutor or teacher ............................................................................................................ 38
3.4.3. Participation in homeschooling association or co-op question ................................................ 38
3.4.4. Question on cyber and physical resources used for homeschooling ....................................... 39
3.4.5. Instruction on PFI grids ............................................................................................................. 40
3.4.6. Use of smartphone.................................................................................................................... 41
3.4.7. Hours attending school each week ........................................................................................... 42
3.4.8. Dual enrollment and homeschooling........................................................................................ 43
3.4.9. Reasons for homeschooling child: Size of “other specify” box and timeframe for reasons given
............................................................................................................................................................ 43
3.4.10. Timeframe may be overlooked in question on classes taken ................................................. 45
3.4.11. Online, Virtual or Cyber courses ............................................................................................. 45
3.4.12. Debriefing questions on using word “grade” and “grade equivalent” ................................... 46
3.4.13. Listing of homeschool courses taken in past week................................................................. 47
4. Satisfaction Findings ............................................................................................................................... 48
5. Limitations............................................................................................................................................... 50
6. Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................ 50
7. References.............................................................................................................................................. 51
Attachment A: Satisfaction Results for 2020 Usability Testing .................................................................. 53


1. Introduction

The National Household Education Survey (NHES) is sponsored by the National Center for
Education Statistics (NCES). Every three years, the survey collects data from households about
children’s education experiences. These data are used to monitor educational trends and to
report on the educational experiences of the U.S. population..
The 2023 NHES (hereafter referred to as NHES:2023) includes one screener to enumerate
children under 20 years old and their key characteristics, and two topical surveys. If more than
one child is listed in the screener, only one of them is selected for the topical survey. Withinhousehold sampling from the screener data determines which child is sampled.
Each survey covers topics appropriate for the age of the child. The two topical surveys are about
(a) young children and their early education and care (this is called the Early Childhood Program
Participation or the “ECPP”) and (b) K-12 (or homeschooled equivalent) children and their
education (this is called the Parent and Family Involvement in Education or “PFI”). The ECPP
samples a child not yet enrolled in kindergarten who is 6 years old or younger and the PFI samples
a child who is 20 years old or younger, in grades kindergarten through 12th grade or
homeschooled for a grade equivalent. The respondent to the survey is typically a sampled child’s
parent or guardian.
We tested a subset of questions in 2020 that were identified as needing improvement from a
user experience perspective. These design topics and questions were identified as user
experience issues during the usability testing conducted prior to the NHES:2019 (see Nichols et
al., 2018); feedback from CATI interviewer debriefing; or the expert review of the instrument
conducted by Jolene Smyth 1.
Because the full questionnaire did not need additional testing and because the production
instrument has a long development lead time and limited flexibility for the quick changes, the
new wording and design layouts were developed using the survey software platform Qualtrics.
Qualtrics allows for faster survey development and revision by nonprogrammers.
For this testing cycle, we did not evaluate all the screens in the ECPP, but rather a subset of
screens. These included screens on type of childhood care, such as care by relatives in a home,
care by nonrelatives in a home, and care in daycare or preschool centers. Additionally, there were
screens on finding and choosing care, and some new question wording about the young child’s
health, including the child’s developmental milestone attainment and disability status. There
were also a subset of questions about the child’s family and household, including questions about
the adults who live in the household and care for the child. The PFI screens in this testing cycle
included only a subset of the homeschooling screens, and then the same type of sections in the
ECPP about the adult parents or guardians of the child. Within each survey, some questions were
Jolene Smyth is a professor of Sociology at University of Nebraska. She is an author of numerous studies on
survey design and is a nationally recognized expert on survey design.



skipped depending upon the respondent’s answers. The primary purpose of the study was to test
out new screens at the beginning of the ECPP section of the survey instrument. On paper, there
is a gate question at the beginning of the relative care section, then the nonrelative care section,
and then the center-based care section. In 2016 and 2019, the web instrument for NHES
mimicked the design of the paper. For 2023, NHES is considering using a combined gate question
for the ECPP web survey that asks the respondent to mark each type of care arrangement for the
child. Subsequent questions will only be about the care arrangements that are applicable. As this
has the potential to change the survey’s key estimates, NHES is running a split panel in 2023 to
examine differences in estimates. This testing was done to better refine and understand the
usability of the introductory ECPP screens prior to field testing. Additional reasons for the testing
was to learn whether the wording and screen design changes in the ECPP and the homeschool
section of the PFI instruments met the respondents’ and sponsors’ needs. The specific areas that
were researched in this study include:
• Start screen in both English and Spanish languages.
• Section headings removed, slight changes to question text to give context without the
• Field labels and location redesigned.
• Open-text field design in place of dropdowns.
• Branching when multiple questions are on the same screen redesigned.
• Modification of the way instrument asks for the child’s name.
• Automated fills to distinguish between the two parents or guardians in the Parent 1 and
Parent 2 sections. 2
• Filter question which routes respondents to questions about the particular type(s) of care
arrangement(s) specific to the sampled child.
• New disability question series for young children which aims to reflect the fact that young
children are often diagnosed with “delays” rather than with specific medical conditions.
• Number of grades the child was homeschooled question revised

This was the secondary reason for testing. Additional skip patterns were created in the instrument to try to
collect more precise information about two parents when the child’s parents were other than a mother and father
or just one parent. However, most of the participants in this round of testing were in households with mothers and
fathers so these changes were not adequately tested.



Twenty participants completed one of the two topical modules: 10 completed the PFI and the
other 10 completed the ECPP survey. During testing, researchers uncovered usability issues with
the current design. Usability was evaluated in terms of respondents’ effectiveness in survey
completion, and satisfaction with the experience of survey completion.
The intention of this report is to document usability and cognitive issues with the online survey
design features and question wording, as well as to provide recommendations to address the
user issues in preparation for the development and design of the NHES:2023. We incorporated
results learned in the 2018 usability testing cycle into this round of testing. Specifically, we pulled
out pieces of the NHES:2019 production instrument and modified the design on some of the
screens with potential solutions to pre-identified problems. The work described here highlights
one way to conduct upfront testing of a survey using a point and click software to create survey
questions without the need of a programmer or the production instrument. This work is taking
place in advance of production level web programming.

Within the main body of the report, unless otherwise noted, the figures are from screenshots of
the online version tested in Qualtrics.

2. Methods

Staff in the Center for Behavioral Science Methods (CBSM) conducted one round of usability
testing on the English version of the questionnaires with 20 participants in June 2020. Ten of the
20 participants had a homeschooled child and used the PFI path and the other half had a young
child and used the ECPP path. The initial usability plan had called for two distinct rounds of user
testing, however around the time of the planned usability study, the country was in the midst of
the COVID-19 Pandemic. Due to social distancing requirements, the user testing phase of the
project had to be modified. Thus, all sessions were conducted remotely with the participants in
their own homes, using their personal computer. The test administrator, note taker and all the
observers were each in their respective homes and joined the meeting using Census Bureau
approved video conferencing technology, Skype for Business (Sfb). Sfb allowed the participant to
share their computer screen and allowed the test administrator, note taker and observers to
watch what the user was doing, and listen to what the user was saying about the survey
instrument. There was also the ability for the test administrator to talk to the participant. The
note taker and observers muted themselves so that the only two people communicating during
the session was the test administrator and the participant. At the end of the session the test
administrator checked her email and phone for any questions that the observers or note taker
wanted the participant to answer, and then the test administrator asked the participants those
additional questions.
Due to COVID-19, and the preparations that took place to accommodate remote testing, there
was no longer time for two distinct rounds of testing as had been the initial plan. Therefore, the
team followed a more iterative approach to the testing cycle. This technique followed the


usability testing methodology of short iterative rounds of testing described by Nielsen in 2000.
In this case, after approximately half of the PFI and ECPP sessions, the usability team identified
issues that participants were struggling with, and sent those issues with proposed modifications
to the sponsor. The sponsor selected the issues they wanted to be addressed, and the usability
team made those updates into the Qualtrics instrument prior to the next participants being run.
The updates were minor and included slight wording changes or design tweaks to the instrument.
The remaining participants were exposed to the updated draft of the instrument. Thus the team
could see if the updates made it more or less difficult for the participants to answer the survey
The next section describes the participants and the procedures implemented during the testing



Participants lived in Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia, California, Arizona, Georgia, Texas,
Indiana, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Seventeen of the participants were in two-parent
households and three of the participants were single parents.
The 10 PFI participants included biological mothers of the homeschooled child. In one of the
households, the child was dual enrolled in a local college and homeschooled. Some of the
children attended virtual classes and tutorials and some of the students were in co-ops. The
children’s grade (or grade equivalent) ranged from 3rd-12th grade.
While all 10 of the ECPP participants were female, the relationship to the child was a little more
varied. Eight of the 10 were biological mothers, one was a foster mother who then had adopted
her child, and one was actually a great grandmother turned primary guardian of the child. We
had four participants with a child attending some type of daycare, prekindergarten, or preschool;
three with children in some type of in-home non-relative based care, and three that were in more
than one care setting with all three being cared for by a relative and also in a pre-K program. One
of the three also reported that the child was additionally cared for by a non-relative. Four of the
participants did not have any developmental delay concerns for their children, four of the
participants’ children were diagnosed with developmental delays, and two of the participants
suspected that their children may have developmental delays.
Participant demographic characteristics are described in Table 1.
Participants were recruited using a variety of sources including an email blast that was distributed
to all Census Bureau employees, Craigslist, neighborhood listservs, through a nationwide
homeschooling listserv, and through a community nonprofit group that specializes in supporting
parents with children with disabilities. Some participants said they found out about the
opportunity on social media, so perhaps Census Bureau staff, or other interested parties posted
it on their own social media sites.
To be selected, all participants had to have a child that fell into one of the age ranges for the
surveys, and for the PFI sessions, all had to homeschool at least one child. For the ECPP sessions,


all participants had to have at least one child in some sort of child care arrangement. In addition,
we attempted to recruit an equal number of parents who suspected their child may have a
developmental delay, parents whose children were diagnosed with a developmental delay, and
parents whose child did not have a developmental delay.
We required all participants to have at least one year of experience using the Internet as
participants with little or no experience on the web might be less likely to complete an online
survey. In usability testing, it is best practice to make sure the task is completed with likely
participants (Dumas & Redish, 1993).
Table 1: Demographic characteristics of NHES Usability Testing Participants
Age – Mean (Std. Deviation) Range
Black/African American
Hispanic origin

Some college, no degree
Bachelor’s degree
Some graduate college, no degree
Master’s degree
Professional degree
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing


PFI Participants n=10

ECPP Participants n=10

44 (5.7) 35-54

39 (10.5) 30-65







Usability Procedure

The usability test involved the participant completing the online version of a subsection of the
2023 NHES while being observed by a Census Bureau test administrator. All sessions included
video and audio recording with participant consent. Each usability session lasted approximately
60 minutes. Participants received an incentive of $40 cash for their participation. All user sessions
were remote due to social distancing measures associated with COVID-19.
All sessions were observed by either staff from NCES or the Associate Director for Demographic
Programs (ADDP) area, or both.
During the usability sessions, participants were asked to answer the questions naturally with a
few exceptions.





While participants listed all their children on the roster, we had to instruct participants
which child to list on an additional screen so that the correct survey (ECPP or PFI) would
be triggered. In the real production survey, the NHES randomly selects one child in the
household about whom to ask detailed questions and does not need this additional
We asked participants to consider how their answers would have been prior to COVID19, but to also share if things were different after COVID-19. However, one participant
was confused by which time period to answer for and so only answered the questions
during the live session as they pertained to her life during COVID-19.
Additionally, participants were instructed to “think aloud” while completing the survey.
The think-aloud technique is modeled on Ericsson and Simon’s (1993) approach to
collecting verbal feedback. A participant engaging in thinking aloud verbalizes his or her
available, conscious thoughts and decisions while completing the tasks so that the
researcher can understand the participants’ cognitive processes as they interact with the
web survey interface. Our think-aloud protocol was used to maintain a running verbal
commentary of the participants’ expectations and reasoning. The test administrator
encouraged the participants to continue to think aloud using prompts such as “keep
talking” if they became silent for more than approximately ten seconds.

Audio and video recordings were taken with either the SnagIt or Camtasia software. Participants
were sent a consent form informing them of their rights as participants and that the session
would be audio/video recorded. Once the session began, participants gave their oral consent to
be audio and video recorded. At that point the recording was started.
After finishing the NHES survey portion of the study, participants completed a satisfaction
questionnaire including opinion questions about general usability aspects of the survey (e.g.,
survey sequence, entering answers and comprehension of terminology). This was similar to the
satisfaction questionnaire used in the usability tests conducted in 2017 and 2018, with two
differences: we asked fewer questions, and used Qualtrics software to create the survey
questions rather than the production instrument. After the satisfaction questionnaire
component, but still within the Qualtrics software, participants were shown screenshots taken
from the survey and asked a few follow up debriefing questions about those screens, focusing on
the new questions and design features that had been created for this test.
The test administrator followed a protocol during the session and the questions and protocol
were approved by OMB on April 23, 2020 using the NCES OMB number 1850-0803.



We focused our analysis on the two measures of usability: effectiveness and satisfaction.
• Effectiveness can be defined as whether respondents see and understand the stimuli and
then answer accurately. In this testing, to measure effectiveness we used observations
of the sessions (both from real time and from the audio and video recording), think-aloud



comments, observations, and debriefing feedback based off of a set of debriefing
Satisfaction can be defined as the respondent’s feeling after working with the survey. To
measure satisfaction we used a post-survey questionnaire, with results in Attachment A.

Immediately after each usability session, the test administrator and note taker summarized the
usability and cognitive findings. The summary was based upon the observed behavior of the
participant and the verbal feedback. Halfway through the testing cycle, these summaries were
used to create an iterative “Findings Highlights” which included user-centered design issues
observed, cognitive problems with the questions and response options, and recommendations.
This was used by the sponsor to identify the changes to make to the survey before the second
half of the participants were run.

3. Usability Findings and Recommendations

In this section we highlight web survey design features and questionnaire wording that worked
well as well as areas that did not work for users.

3.1 Global Findings (pertain to both ECPP & PFI sections)

3.1.1. Automated Fills
One of the advantages of automated survey instruments is the ability to personalize the
questions or response choices by filling words that are specific to the respondent (Fuchs, et al.
2000). Often names or addresses are filled into questions to help the respondent focus on the
correct person or place. Gender-specific pronouns are used to make the survey easier to read.
The goal of these automated fills is to improve the user experience and to help the respondent
provide correct answers.
The NHES benefits from the use of fills for the questions about the parents/guardians, but
additional skip patterns and fills were programmed into the test instrument. In the production
version of the NHES:2019, information is gathered about the parents, first asking about one
parent and then asking about the other parent (if there was one living in the household). Using
reported sex of each parent, the correct pronoun (e.g., he, she) was used to distinguish the
parents. When the respondent was reported to be a mother or father, the “parent 1” section
uses the autofill “you.” However, both usability testing rounds prior to the NHES:2019 and the
CATI feedback observed respondents becoming confused about which parent they were
answering for. This was particularly noticeable in Spanish. One of the Spanish speaking
participants in the NHES:2019 usability session said, “[The questions] need to be more direct.
They are like, is this a guessing game? Are they for me? Or for those who live with me? They
don’t say, ‘You as a mother.’ …. Are they referring to me? Or my husband?” (Nichols et al., 2018,
page 11).


The production NHES:2019 also used automated fills for the child, replacing the words “this child”
in the questions with the name of the child. It also used the correct pronoun to refer to the child
(e.g., his, her).
This present usability test investigated whether automated fills to distinguish between the two
parents or guardians in the parent sections would work for participants. In the 2018 usability
testing design, the screens for the first parent used the fill ‘you’. The second parent in the
household had the fill “Adult 2.” The screens also had headings of “PARENT 1 LIVING IN
HOUSEHOLD” and “PARENT 2 LIVING IN HOUSEHOLD.” These headings translated into Spanish
seemed to also cause user confusion. For the usability testing in this round, all headings were
removed. The first parent fill was still “you” and the second parent fill was filled with how the
second parent was related to the child. For example, if the second parent was a father, the fill
would be “…[child]’s father…”
User testing results indicate that the current redesign of the parent fills seems to work as there
were there were no problems understanding which parent the participant was answering about.
However, we did not have too many unusual parenting relationships. With the participants we
worked with, the relationships included only mothers, fathers, and one grandmother. While two
participants were in single-parent households and did not answer questions about a second
parent, the rest were in opposite-sex households.
Recommendation: Keep the new parent fills tested. Continue testing so that all the fills are able
to be tested. This may be a bit more challenging for recruitment and will need enough lead time
to be able to recruit the less common household relationships.
We did hear feedback on the redundancy of asking the marital status of the second parent in a
household, when there were two parents present. One user explicitly said it was strange to be
asked if he was married to her when she had just said she was married to him, another user said
“last I checked” and another user made a similar comment.
Recommendation: Consider confirming the marital status for the second parent if child is
biological and first parent is married.
3.1.2. English and Spanish on Start Screen
There has been some effort focused on how best to design a language toggle for surveys. This is
part of the ongoing research that CBSM is engaged in to notify the public that the survey is
available in another language. In this study, the focus was to obtain qualitative feedback from
English speakers to learn if there was any negative push back on showing both English and
Spanish language options on the same screen.
Both the PFI and ECPP surveys tested used a start screen where the participant had to select
either English or Spanish to begin the survey. See Figure 1. This design had been developed
based on the first page of the 2020 Census Planning Survey where it had worked well for users


(Lykke and García Trejo, 2018). This forced choice design was also further tested in the
Household Pulse survey where the results indicate the forced choice produced a very small but
statistically significant response improvement for Spanish-speakers, and did not seem to
negatively impact the response of English-speakers. (Eggleston, Meyers & Goerman, 2020).

Figure 1. Start screen in English and Spanish
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

While the present usability testing only conducted sessions in English, we actually had a few
bilingual participants. One participant selected “Spanish” as that is her first language and she said
she preferred to answer in Spanish. (The Spanish translations were not ready so we continued
her session in English without problem.)
Nineteen out of 20 participants had no negative comments with the forced choice design of the
English / Spanish selection on the screen either spontaneously when they made their selection
or during the debriefing when asked about the screen. Only one participant during the debriefing
said that she did not like having English and Spanish laid out with “equal” space on the screen
however this sentiment did not deter her from completing the survey. A few participants
mentioned during debriefing that it was a big block of text to read. One participant recommended
displaying it in two columns with the start button available under both columns. Another
participant recommended putting the buttons between the English and Spanish text.
Recommendation: The current design tested seems successful. While there was one participant
who verbalized some discontent during debriefing about the design, this participant did not say
it would deter her from answering the survey. In addition this study had recruited some bilingual
speakers and it worked well for them. Consider keeping this design. You could also consider


testing different designs, such as two columns for laptop, rather than the stacked design tested
here. For mobile the one column design should persist.
3.1.3. Removal of Section Headings on each Page
On the paper form, there is a section heading at the beginning of each section of the survey. This
section heading is visible on the page as the respondent completes the questions on that page.
To mimic the paper section headings, the NHES:2019 online form had section headings on each
page. However for the 2020 testing cycle, the headings were removed from each page. See the
difference of one example screen from the 2018 usability test with headings and the 2020
usability test without headings in Figure 2 and Figure 3. There were slight wording tweaks made
to the questions prior to testing to make clear the question context without headings.

Figure 2. Example of section heading here called out with the red arrow
Source: 2018 NHES usability testing

Figure 3. New question without section heading
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing


Usability results indicate that the removal of section headers and the slight changes to question
text to give context where section headers were removed did not appear to cause users to have
any issues with comprehension or satisfaction.
Recommendation: Keep these changes as designed for this test.
3.1.4. Updated Labeling Fields & Moving Dropdowns to Open Text Fields
In the 2018 usability findings they detailed inconsistencies with field label locations, formatting
and text, and confusion with the label used above the roster of children. For usability testing in
2020, field labels were redesigned and locations were modified. For an example of a field label
above the field in the 2018 user testing causing confusion and the removal of the label in 2020
user testing see Figure 4 and Figure 5.

Figure 4. Confusing label identified in 2018 user testing
Source: 2018 NHES usability testing


Figure 5. Updated screen with label removed
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Other labels located to the right of the field, typically a unit of measurement, worked well in
the 2018 user testing. However, user testing identified that the unit of measurement had to
also sound correct when read aloud. Those elements that worked well were kept or refined
and when they did not work well, they were updated for 2020 user testing. See for example
Figure 6. Here, the label had been located to the right in the 2018 usability testing but did not
sound correct when read aloud. It was changed for the 2020 usability testing (see Figure 7) and
now sounds correct when read aloud for two or more children. However, one participant with
only one child in the family commented that the label next to the open text field on the roster
screen (e.g., 1 children) was strange. Another participant with only one child did not make any
comment on the label. So we learned that the label on the roster screen is in plural regardless
of whether the number of children in a household is singular or plural, and this did matter to at
least one parent with one child.

Figure 6. Example of a field label to the right of the field that does not sound correct if read aloud
Source: 2018 NHES usability testing


Figure 7. Updated field label
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Another change from the design tested in the 2018 usability study to the one tested in this
round was response choice labels for radio buttons. In the 2018 usability testing, researchers
noticed that participants were answering number of hours children attended school each day
rather than each week, see Figure 8. The recommendation, which was implemented for testing
in 2020, was to add the label per week to the response options as seen in Figure 9. This label
change appeared to solve the usability issue as we did not observe anyone answering per day
during the testing.

Figure 8. Radio button design with inadequate labeling of response choices
Source: 2018 NHES usability testing


Figure 9. Field label “hours per week” added to each response option
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

In the 2020 usability testing, participants did not experience problems with the updated
location of the labels or the updated label names.
Similarly, there were a number of places in the NHES:2019 production instrument where
dropdowns were used. Expert review by Jolene Smyth 3 recommended changing dropdowns to
open text fields. We implemented this recommendation for the 2020 usability testing. We did
not notice that the open-text fields used in place of dropdowns caused any user issues.
Recommendation: Keep these changes as modified or designed for in this test (with a slight
tweak of “child(ren) or youth” to account for families with only one child) for future questions.
Alternately, see if the production instrument can update the label from ‘children’ to ‘child’ if a
respondent has only one child or use the label, “child(ren)” and remove the word youth. See an
example of how this could look in Figure 15.
3.1.5. Within-Screen Branching Design Updates
One of the research questions for the 2020 usability study looked at a new design for within page
skips/branching. In 2018 usability testing there was an unfolding design where initially on the
page there was only the filter question as shown in Figure 10. If the filter question was answered
in such a way that another question should be answered, then when the respondent selected
“Next,” that new question “unfolded” or appeared on the same page and the filter question was
still visible on the screen but disabled as shown in Figure 11.

Jolene Smyth is a professor of Sociology at University of Nebraska. She is an author of numerous studies on
survey design and is a nationally recognized expert on survey design.



Figure 10. First part of a screen with the unfolding design. Question is bolded and enabled.
Source: 2018 NHES usability testing

Figure 11. Second part of the same question. Once the next button was selected, the first part of the question became
disabled and italicized. A second question appeared at the bottom and it was bold and enabled.
Source: 2018 NHES usability testing

Usability testing from 2018 indicated that users may have been confused by the design, and spent
extra time looking at the disabled text on the screen to understand what was happening. So for
user testing in 2020, there was interest in testing out a different way of displaying the within
screen branching. In the 2020 usability test the within screen skips/branching design occurred
where the page held all the questions within the branching sequence on one screen, but where
the follow-on questions were grayed out text (visible but not yet available). These follow-on
questions would only become active or “enabled” depending on the respondents’ answer to the
prior question. (If the filter question was answered in the opposite way, then the grayed out
questions stayed grayed out or “inactive” and the participant was supposed to navigate forward).


See Figure 12. Unlike the design in usability testing conducted in 2018, the primary filter question
in the screens for the 2020 user sessions were never disabled.

Figure 12. 2020 unfolding skip/branching design. All questions are on the page with the follow-on questions grayed out until
they become active depending on users answer to the earlier question.
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Eight out of 20 participants made somewhat negative comments about the grayed out text on at
least one screen using this design. Almost all participants were able to answer the questions with
this design feature correctly. One participant may have changed her answer after reading the
grayed out text. This participant verbalized that she paid her parents “in kind” to watch her
children, but when she answered the question about payment, she put in a dollar amount. It was
not clear if the grayed out feature helped in the interpretation of this question. Since we had
many negative comments about the grayed out feature in general, about half-way through the
testing cycle, the usability team recommended testing an alternative design that the Qualtrics
software offered. The sponsor wanted to keep the design that was being tested so the design
modification was not made.
Recommendation: Due to the negative comments about the grayed out feature in general, it
would be good to test another within screen branching design such as previously recommended.
Additionally, we have observed no benefit (accuracy or time on task) comparing this tested


design to the design described below in an unpublished A/B empirical study conducted around
the same time as this usability testing (Nichols, 2020).
The design we recommend would be similar to the design from what was tested in the 2018
usability study but with some major differences:
1) The follow-on question would appear on the screen immediately after a user answered a
question in such a way as to trigger the display (e.g., yes). The user would not have to click
the “next” button to get the follow-on question to display as they did in the 2018 usability
study (see Figure 10 and Figure 11).
2) The original filter question would not go gray and with italic font as it did in the 2018 usability
study, but rather it would remain active and the user could easily change the answer.
As occurred in the 2018 usability study, if the user answered in the opposite way (e.g., no)
the follow-on question would not appear and the user would click “next” to go to the next
page and question in the survey. For an example of how this would look, refer to a mockup
of the recommendation in Figure 13 and Figure 14.


3.1.6 Text on Roster Screen
We observed usability problems with the design of the roster screen. Many participants did not
read over the entire roster screen question and set of instructions. It was long and confusing for
some participants. For example – a number of participants did not list the children from
youngest to oldest. Four out of ten participants in PFI and one out of six 4 ECPP participants
listed their children oldest to youngest, instead of the requested youngest to oldest order in the
text. This listing of children oldest to youngest was also observed in the 2018 usability testing.
When asked about the order in which they listed their children during the debriefing, two
parents said that’s how they think of their children when they are asked questions about them,
from the one who was born first and then down through the order in which they were born.

*Four ECPP respondents have only 1 child.


Another example of confusing text on the roster screen was pointed out by another participant
who wondered aloud who ‘small children’ were, asking, “are they different than babies?”
Another participant commented on the wordy text and asked why the word ‘younger’ was in all
capitals. She said she was an editor and recommended we revise the question.
Recommendation: Consider rewording the question. Simplify the roster question so the rules
are not so buried. Use formatting for easier reading/skimming such as bullet points or indented
text. One user recommended using the instruction: “Please list the first names of anyone under
the age of 20.” An example with slight wording and display modifications is mocked up in
Figure 15. Another consideration is to change the rule about the order of children, and instead
ask respondents to list their children using the conventional order of oldest to youngest. If
respondents miss that instruction they would still be listing them in the “correct” order. An
alternate question wording could be tested such as “How many children/youth younger than 21
live in this household?”

3.1.7. Roster Showing Five Open Fields
The current design on the rostering screen asks for the respondent to list their children and has
five open fields. This does not change even if we know that the respondent has more or less
children than number of open spots. One participant with seven children said she was
disappointed that she could not put in all her children's names. She said, “why did you ask me
and then only give me five slots?” Another participant with five children asked, “what would


happen if I had more than five children?” Both of these participants said that after asking for
the number of children, we should allow that number of fields to appear. The 2020 Census and
the American Community Survey (ACS) design their rostering screens in such a way. See an
example of how the decennial census asks for and displays the number of name fields in Figure

Figure 16. Decennial roster screens asking (image on left) for number of people in household and showing (image on right)
the correct number of open fields with a button that allows respondent to “+Add another person”
Source: 2020 Decennial Census

Recommendation: Only show the number of slots for the number of children listed (e.g., if they
have 2 children, show 2 slots, if they have 6 children, show 6 slots, etc.).

3.1.8. Marital Status
On the marital status question, see Figure 17, two out of 20 participants were surprised to see
the words “Now” before the response option “married.” One user said, “it makes it sound like I
just got married. I’ve been married a long time.” Another participant said, “why now married?
That's strange. Either you are married or you are one of those [indicates other response
options].” The question already uses the word “current” so “now” is unnecessary, and for two
participants, it caused confusion.


Figure 17. Marital status question
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: Consider changing response option to “Married.”

3.1.9. Race and Hispanic Origin question
For the first half of the usability testing cycle, the Hispanic origin question appeared as one
question followed by a separate question on race, both appearing on the same screen. See
Figure 18. One of the first eight participants was of Hispanic origin. Her comment about the
race question was that she could not find her race because as a person of Hispanic origin, she
did not feel the race categories fit for her or the other parent in the household (also of Hispanic
origin). We have heard this or similar feedback on many usability studies for the decennial
census as well. (See Olmsted-Hawala & Nichols, 2020 for more details on the decennial race
and Hispanic origin question.) During the half-way point in testing, we recommended updating
the race question to combine it with the Hispanic origin question into one question and the
sponsor accepted this change for testing. A similar version as the one developed for this study
had been tested in a census test. See Figure 19. This change appeared to work well for the
remaining participants with no confusion or comments. One participant who received this
question was of Hispanic origin and she marked herself as both white and of Hispanic origin,
saying that she is more closely identified with European ancestry. For her husband, whom she
said does not identify with European ancestry and identifies with more of a central American
ancestry, she marked only Hispanic origin. She followed up these comments to say that she
preferred to see the choice of Hispanic as a response option in the race question, rather than
having it separated out into its own question.


Figure 19. The second half of the participants saw this
version where Hispanic origin was combined into the race
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Figure 18. First half of the participants saw this version
with Hispanic origin and race as two separate questions.
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: Keep the changes to the race question as seen in Figure 19.

3.1.10. Where were you born question
Participants unnecessarily paused while attempting to answer the seemingly simple question of
where they were born (see Figure 20). One participant commented negatively on the wording
of the first response option: “One of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia” and two
other participants spontaneously said “in the U.S.” before answering. The response choice
“One of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia” is not how people, born in the U.S.,
naturally think in their mind when asked where they were born. While participants answer this
question correctly, the slight pauses and hesitations indicate that a wording modification could
help with ease of use.


Recommendation: Reword the first response option in the question to read: In the U.S. (one of
the 50 states or DC)

3.1.11. One or more children living in household
In the 2018 usability testing, one of the introductory screens contained text that stated that
only one of the children would be asked about in the survey. For families with only one child,
this text was confusing. During the current usability testing, we removed that statement from
the screen if the family only had one child, which solved the confusion. None of the participants
made any comments on the presence or absence of the text during this current testing. The
screen on the left in Figure 21 contains the text if there is only one child in the home and screen
on the right contains the additional text if there are multiple children in the home.


Recommendation: Keep these changes as designed for this test.
3.1.12. Rewording of question about child residence
The child residence question in the usability testing in 2018 caused some confusion for
participants, see the screen on the left in Figure 22. Participants paused and had to reread the
question several times. The question was modified slightly for the 2020 usability testing and
can be seen in Figure 22 on the right. During the current testing with the revision, no one
commented negatively on the question, had to reread it, or even paused when answering the
question. Everyone appeared to answer it correctly, with one participant selecting yes and the
rest selecting no. When asked during debriefing about the wording of the question everyone
said it was clear and they understood it.

Recommendation: Keep the new wording for this question as it appears in Figure 22 on right.


3.2 ECPP Instrument Findings

3.2.1. ECPP Filter Question
There are three types of child care in the ECPP: care by a relative; care by a nonrelative; and care
by a center. There are separate sections for each type of care. In the ECPP version usability tested
in 2018, there was a filter question before each type of care section. That testing identified
participants misreporting that their child had both nonrelative care and center care, when really
they only had center care. Participants would receive the filter question about whether their
child received care by a nonrelative and they would answer yes and answer all the subsequent
questions about the nonrelative, because most center care is care by a nonrelative. Then, when
they got to the question about center care, they also answered yes, and repeated the same
information, double counting their child’s care arrangement. Because of this usability issue, one
of the recommendations was that in the ECPP section, the respondent answer one question at
the beginning of the survey as to the type of care (i.e., relative, nonrelative in home provider, day
care provider) and then automatically branch to the correct sections. The recommended design
change was implemented in the 2020 usability testing cycle. See Figure 23 for how the child care
filtering worked in the 2020 usability testing cycle.

For most of the participants, this first question in the series appeared to work correctly.
However, one out of the ten participants answered “no” to this question when she should have
answered “yes” (i.e., Does [CHILD] receive care or early education from anyone besides her
parents or guardians on a REGULAR BASIS). Even though her parents take care of her children
while she works, she answered no. The test administrator probed on that and the respondent


said that she thinks of her parents as guardians in addition to herself and her husband. It
appeared that her interpretation of family influenced her understanding of the question. This
participant would not have gone down the child care path if she were answering on her own at
The second question on the page asks the participants to mark the different care settings the
child is in. This second filter question appeared to work for most participants. However one
out of ten participants answered it incorrectly. Note: The researchers felt that she answered
the question incorrectly for the goals of NHES, but answered it correctly for her situation. As
the great-grandmother of two children she had pulled out of the foster care system, she
answered “yes” that “a relative such as a grandparent, brother, sister or other relative”
provided care for the child. This was technically “incorrect” since she is the primary care
provider for that child – as she should not have gone down the path of “relative care.” This
same participant’s child was also in a day care and was in a state funded preschool program.
The former care situation came out in the debriefing only and was missed in the survey itself;
while the latter was identified within the survey 5).
The word “care” in this question is ambiguous. One participant said, “I provide care.” Another
participant said, “does this mean therapeutic care or babysitting?” It wasn't immediately clear
what is meant by care. Another participant said, “do they mean care in general?” and described
that her mom comes to help out on the weekend. The word “care” in both this question and
the first of the filter series may lead to misinterpretation of what the survey is after. It is
possible that some of the misunderstanding of the question is due to the word “care.”
People who had babysitters spent some time on the filter question attempting to figure out
where situations that involved babysitters belonged. They verbalized their decision on whether
to include or exclude the babysitters that come for a parents night out (e.g., a monthly or
weekly date night). All of the participants ended up answering correctly. One participant who
did have a babysitter come answered yes to the first question but on the follow-up question
when it asked whether this person cares for the child on a “regular basis at least once a week”
she correctly answered no. This follow up question seemed to solve the issue for her. She did
spontaneously verbalize that she wished it had said that on the previous question. Taken
together, in this study, the filter question and the follow up question about “regular basis” of at
least once a week were answered correctly for parents with babysitters.
For the respondents whose children were in day care settings, they did not select non-relative
in error (as was seen in the 2018 usability testing with a different question design/wording). So
for these participants the filter question worked well and there was no double counting of care

For the care by a center series, if a child is in more than one child care setting, only one is collected.


situations. Where it did not work as well was for the great-grandmother who was taking care of
her great-grandchildren.
Recommendation: This ECPP filter question needs additional testing. Consider adding in word
child in front of care so it reads “child care” in the stem of the questions. Consider testing the
elimination of the filter question and instead having only the matrix question, but add as the
first choice “Parent or guardian.” Consider adding additional testing for parents that
occasionally use a babysitter to verify that current design is sufficient or if the parents select
one of the choices incorrectly. This recommendation was implemented in an additional
usability testing study to occur in March 2021.
3.2.2. ECPP Child Care Filter Change
In the day care section, the online survey asks respondents to select a description of the type of
care, and that description is used as a fill for the remaining questions in the section. This
question is not on the paper form and the value selected is not meaningful to the data users.
The only purpose of this question is to help the respondent. During the first half of testing, the
survey displayed the question on the left in Figure 24. Feedback from two out of three
participants who went down the day care center path (and one dry run participant) suggested
that this question caused some amount of cognitive burden for participants. These participants
mentioned that they did not know what the differences were between day care and child care.
The usability team recommended a change to make it clear that there are no right or wrong
answers to this question and the sponsor accepted the change. For the remaining sessions, two
participants saw the question wording as appears in the image to the right in Figure 24. Neither
of these participants expressed confusion by the question.

Figure 24. On left, the ECPP child care question at beginning of testing, on right, the ECPP child care question after making
the tweak to the wording for second half of participants.
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing


Recommendation: Keep this revised wording and continue testing on additional participants.

3.2.3. Wording change on ECPP hours per week question
Halfway through the testing cycle, two out of five participants had answered the question of
“how many hours each week in care” incorrectly. That is, two participants incorrectly entered
“hours per day” for care and not “hours per week.” See the question wording and layout for the
first half of the study in Figure 25. The recommendation from the team was to implement a
slight tweak to capture the number of hours that the child spent in care, similar to what was
successfully being implemented on the payment screen where participants selected the type of
frequency for paying for child care. The same could be applied to asking how the participant
would like to report the hours in care, per week or per day. This was implemented and the
revised question wording and screen design can be seen in Figure 26. The last 5 participants
saw the design that asked for participants to first select how they would like to report the hours
in child care (per day or per week). After this change it appeared that all 5 participants were
able to select the option most appropriate for their situation.

Figure 25. First half of study, ECPP participants saw this question wording/layout
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing


Figure 26. Second half of study, ECPP participants saw this question wording/layout. After choosing the way they would like
to report hours in care, the page automatically presented the next question with the correct wording and updated label on
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: Keep these changes as designed for this test.
3.2.4. Future tense for one ECPP question
The ECPP asks a question about whether the child care provider will care for the child when
he/she is sick with fever and sick with no fever. See Figure 27. It is not clear why these
questions are asked in the future tense. All the other questions are in the present tense. One
participant paused on this question and spontaneously said, “well she would have, but this is in
the future, but now we tell her not to come because of COVID.”
Recommendation: Consider changing wording to current tense: Does [X] care for [CHILD] when
sick, etc.


Figure 27. Screenshot of ECPP question in future tense asking if child will be cared when sick with and without a fever.
Source:2020 NHES usability testing

3.2.5 Cognitive confusion with ECPP question in non-relative care series
One question in the non-relative series asks for how many other children are also cared for by
the provider. See Figure 28. Two participants saw this question (Note: There were only two
participants that went down the non-relative path) and both paused on it, spontaneously
commenting as they came up with their answer. In the end both appeared to answer the
question correctly but it caused some cognitive burden. The participants had to think through
whether the answer to the question should include the providers’ children or not. One
participant whose neighbor watched her child said she was not sure if she should count the
neighbor’s children in the total number of children that were in “care” or just the ones that are
paying customers. In the end she reported 3-5 and said she had included her neighbor’s kids in
the count. The other participant who saw this question asked if it meant simultaneously to
when she was caring for her child. (Perhaps the word “while” in the sentence was too subtle).
In the end she interpreted the question to mean simultaneously and only included her child in
care as her provider had her own children but they were not with her during the time she
watched the participant’s child. She recommended a re-wording of “Does this non-relative care
for other children at the same time as she cares for x?”


Figure 28. ECPP non-relative care question about amount of other children cared
Source:2020 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: Watch for cognitive confusion from this question in future studies. Consider
modifying the question wording.

3.2.6. ECPP Terminology nuances ‘Regular Basis’ & ‘home child care provider’
The initial filter question asked about care on a ‘REGULAR BASIS’ and also uses specific
terminology to describe a non-relative care giver as a ‘home child care provider.’ During
debriefing, the test administrator probed for additional feedback from participants’ on these
In the 2020 usability testing, participants had to answer the filter question that asked parents
about the different types of child care that the child was enrolled in. During debriefing,
researchers specifically probed on the terms used including ‘regular basis’, ‘regularly scheduled’
as well as on the meaning of ‘home child care provider.’ The current question wording that uses
‘regular basis’ appeared to work well for participants. Many participants said that they thought
regular basis meant weekly care, or regularly. During debriefing, participants did not express
any desire to change it to ‘regularly scheduled’ and in fact there were some negative comments
about using ‘regularly scheduled’. For one participant, ‘regularly scheduled’ meant that her
child “had to be there” and that it implied a level of inflexibility; whereas regularly meant that
“she takes him there usually.” Another participant said that ‘regularly scheduled’ meant that
“the hours are set and [you] don't deviate.” Finally another participant mentioned that the
term ‘regularly’ “is less structured while ‘regularly scheduled’ is more structured with a time.”
But she continued, for her job, “it would be the same answer if it was regularly or regularly


When asked about the term ‘home child care provider’ during debriefing, most participants said
it was a day care in a home (versus in a center). Two participants said it was a nanny or an au
pair, or a service to hire someone to come to your home (e.g., One participant used
the term ‘home care provider’ spontaneously when she talked about her child care situation.
Recommendation: The term ‘regular basis’ does not appear to be a problem. Keep as is. The
term ‘home child care provider’ does not appear to be a problem. Keep as is.

3.3 Findings on the ECPP young children health question series

In the 2020 usability testing, we tested new questions about disabilities in children under 5
years old. Ten participants interacted with this series of questions. We share the feedback we
received from the participants on these questions but do not provide specific recommendations
for any changes as these questions were tested with only a handful of participants.
3.3.1. Matrix with three different developmental delays listed out
The matrix questions list out three different types of developmental delays. See Figure 29.

Figure 29. Health series matrix on developmental delays
Source:2020 NHES usability testing

Participants mentioned developmental delays that were not listed in the survey. One
participant said she didn’t see her child’s issue and wanted to have an “other” option so she
could fill it in. Two developmental delays that were missing from the health series and that
participants commented about were:

Motor delays
Sensory processing disorder

A few participants mentioned that their child was not yet diagnosed but that they suspected
he/she likely had ADD or ADHD. We heard a few times from different participants that it was


hard to tell at their child's age about ADD/ADHD and there is no official diagnosis for children
this young.
One participants’ child was in occupational therapy and at least one participants’ child was in
speech therapy that this question did not pick up. For this participant, she had marked “no” for
a speech impairment but told us during debriefing that he is not speaking like other children his
own age so he does go to a speech therapist, but that is because they are being proactive. He is
not diagnosed, so that was why she marked “no” to that question. (We also wonder if the word
‘impairment’ came across as too strong at this question). This same participant did mark yes to
ADHD, even though during her screening interview she told the recruiter her child did not have
any developmental delays nor did she did have any concerns about developmental delays.
Recommendation: It might be worthwhile to consider having respondents answer questions
about their children participating in any occupational, physical or speech therapy.
3.3.2. Use of words “at risk”
One of the survey questions asks whether a child is “at risk” for developmental delays, see
Figure 30. This terminology could potentially be confusing for participants. Participants who
had children with a diagnosis said the child was not “at risk” for it because he/she had it. One of
these participants still answered in the way she thought the question was intending (e.g., yes)
even though technically her answer should be no, because the child was not “at risk” but rather
he had it. Another participant said either you have a developmental delay or you don’t (e.g.,
you are born with it). She said it is not something that one is “at risk” for getting. One
participant recommended rewording it to: “has or is at risk for a developmental delay.” All the
participants with a child without a disability or suspected disability answered the question
correctly with a “no”. For the participants who suspected their child might have a disability, two
answered “no” and one answered “yes” to this question. For the two participants that had
children with a disability both answered “yes” to this question.

Figure 30. Question with terminology “at risk”
Source:2020 NHES usability testing


3.3.3. You or another parent expressed concerns on child’s health.
We observed no cognitive issues with the question on if the respondent or another parent had
shared concerns on their child’s development. All the parents who told the recruiter that they
had developmental concerns marked yes to this question. One participant that told the
recruiter she did not have any developmental delays or concerns of delays also marked “yes” to
this question. During debriefing she said that she had talked to the doctor about her concerns
that her child is exhibiting some signs of ADHD. See Figure 31 for example of the survey

Figure 31. One of the child health related questions in survey
Source:2020 NHES usability testing

One participant mentioned that ‘another parent’ could be “a neighbor or something,” but none
of the other participants had any issues with the words ‘another parent.’
3.3.4. Milestones Matrix question
One of the child health questions appearing in matrix format asks for whether the child’s
condition interfered with certain activities that the child does, ranging from often to never. See
Figure 24.


Figure 32. Matrix on if condition impacts child’s ability to do certain things
Source:2020 NHES usability testing

This question was difficult for many parents to answer. Answers varied as well, and we suspect
this question could generate some measurement error. One parent who, when screened, said
her child did not have any disabilities marked “seldom” for both learn and go on outings, and
“sometimes” for both play with other children and make friends. Meanwhile, another parent
who was screened as having a child with a disability marked “sometimes” for learn, “seldom”
for making friends and “never” for playing with other children or going on outings. She
verbalized that she doesn't really know the extent that her child’s delay affects his learning, and
so wavered in her answers between “sometimes” and “seldom.”
When asked if participants thought it would be easier to answer if the question was designed
with “yes” / “no” response options, there was a mixed response with some participants saying
they would prefer that design while others said they would not prefer those choices. It is not
clear if this “yes” / “no” response options would make the data more or less accurate. One
participant said for only the two choices of “yes” and “no” that it does not leave a gray area,
and that for her child, “it’s not really ‘yes’ and not really ‘no.’”
The one participant who was screened as not having a child with disabilities but then marked
yes to his having ADHD, and also marked “sometimes” for two of the topics and “seldom” for
the other two topics, said during debriefing:
“Maybe they just acting like normal kids. They play well with some and with others they
don't. I kinda guessed on this. I, like, I don't know. You are asking about how it all is
associated with my kids.”
She went on to say that if it had been a yes/no question she would have marked all 4 answers
as "no."


3.3.5. Special Education question
One of the questions in the health series asks about if a child is enrolled in special education.
See Figure 33.

Figure 33. Question on child’s enrollment in special education
Source:2020 NHES usability testing

While we observed no measurement error with this question we did hear some comments
about the question wording. One comment focused on the term “special education” while the
other focused on term “enrolled.”

A parent with a child aged 3 years old said that where she is from it isn’t called “early
childhood special education” but rather “early childhood intervention services.”
Another participant spontaneously said her child wasn’t “enrolled,” but that he was
“receiving” special services.

3.3.6. General health of child
One of the questions in the survey asked about a child’s general health. Participants were also
probed on this question during debriefing as well. See Figure 34.

Figure 34. General health question
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Most participants felt there was a difference between the physical health of their child and the
developmental health. They answered this question as it pertains to their child’s physical
health. However, two participants asked if the question meant “physical” or “developmental


health.” One participant said she was thinking of his “emotional” health as well which is why
she marked “very good.” And that if it was only “physical” health it would have been

3.4 PFI Instrument Findings

3.4.1. Redesign of years homeschooled question
In the 2018 usability testing, researchers noticed that some participants selected only the
current grade that was being homeschooled and not all the grades that the child was
homeschooled. The recommendation was to create two questions where the respondent is first
asked for the total number of years the child was homeschooled and then followed with a
request to check off each year homeschooled. We tested these new questions during this
round of testing. See Figure 35 for the 2018 usability testing version of the question and the
new questions.
For the redesign, we did not notice any measurement error on this question. Two out of ten
participants made comments that they wanted the order of the question switched with the
number summing to a total number of homeschool years. However these two participants
answered the questions correctly. The benefit of putting the total number of years first seems
to outweigh their comments.

Figure 35. On left the 2018 usability testing question asking for total number of years homeschooled, on right, the revised
question on years homeschooled
Source: On left, 2018 NHES usability testing, on right, 2020 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: Keep the redesigned question, image on right in Figure 35.


3.4.2. Private tutor or teacher
The question about private tutors or teachers (Figure 36) was confusing for people who are in a
co-op, most likely because this question came after the co-op question in the Qualtrics
instrument 6, so it seemed like it could be related to being in a co-op. It also was confusing for
a participant who had her children in a class that she paid money for - extra-curricular activities
like music lessons or sports. One mother asked when she saw this question, “she has a violin
teacher - does that count?” In the end the parent did not include this class when she answered
the question but there was some amount of uncertainty when she read over the question.

Figure 36. PFI question of private tutor or teacher question
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: Clarify what this question is after. For example, you could add the words,
"Excluding co-ops…" Analyzing the data might provide insight into whether parents are
including music lessons teachers in the answer to this question. It might prove useful to know
by course, who teaches each class. In that way, there can be clarification if only music requires
a private teacher or if all the courses were taught by a private teacher.

3.4.3. Participation in homeschooling association or co-op question
The question that asks if the respondents’ family has been involved in homeschooling
associations caused some cognitive burden for participants. See Figure 37. Participants who
were in a co-op paused on this question as they counted the number of times they met
throughout the year. The timeframe of the entire year seemed to be a challenging part of the
question. One participant had to find her calendar and go through and count weeks on it.
There was also some uncertainty of which classes to count. Participants asked if they should

In the NHES:2019, the co-op question is followed by a question asking who mainly provides the child’s home
instruction, and the private tutor or teacher question follows that item. Question order effects likely influenced the
results of usability testing.



only include the actual co-op meetings, or should they include the field trips, or should they
include the meetings the parents attended, etc.

Figure 37. Question on participant in co-ops
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: Consider revising the timeframe. Perhaps use the time reference of within
the past month. If you want them to include field trips, you could add that into the question
text, “Does your family participate in the activities or meetings of a LOCAL homeschooling
association, co-op, or other local homeschooling group? (Examples include co-op classes, field
trips, parent meetings, etc.)”

3.4.4. Question on cyber and physical resources used for homeschooling
There were two grid questions back to back, the first asked about online or virtual resources
and the second asked about physical resources. See Figure 38. While participants were able to
answer these two questions, there was some confusion with participants going back and forth
between the two questions to make sure they had answered them correctly. It appeared that
participants may have been thinking of both online and physical resources when they started to
answer the first question. The navigation back one page to verify what they had just answered
highlights that this question caused some cognitive burden for participants.
Another issue was that it was possible that participants were thinking of a longer time period
than only the past year as we heard one participant answer yes, and said she went to a
curriculum swap a few years ago.


Figure 38. On left, question about virtual or cyber resources, on right question about physical resources
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: Consider doing further testing on these two questions. It may be interesting
to see if the paradata shows an uptick in the use of the “previous” button on the second of
these two questions.

3.4.5. Instruction on PFI grids
The instruction, “Please select one response from EACH item below” appeared on three of the
grid screens in the PFI portion of the instrument. Researchers noticed that the instruction
caused confusion for one out of the first four PFI participants. Based on this, and also the
research by Horwitz et al. (2018) that showed having a similar set of instructions on the screen
did not change the response distributions, the usability team recommended removing the
instruction. The sponsor agreed. After removing the instruction, six PFI participants saw this
design change and it appeared to work well for them. All six marked one response for each
sub-item. While five out of the six did not ask the test administrator whether they should
answer each question, one user said, “I hope I can mark more than one” and then proceeded to
do just that. Figure 39 contains an example screen with the instructions and then that same
screen without the instruction.


Figure 39. On left question with instruction on screen, on right updated question with instruction removed from screen.
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: Keep the current design, as seen in Figure 39 on right.

3.4.6. Use of smartphone
Participants of younger children had difficulty with the question about whether the child has
access to a smartphone. See Figure 40. We understand that the production instrument will only
ask this question of the older children in the sample but it still may make sense to modify the
sentence to make it clear what exactly is being asked. One out of 10 participants answered
incorrectly and one dry run participant also answered incorrectly reporting “yes” and
verbalizing that the child has access to her (the parent’s) phone. Two participants out of 10 had
cognitive difficulty answering the question, first interpreting the question to mean did the child
have a way to get on the Internet on a smartphone, including using a parent's cell phone. One
user said, “she can use my cell if she needs it.”

Figure 40. Screenshot of cell phone question
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: Consider rephrasing the question to: Does [CHILD] have [his/her] own


3.4.7. Hours attending school each week
In the 2018 usability testing there was some confusion with the question that asks for the
number of hours the student spends in school. Participants in that testing were answering for
the average number of hours in a day, rather than in a week. The response options were
modified for this round of testing to include the words “per week” in the response options. See
Figure 41. The modification of adding the words “per week” appeared to work for participants
in that they knew to answer for the number of hours in a week.
For this round of testing though, the students were all homeschooled. Five out of 10
participants answered the question incorrectly and answered one of the three latter responses
rather than the first response option “0 hours” even though they were entirely homeschooled
and not enrolled in a school. For the other five participants, four entered “zero” correctly, and
another, who one was in dual enrollment for college, accurately reported for the hours she
attends the college. While this question is out of place in the flow of the actual survey 7, it is
something to watch. During usability testing in 2018, even though the question was correctly
placed in context to the entire PFI questions, homeschoolers were also answering about hours
that they had attended their homeschool, rather than the hours they had attended a public or
private school.

Figure 41. Response options with new words “per week” on them
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: Keep the words “per week” in the response options. Watch if this question
causes homeschoolers to report hours per week spent in homeschool rather than in the
public/private school.

The survey tested in 2020 did not ask all the questions in the PFI series, focusing instead on the homeschool



3.4.8. Dual enrollment and homeschooling
The current design of the PFI does not capture information on students in dual enrollment. One
participant’s child was in the situation of dual enrollment (homeschooled and attending a local
college) and we only knew about it because of the spontaneous verbalizations during the
session as well as the debriefing comments the participant made, not due to any of the survey
answers. Another participant mentioned the possibility of dual enrollment while
Recommendation: Consider if the PFI survey should include questions pertaining to dual

3.4.9. Reasons for homeschooling child: Size of “other specify” box and timeframe for
reasons given
On the question that asks for the reasons that families choose to homeschool, the “other
specify” box field was not large enough for at least two participants. See Figure 42. These two
participants had a lot to share in this “other specify” box and could not re-read what they had
typed. They mentioned that they would like to be able to review what they had entered to
make sure it was clear and correct. The “other specify” box was quite small in our Qualtrics
survey. (Note: We do not know how big the box is in the production instrument – if it is already
large enough this may not be an issue).


Figure 42. Screenshot of Qualtrics other specify box, outlined in green above.
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

There was also a slight cognitive burden for at least one participant who said that is was not
clear if she should include the reason that they initially decided to homeschool, or to answer
with the reason they were currently homeschooling (i.e., the reason they homeschooled had
changed over time). This sentiment was also echoed in one of the AIR cognitive interviews that
census researchers observed.
Recommendation: Look at current data to see how many characters to allow. Enlarge the
character count box to meet the amount. Add a character countdown to the box. Research
suggests that a character countdown could help respondents not have to erase responses
because they ran out of room (Nichols, Olmsted-Hawala, Wang, 2019). Continue to monitor in
future studies whether participants are entering their original reason for homeschooling or the
reason the family is homeschooling for this current time period/year. Consider adding a
timeframe to the question (i.e., are you interested in reasons they chose to homeschool this
year or when they first started homeschooling – which may be the same time period but for
majority of respondents is likely not the same time period).


3.4.10. Timeframe may be overlooked in question on classes taken
The question in Figure 43 asks if a parent has taken any classes to prepare them to teach the
homeschooled child. At least one participant when responding used a different timeframe - of
“have I ever taken a class,” rather than in the past year.

Figure 43. Screenshot of question with timeframe of past year
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: We do not have a recommendation to make any changes to the question at
this point. Rather, this is something to watch for in future studies/sessions. If inaccurate
reporting on this question is noticed in future studies, consider adding “in the past year” to the
response options to reinforce the timeframe.

3.4.11. Online, Virtual or Cyber courses
The question in the PFI about online virtual or cyber courses (Figure 44) caused cognitive
confusion for participants. Six out of 10 participants were confused as to what to include or
exclude when answering the question. Some of the cognitive confusion lies with the second
sentence telling users what not to include. Participants mentioned that the first part of the
question (Is CHILD enrolled in any online, virtual or cyber courses?) is a “yes” but the second
part of the question (Do not include any courses that use the Internet only for selected
assignments) was not clear - and maybe a “no.” One user spontaneously said, “what does that
mean?” when reading the second part of the question. The use of the word “only” after
Internet in the second sentence may be causing some of the confusion. One user said all her
child’s classes are online but that she was not “enrolled” in any courses. One participant
mentioned the curriculum is all online but that it is child paced and not “live.” During
debriefing, participants said that they were confused by the question. One participant said, “I
wasn't sure if online videos courses qualify.” This question also caused cognitive confusion for
participants in the 2018 round of user testing.


Figure 44. PFI question about online, virtual, or cyber courses
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: Similar to the recommendation from the 2018 usability testing, we
recommend additional research which would include modifying the question or testing
additional questions. Specifically, respondents need clarification on:

What is an online, virtual, or cyber course?
Are the online courses paid for by the family?
Who does the grading and assignments – the course or the family?
Are these supplementary to the course, or is the online class the entire course?

3.4.12. Debriefing questions on using word “grade” and “grade equivalent”
We found no problems with how the words “grade” and “grade equivalent” worked in the
survey – they appeared to work well with no participant confusion. We did not note any
measurement error on questions with the words as they currently appear while participants
were answering the survey. During debriefing, we asked participants about the use of the
words. In general people understood both terms and thought that grade equivalent was useful
to have, or gave families the flexibility if they needed that to be able to answer the question.
One participant said having “grade” and “grade equivalent” could be helpful since “grade
equivalent” might be meaningful for people whose child is in one grade for math and another
for English, or it could be helpful if the child is “unschooled” with no formal curriculum.
Debriefing feedback seemed to highlight that there were at least two different ways to
interpret the words “grade equivalent:”
1) If you were going to be putting your child in school, what grade level it would be or


2) the child's age should be at 7th grade level but we are working at the 10th grade
level in XYZ subject(s)
One participant said, “I knew what you were talking about. We do understand grade equivalent
so for a homeschooler - a child could be advanced in one area, so like a 7th grader in math and
a 5th grader in writing. But usually I pick the grade that matches the age.” Another participant
said, “I didn't have a challenge with it. For us I do identify as being in the different grades.”
Recommendation: Keep as is.

3.4.13. Listing of homeschool courses taken in past week
This question asks for a listing of the courses the child has taken in the past week, with 10 open
spaces to fill in the answer, see Figure 45. Most participants listed a sufficient number of
courses. All entered one class per line. Two out of 10 participants mentioned that it was
unclear how specific to be with the names of the courses (e.g., should they put math or precalculus).
For some of the sessions, it was somewhat unclear if the timeframe of the past week was being
considered, or if the parents were thinking of a full semester/year. For some of the sessions
participants explicitly mentioned the past week - but we did not ask for all the sessions what
was the timeframe they were considering. This may be something to watch for in future
usability sessions. Two out of 10 participants mentioned that the past week may not necessarily
be a good example of what had occurred throughout the year. One participant said someone
may have finished their math text book early and so didn't work on it that week but it would
look like they didn't work on math in the year. She recommended, “what subject areas were
taught for the majority of the year?” The other participant said that this past week wasn't a
typical week. She left off one class that they normally do because they had not done it “this
week.” She recommended we ask about a “typical week” rather than the “last week.”
Finally, participants were not consistently entering the co-op classes that their child took. It
appeared that some parents thought to include them while others did not include them in the


Figure 45. Screenshot of question that asks for a listing of all subjects taught in past week. Screenshot showing 4 of the 10
available open text fields.
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: Consider adding in information on how specific you want the classes.
Consider if you want to include language about a “typical” week rather than the “past week.”
Consider if you want to remind respondents to include classes in co-op's.

4. Satisfaction Findings

Participants rated their satisfaction with the online survey immediately after completing the
NHES. The questionnaire was similar to the one used in the 2017 and 2018 usability testing,
except that fewer questions were asked. 8 This questionnaire contained 6 different measures of
satisfaction for which participants rated their subjective experience on a 7-point Likert scale with
only the endpoints labeled. The higher numbers indicate a more positive rating. The items to be
rated were:
• Overall experience with the survey (unpleasant to pleasant)
• The survey questions follow a logical sequence (never to always)
• Words used in the survey questions and answers (hard to understand to easy to
• Coming up with answers to the questions (always bothered me to never bothered me to)
• Instructions for correcting errors (confusing to clear)
• Entering your answers into the survey (difficult to easy)
For the purposes of this report, we share a brief summary of higher and lower ratings by survey
topic (ECPP or PFI) and the comprehensive measure of satisfaction: overall reaction to the web
survey. The results of the other satisfaction measures can be found in Attachment A broken out
by survey type: PFI or ECPP.

All questions that had to do with the look and feel of the instrument were excluded as this study was created in
Qualtrics and as this look and feel will not be what the production instrument will look and feel like, the sponsor
felt it would be better to exclude those questions.



Satisfaction ratings from this round of testing would be good to compare with future rounds if
those rounds are also focused on homeschooling or ECPP.
The highest average score for the PFI participants was on the overall satisfaction with the survey
– with a 7 out of 7 (where 7 is pleasant and 1 was unpleasant). However for the ECPP overall
satisfaction rating, four participants rated it lower than a 6. Participants that gave a rating below
a 6 included the following comments as they gave their rating:
“I would say neutral.”
“I thought the survey was a little bit odd.”
“I didn’t give it all the way over here, over to pleasant, because I think there were some
hiccups. Some things that were a little confusing.”
Perhaps the reasoning for why ECPP and PFI participants gave differing overall satisfaction ratings
was that PFI participants were pleased to be able to talk about homeschooling and are happy
that there is a survey about homeschooling. Furthermore, three out of the four ECPP participants
that marked lower than a 6 reported that their children had developmental concerns. There were
some usability comments on the developmental concerns series that indicate some confusion.
One of the ECPP participants that marked lower than a 6 also struggled at the beginning with the
initial filter question and evidenced some general confusion with the health questions. See
Figure 46.

Overall Experience with the Survey









1- unpleasant






Figure 46. Satisfaction scores for the overall reaction to the survey
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing





7 - pleasant

The highest average score for the ECPP 2020 participants was on entering answers into the survey
– with a 6.8 out of 7 (where 7 was easy and 1 was difficult).
The lowest average score for the PFI was on words used in the survey questions and answers,
with an average score of 5.6 out of 7 (where 7 is easy to understand and 1 is hard to understand).
The lowest average score for the ECPP was also on words used in the survey questions and
answers – with average score of 5.5 out of 7.

5. Limitations

The surveys tested were a subset of the entire survey, some of the feedback may have been
different if the users had been exposed to the entire survey.
The majority of the participants were the children’s mothers (with one being a greatgrandmother). It would be good to test the NHES survey with additional guardian relationships.

6. Acknowledgements

We thank the staff of Christina Cox in ADDP and the staff of Sarah Grady in NCES for the
opportunity to usability test the NHES. We also thank Kevin Younes, our recruiter for this project.


7. References

Dumas, J. S. & Redish, J. C. (1993). A practical guide to usability testing. Norwood, NJ: Ablex
Eggleston, C., Meyers, M., Goerman, P. (2020). 2020 COVID-19 Household Pulse Survey: Language
Experiment Summary and Recommendation. MEMORANDUM FOR Household Pulse
Survey Team Demographic Program Directorate (Internal Census Bureau Memo).
Ericsson, K. A., & Simon, H. A. (1993). Protocol Analysis: Using Verbal Reports as Data. Cambridge,
MA: The MIT Press.
Fuchs, M., Couper, M. P. & Hansen, S.E. (2000). "Technology Effects: Do CAPI or PAPI Interviews
Take Longer?" Journal of Official Statistics, 16(3), 273-286.
Horwitz, R., Nichols, E., Coombs, J. (2018). 2020 Research and Testing Report: Analysis Report
First Draft: The Impact of Removing Instructions on Web Surveys. U.S. Census Bureau.
Lykke, L. & García-Trejo. (2018). Results from the Usability Testing of the Spanish Language
Version of the 2020 Census Planning Survey (CBAMS). U.S. Census Bureau.
Nichols, E., (2020). Within-screen Branching. Internal Census report presented to the IOE 17
Improving the Design of Web Surveys Working Team. April 21, 2020.
Nichols, E., Feuer, F., Meyers, M., García Trejo, Y., Berger, M and Malakhoff, L. (2018).
Usability, accessibility, and cognitive findings in testing the online version of the 2019
National Household Education Survey. Research and Methodology Directorate, Center
for Behavioral Survey Methods Study Series (Survey Methodology Unpublished Report).
U.S. Census Bureau.
Nichols, E.M., Kephart, K.M., and Malakhoff, L.A. (2018). Implementing Branching Login by
Enabling and Disabling Questions in the Online Version of the National Sample Survey
of Registered Nurses: Results of a Usability Evaluation. U.S. Census Bureau. (Survey
Methodology #2018-13). Available online at
Nichols E., Olmsted-Hawala E., Wang L. (2019). Optimal Designs of Text Input Fields in Mobile
Web Surveys for Older Adults. In: Zhou J., Salvendy G. (eds) Human Aspects of IT for
the Aged Population. Design for the Elderly and Technology Acceptance. HCII 2019.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11592. Springer, Cham
Nielsen, J. (2000). Why you only need to test with 5 users. Nielsen Norman Group. Available at:


Olmsted-Hawala, E., and Nichols, E. (2020). Usability Testing Results Evaluating the Decennial
Census Race and Hispanic Origin Questions Throughout the Decade: 2012-2020. U.S.
Census Bureau. (Survey Methodology #2020-02) Available online at


Attachment A: Satisfaction Results for 2020 Usability Testing

Survey Questions Follow a Logical Sequence















1- never








6 - always

Source: 2020 NHES usability testing


Words Used in the Survey - Questions and Answers








1- hard to




Source: 2020 NHES usability testing









7 - easy to

Coming up with Answers to the Questions








1- always
bothered me












7 - never
bothered me


Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Entering Your Answers into the Survey
















1- difficult




Source: 2020 NHES usability testing





7 - easy

2022 National Household Education
Survey (NHES) English and Spanish
Cognitive Interviews (OMB# 1850-0803

Cognitive Interview Findings
National Household Education Surveys Program
(NHES) 2023
Maria Payri |Melissa Scardaville| Danielle Battle


Cognitive Interview Findings
National Household Education Surveys Program
(NHES) 2023
Maria Payri |Melissa Scardaville| Danielle Battle

1400 Crystal Drive, 10th Floor
Arlington, VA 22202-3239
Notice of Trademark: “American Institutes for Research” and “AIR” are registered trademarks. All other brand, product, or company
names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.


Cognitive Interview Findings ....................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 4
Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 5
Sample .................................................................................................................................... 6
Findings and Recommendations ............................................................................................. 8
Summary ............................................................................................................................... 30
Appendix A. Recruitment Screener ........................................................................................ 32
Appendix B. Recruitment Materials ....................................................................................... 42
Appendix C. Interview Protocols............................................................................................ 49
Appendix D. Questionnaires .................................................................................................. 87
Appendix E. Report items comparison 2019 – 2023............................................................... 91


Table 1. Sample distribution by language, country of origin for Spanish language speakers, and
key recruitment characteristics ……………………………………………………………………………………….………. 8
Table 2. Distribution of Spanish respondents by homeschool translation …………..……………………24


For over twenty years, the American Institutes for Research (AIR) has worked with the National Center
for Education Statistics (NCES) to administer the National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES),
which provides representative descriptive data on the educational activities of the U.S. population. The
NHES is offered in English and Spanish using web- and paper-based questionnaires. NHES:2023 will be
composed of two topical surveys: the Early Childhood Program Participation (ECPP) survey and the
Parent and Family Involvement in Education (PFI) survey. The ECPP, previously conducted in 1991, 1995,
2001, 2005, 2012, 2016, and 2019, surveys the families of children age 6 or younger who are not yet
enrolled in kindergarten. This survey provides estimates of children’s participation in care provided by
relatives and nonrelatives in private homes and in center-based day care or preschool programs
(including Head Start and Early Head Start) as well as other child-related activities. The PFI, previously
conducted in 1996, 2003, 2007, 2012, 2016, and 2019, surveys the families of children and youth
enrolled in kindergarten through 12th grade or being homeschooled for these grades, with an age limit
of 20 years; it addresses specific ways that families are involved in their children’s school; school
practices to involve and support families; involvement with children’s homework; and involvement in
educational activities outside of school.
In 2020, AIR conducted 75 cognitive interviews, some in English and some in Spanish, to assess both
topical paper questionnaires in response to issues identified during the 2016 and 2019 administrations
and in response to expert reviews from Dr. Jolene Smyth (a survey design expert), the Office of Special
Education Programs (OSEP), and the National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER). The
changes made in response to these issues and reviews included new and revised items about children’s
disabilities and paper questionnaires with design features more aligned with the web version of the
Along with these revisions, the Spanish translation went through a review between the 2019 and
upcoming 2023 administrations. For this review, the NHES team conducted a multi-step translation
process involving a team of translators, expert reviewers, and an adjudicator to determine the best
translations of items that had been flagged as either (1) inconsistently translated or (2) having been
problematic based on previous cognitive or usability testing results, expert reviews, or anomalous data
editing rates from 2019.
The goal of the cognitive interviews was to identify and correct problems of ambiguity or
misunderstanding in selected question wording and in navigation of the questionnaires in order to field
test instruments for the 2023 administration.
After this introduction, this report contains four sections—Methodology, Sample, Findings and
Recommendations, and Summary. Also, the report includes five appendices, Appendix A. Recruitment
Screener, Appendix B. Recruitment Materials, Appendix C. Interview Protocols, Appendix D.
Questionnaires, and Appendix E. Report items comparison 2019 – 2023.


In-person cognitive testing has been used for the NHES surveys in past years. Due to travel restrictions
and safety precautions instituted by AIR in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, AIR conducted all
cognitive interviews virtually. These cognitive interviews focused on

identifying cognitive issues (e.g., comprehension, retrieval, judgement, mapping to response
options) with the new, revised, or existing Spanish translation of questions in the ECPP and PFI.


conducting concept elicitation in Spanish for the term “homeschooling.”


identifying cognitive issues (e.g., comprehension, retrieval, judgement, mapping to response
options) with the revised PFI questions in English, with a particular focus on
o all homeschool items, the eating meal together item, the child living at multiple addresses
item, the child’s school item, and items on internet access.
o the revised instructions about reporting about parents in the household.


identifying cognitive issues (e.g., comprehension, retrieval, judgement, mapping to response
options) with the ECPP questions in English, with a particular focus on
o the eating meal together item, the child living at multiple addresses item, and items on
internet access.
o the revised Child’s Health section and the revised instructions about reporting about
parents in the household.


identifying any navigational and cognitive issues with the revised formatting and instructions in
the ECPP and PFI.


identifying any issues with changes suggested from the 2020 Usability Testing conducted by the
Census Bureau.

AIR recruited 75 participants using multiple sources, including Craigslist ads, social media, homeschool
co-ops and listservs; AIR’s relationships with Hispanic and Spanish-speaking organizations and
communities; and personal and professional contacts. An example recruitment advertisement and email are included in appendix B. With interviews being held virtually, recruitment occurred across
several geographic locations on Craigslist sites to ensure a diverse recruitment pool. The locations
included major metropolitan areas with large percentages of Hispanic populations: New York; the
Washington, DC, metropolitan area; Illinois; Texas; and California. Interested individuals were asked to
complete a screening questionnaire over the telephone (appendix A). People who had participated in
cognitive studies or focus groups in the past 6 months and employees of the firms conducting the
research were excluded from participating.
Recruitment occurred in three rounds in 2020: Round 1, June 8–26; Round 2, July 6–31; and Round 3,
September 1–25. A team of bilingual recruiters screened all prospective participants to determine
eligibility. When prospective participants were determined to be eligible, a senior member of the team

assigned them either the ECPP or PFI questionnaire, based on the participant’s characteristics, with the
goal of meeting the target population distribution.
Interviewing generally began about a week after the beginning of each recruitment period and ended a
few days after recruitment was over. Specifically, Round 1, June 15–27; Round 2 July 17–August 4; and
Round 3, September 8–25. All interviews took place remotely, via video conferencing, using
GoToMeeting and Zoom, and lasted one hour. Whenever possible, respondents were asked to share
their webcam as well as their screen so that the interviewer could see what part of the questionnaire 1
they were looking at. Respondents were asked to read out loud all the instructions/questions as well as
to verbalize their thought process when answering the questionnaire.
Conducting cognitive interviews virtually had strengths and weaknesses. One important benefit was the
ability to recruit participants nationwide as opposed to those located in the D.C. metro area only. Given
the national reach of the NHES, this expansion in recruitment better reflects the survey’s target
population. Additionally, virtual interviews also reduced travel time to and from the in-person location,
which reduced burden on participants and potentially increased the number of people willing and able
to participate. One drawback to virtual interviewing is that it requires the participant to have a highspeed internet connection and web-enabled device. It is possible that people without the requisite web
access would systematically differ in their interpretations of survey items as compared to those with
web access. Another limitation is that the interviewer was not able to get full nonverbal feedback from
the participant, as only the face was visible on video, and the video quality wasn’t always good enough
to determine nonverbal cues (e.g., confusion, frustration). From a replicability standpoint, the virtual
setting is less effective at replicating the real experience of taking the survey on paper (participant has to
take it online for the interviewer to see their progress), while it is closer to the natural environment in
the sense that the participant takes the survey in their own home.
All interviewers were trained in cognitive interviewing methods as well as the protocols designed for the
NHES interviews. Whenever necessary, less experienced interviewers observed one or two interviews
before leading their own. For the Spanish interviews, AIR subcontracted part of the work to a team of
experienced qualitative researchers from Research Support Services. Most interviews had at least one
observer from the AIR core team, for quality control and/or to address technical issues, in addition to an
NCES observer (for the English interviews). All sessions were recorded, and all respondents received a
$40 incentive 2 for their participation.

Out of the 75 participants, 89% were female, 33% had a college degree, and 40% self-identified as white.
It is worth noting that 37% chose not to answer the race question on the screener, a majority of which
had identified (on a separate item) as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin.

For the purposes of the remote interviews, respondents looked at the pdf version of the paper questionnaire in their screen, as that was
the best way for interviewers to follow along with respondents.
2 Incentives were provided in the form of electronic gift cards (Amazon, Target, and Visa).


For the PFI interviews in both English and Spanish, AIR recruited the parents of children enrolled in
kindergarten through grade 12 and the parents of children being homeschooled (prior to COVID-19
restrictions) for the equivalent grades.
For the ECPP interviews in both English and Spanish, AIR recruited parents with at least one child
younger than 6 years old and not yet enrolled in kindergarten and, who prior to COVID-19 restrictions:

was in a center-based child care arrangement; and/or
could be classified into one of the following three categories (to adequately test the child’s
health section):
o had a diagnosed developmental delay (e.g., speech/language impairment, autism or on
the autistic spectrum, and attention disorder) or is at risk for a delay;
o did not have a diagnosed developmental delay but parents were “concerned” that their
child may have some type of delay; or
o did not have a diagnosed delay and parents had no concerns about one.

In order to make sure those who participated in the 75 cognitive interviews represented the target
population for the topical items as well as the predominant Spanish language backgrounds within the
U.S. population, 35 participants were interviewed in English and 40 in Spanish. More interviews were
conducted in Spanish than English because the Spanish instrument had new and revised item
translations that had not yet been tested with Spanish-speakers and because of the need to understand
how “homeschooling” is understood among Spanish speakers who might not be familiar with the term.
Participants were selected to represent an appropriately wide range of Spanish dialects. Table 1
provides the distribution of the English and Spanish interviews by language, country of origin for Spanish
speakers, key recruitment characteristics, and topical questionnaire.


Table 1. Sample distribution by language, country of origin for Spanish language speakers,
and key recruitment characteristics
Spanish speaking, by country of
Total English Spanish Mexico Rico/Cuba
PFI survey
Parent of a child enrolled in K-12 
Parent of a high school
student (9-12) 
Parent of a homeschooled
ECPP survey
Parent of child age 5 or younger 
In care 
“At risk” for a developmental
Not “at risk” for a
developmental delay   
Not in care 
“At risk” for a developmental
Not “at risk” for a
developmental delay   
Note: Details may not sum to totals due to overlapping of some categories.

Findings and Recommendations
This section outlines changes made to survey items for testing and highlights issues found with each
item, first focusing on issues across both languages and then detailing English- and Spanish-specific
issues. When applicable, item changes that occurred between rounds are noted, and final
recommendations for each item are included. Only issues with a high prevalence (five respondents or
more for the PFI and three respondents or more for the ECPP) are included unless the issues were
particularly salient. Thresholds for PFI are higher than for ECPP due to the larger PFI sample size as well
as the higher occurrence of issues among PFI respondents. The question numbers provided show the
2019 item number, followed by the item numbers in Round 1 (going into testing), and the Round 3
question number (going into the final round of testing). The final question number is the question
number after the end of testing and matches the 2023 question number in Appendix E. Copies of the PFI
and ECPP questionnaires used in all three rounds are found in Appendix D. Appendix E is a side-by-side

document that compares item wording in 2019 versus what will be included in 2023 NHES
questionnaires at the time of writing this report.

PFI General Issues
Questionnaire Cover – Name of child:
Note: This is also found on the ECPP
Initial concern: Jolene Smyth, a survey design expert, recommended making it clear who the respondent
is answering these questions for. As a result, the sampled child’s name was printed on the cover of the
questionnaires. This has not been done in prior NHES administrations.
Findings: There were no issues during all three rounds of testing.
AIR recommends continuing to have the sampled child’s name on the cover of the questionnaire.
Q1/Q1/Q1/Q1 – Child’s grade/Current grade:
Initial concern: No initial concern. Issues discovered during cognitive testing.
Findings: In Round 1, four respondents expressed uncertainty about picking a grade, given that the
school year had just ended. They were not sure whether to choose the grade for the year that had just
ended or the grade that the child was supposed to enter in the fall. In Round 2, the language was
changed to ask respondents to think about the 2019-20 school year. Three respondents picked the grade
for the upcoming school year, and one was confused about which grade to pick. In Round 3, the
question wording reverted to its original form. In this round, one respondent, who was homeschooling,
had issues selecting a grade.
AIR recommends leaving the language as it was in 2019, as the uncertainty about choosing a grade was
likely the result of the timing of the interviews. If NHES:2023 is not administered during the school year,
AIR recommends revisiting the language of this item to specify the academic year.
Q33/Q34/Q32/Q32 – Magnet school:
Initial concern: No initial concern. Issues discovered during cognitive testing.
Findings: When asked about the term “magnet school,” two respondents in Round 1 expressed a lack of
familiarity with the term and were unsure of how to respond to the question. In Round 2, the
questionnaire included a “don’t know” option, but two respondents had similar issues and were unsure
of how to respond. No issues were reported in Round 3, likely due to all PFI English interviews being with
homeschooling parents, who skipped this item. Further issues are described in the Spanish-specific
section of the report.

AIR recommends using the revised round 3 item (with the “don’t know” option). While a definition could
help, it could also create more confusion if the parent is not familiar with the term or if the definition
doesn’t align with theirs. Future cognitive testing could include a definition in one of the rounds and
assess its performance.
Q51/Q52/Q36/Q49 – Child’s grades:
Initial concern: No initial concern. Issues discovered during cognitive testing.
Findings: In Round 1, five respondents expressed difficulty when choosing an option for this question as
the grades their child received varied widely across subjects. In Round 2, the language was changed from
“overall” to “on average,” and this proved challenging for two respondents for similar reasons as in
Round 1. One parent was confused because their child gets numeric grades (possibly because they’re in
special education) and was unsure what the equivalence was. In Round 3, the language reverted to the
original and no issues were reported.

AIR recommends leaving the item as is (keeping the language used in 2019) and continuing to monitor it
in future cognitive interview efforts.
Q73/Q74/NA/NA – Family meals per week (note this item also applies to the ECPP Q74/Q75/NA):
Initial concern: During the NHES Spanish Translation expert review and adjudication meeting it was
suggested that the 2019 wording “In the past week, how many days has your family eaten the evening
meal together” might not work well in Spanish for measuring the intended meal. As a result, Round 1
tested this revised language: “IN THE PAST WEEK, how many days has your family eaten any meal
together at least once a day?”
Findings: In Round 1, seven respondents expressed some confusion when answering this item. In some
cases, they considered the wrong time frame (e.g., counting only Monday to Friday, or counting a whole
month). When respondents did consider a 7-day period, they would usually count Monday to Sunday, or
an average week. One respondent only counted those meals that had been cooked at home, so
excluded take-out meals from their count. One respondent answered “1” as they were thinking about
one meal a day and not multiplying it by however many days this was the case. This item was not tested
in Rounds 2 and 3 as it is likely that will be dropped from future administrations.


If NCES decides to keep this item, AIR recommends that this item continue to be tested in future
cognitive interview efforts. Potentially, either a formatting change could be made (put “days” in all caps)
or a larger change implemented, like adopting the wording from the National Child Health Survey:
“DURING THE PAST WEEK, on how many days did all the family members who live in the household eat a
meal together?” The NCHS provides categorical response options of 0 days, 1-3 days, 4-6 days, and every
day. We could keep the original NHES wording but change to the categorical response options to see if
that helps.
Q76/Q77/Q39/Q74 – Child’s health conditions:
Initial concern: There was concern about the term “mental retardation” in the item “An intellectual
disability, formerly known as mental retardation.” This health condition was moved from being the first
item in the list of health conditions in 2019 to being second to the last (before “another health
impairment”) in this 2023 testing. In addition, more detail was added to the following two conditions to
align with recommendations from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and the National
Center for Special Education Research (NCSER).

Autism  Autism or autism spectrum disorder
Attention Deficit Disorder, ADD or ADHD  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD or

Findings: In earlier rounds, two respondents expressed not being familiar with the term “intellectual
disability” and/or knowing the causes, while one respondent refused to read “mental retardation” out
loud because they found it offensive. In Round 3, a respondent was uncertain what to select because her
son has never received a formal diagnosis of ADHD or ADD while another respondent said that you could
not diagnose a child who was in kindergarten. No changes were made to this item during testing.
AIR recommends leaving the item as is and continuing to monitor it in future cognitive interview efforts,
since no consistent issues were found.
NA/Q89/NA/Q86 – Child’s internet access on a cell phone:
Initial concern: This was a new item to test for the 2023 instrument. The item was created to capture a
full picture of internet access the child and household has. In 2019, the internet items were focused on
internet access in the household and how often the internet is used for learning activities. The item was
revised because cell phones are more likely to be owned by one individual in a family than to be shared
by all household members.
Findings: In earlier rounds, four respondents had some trouble when answering this question, usually
thinking about internet access at home (e.g., Wi-Fi) versus specifically on a phone via a data plan. No
changes were made to this item during testing.


AIR recommends leaving the item as it was tested in round 2 and to continue monitoring how the item
performs in future cognitive and usability interview efforts. As well, AIR recommends analyzing how the
item performs in the NHES:2023 data collection to see if it has high item missing rates, which may
indicate that respondents have difficulty understanding the item. Note that NCES plans to include this
item on the PFI but not in the ECPP.
Note this item applies to the ECPP (Q105/Q109/NA).
Initial concern: Based on the analysis of the “other, specify” response options it was found that siblings
were a common write-in response in the NHES:2019. As a result, for the NHES:2023 testing two
response options were added (“Brother” and “Sister”).
Findings: During all three rounds of testing there were no issues with these two new response options.
AIR recommends including these revised response options for the NHES:2023 (round 3 wording) since
there were no issues and this addition could reduce the amount of other, specify review in data
Q96/Q97/Q47/Q94 – Parent or guardian (note this item also applies to the ECPP Q107/Q110/Q73):
Initial concern: Jolene Smyth, a survey design expert, recommended that for the first item in the Parent
1 section, the instructions provided before the question be pulled into the question wording to make it
clearer to respondents who they should be reporting about in this section. In addition, based on updates
to the web instrument and to provide further clarification for Rounds 2 and 3, a question was added
prior to the first Parent 1 question, asking if respondents consider themselves the parent/guardian, with
instructions to either answer the section about themselves if they are the parent/guardian or to answer
the section about one of the child’s parents/guardians.
Findings: While respondents did not express major concerns with this item in Round 1, it was broken
into two items for Rounds 2 and 3, with some modifications to the text and format to minimize the
response burden. In Round 3, one participant, who was the child’s mother, said she was the
parent/guardian but upon further reflection wondered if she had read the question correctly. She
ultimately responded correctly and continued with the questionnaire.
AIR recommends using the new design of the initial Parent 1-2 questions used in Round 3 and continuing
to monitor these items in future cognitive interview efforts. However, it is possible that few problems
were observed because all of our respondents were the parents themselves. NCES may want to consider
including other relatives in future cognitive testing to see how these items perform.


Q140/Q117(P1)/Q115(P2); Q139(P2)/NA – Parent has internet access on a cellphone:
Note this also applies to the ECPP (Q145/Q127(P1); Q146(P2)/Q83(P1)).
Initial concern: NHES:2019 asked “Do you have internet access on a cell phone?” in the “Your
Household” section. It was decided to instead ask if Parent 1 and Parent 2 have access to the internet on
a cellphone. As a result, two new items were added, one in each parent section.
Findings: During all three rounds of testing there were no issues with these questions.
AIR recommends asking both parents if they have access to internet on a cellphone, as in Round 3, for
the NHES:2023.
Q141/Q143/Q63/Q141 – Internet access at home:
Note this also applies to the ECPP (Q146/Q150/Q90).
Initial concern: NHES:2019 included the item “Do you have Internet access at home on a computer or
tablet?” But the intention was to ask if the household had internet access. As a result, the question was
revised to, “Does your household have Internet access AT HOME on a computer or tablet?”
Findings: During all three rounds of testing there were no issues with the new wording of this question.
AIR recommends using this new wording, as in Round 3, for the NHES:2023.
Q145 and Q146/Q147 and Q67/Q68 and Q145/Q146 – Identifying child’s school:
Initial concern: Dr. Smyth noted that the format for this item in 2019 is very different than the format of
the rest of the questionnaire items. This item is in more of a form-like format. As a result, for this testing
the format and question wording were modified to make the item look more like other items in the
instrument. This entailed replacing the large grid with a school list. In addition, it is proposed that the
school list be derived from the exact address of the participant instead of zip code centroid, providing a
more refined listing of schools.
Findings: In Rounds 1 and 2, four respondents did not see their child’s school located in the list and had
trouble navigating to the next step. They noted that it would be clearer to have instructions at the top of
the question about what to do if the school was not listed. In Round 3, one respondent was confused by
the question because she homeschools her child, so the child does not attend school. Another
participant noted that some homeschooling parents officially name their school. No changes were made
to this item during testing.


AIR recommends using the Round 3 version, but also adding instructions to make it clearer what
homeschoolers and/or parents whose school is not listed should do. The current suggested language for
this addition is:
If you found your child’s school in question 145, your survey is complete. If your child is homeschooled
full-time, your survey is complete.
If you did not find your child’s school in question 145, please write the school’s name and address in the
spaces below.
This text has not been tested.

PFI Homeschooling Section
Given the emphasis on testing the homeschooling section in Rounds 2 and 3, issues are noted even if
they had a relatively low occurrence. Given the low occurrence of most issues, there is not enough
evidence that can support a recommended change for some items, but future cognitive testing is
recommended for these items. These items were only tested on English speaking participants.
Q3/Q3/Q3/Q3 – Homeschooling routing item:
Initial concern: Due to several items needing to be skipped if the child is not homeschooled, in addition
to the typical skip direction with instructions to go to the item number (i.e., GO TO question 29), the
instructions also included the page number that item was on since the respondent would need to skip
several items and pages (i.e., GO TO question 29 on page 9).
Findings: During all three rounds of testing there were no issues with this change to the skip instruction.
AIR recommends continuing to include the page number in addition to the question number in the skip
logic for this item only (round 3 version).
Q8/Q8/Q8/Q8 – Home instruction provided by private tutor or teacher:
Initial concern: No initial concern. Issues discovered during Census usability testing and cognitive
testing. (Census usability testing occurred concurrently with cognitive interview Rounds 1 and 2);
parents whose children were in a co-op were not sure whether to count the co-op instructor as a private
tutor or teacher.
Findings: In Round 2, two respondents expressed confusion over what counted as a private tutor or
teacher. In one case, the respondent originally selected “no” but then acknowledged that the child takes
an online class and changed her answer to “yes.” Another respondent did not know if a small co-op (five
kids) should count for the item. Ultimately, she selected “yes.” In Round 3, two respondents were
unclear on how to answer if they themselves were teachers and provided in-home instruction to their
children. Both answered “no” to the question. Another Round 3 respondent hesitated before selecting

“no,” saying that she decided that the piano lessons her daughter takes did not count. For the Round 3
cognitive interviews, the term “Excluding co-ops,” was added to the beginning of the item because in
the Census usability testing it was found that the question is confusing for people who are in a co-op.
AIR recommends using the Round 3 item (with “excluding co-ops’) and continuing to monitor it in future
cognitive interview efforts for potential changes in future administrations. It seems that the issues that
occurred in Round 3 did not have to do with the new “excluding co-ops” language but instead around
confusion about other instructors. Each respondent did respond correctly, which indicated that the
revised language should be okay to move forward with for future administrations.
Q9/Q9/Q9/Q9 – Enrolled in online classes:
Initial concern: No initial concern. Issues discovered during cognitive testing.
Findings: In Round 2, one respondent interpreted the instructions “Do not include courses that use the
internet only for selected assignments” as meaning “use the Internet exclusively” as opposed to “use the
Internet, but only for certain assignments.” After Round 2, the wording in the instructions was changed
to read “Do not include courses that use the Internet for only selected assignments”, which seemed to
work during further testing. In Round 3, one respondent was not sure whether to consider online
sessions with private tutors as an online class.
AIR recommends leaving the item with the Round 2 edit (also in Round 3) for 2023 and continuing to
monitor it in future cognitive interview efforts.
Q12/Q12/Q12/Q12 – Online instruction provider:
Initial concern: No initial concern. Issues discovered during cognitive testing.
Findings: In Round 2, four respondents had some difficulty with this item because they could not find
the option that applied to them (e.g., online tutor) or their status within the school system (e.g., one
respondent said they’re registered as a “private school of one” per state guidelines). Ultimately, the
respondents were able to mark the right answers for their situation. In Round 3, one respondent was
unclear whether the online content in which her child engaged counted but decided it did not since it
did not represent official courses. No changes were made to this item during testing.
AIR recommends leaving the 2019 item as is for 2023 and continuing to monitor it in future cognitive
interview efforts, given the wide variety of homeschooling settings.
Q14/Q14/Q14/Q14 – Virtual education tuition costs:
Initial concern: No initial concern. Issues discovered during cognitive testing.
Findings: In Round 2, two respondents noted that the charter school the child is enrolled in pays for part
of the total amount, although both reported the full amount. In Round 3, one respondent felt the

question was very burdensome because tutors were often paid by the session and it would be difficult
to calculate the total. No changes were made to this item during testing.
AIR recommends leaving the 2019 item as is for 2023 and continuing to monitor it in future cognitive
interview efforts, given the wide variety of homeschooling settings. For future administrations, AIR
recommends further discussion on whether this item is measuring (1) just tuition cost, or tuition and
fees, and (2) just parents’ out of pocket cost or total cost. In addition, there may be additional
development needed to understand the future of virtual education such as virtual tutoring post-COVID.
Q15/Q15/Q15/Q15 – Hours in online, virtual, cyber school:
Note this also applies to the enrolled section of the PFI (Q49/Q50/NA).
Initial concern: Due to issues in respondent potentially not reporting the hours in that week an
additional label (“in that week”) was provided to the response options, so it says, e.g., “Fewer than 10
hours in that week.”
Findings: During all three rounds of testing there were no issues with these response options.
AIR recommends continuing to include the response options tested, as indicated in Round 3.
Q16/Q16/Q16/Q16 – Homeschool teaching style:
Initial concern: No initial concern. Issues discovered during cognitive testing.
Findings: In Round 2, two respondents struggled with choosing an option because of their unique
situation (e.g., one respondent, who follows a different curriculum or program for each class based on
the child’s preference, picked the last option). The same respondent also referred to “informal learning”
as “unschooling.” In Round 3, three respondents noted that it would be difficult to choose an option
because many homeschool providers use different teaching styles for different curricula. No changes
were made to this item during testing.
AIR recommends leaving the 2019 item as is for 2023 and continuing to monitor it in future cognitive
interview efforts, given the wide variety of homeschooling settings as well as how it performs in the
NHES:2023 collection to see if the item has high item missing rates, which may indicate that respondents
have difficulty finding a response option that fits their homeschooling style. NCES might consider adding
“unschooling” as an option for 2026 item development. This question was originally designed to find
unschoolers, so a yes/no item about unschoolers and a separate yes/no item about strictly following a
formal curriculum would work better. Usability testers from Census also reported that most parents
picked the second response, which includes both formal and informal learning.


(Q18 Q19)/(Q18/Q19)/NA/NA – Virtual and physical homeschool resources:
Initial concern: There was no initial concern with this item but in Census usability interviews
respondents were often confused because they seemed to think about physical and virtual resources at
the same time instead of two separate sets of resources.
Findings: Due to the findings in the Census usability testing these items were dropped prior to our
Round 3 testing. See “NHES 2020 Qualitative Pretesting Final Report” for more details about these
issues. These issues arose in Round 1 and 2 cognitive interviewing: two respondents wondered if
Amazon would fall under one of the options. One of them ended up choosing 18b for Amazon as “it is a
store” (they didn’t realize option b referred to homeschool specialized stores). Another respondent
decided to select 12d (public schools) because they get the materials from conferences where the
audience is public schools.
AIR recommends dropping these items for the NHES:2023, and to reconsider how these items or
concepts could be developed into new items for future NHES administrations.
Q21/Q21 and Q22/Q19 and Q19 – Grades for which the child was homeschooled:
Initial concern: From the Census usability testing prior to NHES:2019, respondents were sometimes not
indicating all the grades for which their child had been homeschooled, but were instead listing just their
child’s current grade. To remedy this, a new item was added to first ask parents for the number of
grades for which the child had been homeschooled, and in the original item enumerating the grades, the
stem wording was revised, and the response options were changed from, for example, “1st grade” to
“Homeschooled in 1st grade”. These changes were tested through round 2 of these cognitive interviews.
Because respondents found these items redundant, Round 3 dropped the new item and included only
the original item with the revised stem and response options.
Findings: In Round 2, one respondent said it was more helpful to start with the current grade and count
the previous grades. Another respondent only counted the grades the child was in after leaving the
public school system entirely, and didn't count the grades for which the child was homeschooled but
also attending school for some courses. In Round 3, a respondent included grades 1 and 2 in their
response even though the child was enrolled in school full time (since the parent provided
supplemented learning at home because the child was not learning in school). Another respondent
wondered why there was not a pre-school option to select. No changes were made to this item during
AIR recommends leaving the item as it was tested in Round 3 for 2023 and continuing to monitor it in
future cognitive interview efforts, given the wide variety of homeschooling settings. Also, it would be
good to monitor how the item performs in the NHES:2023 collection to see if the item has high item
missing rates, which may indicate that respondents had difficulty finding the grades the child has been


Q22/Q23/Q20/Q20 – Reason for homeschooling:
Initial concern: No initial concern. Issues discovered during cognitive testing.
Findings: In Round 2, one respondent said that her reason for homeschooling changed over time, while
another respondent said almost all of the reasons were true at some point. In Round 3, one respondent
said her reasons for homeschooling changed over time but were not necessarily part of the decision to
start homeschooling. She also said that one of her reasons—not giving the school her physical address
for safety reasons—was not listed as an option. Another respondent said that she wished that “love of a
curriculum” was an option. She did not want to check that she supports nontraditional curriculum
because she is not an “unschooler.” No changes were made to this item during testing.
AIR recommends leaving the 2019 item as is for 2023 and continuing to monitor it in future cognitive
interview efforts, given the wide variety of homeschooling settings. Given the range of reasons and how
those reasons can change over time for future NHES administrations it would be good to determine
what NCES would like to measure with these items, do they want to know the initial reason they chose
homeschool, the current reason, or all the reasons.
Q26/Q27/Q24/Q24 – Number of homeschooling activities they participated in:
Initial concern: No initial concern. Issues discovered during cognitive testing.
Findings: After results from the Census usability testing an analysis was conducted to see the range of
times activities are done since September to create ranges instead of being open-ended because in
testing the item was burdensome to some participants. In Round 3, the revised question was changed
from an open-ended response option to checkboxes with a range of the number activities the family
participated in since September. One respondent in that round had to be prompted to think about their
activity schedule prior to the pandemic but was ultimately able to select an answer.
AIR recommends using the new (Round 3) wording of the question and response options and continuing
to monitor it in future cognitive interview efforts. We also recommend capping the response options at
“20 or more” and potentially limiting the time period to increase data accuracy (so earlier and later
respondents report for equivalent time periods). After the NHES:2023 data collection, it will be good to
analyze the item missing rates here to see if they have varied from past data collections.
Q29/Q30/Q27/Q27 – Additional enrollment in separate school:
Initial concern: No initial concern before cognitive testing. Issues discovered during cognitive testing.
Findings: In Round 3, the wording of the question was changed from “Is this homeschooled child also
enrolled in a school for any grades K-12?” to “Is this homeschooled child also enrolled in a separate
public or private school for any grades K-12?” This change was made because a respondent in Round 2
was not sure how to respond to this question because the respondent met with the school, but the child

did not go to the school. One respondent selected “no,” saying she did not consider the community
college course her son took to be a separate enrollment because it was part of their homeschool
curriculum. Another respondent also did not believe that one online course counted as enrollment in a
separate school. A third respondent said she felt like she had already answered when she answered that
her daughter is enrolled in a public or private school in a previous question and answered “no”.
AIR recommends using the new wording of the question from Round 3 and including additional probing
in future cognitive interview efforts. This may include asking about any courses taken in community
colleges or other institutions to see if respondents would count them in their response.
Q42/Q43/Q28/Q28 – Hours per week for school instruction:
Initial concern: No initial concern before cognitive testing. The item in Round 1 testing was in the same
location as 2019 (as part of the enrolled section of the PFI) but in Rounds 2 and 3 it was moved to the
end of the homeschool section based on findings from the 2020 Census Usability testing where
respondents had issues with the item: rather than reporting the hours thee child attended a school,
respondents were reporting the number of hours that the child was homeschooled. Realizing that it is
not necessary to collect data from students enrolled in public and private schools, the decision was
made to move the item back into the homeschooling section (paralleling the item’s placement in the
2012 and 2016 PFI-Homeschool questionnaires. The goal was to put it after the question that asks if the
child is enrolled in a school and then ask the number of hours after they report they are enrolled in a
school, so the focus would only be on the number of hours in a school, not also homeschooling hours. It
was updated from 2019 to the response options going from “11 to 24 hours” to “11 to 25 hours” and
“More than 24 hours each week” to “More than 25 hours each week” to align with past NHES definition
of a full-time enrolled child versus a part-time homeschooler.
Findings: This item was introduced in Round 2 to the homeschool section (previously in Round 1 it was
in the enrolled section), and one respondent had difficulty selecting an answer because the amount of
time her child spends on school instruction, about 1 hour per month, was not an option choice. Instead,
she selected 1-10 hours per week, which is greater than the actual number. In Round 3, the first
response option for the item was changed to “child does not go to a school each week.” Respondents
did not express difficulties with the item in Round 3.
AIR recommends using the new Round 3 wording for the question and continuing to monitor it in future
cognitive interview efforts. NCES might also consider changing the first option to be “Child does not go
to a school”, and the second option to “10 or fewer hours per week”. After the NHES:2023 data
collection, it will be good to analyze the item missing rates here to see if they vary from past data


PFI Spanish-Specific
Education Terminology
Spanish-speaking respondents were able to get through the questionnaire and respond to all of the
questions that applied to them, but many had issues with terminology related to the U.S. education
system, especially those who had been in the country only a few years. On a five point scale of bad, not
good, good, very good, and fluent, it is worth noting that 10 respondents reported being “not good” or
“bad” when asked about their English proficiency, 10 reported being “good,” and 8 reported being “very
Q3/Q3/Q3/Q3 – Homeschooling routing item:
Initial concern: This item has had high response error in previous administrations, with Spanish speaking
respondents answering the Homeschooling section even though they are not eligible. Interviewers were
instructed to pay special attention to how respondents answered this question and probe if they
incorrectly proceeded to the Homeschooling section.
Findings: Across all three rounds, 12 (of 28) respondents had some difficulty deciding how to answer this
question. In some cases, they incorrectly selected “yes” to being homeschooled and proceeded to the
homeschooling section, mostly due to remote learning during COVID-19. This error was more prevalent
during Round 3, which took place in September, as remote learning was the norm for many families. No
changes were made to this item during testing.
AIR recommends leaving the item as is and continuing to monitor it in future cognitive interviewing
efforts, especially as the concept of schooling evolves in light of our new reality. After the NHES:2023
data collection, we also recommend conducting debriefing interviews with respondents who completed
the PFI instrument in Spanish and reported their child was homeschooled to begin to understand their
homeschooling situation.
Q32/Q33/Q31/Q31 – Charter school:
Initial concern: Spanish speaking respondents have had issues in past cognitive testing understanding
the term “escuela charter (charter school)” as not everyone was familiar with it. The Spanish translation
committee, who met in March 2020, determined that there is not a uniform translation for “charter
school”, therefore the goal of the interviews was to observe both response error and probe respondents
about their understanding of the concept.
Findings: Across all three rounds, 14 respondents were not familiar with the term “charter school,” and
in some cases, this led to misreporting. A few respondents had heard of the term and understood it as
“independent schools” or “half public half private.” Rounds 2 and 3 included a “don’t know” option,
which helped reduce misreporting.


AIR recommends keeping the “I don’t know” option in both languages and continuing to monitor the
item for potential misreporting. This monitoring could occur after the 2023 data collection to see how
this item performed and compare responses to this item to the school the respondent selected and
against the administrative data that is linked to that school. We believe a definition might confuse
respondents and make the question too long.
Q33/Q34/Q32/Q32 – Magnet program:
Initial concern: Spanish speaking respondents have had issues in past cognitive testing understanding
the term “programa magnet (magnet program)” as not everyone was familiar with it. The expert panel
review determined that there is not an equivalent concept in Spanish for “magnet program”, therefore
the goal of the interviews was to observe response error and to probe respondents about their
understanding of the concept.
Findings: Across all three rounds, 14 respondents were not familiar with the term “magnet school,” and
in some cases, it led to misreporting. A few participants incorrectly said “yes” because their child was “in
a program” and they thought that could be what the question was referring to. As with Q33, a “don’t
know” option was added, which helped reduce misreporting.
AIR recommends keeping the “I don’t know” option in both languages and continuing to monitor the
item for potential misreporting. This monitoring could occur after the 2023 data collection to see how
this item performed and compare responses to this item to the school the respondent selected and
against the administrative data that is linked to that school. We believe a definition might confuse
respondents and make the question too long.
Q57/Q58/Q38/Q55 – Suspension and Detention:
Initial concern: Spanish speaking respondents have had issues in the past with this item, especially
because of the term “detención (detention),” used in the response option “An in-school suspension not
counting detentions.” In some countries, “detención” means being arrested. The expert panel determined
that there is not an equivalent concept in Spanish for “detention,” and the item was flagged for
additional probing on the concept.
Findings: In Round 1, respondents seemed familiar with these terms in the education system, but three
were confused about the need for them. One seemed to understand suspension as a detention. All three
thought that the term for detention in Spanish, “detención,” was too strong, as it means being arrested.
In Round 2, the term “detención” was removed from the Spanish wording, and all respondents seemed
to understand the question correctly when probed during Rounds 2 and 3. Removing this word
improved understanding and did not affect fidelity to the English version significantly.


AIR recommends keeping the new Spanish language and continuing to monitor the item. After the
NHES:2023 data collection, it will be good to analyze the item missing rates and response distributions
to see if they vary from past data collections.
Cultural Terminology (Hispanic origin and race questions)
Initial concern: the AIR team has found these items to be problematic for Spanish speaking respondents
to answer in past cognitive testing, as there is not a universal understanding about what it means to be
Hispanic or Latino in the US. In addition to that, many of those who consider themselves as Hispanic or
Latino don’t feel represented by the race options or are not used to having to categorize themselves as
belonging to a race in their country of origin. Based on previous findings, and more extensive research 3
conducted on this topic, the AIR team wanted to ensure that these issues were identified, when
(Q85/107/128);(Q86/108/130); (Q54); (Q83) – Hispanic origin:
(Note: this item also applies to the ECPP.)
Findings: Across all three rounds, 10 respondents expressed difficulty with this item, especially when
answering about their U.S.-born child. In many cases, they interpreted the item to refer to place of birth
and didn’t know how to answer when the child was born in the United States, but the parents came
from a different country. In other cases, participants felt like they belonged to multiple categories (e.g.,
Mexican and Hispanic). One participant seemed bothered because their country of origin was not listed.
During the recruitment phase, all of these 10 respondents reported being of Hispanic origin. No changes
were made to this item during testing.
AIR recommends continuing to monitor this item in future cognitive interview efforts. These items
parallel the American Community Survey’s existing race and ethnicity items. The NHES weights their
data to the ACS. As a result, unless a change happens within the ACS questionnaire the NHES will
continue asking the question the same way. We provide these findings from the cognitive interviews in
case a change occurs within the ACS or if Census ever needs additional qualitative data to support
changes to these items.
(Q86/108/129); (Q87/109/131); (Q57); Q84 – Race terminology:
Findings: Across all three rounds, 17 respondents expressed issues with the items asking about their
race. In most cases, respondents said that none of the options applied to them and picked “by
elimination.” In some cases, they thought of choosing “White,” or “indigenous of Americas,” although
when they saw “Alaskan” as part of the indigenous option, they thought it didn’t apply to them. In other
cases, they left the question blank and suggested other options, such as “brown,” “mestizo (mixed),” or
“Hispanic/Latino.” This trend matches how respondents reported their ethnicity during recruitment.
Fifteen participants said they’d “prefer not to answer,” 11 reported “White,” and two reported “Native
American or Alaska native.” In the ECPP, two selected both “White” and “indigenous of the Americas”

Pew Research Center. 2015. “Multiracial in America: Proud, Diverse and Growing in Numbers.” Washington, D.C.: June

and the rest left it blank, with one saying they considered themselves Hispanic. One respondent said
that they hated this question. This pattern also reflects what participants reported during recruitment,
with six answering “White,” three “Native American,” and three “prefer not to answer.” No changes
were made to this item during testing.
AIR recommends continuing to monitor this item in future cognitive interview efforts. These items
parallel the American Community Survey’s existing race and ethnicity items. The NHES weights their
data to the ACS. As a result, unless a change happens within the ACS questionnaire the NHES will
continue asking the question the same way. We provide these findings from the cognitive interviews in
case a change occurs within the ACS or if Census ever needs additional qualitative data to support
changes to these items.
Homeschooling Concept Elicitation
The Spanish interviews included a series of probes about homeschooling to determine participants’
familiarity with the concept and whether they would be able to correctly answer the homeschooling
items. In addition, interviewers asked participants if they had a preference about how to refer to
homeschooling in Spanish. In Round 1, this question was asked before starting the questionnaire. In
Rounds 2 and 3, the question was integrated into the beginning of the questionnaire to obtain more
spontaneous reactions.
Across all rounds, 16 respondents correctly answered “no” when asked if they were homeschooling their
children prior to March 2020. Most were familiar with the term, usually because they knew of someone
who homeschooled their children. They tended to express negative attitudes toward the concept or just
wonder how parents made it work. Eleven respondents were confused by the term or had an erroneous
understanding of it. In some cases, they thought of homeschooling as just online classes, assignments via
e-mail, extracurricular activities, or providing additional support at home for children with special needs.
In some cases, the respondents’ answers explaining what they understood by homeschooling were
based on the current schooling situation.
In Round 2, participants were asked to pick between two explanations of homeschooling. There was no
consensus on which one was easier to understand, and participants generally found them too wordy and
hard to comprehend.
In Rounds 2 and 3, participants were presented with five options to refer to homeschooling in Spanish
(see appendix C). Of the 19 participants who were presented with the terms, 8 picked “Enseñanza
escolar en el hogar (homeschool),” and three each picked “Educación en el hogar,” “Educación en la
casa,” and “Escuela en el hogar.” One participant couldn’t pick any of the choices, and another
suggested “Instrucción en la casa.” Table 3 below shows how many respondents picked each variation of
the translation, with the English terminology equivalent for reference.


Table 2. Distribution of Spanish respondents by homeschool translation
Spanish term
English translation
Enseñanza escolar en el
School teaching at home
hogar (homeschool)
Educación en el hogar
Education at home
Educación en la casa
Education at the house
Escuela en el hogar
School at home
Other: Instrucción en la casa Instruction at the house
AIR recommends keeping the current translation for homeschooling (Enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool)), as it was preferred by most respondents. AIR does not recommend including a definition,
as it didn’t seem to help those who were already confused by the term.
There are limitations to this type of testing in the context of our study. On the one hand, all options
were presented in the same order for all three rounds, so it is not possible to know if their preference
was influenced by the serial-position effect. Additionally, the term “Enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool)” was mentioned in the first question, so it is possible that respondents were more likely to
recognize it and select it among the presented options.

ECPP General Issues
Q1/Q1/Q1/Q1 – Care by a relative:
Initial concern: Results from prior testing showed that respondents would sometimes double report the
care they received because they would include things like program-based care in the non-relative care
section and the center-based care section. That is, one care arrangement would be reported twice. To
help mitigate this issue, a change was made for testing from 2019 with adding an introductory
paragraph after the question number “This survey starts by asking about care this child receives from a
relative, then care received by someone who is not related, and then care in a daycare, preschool, or
other center.”
Findings: In earlier rounds, four respondents expressed some confusion with this question, mainly
because they didn’t carefully read the instructions. Two respondents thought that the question referred
to both relative and center-based care, as those terms are part of the introductory text. After reading
the subsequent of questions, they both realized what the focus of the section was, corrected their
answers, and proceeded correctly. In addition, two Spanish respondents mentioned that they didn’t
have family in the country, so the section wouldn’t apply to them. Changes were made after Round 2 to
revise the new introductory language, limiting the instructions to the content of the section and moving
it out of the question wording. Screen shots are provided to show the change in language and
formatting of the item across rounds. The item performed well in Round 3.


Round 1:

Round 3:

AIR recommends keeping the Round 3 language, which had been used in prior NHES administrations,
and continuing to monitor the item in future cognitive interview efforts, especially in the case of Spanish
respondents. It would be interesting to see if there are any differences in whether respondents are
confused when reporting for this section between English and Spanish respondents that could be
attributed to immigrant parents not having relatives in the United States where they would report a
relative looks over the child but may not have relatives in the United States.
Non-relative Care Section:
Initial concern: In a review of the 2019 instrument it was determined that the questions in this section
did not specify who the care is referencing. To make this section clearer, whenever “care” was
referenced “non-relative” was added to the item so it was clear who the question was asking about and
could not be confused with other types of care providers.
Findings: During all three rounds of testing there were no issues with the terminology added to specify
non-relative care provider.
AIR recommends keeping the updated language for the NHES:2023.
Q43/Q43/Q31/Q43 – Program where child spends most time:
Initial concern: To ensure that respondents answered this item (and subsequent items) for the program
where the child spends the most time, the 2019 version of this item was changed by moving the
directions that were before the question to be part of the question. Additional issues were discovered
during cognitive testing.


Findings: In Round 2 one respondent selected “public elementary/secondary school” because the
special education facility is part of the school district. During Round 3, two respondents found the
question difficult to answer. One said the preschool was located in a school building that was currently
not operating as a school but ultimately selected “public elementary/secondary school.” Another
selected “some other place” because the day care was private and suggested that “private day care” be
included as an answer choice. No changes were made to this item during testing.
AIR recommends keeping the item as is and continuing to monitor it in future cognitive interview efforts.
Q49/Q49/Q37/Q49 – Hours needed for work:
Initial concern: No initial concern before cognitive testing. Issues discovered during cognitive testing.
Findings: Two stay-at-home moms selected “Not well” as opposed to “Not applicable” because the
hours of the day care made it difficult or impossible to be employed outside the home. Meaning they
wanted to work but could not find day care to cover the hours they would be working. No changes were
made to this item during testing.
While this would seem like a low-prevalence issue, AIR recommends continuing to monitor this item, as
well as Q9 and Q27, during future cognitive interview efforts to determine if it is problematic for stay-athome parents. It might be worth considering for future administrations adding a gate question asking if
the care arrangement is needed to cover work hours and an item that ask another question if a nonworking parent is NOT working because they could not find child care to cover work hours. NCES would
need to weigh value of that addition, given the low prevalence of this issue, limitations on survey real
estate, and added respondent burden.
NA/Q54/Q39/Q54: Preschool removal
Initial concern: Based on the recommendations from OSEP, NCSER, and ECLS this new item was added
to the ECPP to measure if a child has been removed from care due to a behavior issue.
Findings: During all three rounds of testing there were no issues with this item.
AIR recommends including this item for the NHES:2023.
Q54/Q55/Q40/Q55: Services provided by program
Initial concern: Based on the recommendations from OSEP and NCSER two sub-items were updated
from the 2019 wording to include “speech and language” in the appropriate type of service. Speech was
moved out of the first item (a) and moved to the fourth item (d) from “Formal testing for developmental
or learning problems” to “Developmental screenings for speech and language, social emotional, or
motor development.”
Findings: During all three rounds of testing there were no issues with these revised items.

AIR recommends including these revised items for the NHES:2023.
Q66/Q67/Q48/Q67: Main reason for the difficulty finding care
Initial concern: Separately conducted “other, specify” research found common reasons that
respondents provided in the write-in that NCES decided to test in cognitive interviewing for potential
additions for the NHES:2023. These reasons included:

Child has a special need, and could not find appropriate care
Looking for specific hours or schedule
Challenges receiving financial assistance
Age requirements of the child care

Findings: During all three rounds of testing there were no issues with these new options.
AIR recommends including these new options for the NHES:2023 since there were no issues and this
addition could reduce the amount of other, specify review in data processing.
Q67/Q68/Q49/Q68 – Did you have a care arrangement for this child in the past year?
Initial concern: No initial concern before cognitive testing. Issues discovered during cognitive testing.
Findings: This item is meant to help route respondents to the appropriate questions about their care
arrangement. In Round 2, two respondents were confused by what “care arrangement” covered in this
item. In Round 3, two respondents noted that it was repetitive based on their responses in previous
sections. No changes were made to this item during testing.
AIR recommended using skip logic for the web version based on respondents’ responses in previous
sections. Upon NCES approval, these changes were implemented. For future administrations NCES might
consider asking a different type of filter question such as asking if they completed any of the three care
New section for 2023: Q85-92Q85-95/Q54-Q63/Q86-94 – Questions covering concerns about child’s
Initial concern: This set of items are new or revised from the NHES:2019 based on recommendations
from OSEP and NSCER. The changes to this section include adding in questions about expressing
concerns about the child’s development, conditions the child may have, or if the parents have been told
their child is at risk for a developmental delay. These changes resulted in no longer having a “Child’s
Health” section in the ECPP and will be used for a split panel experiment in 2023.
Findings: This section was a testing priority for all parents, so the team ensured that both parents with
children at risk and not at risk for a developmental delay were recruited. No significant issues were

found in this section. Respondents whose children were at risk correctly understood and responded to
all items, and respondents whose children were not at risk correctly skipped the section. After the
Census usability testing concluded there were four modifications to this section that were made for the
Round 3 testing (see “NHES 2020 Qualitative Pretesting Final Report” for more details about these
issues). These Round 3 revisions are listed below:


Added a category called “Another health impairment lasting 6 months or longer” to the bottom
of the list of health condition items (Q85/Q87/Q56)
At risk question: changed “is at risk for a developmental delay” to “has or is at risk for a
developmental delay” (Q86/Q88/Q57)
Changed the response option categories and question wording to the question about if the
child’s condition interferes with various activities. The wording was changed back to the 2019
wording and response options but with the addition of “Don’t Know” (Q91/Q94/Q63)
Dropped the item on early childhood special education enrollment (Round 1: Q95)

In Round 3 there were no significant issues found with these revisions.
AIR recommends keeping the items as they are and continue monitoring in future cognitive interviewing
efforts. Note that former Q95 (Round 1), which asked whether the child was enrolled in early childhood
special education, was dropped during cognitive testing, but is now part of the 2023 version using the
2019 wording.
Q84/Q102/Q68/Q101 – General health:
Initial concern: With the adjustments to the child’s development section the general health item was
moved to the Child’s Background section so that health and development would not be combined.
Findings: During all three rounds of testing there were no issues with the general health questions
AIR recommends keeping the general health item in the Child’s Background section for the NHES:2023
ECPP split-panel experiment.

ECPP Spanish-Specific
Spanish-speaking parents generally understood the items and what they were intended to ask. As with
the PFI, there were a few instances in the ECPP where respondents weren’t familiar with the
terminology, such as “Head Start” and “arreglo de cuidado infantil (care arrangement).” Neither case
was prevalent or salient enough for AIR to suggest changes.


General Formatting Changes
Dr. Smyth’s recommendations, recommendations from Census’s CBSM team, and issues with web
accessibility resulted in small formatting modifications that were made throughout the paper
questionnaire prior to testing. Below are the changes that were made.



Based on making labels in the paper more consistent with the web, labels were changed to openended responses so that they read like a sentence. Such as age items changing from the label
being “age” to “years old” or specifying the label from “hours” to “hours per week.”
Moved instructions from a call-out box to being part of the question wording. Note that this
worked for most items unless noted earlier in this report.
Added space between scale response options that do not apply to the scale. For example, within
a satisfaction scale a “does not apply” response option has extra space from the other response
options to make it clear it is not part of the scale so that someone can easily find the “middle” of
the scale.
Changing the use of hyphen for a range to using the word “to”. This is because of accessibility for
the web instrument and is applied to paper questionaries to make them similar.

All respondents were able to navigate the survey without difficulties and didn’t express issues with any
of the new formatting and instructions introduced for NHES:2023, indicating that no further targeted
testing is needed for those aspects of the paper questionnaires.
AIR recommends keeping the formatting changes throughout the questionnaires for the NHES:2023.


The latest set of NHES cognitive interviews shows that, for the items tested here, the instruments are
generally working as intended and that the measurement error is low. The current educational reality, as
a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, created a set of unique issues in the PFI testing, especially as it
relates to online learning and the understanding of homeschooling in Spanish. This new situation also
affected the ECPP testing, as many parents had to change their care arrangements after March 2020.
Another unintended consequence of the timing of the testing was confusion for PFI respondents about
which year to report on, as in most cases the interviews were conducted between two school years.
Overall, the instruments tested during the three rounds of testing worked well and had little to no issues
by the final round. This testing showed that there should be little concern to move those items forward
for the upcoming NHES:2023 administration. Though these items work well, as the educational reality
evolves it might be necessary to conduct further cognitive testing to determine if the questionnaires
need further tweaking. For example, questions regarding homeschooling and virtual education may
require further testing as parents’ understanding of those concepts evolve because of remote learning
during the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath. To avoid respondent confusion about the reporting
school year, AIR recommends conducting the interviews during the late winter/early spring, which
would be the typical period of NHES administration.
One of the goals of this year’s testing was to get a better understanding of parents’ homeschooling
practices in English, as well as how the concept is understood in Spanish. To that end, half of the English
PFI sample consisted of homeschooling parents, and all of the Spanish PFI respondents answered a
series of concept elicitation questions about the term homeschooling. As the report outlines, there is a
great variety of homeschooling practices among English respondents. Overall, the PFI does capture who
is homeschooling their children and why but since there are several different homeschooling practices it
may not capture them all. In order to get a more accurate picture of the homeschool reality in America,
AIR recommends further research, so that the PFI instrument can better represent the diverse reality of
homeschooling, such as those using hybrid education, unschooling, or informal learning. Furthermore,
this was one of the first times that the AIR team has been able to interview a bigger sample of
homeschool parents, making it challenging to compare these findings with previous cognitive testing
efforts that predominantly focused on enrolled students. It could be good to pull together past findings
to potentially get a full picture of how these results compare to past testing findings. Finally, it is still
unknown what the long-term effects of the pandemic will be in current educational practices,
particularly in homeschooling practices, which are likely to evolve as a result of the current reality. In
terms of the Spanish-speaking respondents, over half knew enough about the term to correctly answer
questions about homeschooling. However, there were still many who were not familiar with the term
and who incorrectly responded to the items in the homeschooling section, especially during the Round 3


AIR recommends further testing focused on homeschoolers, as well as concept elicitation for Spanish
respondents, especially as the educational reality evolves. It will be interesting to see whether more
parents turn to homeschooling or to hybrid options in the coming months, and what that will mean for
the NHES:2023.
The section on child’s disabilities worked well overall both among parents of children at risk and not at
risk for a developmental delay, indicating that no further targeted testing is needed in this section.
All respondents were able to navigate the survey without difficulties and didn’t express issues with any
of the new formatting and instructions introduced for NHES:2023, indicating that no further targeted
testing is needed for those aspects of the paper questionnaires.
Finally, while there are still some underlying issues with the Spanish translations, those are generally
attributed to regional idiosyncrasy, lack of familiarity with the U.S. education system (homeschooling in
particular), or cultural differences in the way some concepts are perceived. It might not be possible for
any one item wording to remedy these factors. Overall, all new translations introduced in 2023 worked
well with the Spanish speaking sample.


Appendix A. Recruitment Screener
NHES:2022 PFI & ECPP Cognitive Interviews Recruitment Screener - ENGLISH
Hello. My name is [XXXXXX] and I work for the American Institutes for Research. The U.S. Department of
Education is conducting a brief but important study about children and their care and education, and American
Institutes for Research is assisting with data collection. Your participation is voluntary, and you will receive
no sales pitch or follow-up calls based on your participation.
We are looking for parents to help us understand how they interpret survey questions asking about their child’s
care and/or education. These survey questions are part of a survey that is being developed by the U.S.
Department of Education. The objective of the current study is to assess the clarity of the survey questions,
and we need help from parents to do that. The information gained from the study will be used for potential
revisions to the survey questions. I’d like to ask you a few questions to see if you qualify for the study.
The next few questions are for classification purposes only.
[Interviewer to check:]
1. Are you a parent or guardian of any children 5 years old or younger NOT YET in kindergarten?
Yes (continue)
No (go to Question 9)
2. What is this child’s name? (You can provide initials if you would like instead of name.)
3. Was this child typically in a care arrangement at least once a week prior to COVID-19, such as care
with a relative, non-relative, a day-care center, preschool, prekindergarten, Head Start or other early
childhood program?
Yes (continue)
No (go to Question 5)
4. The next questions ask about the PROGRAM where this child spent the most time prior to COVID-19.
Was this child’s care arrangement with a relative, with a non-relative, in a day care program, a
preschool program, or a prekindergarten program?
Relative care (continue)
Non-relative care (continue)
Day care program (continue)
Preschool program (continue)
Prekindergarten program (continue)
Other: What was that care:___________________ (continue)
5. Have you been told that your child has a speech or language impairment, Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (also known as ADHD), or autism or autism spectrum disorder?
Yes (continue)
No (continue)
6. Has a health care provider told you that your child has a developmental delay?
Yes (continue)

No (continue)
7. Do you have concerns about your child’s development? For example, concerns that the child might
have a speech, social or emotional delay?
Yes (continue)
No (continue)
8. Do you have any other children 5 years old or younger NOT YET in kindergarten?
Yes (go to Question 2)
No (continue)
9. Are you a parent or guardian of any children who are in Kindergarten to 12th grade?
Yes (continue)
No (go to Question 14 if Question 1 is YES) (Thank and terminate if Question 1 is NO).
10. What is this child’s name? (You can provide initials if you would like instead of name.)
11. Is this child homeschooled? Was this child also homeschooled before COVID-19?
Yes (continue)
No (continue)
12. During the last school year, what grade was this child is in?
Grades K to 5
Grades 6 to 8
Grades 9 to 12
Don’t have a grade
13. Do you have any other children wo are in Kindergarten to 12th grade?
Yes (go to Question 10)
No (continue)
14. Is there a second parent or guardian living in this household?
Yes (continue)
No (continue)
15. What is YOUR EDUCATION level?
Less than High School (Continue)
High School Graduate (Continue)
Some College, trade, technical or vocational school (Continue)
College degree (Continue)
Graduate education (Continue)
Some of the interviews will be conducted in Spanish only but I need to ask also about your command of
English, just to help us understand how often you use Spanish.
16. What language do you prefer for filling out forms?
Spanish (Continue)

English (go to Question 19)
Spanish and English interchangeably (Continue)
Another language besides Spanish and English
o Please specify:_________________ (Continue)
17. How well do you speak English?
Very well
Not well
Not at all
18. What language do you speak most at home?
Spanish and English
Another language besides Spanish and English
o Please specify: _______________
19. Are you Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano
Yes, Puerto Rican
Yes, Cuban
Yes, Central American
Yes, South American
Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin; or more than one Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish
o Please specify: _______________
No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
Prefer not to answer
20. Which of the following categories best describes your ethnic or racial background? (Check all that
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Prefer not to answer

21. Have you participated in a research study or focus group in the past 6 months? (RECRUIT NONE.)
Yes (Thank and terminate.)
No (Continue)
22. Do you work for either the U.S. Department of Education, American Institutes for Research, or
Research Support Services? (RECRUIT NONE.)
Yes (Thank and terminate.)

No (Continue)
For Spanish interviews DO NOT recruit any who has difficulty answering these questions in Spanish or prefer
to fill out a form in English
Based on your answers, we would like to invite you to participate in an interview to discuss your child’s care
and/or education. You will receive $40 gift card to thank you for completing the interview. The interview is
about 1 hour in length and will be conducted over video conferencing through GoToMeeting. You will use
your computer or tablet at home and a researcher will guide you through the interview.
We are conducting interviews on __________ and ___________. Are you available to participate in this
research study?
CONTACT INFO: So that we are able to contact you to set up the interview could you provide some contact
information to us:
What is your name? (write in)
What is the best phone number to reach you? (write in)
What is your email address? (write in)

What is your address so that we can prepare and mail you any materials including the gift card?
(write in)
City: _________________________
State: ____________________
Zip code: _________________
DIRECTIONS: Someone from the research team will send you an email with a link and instructions on how to
access GoToMeeting and a consent form that provides your rights as a participant. Please check your email for
this notification from the email [email protected]. We will set an exact time for the interview in that email.
RECRUITER: Check off the criteria that this parent fits in order to categorize the cognitive interview we will
Parent Interview Criteria:


Parent of
than age 6
in a relative
e or Nonrelative)

Parent of child
younger than
age 6 in a
(Q4 = day care
or preschool or

Parent of
child younger
than age 6
with a known
al delay
by a health
(Q5=Yes or

Parent of
child younger
than age 6
the child
might have a
al delay

Parent of
enrolled in K12 not
(Q9=Yes and

Parent of
d child prior
to COVID-19

than one
parent in

In addition to the parent interview criteria above use the Spanish interview criteria below for the Spanish
Bilingual (Spanish/English)
(Q17 = Very well or Well)

Monolingual (Spanish)
(Q17= Not well or Not at
all AND Q16= Spanish)

Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
Puerto Rican



NHES:2022 PFI & ECPP Cognitive Interviews Recruitment Screener - SPANISH
Mi nombre es [XXXXXX] y trabajo para los Institutos Americanos de Investigación (AIR, por sus siglas en
inglés). El Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos está realizando un breve pero importante
estudio sobre el cuidado y la educación de los niños y AIR está ayudando con el estudio. Su participación es
voluntaria y no recibirá llamadas de ventas o de seguimiento basadas en su participación.
Estamos buscando adultos que nos ayuden a entender cómo se pueden interpretar las preguntas de la encuesta
sobre el cuidado y la educación de los niños. Estas preguntas son parte de una encuesta que está siendo
desarrollada por el Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos. El objetivo del presente estudio es
evaluar la claridad de los materiales de la encuesta y necesitamos la ayuda de padres y madres como usted
para hacer esto. La información obtenida en el estudio se utilizará para posibles revisiones a la encuesta. Me
gustaría hacerle unas preguntas para ver si usted cuenta con los requerimientos necesarios para ser
seleccionado(a) para el estudio.
Las siguientes preguntas son sólo para fines de clasificación.
[El entrevistador debe marcar con una X las respuestas:]
1. ¿Es usted padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de algún niño de 5 años o menos que TODAVÍA NO está en
Sí (Continúe)
No (VAYA A la pregunta 9)
2. ¿Cómo se llama este niño? (Puede proporcionar apodos o iniciales si lo prefiere.)
3. ¿Antes de COVID-19, estaba este niño en un sistema de cuidado, por ejemplo, de cuidado familiar de
niños, guardería, preescolar, pre-kindergarten, Head Start u otro programa de la niñez temprana?

Sí (Continúe)
No (VAYA A la pregunta 5)
4. Las siguientes preguntas se refieren al PROGRAMA donde este niño pasaba más tiempo antes de
¿Es el arreglo de cuidado de este niño por parte de parientes, personas que no son su pariente un
programa de guardería, un programa preescolar o un programa de prekindergarten?
Cuidado infantil por parte de parientes (Continúe)
Cuidado infantil que su hijo(a) recibe por parte de personas que no son sus parientes (Continúe)
Guardería (Continúe)
Preescolar (Continúe)
Prekindergarten (Continúe)
Algún otro lugar - especifique::___________________ (Continúe)
5. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud, de educación o de intervención temprana que este niño(a)
tiene alguno de los siguientes problemas de salud? Un impedimento del habla o del lenguaje,
autismo o trastorno del espectro autista, o trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad (ADHD o
ADD, por su Ingles)

6. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud, de educación o de intervención temprana que este niño(a)
"está en riesgo" de tener un retraso considerable del desarrollo?
7. ¿Le preocupa que el desarrollo de este niño(a) (por ejemplo, retraso en el desarrollo del habla y
lenguaje, socio emocional o de habilidades motoras)?
8. ¿Es usted padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de algún niño(a) de 5 años o menos que TODAVÍA NO está en
Sí (VAYA A la pregunta 2)
No (Continúe)
9. ¿Es usted padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de algún niño que esté inscrito en la escuela entre los grados
de kidergarten al 12º (doceavo) grado?
Sí (continúe)
No (vaya a la pregunta 14 si contestó SÍ a la pregunta 1) (Dar gracias y terminar si contentó NO a
la pregunta 1).
10. ¿Cómo se llama este niño? (Puede proporcionar apodos o iniciales si lo prefiere.)
11. ¿Recibía este niño(a) la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool), antes de COVID-19?
Sí (Continúe)
No (Continúe)
12. ¿Durante el último año escolar, en qué grado o equivalente está este niño(a)?
Del kindergarten a 5º grado
Del 6º al 8º grado
Del 9º al 12º grado
No está en ningún grado
13. ¿Es usted padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de algún niño(a) que está inscrito en kindergarten o en grado
1 al 12?
Sí (vaya a la pregunta 10)
No (Continúe)
14. ¿Hay otro padre, madre, o tutor legal que vive en este hogar?
Sí (Continúe)
No (Continúe)
15. ¿Cuál es su nivel de educación?

Menos que la escuela secundaria/high school (Continúe)
Graduado de la escuela secundaria/high school (Continúe)
Algunos estudios universitarios, de escuela de oficios, técnica o vocacional (Continúe)
Título universitario (Continúe)
Estudios de posgrado (Continúe)
Algunas de las entrevistas se realizarán solo en español, pero necesito preguntarle también sobre su dominio
del inglés para ayudarnos a entender qué tan a menudo usa el español.
16. ¿Qué idioma prefiere al completar formularios?
Español (Continúe)
Inglés (VAYA A la pregunta 19)
Español e inglés por igual (Continúe)
Otros idiomas – Especifique:
o _______________ (Continúe)
17. ¿Qué tan bien habla inglés?
Muy bien
Nada bien
18. ¿Qué idioma(s) hablan en casa los adultos de este hogar?
Español e inglés por igual
Otros idiomas además de inglés y español – Especifique:
o _______________ (Continúe)
19. ¿Es usted de origen hispano, latino o español?
Sí, Mexicano, Mexicano Americano, Chicano
Sí, Puertorriqueño
Sí, Cubano
Sí, Centroamericano
Sí, Sudamericano
Sí, es de otro origen hispano, latino, o español; o de más de un origen hispano, latino o
No, no es de origen hispano, latino, o español
Prefiere no contestar
20. ¿Cuál de las siguientes categorías describe mejor su origen étnico o racial? (Marque todas las
opciones que correspondan.)
Indígena de las Américas o Nativo de Alaska

Negro o Afroamericano
Nativo de Hawái u otras Islas del Pacifico
Prefiere no contestar

21. ¿Ha participado en un estudio de investigación o grupo de enfoque en los últimos 6 meses?
Sí (Dar gracias y terminar.)
No (Continúe)
22. ¿Trabaja para el Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos, Los Institutos Americanos de
Investigación o Research Support Services? (RECLUTAR A LAS PERSONAS QUE DIGAN NO.)
Sí (Dar gracias y terminar.)
No (Continúe)
Para entrevistas en español NO reclute a personas que tengan dificultades para responder estas preguntas en
español o prefieran completar un formulario en inglés
En base a sus respuestas, nos gustaría invitarle a participar en una entrevista (para discutir el cuidado y
educación de su hijo(a)/sus credenciales de trabajo). Usted recibirá 40 dólares en agradecimiento por
completar la entrevista. La entrevista dura aproximadamente una hora y se llevará a cabo vía videoconferencia
a través de GoToMeeting. Usted utilizará su computadora o tableta en casa y un investigador le guiará durante
la entrevista.
Estamos realizando entrevistas en __________ y ___________. ¿Está disponible para participar en este
estudio de investigación?
INFORMACIÓN DE CONTACTO: ¿Podría darnos su información de contacto para que podamos contactarle
para organizar la entrevista?
¿Cuál es su nombre? (Escribir)
¿Cuál es su número de teléfono? (Escribir)
¿Cuál es su dirección de correo electrónico? (Escribir)
¿Podría darnos su dirección para que le enviemos los materiales de la entrevista y la tarjeta regalo por
participar? (Escribir)

Calle: ____________________________
Ciudad: __________________________
Estado: ___________________________
Código postal: _____________________
INSTRUCCIONES: Alguien del equipo de investigación le enviará un email con un link e instrucciones para
acceder GoToMeeting, además de un formulario de consentimiento con sus derechos como participante. Por
favor busque su correo electrónico una notificación de [email protected]. Le daremos un día y hora exactos
en ese correo electrónico.
RECLUTADOR: Marque los criterios en que encaja este padre de familia con el fin de clasificar la entrevista
cognitiva que vamos a realizar.
Criterios de la entrevista:
Parent of
than age 6
in a relative
and/or nonrelative care
t (Q4=
relativo o no

Parent of child
younger than
age 6 in a
(Q4 = guardería
o preescolar o

Parent of child
younger than
age 6 with a
l delay
(diagnosed by
a health care
(Q5= Sí o Q6=

Parent of child
younger than
age 6
concerned the
child might
have a
l delay
(Q7= Sí)

Parent of
child enrolled
in K-12 not
(Q9= Sí y
Q12= Sí)

Parent of
d child prior
to COVID-19
(Q12= Sí)

than one
parent in
d (Q14=

In addition to the parent interview criteria above use the Spanish interview criteria below for the Spanish
Bilingual (Spanish/English)
(Q17 = Muy Bien, Bien)

Monolingual (Spanish)
(Q17= Mal, De ningún
modo & Q16= Español)

Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin


o/ Sudamericano




Appendix B. Recruitment Materials
Email text for personal and professional contacts
General outreach – English
Subject Line: Looking for parents to participate in a study about their children’s care and education
Dear [contact]:
The American Institutes for Research is assisting the National Center for Education Statistics, of the U.S.
Department of Education, who are conducting a study to learn more about children’s care and education.
We are specifically looking for parents of children age 17 and younger who are either enrolled in school
(K-12), homeschooled for classes prior to COVID-19, or currently not enrolled in school (younger than 6
years old) to participate in a one-time, voluntary, research interview about one of these topics.
Eligible participants will take part in a 60-minute virtual interview and will receive a $40 gift card as a
thank you for their participation.
If you or someone you know is interested in participating, please contact the research team at AIR
Thank you for your time and help with this important study.
[Recruitment Contact Info]
General outreach - Spanish
Subject Line: Buscamos padres y madres para un estudio sobre el cuidado y la educación de sus niños
Estimado [contacto]:
Los Institutos Americanos para la Investigación (AIR, por sus siglas en inglés) está ayudando con un
estudio de investigación patrocinado por el Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES, por
sus siglas en inglés) del Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos. Específicamente,
estamos buscando a padres de niños de 17 años o menos que estén matriculados en la escuela (K-12),
reciben la enseñanza en el hogar (homeschool) para clases anteriores a COVID-19, o que actualmente no
estén matriculados en la escuela (menores de 6 años) para participar en un entrevista voluntaria y única de
investigación sobre uno de estos temas.
Los participantes elegibles participarán en una entrevista virtual de 60 minutos y recibirán 40 dólares en
agradecimiento por su participación.
Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está interesado en participar, por favor comuníquese con el equipo de
investigación de AIR [información de contacto].
Gracias por su tiempo y ayuda en este importante estudio.
[Información del Contacto a Cargo del Reclutamiento de Participantes]
Homeschooled specific outreach – to specific homeschooling groups – English
Subject Line: Looking for parents of children who are homeschooled to participate in a study
Dear [contact]:

The American Institutes for Research is assisting the National Center for Education Statistics, of the U.S.
Department of Education, who are conducting a study to learn more about children’s homeschooling. We
are specifically looking for parents of children who are homeschooled for all their classes before COVID19, to participate in a one-time, voluntary, research interview. Unfortunately, if you are only
homeschooling your child due to your child’s school being closed because of COVID-19 you will not be
eligible for this part of the study but could be eligible because your child is enrolled in school.
Eligible participants will take part in a 60-minute virtual interview and will receive a $40 gift card as a
thank you for their participation.
If you or someone you know is interested in participating, please contact the research team at AIR
Thank you for your time and help with this important study.
[Recruitment Contact Info]
Homeschooled specific outreach – to specific homeschooling groups - Spanish
Subject Line: Buscamos padres y madres para un estudio sobre niños que reciben la enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool)
Estimado [contacto]:
Los Institutos Americanos para la Investigación (AIR, por sus siglas en inglés) está ayudando con un
estudio de investigación patrocinado por el Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES, por
sus siglas en inglés) del Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos. Específicamente, estamos
buscando a padres de niños que reciben la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) para clases
anteriores a COVID-19 para participar en un entrevista voluntaria y única de investigación. Si su hijo(a)
recibe la enseñanza escolar en hogar SOLO porque las escuelas están cerradas a causa de COVID-19,
usted no es elegible para esta parte del estudio, pero puede ser elegible para otras entrevistas si su hijo(a)
está inscrito en la escuela (K-12).
Las personas elegibles participarán en una entrevista de 60 minutos y recibirán 40 dólares en
agradecimiento por su participación.
Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está interesado en participar, por favor comuníquese con el equipo de
investigación de AIR [información de contacto].
Gracias por su tiempo y ayuda en este importante estudio.
[Información del Contacto a Cargo del Reclutamiento de Participantes]
Spanish community contacts outreach – English/Spanish
This will be sent in both English and Spanish to these contact.
Subject Line: Looking for Spanish-speaking parents of children age 17 or younger to participate in a
study to test Spanish translations
Dear [contact]:
The American Institutes for Research is assisting the National Center for Education Statistics, of the U.S.
Department of Education, who are conducting a study to ensure the Spanish translations used in a national
survey are clear and understandable. The study is about children’s early childhood care and children’s

education. We are specifically looking for parents of children age 17 and younger who are either enrolled
in school (K-12), homeschooled for classes prior to COVID-19, or currently not enrolled in school (ages 5
or younger) to participate in a one-time, voluntary, research interview about one of these topics in
Spanish. Ideally, we are looking for participants that are monolingual Spanish speakers.
Eligible participants will take part in a 60-minute virtual interview and will receive a $40 gift card as a
thank you for their participation.
If you or someone you know is interested in participating, please contact the research team at AIR
Thank you for your time and help with this important study.
[Recruitment Contact Info]
Estimado [contacto]:
Los Institutos Americanos para la Investigación (American Institutes for Research) está ayudando con un
estudio de investigación patrocinado por el Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES, por
sus siglas en inglés) del Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos, que están realizando un
estudio para garantizar que las traducciones al español utilizadas en una encuesta nacional sean claras y
comprensibles. El estudio trata sobre el cuidado de la primera infancia y la educación de los niños.
Estamos buscando específicamente a padres de niños de 17 años o menos que estén matriculados en la
escuela (K-12), reciben la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool)para clases anteriores a COVID-19,
o que actualmente no estén matriculados en la escuela (de 5 años o menos) para participar en una
entrevista voluntaria y única de investigación sobre uno de estos temas en español. Idealmente, estamos
buscando participantes que sean hispanohablantes monolingües.
Las personas elegibles participarán en una entrevista de 60 minutos y recibirán 40 dólares en
agradecimiento por su participación.
Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está interesado en participar, por favor comuníquese con el equipo de
investigación de AIR [información de contacto].
Gracias por su tiempo y ayuda en este importante estudio.
[Información del Contacto a Cargo del Reclutamiento de Participantes]
Text for advertisements on social media and Craig’s List – English/Spanish
PFI enrolled advertisement - English

Do you have any children in kindergarten through 12th

You may be eligible to earn a $40 gift card by participating in a research interview about
your child’s schooling.
About the interviews:


American Institutes for Research (AIR) is administering this study for the National Center for Education
Statistics (NCES) of the U.S. Department of Education. The research interviews will be conducted in June
through August 2020 and will be held via video conference (using the web conferencing platform
GoToMeeting). The interview will last approximately 60 minutes, during which time a researcher will ask
you to respond to questions, including your interpretation of the meaning of the questions asked of you.
Questions will be about your child’s school experiences. Your participation and responses are voluntary.
Eligibility to Participate:
Parents of children in kindergarten through 12th grade are being sought. Please contact AIR research staff
[CONTACT INFO] to determine if you are eligible. The screening will take approximately 3-5 minutes to
[Contact person]
American Institutes for Research
[email protected]
PFI enrolled advertisement - Spanish

¿Tiene hijos en el kindergarten hasta el grado 12?
Usted puede ser elegible para ganar una tarjeta de regalo de 40 dólares por participar en
una entrevista para un estudio acerca de la educación de su hijo(a).
Acerca de las entrevistas:
Los Institutos Americanos para la Investigación (AIR, por sus siglas en inglés) está llevando a cabo
entrevistas para un estudio de investigación patrocinado por el Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la
Educación (NCES, por sus siglas en inglés) del Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos. Las
entrevistas del estudio se llevarán a cabo entre las fechas de junio a agosto de 2020 y se realizarán vía
videoconferencia (usando la plataforma virtual de conferencias GoToMeeting). La entrevista durará
aproximadamente 60 minutos, durante los cuales un investigador del estudio le pedirá que responda a
algunas preguntas, incluyendo su interpretación de las preguntas de la encuesta relacionada con las
experiencias de su hijo(a) en la escuela. Su participación y respuestas son voluntarias.
Elegibilidad para participar:
Se buscan padres de niños de kindergarten a 12º grado. Comuníquese con el personal de investigación de
AIR [INFORMACIÓN DE CONTACTO] para determinar si es elegible. La evaluación demorará
aproximadamente 3-5 minutos en completarse.
[Contact person]
American Institutes for Research
[email protected]


PFI homeschool advertisement - English

Do you have any children who were homeschooled prior to

You may be eligible to earn a $40 gift card by participating in a research interview about
your child’s homeschooling.

About the interviews:
American Institutes for Research (AIR) is administering this study for the National Center for Education
Statistics (NCES) of the U.S. Department of Education. The research interviews will be conducted in June
through August 2020 and will be held via video conference (using the web conferencing platform
GoToMeeting). The interview will last approximately 60 minutes, during which time a researcher will ask
you to respond to questions, including your interpretation of the meaning of the questions asked of you.
Questions will be about your child’s homeschooling experiences. Your participation and responses are
Eligibility to Participate:
Parents of children who are homeschooled for grades in kindergarten through 12th are being sought.
Please contact AIR research staff [CONTACT INFO] to determine if you are eligible. The screening will
take approximately 3-5 minutes to complete.
Contact person
American Institutes for Research
[email protected]
PFI homeschool advertisement - Spanish

¿Tiene hijos que recibían la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) antes de COVID-19?

Usted puede ser elegible para ganar una tarjeta de regalo de 40 dólares por participar en
una entrevista para un estudio acerca de la educación de su hijo(a).
Acerca de las entrevistas:
Los Institutos Americanos para la Investigación (AIR, por sus siglas en inglés) está llevando a cabo
entrevistas para un estudio de investigación patrocinado por el Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la
Educación (NCES, por sus siglas en inglés) del Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos. Las
entrevistas del estudio se llevarán a cabo entre las fechas de junio a agosto de 2020 y se realizarán vía
videoconferencia (usando la plataforma virtual de conferencias GoToMeeting). La entrevista durará
aproximadamente 60 minutos, durante los cuales un investigador del estudio le pedirá que responda a
algunas preguntas, incluyendo su interpretación de las preguntas de la encuesta relacionada con las
experiencias de su hijo(a) cuando recibe la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool). Su participación
y respuestas son voluntarias.

Elegibilidad para participar:
Se buscan padres de niños de jardín de kindergarten a 12º grado. Comuníquese con el personal de
investigación de AIR [INFORMACIÓN DE CONTACTO] para determinar si es elegible. La evaluación
demorará aproximadamente 3-5 minutos en completarse.
[Contact person]
American Institutes for Research
[email protected]
ECPP advertisement - English

Do you have a child younger than 6 who is not yet enrolled
in kindergarten?

You may be eligible to earn a $40 gift card by participating in a research interview about
your child’s care and education.

We are looking for the following types of participants:
• Parents who live with children under age 6 who are (or were prior to COVID-19) in some form of
childcare (e.g., cared for by a relative; cared for by a neighbor, nanny, or au pair; cared for in a
pre-school or childcare center)
• Parents who live with children under age 6 and you have developmental concerns about the child
• Parents who live with children under age 6 and the child has been diagnosed with a developmental
delay, speech or language impairment, ADHD, autism, or is on the autism spectrum
About the interviews:
American Institutes for Research (AIR) is administering this study for the National Center for Education
Statistics (NCES) of the U.S. Department of Education. The research interviews will be conducted in June
through August 2020 and will be held via video conference (using the web conferencing platform
GoToMeeting). The interview will last approximately 60 minutes, during which time a researcher will ask
you to respond to questions, including your interpretation of the meaning of the questions asked of you.
Questions will be about your child’s care and education. Your participation and responses are voluntary.
Eligibility to Participate:
Parents of children younger than 6 not yet enrolled in kindergarten are being sought. Please contact AIR
research staff [CONTACT INFO] to determine if you are eligible. The screening will take approximately
3-5 minutes to complete.
Contact person
American Institutes for Research
[email protected]


ECPP advertisement - Spanish

¿Tiene un hijo(a) menor de 6 años que aún no está
matriculado en el kindergarten?

Usted puede ser elegible para ganar una tarjeta de regalo de 40 dólares por participar en
una entrevista para un estudio acerca de la educación de su hijo(a).
Estamos buscando a los siguientes tipos de padres o madres:


Padres que viven con niños menores de 6 años que están (o estaban antes del COVID-19) en cualquier tipo
de cuidado infantil (por ejemplo, al cuidado de un pariente; al cuidado de un vecino, nanny o au pair; al
cuidado de una guardería o centro de cuidado infantil)
Padres que viven con niños menores de 6 años y que tienen preocupaciones sobre el desarrollo del niño
Padres que viven con niños menores de 6 años a los que se les ha diagnosticado con un retraso del
desarrollo, discapacidad del habla o del lenguaje, ADHD, autismo o está en el espectro del autismo

Acerca de las entrevistas:
Los Institutos Americanos para la Investigación (AIR, por sus siglas en inglés) está llevando a cabo
entrevistas para un estudio de investigación patrocinado por el Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la
Educación (NCES, por sus siglas en inglés) del Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos. Las
entrevistas del estudio se llevarán a cabo entre las fechas de junio a agosto de 2020 y se realizarán vía
videoconferencia (usando la plataforma virtual de conferencias GoToMeeting). La entrevista durará
aproximadamente 60 minutos, durante los cuales un investigador del estudio le pedirá que responda a
algunas preguntas, incluyendo su interpretación de las preguntas de la encuesta relacionada con el cuidado
y educación de su hijo(a). Su participación y respuestas son voluntarias.
Elegibilidad para participar:

Se buscan padres de niños menores de 6 años que aún no estén matriculados en el kindergarten. Comuníquese con
el personal de investigación de AIR [INFORMACIÓN DE CONTACTO] para determinar si es elegible. La
evaluación demorará aproximadamente 3-5 minutos en completarse.

[Contact person]
American Institutes for Research
[email protected]


Appendix C. Interview Protocols
Round 1
NHES 2022 ECPP Cognitive Interview Protocol - ENGLISH
Interview ID:

Date of

Parent First
Age of Child:


Interviewer Instructions: The following scripts should NOT be read verbatim. Text in italics is suggested
content with which the interviewer should be thoroughly familiar in advance. Text in brackets [ ] presents
instructions for the interviewer.
Hello, my name is  and I work for American Institutes for Research. It’s nice to meet you,
thanks for joining us today to help us out.[Confirm that they can hear and see (if applicable) you and your
screen okay – trouble shoot if needed if the video or audio are not working well]. As noted before please
make sure you are in a quiet space to make sure you can hear us, and we can hear you clearly. It is okay if
there are interruptions during this interview, but we hope to minimize them as much as possible.
[Create small talk to build rapport with the parent]:
You are here today to help us out with a survey that we are working on for the U.S. Department of Education.
This survey asks about finding and choosing child care for your child for parents with children 5 and younger.
I will ask you to take the survey as if you were taking a real survey but talking out loud as you read and
answer each item. There are no right or wrong answers, and it’s ok if you do not know some of the answers.
As you are answering the questions I will ask you about your answers to the questions. This will help us make
the survey better and clearer for other parents just like you.
Because the information you provide is so important, I am going to be taking notes while you are answering
the survey and while we are talking [INSERT IF THERE IS AN OBSERVER: and my colleague will also
be observing our session today].
Also, this interview will be audio recorded so researchers can review the audio recording later. Even though I
can see you, no video will be recorded, just the sound. Any information that refers to you or your family
personally, like your name or name of your child’s school, will not be included in our report, and your
responses will be used for research purposes only. Is all of this OK?
Remember, you are not being tested; we want you to tell us what you think about the survey.
If at any time you want to stop, just let me know.
[If, for any reason, the participant is no longer interested in participating, thank the participant for his/her time
and end the interview.]
Before we continue, do you have any questions? [Answer any questions the parent may ask.] Ok, now to make
sure we can jump in do you have the materials that we sent to you? Ok, now to make sure we can jump in do
you have the materials that we sent to you? The questionnaire should be an attachment to the email invitation
that you received from us, same one as where you found the GoToMeeting link. Do you have the questionnaire
up in your screen? [If not, instruct them to pull it up and let them know we will be using them shortly].


[If the respondent has consented to recording, start the recording the video conference using the
“record” option in GoToMeeting.]


While you fill out the survey I want you to talk about how you are answering the questions. The best way to do
this is read the question out loud and then keep talking out loud about how you arrive to your answer. Hearing
you talk about how you figure out your answers to the questions will help me understand how to make the
questions better. I am more interested in how you arrive at your answers than in the answers you give me. To
help you get started on thinking aloud, we are going to do a practice activity. An example would be..[Show an
example by asking yourself the question and answering it using ‘think-aloud’]
I would like you to repeat the question out loud and think aloud as you decide on your answer.
[Read out loud the question to the participant and have them think out loud.]
How many glasses of water did you drink yesterday?
Probe as needed for detail: How did you arrive at that answer? What were you visualizing when you were
deciding on that answer? Can you tell me more about what you are including in your count?
When complete: Thank you; that’s the kind of detail I’m looking for when you talk to me about your
answers to the questions in the survey.


Now I would like you to complete the questionnaire. I’d like you to think aloud while you decide on your
answer. Please read aloud the questions and anything you would have read to yourself if I were not here.
Remember that I am very interested in hearing you talk about what you are thinking as you figure out your
answers to the questions.
Useful Probes—Use only as needed when response is unclear or R appears confused or unsure
Can you tell me in your own words what that question was asking?
What does the word [term] in this question mean to you?
How easy or difficult is it to remember [topic]?
How easy or hard was it to choose an answer?
Tell me what you are thinking?
How did you come up with that answer?
You said [answer]. Can you tell me more about that?
[In response to R actions or comments]: Tell me what happened? Tell me what you were doing?
[If you pick up on a visual cue like a furrowed brow or a puzzled look]: “Tell me what you are thinking.”


[If you pick up on a visual cue (or hear a cue) that indicates confusion like paper flipping or rereading an
old question before answering this question]: “Tell me what just happened. Tell me about what you were
just doing.”
General Interviewer Observations Instructions: There is revised formatting in the questionnaire. We
would like for you to keep an eye on how the participant might react or say something regarding
confusion because of the formatting. Please make notes about these formatting features as the
participant goes through the instrument, if the participant has any reactions to these:
• Instead of underlining to emphasize words, ALL CAPS are used.
• Section headers are now embedded in the middle of the page instead of on top of a new page
• Instructions are embedded within question numbers instead of above questions to encourage
reading of instructions. Do participants read all the text after each question number? Circle text
that is not read.
• Labels for response options were revised so that the response sounds more like a phrase (e.g.,
“____ books” instead of “______number of books.”)
• “Not applicable” response options in a scale are spaced further apart than the response options in
a scale. Do participants see and read the not applicable response options? Circle if not.
Throughout the protocol there are notes about certain questions to pay attention to, but you do not need
to explicitly probe.

If you’re running out of time (about 10 minutes before the interview is supposed to end) and
the participant is likely not going to finish the interview, please ask him to skip to priority
questions. These have been highlighted in blue in the protocol. Note that some of those
questions might not apply to the participant based on their answer, so make sure you follow
the skip patterns.
Cover: See if the participant reads the cover of the instrument including the text under the images that
includes the child’s name. Make note if they do or do not read that text.
CAQs/Instructions: It is not necessary to probe on the instructions. Note if the respondent has any
problems if they read them.

Instructions before Q1: It is not necessary to probe but pay attention to if they read these instructions
and understand the child they should be responding about. Make note if they do or do not read that text.
Q1: This survey starts by asking about care this child receives
from a relative, then care received by someone who is not related,
and then care in a daycare, preschool, or other center.
Is this child now receiving care from a relative other than a parent
or guardian on a REGULAR BASIS, for example, from
grandparents, brothers or sisters, or any other relatives?
[Please make note of any reactions to the fact that the question
begins with a sentence that tells the kinds of care that will be
asked about.]
In your own words, what is this question asking?

Please tell me more about how you chose your answer.
If yes, can you tell me more about the relative that cares for this

Q2-11: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
• Note on Q4 – there is a revised label on this item. Make
note if the participant is confused about the label. Probe
if necessary.
Q12. Will this relative care for this child when the child is…
In your own words, what is this question asking?
Q13-15: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
16. How much does YOUR HOUSEHOLD pay for this relative to
care for this child, NOT COUNTING any money that may be
received from others to help pay for care?
Can you tell me more about how you arrived at your answer for
this one?
[If R marked a yes to any of items 15a-e, ask] In the previous
question you had said yes to one of those items. Is there cost that
someone else pays? Can you tell me more about that?
[If needed:] Was that cost included in your response for question
Q17-19: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q20. The next questions ask about any care this child receives
from someone NOT related to him or her, EITHER IN YOUR
HOME OR SOMEONE ELSE’S HOME. This includes home

child care providers or neighbors, but NOT day care centers or
Is this child now receiving care in your home or another home on
a REGULAR BASIS from someone who is NOT related to him or
Please tell me more about how you chose your answer.
If yes, can you tell me more about the non-relative that cares for
this child?

Q21-31: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q32. Will this non-relative care for this child when the child is…
In your own words, what is this question asking?
Q33-36: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
37. How much does YOUR HOUSEHOLD pay for this nonrelative to care for this child, NOT COUNTING any money that
may be received from others to help pay for care?
Can you tell me more about how you arrived at your answer for
this one?
[If R marked a yes to any of items 36a-e, ask] In the previous
question you had said yes to one of those items. Is there cost that
someone else pays? Can you tell me more about that?
[If needed:] Was that cost included in your response for question
Q38-40: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.

Q41. The next questions ask about any day care centers and early
childhood programs that this child attends. This does not include
care provided in a private home.
Is this child now attending a day care center, childcare center,
preschool, or prekindergarten not in a private home?
Please tell me more about how you chose your answer.
If yes, can you tell me more about the program that cares for this

Q42-53: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q54. Have you ever been asked to remove this child from care for
the day due to one or more behavior issues, such as biting, being
aggressive, not following directions, being overly active, being
impulsive, or having little or no self-control?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
If yes, please tell me more about how you chose your answer.
Q55-57: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
58. How much does YOUR HOUSEHOLD pay for this child to go
to this program, NOT COUNTING any money that may be
received from others to help pay for care?
Can you tell me more about how you arrived at your answer for
this one?
[If R marked a yes to any of items 57a-e, ask] In the previous
question you had said yes to one of those items. Is there cost that
someone else pays? Can you tell me more about that?


[If needed:] Was that cost included in your response for question
Q59-68: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
• Note on Q62 – space was added between the second
response option “No” and the last response
option “Don’t know.” Make note if participant is


confused by the spacing or does not read the last
response option. Probe if necessary.

Note on Q66 – space was added between the second
response option “A lot of difficulty” and the last response
option “Did not find the type of child are program I
wanted.” Make note if participant is confused by the

spacing or does not read the last response option.
Probe if necessary.

Q69. What were the main reasons your household chose the care
arrangement or program where this child spends the most time?
We have provided spaces for you to tell us about up to 3 reasons.
You may have fewer reasons to tell us about. Please write only one
reason in each box.
Tell me more about your main reasons you chose the care
How did you decide how many reasons to list?
[If needed and if R provided three reasons] Did you have three
main reasons, or did you feel like you needed to provide three
Q70-76: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
• Note on Q70h – space was added between the fourth
response option “Very Important” and the last response
option “Website ratings were not available.” Make note


if participant is confused by the spacing or does not
read the last response option. Probe if necessary.

Note on Q70i – space was added between the fourth
response option “Very Important” and the last response
option “Family and friends did not provide

recommendations.” Make note if participant is


confused by the spacing or does not read the last
response option. Probe if necessary.

Note on Q71 – there is a revised label on this item. Make
note if the participant is confused about the label. Probe
if necessary.

Q75. IN THE PAST WEEK, how many days has your family eaten
any meal together at least once a day?
How did you come up with this answer? What was the time
period were you thinking about?
Ask of everyone but particularly someone that answers more than
7: Could you tell me more about what you were considering
when answering this question?
Q76-84: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
• Note on Q79 – Note that the instructions have been
added in the question instead of out of the question.
Make note if the participant has any confusion while
trying to answer this question.
[Have the participant answer Q85-95 then have them stop after 95
and probe about the items in this section]
Q85. Have you or another parent expressed concerns to a health,
education, or early intervention professional about this
child’s development (for example, speech and language,
social emotional, or motor skill development)?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
If yes, could you please tell me more about your concerns about
your child’s development?
Q86. Overall, how satisfied are you with responses from health,
education, or early intervention professionals about your
concerns about this child’s development?
How did you decide on your answer?


Q87. Has a health, education, or early intervention professional
told you that this child has any of the following conditions?
a. A speech or language impairment
b. Autism or autism spectrum disorder
c. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD or ADD
Is there anything else that is missing from this list that you have
been told about this child from a health, education, or early
intervention professional, if any?
Q88. Has a health, education, or early intervention professional
told you that this child is at risk for a developmental delay?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
Q89. Did you mark YES to any part of question 87 or question 88?
Is this question clear or unclear as to the next steps you should take?
If no on Q89 but yes on Q85, could you tell us more about your
child’s development and the concerns you expressed? Has this child
received any services for a condition such as speech or physical
therapy. Are this child’s services through an IFSP or IEP? [If yes to
services and/or IFSP/IEP] Could you tell us more about the
condition the child has that the receive these services?
Q90. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with how well
health, education, or early intervention professionals have
met your child’s needs?
How did you decide on your answer?
Q91. Is this child receiving services for his or her condition (for
example, speech therapy or physical therapy)?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
If yes, could you please tell us more about these services this
child receives?
Are there examples that are missing?

Q92. Are this child’s services through an Individualized Family
Service Plan (IFSP) or Individualized Education Program
In your own words, what is this question asking? What does IFSP
or IEP mean to you?


If yes, could you please tell us more about the IFSP or IEP this
child receives?

Q93. Thinking about the child’s IFSP or IEP, since September,
how satisfied or dissatisfied have you been with the service
provider’s or school’s communication with your family?
How did you decide on your answer?
Q94. How often does this child’s condition interfere with his or
her ability to do the following things?
[No need to probe on this item unless the participant has any
confusion while responding to the item].
Q95. Is this child currently enrolled in early childhood special
What do you think the term “early childhood special education”
refers to in this question?
If yes, could you please tell us more about early childhood special
education for your child?
Q96-102: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
• Note on Q98 – there is a revised label on this item. Make
note if the participant is confused about the label. Probe
if necessary.
Q103. Does this child sometimes live at another address (for
example, because of parents living apart)?
Do not include vacation properties.
In your own words, what is this question asking?
What does “because of parents living apart” mean to you?
Are there other examples that you think would apply?
Q104-109: It is not necessary to probe on these questions. Let the
respondent continue the think aloud and only probe if

respondent says something that indicates a potential problem, or
if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.
Q110. Answer questions in this section about yourself if you are
the child’s parent or guardian. If you are not the child’s parent or
guardian, answer the questions in this section about one of this
child’s parents or guardians living in the household.
Is this parent or guardian the child’s...
How did you decide on your answer?
Is it clear or unclear you should be answering this section about
yourself, if you are the parent?
[Take note through the parent 1 section if you hear the parent no
longer talk about themselves but another parent or person –
I noticed that you mentioned a different person when answering
question (X). Could you tell me how did you come up with your
Q111-126: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically unless they switch answering about a different parent
(see note above in Q110). Let the respondent continue the think
aloud and only probe if respondent says something that indicates
a potential problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent
interpretation compared to other respondents.
• Note on Q117 – there is a revised label on this item.
Make note if the participant is confused about the label.
Probe if necessary.
• Note on Q123 – there is a revised label on this item.
Make note if the participant is confused about the label.
Probe if necessary.
• Note on Q126 – there is a revised label on this item.
Make note if the participant is confused about the label.
Probe if necessary.
Q127. Does this parent or guardian have Internet access on a cell
How did you decide on your answer?
In your own words, what is this question asking?


Q128: It is not necessary to probe on this question specifically.
Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only probe if
respondent says something that indicates a potential problem, or
if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.
Q129. Answer questions in this section about a second parent or
guardian living in the household.
Is this parent or guardian the child’s...
How did you decide on your answer?
Is it clear or unclear who you should answer the questions in this
section about? If clear, who are you answering this section
about? If unclear, who do you think you should answer this
section about and why?
[Take note through the parent 2 section if you hear the parent no
longer talk about the parent they mentioned above after probing
but another parent or person – probe:]
I noticed that you mentioned a different person when answering
question (X). Could you tell me how did you come up with your
Q130-145: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically unless they switch answering about a different
parent/person (see note above in Q129). Let the respondent
continue the think aloud and only probe if respondent says
something that indicates a potential problem, or if there is
confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared to other
• Note on Q136 – there is a revised label on this item.
Make note if the participant is confused about the label.
Probe if necessary.
• Note on Q142 – there is a revised label on this item.
Make note if the participant is confused about the label.
Probe if necessary.
• Note on Q145 – there is a revised label on this item.
Make note if the participant is confused about the label.
Probe if necessary.
Q146. Does this parent or guardian have Internet access on a cell
How did you decide on your answer?
In your own words, what is this question asking?

Q147-149: It is not necessary to probe on these questions. Let the
respondent continue the think aloud and only probe if
respondent says something that indicates a potential problem, or
if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.
Q150. Does your household have Internet access AT HOME on a
computer or tablet?
In your own words, what is this question asking?


Is there anything else you would like to tell me about this questionnaire that you haven’t had a chance to


We are finished. Thank you for helping us. The information you’ve provided will be very helpful for making
this survey better.
[Interviewer Instructions: Please let the participant know that we will be emailing them a [$40 electronic gift
card] that should arrive in 10 business days. If you have not received the gift card in 10 business days please
email us at [email protected], the same email where we have communicated so far. Then let them know
they can exit the call by clicking on the “X” in the top write corner of their screen]

NHES 2022 PFI Cognitive Interview Protocol - SPANISH
Interview ID:
Parent First
Age of Child:

Date of


Instrucciones para el entrevistador: El siguiente guion NO debe ser leído textualmente. El texto en letra
cursiva solo es contenido con el cual el entrevistador debe familiarizarse antes de la entrevista. El texto
entre paréntesis [ ] contiene instrucciones para el entrevistador.
Hola, mi nombre es  y trabajo para American Institutes for Research. Mucho gusto de
conocerle. Gracias por venir a ayudarnos el día de hoy. [Confirm that they can hear and see (if
applicable) you and your screen okay – trouble shoot if needed if the video or audio are not working].
Como le comentamos anteriormente, por favor asegúrese de que está en un lugar tranquilo para que nos

podamos escuchar bien. No pasa nada si hay interrupciones durante la entrevista, pero nos gustaría poder
tener las menos posibles.

[Platique de algún tema casual para establecer una buena relación con el participante.]:
Usted está aquí hoy para ayudarnos con una encuesta que estamos realizando para el Departamento de
Educación de los Estados Unidos. Este estudio pregunta acerca de la educación de sus hijos. Voy a
pedirle que complete una encuesta como que si estuviera completando una encuesta real, pero leyendo
las preguntas y respuesta en voz alta. No existen respuestas correctas o incorrectas y está bien si usted no
sabe algunas de las respuestas. A medida que usted vaya leyendo respondiendo a las preguntas, yo le voy
a hacer algunas preguntas acerca de sus respuestas. Esto nos ayudará a que las cartas y la encuesta sean
mejores y más claras.
Debido a que la información que usted nos dará es muy importante, voy a estar tomando notas mientras
estamos hablando [INSERTE SI HAY UN OBSERVADOR: y mi colega también va a observar nuestra
sesión de hoy].
Además, esta entrevista será grabada en audio para que los investigadores del estudio puedan revisar la
grabación más tarde. Aunque yo puedo verlo por cámara, le garantizo que su imagen no será grabada.
Cualquier información que se refiera a usted o a su familia personalmente, tal como su nombre o la
escuela de su hijo(a), no será incluida en nuestro informe y sus respuestas serán utilizadas únicamente
para fines de investigación.
Recuerde que esto no es un examen. Queremos que nos diga lo que usted piensa acerca de las cartas y la
Si en algún momento usted desea detenerse, solo déjemelo saber.
[Si por algún motivo el participante ya no tiene interés en participar, agradézcale por su tiempo y
termine la entrevista.]
Antes de que continuemos, ¿tiene alguna pregunta sobre lo que acabo de decir? [Responda a cualquier
pregunta que pueda hacer el participante.] Ahora, quiero asegurarme de que podemos empezar ya
mismo, ¿tiene los materiales que le enviamos? Adjunto al email que le enviamos para participar en la
entrevista encontrará un cuestionario en formato pdf que dice NHES 2022 PFI. ¿Tiene el cuestionario
abierto en su computadora/tableta? [Si no, dígale que abra el cuestionario ya que vamos a empezar
enseguida. Si ya los tienen, dele las gracias y hágales saber que los vamos a usar enseguida].
[Si el participante ha consentido ser grabado, comience la grabación (con video si aplica). Para empezar
la grabación, haga click en “Record” en los controles de GoToMeeting.]


Mientras esté completando la encuesta, quiero que hable acerca de cómo está contestando las preguntas.
Quiero escucharla(o) hablar acerca de cómo usted llega a sus respuestas para así entender cómo
mejorar estos materiales. Me interesa más saber cómo llega a sus respuestas que en las respuestas que
usted me dé. Para ayudarle a empezar a pensar en voz alta vamos a hacer un ejercicio de práctica. Un
ejemplo podría ser… [Enseñe un ejemplo preguntándose la pregunta y respondiendo con la técnica de ‘pensar
en voz alta’]
Me gustaría que repitiera la pregunta en voz alta y piense en voz alta a medida que decide cuál es su

[Lea la pregunta en voz alta y diga al entrevistado que piense en voz alta]
¿Cuántos vasos de agua tomó usted ayer?

Por favor dígame lo que está pensando mientras me da su respuesta.
Pregunte según sea necesario para obtener información detallada: ¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta? ¿Qué
estaba visualizando mientras estaba decidiendo qué responder? ¿Puede decirme más acerca de lo que
usted está incluyendo en su cuenta?
Cuando haya completado el ejercicio: Gracias. Ése es el tipo de detalle que busco cuando usted me
hable acerca de sus respuestas a las preguntas de la encuesta.


Ahora vamos a completar la encuesta. Me gustaría que piense en voz alta mientras decide su respuesta.
Por favor lea en voz alta cualquier cosa que usted hubiera leído para sí misma(o), como si yo no
estuviera aquí.
Recuerde que estoy muy interesada(o) en escucharle hablar acerca de lo que está pensando mientras
decide sus respuestas a las preguntas.

Preguntas Útiles—Utilice cuando sea necesario si una respuesta no está clara o si el participante
está confundido
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Qué significa para usted la palabra [término] en esta pregunta?
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil es recordar [tema]?
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil fue escoger una respuesta?
Dígame lo que está pensando.
¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta?
Usted dijo [respuesta]. ¿Puede decirme un poco más acerca de cómo llego a esa respuesta?
[En respuesta a las acciones o comentarios del entrevistado]: Por favor, dígame que sucedió. Dígame que
estaba usted haciendo.
[Si nota alguna señal visual, como cejas fruncidas o una expresión de confusión]: Dígame lo que está
[Si nota alguna señal visual o auditiva que indica confusión como pasar páginas o leer de nuevo una
pregunta anterior antes de contestar a la pregunta]: Por favor, dígame que sucedió. Dígame que estaba
usted haciendo.

PFI Concept Elicitation (Homeschooling) (Round 1 Only) - Spanish
[Note to interviewer: the following questions are structured to guide the participant through a process of
thinking about homeschooling in broader terms and then narrow their focus so that they’re able to express
their notion of it in just a few words. While probing might be necessary during the initial conversation, try
to keep that as a general discussion of their understanding before moving onto the last two questions.]
Antes de comenzar a revisar la encuesta, me gustaría hablar sobre distintas maneras en que los niños en
Estados Unidos reciben su enseñanza escolar. Ahora bien, entiendo que la situación actual ha cambiado
la manera en que su hijo(a) y otros niños en el país reciben su enseñanza escolar, así que me gustaría
que piense lo más posible en cómo era la situación antes de marzo de este año.
• Antes de marzo de este año, ¿sabía de algún niño que recibiera la enseñanza escolar en el hogar para
algunas o todas las clases?
o [Si sí] ¿Podría contarme un poco más sobre los arreglos específicos de ese niño y cómo sus padres
gestionaban su enseñanza?
[The goal of this question is to gather whether the respondent is thinking about homeschool in
the way NHES defines it or is talking about something else. Probe as needed to get a clear
understanding of their notion of it]
o [Si no] ¿Podría decirme lo que le viene a la mente cuando le hablo de “niños que reciben la
enseñanza escolar en el hogar para algunas o todas las clases”?
[The goal of this question is to gather any pre-existing notions about the concept, as well as
anything that might come up by being exposed to the preliminary explanation. Note that
respondents may want to talk about their children’s educational situation during the COVID-19
pandemic, since they might think that’s what homeschooling looks like. While it's ok for them to
talk about that, try to guide the conversation to them thinking about the concept pre-COVID.]


Si tuviera que explicar este tipo de situación educativa en una o dos frases, ¿cuáles serían?
Si tuviera que explicar este tipo de educación en dos o tres palabras, ¿cuáles serían?

PFI Questionnaire Protocol - Spanish
Instrucciones generales de observación para el entrevistador: Se ha revisado el formato del cuestionario.
Ponga atención a cualquier gesto o comentario del participante que indique confusión debido al formato del
cuestionario. Los siguientes son cambios que se han aplicado al formato del cuestionario. Por favor anote
cualquier reacción a este nuevo formato a medida que el participante completa el cuestionario, si es que
reacciona de alguna manera:
• MAYÚSCULAS en lugar de subrayar palabras que necesitan énfasis.
• Los títulos de las secciones se encuentran en medio de la página en vez de estar en la parte de arriba.
• Las instrucciones están dentro de las preguntas en vez de arriba de las preguntas para aumentar la
probabilidad de que las lean. ¿Leen los participantes todo el texto para cada pregunta? Haga un círculo
en el texto que no leen.
• Se han cambiado las etiquetas de las opciones de respuesta para que suenen más como una frase (por
ejemplo, “______ libros” en vez de “_____ número de libros”.
• Opciones de respuesta que forman parte de una escala tienen con una opción de “no aplica”, incluyen
esta última más separado del resto de las opciones en la escala. ¿Ven y leen la opción “no aplica”?
Marque con un círculo si no lo ven/leen.
Hay notas sobre preguntas a las que tiene que prestar más atención, pero no preguntarle al participante a no
ser que esté confundido.

If you’re running out of time (about 10 minutes before the interview is supposed to end) and the
participant is likely not going to finish the interview, please ask him to skip to priority questions.
These have been highlighted in blue in the protocol. Note that some of those questions might not
apply to the participant based on their answer, so make sure you follow the skip patterns.
Cubierta: Note si el entrevistado lee la cubierta de la encuesta,
incluyendo el texto bajo las imágenes que incluye el nombre del
niño. Anote si no lee ese texto.
Preguntas más frecuentes/Instrucciones: No es necesario
preguntar sobre las instrucciones, nada más anote si el
encuestado tiene problemas con ellas.
Instrucciones antes de Q1: No es necesario indagar sobre estas
preguntas pero preste atención a si el encuestado lee las
instrucciones y entiende sobre qué niño tiene que estar
respondiendo. Note si lee o no lee el texto.
Q1: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que el
encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
Q2. En la actualidad, los estudiantes participan en muchos tipos
diferentes de escuelas y ambientes educacionales.

Q2e. Escuela online, virtual o cyber de tiempo completo
para grados de kindergarden hasta 12° grado.
En sus propias palabras, ¿a qué se refiere esta pregunta
cuando dice “online, virtual, o cyber”?
En sus propias palabras, ¿a qué se refiere esta pregunta
cuando dice “kindergarten”? ¿Podría decirme qué
edades cubre y que grados van antes y después?


Q2h. El estudiante recibe su enseñanza escolar en el
hogar (homeschool), incluyendo materias cooperativas
de padres para enseñanza escolar en el hogar.
 En sus propias palabras, ¿a qué se refiere esta
pregunta cuando dice “enseñanza escolar en el
hogar (homeschool)”?
 ¿Le resulta familiar este concepto?
 ¿Si tuviera que elegir una frase o palabra para
preguntar sobre este concepto a padres como
usted, ¿cuál elegiría?


Q3. ¿En la lista en la pregunta 2 de arriba, marcó “Sí” en la
respuesta h. “El estudiante recibe su enseñanza escolar en el
hogar (homeschool)?
[Preste atención a cómo el participante sigue las instrucciones del
skip, especialmente para aquellos que responden “no”. Si no son
capaces de seguir el skip o parecen confundidos, pregunte]
¿Podría decirme dónde cree que debe continuar en la encuesta?
¿Hay algo en las instrucciones de la pregunta 3 que le ayudaría a
saber qué hacer a continuación?
Q4-Q20: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que
el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.

Nota en Q13 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.

[Deje que el participante responda a Q21 y Q22 y párele para
Q21. Incluyendo el grado actual, y pensando en todos los grados
en los que este niño(a) ha recibido la enseñanza escolar en el
hogar (homeschool), ¿para cuántos grados recibió este niño(a)
la enseñanza escolar en hogar (homeschool)?
¿Cómo decidió la respuesta a esta pregunta? Dígame más acerca
de los grados en los que su niño ha recibido la enseñanza escolar
en el hogar.

[¿Causó la etiqueta de esta pregunta algún problema? Si sí, ¿por

Q22. Pensando en los niveles típicos de grados, ¿para qué grados
recibió este niño(a) enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool),
al menos para algunas clases o asignaturas?
¿En qué pensaba cuando respondió a esta pregunta?
¿Le ayudó la pregunta 21 al contestar a esta pregunta?
Si el participante no marca el mismo número de grados en 22 y
21, pregunte:
¿Podría decirme un poco más sobre su respuesta a la pregunta
21 y 22?


Si el participante no marca el grado actual del niño en la
pregunta 22 pregunte:
¿Podría decirme por qué no marco el grado en el que se
encuentra su hijo en la actualidad?
Anote cualquier confusión que el participante exprese con las
abreviaciones de los grados y pregunte si es necesario.
Q23. Hay muchas razones por las cuales los padres eligen la
enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) para sus hijos.
¿Eligió su familia la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) para este niño(a) porque:

Quiere enfatizar la vida familiar juntos?

En sus propias palabras, qué quiere decir esta pregunta?
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil le resulta la palabra “enfatizar”?
Q24-Q38: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.

Nota en Q27 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.

Q39. ¿Qué tan importante fue cada una de las siguientes
razones cuando escogió la escuela donde este niño(a) está
inscrito(a) para la mayoría de sus créditos?
Si este niño(a) recibe la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool), conteste por favor acerca escuela física u online,
virtual o cyber donde este niño(a) está inscrito(a).
• Nota en Q39d – ¿le resulta familiar los programas STEM?
Si sí ¿En qué contexto ha oído hablar de STEM? Si no ¿A
qué cree que se refieren los programas STEM?
• Nota en Q39f – anote si el participante expresa cualquier
dificultad con la palabra “alumnado”
• Nota en Q39h – se ha añadido espacio entre la primera
opción “La escuela de este niño no es religiosa” y las
otras opciones de respuesta para no restar importancia a
la escala. Anote si el participante está confundido por el
extra espacio o no lee la primera opción de respuesta.
Pregunte si es necesario.
Q40-Q42: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique


un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
Q43. ¿Aproximadamente cuantas horas a la SEMANA asiste a
una escuela este niño(a)?
¿Por favor, me puede decir con sus propias palabras qué es lo
que se le está preguntando aquí?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
¿Qué piensa de las opciones de respuesta?
Q44-Q73: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.

Nota en Q48 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.

Q52. Por favor cuéntenos acerca de las calificaciones o notas de
este niño(a) durante este año escolar. En general, en todas las
asignaturas, ¿qué calificaciones o notas obtiene este niño(a)?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Q53. ¿Está este niño(a) inscrito en algún curso avanzado
llamado Colocación Avanzada (Advanced Placement o AP en
inglés) en la secundaria?
¿Le resulta familiar los cursos de Colocación Avanzada? Si sí ¿En
qué contexto ha oído hablar de Colocación Avanzada? Si no ¿A
qué cree que se refieren los cursos de Colocación Avanzada?
Q58. ¿Ha tenido este niño(a) alguna vez las siguientes
b. Suspensión en la escuela sin contar detenciones, en que tuvo
que quedarse después de clases como castigo.
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Utiliza usted otras palabras para referirse a “detenciones dentro
de la escuela”?
Q59-Q73: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique

un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.


Nota en Q62 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.
Nota en Q64e – se ha añadido espacio entre la primera
opción “No lo hacen para nada” y “No corresponde en mi
caso” para no restar importancia a la escala. Anote si el
participante está confundido por el extra espacio o no lee
la primera opción de respuesta. Pregunte si es necesario.
Noa en Q67 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.

Q74. EN LA ÚLTIMA SEMANA, ¿cuántos días comió junta la
familia al menos una vez al día?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta? ¿En qué franja de tiempo
estaba pensando al responder?
Pregunte a todos los participantes, pero sobre todo a aquellos
que digan más de 7. ¿Podría decirme más sobre lo que consideró
cuando estaba respondiendo a esta pregunta?
Q75-76: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que
el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
[Pregunte solo si el participante parece confundido en alguna de
estos dos sub-items]
Q77. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud que este niño(a)
tiene alguno de los siguientes problemas de salud?
Q77f. Autismo o trastorno del espectro autista
Q77h. Trastorno de deficiencia de atención (ADD o ADHD, en
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
[Note si el entrevistado hace cualquier comentario sobre el
lenguaje en Q77l. Una discapacidad intelectual, conocido antes
como retraso mental]


Q78-88: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que
el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.


Nota en Q80 – se ha añadido espacio entre la primera
opción “Muy insatisfecho” y “No aplica” para no restar
importancia a la escala. Anote si el participante está
confundido por el extra espacio o no lee la primera
opción de respuesta. Pregunte si es necesario.
Nota en Q85 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.

Q89. ¿Tiene este niño acceso al internet en un celular?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Q90. ¿Este niño(a) vive en esta dirección Y en otra dirección más
(por ejemplo, debido a que los padres viven separados)?
No incluya casas de vacaciones.
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Qué significa para usted “debido a que los padres viven
¿Hay algún otro ejemplo que piensa que sería relevante aquí?
Q91-96: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que
el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
Q97. Si usted es el padre, la madre o el tutor(a) legal del niño(a),
conteste las preguntas en eta sección acerca de usted. Si usted no
es el padre, la madre o el tutor(a) legal del niño(a), conteste las
preguntas en esta sección acerca de uno de los padres o tutores
de este niño(a) que viva en el hogar.
¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal...
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
¿Sobre quién cree usted que es esta pregunta? [si el participante

dice” padre/madre/tutor”] ¿En su caso, es usted esa persona o
sería otra persona en su hogar la que debe responder? [si el
participante no lo hace obvio en su respuesta] Le parece fácil o
difícil determinar que esta sección es sobre usted, asumiendo
que es el padre/madre/tutor legal?
[Anote en esta sección si oye al participante contestar a las
preguntas pensando en otra persona. Pregunte si es necesario:]
Noté que mencionó a otra persona cuando respondió a la
pregunta (X). ¿Podría decirme cómo decidió su respuesta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué significa “de crianza temporal
Q98-116: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas a no ser
que el participante cambie a otra persona al responder (ver nota
en Q97). Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar
en voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo
que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna
inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con otros


Nota en Q103 – se ha añadido espacio entre la primera
opción “Nada difícil” y “Padre, madre o tutor(a) legal no
ha intentado participar en actividades en la escuela de
este niño(a) o este niño(a) no asiste a una escuela que
está en un edificio físico” para no restar importancia a la
escala. Anote si el participante está confundido por el
extra espacio o no lee la primera opción de respuesta.
Pregunte si es necesario.
Nota en Q107 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.
Nota en Q113 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.
Nota en Q116 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.

117. ¿Tiene este padre, madre o tutor (a) legal acceso al Internet
en un celular?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Q118: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que el
encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y

solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
Q119. Responda las preguntas de esta sección pensando en la
segunda persona que también es padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de
este niño(a) y que vive en el hogar.
¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal ...
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
¿Sobre quién cree usted que es esta pregunta? [si el participante
dice ”padre/madre/tutor”] ¿En su caso, es usted esa persona o
sería otra persona en su hogar la que debe responder? [si el
participante no lo hace obvio en su respuesta] Le parece fácil o
difícil determinar que esta sección es sobre usted, asumiendo
que es el padre/madre/tutor legal?
[Anote en esta sección si oye al participante contestar a las
preguntas pensando en otra persona. Pregunte si es necesario:]
Noté que mencionó a otra persona cuando respondió a la
pregunta (X). ¿Podría decirme cómo decidió su respuesta?
Q119-138: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas a no
ser que el participante cambie a otra persona al responder (ver
nota en Q118). Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de
pensar en voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado
dice algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o
alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con otros


Nota en Q125 – se ha añadido espacio entre la primera
opción “Nada difícil” y “Padre, madre o tutor(a) legal no
ha intentado participar en actividades en la escuela de
este niño(a) o este niño(a) no asiste a una escuela que
está en un edificio físico” para no restar importancia a la
escala. Anote si el participante está confundido por el
extra espacio o no lee la primera opción de respuesta.
Pregunte si es necesario.
Nota en Q129 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.
Nota en Q135 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.
Nota en Q138 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.


139. ¿Tiene este padre, madre o tutor (a) legal acceso al Internet
en un celular?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Q140-142: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
143. ¿Tiene usted acceso al Internet EN LA CASA, en una
computadora o tableta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Q144-146: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
147. Quisiéramos identificar la escuela de este niño(a) para poder
incluir información de la escuela en nuestro estudio. A
continuación, hemos incluido una lista de escuelas en su zona.
Marque la casilla de la escuela a la que asiste este niño(a).
[Nota al entrevistador: el cuestionario tendrá una lista de

las escuelas que se encuentran cerca del participante. Cada
participante tendrá un cuestionario individualizado. Note
cualquier comentario del participante cuando está
buscando su escuela en la lista.]
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil fue encontrar la escuela a la que asiste su
[Si difícil] ¿Qué hizo difícil encontrar la escuela?
¿Qué cree que debe hacer a continuación? ¿Le parece que está
claro que es lo que debe hacer a continuación? [Si seleccionaron
una escuela deben devolver el cuestionario, si no seleccionaron
una escuela de la lista deben ir a la pregunta 148.] Dígame más
sobre por qué piensa que no está claro.



¿Hay algo más sobre lo que le gustaría hablar acerca de estos materiales? ¿Hay algo acerca de lo que
no ha tenido oportunidad de hablar?


Hemos terminado. Gracias por ayudarnos. La información que nos ha dado será muy útil para mejorar
la encuesta.
[Instrucciones para el entrevistador: Pare la grabación. Agradezca al entrevistado por su tiempo y su
ayuda y recuérdele que el enviaremos [una tarjeta electrónica de regalo de $40] que llegará en unos 10
días hábiles.] Si no recibe la tarjeta regalo en 10 días hábiles envíe un email a [email protected]. Luego
dígales que pueden salir de la llamada haciendo clic en la “X” roja en la parte de arriba a la derecha de la
NHES 2022 ECPP Cognitive Interview Protocol - ENGLISH
Interview ID:

Date of

Parent First
Age of Child:


Interviewer Instructions: The following scripts should NOT be read verbatim. Text in italics is suggested
content with which the interviewer should be thoroughly familiar in advance. Text in brackets [ ] presents
instructions for the interviewer.
Hello, my name is  and I work for American Institutes for Research. It’s nice to meet you,
thanks for joining us today to help us out.[Confirm that they can hear and see (if applicable) you and your
screen okay – trouble shoot if needed if the video or audio are not working well]. As noted before please
make sure you are in a quiet space to make sure you can hear us, and we can hear you clearly. It is okay if
there are interruptions during this interview, but we hope to minimize them as much as possible.
[Create small talk to build rapport with the parent]:
You are here today to help us out with a survey that we are working on for the U.S. Department of Education.
This survey asks about finding and choosing child care for your child for parents with children 5 and younger.
I will ask you to take the survey as if you were taking a real survey but talking out loud as you read and
answer each item. There are no right or wrong answers, and it’s ok if you do not know some of the answers.
As you are answering the questions I will ask you about your answers to the questions. This will help us make
the survey better and clearer for other parents just like you.
Because the information you provide is so important, I am going to be taking notes while you are answering
the survey and while we are talking [INSERT IF THERE IS AN OBSERVER: and my colleague will also
be observing our session today].
Also, this interview will be audio recorded so researchers can review the audio recording later. Even though I
can see you, no video will be recorded, just the sound. Any information that refers to you or your family


personally, like your name or name of your child’s school, will not be included in our report, and your
responses will be used for research purposes only. Is all of this OK?
Remember, you are not being tested; we want you to tell us what you think about the survey.
If at any time you want to stop, just let me know.
[If, for any reason, the participant is no longer interested in participating, thank the participant for his/her time
and end the interview.]
Before we continue, do you have any questions? [Answer any questions the parent may ask.] Ok, now to make
sure we can jump in do you have the materials that we sent to you? Ok, now to make sure we can jump in do
you have the materials that we sent to you? The questionnaire should be an attachment to the email invitation
that you received from us, same one as where you found the GoToMeeting link. Do you have the questionnaire
up in your screen? [If not, instruct them to pull it up and let them know we will be using them shortly].
[If the respondent has consented to recording, start the recording the video conference using the
“record” option in GoToMeeting.]


While you fill out the survey I want you to talk about how you are answering the questions. The best way to do
this is read the question out loud and then keep talking out loud about how you arrive to your answer. Hearing
you talk about how you figure out your answers to the questions will help me understand how to make the
questions better. I am more interested in how you arrive at your answers than in the answers you give me. To
help you get started on thinking aloud, we are going to do a practice activity. An example would be..[Show an
example by asking yourself the question and answering it using ‘think-aloud’]
I would like you to repeat the question out loud and think aloud as you decide on your answer.
[Read out loud the question to the participant and have them think out loud.]
How many glasses of water did you drink yesterday?
Probe as needed for detail: How did you arrive at that answer? What were you visualizing when you were
deciding on that answer? Can you tell me more about what you are including in your count?
When complete: Thank you; that’s the kind of detail I’m looking for when you talk to me about your
answers to the questions in the survey.


Now I would like you to complete the questionnaire. I’d like you to think aloud while you decide on your
answer. Please read aloud the questions and anything you would have read to yourself if I were not here.
Remember that I am very interested in hearing you talk about what you are thinking as you figure out your
answers to the questions.

Useful Probes—Use only as needed when response is unclear or R appears confused or unsure
Can you tell me in your own words what that question was asking?

What does the word [term] in this question mean to you?
How easy or difficult is it to remember [topic]?
How easy or hard was it to choose an answer?
Tell me what you are thinking?
How did you come up with that answer?
You said [answer]. Can you tell me more about that?
[In response to R actions or comments]: Tell me what happened? Tell me what you were doing?
[If you pick up on a visual cue like a furrowed brow or a puzzled look]: “Tell me what you are thinking.”
[If you pick up on a visual cue (or hear a cue) that indicates confusion like paper flipping or rereading an
old question before answering this question]: “Tell me what just happened. Tell me about what you were
just doing.”
General Interviewer Observations Instructions: There is revised formatting in the questionnaire. We
would like for you to keep an eye on how the participant might react or say something regarding
confusion because of the formatting. Please make notes about these formatting features as the
participant goes through the instrument, if the participant has any reactions to these:
• Instead of underlining to emphasize words, ALL CAPS are used.
• Section headers are now embedded in the middle of the page instead of on top of a new page
• Instructions are embedded within question numbers instead of above questions to encourage
reading of instructions. Do participants read all the text after each question number? Circle text
that is not read.
• Labels for response options were revised so that the response sounds more like a phrase (e.g.,
“____ books” instead of “______number of books.”)
• “Not applicable” response options in a scale are spaced further apart than the response options in
a scale. Do participants see and read the not applicable response options? Circle if not.
Throughout the protocol there are notes about certain questions to pay attention to, but you do not need
to explicitly probe.

If you’re running out of time (about 10 minutes before the interview is supposed to end) and
the participant is likely not going to finish the interview, please ask him to skip to priority
questions. These have been highlighted in blue in the protocol. Note that some of those
questions might not apply to the participant based on their answer, so make sure you follow
the skip patterns.
Cover: See if the participant reads the cover of the instrument including the text under the images that
includes the child’s name. Make note if they do or do not read that text.
CAQs/Instructions: It is not necessary to probe on the instructions. Note if the respondent has any
problems if they read them.

Instructions before Q1: It is not necessary to probe but pay attention to if they read these instructions
and understand the child they should be responding about. Make note if they do or do not read that text.
Q1: This survey starts by asking about care this child receives
from a relative, then care received by someone who is not related,
and then care in a daycare, preschool, or other center.

Is this child now receiving care from a relative other than a parent
or guardian on a REGULAR BASIS, for example, from
grandparents, brothers or sisters, or any other relatives?
[Please make note of any reactions to the fact that the question
begins with a sentence that tells the kinds of care that will be
asked about.]
In your own words, what is this question asking?
Please tell me more about how you chose your answer.
If yes, can you tell me more about the relative that cares for this

Q2-11: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
• Note on Q4 – there is a revised label on this item. Make
note if the participant is confused about the label. Probe
if necessary.
Q12. Will this relative care for this child when the child is…
In your own words, what is this question asking?
Q13-15: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
16. How much does YOUR HOUSEHOLD pay for this relative to
care for this child, NOT COUNTING any money that may be
received from others to help pay for care?
Can you tell me more about how you arrived at your answer for
this one?
[If R marked a yes to any of items 15a-e, ask] In the previous
question you had said yes to one of those items. Is there cost that
someone else pays? Can you tell me more about that?
[If needed:] Was that cost included in your response for question

Q17-19: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q20. The next questions ask about any care this child receives
from someone NOT related to him or her, EITHER IN YOUR
HOME OR SOMEONE ELSE’S HOME. This includes home
child care providers or neighbors, but NOT day care centers or
Is this child now receiving care in your home or another home on
a REGULAR BASIS from someone who is NOT related to him or
Please tell me more about how you chose your answer.
If yes, can you tell me more about the non-relative that cares for
this child?

Q21-31: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q32. Will this non-relative care for this child when the child is…
In your own words, what is this question asking?
Q33-36: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
37. How much does YOUR HOUSEHOLD pay for this nonrelative to care for this child, NOT COUNTING any money that
may be received from others to help pay for care?
Can you tell me more about how you arrived at your answer for
this one?
[If R marked a yes to any of items 36a-e, ask] In the previous
question you had said yes to one of those items. Is there cost that
someone else pays? Can you tell me more about that?

[If needed:] Was that cost included in your response for question
Q38-40: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q41. The next questions ask about any day care centers and early
childhood programs that this child attends. This does not include
care provided in a private home.
Is this child now attending a day care center, childcare center,
preschool, or prekindergarten not in a private home?
Please tell me more about how you chose your answer.
If yes, can you tell me more about the program that cares for this

Q42-53: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q54. Have you ever been asked to remove this child from care for
the day due to one or more behavior issues, such as biting, being
aggressive, not following directions, being overly active, being
impulsive, or having little or no self-control?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
If yes, please tell me more about how you chose your answer.
Q55-57: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
58. How much does YOUR HOUSEHOLD pay for this child to go
to this program, NOT COUNTING any money that may be
received from others to help pay for care?

Can you tell me more about how you arrived at your answer for
this one?
[If R marked a yes to any of items 57a-e, ask] In the previous
question you had said yes to one of those items. Is there cost that
someone else pays? Can you tell me more about that?
[If needed:] Was that cost included in your response for question
Q59-68: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
• Note on Q62 – space was added between the second
response option “No” and the last response
option “Don’t know.” Make note if participant is


confused by the spacing or does not read the last
response option. Probe if necessary.

Note on Q66 – space was added between the second
response option “A lot of difficulty” and the last response
option “Did not find the type of child are program I
wanted.” Make note if participant is confused by the

spacing or does not read the last response option.
Probe if necessary.

Q69. What were the main reasons your household chose the care
arrangement or program where this child spends the most time?
We have provided spaces for you to tell us about up to 3 reasons.
You may have fewer reasons to tell us about. Please write only one
reason in each box.
Tell me more about your main reasons you chose the care
How did you decide how many reasons to list?
[If needed and if R provided three reasons] Did you have three
main reasons, or did you feel like you needed to provide three
Q70-76: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.




Note on Q70h – space was added between the fourth
response option “Very Important” and the last response
option “Website ratings were not available.” Make note

if participant is confused by the spacing or does not
read the last response option. Probe if necessary.

Note on Q70i – space was added between the fourth
response option “Very Important” and the last response
option “Family and friends did not provide
recommendations.” Make note if participant is

confused by the spacing or does not read the last
response option. Probe if necessary.

Note on Q71 – there is a revised label on this item. Make
note if the participant is confused about the label. Probe
if necessary.

Q75. IN THE PAST WEEK, how many days has your family eaten
any meal together at least once a day?
How did you come up with this answer? What was the time
period were you thinking about?
Ask of everyone but particularly someone that answers more than
7: Could you tell me more about what you were considering
when answering this question?
Q76-84: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
• Note on Q79 – Note that the instructions have been
added in the question instead of out of the question.
Make note if the participant has any confusion while
trying to answer this question.
[Have the participant answer Q85-95 then have them stop after 95
and probe about the items in this section]
Q85. Have you or another parent expressed concerns to a health,
education, or early intervention professional about this
child’s development (for example, speech and language,
social emotional, or motor skill development)?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
If yes, could you please tell me more about your concerns about
your child’s development?


Q86. Overall, how satisfied are you with responses from health,
education, or early intervention professionals about your
concerns about this child’s development?
How did you decide on your answer?
Q87. Has a health, education, or early intervention professional
told you that this child has any of the following conditions?
a. A speech or language impairment
b. Autism or autism spectrum disorder
c. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD or ADD
Is there anything else that is missing from this list that you have
been told about this child from a health, education, or early
intervention professional, if any?
Q88. Has a health, education, or early intervention professional
told you that this child is at risk for a developmental delay?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
Q89. Did you mark YES to any part of question 87 or question 88?
Is this question clear or unclear as to the next steps you should take?
If no on Q89 but yes on Q85, could you tell us more about your
child’s development and the concerns you expressed? Has this child
received any services for a condition such as speech or physical
therapy. Are this child’s services through an IFSP or IEP? [If yes to
services and/or IFSP/IEP] Could you tell us more about the
condition the child has that the receive these services?
Q90. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with how well
health, education, or early intervention professionals have
met your child’s needs?
How did you decide on your answer?
Q91. Is this child receiving services for his or her condition (for
example, speech therapy or physical therapy)?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
If yes, could you please tell us more about these services this
child receives?
Are there examples that are missing?


Q92. Are this child’s services through an Individualized Family
Service Plan (IFSP) or Individualized Education Program
In your own words, what is this question asking? What does IFSP
or IEP mean to you?
If yes, could you please tell us more about the IFSP or IEP this
child receives?

Q93. Thinking about the child’s IFSP or IEP, since September,
how satisfied or dissatisfied have you been with the service
provider’s or school’s communication with your family?
How did you decide on your answer?
Q94. How often does this child’s condition interfere with his or
her ability to do the following things?
[No need to probe on this item unless the participant has any
confusion while responding to the item].
Q95. Is this child currently enrolled in early childhood special
What do you think the term “early childhood special education”
refers to in this question?
If yes, could you please tell us more about early childhood special
education for your child?
Q96-102: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
• Note on Q98 – there is a revised label on this item. Make
note if the participant is confused about the label. Probe
if necessary.
Q103. Does this child sometimes live at another address (for
example, because of parents living apart)?
Do not include vacation properties.
In your own words, what is this question asking?


What does “because of parents living apart” mean to you?
Are there other examples that you think would apply?
Q104-109: It is not necessary to probe on these questions. Let the
respondent continue the think aloud and only probe if
respondent says something that indicates a potential problem, or
if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.
Q110. Answer questions in this section about yourself if you are
the child’s parent or guardian. If you are not the child’s parent or
guardian, answer the questions in this section about one of this
child’s parents or guardians living in the household.
Is this parent or guardian the child’s...
How did you decide on your answer?
Is it clear or unclear you should be answering this section about
yourself, if you are the parent?
[Take note through the parent 1 section if you hear the parent no
longer talk about themselves but another parent or person –
I noticed that you mentioned a different person when answering
question (X). Could you tell me how did you come up with your
Q111-126: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically unless they switch answering about a different parent
(see note above in Q110). Let the respondent continue the think
aloud and only probe if respondent says something that indicates
a potential problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent
interpretation compared to other respondents.
• Note on Q117 – there is a revised label on this item.
Make note if the participant is confused about the label.
Probe if necessary.
• Note on Q123 – there is a revised label on this item.
Make note if the participant is confused about the label.
Probe if necessary.
• Note on Q126 – there is a revised label on this item.
Make note if the participant is confused about the label.
Probe if necessary.
Q127. Does this parent or guardian have Internet access on a cell

How did you decide on your answer?
In your own words, what is this question asking?

Q128: It is not necessary to probe on this question specifically.
Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only probe if
respondent says something that indicates a potential problem, or
if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.
Q129. Answer questions in this section about a second parent or
guardian living in the household.
Is this parent or guardian the child’s...
How did you decide on your answer?
Is it clear or unclear who you should answer the questions in this
section about? If clear, who are you answering this section
about? If unclear, who do you think you should answer this
section about and why?
[Take note through the parent 2 section if you hear the parent no
longer talk about the parent they mentioned above after probing
but another parent or person – probe:]
I noticed that you mentioned a different person when answering
question (X). Could you tell me how did you come up with your
Q130-145: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically unless they switch answering about a different
parent/person (see note above in Q129). Let the respondent
continue the think aloud and only probe if respondent says
something that indicates a potential problem, or if there is
confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared to other
• Note on Q136 – there is a revised label on this item.
Make note if the participant is confused about the label.
Probe if necessary.
• Note on Q142 – there is a revised label on this item.
Make note if the participant is confused about the label.
Probe if necessary.
• Note on Q145 – there is a revised label on this item.
Make note if the participant is confused about the label.
Probe if necessary.


Q146. Does this parent or guardian have Internet access on a cell
How did you decide on your answer?
In your own words, what is this question asking?

Q147-149: It is not necessary to probe on these questions. Let the
respondent continue the think aloud and only probe if
respondent says something that indicates a potential problem, or
if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.
Q150. Does your household have Internet access AT HOME on a
computer or tablet?
In your own words, what is this question asking?


Is there anything else you would like to tell me about this questionnaire that you haven’t had a chance to


We are finished. Thank you for helping us. The information you’ve provided will be very helpful for making
this survey better.
[Interviewer Instructions: Please let the participant know that we will be emailing them a [$40 electronic gift
card] that should arrive in 10 business days. If you have not received the gift card in 10 business days please
email us at [email protected], the same email where we have communicated so far. Then let them know
they can exit the call by clicking on the “X” in the top write corner of their screen]

NHES 2022 ECPP Cognitive Interview Protocol - SPANISH
Interview ID:
Parent First
Age of Child:

Date of



Instrucciones para el entrevistador: El siguiente guion NO debe ser leído textualmente. El texto en letra
cursiva solo es contenido con el cual el entrevistador debe familiarizarse antes de la entrevista. El texto
entre paréntesis [ ] contiene instrucciones para el entrevistador.
Hola, mi nombre es  y trabajo para American Institutes for Research. Mucho gusto de
conocerle. Gracias por venir a ayudarnos el día de hoy. [Confirm that they can hear and see (if
applicable) you and your screen okay – trouble shoot if needed if the video or audio are not working].
Como le comentamos anteriormente, por favor asegúrese de que está en un lugar tranquilo para que nos
podamos escuchar bien. No pasa nada si hay interrupciones durante la entrevista, pero nos gustaría poder
tener las menos posibles.
[Platique de algún tema casual para establecer una buena relación con el participante.]:
Usted está aquí hoy para ayudarnos con una encuesta que estamos realizando para el Departamento de
Educación de los Estados Unidos. Este estudio pregunta acerca la búsqueda y selección de cuidado
infantil para los padres con hijos de cinco años de edad o menores. Voy a pedirle que complete una
encuesta como que si estuviera completando una encuesta real, pero leyendo las preguntas y respuesta en
voz alta. No existen respuestas correctas o incorrectas y está bien si usted no sabe algunas de las
respuestas. A medida que usted vaya leyendo respondiendo a las preguntas, yo le voy a hacer algunas
preguntas acerca de sus respuestas. Esto nos ayudará a que las cartas y la encuesta sean mejores y más
Debido a que la información que usted nos dará es muy importante, voy a estar tomando notas mientras
estamos hablando [INSERTE SI HAY UN OBSERVADOR: y mi colega también va a observar nuestra
sesión de hoy].
Además, esta entrevista será grabada en audio para que los investigadores del estudio puedan revisar la
grabación más tarde. Aunque yo puedo verlo por cámara, le garantizo que su imagen no será grabada.
Cualquier información que se refiera a usted o a su familia personalmente, tal como su nombre o la
escuela de su hijo(a), no será incluida en nuestro informe y sus respuestas serán utilizadas únicamente
para fines de investigación.
Recuerde que esto no es un examen. Queremos que nos diga lo que usted piensa acerca de las cartas y la
Si en algún momento usted desea detenerse, solo déjemelo saber.
[Si por algún motivo el participante ya no tiene interés en participar, agradézcale por su tiempo y
termine la entrevista.]
Antes de que continuemos, ¿tiene alguna pregunta sobre lo que acabo de decir? [Responda a cualquier
pregunta que pueda hacer el participante.] Ahora, quiero asegurarme de que podemos empezar ya
mismo, ¿tiene los materiales que le enviamos? Adjunto al email que le enviamos para participar en la
entrevista encontrará un cuestionario en formato pdf que dice NHES 2022 ECPP. ¿Tiene el cuestionario
abierto en su computadora/tableta? [Si no, dígale que abra el cuestionario ya que vamos a empezar
enseguida. Si ya los tienen, dele las gracias y hágales saber que los vamos a usar enseguida].
[Si el participante ha consentido ser grabado, comience la grabación (con video si aplica). Para empezar
la grabación, haga click en “Record” en los controles de GoToMeeting.]


Mientras esté completando la encuesta, quiero que hable acerca de cómo está contestando las preguntas.
Quiero escucharla(o) hablar acerca de cómo usted llega a sus respuestas para así entender cómo
mejorar estos materiales. Me interesa más saber cómo llega a sus respuestas que en las respuestas que
usted me dé. Para ayudarle a empezar a pensar en voz alta vamos a hacer un ejercicio de práctica. Un
ejemplo podría ser… [Enseñe un ejemplo preguntándose la pregunta y respondiendo con la técnica de ‘pensar
en voz alta’]
Me gustaría que repitiera la pregunta en voz alta y piense en voz alta a medida que decide cuál es su
[Lea la pregunta en voz alta y diga al entrevistado que piense en voz alta]
¿Cuántos vasos de agua tomó usted ayer?
Por favor dígame lo que está pensando mientras me da su respuesta.
Pregunte según sea necesario para obtener información detallada: ¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta? ¿Qué
estaba visualizando mientras estaba decidiendo qué responder? ¿Puede decirme más acerca de lo que
usted está incluyendo en su cuenta?
Cuando haya completado el ejercicio: Gracias. Ése es el tipo de detalle que busco cuando usted me
hable acerca de sus respuestas a las preguntas de la encuesta.


Ahora vamos a completar la encuesta. Me gustaría que piense en voz alta mientras decide su respuesta.
Por favor lea en voz alta cualquier cosa que usted hubiera leído para sí misma(o), como si yo no
estuviera aquí.
Recuerde que estoy muy interesada(o) en escucharle hablar acerca de lo que está pensando mientras
decide sus respuestas a las preguntas.

Preguntas Útiles—Utilice cuando sea necesario si una respuesta no está clara o si el participante
está confundido
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Qué significa para usted la palabra [término] en esta pregunta?
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil es recordar [tema]?
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil fue escoger una respuesta?
Dígame lo que está pensando.
¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta?

Usted dijo [respuesta]. ¿Puede decirme un poco más acerca de cómo llego a esa respuesta?
[En respuesta a las acciones o comentarios del entrevistado]: Por favor, dígame que sucedió. Dígame que
estaba usted haciendo.
[Si nota alguna señal visual, como cejas fruncidas o una expresión de confusión]: Dígame lo que está
[Si nota alguna señal visual o auditiva que indica confusión como pasar páginas o leer de nuevo una
pregunta anterior antes de contestar a la pregunta]: Por favor, dígame que sucedió. Dígame que estaba
usted haciendo.
Instrucciones generales de observación para el entrevistador: Se ha revisado el formato del cuestionario.
Ponga atención a cualquier gesto o comentario del participante que indique confusión debido al formato del
cuestionario. Por favor anote cualquier reacción a este nuevo formato a medida que el participante completa el
cuestionario, si es que reacciona de alguna manera:
• MAYÚSCULAS en lugar de subrayar palabras que necesitan énfasis.
• Los títulos de las secciones se encuentran en medio de la página en vez de estar en la parte de arriba.
• Las instrucciones están dentro de las preguntas en vez de arriba de las preguntas para aumentar la
probabilidad de que las lean. ¿Leen los participantes todo el texto para cada pregunta? Haga un círculo
en el texto que no leen.
• Se han cambiado las etiquetas de las opciones de respuesta para que suenen más como una frase (por
ejemplo, “______ libros” en vez de “_____ número de libros”.
• Opciones de respuesta que forman parte de una escala tienen con una opción de “no aplica”, incluyen
esta última más separado del resto de las opciones en la escala. ¿Ven y leen la opción “no aplica”?
Marque con un círculo si no lo ven/leen.
Hay notas sobre preguntas a las que tiene que prestar más atención, pero no preguntarle al participante a no
ser que esté confundido.

If you’re running out of time (about 10 minutes before the interview is supposed to end) and the
participant is likely not going to finish the interview, please ask him to skip to priority questions.
These have been highlighted in blue in the protocol. Note that some of those questions might not
apply to the participant based on their answer, so make sure you follow the skip patterns.
Cubierta: Note si el entrevistado lee la cubierta de la encuesta, incluyendo el texto bajo las imágenes que
incluye el nombre del niño. Anote si no lee ese texto.

Preguntas más frecuentes/Instrucciones: No es necesario preguntar sobre las instrucciones, nada más anote si
el encuestado tiene problemas con ellas.
Instrucciones antes de Q1: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas pero preste atención a si el
encuestado lee las instrucciones y entiende sobre qué niño tiene que estar respondiendo. Note si lee o no lee el
Q1: Estas encuesta empieza preguntando sobre el cuidado que este
niño(a) recibe de un pariente, después cuidado por parte de una
persona que no es su pariente, y finalmente cuidado en una
guardería, centro de cuidado infantil, programa preescolar o
prekindergarden u otro centro.
Actualmente, ¿cuida a este niño(a) con regularidad un pariente,

distinto a uno de los padres o tutores legales? Por ejemplo, los
abuelos, hermanos, hermanas u otro pariente?

[Note cualquier reacción que el participante tenga a que la
pregunta empiece enumerando los tipos de cuidado sobre
los que se va a preguntar.]
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Cómo decidió la respuesta a esta pregunta?
Si sí, ¿podría decirme acerca del pariente que cuida a este niño?
Q2-11: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que el
encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.

Nota en Q4 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.
Nota en Q6 – anote si el entrevistado tiene alguna
dificultad al responder esta pregunta y pregunte si es

Q12. Este pariente lo/a cuida si el niño(a) está …
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Q13-15: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que
el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
16. ¿Cuánto paga SU HOGAR a este pariente por el cuidado de
este niño(a), SIN INCLUIR dinero que reciba de otras personas
para ayudarle a pagar el cuidado del niño(a)?
¿Cómo decidió la respuesta a esta pregunta?
[Si el participante marcó que sí a alguna de las opciones 15a-e] En
la pregunta anterior usted contestó sí a una de esas opciones.
¿Hay algún costo que paga alguien más? ¿Podría decirme un poco
más acerca de esto?
[Si es necesario] ¿Incluyó ese costo en su respuesta a la pregunta

Q17-19: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que
el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
Q20. Las siguientes se tratan del cuidado que este niño(a) recibe
por parte de personas que NO son sus parientes, YA SEA EN SU
personas que cuidan niños(as) en sus casas o vecinos, pero NO
incluye guarderías ni programas preescolares.
Actualmente, ¿cuida a este niño(a) CON REGULARIDAD una
persona que NO es su pariente, ya sea en casa o en otra casa?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
Si sí, ¿puede decirme más acerca de la persona que no es su
pariente que cuida a este niño?
Cuando hablamos de una persona que no es su pariente, ¿qué
entiende usted aquí? ¿Puede darme ejemplos de personas que
usted pondría en esta categoría? ¿Puede darme ejemplos de
personas que usted no incluiría en esta categoría?
Q21-31: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que
el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
Q32. ¿Esta persona que no es su pariente lo/la cuida si el niño(a)
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Q33-36: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que
el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
37. ¿Cuánto paga SU HOGAR a esta persona que no es su pariente
por el cuidado de este niño(a), SIN INCLUIR dinero que reciba
de otras personas para ayudarle a pagar el cuidado del niño(a)?
¿Cómo decidió la respuesta a esta pregunta?

[Si el participante marcó que sí a alguna de las opciones 36a-e] En
la pregunta anterior usted contestó sí a una de esas opciones.
¿Hay algún costo que paga alguien más? ¿Podría decirme un poco
más acerca de esto?
[Si es necesario] ¿Incluyó ese costo en su respuesta a la pregunta
Q38-40: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que
el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
Q41. Las siguientes preguntas se tratan de las guarderías y los
programas de educación temprana a los que este niño(a) asiste.
Esto no incluye el cuidado que este niño(a) recibe en un hogar
Actualmente, ¿asiste este niño(a) a una guardería, centro de
cuidado infantil, programa preescolar o prekindergarden que no
sea en un hogar privado?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
Si sí, ¿puede decirme más acerca del programa donde cuida a este
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué entiende usted cuando hablamos
de guardería, centro de cuidado infantil, programa preescolar y
prekindergarten? ¿Cree usted que se refieren a los mismo o a
cosas diferentes? ¿Podría darme un ejemplo?
Q42-53: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que
el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
Q54. ¿Alguna vez le han pedido que retire a este niño(a) de un
lugar de cuidado infantil por el resto del día porque él/ella estaba
teniendo uno o más problemas de comportamiento, como morder,
ser agresivo(a), no seguir instrucciones, ser excesivamente
activo(a), ser impulsivo(a) o tener muy poco o nada de
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?

Q55-57: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que
el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
58. ¿Cuánto paga SU HOGAR para que este niño(a) vaya a este
programa, SIN INCLUIR dinero que reciba de otras personas
para ayudarle a pagar el cuidado del niño(a)?
¿Cómo decidió la respuesta a esta pregunta?
[Si el participante marcó que sí a alguna de las opciones 57a-e] En
la pregunta anterior usted contestó sí a una de esas opciones.
¿Hay algún costo que paga alguien más? ¿Podría decirme un poco
más acerca de esto?
[Si es necesario] ¿Incluyó ese costo en su respuesta a la pregunta
Q59-66: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que
el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
• Nota en Q62 – se ha añadido espacio entre la opción “No”
y “No lo sé” para no restar importancia a la escala. Anote
si el participante está confundido por el extra espacio o
no lee la primera opción de respuesta. Pregunte si es
• Nota en Q66 – se ha añadido espacio entre la opción
“Mucha dificultad” y “No encontré el tipo de programa de
cuidado infantil que quería” para no restar importancia a
la escala. Anote si el participante está confundido por el
extra espacio o no lee la primera opción de respuesta.
Pregunte si es necesario.

Q67. ¿Cuál fue la dificultad PRINCIPAL que enfrentó para
encontrar un programa de cuidado infantil o programa de
educación temprana?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?

Q68. No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que el

encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique

un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
Q69. ¿Cuáles fueron las razones principales por la que su hogar
eligió el arreglo o los arreglos de cuidado o el programa en el que
este niño(a) pasa más tiempo?
Hemos incluido espacio para que usted anote hasta 3 razones,
pero puede que tenga menos de 3 razones. Por favor escriba una
razón en cada cuadro.
Cuénteme más sobre sus razones por las cuales eligió este arreglo
de cuidado infantil.
¿Cómo decidió cuántas razones poner en la lista?
[Si lo ve necesario, y si dieron tres razones] ¿tenía usted tres
razones o pensaba que tenía que poner tres razones?
Q70-76: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que
el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
• Nota en Q70h – se ha añadido espacio entre la opción
“Muy importante” y “Las clasificaciones en internet no
estaban disponibles” para no restar importancia a la
escala. Anote si el participante está confundido por el
extra espacio o no lee la primera opción de respuesta.
Pregunte si es necesario.
• Nota en Q70i – se ha añadido espacio entre la primera
opción “Muy importante” y “Familia y amigos no dieron
recomendaciones” para no restar importancia a la escala.
Anote si el participante está confundido por el extra
espacio o no lee la primera opción de respuesta. Pregunte
si es necesario.
• space was added between the fourth response option
“Very Important” and the last response option “Family
and friends did not provide recommendations.” Make


note if participant is confused by the spacing or does
not read the last response option. Probe if necessary.

Nota en Q71 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.

Q75. DURANTE LA ÚLTIMA SEMANA, ¿cuántos días comió
junta la familia al menos una vez al día?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta? ¿En qué franja de tiempo estaba
pensando al responder?

Pregunte a todos los participantes, pero sobre todo a aquellos que
digan más de 7. ¿Podría decirme más sobre lo que consideró
cuando estaba respondiendo a esta pregunta?
Q76-84: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que
el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
• Nota en Q77 – Anote si el entrevistado tiene dificultado al
entender “librería/tienda de libros”
• Nota en Q79 – Note que se han añadido instrucciones en
la pregunta en vez de aparte de la pregunta. Anote si el
entrevistado muestra confusión al responder a esta
• Nota en Q81 – Preste atención a si el entrevistado tiene
dificultad con este ítem y pregunte si es necesario.
[Pida al entrevistado que responda Q85-95 y páreles después de
Q95 para responder sobre las preguntas de esta sección]
Q85. ¿Ha expresado usted u otro padre/madre preocupaciones a
un profesional de la salud, de educación o de intervención
temprana sobre el desarrollo de este niño(a) (por ejemplo,
desarrollo del habla y lenguaje, socio emocional o de
habilidades motoras)?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Si sí, ¿podría decirme más acerca de las preocupaciones que tiene
sobre el desarrollo de su hijo?
Q86. En general, ¿qué tan satisfecho está con las respuestas de
profesionales de la salud, de educación o de intervención
temprana sobre sus preocupaciones acerca del desarrollo de
este niño(a)?
¿Cómo decidió su respuesta?
Q87. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud, de educación o de
intervención temprana que este niño(a) tiene alguno de los
siguientes problemas de salud?
¿Hay algo que le hayan dicho sobre la salud, educación o
intervención temprana de este niño que le han dicho y que no está
en esta lista?
Q88. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud, de educación o de
intervención temprana que este niño(a) "está en riesgo" de tener

un retraso considerable del desarrollo?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Q89. ¿Marcó “Sí” en alguna parte de la pregunta 87 o de la
pregunta 88?
¿Le resulta fácil o difícil saber a donde tiene que ir ahora?
Si contestó no a Q89 y Sí a Q85, ¿podría decirme más acerca de las
preocupaciones que ha expresado sobre el desarrollo de este niño?
¿Ha recibido este niño servicios para una condición como terapia
física o del habla? ¿Se proveen los servicios de este niño a través de
un IFSP o IEP? [Si sí a servicios/IFSP/IEP] ¿Podría decirme más
sobre la condición de este niño para la cual recibe estos servicios?
Q90. En general, ¿Qué tan satisfecho está con cómo han cubierto
las necesidades de este niño(a) los profesionales de la salud,
de educación o de intervención temprana?
¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta?
Q91. ¿Este niño(a) está recibiendo servicios para su problema o
condición (por ejemplo, terapia del habla, terapia física, etc.)?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Si sí, ¿podría decirme más acerca de los servicios que recibe este
¿Falta algún ejemplo?
Q92. Los servicios que recibe este niño(a), ¿son a través de un
Plan de Servicio Individualizado para la Familia (IFSP, por
sus siglas en inglés) o a través de un Programa Educativo
Individualizado (IEP, pos sus siglas en inglés)?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta? ¿Qué quiere
decir IFSP y IEP para usted?
Si sí, ¿podría decirme acerca del IFSP y IEP que recibe este niño?
Q93. Pensando en el IFSP, por sus siglas en inglés, el IEP, por
sus siglas en inglés, o el plan de servicios de este niño(a) a
partir de septiembre, ¿qué tan satisfecho está usted con la
comunicación que el proveedor de servicios o la escuela tiene
con la familia?
¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta?


Q94. ¿Con qué frecuencia afecta el problema de salud de este
niño(a) con su capacidad de hacer las siguientes cosas?
[No es necesario preguntar aquí a no ser que vea que el
entrevistado muestra confusión al responder].
Q95. ¿Este niño(a) está inscrito actualmente en educación
especial infantil temprana?
En sus propias palabras, ¿a qué se refiere el término “educación
infantil temprana” en esta pregunta?
Si sí, ¿podría decirnos más acerca de este programa de educación
infantil temprana para su hijo?
Q96-102: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
• Note on Q98 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.
Q103. ¿Este niño(a) vive en esta dirección Y en otra dirección más
(por ejemplo, debido a que los padres viven separados)?
No incluya casas de vacaciones.
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Qué significa para usted “debido a que los padres viven
¿Hay algún otro ejemplo que piensa que sería relevante aquí?
Q104-108: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
Q109. ¿Cuál es su relación o parentesco con este niño(a)?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué significa “de crianza temporal


Q110. Si usted es el padre, la madre o el tutor(a) legal del niño(a),
conteste las preguntas en esta sección acerca de usted. Si usted no
es el padre, la madre o el tutor(a) legal del niño(a), conteste las
preguntas en esta sección acerca de uno de los padres o tutores de
este niño(a) que viva en el hogar.
¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal...
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
¿Sobre quién cree usted que es esta pregunta? [si el participante
dice”padre/madre/tutor”] ¿En su caso, es usted esa persona o
sería otra persona en su hogar la que debe responder? [si el
participante no lo hace obvio en su respuesta] Le parece fácil o
difícil determinar que esta sección es sobre usted, asumiendo que
es el padre/madre/tutor legal?
[Anote en esta sección si oye al participante contestar a las
preguntas pensando en otra persona. Pregunte si es necesario:]
Noté que mencionó a otra persona cuando respondió a la
pregunta (X). ¿Podría decirme cómo decidió su respuesta?
Q111-119: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.

Nota en Q111 – note si el entrevistado tiene dificultad
para responder a este ítem y pregunte si es necesario.
Nota en Q112 – note si el entrevistado tiene dificultad
para responder a este ítem y pregunte si es necesario.
Nota en Q117 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.

Q120. ¿Cuál es el grado o nivel escolar más alto que este padre,
madre o tutor(a) legal completó?
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil le resultan los términos high school y
college? ¿A qué grados educativos cree que se refieren? ¿Prefiere
usar otros términos?
Q121-126: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.



Nota en Q122 – preste atención si el entrevistado tiene
dificultad con “de trabajo” y pregunte si es necesario.
Nota en Q123 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.
Nota en Q126 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.

127. ¿Tiene este padre, madre o tutor (a) legal acceso al Internet
en un celular?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?

Q128: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje que el
encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
129. Responda las preguntas de esta sección pensando en la
segunda persona que también es padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de
este niño(a) y que vive en el hogar.
¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal ...
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
¿Sobre quién cree usted que es esta pregunta? [si el participante
dice “padre/madre/tutor”] ¿En su caso, es usted esa persona o
sería otra persona en su hogar la que debe responder? [si el
participante no lo hace obvio en su respuesta] Le parece fácil o
difícil determinar que esta sección es sobre usted, asumiendo que
es el padre/madre/tutor legal?
[Anote en esta sección si oye al participante contestar a las
preguntas pensando en otra persona. Pregunte si es necesario:]
Noté que mencionó a otra persona cuando respondió a la
pregunta (X). ¿Podría decirme cómo decidió su respuesta?
Q130-145: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.



Nota en Q136 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.
Nota en Q142 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.
Nota en Q145 – se ha cambiado la etiqueta de esta
pregunta. Anote si el participante aparece confundido
sobre la etiqueta. Pregunte si es necesario.

146. ¿Tiene este padre, madre o tutor (a) legal acceso al Internet
en un celular?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?

Q147-149: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique
un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia
en la interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
150. ¿Tiene usted acceso al Internet EN LA CASA, en una
computadora o tableta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?


¿Hay algo más sobre lo que le gustaría hablar acerca de estos materiales? ¿Hay algo acerca de lo que
no ha tenido oportunidad de hablar?


Hemos terminado. Gracias por ayudarnos. La información que nos ha dado será muy útil para mejorar
la encuesta.
[Instrucciones para el entrevistador: Pare la grabación. Agradezca al entrevistado por su tiempo y su
ayuda y recuérdele que le enviaremos [una tarjeta electrónica de regalo de $40] que llegará en unos 10
días hábiles.] Si no recibe la tarjeta regalo en 10 días hábiles llame por favor envíe un email a
[email protected]. Luego dígales que pueden salir de la llamada haciendo clic en la “X” roja en la parte de
arriba a la derecha de la pantalla.]



Round 2
NHES 2022 PFI Cognitive Interview Protocol - ENGLISH
Interview ID:

Date of

Parent First
Age of Child:


Interviewer Instructions: The following scripts should NOT be read verbatim. Text in italics is suggested
content with which the interviewer should be thoroughly familiar in advance. Text in brackets [ ] presents
instructions for the interviewer.
Hello, my name is  and I work for American Institutes for Research. It’s nice to meet you,
thanks for joining us today to help us out.[Confirm that they can hear and see (if applicable) you and your
screen okay – trouble shoot if needed if the video or audio are not working well]. [INSERT IF THERE
IS AN OBSERVER: and my colleague will also be observing our session today].
As noted before please make sure you are in a quiet space to make sure you can hear us, and we can hear you
clearly. It is okay if there are interruptions during this interview, but we hope to minimize them as much as
[Create small talk to build rapport with the parent]:
You are here today to help us out with a survey that we are working on for the U.S. Department of Education.
This survey asks about your child’s schooling. I will ask you to take the survey as if you were taking a real
survey but talking out loud as you read and answer each item. There are no right or wrong answers, and it’s
ok if you don’t know some of the answers. As you are answering the questions out loud, I will also ask you
about your answers and how you arrived at them. This will help us make the survey better and clearer for
other parents just like you.
Because the information you provide is so important, I am going to be taking notes while you are answering
the survey and while we are talking, so you might see me look down as you’re talking.
This interview will also be audio recorded so researchers can review it later. Even though I can see you, no
video will be recorded, just the sound. Your responses will be used for research purposes only, and no
information that refers to you or your family personally, like your name or name of your child’s school, will be
included in our report.. Is that all OK?
Great! Remember, you are not being tested; we want you to tell us what you think about the survey.
If you want to stop at any point, just let me know.
[If, for any reason, the participant is no longer interested in participating, thank the participant for his/her time
and end the interview.]
Before we continue, do you have any questions? [Answer any questions the parent may ask.] Ok, now to make
sure we’re ready, do you have the materials that we sent to you? The questionnaire should be an attachment to
the email invitation that you received from us, the one where you found the [Zoom/GoToMeeting] link. Do you
have the questionnaire up in your screen? [If not, instruct them to pull it up and assist as needed.] Thanks for
getting that ready, we’ll be using it in a few minutes.
[If the respondent has consented to recording, start the recording the video conference using the
“record” option in Zoom/GoToMeeting.]



While you fill out the survey I want you to talk about how you are answering the questions. The best way to do
this is read the question out loud and then keep talking out loud about how you arrive to your answer. Hearing
you talk about how you figure out your answers to the questions will help us understand how to make the
questions better. We are more interested in how you arrive at your answers than in the answers you give us.
Thinking aloud can take some time to get used to, so to help you get started we are going to do a practice
activity. First I will answer a question as an example. [Show an example by asking yourself the question (how
many glasses of water) and answering it using ‘think-aloud’]
Now, I would like you to repeat the question out loud and think aloud as you decide on your answer.
[Read out loud the question to the participant and have them think out loud.]
How many glasses of water did you drink yesterday?
Probe as needed for detail: How did you arrive at that answer? What were you visualizing when you were
deciding on that answer? Can you tell me more about what you are including in your count?
When complete: Thank you; that’s the kind of detail I’m looking for when you talk to me about your
answers to the questions in the survey.


Now I would like you to complete the questionnaire. Please read aloud the questions and anything you would
have read to yourself if I were not here. Remember that I’d like you to think aloud while you decide on your
answer. I am very interested in hearing you talk about what you are thinking as you figure out your answers to
the questions.
Useful Probes—Use only as needed when response is unclear or R appears confused or unsure
Can you tell me in your own words what that question was asking?
What does the word [term] in this question mean to you?
How easy or difficult is it to remember [topic]?
How easy or hard was it to choose an answer?
Tell me what you are thinking?
How did you come up with that answer?
You said [answer]. Can you tell me more about that?
[In response to R actions or comments]: Tell me what happened? Tell me what you were doing?
[If you pick up on a visual cue like a furrowed brow or a puzzled look]: “Tell me what you are thinking.”
[If you pick up on a visual cue (or hear a cue) that indicates confusion like paper flipping or rereading an
old question before answering this question]: “Tell me what just happened. Tell me about what you were
just doing.”


General Interviewer Observations Instructions: There is revised formatting in the questionnaire. We
would like for you to keep an eye on how the participant might react or say something regarding
confusion because of the formatting. The following are changes made to the formatting. Please make
notes about these formatting features as the participant goes through the instrument, if the
participant has any reactions to these:
• Instead of underlining to emphasize words, ALL CAPS are used.
• Section headers are now embedded in the middle of the page instead of on top of a new page
• Instructions are embedded within question numbers instead of above questions to encourage
reading of instructions. Do participants read all the text after each question number? Circle
text that is not read.
• Labels for response options were revised so that the response sounds more like a phrase
(e.g., “____ books” instead of “______number of books.”)
• “Not applicable” response options in a scale are spaced further apart than the response
options in a scale. Do participants see and read the not applicable response options? Circle if
Throughout the protocol there are notes about certain questions to pay attention to, but you do not
need to explicitly probe.

Cover: See if the participant reads the cover of the
instrument including the text under the images that
includes the child’s name. Make note if they do or do
not read that text.
CAQs/Instructions: It is not necessary to probe on the
instructions. Note if the respondent attempts to

read them or proceeds to answering the
questionnaire. If they attempt to read them, or
ask if they need to read them, ask them to skip to
the next page.

Instructions before Q1: It is not necessary to probe
but pay attention to if they read these instructions
and understand the child they should be responding
about. Make note if they do or do not read that text.
Q1-Q2: It is not necessary to probe on these
questions. Let the respondent continue the think
aloud and only probe if respondent says something
that indicates a potential problem, or if there is
confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.


Q1: [If not obvious by their answer] which school
year were you considering when answering this
[if R is thinking about 2020-21] could you tell me
a bit more about how you decided on your
Q3. Did you mark Yes to “h. Homeschooled” from
the list in question 2 above?
[Pay attention to how the participant follows the skip
instruction, particularly with those who respond “No”.
If they are not able to follow the skip instruction or
are confused, probe]
Could you tell me where you think you should go next
in the survey?
Is there anything in the instructions on question 3
that would help you to know what to do next?
Q4-Q20: It is not necessary to probe on these
questions. Let the respondent continue the think
aloud and only probe if respondent says something
that indicates a potential problem, or if there is
confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.
[Have the participant answer Q21 and Q22 and then
stop them to probe.]
Q21. Including the current grade and thinking of all
the grades for which this child was homeschooled,
for how many grades has this child been
How did you come up with your answer? Tell me
more about the grades your child has been
homeschooled for?
[Did the label on this response box cause any issues?
If so, why?]
Q22. Mark every grade that this child was
homeschooled for at least some classes or subjects,
including the current grade or grade equivalent.
What were you thinking of when you answered this


Did question 21 help you answer this item?
If the participant did not mark the same number of
grades reported in Q21 probe:
Could you tell me a little bit more about your answer
in question 21 and question 22?
If the participant did not mark the child’s current
grade Q22 probe:
Could you tell me why you did not select the grade
the child is currently in?
Q23-30: It is not necessary to probe on these
questions. Let the respondent continue the think aloud
and only probe if respondent says something that
indicates a potential problem, or if there is confusion
or an inconsistent interpretation compared to other
Q31. How many HOURS each WEEK does this child
usually go to a school for instruction? Do not
include time spent in extracurricular activities.
In your own words, tell me what this question is
asking about.
How did you decide on your answer?
What do you think of these response options?

Q32: It is not necessary to probe on these questions.
Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a
potential problem, or if there is confusion or an
inconsistent interpretation compared to other

Q33. Is this school a charter school?
In your own words, what does “charter school”
refer to?
Q34. Is this school a magnet school or does he
or she attend a magnet program?


In your own words, what do “magnet school”
and “magnet program” refer to?
Q35: It is not necessary to probe on these questions.

Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a
potential problem, or if there is confusion or an
inconsistent interpretation compared to other

Q36. Did you feel that you had a choice in what
school this child attends?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
Q37-38: It is not necessary to probe on these

questions. Let the respondent continue the think
aloud and only probe if respondent says something
that indicates a potential problem, or if there is
confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.

Q39. Please tell us about this child’s grades
during this school year. On average, across all
subjects, what grades does this child get?
[Question wording has been changed from
“overall” to “on average”. Pay attention to how
the respondent does the math and if they
struggle coming up with an answer. Probe if
Q40. Is he or she currently enrolled in any high
school Advanced Placement (AP) classes?
[If R selects “don’t know”] In your own words,
what is this question asking?
Q41: It is not necessary to probe on these questions.

Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a
potential problem, or if there is confusion or an
inconsistent interpretation compared to other
[Only probe if the participant seems confused on

either of these two items]

Q42. Has a health or education professional told you
that this child has any of the following conditions?
Q42f. Autism or autism spectrum disorder
Q42h. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,


How did you decide on your answer?
[Please make note if R makes a comment about
the wording in Q42l. An intellectual disability,
formerly known as mental retardation.]
Q43-47: It is not necessary to probe on these

questions. Let the respondent continue the think
aloud and only probe if respondent says something
that indicates a potential problem, or if there is
confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.
Q48. Does this child sometimes live at another address
(for example, because of parents living apart)?
Do not include vacation properties.
In your own words, what is this question asking?
What does “because of parents living apart” mean to
Are there other examples that you think would apply?
Q49: It is not necessary to probe on these questions.
Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a
potential problem, or if there is confusion or an
inconsistent interpretation compared to other

Q50. Do you consider yourself one of this child’s
parents or guardians?
[Note if the respondent shows any confusion when
answering this question and probe if necessary]
Q51. Answer questions in this section about yourself
if you are the child’s parent or guardian. If you are
not the child’s parent or guardian, answer the
questions in this section about one of this child’s
parents or guardians living in the household.
Is this parent or guardian the child’s...


How did you decide on your answer?
Who do you think this question is asking about? [if
respondent says “parent/guardian”] Would that be
you or would that be someone else? [if not obvious by
their response] Is it clear or unclear you should be
answering this section about yourself, if you are the
[Take note through the parent 1 section if you hear
the parent no longer talk about themselves but
another parent or person – probe:]
I noticed that you mentioned a different person when
answering question (X). Could you tell me how did
you come up with your answer?
Q52-59: It is not necessary to probe on these questions.
Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a
potential problem, or if there is confusion or an
inconsistent interpretation compared to other

Q60. Answer questions in this section about a second
parent or guardian living in the household.
Is this parent or guardian the child’s...
How did you decide on your answer?
Is it clear or unclear who you should answer the
questions in this section about? If clear, who are you
answering this section about? If unclear, who do you
think you should answer this section about and why?
[Take note through the parent 2 section if you hear
the parent no longer talk about the parent they
mentioned above after probing but another parent or
person – probe:]
I noticed that you mentioned a different person when
answering question (X). Could you tell me how did
you come up with your answer?


Q61-64: It is not necessary to probe on these
questions specifically unless they switch answering
about a different parent/person (see note above in
Q60). Let the respondent continue the think aloud
and only probe if respondent says something that
indicates a potential problem, or if there is confusion
or an inconsistent interpretation compared to other
Q65: It is not necessary to probe on this questions.
Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a
potential problem, or if there is confusion or an
inconsistent interpretation compared to other
Q66. Does your household have Internet access AT
HOME on a computer or tablet?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
Q67-69: It is not necessary to probe on these
questions. Let the respondent continue the think
aloud and only probe if respondent says something
that indicates a potential problem, or if there is
confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.
Q70. We would like to identify this child’s school so
we can include information about the school in our
study. We’ve listed the schools in your area below.
Please select the school he or she attends.
[Note to interviewers: schools that are close to the
R’s address will be the response options for this item.
We will print a custom questionnaire for each PFI
participant. Please note any comments that the R
makes while trying to find the child’s school.]
How easy or difficult was it for you to find the school
your child attends?


If difficult, what made it difficult to find the school?
What do you think you should do next? Is it clear or
unclear what you should do next? [If they selected a
school they should return the questionnaire, if they
did not select a school from the list they should go to
question 148.] Tell me more about why it is clear or


Is there anything else you would like to tell me about this questionnaire that you haven’t had a
chance to mention?


We are finished. Thank you for helping us. The information you’ve provided will be very helpful for
making this survey better.
[Interviewer Instructions: Please let the participant know that we will be emailing them a [$40
electronic gift card] that should arrive in 10 business days. If you have not received the gift card in
10 business days please email us at [email protected], the same email where we have
communicated so far. Then let them know they can exit the call by clicking on the “X” in the top
write corner of their screen]

NHES 2022 PFI Cognitive Interview Protocol - SPANISH
Interview ID:

Date of

Parent First
Age of Child:


Instrucciones para el entrevistador: El siguiente guion NO debe ser leído textualmente. El
texto en letra cursiva solo es contenido con el cual el entrevistador debe familiarizarse antes de la
entrevista. El texto entre paréntesis [ ] contiene instrucciones para el entrevistador.
Hola, mi nombre es  y trabajo para American Institutes for Research. Mucho gusto
de conocerle. Gracias por venir a ayudarnos el día de hoy. [Confirm that they can hear and see
(if applicable) you and your screen okay – trouble shoot if needed if the video or audio are not
working]. [INSERTE SI HAY UN OBSERVADOR: y mi colega también va a observar
nuestra sesión de hoy].


Como le comentamos anteriormente, por favor asegúrese de que está en un lugar tranquilo para que
nos podamos escuchar bien. No pasa nada si hay interrupciones durante la entrevista, pero nos
gustaría poder tener las menos posibles.

[Platique de algún tema casual para establecer una buena relación con el participante.]:
Usted está aquí hoy para ayudarnos con una encuesta que estamos realizando para el
Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos. Este estudio pregunta acerca de la
educación de sus hijos. Voy a pedirle que complete una encuesta como si estuviera completando
una encuesta real, pero leyendo las preguntas y respuestas en voz alta. No existen respuestas
correctas o incorrectas y está bien si usted no sabe algunas de las respuestas. A medida que
usted vaya respondiendo a las preguntas, yo le voy a hacer algunas preguntas acerca de sus
respuestas. Esto nos ayudará a que la encuesta sea mejor y más clara para otros padres como
Debido a que la información que usted nos dará es muy importante, voy a estar tomando notas
mientras estamos hablando
Además, esta entrevista será grabada en audio para que los investigadores del estudio puedan
revisar la grabación más tarde. Aunque yo puedo verlo por cámara, le garantizo que su imagen
no será grabada. Cualquier información que se refiera a usted o a su familia personalmente, tal
como su nombre o la escuela de su hijo(a), no será incluida en nuestro informe y sus respuestas
serán utilizadas únicamente para fines de investigación.
Recuerde que esto no es un examen. Queremos que nos diga lo que usted piensa acerca de la
Si en algún momento usted desea detenerse, solo déjemelo saber.
[Si por algún motivo el participante ya no tiene interés en participar, agradézcale por su tiempo
y termine la entrevista.]
Antes de que continuemos, ¿tiene alguna pregunta sobre lo que acabo de decir? [Responda a
cualquier pregunta que pueda hacer el participante.] Ahora, quiero asegurarme de que podemos
empezar ya mismo, ¿tiene los materiales que le enviamos? Adjunto al email que le enviamos
para participar en la entrevista encontrará un cuestionario en formato pdf que dice NHES 2022
PFI. ¿Tiene el cuestionario abierto en su computadora/tableta? [Si no, dígale que abra el
cuestionario ya que vamos a empezar enseguida. Si ya los tienen, dele las gracias y hágales saber que
los vamos a usar enseguida].
[Si el participante ha consentido ser grabado, comience la grabación (con video si aplica). Para
empezar la grabación, haga click en “Record” en los controles de Zoom/GoToMeeting.]


Mientras esté completando la encuesta, quiero que hable acerca de cómo está contestando las
preguntas. Quiero escucharla(o) hablar acerca de cómo usted llega a sus respuestas para así
entender cómo mejorar estos materiales. Me interesa más saber cómo llega a sus respuestas que
en las respuestas que usted me dé. Para ayudarle a empezar a pensar en voz alta vamos a hacer


un ejercicio de práctica. Un ejemplo podría ser… [Enseñe un ejemplo preguntándose la pregunta
de los vasos de agua y respondiendo con la técnica de ‘pensar en voz alta’]
Me gustaría que repitiera la pregunta en voz alta y piense en voz alta a medida que decide cuál
es su respuesta.
[Lea la pregunta en voz alta y diga al entrevistado que piense en voz alta]
¿Cuántos vasos de agua tomó usted ayer?
Por favor dígame lo que está pensando mientras me da su respuesta.
Pregunte según sea necesario para obtener información detallada: ¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta?
¿Qué estaba visualizando mientras estaba decidiendo qué responder? ¿Puede decirme más
acerca de lo que usted está incluyendo en su cuenta?
Cuando haya completado el ejercicio: Gracias. Ése es el tipo de detalle que busco cuando usted
me hable acerca de sus respuestas a las preguntas de la encuesta.


Ahora vamos a completar la encuesta. Por favor lea en voz alta cualquier cosa que usted
hubiera leído para sí misma(o), como si yo no estuviera aquí. Recuerde que me gustaría que
piense en voz alta mientras decide su respuesta.
Estoy muy interesada(o) en escucharle hablar acerca de lo que está pensando mientras decide
sus respuestas a las preguntas.

Preguntas Útiles—Utilice cuando sea necesario si una respuesta no está clara o si el
participante está confundido
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Qué significa para usted la palabra [término] en esta pregunta?
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil es recordar [tema]?
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil fue escoger una respuesta?
Dígame lo que está pensando.
¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta?
Usted dijo [respuesta]. ¿Puede decirme un poco más acerca de cómo llego a esa respuesta?


[En respuesta a las acciones o comentarios del entrevistado]: Por favor, dígame que sucedió.
Dígame que estaba usted haciendo.
[Si nota alguna señal visual, como cejas fruncidas o una expresión de confusión]: Dígame lo que
está pensando
[Si nota alguna señal visual o auditiva que indica confusión como pasar páginas o leer de nuevo
una pregunta anterior antes de contestar a la pregunta]: Por favor, dígame que sucedió. Dígame
que estaba usted haciendo.
Additional Homeschooling questions (Round 2 Only) - Spanish
[Note to interviewer: we’ve replaced the concept elicitation with homeschooling items embedded
in the questionnaire, to see the reaction to the term in a more realistic way. The first question is
supposed to mimic how the question appears in the questionnaire, while the second and third
questions are aimed towards understanding which definition/terminology they prefer, based on
data from Round 1.]
1. Antes de marzo de 2020, ¿recibía su hijo la enseñanza escolar (homeschool) en el
• [Si sí] ¿Podría contarme un poco más sobre los arreglos específicos de este niño y
cómo gestionaban su enseñanza?
• Si no, ¿sabía de algún niño(a) que recibiera la enseñanza escolar en el hogar para
algunas o todas las clases?
o [Si sí] ¿Podría contarme un poco más sobre los arreglos específicos de este
niño y cómo gestionaban su enseñanza?
2. Nos gustaría que nos ayudara a entender cuál es la mejor manera de describir
enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) para padres a los que no les resulta
familiar. ¿Qué definición le parece más clara?
• ¿Podría decirme más acerca de por qué le parece más clara esa definición?
• ¿Le ayuda a comprender mejor el concepto?
3. ¿Si tenemos que referirnos a la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en unas
pocas palabras, qué le resulta más familiar o fácil de entender?
• ¿Podría decirme más acerca de su respuesta?
• ¿Hay alguna otra manera de referirse a enseñanza escolar en el hogar que no está
en esta lista?

PFI Questionnaire Protocol - Spanish
Instrucciones generales de observación para el entrevistador: Se ha revisado el formato del
cuestionario. Ponga atención a cualquier gesto o comentario del participante que indique confusión
debido al formato del cuestionario. Los siguientes son cambios que se han aplicado al formato del
cuestionario. Por favor anote cualquier reacción a este nuevo formato a medida que el participante
completa el cuestionario, si es que reacciona de alguna manera:



MAYÚSCULAS en lugar de subrayar palabras que necesitan énfasis.
Los títulos de las secciones se encuentran en medio de la página en vez de estar en la parte de
Las instrucciones están dentro de las preguntas en vez de arriba de las preguntas para
aumentar la probabilidad de que las lean. ¿Leen los participantes todo el texto para cada
pregunta? Haga un círculo en el texto que no leen.
Se han cambiado las etiquetas de las opciones de respuesta para que suenen más como una
frase (por ejemplo, “______ libros” en vez de “_____ número de libros”.
Opciones de respuesta que forman parte de una escala tienen con una opción de “no aplica”,
incluyen esta última más separado del resto de las opciones en la escala. ¿Ven y leen la
opción “no aplica”? Marque con un círculo si no lo ven/leen.

Hay notas sobre preguntas a las que tiene que prestar más atención, pero no preguntarle al
participante a no ser que esté confundido.

Cubierta: Note si el entrevistado lee la cubierta de la
encuesta, incluyendo el texto bajo las imágenes que incluye
el nombre del niño. Anote si no lee ese texto.
Preguntas más frecuentes/Instrucciones: No es necesario
preguntar sobre las instrucciones, nada más anote si el

encuestado intenta leerlas o se las salta para
responder a la encuesta. Si empiezan a leerlas o
preguntan si es necesario leerlas, diríjales a la
siguiente página.

Instrucciones antes de Q1: No es necesario indagar sobre
estas preguntas pero preste atención a si el encuestado lee
las instrucciones y entiende sobre qué niño tiene que estar
respondiendo. Note si lee o no lee el texto.
Q1: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz
alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo
que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o
alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.

Q1: [Si no es evidente en la respuesta] ¿qué año
escolar consideró al responder a esta pregunta?


[Si R responde pensando en 2020-21] ¿podría decirme
un poco más sobre cómo decidió su respuesta?
Q2. En la actualidad, los estudiantes participan en muchos
tipos diferentes de escuelas y ambientes educacionales.

Q2e. Escuela online, virtual o cyber de tiempo
completo para grados de kindergarden hasta 12°
En sus propias palabras, ¿a qué se refiere esta
pregunta cuando dice “online, virtual, o cyber”?
En sus propias palabras, ¿a qué se refiere esta
pregunta cuando dice “kindergarten”? ¿Podría
decirme qué edades cubre y que grados van antes y


Q2h. El estudiante recibe su enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool), incluyendo materias
cooperativas de padres para enseñanza escolar en
el hogar.
 No es necesario indagar más sobre
homeschool, pero anote si el encuestado
no es coherente en su respuesta basado en
cómo respondió a las preguntas iniciales
sobre homeschooling.

Q3. ¿En la lista en la pregunta 2 de arriba, marcó “Sí” en
la respuesta h. “El estudiante recibe su enseñanza escolar
en el hogar (homeschool)?
[Preste atención a cómo el participante sigue las
instrucciones del skip, especialmente para aquellos que
responden “no”. Si no son capaces de seguir el skip o
parecen confundidos, pregunte]
¿Podría decirme dónde cree que debe continuar en la
¿Hay algo en las instrucciones de la pregunta 3 que le
ayudaría a saber qué hacer a continuación?
Q4-Q20: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.


[Deje que el participante responda a Q21 y Q22 y párele
para preguntarle.]
Q21. Incluyendo el grado actual, y pensando en todos los
grados en los que este niño(a) ha recibido la enseñanza
escolar en el hogar (homeschool), ¿para cuántos grados
recibió este niño(a) la enseñanza escolar en hogar
¿Cómo decidió la respuesta a esta pregunta? Dígame más
acerca de los grados en los que su niño ha recibido la
enseñanza escolar en el hogar.

[¿Causó la etiqueta de esta pregunta algún problema? Si sí,
¿por qué?]

Q22. Pensando en los niveles típicos de grados, ¿para qué
grados recibió este niño(a) enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool), al menos para algunas clases o asignaturas?
¿En qué pensaba cuando respondió a esta pregunta?
¿Le ayudó la pregunta 21 al contestar a esta pregunta?
Si el participante no marca el mismo número de grados en
22 y 21, pregunte:
¿Podría decirme un poco más sobre su respuesta a la
pregunta 21 y 22?
Si el participante no marca el grado actual del niño en la
pregunta 22 pregunte:
¿Podría decirme por qué no marco el grado en el que se
encuentra su hijo en la actualidad?
Anote cualquier confusión que el participante exprese con
las abreviaciones de los grados y pregunte si es necesario.
Q23. Hay muchas razones por las cuales los padres
eligen la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool)
para sus hijos. ¿Eligió su familia la enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) para este niño(a) porque:

Quiere enfatizar la vida familiar juntos?

En sus propias palabras, qué quiere decir esta pregunta?


¿Qué tan fácil o difícil le resulta la palabra “enfatizar”?
Q24-Q32: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.

Q34. ¿Es esta escuela una escuela chárter?
En sus propias palabras, ¿a qué se refiere el término
“charter school”?
Q35. ¿Es esta escuela una escuela especializada
(magnet) o asiste este niño(a) a un programa
especializado (magnet program)?
En sus propias palabras, ¿a qué se refieren los
términos “escuela magnet” o “programa magnet”?
Q36. No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje

que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz
alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo
que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o
alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.

Q37. ¿Siente que usted tuvo opciones en decidir qué
escuela asistiría este niño(a)?
En sus propias palabras, ¿a qué se refiere esta
Q38-39 No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.

Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.

Q40. Por favor cuéntenos acerca de las calificaciones
o notas de este niño(a) durante este año escolar. En
promedio, en todas las asignaturas, ¿qué
calificaciones o notas obtiene este niño(a)?


[Se ha cambiado “en general” a “de media”. Preste
atención a cómo el entrevistado calcula la nota media
y pregunte si ve necesario.]
Q41. ¿Está este niño(a) inscrito en algún curso
avanzado llamado Colocación Avanzada (Advanced
Placement o AP en inglés) en la secundaria?
¿Le resulta familiar los cursos de Colocación
Avanzada? Si sí ¿En qué contexto ha oído hablar de
Colocación Avanzada? Si no ¿A qué cree que se
refieren los cursos de Colocación Avanzada?
Q42. ¿Ha tenido este niño(a) alguna vez las siguientes
b. Suspensión en la escuela, sin contar quedarse
después de clase como castigo.
[Note to interviewer: we’ve dropped the word
“detention” as it was problematic. If they mention it
during probing, ask further questions about whether
they think it’s too strong of a term.]
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Qué entiende usted por “quedarse después de clase
como castigo”? ¿Utiliza usted o la escuela de su hijo(a)
otras palabras para referirse a esto?
Q43. No es necesario indagar sobre esta pregunta. Deje

que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz
alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo
que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o
alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
[Pregunte solo si el participante parece confundido en
alguna de estos dos sub-items]
Q44. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud que este
niño(a) tiene alguno de los siguientes problemas de salud?
Q44f. Autismo o trastorno del espectro autista


Q44h. Trastorno de deficiencia de atención (ADD o ADHD,
en inglés)
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
[Note si el entrevistado hace cualquier comentario sobre el
lenguaje en Q44l. Una discapacidad intelectual,
conocido antes como retraso mental]

Q45-49 No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.

Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.

Q50-51: Note si el encuestado expresa confusión en la
pregunta 51, especialmente si ha seleccionado
“hispano” en Q50. Pregunte si es necesario.
Q52-53: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.

Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q54. ¿Se considera usted uno de los padres o tutores
legales de este niño?
[Note si el entrevistado muestra confusión al responder y
pregunte si lo ve necesario.]
Q55. Si usted es el padre, la madre o el tutor(a) legal del
niño(a), conteste las preguntas en eta sección acerca de
usted. Si usted no es el padre, la madre o el tutor(a) legal
del niño(a), conteste las preguntas en esta sección acerca
de uno de los padres o tutores de este niño(a) que viva en
el hogar.

¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal...
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?

¿Sobre quién cree usted que es esta pregunta? [si el
participante dice” padre/madre/tutor”] ¿En su caso, es
usted esa persona o sería otra persona en su hogar la que
debe responder? [si el participante no lo hace obvio en su
respuesta] Le parece fácil o difícil determinar que esta


sección es sobre usted, asumiendo que es el
padre/madre/tutor legal?
[Anote en esta sección si oye al participante contestar a las
preguntas pensando en otra persona. Pregunte si es
Noté que mencionó a otra persona cuando respondió a la
pregunta (X). ¿Podría decirme cómo decidió su respuesta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué significa “de crianza temporal
Q56-6: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas a no
ser que el participante cambie a otra persona al responder
(ver nota en Q55). Deje que el encuestado continúe su
proceso de pensar en voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si
el encuestado dice algo que indique un problema potencial,
o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia en la
interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
Q65. Responda las preguntas de esta sección pensando en
la segunda persona que también es padre, madre o tutor(a)
legal de este niño(a) y que vive en el hogar.

¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal ...

¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?

¿Sobre quién cree usted que es esta pregunta? [si el
participante dice “padre/madre/tutor”] ¿En su caso, es
usted esa persona o sería otra persona en su hogar la que
debe responder? [si el participante no lo hace obvio en su
respuesta] Le parece fácil o difícil determinar que esta
sección es sobre usted, asumiendo que es el
padre/madre/tutor legal?
[Anote en esta sección si oye al participante contestar a las
preguntas pensando en otra persona. Pregunte si es
Noté que mencionó a otra persona cuando respondió a la
pregunta (X). ¿Podría decirme cómo decidió su respuesta?
Q66-68: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas a
no ser que el participante cambie a otra persona al
responder (ver nota en Q118). Deje que el encuestado
continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y solamente
haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que indique un


problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna
inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con otros
Q69: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz
alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo
que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o
alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q70. ¿Tiene usted acceso al Internet EN LA CASA, en una
computadora o tableta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Q71-73: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q74. Quisiéramos identificar la escuela de este niño(a) para
poder incluir información de la escuela en nuestro estudio.
A continuación, hemos incluido una lista de escuelas en su
zona. Marque la casilla de la escuela a la que asiste este
[Nota al entrevistador: el cuestionario tendrá una lista

de las escuelas que se encuentran cerca del
participante. Cada participante tendrá un cuestionario
individualizado. Note cualquier comentario del
participante cuando está buscando su escuela en la
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil fue encontrar la escuela a la que
asiste su hijo(a)?
[Si difícil] ¿Qué hizo difícil encontrar la escuela?
¿Qué cree que debe hacer a continuación? ¿Le parece que
está claro que es lo que debe hacer a continuación? [Si
seleccionaron una escuela deben devolver el cuestionario, si
no seleccionaron una escuela de la lista deben ir a la


pregunta 75.] Dígame más sobre por qué piensa que no
está claro.

¿Hay algo más sobre lo que le gustaría hablar acerca de estos materiales? ¿Hay algo acerca de
lo que no ha tenido oportunidad de hablar?


Hemos terminado. Gracias por ayudarnos. La información que nos ha dado será muy útil para
mejorar la encuesta.
[Instrucciones para el entrevistador: Pare la grabación. Agradezca al entrevistado por su
tiempo y su ayuda y recuérdele que el enviaremos [una tarjeta electrónica de regalo de $40] que
llegará en unos 10 días hábiles.] Si no recibe la tarjeta regalo en 10 días hábiles envíe un email a
[email protected]. Luego dígales que pueden salir de la llamada haciendo clic en la “X” roja en la
parte de arriba a la derecha de la pantalla.]
NHES 2022 ECPP Cognitive Interview Protocol - ENGLISH
Interview ID:

Date of

Parent First
Age of Child:


Interviewer Instructions: The following scripts should NOT be read verbatim. Text in italics is
suggested content with which the interviewer should be thoroughly familiar in advance. Text in
brackets [ ] presents instructions for the interviewer.
Hello, my name is  and I work for American Institutes for Research. It’s nice to meet
you, thanks for joining us today to help us out.[Confirm that they can hear and see (if applicable)
you and your screen okay – trouble shoot if needed if the video or audio are not working well].
As noted before please make sure you are in a quiet space to make sure you can hear us, and we can
hear you clearly. It is okay if there are interruptions during this interview, but we hope to minimize
them as much as possible.
[Create small talk to build rapport with the parent]:
You are here today to help us out with a survey that we are working on for the U.S. Department of
Education. This survey asks about finding and choosing child care for your child for parents with
children 5 and younger. I will ask you to take the survey as if you were taking a real survey but
talking out loud as you read and answer each item. There are no right or wrong answers, and it’s ok


if you do not know some of the answers. As you are answering the questions I will ask you about your
answers to the questions. This will help us make the survey better and clearer for other parents just
like you.
Because the information you provide is so important, I am going to be taking notes while you are
answering the survey and while we are talking [INSERT IF THERE IS AN OBSERVER: and my
colleague will also be observing our session today].
Also, this interview will be audio recorded so researchers can review the audio recording later. Even
though I can see you, no video will be recorded, just the sound. Any information that refers to you or
your family personally, like your name or name of your child’s school, will not be included in our
report, and your responses will be used for research purposes only. Is all of this OK?
Remember, you are not being tested; we want you to tell us what you think about the survey.
If at any time you want to stop, just let me know.
[If, for any reason, the participant is no longer interested in participating, thank the participant for
his/her time and end the interview.]
Before we continue, do you have any questions? [Answer any questions the parent may ask.] Ok, now
to make sure we can jump in do you have the materials that we sent to you? Ok, now to make sure we
can jump in do you have the materials that we sent to you? The questionnaire should be an
attachment to the email invitation that you received from us, same one as where you found the
GoToMeeting link. Do you have the questionnaire up in your screen? [If not, instruct them to pull it
up and let them know we will be using them shortly].
[If the respondent has consented to recording, start the recording the video conference using
the “record” option in GoToMeeting.]


While you fill out the survey I want you to talk about how you are answering the questions. The best
way to do this is read the question out loud and then keep talking out loud about how you arrive to
your answer. Hearing you talk about how you figure out your answers to the questions will help me
understand how to make the questions better. I am more interested in how you arrive at your answers
than in the answers you give me. To help you get started on thinking aloud, we are going to do a
practice activity. An example would be.. [Show an example by asking yourself the glasses of water
question and answering it using ‘think-aloud’]
I would like you to repeat the question out loud and think aloud as you decide on your answer.
[Read out loud the question to the participant and have them think out loud.]
How many glasses of water did you drink yesterday?
Probe as needed for detail: How did you arrive at that answer? What were you visualizing when
you were deciding on that answer? Can you tell me more about what you are including in your
When complete: Thank you; that’s the kind of detail I’m looking for when you talk to me about
your answers to the questions in the survey.




Now I would like you to complete the questionnaire. I’d like you to think aloud while you decide on
your answer. Please read aloud the questions and anything you would have read to yourself if I were
not here.
Remember that I am very interested in hearing you talk about what you are thinking as you figure out
your answers to the questions.
Useful Probes—Use only as needed when response is unclear or R appears confused or
Can you tell me in your own words what that question was asking?
What does the word [term] in this question mean to you?
How easy or difficult is it to remember [topic]?
How easy or hard was it to choose an answer?
Tell me what you are thinking?
How did you come up with that answer?
You said [answer]. Can you tell me more about that?
[In response to R actions or comments]: Tell me what happened? Tell me what you were doing?
[If you pick up on a visual cue like a furrowed brow or a puzzled look]: “Tell me what you are
[If you pick up on a visual cue (or hear a cue) that indicates confusion like paper flipping or
rereading an old question before answering this question]: “Tell me what just happened. Tell me
about what you were just doing.”
General Interviewer Observations Instructions: There is revised formatting in the questionnaire. We
would like for you to keep an eye on how the participant might react or say something regarding
confusion because of the formatting. Please make notes about these formatting features as the
participant goes through the instrument, if the participant has any reactions to these:
• Instead of underlining to emphasize words, ALL CAPS are used.
• Section headers are now embedded in the middle of the page instead of on top of a new page
• Instructions are embedded within question numbers instead of above questions to encourage
reading of instructions. Do participants read all the text after each question number? Circle text
that is not read.
• Labels for response options were revised so that the response sounds more like a phrase (e.g.,
“____ books” instead of “______number of books.”)
• “Not applicable” response options in a scale are spaced further apart than the response options in
a scale. Do participants see and read the not applicable response options? Circle if not.


Throughout the protocol there are notes about certain questions to pay attention to, but you do not need
to explicitly probe.

If you’re running out of time (about 10 minutes before the interview is supposed to end) and
the participant is likely not going to finish the interview, please ask him to skip to priority
questions. These have been highlighted in blue in the protocol. Note that some of those
questions might not apply to the participant based on their answer, so make sure you follow
the skip patterns.
Cover: See if the participant reads the cover of the instrument including the text under the images that
includes the child’s name. Make note if they do or do not read that text.

CAQs/Instructions: It is not necessary to probe on the instructions. Note if the respondent attempts to
read them or proceeds to answering the questionnaire. If they attempt to read them, or ask if they need
to read them, ask them to skip to the next page.
Instructions before Q1: It is not necessary to probe but pay attention to if they read these instructions
and understand the child they should be responding about. Make note if they do or do not read that text.
Q1: This survey starts by asking about care this child receives
from a relative, then care received by someone who is not related,
and then care in a daycare, preschool, or other center.
Is this child now receiving care from a relative other than a parent
or guardian on a REGULAR BASIS, for example, from
grandparents, brothers or sisters, or any other relatives?
[Please make note of any reactions to the fact that the question
begins with a sentence that tells the kinds of care that will be
asked about.]
In your own words, what is this question asking?
Please tell me more about how you chose your answer.
If yes, can you tell me more about the relative that cares for this

Q2-11: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q12. Will this relative care for this child when the child is…


In your own words, what is this question asking?
Q13: It is not necessary to probe on this question specifically. Let
the respondent continue the think aloud and only probe if
respondent says something that indicates a potential problem, or
if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.
Q14. The next questions ask about any care this child receives
from someone NOT related to him or her, EITHER IN YOUR
HOME OR SOMEONE ELSE’S HOME. This includes home
child care providers or neighbors, but NOT day care centers or
Is this child now receiving care in your home or another home on
a REGULAR BASIS from someone who is NOT related to him or
Please tell me more about how you chose your answer.
If yes, can you tell me more about the non-relative that cares for
this child?

Q15-25: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q26. Will this non-relative care for this child when the child is…
In your own words, what is this question asking?
Q27-28: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q29. The next questions ask about any day care centers and early
childhood programs that this child attends. This does not include
care provided in a private home.


Is this child now attending a day care center, childcare center,
preschool, or prekindergarten not in a private home?

Please tell me more about how you chose your answer.
If yes, can you tell me more about the program that cares for this

Q30-38: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q39. Have you ever been asked to remove this child from care for
the day due to one or more behavior issues, such as biting, being
aggressive, not following directions, being overly active, being
impulsive, or having little or no self-control?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
If yes, please tell me more about how you chose your answer.
Q40-49: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q50. What were the main reasons your household chose the care
arrangement or program where this child spends the most time?
We have provided spaces for you to tell us about up to 3 reasons.
You may have fewer reasons to tell us about. Please write only one
reason in each box.
Tell me more about your main reasons you chose the care
How did you decide how many reasons to list?
[If needed and if R provided three reasons] Did you have three


main reasons, or did you feel like you needed to provide three
Q51-53: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
[Have the participant answer Q54-63 then have them stop after 63
and probe about the items in this section]
Q54. Have you or another parent expressed concerns to a health,
education, or early intervention professional about this
child’s development (for example, speech and language,
social emotional, or motor skill development)?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
If yes, could you please tell me more about your concerns about
your child’s development?
Q55. Overall, how satisfied are you with responses from health,
education, or early intervention professionals about your
concerns about this child’s development?
How did you decide on your answer?
Q56. Has a health, education, or early intervention professional
told you that this child has any of the following conditions?
a. A speech or language impairment
b. Autism or autism spectrum disorder
c. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD or ADD
Is there anything else that is missing from this list that you have
been told about this child from a health, education, or early
intervention professional, if any?
Q57. Has a health, education, or early intervention professional
told you that this child is at risk for a developmental delay?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
Q58. Did you mark YES to any part of question 56 or question 57?
Is this question clear or unclear as to the next steps you should take?


If no on Q58 but yes on Q54, could you tell us more about your
child’s development and the concerns you expressed? Has this child
received any services for a condition such as speech or physical
therapy. Are this child’s services through an IFSP or IEP? [If yes to
services and/or IFSP/IEP] Could you tell us more about the
condition the child has that the receive these services?
Q59. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with how well
health, education, or early intervention professionals have
met your child’s needs?
How did you decide on your answer?
Q60. Is this child receiving services for his or her condition (for
example, speech therapy or physical therapy)?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
If yes, could you please tell us more about these services this
child receives?
Are there examples that are missing?

Q61. Are this child’s services through an Individualized Family
Service Plan (IFSP) or Individualized Education Program
In your own words, what is this question asking? What does IFSP
or IEP mean to you?
If yes, could you please tell us more about the IFSP or IEP this
child receives?

Q62. Thinking about the child’s IFSP or IEP, since September,
how satisfied or dissatisfied have you been with the service
provider’s or school’s communication with your family?
How did you decide on your answer?
Q63. How often does this child’s condition interfere with his or
her ability to do the following things?
[No need to probe on this item unless the participant has any
confusion while responding to the item].


Q64. Is this child currently enrolled in early childhood special
What do you think the term “early childhood special education”
refers to in this question?
If yes, could you please tell us more about early childhood special
education for your child?
Q65-69: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q70. Does this child sometimes live at another address (for
example, because of parents living apart)?
Do not include vacation properties.
In your own words, what is this question asking?
What does “because of parents living apart” mean to you?
Are there other examples that you think would apply?
Q71-73: It is not necessary to probe on these questions. Let the
respondent continue the think aloud and only probe if
respondent says something that indicates a potential problem, or
if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.
Q74. Do you consider yourself one of this child’s parents or
[Note if the respondent shows any confusion when answering this
question and probe if necessary]
Q75. Answer questions in this section about yourself if you are the
child’s parent or guardian. If you are not the child’s parent or
guardian, answer the questions in this section about one of this
child’s parents or guardians living in the household.
Is this parent or guardian the child’s...


How did you decide on your answer?
Is it clear or unclear you should be answering this section about
yourself, if you are the parent?
[Take note through the parent 1 section if you hear the parent no
longer talk about themselves but another parent or person –
I noticed that you mentioned a different person when answering
question (X). Could you tell me how did you come up with your
Q76-83: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically unless they switch answering about a different parent
(see note above in Q75). Let the respondent continue the think
aloud and only probe if respondent says something that indicates
a potential problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent
interpretation compared to other respondents.
Q84. Does this parent or guardian have Internet access on a cell
How did you decide on your answer?
In your own words, what is this question asking?

Q85: It is not necessary to probe on this question specifically. Let
the respondent continue the think aloud and only probe if
respondent says something that indicates a potential problem, or
if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.
Q86. Answer questions in this section about a second parent or
guardian living in the household.
Is this parent or guardian the child’s...
How did you decide on your answer?
Is it clear or unclear who you should answer the questions in this
section about? If clear, who are you answering this section
about? If unclear, who do you think you should answer this
section about and why?


[Take note through the parent 2 section if you hear the parent no
longer talk about the parent they mentioned above after probing
but another parent or person – probe:]
I noticed that you mentioned a different person when answering
question (X). Could you tell me how did you come up with your
Q87-90: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically unless they switch answering about a different
parent/person (see note above in Q86). Let the respondent
continue the think aloud and only probe if respondent says
something that indicates a potential problem, or if there is
confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared to other
Q91. Does your household have Internet access AT HOME on a
computer or tablet?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
Q92-93: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.


Is there anything else you would like to tell me about this questionnaire that you haven’t had a
chance to mention?


We are finished. Thank you for helping us. The information you’ve provided will be very helpful for
making this survey better.
[Interviewer Instructions: Please let the participant know that we will be emailing them a [$40
electronic gift card] that should arrive in 10 business days. If you have not received the gift card in
10 business days please email us at [email protected], the same email where we have


communicated so far. Then let them know they can exit the call by clicking on the “X” in the top
write corner of their screen]

NHES 2022 ECPP Cognitive Interview Protocol - SPANISH
Interview ID:

Date of

Parent First
Age of Child:


Instrucciones para el entrevistador: El siguiente guion NO debe ser leído textualmente. El
texto en letra cursiva solo es contenido con el cual el entrevistador debe familiarizarse antes de la
entrevista. El texto entre paréntesis [ ] contiene instrucciones para el entrevistador.
Hola, mi nombre es  y trabajo para American Institutes for Research. Mucho gusto
de conocerle. Gracias por venir a ayudarnos el día de hoy. [Confirm that they can hear and see
(if applicable) you and your screen okay – trouble shoot if needed if the video or audio are not
working]. Como le comentamos anteriormente, por favor asegúrese de que está en un lugar
tranquilo para que nos podamos escuchar bien. No pasa nada si hay interrupciones durante la
entrevista, pero nos gustaría poder tener las menos posibles.
[Platique de algún tema casual para establecer una buena relación con el participante.]:
Usted está aquí hoy para ayudarnos con una encuesta que estamos realizando para el
Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos. Este estudio pregunta acerca la búsqueda y
selección de cuidado infantil para los padres con hijos de cinco años de edad o menores. Voy a
pedirle que complete una encuesta como que si estuviera completando una encuesta real, pero
leyendo las preguntas y respuesta en voz alta. No existen respuestas correctas o incorrectas y
está bien si usted no sabe algunas de las respuestas. A medida que usted vaya leyendo
respondiendo a las preguntas, yo le voy a hacer algunas preguntas acerca de sus respuestas.
Esto nos ayudará a que las cartas y la encuesta sean mejores y más claras.
Debido a que la información que usted nos dará es muy importante, voy a estar tomando notas
mientras estamos hablando [INSERTE SI HAY UN OBSERVADOR: y mi colega también va
a observar nuestra sesión de hoy].
Además, esta entrevista será grabada en audio para que los investigadores del estudio puedan
revisar la grabación más tarde. Aunque yo puedo verlo por cámara, le garantizo que su imagen
no será grabada. Cualquier información que se refiera a usted o a su familia personalmente, tal
como su nombre o la escuela de su hijo(a), no será incluida en nuestro informe y sus respuestas
serán utilizadas únicamente para fines de investigación.
Recuerde que esto no es un examen. Queremos que nos diga lo que usted piensa acerca de las


cartas y la encuesta.
Si en algún momento usted desea detenerse, solo déjemelo saber.
[Si por algún motivo el participante ya no tiene interés en participar, agradézcale por su tiempo
y termine la entrevista.]
Antes de que continuemos, ¿tiene alguna pregunta sobre lo que acabo de decir? [Responda a
cualquier pregunta que pueda hacer el participante.] Ahora, quiero asegurarme de que podemos
empezar ya mismo, ¿tiene los materiales que le enviamos? Adjunto al email que le enviamos
para participar en la entrevista encontrará un cuestionario en formato pdf que dice NHES 2022
ECPP. ¿Tiene el cuestionario abierto en su computadora/tableta? [Si no, dígale que abra el
cuestionario ya que vamos a empezar enseguida. Si ya los tienen, dele las gracias y hágales saber que
los vamos a usar enseguida].
[Si el participante ha consentido ser grabado, comience la grabación (con video si aplica). Para
empezar la grabación, haga click en “Record” en los controles de GoToMeeting.]


Mientras esté completando la encuesta, quiero que hable acerca de cómo está contestando las
preguntas. Quiero escucharla(o) hablar acerca de cómo usted llega a sus respuestas para así
entender cómo mejorar estos materiales. Me interesa más saber cómo llega a sus respuestas que
en las respuestas que usted me dé. Para ayudarle a empezar a pensar en voz alta vamos a hacer
un ejercicio de práctica. Un ejemplo podría ser… [Enseñe un ejemplo preguntándose la pregunta y
respondiendo con la técnica de ‘pensar en voz alta’]
Me gustaría que repitiera la pregunta en voz alta y piense en voz alta a medida que decide cuál
es su respuesta.
[Lea la pregunta en voz alta y diga al entrevistado que piense en voz alta]
¿Cuántos vasos de agua tomó usted ayer?
Por favor dígame lo que está pensando mientras me da su respuesta.
Pregunte según sea necesario para obtener información detallada: ¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta?
¿Qué estaba visualizando mientras estaba decidiendo qué responder? ¿Puede decirme más
acerca de lo que usted está incluyendo en su cuenta?
Cuando haya completado el ejercicio: Gracias. Ése es el tipo de detalle que busco cuando usted
me hable acerca de sus respuestas a las preguntas de la encuesta.



Ahora vamos a completar la encuesta. Me gustaría que piense en voz alta mientras decide su
respuesta. Por favor lea en voz alta cualquier cosa que usted hubiera leído para sí misma(o),
como si yo no estuviera aquí.
Recuerde que estoy muy interesada(o) en escucharle hablar acerca de lo que está pensando
mientras decide sus respuestas a las preguntas.

Preguntas Útiles—Utilice cuando sea necesario si una respuesta no está clara o si el
participante está confundido
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Qué significa para usted la palabra [término] en esta pregunta?
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil es recordar [tema]?
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil fue escoger una respuesta?
Dígame lo que está pensando.
¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta?
Usted dijo [respuesta]. ¿Puede decirme un poco más acerca de cómo llego a esa respuesta?
[En respuesta a las acciones o comentarios del entrevistado]: Por favor, dígame que sucedió.
Dígame que estaba usted haciendo.
[Si nota alguna señal visual, como cejas fruncidas o una expresión de confusión]: Dígame lo que
está pensando
[Si nota alguna señal visual o auditiva que indica confusión como pasar páginas o leer de nuevo
una pregunta anterior antes de contestar a la pregunta]: Por favor, dígame que sucedió. Dígame
que estaba usted haciendo.
Instrucciones generales de observación para el entrevistador: Se ha revisado el formato del
cuestionario. Ponga atención a cualquier gesto o comentario del participante que indique confusión
debido al formato del cuestionario. Por favor anote cualquier reacción a este nuevo formato a medida
que el participante completa el cuestionario, si es que reacciona de alguna manera:
• MAYÚSCULAS en lugar de subrayar palabras que necesitan énfasis.
• Los títulos de las secciones se encuentran en medio de la página en vez de estar en la parte de
• Las instrucciones están dentro de las preguntas en vez de arriba de las preguntas para
aumentar la probabilidad de que las lean. ¿Leen los participantes todo el texto para cada
pregunta? Haga un círculo en el texto que no leen.
• Se han cambiado las etiquetas de las opciones de respuesta para que suenen más como una
frase (por ejemplo, “______ libros” en vez de “_____ número de libros”.



Opciones de respuesta que forman parte de una escala tienen con una opción de “no aplica”,
incluyen esta última más separado del resto de las opciones en la escala. ¿Ven y leen la
opción “no aplica”? Marque con un círculo si no lo ven/leen.

Hay notas sobre preguntas a las que tiene que prestar más atención, pero no preguntarle al
participante a no ser que esté confundido.
Cubierta: Note si el entrevistado lee la cubierta de la encuesta, incluyendo el texto bajo las imágenes
que incluye el nombre del niño. Anote si no lee ese texto.
Preguntas más frecuentes/Instrucciones: No es necesario preguntar sobre las instrucciones, nada
más anote si el encuestado tiene problemas con ellas.
Instrucciones antes de Q1: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas, nada más anote si el

encuestado intenta leerlas o se las salta para responder a la encuesta. Si empiezan a leerlas o
preguntan si es necesario leerlas, diríjales a la siguiente página.
Q1: Estas encuesta empieza preguntando sobre el cuidado
que este niño(a) recibe de un pariente, después cuidado por
parte de una persona que no es su pariente, y finalmente
cuidado en una guardería, centro de cuidado infantil,
programa preescolar o prekindergarden u otro centro.
Actualmente, ¿cuida a este niño(a) con regularidad un
pariente, distinto a uno de los padres o tutores legales? Por
ejemplo, los abuelos, hermanos, hermanas u otro

[Note cualquier reacción que el participante tenga a
que la pregunta empiece enumerando los tipos de
cuidado sobre los que se va a preguntar.]
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Cómo decidió la respuesta a esta pregunta?
Si sí, ¿podría decirme acerca del pariente que cuida a este
Q2-11: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz
alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo
que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o
alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.


Q12. Este pariente lo/a cuida si el niño(a) está …
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Q13: No es necesario indagar sobre esta pregunta. Deje que
el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que
indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna
inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con otros
Q14. Las siguientes se tratan del cuidado que este niño(a)
recibe por parte de personas que NO son sus parientes, YA
Esto incluye a personas que cuidan niños(as) en sus casas o
vecinos, pero NO incluye guarderías ni programas
Actualmente, ¿cuida a este niño(a) CON REGULARIDAD una
persona que NO es su pariente, ya sea en casa o en otra
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
Si sí, ¿puede decirme más acerca de la persona que no es su
pariente que cuida a este niño?
Cuando hablamos de una persona que no es su pariente,
¿qué entiende usted aquí? ¿Puede darme ejemplos de
personas que usted pondría en esta categoría? ¿Puede
darme ejemplos de personas que usted no incluiría en esta
Q15-25: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q26. ¿Esta persona que no es su pariente lo/la cuida si el
niño(a) está…”


En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Q27-28: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q29. Las siguientes preguntas se tratan de las guarderías y
los programas de educación temprana a los que este niño(a)
asiste. Esto no incluye el cuidado que este niño(a) recibe en
un hogar privado.
Actualmente, ¿asiste este niño(a) a una guardería, centro
de cuidado infantil, programa preescolar o
prekindergarden que no sea en un hogar privado?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
Si sí, ¿puede decirme más acerca del programa donde cuida
a este niño?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué entiende usted cuando
hablamos de guardería, centro de cuidado infantil,
programa preescolar y prekindergarten? ¿Cree usted que se
refieren a los mismo o a cosas diferentes? ¿Podría darme un
Q29-38: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q39. ¿Alguna vez le han pedido que retire a este niño(a) de
un lugar de cuidado infantil por el resto del día porque
él/ella estaba teniendo uno o más problemas de
comportamiento, como morder, ser agresivo(a), no seguir
instrucciones, ser excesivamente activo(a), ser impulsivo(a)
o tener muy poco o nada de autocontrol?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?


40-49: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz
alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo
que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o
alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q50. ¿Cuáles fueron las razones principales por la que su
hogar eligió el arreglo o los arreglos de cuidado o el
programa en el que este niño(a) pasa más tiempo?
Hemos incluido espacio para que usted anote hasta 3
razones, pero puede que tenga menos de 3 razones. Por
favor escriba una razón en cada cuadro.
Cuénteme más sobre sus razones por las cuales eligió este
arreglo de cuidado infantil.
¿Cómo decidió cuántas razones poner en la lista?
[Si lo ve necesario, y si dieron tres razones] ¿tenía usted tres
razones o pensaba que tenía que poner tres razones?
Q51-53: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
[Pida al entrevistado que responda Q54-64 y páreles después
de Q95 para responder sobre las preguntas de esta sección]
Q54. ¿Ha expresado usted u otro padre/madre
preocupaciones a un profesional de la salud, de
educación o de intervención temprana sobre el
desarrollo de este niño(a) (por ejemplo, desarrollo del
habla y lenguaje, socio emocional o de habilidades
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Si sí, ¿podría decirme más acerca de las preocupaciones que
tiene sobre el desarrollo de su hijo?
Q55. En general, ¿qué tan satisfecho está con las respuestas
de profesionales de la salud, de educación o de
intervención temprana sobre sus preocupaciones acerca
del desarrollo de este niño(a)?


¿Cómo decidió su respuesta?
Q56. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud, de educación
o de intervención temprana que este niño(a) tiene alguno de
los siguientes problemas de salud?
¿Hay algo que le hayan dicho sobre la salud, educación o
intervención temprana de este niño que le han dicho y que no
está en esta lista?
Q57. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud, de educación
o de intervención temprana que este niño(a) "está en
riesgo" de tener un retraso considerable del desarrollo?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Q58. ¿Marcó “Sí” en alguna parte de la pregunta 56 o de la
pregunta 57?
¿Le resulta fácil o difícil saber a donde tiene que ir ahora?
Si contestó no a Q58 y Sí a Q54, ¿podría decirme más acerca
de las preocupaciones que ha expresado sobre el desarrollo de
este niño? ¿Ha recibido este niño servicios para una condición
como terapia física o del habla? ¿Se proveen los servicios de
este niño a través de un IFSP o IEP? [Si sí a
servicios/IFSP/IEP] ¿Podría decirme más sobre la condición
de este niño para la cual recibe estos servicios?
Q59. En general, ¿Qué tan satisfecho está con cómo han
cubierto las necesidades de este niño(a) los profesionales
de la salud, de educación o de intervención temprana?
¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta?
Q60. ¿Este niño(a) está recibiendo servicios para su
problema o condición (por ejemplo, terapia del habla,
terapia física, etc.)?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Si sí, ¿podría decirme más acerca de los servicios que recibe
este niño?
¿Falta algún ejemplo?


Q61. Los servicios que recibe este niño(a), ¿son a través de
un Plan de Servicio Individualizado para la Familia
(IFSP, por sus siglas en inglés) o a través de un
Programa Educativo Individualizado (IEP, pos sus
siglas en inglés)?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta? ¿Qué
quiere decir IFSP y IEP para usted?
Si sí, ¿podría decirme acerca del IFSP y IEP que recibe este
Q62. Pensando en el IFSP, por sus siglas en inglés, el IEP,
por sus siglas en inglés, o el plan de servicios de este
niño(a) a partir de septiembre, ¿qué tan satisfecho está
usted con la comunicación que el proveedor de servicios
o la escuela tiene con la familia?
¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta?
Q63. ¿Con qué frecuencia afecta el problema de salud de
este niño(a) con su capacidad de hacer las siguientes
[No es necesario preguntar aquí a no ser que vea que el
entrevistado muestra confusión al responder].
Q64. ¿Este niño(a) está inscrito actualmente en educación
especial infantil temprana?
En sus propias palabras, ¿a qué se refiere el término
“educación infantil temprana” en esta pregunta?
Si sí, ¿podría decirnos más acerca de este programa de
educación infantil temprana para su hijo?
Q65-68: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q70. ¿Este niño(a) vive en esta dirección Y en otra dirección
más (por ejemplo, debido a que los padres viven separados)?
No incluya casas de vacaciones.


En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Qué significa para usted “debido a que los padres viven
¿Hay algún otro ejemplo que piensa que sería relevante
Q72-73: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q74. ¿Se considera usted uno de los padres o tutores legales
de este niño?
[Note si el entrevistado muestra confusión al responder y
pregunte si lo ve necesario.]
Q75. Si usted es el padre, la madre o el tutor(a) legal del
niño(a), conteste las preguntas en esta sección acerca de
usted. Si usted no es el padre, la madre o el tutor(a) legal del
niño(a), conteste las preguntas en esta sección acerca de uno
de los padres o tutores de este niño(a) que viva en el hogar.
¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal...
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
¿Sobre quién cree usted que es esta pregunta? [si el
participante dice”padre/madre/tutor”] ¿En su caso, es usted
esa persona o sería otra persona en su hogar la que debe
responder? [si el participante no lo hace obvio en su
respuesta] Le parece fácil o difícil determinar que esta
sección es sobre usted, asumiendo que es el
padre/madre/tutor legal?
[Anote en esta sección si oye al participante contestar a las
preguntas pensando en otra persona. Pregunte si es
Noté que mencionó a otra persona cuando respondió a la
pregunta (X). ¿Podría decirme cómo decidió su respuesta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué significa “de crianza temporal


Q76-82: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q83. ¿Cuál es el grado o nivel escolar más alto que este
padre, madre o tutor(a) legal completó?
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil le resultan los términos high school y
college? ¿A qué grados educativos cree que se refieren?
¿Prefiere usar otros términos?
Q84. ¿Tiene este padre, madre o tutor (a) legal acceso al
Internet en un celular?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?

Q85: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz
alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo
que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o
alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q86. Responda las preguntas de esta sección pensando en la
segunda persona que también es padre, madre o tutor(a)
legal de este niño(a) y que vive en el hogar.
¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal ...
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
¿Sobre quién cree usted que es esta pregunta? [si el
participante dice “padre/madre/tutor”] ¿En su caso, es
usted esa persona o sería otra persona en su hogar la que
debe responder? [si el participante no lo hace obvio en su
respuesta] Le parece fácil o difícil determinar que esta
sección es sobre usted, asumiendo que es el
padre/madre/tutor legal?
[Anote en esta sección si oye al participante contestar a las
preguntas pensando en otra persona. Pregunte si es


Noté que mencionó a otra persona cuando respondió a la
pregunta (X). ¿Podría decirme cómo decidió su respuesta?
Q87-90: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q91. ¿Tiene usted acceso al Internet EN LA CASA, en una
computadora o tableta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Q92-93: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que
indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna
inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con otros


¿Hay algo más sobre lo que le gustaría hablar acerca de estos materiales? ¿Hay algo acerca de
lo que no ha tenido oportunidad de hablar?


Hemos terminado. Gracias por ayudarnos. La información que nos ha dado será muy útil para
mejorar la encuesta.
[Instrucciones para el entrevistador: Pare la grabación. Agradezca al entrevistado por su
tiempo y su ayuda y recuérdele que le enviaremos [una tarjeta electrónica de regalo de $40] que
llegará en unos 10 días hábiles.] Si no recibe la tarjeta regalo en 10 días hábiles llame por favor
envíe un email a [email protected]. Luego dígales que pueden salir de la llamada haciendo clic en
la “X” roja en la parte de arriba a la derecha de la pantalla.]


Round 3
NHES 2022 PFI Cognitive Interview Protocol - ENGLISH
Interview ID:

Date of

Parent First
Age of Child:


Interviewer Instructions: The following scripts should NOT be read verbatim. Text in italics is
suggested content with which the interviewer should be thoroughly familiar in advance. Text in
brackets [ ] presents instructions for the interviewer.
Hello, my name is  and I work for American Institutes for Research. It’s nice to meet
you, thanks for joining us today to help us out.[Confirm that they can hear and see (if applicable)
you and your screen okay – trouble shoot if needed if the video or audio are not working well].
[INSERT IF THERE IS AN OBSERVER: and my colleague will also be observing our session
As noted before please make sure you are in a quiet space to make sure you can hear us, and we can
hear you clearly. It is okay if there are interruptions during this interview, but we hope to minimize
them as much as possible.
[Create small talk to build rapport with the parent]:
You are here today to help us out with a survey that we are working on for the U.S. Department of
Education. This survey asks about your child’s schooling. I will ask you to take the survey as if you
were taking a real survey but talking out loud as you read and answer each item. There are no right
or wrong answers, and it’s ok if you don’t know some of the answers. As you are answering the
questions out loud, I will also ask you about your answers and how you arrived at them. This will
help us make the survey better and clearer for other parents just like you.
Because the information you provide is so important, I am going to be taking notes while you are
answering the survey and while we are talking, so you might see me look down as you’re talking.
This interview will also be audio recorded so researchers can review it later. Even though I can see
you, no video will be recorded, just the sound. Your responses will be used for research purposes
only, and no information that refers to you or your family personally, like your name or name of your
child’s school, will be included in our report.. Is that all OK?
Great! Remember, you are not being tested; we want you to tell us what you think about the survey.
If you want to stop at any point, just let me know.
[If, for any reason, the participant is no longer interested in participating, thank the participant for
his/her time and end the interview.]
Before we continue, do you have any questions? [Answer any questions the parent may ask.] Ok, now
to make sure we’re ready, do you have the materials that we sent to you? The questionnaire should
be an attachment to the email invitation that you received from us, the one where you found the


[Zoom/GoToMeeting] link. Do you have the questionnaire up in your screen? [If not, instruct them to
pull it up and assist as needed.] Thanks for getting that ready, we’ll be using it in a few minutes.
[If the respondent has consented to recording, start the recording the video conference using
the “record” option in Zoom/GoToMeeting.]


While you fill out the survey I want you to talk about how you are answering the questions. The best
way to do this is read the question out loud and then keep talking out loud about how you arrive to
your answer. Hearing you talk about how you figure out your answers to the questions will help us
understand how to make the questions better. We are more interested in how you arrive at your
answers than in the answers you give us. Thinking aloud can take some time to get used to, so to help
you get started we are going to do a practice activity. First I will answer a question as an example.
[Show an example by asking yourself the question (how many glasses of water) and answering it
using ‘think-aloud’]
Now, I would like you to repeat the question out loud and think aloud as you decide on your answer.
[Read out loud the question to the participant and have them think out loud.]
How many glasses of water did you drink yesterday?
Probe as needed for detail: How did you arrive at that answer? What were you visualizing when
you were deciding on that answer? Can you tell me more about what you are including in your
When complete: Thank you; that’s the kind of detail I’m looking for when you talk to me about
your answers to the questions in the survey.


Now I would like you to complete the questionnaire. Please read aloud the questions and anything
you would have read to yourself if I were not here. Remember that I’d like you to think aloud while
you decide on your answer. I am very interested in hearing you talk about what you are thinking as
you figure out your answers to the questions.
Useful Probes—Use only as needed when response is unclear or R appears confused or
Can you tell me in your own words what that question was asking?
What does the word [term] in this question mean to you?
How easy or difficult is it to remember [topic]?


How easy or hard was it to choose an answer?
Tell me what you are thinking?
How did you come up with that answer?
You said [answer]. Can you tell me more about that?
[In response to R actions or comments]: Tell me what happened? Tell me what you were doing?
[If you pick up on a visual cue like a furrowed brow or a puzzled look]: “Tell me what you are
[If you pick up on a visual cue (or hear a cue) that indicates confusion like paper flipping or
rereading an old question before answering this question]: “Tell me what just happened. Tell me
about what you were just doing.”
General Interviewer Observations Instructions: There is revised formatting in the questionnaire. We
would like for you to keep an eye on how the participant might react or say something regarding
confusion because of the formatting. The following are changes made to the formatting. Please make
notes about these formatting features as the participant goes through the instrument, if the
participant has any reactions to these:
• Instead of underlining to emphasize words, ALL CAPS are used.
• Section headers are now embedded in the middle of the page instead of on top of a new page
• Instructions are embedded within question numbers instead of above questions to encourage
reading of instructions. Do participants read all the text after each question number? Circle
text that is not read.
• Labels for response options were revised so that the response sounds more like a phrase
(e.g., “____ books” instead of “______number of books.”)
• “Not applicable” response options in a scale are spaced further apart than the response
options in a scale. Do participants see and read the not applicable response options? Circle if
Throughout the protocol there are notes about certain questions to pay attention to, but you do not
need to explicitly probe.

Cover: See if the participant reads the cover of the
instrument including the text under the images that
includes the child’s name. Make note if they do or do
not read that text.
CAQs/Instructions: It is not necessary to probe on the
instructions. Note if the respondent attempts to

read them or proceeds to answering the
questionnaire. If they attempt to read them, or
ask if they need to read them, ask them to skip to
the next page.


Instructions before Q1: It is not necessary to probe
but pay attention to if they read these instructions
and understand the child they should be responding
about. Make note if they do or do not read that text.
Q1-Q2: It is not necessary to probe on these
questions. Let the respondent continue the think
aloud and only probe if respondent says something
that indicates a potential problem, or if there is
confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.

Q1: [If not obvious by their answer] which school
year were you considering when answering this
Q3. Did you mark Yes to “h. Homeschooled” from
the list in question 2 above?

[Pay attention to how the participant follows the skip
instruction, particularly with those who respond “No”.
If they are not able to follow the skip instruction or
are confused, probe]
Could you tell me where you think you should go next
in the survey?
Is there anything in the instructions on question 3
that would help you to know what to do next?
Q4-Q7: It is not necessary to probe on these
questions. Let the respondent continue the think
aloud and only probe if respondent says something
that indicates a potential problem, or if there is
confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.

Q8. Excluding co-ops, is any of this child’s HOME
instruction provided by a private tutor or
What were you thinking of when you answered this

Q9-Q18: It is not necessary to probe on these
questions. Let the respondent continue the think
aloud and only probe if respondent says something
that indicates a potential problem, or if there is


confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.
Q19. Mark every grade that this child was
homeschooled for at least some classes or subjects,
including the current grade or grade equivalent.
What were you thinking of when you answered this
If the participant did not mark the child’s current
grade probe:
Could you tell me why you did not select the grade
the child is currently in?
Q20-23: It is not necessary to probe on these
questions. Let the respondent continue the think aloud
and only probe if respondent says something that
indicates a potential problem, or if there is confusion
or an inconsistent interpretation compared to other
Q24. Since September, how many times has your
family gone to meetings or participated in the
activities of a local homeschooling association, co-op,
or other local homeschool group?

In your own words, tell me what this question is
asking about.
How did you decide on your answer?
Q25-26: It is not necessary to probe on these
questions. Let the respondent continue the think aloud
and only probe if respondent says something that
indicates a potential problem, or if there is confusion
or an inconsistent interpretation compared to other
Q27. Is this homeschooled child also enrolled in a
separate public or private school for any grades K-12?

In your own words, tell me what this question is
asking about.


If yes, could you tell me more about your
Q28. How many HOURS each WEEK does this child
usually go to a school for instruction? Do not
include time spent in extracurricular activities.
In your own words, tell me what this question is
asking about.
How did you decide on your answer?
What do you think of these response options?

Q29-30: It is not necessary to probe on these
questions. Let the respondent continue the think aloud
and only probe if respondent says something that
indicates a potential problem, or if there is confusion
or an inconsistent interpretation compared to other
Q31. Is this school a charter school?
In your own words, what does “charter school” refer
Q32. Is this school a magnet school or does he or she
attend a magnet program?
In your own words, what do “magnet school” and
“magnet program” refer to?
Q33: It is not necessary to probe on these questions.
Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a
potential problem, or if there is confusion or an
inconsistent interpretation compared to other

Q34. Did you feel that you had a choice in what
school this child attends?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
Q35: It is not necessary to probe on these questions.

Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a
potential problem, or if there is confusion or an
inconsistent interpretation compared to other

Q36. Please tell us about this child’s grades
during this school year. Overall, across all
subjects, what grades does this child get?


[Question wording has been changed from “on
average” to “overall”. Pay attention to how the
respondent does the math and if they struggle
coming up with an answer. Probe if necessary]
Q37. Is he or she currently enrolled in any high
school Advanced Placement (AP) classes?
[If R selects “don’t know”] In your own words,
what is this question asking?
Q38: It is not necessary to probe on these questions.

Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a
potential problem, or if there is confusion or an
inconsistent interpretation compared to other
[Only probe if the participant seems confused on

either of these two items]

Q39. Has a health or education professional told you
that this child has any of the following conditions?
Q39f. Autism or autism spectrum disorder
Q39h. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,

How did you decide on your answer?
[Please make note if R makes a comment about
the wording in Q39l. An intellectual disability,
formerly known as mental retardation.]
Q40-44: It is not necessary to probe on these

questions. Let the respondent continue the think
aloud and only probe if respondent says something
that indicates a potential problem, or if there is
confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.
Q45. Does this child sometimes live at another address
(for example, because of parents living apart)?
Do not include vacation properties.
In your own words, what is this question asking?
What does “because of parents living apart” mean to


Are there other examples that you think would apply?
Q46: It is not necessary to probe on these questions.
Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a
potential problem, or if there is confusion or an
inconsistent interpretation compared to other
Q47. Do you consider yourself one of this child’s
parents or guardians?
[Note if the respondent shows any confusion when
answering this question and probe if necessary]
Q48. Is this parent or guardian the child’s...
How did you decide on your answer?
Who do you think this question is asking about? [if
respondent says “parent/guardian”] Would that be
you or would that be someone else? [if not obvious by
their response] Is it clear or unclear you should be
answering this section about yourself, if you are the
[Take note through the parent 1 section if you hear
the parent no longer talk about themselves but
another parent or person – probe:]
I noticed that you mentioned a different person when
answering question (X). Could you tell me how did
you come up with your answer?
Q49-57: It is not necessary to probe on these questions.
Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a
potential problem, or if there is confusion or an
inconsistent interpretation compared to other
Q58. Answer questions in this section about a second
parent or guardian living in the household.
Is this parent or guardian the child’s...


How did you decide on your answer?
Is it clear or unclear who you should answer the
questions in this section about? If clear, who are you
answering this section about? If unclear, who do you
think you should answer this section about and why?
[Take note through the parent 2 section if you hear
the parent no longer talk about the parent they
mentioned above after probing but another parent or
person – probe:]
I noticed that you mentioned a different person when
answering question (X). Could you tell me how did
you come up with your answer?
Q59-62: It is not necessary to probe on these
questions specifically unless they switch answering
about a different parent/person (see note above in
Q58). Let the respondent continue the think aloud
and only probe if respondent says something that
indicates a potential problem, or if there is confusion
or an inconsistent interpretation compared to other
Q63. Does your household have Internet access AT
HOME on a computer or tablet?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
Q64-66: It is not necessary to probe on these
questions. Let the respondent continue the think
aloud and only probe if respondent says something
that indicates a potential problem, or if there is
confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.
Q67. We would like to identify this child’s school so
we can include information about the school in our
study. We’ve listed the schools in your area below.
Please select the school he or she attends.
[Note to interviewers: schools that are close to the
R’s address will be the response options for this item.
We will print a custom questionnaire for each PFI
participant. Please note any comments that the R
makes while trying to find the child’s school.]


How easy or difficult was it for you to find the school
your child attends?
If difficult, what made it difficult to find the school?
What do you think you should do next? Is it clear or
unclear what you should do next? [If they selected a
school they should return the questionnaire, if they
did not select a school from the list they should go to
question 68.] Tell me more about why it is clear or


Is there anything else you would like to tell me about this questionnaire that you haven’t had a
chance to mention?


We are finished. Thank you for helping us. The information you’ve provided will be very helpful for
making this survey better.
[Interviewer Instructions: Please let the participant know that we will be emailing them a [$40
electronic gift card] that should arrive in 10 business days. If you have not received the gift card in
10 business days please email us at [email protected], the same email where we have
communicated so far. Then let them know they can exit the call by clicking on the “X” in the top
write corner of their screen]

NHES 2022 PFI Cognitive Interview Protocol - SPANISH
Interview ID:

Date of

Parent First
Age of Child:


Instrucciones para el entrevistador: El siguiente guion NO debe ser leído textualmente. El
texto en letra cursiva solo es contenido con el cual el entrevistador debe familiarizarse antes de la
entrevista. El texto entre paréntesis [ ] contiene instrucciones para el entrevistador.


Hola, mi nombre es  y trabajo para American Institutes for Research. Mucho gusto
de conocerle. Gracias por venir a ayudarnos el día de hoy. [Confirm that they can hear and see
(if applicable) you and your screen okay – trouble shoot if needed if the video or audio are not
working]. [INSERTE SI HAY UN OBSERVADOR: y mi colega también va a observar
nuestra sesión de hoy].
Como le comentamos anteriormente, por favor asegúrese de que está en un lugar tranquilo para que
nos podamos escuchar bien. No pasa nada si hay interrupciones durante la entrevista, pero nos
gustaría poder tener las menos posibles.
[Platique de algún tema casual para establecer una buena relación con el participante.]:
Usted está aquí hoy para ayudarnos con una encuesta que estamos realizando para el
Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos. Este estudio pregunta acerca de la
educación de sus hijos. Voy a pedirle que complete una encuesta como si estuviera completando
una encuesta real, pero leyendo las preguntas y respuestas en voz alta. No existen respuestas
correctas o incorrectas y está bien si usted no sabe algunas de las respuestas. A medida que
usted vaya respondiendo a las preguntas, yo le voy a hacer algunas preguntas acerca de sus
respuestas. Esto nos ayudará a que la encuesta sea mejor y más clara para otros padres como
Debido a que la información que usted nos dará es muy importante, voy a estar tomando notas
mientras estamos hablando
Además, esta entrevista será grabada en audio para que los investigadores del estudio puedan
revisar la grabación más tarde. Aunque yo puedo verlo por cámara, le garantizo que su imagen
no será grabada. Cualquier información que se refiera a usted o a su familia personalmente, tal
como su nombre o la escuela de su hijo(a), no será incluida en nuestro informe y sus respuestas
serán utilizadas únicamente para fines de investigación.
Recuerde que esto no es un examen. Queremos que nos diga lo que usted piensa acerca de la
Si en algún momento usted desea detenerse, solo déjemelo saber.
[Si por algún motivo el participante ya no tiene interés en participar, agradézcale por su tiempo
y termine la entrevista.]
Antes de que continuemos, ¿tiene alguna pregunta sobre lo que acabo de decir? [Responda a
cualquier pregunta que pueda hacer el participante.] Ahora, quiero asegurarme de que podemos
empezar ya mismo, ¿tiene los materiales que le enviamos? Adjunto al email que le enviamos
para participar en la entrevista encontrará un cuestionario en formato pdf que dice NHES 2022
PFI. ¿Tiene el cuestionario abierto en su computadora/tableta? [Si no, dígale que abra el
cuestionario ya que vamos a empezar enseguida. Si ya los tienen, dele las gracias y hágales saber que
los vamos a usar enseguida].
[Si el participante ha consentido ser grabado, comience la grabación (con video si aplica). Para
empezar la grabación, haga click en “Record” en los controles de Zoom/GoToMeeting.]


Mientras esté completando la encuesta, quiero que hable acerca de cómo está contestando las
preguntas. Quiero escucharla(o) hablar acerca de cómo usted llega a sus respuestas para así
entender cómo mejorar estos materiales. Me interesa más saber cómo llega a sus respuestas que
en las respuestas que usted me dé. Para ayudarle a empezar a pensar en voz alta vamos a hacer
un ejercicio de práctica. Un ejemplo podría ser… [Enseñe un ejemplo preguntándose la pregunta
de los vasos de agua y respondiendo con la técnica de ‘pensar en voz alta’]
Me gustaría que repitiera la pregunta en voz alta y piense en voz alta a medida que decide cuál
es su respuesta.
[Lea la pregunta en voz alta y diga al entrevistado que piense en voz alta]
¿Cuántos vasos de agua tomó usted ayer?
Por favor dígame lo que está pensando mientras me da su respuesta.
Pregunte según sea necesario para obtener información detallada: ¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta?
¿Qué estaba visualizando mientras estaba decidiendo qué responder? ¿Puede decirme más
acerca de lo que usted está incluyendo en su cuenta?
Cuando haya completado el ejercicio: Gracias. Ése es el tipo de detalle que busco cuando usted
me hable acerca de sus respuestas a las preguntas de la encuesta.


Ahora vamos a completar la encuesta. Por favor lea en voz alta cualquier cosa que usted
hubiera leído para sí misma(o), como si yo no estuviera aquí. Recuerde que me gustaría que
piense en voz alta mientras decide su respuesta.
Estoy muy interesada(o) en escucharle hablar acerca de lo que está pensando mientras decide
sus respuestas a las preguntas.

Preguntas Útiles—Utilice cuando sea necesario si una respuesta no está clara o si el
participante está confundido
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?


¿Qué significa para usted la palabra [término] en esta pregunta?
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil es recordar [tema]?
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil fue escoger una respuesta?
Dígame lo que está pensando.
¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta?
Usted dijo [respuesta]. ¿Puede decirme un poco más acerca de cómo llego a esa respuesta?
[En respuesta a las acciones o comentarios del entrevistado]: Por favor, dígame que sucedió.
Dígame que estaba usted haciendo.
[Si nota alguna señal visual, como cejas fruncidas o una expresión de confusión]: Dígame lo que
está pensando
[Si nota alguna señal visual o auditiva que indica confusión como pasar páginas o leer de nuevo
una pregunta anterior antes de contestar a la pregunta]: Por favor, dígame que sucedió. Dígame
que estaba usted haciendo.
Additional Homeschooling questions (Round 2 Only) - Spanish
[Note to interviewer: we’ve replaced the concept elicitation with homeschooling items embedded
in the questionnaire, to see the reaction to the term in a more realistic way. The first question is
supposed to mimic how the question appears in the questionnaire, while the second and third
questions are aimed towards understanding which definition/terminology they prefer, based on
data from Round 1.]
4. Antes de marzo de 2020, ¿recibía su hijo la enseñanza escolar (homeschool) en el
• [Si sí] ¿Podría contarme un poco más sobre los arreglos específicos de este niño y
cómo gestionaban su enseñanza?
• Si no, ¿sabía de algún niño(a) que recibiera la enseñanza escolar en el hogar para
algunas o todas las clases?
o [Si sí] ¿Podría contarme un poco más sobre los arreglos específicos de este
niño y cómo gestionaban su enseñanza?
5. ¿Si tenemos que referirnos a la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en unas
pocas palabras, qué le resulta más familiar o fácil de entender?
• ¿Podría decirme más acerca de su respuesta?
• ¿Hay alguna otra manera de referirse a enseñanza escolar en el hogar que no está
en esta lista?

Instrucciones generales de observación para el entrevistador: Se ha revisado el formato del
cuestionario. Ponga atención a cualquier gesto o comentario del participante que indique confusión
debido al formato del cuestionario. Los siguientes son cambios que se han aplicado al formato del
cuestionario. Por favor anote cualquier reacción a este nuevo formato a medida que el participante
completa el cuestionario, si es que reacciona de alguna manera:
• MAYÚSCULAS en lugar de subrayar palabras que necesitan énfasis.



Los títulos de las secciones se encuentran en medio de la página en vez de estar en la parte de
Las instrucciones están dentro de las preguntas en vez de arriba de las preguntas para
aumentar la probabilidad de que las lean. ¿Leen los participantes todo el texto para cada
pregunta? Haga un círculo en el texto que no leen.
Se han cambiado las etiquetas de las opciones de respuesta para que suenen más como una
frase (por ejemplo, “______ libros” en vez de “_____ número de libros”.
Opciones de respuesta que forman parte de una escala tienen con una opción de “no aplica”,
incluyen esta última más separado del resto de las opciones en la escala. ¿Ven y leen la
opción “no aplica”? Marque con un círculo si no lo ven/leen.

Hay notas sobre preguntas a las que tiene que prestar más atención, pero no preguntarle al
participante a no ser que esté confundido.

Cubierta: Note si el entrevistado lee la cubierta de la
encuesta, incluyendo el texto bajo las imágenes que incluye
el nombre del niño. Anote si no lee ese texto.
Preguntas más frecuentes/Instrucciones: No es necesario
preguntar sobre las instrucciones, nada más anote si el

encuestado intenta leerlas o se las salta para
responder a la encuesta. Si empiezan a leerlas o
preguntan si es necesario leerlas, diríjales a la
siguiente página.

Instrucciones antes de Q1: No es necesario indagar sobre
estas preguntas pero preste atención a si el encuestado lee
las instrucciones y entiende sobre qué niño tiene que estar
respondiendo. Note si lee o no lee el texto.
Q1: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz
alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo
que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o
alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.

Q1: [Si no es evidente en la respuesta] ¿qué año
escolar consideró al responder a esta pregunta?


Q2. En la actualidad, los estudiantes participan en muchos
tipos diferentes de escuelas y ambientes educacionales.

Q2e. Escuela online, virtual o cyber de tiempo
completo para grados de kindergarden hasta 12°
En sus propias palabras, ¿a qué se refiere esta
pregunta cuando dice “online, virtual, o cyber”?
En sus propias palabras, ¿a qué se refiere esta
pregunta cuando dice “kindergarten”? ¿Podría
decirme qué edades cubre y que grados van antes y


Q2h. El estudiante recibe su enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool), incluyendo materias
cooperativas de padres para enseñanza escolar en
el hogar.
 No es necesario indagar más sobre
homeschool, pero anote si el encuestado
no es coherente en su respuesta basado en
cómo respondió a las preguntas iniciales
sobre homeschooling.

Q3. ¿En la lista en la pregunta 2 de arriba, marcó “Sí” en
la respuesta h. “El estudiante recibe su enseñanza escolar
en el hogar (homeschool)?
[Preste atención a cómo el participante sigue las
instrucciones del skip, especialmente para aquellos que
responden “no”. Si no son capaces de seguir el skip o
parecen confundidos, pregunte]
¿Podría decirme dónde cree que debe continuar en la
¿Hay algo en las instrucciones de la pregunta 3 que le
ayudaría a saber qué hacer a continuación?
Q4-Q7: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.


Q8: ¿Este niño(a) recibe de un tutor o maestro privado
parte de su enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool),
sin incluir cooperativas?
¿En qué pensaba cuando respondió a esta pregunta?

Q9-Q18: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.

Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q19. Pensando en los niveles típicos de grados, ¿para qué
grados recibió este niño(a) enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool), al menos para algunas clases o asignaturas?
¿En qué pensaba cuando respondió a esta pregunta?

Si el participante no marca el grado actual del niño en la
pregunta pregunte:
¿Podría decirme por qué no marco el grado en el que se
encuentra su hijo en la actualidad?
Anote cualquier confusión que el participante exprese con
las abreviaciones de los grados y pregunte si es necesario.
Q20 – 23: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q24: Desde septiembre, ¿cuántas veces ha ido su familia
a reuniones o participado en actividades de una
asociación local de enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool), cooperativa u otro grupo local de
enseñanza escolar en el hogar?
En sus propias palabras, ¿a qué se refiere esta pregunta?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?


Q25-Q26: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q27: Este niño(a) que recibe la enseñanza escolar en el
hogar (homeschool), ¿está también inscrito(a) en una
escuela pública o privada para cualquier grado de K-12?
En sus propias palabras, ¿a qué se refiere esta pregunta?
Si sí, ¿cómo determinó su respuesta?

Q28: ¿Aproximadamente cuantas horas a la SEMANA
asiste a una escuela este niño(a)? No incluya tiempo
que pasa en actividades extraescolares.
En sus propias palabras, ¿a qué se refiere esta pregunta?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
¿Qué piensa de las opciones de respuesta?

Q29-Q30: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.

Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.

Q31. ¿Es esta escuela una escuela chárter?
En sus propias palabras, ¿a qué se refiere el término
“charter school”?
Q32. ¿Es esta escuela una escuela especializada
(magnet) o asiste este niño(a) a un programa
especializado (magnet program)?
En sus propias palabras, ¿a qué se refieren los
términos “escuela magnet” o “programa magnet”?
Q33. No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz


alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo
que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o
alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.

Q34. ¿Siente que usted tuvo opciones en decidir qué
escuela asistiría este niño(a)?
En sus propias palabras, ¿a qué se refiere esta
Q35-36 No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.

Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.

Q37. ¿Está este niño(a) inscrito en algún curso
avanzado llamado Colocación Avanzada (Advanced
Placement o AP en inglés) en la secundaria?
¿Le resulta familiar los cursos de Colocación
Avanzada? Si sí ¿En qué contexto ha oído hablar de
Colocación Avanzada? Si no ¿A qué cree que se
refieren los cursos de Colocación Avanzada?

Q38. ¿Ha tenido este niño(a) alguna vez las siguientes
b. Suspensión en la escuela, sin contar quedarse
después de clase como castigo.
[Note to interviewer: we’ve dropped the word
“detention” as it was problematic. If they mention it
during probing, ask further questions about whether
they think it’s too strong of a term.]
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Qué entiende usted por “quedarse después de clase
como castigo”? ¿Utiliza usted o la escuela de su hijo(a)
otras palabras para referirse a esto?
[Pregunte solo si el participante parece confundido en
alguna de estos dos sub-items]


Q39. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud que este
niño(a) tiene alguno de los siguientes problemas de salud?
Q39f. Autismo o trastorno del espectro autista
Q39h. Trastorno de deficiencia de atención (ADD o ADHD,
en inglés)
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
[Note si el entrevistado hace cualquier comentario sobre el
lenguaje en Q39l. Una discapacidad intelectual,
conocido antes como retraso mental]

Q41-44 No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.

Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q45-46: Note si el encuestado expresa confusión en la
pregunta 51, especialmente si ha seleccionado “hispano”
en Q50. Pregunte si es necesario.
Q47: ¿Este niño(a) vive en esta dirección Y en otra
dirección más (por ejemplo, debido a que los padres viven
No incluya casas de vacaciones.
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Qué quiere decir para usted “debido a que los padres
viven separados”?
¿Hay alguno otro ejemplo que aplica en este caso?

Q48: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje

que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz
alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo
que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o
alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q49. ¿Se considera usted uno de los padres o tutores
legales de este niño?


[Note si el entrevistado muestra confusión al responder (sobre
todo con el texto dentro de los recuadros) y pregunte si lo ve
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
¿Sobre quién cree usted que es esta pregunta? [si el
participante dice” padre/madre/tutor”] ¿En su caso, es
usted esa persona o sería otra persona en su hogar la que
debe responder? [si el participante no lo hace obvio en su
respuesta] Le parece fácil o difícil determinar que esta
sección es sobre usted, asumiendo que es el
padre/madre/tutor legal?
[Anote en esta sección si oye al participante contestar a las
preguntas pensando en otra persona. Pregunte si es
Noté que mencionó a otra persona cuando respondió a la
pregunta (X). ¿Podría decirme cómo decidió su respuesta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué significa “de crianza temporal
Q50-51: Note si el encuestado expresa confusión en la
pregunta 51, especialmente si ha seleccionado “hispano”
en Q50. Pregunte si es necesario.
Q52-58: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas a no
ser que el participante cambie a otra persona al responder
(ver nota en Q55). Deje que el encuestado continúe su
proceso de pensar en voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si
el encuestado dice algo que indique un problema potencial,
o si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia en la
interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
Q59. Responda las preguntas de esta sección pensando en
la segunda persona que también es padre, madre o tutor(a)
legal de este niño(a) y que vive en el hogar.

¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal ...

¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?

¿Sobre quién cree usted que es esta pregunta? [si el
participante dice “padre/madre/tutor”] ¿En su caso, es
usted esa persona o sería otra persona en su hogar la que
debe responder? [si el participante no lo hace obvio en su
respuesta] Le parece fácil o difícil determinar que esta
sección es sobre usted, asumiendo que es el


padre/madre/tutor legal?
[Anote en esta sección si oye al participante contestar a las
preguntas pensando en otra persona. Pregunte si es
Noté que mencionó a otra persona cuando respondió a la
pregunta (X). ¿Podría decirme cómo decidió su respuesta?
[Take note of any information they give about this person if
they’re not a biological/adoptive/foster/step parent. We’re
particularly interested in how Rs report on other people
living in the household that might care for the child but
aren’t traditional parental figures]
Q60-64: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas a
no ser que el participante cambie a otra persona al
responder. Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de
pensar en voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el
encuestado dice algo que indique un problema potencial, o
si hay confusión o alguna inconsistencia en la
interpretación comparado con otros encuestados.
Q65. ¿Tiene usted acceso al Internet EN LA CASA, en una
computadora o tableta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Q66-68: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q69. Quisiéramos identificar la escuela de este niño(a) para
poder incluir información de la escuela en nuestro estudio.
A continuación, hemos incluido una lista de escuelas en su
zona. Marque la casilla de la escuela a la que asiste este
[Nota al entrevistador: el cuestionario tendrá una lista
de las escuelas que se encuentran cerca del
participante. Cada participante tendrá un cuestionario
individualizado. Note cualquier comentario del


participante cuando está buscando su escuela en la
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil fue encontrar la escuela a la que
asiste su hijo(a)?
[Si difícil] ¿Qué hizo difícil encontrar la escuela?
¿Qué cree que debe hacer a continuación? ¿Le parece que
está claro que es lo que debe hacer a continuación? [Si
seleccionaron una escuela deben devolver el cuestionario, si
no seleccionaron una escuela de la lista deben ir a la
pregunta 70.] Dígame más sobre por qué piensa que no
está claro.


¿Hay algo más sobre lo que le gustaría hablar acerca de estos materiales? ¿Hay algo acerca de
lo que no ha tenido oportunidad de hablar?


Hemos terminado. Gracias por ayudarnos. La información que nos ha dado será muy útil para
mejorar la encuesta.
[Instrucciones para el entrevistador: Pare la grabación. Agradezca al entrevistado por su
tiempo y su ayuda y recuérdele que el enviaremos [una tarjeta electrónica de regalo de $40] que
llegará en unos 10 días hábiles.] Si no recibe la tarjeta regalo en 10 días hábiles envíe un email a
[email protected]. Luego dígales que pueden salir de la llamada haciendo clic en la “X” roja en la
parte de arriba a la derecha de la pantalla.]
NHES 2022 ECPP Cognitive Interview Protocol - ENGLISH
Interview ID:

Date of

Parent First
Age of Child:


Interviewer Instructions: The following scripts should NOT be read verbatim. Text in italics is
suggested content with which the interviewer should be thoroughly familiar in advance. Text in
brackets [ ] presents instructions for the interviewer.


Hello, my name is  and I work for American Institutes for Research. It’s nice to meet
you, thanks for joining us today to help us out.[Confirm that they can hear and see (if applicable)
you and your screen okay – trouble shoot if needed if the video or audio are not working well].
As noted before please make sure you are in a quiet space to make sure you can hear us, and we can
hear you clearly. It is okay if there are interruptions during this interview, but we hope to minimize
them as much as possible.
[Create small talk to build rapport with the parent]:
You are here today to help us out with a survey that we are working on for the U.S. Department of
Education. This survey asks about finding and choosing child care for your child for parents with
children 5 and younger. I will ask you to take the survey as if you were taking a real survey but
talking out loud as you read and answer each item. There are no right or wrong answers, and it’s ok
if you do not know some of the answers. As you are answering the questions I will ask you about your
answers to the questions. This will help us make the survey better and clearer for other parents just
like you.
Because the information you provide is so important, I am going to be taking notes while you are
answering the survey and while we are talking [INSERT IF THERE IS AN OBSERVER: and my
colleague will also be observing our session today].
Also, this interview will be audio recorded so researchers can review the audio recording later. Even
though I can see you, no video will be recorded, just the sound. Any information that refers to you or
your family personally, like your name or name of your child’s school, will not be included in our
report, and your responses will be used for research purposes only. Is all of this OK?
Remember, you are not being tested; we want you to tell us what you think about the survey.
If at any time you want to stop, just let me know.
[If, for any reason, the participant is no longer interested in participating, thank the participant for
his/her time and end the interview.]
Before we continue, do you have any questions? [Answer any questions the parent may ask.] Ok, now
to make sure we can jump in do you have the materials that we sent to you? Ok, now to make sure we
can jump in do you have the materials that we sent to you? The questionnaire should be an
attachment to the email invitation that you received from us, same one as where you found the
GoToMeeting link. Do you have the questionnaire up in your screen? [If not, instruct them to pull it
up and let them know we will be using them shortly].
[If the respondent has consented to recording, start the recording the video conference using
the “record” option in GoToMeeting.]


While you fill out the survey I want you to talk about how you are answering the questions. The best
way to do this is read the question out loud and then keep talking out loud about how you arrive to
your answer. Hearing you talk about how you figure out your answers to the questions will help me
understand how to make the questions better. I am more interested in how you arrive at your answers
than in the answers you give me. To help you get started on thinking aloud, we are going to do a
practice activity. An example would be.. [Show an example by asking yourself the glasses of water
question and answering it using ‘think-aloud’]
I would like you to repeat the question out loud and think aloud as you decide on your answer.
[Read out loud the question to the participant and have them think out loud.]


How many glasses of water did you drink yesterday?
Probe as needed for detail: How did you arrive at that answer? What were you visualizing when
you were deciding on that answer? Can you tell me more about what you are including in your
When complete: Thank you; that’s the kind of detail I’m looking for when you talk to me about
your answers to the questions in the survey.


Now I would like you to complete the questionnaire. I’d like you to think aloud while you decide on
your answer. Please read aloud the questions and anything you would have read to yourself if I were
not here.
Remember that I am very interested in hearing you talk about what you are thinking as you figure out
your answers to the questions.
Useful Probes—Use only as needed when response is unclear or R appears confused or
Can you tell me in your own words what that question was asking?
What does the word [term] in this question mean to you?
How easy or difficult is it to remember [topic]?
How easy or hard was it to choose an answer?
Tell me what you are thinking?
How did you come up with that answer?
You said [answer]. Can you tell me more about that?
[In response to R actions or comments]: Tell me what happened? Tell me what you were doing?
[If you pick up on a visual cue like a furrowed brow or a puzzled look]: “Tell me what you are
[If you pick up on a visual cue (or hear a cue) that indicates confusion like paper flipping or
rereading an old question before answering this question]: “Tell me what just happened. Tell me
about what you were just doing.”
General Interviewer Observations Instructions: There is revised formatting in the questionnaire. We
would like for you to keep an eye on how the participant might react or say something regarding


confusion because of the formatting. Please make notes about these formatting features as the
participant goes through the instrument, if the participant has any reactions to these:
• Instead of underlining to emphasize words, ALL CAPS are used.
• Section headers are now embedded in the middle of the page instead of on top of a new page
• Instructions are embedded within question numbers instead of above questions to encourage
reading of instructions. Do participants read all the text after each question number? Circle text
that is not read.
• Labels for response options were revised so that the response sounds more like a phrase (e.g.,
“____ books” instead of “______number of books.”)
• “Not applicable” response options in a scale are spaced further apart than the response options in
a scale. Do participants see and read the not applicable response options? Circle if not.
Throughout the protocol there are notes about certain questions to pay attention to, but you do not need
to explicitly probe.

If you’re running out of time (about 10 minutes before the interview is supposed to end) and
the participant is likely not going to finish the interview, please ask him to skip to priority
questions. These have been highlighted in blue in the protocol. Note that some of those
questions might not apply to the participant based on their answer, so make sure you follow
the skip patterns.
Cover: See if the participant reads the cover of the instrument including the text under the images that
includes the child’s name. Make note if they do or do not read that text.

CAQs/Instructions: It is not necessary to probe on the instructions. Note if the respondent attempts to
read them or proceeds to answering the questionnaire. If they attempt to read them, or ask if they need
to read them, ask them to skip to the next page.
Instructions before Q1: It is not necessary to probe but pay attention to if they read these instructions
and understand the child they should be responding about. Make note if they do or do not read that text.

These questions ask about different types of
child care this child may now receive on a regular basis
from a relative other than his or her parents or guardians.
Q1: Is this child now receiving care from a relative other than a
parent or guardian on a REGULAR BASIS, for example, from
grandparents, brothers or sisters, or any other relatives?
[Please make note of any reactions to the fact that the question
begins with a sentence that tells the kinds of care that will be
asked about.]
In your own words, what is this question asking?
Please tell me more about how you chose your answer.


If yes, can you tell me more about the relative that cares for this

Q2-11: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q12. Will this relative care for this child when the child is…
In your own words, what is this question asking?
Q13: It is not necessary to probe on this question specifically. Let
the respondent continue the think aloud and only probe if
respondent says something that indicates a potential problem, or
if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.
Q14. The next questions ask about any care this child receives
from someone NOT related to him or her, EITHER IN YOUR
HOME OR SOMEONE ELSE’S HOME. This includes home
child care providers or neighbors, but NOT day care centers or
Is this child now receiving care in your home or another home on
a REGULAR BASIS from someone who is NOT related to him or
Please tell me more about how you chose your answer.
If yes, can you tell me more about the non-relative that cares for
this child?

Q15-25: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q26. Will this non-relative care for this child when the child is…
In your own words, what is this question asking?


Q27-28: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q29. The next questions ask about any day care centers and early
childhood programs that this child attends. This does not include
care provided in a private home.
Is this child now attending a day care center, childcare center,
preschool, or prekindergarten not in a private home?
Please tell me more about how you chose your answer.
If yes, can you tell me more about the program that cares for this

Q30-38: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q39. Have you ever been asked to remove this child from care for
the day due to one or more behavior issues, such as biting, being
aggressive, not following directions, being overly active, being
impulsive, or having little or no self-control?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
If yes, please tell me more about how you chose your answer.
Q40-49: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q50. What were the main reasons your household chose the care
arrangement or program where this child spends the most time?


We have provided spaces for you to tell us about up to 3 reasons.
You may have fewer reasons to tell us about. Please write only one
reason in each box.
Tell me more about your main reasons you chose the care
How did you decide how many reasons to list?
[If needed and if R provided three reasons] Did you have three
main reasons, or did you feel like you needed to provide three
Q51-53: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
[Have the participant answer Q54-63 then have them stop after 63
and probe about the items in this section]
Q54. Have you or another parent expressed concerns to a health,
education, or early intervention professional about this
child’s development (for example, speech and language,
social emotional, or motor skill development)?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
If yes, could you please tell me more about your concerns about
your child’s development?
Q55. Overall, how satisfied are you with responses from health,
education, or early intervention professionals about your
concerns about this child’s development?
How did you decide on your answer?
Q56. Has a health, education, or early intervention professional
told you that this child has any of the following conditions?
a. A speech or language impairment
b. Autism or autism spectrum disorder
c. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD or ADD
d. Another health impairment lasting 6 months or longer
Is there anything else that is missing from this list that you have
been told about this child from a health, education, or early
intervention professional, if any?


If yes to Q56d, could you tell me more about this impairment?
Q57. Has a health, education, or early intervention professional
told you that this child has or is at risk for a developmental
In your own words, what is this question asking?
Q58. Did you mark YES to any part of question 56 or question 57?
Is this question clear or unclear as to the next steps you should take?
If no on Q58 but yes on Q54, could you tell us more about your
child’s development and the concerns you expressed? Has this child
received any services for a condition such as speech or physical
therapy. Are this child’s services through an IFSP or IEP? [If yes to
services and/or IFSP/IEP] Could you tell us more about the
condition the child has that the receive these services?
Q59. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with how well
health, education, or early intervention professionals have
met your child’s needs?
How did you decide on your answer?
Q60. Is this child receiving services for his or her condition (for
example, speech therapy or physical therapy)?
In your own words, what is this question asking?
If yes, could you please tell us more about these services this
child receives?
Are there examples that are missing?

Q61. Are this child’s services through an Individualized Family
Service Plan (IFSP) or Individualized Education Program
In your own words, what is this question asking? What does IFSP
or IEP mean to you?
If yes, could you please tell us more about the IFSP or IEP this
child receives?


Q62. Thinking about the child’s IFSP or IEP, since September,
how satisfied or dissatisfied have you been with the service
provider’s or school’s communication with your family?
How did you decide on your answer?
Q63. Does this child’s condition interfere with his or her ability to
do the following things?
[No need to probe on this item unless the participant has any
confusion while responding to the item].
Q64-68: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically. Let the respondent continue the think aloud and only
probe if respondent says something that indicates a potential
problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation
compared to other respondents.
Q69. Does this child sometimes live at another address (for
example, because of parents living apart)?
Do not include vacation properties.
In your own words, what is this question asking?
What does “because of parents living apart” mean to you?
Are there other examples that you think would apply?
Q70-72: It is not necessary to probe on these questions. Let the
respondent continue the think aloud and only probe if
respondent says something that indicates a potential problem, or
if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.
Q73. Do you consider yourself one of this child’s parents or
[Note if the respondent shows any confusion when answering this
question (especially the text in the bubbles and probe if necessary]
Q74. Is this parent or guardian the child’s...
How did you decide on your answer?


Is it clear or unclear you should be answering this section about
yourself, if you are the parent?
[Take note through the parent 1 section if you hear the parent no
longer talk about themselves but another parent or person –
I noticed that you mentioned a different person when answering
question (X). Could you tell me how did you come up with your
Q75-82: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically unless they switch answering about a different parent
(see note above in Q74). Let the respondent continue the think
aloud and only probe if respondent says something that indicates
a potential problem, or if there is confusion or an inconsistent
interpretation compared to other respondents.
Q83. Does this parent or guardian have Internet access on a cell
How did you decide on your answer?
In your own words, what is this question asking?

Q84: It is not necessary to probe on this question specifically. Let
the respondent continue the think aloud and only probe if
respondent says something that indicates a potential problem, or
if there is confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared
to other respondents.
Q85. Answer questions in this section about a second parent or
guardian living in the household.
Is this parent or guardian the child’s...
How did you decide on your answer?
Is it clear or unclear who you should answer the questions in this
section about? If clear, who are you answering this section
about? If unclear, who do you think you should answer this
section about and why?
[Take note through the parent 2 section if you hear the parent no
longer talk about the parent they mentioned above after probing


but another parent or person – probe:]
I noticed that you mentioned a different person when answering
question (X). Could you tell me how did you come up with your
[Take note of any information they give about this person if
they’re not a biological/adoptive/foster/step parent. We’re
particularly interested in how Rs report on other people living in
the household that might care for the child but aren’t traditional
parental figures]
Q86-89: It is not necessary to probe on these questions
specifically unless they switch answering about a different
parent/person (see note above in Q85). Let the respondent
continue the think aloud and only probe if respondent says
something that indicates a potential problem, or if there is
confusion or an inconsistent interpretation compared to other
Q90. Does your household have Internet access AT HOME on a
computer or tablet?
In your own words, what is this question asking?


Is there anything else you would like to tell me about this questionnaire that you haven’t had a
chance to mention?


We are finished. Thank you for helping us. The information you’ve provided will be very helpful for
making this survey better.
[Interviewer Instructions: Please let the participant know that we will be emailing them a [$40
electronic gift card] that should arrive in 10 business days. If you have not received the gift card in
10 business days please email us at [email protected], the same email where we have
communicated so far. Then let them know they can exit the call by clicking on the “X” in the top
write corner of their screen]

NHES 2022 ECPP Cognitive Interview Protocol - SPANISH
Interview ID:

Date of


Parent First
Age of Child:



Instrucciones para el entrevistador: El siguiente guion NO debe ser leído textualmente. El
texto en letra cursiva solo es contenido con el cual el entrevistador debe familiarizarse antes de la
entrevista. El texto entre paréntesis [ ] contiene instrucciones para el entrevistador.
Hola, mi nombre es  y trabajo para American Institutes for Research. Mucho gusto
de conocerle. Gracias por venir a ayudarnos el día de hoy. [Confirm that they can hear and see
(if applicable) you and your screen okay – trouble shoot if needed if the video or audio are not
working]. Como le comentamos anteriormente, por favor asegúrese de que está en un lugar
tranquilo para que nos podamos escuchar bien. No pasa nada si hay interrupciones durante la
entrevista, pero nos gustaría poder tener las menos posibles.
[Platique de algún tema casual para establecer una buena relación con el participante.]:
Usted está aquí hoy para ayudarnos con una encuesta que estamos realizando para el
Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos. Este estudio pregunta acerca la búsqueda y
selección de cuidado infantil para los padres con hijos de cinco años de edad o menores. Voy a
pedirle que complete una encuesta como que si estuviera completando una encuesta real, pero
leyendo las preguntas y respuesta en voz alta. No existen respuestas correctas o incorrectas y
está bien si usted no sabe algunas de las respuestas. A medida que usted vaya leyendo
respondiendo a las preguntas, yo le voy a hacer algunas preguntas acerca de sus respuestas.
Esto nos ayudará a que las cartas y la encuesta sean mejores y más claras.
Debido a que la información que usted nos dará es muy importante, voy a estar tomando notas
mientras estamos hablando [INSERTE SI HAY UN OBSERVADOR: y mi colega también va
a observar nuestra sesión de hoy].
Además, esta entrevista será grabada en audio para que los investigadores del estudio puedan
revisar la grabación más tarde. Aunque yo puedo verlo por cámara, le garantizo que su imagen
no será grabada. Cualquier información que se refiera a usted o a su familia personalmente, tal
como su nombre o la escuela de su hijo(a), no será incluida en nuestro informe y sus respuestas
serán utilizadas únicamente para fines de investigación.
Recuerde que esto no es un examen. Queremos que nos diga lo que usted piensa acerca de las
cartas y la encuesta.
Si en algún momento usted desea detenerse, solo déjemelo saber.
[Si por algún motivo el participante ya no tiene interés en participar, agradézcale por su tiempo
y termine la entrevista.]
Antes de que continuemos, ¿tiene alguna pregunta sobre lo que acabo de decir? [Responda a
cualquier pregunta que pueda hacer el participante.] Ahora, quiero asegurarme de que podemos
empezar ya mismo, ¿tiene los materiales que le enviamos? Adjunto al email que le enviamos


para participar en la entrevista encontrará un cuestionario en formato pdf que dice NHES 2022
ECPP. ¿Tiene el cuestionario abierto en su computadora/tableta? [Si no, dígale que abra el
cuestionario ya que vamos a empezar enseguida. Si ya los tienen, dele las gracias y hágales saber que
los vamos a usar enseguida].
[Si el participante ha consentido ser grabado, comience la grabación (con video si aplica). Para
empezar la grabación, haga click en “Record” en los controles de GoToMeeting.]


Mientras esté completando la encuesta, quiero que hable acerca de cómo está contestando las
preguntas. Quiero escucharla(o) hablar acerca de cómo usted llega a sus respuestas para así
entender cómo mejorar estos materiales. Me interesa más saber cómo llega a sus respuestas que
en las respuestas que usted me dé. Para ayudarle a empezar a pensar en voz alta vamos a hacer
un ejercicio de práctica. Un ejemplo podría ser… [Enseñe un ejemplo preguntándose la pregunta y
respondiendo con la técnica de ‘pensar en voz alta’]
Me gustaría que repitiera la pregunta en voz alta y piense en voz alta a medida que decide cuál
es su respuesta.
[Lea la pregunta en voz alta y diga al entrevistado que piense en voz alta]
¿Cuántos vasos de agua tomó usted ayer?
Por favor dígame lo que está pensando mientras me da su respuesta.
Pregunte según sea necesario para obtener información detallada: ¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta?
¿Qué estaba visualizando mientras estaba decidiendo qué responder? ¿Puede decirme más
acerca de lo que usted está incluyendo en su cuenta?
Cuando haya completado el ejercicio: Gracias. Ése es el tipo de detalle que busco cuando usted
me hable acerca de sus respuestas a las preguntas de la encuesta.


Ahora vamos a completar la encuesta. Me gustaría que piense en voz alta mientras decide su
respuesta. Por favor lea en voz alta cualquier cosa que usted hubiera leído para sí misma(o),
como si yo no estuviera aquí.
Recuerde que estoy muy interesada(o) en escucharle hablar acerca de lo que está pensando
mientras decide sus respuestas a las preguntas.


Preguntas Útiles—Utilice cuando sea necesario si una respuesta no está clara o si el
participante está confundido
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Qué significa para usted la palabra [término] en esta pregunta?
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil es recordar [tema]?
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil fue escoger una respuesta?
Dígame lo que está pensando.
¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta?
Usted dijo [respuesta]. ¿Puede decirme un poco más acerca de cómo llego a esa respuesta?
[En respuesta a las acciones o comentarios del entrevistado]: Por favor, dígame que sucedió.
Dígame que estaba usted haciendo.
[Si nota alguna señal visual, como cejas fruncidas o una expresión de confusión]: Dígame lo que
está pensando
[Si nota alguna señal visual o auditiva que indica confusión como pasar páginas o leer de nuevo
una pregunta anterior antes de contestar a la pregunta]: Por favor, dígame que sucedió. Dígame
que estaba usted haciendo.
Instrucciones generales de observación para el entrevistador: Se ha revisado el formato del
cuestionario. Ponga atención a cualquier gesto o comentario del participante que indique confusión
debido al formato del cuestionario. Por favor anote cualquier reacción a este nuevo formato a medida
que el participante completa el cuestionario, si es que reacciona de alguna manera:
• MAYÚSCULAS en lugar de subrayar palabras que necesitan énfasis.
• Los títulos de las secciones se encuentran en medio de la página en vez de estar en la parte de
• Las instrucciones están dentro de las preguntas en vez de arriba de las preguntas para
aumentar la probabilidad de que las lean. ¿Leen los participantes todo el texto para cada
pregunta? Haga un círculo en el texto que no leen.
• Se han cambiado las etiquetas de las opciones de respuesta para que suenen más como una
frase (por ejemplo, “______ libros” en vez de “_____ número de libros”.
• Opciones de respuesta que forman parte de una escala tienen con una opción de “no aplica”,
incluyen esta última más separado del resto de las opciones en la escala. ¿Ven y leen la
opción “no aplica”? Marque con un círculo si no lo ven/leen.
Hay notas sobre preguntas a las que tiene que prestar más atención, pero no preguntarle al
participante a no ser que esté confundido.
Cubierta: Note si el entrevistado lee la cubierta de la encuesta, incluyendo el texto bajo las imágenes
que incluye el nombre del niño. Anote si no lee ese texto.


Preguntas más frecuentes/Instrucciones: No es necesario preguntar sobre las instrucciones, nada
más anote si el encuestado tiene problemas con ellas.
Instrucciones antes de Q1: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas, nada más anote si el

encuestado intenta leerlas o se las salta para responder a la encuesta. Si empiezan a leerlas o
preguntan si es necesario leerlas, diríjales a la siguiente página.
Q1: Actualmente, ¿cuida a este niño(a) con regularidad un
pariente, distinto a uno de los padres o tutores legales? Por
ejemplo, los abuelos, hermanos, hermanas u otro

[Note cualquier reacción que el participante tenga a
que la pregunta empiece enumerando los tipos de
cuidado sobre los que se va a preguntar.]
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Cómo decidió la respuesta a esta pregunta?
Si sí, ¿podría decirme acerca del pariente que cuida a este
Q2-11: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz
alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo
que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o
alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q12. Este pariente lo/a cuida si el niño(a) está …
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Q13: No es necesario indagar sobre esta pregunta. Deje que
el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que
indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna
inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con otros
Q14. Las siguientes se tratan del cuidado que este niño(a)
recibe por parte de personas que NO son sus parientes, YA


Esto incluye a personas que cuidan niños(as) en sus casas o
vecinos, pero NO incluye guarderías ni programas
Actualmente, ¿cuida a este niño(a) CON REGULARIDAD una
persona que NO es su pariente, ya sea en casa o en otra
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
Si sí, ¿puede decirme más acerca de la persona que no es su
pariente que cuida a este niño?
Cuando hablamos de una persona que no es su pariente,
¿qué entiende usted aquí? ¿Puede darme ejemplos de
personas que usted pondría en esta categoría? ¿Puede
darme ejemplos de personas que usted no incluiría en esta
Q15-25: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q26. ¿Esta persona que no es su pariente lo/la cuida si el
niño(a) está…”
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Q27-28: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q29. Las siguientes preguntas se tratan de las guarderías y
los programas de educación temprana a los que este niño(a)
asiste. Esto no incluye el cuidado que este niño(a) recibe en
un hogar privado.
Actualmente, ¿asiste este niño(a) a una guardería, centro
de cuidado infantil, programa preescolar o
prekindergarden que no sea en un hogar privado?


¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
Si sí, ¿puede decirme más acerca del programa donde cuida
a este niño?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué entiende usted cuando
hablamos de guardería, centro de cuidado infantil,
programa preescolar y prekindergarten? ¿Cree usted que se
refieren a los mismo o a cosas diferentes? ¿Podría darme un
Q30-38: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q39. ¿Alguna vez le han pedido que retire a este niño(a) de
un lugar de cuidado infantil por el resto del día porque
él/ella estaba teniendo uno o más problemas de
comportamiento, como morder, ser agresivo(a), no seguir
instrucciones, ser excesivamente activo(a), ser impulsivo(a)
o tener muy poco o nada de autocontrol?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
40-49: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz
alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo
que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o
alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q50. ¿Cuáles fueron las razones principales por la que su
hogar eligió el arreglo o los arreglos de cuidado o el
programa en el que este niño(a) pasa más tiempo?
Hemos incluido espacio para que usted anote hasta 3
razones, pero puede que tenga menos de 3 razones. Por
favor escriba una razón en cada cuadro.
Cuénteme más sobre sus razones por las cuales eligió este
arreglo de cuidado infantil.


¿Cómo decidió cuántas razones poner en la lista?
[Si lo ve necesario, y si dieron tres razones] ¿tenía usted tres
razones o pensaba que tenía que poner tres razones?
Q51-53: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
[Pida al entrevistado que responda Q54-64 y páreles después
de Q95 para responder sobre las preguntas de esta sección]
Q54. ¿Ha expresado usted u otro padre/madre
preocupaciones a un profesional de la salud, de
educación o de intervención temprana sobre el
desarrollo de este niño(a) (por ejemplo, desarrollo del
habla y lenguaje, socio emocional o de habilidades
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Si sí, ¿podría decirme más acerca de las preocupaciones que
tiene sobre el desarrollo de su hijo?
Q55. En general, ¿qué tan satisfecho está con las respuestas
de profesionales de la salud, de educación o de
intervención temprana sobre sus preocupaciones acerca
del desarrollo de este niño(a)?
¿Cómo decidió su respuesta?
Q56. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud, de educación
o de intervención temprana que este niño(a) tiene alguno de
los siguientes problemas de salud?
¿Hay algo que le hayan dicho sobre la salud, educación o
intervención temprana de este niño que le han dicho y que no
está en esta lista?
[Si marca sí en Q56d] ¿Podría decirme un poco mas acerca de
este impedimento?
Q57. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud, de educación
o de intervención temprana que este niño(a) "está en
riesgo" de tener o tiene un retraso considerable del


En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Q58. ¿Marcó “Sí” en alguna parte de la pregunta 56 o de la
pregunta 57?
¿Le resulta fácil o difícil saber a donde tiene que ir ahora?
Si contestó no a Q58 y Sí a Q54, ¿podría decirme más acerca
de las preocupaciones que ha expresado sobre el desarrollo de
este niño? ¿Ha recibido este niño servicios para una condición
como terapia física o del habla? ¿Se proveen los servicios de
este niño a través de un IFSP o IEP? [Si sí a
servicios/IFSP/IEP] ¿Podría decirme más sobre la condición
de este niño para la cual recibe estos servicios?
Q59. En general, ¿Qué tan satisfecho está con cómo han
cubierto las necesidades de este niño(a) los profesionales
de la salud, de educación o de intervención temprana?
¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta?
Q60. ¿Este niño(a) está recibiendo servicios para su
problema o condición (por ejemplo, terapia del habla,
terapia física, etc.)?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
Si sí, ¿podría decirme más acerca de los servicios que recibe
este niño?
¿Falta algún ejemplo?
Q61. Los servicios que recibe este niño(a), ¿son a través de
un Plan de Servicio Individualizado para la Familia
(IFSP, por sus siglas en inglés) o a través de un
Programa Educativo Individualizado (IEP, pos sus
siglas en inglés)?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta? ¿Qué
quiere decir IFSP y IEP para usted?
Si sí, ¿podría decirme acerca del IFSP y IEP que recibe este
Q62. Pensando en el IFSP, por sus siglas en inglés, el IEP,
por sus siglas en inglés, o el plan de servicios de este


niño(a) a partir de septiembre, ¿qué tan satisfecho está
usted con la comunicación que el proveedor de servicios
o la escuela tiene con la familia?
¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta?
Q63. ¿Afecta el problema de salud de este niño(a) a su
capacidad de hacer las siguientes cosas?
[No es necesario preguntar aquí a no ser que vea que el
entrevistado muestra confusión al responder].
Q64-68: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Anote cualquier comentario que hagan sobre las preguntas
66 y 67 y pregunte si es necesario.
Q69. ¿Este niño(a) vive en esta dirección Y en otra dirección
más (por ejemplo, debido a que los padres viven separados)?
No incluya casas de vacaciones.
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?
¿Qué significa para usted “debido a que los padres viven
¿Hay algún otro ejemplo que piensa que sería relevante
Q70-73: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q74. ¿Se considera usted uno de los padres o tutores legales
de este niño?
[Note si el entrevistado muestra confusión al responder (sobre
todo con el texto dentro de los recuadros) y pregunte si lo ve


Q75. ¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal...

¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
¿Sobre quién cree usted que es esta pregunta? [si el
participante dice”padre/madre/tutor”] ¿En su caso, es usted
esa persona o sería otra persona en su hogar la que debe
responder? [si el participante no lo hace obvio en su
respuesta] Le parece fácil o difícil determinar que esta
sección es sobre usted, asumiendo que es el
padre/madre/tutor legal?
[Anote en esta sección si oye al participante contestar a las
preguntas pensando en otra persona. Pregunte si es
Noté que mencionó a otra persona cuando respondió a la
pregunta (X). ¿Podría decirme cómo decidió su respuesta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué significa “de crianza temporal
Q76-81: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Anote cualquier comentario que hagan sobre las preguntas
80 y 81 y pregunte si es necesario.
Q82. ¿Cuál es el grado o nivel escolar más alto que este
padre, madre o tutor(a) legal completó?
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil le resultan los términos high school y
college? ¿A qué grados educativos cree que se refieren?
¿Prefiere usar otros términos?
Q83. ¿Tiene este padre, madre o tutor (a) legal acceso al
Internet en un celular?
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?


Q84: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz
alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo
que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o
alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q85. Responda las preguntas de esta sección pensando en la
segunda persona que también es padre, madre o tutor(a)
legal de este niño(a) y que vive en el hogar.
¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal ...
¿Cómo determinó su respuesta?
¿Sobre quién cree usted que es esta pregunta? [si el
participante dice “padre/madre/tutor”] ¿En su caso, es
usted esa persona o sería otra persona en su hogar la que
debe responder? [si el participante no lo hace obvio en su
respuesta] Le parece fácil o difícil determinar que esta
sección es sobre usted, asumiendo que es el
padre/madre/tutor legal?
[Anote en esta sección si oye al participante contestar a las
preguntas pensando en otra persona. Pregunte si es
Noté que mencionó a otra persona cuando respondió a la
pregunta (X). ¿Podría decirme cómo decidió su respuesta?
[Take note of any information they give about this person if
they’re not a biological/adoptive/foster/step parent. We’re
particularly interested in how Rs report on other people
living in the household that might care for the child but
aren’t traditional parental figures]
Q86-89: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas.
Deje que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en
voz alta y solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice
algo que indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión
o alguna inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con
otros encuestados.
Q90. ¿Tiene usted acceso al Internet EN LA CASA, en una
computadora o tableta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué dice esta pregunta?


Q91-92: No es necesario indagar sobre estas preguntas. Deje
que el encuestado continúe su proceso de pensar en voz alta y
solamente haga preguntas si el encuestado dice algo que
indique un problema potencial, o si hay confusión o alguna
inconsistencia en la interpretación comparado con otros


¿Hay algo más sobre lo que le gustaría hablar acerca de estos materiales? ¿Hay algo acerca de
lo que no ha tenido oportunidad de hablar?


Hemos terminado. Gracias por ayudarnos. La información que nos ha dado será muy útil para
mejorar la encuesta.
[Instrucciones para el entrevistador: Pare la grabación. Agradezca al entrevistado por su
tiempo y su ayuda y recuérdele que le enviaremos [una tarjeta electrónica de regalo de $40] que
llegará en unos 10 días hábiles.] Si no recibe la tarjeta regalo en 10 días hábiles llame por favor
envíe un email a [email protected]. Luego dígales que pueden salir de la llamada haciendo clic en
la “X” roja en la parte de arriba a la derecha de la pantalla.]


Appendix D. Questionnaires
Round 1



Thank you for helping us with this survey. Based on the information we received from your household in your last
survey, we’re asking you to complete this
final step by answering some questions
about the education of [Child’s Name].


Approval Expires XX/XX/XXXX



i These questions should be filled in by a parent or guardian who knows about:

Please answer all the survey questions thinking about this child or youth.
i To answer a question, simply mark

the box that best represents your answer.

i Please use a black or blue pen, if available, to complete the survey.
i There are arrows and instructions to GO TO a question number beside some response options.

These will help you move through the survey to questions that are appropriate for you.

GO TO question 9

i Please return the completed survey using the postage-paid envelope provided.



Child’s Schooling



 Child has not yet started kindergarten

 Full-day kindergarten

 3rd grade

 7th grade

 11th grade

 Partial-day kindergarten

 4th grade

 8th grade

 12th grade

 1st grade

 5th grade

 9th grade

 2nd grade

 6th grade

 10th grade



ONE box for each item below.



GO TO question 4


GO TO question 31 on page 10







Child’s Homeschooling

9. Is this child enrolled in any online, virtual, or cyber
Do not include courses that use the Internet only for
selected assignments.

4. Some parents decide to educate their children at
home rather than send them to a public or private
school located in a physical building.

 Yes, all the child’s courses are online, virtual, or

Is this child being schooled at home INSTEAD of
at school for at least SOME classes or subjects?

 Yes, about half or more than half of the child’s courses are online, virtual, or cyber


 Yes, less than half of the child’s courses are online,
virtual, or cyber

GO TO question 31

Which of the following statements best describes
your homeschooling arrangement for this child?

 No, none of this
child’s courses are
online, virtual, or

 This child is homeschooled for ALL classes or
subject areas, which may include co-ops, virtual/
cyber/online courses, and home instruction provided by a private tutor or teacher

10. There are many different reasons that homeschooling parents may choose online, virtual, or cyber
courses for their children. Is this child enrolled in
online, virtual, or cyber courses because…

 This child is homeschooled for SOME classes or
subject areas and is also enrolled in a public or
private school
 This child is NOT
This child is
enrolled in a public
or private school
or all classes
or subject areas

GO TO question 16


ONE box for each item below.

GO TO question 31

6. Is any of this child’s instruction provided by a local homeschooling group or co-op?


This child needed an advanced
course(s) (e.g., Advanced Placement or college courses)?.............


This child needed a specialized
course(s) (e.g., foreign language)?.........................................


This child needed extra help in a
course or subject?…………………


This child’s learning style is well
suited for online/virtual/cyber


You prefer online, virtual, or cyber
courses for this child?...................


We began homeschooling so that
we could enroll this child in online,
virtual, or cyber school?................


Another reason—Specify:

7. Who is the person that MAINLY provides this
child’s HOME instruction?
 Teacher of online, virtual, or cyber school
 Another person - Who is that?

8. Is any of this child’s HOME instruction provided
by a private tutor or teacher?






11. Of the reasons that this child is enrolled in online,
virtual, or cyber courses, which one would you say
is the most important to you?

15. In the last week that this child was homeschooled, about how many hours did this child
spend in online, virtual, or cyber classes?

Write the letter from question 10 for the most important reason your child is enrolled in online, virtual, or cyber courses.

 Fewer than 10 hours in that week
 10 to 24 hours in that week
 More than 24 hours in that week

letter from question 10

16. Which of the following statements best describes the teaching style used to homeschool
this child?

12. Do the following types of schools or teachers provide the instruction for this child’s online, virtual,
or cyber courses?

ONE box for each item below.


This child’s public school or
school district……………………...


This child’s private school………..
A college, community college, or
An online academy or virtual
school or cyber school……………
A company that provides courses
that I can purchase or access for
this child…………………………….
Another K-12 public or private
An independent instructor not affiliated with a school………………
Someplace else—Specify:




 We strictly follow a formal curriculum




 We mostly follow a formal curriculum, but also
use informal learning (e.g., child-led learning,
"teaching moments")
 We mostly use informal learning, but sometimes use a formal curriculum
 We always use informal learning, and never
follow a formal curriculum
17. Since September, has this child participated in
activities with other children outside of your
family who are homeschooled?

13. How many online, virtual, or cyber courses does
this child take?
online, virtual or cyber courses

14. What is the total amount of tuition and fees for all
online, virtual, or cyber courses that this child
Write ’0’ if not applicable.


ONE box for each item below.




19. In this question, we are interested in the physical resources that you use. Where do you get
the PHYSICAL curriculum and materials you
use to homeschool this child (for example,
books, DVDs, or videos)?

18. In this question, we are interested in the ONLINE,
VIRTUAL, or CYBER resources that are used in
your home when a parent is providing instruction
(for example, streaming instructional videos,
downloaded course materials).
Since September, have you used materials from...

Since September, have you used materials

ONE box for each item below.


A public library?..………………...







ONE box for each item below.


A public library?..………………...

A catalog, publisher, store, private
school, or individual that specializes in providing educational materials to homeschooling families?..


A catalog, publisher, store, private
school, or individual that specializes in providing educational materials to homeschooling families?..


(If yes) Is the catalog, publisher,
private school, or individual affiliation with a particular religion or
religious organization?…………..


(If yes) Is the catalog, publisher,
private school, or individual affiliation with a particular religion or
religious organization?…………..


Your local public school or school


Your local public school or school


Free websites (such as YouTube
or Wikipedia)?……………………..


A homeschooling convention?….


A used curriculum swap or exchange event?……………………


Other homeschool families?..........


Other source—Specify:


Organized online, virtual, or cyber
educational resources (such as
Khan Academy or edX)?...............


Other source—Specify:





20. In the past year, have you or another family
member taken any courses, either online or inperson, to help you prepare this child’s home
 Yes, both online and in-person
 Yes, online only
 Yes, in-person only
 No, none of them



23. There are many different reasons that parents
choose to homeschool their children. Did your
family choose to homeschool this child because:

21. Including the current grade and thinking of all the
grades for which this child was homeschooled, for
how many grades has this child been homeschooled?


ONE box for each item below.

total grades homeschooled

22. Mark every grade that this child was homeschooled for at least some classes or subjects,
including the current grade or grade equivalent.


You are concerned about the
school environment, such as safety, drugs, or negative peer pressure?……………...………………...


You are dissatisfied with academic instruction at other schools?......


You prefer to teach this child at
home so that you can provide
religious instruction?.....................


You prefer to teach this child at
home so that you can provide
moral instruction?..........................


This child has a physical or mental health problem that has lasted
six months or more?......................


This child has a temporary illness
that prevents him or her from going to school?……………………...


This child has other special
needs that you feel the
school can’t or won’t meet?...........


You are interested in a
nontraditional approach to
children’s education?....................
You want to emphasize
family life together?.......................

all that apply..

 Homeschooled in kindergarten (Including transiƟonal K and Pre-first grade)





 Homeschooled in 1st grade
 Homeschooled in 2nd grade
 Homeschooled in 3rd grade
 Homeschooled in 4th grade
 Homeschooled in 5th grade
Homeschooled in 6th grade
 Homeschooled in 7th grade
 Homeschooled in 8th grade
 Homeschooled in 9th grade - freshman
 Homeschooled in 10th grade - sophomore
 Homeschooled in 11th grade - junior

 Homeschooled in 12th grade - senior


You have another reason for
homeschooling this child? Specify:

24. Of the reasons your family chose to homeschool this child, which ONE would you say is
the most important to you?
Write the letter from question 23 for the most
important reason you chose to homeschool
your child.
letter from question 23



25. In the most recent week that this child was homeschooled, what subject areas were taught during
his or her home instruction?

26. Does your family participate in the activities or
meetings of a LOCAL homeschooling association,
co-op, or other local homeschool group?

We have provided spaces for you to tell us about
up to 10 subject areas. You may have fewer subject areas to tell us about. Please write only one
subject area in each box.


GO TO question 28

27. Since September, how many times has your family
gone to meetings or participated in the activities of
a local homeschooling association, co-op, or other
local homeschool group?




28. Is your family or someone in your household a
member of a NATIONAL homeschooling organization?



29. Is this child in a military family that frequently relocates?




30. Is this homeschooled child also enrolled in a








GO TO question 31


GO TO question 60

Child’s School

36. Did you feel that you had a choice in what school
this child attends?

31. This question helps to route you to questions appropriate for this child.


Which best describes the physical or online/
virtual/cyber school where this child is enrolled for
the most hours?

37. Does your public school district let you choose
which public school you want this child to attend?
This may include applying to a magnet program in a
public school, transferring to another public school
within the district, or transferring to a public school
outside of the district.

ONE only.

 A public school
located in a physical

question 32




 A private school
located in a physical

 Don’t know

question 35

38. Did you consider other schools for this child?

 A online, virtual,
or cyber school
 This child is
homeschooled only

question 33


GO TO question 40

39. How important was each of the following reasons
when you chose the school where this child is enrolled for most credits?

question 60

If this child is homeschooled, please answer about the
physical or online/virtual/cyber school where this child
is enrolled.

32. Please answer the next questions about the
school where this child is enrolled for most credits. Is it his or her district-assigned school?

a. Convenient location

A district-assigned school is the school that your local
public school district told you that this child can attend,
based on the location of your residence.

 Not at all important
 A little important
 Somewhat important


 Very important

33. Is this school a charter school?

b. Safety (including student discipline)


 Not at all important
 A little important

34. Is this school a magnet school or does he or she
attend a magnet program?

 Somewhat important
 Very important

35. Did you move to your current neighborhood so
that this child could attend his or her current



c. Quality of teachers, principal, or other school staff

h. The religious orientation of the school

 Not at all important

 Child’s school is not religious

 A little important
 Not at all important

 Somewhat important

 A little important

 Very important

 Somewhat important
d. Curriculum focus or unique academic programs
(e.g., language immersion, STEM focus)

 Very important

 Not at all important

i. Quality or availability of special education
(including services for students with disabilities)

 A little important

 Not at all important

 Somewhat important

 A little important

 Very important

 Somewhat important
e. Extracurricular options (including before– and after-school programs)

 Very important

 Not at all important

j. Special facilities (e.g., gymnasium, planetarium,

 A little important

 Not at all important

 Somewhat important

 A little important

 Very important

 Somewhat important
f. Student body characteristics

 Very important

Not at all important
k. Number of students in class

 A little important

 Not at all important

 Somewhat important

 A little important

 Very important

 Somewhat important
g. Academic performance of students (such as test
scores, dropout rates, and so on)

 Very important

 Not at all important

l. Cost

 A little important

 Not at all important

 Somewhat important

 A little important

 Very important

 Somewhat important
 Very important



40. How did you find out about this child’s school?

43. About how many hours does this child attend a
school each WEEK?

all that apply.

 0 hours. Child does not attend a school located in
a physical building

It is in my neighborhood
Family member
Newspaper or magazine articles
State report cards
A school ratings website
Advertisements (television, radio,
online, other)
School or district staff (for example, teacher, administrator, school counselor)
 Other - Specify:

 1 to 10 hours each week
 11 to 25 hours each week
 More than 25 hours each week
44. Is this child enrolled in any online, virtual, or
cyber courses?
Do not include courses that use the Internet only
for selected assignments.
 Yes, all the child’s courses are online, virtual, or
 Yes, about half or more than half of the child’s
courses are online, virtual, or cyber
 Yes, less than half of the child’s courses are
online, virtual, or cyber
 No, none of this child’s
courses are online,
GO TO question 51
virtual, or cyber

41. Is the school this child attends your first choice;
that is to say, is it the school you wanted most for
him or her to attend?
42. Since the beginning of this school year, has this
child been in the same school?



45. There are many different reasons that children are
enrolled in online, virtual, or cyber courses. Is this
child enrolled in online, virtual, or cyber courses











46. Of the reasons that this child is enrolled in online,
virtual, or cyber courses, which ONE would you
say is the most important to you?
Write the letter from question 45 for the most important reason your child is enrolled in online, virtual, or cyber courses.

one box for EACH item below.



letter from question 45

This child needed a course(s) that
is more advanced (e.g., Advanced
Placement or college courses)
than the ones offered at his or her

47. Do the following types of schools or teachers provide the instruction for this child’s online, virtual,
or cyber courses?

This child needed a specialized
course(s) (e.g., foreign language)
that was not offered at his or her
This child needed to make up a
course that he or she failed (e.g.,
course or credit recovery)?.........


This child needed to earn additional credits?................................
This child needed extra help in a
course or subject offered at his or
her physical school?……………..
This child had a schedule conflict
with the in-person courses?......
This child has a physical or mental health problem that has lasted
six months or more?.................


Another reason—Specify:


This child’s private school………


A college, community college, or


An online academy or virtual
school or cyber school……………
A company that provides courses
that I can purchase or access for
this child……………………………






Another K-12 public or private
An independent instructor not affiliated with a school………………
Someplace else—Specify:

48. How many online, virtual, or cyber courses does
this child take?

This child did not have a choice
because online/virtual/cyber
learning is required?......................


This child’s public school or
school district................................


This child has other special
needs that you feel the
school can’t or won’t meet?...........
This child’s learning style is wellsuited for online/virtual/cyber

The school placed this child in an
online course because there was
no in-person teacher for the
You prefer online, virtual, or cyber
courses for this child?...................



This child has a temporary illness
that prevents him or her from going to school?.............................

one box for EACH item below.

online, virtual, or cyber courses
49. What is the total amount of tuition and fees for all
online, virtual, or cyber courses that this child
Write ’0’ if not applicable.





50. In a typical school week, about how many hours
does this child spend in online, virtual, or cyber

54. Since the beginning of this school year, how many
times have any of this child’s teachers or school
staff contacted your household about...

 Fewer than 10 hours in that week

Write ’0’ if none.

 10 to 24 hours in that week


 More than 24 hours in that week


Behavior problems this child is
having in school?.........................


Problems this child is having with
school work?.................................

 Strongly agree


Very good behavior?.....................



Very good school work?................

51. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
"This child enjoys school."

 Strongly disagree

55. Since the beginning of this school year, how many
days has this child been absent from school?

52. Please tell us about this child’s grades during this
school year. Overall, across all subjects, what
grades does this child get?

0 to 5 days
 6 to 10 days
 11 to 20 days

ONE only.

 More than 20 days

 Mostly As
 Mostly Bs

56. Since starting kindergarten, has this child repeated any grades?

 Mostly Cs


 Mostly Ds or lower
 This child’s school does not give these grades

GO TO question 58

57. What grade or grades did this child repeat?
53. Is he or she currently enrolled in any high school
Advanced Placement (AP) classes?

Include the current year.
all that apply.

Advanced Placement is a program that offers collegelevel courses to high school students, with the option
for students to take AP exams to earn college credit.

 1st grade
 2nd grade


 3rd grade


 4th grade
 5th grade
 6th grade
 7th grade
 8th grade
 9th grade - freshman
 10th grade - sophomore
 11th grade - junior
 12th grade - senior


58. Has this child ever had the following experiences?

61. Since the beginning of this school year, has any
adult in this child’s household done any of the
following things at this child’s school?

one box for EACH item below.


An out-of-school suspension……..


An in-school suspension not
counting detentions……………..


Been expelled from school……….






59. How would you describe his or her work at


Attended a school or class
event, such as a play, dance,
sports event, or science fair…..


Served as a volunteer in this
child’s classroom or elsewhere
in the school……………………


Attended a general school
meeting, for example, an
open house, or a back-toschool night…………………….


Attended a meeting of the
parent-teacher organization
or association…………………..


Gone to a regularly scheduled
parent-teacher conference with
this child’s teacher……………..


Participated in fundraising for
the school………………………


Served on a school committee.


Met with a guidance counselor
in person………………………..

ONE only.

 Above average
 Below average

Families & School
60. The questions in this section are about the physical or online/virtual/cyber school where this child
is enrolled for the most hours.
Which best describes that school?
 Homeschool for
ALL subject areas
 Full-time online,
virtual, or cyber
 Any other type
of school

one box for EACH item below.




62. During this school year, how many times has any
adult in the household gone to meetings or participated in activities at this child’s school?

GO TO question 73

GO TO question 63
GO TO question 61



63. During this school year, has your family received
any of the following:



d. Providing information on your expected role at
this child’s school?

one box for EACH item below.

Notes or emails specifically about
this child from his or her teachers
or school administrators?..............

 Very well





 Just okay
 Not very well
 Does not do it at all

Newsletters, memos, emails, or
notices addressed to all parents?.

e. Providing information on how to help this child
plan for college or vocational school?

Phone calls specifically about this
child from his or her teachers or
school administrators?..................

 Very well
 Just okay
 Not very well

64. How well has this child’s school been doing the
following things during this school year:

 Does not do it at all

a. Letting you know how this child is doing in
school between report cards?

 Does not apply

 Very well

65. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with each of
the following:

 Just okay
 Not very well

a. The school this child attends this year?

 Does not do it at all

 Very satisfied
 Somewhat satisfied

b. Providing information about how to help this

 Somewhat dissatisfied

child with homework?
 Very well

 Very dissatisfied

 Just okay

b. The teachers this child has this year?

 Not very well

 Very satisfied

 Does not do it at all

Somewhat satisfied
 Somewhat dissatisfied

c. Providing information about why this child is
placed in particular groups or classes?

 Very dissatisfied

 Very well
c. The academic standards of the school?

 Just okay
 Not very well

 Very satisfied

 Does not do it at all

 Somewhat satisfied
 Somewhat dissatisfied
 Very dissatisfied



d. The order and discipline at the school?

69. How does this child feel about the amount of
homework he or she is assigned?

 Very satisfied

 The amount is about right

 Somewhat satisfied

 It’s too much

 Somewhat dissatisfied

 It’s too little

 Very dissatisfied
e. The way that school staff interacts with parents?

70. Is there a place in your home that is set aside for
this child to do homework?

 Very satisfied


 Somewhat satisfied


 Somewhat dissatisfied

 This child does not do homework at home

 Very dissatisfied
71. How often does any adult in your household
check to see that this child’s homework is done?



66. How often does this child do homework at home,
at an after-school program, or somewhere else
OUTSIDE of school?


 Less than once a week

72. During this school year, about how many days in
an average week does anyone in your household
help this child with his or her homework?

 1 to 2 days a week
 3 to 4 days a week
 5 or more days a week

 Less than once a week

 This child does not
have homework

 1 to 2 days a week

question 73

 3 to 4 days a week
 5 or more days a week

67. In an AVERAGE WEEK, how many hours does this
child spend on homework outside of school?
hours per week

68. How do you feel about the amount of homework
this child is assigned?
 The amount is about right
 It’s too much
 It’s too little



Family Activities

Child’s Health
76. In general, how would you describe this child’s

73. IN THE PAST WEEK, has anyone in your family
done the following things with this child?

one box for EACH item below.

Told him or her a story (Do not
include reading to him or her.)…


Done activities like arts and crafts,
coloring, painting, pasting, or using clay……………………………..


Played board games or did puzzles with him or her………………..


Worked on a project like building,
making, or fixing something.……..


Played sports, active games, or
exercised together………………...


Discussed with him or her how to
manage time……………………….


 Very good





77. Has a health or education professional told you
that this child has any of the following conditions?

Talked with him or her about the
family’s history or ethnic heritage..

74. IN THE PAST WEEK, how many days has your
family eaten any meal together at least once a
Write ‘0’ if none.
days in the past week

75. IN THE PAST MONTH, has anyone in your family
done the following things with this child?

one box for EACH item be-


Visited a library…………………….


Visited a bookstore………………..


Gone to a play, concert, or other
live show……………………………


Visited an art gallery, museum, or
historical site……………………….


Visited a zoo or aquarium………


Attended an event sponsored by
a community, religious, or ethnic
Attended an athletic or sporting
event outside of school in which
he or she was not a player……….






one box for EACH item below.


A speech or language impairment…..


A serious emotional disturbance…….


Deafness or another hearing impairment…………………………………….


Blindness or another visual impairment not corrected with glasses…….


An orthopedic impairment……………


Autism or autism spectrum disorder..


Pervasive Developmental Disorder


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD or ADD…………………....


A specific learning disability………….


A developmental delay……………….


Traumatic brain injury………………...


An intellectual disability, formerly
known as mental retardation………


Another health impairment lasting 6
months or longer………………………





78. Did you mark YES to any condition in question


GO TO question 79
GO TO question 83

Child’s Background

79. Is this child receiving any services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?

83. In what month and year was this child born?

GO TO question 81


80. Thinking about the child’s IEP or services plan,
since September, how satisfied or dissatisfied
have you been with the service provider’s or
school’s communication with your family?

84. Where was this child born?
 One of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia

Very satisfied

GO TO question 86

 One of the U.S. territories (Puerto Rico, Guam,

 Somewhat satisfied

American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Mariana

 Somewhat dissatisfied


Very dissatisfied

 Another country

 Does not apply

85. How old was this child when he or she first moved
to the 50 United States or the District of Columbia?

81. Is this child currently enrolled in any special education classes or services?

If younger than 1, write “0”.


years old

82. Does this child’s condition interfere with his or her
ability to do any of the following things?


86. Is this child of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish
 No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

one box for EACH item below.




 Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano



 Yes, Puerto Rican


Participate in sports, clubs, or
other organized activities…………

 Yes, Cuban
 Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin;


Attend school on a regular basis...

or more than one Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish


Make friends……………………….

87. What is this child’s race? You may mark one or
more races.

all that apply.

 American Indian or Alaska Native
 Black or African American
 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander



Household Members

88. What is this child’s sex?

94. Including children, how many people live in THIS



89. Does this child have Internet access on a cell

95. How are you related to this child?




ONE only.

 Mother (birth, adoptive, step, or foster)
 Father (birth, adoptive, step, or foster)

90. Does this child sometimes live at another address (for example, because of parents living


Do not include vacation properties.





GO TO question 92

 Parent’s girlfriend/ boyfriend/partner

91. If yes, does this child...


Spend the most time at this address?

 Other relationship—Specify:

 Spend the most time at another address?
 Spend equal time at both addresses?

96. Which language(s) are spoken at home by the
adults in this household?

92. What language does this child speak most AT


ONE only.


all that apply.


GO TO question 94



 English and Spanish equally

 French (including Patois, Creole, Cajun)

 A language other than English or Spanish

 Other languages—Specify:

 English and another language equally
93. Is this child currently enrolled in English as a
second language, bilingual education, or an
English immersion program?



Parent 1 Living in Household

101.What was the FIRST language this parent or guardian learned to speak?

97. Answer questions in this section about yourself
if you are the child’s parent or guardian. If you
are not the child’s parent or guardian, answer
the questions in this section about one of this
child’s parents or guardians living in the household.



 English and Spanish equally
 A language other than English or Spanish
 English and another language equally

 Adoptive parent

102.What language does this parent or guardian speak
most at home NOW?

 Foster parent



ONE only.


 Other guardian

GO TO question 106

 English and Spanish equally

98. Is this parent or guardian male or female?

 A language other than English or Spanish


 English and another language equally


103.How difficult is it for this parent or guardian to participate in activities at this child’s school because
he or she speaks a language other than English?

99. What is this parent or guardian’s current marital

 Very difficult

ONE only.

 Now married

GO TO question 106


Is this parent or guardian the child’s...
 Biological parent


ONE only.

 Somewhat difficult

GO TO question 101

 Not at all difficult


 Parent has not tried to participate in activities at


this child’s school or child does not attend school in

 Never married

a physical building

100.Is this parent or guardian currently living with a
boyfriend/girlfriend or partner in this household?

104.Does the school have interpreters who speak this
parent or guardian’s native language for meetings
or parent-teacher conferences?


105.Does the school have written materials, such as
newsletters or school notices, that are translated
into this parent or guardian’s native language?



110.What is the highest grade or level of school that
106.Where was this parent or guardian born?
 One of the 50 United States or the District of

this parent or guardian completed?

GO TO question 108

ONE only.

8th grade or less

 One of the U.S. territories (Puerto Rico, Guam,

High school, but no diploma

American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Maria-

High school diploma or equivalent (GED)

na Islands)

Vocational diploma after high school

Some college, but no degree

 Another country

Associate’s degree (AA, AS)

107.How old was this parent or guardian when he or
she first moved to the 50 United States or the
District of Columbia?

Bachelor’s degree (BA, BS)

Some graduate or professional education,
but no degree

If younger than 1, write “0”.

Master’s degree (MA, MS)
years old

 Doctorate degree (PhD, EdD)

108.Is this parent or guardian of Hispanic,
Latino, or Spanish origin?
 No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
 Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano

Professional degree beyond bachelor’s degree

111.Is this parent or guardian currently attending or
enrolled in a school, college, university, or adult
learning center, or receiving vocational education
or job training?

Yes, Puerto Rican
 Yes, Cuban
 Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish


origin; or more than one Hispanic, Latino, or
Spanish origin

112.Which of the following best describes this parent
or guardian’s employment status?

109.What is this parent or guardian’s race? You
may mark one or more races.


ONE only.

 Employed for pay
or income

GO TO question 113

GO TO question 114

 Black or African American

or out of work
 Full-time student

 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

 Stay at home parent




all that apply.

 American Indian or Alaska Native

question 115

 Disabled or unable
to work
113.About how many HOURS PER WEEK does this parent or guardian USUALLY work for pay or income,
counting all jobs?
hours per week



GO TO question 115

114.Has this parent or guardian been ACTIVELY looking for work IN THE PAST 4 WEEKS?
115.IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many months (if
any) has this parent or guardian worked for pay or
Write ’0’ if none.

122.Is this parent or guardian currently living with a
boyfriend/girlfriend or partner in this household?
123.What was the FIRST language this parent or guardian learned to speak?


ONE only.


GO TO question 128


116.How old is this parent or guardian?

 English and Spanish equally
 A language other than English or Spanish

years old
117.Does this parent or guardian have Internet access
on a cell phone?

 English and another language equally
124.What language does this parent or guardian speak
most at home NOW?

Parent 2 Living in Household

ONE only.


GO TO question 128

 English and Spanish equally

118.Is there a second parent or guardian living in this

 A language other than English or Spanish
 English and another language equally

GO TO question 140

119.Answer questions in this section about a second
parent or guardian living in the household.

125.How difficult is it for this parent or guardian to participate in activities at this child’s school because
he or she speaks a language other than English?
 Very difficult

Is this parent or guardian the child’s...
 Biological parent

 Somewhat difficult

 Adoptive parent

 Not at all difficult

 Parent has not tried to participate in activities at

 Foster parent

this child’s school or child does not attend school in


a physical building

 Other guardian

126.Does the school have interpreters who speak this
parent or guardian’s native language for meetings
or parent-teacher conferences?

120.Is this parent or guardian male or female?


121.What is this parent or guardian’s current marital

127.Does the school have written materials, such as
newsletters or school notices, that are translated
into this parent or guardian’s native language?

ONE only.

 Now married

GO TO question 123



 Never married



132.What is the highest grade or level of school that
this parent or guardian completed?

128.Where was this parent or guardian born?
 One of the 50 United




GO TO question 130

District of Columbia

ONE only.

 8th grade or less
 High school, but no diploma

 One of the U.S. territories (Puerto Rico, Guam,
American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Maria-

 High school diploma or equivalent (GED)

na Islands)

 Vocational diploma after high school
 Some college, but no degree

 Another country

Associate’s degree (AA, AS)

129.How old was this parent or guardian when he or
she first moved to the 50 United States or the
District of Columbia?

 Bachelor’s degree (BA, BS)
 Some graduate or professional

If younger than 1, write “0”.

 education, but no degree
 Master’s degree (MA, MS)

years old

 Doctorate degree (PhD, EdD)

130.Is this parent or guardian of Hispanic, Latino,
or Spanish origin?
 No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano

Yes, Puerto Rican

Yes, Cuban

Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish

 Professional degree beyond bachelor’s degree
133.Is this parent or guardian currently attending or
enrolled in a school, college, university, or adult
learning center, or receiving vocational education
or job training?

origin; or more than one Hispanic, Latino, or
Spanish origin

134.Which of the following best describes this parent
or guardian’s employment status?

131.What is this parent or guardian’s race? You
may mark one or more races.


all that apply.

 American Indian or Alaska Native
 Black or African American
 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

ONE only.

 Employed for pay
or income

GO TO question 135

or out of work
 Full-time student

GO TO question 136

 Stay at home parent



question 137

 Disabled or unable
to work
135.About how many HOURS PER WEEK does this parent or guardian USUALLY work for pay or income,
counting all jobs?
hours per week



GO TO question 137

136.Has this parent or guardian been ACTIVELY
looking for work IN THE PAST 4 WEEKS?

141.Which category best fits the total income of all persons in your household over the past 12 months?


Include your own income. Include money from jobs
or other earnings, pensions, interest, rent, Social
Security payments, and so on.

137.IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many months (if
any) has this parent or guardian worked for pay
or income?

 $0 to $10,000
 $10,001 to $20,000

Write ’0’ if none.

 $20,001 to $30,000
 $30,001 to $40,000


 $40,001 to $50,000

138.How old is this parent or guardian?

 $50,001 to $60,000
 $60,001 to $75,000

years old

 $75,001 to $100,000

139.Does this parent or guardian have Internet access on a cell phone?

 $100,001 to $150,000
 $150,001 to $200,000


 $200,001 to $250,000
 $250,001 or more

Your Household

142.Is this house or apartment…

140.IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did your family ever
receive benefits from any of the following programs?

 Owned or being bought by someone in this household?
 Rented by someone in this household?

one box for EACH item below.

Your state welfare or family assistance program (this may be called
Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families [TANF] or something else)...


Women, Infants, and Children, or


SNAP benefits, also known as Food




Child Health Insurance (CHIP)………


Housing assistance through a voucher or Section 8………………………...

ONE only.





 Occupied by some other arrangement?
143.Does your household have Internet access AT
HOME on a computer or tablet?



146.How far do you expect this child to go in his or her education?

144.How often does this child use the Internet AT
HOME for learning activities?
 Every day


 A few times a week

 Complete less than a high

 A few times a month

school diploma

 A few times a year

ONE only.

 Graduate from high school

GO TO question 146

 Attend a vocational or technical school after high school
 Attend two or more years of college
 Earn a bachelor’s degree

145.Does this child use the Internet for learning activities on...

 Earn a graduate degree or professional degree beyond a

one box for EACH item below.






Cell phone?...........…………………....







147.We would like to identify this child’s school so we can include information about the school in our study.
We’ve listed the schools in your area below. Please select the school he or she attends.

ONE only.

 Lincoln Elementary School, 320 N 5th St., Beatrice
 Paddock Lane Elementary School, 1300 N 14th St., Beatrice
 Stoddard Elementary School, 400 S 7th St, Beatrice
 Eagle Elementary School, 600 S 1st St., Eagle
 Clinton Elementary School, 1520 N 29th St., Lincoln
 College View Academy, 5240 Calvert St., Lincoln
 Elliott Elementary School, 225 S 25th St., Lincoln
 Everett Elementary School, 1123 C St., Lincoln
 McPhee Elementary School, 820 Goodhue Blvd., Lincoln
 Messiah Lutheran School, 1800 S 84th St. , Lincoln
 Randolph Elementary School, 1024 S 37th St., Lincoln
 Adams Elementary School, 3420 N 78th St., Omaha
 Benson West Elementary School, 6652 Maple St., Omaha
 Boyd Elementary School, 8314 Boyd St., Omaha
 Columbian Elementary School, 330 S 127th St., Omaha

GO TO question 148.



STOP. Please return
your survey in the postage-paid envelope.

148. If you found your child’s school in question 147, thank you. If you did not find this child’s school in question 147, please write the name and address in the spaces below to help us identify the school this child attends.

Thank you.
Please return this questionnaire in the postage-paid envelope provided. If
have lost the envelope, mail the completed questionnaire to:
U.S. Census Bureau
ATTN: DCB 60-A (0939)
1201 E. 10th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0001




Approval Expires XX/XX/XXXX

Gracias por su colaboración con esta encuesta. De acuerdo con la información que
recibimos de su hogar en su última encuesta, quisiéramos pedirle que complete esta
parte contestando a unas preguntas sobre la
educación de [Child’s Name].
El Centro Nacional para EstadísƟcas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del Departamento de Educación
está autorizado a realizar esta Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación (NHES por sus siglas en inglés) por medio
de la Reforma a la Ley de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002, ơtulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo
de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide no parƟcipar en
este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser uƟlizada solo con fines estadísƟcos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse
en forma idenƟficable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151). De acuerdo con
la Ley de Reducción de Papeleo de 1995, no se requiere que ninguna persona responda a una recopilación de información
a menos que muestre un número de control OMB válido. El número de control OMB válido para encuesta voluntaria es
1850-0768. El Ɵempo requerido para completar esta encuesta se esƟma en un promedio de 20 minutos por respuesta,
incluido el Ɵempo para revisar las instrucciones, reunir los datos necesarios y completar y revisar la encuesta. Si Ɵene algún
comentario sobre la precisión del Ɵempo esƟmado, las sugerencias para mejorar esta encuesta, o cualquier comentario o
inquietud con respecto al estado de su presentación individual de esta encuesta, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a:
[email protected] o escriba a: Sarah Grady, NaƟonal Center for EducaƟon StaƟsƟcs (NCES), PCP, 550 12th Street, SW, 4th
floor, Washington, D.C. 20202..



i Estas preguntas las debe responder uno de los padres o tutores que sepa sobre:

Por favor responda a todas las preguntas de la encuesta pensando en este niño(a).
i Para responder a una pregunta, implemente marque

la casilla que mejor representa su

respuesta o anote el número (los números).
i Por favor, si es posible, use una pluma o bolígrafo de tinta negra o azul para responder a esta

i Hay flechas e instrucciones que le dirigen que VAYA A un determinado número de pregunta.

Estas flechas e instrucciones le ayudarán a navegar por la encuesta.

VAYA A la pregunta

i Por favor devuelva esta encuesta en el sobre con franqueo prepagado que le hemos




Educación del niño(a)



Pare ahora por favor y llame al 1-888-840-8353
para verificar que recibió la encuesta correcta.

 Niño(a) no ha empezado el kindergarten
 Kindergarten todo el día

 Grado 3

 Grado 7

 Grado 11

 Kindergarten parte del día

 Grado 4

 Grado 8

 Grado 12

 Grado 1

 Grado 5

 Grado 9

 Grado 2

 Grado 6

 Grado 10


Una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.


Una escuela pública localizada en un edificio físico, incluyendo escuela charter.


Una escuela católica privada localizada en un edificio físico


Una escuela religiosa privada pero NO católica, localizada en un edificio físico


Una escuela privada, pero no religiosa localizada en un edificio físico


Escuela online, virtual o cyber de tiempo completo para grados de kindergarden hasta
12° grado


Un college, college comunitario o universidad online, virtual o cyber


College, college comunitario, o universidad localizado en un edificio físico


El estudiante recibe su enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool), incluyendo materias cooperativas de padres para enseñanza escolar en el hogar


VAYA A la pregunta 4
VAYA A la pregunta 31 en la página 10







Educación en el hogar
4. Algunos padres deciden dar a sus niños su educación escolar en el hogar en vez de enviarlos a una
escuela pública o privada ubicada en un edificio.
¿Este niño(a) está recibiendo su enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en vez de en una escuela, al menos para algunas de las clases o materias?

VAYA A la pregunta 31

¿Cuál de las siguientes afirmaciones describe mejor el arreglo de enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) para este niño(a) ?
 Este niño(a) recibe la enseñanza escolar en el
hogar para TODAS las clases o asignaturas, lo
cual puede incluir clases por cooperativas de padres, cursos virtual/cyber/oline, e instrucción en el
hogar proporcionada por un tutor o maestro particular
 Este niño(a) recibe la enseñanza escolar en el
hogar para ALGUNAS clases o asignaturas y también asiste a la escuela pública o privada
 Este niño(a) NO recibe la enseñanza escolar en el
hogar. Este niño(a) asiste a la escuela pública o
privada para todas
VAYA A la pregunta 31
las clases o

9. ¿Está inscrito este niño(a) en cursos online, virtuales o cyber?
No incluya cursos que usan el internet solamente
para tareas específicas.
 Sí, todos los cursos que toma este niño(a) son cursos online, virtuales o cyber
 Sí, más de la mitad de los cursos que toma este
niño(a) son cursos online, virtuales o cyber
 Sí, menos de la mitad de los cursos que toma este
niño(a) son cursos online, virtuales o cyber
 No, ninguno de los cursos que toma este niño(a)
son cursos
VAYA A la pregunta 16
online, virtuales o cyber
10. Hay muchas razones por las cuales los padres que
dan la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool)
a sus hijos eligen cursos online, virtuales o cyber.
¿Está inscrito este niño(a) en cursos online, virtuales o cyber porque…
Una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.


necesitaba curso(s) avanzado(s)
(por ejemplo cursos de colocación
avanzada o cursos universitarios)?


necesitaba curso(s) especializado
(s) (por ejemplo idioma extranjero)?


necesitaba ayuda adicional para
algún curso o materia?


su estilo de aprendizaje le conviene un aprendizaje online, virtual o


usted prefiere cursos online, virtuales o cyber para este niño(a)?


empezamos a dar la enseñanza
escolar en el hogar (homeschool)
a este niño(a) para poder inscribirlo en una escuela online, virtual
o cyber


Otra razón — Especifique:

6. ¿Recibe este niño(a) alguna parte de su instrucción en un grupo o cooperativa local para la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool)?
7. ¿Quién es la persona que le ofrece PRINCIPALMENTE la enseñanza escolar en el HOGAR
(homeschool) al niño(a)?

Maestro(a) de una escuela en Internet, virtual o
por computadora
 Otra persona - Especifique

8. ¿Este niño(a) recibe de un tutor o maestro privado
parte de su enseñanza escolar en el hogar





11. De todas las razones por las cuales este niño(a)
está inscrito(a) en cursos online, virtuales o cyber,
¿cuál diría usted que fue la más importante?

15. En la última semana durante la cuál este niño
(a) recibió la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool), aproximadamente, ¿cuántas horas pasó este niño(a) en clases online, virtuales
o cyber?

Escriba la letra de la pregunta 10 para la razón
más importante por lo cual este niño(a) esta inscrito en cursos online, virtuales o cyber.

 Menos de 10 horas en esa semana

Letra de la pregunta 10

 De 10 a 24 horas en esa semana
 Más de 24 horas en esa semana

12. ¿Proveen los siguientes tipos de escuela o maestros la instrucción para los cursos online, virtuales
o cyber para este niño(a)?

16. ¿Cuál de las siguientes frases describe mejor
el estilo de enseñanza que se usa para la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) de este niño(a)?

Una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.


La escuela pública o el distrito escolar de este niño(a)


La escuela privada de este niño(a)


Un instituto online, una escuela virtual
o una escuela cyber


Una compañía que provee cursos
que yo podría comprar o acceder
para este niño(a)


Otra escuela K-12 pública o privada


Un instructor independiente y no afiliado con ninguna escuela


Otro lugar – Especifique:





una casilla para CADA una de las
siguientes preguntas.
 Seguimos estrictamente un currículo formal
 Principalmente seguimos un currículo formal,
pero también usamos aprendizaje informal (por
ejemplo, aprendizaje dirigido por el niño(a),
"momentos de enseñanza")

Una universidad o college comunitario

 Principalmente usamos enseñanza informal,
pero a veces usamos un currículo formal
 Siempre usamos aprendizaje informal, y nunca
seguimos un currículo formal
17. Desde septiembre, ¿ha participado este niño(a)
en actividades con niños de otras familias que
reciben la enseñanza escolar en el hogar

13. ¿Cuántos cursos online, virtuales o cyber toma
este niño(a)?

14. ¿Cuál es la cantidad total de la matrícula y cargos
para todos los cursos online, virtuales o cyber que
toma este niño(a)?
Escriba "0" si no aplica.





19. En esta pregunta, estamos interesados en los
recursos físicos que utiliza. ¿De dónde consigue copia del plan de estudios y los materiales
que utiliza para la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) de este niño(a) (por ejemplo,
hojas de ejercicios, libros de texto, libros de
ficción o no ficción, DVDs o vídeos)?

18. En esta pregunta, estamos interesados en los recursos ONLINE, VIRTUALES O CYBER que utilizan
en su casa cuando un padre está proveyendo la
instrucción (por ejemplo, descarga continua de
videos instructivos, materiales bajados para cursos).
Desde septiembre, ¿ha usado recursos de...
Una casilla para CADA
una de las siguientes preguntas.

Una biblioteca pública?


Un catálogo, editorial, tienda, escuela privada, o individuo que se
especializa en proveer materiales
educativos a familias que dan la
enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) a sus hijos
Si es que sí, ¿está el catálogo, editorial, escuela privada o individuo
afiliado con alguna religión u organización religiosa?






Desde septiembre, ¿ha usado recursos de...





Una casilla para CADA una de las
siguientes preguntas.


Su escuela pública local o distrito
Sitios gratuitos del internet (como
YouTube o Wikipedia)?
Sitios de recursos educativos online (como Khan Academy o edX?)
Otra Fuente – Especifique:

Una biblioteca pública?
Un catálogo, editorial, tienda, escuela privada, o individuo que se
especializa en proveer materiales
educativos a familias que educan
en el hogar (homeschool) a sus
Si es que sí, ¿está el catálogo,
editorial, escuela privada o individuo afiliado con alguna religión o
organización religiosa?


Su escuela pública local o distrito


Un congreso de enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool)?


Un intercambio de currículo?


Otras familias que dan la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) a sus hijos?
Otra fuente? – Especifique:


20. En el año pasado, ¿ha recibido usted o algún
otro miembro de su familia algún curso, ya sea
por internet o en persona, para ayudarle a preparar la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) de este niño(a)?
 Sí, tanto por Internet como en persona
 Sí, por Internet solamente
 Sí, en persona solamente
 No, ninguno



23. Hay muchas razones por las cuales los padres
eligen la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) para sus hijos. ¿Eligió su familia
la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool)
para este niño(a) porque:

21. Incluyendo el grado actual, y pensando en todos
los grados en los que este niño(a) ha recibido la
enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool),
¿para cuántos grados recibió este niño(a) la enseñanza escolar en hogar (homeschool)?

Una casilla para CADA una de las
siguientes preguntas.

número total de grados en enseñanza escolar
en el hogar (homeschool)


Le preocupa el ambiente en la escuela, como la seguridad, las drogas o la influencia negativa de
otros alumnos?


Está insatisfecho con la instrucción
académica en otras escuelas?


Prefiere educar a este niño(a) en
casa para poder ofrecerle instrucción religiosa?


Prefiere educar a este niño(a) en
casa para poder ofrecerle instrucción moral?

 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
2o grado


 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
3er grado

Este niño(a) tiene un problema físico o mental que ha durado seis
meses o más?


Este niño(a) tiene una enfermedad
temporal que le impide asistir a la


Este niño(a) tiene alguna otra necesidad especial que usted siente que
la escuela no puede o no va a satisfacer?
Usted está interesado(a) en un enfoque no tradicional hacia la educación de los niño(a)s?
Quiere enfatizar la vida familiar juntos?

22. Pensando en los niveles típicos de grados, ¿para
qué grados recibió este niño(a) enseñanza escolar
en el hogar (homeschool), al menos para algunas
clases o asignaturas?





todas las que correspondan..

 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
kindergarten (incluyendo kindergarten de transición y
Pre-primer grado)
 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
1er grado

 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
in 4o grado
 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
5o grado
 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en


 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
7º grado


 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
8º grado


 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
9º grado - freshman
 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
10º grado - sophomore

Usted tiene otra razón para la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) a su niño(a)? - Especifique:

24. Entre las razones por las cuales su familia decidió dar la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) a este niño(a), ¿cuál diría usted
que fue la más importante?

 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
11º grado- junior
 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
12º grado - senior

Escriba la letra de la pregunra 23 para la razón
más importante por la cual usted eligió la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) para
su hijo(a).
letra de la pregunta 23


25. En la semana más reciente en la cual este niño(a)
recibió su enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool), ¿qué materias se enseñaron durante la instrucción en el hogar?

26. ¿Participa su familia en las actividades o reuniones
de una asociación local de enseñanza escolar en el
hogar (homeschool), cooperativa u otro grupo local
de enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool)?

Hemos otorgado espacio para que anote hasta 10
materias. Tal vez tenga menos de 10 materias. Escriba solamente una materia en cada espacio.


VAYA A la pregunta 28

27. Desde septiembre, ¿cuántas veces ha ido su familia a reuniones o participado en actividades de una
asociación local de enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool), cooperativa u otro grupo local de
enseñanza escolar en el hogar?




28. ¿Es su familia o alguien en su hogar miembro de
una organización nacional de enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool)?



29. ¿Es este niño(a) parte de una familia militar que se
traslada frecuentemente?



30. Este niño(a) que recibe la enseñanza escolar en el
hogar (homeschool), ¿está también inscrito(a) en
una escuela?







VAYA A la pregunta 31


VAYA A la pregunta 60

Escuela del niño(a)

36. ¿Siente que usted tuvo opciones en decidir qué
escuela asistiría este niño(a)?

31. Esta pregunta sirve para dirigirle a las preguntas
que son apropiadas para este niño(a).


¿Cuál describe mejor la escuela física u online,
virtual o cyber donde este niño(a) está inscrito
para la mayor parte del tiempo?

37. ¿Le permite su distrito escolar público escoger a
qué escuela pública usted desea que este niño(a)
Esto puede incluir solicitar la admisión a un programa
“magnet” en una escuela pública, transferirse a otra
escuela pública dentro del distrito o transferirse a una
escuela pública fuera del distrito .

UNA SOLA respuesta.

 Una escuela pública que
localizada en un edificio

pregunta 32

 Una escuela privada localizada en un edificio físico

pregunta 35

 Una escuela online, virtual o
 Este niño(a) recibe la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) solamente

 No lo sé
pregunta 33

38. ¿Consideró otras escuelas para este niño(a)?

pregunta 60


VAYA A la pregunta 40

39. ¿Qué tan importante fue cada una de las siguientes razones cuando escogió la escuela donde este
niño(a) está inscrito(a) para la mayoría de sus créditos?

32. Conteste por favor las siguientes preguntas acerca de la escuela donde este niño(a) está inscrito
para la mayoría de sus créditos. ¿Es esta la escuela designada por su distrito escolar?

Si este niño(a) recibe la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool), conteste por favor acerca escuela
física u online, virtual o cyber donde este niño(a) está

Una escuela designada por un distrito es aquella que
su distrito escolar público le indicó que este niño(a)
puede asistir de acuerdo con la ubicación de su domicilio .

a. Local conveniente


 No fue importante

33. ¿Es esta escuela una escuela chárter?

 Muy poco importante


 Algo importante
 Muy importante

34. ¿Es esta escuela una escuela especializada
(magnet) o asiste este niño(a) a un programa especializado (magnet program)?

b. Seguridad (incluyendo la disciplina de los estudiantes)

 No fue importante


 Muy poco importante

35. ¿Se mudó usted a su vecindario actual para que
este niño(a) pudiera asistir a su escuela actual?

 Algo importante
 Muy importante




c. Calidad de los maestros, el director u otro personal de la escuela

h. La orientación religiosa de la escuela

 La escuela de este niño no es religiosa

 No fue importante
 Muy poco importante

 No fue importante

 Algo importante

 Muy poco importante

 Muy importante

 Algo importante
 Muy importante

d. Enfoque del currículo o programas académicos
especiales (por ejemplo, inmersión lingüística,
concentración en STEM (ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería, y matemáticas))

i. Calidad o disponibilidad de educación especial
(incluyendo servicios para estudiantes con discapacidades)

 No fue importante

 No fue importante

 Muy poco importante

 Muy poco importante

 Algo importante

 Algo importante

 Muy importante

 Muy importante
e. Opciones extracurriculares (incluyendo programas
para antes o después del día escolar)

j. Instalaciones especiales (por ejemplo, gimnasio,
planetario, biblioteca)

 No fue importante

 No fue importante

 Muy poco importante

 Muy poco importante

 Algo importante

 Algo importante

 Muy importante

 Muy importante
f. Características del alumnado
k. Cantidad de estudiantes en las clases

 No fue importante

 No fue importante

 Muy poco importante

 Muy poco importante

 Algo importante

 Algo importante

 Muy importante

 Muy importante
g. Rendimiento académico de los estudiantes (como
resultados en exámenes, tasas de deserción, etcétera)

l. Costo

 No fue importante

 No fue importante

 Muy poco importante

 Muy poco importante

 Algo importante

 Algo importante

 Muy importante

 Muy importante



40. ¿Como descubrió la escuela de este niño(a)?

43. ¿Aproximadamente cuantas horas a la SEMANA
asiste a una escuela este niño(a)?

todas las que correspondan.

 0 horas. La escuela de este niño(a) no está localizada en un edificio físico
 de 1 a 10 horas
 de 11 a 25 horas
 Más de 25 horas

Está localizada en mi vecindad
Periódico o artículo en una revista
Calificaciones estatales
Un sitio del internet con calificaciones de la escuela
Propagandas (televisión, radio, online, otro)
Personal de la escuela o distrito escolar (Por
ejemplo, maestro, administrador, consejero escolar)
Otro - Especifique:

44. ¿Este niño(a) está matriculado(a) en algún curso
por online, virtual o cyber?
No incluya los cursos en los que se usa Internet
solo para tareas específicas.
 Sí, todos los cursos del niño(a) son online, virtuales o cyber
 Sí, más o menos la mitad o más de la mitad de
los cursos del niño(a) son online, virtuales o cyber
 Sí, menos de la mitad de los cursos del niño(a)
son online, virtuales o cyber
 No, ninguno de los
cursos de
VAYA A la pregunta 51
este niño(a) son
online, virtuales o cyber

41. ¿Es la escuela a la que asiste este niño(a) su primera opción, es decir, la escuela a la que usted
más quería que asistiera?
42. Desde el comienzo de este año escolar, ¿ha estado este niño(a) en la misma escuela?



45. Hay muchas razones diferentes por las cuales los
niños se inscriben en cursos online, virtuales o
cyber. Este niño(a) esta inscrito en cursos por internet, virtuales o por computadora porque…
una casilla para CADA una
de las siguientes preguntas







Este niño(a) necesitaba un curso(s)
más avanzado(s) (por ejemplo, Advanced Placement o cursos de universidad) que los cursos ofrecidos
por su escuela
Este niño(a) necesitaba un curso(s)
especializado(s) (por ejemplo, idioma extranjero) no ofrecido por su
escuela física




Escriba la letra de la pregunta 45 para la razón
más importante por la cuál este niño(a) está inscrito en cursos online, virtuales o cyber.
letra de la pregunta 45.
47. Proveen los siguientes tipos de escuela o maestros la instrucción para los cursos online, virtuales o cyber para este niño(a)?
una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.

Este niño(a) necesitaba completar
un curso que aplazó (por ejemplo,
recuperación de curso o recuperación de crédito)


La escuela pública o el distrito
escolar de este niño(a)


La escuela privada de este niño(a)


Una universidad o college comunitario

Este niño(a) tenía un conflicto de
horario con el curso en persona
Este niño(a) tiene un problema de
salud físico o mental que ha durado
6 meses o más


Un instituto online, una escuela
virtual o una escuela cyber
Una compañía que provee cursos
que yo podría comprar o acceder
para este niño(a)

Este niño(a) tiene una enfermedad
temporal que le impide ir a la escuela


Este niño(a) necesitaba ganar créditos adicionales
Este niño(a) necesitaba ayuda extra
en un curso o materia ofrecido en
su escuela física


Este niño(a) tiene otras necesidades
especiales que usted siente que la
escuela no puede o no va a cumplir


El estilo de aprendizaje de este niño
(a) le conviene a un aprendizaje por
internet, virtual o por computadora


Este niño(a) no tuvo opción porque
el aprendizaje por internet, virtual o
por computadora es obligatorio


La escuela puso a este niño(a) en un
curso online porque no había maestro para enseñar ese curso


Usted prefiere cursos por internet,
virtuales o por computadora para
este niño(a)
Otro - Especifique:



46. De todas las razones por las cuales este niño(a)
está inscrito en cursos online, virtuales o cyber,
¿cuál diría usted que fue la más importante?







Otra escuela K-12 pública o privada
Un instructor independiente y no
afiliado con ninguna escuela
Otro lugar – Especifique:

48. ¿Cuántos cursos online, virtuales o cyber toma
este niño(a)?
cursos online, virtuales o cyber
49. ¿Cuál es la cantidad total de la matrícula y cargos
para todas las clases online, virtuales o cyber que
toma este niño(a)?
Escriba "0" si no aplica .






50. En una semana escolar típica, ¿Cuántas horas pasa este niño(a) en clases online, virtuales o cyber?

54. Desde el comienzo de este año escolar, ¿cuántas
veces se ha comunicado la escuela o alguno de
los maestros de este niño(a) con un adulto en su
hogar respecto a lo siguiente...

 Menos de 10 horas
 de 10 a 24 horas
 Más de 24 horas

Escriba ’0’ si es nunca.

51. ¿Qué tan de acuerdo o en desacuerdo está usted
con la siguiente frase?


"este niño(a) disfruta de la escuela."

Muy de acuerdo
De acuerdo
En desacuerdo
Muy en desacuerdo

52. Por favor cuéntenos acerca de las calificaciones o
notas de este niño(a) durante este año escolar. En
general, en todas las asignaturas, ¿qué calificaciones o notas obtiene este niño(a)?


Problemas de comportamiento
que este niño(a) está teniendo en
la escuela


Problemas que este niño(a) está
teniendo con las tareas o trabajo


Muy buen comportamiento


Muy buen trabajo escolar

55. Desde el comienzo del año escolar, ¿Cuántos días
escolares ha faltado este niño(a)?

UNA SOLA respuesta.

 0 a 5 días

Casi siempre A
Casi siempre B
Casi siempre C
Casi siempre D o menos
La escuela de este niño(a) no da estas calificaciones

 6 a 10 días
 11 a 20 días
 Más de 20 días
56. Desde que comenzó el kindergarten, ¿ha repetido
este niño(a) algún grado ?

53. ¿Está este niño(a) inscrito en algún curso avanzado llamado Colocación Avanzada (Advanced Placement o AP en inglés) en la secundaria?


VAYA A la pregunta 58

57. ¿Qué grado o grados repitió?

Colocación Avanzada es un programa que ofrece cursos de nivel universitario a los estudiantes de high
school, con la opción de que estos estudiantes puedan tomar el examen AP para recibir créditos universitarios.

Incluya el año escolar actual.




todas las que correspondan.

1er grado
2º grado
3er grado
4º grado
5º grado
6º grado
7º grado
8º grado
9º - freshman
10º - sophomore
11º - junior
12º - senior

58. ¿Ha tenido este niño(a) alguna vez las siguientes

una casilla para CADA artículo abajo .


Suspensión fuera de la escuela


Suspensión en la escuela sin
contar detenciones, en que tuvo
que quedarse después de clases
como castigo
Ha sido expulsado(a) de la escuela


61. Desde el comienzo de este año escolar, ¿algún
adulto en el hogar ha hecho alguna de las siguientes cosas en la escuela de este niño?





una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.



59. ¿Cómo describiría el desempeño de este niño(a)
en la escuela?
UNA SOLA respuesta.
 Menos del promedio

Asistió a una reunión general
de la escuela, por ejemplo,
open house o una noche de
regreso a la escuela


Asistió a una reunión de la
organización o asociación de
padres y maestros


Fue a una reunión programada
periódicamente por el padre y
el maestro con este niño(a)


Participó en la recolección de
fondos para la escuela


Participó en un comité escolar


Se reunió en persona con un
consejero de la escuela


Familias y escuela
60. Las preguntas en esta sección se tratan de la escuela física o la escuela online, virtual o cyber
donde este niño(a) está inscrito la mayor cantidad
de horas.



Asistió a una actividad de la
escuela o clase, como una
obra de teatro, baile, evento
deportivo o feria de ciencias
Prestó servicios voluntarios en
la clase de este niño(a) o en
otro lugar de la escuela


 Más del promedio



62. Durante este año escolar, ¿cuántas veces ha asistido algún adulto del hogar a las reuniones o ha
participado en las actividades en la escuela de
este niño(a)?

¿Cuál describe mejor a esa escuela?
 Enseñanza escoVAYA A la pregunta 73
lar en el hogar (homeschool)
para TODAS sus materias
 Internet, virVAYA A la pregunta 63
tual o por
computadora de tiempo completo
 Ninguno de los dos,
cualquier otro
VAYA A la pregunta 61
tipo de escuela




63. Durante este año escolar, ¿ha recibido su familia
cualquiera de los siguientes?

d. Darle información sobre lo que se espera de
usted en la escuela de este niño(a)

una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.


¿Notas o correos electrónicos de
maestros o administradores de la
escuela específicamente sobre
este niño(a)?
¿Boletines, memorandos, correos
electrónicos o notificaciones enviados a todos los padres?
¿Llamadas telefónicas de maestros o administradores de la escuela específicamente sobre este



Muy bien
Más o menos
No muy bien
No lo hacen para nada

e. Darle información sobre cómo ayudar a este
niño(a) a hacer planes para la universidad, college o escuela vocacional o de oficios.

Muy bien
Más o menos
No muy bien
No lo hacen para nada

 No corresponde en mi caso
64. ¿Qué tan bien se ha desempeñado la escuela de
este niño(a) en los siguientes aspectos durante
este año escolar?

65. ¿Qué tan satisfecho o insatisfecho está usted con
cada uno de los siguientes aspectos?
a. La escuela a la que este niño(a) asiste este año.

a. Avisarle cómo este niño(a) le va en la escuela
entre las libretas de calificaciones.

 Muy satisfecho(a)
 Algo satisfecho(a)

Muy bien
Más o menos
No muy bien
No lo hacen para nada

Algo insatisfecho(a)
 Muy insatisfecho(a)

b. Darle información sobre cómo ayudar a este

b. Los maestros que él o ella tiene este año.

niño(a) con las tareas o trabajos escolares.

 Muy satisfecho(a)

Muy bien
Más o menos
No muy bien
No lo hacen para nada

 Algo satisfecho(a)
 Algo insatisfecho(a)
 Muy insatisfecho(a)

c. Darle información sobre por qué este niño(a)
está en determinados grupos o clases.

c. La calidad académica de la escuela.

Muy bien
Más o menos
No muy bien
No lo hacen para nada

 Muy satisfecho(a)
 Algo satisfecho(a)
 Algo insatisfecho(a)
 Muy insatisfecho(a)



d. El orden y la disciplina en la escuela.

69. ¿Qué piensa este niño(a) sobre la cantidad de tareas que le asignan?

 Muy satisfecho(a)

 La cantidad está bien

 Algo satisfecho(a)

 Es demasiado

 Algo insatisfecho(a)

 Es muy poco

 Muy insatisfecho(a)
e. La forma en que el personal de la escuela interactúa con los padres.

70. ¿Hay un lugar en su casa designado para que este
niño(a) haga su tarea?

 Muy satisfecho(a)


 Algo satisfecho(a)


 Algo insatisfecho(a)

 El niño(a) no hace tarea en casa

 Muy insatisfecho(a)
71. ¿Con qué frecuencia comprueba un adulto en el
hogar si este niño(a) ha hecho su tarea?



66. ¿Con qué frecuencia hace las tareas este niño(a),
ya sea en casa, en un programa después de clases o en otro lugar FUERA de la escuela?

 A veces

Menos de una vez a la semana
1 a 2 días a la semana
3 a 4 días a la semana
5 días o más a la semana
Este niño(a) no tiene
tareas o trabajo escolar

72. Durante este año escolar, ¿aproximadamente
cuántos días a la semana ayuda alguien de su hogar a este niño(a) con la tarea?
 Menos de una vez a la semana
 1 a 2 días a la semana
 3 a 4 días a la semana
 5 días o más a la semana

67. En una SEMANA COMÚN Y CORRIENTE, ¿cuántas
horas pasa este niño(a) haciendo tareas fuera de
la escuela?


horas a la semana

68. ¿Qué piensa usted sobre la cantidad de tareas que
le asignan a este niño(a)?
 La cantidad está bien
 Es demasiado
 Es muy poco



AcƟvidades en familia

Salud del niño(a)

73. EN LA ÚLTIMA SEMANA, ¿ha hecho alguien de su
familia alguna de las siguientes actividades con
este niño(a)?

76. En general, ¿cómo describiría la salud de este niño(a)?
 Muy buena

una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.


Contarle un cuento (no incluya
leerle a este niño(a)





Hacer actividades como artes y
artesanías, colorear, pintar, pegar
o usar plastilina

77. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud que este
niño(a) tiene alguno de los siguientes problemas
de salud?

Jugar a juegos de mesa o armar
rompecabezas con el niño(a)

una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.

Trabajar en un proyecto como
construir, hacer o arreglar algo


Hacer deportes, juegos activos o
ejercicios juntos


Un impedimento del habla o del lenguaje


Hablar con el niño(a) sobre cómo
administrar el tiempo


Un trastorno emocional grave


Hablar con el niño(a) sobre la historia de la familia o las raíces culturales de la familia


Sordera u otro impedimento del oído


Ceguera u otro impedimento de la
vista que no se corrige con anteojos


Un impedimento ortopédico


Autismo o trastorno del espectro


Trastorno generalizado del desarrollo (PPD, en inglés)
Trastorno de deficiencia de atención
(ADD o ADHD, en inglés)

74. EN LA ÚLTIMA SEMANA, cuántos días comió junta la familia al menos una vez al día?
Escriba ‘0’ si ninguno.
días en la última semana


75. En el mes pasado, ¿ha hecho alguien de su familia
alguna de las siguientes actividades
con este niño(a)?


Una discapacidad específica de
Un retraso del desarrollo

Ir a la librería (tienda de libros)


Lesión traumática en el cerebro


Ir a una obra de teatro, concierto
u otro espectáculo en vivo


Una discapacidad intelectual, conocido antes como retraso mental


Ir a una galería de arte, museo o
sitio histórico


Otro impedimento de la salud que
dure 6 meses o más


Ir al zoológico o al acuario


Asistir a un evento patrocinado
por una comunidad, grupo étnico
o religioso
Asistir a un evento deportivo fuera de la escuela en el cual él o ella
no era un jugador


Ir a la biblioteca








78. ¿Contestó sí a alguno de los problemas en la pregunta 77?




VAYA A la pregunta 79


VAYA A la pregunta 83

Historia del niño

79. ¿Recibe este niño(a) servicios a través de un Programa Educativo Individual (IEP, por sus siglas en

83. ¿En qué mes y año nació este niño)a?

VAYA A la pregunta 81


80. Pensando en el IEP, por sus siglas en inglés, o el
plan de servicios de este niño(a) a partir de septiembre, ¿qué tan satisfecho(a) está usted con la
comunicación que el proveedor del servicio, o la
escuela, tiene con la familia?
 Muy satisfecho
 Algo satisfecho
 Algo insatisfecho
 Muy insatisfecho

84. ¿Dónde nació este niño(a)?
 Uno de los 50 estados de los Estados Unidos o el
Distrito de
VAYA A la pregunta 86
 Uno de los territorios incorporados de los Estados
Unidos (Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa Americana,
Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos o Islas Marianas del Norte)
 Otro país

 No aplica

85. ¿Qué edad tenía este niño(a) cuando se mudó por
primera vez a uno de los 50 estados de los Estados Unidos o al Distrito de Columbia?

81. Actualmente, ¿asiste este niño(a) a alguna clase o
servicios de educación especial ?

Si fue menor de un año, por favor escriba “0”.



82. ¿Afecta el problema de salud de este niño(a) su
capacidad para hacer algunas de las siguientes

86. ¿Es este niño(a) de origen hispano, latino o español ?
 No, no es de origen hispano, latino o español

una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.



Participar en deportes, clubes u
otras actividades organizadas


Asistir a la escuela de manera ha-


Hacer amigos




 Sí, mexicano, mexicano americano, chicano



 Sí, Puertorriqueño
 Sí, Cubano
 Sí, es de otro origen hispano, latino o español, o
más de un origen hispano, latino o Español
87. ¿Cuál es la raza de este niño(a)? Puede marcar
una o más razas.

todas las que correspondan.

 Indígena de las Américas o nativa de Alaska
 Negra o afroamericana
 Nativa de Hawái u otra de las islas del Pacífico



Los miembros de su familia

88. ¿De qué sexo es este niño(a)?

94. Incluyendo a los niños, ¿Cuántas personas viven
en este hogar?



89. ¿Tiene este niño acceso al internet en un celular?

95. ¿Cuál es su relación o parentesco con este niño



UNA SOLA respuesta.

 Madre (biológica, adoptiva, madrastra o de crianza

90. ¿Este niño(a) vive en esta dirección Y en otra
dirección más (por ejemplo, debido a que los
padres viven separados)?

temporal (Foster))
 Padre (biológico, adoptivo, padrastro o de crianza

No incluya casas de vacaciones.

temporal (Foster))





VAYA A la pregunta 92


91. Si es que sí, ¿este niño(a)...
 ¿Pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en este domi-

 Novia/Novio o pareja de alguno de los padres



 ¿Pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en otro domi-



 Otra relación o parentesco - Especifique:

 ¿Pasa la misma cantidad de tiempo en ambos
92. ¿Qué idioma habla este niño EN EL HOGAR?

96. ¿Qué idioma(s) hablan en casa los adultos de este

UNA SOLA respuesta.

 1= Inglés


VAYA A la pregunta 94

todas las que correspondan.

 2= Español


 3= Inglés y español por igual


 4= Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español

 Francés (incluyendo patuá, creole, cajún)

 5= Inglés y otro idioma por igual

 Otros idiomas – Especifique:

93. Actualmente, ¿asiste este niño(a) a clases de
inglés como segundo idioma, educación bilingüe o a un programa de inmersión al inglés?



Uno de los padres que
vive en el hogar

101.¿Cuál fue el PRIMER idioma que este padre o tutor
legal aprendió a hablar?

97. Si usted es el padre, la madre o el tutor(a) legal
del niño(a), conteste las preguntas en eta sección acerca de usted. Si usted no es el padre, la
madre o el tutor(a) legal del niño(a), conteste
las preguntas en esta sección acerca de uno de
los padres o tutores de este niño(a) que viva en
el hogar.

UNA SOLA respuesta.


VAYA A la pregunta 106

 Inglés y español por igual
 Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español
 nglés y otro idioma por igual

¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal...
 uno de los padres biológicos del niño(a)

102. ACTUALEMTE, ¿qué idioma habla este padre o
tutor legal más en el hogar?

 uno de los padres adoptivos del niño(a)


un padrastro o madrastra del niño(a)

UNA SOLA respuesta.


 uno de los padres de crianza temporal (foster)

VAYA A la pregunta 106


del niño(a)
 uno de los abuelos del niño(a)

 Inglés y español por igual

 otro tutor(a) legal del niño(a)

 Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español
 Inglés y otro idioma por igual

98. ¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de sexo
masculino o femenino?

103.¿Qué tan difícil es para este padre, madre o tutor
(a) legal participar en actividades en la escuela de
este niño(a) debido a que habla un idioma que no
es inglés ?


 Muy difícil

99. ¿Cuál es el estado civil actual de este padre,
madre o tutor legal?

 Un poco difícil

UNA SOLA respuesta.

 Actualmente casado(a)

 Nada difícil

VAYA A la pregunta 101

 Padre, madre o tutor(a) legal no ha intentado parti-


cipar en actividades en la escuela de este niño(a) o


este niño(a) no asiste a una escuela que está en
un edificio físico

 Nunca se casó

104.¿Tiene esta escuela intérpretes que hablan la lengua materna de este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal
para reuniones en la escuela o conferencias entre
padres y maestros?

100. ¿Este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal está viviendo actualmente con su pareja o novio(a) en este



105.¿Tiene esta escuela materiales escritos como boletines informativos o notificaciones escolares traducidos al idioma materno de este padre, madre o
tutor(a) legal?



110. ¿Cuál es el grado o nivel más alto de estudios que
este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal completó?

106. ¿Dónde nació este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal?
 Uno de los
VAYA A la pregunta 108
50 estados de los


UNA SOLA respuesta.

 8° grado o menos
 High school (grado 9 al 12), pero sin obtener el
 Diploma de high school o equivalencia (GED)
 Diploma vocacional o de oficios posterior a high
 Algunos cursos de college o universidad, pero sin
 Licenciatura o grado asociado (AA, AS)
 Licenciatura o grado de Bachelor (BA, BS)
 Algo de educación profesional o graduada, pero
sin título
 Título de Maestría (MA, MS)
 Título de Doctorado (PhD, EdD)
 Título profesional posterior al grado de Bachelor
(médico, dentista, doctor en leyes )

Estados Unidos o el Distrito de Columbia
 Uno de los territorios incorporados de los Estados Unidos (Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa Americana, Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos o
Islas Marianas del Norte)
 Otro país
107.¿Qué edad tenía este padre o tutor legal cuando se mudó por primera vez a uno de los 50 estados de los Estados Unidos o al Distrito de
Si fue menor de un año, por favor escriba ’0’ .

111.Actualmente, ¿asiste este padre, madre o tutor(a)
legal a una escuela, universidad o centro de educación para adultos o recibe educación vocacional o
capacitación laboral?

108.¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de origen
hispano, latino o español?
 No, no es de origen hispano, latino, o español


Sí, mexicano, mexicano americano, chicano
112.¿Cuál de las siguientes categorías describe mejor
la situación de trabajo de este padre, madre o tutor
(a) legal ?

 Sí, puertorriqueño
 Sí, cubano
 Sí, es de otro origen hispano, latino o español;


o de más de un origen hispano, latino o espa-

 Empleado(a) por
pagos o ingresos
pregunta 113
 Trabaja por su
propia cuenta
o no está
VAYA A la pregunta 114
 Estudiante de tiempo
 Se dedica al hogar y al
cuidado de los niños(as)
pregunta 115
 Discapacitado(a) o no

109.¿Cuál es la raza de este padre, madre o tutor(a)
legal? Puede marcar una raza o más de una raza.

UNA SOLA respuesta.

todas las que correspondan.

 Indígena de las Américas o nativa de Alaska
 Negra o afroamericana
 Nativa de Hawái u otra de las islas del Pacífico

113.¿Más o menos cuántas horas a la semana trabaja
este padre o tutor legal normalmente por pagos o
ingresos, contando todos los trabajos?
horas a la semana



pregunta 115

114.¿Ha estado este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal buscando trabajo de manera activa en las últimas 4
115.En los últimos 12 meses, ¿cuántos meses ha trabajado este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal por pago
o ingresos (si es que trabajó)?
Ponga “0” si no trabajó ningún mes.

122. ¿Este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal está viviendo
actualmente con su pareja o novio(a) en este hogar?
123. ¿Cuál fue el PRIMER idioma que este padre o tutor
legal aprendió a hablar?


 Inglés y español por igual
 Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español

117. ¿Tiene este padre, madre o tutor (a) legal acceso
al Internet en un celular?

 Inglés y otro idioma por igual
124. ACTUALMENTE ¿qué idioma habla este padre,
madre o tutor(a) legal más en el hogar?

Otro de los padres que
vive en el hogar

UNA SOLA respuesta.


VAYA A la pregunta 128

Inglés y español por igual

118.¿Hay otro padre, madre, o tutor(a) legal que vive
en este hogar?

 Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español
 Inglés y otro idioma por igual

VAYA A la pregunta 140

119.Responda las preguntas de esta sección pensando en la segunda persona que también es padre,
madre o tutor(a) legal de este niño(a) y que vive en
el hogar.
¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal ...
 uno de los padres biológicos del niño(a)
 uno de los padres adoptivos del niño(a)
 un padrastro o madrastra del niño(a)
 uno de los padres foster del niño(a)
 uno de los abuelos del niño(a)
 otro tutor(a) legal del niño(a)

125.¿Qué tan difícil es para este padre o tutor legal participar en actividades en la escuela de este niño(a)
debido a que habla un idioma que no es inglés ?
 Muy difícil
 Un poco difícil
 Nada difícil
Padre, madre o tutor(a) legal no ha intentado participar en actividades en la escuela de este niño(a) o
este niño(a) no asiste una escuela que está en un
edificio físico

120.¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de sexo
masculino o femenino?

126. ¿Tiene esta escuela intérpretes que hablan la lengua materna de este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal
para reuniones en la escuela o conferencias entre
padres y maestros?

121. ¿Cuál es el estado civil actual de este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal?

VAYA A la pregunta 128


116. ¿Qué edad tiene este padre o tutor legal?


UNA SOLA respuesta.

127. ¿Tiene esta escuela materiales escritos como boletines informativos o notificaciones escolares traducidos al idioma materno de este padre, madre o
tutor(a) legal?

UNA SOLA respuesta.

 Actualmente casado(a)
 Nunca se casó

VAYA A la pregunta 123



132. ¿Cuál es el grado o nivel más alto de estudios que
este padre/madre o tutor(a) legal ha completado?

128. ¿Dónde nació este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal?
 Uno de los
VAYA A la pregunta 130
50 estados de los


 8° grado o menos
 High school (grado 9 al 12), pero sin obtener el
 Diploma de high school o equivalencia (GED)
 Diploma vocacional o de oficios posterior a high
 Algunos cursos de college o universidad, pero sin
 Licenciatura o grado asociado (AA, AS)
 Licenciatura o grado de Bachelor (BA, BS)
 Algo de educación profesional o graduada, pero
sin título
 Título de Maestría (MA, MS)
 Título de Doctorado (PhD, EdD)
 Título profesional posterior al grado de Bachelor
(médico, dentista, doctor en leyes )

Estados Unidos o el Distrito de Columbia
 Uno de los territorios incorporados de los Estados Unidos (Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa Americana, Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos o
Islas Marianas del Norte)
 Otro país
129.¿Qué edad tenía este padre, madre o tutor(a)
legal cuando se mudó por primera vez a uno de
los 50 estados de los Estados Unidos o al Distrito de Columbia?
Si fue menor de un año, por favor escriba ’0’ .

133. Actualmente, ¿asiste este padre, madre o tutor(a)
legal a una escuela, universidad o centro de educación para adultos o recibe educación vocacional o
capacitación laboral?

130. ¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de origen hispano, latino o español?
 No, no es de origen hispano, latino, o español


Sí, mexicano, mexicano americano, chicano
 Sí, Puertorriqueño

134. ¿Cuál de las siguientes categorías describe mejor
la situación de trabajo de este padre, madre o tutor
(a) legal ?

 Sí, Cubano
 Sí, es de otro origen hispano, latino, o español;
o de más de un origen hispano, latino o espa-



UNA SOLA respuesta.

 Empleado(a) por
pagos o ingresos
pregunta 135
 Trabaja por su
propia cuenta
o no está
VAYA A la pregunta 136
Estudiante de tiempo
 Se dedica al hogar y al
cuidado de los niños(as)
 Discapacitado(a) o no

131. ¿Cuál es la raza de este padre, madre o tutor(a)
legal? Puede marcar una raza o más de una raza.

UNA SOLA respuesta.

todas las que correspondan.

 Indígena de las Américas o nativa de Alaska
 Negra o afroamericana
 Nativa de Hawái u otra de las islas del Pacífico

135. ¿Más o menos cuántas horas a la semana trabaja
este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal normalmente por
pagos o ingresos, contando todos los trabajos?
Horas a la semana



pregunta 137

136. ¿Ha estado este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal
buscando trabajo de manera activa EN LAS ÚLTIMAS 4 SEMANAS?

141. ¿Qué categoría representa mejor el ingreso total
de todas las personas en su hogar en los últimos
12 meses?


Incluya su propio ingreso. Incluya dinero de empleos u otras ganancias, pensiones, intereses, alquileres, pagos de seguro social, etc.

137. EN LOS ÚLTIMOS 12 MESES, ¿cuántos meses
ha trabajado este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal
por pago o ingresos (si es que trabajó)?
Ponga “0” si no trabajó ningún mes.

 de $0 a $10,000
 de $10,001 a $20,000
 de $20,001 a $30,000


 de $30,001 a $40,000

138. ¿Qué edad tiene este padre, madre o tutor(a)

 de $40,001 a $50,000
 de $50,001 a $60,000


 de $60,001 a $75,000
 de $75,001 a $100,000

139. ¿Tiene este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal acceso al internet en un celular?

 de $100,001 a $150,000


 de $150,001 a $200,000
 de$200,001 a $250,000

Su Hogar

 $250,001 o más
142. ¿Esta casa o apartamento…

140. EN LOS ÚLTIMOS 12 MESES, ¿recibió su familia beneficios de alguno de los siguientes programas alguna vez?

 es propiedad de alguien en el hogar o la está pagando alguien en este hogar?

una casilla para CADA una de las
siguientes preguntas.

Programa de asistencia social o familiar de su estado (puede ser Asistencia Temporal a Familias Necesitadas (TANF, por sus siglas en inglés)


Programa WIC (mujeres, bebés y

UNA SOLA respuesta.

 es alquilada por alguien en este hogar?





 es ocupada por algún otro tipo de acuerdo?
143. ¿Tiene usted acceso al Internet EN LA CASA, en
una computadora o tableta?


Beneficios de SNAP, conocido también como Estampillas de Comida




Programa de Seguro Médico para
Niños (CHIP, por sus siglas en inglés)


144.¿Con qué frecuencia utiliza el internet este niño(a)
EN LA CASA para actividades de aprendizaje ?
 Todos los días
 Algunas veces a la semana
 Algunas veces al mes
 Algunas veces al año

Asistencia de vivienda a través de
un vale o sección 8



VAYA A la pregunta 146

145. ¿Utiliza el Internet este niño(a) para actividades
de aprendizaje en…
una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.





teléfono celular?





146.¿Qué tan lejos espera usted que este niño(a) llegue con su educación?

UNA SOLA respuesta.

 Que complete menos de high school
 Que se gradúa de high school
 Que asista a una escuela vocacional o de oficios
o escuela técnica después de completar high
 Que asista al college o universidad durante dos
años o más
 Que obtenga un grado de bachelor
 Que obtenga un título de posgrado o título profesional después del título de bachelor



147.Quisiéramos identificar la escuela de este niño(a) para poder incluir información de la escuela en nuestro
estudio. A continuación, hemos incluido una lista de escuelas en su zona. Marque la casilla de la escuela a la
que asiste este niño(a).

UNA SOLA respuesta.

 Lincoln Elementary School, 320 N 5th St., Beatrice
 Paddock Lane Elementary School, 1300 N 14th St., Beatrice
 Stoddard Elementary School, 400 S 7th St, Beatrice
 Eagle Elementary School, 600 S 1st St., Eagle
 Clinton Elementary School, 1520 N 29th St., Lincoln
 College View Academy, 5240 Calvert St., Lincoln
 Elliott Elementary School, 225 S 25th St., Lincoln
 Everett Elementary School, 1123 C St., Lincoln
 McPhee Elementary School, 820 Goodhue Blvd., Lincoln
 Messiah Lutheran School, 1800 S 84th St. , Lincoln
 Randolph Elementary School, 1024 S 37th St., Lincoln
 Adams Elementary School, 3420 N 78th St., Omaha
 Benson West Elementary School, 6652 Maple St., Omaha
 Boyd Elementary School, 8314 Boyd St., Omaha
 Columbian Elementary School, 330 S 127th St., Omaha

VAYA A la pregunta 148.



PARE. Por favor devuelva la encuesta en el sobre con franqueo prepagado.

148. Si encontró y marcó la escuela de este niño(a) en la lista de la pregunta 147, le damos las gracias. Si no
encontró la escuela de este niño(a) en la pregunta 147, por favor escriba el nombre y la dirección en los espacios a continuación para ayudarnos a identificar la escuela a la que asiste este niño(a).

Muchas gracias.
Por favor devuelva esta encuesta en el sobre con franqueo pre-pagado que
está incluído. Si se le perdió el sobre, envíe por correo la encuesta completada a:
U.S. Census Bureau
ATTN: DCB 60-A (0939)
1201 E. 10th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0001




Thank you for helping us with this survey. Based on the information we received from your household in your last
survey, we’re asking you to complete this
final step by answering some questions
about the care and education of [Child’s


Approval Expires XX/XX/XXXX



i In response to the survey you answered earlier, we recorded that the child listed below has not

yet started kindergarten. If this child is attending public or private school or is homeschooled for
kindergarten through 12th grade or equivalent, please call us toll-free at 1-888-840-8353 to let
us know
i These questions should be filled in by a parent or guardian who knows about:

Please answer all the survey questions thinking about this child or youth.
i To answer a question, simply mark

the box that best represents your answer.

Please use a black or blue pen, if available, to complete the survey.

i There are arrows and instructions to GO TO a question number beside some response options.

These will help you move through the survey to questions that are appropriate for you.


GO TO question 9

i Please return the completed survey using the postage-paid envelope provided.



Care Your Child Receives
from Relatives


How old is the relative who provides the most care
to this child?
years old

A parent or guardian who knows the child list below
should answer the survey. Answer all the questions
thinking about:



Is this care provided in your home or another
 Own home

GO TO question 7

 Other home

This survey starts by asking about care this child
receives from a relative, then care received by
someone who is not related, and then care in a
daycare, preschool, or other center.


 Less than 10 minutes

Is this child now receiving care from a relative other than a parent or guardian on a REGULAR BASIS, for example, from grandparents, brothers or
sisters, or any other relatives?

 About 10 to 20 minutes
 About 20 to 30 minutes
 About 30 minutes to 1 hour


 More than 1 hour

GO TO question 20


Are any of these care arrangements regularly
scheduled at least once a week?

7. About how many DAYS each WEEK does this
child receive care from this relative?



About how long does it take to go from your home
to this relative’s home?

days each week

GO TO question 20

8. About how many HOURS each WEEK does this
child receive care from this relative?

These next questions are about the care that this
child receives from the relative who provides the
most care.

hours each week

How is that relative related to this child?


ONE only.


How well does this relative care arrangement cover the hours needed for work?
 Not well


 Somewhat well



 Another relative

 Very well
 Not applicable



10. How old was this child in years and months when
THIS PARTICULAR regular care arrangement with
this relative began?

14. Is there any charge or fee for the care this child
receives from this relative, paid either by you
or some other person or agency?


11. What language does this relative speak most when
caring for this child?

GO TO question 18

15. Do any of the following people, programs, or
organizations help pay for this relative to care
for this child?



 English and Spanish equally

ONE box for each item below.

 A language other than English or Spanish
 English and another language equally

12. Will this relative care for this child when the child


A relative of this child outside your
household who provides money
SPECIFICALLY for that care, not
including general child support…..


Your state welfare or family assistance program (this may be called
Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families [TANF] or something


Another social service, welfare,
child care, or other kind of agency


An employer, not including a taxfree spending account for child
care ..............................................


Someone else ..............................

ONE box for each item below.


sick but does not have a fever? ...


sick and has a fever? ...................





13. How many other children does this relative care
for while caring for this child?





16. How much does YOUR HOUSEHOLD pay for
this relative to care for this child, NOT COUNTING any money that may be received from others to help pay for care?
Write ’0’ if your household does not pay this relative for care.

 1 to 2
 3 to 5
 6 or more



Is that amount per…
 Every 2 weeks




17. How many children from your household is this
amount for, INCLUDING this child?

23. Is this child cared for by a non-relative in your
own home or another home?

This child only
 2 children

 Own home

 3 children

 Other home

 4 children


 5 or more children

24. About how long does it take to go from your
home to this care provider’s home?
 Less than 10 minutes

18. Does this child have any other care arrangements with a relative on a REGULAR BASIS?

 About 10 to 20 minutes

GO TO question 20

 About 20 to 30 minutes

19. How many total hours each WEEK does this
child spend in THOSE other care arrangements
with relatives?

 About 30 minutes to 1 hour
 More than 1 hour

hours each week

25. About how many DAYS each WEEK does this
child receive care from this non-relative?

Care Your Child Receives
from Non-relatives

days each week

26. About how many HOURS each WEEK does this
child receive care from this non-relative?

20. The next questions

hours each week

child receives from someone NOT related to
him or her, EITHER IN YOUR HOME OR SOMEONE ELSE’S HOME. This includes home child
care providers or neighbors, but NOT day care
centers or preschools.

27. How well does this non-relative care arrangement
cover the hours needed for work?

Is this child now receiving care in your home or
another home on a REGULAR BASIS from
someone who is NOT related to him or her?

 Not well
 Somewhat well

GO TO question 41

 Very well
 Not applicable

21. Are any of these care arrangements regularly
scheduled at least once a week?

GO TO question 25

28. How old was this child in years and months when
THIS PARTICULAR regular care arrangement with
this non-relative began?

GO TO question 41



29. Was this care provider someone you already

22. These next questions are about the care that this
child receives from someone who is NOT related
to him or her who provides the most care.
Does this person who cares for this child live in
your household?

30. Is this child’s non-relative care provider age 18 or




36. Do any of the following people, programs, or organizations help pay for this non-relative to care
for this child?

31. What language does this non-relative care provider speak most when caring for this child?



ONE box for each item below.

 English and Spanish equally
 A language other than English or Spanish
 English and another language equally

32. Will this non-relative care for this child when
the child is…

sick but does not have a fever?...


sick and has a fever? ..................






Your state welfare or family assistance program (this may be called
Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families [TANF] or something else…


Another social service, welfare, child
care, or other kind of agency………...


An employer, not including a tax-free
spending account for child care ... …..


Someone else .............................. …..



37. How much does YOUR HOUSEHOLD pay for this
non-relative to care for this child, NOT COUNTING
any money that may be received from others to
help pay for care?
Write ’0’ if your household does not pay this nonrelative for care.

33. How many other children does this non-relative
care for while caring for this child?
 1 to 2
 3 to 5


 6 or more


Is that amount per…

34. Would you recommend this non-relative care
provider to another parent?



 Every 2 weeks

35. Is there any charge or fee for the care this child
receives from this non-relative, paid either by
you or some other person or agency?


A relative of this child outside your
household who provides money
SPECIFICALLY for that care, not
including general child support…….

ONE box for each item below.







GO TO question 36
GO TO question 39




43. The next questions ask about the PROGRAM
where this child spends the most time.

38. How many children from your household is this
amount for, INCLUDING this child?
This child only
 2 children

Where is this program located?

 3 children

ONE only.

 In a church, synagogue, or other place of worship

 4 children

 In a public elementary or secondary school

 5 or more children

 In a private elementary or secondary school
 At a college or university

39. Does this child have any other home-based
care arrangements on a REGULAR BASIS with
someone who is not a relative? Do not include
arrangements at day care centers or preschools

 At a community center
 At a public library
 In its own building, office space, or storefront
 Some other place—Specify:

GO TO question 41

40. How many total hours each WEEK does this
child spend in THOSE other care arrangements
with non-relatives?

44. Does this program teach religious content to the

hours each week


Child Care Centers and Preschool Programs Your Child

45. Is this program located at your workplace or this
child’s other parent’s workplace?
46. Is this program a Head Start or Early Head Start

41. The next questions ask about any day care centers and early childhood programs that this
child attends. This does not include care provided in a private home.

Head Start and Early Head Start are federally sponsored
preschool programs primarily for children from lowincome families.

Is this child now attending a day care center,
childcare center, preschool, or prekindergarten
not in a private home?

 Don’t know

GO TO question 62

47. About how many DAYS each WEEK does this
child go to this program?

42. Does this child go to a day care center, childcare center, preschool, or prekindergarten, at
least once each week?

days each week

GO TO question 43

48. About how many HOURS each WEEK does this
child go to this program?

GO TO question 62

hours each week



49. How well does this program cover the hours
needed for work?

55. Has this program provided any of the following
services to this child?

 Not well


one box for EACH item below.

 Somewhat well
 Very well
 Not applicable
50. How old was this child in years and months
when he or she started going to THIS PARTICULAR program?


Hearing or vision testing……...


Physical examinations………..


Dental examinations…………..


Developmental screenings for
speech and language, social
emotional, or motor skills…….


Medication administration……


Sick child care when this child
is sick but does not have a


Sick child care when this child
is sick and has a fever………..


51. What language does this child’s main care provider or teacher at this program speak most
when caring for this child?
 English and Spanish equally







 A language other than English or Spanish
 English and another language equally

56. Is there any charge or fee for this program, paid
either by you or some other person or agency?

52. About how long does it take to go from your
home to this program?
 Less than 10 minutes


 About 10 to 20 minutes

GO TO question 60

57. Do any of the following people, programs, or organizations help pay for this child to go to this

 About 20 to 30 minutes
 About 30 minutes to 1 hour


ONE box for each item below.

More than 1 hour
53. Would you recommend this program to another
54. Have you ever been asked to remove this child
from care for the day due to one or more behavior issues, such as biting, being aggressive, not
following directions, being overly active, being
impulsive, or having little or no self-control?




A relative of this child outside your
household who provides money
SPECIFICALLY for that care, not
including general child support……..


Your state welfare or family assistance program (this may be called
Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families [TANF] or something else…


Another social service, welfare, child
care, or other kind of agency………...


An employer, not including a tax-free
spending account for child care ... …..


Someone else .............................. …..





Finding and Choosing Care
for Your Child

58. How much does YOUR HOUSEHOLD pay for
this child to go to this program, NOT COUNTING any money that may be received from others to help pay for care?

62. Has this child EVER attended a Head Start or Early
Head Start program?

Write ’0’ if your household does not pay for this program.

Head Start and Early Head Start are federally sponsored preschool programs primarily for children from
low-income families.




Is that amount per…

 Don’t know


63. What is the MAIN reason your household wanted a
care arrangement for this child in the past year?

 Every 2 weeks


ONE only.

 Did not want a care arrangement for this child in


the past year


 To provide care when a parent or guardian was at


work or school
 To prepare this child for school
 To provide cultural or language learning

59. How many children from your household is this
amount for, INCLUDING this child?

 To make time for running errands or free time
 Some other reason

This child only
 2 children

64. Do you feel there are good choices for child care or
early childhood programs where you live?

 3 children
4 children


 5 or more children

 Don’t know
60. Does this child have any other care arrangements at a day care center or preschool on a

65. Have you ever searched for care for this child?

GO TO question 62

GO TO question 71

66. How much difficulty did you have finding the type
of child care or early childhood program you wanted for this child?
 No difficulty
GO TO question 68

61. How many total hours each WEEK does this
child spend at those OTHER day care centers or

 A little difficulty

hours each week

 Some difficulty
 A lot of difficulty
 Did not find the type of child care program I wanted



c. The reliability of the arrangement?

67. What was the MAIN reason for the difficulty finding child care or early childhood programs?

 Not at all important

ONE only.

 A little important


 Somewhat important


 Very important


d. The learning activities at the arrangement?

 Lack of open slots for new children

 Not at all important

 Child has a special need, and could not find appropriate care

 A little important

 Looking for specific hours or schedule

 Somewhat important

 Challenges receiving financial assistance

 Very important

 Age requirements of the child care

e. The child spending time with other kids his or her

 Not at all important
68. Did you have a care arrangement for this child in
the past year?

 A little important
 Somewhat important


 Very important

GO TO question 71

69. What were the main reasons your household
chose the care arrangement or program where
this child spends the most time?

The times during the day that this caregiver is
able to provide care?

 Not at all important
 A little important

We have provided spaces for you to tell us about
up to 3 reasons. You may have fewer reasons to
tell us about. Please write only one reason in each

 Somewhat important
 Very important




The number of other children in the child’s care

 Not at all important

 A little important

70. How important was each of these reasons when
you chose the child care arrangement or program
where this child spends the most time?

 Somewhat important
Very important

a. The location of the arrangement?

h. Ratings on a website?

 Not at all important

 Not at all important

 A little important

 A little important

 Somewhat important

 Somewhat important

 Very important

 Very important

b. The cost of the arrangement?

 Website ratings were not available

 Not at all important
 A little important
 Somewhat important
 Very important



i. Recommendations from friends and family

74. IN THE PAST WEEK, how many times has anyone
in your family done the following things with this

 Not at all important
 A little important
 Somewhat important

a. Told this child a story? (Do not include reading to
him or her)

 Very important

 Not at all
 Family and friends did not provide recommen-

 1 or 2 times


 3 or more times

j. Qualifications of the staff

b. Taught this child letters, words, or numbers

 Not at all important
 A little important

 Not at all

 Somewhat important

 1 or 2 times

 Very important

 3 or more times
c. Sang songs with this child

k. Whether or not the program teaches religious

 Not at all

 Not at all important

 1 or 2 times

 A little important

 3 or more times

 Somewhat important

d. Worked on arts and crafts with this child

 Very important

 Not at all
 1 or 2 times
 3 or more times

Family Activities

75. IN THE PAST WEEK, how many days has your family eaten any meal together at least once a day?

71. About how many books does this child have of
his or her own, including those shared with
brothers or sisters?

Write ‘0’ if none.


days in the past week

76. IN THE PAST MONTH, have you or someone in your
family visited a library with this child?

72. How many times have you or someone in your
family READ to this child IN THE PAST WEEK?
Not at all


GO TO question 74



77. IN THE PAST MONTH, have you or someone in your
family visited a bookstore with this child?

73. About how many minutes on each of those
times did you or someone in your family read to
this child?





Your Child’s Early Learning
and Development

84. Can this child identify basic shapes such as a triangle, rectangle, circle, or square?
No, none of them

78. Is this child under 2 years old; or is this child 2
years old or older?
 Under 2 years

 Yes, some of them
 Yes, most of them

GO TO question 85

 Yes, all of them

 2 years or older

85. Have you or another parent expressed concerns to
a health, education, or early intervention professional about this child’s development (for example,
speech and language, social emotional, or motor
skill development)?

79. These next questions ask about things that different children do at different ages. These things
may or may not be true for this child and that’s
Can this child recognize the letters of the alphabet?


GO TO question 87

No, none of them
 Yes, some of them

86. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with
responses from health, education, or early intervention professionals about your concerns about
this child’s development?

 Yes, most of them
 Yes, all of them

Very satisfied

80. Can this child write his or her first name, even if
some of the letters are backwards?

 Somewhat satisfied
 Somewhat dissatisfied


 Very dissatisfied
87. Has a health, education, or early intervention professional told you that this child has any of the following conditions?

81. Can this child recognize the beginning sound of
a word? For example, can this child tell you that
the word "ball" starts with the “buh” sound?


82. How often can this child explain things he or she
has seen or done so that you get a very good
idea of what happened?
 About half the time


A speech or language impairment…..


Autism or autism spectrum disorder..


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD or ADD…………………....





88. Has a health, education, or early intervention professional told you that this child is at risk for a developmental delay?



83. How high can this child count?
 This child cannot count

89. Did you mark YES to any part of question 87 or
question 88?

 Up to 5
 Up to 10


 Up to 20


 Up to 50
 Up to 100 or more

one box for EACH item below.



GO TO question 90
GO TO question 96

90. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you
with how well health, education, or early intervention professionals have met your child’s
 Very satisfied

95. Is this child currently enrolled in early childhood
special education?

 Somewhat satisfied

Child’s Background

Somewhat dissatisfied
 Very dissatisfied

96. In what month and year was this child born?

91. Is this child receiving services for his or her
condition (for example, speech therapy or physical therapy)?




97. Where was this child born?
 One of the 50 United States or the District of Co-

GO TO question 94

92. Are this child’s services through an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or Individualized Education Program (IEP)?


GO TO question 99

 One of the U.S. territories (Puerto Rico, Guam,
American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Mariana


GO TO question 94

 Another country

93. Thinking about the child’s IFSP or IEP, since
September, how satisfied or dissatisfied have
you been with the service provider’s or school’s
communication with your family?

98. How old was this child when he or she first moved
to the 50 United States or the District of Columbia?

Very satisfied

If younger than 1, write “0”.

Somewhat satisfied
 Somewhat dissatisfied

years old

 Very dissatisfied
99. Is this child of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
 No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

94. How often does this child’s condition interfere
with his or her ability to do the following

 Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano
 Yes, Puerto Rican

one box for EACH item below.




Play with


Go on








 Yes, Cuban
 Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin; or
more than one Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
100.What is this child’s race? You may mark one or
more races.

all that apply.

 American Indian or Alaska Native
 Black or African American
 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander



Household Members

101.What is this child’s sex?

107.Including children, how many people live in THIS

102.In general, how would you describe this child’s

108.How are you related to this child?

 Very good



ONE only.

 Mother (birth, adoptive, step, or foster)


 Father (birth, adoptive, step, or foster)



103.Does this child sometimes live at another address (for example, because of parents living


Do no include vacation properties.

 Parent’s girlfriend/boyfriend/partner




GO TO question 105

 Other relationship—Specify:

104.If yes, does this child...
Spend the most time at this address?
 Spend the most time at another address?

109.Which language(s) are spoken at home by the
adults in this household?

 Spend equal time at both addresses?

105.What language does this child speak most AT


ONE only.

 Child has not
started to speak


all that apply.

 French (including Patois, Creole, Cajun)

question 107

 Other languages—Specify:

 English and Spanish equally
 A language other than English or Spanish
 English and another language equally
106.Is this child currently enrolled in English as a
second language, bilingual education, or an
English immersion program?



Parent 1 Living in Household

114.What was the FIRST language this parent or guardian learned to speak?

110.Answer questions in this section about yourself
if you are the child’s parent or guardian. If you
are not the child’s parent or guardian, answer
the questions in this section about one of this
child’s parents or guardians living in the household.


ONE only.


GO TO question 116

 English and Spanish equally
 A language other than English or Spanish

Is this parent or guardian the child’s...

 English and another language equally

 Biological parent
 Adoptive parent

115.What language does this parent or guardian speak
most at home NOW?



 Foster parent

ONE only.



 Other guardian

 English and Spanish equally

111.Is this parent or guardian male or female?

 A language other than English or Spanish


 English and another language equally

116.Where was this parent or guardian born?
 One of the 50 United States or the District of Co-

112.What is this parent or guardian’s current marital status?


ONE only.

 Now married

GO TO question 118

 One of the U.S. territories (Puerto Rico, Guam,
GO TO question 114

American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Mariana




 Another country

117.How old was this parent or guardian when he or
she first moved to the 50 United States or the District of Columbia?

 Never married
113.Is this parent or guardian currently living with a
boyfriend/girlfriend or partner in this household?

If younger than 1, write “0”.


years old
118.Is this parent or guardian of Hispanic, Latino, or
Spanish origin?
 No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
 Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano
 Yes, Puerto Rican
 Yes, Cuban
 Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin; or
more than one Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin



122.Which of the following best describes this parent
or guardian’s employment status?

119.What is this parent or guardian’s race? You
may mark one or more races.


all that apply.

 Employed for pay
or income

 American Indian or Alaska Native
 Black or African American

or out of work
 Full-time student

 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

 Stay at home parent

120.What is the highest grade or level of school that
this parent or guardian completed?

ONE only.
GO TO question 123

GO TO question 124
question 125

 Disabled or unable
to work

ONE only.

 8th grade or less
 High school, but no diploma

123.About how many HOURS PER WEEK does this parent or guardian USUALLY work for pay or income,
counting all jobs?

 High school diploma or equivalent (GED)
 Vocational diploma after high school

hours per week

 Some college, but no degree

GO TO question 125

 Associate’s degree (AA, AS)
 Bachelor’s degree (BA, BS)

124.Has this parent or guardian been ACTIVELY looking for work IN THE PAST 4 WEEKS?

 Some graduate or professional
 education, but no degree


 Master’s degree (MA, MS)
 Doctorate degree (PhD, EdD)

125.IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many months (if
any) has this parent or guardian worked for pay or

 Professional degree beyond bachelor’s degree

Write ’0’ if none.
121.Is this parent or guardian currently attending or
enrolled in a school, college, university, or adult
learning center, or receiving vocational education or job training?

126.How old is this parent or guardian?


years old
127.Does this parent or guardian have Internet access
on a cell phone?



Parent 2 Living in Household

133.What was the FIRST language this parent or guardian learned to speak?

128.Is there a second parent or guardian living in this


ONE only.


GO TO question 135


GO TO question 147

 English and Spanish equally
129.Answer questions in this section about a second
parent or guardian living in the household.

 A language other than English or Spanish
 English and another language equally

Is this parent or guardian the child’s...
 Biological parent

134.What language does this parent or guardian speak
most at home NOW?

 Adoptive parent



ONE only.

 Foster parent




 Other guardian

 English and Spanish equally
 A language other than English or Spanish

130.Is this parent or guardian male or female?

 English and another language equally

135.Where was this parent or guardian born?
 One of the 50 United States or the District of Co-



131.What is this parent or guardian’s current marital

 One of the U.S. territories (Puerto Rico, Guam,

ONE only.

 Now married

GO TO question 137

American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Mariana

GO TO question 133


 Another country

136.How old was this parent or guardian when he or
she first moved to the 50 United States or the District of Columbia?

 Never married

If younger than 1, write “0”.

132.Is this parent or guardian currently living with a
boyfriend/girlfriend or partner in this household?

years old


137.Is this parent or guardian of Hispanic, Latino, or
Spanish origin?
 No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
 Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano
 Yes, Puerto Rican
 Yes, Cuban
 Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin; or
more than one Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin



141.Which of the following best describes this parent
or guardian’s employment status?

138.What is this parent or guardian’s race? You
may mark one or more races.


all that apply.

 Employed for pay
or income

 American Indian or Alaska Native
 Black or African American

or out of work
 Full-time student

 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

 Stay at home parent

139.What is the highest grade or level of school that
this parent or guardian completed?

ONE only.
GO TO question 142

GO TO question 143

question 144

 Disabled or unable
to work

ONE only.

 8th grade or less
 High school, but no diploma

142.About how many HOURS PER WEEK does this parent or guardian USUALLY work for pay or income,
counting all jobs?

 High school diploma or equivalent (GED)
 Vocational diploma after high school

hours per week

 Some college, but no degree

GO TO question 144

 Associate’s degree (AA, AS)
 Bachelor’s degree (BA, BS)

143.Has this parent or guardian been ACTIVELY looking for work IN THE PAST 4 WEEKS?

 Some graduate or professional
 education, but no degree


 Master’s degree (MA, MS)
 Doctorate degree (PhD, EdD)

144.IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many months (if
any) has this parent or guardian worked for pay or

 Professional degree beyond bachelor’s degree

Write ’0’ if none.
140.Is this parent or guardian currently attending or
enrolled in a school, college, university, or adult
learning center, or receiving vocational education or job training?

145.How old is this parent or guardian?


years old
146.Does this parent or guardian have Internet access
on a cell phone?



Your Household

149.Is this house or apartment…

 Owned or being bought by someone in this house-

147.IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did your family ever
receive benefits from any of the following programs?


 Rented by someone in this household?

one box for EACH item below.

Your state welfare or family assistance program (this may be called
Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families [TANF] or something else)...

ONE only.

 Occupied by some other arrangement?




150.Does your household have Internet access AT
HOME on a computer or tablet?


Women, Infants, and Children, or


SNAP benefits, also known as Food




Child Health Insurance (CHIP)………

 A few times a year


Housing assistance through a voucher or Section 8………………………...


151.How often does this child use the Internet AT
HOME for learning activities?
 Every day
 A few times a week
 A few times a month

148.Which category best fits the total income of all
persons in your household over the past 12
Include your own income. Include money from
jobs or other earnings, pensions, interest, rent,
Social Security payments, and so on.

GO TO next page

152.Does this child use the Internet for learning activities on...

$0 to $10,000
$10,001 to $20,000
$20,001 to $30,000
$30,001 to $40,000
$40,001 to $50,000
$50,001 to $60,000
$60,001 to $75,000
$75,001 to $100,000
$100,001 to $150,000
$150,001 to $200,000
$200,001 to $250,000
$250,001 or more



one box for EACH item below.






Cell phone?...........…………………....





Thank you.
Please return this questionnaire in the postage-paid envelope provided. If
you have lost the envelope, mail the completed questionnaire to:
U.S. Census Bureau
ATTN: DCB 60-A (0939)
1201 E. 10th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0001




Aprobado hasta XX/XX/XXXX

Gracias por su colaboración con esta
encuesta. De acuerdo con la información
que recibimos de su hogar en su última
encuesta, quisiéramos pedirle que complete esta parte contestando a unas preguntas sobre la educación de [Child’s
El Centro Nacional para EstadísƟcas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del Departamento de Educación
está autorizado a realizar esta Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación (NHES por sus siglas en inglés) por medio
de la Reforma a la Ley de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002, ơtulo 20, sección 9543). La OĮcina del Censo
de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide no parƟcipar en
este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser uƟlizada solo con Įnes estadísƟcos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse
en forma idenƟĮcable para ningún otro Įn, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151). De acuerdo con
la Ley de Reducción de Papeleo de 1995, no se requiere que ninguna persona responda a una recopilación de información
a menos que muestre un número de control OMB válido. El número de control OMB válido para encuesta voluntaria es
1850Ͳ0768. El Ɵempo requerido para completar esta encuesta se esƟma en un promedio de 20 minutos por respuesta,
incluido el Ɵempo para revisar las instrucciones, reunir los datos necesarios y completar y revisar la encuesta. Si Ɵene algún
comentario sobre la precisión del Ɵempo esƟmado, las sugerencias para mejorar esta encuesta, o cualquier comentario o
inquietud con respecto al estado de su presentación individual de esta encuesta, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a:
[email protected] o escriba a: Sarah Grady, NaƟonal Center for EducaƟon StaƟsƟcs (NCES), PCP, 550 12th Street, SW, 4th
Ňoor, Washington, D.C. 20202.



i En respuesta a la encuesta que usted respondió anteriormente, anotamos que el niño(a) que se

nombra a continuación no ha comenzado kindergarten todavía. Si este niño(a) asiste a una escuela pública o privada o recibe la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschooled) para kindergarten a 12º Grado (o su equivalente), por favor llámenos al número sin cargo 1-888-840-8353
para hacérnoslo saber.
i Estas preguntas las debe responder uno de los padres o tutores que sepa sobre:

Por favor responda a todas las preguntas de la encuesta pensando en este niño(a).

i Para responder a una pregunta, implemente marque

la casilla que mejor representa su

respuesta o anote el número (los números).
i Por favor, si es posible, use una pluma o bolígrafo de tinta negra o azul para responder a esta

i Hay flechas e instrucciones que le dirigen que VAYA A un determinado número de pregunta.

Estas flechas e instrucciones le ayudarán a navegar por la encuesta.


VAYA A la pregunta

i Por favor devuelva esta encuesta en el sobre con franqueo prepagado que le hemos




Cuidado infantil por parte de


¿Qué edad tiene este pariente que cuida a este
niño(a) la mayoría del tiempo?

Esta encuesta la debe responder un padre, madre, o
tutor(a) legal que sepa sobre el niño(a) que se indica
a continuación. Responda a todas las preguntas de
la encuesta pensando en:


¿Cuida al niño(a) en su casa o en otra casa?
 Mi propia casa

VAYA A la pregunta 7

 Otra casa



Estas encuesta empieza preguntando sobre el cuidado que este niño(a) recibe de un pariente, después cuidado por parte de una persona que no es
su pariente, y finalmente cuidado en una guardería, centro de cuidado infantil, programa preescolar o prekindergarden u otro centro.


Más o menos, ¿cuánto tiempo le toma el viaje de
su casa a la casa de este pariente?
 Menos de 10 minutos
 De 10 a 20 minutos
 De 20 a 30 minutos

Actualmente, ¿cuida a este niño(a) CON REGULARIDAD un pariente, distinto a uno de los padres o
tutores legales? Por ejemplo, los abuelos, hermanos, hermanas u otro pariente?

 De 30 minutos a 1 hora
 Más de 1 hora


7. Más o menos, ¿cuántos DÍAS a la SEMANA cuida
este pariente a este niño(a)?

VAYA A la pregunta 20

días a la semana

¿Se planifica
con regularidad alguno de estos arreglos de cuidado infantil por lo menos una vez a la semana?

8. Más o menos, ¿cuántas HORAS a la SEMANA cuida este pariente a este niño(a)? ?



horas a la semana

VAYA A la pregunta 20

Las siguientes preguntas se tratan del cuidado
que este niño(a) recibe por parte del pariente que
lo cuida la mayor parte del tiempo.


¿Cuál es la relación o el parentesco de ese pariente con este niño(a)?
Marque una

¿Qué tan bien cubre este pariente las horas que
usted necesita para el cuidado de este niño(a) durante sus horas de trabajo?

sola .

 Otro pariente



Nada bien
Más o menos bien
Muy bien
No aplica

10. ¿Qué edad tenía este niño(a), en años y meses,
cuando comenzó este arreglo regular ESPECÍFICO
con este pariente?

14. ¿Hay algún costo o pago por el cuidado que
este niño(a) recibe por parte de este pariente,
ya sea que lo pague usted u otra persona o



15. ¿Alguna de las siguientes personas, programas u organizaciones le ayuda a pagarle a este
pariente por el cuidado de este niño(a)?

11. ¿Qué idioma habla más este pariente cuando está
cuidando a este niño(a)?


 Inglés y español por igual


Un pariente de este niño(a) que
no vive en su hogar y da dinero
para pagar específicamente por
ese cuidado, sin incluir manutención para niños(as)


Programa de asistencia social o
familiar de su estado (puede ser
Asistencia Temporal a Familias
Necesitadas (TANF por sus siglas
en ingles), o algo similar)


Otro servicio social, asistencia
social, cuidado infantil, u otro tipo
de agencia


Un empleador, sin incluir cuentas
especiales para pagos de cuidado infantil libres de impuestos


Alguien más

 Inglés y otro idioma por igual

12. Este pariente lo/a cuida si el niño(a) está …
UNA casilla para cada artículo abajo.



enfermo pero no tiene fiebre?


enfermo y tiene fiebre?

UNA casilla para cada artículo abajo.

 Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español


VAYA A la pregunta 18



13. ¿Mientras este pariente cuida a este niño(a), a
cuántos otros niños cuida?




16. ¿Cuánto paga SU HOGAR a este pariente por el
cuidado de este niño(a), SIN INCLUIR dinero
que reciba de otras personas para ayudarle a
pagar el cuidado del niño(a)?
Escriba ’0’ si su hogar no le paga a este pariente
por el cuidado de este niño(a).

 6 o más




¿Es esa cantidad por…
 Quincena (cada 2 semanas)
 Otro – Especifique



17. ¿Para cuántos de los niños(as) de su hogar,
INCLUYENDO a este niño(a), es esta cantidad?
 Solo para este niño(a)

23. ¿Cuida al niño en su casa o en otra casa?
 Mi propia casa

2 niños(as)

 Otra casa

3 niños(as)


4 niños(as)

5 o más niños(as)

24. Más o menos, ¿cuánto tiempo le toma el viaje de
su casa a la casa de esta persona?
 Menos de 10 minutos

18. ¿Tiene este niño(a) algún otro arreglo de cuidado infantil con un pariente CON REGULARIDAD? .

 De 10 a 20 minutos
 De 20 a 30 minutos

VAYA A la pregunta 20

 De 30 minutos a 1 hora

19. ¿Cuántas horas a la SEMANA en total pasa este
niño(a) en el cuidado de ESOS otros parientes?

 Más de 1 hora
25. Más o menos, ¿cuántos DÍAS a la SEMANA cuida
esta persona que no es su pariente a este niño(a)?

horas a la semana

Cuidado infantil que su hijo(a) recibe por parte de personas que no
son sus parientes

días por semana

26. Más o menos, ¿cuántas HORAS a la SEMANA cuida esta persona que no es su pariente a este niño
horas por semana

20. Las siguientes se tratan del cuidado que este

niño(a) recibe por parte de personas que NO
son sus parientes, YA SEA EN SU CASA O EN
personas que cuidan niños(as) en sus casas o
vecinos, pero NO incluye guarderías ni programas preescolares.

27. ¿Qué tan bien cubre esta persona que no es su pariente las horas que usted necesita para el cuidado
de este niño(a) durante sus horas de trabajo?

Actualmente, ¿cuida a este niño(a) CON REGULARIDAD una persona que NO es su pariente,
ya sea en casa o en otra casa?

VAYA A la pregunta 41

Nada bien
Más o menos bien
Muy bien
No aplica

28. ¿Qué edad tenía este niño(a), en años y meses,
cuando comenzó este arreglo regular ESPECÍFICO
con esta persona que no es su pariente?

21. ¿Se planifica con regularidad alguno de estos
arreglos de cuidado infantil por lo menos una
vez a la semana?

VAYA A la pregunta 25



29. ¿Era esta persona que cuida niños(as) alguien a
quien usted ya conocía?

VAYA A la pregunta 41

22. Las siguientes preguntas se tratan del cuidado
que este niño(a) recibe por parte de una persona
que NO es su pariente y que lo cuida la mayor parte del tiempo.

30. ¿Es esta persona que no es su pariente y que cuida
a este niño(a) mayor de 18 años?

¿Vive en el hogar de usted esta persona que cuida
a este niño?





36. ¿Alguna de las siguientes personas, programas u
organizaciones le ayuda a pagarle a esta persona
que no es su pariente por el cuidado de este niño
UNA casilla para cada artículo abajo

31. ¿Qué idioma habla más esta persona que no es
su pariente cuando está cuidando a este niño
 Inglés y español por igual
 Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español


Un pariente de este niño(a) que no
vive en su hogar y da dinero para
cuidado, sin incluir manutención para niños(as)


Programa de asistencia social o familiar de su estado (puede ser Asistencia Temporal a Familias Necesitadas (TANF por sus siglas en ingles),
o algo similar)


Otro servicio social, asistencia social, cuidado infantil, u otro tipo de


Un empleador, sin incluir cuentas
especiales para pagos de cuidado
infantil libres de impuestos

 Inglés y otro idioma por igual

32. ¿Esta persona que no es su pariente lo/la cuida
si el niño(a) está…”

UNA casilla para cada artículo abajo.



enfermo pero no tiene fiebre?


enfermo y tiene fiebre?




 6 o más

¿Es esa cantidad por…

34. ¿Le recomendaría esta persona que no es su
pariente a otros padres?



 Quincena (cada 2 semanas)

35. ¿Hay algún costo o pago por el cuidado que
este niño(a) recibe por parte de esta persona
que no es su pariente, ya sea que lo pague usted u otra persona o agencia?
VAYA A la pregunta 36


VAYA A la pregunta 39




Alguien más
37. ¿Cuánto paga SU HOGAR a esta persona que no
es su pariente por el cuidado de este niño(a), SIN
INCLUIR dinero que reciba de otras personas
para ayudarle a pagar el cuidado del niño(a)?
Escriba ´0´si su hogar no le paga a esta persona que
no es su pariente por el cuidado de este niño(a).

33. ¿Mientras esta persona que no es su pariente
cuida a este niño(a), a cuántos otros niños cuida?



 Otro – Especifique



Las siguientes preguntas se tratan del programa en
el cual este niño(a) pasa la mayoría del tiempo.

38. ¿Para cuántos de los niños(as) de su hogar,
INCLUYENDO a este niño(a), es esta cantidad?
 Sólo para este niño(a)

43. ¿Dónde queda este programa?

 2 niños(as)


 3 niños(as)

una sola .

 En una iglesia, sinagoga o en otro lugar religioso

 4 niños(as)

 En una escuela primaria o secundaria pública

 5 o más niños(as)

 En una escuela primaria o secundaria privada
 En una universidad

39. ¿Alguna otra persona que no es pariente cuida
a este niño(a) CON REGULARIDAD? No incluya
el cuidado en guarderías o programas preescolares.

 En un centro comunitario
 En una biblioteca pública
 Tiene su propio edificio, oficina o local
 Algún otro lugar - especifique:

VAYA A la pregunta 41

40. ¿Cuántas horas en total a la SEMANA pasa este
niño(a) en el cuidado de ESAS otras personas
que no son parientes?

44. ¿Este programa enseña contenido religioso a los

horas a la semana


Guarderías y programas
preescolares a los que asiste
este niño(a)

45. ¿Está este programa en su lugar de trabajo o en
el lugar de trabajo del otro padre o madre de este

41. Las siguientes preguntas se tratan de las guarderías y los programas de educación temprana
a los que este niño(a) asiste. Esto no incluye el
cuidado que este niño(a) recibe en un hogar

46. ¿Es este tipo de programa de Head Start o de
Early Head Start?
Los programas de Head Start y de Early Head Start son
programas preescolares patrocinados por el gobierno
federal y orientados principalmente a niños(as) de familias de bajos ingresos.

Actualmente, ¿asiste este niño(a) a una guardería, centro de cuidado infantil, programa preescolar o prekindergarden que no sea en un hogar privado?


VAYA A la pregunta 62

 No lo sé
47. ¿Cuántos DÍAS a la SEMANA asiste este niño(a) a
este programa?

42. ¿Va este niño(a) va a una guardería, centro de
cuidado infantil, programa preescolar o a un
prekindergarten por lo menos una vez a la semana?

VAYA A la pregunta 43


VAYA A la pregunta 62

días por semana

48. ¿Cuántas HORAS a la SEMANA asiste este niño
(a) a este programa?
horas por semana



49. Qué tan bien cubre este programa las horas
que usted necesita para el cuidado de este niño
(a) durante sus horas de trabajo?

55. ¿Este programa le ha brindado a este niño(a) alguno de los siguientes servicios?
una sola respuesta para CADA una de
las siguientes preguntas

Nada bien
Más o menos bien
Muy bien
No aplica



50. ¿Qué edad tenía este niño(a), en años y meses,
cuando comenzó a asistir a este programa ESPECÍFICAMENTE?



51. ¿Qué idioma habla más el maestro(a) o la persona a cargo de este niño(a) en este programa,
cuando lo/la cuida?


 Inglés y español por igual


 Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español
 Inglés y otro idioma por igual

Examen del oído o la vista




No lo


Exámenes físicos
Exámenes dentales
Exámenes del desarrollo del
habla y lenguaje, socioemocional, o motor
Administración de medicamentos
Cuidado infantil cuando este
niño(a) está enfermo pero no
tiene fiebre
Cuidado infantil cuando este
niño(a) está enfermo(a) y tiene fiebre

56. ¿Hay algún costo o pago por este programa, ya
sea que lo pague usted u otra persona o agencia?

52. Más o menos, ¿cuánto tiempo le toma el viaje
de su casa a este programa?
 Menos de 10 minutos


 De 10 a 20 minutos

VAYA A la pregunta 60

57. ¿Alguna de las siguientes personas, programas u
organizaciones le ayuda a pagar para que este
niño(a) vaya a este programa?

 De 20 a 30 minutos
 De 30 minutos a 1 hora


 Más de 1 hora

UNA casilla para cada artículo abajo.

53. ¿Le recomendaría este programa a otros padres?


Un pariente de este niño(a) que no
vive en su hogar y da dinero para
pagar específicamente por ese cuidado, sin incluir manutención para


Programa de asistencia social o familiar de su estado (puede ser Asistencia Temporal a Familias Necesitadas (TANF, por sus siglas en ingles),
o algo similar)


Otro servicio social, asistencia social, cuidado infantil, u otro tipo de


Un empleador, sin incluir cuentas
especiales para pagos de cuidado
infantil libres de impuestos


Alguien más

54. ¿Alguna vez le han pedido que retire a este niño(a) de un lugar de cuidado infantil por el resto del día porque él/ella estaba teniendo uno o
más problemas de comportamiento, como morder, ser agresivo(a), no seguir instrucciones,
ser excesivamente activo(a), ser impulsivo(a) o
tener muy poco o nada de autocontrol?






Buscar y seleccionar cuidado
infantil para su niño(a)

58. ¿Cuánto paga SU HOGAR para que este niño(a)
vaya a este programa, SIN INCLUIR dinero que
reciba de otras personas para ayudarle a pagar
el cuidado del niño(a)?

62. ¿Ha asistido este niño(a) ALGUNA VEZ a un programa de Head Start o de Early Head Start?

Escriba ’0’ si su hogar no paga nada por este programa.

Los programas de Head Start y de Early Head Start
son programas preescolares patrocinados por el gobierno federal y orientados principalmente a niños(as)
de familias de bajos ingresos.



¿Es esa cantidad por…

 No lo sé


63. ¿Cuál es la razón principal por la que su hogar quería un arreglo de cuidado infantil para este niño(a)
en el ultimo año?

 Quincena (cada 2 semanas)



una sola .

 No tuvo cuidado infantil el año pasado

 Para tener cuidado infantil cuando el padre, madre

 Otro – Especifique:

o tutor(a) legal estaba trabajando o estudiando
 Para preparar a este niño(a) para la escuela
 Para tener aprendizaje cultural o aprender el idio-

59. ¿Para cuántos de los niños(as) de su hogar,
INCLUYENDO a este niño(a), es esta cantidad?
 Solo para este niño(a)

 Para tener tiempo libre o para hacer mandados

 2 niños(as)

 Por alguna otra razón

 3 niños(as)

64. ¿Cree usted que hay buenas opciones de cuidado
infantil o programas de educación temprana en el
área donde usted vive?

 4 niños(as)
 5 o más niños(as)
60. ¿Va este niño(a) a alguna otra guardería o programa preescolar CON REGULARIDAD?

 No lo sé

VAYA A la pregunta 62

65. ¿Alguna vez ha buscado un arreglo de cuidado para este niño(a)?

61. ¿Cuántas horas en total a la SEMANA pasa este
niño(a) en ESAS guarderías o programas preescolares?


horas por semana

VAYA A la pregunta 71

66. ¿Cuánta dificultad tuvo para encontrar el tipo de
cuidado infantil o programa de educación temprana
que usted quería para este niño(a)?
VAYA A la pregunta 68
 Muy poca dificultad
 Algo de dificultad
 Mucha dificultad
 No encontré el tipo de programa de cuidado infantil
que quería


c. La confiabilidad del lugar

67. ¿Cuál fue la dificultad PRINCIPAL que enfrentó
para encontrar un programa de cuidado infantil o
programa de educación temprana?

 No fue importante
 Muy poco importante

una sola .

 Algo importante

Falta de vacantes para niños nuevos
El niño(a) tiene una necesidad especial y no pudimos encontrar el cuidado apropiado.
Encontrar horas u horario específico
Dificultad para recibir ayudas económicas
Requisitos de edad del cuidado infantil
Otra razón – Especifique:

 Muy importante
d. Las actividades de aprendizaje del lugar

 No fue importante
 Muy poco importante
 Algo importante
 Muy importante
e. Que este niño(a) pase tiempo con otros niños(as)
de su misma edad

68. ¿Ha tenido un arreglo de cuidado para este niño
(a) en el último año?

 No fue importante
 Muy poco importante


 Algo importante

VAYA A pregunta 71

 Muy importante

69. ¿Cuáles fueron las razones principales por la que
su hogar eligió el arreglo o los arreglos de cuidado o el programa en el que este niño(a) pasa más


El horario durante en que ofrece cuidado infantil
este lugar

 No fue importante

Hemos incluido espacio para que usted anote
hasta 3 razones, pero puede que tenga menos de
3 razones. Por favor escriba una razón en cada

 Muy poco importante
 Algo importante
 Muy importante



La cantidad de niños(as) en el grupo de cuidado
en que está su niño(a)

 No fue importante


 Muy poco importante
 Algo importante

70. ¿Qué tan importante fue cada una de estas razones cuando usted seleccionó el cuidado infantil o
el programa en el que este niño(a) pasa la mayor
parte del tiempo?

 Muy importante
h. Ranking/clasificación en una página de internet

a. La ubicación del lugar

 No fue importante

 No fue importante

 Muy poco importante

 Muy poco importante

 Algo importante

 Algo importante

 Muy importante

 Muy importante
b. El costo del lugar

 Las clasificaciones en internet no estaban dispo-

 No fue importante


 Muy poco importante
 Algo importante
 Muy importante



i. Recomendaciones de amigos o familia

74. DURANTE LA ÚLTIMA SEMANA, ¿cuántas veces
alguien en su familia ha hecho las siguientes cosas
con este niño(a)?

 No fue importante
 Muy poco importante
 Algo importante

a. ¿Contarle a este niño(a) un cuento, pero no leyéndoselo?

 Muy importante

 Ninguna vez
 1 o 2 veces

 Familia y amigos no dieron recomendaciones

j. Aptitud del personal

3 o más veces

b. ¿Enseñarle a este niño(a) letras, palabras o números?

 No fue importante
 Muy poco importante

 Ninguna vez

 Algo importante

 1 o 2 veces

 Muy importante

k. Si el programa enseña o no un contenido religioso

3 o más veces

c. ¿Cantar canciones con este niño(a)?

 No fue importante

 Ninguna vez

 Muy poco importante

 1 o 2 veces

 Algo importante

3 o más veces

d. ¿Hacer trabajos de artes y artesanías con este niño

 Muy importante

 Ninguna vez

Actividades en familia

 1 o 2 veces

71. ¿Más o menos cuántos libros tiene este niño(a),
que sean de este niño(a), incluyendo los que
comparte con los hermanos?

3 o más veces

75. DURANTE LA ÚLTIMA SEMANA, ¿cuántos días comió junta la familia al menos una vez al día?

Número de libros

Escriba ’0’ si ninguna vez.
72. ¿Cuántas veces le leyó usted o alguien de su
familia a este niño(a) en la semana pasada?
Ninguna vez

Días durante la última semana

76. DURANTE EL MES PASADO, ¿ha ido usted o alguien de su familia a la biblioteca con este niño(a)?

VAYA A la pregunta 74



73. ¿Más o menos cuántos minutos en cada uno de
esos días le leyó usted o alguien de su familia a
este niño(a)?

77. DURANTE EL MES PASADO, ¿ha ido usted o alguien de su familia a una librería (tienda de libros)
con este niño(a)?





Cosas que su niño(a) podría
estar aprendiendo

84. ¿Puede este niño(a) identificar formas básicas como un triángulo, rectángulo, círculo, o cuadrado?

78. ¿Es este niño(a) menor de 2 años o tiene 2 años
o más?
 Menor de 2
VAYA A la pregunta 85
 2 años o más

 Sí, algunas
 Sí, la mayoría
 Sí, todas
85. ¿Ha expresado usted u otro padre/madre preocupaciones a un profesional de la salud, de educación o
de intervención temprana sobre el desarrollo de
este niño(a) (por ejemplo, desarrollo del habla y
lenguaje, socio emocional o de habilidades motoras)?

79. Las siguientes preguntas se tratan de cosas que
distintos niños(as) hacen a distintas edades. Estas cosas pueden ser ciertas o no para este niño
(a), y eso es perfectamente normal.
¿Puede este niño(a) reconocer correctamente las
letras del alfabeto?
 No, ninguna


VAYA A la pregunta 87

 Sí, algunas
86. En general, ¿qué tan satisfecho está con las respuestas de profesionales de la salud, de educación
o de intervención temprana sobre sus preocupaciones acerca del desarrollo de este niño(a)?
 Muy satisfecho

 Sí, la mayoría
 Sí, todas
80. ¿Puede este niño(a) escribir su nombre, incluso
si escribe algunas letras al revés?

 Algo satisfecho


 Algo insatisfecho
 Muy insatisfecho
87. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud, de educación o de intervención temprana que este niño(a)
tiene alguno de los siguientes problemas de salud?

81. ¿Puede este niño(a) reconocer el sonido inicial
de una palabra? Por ejemplo, ¿Puede este niño
(a) contarle que la palabra “pelota” empieza con
el sonido “pe”?


82. ¿Con qué frecuencia puede este niño(a) explicar
las cosas que ha visto o hecho para que usted
tenga una muy buena idea de lo que sucedió?


Un impedimento del habla o del lenguaje


Autismo o trastorno del espectro autista


 A veces
 La mitad del tiempo

casilla para CADA artículo abajo




Trastorno de déficit de atención e
hiperactividad (ADHD o ADD, por
sus siglas en inglés)

88. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud, de educación o de intervención temprana que este niño(a)
"está en riesgo" de tener un retraso considerable
del desarrollo?

83. ¿Hasta cuánto puede contar este niño(a)?
 Este niño no sabe contar


 Hasta 5
 Hasta 10

89. ¿Marcó “Sí” en alguna parte de la pregunta 87 o de
la pregunta 88?

 Hasta 20
 Hasta 50


 Hasta 100 o más



VAYA A la pregunta 90
VAYA A la pregunta 96

90. En general, ¿Qué tan satisfecho está con cómo
han cubierto las necesidades de este niño(a)
los profesionales de la salud, de educación o
de intervención temprana?
 Muy satisfecho

95. ¿Este niño(a) está inscrito actualmente en educación especial infantil temprana?

 Algo satisfecho
 Algo insatisfecho

Historia del niño

 Muy insatisfecho
91. ¿Este niño(a) está recibiendo servicios para su
problema o condición (por ejemplo, terapia del
habla, terapia física, etc.)?

96. ¿En qué mes y año nació este niño(a)?

VAYA A la pregunta 94

97. ¿Dónde nació este niño(a)?
 Uno de los 50 estados de los Estados
Unidos o el
VAYA A la pregunta 99
Distrito de Columbia
 Uno de los territorios incorporados de los Estados

92. Los servicios que recibe este niño(a), ¿son a
través de un Plan de Servicio Individualizado
para la Familia (IFSP, por sus siglas en inglés) o
a través de un Programa Educativo Individualizado (IEP, pos sus siglas en inglés)?


Unidos (Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa Americana,

VAYA A la pregunta 94

Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos o Islas Marianas del Norte)

93. Pensando en el IFSP, por sus siglas en inglés,
el IEP, por sus siglas en inglés, o el plan de servicios de este niño(a) a partir de septiembre,
¿qué tan satisfecho está usted con la comunicación que el proveedor de servicios o la escuela tiene con la familia?
 Muy satisfecho

Otro país

98. ¿Qué edad tenía este niño(a) cuando se mudó por
primera vez a uno de los 50 estados de los Estados
Unidos o al Distrito de Columbia?
Si fue menor de un año, por favor escriba ‘0’.

 Algo satisfecho
 Algo insatisfecho


 Muy insatisfecho
99. ¿Es este niño(a) de origen hispano, latino o español?
 No, no es de origen hispano, latino o español

94. ¿Con qué frecuencia afecta el problema de salud de este niño(a) con su capacidad de hacer
las siguientes cosas?
Con frecuencia



Participar en
con otros



A veces


 Sí, mexicano, mexicano americano, chicano


 Sí, puertorriqueño
 Sí, cubano


 Sí, es de otro origen hispano, latino o español, o
más de un origen hispano, latino o español
100. ¿Cuál es la raza de este niño(a)? Puede marcar
una o más razas.

todas las que correspondan.

Asistir a
los paseos

 Indígena de las Américas o nativa de Alaska


 Nativa de Hawái u otra de las islas del Pacífico

 Negra o afroamericana


Los miembros de su familia

101. ¿De qué sexo es este niño(a)?

107. Incluyendo a los niños, ¿cuántas personas viven
en este hogar?

102. En general, ¿cómo describiría la salud de este

108. ¿Cuál es su relación o parentesco con este niño

 Muy buena



 Madre (biológica, adoptiva, madrastra o de crianza


temporal (Foster))
 Padre (biológico, adoptivo, padrastro o de crianza

103. ¿Este niño(a) vive en esta dirección Y en otra
dirección más (por ejemplo, debido a que los
padres viven separados)?

temporal (Foster))

No incluya casas de vacaciones.




VAYA A la pregunta 105

 Novia/Novio o pareja de alguno de los padres

104. Si es que “Sí”, ¿este niño(a)...


 pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en esta dirección?

 Otra relación o parentesco - Especifique:

 pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en otra dirección?
 pasa la misma cantidad de tiempo en ambas

109. ¿Qué idioma(s) hablan en casa los adultos de este

105. ¿Qué idioma habla más este niño(a) EN EL HOGAR?

una sola .


una sola .

 El niño(a) no ha comenzado a hablar

todas las que correspondan.


pregunta 107

 Francés (incluyendo patuá, creole, cajún)




 Otros idiomas – Especifique:

 Inglés y español por igual
 Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español
 Inglés y otro idioma por igual
106. Actualmente, ¿asiste este niño(a) a clases de
inglés como segundo idioma, educación bilingüe o a un programa de inmersión al inglés?



Uno de los padres que
vive en el hogar

114. ¿Cuál fue el PRIMER idioma que este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal aprendió a hablar?

110. Si usted es el padre, la madre o el tutor(a) legal
del niño(a), conteste las preguntas en esta sección acerca de usted. Si usted no es el padre, la
madre o el tutor(a) legal del niño(a), conteste
las preguntas en esta sección acerca de uno de
los padres o tutores de este niño(a) que viva en
el hogar.

una SOLA respuesta.


VAYA A la pregunta 116

 Inglés y español por igual
 Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español
 Inglés y otro idioma por igual

¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal...
 uno de los padres biológicos del niño(a)

115. ACTUALMENTE, ¿qué idioma habla este padre,
madre o tutor(a) legal más en el hogar?

 uno de los padres adoptivos del niño(a)


 un padrastro o madrastra del niño(a)

una SOLA respuesta.

 uno de los padres foster del niño(a)


 uno de los abuelos del niño(a)


 otro tutor(a) legal del niño(a)

 Inglés y español por igual
 Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español

111. ¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de sexo
masculino o femenino?

 Inglés y otro idioma por igual
116. ¿Dónde nació este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal?
 Uno de los 50 estados de los


Estados Uni-

VAYA A la pregunta 118
dos o el Distrito de Columbia

112. ¿Cuál es el estado civil actual de este padre,
madre o tutor(a) legal?

 Uno de los territorios incorporados de los Estados

una SOLA respuesta.


Unidos (Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa Americana,

VAYA A la pregunta 114

Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos o Islas Ma-


rianas del Norte)



Otro país

117. ¿Qué edad tenía este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal
cuando se mudó por primera vez a uno de los 50
estados de los Estados Unidos o al Distrito de Columbia?

 Nunca se casó
113. ¿Este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal está viviendo actualmente con su pareja o novio(a) en este

Si fue menor de un año, por favor escriba “0”.


118. ¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de origen
hispano, latino o español?
 No, no es de origen hispano, latino, o español
 Sí, mexicano, mexicano americano, chicano
 Sí, puertorriqueño
 Sí, cubano
 Sí, es de otro origen hispano, latino o español; o
de más de un origen hispano, latino o español


122. ¿Cuál de las siguientes categorías describe mejor
la situación de trabajo de este padre, madre o tutor
(a) legal?

119. ¿Cuál es la raza de este padre o tutor(a) legal?
Puede marcar una raza o más de una raza.

todas las que correspondan.


 Indígena de las Américas o nativa de Alaska

por pagos o inpregunta 123
 Trabaja por su
propia cuenta
 DesempleaVAYA A la pregunta 124
do(a) o no
está trabajando
 Estudiante de tiempo
 Se dedica al hogar y al
cuidado de los niños(as)
pregunta 125
 Discapacitado(a) o no
puede trabajar

 Negra o afroamericana
 Nativa de Hawái u otra de las islas del Pacífico
120. ¿Cuál es el grado o nivel escolar más alto que
este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal completó?

una SOLA respuesta.

una SOLA respuesta.

 8° grado o menos
 High school (grado 9 al 12), pero sin obtener el
 Diploma de high school o equivalencia (GED)

123. ¿Más o menos cuántas horas a la semana trabaja
este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal normalmente por
pagos o ingresos, contando todos los trabajos?

 Diploma vocacional o de oficios posterior a
high school
 Algunos cursos de college o universidad, pero

horas a la semana

sin graduarse

pregunta 125

 Licenciatura o grado asociado (AA, AS)
 Licenciatura o grado de Bachelor (BA, BS)
124. ¿Ha estado este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal buscando trabajo de manera activa en las últimas 4

 Algo de educación profesional o graduada, pero sin título
 Título de Maestría (MA, MS)


 Título de Doctorado (PhD, EdD)
 Título profesional posterior al grado de Bache-

125. En los últimos 12 meses, ¿cuántos meses ha trabajado este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal por pago
o ingresos (si es que trabajó)?

lor (médico, dentista, doctor en leyes)
121. Actualmente, ¿asiste este padre, madre o tutor
(a) legal a una escuela, universidad o centro de
educación para adultos o recibe educación vocacional o capacitación laboral?

Ponga “0” si no trabajó ningún mes.


126. ¿Qué edad tiene este padre o tutor legal?
127. ¿Tiene este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal acceso al
Internet en un celular?



Otro de los padres que
vive en el hogar

133. ¿Cuál fue el PRIMER idioma que este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal aprendió a hablar?

128. ¿Hay otro padre, madre, o tutor legal que vive en
este hogar?


 Inglés y español por igual
 Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español
 Inglés y otro idioma por igual
134. ACTUALMENTE, ¿qué idioma habla este padre,
madre o tutor(a) legal más en el hogar?

¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal...
 uno de los padres biológicos del niño(a)


 uno de los padres adoptivos del niño(a)

una SOLA respuesta.


 un padrastro o madrastra del niño(a)


 uno de los padres foster del niño(a)

 Inglés y español por igual

 uno de los abuelos del niño(a)

 Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español

 otro tutor(a) legal del niño(a)

 Inglés y otro idioma por igual

130. ¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de sexo
masculino o femenino?

135. ¿Dónde nació este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal?
 Uno de los 50 estados de los

VAYA A la pregunta 137
Unidos o el Distrito de Columbia


 Uno de los territorios incorporados de los Estados

131. ¿Cuál es el estado civil actual de este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal?

Unidos (Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa Americana,
Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos o Islas Ma-

una SOLA respuesta.

rianas del Norte)


VAYA A la pregunta 135


VAYA A la pregunta 147

129. Responda las preguntas de esta sección pensando en la segunda persona que también es padre, madre o tutor legal de este niño(a) y que vive en el hogar.


una SOLA respuesta.

VAYA A la pregunta 133


Otro país

136. ¿Qué edad tenía este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal
cuando se mudó por primera vez a uno de los 50 estados de los Estados Unidos o al Distrito de Columbia?

 Nunca se casó

Si fue menor de un año, por favor escriba “0”.

132. ¿Este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal está viviendo
actualmente con su pareja o novio(a) en este hogar?

137. ¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de origen
hispano, latino o español?
 No, no es de origen hispano, latino, o español
 Sí, mexicano, mexicano americano, chicano
 Sí, puertorriqueño
 Sí, cubano
 Sí, es de otro origen hispano, latino, o español; o
de más de un origen hispano, latino o español



141. ¿Cuál de las siguientes categorías describe mejor
la situación de trabajo de este padre, madre o tutor(a)

138. ¿Cuál es la raza de este padre o tutor(a) legal?
Puede marcar una raza o más de una raza.

todas las que correspondan.


 Indígena de las Américas o nativa de Alaska

por pagos o inVAYA A la
pregunta 142
 Trabaja por su
propia cuenta
o no está
VAYA A la pregunta 143
 Estudiante de tiempo
 Se dedica al hogar y al
cuidado de los niños(as)
pregunta 144
 Discapacitado(a) o no
puede trabajar

 Negra o afroamericana
 Nativa de Hawái u otra de las islas del Pacífico
139. ¿Cuál es el grado o nivel escolar más alto que
este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal completó?

UNASOLA respuesta.

UNA SOLA respuesta .

 8° grado o menos
 High school (grado 9 al 12), pero sin obtener el

142. ¿Más o menos cuántas horas a la semana trabaja
este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal normalmente por pagos o ingresos, contando todos los trabajos?

 Diploma de high school o equivalencia (GED)
 Diploma vocacional o de oficios posterior a
high school

horas a la semana

 Algunos cursos de college o universidad, pero

pregunta 144

sin graduarse
143. ¿Ha estado este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal buscando trabajo de manera activa en las últimas 4 semanas?

 Licenciatura o grado asociado (AA, AS)
 Licenciatura o grado de Bachelor (BA, BS)
 Algo de educación profesional o graduada, pe-


ro sin título
 Título de Maestría (MA, MS)

144. En los últimos 12 meses, ¿cuántos meses ha trabajado este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal por pago o
ingresos (si es que trabajó)?

 Título de Doctorado (PhD, EdD)
 Título profesional posterior al grado de Bache-

Ponga “0” si no trabajó ningún mes.

lor (médico, dentista, doctor en leyes)


140. Actualmente, ¿asiste este padre o tutor legal a
una escuela, universidad o centro de educación
para adultos o recibe educación vocacional o capacitación laboral?

145. ¿Qué edad tiene este padre o tutor legal?


146. ¿Tiene este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal acceso al
Internet en un celular?



Su hogar

149. ¿Esta casa o apartamento…

UNA SOLA respuesta.

147. EN LOS ÚLTIMOS 12 MESES, ¿recibió su familia beneficios de alguno de los siguientes programas alguna vez?

 es propiedad de alguien en el hogar o la está pa

es alquilada por alguien en este hogar?

una sola respuesta para CADA una
de las siguientes preguntas

es ocupada por algún otro tipo de acuerdo?


Programa de asistencia social o familiar de su estado (puede ser Asistencia Temporal a Familias Necesitadas (TANF, por sus siglas en inglés)
o algo similar)


Programa WIC (mujeres, bebés y


Beneficios de SNAP, conocido también como Estampillas de Comida




Programa de Seguro Médico para
Niños (CHIP, por sus siglas en inglés)




gando alguien en este hogar?


150. ¿Tiene usted acceso al Internet EN LA CASA en
una computadora o tableta?


151. ¿Con qué frecuencia utiliza el internet este niño(a)
EN LA CASA para actividades de aprendizaje?
 Todos los días
 Algunas veces a la semana
 Algunas veces al mes
 Algunas veces al año

VAYA A la próxima página

Asistencia de vivienda a través de
un vale o sección 8
152.¿Utiliza el Internet este niño(a) para actividades de
aprendizaje en…...

148. ¿Qué categoría representa mejor el ingreso
total de todas las personas en su hogar en
los últimos 12 meses

una sola respuesta para CADA una de las
siguientes preguntas

Incluya su propio ingreso. Incluya dinero de
empleos u otras ganancias, pensiones,
intere-ses, alquileres, pagos de seguro social,


 De $0 a $10,000
 De $10,001 a $20,000


 De $20,001 a $30,000
 De $30,001 a $40,000
 De $40,001 a $50,000
 De $50,001 a $60,000
 De $60,001 a $75,000
 De $75,001 a $100,000
 De $100,001 a $150,000
 De $150,001 a $200,000
 De $200,001 a $250,000
 De $250,001 o más



teléfono celular?




Muchas gracias.
Por favor devuelva esta encuesta en el sobre de franqueo pre-pagado que
está incluido. Si se le perdió el sobre, envíe por correo la encuesta completada a:
U.S. Census Bureau
ATTN: DCB 60-A (0939)
1201 E. 10th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0001



Round 2



Thank you for helping us with this survey. Based on the information we received from your household in your last
survey, we’re asking you to complete this
final step by answering some questions
about the education of [Child’s Name].


Approval Expires XX/XX/XXXX




These questions should be filled in by a parent or guardian who knows about:

Please answer all the survey questions thinking about this child or youth.

To answer a question, simply mark


Please use a black or blue pen, if available, to complete the survey.


There are arrows and instructions to GO TO a question number beside some response options.
These will help you move through the survey to questions that are appropriate for you.


the box that best represents your answer.





GO TO question 9

Please return the completed survey using the postage-paid envelope provided.



Child’s Schooling





Child has not yet started kindergarten


Full-day kindergarten


3rd grade


7th grade


11th grade


Partial-day kindergarten


4th grade


8th grade


12th grade


1st grade


5th grade


9th grade


2nd grade


6th grade


10th grade



ONE box for each item below.



GO TO question 4



GO TO question 32 on page 10








Child’s Homeschooling

9. Is this child enrolled in any online, virtual, or cyber
Do not include courses that use the Internet only for
selected assignments.

4. Some parents decide to educate their children at
home rather than send them to a public or private
school located in a physical building.


Yes, all the child’s courses are online, virtual, or


Yes, about half or more than half of the child’s courses are online, virtual, or cyber

GO TO question 32


Which of the following statements best describes
your homeschooling arrangement for this child?

Yes, less than half of the child’s courses are online,
virtual, or cyber


No, none of this
child’s courses are
online, virtual, or

Is this child being schooled at home INSTEAD of
at school for at least SOME classes or subjects?







This child is homeschooled for ALL classes or
subject areas, which may include co-ops, virtual/
cyber/online courses, and home instruction provided by a private tutor or teacher


This child is homeschooled for SOME classes or
subject areas and is also enrolled in a public or
private school


This child is NOT
This child is
enrolled in a public
or private school
or all classes
or subject areas

10. There are many different reasons that homeschooling parents may choose online, virtual, or cyber
courses for their children. Is this child enrolled in
online, virtual, or cyber courses because…




ONE box for each item below.

GO TO question 32

6. Is any of this child’s instruction provided by a local homeschooling group or co-op?

GO TO question 16

7. Who is the person that MAINLY provides this
child’s HOME instruction?









Teacher of online, virtual, or cyber school


Another person - Who is that?

8. Is any of this child’s HOME instruction provided
by a private tutor or teacher?
 Yes
 No



This child needed an advanced
course(s) (e.g., Advanced Placement or college courses)?.............


This child needed a specialized
course(s) (e.g., foreign language)?.........................................


This child needed extra help in a
course or subject?…………………


This child’s learning style is well
suited for online/virtual/cyber


You prefer online, virtual, or cyber
courses for this child?...................


We began homeschooling so that
we could enroll this child in online,
virtual, or cyber school?................


Another reason—Specify:





11. Of the reasons that this child is enrolled in online,
virtual, or cyber courses, which one would you say
is the most important to you?

15. In the last week that this child was homeschooled, about how many hours did this child
spend in online, virtual, or cyber classes?

Write the letter from question 10 for the most important reason your child is enrolled in online, virtual, or cyber courses.
letter from question 10


This child’s public school or
school district……………………...


This child’s private school………..
A college, community college, or
An online academy or virtual
school or cyber school……………
A company that provides courses
that I can purchase or access for
this child…………………………….
Another K-12 public or private
An independent instructor not affiliated with a school………………
Someplace else—Specify:






online, virtual or cyber courses

14. What is the total amount of tuition and fees for all
online, virtual, or cyber courses that this child
Write ’0’ if not applicable.

10 to 24 hours in that week


More than 24 hours in that week

ONE box for each item below.


We strictly follow a formal curriculum


We mostly follow a formal curriculum, but also
use informal learning (e.g., child-led learning,
"teaching moments")


We mostly use informal learning, but sometimes use a formal curriculum


We always use informal learning, and never
follow a formal curriculum

17. Since September, has this child participated in
activities with other children outside of your
family who are homeschooled?

13. How many online, virtual, or cyber courses does
this child take?




ONE box for each item below.

Fewer than 10 hours in that week

16. Which of the following statements best describes the teaching style used to homeschool
this child?

12. Do the following types of schools or teachers provide the instruction for this child’s online, virtual,
or cyber courses?









19. In this question, we are interested in the physical resources that you use. Where do you get
the PHYSICAL curriculum and materials you
use to homeschool this child (for example,
worksheets, textbooks, fiction/nonfiction
books, DVDs, or videos)?

18. In this question, we are interested in the ONLINE,
VIRTUAL, or CYBER resources that are used in
your home when a parent is providing instruction
(for example, streaming instructional videos,
downloaded course materials).
Since September, have you used materials from...

Since September, have you used materials

ONE box for each item below.


A public library?..………………...







ONE box for each item below.


A public library?..………………...

A catalog, publisher, store, private
school, or individual that specializes in providing educational materials to homeschooling families?..


A catalog, publisher, store, private
school, or individual that specializes in providing educational materials to homeschooling families?..


(If yes) Is the catalog, publisher,
private school, or individual affiliation with a particular religion or
religious organization?…………..


(If yes) Is the catalog, publisher,
private school, or individual affiliation with a particular religion or
religious organization?…………..


Your local public school or school


Your local public school or school


Free websites (such as YouTube
or Wikipedia)?……………………..


A homeschooling convention?….


A used curriculum swap or exchange event?……………………


Other homeschool families?..........


Other source—Specify:


Organized online, virtual, or cyber
educational resources (such as
Khan Academy or edX)?...............


Other source—Specify:





20. In the past year, have you or another family
member taken any courses, either online or inperson, to help you prepare this child’s home




Yes, both online and in-person


Yes, online only


Yes, in-person only


No, none of them

23. There are many different reasons that parents
choose to homeschool their children. Did your
family choose to homeschool this child because:

21. Including the current grade and thinking of all the
grades for which this child was homeschooled, for
how many grades has this child been homeschooled?


ONE box for each item below.

total grades homeschooled

22. Mark every grade that this child was homeschooled for at least some classes or subjects,
including the current grade or grade equivalent.


You are concerned about the
school environment, such as safety, drugs, or negative peer pressure?……………...………………...


You are dissatisfied with academic instruction at other schools?......


You prefer to teach this child at
home so that you can provide
religious instruction?.....................


You prefer to teach this child at
home so that you can provide
moral instruction?..........................


This child has a physical or mental health problem that has lasted
six months or more?......................


This child has a temporary illness
that prevents him or her from going to school?……………………...


This child has other special
needs that you feel the
school can’t or won’t meet?...........


You are interested in a
nontraditional approach to
children’s education?....................
You want to emphasize
family life together?.......................

all that apply..


Homeschooled in kindergarten (Including transitional K and Pre-first grade)


Homeschooled in 1st grade


Homeschooled in 2nd grade


Homeschooled in 3rd grade


Homeschooled in 4th grade


Homeschooled in 5th grade


Homeschooled in 6th grade


Homeschooled in 7th grade


Homeschooled in 8th grade


Homeschooled in 9th grade - freshman


Homeschooled in 10th grade - sophomore


Homeschooled in 11th grade - junior


Homeschooled in 12th grade - senior






You have another reason for
homeschooling this child? Specify:

24. Of the reasons your family chose to homeschool this child, which ONE would you say is
the most important to you?
Write the letter from question 23 for the most
important reason you chose to homeschool
your child.
letter from question 23



25. In the most recent week that this child was homeschooled, what subject areas were taught during
his or her home instruction?

26. Does your family participate in the activities or
meetings of a LOCAL homeschooling association,
co-op, or other local homeschool group?

We have provided spaces for you to tell us about
up to 10 subject areas. You may have fewer subject areas to tell us about. Please write only one
subject area in each box.





GO TO question 28

27. Since September, how many times has your family
gone to meetings or participated in the activities of
a local homeschooling association, co-op, or other
local homeschool group?




28. Is your family or someone in your household a
member of a NATIONAL homeschooling organization?







29. Is this child in a military family that frequently relocates?







30. Is this homeschooled child also enrolled in a
school for any grades K-12?







GO TO question 43

31. How many HOURS each WEEK does this child usually go to a school for instruction? Do not include
time spent in extracurricular activities.






1-10 hours each week


11-25 hours each week


More than 25 hours each week

Child’s School

36. Did you move to your current neighborhood so
that this child could attend his or her current

32. This question helps to route you to questions appropriate for this child.
Which best describes the physical or online/
virtual/cyber school where this child is enrolled for
the most hours?

located in a physical

question 33


question 36

An online, virtual,
or cyber school
This child is
homeschooled only

question 34
question 43







Don’t know








Don’t know


34. Is this school a charter school?


Do not include courses that use the Internet only
for selected assignments.

A district-assigned school is the school that your local
public school district told you that this child can attend,
based on the location of your residence.


39. Is this child enrolled in any online, virtual, or
cyber courses?

33. Please answer the next questions about the
school where this child is enrolled for most credits. Is it his or her district-assigned school?



This may include applying to a magnet program in a
public school, transferring to another public school
within the district, or transferring to a public school
outside of the district.




38. Does your public school district let you choose
which public school you want this child to attend?

A private school
located in a physical



37. Did you feel that you had a choice in what school
this child attends?

ONE only.

A public school


Yes, all the child’s courses are online, virtual, or
Yes, about half or more than half of the child’s
courses are online, virtual, or cyber
Yes, less than half of the child’s courses are
online, virtual, or cyber
No, none of this child’s
courses are online,
virtual, or cyber

40. Please tell us about this child’s grades during this
school year. On average, across all subjects, what
grades does this child get?

35. Is this school a magnet school or does he or she
attend a magnet program?


ONE only.




Mostly As




Mostly Bs


Don’t know


Mostly Cs


Mostly Ds or lower



Child’s Health

41. Is he or she currently enrolled in any high school
Advanced Placement (AP) classes?

43. Has a health or education professional told you
that this child has any of the following conditions?

Advanced Placement is a program that offers collegelevel courses to high school students, with the option
for students to take AP exams to earn college credit.






Don’t’ know

42.Has this child ever had the following experiences?

one box for EACH item below





one box for EACH item below.


A speech or language impairment…..


A serious emotional disturbance…….


Deafness or another hearing impairment…………………………………….


Blindness or another visual impairment not corrected with glasses…….


An out-of-school suspension……..


An in-school suspension not
counting detentions……………..


An orthopedic impairment……………


Been expelled from school……….


Autism or autism spectrum disorder..


Pervasive Developmental Disorder


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD or ADD…………………....


A specific learning disability………….


A developmental delay……………….


Traumatic brain injury………………...


An intellectual disability, formerly
known as mental retardation………


Another health impairment lasting 6
months or longer………………………





44. Did you mark YES to any condition in question
 Yes
GO TO question 45




GO TO question 49

Child’s Background

45. Is this child receiving any services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?


49. Does this child sometimes live at another address
(for example, because of parents living apart)?

GO TO question 47

46. Thinking about the child’s IEP or services plan,
since September, how satisfied or dissatisfied
have you been with the service provider’s or
school’s communication with your family?

Very satisfied


Somewhat satisfied


Somewhat dissatisfied


Very dissatisfied


Do not include vacation properties.




GO TO question 51

50. If yes, does this child...

Spend the most time at this address?


Spend the most time at another address?


Spend equal time at both addresses?

Does not apply

Parent 1 Living in Household

47. Is this child currently enrolled in any special education classes or services?




51. Do you consider yourself one of this child’s parents or guardians?

48. Does this child’s condition interfere with his or her
ability to do any of the following things?







52. If yes, you are the child’s parent or guardian, answer questions in this section about yourself. If
no, you are not the child’s parent or guardian, answer the questions in this section about one of
this child’s parents or guardians living in the

one box for EACH item below.





Participate in sports, clubs, or
other organized activities…………


Attend school on a regular basis...

Is this parent or guardian the child’s...
 Biological parent


Make friends……………………….


Adoptive parent




Foster parent




Other guardian

53. Is this parent or guardian male or female?







59. What is this parent or guardian’s race? You may
mark one or more races.

54. What is this parent or guardian’s current marital


ONE only.

all that apply.


American Indian or Alaska Native







Black or African American




Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander


Never married




Now married


GO TO question 56

60. What is the highest grade or level of school that
this parent or guardian completed?

55. Is this parent or guardian currently living with a
boyfriend/girlfriend or partner in this household?



56. Where was this parent or guardian born?
 One of the 50 United States or the District of

GO TO question 58

One of the U.S. territories (Puerto Rico, Guam,
American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Mariana Islands)


ONE only.


8th grade or less


High school, but no diploma


High school diploma or equivalent (GED)


Vocational diploma after high school


Some college, but no degree


Associate’s degree (AA, AS)


Bachelor’s degree (BA, BS)


Some graduate or professional education, but no

Another country

57. How old was this parent or guardian when he or
she first moved to the 50 United States or the
District of Columbia?


Master’s degree (MA, MS)


Doctorate degree (PhD, EdD)


Professional degree beyond bachelor’s degree

If younger than 1, write “0”.

Parent 2 Living in Household

years old

61. Is there a second parent or guardian living in this

58. Is this parent or guardian of Hispanic, Latino, or
Spanish origin?
 No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano


Yes, Puerto Rican


Yes, Cuban


Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish



GO TO question 66

62. Answer questions in this section about a second
parent or guardian living in the household.

origin; or more than one Hispanic, Latino, or

Is this parent or guardian the child’s...
 Biological parent

Spanish origin


Adoptive parent




Foster parent




Other guardian



63. Is this parent or guardian male or female?




69. Does this child use the Internet for learning activities on...

one box for EACH item below.

64. What is this parent or guardian’s current marital

ONE only.


Now married








Never married

GO TO question 66

65. Is this parent or guardian currently living with a
boyfriend/girlfriend or partner in this household?






Cell phone?...........…………………....


Complete less than a high school diploma


Graduate from high school


Attend a vocational or technical school after high

Owned or being bought by someone in this household?


Occupied by some other arrangement?

67. Does your household have Internet access AT
HOME on a computer or tablet?
 Yes


68. How often does this child use the Internet AT
HOME for learning activities?
 Every day

A few times a week


A few times a month


A few times a year




Attend two or more years of college


Earn a bachelor’s degree


Earn a graduate degree or professional degree
beyond a bachelor’s

ONE only.

Rented by someone in this household?

ONE only.


66. Is this house or apartment…




Your Household




70. How far do you expect this child to go in his or her






71. We would like to identify this child’s school so we can include information about the school in our study.
We’ve listed the schools in your area below. Please select the school he or she attends.

ONE only.


Lincoln Elementary School, 320 N 5th St., Beatrice


Paddock Lane Elementary School, 1300 N 14th St., Beatrice


Stoddard Elementary School, 400 S 7th St, Beatrice


Eagle Elementary School, 600 S 1st St., Eagle


Clinton Elementary School, 1520 N 29th St., Lincoln


College View Academy, 5240 Calvert St., Lincoln


Elliott Elementary School, 225 S 25th St., Lincoln


Everett Elementary School, 1123 C St., Lincoln


McPhee Elementary School, 820 Goodhue Blvd., Lincoln


Messiah Lutheran School, 1800 S 84th St. , Lincoln


Randolph Elementary School, 1024 S 37th St., Lincoln


Adams Elementary School, 3420 N 78th St., Omaha


Benson West Elementary School, 6652 Maple St., Omaha


Boyd Elementary School, 8314 Boyd St., Omaha


Columbian Elementary School, 330 S 127th St., Omaha



GO TO question 72



STOP. Please return
your survey in the postage-paid envelope.

72. If you found your child’s school in question 71, thank you. If you did not find this child’s school in question
71, please write the name and address in the spaces below to help us identify the school this child attends.

Thank you.
Please return this questionnaire in the postage-paid envelope provided. If
have lost the envelope, mail the completed questionnaire to:
U.S. Census Bureau
ATTN: DCB 60-A (0939)
1201 E. 10th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0001




Approval Expires XX/XX/XXXX

Gracias por su colaboración con esta encuesta. De acuerdo con la información que
recibimos de su hogar en su última encuesta, quisiéramos pedirle que complete esta
parte contestando a unas preguntas sobre la
educación de [Child’s Name].
El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del Departamento de Educación
está autorizado a realizar esta Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación (NHES por sus siglas en inglés) por medio
de la Reforma a la Ley de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002, título 20, sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo
de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide no participar en
este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse
en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151). De acuerdo con
la Ley de Reducción de Papeleo de 1995, no se requiere que ninguna persona responda a una recopilación de información
a menos que muestre un número de control OMB válido. El número de control OMB válido para encuesta voluntaria es
1850-0768. El tiempo requerido para completar esta encuesta se estima en un promedio de 20 minutos por respuesta,
incluido el tiempo para revisar las instrucciones, reunir los datos necesarios y completar y revisar la encuesta. Si tiene algún
comentario sobre la precisión del tiempo estimado, las sugerencias para mejorar esta encuesta, o cualquier comentario o
inquietud con respecto al estado de su presentación individual de esta encuesta, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a:
[email protected] o escriba a: Sarah Grady, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), PCP, 550 12th Street, SW, 4th
floor, Washington, D.C. 20202..




Estas preguntas las debe responder uno de los padres o tutores que sepa sobre:

Por favor responda a todas las preguntas de la encuesta pensando en este niño(a).

Para responder a una pregunta, implemente marque
respuesta o anote el número (los números).


Por favor, si es posible, use una pluma o bolígrafo de tinta negra o azul para responder a esta


Hay flechas e instrucciones que le dirigen que VAYA A un determinado número de pregunta.
Estas flechas e instrucciones le ayudarán a navegar por la encuesta.






la casilla que mejor representa su

VAYA A la pregunta 9

Por favor devuelva esta encuesta en el sobre con franqueo prepagado que le hemos



1. Antes de marzo de 2020, ¿recibía su hijo la enseñanza escolar (homeschool) en el hogar?



Nos gustaría que nos ayudara a entender cuál es la mejor manera de describir enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) para padres a los que no les resulta familiar. ¿Qué definición le parece más

La enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) es cuando los padres brindan la enseñanza escolar
en casa EN LUGAR DE en la escuela por razones personales. Aunque enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) puede ser online, esta no se refiere a clases por internet. Enseñanza escolar en el
hogar (homeschool) tampoco se refiere a actividades extracurriculares o la tarea que el niño(a) hace
en casa para la escuela.


La enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) es cuando los padres brindan la enseñanza escolar
en casa en vez de mandar al niño(a) a la escuela. Los padres pueden brindar la enseñanza escolar
en el hogar a tiempo completo, lo cual significa que el niño(a) no va nunca a clase en una escuela
pública o privada en un edificio físico. Los padres pueden brindar la enseñanza escolar en el hogar a
tiempo parcial, lo cual significa que el niño(a) a veces va a clase en una escuela pública o privada en
un edificio físico. La enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) nunca se refiere a la tarea escolar
que el niño(a) hace en casa.

3. ¿Si tenemos que referirnos a la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en unas pocas palabras, qué le resulta más familiar o fácil de entender?

Educación en el hogar


Educación en la casa


Escuela en el hogar


Escuela en la casa


Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool)



Educación del niño(a)



Pare ahora por favor y llame al 1-888-840-8353
para verificar que recibió la encuesta correcta.


Niño(a) no ha empezado el kindergarten


Kindergarten todo el día


Grado 3


Grado 7


Grado 11


Kindergarten parte del día


Grado 4


Grado 8


Grado 12


Grado 1


Grado 5


Grado 9


Grado 2


Grado 6


Grado 10


Una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.


Una escuela pública localizada en un edificio físico, incluyendo escuela charter.


Una escuela católica privada localizada en un edificio físico


Una escuela religiosa privada pero NO católica, localizada en un edificio físico


Una escuela privada, pero no religiosa localizada en un edificio físico


Escuela online, virtual o cyber de tiempo completo para grados de kindergarden hasta
12° grado


Un college, college comunitario o universidad online, virtual o cyber


College, college comunitario, o universidad localizado en un edificio físico


El estudiante recibe su enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool), incluyendo materias cooperativas de padres para enseñanza escolar en el hogar





VAYA A la pregunta 4
VAYA A la pregunta 32 en la página 11







Educación en el hogar
4. Algunos padres deciden dar a sus niños su
educa-ción escolar en el hogar en vez de enviarlos
a una escuela pública o privada ubicada en un
edificio. ¿Este niño(a) está recibiendo su
enseñanza esco-lar en el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de en una es-cuela, al menos para algunas de
las clases o mate-rias?
VAYA A la pregunta 32
5. ¿Cuál de las siguientes afirmaciones describe mejor el arreglo de enseñanza escolar en el hogar

9. ¿Está inscrito este niño(a) en cursos online, virtuales o cyber?
No incluya cursos que usan el internet solamente
para tareas específicas.

Sí, todos los cursos que toma este niño(a) son cursos online, virtuales o cyber


Sí, más de la mitad de los cursos que toma este
niño(a) son cursos online, virtuales o cyber


Sí, menos de la mitad de los cursos que toma este
niño(a) son cursos online, virtuales o cyber


No, ninguno de los cursos que toma este niño(a)
son cursos
VAYA A la pregunta 16
online, virtuales o cyber

(homeschool) para este niño(a) ?
Este niño(a) recibe la enseñanza escolar en el
hogar para TODAS las clases o asignaturas, lo
cual puede incluir clases por cooperativas de padres, cursos virtual/cyber/oline, e instrucción en el
hogar proporcionada por un tutor o maestro particular


Este niño(a) recibe la enseñanza escolar en el
hogar para ALGUNAS clases o asignaturas y también asiste a la escuela pública o privada
Este niño(a) NO recibe la enseñanza escolar en el
hogar. Este niño(a) asiste a la escuela pública o
privada para todas
VAYA A la pregunta 32
las clases o

6. ¿Recibe este niño(a) alguna parte de su instrucción en un grupo o cooperativa local para la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool)?
 Sí
 No
7. ¿Quién es la persona que le ofrece PRINCIPALMENTE la enseñanza escolar en el HOGAR
(homeschool) al niño(a)?

Maestro(a) de una escuela en Internet, virtual o
por computadora
Otra persona - Especifique

8. ¿Este niño(a) recibe de un tutor o maestro privado
parte de su enseñanza escolar en el hogar
 Sí
 No

10. Hay muchas razones por las cuales los padres que
dan la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool)
a sus hijos eligen cursos online, virtuales o cyber.
¿Está inscrito este niño(a) en cursos online, virtuales o cyber porque…
Una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.


necesitaba curso(s) avanzado(s)
(por ejemplo cursos de colocación
avanzada o cursos universitarios)?


necesitaba curso(s) especializado
(s) (por ejemplo idioma extranjero)?


necesitaba ayuda adicional para
algún curso o materia?


su estilo de aprendizaje le conviene un aprendizaje online, virtual o


usted prefiere cursos online, virtuales o cyber para este niño(a)?


empezamos a dar la enseñanza
escolar en el hogar (homeschool)
a este niño(a) para poder inscribirlo en una escuela online, virtual
o cyber


Otra razón — Especifique:





11. De todas las razones por las cuales este niño(a)
está inscrito(a) en cursos online, virtuales o cyber,
¿cuál diría usted que fue la más importante?

15. En la última semana durante la cuál este niño
(a) recibió la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool), aproximadamente, ¿cuántas horas pasó este niño(a) en clases online, virtuales
o cyber?

Escriba la letra de la pregunta 10 para la razón
más importante por lo cual este niño(a) esta inscrito en cursos online, virtuales o cyber.
Letra de la pregunta 10
12. ¿Proveen los siguientes tipos de escuela o maestros la instrucción para los cursos online, virtuales
o cyber para este niño(a)?


La escuela pública o el distrito escolar de este niño(a)


La escuela privada de este niño(a)


Un instituto online, una escuela virtual
o una escuela cyber


Una compañía que provee cursos
que yo podría comprar o acceder
para este niño(a)


Otra escuela K-12 pública o privada


Un instructor independiente y no afiliado con ninguna escuela


Otro lugar – Especifique:




Menos de 10 horas en esa semana


De 10 a 24 horas en esa semana


Más de 24 horas en esa semana

16. ¿Cuál de las siguientes frases describe mejor
el estilo de enseñanza que se usa para la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) de este niño(a)?

Una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.



una casilla para CADA una de las
siguientes preguntas.

Una universidad o college comunitario


Seguimos estrictamente un currículo formal


Principalmente seguimos un currículo formal,
pero también usamos aprendizaje informal (por
ejemplo, aprendizaje dirigido por el niño(a),
"momentos de enseñanza")


Principalmente usamos enseñanza informal,
pero a veces usamos un currículo formal


Siempre usamos aprendizaje informal, y nunca
seguimos un currículo formal

17. Desde septiembre, ¿ha participado este niño(a)
en actividades con niños de otras familias que
reciben la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
 Sí

13. ¿Cuántos cursos online, virtuales o cyber toma
este niño(a)?

14. ¿Cuál es la cantidad total de la matrícula y cargos
para todos los cursos online, virtuales o cyber que
toma este niño(a)?
Escriba "0" si no aplica.






19. En esta pregunta, estamos interesados en los
recursos físicos que utiliza. ¿De dónde consigue copia del plan de estudios y los materiales
que utiliza para la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) de este niño(a) (por ejemplo,
hojas de ejercicios, libros de texto, libros de
ficción o no ficción, DVDs o vídeos)?

18. En esta pregunta, estamos interesados en los recursos ONLINE, VIRTUALES O CYBER que utilizan
en su casa cuando un padre está proveyendo la
instrucción (por ejemplo, descarga continua de
videos instructivos, materiales bajados para cursos).
Desde septiembre, ¿ha usado recursos de...
Una casilla para CADA
una de las siguientes preguntas.

Una biblioteca pública?


Un catálogo, editorial, tienda, escuela privada, o individuo que se
especializa en proveer materiales
educativos a familias que dan la
enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) a sus hijos
Si es que sí, ¿está el catálogo, editorial, escuela privada o individuo
afiliado con alguna religión u organización religiosa?




Desde septiembre, ¿ha usado recursos de...





Una casilla para CADA una de las
siguientes preguntas.

Una biblioteca pública?


Un catálogo, editorial, tienda, escuela privada, o individuo que se
especializa en proveer materiales
educativos a familias que educan
en el hogar (homeschool) a sus
Si es que sí, ¿está el catálogo,
editorial, escuela privada o individuo afiliado con alguna religión o
organización religiosa?


Su escuela pública local o distrito


Sitios gratuitos del internet (como
YouTube o Wikipedia)?

Su escuela pública local o distrito


Sitios de recursos educativos online (como Khan Academy o edX?)

Un congreso de enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool)?


Un intercambio de currículo?


Otras familias que dan la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) a sus hijos?
Otra fuente? – Especifique:

Otra Fuente – Especifique:

20. En el año pasado, ¿ha recibido usted o algún
otro miembro de su familia algún curso, ya sea
por internet o en persona, para ayudarle a preparar la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) de este niño(a)?
 Sí, tanto por Internet como en persona




Sí, por Internet solamente


Sí, en persona solamente


No, ninguno

23. Hay muchas razones por las cuales los padres
eligen la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) para sus hijos. ¿Eligió su familia
la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool)
para este niño(a) porque:

21. Incluyendo el grado actual, y pensando en todos
los grados en los que este niño(a) ha recibido la
enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool),
¿para cuántos grados recibió este niño(a) la enseñanza escolar en hogar (homeschool)?

Una casilla para CADA una de las
siguientes preguntas.

número total de grados en enseñanza escolar
en el hogar (homeschool)
22. Pensando en los niveles típicos de grados, ¿para
qué grados recibió este niño(a) enseñanza escolar
en el hogar (homeschool), al menos para algunas
clases o asignaturas?


Le preocupa el ambiente en la escuela, como la seguridad, las drogas o la influencia negativa de
otros alumnos?


Está insatisfecho con la instrucción
académica en otras escuelas?


Prefiere educar a este niño(a) en
casa para poder ofrecerle instrucción religiosa?


Prefiere educar a este niño(a) en
casa para poder ofrecerle instrucción moral?





todas las que correspondan..


Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
kindergarten (incluyendo kindergarten de transición y
Pre-primer grado)


Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
1er grado


Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
2o grado



Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
3er grado

Este niño(a) tiene un problema físico o mental que ha durado seis
meses o más?



Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
in 4o grado

Este niño(a) tiene una enfermedad
temporal que le impide asistir a la


Este niño(a) tiene alguna otra necesidad especial que usted siente que
la escuela no puede o no va a satisfacer?
Usted está interesado(a) en un enfoque no tradicional hacia la educación de los niño(a)s?
Quiere enfatizar la vida familiar juntos?


Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
5o grado


Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en



Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
7º grado



Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
8º grado



Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
9º grado - freshman


Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
10º grado - sophomore


Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
11º grado- junior


Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
12º grado - senior

Usted tiene otra razón para la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) a su niño(a)? - Especifique:

24. Entre las razones por las cuales su familia decidió dar la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) a este niño(a), ¿cuál diría usted
que fue la más importante?
Escriba la letra de la pregunra 23 para la razón
más importante por la cual usted eligió la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) para
su hijo(a).
letra de la pregunta 23


25. En la semana más reciente en la cual este niño(a)
recibió su enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool), ¿qué materias se enseñaron durante la instrucción en el hogar?

26. ¿Participa su familia en las actividades o reuniones
de una asociación local de enseñanza escolar en el
hogar (homeschool), cooperativa u otro grupo local
de enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool)?

Hemos otorgado espacio para que anote hasta 10
materias. Tal vez tenga menos de 10 materias. Escriba solamente una materia en cada espacio.





VAYA A la pregunta 28

27. Desde septiembre, ¿cuántas veces ha ido su familia a reuniones o participado en actividades de una
asociación local de enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool), cooperativa u otro grupo local de
enseñanza escolar en el hogar?




28. ¿Es su familia o alguien en su hogar miembro de
una organización nacional de enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool)?






29. ¿Es este niño(a) parte de una familia militar que se
traslada frecuentemente?






30. Este niño(a) que recibe la enseñanza escolar en el
hogar (homeschool), ¿está también inscrito(a) en
una escuela para cualquier grado de K-12?






VAYA A la pregunta 44

31. ¿Aproximadamente cuantas horas a la SEMANA
asiste a una escuela este niño(a)? No incluya tiempo que pasa en actividades extraescolares.





de 1 a 10 horas
de 11 a 25 horas
Más de 25 horas

Escuela del niño(a)

37. ¿Siente que usted tuvo opciones en decidir qué
escuela asistiría este niño(a)?

32. Esta pregunta sirve para dirigirle a las preguntas
que son apropiadas para este niño(a).
¿Cuál describe mejor la escuela física u online,
virtual o cyber donde este niño(a) está inscrito
para la mayor parte del tiempo?

Una escuela pública que
localizada en un edificio

pregunta 34


Una escuela privada localizada en un edificio físico

pregunta 37


Una escuela online, virtual o


Este niño(a) recibe la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) solamente




38. ¿Le permite su distrito escolar público escoger a
qué escuela pública usted desea que este niño(a)
Esto puede incluir solicitar la admisión a un programa
“magnet” en una escuela pública, transferirse a otra
escuela pública dentro del distrito o transferirse a una
escuela pública fuera del distrito.

UNA SOLA respuesta.








No lo sé

pregunta 35
39. ¿Este niño(a) está matriculado(a) en algún curso
por online, virtual o cyber?

pregunta 44

No incluya los cursos en los que se usa Internet
solo para tareas específicas.

33. Conteste por favor las siguientes preguntas acerca de la escuela donde este niño(a) está inscrito
para la mayoría de sus créditos. ¿Es esta la escuela designada por su distrito escolar?


Una escuela designada por un distrito es aquella que
su distrito escolar público le indicó que este niño(a)
puede asistir de acuerdo con la ubicación de su domicilio .






40. Por favor cuéntenos acerca de las calificaciones o
notas de este niño(a) durante este año escolar. En
promedio, en todas las asignaturas, ¿qué calificaciones o notas obtiene este niño(a)?

34. ¿Es esta escuela una escuela chárter?

No lo sé


35. ¿Es esta escuela una escuela especializada
(magnet) o asiste este niño(a) a un programa especializado (magnet program)?


No lo sé

36. ¿Se mudó usted a su vecindario actual para que
este niño(a) pudiera asistir a su escuela actual?

Sí, todos los cursos del niño(a) son online, virtuales o cyber
Sí, más o menos la mitad o más de la mitad de
los cursos del niño(a) son online, virtuales o cyber
Sí, menos de la mitad de los cursos del niño(a)
son online, virtuales o cyber
No, ninguno de los cursos de este niño(a) son
online, virtuales o cyber



UNA SOLA respuesta.

Casi siempre A
Casi siempre B
Casi siempre C
Casi siempre D o menos
La escuela de este niño(a) no da estas calificaciones

Salud del niño(a)

41. ¿Está este niño(a) inscrito en algún curso avanzado llamado Colocación Avanzada (Advanced Placement o AP en inglés) en la secundaria?

44. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud que este
niño(a) tiene alguno de los siguientes problemas
de salud?

Colocación Avanzada (Advanced Placement) es un
programa que ofrece cursos de nivel universitario a
los estudiantes de high school, con la opción de que
estos estudiantes puedan tomar el examen AP para
recibir créditos universitarios.





No lo sé

una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.

42. ¿Ha tenido este niño(a) alguna vez las siguientes

una casilla para CADA artículo abajo.


Suspensión fuera de la escuela


Suspensión en la escuela, sin
contar quedarse después de clases como castigo


Ha sido expulsado(a) de la escuela






Un impedimento del habla o del lenguaje


Un trastorno emocional grave


Sordera u otro impedimento del oído


Ceguera u otro impedimento de la
vista que no se corrige con anteojos


Un impedimento ortopédico


Autismo o trastorno del espectro


Trastorno generalizado del desarrollo (PPD, en inglés)
Trastorno de deficiencia de atención
(ADD o ADHD, en inglés)



Una discapacidad específica de
Un retraso del desarrollo


Lesión traumática en el cerebro


Una discapacidad intelectual, conocido antes como retraso mental


Otro impedimento de la salud que
dure 6 meses o más


43. De media, ¿cuántas horas al DÍA asiste a una escuela este niño(a)?





45. ¿Contestó sí a alguno de los problemas en la pregunta 44?





VAYA A la pregunta 46


VAYA A la pregunta 50

Historia del niño

46. ¿Recibe este niño(a) servicios a través de un Programa Educativo Individual (IEP, por sus siglas en


50. ¿Es este niño(a) de origen hispano, latino o español ?
 No, no es de origen hispano, latino o español

VAYA A la pregunta 48

47. Pensando en el IEP, por sus siglas en inglés, o el
plan de servicios de este niño(a) a partir de septiembre, ¿qué tan satisfecho(a) está usted con la
comunicación que el proveedor del servicio, o la
escuela, tiene con la familia?
 Muy satisfecho
 Algo satisfecho
 Algo insatisfecho
 Muy insatisfecho




Participar en deportes, clubes u
otras actividades organizadas


Asistir a la escuela de manera habitual
Hacer amigos



Sí, Cubano


Sí, es de otro origen hispano, latino o español, o

todas las que correspondan.


Indígena de las Américas o nativa de Alaska




Negra o afroamericana


Nativa de Hawái u otra de las islas del Pacífico



52. ¿Este niño(a) vive en esta dirección Y en otra dirección más (por ejemplo, debido a que los padres viven separados)?

una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.


Sí, Puertorriqueño


49. ¿Afecta el problema de salud de este niño(a) su
capacidad para hacer algunas de las siguientes



51. ¿Cuál es la raza de este niño(a)? Puede marcar
una o más razas.

48. Actualmente, ¿asiste este niño(a) a alguna clase o
servicios de educación especial ?

Sí, mexicano, mexicano americano, chicano

más de un origen hispano, latino o Español

No aplica





No incluya casas de vacaciones.







VAYA A la pregunta 54

53. Si es que sí, ¿este niño(a)...
 ¿Pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en este domicilio?

¿Pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en otro domicilio?


¿Pasa la misma cantidad de tiempo en ambos



Uno de los padres que
vive en el hogar

59. ¿Dónde nació este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal?
 Uno de los 50
VAYA A la pregunta 61
estados de

54. ¿Se considera usted uno de los padres o tutores legales de este niño?

los Estados Unidos o el Distrito de Columbia


Uno de los territorios incorporados de los Estados
Unidos (Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa Americana,
Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos o Islas Ma-

55. Si sí, usted es el padre, la madre o el tutor(a)
legal del niño(a), conteste las preguntas en eta
sección acerca de usted. Si no, usted no es el
padre, la madre o el tutor(a) legal del niño(a),
conteste las preguntas en esta sección acerca
de uno de los padres o tutores de este niño(a)
que viva en el hogar.

rianas del Norte)

60. ¿Qué edad tenía este padre o tutor legal cuando se
mudó por primera vez a uno de los 50 estados de
los Estados Unidos o al Distrito de Columbia?

¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal...
 uno de los padres biológicos del niño(a)

uno de los padres adoptivos del niño(a)


un padrastro o madrastra del niño(a)


uno de los padres de crianza temporal (foster)

Si fue menor de un año, por favor escriba ’0’ .

del niño(a)

uno de los abuelos del niño(a)


otro tutor(a) legal del niño(a)

61. ¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de origen
hispano, latino o español?
 No, no es de origen hispano, latino, o español

56. ¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de sexo
masculino o femenino?
 Masculino



te casado(a)







Nunca se casó


Sí, puertorriqueño


Sí, cubano


Sí, es de otro origen hispano, latino o español; o


VAYA A la pregunta 59

58. ¿Este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal está viviendo actualmente con su pareja o novio(a) en este

Sí, mexicano, mexicano americano, chicano

62. ¿Cuál es la raza de este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal? Puede marcar una raza o más de una raza.

UNA SOLA respuesta.



de más de un origen hispano, latino o español

57. ¿Cuál es el estado civil actual de este padre,
madre o tutor legal?

Otro país




todas las que correspondan.


Indígena de las Américas o nativa de Alaska




Negra o afroamericana


Nativa de Hawái u otra de las islas del Pacífico



67. ¿Cuál es el estado civil actual de este padre, madre
o tutor(a) legal?

63. ¿Cuál es el grado o nivel más alto de estudios
que este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal completó?


UNA SOLA respuesta.

8° grado o menos
High school (grado 9 al 12), pero sin obtener el
Diploma de high school o equivalencia (GED)
Diploma vocacional o de oficios posterior a
high school
Algunos cursos de college o universidad, pero
sin graduarse
Licenciatura o grado asociado (AA, AS)
Licenciatura o grado de Bachelor (BA, BS)
Algo de educación profesional o graduada, pero sin título
Título de Maestría (MA, MS)
Título de Doctorado (PhD, EdD)
Título profesional posterior al grado de Bachelor (médico, dentista, doctor en leyes)



Su Hogar

69. ¿Esta casa o apartamento…

UNA SOLA respuesta.

es propiedad de alguien en el hogar o la está pagando alguien en este hogar?

64. ¿Hay otro padre, madre, o tutor(a) legal que vive en este hogar?

Actualmente casado(a)
Nunca se casó

68. ¿Este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal está viviendo
actualmente con su pareja o novio(a) en este hogar?

Otro de los padres que
vive en el hogar


UNA SOLA respuesta.

VAYA A la pregunta 67

65. Responda las preguntas de esta sección pensando en la segunda persona que también es
padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de este niño(a) y
que vive en el hogar.


es alquilada por alguien en este hogar?


es ocupada por algún otro tipo de acuerdo?

70. ¿Tiene usted acceso al Internet EN LA CASA, en
una computadora o tableta?
 Sí

¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal ...
 uno de los padres biológicos del niño(a)
 uno de los padres adoptivos del niño(a)
 un padrastro o madrastra del niño(a)
 uno de los padres foster del niño(a)
 uno de los abuelos del niño(a)
 otro tutor(a) legal del niño(a)


71. ¿Con qué frecuencia utiliza el internet este niño(a)
EN LA CASA para actividades de aprendizaje ?
 Todos los días

66. ¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de sexo
masculino o femenino?
 Masculino
 Femenino




Algunas veces a la semana


Algunas veces al mes


Algunas veces al año



72. ¿Utiliza el Internet este niño(a) para actividades
de aprendizaje en…
una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.





teléfono celular?





73. ¿Qué tan lejos espera usted que este niño(a) llegue con su educación?

UNA SOLA respuesta.


Que complete menos de high school


Que se gradúa de high school


Que asista a una escuela vocacional o de oficios
o escuela técnica después de completar high


Que asista al college o universidad durante dos
años o más


Que obtenga un grado de bachelor


Que obtenga un título de posgrado o título profesional después del título de bachelor



74. Quisiéramos identificar la escuela de este niño(a) para poder incluir información de la escuela en nuestro
estudio. A continuación, hemos incluido una lista de escuelas en su zona. Marque la casilla de la escuela a la
que asiste este niño(a).

UNA SOLA respuesta.


Lincoln Elementary School, 320 N 5th St., Beatrice


Paddock Lane Elementary School, 1300 N 14th St., Beatrice


Stoddard Elementary School, 400 S 7th St, Beatrice


Eagle Elementary School, 600 S 1st St., Eagle


Clinton Elementary School, 1520 N 29th St., Lincoln


College View Academy, 5240 Calvert St., Lincoln


Elliott Elementary School, 225 S 25th St., Lincoln


Everett Elementary School, 1123 C St., Lincoln


McPhee Elementary School, 820 Goodhue Blvd., Lincoln


Messiah Lutheran School, 1800 S 84th St. , Lincoln


Randolph Elementary School, 1024 S 37th St., Lincoln


Adams Elementary School, 3420 N 78th St., Omaha


Benson West Elementary School, 6652 Maple St., Omaha


Boyd Elementary School, 8314 Boyd St., Omaha


Columbian Elementary School, 330 S 127th St., Omaha



VAYA A la pregunta 75.



PARE. Por favor devuelva la encuesta en el sobre con franqueo prepagado.

75. Si encontró y marcó la escuela de este niño(a) en la lista de la pregunta 74, le damos las gracias. Si no encontró la escuela de este niño(a) en la pregunta 74, por favor escriba el nombre y la dirección en los
espa-cios a continuación para ayudarnos a identificar la escuela a la que asiste este niño(a).

Muchas gracias.
Por favor devuelva esta encuesta en el sobre con franqueo pre-pagado que
está incluído. Si se le perdió el sobre, envíe por correo la encuesta completada a:
U.S. Census Bureau
ATTN: DCB 60-A (0939)
1201 E. 10th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0001




Thank you for helping us with this survey. Based on the information we received from your household in your last
survey, we’re asking you to complete this
final step by answering some questions
about the care and education of [Child’s


Approval Expires XX/XX/XXXX




In response to the survey you answered earlier, we recorded that the child listed below has not
yet started kindergarten. If this child is attending public or private school or is homeschooled for
kindergarten through 12th grade or equivalent, please call us toll-free at 1-888-840-8353 to let
us know


These questions should be filled in by a parent or guardian who knows about:

Please answer all the survey questions thinking about this child or youth.

To answer a question, simply mark


Please use a black or blue pen, if available, to complete the survey.


There are arrows and instructions to GO TO a question number beside some response options.
These will help you move through the survey to questions that are appropriate for you.


the box that best represents your answer.





GO TO question 9

Please return the completed survey using the postage-paid envelope provided.



Care Your Child Receives
from Relatives


years old

A parent or guardian who knows the child list below
should answer the survey. Answer all the questions
thinking about:



This survey starts by asking about care this child
receives from a relative, then care received by
someone who is not related, and then care in a
daycare, preschool, or other center.


Is this child now receiving care from a relative other than a parent or guardian on a REGULAR BASIS, for example, from grandparents, brothers or
sisters, or any other relatives?







GO TO question 14

Are any of these care arrangements regularly
scheduled at least once a week?




How old is the relative who provides the most care
to this child?

Is this care provided in your home or another

Own home


Other home



GO TO question 7

About how long does it take to go from your home
to this relative’s home?

Less than 10 minutes


About 10 to 20 minutes


About 20 to 30 minutes


About 30 minutes to 1 hour


More than 1 hour

7. About how many DAYS each WEEK does this
child receive care from this relative?
days each week

GO TO question 14

8. About how many HOURS each WEEK does this
child receive care from this relative?

These next questions are about the care that this
child receives from the relative who provides the
most care.

hours each week

How is that relative related to this child?

ONE only.


 Grandmother/Grandfather





Another relative



How well does this relative care arrangement cover the hours needed for work?

Not well


Somewhat well




Very well


Not applicable

Care Your Child Receives
from Non-relatives

10. How old was this child in years and months when
THIS PARTICULAR regular care arrangement with
this relative began?

14. The next questions


child receives from someone NOT related to
him or her, EITHER IN YOUR HOME OR SOMEONE ELSE’S HOME. This includes home child
care providers or neighbors, but NOT day care
centers or preschools.

11. What language does this relative speak most when
caring for this child?




Is this child now receiving care in your home or
another home on a REGULAR BASIS from
someone who is NOT related to him or her?


English and Spanish equally




A language other than English or Spanish




English and another language equally
15. Are any of these care arrangements regularly
scheduled at least once a week?

12. Will this relative care for this child when the child

ONE box for each item below.


sick but does not have a fever? ...


sick and has a fever? ...................

GO TO question 29







GO TO question 29

16. These next questions are about the care that this
child receives from someone who is NOT related
to him or her who provides the most care.
Does this person who cares for this child live in
your household?

13. How many other children does this relative care
for while caring for this child?





17. Is this child cared for by a non-relative in your
own home or another home?




1 to 2


Own home


3 to 5


Other home


6 or more



GO TO question 19

18. About how long does it take to go from your
home to this care provider’s home?




Less than 10 minutes


About 10 to 20 minutes


About 20 to 30 minutes


About 30 minutes to 1 hour


More than 1 hour

26. Will this non-relative care for this child when the
child is…

19. About how many DAYS each WEEK does this
child receive care from this non-relative?


days each week

ONE box for each item below.


20. About how many HOURS each WEEK does this
child receive care from this non-relative?
hours each week
21. How well does this non-relative care arrangement cover the hours needed for work?

Not well


Somewhat well




Very well


Not applicable







sick and has a fever? ...................




1 to 2


3 to 5


6 or more





Child Care Centers and Preschool Programs Your Child


29. The next questions ask about any day care centers and early childhood programs that this child
attends. This does not include care provided in a
private home.

24. Is this child’s non-relative care provider age 18
or older?


28. Would you recommend this non-relative care provider to another parent?

23. Was this care provider someone you already

sick but does not have a fever? ...


27. How many other children does this non-relative
care for while caring for this child?

22. How old was this child in years and months
when THIS PARTICULAR regular care arrangement with this non-relative began?



Is this child now attending a day care center,
childcare center, preschool, or prekindergarten
not in a private home?

25. What language does this non-relative care provider speak most when caring for this child?





GO TO question 43

30. Does this child go to a day care center, childcare
center, preschool, or prekindergarten, at least
once each week?






English and Spanish equally



GO TO question 31


A language other than English or Spanish



English and another language equally


GO TO question 43



37. How well does this program cover the hours needed for work?

31. The next questions ask about the PROGRAM
where this child spends the most time.


Not well


Somewhat well

In a church, synagogue, or other place of wor-





Very well


Not applicable

Where is this program located?


ONE only.


In a public elementary or secondary school


In a private elementary or secondary school


At a college or university


At a community center


At a public library


In its own building, office space, or storefront


Some other place—Specify:

38. How old was this child in years and months when
he or she started going to THIS PARTICULAR program?

39. Have you ever been asked to remove this child
from care for the day due to one or more behavior
issues, such as biting, being aggressive, not following directions, being overly active, being impulsive, or having little or no self-control?

32. Does this program teach religious content to
the children?









40. Has this program provided any of the following
services to this child?

33. Is this program located at your workplace or
this child’s other parent’s workplace?



one box for EACH item below.



34. Is this program a Head Start or Early Head Start
Head Start and Early Head Start are federally sponsored preschool programs primarily for children from
low-income families.






Don’t know

35. About how many DAYS each WEEK does this
child go to this program?
days each week
36. About how many HOURS each WEEK does this
child go to this program?
hours each week



Hearing or vision testing……...


Physical examinations………..


Dental examinations…………..


Developmental screenings for
speech and language, social
emotional, or motor skills…….


Medication administration……


Sick child care when this child
is sick but does not have a


Sick child care when this child
is sick and has a fever………..






44. What is the MAIN reason your household wanted a
care arrangement for this child in the past year?

41. Is there any charge or fee for this program, paid
either by you or some other person or agency?
 Yes



GO TO question 43









Another social service, welfare, child
care, or other kind of agency………...


An employer, not including a tax-free
spending account for child care... …..


Someone else.............................. …..

Head Start and Early Head Start are federally sponsored preschool programs primarily for children from
low-income families.




Don’t know


To provide cultural or language learning


To make time for running errands or free time


Some other reason






Don’t know





GO TO question 51

47. How much difficulty did you have finding the type
of child care or early childhood program you wanted for this child?

43. Has this child EVER attended a Head Start or Early Head Start program?


To prepare this child for school

46. Have you ever searched for care for this child?

Finding and Choosing Care
for Your Child



45. Do you feel there are good choices for child care or
early childhood programs where you live?

Your state welfare or family assistance program (this may be called
Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families [TANF] or something else…


To provide care when a parent or guardian was at
work or school

ONE box for each item below.

A relative of this child outside your
household who provides money
SPECIFICALLY for that care, not
including general child support……..

Did not want a care arrangement for this child in
the past year

42. Do any of the following people, programs, or organizations help pay for this child to go to this

ONE only.




No difficulty


A little difficulty


Some difficulty


A lot of difficulty


Did not find the type of child care program I wanted

GO TO question 49

Your Child’s Early Learning
and Development

48. What was the MAIN reason for the difficulty finding child care or early childhood programs?

ONE only.








Lack of open slots for new children


Child has a special need, and could not find ap-

51. Is this child under 2 years old; or is this child 2
years old or older?

propriate care


Under 2 years


2 years or older

GO TO question 54

52. These next questions ask about things that different children do at different ages. These things may
or may not be true for this child and that’s okay.


Looking for specific hours or schedule


Challenges receiving financial assistance


Age requirements of the child care

Can this child recognize the letters of the alphabet?




No, none of them


Yes, some of them


Yes, most of them


Yes, all of them

49. Did you have a care arrangement for this child in
the past year?




53. Can this child write his or her first name, even if
some of the letters are backwards?

GO TO question 51

50. What were the main reasons your household
chose the care arrangement or program where
this child spends the most time?





54. Have you or another parent expressed concerns to
a health, education, or early intervention professional about this child’s development (for example,
speech and language, social emotional, or motor
skill development)?

We have provided spaces for you to tell us about
up to 3 reasons. You may have fewer reasons to
tell us about. Please write only one reason in each





GO TO question 56

55. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with
responses from health, education, or early intervention professionals about your concerns about
this child’s development?




Very satisfied


Somewhat satisfied


Somewhat dissatisfied


Very dissatisfied

56. Has a health, education, or early intervention professional told you that this child has any of the
following conditions?

63. How often does this child’s condition interfere with
his or her ability to do the following things?

one box for EACH item below.


A speech or language impairment…..


Autism or autism spectrum disorder..


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD or ADD…………………....





57. Has a health, education, or early intervention professional told you that this child is at risk for a
developmental delay?
 Yes
 No
question 57?




Somewhat satisfied


Somewhat dissatisfied


Very dissatisfied


Play with


Go on










65. Where was this child born?
 One of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia

GO TO question 67
One of the U.S. territories (Puerto Rico, Guam,
American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Mariana


Another country

66. How old was this child when he or she first moved
to the 50 United States or the District of Columbia?

GO TO question 63

61. Are this child’s services through an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or Individualized
Education Program (IEP)?
 Yes



Child’s Background

60. Is this child receiving services for his or her condition (for example, speech therapy or physical
 Yes


GO TO question 64

59. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with
how well health, education, or early intervention
professionals have met your child’s needs?
 Very satisfied




64. Is this child currently enrolled in early childhood
special education?

58. Did you mark YES to any part of question 56 or

one box for EACH item below.

If younger than 1, write “0”.
years old

GO TO question 63
67. Is this child of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
 No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

62. Thinking about the child’s IFSP or IEP, since September, how satisfied or dissatisfied have you
been with the service provider’s or school’s communication with your family?
 Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied


Somewhat dissatisfied


Very dissatisfied


Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano


Yes, Puerto Rican


Yes, Cuban


Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin; or
more than one Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin



73. Is this child currently enrolled in English as a second language, bilingual education, or an English
immersion program?

68. What is this child’s race? You may mark one or
more races.

all that apply.


American Indian or Alaska Native




Black or African American


Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander



Very good









71. If yes, does this child...
Spend the most time at this address?


Spend the most time at another address?


Spend equal time at both addresses?


started to speak




Biological parent


Adoptive parent




Foster parent




Other guardian





77. What is this parent or guardian’s current marital

ONE only.

Child has not


76. Is this parent or guardian male or female?

72. What language does this child speak most AT


Is this parent or guardian the child’s...

GO TO question 72



75. If yes, you are the child’s parent or guardian, answer questions in this section about yourself. If no,
you are not the child’s parent or guardian, answer
the questions in this section about one of this
child’s parents or guardians living in the household.

Do no include vacation properties.


74. Do you consider yourself one of this child’s parents or guardians?

70. Does this child sometimes live at another address (for example, because of parents living


Parent 1 Living in Household

69. In general, how would you describe this child’s
 Excellent



question 74

ONE only.


Now married










English and Spanish equally




A language other than English or Spanish


Never married


English and another language equally

GO TO question 79

78. Is this parent or guardian currently living with a
boyfriend/girlfriend or partner in this household?



83. What is the highest grade or level of school that
this parent or guardian completed?

79. Where was this parent or guardian born?

One of the 50 United States or the District of



GO TO question 81

One of the U.S. territories (Puerto Rico, Guam,
American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Mariana Islands)


Another country

80. How old was this parent or guardian when he or
she first moved to the 50 United States or the
District of Columbia?
If younger than 1, write “0”.
years old
81. Is this parent or guardian of Hispanic, Latino, or
Spanish origin?

No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin


Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano


Yes, Puerto Rican


Yes, Cuban


Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish



Black or African American


Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander



High school, but no diploma


High school diploma or equivalent (GED)


Vocational diploma after high school


Some college, but no degree


Associate’s degree (AA, AS)


Bachelor’s degree (BA, BS)


Some graduate or professional


education, but no degree


Master’s degree (MA, MS)


Doctorate degree (PhD, EdD)


Professional degree beyond bachelor’s degree


Parent 2 Living in Household
85. Is there a second parent or guardian living in this

all that apply.




82. What is this parent or guardian’s race? You
may mark one or more races.
American Indian or Alaska Native

8th grade or less

84. Does this parent or guardian have Internet access
on a cell phone?

Spanish origin




origin; or more than one Hispanic, Latino, or


ONE only.


GO TO question 90

86. Answer questions in this section about a second
parent or guardian living in the household.
Is this parent or guardian the child’s...




Biological parent


Adoptive parent




Foster parent




Other guardian

92. How often does this child use the Internet AT
HOME for learning activities?

87. Is this parent or guardian male or female?




88. What is this parent or guardian’s current marital

ONE only.


Now married








Never married

ONE only.

Owned or being bought by someone in this household?


Rented by someone in this household?


Occupied by some other arrangement?

91. Does your household have Internet access AT
HOME on a computer or tablet?




A few times a month


A few times a year



GO TO next page

one box for EACH item below.

90. Is this house or apartment…


A few times a week


Your Household



93. Does this child use the Internet for learning activities on...



Every day

GO TO question 90

89. Is this parent or guardian currently living with a
boyfriend/girlfriend or partner in this household?









Cell phone?...........…………………....




Thank you.
Please return this questionnaire in the postage-paid envelope provided. If
you have lost the envelope, mail the completed questionnaire to:
U.S. Census Bureau
ATTN: DCB 60-A (0939)
1201 E. 10th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0001




Aprobado hasta XX/XX/XXXX

Gracias por su colaboración con esta
encuesta. De acuerdo con la información
que recibimos de su hogar en su última
encuesta, quisiéramos pedirle que complete esta parte contestando a unas preguntas sobre la educación de [Child’s
El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del Departamento de Educación
está autorizado a realizar esta Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación (NHES por sus siglas en inglés) por medio
de la Reforma a la Ley de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002, título 20, sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo
de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide no participar en
este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse
en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151). De acuerdo con
la Ley de Reducción de Papeleo de 1995, no se requiere que ninguna persona responda a una recopilación de información
a menos que muestre un número de control OMB válido. El número de control OMB válido para encuesta voluntaria es
1850-0768. El tiempo requerido para completar esta encuesta se estima en un promedio de 20 minutos por respuesta,
incluido el tiempo para revisar las instrucciones, reunir los datos necesarios y completar y revisar la encuesta. Si tiene algún
comentario sobre la precisión del tiempo estimado, las sugerencias para mejorar esta encuesta, o cualquier comentario o
inquietud con respecto al estado de su presentación individual de esta encuesta, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a:
[email protected] o escriba a: Sarah Grady, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), PCP, 550 12th Street, SW, 4th
floor, Washington, D.C. 20202.




En respuesta a la encuesta que usted respondió anteriormente, anotamos que el niño(a) que se
nombra a continuación no ha comenzado kindergarten todavía. Si este niño(a) asiste a una escuela pública o privada o recibe la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschooled) para kindergarten a 12º Grado (o su equivalente), por favor llámenos al número sin cargo 1-888-840-8353
para hacérnoslo saber.


Estas preguntas las debe responder uno de los padres o tutores que sepa sobre:

Por favor responda a todas las preguntas de la encuesta pensando en este niño(a).


Para responder a una pregunta, implemente marque
respuesta o anote el número (los números).


Por favor, si es posible, use una pluma o bolígrafo de tinta negra o azul para responder a esta


Hay flechas e instrucciones que le dirigen que VAYA A un determinado número de pregunta.
Estas flechas e instrucciones le ayudarán a navegar por la encuesta.






la casilla que mejor representa su

VAYA A la pregunta 9

Por favor devuelva esta encuesta en el sobre con franqueo prepagado que le hemos



Cuidado infantil por parte de



Esta encuesta la debe responder un padre, madre, o
tutor(a) legal que sepa sobre el niño(a) que se indica
a continuación. Responda a todas las preguntas de
la encuesta pensando en:



Esta encuesta empieza preguntando sobre el cuidado que este niño(a) recibe de un pariente, después cuidado por parte de una persona que no es
su pariente, y finalmente cuidado en una guardería, centro de cuidado infantil, programa preescolar o prekindergarden u otro centro.


Actualmente, ¿cuida a este niño(a) CON REGULARIDAD un pariente, distinto a uno de los padres o
tutores legales? Por ejemplo, los abuelos, hermanos, hermanas u otro pariente?










VAYA A la pregunta 14


Mi propia casa


Otra casa



Más o menos, ¿cuánto tiempo le toma el viaje de
su casa a la casa de este pariente?

Menos de 10 minutos


De 10 a 20 minutos


De 20 a 30 minutos


De 30 minutos a 1 hora


Más de 1 hora

8. Más o menos, ¿cuántas HORAS a la SEMANA cuida este pariente a este niño(a)? ?
horas a la semana

VAYA A la pregunta 14


¿Cuál es la relación o el parentesco de ese pariente con este niño(a)?







Otro pariente

¿Qué tan bien cubre este pariente las horas que
usted necesita para el cuidado de este niño(a) durante sus horas de trabajo?

una sola .


VAYA A la pregunta 7

días a la semana

Las siguientes preguntas se tratan del cuidado
que este niño(a) recibe por parte del pariente que
lo cuida la mayor parte del tiempo.


¿Cuida al niño(a) en su casa o en otra casa?

7. Más o menos, ¿cuántos DÍAS a la SEMANA cuida
este pariente a este niño(a)?

¿Se planifica con regularidad alguno de estos
arreglos de cuidado infantil por lo menos una vez
a la semana?

¿Qué edad tiene este pariente que cuida a este
niño(a) la mayoría del tiempo?



Nada bien
Más o menos bien
Muy bien
No aplica

Cuidado infantil que su hijo(a) recibe por parte de personas que no
son sus parientes

10. ¿Qué edad tenía este niño(a), en años y meses,
cuando comenzó este arreglo regular ESPECÍFICO
con este pariente?


14. Las siguientes preguntas se tratan del cuidado

que este niño(a) recibe por parte de personas
que NO son sus parientes, YA SEA EN SU CASA
O EN LA CASA DE OTRA PERSONA. Esto incluye a personas que cuidan niños(as) en sus casas
o vecinos, pero NO incluye guarderías ni programas preescolares.

11. ¿Qué idioma habla más este pariente cuando está
cuidando a este niño(a)?
 Inglés



Inglés y español por igual


Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español


Inglés y otro idioma por igual

Actualmente, ¿cuida a este niño(a) CON REGULARIDAD una persona que NO es su pariente, ya
sea en casa o en otra casa?
 Sí

UNA casilla para cada artículo abajo.


enfermo pero no tiene fiebre?


enfermo y tiene fiebre?





VAYA A la pregunta 29

15. ¿Se planifica con regularidad alguno de estos
arreglos de cuidado infantil por lo menos una
vez a la semana?
 Sí

12. Este pariente lo/a cuida si el niño(a) está …




VAYA A la pregunta 29

16. Las siguientes preguntas se tratan del cuidado que
este niño(a) recibe por parte de una persona que
NO es su pariente y que lo cuida la mayor parte del
¿Vive en el hogar de usted esta persona que cuida
a este niño?

13. ¿Mientras este pariente cuida a este niño(a), a
cuántos otros niños cuida?
 Ninguno





6 o más





17. ¿Cuida al niño en su casa o en otra casa?

Mi propia


Otra casa



VAYA A la pregunta 19

18. Más o menos, ¿cuánto tiempo le toma el viaje de
su casa a la casa de esta persona?
 Menos de 10 minutos




De 10 a 20 minutos


De 20 a 30 minutos


De 30 minutos a 1 hora


Más de 1 hora

19. Más o menos, ¿cuántos DÍAS a la SEMANA cuida
esta persona que no es su pariente a este niño

26. ¿Esta persona que no es su pariente lo/la cuida si
el niño(a) está…”
artículo abajo.

días por semana

20. Más o menos, ¿cuántas HORAS a la SEMANA
cuida esta persona que no es su pariente a este
horas por semana

Nada bien
Más o menos bien
Muy bien
No aplica

enfermo y tiene fiebre?







6 o más


Guarderías y programas
preescolares a los que asiste
este niño(a)


29. Las siguientes preguntas se tratan de las guarderías y los programas de educación temprana a los
que este niño(a) asiste. Esto no incluye el cuidado
que este niño(a) recibe en un hogar privado.


Actualmente, ¿asiste este niño(a) a una guardería,
centro de cuidado infantil, programa preescolar o
prekindergarden que no sea en un hogar privado?
 Sí

24. ¿Es esta persona que no es su pariente y que
cuida a este niño(a) mayor de 18 años?
 Sí



23. ¿Era esta persona que cuida niños(as) alguien a
quien usted ya conocía?
 Sí

enfermo pero no tiene fiebre?



28. ¿Le recomendaría esta persona que no es su pariente a otros padres?
 Sí

22. ¿Qué edad tenía este niño(a), en años y meses,
cuando comenzó este arreglo regular ESPECÍFICO con esta persona que no es su pariente?



27. ¿Mientras esta persona que no es su pariente cuida
a este niño(a), a cuántos otros niños cuida?
 Ninguno

21. ¿Qué tan bien cubre esta persona que no es su
pariente las horas que usted necesita para el cuidado de este niño(a) durante sus horas de trabajo?

UNA casilla para cada



25. ¿Qué idioma habla más esta persona que no es
su pariente cuando está cuidando a este niño(a)?
 Inglés


VAYA A la pregunta 43

30. ¿Va este niño(a) va a una guardería, centro de cuidado infantil, programa preescolar o a un prekindergarten por lo menos una vez a la semana?




Inglés y español por igual



VAYA A la pregunta 31


Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español



VAYA A la pregunta 43


Inglés y otro idioma por igual



37. Qué tan bien cubre este programa las horas que
usted necesita para el cuidado de este niño(a) durante sus horas de trabajo?

Las siguientes preguntas se tratan del PROGRAMA
en el cual este niño(a) pasa la mayoría del tiempo.


31. ¿Dónde queda este programa?

una sola .


En una iglesia, sinagoga o en otro lugar religioso


En una escuela primaria o secundaria pública


En una escuela primaria o secundaria privada


En una universidad


En un centro comunitario


En una biblioteca pública


Tiene su propio edificio, oficina o local


Algún otro lugar - especifique:

38. ¿Qué edad tenía este niño(a), en años y meses,
cuando comenzó a asistir a este programa ESPECÍFICAMENTE?




40. ¿Este programa le ha brindado a este niño(a) alguno de los siguientes servicios?

33. ¿Está este programa en su lugar de trabajo o en
el lugar de trabajo del otro padre o madre de este
 Sí


39. ¿Alguna vez le han pedido que retire a este niño
(a) de un lugar de cuidado infantil por el resto del
día porque él/ella estaba teniendo uno o más problemas de comportamiento, como morder, ser
agresivo(a), no seguir instrucciones, ser excesivamente activo(a), ser impulsivo(a) o tener muy poco o nada de autocontrol?
 Sí

32. ¿Este programa enseña contenido religioso a los
 Sí

Nada bien
Más o menos bien
Muy bien
No aplica

una sola respuesta para CADA una de
las siguientes preguntas


34. ¿Es este tipo de programa de Head Start o de
Early Head Start?


Los programas de Head Start y de Early Head Start son programas preescolares patrocinados por el gobierno federal y
orientados principalmente a niños(as) de familias de bajos








No lo sé


35. ¿Cuántos DÍAS a la SEMANA asiste este niño(a) a
este programa?


días por semana

36. ¿Cuántas HORAS a la SEMANA asiste este niño
(a) a este programa?
horas por semana


Examen del oído o la vista
Exámenes físicos
Exámenes dentales
Exámenes del desarrollo del
habla y lenguaje, socioemocional, o motor
Administración de medicamentos
Cuidado infantil cuando este
niño(a) está enfermo pero no
tiene fiebre
Cuidado infantil cuando este
niño(a) está enfermo(a) y tiene fiebre



No lo




44. ¿Cuál es la razón PRINCIPAL por la que su hogar
quería un arreglo de cuidado infantil para este niño
(a) en el ultimo año?

41. ¿Hay algún costo o pago por este programa, ya
sea que lo pague usted u otra persona o agencia?
 Sí


VAYA A la pregunta 43


Un pariente de este niño(a) que no
vive en su hogar y da dinero para
pagar específicamente por ese cuidado, sin incluir manutención para


Programa de asistencia social o familiar de su estado (puede ser Asistencia Temporal a Familias Necesitadas (TANF, por sus siglas en ingles),
o algo similar)


Un empleador, sin incluir cuentas
especiales para pagos de cuidado
infantil libres de impuestos


Alguien más






Para tener aprendizaje cultural o aprender el idio-


Para tener tiempo libre o para hacer mandados


Por alguna otra razón




No lo sé



VAYA A la pregunta 51

47. ¿Cuánta dificultad tuvo para encontrar el tipo de
cuidado infantil o programa de educación temprana que usted quería para este niño(a)?
 Ninguna
VAYA A la pregunta 49
 Muy poca dificultad
 Algo de dificultad
 Mucha dificultad
 No encontré el tipo de programa de cuidado infantil que quería

Los programas de Head Start y de Early Head Start
son programas preescolares patrocinados por el
gobierno federal y orientados principalmente a niños(as) de familias de bajos ingresos.
 Sí

No lo sé

Para preparar a este niño(a) para la escuela

46. ¿Alguna vez ha buscado un arreglo de cuidado
para este niño(a)?
 Sí

43. ¿Ha asistido este niño(a) ALGUNA VEZ a un
programa de Head Start o de Early Head Start?



45. ¿Cree usted que hay buenas opciones de cuidado
infantil o programas de educación temprana en el
área donde usted vive?
 Sí

Buscar y seleccionar cuidado
infantil para su niño(a)


Para tener cuidado infantil cuando el padre, madre


Otro servicio social, asistencia social, cuidado infantil, u otro tipo de



UNA casilla para cada artículo abajo.



No tuvo cuidado infantil el año pasado
o tutor(a) legal estaba trabajando o estudiando

42. ¿Alguna de las siguientes personas, programas
u organizaciones le ayuda a pagar para que este niño(a) vaya a este programa?

una sola .




Cosas que su niño(a) podría
estar aprendiendo

48. ¿Cuál fue la dificultad PRINCIPAL que enfrentó
para encontrar un programa de cuidado infantil o
programa de educación temprana?


una sola .

51. ¿Es este niño(a) menor de 2 años o tiene 2 años o
 Menor de 2
VAYA A la pregunta 54
 2 años o más

Falta de vacantes para niños nuevos
El niño(a) tiene una necesidad especial y no pudimos encontrar el cuidado apropiado.
Encontrar horas u horario específico
Dificultad para recibir ayudas económicas
Requisitos de edad del cuidado infantil
Otra razón – Especifique:

52. Las siguientes preguntas se tratan de cosas que
distintos niños(as) hacen a distintas edades. Estas
cosas pueden ser ciertas o no para este niño(a), y
eso es perfectamente normal.
¿Puede este niño(a) reconocer correctamente las
letras del alfabeto?
 No, ninguna

49. ¿Ha tenido un arreglo de cuidado para este niño
(a) en el último año?




VAYA A pregunta 51


Sí, algunas


Sí, la mayoría


Sí, todas

53. ¿Puede este niño(a) escribir su nombre, incluso si
escribe algunas letras al revés?

50. ¿Cuáles fueron las razones principales por la que
su hogar eligió el arreglo o los arreglos de cuidado o el programa en el que este niño(a) pasa más


54. ¿Ha expresado usted u otro padre/madre preocupaciones a un profesional de la salud, de educación o
de intervención temprana sobre el desarrollo de
este niño(a) (por ejemplo, desarrollo del habla y
lenguaje, socio emocional o de habilidades motoras)?

Hemos incluido espacio para que usted anote
hasta 3 razones, pero puede que tenga menos de
3 razones. Por favor escriba una razón en cada




VAYA A la pregunta 56

55. En general, ¿qué tan satisfecho está con las respuestas de profesionales de la salud, de educación
o de intervención temprana sobre sus preocupaciones acerca del desarrollo de este niño(a)?
 Muy satisfecho




Algo satisfecho


Algo insatisfecho


Muy insatisfecho

56. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud, de educación o de intervención temprana que este niño
(a) tiene alguno de los siguientes problemas de

casilla para CADA artículo abajo


Un impedimento del habla o del lenguaje


Autismo o trastorno del espectro autista


62. Pensando en el IFSP, por sus siglas en inglés, el
IEP, por sus siglas en inglés, o el plan de servicios
de este niño(a) a partir de septiembre, ¿qué tan satisfecho está usted con la comunicación que el proveedor de servicios o la escuela tiene con la familia?
 Muy satisfecho





Algo satisfecho


Algo insatisfecho


Muy insatisfecho

63. ¿Con qué frecuencia afecta el problema de salud
de este niño(a) con su capacidad de hacer las siguientes cosas?

Trastorno de déficit de atención e
hiperactividad (ADHD o ADD, por
sus siglas en inglés)

Con frecuencia

57. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud, de educación o de intervención temprana que este niño
(a) "está en riesgo" de tener un retraso considerable del desarrollo?



58. ¿Marcó “Sí” en alguna parte de la pregunta 56 o
de la pregunta 57?




Participar en
con otros


Asistir a
los paseos





VAYA A la pregunta 64

59. En general, ¿Qué tan satisfecho está con cómo
han cubierto las necesidades de este niño(a) los
profesionales de la salud, de educación o de intervención temprana?
 Muy satisfecho

Algo satisfecho


Algo insatisfecho


Muy insatisfecho




VAYA A la pregunta 63

61. Los servicios que recibe este niño(a), ¿son a través de un Plan de Servicio Individualizado para la
Familia (IFSP, por sus siglas en inglés) o a través
de un Programa Educativo Individualizado (IEP,
pos sus siglas en inglés)?





64. ¿Este niño(a) está inscrito actualmente en educación especial infantil temprana?

60. ¿Este niño(a) está recibiendo servicios para su
problema o condición (por ejemplo, terapia del
habla, terapia física, etc.)?

A veces

VAYA A la pregunta 63







Historia del niño

70. ¿Este niño(a) vive en esta dirección Y en otra dirección más (por ejemplo, debido a que los padres
viven separados)?

65. ¿Dónde nació este niño(a)?
 Uno de los 50
estados de
VAYA A la pregunta 67
los Estados Unidos
o el Distrito de Columbia
 Uno de los territorios incorporados de los Esta-

No incluya casas de vacaciones.



VAYA A la pregunta 72

71. Si es que “Sí”, ¿este niño(a)...

dos Unidos (Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa Americana, Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos o
Islas Marianas del Norte)


Otro país

66. ¿Qué edad tenía este niño(a) cuando se mudó
por primera vez a uno de los 50 estados de los
Estados Unidos o al Distrito de Columbia?


pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en esta dirección?


pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en otra dirección?


pasa la misma cantidad de tiempo en ambas direcciones?

72. ¿Qué idioma habla más este niño(a) EN EL HOGAR?

Si fue menor de un año, por favor escriba ‘0’.


una sola .

El niño(a) no ha comenzado a hablar

67. ¿Es este niño(a) de origen hispano, latino o español?
 No, no es de origen hispano, latino o español





Pregunta 74


Inglés y español por igual


Sí, mexicano, mexicano americano, chicano


Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español


Sí, puertorriqueño


Inglés y otro idioma por igual


Sí, cubano


Sí, es de otro origen hispano, latino o español, o

73. Actualmente, ¿asiste este niño(a) a clases de inglés como segundo idioma, educación bilingüe o a
un programa de inmersión al inglés?

más de un origen hispano, latino o español
68. ¿Cuál es la raza de este niño(a)? Puede marcar
una o más razas.

todas las que correspondan.


Indígena de las Américas o nativa de Alaska




Negra o afroamericana


Nativa de Hawái u otra de las islas del Pacífico



69. En general, ¿cómo describiría la salud de este
 Excelente

Muy buena













Uno de los padres que
vive en el hogar

79. ¿Dónde nació este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal?
 Uno de los 50 estados de los
Estados Unidos o el Distrito de

74. ¿Se considera usted uno de los padres o tutores legales de este niño?



VAYA A la pregunta 81

Uno de los territorios
incorporados de los Estados Unidos (Puerto Rico,
Guam, Samoa Americana, Islas Vírgenes de los
Estados Unidos o Islas Marianas del Norte)

75. Si sí, usted es el padre, la madre o el tutor(a)
legal del niño(a), conteste las preguntas en esta
sección acerca de usted. Si no, usted no es el
padre, la madre o el tutor(a) legal del niño(a),
conteste las preguntas en esta sección acerca
de uno de los padres o tutores de este niño(a)
que viva en el hogar.


80. ¿Qué edad tenía este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal
cuando se mudó por primera vez a uno de los 50
estados de los Estados Unidos o al Distrito de Columbia?

¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal...
 uno de los padres biológicos del niño(a)

uno de los padres adoptivos del niño(a)


un padrastro o madrastra del niño(a)


uno de los padres foster del niño(a)


uno de los abuelos del niño(a)


otro tutor(a) legal del niño(a)

Si fue menor de un año, por favor escriba “0”.
81. ¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de origen
hispano, latino o español?
 No, no es de origen hispano, latino, o español

76. ¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de sexo
masculino o femenino?
 Masculino

Sí, mexicano, mexicano americano, chicano


Sí, puertorriqueño


Sí, cubano


Sí, es de otro origen hispano, latino o español; o
de más de un origen hispano, latino o español

77. ¿Cuál es el estado civil actual de este padre,
madre o tutor(a) legal?





82. ¿Cuál es la raza de este padre o tutor(a) legal?
Puede marcar una raza o más de una raza.

una SOLA respuesta.


Otro país


VAYA A la pregunta 79

todas las que correspondan.


Indígena de las Américas o nativa de Alaska






Negra o afroamericana




Nativa de Hawái u otra de las islas del Pacífico






Nunca se casó

78. ¿Este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal está viviendo actualmente con su pareja o novio(a) en este




87. ¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal
masculino o femenino?
 Masculino

83. ¿Cuál es el grado o nivel escolar más alto que
este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal completó?

una SOLA respuesta.



8° grado o menos
High school (grado 9 al 12), pero sin obtener el
 Diploma de high school o equivalencia (GED)
 Diploma vocacional o de oficios posterior a
high school
 Algunos cursos de college o universidad, pero
sin graduarse
 Licenciatura o grado asociado (AA, AS)
 Licenciatura o grado de Bachelor (BA, BS)
 Algo de educación profesional o graduada, pero sin título
 Título de Maestría (MA, MS)
 Título de Doctorado (PhD, EdD)
 Título profesional posterior al grado de Bachelor (médico, dentista, doctor en leyes)
84. ¿Tiene este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal acceso al
Internet en un celular?


88. ¿Cuál es el estado civil actual de este padre, madre
o tutor(a) legal?








Nunca se casó

89. ¿Este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal está viviendo
actualmente con su pareja o novio(a) en este hogar?


Su hogar

Otro de los padres que
vive en el hogar

90. ¿Esta casa o apartamento…

85. ¿Hay otro padre, madre, o tutor legal que vive
en este hogar?

uno de los padres adoptivos del niño(a)


un padrastro o madrastra del niño(a)


uno de los padres foster del niño(a)


uno de los abuelos del niño(a)


otro tutor(a) legal del niño(a)


es alquilada por alguien en este hogar?


es ocupada por algún otro tipo de acuerdo?


¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal…

es propiedad de alguien en el hogar o la está pa-

91. ¿Tiene usted acceso al Internet EN LA CASA en
una computadora o tableta?
 Sí

86. Responda las preguntas de esta sección pensando en la segunda persona que también es
padre, madre o tutor legal de este niño(a) y que
vive en el hogar.

uno de los padres biológicos del niño(a)

UNA SOLA respuesta.

gando alguien en este hogar?



una SOLA respuesta.


 Sí
 No


de sexo




92. ¿Con qué frecuencia utiliza el internet este niño
(a) EN LA CASA para actividades de aprendizaje?
 Todos los días

Algunas veces a la semana


Algunas veces al mes


Algunas veces al año



93. ¿Utiliza el Internet este niño(a) para actividades
de aprendizaje en…...
una sola respuesta para CADA una
de las siguientes preguntas







teléfono celular?



Muchas gracias.
Por favor devuelva esta encuesta en el sobre de franqueo pre-pagado que
está incluido. Si se le perdió el sobre, envíe por correo la encuesta completada a:
U.S. Census Bureau
ATTN: DCB 60-A (0939)
1201 E. 10th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0001



Round 3



Thank you for helping us with this survey. Based on the information we received from your household in your last
survey, we’re asking you to complete this
final step by answering some questions
about the education of [Child’s Name].


Approval Expires XX/XX/XXXX




These questions should be filled in by a parent or guardian who knows about:

Please answer all the survey questions thinking about this child or youth.

To answer a question, simply mark


Please use a black or blue pen, if available, to complete the survey.


There are arrows and instructions to GO TO a question number beside some response options.
These will help you move through the survey to questions that are appropriate for you.


the box that best represents your answer.





GO TO question 9

Please return the completed survey using the postage-paid envelope provided.



Child’s Schooling





Child has not yet started kindergarten


Full-day kindergarten


3rd grade


7th grade


11th grade


Partial-day kindergarten


4th grade


8th grade


12th grade


1st grade


5th grade


9th grade


2nd grade


6th grade


10th grade



ONE box for each item below.




GO TO question 4



GO TO question 29 on page 9







Child’s Homeschooling

9. Is this child enrolled in any online, virtual, or cyber
Do not include courses that use the Internet for only
selected assignments.

4. Some parents decide to educate their children at
home rather than send them to a public or private
school located in a physical building.
Is this child being schooled at home INSTEAD of
at school for at least SOME classes or subjects?




GO TO question 29

5. Which of the following statements best describes
your homeschooling arrangement for this child?

This child is homeschooled for ALL classes or
subject areas, which may include co-ops, virtual/
cyber/online courses, and home instruction provided by a private tutor or teacher


This child is homeschooled for SOME classes or
subject areas and is also enrolled in a public or
private school


This child is NOT
This child is enrolled in a public
or private school
or all classes
or subject areas




Yes, all the child’s courses are online, virtual, or


Yes, about half or more than half of the child’s courses are online, virtual, or cyber


Yes, less than half of the child’s courses are online,
virtual, or cyber


No, none of this
child’s courses are
online, virtual, or

GO TO question 16

10. There are many different reasons that homeschooling parents may choose online, virtual, or cyber
courses for their children. Is this child enrolled in
online, virtual, or cyber courses because…


ONE box for each item below.

GO TO question 29

6. Is any of this child’s instruction provided by a local homeschooling group or co-op?


7. Who is the person that MAINLY provides this
child’s HOME instruction?









Teacher of online, virtual, or cyber school


Another person - Who is that?

8. Excluding co-ops, is any of this child’s HOME instruction provided by a private tutor or teacher?
 Yes
 No



This child needed an advanced
course(s) (e.g., Advanced Placement or college courses)?.............


This child needed a specialized
course(s) (e.g., foreign language)?.........................................


This child needed extra help in a
course or subject?…………………


This child’s learning style is well
suited for online/virtual/cyber


You prefer online, virtual, or cyber
courses for this child?...................


We began homeschooling so that
we could enroll this child in online,
virtual, or cyber school?................


Another reason—Specify:





11. Of the reasons that this child is enrolled in online,
virtual, or cyber courses, which one would you say
is the most important to you?

15. In the last week that this child was homeschooled, about how many hours did this child
spend in online, virtual, or cyber classes?

Write the letter from question 10 for the most important reason your child is enrolled in online, virtual, or cyber courses.
letter from question 10


This child’s public school or
school district……………………...


This child’s private school………..


A college, community college, or


An online academy or virtual
school or cyber school……………


A company that provides courses
that I can purchase or access for
this child…………………………….


Another K-12 public or private


An independent instructor not affiliated with a school………………


Someplace else—Specify:





More than 24 hours in that week

ONE box for each item below.


We strictly follow a formal curriculum


We mostly follow a formal curriculum, but also
use informal learning (e.g., child-led learning,
"teaching moments")


We mostly use informal learning, but sometimes use a formal curriculum


We always use informal learning, and never
follow a formal curriculum





18. In the past year, have you or another family
member taken any courses, either online or inperson, to help you prepare this child’s home

online, virtual or cyber courses

14. What is the total amount of tuition and fees for all
online, virtual, or cyber courses that this child
Write ’0’ if not applicable.

10 to 24 hours in that week

17. Since September, has this child participated in
activities with other children outside of your
family who are homeschooled?

13. How many online, virtual, or cyber courses does
this child take?




ONE box for each item below.

Fewer than 10 hours in that week

16. Which of the following statements best describes the teaching style used to homeschool
this child?

12. Do the following types of schools or teachers provide the instruction for this child’s online, virtual,
or cyber courses?






Yes, both online and in-person


Yes, online only


Yes, in-person only


No, none of them

20. There are many different reasons that parents
choose to homeschool their children. Did your
family choose to homeschool this child because:

19. Mark every grade that this child was homeschooled for at least some classes or subjects,
including the current grade or grade equivalent.

all that apply..


Homeschooled in kindergarten (Including transitional K and Pre-first grade)


Homeschooled in 1st grade


Homeschooled in 2nd grade


Homeschooled in 3rd grade


Homeschooled in 4th grade


Homeschooled in 5th grade


Homeschooled in 6th grade


Homeschooled in 7th grade


Homeschooled in 8th grade


Homeschooled in 9th grade - freshman


Homeschooled in 10th grade - sophomore


Homeschooled in 11th grade - junior


Homeschooled in 12th grade - senior

ONE box for each item below.


You are concerned about the
school environment, such as safety, drugs, or negative peer pressure?……………...………………...


You are dissatisfied with academic instruction at other schools?......


You prefer to teach this child at
home so that you can provide
religious instruction?.....................


You prefer to teach this child at
home so that you can provide
moral instruction?..........................


This child has a physical or mental health problem that has lasted
six months or more?......................


This child has a temporary illness
that prevents him or her from going to school?……………………...


This child has other special
needs that you feel the
school can’t or won’t meet?...........


You are interested in a
nontraditional approach to
children’s education?....................
You want to emphasize
family life together?.......................






You have another reason for
homeschooling this child? Specify:

21. Of the reasons your family chose to homeschool this child, which ONE would you say is
the most important to you?
Write the letter from question 20 for the most
important reason you chose to homeschool
your child.
letter from question 20



22. In the most recent week that this child was homeschooled, what subject areas were taught during
his or her home instruction?

24. Since September, how many times has your family
gone to meetings or participated in the activities of
a local homeschooling association, co-op, or other
local homeschool group?

We have provided spaces for you to tell us about
up to 10 subject areas. You may have fewer subject areas to tell us about. Please write only one
subject area in each box.


0 times since September


1 to 5 times since September


6 to 10 times since September


11 to 20 times since September


21 to 30 times since September


More than 30 times since September



25. Is your family or someone in your household a
member of a NATIONAL homeschooling organization?







26. Is this child in a military family that frequently relocates?







27. Is this homeschooled child also enrolled in a separate public or private school for any grades K-12?







23. Does your family participate in the activities or
meetings of a LOCAL homeschooling association,
co-op, or other local homeschool group?

GO TO question 39

28. How many HOURS each WEEK does this child usually go to a school for instruction? Do not include
time spent in extracurricular activities.




GO TO question 24
GO TO question 25


This child does not go
to a school
each week

GO TO question 39


1 to 10 hours each week


11 to 25 hours each week


More than 25 hours each week

Child’s School

33. Did you move to your current neighborhood so
that this child could attend his or her current

29. This question helps to route you to questions appropriate for this child.
Which best describes the physical or online/
virtual/cyber school where this child is enrolled for
the most hours?


located in a physical

question 30


question 33


An online, virtual,
or cyber school
This child is
homeschooled only





This may include applying to a magnet program in a
public school, transferring to another public school
within the district, or transferring to a public school
outside of the district.




35. Does your public school district let you choose
which public school you want this child to attend?

A private school
located in a physical



34. Did you feel that you had a choice in what school
this child attends?

ONE only.

A public school


question 31
question 39






Don’t know

36. Please tell us about this child’s grades during this
school year. Overall, across all subjects, what
grades does this child get?

30. Please answer the next questions about the
school where this child is enrolled for most credits. Is it his or her district-assigned school?


A district-assigned school is the school that your local
public school district told you that this child can attend,
based on the location of your residence.

ONE only.


Mostly As


Mostly Bs




Mostly Cs




Mostly Ds or lower


This child’s school does not give these grades

31. Is this school a charter school?





Don’t know

32. Is this school a magnet school or does he or she
attend a magnet program?





Don’t know



Child’s Health

37. Is he or she currently enrolled in any high school
Advanced Placement (AP) classes?

39. Has a health or education professional told you
that this child has any of the following conditions?

Advanced Placement is a program that offers collegelevel courses to high school students, with the option
for students to take AP exams to earn college credit.






Don’t’ know

38. Has this child ever had the following experiences?

one box for EACH item below


An out-of-school suspension……..


An in-school suspension not
counting detentions……………..


Been expelled from school……….





one box for EACH item below.


A speech or language impairment…..


A serious emotional disturbance…….


Deafness or another hearing impairment…………………………………….


Blindness or another visual impairment not corrected with glasses…….


An orthopedic impairment……………


Autism or autism spectrum disorder..


Pervasive Developmental Disorder


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD or ADD…………………....


A specific learning disability………….


A developmental delay……………….


Traumatic brain injury………………...


An intellectual disability, formerly
known as mental retardation………


Another health impairment lasting 6
months or longer………………………





40. Did you mark YES to any condition in question
 Yes
GO TO question 41




GO TO question 45

Child’s Background

41. Is this child receiving any services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?


45. Does this child sometimes live at another address
(for example, because of parents living apart)?

GO TO question 43

42. Thinking about the child’s IEP or services plan,
since September, how satisfied or dissatisfied
have you been with the service provider’s or
school’s communication with your family?

Very satisfied


Somewhat satisfied


Somewhat dissatisfied


Very dissatisfied


Do not include vacation properties.




GO TO question 47

46. If yes, does this child...

Spend the most time at this address?


Spend the most time at another address?


Spend equal time at both addresses?

Does not apply

Parent 1 Living in Household

43. Is this child currently enrolled in any special education classes or services?




47. Do you consider yourself one of this child’s parents
or guardians?




44. Does this child’s condition interfere with his or her
ability to do any of the following things?

one box for EACH item below.







Participate in sports, clubs, or
other organized activities…………


Attend school on a regular basis...


Adoptive parent


Make friends……………………….




Foster parent




Other guardian

Answer the questions in this section
about yourself.

Answer the questions in this section
about one of this child’s parents or
guardians living in this household.

48. Is this parent or guardian the child’s...
 Biological parent

49. Is this parent or guardian male or female?







55. What is this parent or guardian’s race? You may
mark one or more races.

50. What is this parent or guardian’s current marital


ONE only.

all that apply.


American Indian or Alaska Native







Black or African American




Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander


Never married




Now married


GO TO question 52

56. What is the highest grade or level of school that
this parent or guardian completed?

51. Is this parent or guardian currently living with a
boyfriend/girlfriend or partner in this household?


ONE only.




8th grade or less




High school, but no diploma


High school diploma or equivalent (GED)


Vocational diploma after high school


Some college, but no degree


Associate’s degree (AA, AS)


Bachelor’s degree (BA, BS)


Some graduate or professional education, but no

52. Where was this parent or guardian born?
 One of the 50 United States or the District of

GO TO question 54

One of the U.S. territories (Puerto Rico, Guam,
American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Mariana Islands)



Another country

53. How old was this parent or guardian when he or
she first moved to the 50 United States or the
District of Columbia?


Master’s degree (MA, MS)


Doctorate degree (PhD, EdD)


Professional degree beyond bachelor’s degree

If younger than 1, write “0”.

Parent 2 Living in Household

years old

57. Is there a second parent or guardian living in this

54. Is this parent or guardian of Hispanic, Latino, or
Spanish origin?
 No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin



GO TO question 62


Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano


Yes, Puerto Rican


Yes, Cuban


Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish

Is this parent or guardian the child’s...

origin; or more than one Hispanic, Latino, or


Biological parent

Spanish origin


Adoptive parent




Foster parent




Other guardian

58. Answer questions in this section about a second
parent or guardian living in the household.



59. Is this parent or guardian male or female?




65. Does this child use the Internet for learning activities on...

one box for EACH item below.

60. What is this parent or guardian’s current marital

ONE only.


Now married








Never married

GO TO question 62

61. Is this parent or guardian currently living with a
boyfriend/girlfriend or partner in this household?






Cell phone?...........…………………....


Complete less than a high school diploma


Graduate from high school


Attend a vocational or technical school after high

Owned or being bought by someone in this household?


Occupied by some other arrangement?

63. Does your household have Internet access AT
HOME on a computer or tablet?
 Yes


64. How often does this child use the Internet AT
HOME for learning activities?
 Every day

A few times a week


A few times a month


A few times a year




Attend two or more years of college


Earn a bachelor’s degree


Earn a graduate degree or professional degree
beyond a bachelor’s

ONE only.

Rented by someone in this household?

ONE only.


62. Is this house or apartment…




Your Household




66. How far do you expect this child to go in his or her






67. We would like to identify this child’s school so we can include information about the school in our study.
We’ve listed the schools in your area below. Please select the school he or she attends.

ONE only.


Lincoln Elementary School, 320 N 5th St., Beatrice


Paddock Lane Elementary School, 1300 N 14th St., Beatrice


Stoddard Elementary School, 400 S 7th St, Beatrice


Eagle Elementary School, 600 S 1st St., Eagle


Clinton Elementary School, 1520 N 29th St., Lincoln


College View Academy, 5240 Calvert St., Lincoln


Elliott Elementary School, 225 S 25th St., Lincoln


Everett Elementary School, 1123 C St., Lincoln


McPhee Elementary School, 820 Goodhue Blvd., Lincoln


Messiah Lutheran School, 1800 S 84th St. , Lincoln


Randolph Elementary School, 1024 S 37th St., Lincoln


Adams Elementary School, 3420 N 78th St., Omaha


Benson West Elementary School, 6652 Maple St., Omaha


Boyd Elementary School, 8314 Boyd St., Omaha


Columbian Elementary School, 330 S 127th St., Omaha



GO TO question 68



STOP. Please return
your survey in the postage-paid envelope.

68. If you found your child’s school in question 71, thank you. If you did not find this child’s school in question
71, please write the name and address in the spaces below to help us identify the school this child attends.

Thank you.
Please return this questionnaire in the postage-paid envelope provided. If
have lost the envelope, mail the completed questionnaire to:
U.S. Census Bureau
ATTN: DCB 60-A (0939)
1201 E. 10th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0001




Approval Expires XX/XX/XXXX

Gracias por su colaboración con esta encuesta. De acuerdo con la información que
recibimos de su hogar en su última encuesta, quisiéramos pedirle que complete esta
parte contestando a unas preguntas sobre la
educación de [Child’s Name].
El Centro Nacional para Estadís cas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del Departamento de Educación
está autorizado a realizar esta Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación (NHES por sus siglas en inglés) por medio
de la Reforma a la Ley de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002, tulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo
de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide no par cipar en
este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser u lizada solo con fines estadís cos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse
en forma iden ficable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151). De acuerdo con
la Ley de Reducción de Papeleo de 1995, no se requiere que ninguna persona responda a una recopilación de información
a menos que muestre un número de control OMB válido. El número de control OMB válido para encuesta voluntaria es
1850‐0768. El empo requerido para completar esta encuesta se es ma en un promedio de 20 minutos por respuesta,
incluido el empo para revisar las instrucciones, reunir los datos necesarios y completar y revisar la encuesta. Si ene algún
comentario sobre la precisión del empo es mado, las sugerencias para mejorar esta encuesta, o cualquier comentario o
inquietud con respecto al estado de su presentación individual de esta encuesta, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a:
[email protected] o escriba a: Sarah Grady, Na onal Center for Educa on Sta s cs (NCES), PCP, 550 12th Street, SW, 4th



 Estas preguntas las debe responder uno de los padres o tutores que sepa sobre:

Por favor responda a todas las preguntas de la encuesta pensando en este niño(a).
 Para responder a una pregunta, implemente marque

la casilla que mejor representa su

respuesta o anote el número (los números).
 Por favor, si es posible, use una pluma o bolígrafo de tinta negra o azul para responder a esta

 Hay flechas e instrucciones que le dirigen que VAYA A un determinado número de pregunta.

Estas flechas e instrucciones le ayudarán a navegar por la encuesta.
 No
 Sí

VAYA A la pregunta 9

 Por favor devuelva esta encuesta en el sobre con franqueo prepagado que le hemos




1. Antes de marzo de 2020, ¿recibía su hijo la enseñanza escolar (homeschool) en el hogar?


2. ¿Si tenemos que referirnos a la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en unas pocas palabras, qué le resulta más familiar o fácil de entender?
 Educación en el hogar
 Educación en la casa
 Escuela en el hogar
 Escuela en la casa
 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool)



Educación del niño(a)



Pare ahora por favor y llame al 1-888-8408353 para verificar que recibió la encuesta

 Niño(a) no ha empezado el kindergarten

 Kindergarten todo el día

 Grado 3

 Grado 7

 Grado 11

 Kindergarten parte del día

 Grado 4

 Grado 8

 Grado 12

 Grado 1

 Grado 5

 Grado 9

 Grado 2

 Grado 6

 Grado 10


Una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.


Una escuela pública localizada en un edificio físico, incluyendo escuela charter.


Una escuela católica privada localizada en un edificio físico


Una escuela religiosa privada pero NO católica, localizada en un edificio físico


Una escuela privada, pero no religiosa localizada en un edificio físico


Escuela online, virtual o cyber de tiempo completo para grados de kindergarden hasta
12° grado


Un college, college comunitario o universidad online, virtual o cyber


College, college comunitario, o universidad localizado en un edificio físico


El estudiante recibe su enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool), incluyendo materias cooperativas de padres para enseñanza escolar en el hogar

 Sí
 No

VAYA A la pregunta 4
VAYA A la pregunta 29 en la página 9





Educación en el hogar
4. Algunos padres deciden dar a sus niños su educación escolar en el hogar en vez de enviarlos a una
escuela pública o privada ubicada en un edificio.
¿Este niño(a) está recibiendo su enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en vez de en una escuela, al menos para algunas de las clases o materias?
 Sí
 No

VAYA A la pregunta 29

¿Cuál de las siguientes afirmaciones describe mejor el arreglo de enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) para este niño(a) ?
 Este niño(a) recibe la enseñanza escolar en el
hogar para TODAS las clases o asignaturas, lo
cual puede incluir clases por cooperativas de padres, cursos virtual/cyber/oline, e instrucción en el
hogar proporcionada por un tutor o maestro particular
 Este niño(a) recibe la enseñanza escolar en el
hogar para ALGUNAS clases o asignaturas y también asiste a la escuela pública o privada
 Este niño(a) NO recibe la enseñanza escolar en el
hogar. Este niño(a) asiste a la escuela pública o
privada para todas
VAYA A la pregunta 29
las clases o

9. ¿Está inscrito este niño(a) en cursos online, virtuales o cyber?
No incluya cursos que usan el internet solamente
para tareas específicas.
 Sí, todos los cursos que toma este niño(a) son cursos online, virtuales o cyber
 Sí, más de la mitad de los cursos que toma este
niño(a) son cursos online, virtuales o cyber
 Sí, menos de la mitad de los cursos que toma este
niño(a) son cursos online, virtuales o cyber
 No, ninguno de los cursos que toma este niño(a)
son cursos
VAYA A la pregunta 16
online, virtuales o cyber
10. Hay muchas razones por las cuales los padres que
dan la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool)
a sus hijos eligen cursos online, virtuales o cyber.
¿Está inscrito este niño(a) en cursos online, virtuales o cyber porque…
Una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.


necesitaba curso(s) avanzado(s)
(por ejemplo cursos de colocación
avanzada o cursos universitarios)?


necesitaba curso(s) especializado
(s) (por ejemplo idioma extranjero)?


necesitaba ayuda adicional para
algún curso o materia?


su estilo de aprendizaje le conviene un aprendizaje online, virtual o


usted prefiere cursos online, virtuales o cyber para este niño(a)?


empezamos a dar la enseñanza
escolar en el hogar (homeschool)
a este niño(a) para poder inscribirlo en una escuela online, virtual
o cyber


Otra razón — Especifique:

6. ¿Recibe este niño(a) alguna parte de su instrucción en un grupo o cooperativa local para la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool)?
 Sí
 No
7. ¿Quién es la persona que le ofrece PRINCIPALMENTE la enseñanza escolar en el HOGAR
(homeschool) al niño(a)?

Maestro(a) de una escuela en Internet, virtual o
por computadora
 Otra persona - Especifique

8. ¿Este niño(a) recibe de un tutor o maestro privado
parte de su enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool), sin incluir cooperativas?
 Sí
 No




11. De todas las razones por las cuales este niño(a)
está inscrito(a) en cursos online, virtuales o cyber,
¿cuál diría usted que fue la más importante?

15. En la última semana durante la cuál este niño
(a) recibió la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool), aproximadamente, ¿cuántas horas pasó este niño(a) en clases online, virtuales
o cyber?

Escriba la letra de la pregunta 10 para la razón
más importante por lo cual este niño(a) esta inscrito en cursos online, virtuales o cyber.

 Menos de 10 horas en esa semana

Letra de la pregunta 10

 De 10 a 24 horas en esa semana
 Más de 24 horas en esa semana

12. ¿Proveen los siguientes tipos de escuela o maestros la instrucción para los cursos online, virtuales
o cyber para este niño(a)?

16. ¿Cuál de las siguientes frases describe mejor
el estilo de enseñanza que se usa para la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) de este niño(a)?

Una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.



La escuela pública o el distrito escolar de este niño(a)


La escuela privada de este niño(a)


Un instituto online, una escuela virtual
o una escuela cyber


Una compañía que provee cursos
que yo podría comprar o acceder
para este niño(a)


Otra escuela K-12 pública o privada


Un instructor independiente y no afiliado con ninguna escuela


Otro lugar – Especifique:


una casilla para CADA una de las
siguientes preguntas.



 Seguimos estrictamente un currículo formal
 Principalmente seguimos un currículo formal,
pero también usamos aprendizaje informal (por
ejemplo, aprendizaje dirigido por el niño(a),
"momentos de enseñanza")

Una universidad o college comunitario

 Principalmente usamos enseñanza informal,
pero a veces usamos un currículo formal
 Siempre usamos aprendizaje informal, y nunca
seguimos un currículo formal
17. Desde septiembre, ¿ha participado este niño(a)
en actividades con niños de otras familias que
reciben la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
 Sí
 No

13. ¿Cuántos cursos online, virtuales o cyber toma
este niño(a)?
18. En el año pasado, ¿ha recibido usted o algún
otro miembro de su familia algún curso, ya sea
por internet o en persona, para ayudarle a preparar la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) de este niño(a)?
 Sí, tanto por Internet como en persona


14. ¿Cuál es la cantidad total de la matrícula y cargos
para todos los cursos online, virtuales o cyber que
toma este niño(a)?

 Sí, por Internet solamente
 Sí, en persona solamente

Escriba "0" si no aplica.

 No, ninguno




20. Hay muchas razones por las cuales los padres
eligen la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) para sus hijos. ¿Eligió su familia
la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool)
para este niño(a) porque:

19. Pensando en los niveles típicos de grados, ¿para
qué grados recibió este niño(a) enseñanza escolar
en el hogar (homeschool), al menos para algunas
clases o asignaturas?

Una casilla para CADA una de las
siguientes preguntas.

todas las que correspondan..

 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
kindergarten (incluyendo kindergarten de transición y Pre-primer grado)
 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
1er grado
 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
2o grado
 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
3er grado
 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
in 4o grado
 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
5o grado
 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
7º grado
 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
8º grado


Le preocupa el ambiente en la escuela, como la seguridad, las drogas o la influencia negativa de
otros alumnos?


Está insatisfecho con la instrucción
académica en otras escuelas?


Prefiere educar a este niño(a) en
casa para poder ofrecerle instrucción religiosa?


Prefiere educar a este niño(a) en
casa para poder ofrecerle instrucción moral?


Este niño(a) tiene un problema físico o mental que ha durado seis
meses o más?


Este niño(a) tiene una enfermedad
temporal que le impide asistir a la


Este niño(a) tiene alguna otra necesidad especial que usted siente que
la escuela no puede o no va a satisfacer?
Usted está interesado(a) en un enfoque no tradicional hacia la educación de los niño(a)s?
Quiere enfatizar la vida familiar juntos?

 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
9º grado - freshman


 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
10º grado - sophomore


 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
11º grado- junior


 Enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) en
12º grado - senior





Usted tiene otra razón para la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) a su niño(a)? - Especifique:

21. Entre las
razones por las cuales su familia decidió dar la
enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) a
este niño(a), ¿cuál diría usted que fue la más
Escriba la letra de la pregunra 20 para la razón
más importante por la cual usted eligió la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschool) para
su hijo(a).
letra de la pregunta 20


22. En la semana más reciente en la cual este niño(a)
recibió su enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool), ¿qué materias se enseñaron durante la instrucción en el hogar?

24. Desde septiembre, ¿cuántas veces ha ido su familia a reuniones o participado en actividades de una
asociación local de enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool), cooperativa u otro grupo local de
enseñanza escolar en el hogar?

Hemos otorgado espacio para que anote hasta 10
materias. Tal vez tenga menos de 10 materias. Escriba solamente una materia en cada espacio.

 0 veces desde septiembre
 1 a 5 veces desde septiembre
 6 a 10 veces desde septiembre


 11 a 20 veces desde septiembre
 21 a 30 veces desde septiembre


 Más de 30 veces desde septiembre

25. ¿Es su familia o alguien en su hogar miembro de
una organización nacional de enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool)?
 Sí


 No

26. ¿Es este niño(a) parte de una familia militar que se
traslada frecuentemente?
 Sí

 No


27. Este niño(a) que recibe la enseñanza escolar en el
hogar (homeschool), ¿está también inscrito(a) en
una escuela pública o privada para cualquier grado
de K-12?


 Sí
 No

VAYA A la pregunta 39

28. ¿Aproximadamente cuantas horas a la SEMANA
asiste a una escuela este niño(a)? No incluya tiempo que pasa en actividades extraescolares.

23. ¿Participa su familia en las actividades o reuniones de una asociación local de enseñanza escolar
en el hogar (homeschool), cooperativa u otro grupo local de enseñanza escolar en el hogar
 Sí

VAYA A la pregunta 24

 No

VAYA A la pregunta 25

 este niño(a) no va
a la escuela todas las semanas
 de 1 a 10 horas
 de 11 a 25 horas
 Más de 25 horas



VAYA A la pregunta 39

Escuela del niño(a)

33. ¿Se mudó usted a su vecindario actual para que
este niño(a) pudiera asistir a su escuela actual?

29. Esta pregunta sirve para dirigirle a las preguntas
que son apropiadas para este niño(a).

 Sí
 No

¿Cuál describe mejor la escuela física u online,
virtual o cyber donde este niño(a) está inscrito
para la mayor parte del tiempo?

34. ¿Siente que usted tuvo opciones en decidir qué
escuela asistiría este niño(a)?
 Sí

UNA SOLA respuesta.

 Una escuela pública que
localizada en un edificio

pregunta 30

 Una escuela privada localizada en un edificio físico

pregunta 33

 Una escuela online, virtual o
 Este niño(a) recibe la enseñanza escolar en el hogar
(homeschool) solamente

 No

35. ¿Le permite su distrito escolar público escoger a
qué escuela pública usted desea que este niño(a)
Esto puede incluir solicitar la admisión a un programa
“magnet” en una escuela pública, transferirse a otra
escuela pública dentro del distrito o transferirse a una
escuela pública fuera del distrito.

pregunta 31
pregunta 39

 Sí
 No 

30. Conteste por favor las siguientes preguntas acerca de la escuela donde este niño(a) está inscrito
para la mayoría de sus créditos. ¿Es esta la escuela designada por su distrito escolar?

 No lo sé

36. Por favor cuéntenos acerca de las calificaciones o
notas de este niño(a) durante este año escolar. En
general, en todas las asignaturas, ¿qué calificaciones o notas obtiene este niño(a)?

Una escuela designada por un distrito es aquella que
su distrito escolar público le indicó que este niño(a)
puede asistir de acuerdo con la ubicación de su domicilio .
 Sí
 No


31. ¿Es esta escuela una escuela chárter?
 Sí
 No
 No lo sé

32. ¿Es esta escuela una escuela especializada
(magnet) o asiste este niño(a) a un programa especializado (magnet program)?
 Sí
 No
 No lo sé



UNA SOLA respuesta.

Casi siempre A
Casi siempre B
Casi siempre C
Casi siempre D o menos
La escuela de este niño(a) no da estas calificaciones

Salud del niño(a)

37. ¿Está este niño(a) inscrito en algún curso avanzado llamado Colocación Avanzada (Advanced Placement o AP en inglés) en la secundaria?

39. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud que este
niño(a) tiene alguno de los siguientes problemas
de salud?

Colocación Avanzada (Advanced Placement) es un
programa que ofrece cursos de nivel universitario a
los estudiantes de high school, con la opción de que
estos estudiantes puedan tomar el examen AP para
recibir créditos universitarios.

una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.

 Sí


 No


Un impedimento del habla o del lenguaje


Un trastorno emocional grave


Sordera u otro impedimento del oído


Ceguera u otro impedimento de la
vista que no se corrige con anteojos


Un impedimento ortopédico


Autismo o trastorno del espectro


Trastorno generalizado del desarrollo (PPD, en inglés)
Trastorno de deficiencia de atención
(ADD o ADHD, en inglés)

 No lo sé

38. ¿Ha tenido este niño(a) alguna vez las siguientes

una casilla para CADA artículo abajo.



Suspensión fuera de la escuela


Suspensión en la escuela, sin
contar quedarse después de clases como castigo


Ha sido expulsado(a) de la escuela





Una discapacidad específica de
Un retraso del desarrollo


Lesión traumática en el cerebro


Una discapacidad intelectual, conocido antes como retraso mental


Otro impedimento de la salud que
dure 6 meses o más




40. ¿Contestó sí a alguno de los problemas en la pregunta 77?
 Sí
 No

VAYA A la pregunta 41
VAYA A la pregunta 45



Historia del niño

41. ¿Recibe este niño(a) servicios a través de un Programa Educativo Individual (IEP, por sus siglas en
 No

45. ¿Es este niño(a) de origen hispano, latino o español ?
 No, no es de origen hispano, latino o español

VAYA A la pregunta 43

 Sí, mexicano, mexicano americano, chicano

42. Pensando en el IEP, por sus siglas en inglés, o el
plan de servicios de este niño(a) a partir de septiembre, ¿qué tan satisfecho(a) está usted con la
comunicación que el proveedor del servicio, o la
escuela, tiene con la familia?
 Muy satisfecho
 Algo satisfecho
 Algo insatisfecho
 Muy insatisfecho

 Sí, Puertorriqueño
 Sí, Cubano
 Sí, es de otro origen hispano, latino o español, o
más de un origen hispano, latino o Español
46. ¿Cuál es la raza de este niño(a)? Puede marcar
una o más razas.

 No aplica

todas las que correspondan.

 Indígena de las Américas o nativa de Alaska
43. Actualmente, ¿asiste este niño(a) a alguna clase o
servicios de educación especial ?

 Asiática
 Negra o afroamericana

 Sí

 Nativa de Hawái u otra de las islas del Pacífico

 No

 Blanca

44. ¿Afecta el problema de salud de este niño(a) su
capacidad para hacer algunas de las siguientes

47. ¿Este niño(a) vive en esta dirección Y en otra dirección más (por ejemplo, debido a que los padres viven separados)?

una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.




Participar en deportes, clubes u
otras actividades organizadas


Asistir a la escuela de manera habitual
Hacer amigos



No incluya casas de vacaciones.



 Sí
 No

VAYA A la pregunta 49

48. Si es que sí, ¿este niño(a)...
 ¿Pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en este domicilio?
 ¿Pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en otro domicilio?
 ¿Pasa la misma cantidad de tiempo en ambos



Uno de los padres que
vive en el hogar

54. ¿Dónde nació este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal?
 Uno de los 50
VAYA A la pregunta 56
estados de

49. ¿Se considera usted uno de los padres o tutores legales de este niño?

los Estados Unidos o el Distrito de Columbia
 Uno de los territorios incorporados de los Estados

Conteste las preguntas en esta sección acerca de usted


Unidos (Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa Americana,
Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos o Islas Marianas del Norte)

Conteste las preguntas en esta
sección acerca de uno de los padres o tutores de este niño(a) que
viva en el hogar.

 No

 Otro país
55. ¿Qué edad tenía este padre o tutor legal cuando se
mudó por primera vez a uno de los 50 estados de
los Estados Unidos o al Distrito de Columbia?

50. ¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal...
 uno de los padres biológicos del niño(a)

Si fue menor de un año, por favor escriba ’0’ .

 uno de los padres adoptivos del niño(a)

 un padrastro o madrastra del niño(a)
 uno de los padres de crianza temporal (foster)
del niño(a)

56. ¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de origen
hispano, latino o español?
 No, no es de origen hispano, latino, o español

 uno de los abuelos del niño(a)
 otro tutor(a) legal del niño(a)

 Sí, mexicano, mexicano americano, chicano

51. ¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de sexo
masculino o femenino?
 Masculino

 Sí, puertorriqueño
 Sí, cubano

 Femenino

 Sí, es de otro origen hispano, latino o español; o
de más de un origen hispano, latino o español

52. ¿Cuál es el estado civil actual de este padre,
madre o tutor legal?

57. ¿Cuál es la raza de este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal? Puede marcar una raza o más de una raza.

UNA SOLA respuesta.

 Actualmente casado(a)

VAYA A la pregunta 54

todas las que correspondan.

 Indígena de las Américas o nativa de Alaska

 Viudo(a)

 Asiática

 Divorciado(a)

 Negra o afroamericana

 Separado(a)

 Nativa de Hawái u otra de las islas del Pacífico

 Nunca se casó

 Blanca

53. ¿Este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal está viviendo actualmente con su pareja o novio(a) en este
 No



62. ¿Cuál es el estado civil actual de este padre, madre
o tutor(a) legal?

58. ¿Cuál es el grado o nivel más alto de estudios
que este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal completó?


UNA SOLA respuesta.

 8° grado o menos
 High school (grado 9 al 12), pero sin obtener el
 Diploma de high school o equivalencia (GED)
 Diploma vocacional o de oficios posterior a
high school
 Algunos cursos de college o universidad, pero
sin graduarse
 Licenciatura o grado asociado (AA, AS)
 Licenciatura o grado de Bachelor (BA, BS)
 Algo de educación profesional o graduada, pero sin título
 Título de Maestría (MA, MS)
 Título de Doctorado (PhD, EdD)
 Título profesional posterior al grado de Bachelor (médico, dentista, doctor en leyes)

UNA SOLA respuesta.

Actualmente casado(a)
Nunca se casó

63. ¿Este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal está viviendo
actualmente con su pareja o novio(a) en este hogar?
 No

Su Hogar

Otro de los padres que
vive en el hogar

64. ¿Esta casa o apartamento…

UNA SOLA respuesta.

 es propiedad de alguien en el hogar o la está pagando alguien en este hogar?

59. ¿Hay otro padre, madre, o tutor(a) legal que vive en este hogar?
 No

 es alquilada por alguien en este hogar?
 es ocupada por algún otro tipo de acuerdo?

VAYA A la pregunta 64

60. Responda las preguntas de esta sección pensando en la segunda persona que también es
padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de este niño(a) y
que vive en el hogar.

65. ¿Tiene usted acceso al Internet EN LA CASA, en
una computadora o tableta?
 Sí
 No

¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal ...
 uno de los padres biológicos del niño(a)
 uno de los padres adoptivos del niño(a)
 un padrastro o madrastra del niño(a)
 uno de los padres foster del niño(a)
 uno de los abuelos del niño(a)
 otro tutor(a) legal del niño(a)

66. ¿Con qué frecuencia utiliza el internet este niño(a)
EN LA CASA para actividades de aprendizaje ?
 Todos los días
 Algunas veces a la semana
 Algunas veces al mes
 Algunas veces al año

61. ¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de sexo
masculino o femenino?
 Masculino
 Femenino

 Nunca



67. ¿Utiliza el Internet este niño(a) para actividades
de aprendizaje en…
una casilla para CADA una de las siguientes preguntas.







teléfono celular?



68. ¿Qué tan lejos espera usted que este niño(a) llegue con su educación?

UNA SOLA respuesta.

 Que complete menos de high school
 Que se gradúa de high school
 Que asista a una escuela vocacional o de oficios
o escuela técnica después de completar high
 Que asista al college o universidad durante dos
años o más
 Que obtenga un grado de bachelor
 Que obtenga un título de posgrado o título profesional después del título de bachelor



69. Quisiéramos identificar la escuela de este niño(a) para poder incluir información de la escuela en nuestro
estudio. A continuación, hemos incluido una lista de escuelas en su zona. Marque la casilla de la escuela a la
que asiste este niño(a).

UNA SOLA respuesta.

 Lincoln Elementary School, 320 N 5th St., Beatrice
 Paddock Lane Elementary School, 1300 N 14th St., Beatrice
 Stoddard Elementary School, 400 S 7th St, Beatrice
 Eagle Elementary School, 600 S 1st St., Eagle
 Clinton Elementary School, 1520 N 29th St., Lincoln
 College View Academy, 5240 Calvert St., Lincoln
 Elliott Elementary School, 225 S 25th St., Lincoln
 Everett Elementary School, 1123 C St., Lincoln
 McPhee Elementary School, 820 Goodhue Blvd., Lincoln
 Messiah Lutheran School, 1800 S 84th St. , Lincoln
 Randolph Elementary School, 1024 S 37th St., Lincoln
 Adams Elementary School, 3420 N 78th St., Omaha
 Benson West Elementary School, 6652 Maple St., Omaha
 Boyd Elementary School, 8314 Boyd St., Omaha
 Columbian Elementary School, 330 S 127th St., Omaha
 Other

VAYA A la pregunta 70



PARE. Por favor devuelva la encuesta en el sobre con franqueo prepagado.

70. Si encontró y marcó la escuela de este niño(a) en la lista de la pregunta 69, le damos las gracias. Si no encontró la escuela de este niño(a) en la pregunta 69, por favor escriba el nombre y la dirección en los espacios a continuación para ayudarnos a identificar la escuela a la que asiste este niño(a).

Muchas gracias.
Por favor devuelva esta encuesta en el sobre con franqueo pre-pagado que
está incluído. Si se le perdió el sobre, envíe por correo la encuesta completada a:
U.S. Census Bureau
ATTN: DCB 60-A (0939)
1201 E. 10th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0001




Thank you for helping us with this survey. Based on the information we received from your household in your last
survey, we’re asking you to complete this
final step by answering some questions
about the care and education of [Child’s


Approval Expires XX/XX/XXXX




In response to the survey you answered earlier, we recorded that the child listed below has not
yet started kindergarten. If this child is attending public or private school or is homeschooled for
kindergarten through 12th grade or equivalent, please call us toll-free at 1-888-840-8353 to let
us know


These questions should be filled in by a parent or guardian who knows about:

Please answer all the survey questions thinking about this child or youth.

To answer a question, simply mark


Please use a black or blue pen, if available, to complete the survey.


There are arrows and instructions to GO TO a question number beside some response options.
These will help you move through the survey to questions that are appropriate for you.


the box that best represents your answer.





GO TO question 9

Please return the completed survey using the postage-paid envelope provided.



Care Your Child Receives
from Relatives


years old

A parent or guardian who knows the child list below
should answer the survey. Answer all the questions
thinking about:


These questions ask about different types of
child care this child may now receive on a regular
basis from a relative other than his or her parents or



Is this child now receiving care from a relative other than a parent or guardian on a REGULAR BASIS, for example, from grandparents, brothers or
sisters, or any other relatives?




GO TO question 14

Are any of these care arrangements regularly
scheduled at least once a week?




How old is the relative who provides the most care
to this child?

Is this care provided in your home or another

Own home


Other home



GO TO question 7

About how long does it take to go from your home
to this relative’s home?

Less than 10 minutes


About 10 to 20 minutes


About 20 to 30 minutes


About 30 minutes to 1 hour


More than 1 hour

7. About how many DAYS each WEEK does this
child receive care from this relative?

GO TO question 14

days each week

These next questions are about the care that this
child receives from the relative who provides the
most care.

8. About how many HOURS each WEEK does this
child receive care from this relative?

How is that relative related to this child?

 Grand-

hours each week

ONE only.







Another relative




How well does this relative care arrangement cover the hours needed for work?

Not well


Somewhat well




Very well


Not applicable

Care Your Child Receives
from Non-relatives

10. How old was this child in years and months when
THIS PARTICULAR regular care arrangement with
this relative began?

14. The next questions


child receives from someone NOT related to
him or her, EITHER IN YOUR HOME OR SOMEONE ELSE’S HOME. This includes home child
care providers or neighbors, but NOT day care
centers or preschools.

11. What language does this relative speak most when
caring for this child?




Is this child now receiving care in your home or
another home on a REGULAR BASIS from
someone who is NOT related to him or her?


English and Spanish equally




A language other than English or Spanish




English and another language equally

GO TO question 29

15. Are any of these care arrangements regularly
scheduled at least once a week?
12. Will this relative care for this child when the child

ONE box for each item below.


sick but does not have a fever? ...


sick and has a fever? ...................









GO TO question 29

16. These next questions are about the care that this
child receives from someone who is NOT related
to him or her who provides the most care.
Does this person who cares for this child live in
your household?

13. How many other children does this relative care
for while caring for this child?





17. Is this child cared for by a non-relative in your
own home or another home?




1 to 2


Own home


3 to 5


Other home


6 or more



GO TO question 19

18. About how long does it take to go from your
home to this care provider’s home?




Less than 10 minutes


About 10 to 20 minutes


About 20 to 30 minutes


About 30 minutes to 1 hour


More than 1 hour

26. Will this non-relative care for this child when the
child is…

19. About how many DAYS each WEEK does this
child receive care from this non-relative?


days each week

20. About how many HOURS each WEEK does this
child receive care from this non-relative?
hours each week
21. How well does this non-relative care arrangement cover the hours needed for work?

Not well


Somewhat well




Very well


Not applicable









sick and has a fever? ...................





1 to 2


3 to 5


6 or more





Child Care Centers and Preschool Programs Your Child
29. The next questions ask about any day care centers and early childhood programs that this child
attends. This does not include care provided in a
private home.

24. Is this child’s non-relative care provider age 18
or older?

sick but does not have a fever? ...



28. Would you recommend this non-relative care provider to another parent?

23. Was this care provider someone you already



27. How many other children does this non-relative
care for while caring for this child?

22. How old was this child in years and months
when THIS PARTICULAR regular care arrangement with this non-relative began?

ONE box for each item below.

Is this child now attending a day care center,
childcare center, preschool, or prekindergarten
not in a private home?




GO TO question 43

25. What language does this non-relative care provider speak most when caring for this child?





English and Spanish equally


A language other than English or Spanish


English and another language equally

30. Does this child go to a day care center, childcare
center, preschool, or prekindergarten, at least
once each week?





GO TO question 31



GO TO question 43

37. How well does this program cover the hours needed for work?

31. The next questions ask about the PROGRAM
where this child spends the most time.


Not well


Somewhat well

In a church, synagogue, or other place of wor-





Very well


Not applicable

Where is this program located?


ONE only.


In a public elementary or secondary school


In a private elementary or secondary school


At a college or university


At a community center


At a public library


In its own building, office space, or storefront


Some other place—Specify:

38. How old was this child in years and months when
he or she started going to THIS PARTICULAR program?

39. Have you ever been asked to remove this child
from care for the day due to one or more behavior
issues, such as biting, being aggressive, not following directions, being overly active, being impulsive, or having little or no self-control?

32. Does this program teach religious content to
the children?









40. Has this program provided any of the following
services to this child?

33. Is this program located at your workplace or
this child’s other parent’s workplace?



one box for EACH item below.


34. Is this program a Head Start or Early Head Start
Head Start and Early Head Start are federally sponsored preschool programs primarily for children from
low-income families.






Don’t know

35. About how many DAYS each WEEK does this
child go to this program?
days each week

36. About how many HOURS each WEEK does this
child go to this program?
hours each week



Hearing or vision testing……...


Physical examinations………..


Dental examinations…………..


Developmental screenings for
speech and language, social
emotional, or motor skills…….


Medication administration……


Sick child care when this child
is sick but does not have a


Sick child care when this child
is sick and has a fever………..







44. What is the MAIN reason your household wanted a
care arrangement for this child in the past year?

41. Is there any charge or fee for this program, paid
either by you or some other person or agency?
 Yes




GO TO question 43




Another social service, welfare, child
care, or other kind of agency………...


An employer, not including a tax-free
spending account for child care... …..


Someone else.............................. …..



Don’t know

To provide cultural or language learning
To make time for running errands or free time




Some other reason

45. Do you feel there are good choices for child care or
early childhood programs where you live?





Don’t know

46. Have you ever searched for care for this child?




GO TO question 51

47. How much difficulty did you have finding the type
of child care or early childhood program you wanted for this child?

Head Start and Early Head Start are federally sponsored preschool programs primarily for children from
low-income families.



43. Has this child EVER attended a Head Start or Early Head Start program?


To prepare this child for school


Finding and Choosing Care
for Your Child




Your state welfare or family assistance program (this may be called
Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families [TANF] or something else…


To provide care when a parent or guardian was at
work or school

ONE box for each item below.

A relative of this child outside your
household who provides money
SPECIFICALLY for that care, not
including general child support……..

Did not want a care arrangement for this child in
the past year

42. Do any of the following people, programs, or organizations help pay for this child to go to this

ONE only.




No difficulty


A little difficulty


Some difficulty


A lot of difficulty


Did not find the type of child care program I wanted

GO TO question 49

Your Child’s Early Learning
and Development

48. What was the MAIN reason for the difficulty finding child care or early childhood programs?

ONE only.








Lack of open slots for new children


Child has a special need, and could not find ap-

51. Is this child under 2 years old; or is this child 2
years old or older?

propriate care


Under 2 years


2 years or older

GO TO question 54

52. These next questions ask about things that different children do at different ages. These things may
or may not be true for this child and that’s okay.


Looking for specific hours or schedule


Challenges receiving financial assistance


Age requirements of the child care

Can this child recognize the letters of the alphabet?




No, none of them


Yes, some of them


Yes, most of them


Yes, all of them

49. Did you have a care arrangement for this child in
the past year?




53. Can this child write his or her first name, even if
some of the letters are backwards?

GO TO question 51

50. What were the main reasons your household
chose the care arrangement or program where
this child spends the most time?





54. Have you or another parent expressed concerns to
a health, education, or early intervention professional about this child’s development (for example,
speech and language, social emotional, or motor
skill development)?

We have provided spaces for you to tell us about
up to 3 reasons. You may have fewer reasons to
tell us about. Please write only one reason in each






GO TO question 56

55. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with
responses from health, education, or early intervention professionals about your concerns about
this child’s development?




Very satisfied


Somewhat satisfied


Somewhat dissatisfied


Very dissatisfied

60. Is this child receiving services for his or her condition (for example, speech therapy or physical therapy)?
 Yes

56. Has a health, education, or early intervention professional told you that this child has any of the
following conditions?



GO TO question 63

one box for EACH item below.


A speech or language impairment…..


Autism or autism spectrum disorder..


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD or ADD…………………....


Another health impairment lasting 6
months or longer………………………





61. Are this child’s services through an Individualized
Family Service Plan (IFSP) or Individualized Education Program (IEP)?
 Yes


GO TO question 63

62. Thinking about the child’s IFSP or IEP, since September, how satisfied or dissatisfied have you been
with the service provider’s or school’s communication with your family?
 Very satisfied

57. Has a health, education, or early intervention professional told you that this child has or is at risk
for a developmental delay?


Somewhat satisfied




Somewhat dissatisfied




Very dissatisfied

63. Does this child’s condition interfere with his or her
ability to do the following things?

58. Did you mark YES to any part of question 56 or
question 57?





one box for EACH item below.

GO TO question 64

59. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with
how well health, education, or early intervention
professionals have met your child’s needs?
 Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied


Somewhat dissatisfied


Very dissatisfied






Play with other


Go on outings…


Make friends…..






Child’s Background

69. Does this child sometimes live at another address
(for example, because of parents living apart)?

64. Where was this child born?
 One of the 50 United States or the District of

Do no include vacation properties.


GO TO question 66
One of the U.S. territories (Puerto Rico, Guam,





GO TO question 71

American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Maria70. If yes, does this child...

na Islands)

Another country

65. How old was this child when he or she first
moved to the 50 United States or the District of


Spend the most time at this address?


Spend the most time at another address?


Spend equal time at both addresses?

71. What language does this child speak most AT

If younger than 1, write “0”.


years old


Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano


Yes, Puerto Rican


Yes, Cuban


Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish
Spanish origin

67. What is this child’s race? You may mark one or
more races.
all that apply.


American Indian or Alaska Native




Black or African American


Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander



Very good












English and Spanish equally


A language other than English or Spanish


English and another language equally





Parent 1 Living in Household
73. Do you consider yourself one of this child’s parents
or guardians?

68. In general, how would you describe this child’s
 Excellent

question 73

72. Is this child currently enrolled in English as a second
language, bilingual education, or an English immersion program?

origin; or more than one Hispanic, Latino, or


Child has not
started to speak

66. Is this child of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish
 No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

ONE only.







Answer the questions in this section
about yourself.
Answer the questions in this section
about one of this child’s parents or
guardians living in this household.

80. Is this parent or guardian of Hispanic, Latino, or
Spanish origin?

74. Is this parent or guardian the child’s...

Biological parent


Adoptive parent




Foster parent




Other guardian




Now married








Never married

Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano


Yes, Puerto Rican


Yes, Cuban


Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin; or


ONE only.



81. What is this parent or guardian’s race? You may
mark one or more races.

76. What is this parent or guardian’s current marital

No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

more than one Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

75. Is this parent or guardian male or female?


GO TO question 78

all that apply.


American Indian or Alaska Native




Black or African American


Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander



82. What is the highest grade or level of school that
this parent or guardian completed?

77. Is this parent or guardian currently living with a
boyfriend/girlfriend or partner in this household?

ONE only.


8th grade or less


High school, but no diploma


High school diploma or equivalent (GED)




Vocational diploma after high school




Some college, but no degree


Associate’s degree (AA, AS)


Bachelor’s degree (BA, BS)


Some graduate or professional

78. Where was this parent or guardian born?

One of the 50 United States or the District of



GO TO question 80

education, but no degree

One of the U.S. territories (Puerto Rico, Guam,


Master’s degree (MA, MS)

American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Maria-


Doctorate degree (PhD, EdD)

na Islands)


Professional degree beyond bachelor’s degree

Another country


79. How old was this parent or guardian when he or
she first moved to the 50 United States or the
District of Columbia?

83. Does this parent or guardian have Internet access
on a cell phone?

If younger than 1, write “0”.
years old




Your Household

Parent 2 Living in Household

84. Is there a second parent or guardian living in this




89. Is this house or apartment…

GO TO question 89

Is this parent or guardian the child’s...
Biological parent


Adoptive parent




Foster parent




Other guardian

Owned or being bought by someone in this household?

85. Answer questions in this section about a second
parent or guardian living in the household.

ONE only.


Rented by someone in this household?


Occupied by some other arrangement?

90. Does your household have Internet access AT
HOME on a computer or tablet?




91. How often does this child use the Internet AT
HOME for learning activities?

86. Is this parent or guardian male or female?


Every day


A few times a week




A few times a month




A few times a year



87. What is this parent or guardian’s current marital

ONE only.


Now married








Never married

92. Does this child use the Internet for learning activities on...

GO TO question 89

88. Is this parent or guardian currently living with a
boyfriend/girlfriend or partner in this household?




GO TO next page

one box for EACH item below.






Cell phone?...........…………………....





Thank you.
Please return this questionnaire in the postage-paid envelope provided. If
you have lost the envelope, mail the completed questionnaire to:
U.S. Census Bureau
ATTN: DCB 60-A (0939)
1201 E. 10th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0001




Aprobado hasta XX/XX/XXXX

Gracias por su colaboración con esta
encuesta. De acuerdo con la información
que recibimos de su hogar en su última
encuesta, quisiéramos pedirle que complete esta parte contestando a unas preguntas sobre la educación de [Child’s
El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del Departamento de Educación
está autorizado a realizar esta Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación (NHES por sus siglas en inglés) por medio
de la Reforma a la Ley de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002, título 20, sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo
de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide no participar en
este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse
en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151). De acuerdo con
la Ley de Reducción de Papeleo de 1995, no se requiere que ninguna persona responda a una recopilación de información
a menos que muestre un número de control OMB válido. El número de control OMB válido para encuesta voluntaria es
1850-0768. El tiempo requerido para completar esta encuesta se estima en un promedio de 20 minutos por respuesta,
incluido el tiempo para revisar las instrucciones, reunir los datos necesarios y completar y revisar la encuesta. Si tiene algún
comentario sobre la precisión del tiempo estimado, las sugerencias para mejorar esta encuesta, o cualquier comentario o
inquietud con respecto al estado de su presentación individual de esta encuesta, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a:
[email protected] o escriba a: Sarah Grady, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), PCP, 550 12th Street, SW, 4th
floor, Washington, D.C. 20202.




En respuesta a la encuesta que usted respondió anteriormente, anotamos que el niño(a) que se
nombra a continuación no ha comenzado kindergarten todavía. Si este niño(a) asiste a una escuela pública o privada o recibe la enseñanza escolar en el hogar (homeschooled) para kindergarten a 12º Grado (o su equivalente), por favor llámenos al número sin cargo 1-888-840-8353
para hacérnoslo saber.


Estas preguntas las debe responder uno de los padres o tutores que sepa sobre:

Por favor responda a todas las preguntas de la encuesta pensando en este niño(a).


Para responder a una pregunta, implemente marque
respuesta o anote el número (los números).


Por favor, si es posible, use una pluma o bolígrafo de tinta negra o azul para responder a esta


Hay flechas e instrucciones que le dirigen que VAYA A un determinado número de pregunta.
Estas flechas e instrucciones le ayudarán a navegar por la encuesta.






la casilla que mejor representa su

VAYA A la pregunta 9

Por favor devuelva esta encuesta en el sobre con franqueo prepagado que le hemos



Cuidado infantil por parte de



Esta encuesta la debe responder un padre, madre, o
tutor(a) legal que sepa sobre el niño(a) que se indica
a continuación. Responda a todas las preguntas de
la encuesta pensando en:


Estas preguntas son acerca de los distintos tipos de
cuidado infantil que este niño(a) podría recibir actualmente con regularidad, por parte de personas distintas a los padres o tutores legales.




Actualmente, ¿cuida a este niño(a) CON REGULARIDAD un pariente, distinto a uno de los padres o
tutores legales? Por ejemplo, los abuelos, hermanos, hermanas u otro pariente?




¿Qué edad tiene este pariente que cuida a este
niño(a) la mayoría del tiempo?

VAYA A la pregunta 14

¿Cuida al niño(a) en su casa o en otra casa?

Mi propia casa


Otra casa



Más o menos, ¿cuánto tiempo le toma el viaje de
su casa a la casa de este pariente?

Menos de 10 minutos


De 10 a 20 minutos


De 20 a 30 minutos


De 30 minutos a 1 hora


Más de 1 hora

7. Más o menos, ¿cuántos DÍAS a la SEMANA cuida
este pariente a este niño(a)?

¿Se planifica con regularidad alguno de estos
arreglos de cuidado infantil por lo menos una vez
a la semana?




días a la semana

8. Más o menos, ¿cuántas HORAS a la SEMANA cuida este pariente a este niño(a)? ?
VAYA A la pregunta 14

horas a la semana

Las siguientes preguntas se tratan del cuidado
que este niño(a) recibe por parte del pariente que
lo cuida la mayor parte del tiempo.


¿Cuál es la relación o el parentesco de ese pariente con este niño(a)?

VAYA A la pregunta 7


una sola .








Otro pariente

¿Qué tan bien cubre este pariente las horas que
usted necesita para el cuidado de este niño(a) durante sus horas de trabajo?




Nada bien
Más o menos bien
Muy bien
No aplica

Cuidado infantil que su hijo(a) recibe por parte de personas que no
son sus parientes

10. ¿Qué edad tenía este niño(a), en años y meses,
cuando comenzó este arreglo regular ESPECÍFICO
con este pariente?


14. Las siguientes preguntas se tratan del cuidado

que este niño(a) recibe por parte de personas
que NO son sus parientes, YA SEA EN SU CASA
O EN LA CASA DE OTRA PERSONA. Esto incluye a personas que cuidan niños(as) en sus casas
o vecinos, pero NO incluye guarderías ni programas preescolares.

11. ¿Qué idioma habla más este pariente cuando está
cuidando a este niño(a)?
 Inglés



Inglés y español por igual


Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español


Inglés y otro idioma por igual

Actualmente, ¿cuida a este niño(a) CON REGULARIDAD una persona que NO es su pariente, ya
sea en casa o en otra casa?
 Sí

UNA casilla para cada artículo abajo.


enfermo pero no tiene fiebre?


enfermo y tiene fiebre?





VAYA A la pregunta 29

15. ¿Se planifica con regularidad alguno de estos
arreglos de cuidado infantil por lo menos una
vez a la semana?
 Sí

12. Este pariente lo/a cuida si el niño(a) está …




VAYA A la pregunta 29

16. Las siguientes preguntas se tratan del cuidado que
este niño(a) recibe por parte de una persona que
NO es su pariente y que lo cuida la mayor parte del
¿Vive en el hogar de usted esta persona que cuida
a este niño?

13. ¿Mientras este pariente cuida a este niño(a), a
cuántos otros niños cuida?
 Ninguno





6 o más





17. ¿Cuida al niño en su casa o en otra casa?

Mi propia


Otra casa



VAYA A la pregunta 19

18. Más o menos, ¿cuánto tiempo le toma el viaje de
su casa a la casa de esta persona?
 Menos de 10 minutos




De 10 a 20 minutos


De 20 a 30 minutos


De 30 minutos a 1 hora


Más de 1 hora

19. Más o menos, ¿cuántos DÍAS a la SEMANA cuida
esta persona que no es su pariente a este niño

26. ¿Esta persona que no es su pariente lo/la cuida si
el niño(a) está…”
artículo abajo.

días por semana

20. Más o menos, ¿cuántas HORAS a la SEMANA
cuida esta persona que no es su pariente a este
horas por semana

Nada bien
Más o menos bien
Muy bien
No aplica

enfermo y tiene fiebre?







6 o más


Guarderías y programas
preescolares a los que asiste
este niño(a)


29. Las siguientes preguntas se tratan de las guarderías y los programas de educación temprana a los
que este niño(a) asiste. Esto no incluye el cuidado
que este niño(a) recibe en un hogar privado.


Actualmente, ¿asiste este niño(a) a una guardería,
centro de cuidado infantil, programa preescolar o
prekindergarden que no sea en un hogar privado?
 Sí

24. ¿Es esta persona que no es su pariente y que
cuida a este niño(a) mayor de 18 años?
 Sí



23. ¿Era esta persona que cuida niños(as) alguien a
quien usted ya conocía?
 Sí

enfermo pero no tiene fiebre?



28. ¿Le recomendaría esta persona que no es su pariente a otros padres?
 Sí

22. ¿Qué edad tenía este niño(a), en años y meses,
cuando comenzó este arreglo regular ESPECÍFICO con esta persona que no es su pariente?



27. ¿Mientras esta persona que no es su pariente cuida
a este niño(a), a cuántos otros niños cuida?
 Ninguno

21. ¿Qué tan bien cubre esta persona que no es su
pariente las horas que usted necesita para el cuidado de este niño(a) durante sus horas de trabajo?

UNA casilla para cada



25. ¿Qué idioma habla más esta persona que no es
su pariente cuando está cuidando a este niño(a)?
 Inglés


VAYA A la pregunta 43

30. ¿Va este niño(a) va a una guardería, centro de cuidado infantil, programa preescolar o a un prekindergarten por lo menos una vez a la semana?




Inglés y español por igual



VAYA A la pregunta 31


Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español



VAYA A la pregunta 43


Inglés y otro idioma por igual



37. Qué tan bien cubre este programa las horas que
usted necesita para el cuidado de este niño(a) durante sus horas de trabajo?

Las siguientes preguntas se tratan del PROGRAMA
en el cual este niño(a) pasa la mayoría del tiempo.


31. ¿Dónde queda este programa?


una sola .
En una iglesia, sinagoga o en otro lugar religioso


En una escuela primaria o secundaria pública


En una escuela primaria o secundaria privada


En una universidad


En un centro comunitario


En una biblioteca pública


Tiene su propio edificio, oficina o local


Algún otro lugar - especifique:

38. ¿Qué edad tenía este niño(a), en años y meses,
cuando comenzó a asistir a este programa ESPECÍFICAMENTE?




40. ¿Este programa le ha brindado a este niño(a) alguno de los siguientes servicios?

33. ¿Está este programa en su lugar de trabajo o en
el lugar de trabajo del otro padre o madre de este
 Sí


39. ¿Alguna vez le han pedido que retire a este niño
(a) de un lugar de cuidado infantil por el resto del
día porque él/ella estaba teniendo uno o más problemas de comportamiento, como morder, ser
agresivo(a), no seguir instrucciones, ser excesivamente activo(a), ser impulsivo(a) o tener muy poco o nada de autocontrol?
 Sí

32. ¿Este programa enseña contenido religioso a los
 Sí


Nada bien
Más o menos bien
Muy bien
No aplica

una sola respuesta para CADA una de
las siguientes preguntas


34. ¿Es este tipo de programa de Head Start o de
Early Head Start?


Los programas de Head Start y de Early Head Start son programas preescolares patrocinados por el gobierno federal y
orientados principalmente a niños(as) de familias de bajos








No lo sé


35. ¿Cuántos DÍAS a la SEMANA asiste este niño(a) a
este programa?


días por semana

36. ¿Cuántas HORAS a la SEMANA asiste este niño
(a) a este programa?
horas por semana


Examen del oído o la vista
Exámenes físicos
Exámenes dentales
Exámenes del desarrollo del
habla y lenguaje, socioemocional, o motor
Administración de medicamentos
Cuidado infantil cuando este
niño(a) está enfermo pero no
tiene fiebre
Cuidado infantil cuando este
niño(a) está enfermo(a) y tiene fiebre



No lo




44. ¿Cuál es la razón PRINCIPAL por la que su hogar
quería un arreglo de cuidado infantil para este niño
(a) en el ultimo año?

41. ¿Hay algún costo o pago por este programa, ya
sea que lo pague usted u otra persona o agencia?
 Sí



VAYA A la pregunta 43

Un pariente de este niño(a) que no
vive en su hogar y da dinero para
pagar específicamente por ese cuidado, sin incluir manutención para


Programa de asistencia social o familiar de su estado (puede ser Asistencia Temporal a Familias Necesitadas (TANF, por sus siglas en ingles),
o algo similar)


Un empleador, sin incluir cuentas
especiales para pagos de cuidado
infantil libres de impuestos


Alguien más






Para tener aprendizaje cultural o aprender el idio-


Para tener tiempo libre o para hacer mandados


Por alguna otra razón




No lo sé



VAYA A la pregunta 51

47. ¿Cuánta dificultad tuvo para encontrar el tipo de
cuidado infantil o programa de educación temprana que usted quería para este niño(a)?
 Ninguna
VAYA A la pregunta 49
 Muy poca dificultad
 Algo de dificultad
 Mucha dificultad
 No encontré el tipo de programa de cuidado infantil que quería

Los programas de Head Start y de Early Head Start
son programas preescolares patrocinados por el
gobierno federal y orientados principalmente a niños(as) de familias de bajos ingresos.
 Sí

No lo sé

Para preparar a este niño(a) para la escuela

46. ¿Alguna vez ha buscado un arreglo de cuidado
para este niño(a)?
 Sí

43. ¿Ha asistido este niño(a) ALGUNA VEZ a un
programa de Head Start o de Early Head Start?



45. ¿Cree usted que hay buenas opciones de cuidado
infantil o programas de educación temprana en el
área donde usted vive?
 Sí

Buscar y seleccionar cuidado
infantil para su niño(a)


Para tener cuidado infantil cuando el padre, madre


Otro servicio social, asistencia social, cuidado infantil, u otro tipo de



UNA casilla para cada artículo abajo.



una sola .
No tuvo cuidado infantil el año pasado

o tutor(a) legal estaba trabajando o estudiando

42. ¿Alguna de las siguientes personas, programas
u organizaciones le ayuda a pagar para que este niño(a) vaya a este programa?




Cosas que su niño(a) podría
estar aprendiendo

48. ¿Cuál fue la dificultad PRINCIPAL que enfrentó
para encontrar un programa de cuidado infantil o
programa de educación temprana?


una sola .
Falta de vacantes para niños nuevos
El niño(a) tiene una necesidad especial y no pudimos encontrar el cuidado apropiado.
Encontrar horas u horario específico
Dificultad para recibir ayudas económicas
Requisitos de edad del cuidado infantil
Otra razón – Especifique:

51. ¿Es este niño(a) menor de 2 años o tiene 2 años o
 Menor de 2
VAYA A la pregunta 54
 2 años o más
52. Las siguientes preguntas se tratan de cosas que
distintos niños(as) hacen a distintas edades. Estas
cosas pueden ser ciertas o no para este niño(a), y
eso es perfectamente normal.
¿Puede este niño(a) reconocer correctamente las
letras del alfabeto?
 No, ninguna

49. ¿Ha tenido un arreglo de cuidado para este niño
(a) en el último año?




VAYA A pregunta 51


Sí, algunas


Sí, la mayoría


Sí, todas

53. ¿Puede este niño(a) escribir su nombre, incluso si
escribe algunas letras al revés?

50. ¿Cuáles fueron las razones principales por la que
su hogar eligió el arreglo o los arreglos de cuidado o el programa en el que este niño(a) pasa más


54. ¿Ha expresado usted u otro padre/madre preocupaciones a un profesional de la salud, de educación o
de intervención temprana sobre el desarrollo de
este niño(a) (por ejemplo, desarrollo del habla y
lenguaje, socio emocional o de habilidades motoras)?

Hemos incluido espacio para que usted anote
hasta 3 razones, pero puede que tenga menos de
3 razones. Por favor escriba una razón en cada




VAYA A la pregunta 56

55. En general, ¿qué tan satisfecho está con las respuestas de profesionales de la salud, de educación
o de intervención temprana sobre sus preocupaciones acerca del desarrollo de este niño(a)?
 Muy satisfecho




Algo satisfecho


Algo insatisfecho


Muy insatisfecho

60. ¿Este niño(a) está recibiendo servicios para su
problema o condición (por ejemplo, terapia del habla, terapia física, etc.)?

56. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud, de educación o de intervención temprana que este niño
(a) tiene alguno de los siguientes problemas de

casilla para CADA artículo abajo


Un impedimento del habla o del lenguaje


Autismo o trastorno del espectro autista










Algo satisfecho


Algo insatisfecho


Muy insatisfecho


59. En general, ¿Qué tan satisfecho está con cómo
han cubierto las necesidades de este niño(a) los
profesionales de la salud, de educación o de intervención temprana?
 Muy satisfecho
Algo satisfecho


Algo insatisfecho


Muy insatisfecho

VAYA A la pregunta 63


VAYA A la pregunta 64


VAYA A la pregunta 63

63. ¿Afecta el problema de salud de este niño(a) a su
capacidad de hacer las siguientes cosas?

58. ¿Marcó “Sí” en alguna parte de la pregunta 56 o
de la pregunta 57?



62. Pensando en el IFSP, por sus siglas en inglés, el
IEP, por sus siglas en inglés, o el plan de servicios
de este niño(a) a partir de septiembre, ¿qué tan satisfecho está usted con la comunicación que el proveedor de servicios o la escuela tiene con la familia?
 Muy satisfecho

Otro impedimento de la salud que
dure 6 meses o más




Trastorno de déficit de atención e
hiperactividad (ADHD o ADD, por
sus siglas en inglés)



61. Los servicios que recibe este niño(a), ¿son a través de un Plan de Servicio Individualizado para la
Familia (IFSP, por sus siglas en inglés) o a través
de un Programa Educativo Individualizado (IEP,
pos sus siglas en inglés)?

57. ¿Le ha dicho un profesional de la salud, de educación o de intervención temprana que este niño
(a) "está en riesgo" de tener o tiene un retraso
considerable del desarrollo?







en juegos
con otros


Asistir a
los paseos




No lo sé

Historia del niño

69. ¿Este niño(a) vive en esta dirección Y en otra dirección más (por ejemplo, debido a que los padres
viven separados)?

64. ¿Dónde nació este niño(a)?
 Uno de los 50
estados de
VAYA A la pregunta 66
los Estados Unidos
o el Distrito de Columbia
 Uno de los territorios incorporados de los Esta-

No incluya casas de vacaciones.



VAYA A la pregunta 71

70. Si es que “Sí”, ¿este niño(a)...

dos Unidos (Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa Americana, Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos o

Islas Marianas del Norte)


Otro país

65. ¿Qué edad tenía este niño(a) cuando se mudó
por primera vez a uno de los 50 estados de los
Estados Unidos o al Distrito de Columbia?


pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en esta dirección?


pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en otra dirección?


pasa la misma cantidad de tiempo en ambas direcciones?

71. ¿Qué idioma habla más este niño(a) EN EL HOGAR?

Si fue menor de un año, por favor escriba ‘0’.


una sola .

El niño(a) no ha comenzado a hablar

66. ¿Es este niño(a) de origen hispano, latino o español?
 No, no es de origen hispano, latino o español





Pregunta 73


Inglés y español por igual


Sí, mexicano, mexicano americano, chicano


Otro idioma aparte del inglés o español


Sí, puertorriqueño


Inglés y otro idioma por igual


Sí, cubano


Sí, es de otro origen hispano, latino o español, o

72. Actualmente, ¿asiste este niño(a) a clases de inglés como segundo idioma, educación bilingüe o a
un programa de inmersión al inglés?

más de un origen hispano, latino o español
67. ¿Cuál es la raza de este niño(a)? Puede marcar
una o más razas.

todas las que correspondan.


Indígena de las Américas o nativa de Alaska




Negra o afroamericana


Nativa de Hawái u otra de las islas del Pacífico



68. En general, ¿cómo describiría la salud de este
 Excelente

Muy buena













Uno de los padres que
vive en el hogar

78. ¿Dónde nació este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal?
 Uno de los 50 estados de los
Estados Unidos o el Distrito de

73. ¿Se considera usted uno de los padres o tutores legales de este niño?


Conteste las preguntas en esta sección acerca de usted


VAYA A la pregunta 80

Uno de los territorios
incorporados de los Estados Unidos (Puerto Rico,
Guam, Samoa Americana, Islas Vírgenes de los


Estados Unidos o Islas Marianas del Norte)

Conteste las preguntas en esta
sección acerca de uno de los padres o tutores de este niño(a) que
viva en el hogar.



79. ¿Qué edad tenía este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal
cuando se mudó por primera vez a uno de los 50
estados de los Estados Unidos o al Distrito de Columbia?

74. ¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal…

Uno de los padres biológicos del niño(a)


Uno de los padres adoptivos del niño(a)


Un padrastro o madrastra del niño(a)


Uno de los padres foster del niño(a)


Uno de los abuelos del niño(a)


Otro tutor(a) legal del niño(a)

Si fue menor de un año, por favor escriba “0”.
80. ¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de origen
hispano, latino o español?
 No, no es de origen hispano, latino, o español

75. ¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal de sexo
masculino o femenino?
 Masculino


Actualmente casado(a)




Sí, mexicano, mexicano americano, chicano


Sí, puertorriqueño


Sí, cubano


Sí, es de otro origen hispano, latino o español; o

81. ¿Cuál es la raza de este padre o tutor(a) legal?
Puede marcar una raza o más de una raza.

una SOLA respuesta.



de más de un origen hispano, latino o español

76. ¿Cuál es el estado civil actual de este padre,
madre o tutor(a) legal?

Otro país


todas las que correspondan.


Indígena de las Américas o nativa de Alaska







Negra o afroamericana


Nunca se casó


Nativa de Hawái u otra de las islas del Pacífico



VAYA A la pregunta 78

77. ¿Este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal está viviendo actualmente con su pareja o novio(a) en este




86. ¿Es este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal
masculino o femenino?
 Masculino

82. ¿Cuál es el grado o nivel escolar más alto que
este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal completó?

una SOLA respuesta.


8° grado o menos


High school (grado 9 al 12), pero sin obtener el
Diploma de high school o equivalencia (GED)



Diploma vocacional o de oficios posterior a
high school
Algunos cursos de college o universidad, pero
sin graduarse
Licenciatura o grado asociado (AA, AS)


Licenciatura o grado de Bachelor (BA, BS)


Algo de educación profesional o graduada, pero sin título
Título de Maestría (MA, MS)





87. ¿Cuál es el estado civil actual de este padre, madre
o tutor(a) legal?









Nunca se casó

88. ¿Este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal está viviendo
actualmente con su pareja o novio(a) en este hogar?

Título de Doctorado (PhD, EdD)
Título profesional posterior al grado de Bachelor (médico, dentista, doctor en leyes)
83. ¿Tiene este padre, madre o tutor(a) legal acceso al Internet en un celular?



Su hogar

 Sí
 No

Otro de los padres que
vive en el hogar

89. ¿Esta casa o apartamento…


uno de los padres adoptivos del niño(a)


un padrastro o madrastra del niño(a)


uno de los padres foster del niño(a)


uno de los abuelos del niño(a)


otro tutor(a) legal del niño(a)


es alquilada por alguien en este hogar?


es ocupada por algún otro tipo de acuerdo?


¿Es este(a) padre, madre o tutor(a) legal…

es propiedad de alguien en el hogar o la está pa-

90. ¿Tiene usted acceso al Internet EN LA CASA en
una computadora o tableta?
 Sí

85. Responda las preguntas de esta sección pensando en la segunda persona que también es
padre, madre o tutor legal de este niño(a) y que
vive en el hogar.

uno de los padres biológicos del niño(a)

UNA SOLA respuesta.

gando alguien en este hogar?

84. ¿Hay otro padre, madre, o tutor legal que vive
en este hogar?


una SOLA respuesta.




de sexo




91. ¿Con qué frecuencia utiliza el internet este niño
(a) EN LA CASA para actividades de aprendizaje?
 Todos los días

Algunas veces a la semana


Algunas veces al mes


Algunas veces al año



92. ¿Utiliza el Internet este niño(a) para actividades
de aprendizaje en…...
una sola respuesta para CADA una
de las siguientes preguntas








teléfono celular?



Muchas gracias.
Por favor devuelva esta encuesta en el sobre de franqueo pre-pagado que
está incluido. Si se le perdió el sobre, envíe por correo la encuesta completada a:
U.S. Census Bureau
ATTN: DCB 60-A (0939)
1201 E. 10th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0001




Appendix E. Report items comparison 2019 – 2023
The following is a table that provides the 2019 and 2023 (as of Round 3 interview) question
wording. In addition to the question wording an Item ID is provided this item ID can be used in
the NHES Item Database to find the history of that item going back to 2012.


Item ID

Q# 2019

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019
Wording 2023
PFI General
What is this child’s current grade, grade What is this child’s current grade, grade
equivalent, or year of school?
equivalent, or year of school?
If this child is not assigned a specific
grade or is homeschooled, mark the
grade level of the curriculum that the
child receives.

If this child is not assigned a specific grade or
is homeschooled, mark the grade level of the
curriculum that the child receives.

1=Child has not yet started kindergarten
1=Child has not yet started kindergarten 2= Full-day kindergarten
2= Full-day kindergarten
3= Partial-day kindergarten
3= Partial-day kindergarten
4 = 1st grade
4 = 1st grade
5 = 2nd grade
5 = 2nd grade
6 = 3rd grade
6 = 3rd grade
7 = 4th grade
7 = 4th grade
8 = 5th grade
8 = 5th grade
9 = 6th grade
9 = 6th grade
10 = 7th grade
10 = 7th grade
11 = 8th grade
11 = 8th grade
12 = 9th grade
12 = 9th grade
13 = 10th grade
13 = 10th grade
14 = 11th grade
15 = 12th grade
14 = 11th grade
15 = 12th grade


Item ID


NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019




Wording 2023

Is this school a magnet school or does
he or she attend a magnet program?

Is this school a magnet school or does he or
she attend a magnet program?

1= Yes

1= Yes
2= No
3= Don’t know

Please tell us about this child’s grades
during this school year. Overall, across
all subjects, what grades does this child

Please tell us about this child’s grades during
this school year. Overall, across all subjects,
what grades does this child get?

Mark ONE only.

Mark ONE only.

1= Mostly As
1=Mostly As
2= Mostly Bs
2=Mostly Bs
3= Mostly Cs
3=Mostly Cs
4= Mostly Ds or lower
4=Mostly Ds or lower
5= This child’s school does not give these
5=This child’s school does not give these grades



In the past week, how many days has
your family eaten the evening meal
Write '0' if none.
Numeric write-in






Has a health professional told you that
this child has any of the following

Has a health or education professional told
you that this child has any of the following

Mark one box for EACH item below.

Mark one box for EACH item below.

a. An intellectual disability, formerly
known as mental retardation:
b. A speech or language impairment:
c. A serious emotional disturbance:
d. Deafness or another hearing
impairment: ECPP_HDDEAFIMX (1=Yes,
e. Blindness or another visual
impairment that can’t be corrected with
glasses: ECPP_HDBLINDX (1=Yes, 2=No)
f. An orthopedic impairment:
g. Autism: ECPP_HDAUTISMX (1=Yes,
h. Pervasive Developmental Disorder
(PDD): ECPP_HDPDDX (1=Yes, 2=No)
i. Attention Deficit Disorder, ADD or
j. A specific learning disability
k. A developmental delay:

a. A speech or language impairment,
HDSPEECHX, (1=Yes, 2=No)
b. A serious emotional disturbance,
HDDISTRBX, (1=Yes, 2=No)
c. Deafness or another hearing impairment,
HDDEAFIMX, (1=Yes, 2=No)
d. Blindness or another visual impairment
that can’t be corrected with glasses,
HDBLINDX, (1=Yes, 2=No)
e. An orthopedic impairment, HDORTHOX,
(1=Yes, 2=No)
f. Autism or autism spectrum disorder,
HDAUTISMX, (1=Yes, 2=No)
g. Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD),
HDPDDX, (1=Yes, 2=No)
h. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,
ADHD or ADD, HDADDX, (1=Yes, 2=No)
i. A specific learning disability, HDLEARNX,
(1=Yes, 2=No)
j. A developmental delay, HDDELAYX, (1=Yes,
k. Traumatic brain injury, HDTRBRAIN,
(1=Yes, 2=No)
l. An intellectual disability, formerly known as
mental retardation, HDINTDIS, (1=Yes, 2=No)


Item ID

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019

l. Traumatic brain injury
m. Another health impairment lasting 6
months or longer: ECPP_HDOTHERX
(1=Yes, 2=No)



Wording 2023
m. Another health impairment lasting 6
months or longer, HDOTHERX, (1=Yes, 2=No)

Does this child have Internet access on a cell
1 = Yes
2 = No




How are you related to this child?
Mark ONE only.
1= Mother (birth, adoptive, step, or
2= Father (birth, adoptive, step, or
3= Aunt
4= Uncle
5= Grandmother
6 = Grandfather
7 = Parent’s
8 = Other relationship –Specify: (Writein)


How are you related to this child?
Mark ONE only.
1= Mother (birth, adoptive, step, or foster)
2= Father (birth, adoptive, step, or foster)
3= Aunt
4= Uncle
5= Grandmother
6 = Grandfather
7 = Parent’s girlfriend/boyfriend/partner
8 = Sister
9 = Brother
10 = Other relationship –Specify:

Item ID

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019


Answer questions 107 to 123 about
yourself if you are the child’s parent or
guardian. If you are not the child’s
parent or guardian, answer questions
107 to 123 about one of this child’s
parents or guardians living in the
Is this parent or guardian the child's...
1= Biological parent
2= Adoptive parent
3= Stepparent
4= Foster parent
5= Grandparent
6= Other guardian

Wording 2023
Do you consider yourself one of this child’s
or guardians?
Yes -> Answer the questions in this section
about yourself.
No -> Answer the questions in this section
about one of this child’s parents or guardians
living in this household.
[For reference only: the text below appears
in a separate item in the 2023 version]
Is this parent or guardian the child’s...
Biological parent
Adoptive parent
Foster parent
Other guardian

PB153; PB179



Do you have Internet access on a cell
1= Yes


Does this parent or guardian have Internet
access on a cell phone?
1= Yes

Item ID

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019

Wording 2023




Do you have Internet access at home on
a computer or tablet?
1= Yes

Does your household have Internet access AT
HOME on a computer or tablet?
1= Yes




We would like to identify this child’s
school so we can include information
about the school in our study. Using the
list of schools below, select the school
he or she attends.
Using the list of schools below, mark the
box next to the school this child
If this child’s school is not in this list, GO
TO question 146.

We would like to identify this child’s school
so we can include information about the
school in our study. We’ve listed the schools
in your area below. Please select the school
he or she attends.
Mark ONE only.

Select one option from autofilled list of

This child is homeschooled for ALL classes
and is NOT enrolled in a school
Select one option from autofilled list of


Item ID

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019


If you found and marked this child’s
school in the list provided in question
145, then SKIP this question and return
your survey in the postage-paid
envelope. Otherwise, continue with
question 146.
To help us identify the school this child
attends, please write the name and
address in the spaces below.
Please use block or capital letters, for
example: S C H O O L

Wording 2023
If you found your child’s school in question
145, your survey is complete.
If your child is homeschooled full-time, your
survey is complete.
If you did not find this child’s school in
question 145, please write the name and
address in the spaces below to help us
identify the school this child attends.
Please use block or capital letters, for
example: S C H O O L

a. School Name, PFIC_SCHNAME (Write-in)
b. School Street Address, PFIC_SCHADDRE
a. School Name, PFIC_SCHNAME (Write- (Write-in)
c. School City, PFIC_SCHCITY (Write-in)
b. School Street Address,
d. School State, PFIC_SCHST (Write-in)
e. School ZIP Code, PFIC_SCHZIP (Numeric
c. School City, PFIC_SCHCITY (Write-in)
d. School State, PFIC_SCHST (Write-in)
e. School ZIP Code, PFIC_SCHZIP
(Numeric write-in)



Did you mark Yes to "h. Homeschooled"
from the list in question 2 above?
1 = Yes  GO TO question 4
2 = No  GO TO question 30


Did you mark Yes to "h. Homeschooled" from
the list in question 2 above?
1 = Yes  GO TO question 4
2 = No  GO TO question 30 on page 10

Item ID


NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019




Is any of this child’s home instruction
provided by a private tutor or teacher?

Wording 2023
Excluding co-ops, is any of this child’s HOME
instruction provided by a private tutor or

1= Yes
2= No

1= Yes

Is this child enrolled in any online,
virtual, or cyber courses?

Is this child enrolled in any online, virtual, or
cyber courses?

Do not include courses that use the
Internet only for selected assignments.

Do not include courses that use the Internet
only for selected assignments.

1= Yes, all the child’s courses are online,
virtual, or cyber
2= Yes, about half or more than half of
the child’s courses are online, virtual, or
3= Yes, less than half of the child’s
courses are online, virtual, or cyber
4= No, none of this child’s courses are
online, virtual, or cyber

1=Yes, all the child’s courses are online,
virtual, or cyber
2=Yes, about half or more than half of the
child’s courses are online, virtual, or cyber
3=Yes, less than half of the child’s courses are
online, virtual, or cyber
4=No, none of this child’s courses are online,
virtual, or cyber

2= No


Item ID

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019


Wording 2023

Do the following types of schools or
Do the following types of schools or teachers
teachers provide the instruction for this provide the instruction for this child’s online,
child’s online, virtual, or cyber courses? virtual, or cyber courses?
Mark one box for EACH item below.

Mark ONE box for each item below.

a. This child’s public school or school
district: PFIC_HSINTPUB (1= Yes, 2=No)
b. This child’s private school
PFIC_HSINTPRI (1= Yes, 2=No)
c. A college, community college, or
university: PFIC_HSINTCOL (1= Yes,
d. An online academy or virtual school
or cyber school: PFIC_HSINTVRT (1= Yes,
e. A company that provides courses that
I can purchase or access for this child:
PFIC_HSINTCMP (1= Yes, 2=No)
f. Another K-12 public or private school:
PFIC_HSINTK12 (1= Yes, 2=No)
g. An independent instructor not
affiliated with a school: PFIC_HSINTIND
(1= Yes, 2=No)
h. Someplace else: PFIC_HSINTOH, (1=
Yes, 2=No) –Specify: (Write-in

a. This child’s public school or school district:
PFIC_HSINTPUB (1= Yes, 2=No)
b. This child’s private school PFIC_HSINTPRI
(1= Yes, 2=No)
c. A college, community college, or university:
PFIC_HSINTCOL (1= Yes, 2=No)
d. An online academy or virtual school or
cyber school: PFIC_HSINTVRT (1= Yes, 2=No)
e. A company that provides courses that I can
purchase or access for this child:
PFIC_HSINTCMP (1= Yes, 2=No)
f. Another K-12 public or private school:
PFIC_HSINTK12 (1= Yes, 2=No)
g. An independent instructor not affiliated
with a school: PFIC_HSINTIND (1= Yes, 2=No)
h. Someplace else: PFIC_HSINTOH, (1= Yes,
2=No) –Specify: (Write-in PFIC_HSINTOTHOS)


Item ID


NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019




Wording 2023

What is the total amount of tuition and
fees for all online, virtual, or cyber
courses that this child takes?

What is the total amount of tuition and fees
for all online, virtual, or cyber courses that
this child takes?

Write ’0’ if not applicable.

Write ’0’ if not applicable.

Numeric write-in

Numeric write-in

In the last week that this child was
homeschooled, about how many hours
did this child spend in online, virtual, or
cyber classes?
1= Fewer than 10 hours
2=10-24 hours

In the last week that this child was
homeschooled, about how many hours did
this child spend in online, virtual, or cyber
1=Fewer than 10 hours in that week
2=10 to 24 hours in that week

3=More than 24 hours

3=More than 24 hours in that week


Item ID

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019


Which of the following statements best
describes the teaching style used to
homeschool this child?
Mark ONE only.

Wording 2023
Which of the following statements best
describes the teaching style used to
homeschool this child?
Mark ONE only.

1= We strictly follow a formal
2= We mostly follow a formal
curriculum, but also use informal
learning (i.e., child-led learning,
"teaching moments")
3= We mostly use informal learning, but
sometimes use a formal curriculum
4= We always use informal learning, and
never follow a formal curriculum


1=We strictly follow a formal curriculum
2=We mostly follow a formal curriculum, but
also use informal learning (e.g., child-led
learning, "teaching moments")
3=We mostly use informal learning, but
sometimes use a formal curriculum
4=We always use informal learning, and
never follow a formal curriculum




Thinking about typical grade levels, for
which grades was this child schooled
at home for at least some classes or
Include the current year.
Mark all that apply.
Kindergarten (Including transitional K
and Pre-first grade) PFIC_HOMEKX
(1=Item marked)
1st grade PFIC_HOME1 (1=Item
2nd grade PFIC_HOME2 (1=Item
3rd grade PFIC_HOME3 (1=Item
4th grade PFIC_HOME4 (1=Item
5th grade PFIC_HOME5 (1=Item
6th grade PFIC_HOME6 (1=Item
7th grade PFIC_HOME7 (1=Item
8th grade PFIC_HOME8 (1=Item
9th grade – freshman PFIC_HOME9
(1=Item marked)


Mark every grade that this child was
homeschooled for at least some classes or
subjects, including the current grade or grade
Mark all that apply.
1= Homeschooled in kindergarten (Including
transitional K and Pre-first grade)
2= Homeschooled in 1st grade
3= Homeschooled in 2nd grade
4= Homeschooled in 3rd grade
5= Homeschooled in 4th grade
6= Homeschooled in 5th grade
7= Homeschooled in 6th grade
8= Homeschooled in 7th grade
9= Homeschooled in 8th grade
10= Homeschooled in 9th grade - freshman
11= Homeschooled in 10th grade sophomore
12= Homeschooled in 11th grade - junior
13= Homeschooled in 12th grade - senior

Item ID

Q# 2019

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019
10th grade – sophomore PFIC_HOME10
(1=Item marked)
11th grade – junior PFIC_HOME11
(1=Item marked)
12th grade – senior PFIC_HOME12
(1=Item marked)


Wording 2023




There are many different reasons that
parents choose to homeschool their
children. Did your family choose to
homeschool this child because:

There are many different reasons that
parents choose to homeschool their children.
Did your family choose to homeschool this
child because:

Mark one box for EACH item below.

Mark ONE box for each item below.

a. You are concerned about the school
environment, such as safety, drugs, or
negative peer pressure?
PFIC_HSSAFETYX (1= Yes, 2= No)
b. You are dissatisfied with the
academic instruction at other schools?
PFIC_HSDISSATX (1= Yes, 2= No)
c. You prefer to teach this child at home
so that you can provide religious
instruction? PFIC_HSRELGON (1= Yes, 2=
d. You prefer to teach this child at home
so that you can provide moral
instruction? PFIC_HSMORAL (1= Yes, 2=
e. This child has a physical or mental
health problem that has lasted six
months or more? PFIC_HSDISABLX (1=
Yes, 2= No)
f. This child has a temporary illness that
prevents him or her from going to
school? PFIC_HSILLX (1= Yes, 2= No)
g. This child has other special needs that
you feel the school can’t or won’t meet?
PFIC_HSSPCLNDX (1= Yes, 2= No)

a. You are concerned about the school
environment, such as safety, drugs, or
negative peer pressure? PFIC_HSSAFETYX (1=
Yes, 2= No)
b. You are dissatisfied with the academic
instruction at other schools? PFIC_HSDISSATX
(1= Yes, 2= No)
c. You prefer to teach this child at home so
that you can provide religious instruction?
PFIC_HSRELGON (1= Yes, 2= No)
d. You prefer to teach this child at home so
that you can provide moral instruction?
PFIC_HSMORAL (1= Yes, 2= No)
e. This child has a physical or mental health
problem that has lasted six months or more?
PFIC_HSDISABLX (1= Yes, 2= No)
f. This child has a temporary illness that
prevents him or her from going to school?
PFIC_HSILLX (1= Yes, 2= No)
g. This child has other special needs that you
feel the school can’t or won’t meet?
PFIC_HSSPCLNDX (1= Yes, 2= No)
h. You are interested in a nontraditional
approach to children’s education?
PFIC_HSALTX (1= Yes, 2= No)


Item ID


NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019



Wording 2023

h. You are interested in a nontraditional
approach to children’s education?
PFIC_HSALTX (1= Yes, 2= No)
i. You want to emphasize family life
together? PFIC_HSFMLY (1= Yes, 2= No)
j. You have another reason for
homeschooling this child?
PFIC_HSOTHERX (1= Yes, 2= No) -Specify: (Write-in PFIC_HSOTHERXOS)

i. You want to emphasize family life
together? PFIC_HSFMLY (1= Yes, 2= No)
jk You have another reason for
homeschooling this child? PFIC_HSOTHERX
(1= Yes, 2= No) -- Specify: (Write-in

Since September, how many times has
your family gone to meetings or
participated in the activities of a local
homeschooling association, co-op, or
other local homeschool group?

Since September, how many times has your
family gone to meetings or participated in
the activities of a local homeschooling
association, co-op, or other local homeschool

Numeric write-in

1= 0 times since September
2= 1 to 5 times since September
3= 6 to 10 times since September
4= 11 to 20 times since September
5= 21 to 30 times since September
6= More than 30 times since September




Is this homeschooled child also enrolled Is this homeschooled child also enrolled in a
separate public or private school for any
in a school?
grades K-12?
1= Yes

1= Yes
2= No


Item ID

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019


About how many hours does this child
attend a school each week?
1=0 hours. Child's school is not located
in a physical building
2=1-10 hours
3=11-24 hours
4= More than 24 hours

Wording 2023
How many HOURS each WEEK does this child
usually go to a school for instruction? Do not
include time spent in extracurricular
1= This child does not go to a school each
2= 1 to 10 hours each week
3= 11 to 25 hours each week
4= More than 25 hours each week

PFI Spanish-Specific









Did you mark Yes to "h. Homeschooled" Did you mark Yes to "h. Homeschooled" from
from the list in question 2 above?
the list in question 2 above?
1 = Yes

1 = Yes

2 = No

2 = No

Is this school a charter school?

Is this school a charter school?

1= Yes

1= Yes
2= No
3= Don't know

Is this school a magnet school or does
he or she attend a magnet program?

Is this school a magnet school or does he or
she attend a magnet program?

1= Yes

1= Yes
2= No
3= Don’t know


Item ID


NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019




Wording 2023

Has this child ever had the following
Mark one box for EACH item below.

Has this child ever had the following
Mark one box for EACH item below.

a. An out-of-school suspension,
PFIC_SESUSOUT (1 = Yes, 2= No)
b. An in-school suspension not counting
detentions, PFIC_SESUSPIN (1 = Yes, 2=
c. Been expelled from school,
PFIC_SEEXPEL (1 = Yes, 2= No)

a. An out-of-school suspension,
PFIC_SESUSOUT (1 = Yes, 2= No)
b. An in-school suspension not counting
detentions 4, PFIC_SESUSPIN (1 = Yes, 2= No)
c. Been expelled from school, PFIC_SEEXPEL
(1 = Yes, 2= No)

Is this child of Hispanic, Latino, or
Spanish origin?

Is this child of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish

1 = No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or
Spanish origin
2 = Yes, Mexican, Mexican American,
3 = Yes, Puerto Rican
4 = Yes, Cuban
5 = Yes, another Hispanic, Latino or
Spanish origin; or more than one
Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin

1 = No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish
2 = Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano
3 = Yes, Puerto Rican
4 = Yes, Cuban
5 = Yes, another Hispanic, Latino or Spanish
origin; or more than one Hispanic, Latino or
Spanish origin

Note that the word “detention” was removed in Spanish for this response option. It currently reads as “Suspensión en la escuela, sin contar quedarse después de clases como



Item ID

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019


Wording 2023

What is this child's race? You may mark
one or more races.
Mark all that apply.

What is this child’s race? You may mark one
or more races.
Mark all that apply.

a. American Indian or Alaska Native:
ECPP_CAMIND (1 = Item marked,
b. Asian: ECPP_CASIAN (1 = Item
marked, 2=no/notmarked)
c. Black or African American:
ECPP_CBLACK (1 = Item marked,
d. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific
Islander: ECPP_CPACI (1 = Item marked,
e. White: ECPP_CWHITE (1 = Item
marked, 2=no/notmarked)

a. American Indian or Alaska Native:
ECPP_CAMIND (1 = Item marked,
b. Asian: ECPP_CASIAN (1 = Item marked,
c. Black or African American: ECPP_CBLACK (1
= Item marked, 2=no/notmarked)
d. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander:
ECPP_CPACI (1 = Item marked,
e. White: ECPP_CWHITE (1 = Item marked,


Item ID

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019

Wording 2023

ECPP General



These questions ask about different
types of child care this child may now
receive on a regular basis from a
relative other than his/her parents or
Is this child now receiving care from a
relative other than a parent or guardian
on a regular basis, for example, from
grandparents, brothers or sisters, or any
other relatives?

These questions ask about different types of
child care this child may now receive on a
regular basis from a relative other than his or
her parents or guardians.
Is this child now receiving care from a relative
other than a parent or guardian on a
REGULAR BASIS, for example, from
grandparents, brothers or sisters, or any
other relatives?
1 = Yes

1 = Yes

2 = No

2 = No


Item ID

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019


The next questions ask about the
program where this child spends the
most time.
Where is this program located?
Mark ONE only.
1= In a church, synagogue, or other
place of worship
2= In a public elementary or secondary
3= In a private elementary or secondary
4= At a college or university
5= At a community center
6= At a public library
7= In its own building, office space, or
8 = Some other place - Specify (Write-in




Wording 2023
The next questions ask about the PROGRAM
where this child spends the most time.
Where is this program located?
Mark ONE only.
1= In a church, synagogue, or other place of
2= In a public elementary or secondary
3= In a private elementary or secondary
4= At a college or university
5= At a community center
6= At a public library
7= In its own building, office space, or
8 = Some other place - Specify (Write-in -ECPP_CPPLACEXOS)

How well does this program cover the
hours needed for work?

How well does this program cover the hours
needed for work?

1 = Not well
2 = Somewhat well

1 = Not well
2 = Somewhat well

3 = Well
4 = Very well

3 = Well
4 = Very well

5 = Not applicable

5 = Not applicable


Item ID

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019



Wording 2023
Have you ever been asked to remove this
child from care for the day due to one or
more behavior issues, such as biting, being
aggressive, not following directions, being
overly active, being impulsive, or having little
or no self-control?
1 = Yes
2 = No




Has this program provided any of the
Has this program provided any of the
following services to this child? Mark
following services to this child? Mark one box
one box for EACH item below.
for EACH item below.
a. Hearing, speech, or vision
a. Hearing or vision testing (Yes, No,
testing (Yes, No, Don’t know)
Don’t know)
d. Formal testing for
d. Developmental screenings for speech
developmental or learning
and language, social emotional, or
problems (Yes, No, Don’t know)
motor skills (Yes, No, Don’t know)




What was the main reason for the
difficulty finding child care or early
childhood programs? Mark ONE only.
1 = Cost
2 = Location
3 = Quality
4 = Lack of open slots for new children
5 = Needed a program for children with
special needs
6 = Other – Specify:

What was the MAIN reason for the difficulty
finding child care or early childhood
programs? Mark ONE only.
1 = Cost
2 = Location
3 = Quality
4 = Lack of open slots for new children
5 = Child has a special need, and could not
find appropriate care
6 = Looking for specific hours or schedule
7 = Challenges receiving financial assistance
8 = Age requirements of the child care
9 = Other—Specify


Item ID

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019



Wording 2023
Did you have a care arrangement for this
child in the past year?
1 = Yes
2 = No





Has a health professional told you that
this child has any of the following

If not in the split panel (ECPP_SplitPanel=2):
Has a health or education professional told
you that this child has any of the following

Mark one box for EACH item below.
Mark one box for EACH item below.
a. An intellectual disability, formerly
known as mental retardation:
b. A speech or language impairment:
c. A serious emotional disturbance:
d. Deafness or another hearing
impairment: ECPP_HDDEAFIMX (1=Yes,
e. Blindness or another visual
impairment that can’t be corrected with
glasses: ECPP_HDBLINDX (1=Yes, 2=No)
f. An orthopedic impairment:
g. Autism: ECPP_HDAUTISMX (1=Yes,
h. Pervasive Developmental Disorder
(PDD): ECPP_HDPDDX (1=Yes, 2=No)
i. Attention Deficit Disorder, ADD or
j. A specific learning disability
k. A developmental delay:


If in the split panel (ECPP_SplitPanel=1):
Has a health, education, or early intervention
professional told you that this child has any
of the following conditions?
Mark one box for EACH item below.
If not in the split panel (ECPP_SplitPanel=2)
a. A speech or language impairment,
b. A serious emotional disturbance,
c. Deafness or another hearing impairment,
d. Blindness or another visual impairment
that can’t be corrected with
glasses,ECPP_HDBLINDX, (1=Yes, 2=No)
e. An orthopedic impairment,
ECPP_HDORTHOX, (1=Yes, 2=No)
f. Autism or autism spectrum disorder,

Item ID

Q# 2019

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019
l. Traumatic brain injury
m. Another health impairment lasting 6
months or longer: ECPP_HDOTHERX
(1=Yes, 2=No)

Wording 2023
g. Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD),
ECPP_HDPDDX, (1=Yes, 2=No)
h. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,
ADHD or ADD, ECPP_HDADDX, (1=Yes, 2=No)
i. A specific learning disability,
ECPP_HDLEARNX, (1=Yes, 2=No)
j. A developmental delay, ECPP_HDDELAYX,
(1=Yes, 2=No)
k. Traumatic brain injury, ECPP_HDTRBRAIN,
(1=Yes, 2=No)
l. An intellectual disability, formerly known as
mental retardation, ECPP_HDINTDIS, (1=Yes,
m. Another health impairment lasting 6
months or longer, ECPP_HDOTHERX, (1=Yes,
If in the split panel (ECPP_SplitPanel = 1)
a. A speech or language impairment,
b. Autism or autism spectrum disorder,
c. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,
ADHD or ADD, ECPP_HDADDX, (1=Yes, 2=No)
d. Another health impairment lasting 6
months or longer, ECPP_HDOTHERX, (1=Yes,


Item ID

Q# 2019

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Wording 2023

(If child is under 3 years old) Has a
health, education, or early intervention
professional told you this child is “at
risk” for a substantial developmental

If not in the split panel (ECPP_SplitPanel=2):
(If child is under 3 years old) Has a health,
education, or early intervention professional
told you this child is "at risk" for a substantial
developmental delay?

3=Child is age 3 or older

If in the split panel (ECPP_SplitPanel=1):
Has a health, education, or early intervention
professional told you that this child is at risk
for a developmental delay?
If not in the split panel (ECPP_SplitPanel=2):
3=Child is age 3 or older
If in the split panel (ECPP_SplitPanel=1):


Item ID

Q# 2019

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019


Did you mark yes to any condition in
question 76?

Wording 2023
If not in the split panel (ECPP_SplitPanel=2):
Did you mark YES to any condition in
question 86 or question 87?
If in the split panel (ECPP_SplitPanel=1):
Did you mark YES to any part of question 87
or question 88?




Is this child receiving any services
through an Individualized Family Service
Plan (IFSP), Individualized Education
Program (IEP), or services plan?

If not in the split panel (ECPP_SplitPanel=2):
Is this child receiving any services through an
Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP),
Individualized Education Program (IEP), or
services plan?
If in the split panel (ECPP_SplitPanel=1):
Are this child’s services through an
Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or
Individualized Education Program (IEP)?


Item ID

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019


Thinking about this child’s IFSP, IEP or
services plan, since September, how
satisfied are you with the service
provider’s or school’s communication
with your family?
1=Very satisfied
2= Somewhat satisfied
3= Somewhat dissatisfied
4= Very dissatisfied
5= Does not apply

Wording 2023
If not in the split panel (ECPP_SplitPanel=2)
Thinking about this child’s IFSP, IEP or
services plan, since September, how satisfied
or dissatisfied have you been with the service
provider’s or school’s communication with
your family?
If in the split panel (ECPP_SplitPanel=1) then:
Thinking about this child’s IFSP or IEP, since
September, how satisfied or dissatisfied have
you been with the service provider’s or
school’s communication with your family?
1=Very satisfied
2= Somewhat satisfied
3= Somewhat dissatisfied
4= Very dissatisfied
5= Does not apply




Is this child currently enrolled in any
special education classes or services?






Does this child’s condition interfere
with his or her ability to do any of the
following things?
Please mark one box for EACH item

If not in the split panel (ECPP_SplitPanel=2)
Does this child’s condition interfere with his
or her ability to do the following things?
Mark one box for EACH item below.

a. Learn, ECPP_HDLEARN, (1=Yes,
2=No), numeric, radio
b. Play with other children,
ECPP_HDPLAY, (1=Yes, 2=No), numeric,
c. Go on outings, ECPP_HDOUT, (1=Yes,
2=No), numeric, radio
d. Make friends, ECPP_HDFRNDS,
(1=Yes, 2=No), numeric, radio

If in the split panel (ECPP_SplitPanel=1) then:
How often does this child’s condition
interfere with his or her ability to do the
following things?
Mark one box for EACH item below.
If not in the split panel (ECPP_SplitPanel=2)
a. Learn, ECPP_HDLEARN, (1=Yes, 2=No)
b. Play with other children, ECPP_HDPLAY,
(1=Yes, 2=No)
c. Go on outings, ECPP_HDOUT, (1=Yes,
d. Make friends, ECPP_HDFRNDS, (1=Yes,
If in the split panel (ECPP_SplitPanel = 1)
a. Learn, ECPP_HDLEARN, (1=Yes, 2=No,
3=Don’t know)
b. Play with other children, ECPP_HDPLAY,
(1=Yes, 2=No, 3=Don’t know)
c. Go on outings, ECPP_HDOUT, (1=Yes,
2=No, 3=Don’t know)


Item ID

Q# 2019

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Wording 2023
d. Make friends, ECPP_HDFRNDS, (1=Yes,
2=No, 3=Don’t know)







If your child goes to a care arrangement
outside of your home, does this child’s
condition interfere with his or her
ability to attend child care?

If your child goes to a care arrangement
outside of your home, does this child’s
condition interfere with his or her ability to
attend child care?

1= Yes
2= No
3= This child is not in care outside of the

3= This child is not in care outside of the

In general, how would you describe this In general, how would you describe this
child’s health?
child’s health?
2=Very good

2=Very good





Item ID

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019


Answer questions 107 to 123 about
yourself if you are the child’s parent or
If you are not the child’s parent or
guardian, answer questions 107 to 123
about one of this child’s parents or
guardians living in the household.
Is this parent or guardian the child's...
1= Biological parent
2= Adoptive parent
3= Stepparent
4= Foster parent
5= Grandparent
6= Other guardian


Wording 2023
Do you consider yourself one of this child’s
or guardians?
Yes -> Answer the questions in this section
about yourself.
No -> Answer the questions in this section
about one of this child’s parents or guardians
living in this household.
[For reference only: the text below appears
in a separate item in the 2023 version]
Is this parent or guardian the child’s...
1= Biological parent
2= Adoptive parent
3= Stepparent
4= Foster parent
5= Grandparent
6= Other guardian

Item ID

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interviews – Report items
Q# 2023
Wording 2019

Q# 2019

Wording 2023

ECPP Spanish-Specific



What is this child's race? You may mark
one or more races.
Mark all that apply.

What is this child’s race? You may mark one
or more races.
Mark all that apply.

a. American Indian or Alaska Native:
ECPP_CAMIND (1 = Item marked,
b. Asian: ECPP_CASIAN (1 = Item
marked, 2=no/notmarked)
c. Black or African American:
ECPP_CBLACK (1 = Item marked,
d. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific
Islander: ECPP_CPACI (1 = Item marked,
e. White: ECPP_CWHITE (1 = Item
marked, 2=no/notmarked)

a. American Indian or Alaska Native:
ECPP_CAMIND (1 = Item marked,
b. Asian: ECPP_CASIAN (1 = Item marked,
c. Black or African American: ECPP_CBLACK (1
= Item marked, 2=no/notmarked)
d. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander:
ECPP_CPACI (1 = Item marked,
e. White: ECPP_CWHITE (1 = Item marked,


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2023 National Household Education Survey (NHES) Web Usability and Cognitive
Testing(OMB# 1850-0803 v.287)

(Survey Methodology #2021-x)
Usability testing of select questions for the 2023 National Household Education Survey
Findings and Recommendations for both English and Spanish versions
Erica Olmsted-Hawala, Elizabeth M. Nichols, Alda Rivas & Marcus Berger

Center for Behavioral Science Methods
Research and Methodology Directorate
U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, D.C. 20233

Report issued: June 30, 2021
Disclaimer: This report is released to inform interested parties of research and to encourage
discussion of work in progress. Any views expressed on the methodological issues are those of
the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Census Bureau.


This page intentionally left blank.


Executive Summary

In 2021, staff in the Center for Behavioral Science Methods of the U.S. Census Bureau conducted
usability testing on a subset of questions for the upcoming 2023 National Household Education
Survey (NHES) online survey. This testing expanded the testing conducted in 2020 and included
testing the Spanish translation. Twelve English-speaking and three Spanish-speaking participants
took part in the study. During the usability sessions, participants accessed the survey on their
own personal computer (PC), laptop, Mac, or tablet. None of the participants completed the
survey on a smartphone. Similar to the testing conducted in 2020, sessions were conducted
remote-virtual using Qualtrics as the software platform.
This report documents the research findings from the usability testing as they relate to portions
of the NHES that were identified as requiring additional research. These include: automated fills
to distinguish between parent sections, the start screen in both English and Spanish languages,
branching for multiple questions on the screen, a redesigned roster page to enter the names of
the children living in the home, and a gate question that routes respondents into type(s) of care
arrangement. In addition to identifying usability and cognitive difficulties with these aspects of
the questionnaire, the report documents user satisfaction with the instrument.
For English-speaking sessions, families with guardians and not mothers and fathers were
recruited. There were no observable reporting errors in the parent sections due to the automated
fill. In those sections, the fill of “you” was used for the respondent (who was the guardian) and
a variety of other fills were used for the second guardian. For Spanish-speaking sessions mothers,
fathers, and guardians were recruited. One of the three participants was confused by the fills for
the parent section. While we suspect that adding fills will help the majority of Spanish-speakers,
more testing would be ideal to confirm this hypothesis. There were also no problems
understanding the start page with both the English and Spanish language buttons.
The testing confirmed that an unfolding branching design works well for participants. The
unfolding design is where the second part of the question appears on the same page when the
filter question on the screen is answered in such a way that respondents should answer a
subsequent “follow on” question.
One major success of this testing was that we identified a roster screen design that helped
participants enter their children’s names in the correct age order. Reducing the amount of text
on the page, and placing the instruction to list the names from youngest to oldest right above
the first name field resulted in every participant answering the question correctly. Another
success was that we improved the filter question for the type of care for young children.


However, we recommend more testing (either in person sessions or field testing) to study this
design further as there are a lot of care combinations we were unable to test.
Testing also uncovered some potential issues with a few questions and field labels, which are
documented in this report.
As part of the testing, we collected satisfaction ratings from the participants. English PFI
participants gave an overall satisfaction rating with the survey a 6.8 out of 7 (where 7 is pleasant
and 1 was unpleasant). Spanish speaking PFI participants gave an overall satisfaction rating of
6.5 out of 7. The English speaking ECPP participants gave an overall satisfaction rating of 6.2 (out
of 7 where 7 is pleasant). Spanish speaking participants gave an overall satisfaction rating of 6.
Keywords: survey design, field labels, grids, filters, fills, skips, usability, cognitive testing
Suggested Citation: Erica Olmsted-Hawala, Elizabeth M. Nichols, Alda Rivas, and Marcus Berger.
(2021). Usability testing of select questions for the 2023 National Household Education
Survey Findings and Recommendations for both English and Spanish versions. Research and
Methodology Directorate, Center for Behavioral Survey Methods Study Series (Survey
Methodology #2021-x). U.S. Census Bureau.



Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................................ i

Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 2


Methods ................................................................................................................................................ 3

Participants ................................................................................................................................... 4


Usability Procedure ....................................................................................................................... 5


Analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 6

3. Usability Findings and Recommendations ................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Global Findings (pertain to both ECPP & PFI sections) ....................................................................... 7
3.1.1. Automated Parent/Guardian Fills ............................................................................................... 7
3.1.2. Number of Children Label ........................................................................................................... 9
3.1.3. Roster screen ............................................................................................................................ 10
3.1.4. English and Spanish on Start Screen ......................................................................................... 12
3.1.5. Within-Screen Branching Design Updates ............................................................................... 13
3.1.6. Rewording of question about child residence .......................................................................... 16
3.1.7. Marital Status question ............................................................................................................. 17
3.1.8. Employment Status question .................................................................................................... 19
3.1.9. Highest level of education ........................................................................................................ 21
3.1.10. Relationship question in Spanish ............................................................................................ 23
3.2 ECPP Instrument Findings ................................................................................................................. 25
3.2.1. ECPP Filter Question ................................................................................................................ 25
3.2.2. Home child care provider.......................................................................................................... 28
3.2.3. Asking about one child and not all of the children ................................................................... 28
3.2.4. ECPP Child Care Filter Change ................................................................................................... 28
3.2.5. Wording change on ECPP hours per week question ................................................................. 30
3.3 Findings on the ECPP young children health question series ........................................................... 31
3.3.1. Matrix with four developmental delays listed .......................................................................... 31
3.3.2. Use of words “has or is at risk” ................................................................................................. 33
3.3.4. Milestones Matrix question ...................................................................................................... 34
3.3.5. Special Education question ....................................................................................................... 36
3.4 PFI Instrument Findings .................................................................................................................... 37
3.4.1. School choice question ............................................................................................................. 37


3.4.2. Child’s grade question .............................................................................................................. 38
4. Satisfaction Findings ............................................................................................................................... 41
5. Limitations............................................................................................................................................... 43
6. Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................ 43
7. References.............................................................................................................................................. 43
Attachment A: Satisfaction Results for 2021 Usability Testing .................................................................. 44


1. Introduction

The National Household Education Survey (NHES) is sponsored by the National Center for
Education Statistics (NCES). Every three years, the survey collects data from households about
children’s education experiences. These data are used to monitor educational trends and to
report on the educational experiences of the U.S. population..
The 2023 NHES (hereafter referred to as NHES:2023) includes one screener to enumerate
children under 20 years old and their key characteristics, and two topical surveys. If more than
one child is listed in the screener, only one of them is selected for the topical survey. Withinhousehold sampling from the screener data determines which child is sampled.
Each survey covers topics appropriate for the age of the child. The two topical surveys are about
(a) young children and their early education and care (this is called the Early Childhood Program
Participation or the “ECPP”) and (b) K-12 (or homeschooled equivalent) children and their
education (this is called the Parent and Family Involvement in Education or “PFI”). The ECPP
samples a child not yet enrolled in kindergarten who is 6 years old or younger and the PFI samples
a child who is 20 years old or younger, in grades kindergarten through 12th grade or
homeschooled for a grade equivalent. The respondent to the survey is typically a sampled child’s
parent or guardian.
For the 2021 testing cycle, we did not evaluate all the questions in the ECPP or PFI, but rather a
subset of them. The questions and designs tested were a continuation of the testing that
occurred in 2020 (Olmsted-Hawala, Nichols, Genter, & Nelson, 2020). Additional user groups,
including Spanish-speakers were added in the 2021 sessions. Like the 2020 testing, the subset of
questions were developed using the survey software platform Qualtrics. Qualtrics allows for
faster survey development and revision by nonprogrammers. We created the English-versions
first and then cut and pasted the Spanish translations to create the Spanish-versions to test.
The NHES survey collects detailed data about one child in a household and also asks questions
for up to two parents/guardians, with all the questions for one parent followed by the same set
of questions for the second parent. The main purpose of the present testing was to confirm that
the fills for the parent/guardian names (e.g., you, mother, father, aunt, etc.) made sense to
participants and helped them answer the questions for the correct person. This research focused
on recruiting participants who were not the child’s mother or father for this round of testing as
pretesting in 2020 showed that the fills worked well for mothers and fathers who were the
respondents. In these sessions, legal guardians, relatives and unrelated individuals responsible
for children were recruited.
While not the primary focus of the testing, this pretesting opportunity also allowed us to continue
to refine the roster screen. During the pretesting conducted in 2020, several participants entered
their children’s names on the roster screen, but in the wrong order. The NHES requests
respondents list children from youngest to oldest, but several participants did not see, read, or


understand that instruction and instead listed children in a more typical order of oldest to
youngest. In 2021, we modified the screen further in the hope that participants would
understand the desired order of names.
In 2020, we tested a within-screen branching design that generated some negative comments
from participants. In the present testing, we confirmed that an unfolding branching design works
well for participants. In this design, subsequent related questions appeared on the screen after
the filter question was answered in such a way that those additional questions were required. If
the filter question was answered so that the additional questions were not required, they would
not appear on the screen.
For families with young children, we also continued to collect data on the gate question for the
type of childhood care, such as care by relatives in a home, care by nonrelatives in a home, and
care in daycare or preschool centers. In 2020, we tested two questions, but participants did not
always answer them in the expected way. For 2021, the sponsor made additional changes and
we retested a single gate question.
Finally, we gathered additional feedback on questions related health, including the
developmental milestone attainment and disability status, for young children.
Twelve English-speaking participants completed one of the two topical modules: six completed
the PFI and the other six completed the ECPP survey. Three Spanish-speaking participants
completed the NHES: two completed the PFI and one completed the ECPP. During testing,
researchers uncovered usability and some cognitive issues with the questions tested. Usability
was evaluated in terms of respondents’ effectiveness in survey completion, and satisfaction with
the experience of survey completion.
As a continuation of the testing in 2020, the intention of this report is to document usability and
cognitive issues with the online survey design features and question wording, as well as to
provide recommendations to address the user issues in preparation for the development and
design of the NHES:2023. Within the main body of the report, unless otherwise noted, the figures
are from screenshots of the online version tested in Qualtrics.

2. Methods

Staff in the Center for Behavioral Science Methods (CBSM) conducted usability testing on a subset
of NHES questions in English and Spanish in March and April 2021. Twelve English speaking
participants and three Spanish-speaking participants took part in the iterative testing. The
English-speaking participants were split evenly between the PFI and ECPP modules, while one
Spanish-speaker answered the ECPP and the other two answered the PFI.
Testing with five of the 12 English-speakers and one of the three Spanish-speakers occurred in
what is referred to as Round 1 in this document. After that round, results and recommendations
were shared with the sponsor. The sponsor selected the issues they wanted to be addressed,
and the usability team made those updates into the Qualtrics instrument prior to holding sessions
with the remaining participants in Round 2. The same type of iterative testing took place in 2020.


Due to social distancing requirements of COVID-19, all sessions were conducted virtually with the
participants in their own homes, using their personal computer (or tablet for one participant).
The test administrator, note taker and all the observers were each in their respective homes and
joined the meeting using Census Bureau approved video conferencing technology, Microsoft
Teams. Teams allowed the participant to share their computer screen and allowed the test
administrator, note taker and observers to watch what the user was doing, and listen to what
the user was saying about the survey instrument. There was also the ability for the test
administrator to talk to the participant. The note taker and observers muted themselves so that
the only two people communicating during the session was the test administrator and the
participant. At the end of the session the test administrator checked her email and phone for
any questions that the observers or note taker wanted the participant to answer, and then the
test administrator asked the participants those additional questions.
The next section describes the participants and the procedures implemented during the testing



Twelve English-speakers and three monolingual Spanish-speakers participated in the present
study. The aim of the study was to focus on how respondents, who were not the childs’
parents, interacted with the survey.
Participants were recruited by American Institute of Research (AIR). AIR regularly works with
the sponsor NCES on the NHES. AIR had difficulty recruiting monolingual Spanish-speakers,
especially Spanish-speakers who were not the child’s mother or father. Eventually, it was
decided to recruit Spanish-speaking parents, but by that time, the timing of the study was
winding down. While the original plans included conducting 10 sessions in English and 10 in
Spanish, the sponsor decided to conduct a few more sessions in English because of the
recruiting difficulty for Spanish-speakers.
For the six English-speaking participants who answered the ECPP, four were grandmothers, one
was an aunt and one was a friend of the grandmother of the child. All but one had a second
guardian in the home. The English-speaking six participants who answered the PFI included three
aunts (one of whom was a legal guardian); one grandmother; one grandfather; and a
grandmother who adopted the child. All had a second guardian in the home.
The childcare arrangements of the young children varied: three were in daycare; one was in an
in-home care provider and two were not in a child care setting outside of the home because of
COVID. Four of the six young children had some sort of developmental delay.
Participants lived in Maryland, Virginia, Colorado, Washington state, New Hampshire, California,
Texas, Wisconsin, and New Mexico. The other participant demographic characteristics are
described in Table 1.


Table 1: Demographic characteristics of NHES Usability Testing Participants

Age – Mean (Std. Deviation) Range
Black/African American
American Indian
Hispanic origin
Did not finish high school but some
High school
Vocational school
Adult learning/certifications
Some college, no degree
Some graduate college, no degree
Associate’s degree
Master’s degree
Doctorate degree (Ph.D.)
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing


Participants n=12

Participants n=3

58 (14) 24-65

38.67 (1.53) 37-40







Usability Procedure

The usability test involved the participant completing the online version of a subsection of the
2023 NHES while being observed by a Census Bureau test administrator. All sessions included
video and audio recording with participant consent. Each usability session lasted approximately
60 minutes. Participants received an incentive of $40 cash for their participation. All user sessions
were remote due to social distancing measures associated with COVID-19.
All sessions were observed by either staff from NCES or the Associate Director for Demographic
Programs (ADDP) area, or both.
During the usability sessions, participants were asked to answer the questions naturally with a
few exceptions.
• While participants listed all their children on the roster, we had to instruct participants
which child to list on an additional screen so that the correct survey (ECPP or PFI) would
be triggered. In the real production survey, the NHES randomly selects one child in the
household about whom to ask detailed questions and does not need this additional



Participants were instructed to “think aloud” while completing the survey. The thinkaloud technique is modeled on Ericsson and Simon’s (1993) approach to collecting verbal
feedback. A participant engaging in thinking aloud verbalizes his or her available,
conscious thoughts and decisions while completing the tasks so that the researcher can
understand the participants’ cognitive processes as they interact with the web survey
interface. Our think-aloud protocol was used to maintain a running verbal commentary
of the participants’ expectations and reasoning. The test administrator encouraged the
participants to continue to think aloud using prompts such as “keep talking” if they
became silent for more than approximately ten seconds.

Audio and video recordings were taken with SnagIt software. Participants were sent a consent
form informing them of their rights as participants and that the session would be audio/video
recorded. Once the session began, participants gave their oral consent to be audio and video
recorded. At that point the recording was started and we obtained their consent again, this time
on the recording.
After finishing the NHES survey portion of the study, participants completed a satisfaction
questionnaire including opinion questions about general usability aspects of the survey (e.g.,
survey sequence, entering answers and comprehension of terminology). This was similar to the
satisfaction questionnaire used in the usability tests conducted in 2020. After the satisfaction
questionnaire component, but still within the Qualtrics software, participants were shown
screenshots taken from the survey and asked a few follow up debriefing questions about those
screens, focusing on the questions and designs which were the focus of this test.
The test administrator followed a protocol during the session and the questions and protocol
were approved by OMB on March 3, 2021 using the NCES OMB number 1850-0803.



We focused our analysis on the two measures of usability: effectiveness and satisfaction.


Effectiveness can be defined as whether respondents see and understand the stimuli and
then answer accurately. In this testing, to measure effectiveness we used observations
of the sessions (both from real time and from the audio and video recording), think-aloud
comments, observations, and verbal feedback based off of a set of debriefing questions.
Satisfaction can be defined as the respondent’s feeling after working with the survey. To
measure satisfaction we used a post-survey questionnaire, with results in Attachment A.

Immediately after each usability session, the test administrator and note taker summarized the
usability and cognitive findings. The summary was based upon the observed behavior of the
participant and the verbal feedback. Halfway through the testing cycle, these summaries were
used to create an iterative “Findings Highlights” which included user-centered design issues
observed, cognitive problems with the questions and response options, and recommendations.


This document was used by the sponsor to identify the changes to make to the survey before the
second half of the participants were run.

3. Usability Findings and Recommendations

In this section we highlight web survey design features and questionnaire wording that worked
well as well as areas that did not work for participants.

3.1 Global Findings (pertain to both ECPP & PFI sections)
3.1.1. Automated Parent/Guardian Fills

Both the usability testing conducted in 2020 and the present testing did not uncover any
systematic confusion with the fills used in the questions to refer to the two parents/guardians.
The present usability testing investigated whether automated fills to distinguish between the two
guardians would work for people who were not the mother and father. While the recruiter was
successful in recruiting English-speakers who were not the parents for this round of testing, it
was difficult to recruit monolingual Spanish speakers who were not the parents. One of the three
Spanish-speakers was the uncle, not the father, but the other two participants were biological
If the respondent was the guardian, the screens for the first guardian used the fill ‘you’ similar to
the fill if the respondent was the parent. Both English and Spanish-speakers understood who the
questions were referring to when the questions referenced “you.” Participants knew to answer
those questions about themselves.
For the second parent/guardian, there was a filter question, “Besides you, is there another parent
or guardian for [CHILD] living in this household?” All 15 participants answered that question
correctly. Based on the think aloud data, they all were thinking of a current occupant of the
home who helps with the child. However, during Round 1, the Spanish-speaker had difficulty
with the follow-up question. That question was, “Is the second parent or guardian [CHILD’s]...”
with a list of different relationships from which to choose as shown in English in Figure 1 on left.
The Spanish-speaker was the uncle of the child. He mentioned that his wife was not actually a
legal guardian of the child, but when he came to the question to select the relationship of this
second guardian, initially, he selected “Brother”, because he himself was the brother of the
child’s biological parent. After realizing this was not what he intended to do, he went back and
filled out Parent 2 with his own information the same as he had filled out for Parent 1. None of
the English-speakers had difficulty with that follow-up question, but the sponsor requested a
change to attempt to clarify the question. During the latter half of the sessions, seven Englishspeakers and two Spanish-speaking participants interacted with the question, “How is this OTHER
parent or guardian related to [CHILD]? Is this person [CHILD]'s...” see Figure 1, image on right.
None of those participants had difficulty understanding the new question. And all of them


answered it correctly based on the think-aloud data. However, both of the Spanish-speaking
participants for Round 2 were biological parents.

Figure 1. Screenshot of the list of relationships for the second parent or guardian, on left question wording for Round 1, on
right, question wording for Round 2.
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

For the 12 English-speakers, all but one of them had a second guardian in the home. The second
guardians included a father (this was the son of the respondent); five uncles; one grandmother;
one grandfather; and three other relationships. After the first five English-speaker sessions and
one Spanish-speaker session, CBSM recommended using the text the respondent entered in the
“other specify” write as the fill instead of the generic fill “other parent or guardian.” We had one
participant who had selected the “other specify” and had written in “great uncle.” We suspected
that in homes where both the guardians were not the parents the fill “other parent or guardian”
was ambiguous. While the sponsor was agreeable to testing the change, we were actually not
able to implement it in Qualtrics for the remainder of the sessions. Instead, we followed up with
the two additional participants in the second round who had entered the relationship into the
write-in field. As it turned out, these two participants entered a step relationship (e.g., “stepgrandparent”). We asked if they would have preferred to see “step-grandparent” as the
subsequent fills or if they preferred what they actually saw which was “other parent or guardian.”
Both participants said they did NOT want to see the step relationship called out and preferred
the “other parent or guardian” fill.
Recommendation: Keep the new parent fills that were tested. Do not implement using the fill
from the other specify box but rather use the standard “other parent or guardian.” Keep the
revised follow up question.


3.1.2. Number of Children Label
The label on the field for the number of children question changed between the 2020 usability
testing and the 2021 usability testing. In 2020, the label on the field was “children or youth” as
shown in Figure 2. For 2021 testing, per the usability team’s request, the word “children” was
modified to “child(ren)” to address the grammatically incorrect label when the home had only
one child in it. Per the sponsor’s request, the label on the field was modified to be more detailed
to include “child(ren) or youth age 20 or younger” as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2. Updated field label
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Figure 3. Field label for 2021 NHES usability testing
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

One of the 12 English-speaking participants entered the wrong number in the field. This person
had only one child in the family. She entered the number 4 into the field, saying aloud that her
child was 4 years old. She clearly skimmed the page and likely thought it was asking for her child’s
age as the word “age” appeared in the long label to the right of the field.
The other 11 English-speakers did not have any usability issue with this label change. No one
spontaneously commented on the addition of parenthesis around the letters (ren) in children.
The label tested is very long, and as such, it’s non-standard. Labels are typically not so long.
Labels on fields are useful where people don't know what to write or if they are confused. Here


the label is simply repeating much of the question which seems unnecessary and caused
confusion for one participant.
Recommendation: Revert to the more simple label of “child(ren)” or do not use a label at all. We
suspect respondents who are quickly skimming through the survey might make the same error
in interpreting the label if the word “age” is retained.
3.1.3. Roster screen

The roster screen that we tested changed significantly between the 2020 usability testing and
the two iterative testing rounds in 2021. In the 2020 testing, there were fields for five names,
regardless of how many children were living in the home. There was also a lot of text on the
screen as shown in Figure 4. During that testing, several participants did not enter the children
in the requested order of youngest to oldest. Some participants also commented about the
number of fields, asking about what families with more than five children would do on the screen.

Figure 4. Updated screen with label removed
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

The sponsor was willing to test a revised roster screen during the 2021 testing. Changes included
displaying the number of name fields to match the number of children entered in the prior
question and including more white space by using bullet points for the instructions. The English
version of the screen tested in Round 1 is shown in the Figure 5 on the left. There were no
comments on the number of fields presented and there were no errors made in entering the
names of the children, one name per field. However, one of the five participants made an error


in the order the names were listed. While this person self-corrected, she commented that the
order of youngest to oldest was atypical.
For the second round of testing, the sponsor was agreeable to revising the screen even more.
We tested a screen with even less text and the instruction about the order of children was placed
immediately above the fields as shown in Figure 5, on right.

Figure 5. On left, Round 1 roster screen; on right, Round 2 roster screen.
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

During Round 2, there were no errors made in the order the children were listed and we are
confident that participants saw, read, and comprehended the instruction because of their thinkaloud comments. Participant vocalized that youngest to oldest is the order they always think
about their children or that they liked the instruction. However, in Round 2, only three English
and one Spanish participant had multiple children – the other four English and one Spanish
participant had only one child so the instruction did not apply to them.
On the roster screen, one Spanish-speaking participant was confused about the use of the word
“enumere” (enumerate) shown in the red box in Figure 6 on the roster question. This is because
“enumere” is used for listing out numbers, but then the participant is asked to enter names or
initials (not numbers).

Figure 6. Roster screen in Spanish language, word “enumere” circled in red
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

We document a few other observations about this page. Several English-speaking participants
orally gave ages and relationships as they were entering the names. We had no one who was


confused about what they could or could not enter regarding names and most participants
provided the first name in the field. One participant spontaneously commented that both his
children had the same initials and so would not want to enter initials. He also commented that
he wasn’t sure why he needed to know that we would be only asking about one child at this
point. He was the only participant to comment about that instruction. That instruction was a
recommendation from a prior testing cycle. It did not seem to bother anyone else as no one
made a comment about it.
The person who reported “4” for the age of the child in the prior question received four name
fields even though she only had one child. She did not seem bothered by the additional fields.
When asked during the debriefing about the extra fields, she said that she didn’t expect the form
to be personalized.
Recommendation: Use the revised screen shown on the right in Figure 5, but since it was only
tested on a handful of individuals, consider testing with additional participants. The revised
screen includes personalizing the number of fields to match the number of children entered in
the previous question, and adding the instruction about the order of children immediately above
the fields.
Note: Centurion should be able to remove the instruction above the field “start with the youngest
child” if the respondent on prior screen enters 1 for only 1 child in the family. This instruction
was above the fields during testing even if the family only had one child. However, it makes sense
to take off the instruction if the family has only one child.
We also recommend replacing the word “enumere” with “escriba” (write) for the Spanish
3.1.4. English and Spanish on Start Screen
Both the PFI and ECPP surveys tested used a start screen where the participant had to select
either English or Spanish to begin the survey. See Figure 7. This design had been developed based
on the first page of the 2020 Census Planning Survey where it had worked well for users (Lykke
and García Trejo, 2018). It also worked well in the testing conducted in 2020. This forced choice
design was also further tested in the Household Pulse survey where the results indicate the
forced choice produced a very small but statistically significant response improvement for
Spanish-speakers, and did not seem to negatively impact the response of English-speakers.
(Eggleston, Meyers & Goerman, 2020).


Figure 7. Start screen in English and Spanish
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

There were no usability issues nor comments about this screen from the 15 English or three
Spanish speakers. All participants selected the correct language to begin the session.
Recommendation: The current design tested seems successful. Consider keeping this design.

3.1.5. Within-Screen Branching Design Updates
We continued to test different designs for within-screen branching. In 2018 usability testing
there was an unfolding design where initially on the page there was only the filter question as
shown in Figure 8. If the filter question was answered in such a way that another question should
be answered, then when the respondent selected “Next,” that new question “unfolded” or
appeared on the same page and the filter question was still visible on the screen but disabled as
shown in Figure 9.


Figure 8. First part of a screen with the unfolding design. Question is bolded and enabled.
Source: 2018 NHES usability testing

Figure 9. Second part of the same question. Once the next button was selected, the first part of the question became
disabled and italicized. A second question appeared at the bottom and it was bold and enabled.
Source: 2018 NHES usability testing

Usability testing from 2018 indicated that users may have been confused by the design, and spent
extra time looking at the disabled text on the screen to understand what was happening.
In the usability testing in 2020, the within-screen branching design showed all the questions
within the branching sequence on one screen, but where the follow-on questions were grayed
out text (visible but not yet available). These follow-on questions would only become active or
“enabled” depending on the respondents’ answer to the prior question. (If the filter question was
answered in the opposite way, then the grayed out questions stayed grayed out or “inactive” and
the participant was supposed to navigate forward). See Figure 10. Unlike the design in usability
testing conducted in 2018, the primary filter question in the screens for the 2020 user sessions


were never disabled. Eight out of 20 participants made somewhat negative comments about the
grayed out text on at least one screen using this design.

Figure 10. 2020 unfolding skip/branching design. All questions are on the page with the follow-on questions grayed out until
they become active depending on users answer to the earlier question.
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

In the present 2021 usability testing study, we modified the unfolding design used in 2018. In
the new design tested, the subsequent question appeared on the same screen based on how the
filter question was answered, but the filter question never became disabled and participants
could easily change their answer and toggle the subsequent question off. See Figure 11.
This design worked well for the participants. There were no negative comments either during
the sessions themselves, or during the debriefing. One participant said when asked about the
design during debriefing, “I liked that I didn't have to see it if it wasn't relevant.” Another
participant said, “I liked that it doesn't put more on the screen unless you need more. I like that.”
Recommendation: Use this modified unfolding design where the filter question never becomes


Figure 11. Unfolding design tested in most recent usability study
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

3.1.6. Rewording of question about child residence
The child residence question in the usability testing in 2018 caused some confusion for
participants, see the screen on the left in Figure 12. Participants paused and had to reread the
question several times. The question was modified slightly for the 2020 usability testing and
can be seen in Figure 12 on the right. The modified question worked well and it was included in
the 2021 questionnaire, primarily because it was a good example of a within screen branching
question as shown in Figure 13. However, during the debriefing, we received several
comments about the conditional follow up question that deserve some consideration.
The question stem reads, “Does [CHILD] sometimes live at another address.” If the answer is
no, there were no issues. If the answer is “yes,” the follow-on question caused confusion for
three English-speaking participants. The first response after marking “yes” could mean yes, she
“spends the most time at this address [meaning yes this other address].” The second response
option then is “spend the most time at another address” and a respondent could think we
mean a third address here. One participant said none of the choices referred to her own
address. She wanted it to be more obvious that it was meaning her address and her ex’s (the
other person’s) address.


Figure 12. On left, child residence question usability tested in 2018, on right, question reworded and tested in 2020.
Source: On left, 2018 NHES usability testing, on right, 2020 NHES usability testing

Figure 13. Child residence question tested in 2021. After user clicks “yes” the follow on question appeared on screen.
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: Change the follow-on question wording for those that answer ‘yes’ in the
initial filter question to: Where does [CHILD] spend most of the time? Response choice: 1) At
[FILL ADDRESS] 2) At the other address. 3) Equal time at both addresses.

3.1.7. Marital Status question
One of the response options for the marital status question is “Now married.” Two of the 12
English-speaking participants appeared to be surprised to see the words “Now” before the
response option “married.” We saw this reaction in the 2020 testing as well. One participant
said she was looking for the word “married” and did not initially see it, likely because she was
looking under the “M’s” for “married” and not under the “N’s” for “Now married.” This


participant corrected herself and did end up selecting “Now married.” Another participant
paused on the question and spontaneously commented about why the responses don’t include
now before each of the options, like “Now widowed.”
The question (see Figure 14) already includes the word “current” so “now” in the response
choice appears unnecessary, and for one participant, it caused confusion. The American
Community Survey uses “Now married” as one of their response choices, but the question is
different than the NHES and does not use the word “current” as shown in Figure 15. As early as
1950 the decennial census used “Now married” as one of the response choices, but it is unclear
why the “now” was added.

Figure 14. Screen shot of the marital status question
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

Figure 15. Screenshot of the marital status question on the American Community Survey
Source: 2020 American Community Survey

The issue with the word “now” was not brought up by any Spanish-speaking participants. The
Spanish option “Casado(a) actualmente” (married currently) begins with the word for married,
“Casado(a)”, so it may be easier to locate quickly in Spanish. Similar to English, the question
contains “actual” (current), so the word for “current” or “now” is not necessary in the response
option. See Figure 16.


Figure 16. Marital status question on Spanish language instrument
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: There are a few ideas to consider to remedy the redundancy and
inconsistency. NHES can remove the word “Now” in front of “married” and keep the word
“current” in the question or the NHES can match the ACS and remove the word “current” from
the question and keep “Now” in one of the response options. If the NHES matches the ACS
question, the sponsor could consider testing the simple response option “Married” or even
“Married currently” to match the Spanish translation.

3.1.8. Employment Status question
There were two issues with the employment status question.
3.1.8..1 Order of response choices

The first issue was that one stay-at-home guardian chose the wrong response. This Englishspeaker looked at the employment list and selected ‘unemployed or out of work.’ However, as
she did this, she said, “unemployed taking care of the kids.” Then later on the screen as she
entered ‘0 months’ worked for pay or income, she said, “Zero. I have been a stay-at-home
mom.” We suspect she did not see the fifth response option, “Stay at home parent” shown in
Figure 17.


Figure 17. Employment status question
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: Consider listing the response options in the order that is reflected in the
data (if it is not currently being done). We suspect ‘stay at home parent’ may be more
prevalent than ‘unemployed or out of work,’ especially in the ECPP module for young children.
Also consider modifying the response option to include guardians, e.g., “stay at home
3.1.8..2 Select all that apply

The second issue was that participants wanted to select more than one option and they could
not. After hearing from participants in Round 1 that they wanted to be able to select more
than one response option to this question, the sponsor requested the word best be capitalized
as shown in Figure 17. It is not clear that capitalizing the word was successful at addressing the
In Round 2, participants continued to take time on this question. One English-speaking
participant who spent a lot of time deciding what to select said, “I know my situation is that I
am retired. I actually took disability. I am supposed to be retired. I have quit my business that
I did for 30 years but I also started a non-profit organization. I have been doing the non-profit
for 8 years. So, am I retired? Probably. Am I disabled or unable to work. Well kind of. Umm I
am a stay at home parent but I also work from home.” Another English-speaking participant
said, “I am retired.” But then she saw disability and tried to mark that as well saying, “can I do
both? No, I guess I will just do the one, but I was on a retired disability.” One Spanish-speaking
participant said that she was 80% dedicated to the house, but sometimes worked side jobs, and
wasn’t sure how to report that.


These participants wanted to select more than one option. The first participant described
above could also have misreported about her work, going back and forth between retired,
disabled, and then employed without pay. In the end she changed her response to ‘selfemployed,’ because she receives some stipends, but we aren't sure how much. Her
verbalizations seemed to indicate she wanted some credit for the amount of work she does
with her nonprofit, even though she was not paid or paid very little.
Recommendation: Consider if this question should be a select all that apply. Revert to using
sentence case for the word “best.”
3.1.9. Highest level of education
The highest level of education is collected for each of the guardians. The question and
response choices are found in Figure 18

Figure 18. Educational attainment screen
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

Two English-speaking participants appeared to overestimate the amount of education obtained
at this question. Based on their think-aloud data, it sounded like these participants had a high


school diploma or GED and did not have college degrees. They had achieved some professional
education after high school that wasn't college. They both selected ‘some graduate or
professional education but no degree.’ Specifically, one participant mentioned police academy
training. She then selected “some graduate or professional education but no degree.”
The other participant initially marked “high school, but no diploma” for herself. She said when
she gets these questions, she really has to look at the list. She did this as she changed her
answer to ‘some graduate or professional education, but no degree’ saying, “I don’t have a
diploma but I… I have more education and training that should have been counted towards
graduation. Does that include all the certificates? I have had so much training. It wasn’t
graduate school, but it was definitely professional education…” She kept her answer as, ‘some
graduate or professional education, but no degree.’ She then continued, “it makes me wonder
what is the best answer. What do they really want to know? I guess I will stick with this as I do
have some professional education.”
This same user also struggled with answering this question for her spouse. For him, she first
selected, ‘high school diploma or equivalent (GED)’ but then scrolled down the list and when
she came to “some graduate or professional education, but no degree” she said, “That might fit
a little better.” In the end she said he had a type of degree, so she selected, ‘vocational
diploma after high school’ but said, “that really doesn’t fit and does not give him the credit he
deserves, but I guess those are my choices.”
We assume the category “some graduate or professional education” is intended for people who
have already received a Bachelor’s degree. We suspect that the two participants that selected
this focused on the “or professional education” part of the response stem. We also suspect
that participants struggling to find the best response option with current choices may become
more common, as there is a rise in professional certifications across the country.
Recommendation: Consider modifying response option “vocational diploma after high school”
to “Vocational diploma or Professional certification after high school.” We also recommend
reviewing the educational attainment question on the ACS (Figure 19) as their question and
response options may be useful.


Figure 19. ACS educational attainment screen
Source: 2020 American Community Survey

3.1.10. Relationship question in Spanish
There are two issues with the relationship question in Spanish. Translation issue

In Spanish, the word for parent (padre) is also the word for father. The current translation
clarifies “o madre” (or mother)* in parentheses for each of the response options, see Figure 20.
One participant thought it was odd that “mother” was only included in parentheses, and said
she had never seen it like that. The participant had already selected “madre” (mother) in the
previous question, see Figure 21.


Figure 20. Parent/guardian relationship to child in Spanish language
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

Figure 21. First parent/guardian relationship to child in Spanish language
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: Consider whether it would be possible to match the response options to the
second relationship question with the choice from the first question. Separate questions

The relationship question is split into two questions. One Spanish-speaking participant went
back because she thought the question was repeated. One participant “took points off the
survey” in the satisfaction questionnaire because she wanted something that was “practical
and quick.”


Recommendation: Consider combining them so that respondents can specify in the same
question whether they are a biological, step, or foster father or mother.

3.2 ECPP Instrument Findings

3.2.1. ECPP Filter Question
There are three types of child care in the ECPP: care by a relative; care by a nonrelative; and care
by a center. There are separate sections for each type of care. In the ECPP version usability tested
in 2018, there was a filter question before each type of care section. That testing identified
participants misreporting that their child had both nonrelative care and center care, when really
they only had center care. Participants would receive the filter question about whether their
child received care by a nonrelative and they would answer yes and answer all the subsequent
questions about the nonrelative, because most center care is care by a nonrelative. Then, when
they got to the question about center care, they also answered yes, and repeated the same
information, double counting their child’s care arrangement.
Because of this usability issue, one of the recommendations was to collect the type of care (i.e.,
relative, nonrelative in home provider, day care provider) at the beginning of the survey and then
automatically branch to the correct sections. The design change was implemented in the 2020
usability testing cycle as shown in Figure 22. However, even with this design there were reporting
errors observed:



One participant answered the filter question (Does [CHILD] receive care or early
education from anyone besides his/her parents or guardians on a REGULAR BASIS?)
incorrectly by selecting “no” because the participant considered the grandparent to be a
guardian, thus missing all of the questions about that child care.
A different participant answered the follow-up question incorrectly. That participant was
a great-grandmother who was also the guardian. She selected that a relative was
providing care, thinking of herself, but the response choice was supposed to catch
relatives who were not legal guardians.
Several other participants commented that “care” was ambiguous in the questions.


Figure 22. ECPP filter question for beginning of ECPP series.
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

For the testing in 2021, additional changes were made to the series. In Round 1, the two
questions were combined into one as shown in Figure 23 and the word “care” was modified to
“child care” to address the issues with the questions found during the 2020 usability testing.

Figure 23. ECPP filter question for Round 1
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing


The three English-speaking participants answered incorrectly during this first round. Two of
them selected nonrelative and day care for one type of child care with only one of them selfcorrecting on the follow up "regularly scheduled" question. For the other participant, the
questionnaire collected duplicate data, just like what was observed in the 2018 testing when
there was one filter question before each section. One of the problems was the word "non
relative" in the third option. It was not mutually exclusive with the fourth option. The third
participant selected day care and other relative because the child lives with them and they are
not official guardians yet. The child's entire week was accounted for, including morning,
afternoon and evening in answers to the questions. The Spanish speaking participant did not
have a problem with the filter question.
In Round 2, the third option was modified to attempt to address these issues as shown in Figure
24. Specifically, more text was added to try to distinguish it from the fourth option, including
adding that the care occurs in a private home and it is not a day care center. In Round 2, only
one English-speaking participant had a child in a care setting during the day. This participant
answered correctly. The remaining two participants were guardians of the child and answered
correctly, only selecting the first response choice (e.g., parent or guardian).
We were also reminded that some respondents will treat this question as a select all and not a
forced choice question. One of our participants only selected the “yes” options when they
applied and did not respond to the items that did not apply.

Figure 24. ECPP filter question for Round 2
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing


Recommendation: The change appeared to work for the Round 2 participants; however, with
the small sample size and not having many children in care settings we recommend continued
testing with the new revisions.
3.2.2. Home child care provider
In the third option of the filter question shown in Figure 24 above, the term home child care
provider was used. Based on the feedback collected during debriefing in both the 2020 and
2021 sessions, English-speaking participants understood that home child care provider means
someone who runs a day care center out of their home, or someone who comes to the family
home to provide child care.
Only one Spanish-speaking participant interacted with this question and that person did not
understand “canguro o au pair” (nanny or au pair), and selected “No” on that basis.
Recommendation: Continue to use the term “home child care provider.” Participants know
what it means. Consider more testing with Spanish-speaking respondents..
3.2.3. Asking about one child and not all of the children
In the filter question, for families with multiple children, the text includes “We ask each family
about only one of their children, and so will not ask detailed questions about your other
children.” CBSM had recommended after the 2017 round of usability testing to add
information that the survey asks only about one of the children in the household. This was
because we had participants question why the survey did not ask about their other children.
The team thought signposting to let a respondent know what to expect could be helpful, as well
as to reduce breakoff if respondents thought that they would have to answer all the same
questions about every child in household.
During the testing in 2021, one participant spontaneously asked why he needed to know that
information. Other participants who were weaker readers seemed to struggle with the
question. The text block shown in Figure 24 is long and dense.
Recommendation: Use white space to separate the first and second sentences in the text block.
Consider monitoring whether the text is distracting to respondents and consider whether there
is a better location for it.

3.2.4. ECPP Child Care Filter Change
In the day care section, the online survey asks respondents to select a description of the type of
care, and that description is used as a fill for the remaining questions in the section. This
question is not on the paper form and the value selected is not meaningful to the data users.


The only purpose of this question is to help the respondent, but during testing in 2020, some
participants were spending a lot of time on the question. A change was made to include that
there were no right or wrong answers to the question and that it was a self-choice on how the
respondent wanted to refer to the question as shown in Figure 25.

Figure 25. Day care section
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

While the change worked well in the latter half of the 2020 sessions, we encountered one
participant who still spent a long time on the question during the 2021 testing. This participant
said that her child was in a preschool in a child-care center. It wasn't clear whether she read
the sentence “there are no right or wrong answers.”
Recommendation: To aid reading all the information, add some white space on the screen.
Currently it's a big block of text. See Figure 26 for some suggestions.

Figure 26. Examples of day care section with additional formatting
Source: Mock up recommendations coming out of the 2021 NHES usability testing


3.2.5. Wording change on ECPP hours per week question
Testing in 2021 continued to collect information on any usability issues participants had with
reporting how many hours their child was in care. In 2020 testing, results showed that
participants were able to correctly answer the question by choosing whether they wanted to
provide hours per week or hours per day for the child care question as shown in Figure 27.
Round 1 of testing in 2021 started with this design.

Figure 27. After choosing the way they would like to report hours in care, the page automatically presented the next
question with the correct wording and updated label on box.
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

While participants answering the questions correctly in Round 1, the sponsor noted some
inconsistent terminology in the last two questions. The final question in the three question
series asked about hours each week (or hours each day) but the middle question uses the
words “per week” and “per day.” For Round 2, the sponsor requested that the response
options for the middle question change from “per day” to “hours per day” and “per week” to
“hours per week.”
In Round 2, we suspect one English-speaking participant did not select the correct category for
her answer. This participant saw this screen and spontaneously verbalized, “Every day is
different!” Then she selected “hours per day.” It’s possible when she selected “hours per day”
she thought she would be able to report for each day. If “every day is different,” then we
would want the respondent to report on a weekly basis.
The Spanish-speaking participant who received ECPP in Round 1 responded “Va de lunes a
viernes, so eso sería por día, no?” (He goes from Monday to Friday, so that would be per week,
right?). The respondent eventually chose “per day,” but did not elaborate on why he chose


Recommendation: This fill needs more testing. Consider changing it to “by week” and “by
day.” Consider testing different alternative wordings in Spanish as well.

3.3 Findings on the ECPP young children health question series

In the present study, we continued to test the questions about disabilities in children under 5
years old. Of the six English-speaking participants with young children who interacted with the
series, four of them had children with health issues. Initially, the researchers were surprised by
the prevalence, but when the participants described the issues, it made more sense. We were
interviewing non-parental guardians and several children were suffering because the biological
mother took drugs while the children were in utero. That fact could be one of the reasons why
the children were not living with the mothers.
3.3.1. Matrix with four developmental delays listed
We observed two issues with the “developmental delay” matrix questions. Development delays listed

In 2020, the question (see Figure 28) included only three types of developmental delays.
Recommendations from that testing included expanding the list to include sensory processing
issues as those were mentioned by participants. For usability testing in 2021, the question was
revised and a fourth general category was added to the list: “Another health impairment lasting
6 months or more.” See Figure 29.

Figure 28. Health series matrix on developmental delays
Source:2020 NHES usability testing


Figure 29. Health series matrix on developmental delays
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

One English-speaking participant marked “yes” to this item while also marking “yes” to speech
or language impairment. This participant spontaneously verbalized that the child was in speech
therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy. A second participant marked no to the
first three response options and then marked “yes” to the new question. During debriefing she
mentioned that the child had neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). Another participant’s child
also seemed to suffer from a similar ailment. That participant said of the last response option,
“it’s not health, it’s all developmental.” She had selected the first and third option as ‘yes’ so
her child’s issues were picked up with the current options.
Recommendation: Keep the question as is but continue to test. Consider if you want to add a
specific category about sensory processing issues. We also echo the comment made in the
2020 report. Consider whether an additional question about participating in any occupational,
physical or speech therapy would provide additional value. Participants know this information
and appear willing to share it. Branching logic

The second issue is about the programmed skip sequence if one or more of the items in the
matrix is left blank. Currently, if an item is left blank, the child is assumed to have a health
condition and all the subsequent health issues are asked. During the testing, an Englishspeaking participant saw all the disability series questions because she inadvertently did not
answer one of the questions in the matrix. The child did not have any developmental delays.


One of the subsequent questions (the milestone question – discussed in Section 3.3.4) explicitly
references the child’s condition in the question. At this question, the participant answered no
to all the items. While this participant did not spontaneously mention any confusion while
answering that question, during debriefing when asked by the test administrator, she did say
her child didn’t have a condition. She continued that it was slightly odd to see the question
referring to his “condition,” but she simply answered “no” and was okay with it.
Recommendation: If the respondent doesn’t answer “yes” to the matrix question, consider if
the survey should skip them through the series or skip them past the question that references
the child’s “condition.” Sometimes respondents treat forced choice questions as select all
questions. This means they will leave the question blank and would be forced through all the
subsequent questions under the current rule. If this question or a similar type of question was
asked in the last fielded NHES, consider examining production data to determine how often
respondents treat the question as a select all question.
3.3.2. Use of words “has or is at risk”
In the 2020 testing, some participants provided feedback that the child was not “at risk” for a
developmental delay (Figure 30), but rather that he or she had one. For 2021 testing, the
question was modified to “has or is at risk for a developmental delay” as shown in Figure 31. In
the present study, we observed no participant having difficulty with this question. One Englishspeaking participant explicitly said she “appreciated seeing the ‘at risk’ since her child has Fetal
Substance Exposure (FSE) [and] she is more ‘at risk.’

Figure 30. Question with terminology “at risk”
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Outcome: In current testing, one English-speaking participant explicitly said she “appreciated seeing the
‘at risk’ since her child has Fetal Substance Exposure (FSE) [and] she is more ‘at risk.’


Figure 31. Question with terminology “has or is at risk”
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: Keep current language tested.

3.3.4. Milestones Matrix question
Another question we have continued to acquire feedback on is a milestone question. If the
child has a condition as indicated by a “yes” answer to one of the development delay categories
in the question discussed in Section, this milestone question is presented to
respondents. In 2020, participants were asked to rate how often the child’s condition
interferes with one of the four items by using a unipolar 4-point scale from “Often” to “Never”
as shown in Figure 32.

Figure 32. Matrix on if condition impacts child’s ability to do certain things
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing


In 2020 testing, this question was difficult for many parents to answer. We observed some
inconsistent answers between “sometimes” and “seldom” and we heard some participants
express that they really did not know the answer to the question. Based on feedback from the
sponsor, we asked some of these participants if the question would be easier to answer if it was
“yes” or “no” as the response options. In the first round of the present study, we tested the
question with “yes,” “no” and “don’t know” responses as shown in Figure 33.

Figure 33. Matrix with options yes, no, and don’t know
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

In that round, two of the three English-speaking respondents had children with developmental
disabilities. One participant said, “she is only 2.” Indicating that she was really too young to be
“making friends.” Another participant indicated she did not like the use of the word “don’t
know” saying it “implied that she was not smart enough or not paying enough attention to the
child.” When asked in debriefing which design they preferred, participants said they preferred
the design with the Likert scale instead of the yes/no “because it allowed for more gray area” in
their answers.
In the second round, we reverted to a unipolar scale, but with only three points, “Often,”
“Sometimes,” “Never” and a “Don’t know” category. See Figure 34. In that round two of the
three English-speaking participants had children with developmental disabilities. During
debriefing, these two participants said they preferred the design in Round 2 (compared to the
Round 1 yes/no version) which they said allowed for a more nuanced response to the question.
Both participants said during debriefing that their answers would have changed from a “no” to
a “seldom or sometimes.”


Figure 34. Matrix with unipolar scale used in Round 2
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

The response choices of ‘often,’ ‘sometimes,’ ‘never,’ and ‘don't know’ seemed to work better
and was preferred by Round 2 participants. No Spanish speakers received ECPP in Round 2.
Recommendation: It would be good to test the new design with more participants, but it
appears to work better than the yes/no design. Consider testing the Round 2 design with
Spanish-speaking participants as well.

3.3.5. Special Education question
One of the questions in the health series asks about if a child is enrolled in special education. In
2020 testing participants told us that the question wording (Figure 35) wasn’t exactly accurate
for young children. The wording changed in 2021 to add the words “classes or services” and
remove the word “early” as shown in Figure 36.

Figure 35. Question on child’s enrollment in special education
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing


Figure 36. Updated question on child’s enrollment in special education
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

The current wording appeared to work well, and one participant mentioned that reading the
word ‘services’ made her think of the OT and PT that her child was in.
Recommendation: Keep current wording.

3.4 PFI Instrument Findings

During the 2021 testing, very few questions in the PFI path were included in the survey as the
main focus was on the parent fills. However, issues were identified with two questions.
3.4.1. School choice question
The survey collects whether or not the parent feels their child had a choice of which school to
attend as shown in Figure 37. The think-aloud data suggested that there is measurement error
associated with the data associated with this question because respondents were thinking of
different aspects of choice when answering. For example, in Round 1, one English-speaking
participant answered this question ‘yes’ because they moved to the neighborhood and mused
that they could move to a different address so they had a choice. Another English-speaker
reported “yes” because she did not know if there was a choice.
For Round 2, the response options were modified to include a ‘don’t know’ response option,
see right image in Figure 37. Four English-speaking participants saw the revision to the
response options. 1 answered ‘no,’ 1 answered ‘don’t know,’ and 2 answered ‘yes.’

One participant who marked ‘don’t know’ said, “to be honest, I don't know. I don't think I
did have a choice ‘cause I think there is only one middle school.”
One participant who marked ‘yes’ said, “if we thought his school wasn't working for him, we
definitely would have approached the school board about options.”
Additional feedback included a participant mentioning thinking about the future and if her
child would have a choice in which high school to attend and a participant who mentioned


considerations about their situation with a special needs child. These responses indicate
that people are thinking of different things when they answer this question.
It is not obvious what NHES intends by “choice” and so participants are putting their own
interpretation onto the question. Is choice about whether the school county provides multiple
schools for a zip code to attend? Is it about magnet schools? Is it about schools that you apply
with a lottery?
Another cognitive confusion may be that the question is asking about how a respondent feels
rather than what is.

Figure 37. On left question from Round 1 with two response options, on right question from Round 2 with additional
response option of ‘don’t know’.
Source: 2020 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: It is not clear if adding the ‘don’t know’ helped in this question. More
testing is needed. NCES/AIR might consider new question wording or instruction on the
question; CBSM is not clear on what a “correct” response is to the currently worded question. It
may be worthwhile looking at response distributions of this question. If most are “yes” this
question may be worthwhile testing further.

3.4.2. Child’s grade question
The survey collects the self-reported grade of the child using the question found in Figure 38
(note: due to the survey being tested in Qualtrics the question used in usability testing is not
what will be used in actual NHES, this was intentional and part of the limitations of the usability
testing design in Qualtrics, see Figure 39.) The question refers to both terms, “grade” and
“grade equivalent.” In 2020, homeschool families were recruited for user testing. During that
testing, we found participants understood the words “grade” and “grade equivalent” to mean
basically the same thing. They explained that some people who homeschool do not refer to
their child in a particular grade, and understood that grade equivalent meant in what grade the
child would be in if he or she were in a traditional brick and mortar school. During the 2021
testing, public and private schools families were recruited. Two of the English-speaking
participants were confused by the terms “grade equivalent” in the question. These participants


mentioned that “grade equivalent” made them question whether the survey wanted to know if
their child really should be in the grade they were in. Both of these families had special needs
children. The participants spontaneously said their child was in a certain grade but were
actually at a lower grade level in terms of knowledge. It is possible that if the question were
worded exactly as it is on the NHES the concerns may not have come out. This is something to
watch in future tests.

Figure 38. Grade or grade equivalent question
Source: PFI paper questionnaire 2020


Figure 39. Grade or grade equivalent used in current Qualtrics testing
Source: Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

Recommendation: If you know whether the child is homeschooled or not at the point where
the question on grade or grade equivalent is asked in the survey:

Keep the term “grade equivalent” for the homeschool path as this term worked in June
2020 testing which focused on parents with children schooling at home.
Do not use the term “grade equivalent” for the public/private school path as this term
did not work as well for the public/private school path. For this path, remove the word
“grade equivalent” and simply leave it at grade.

However, if you do not know the path (e.g., homeschool or public/private school) continue
to watch this question to see if these issues persist for families on the public/private school


4. Satisfaction Findings

Participants rated their satisfaction with the online survey immediately after completing the
NHES. The questionnaire was similar to the one used in the 2017 and 2018 usability testing,
except that fewer questions were asked. 1 This questionnaire contained 5 different measures of
satisfaction for which participants rated their subjective experience on a 7-point Likert scale
with only the endpoints labeled. The higher numbers indicate a more positive rating. The items
to be rated were:
• Overall experience with the survey (unpleasant to pleasant)
• The survey questions follow a logical sequence (never to always)
• Words used in the survey questions and answers (hard to understand to easy to
• Coming up with answers to the questions (always bothered me to never bothered me
• Entering your answers into the survey (difficult to easy)
For the purposes of this report, we share a brief summary of higher and lower ratings by survey
topic (ECPP or PFI) and the comprehensive measure of satisfaction: overall reaction to the web
survey. The results of the other satisfaction measures can be found in Attachment A broken out
by survey type: PFI or ECPP.
Satisfaction ratings from this round of testing would be good to compare with future rounds if
those rounds are also focused on similar topics.
The PFI overall satisfaction rating was 6.8 out of 7 for English participants and 6.5 out of 7 for
the Spanish speaking participants. The ECPP overall satisfaction rating for English participants
was 6.2 out of 7, and for the one Spanish speaking participant it was 6 out of 7. See Figure 40.

All questions that had to do with the look and feel of the instrument were excluded as this study was created in
Qualtrics and as this look and feel will not be what the production instrument will look and feel like, the sponsor
felt it would be better to exclude those questions.



Overall Experience with the Survey








1- unpleasant








7 - pleasant

Figure 40. Satisfaction scores for the overall reaction to the survey including both English and Spanish participant ratings
Source: 2021 NHES usability testing

The highest average score for the English speaking PFI participants was on entering answers
into the survey with a 7 out of 7 (where 7 is easy and 1 is difficult), for the Spanish speaking
participants it was on the survey questions following a logical sequence with a 7 out of 7 (where
7 was always and 1 was never). The highest average score for the English speaking ECPP
participants was tied at 6.3 out of 7 for both the survey questions following a logical sequence
(never to always) and on entering answers into the survey (difficult to easy). For the Spanish
speaking participant it was a 7 out of 7 on the rating coming up with answers to the questions
(always bothered me to never bothered me).
The lowest average score for the English speaking PFI was on coming up with answers to the
questions with a 6.3 out of 7 (where 7 is never bothered me and 1 is always bothered me). For
the Spanish speaking participants the lowest average score tied with two questions at 5.5 on
words used in the survey questions and answers (where 7 is easy to understand and 1 is hard to
understand) and entering your answers into the survey (where 7 is easy and 1 is difficult). The
lowest average score for the English speaking ECPP participants was on words used in the
survey questions and answers – with average score of 5.8 out of 7 (where 7 is easy to
understand and 1 is hard to understand). For the Spanish speaking participant, the lowest
average score was also on words used in a survey with 4 out of 7.
See Attachment A for additional details on all satisfaction questions.


5. Limitations

The surveys tested were a subset of the entire survey, some of the feedback may have been
different if the users had been exposed to the entire survey.

6. Acknowledgements

We thank the staff of Christina Cox in ADDP and the staff in NCES for the opportunity to usability
test the NHES.

7. References

Eggleston, C., Meyers, M., Goerman, P. (2020). 2020 COVID-19 Household Pulse Survey: Language
Experiment Summary and Recommendation. MEMORANDUM FOR Household Pulse
Survey Team Demographic Program Directorate (Internal Census Bureau Memo).
Ericsson, K. A., & Simon, H. A. (1993). Protocol Analysis: Using Verbal Reports as Data. Cambridge,
MA: The MIT Press.
Lykke, L. & García-Trejo. (2018). Results from the Usability Testing of the Spanish Language
Version of the 2020 Census Planning Survey (CBAMS). U.S. Census Bureau.
Olmsted-Hawala, Nichols, E., Genter, S and Nelson, D. (2020). Qualitative pretesting findings in
testing the English online version of a subset of screens for the upcoming 2023 National
Household Education Survey. Research and Methodology Directorate, Center for
Behavioral Survey Methods Study Series (Survey Methodology Unpublished Report). U.S.
Census Bureau.
Nichols, E., Feuer, F., Meyers, M., García Trejo, Y., Berger, M and Malakhoff, L. (2018).
Usability, accessibility, and cognitive findings in testing the online version of the 2019
National Household Education Survey. Research and Methodology Directorate, Center
for Behavioral Survey Methods Study Series (Survey Methodology Unpublished Report).
U.S. Census Bureau.


Attachment A: Satisfaction Results for 2021 Usability Testing

Survey Questions Follow a Logical Sequence











1- never








7 - always

Source: 2021 English and Spanish NHES usability testing


Words Used in the Survey - Questions and Answers






1- hard to




Source: 2021 English and Spanish NHES usability testing









7 - easy to

Coming up with Answers to the Questions







1- always
bothered me











7 - never
bothered me


Source: 2021 English and Spanish NHES usability testing

Entering Your Answers into the Survey










1- difficult




Source: 2021 English and Spanish NHES usability testing






7 - easy

2023 National Household Education Survey (NHES) English and Spanish Screener
Cognitive Interviews (OMB# 1850-0803 v.290)

National Household Education Survey
(NHES) Materials Testing Cognitive
Final Report
Melissa Scardaville and Danielle Battle
American Institutes for Research
September 2021



National Household Education Survey
(NHES) Materials Testing Cognitive
Final Report
Melissa Scardaville and Danielle Battle
American Institutes for Research
September 2021


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Methodology................................................................................................................................... 1
Sample and Recruitment ............................................................................................................ 1
Findings ........................................................................................................................................... 3
General Findings ......................................................................................................................... 3
Third Screening Letter................................................................................................................. 4
Commonly/Frequently Asked Questions .................................................................................... 7
Paper Screener .......................................................................................................................... 10
Final Recommendations ............................................................................................................... 11
Appendix A. Recruitment Materials.............................................................................................. 12
Appendix B. Round 1 Materials .................................................................................................... 30
Appendix C. Round 2 Materials .................................................................................................... 41
Appendix D. Interviewer Protocols ............................................................................................... 52


Table 1: Sample Distribution All Rounds ........................................................................................ 2


In order to test revisions to the NHES:2023 third screener letter, Commonly/Frequently Asked
Questions (CAQ/FAQ), and paper screener, AIR conducted two rounds of one-hour cognitive
interviews in English and Spanish for a total of 20 interviews. Interviews took place virtually
between May 17 and July 9, 2021 using the conferencing platform Zoom. Respondents read
aloud all materials and verbalized their thought processes as they reviewed the documents.
All interviewers were trained in cognitive interviewing methods as well as the protocols
designed for this set of NHES materials. When possible, observers from AIR and NCES attended
the interviews and could pose additional questions to the participant once the protocol was

Sample and Recruitment
The first wave of recruitment started on April 30 and involved a combination of Craigslist ads
and outreach to the team’s personal network (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn). The second wave of
recruitment started on June 14 using new Craigslist ads to target participant characteristics that
were underrepresented in the first round (such as Spanish speakers and households with only
one qualifying youth). A team of recruiters, one of whom was bilingual, screened all prospective
participants to determine eligibility. Participants were selected based on the presence and
number of youths in the household with a focus on diverse demographic characteristics such as
race and level of education. Recruitment was ongoing during the interviewing period to
maximize participation. Table 1 shows the sample distribution for all rounds of recruitment with
English and Spanish respondents.


Table 1: Sample Distribution All Rounds
All Rounds (Total)



English Spanish

Round 1 (Total)

Round 2 (Total)




























Two or more
















Black or AfricanAmerican
















Prefer not to say
























High school








Some college








College graduate








Graduate degree








Number of youths
in household


Hispanic ethnicity

Level of Education


This memo outlines the major findings from both the first and second round of cognitive
interviews and concludes with recommendations for changes prior NHES:2023 administration.
In the findings, participants’ language and/or households’ status of children are mentioned only
when participants with shared demographics expressed opinions different from participants in
other demographic groups. Recruitment materials can be found in Appendix A. Appendices B
and C contain Round 1 and Round 2 materials respectively. Appendix D has the interviewer
protocols for Rounds 1 and 2.

General Findings
In both rounds, almost all participants commented that the materials looked official and that
the survey appeared to be a direct request from the government. For English-speaking
participants in both rounds, this branding positively influenced their decision to complete the
screener. Spanish speakers in Round 1 appreciated that the request was clearly from the
government – differentiating it from a scam – but were not as enthusiastic about completing
the request as English-speakers. In Round 2, about half the Spanish speakers (3 participants)
said the letter “too formal” with one participant saying that the letter would scare people who
were undocumented immigrants.
In both rounds, participants tended to read the third screener letter first. In the first round, for
those who demonstrated a clear preference, about half read the screener next, with the other
half reading the CAQ/FAQ. In the second round, participants skimmed or glanced at the
CAQ/FAQ, then reviewed the screener. Participants regardless of whether they had children
appreciated that it was clearly stated across all materials that households without children
should still reply.
Only in the first round did many participants say that they would attempt to find out more
information about the NHES before proceeding with the screener. In the second round, only
one participant, a Spanish speaker with one youth, said she would contact friends and relatives
to see if they received a similar survey request before she would complete the screener.
All English-speaking participants in both rounds and Spanish speakers in Round 1 said they
would complete and return the screener. In Round 2, three of the six Spanish-speaking
participants stated they would not complete it. One said that she would throw out all materials
because she did not want “to become part of the system” that would lead to her receiving
ongoing solicitations. She repeatedly said throughout the interview that she would not return
the materials under any circumstances. Another Spanish-speaking participant would likely not
complete the screener because the youth in the household was not her biological child. A third


Spanish speaker felt uncomfortable listing any information, including nicknames, about their
children. Two of these participants felt as if the letter was too formal and possibly intimidating.
In both rounds, participants believed both that the request was related to the decennial Census
and that the screener was in fact the actual survey. Participants, once learning that respondents
may receive a topical survey in the future, shared that they wished this chain of events was
In Round 2, two of the four Spanish speakers explicitly noted that having all the documents in
Spanish meant they could engage with the materials immediately as opposed to involving a
household member more conversant in English. In general, participants across both rounds
appreciated the enclosed pre-paid envelope, saying it reduced the burden to return the

Third Screening Letter
General Findings
Across both rounds, participants understood the letter to be: a request from the government to
complete a survey about education; that the letter was not the first correspondence with the
sender; and that households with and without children should respond. Almost all favorably
commented on the letter’s clarity and conciseness, saying that the letter “didn’t have a lot of
In the first round, two participants pointed out aspects that were confusing. One Englishspeaker with no children said she did not understand why the letter came from the Department
of Commerce when it was a survey about children’s education. A Spanish-speaker with no
children shared that the bar code made the letter look “like junk mail,” which was confusing
because all other aspects pointed to it coming from the government.

Specific Findings
This section outlines findings across both rounds for each paragraph of the letter.
Recently, we asked….
In both rounds, participants generally liked the tone of the first paragraph, stating that it
increased their interest in responding. In the first round, two participants, both Englishspeaking, one with no children and the other with three, disliked the paragraph. One suggested
that the letter not use “contacting again” and replace it with “following up to ask for your help”
to soften the tone. The other felt that the language was gimmicky and presumptuously
assumed that people already wanted to complete the survey. For the second round, the


“contacting again” was removed and replaced with “following up to ask for your help.” When
tested, participants had no issues with the amended language.
Additionally, based on feedback from the first round, the amount of time it would take to
complete the screener was moved from the third to the first paragraph in Round 2. In the
second round, participants noted that they appreciated the prominence of the timeframe
upfront and noted that three minutes was “very doable.”
Please fill out the enclosed….
In Round 1, three people preferred that a deadline be given as opposed “as soon as possible.”
Interestingly, participants’ definitions of “as soon as possible” ranged from immediately to
within four days to whenever they had the free time. Two Spanish speakers (with and without
children) asked for a specific date. An English speaker with no children said that without a
timeframe, the request would remain on her to-do list for months. She suggested “please fill
out the survey and return it within two weeks if possible.” Another English speaker with no
children felt that “as soon as possible” was read too much like a demand and suggested to
rephase to “please fill out this survey at your earliest convenience.”
To address these concerns, “as soon as possible” was removed and replaced with “within two
weeks.” Round 2 participants had mixed reactions to the two-week deadline. Six participants
liked the two-week time frame. An English speaker with one youth felt that the language struck
the right balance between giving a time frame while acknowledging that not everyone had the
time to complete the request immediately. Likewise, one Spanish-speaking participant with no
youth appreciated the two-week deadline saying that “not everyone checks their mail every
Four participants preferred that the language be “as soon as possible” as opposed to the twoweek deadline. A Spanish-speaking participant said that two weeks was too vague, while an
English speaker said that the time frame decreased the urgency to respond; knowing that she
had two weeks she would procrastinate.
Here is how to respond…
Across both rounds, participants, regardless of whether they had children in the household,
appreciated the explicit instructions that all households should respond to the survey.
Participants without youth liked knowing up front that they would need to answer only one
question. That said, in Round 1, almost no participants understood who qualified as children
in the household and participants offered a wide range of interpretations from school-aged


children only to adult children living at home to non-custodial minor children who lived at the
home occasionally.
For Round 2, age criteria were added to the letter. With that addition, participants generally
had no issues with identifying who was a qualifying youth. However, two Round 2 Spanishspeaking participants with youth found the new instructions confusing. One did not know if
the youth in the household qualified because she was not biologically related to them.
Another who read the letter quickly seemed to have stopped reading after the first bullet point
that addressed households without youth. Even though she had two qualifying children in the
household, she believed she was not eligible because the first set of directions focused on
households without youth. Since she had children at home, she stopped reading and assumed
the survey request was not relevant to her.
Answers to CAQ/FAQ…
Most participants said they would read or at least skim the CAQ/FAQ. Several noted that they
appreciated having the CAQ/FAQ included instead of relying solely on contacting the survey
sponsor or being directed to a website. One Spanish-speaking participant in Round 2 said she
would “feel lost” without the document and appreciated its inclusion. Given that most
participants defaulted to calling it FAQ during the interview and that CAQ is translated as FAQ
for the Spanish-speaking interviews, the document was renamed “Frequently Asked Questions”
from “Commonly Asked Questions” for Round 2. No Round 2 participants expressed any
concerns with the new title.
Call us toll-free…
Participants felt it was valuable to include the toll-free number regardless of whether they
would use it. All English-speaking participants said they would not call the number with many
stating it would take less time to conduct Internet searches about the survey or complete the
paper copy than engage with anyone through the phone. In Round 2, three Spanish-speaking
participants indicated that they were likely to call the number if they had questions, with one
saying that she, as an older woman, preferred to complete the screener over the phone.
Thank you for taking…
Almost no participants disliked the final paragraph. In Round 1, about half felt it was very
generic while the other half really liked that they were explicitly thanked. Participants in the
second round were generally more favorable to the closing, with one English speaker with


youth saying “kind of hits home that if you have time to do the survey, it would be helpful,
because it is an important survey. It will make a difference.”
Authorization and Confidentiality
In both rounds, most participants did not see the box regarding “Authorization and
Confidentiality” until prompted to read it by the interviewer. The box was located on the back
(the second page) of the letter. In general, people said that they tend to skip reading legal
language but that reading the information about confidentiality increased their desire to
respond to the screener request. Two participants in Round 1, both with no children, one
English and one Spanish-speaking, thought the box should be more visible. All other
participants across both rounds felt the current placement made no difference or was
preferable because they tended not to read those sections.

Commonly/Frequently Asked Questions
General Findings
In Round 2, the Commonly Asked Questions (CAQ) document was renamed Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ). Across both rounds, participants found CAQ/FAQ document informative,
easy to understand, and an appropriate length. While many participants said they would only
skim the document and not read it intently, everyone believed it was important to include. In
Round 1, an English-speaking participant with children said the CAQ made him more likely to
respond; all others across the rounds said it did not influence their decision.
Based on feedback from Round 1, the questions were reordered in order to align with
participants’ perceptions of which information was most vital to read first. The order of the
questions in the next section corresponds to the order in Round 2 testing materials.

Specific Findings
Why was I chosen?
Participants thought this question was very important because it helped them understand
why they received the mailing. Across all rounds, most participants preferred “randomly
selected” (the current wording) over “scientifically selected”. To them, “scientifically selected”
implied bio-medical intervention or that their household was targeted because particular
racial, ethnic, or religious reasons. In Round 2, two participants preferred “scientifically
selected” over “randomly selected”. An English speaker with one youth noted that scams
often use the phrase “randomly selected” so “scientifically selected” did not have those
negative connotations. One Spanish speaker with no youth was confused as to what
“randomly selected” meant and preferred “scientifically selected”. That said, some
participants found “randomly selected” confusing. These participants assumed that


the screener was a Census request and since Census participation is not random, they did not
fully understand the answer.
No children live here. Should I give this survey…?
Originally, this question was worded as “Can you replace my address?” Participants in Round 1
found this question confusing and unclear. To address this feedback, the question was changed
to “No children live here. Should I give this survey to a neighbor or family member who has
In Round 2, of those participants who did not have children in the household, they said that this
answer either increased the likelihood that they would respond or that they knew already from
reading the third screener letter that they should respond. Participants with children felt this
section was important to include, with one saying that if households without children gave the
survey away to someone with kids it would “alter the statistics.” One Spanish speaker who had
skimmed and misread the third screener letter was confused as to why this question was
included. She believed only households without children qualified. Reading this FAQ prompted
her to look back at the third screener letter; however the participant shared that if she received
this packet in the mail she likely would have glanced at the third letter and would have thrown
out the materials before reading the FAQ.
Who is doing the survey?
Participants had mixed reactions to this question. In the first round, about half of the Englishspeaking participants believed that the information was covered elsewhere and that the text as
written felt long. One suggested that the first line be cut since it was clear that all agencies
listed were part of the federal government. In Round 2, one Spanish-speaking participant felt
the language was “a mouthful” and something simpler and more concise was preferable.
Another Spanish speaker was confused by “ha sido aprobada” (has been approved), and was
unclear why these surveys needed approval. Regardless, most participants across rounds felt
this question was important and added legitimacy to the survey request.
Why should I take part?
In Round 1, most participants initially said that they believed that there was no other way to
get the information in the survey. When pressed, several said they wondered about other
methods like the Census or school records. To address this feedback, the language was
amended in Round 2 to include the phrase “up-to-date information.” In Round 2, while
English-speaking participants believed that there was no other way for the Department of
Education to collect the most up-to-date information, two of them found the question
confusing because the items on the screener did not align to topics listed in the answer. As
noted earlier, these participants believed that the screener was the only survey request and
were surprised to learn that they may receive a topical survey. Two Spanish-speaking

participants thought the NHES was the sole method to gather the requested information,
while the others believed that the data could be collected from local schools or other
methods. One found the question confusing, wondering why the toll-free number to
complete the screener was provided if the mail screener was the only way to collect the
Also in Round 1, a Spanish speaking respondent found the wording confusing and suggested
changing the first sentence to “Los resultados de encuestas lo utilizaran…” (The survey results
will be used…) instead of “Los resultados de esta encuesta son usados por legisladores e
investigadores para mejorar los programas para niños.” (The results of this survey are used by
policymakers and researchers to improve programs for children.) This change was made for
Round 2 and Spanish speakers expressed no issues with the wording.
How will the responses I provide be used?
In Round 1, an English speaker with children was confused about why cybersecurity would
apply here since the survey was only done by phone or mail. For Round 2, language around
cybersecurity was removed. With the reference gone, all participants in the second round felt
this question was clearly worded and important because it addressed either their personal
concerns about privacy or concerns they knew other people had around data privacy.
How much time?
Everyone felt that the timeframe was appropriate although one English speaker with a youth
said that she was too busy to do something much longer but that she would prioritize this
request because it was short and time sensitive. Across rounds, most participants preferred to
complete the screener online although three Spanish-speakers in the second round chose the
paper over the online option. One explained that it was “handy” to have the paper version
available to see the questions that were being asked. The others stated that completing the
screener via mail was more secure than online.
If there are no children….
Across both rounds, all participants believed this was a useful question to include although
some had different interpretations of the answer provided. One English-speaking participant
with youth believed that the number of questions on the survey would correlate to the number
of children in the household. Another English speaker wondered if her children would be
“double counted” because they lived 50% with her and 50% with her ex-husband. A Spanishspeaking participant was unsure why, given the information the survey was asking, households
without children should reply. Of those participants who did not have children in the


household, they said that this answer either increased the likelihood that they would respond
or that they knew from reading the third screener letter that they should respond.
Who should I contact?
Participants across both rounds either had no concerns with this question or felt that it was
repetitive and that the information provided in the answer was available elsewhere.

Paper Screener
Ease of Use
Although most participants in Round 1 felt that the screener was easy to complete, a few felt
that the design could be improved to allow for more spacing between screener items. To
address this concern, prior to Round 2, the return address was removed from the bottom of the
screener and the space between the screener items was expanded. All Round 2 participants felt
the screener was easy to complete. An English-speaking participant with one youth said it was
“surprisingly simple” and several Spanish-speaking participants noted that it was very concise.
One English speaker with a youth noted that her first impulse was to fold the screener in half,
which hides the last four spaces for children in the household. She was concerned that for
families with more than one child, this might lead them to miss those extra spaces and only
report one child.

Clarity of Instructions
All participants without children found the instructions easy-to-follow and knew they only had
one question to answer. For participants with one child, they found the instructions clear and
those with multiple children knew to list the youngest child first. For Round 2, the label was
shortened to say “child(ren) or niño(s).” Previously the label read: “children or youth age 20 or
younger” or “niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menores.” The change did not cause any issues. In
Round 1, a Spanish speaking participant with multiple children was very confused about how to
list the 6th child and would prefer explicit instructions on how to proceed. During a subsequent
debrief call with NCES, the team discussed possible solutions but ultimately decided not to
make any changes at this time.

Concerns about Screener
Although all English speakers in both rounds said they would ultimately complete the screener,
three in Round 1 expressed concern that their children might be identifiable using the
combination of first name, month and year of birth, and geographic location. They indicated
that they would feel more comfortable listing their child’s age. Three Spanish-speaking


participants with youth felt that they were being asked for too much personal information and
said they would not complete the screener.

Final Recommendations
For NHES:2023, we suggest keeping the changes that were made from Round 1 to Round 2. The
changes are:
o Adding the three-minute time frame to the first paragraph of the third screener
o Adding language to the third letter that specifically states who qualifies as youth
in the household
o Giving a two-week deadline in the third letter as opposed to asking that the
screener be returned “as soon as possible.”
o Renaming “Commonly Asked Questions” to “Frequently Asked Questions”
o Reordering of the FAQs as outlined in the above FAQ section
o Removing cybersecurity language from the answer to the question about data
o Keeping language about being randomly selected in the FAQ.
o Using the abbreviated label “child(ren)” on the screener.
o Removing the return address on the screener and keeping the revised formatting


Appendix A. Recruitment Materials
Email text for personal and professional contacts – English
Subject Line: Looking for adults to participate in a study about a federal survey
Dear [contact]:
The American Institutes for Research is assisting the U.S. Department of Education to conduct a
study that gathers opinions about materials related to a federal survey. We are specifically
looking for adults 18 years or older who have a valid U.S. Postal Service address to provide
feedback on survey materials in a one-time, voluntary, research interview in English or Spanish.
Adults who do and do not currently live with school-aged children may be eligible.
Eligible participants will take part in a 60-minute virtual interview and will receive $40 in cash as
a thank you for their participation.
If you or someone you know is interested in participating, please contact the research team at
Thank you for your time and help with this important study.
[Recruitment Contact Info]
Email text for personal and professional contacts – Spanish
Subject Line: Buscamos adultos para participar en un estudio sobre una encuesta
Estimado [contacto]:
Los Institutos Americanos para la Investigación (AIR, por sus siglas en inglés) están ayudando
con un estudio de investigación patrocinado por el Departamento de Educación de los Estados
Unidos para obtener opiniones sobre materiales relacionados con un estudio federal. Buscamos
específicamente adultos mayores de 18 años que tengan una dirección válida del USPS para
brindar comentarios sobre los materiales de la encuesta en una sola entrevista de investigación
voluntaria en inglés o español. Los adultos que viven y no viven actualmente con niños en edad
escolar pueden ser elegibles.
Las personas elegibles participarán en una entrevista virtual de 60 minutos y recibirán $40 en
agradecimiento por su participación.


Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está interesado en participar, por favor comuníquese con
el equipo de investigación de AIR [información de contacto].
Gracias por su tiempo y ayuda en este importante estudio.
[Información del Contacto a Cargo del Reclutamiento de Participantes]
Spanish community contacts outreach – English/Spanish
This will be sent in both English and Spanish.
Subject Line: Looking for Spanish-speaking adults to participate in a study about a federal
Dear [contact]:
The American Institutes for Research is assisting the U.S. Department of Education to conduct a
study to ensure the Spanish translations used in a national survey are clear and understandable.
We are specifically looking for adults 18 years or older who have a valid U.S. Postal Service
address to provide feedback on survey materials in a one-time, voluntary, research interview in
Spanish. Adults who do and do not currently live with school-aged children may be eligible. We
are looking for participants that are monolingual Spanish speakers.
Eligible participants will take part in a 60-minute virtual interview and will receive $40 in cash as
a thank you for their participation.
If you or someone you know is interested in participating, please contact the research team at
Thank you for your time and help with this important study.
[Recruitment Contact Info]
Estimado [contacto]:
Los Institutos Americanos para la Investigación (AIR, por sus siglas en inglés) están ayudando
con un estudio de investigación patrocinado por el Departamento de Educación de los Estados
Unidos para obtener opiniones sobre materiales relacionados con un estudio federal. Buscamos
específicamente adultos mayores de 18 años que tengan una dirección válida del USPS para
brindar comentarios sobre los materiales de la encuesta en una sola entrevista de investigación
voluntaria en inglés o español. Los adultos que viven y no viven actualmente con niños en edad
escolar pueden ser elegibles.


Las personas elegibles participarán en una entrevista virtual de 60 minutos y recibirán $40 en
agradecimiento por su participación.
Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está interesado en participar, por favor comuníquese con
el equipo de investigación de AIR [información de contacto].
Gracias por su tiempo y ayuda en este importante estudio.
[Información del Contacto a Cargo del Reclutamiento de Participantes]

Text for advertisements on social media and Craig’s List – English
Do you want to share your thoughts about a federal survey?
You may be eligible to earn $40 by participating in an interview about a federal survey.
About the interviews:
American Institutes for Research (AIR) is conducting this study for the U.S. Department of
Education. The research interviews will be conducted May through July 2021 and will be held
via video conference (using the web conferencing platform GoToMeeting or Zoom). The
interview will last approximately 60 minutes, during which time a researcher will ask for your
feedback on materials created for federal survey. Your participation and responses are
Eligibility to Participate:

Adult (age 18 or older)


Can receive mail at current address.


Do currently live with school-aged children, or


Do not currently live with school-aged children

Please contact AIR research staff [CONTACT INFO] to determine if you are eligible. The
screening will take approximately 3-5 minutes to complete.


[Contact person]
American Institutes for Research
[email protected]
Text for advertisements on social media and Craig’s List – English
¿Quiere compartir sus opiniones sobre una encuesta?
Usted puede ser elegible para ganar $40 por participar en una entrevista sobre una encuesta
Acerca de las entrevistas:
Los Institutos Americanos para la Investigación (AIR, por sus siglas en inglés) están llevando a
cabo entrevistas para un estudio de investigación patrocinado por el Departamento de
Educación de los Estados Unidos. Las entrevistas de investigación se realizarán de mayo a julio
de 2021 mediante videoconferencia (utilizando la plataforma de conferencias web
GoToMeeting o Zoom). La entrevista durará aproximadamente 60 minutos, durante los cuales
un investigador le pedirá sus comentarios sobre los materiales creados para la encuesta
Su participación y respuestas son voluntarias.
Elegibilidad para participar:

Adulto (18 años o más)


Puede recibir correo en su dirección actual.


Vive actualmente con niños en edad escolar, o


No vive actualmente con niños en edad escolar

Comuníquese con el personal de investigación de AIR [INFORMACIÓN DE CONTACTO] para
determinar si es elegible. La evaluación demorará aproximadamente 3-5 minutos en


[Contact person]
American Institutes for Research
[email protected]

Informed Consent English
The American Institutes for Research (AIR) is assisting with data collection for a study being
conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department
of Education. We are asking adults age 18 and older for feedback that will improve materials for
the National Household Education Surveys (NHES). For this study, an AIR staff member will
meet with an adult age 18 years or older for 60 minutes remotely via video conference (using
the web conferencing platform GoToMeeting or Zoom). Participants will be sent $40 with a
thank-you note via mail within 10 business days of completion of the interview to thank them
for their time and participation.
Participants will be asked to share their thoughts aloud as they read the materials. Additionally,
the interviewer will ask specific questions to gain a better understanding of participants’
reactions to the materials. In order to have a complete record of the feedback, the interview
will be audio and video-recorded. The video-recording will be only of your device, not you. Only
staff directly involved in the research project will have access to the recordings.
Your participation is voluntary, you can skip any question you do not want to answer, and you
may request to stop at any time during the session. We do not anticipate that any of the
questions will make you uncomfortable or upset. However, you may refuse to answer any
question or take a break at any time. There are no direct benefits to you for participating in this
study, but we hope that these interviews will help us develop and improve questions for a
national survey.
Before you are eligible to participate, you must read this letter in its entirety and verbally agree
to participate when asked by the interviewer. Your participation is voluntary and all of the
information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or
used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and
6 U.S.C. §151). OMB has reviewed and approved this study under the number 1850-0803,
which will expire 6/30/2022.


If you have questions at any time and would like to contact the principal investigator for this
research, please contact Danielle Battle at AIR at 202-403-6409 or [email protected].
Thank you,

American Institutes for Research

Informed Consent Spanish
Los Institutos Americanos para la Investigación (AIR, por sus siglas en inglés) está ayudando en
la recolección de datos para un estudio que patrocinado por el Centro Nacional para
Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES, por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del Departamento de
Educación de los Estados Unidos. Estamos pidiendo a adultos de 18 años o más que nos den sus
opiniones para mejorar los materiales de la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación
(NHES, por sus siglas en inglés). Para este estudio, un miembro del personal de AIR se reunirá
individualmente con los padres de familia durante 60 minutos a través de videoconferencia
(usando la plataforma de conferencia web GoToMeeting o Zoom). Los participantes recibirán
40 dólares con una nota de agradecimiento por su tiempo y participación por correo en 10 días
hábiles después de la entrevista.
Se les pedirá a los participantes que piensen en voz alta mientras leen los materiales. Además,
el entrevistador les hará preguntas específicas para obtener un mejor entendimiento sobre la
reacción de los participantes a los materiales. Para tener un registro completo de sus opiniones,
la entrevista será grabada en audio y video. La grabación en vídeo será solo de su computadora,
y no de usted. Solamente personal directamente involucrado en el estudio tendrá acceso a las
Su participación es voluntaria. Usted puede saltarse cualquier pregunta que no desee contestar
y usted puede pedir detener su participación en cualquier momento durante la sesión. No
anticipamos que alguna pregunta le vaya hacer sentir incómodo o molesto. Sin embargo, usted
puede negarse a contestar cualquier pregunta o puede tomar un descanso en cualquier
momento. No hay beneficios directos para usted por su participación en este estudio, pero
esperamos que estas entrevistas nos ayuden a desarrollar y mejorar las preguntas y materiales
de encuesta nacional.


Antes de que usted sea elegible para participar, se requiere que lea este documento en su
totalidad y de consentimiento verbal cuando el entrevistador le pregunte. Su participación es
voluntaria y toda la información que proporcione se puede usar solo con fines estadísticos y no
se puede divulgar ni usar de forma identificable para ningún otro propósito, excepto cuando
sea requerido por ley (20 USC §9573 y 6 USC §151). OMB ha revisado y aprobado este estudio
con el número 1850-0803, que caduca el 6/30/2022.
Si tiene preguntas en cualquier momento y le gustaría contactar al investigador principal de
este estudio, por favor contacte a Danielle Battle en los Institutos Americanos para la
Investigación (American Institutes for Research) al 202-403-6409 o [email protected].

American Institutes for Research

Technology set-up email – English
Greetings NAME,
I am looking forward to working with you on the upcoming study on federal survey materials.
Attached please find the consent form you will need for participating in the session.
You will also need to have [GoToMeeting or Zoom] installed on your computer for our user
session. I will send you an email invitation that will link you to the software. It should only take
5 to 10 minutes at most to install - and we can do it as we talk together over the phone. Can
you let me know a good time to set that up for you? Please send me a good day and time and I
will schedule it.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you,

American Institutes for Research


Technology Set-up email – Spanish
Saludos NAME,
Me alegro de poder trabajar con usted en el estudio sobre materiales de encuestas federales.
Adjunto usted encontrará el formulario de consentimiento que necesitará para participar en la
También necesitará tener [GoToMeeting o Zoom] instalado en su computadora para nuestra
sesión. Le enviaré una invitación por correo electrónico con un link para instalar el software.
Instalar el software le tomará de 5 a 10 minutos como máximo, y podemos hacerlo mientras
hablamos por teléfono. ¿Puede decirme un buen momento para configurarlo con usted? Por
favor envíeme unas opciones para día y hora y programaré la sesión.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor póngase en contacto conmigo.

American Institutes for Research

Incentive Receipt Acknowledgment Form – English

I, ________________________ (Participant Name), certify that I have received the following
incentive from American Institutes for Research as a thank you for participating in a study.
Please keep this document for your records.






Participant Signature __________________________ Date ________________________

Administrator Signature __________________________ Date ________________________

Incentive Receipt Acknowledgment Form – Spanish

Yo, ________________________ (Nombre del Participante), confirmo que recibí el siguiente
incentivo por parte de American Institutes for Research (Institutos Americanos para la
Investigación), como agradecimiento por participar en un estudio.



Dinero en efectivo


Firma del participante __________________________ Fecha ________________________

Firma del administrador__________________________ Fecha ________________________


NHES:2023 Cognitive Interviews Recruitment Screener - English
Hello. My name is [XXXXXX] and I work for the American Institutes for Research. The U.S.
Department of Education is conducting a brief but important study about a federal survey, and
American Institutes for Research is assisting with data collection. Your participation is voluntary,
and you will receive no sales pitch or follow-up calls based on your participation.
We are looking for adult volunteers to help us understand how they interpret materials for a federal
survey. These materials are part of a study that is being developed by the U.S. Department of
Education. The objective of the current study is to assess the clarity of the materials and survey, and
we need your help to do that. The information gained from the study will be used for potential
revisions to the federal survey materials. I’d like to ask you a few questions to see if you qualify for
the study.
The next few questions are for classification purposes only.
[Interviewer to check:]

1. What is your name? (write in First and Last name in separate fields)
2. Have you participated in a research study or focus group in the past 6 months? (RECRUIT NONE.)
a. Yes (Thank and terminate.)
b. No (Continue)
3. Do you work for either the American Institutes for Research, or the U.S. federal government
including the U.S. Department of Education and the Census Bureau? (RECRUIT NONE.)

a. Yes (Thank and terminate.)
b. No (Continue)

4. Are you able to receive mail at your home through the U.S. Postal Service? (RECRUIT YES)
a. Yes (Continue.)
b. No (Thank and terminate.)
5. How many children younger than 18 currently live in your household? (RECRUIT 0, 1, and
greater than 1)
[ ]

CHECK: Determine if they meet the current recruiting needs and then either proceed or thank
and terminate call.
6. Because the interviews will be offered in English and Spanish, I have a couple of questions about
language. What language do you prefer for filling out forms?

a. Spanish (Continue)


b. English (go to Q8)
c. Spanish and English interchangeably (Continue)

a. Another language besides Spanish and English (Continue) Please
specify:_________________ (Continue)
7. How well do you speak English?


Very well (Continue)
Well (Continue)
Not well (Continue)
Not at all (Continue)

CHECK: Determine if they meet the current recruiting needs and then either proceed or thank
and terminate call.
8. Are you Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
a. Yes, of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin (Continue)
b. No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin (Continue)
c. Prefer not to answer (Continue)
9. Which of the following categories best describes your racial background? (Check all that

American Indian or Alaska Native (Continue)
Asian (Continue)
Black or African American (Continue)
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (Continue)
White (Continue)
Prefer not to answer (Continue)

10. How many adults age 18 years or older including yourself currently live in your household?
a. One (Continue)
b. Two (Continue)
c. Three or more (Continue)
11. What is YOUR EDUCATION level?
a. Less than High School (Continue)
b. High School Graduate (Continue)
c. Some College, trade, technical or vocational school (Continue)
d. College degree (Continue)
e. Graduate education (Continue)
All recruits MUST be articulate, able to answer open ended questions, have a valid USPS
address, match the current need for recruiting (such as households with and without children
and multiple children households) and able to provide explanations for their responses.


For Spanish interviews DO NOT recruit anyone who has difficulty answering these questions in
Spanish or who prefers to fill out forms in English
We are conducting interviews on __________ and ___________. Are you available to participate in
this research study?


Based on your answers, we would like to invite you to participate in an interview session. You
will receive $40 as a thank you for completing the interview. The interview is about 1 hour in
CONTACT INFO: So that we can contact you to set up the interview could you provide some
contact information:

What is the best phone number to reach you?
What is your email address?
We would like to get your mailing address so that we can mail you a packet of materials that you
will review during the interview. Please keep this packet of materials sealed for the interview. You
will open it during the session. Additionally, AIR will be mailing $40 cash to all participants via
certified mail* about two weeks after the interviews are completed. Your address will only be used
for these purposes. What is the address where you receive your mail?
P.O. Box: ______________________ (if needed)
City: __________________________
State: __________________________
Zip code: ______________________


Since you qualify for this study, we would like to schedule a time to talk. The session will be
conducted over a web-based device using Zoom or GoToMeeting. We will send you an email
with a link to download either Zoom or GoToMeeting and a form explaining your rights as a


participant. I would also like to set up a time to test Zoom or GoToMeeting with you before the
session. Is this okay?

o Yes

o No

→ (CONTINUE – Great. Let’s set up the 60minute session first. [Schedule the 60-minute
cognitive interview.] Thank you. Let’s now
schedule a brief check-in prior to the session
so I can make sure everything with the
technology is working. [Schedule the 10-15
minute check-in session]. After this call I will
email you a link to download Zoom or
GoToMeeting as well as the meeting
invitations for our check-in and interview. We
will also be mailing a physical packet of
materials to the address you provided. The
packet will be sent in a large envelope: Please
keep this packet; you will open it during the
→ (thank you for your time)

RECRUITER: Check off all of the criteria this adult meets in order to categorize the interviews
we will conduct.
Interview Criteria:
No youth under 18
currently living in

One youth under 18
currently living in

Two or more youth
under 18 currently
living in household

In addition to the parent interview criteria above use the Spanish interview criteria below for the
Spanish interviews:
Bilingual (Spanish/English)
(Q7 = Very well or Well)

Monolingual (Spanish)
(Q7= Not well or Not
at all AND Q6=

*RECRUITER NOTE: If asked about more details about the certified mail: At the end of the session,
we will send the money and incentive acknowledgement form using certified mail. This requires the
participant to answer the door and sign the certified mail that the postal worker hands them. If the


participant is not available to sign for the mail, it is possible that the USPS will require the participant
go to their local post office to pick up the certified mail. An ID to verify identity will be required for
pick up.

NHES:2023 Cognitive Interviews Recruitment Screener – Spanish
Hola. Mi nombre es [XXXXXX] y trabajo para los Institutos Americanos de Investigación (AIR, por
sus siglas en inglés). El Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos está realizando un breve
pero importante estudio sobre una encuesta federal, y AIR está ayudando con el estudio. Su
participación es voluntaria y no recibirá llamadas de ventas o de seguimiento basadas en su
Estamos buscando adultos que nos ayuden a entender cómo se pueden interpretar los materiales para
una encuesta federal. Estas preguntas son parte de estudio que está siendo desarrollado por el
Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos. El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar la
claridad de los materiales y de la encuesta y para ello necesitamos su ayuda. La información obtenida
en el estudio se utilizará para posibles revisiones a los materiales de la encuesta federal. Me gustaría
hacerle unas preguntas para ver si usted cuenta con los requerimientos necesarios para ser
seleccionado(a) para el estudio.
Las siguientes preguntas son sólo para fines de clasificación.
[El entrevistador debe marcar con una X las respuestas:]
1. ¿Cuál es su nombre? (escriba el nombre y apellido en campos separados)
2. ¿Ha participado en un estudio de investigación o grupo de enfoque en los últimos 6 meses?

a. Sí (Dar gracias y terminar.)
b. No (Continúe)

3. ¿Trabaja para Los Institutos Americanos de Investigación o el gobierno federal de los
Estados Unidos incluso el Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos y la Oficina
del Censo de los Estados Unidos? (RECLUTAR A LAS PERSONAS QUE DIGAN NO.)

a. Sí (Dar gracias y terminar.)
b. No (Continúe)
4. ¿Puede recibir correo en su casa a través del USPS? (RECLUTAR SI)

a. Sí (Continúe.)
b. No (Dar gracias y terminar.)


5. ¿Cuántos niños menores de 18 años de edad viven en este hogar? (RECLUTAR A LAS
PERSONAS QUE DIGAN si 0, 1, o más.)
[ ]

CHECK: Determine if they meet the current recruiting needs and then either proceed or thank
and terminate call.
Ya que ofreceremos las entrevistas en español e inglés, tengo un par de preguntas los
6. ¿Qué idioma prefiere al completar formularios?
a. Español (Continúe)
b. Inglés (vaya a la pregunta Q14)
c. Español e inglés por igual (Continúe)
d. Otro idioma que no sea español o inglés –
i. Especifique: _______________(Continúe)
7. ¿Qué tan bien habla inglés?
a. Muy bien (Continúe)
b. Bien (Continúe)
c. Nada bien (Continúe)
d. No habla inglés (Continúe)

CHECK: Determine if they meet the current recruiting needs and then either proceed or thank
and terminate call.
8. ¿Es usted de origen hispano, latino o español?
a. Sí, es de origen hispano, latino, o español (Continúe)
b. No, no es de origen hispano, latino, o español (Continúe)
c. Prefiere no contestar (Continúe)

9. ¿Cuál de las siguientes categorías describe mejor su origen étnico o racial? (Marque
todas las opciones que correspondan.)
a. Indígena de las Américas o Nativo de Alaska (Continúe)
b. Asiático (Continúe)
c. Negro o Afroamericano (Continúe)
d. Nativo de Hawái u otras Islas del Pacifico (Continúe)
e. Blanco (Continúe)
f. Prefiere no contestar (Continúe)
10. ¿Cuántos adultos de 18 años o más, incluido usted, viven actualmente en su hogar?

a. Uno (Continúe)
b. Dos (Continúe)


c. Tres or mas (Continúe)
11. ¿Cual es su nivel de educación?


Menos que high school (grado 9 al 12) (Continúe)
Diploma de high school (Continúe)
Algunos cursos de college o universidad, pero sin graduarse (Continúe)
Título universitario (Continúe)
Educacion de posgrado (Continúe)

Todos los participantes DEBEN ser articulados, capaces de responder preguntas abiertas, tener
una dirección válida de USPS, coincidir con la necesidad actual de reclutamiento (como
hogares con y sin niños y hogares con varios niños) y ser capaces de proporcionar explicaciones
para sus respuestas.
Para entrevistas en español NO reclute a personas que tengan dificultades para responder estas
preguntas en español o que prefieran completar formularios en inglés
Estamos realizando entrevistas en __________ y ___________. ¿Está disponible para participar en
este estudio de investigación?


En base a sus respuestas, nos gustaría invitarle a participar en una entrevista. Usted recibirá 40
dólares en agradecimiento por completar la entrevista. La entrevista dura aproximadamente una hora.

INFORMACIÓN DE CONTACTO: ¿Podría darnos su información de contacto para que
podamos contactarle para organizar la entrevista?
¿Cuál es su número de teléfono? (Escribir)

¿Cuál es su dirección de correo electrónico? (Escribir)

Por último, nos gustaría obtener su dirección postal para poder enviarle un paquete con los
materiales que revisará durante la entrevista. Por favor mantenga el paquete sellado hasta que
empiece la entrevista. Además, AIR enviará $40 en efectivo por correo certificado a todos los


participantes unas dos semanas después de completar las entrevistas. Esta información solo se
utilizará para estos propósitos.
¿Cuál es su dirección postal donde usted puede recibir correo?
Calle: ____________________________
Ciudad: __________________________
Estado: ___________________________
Código postal: _____________________
Dado que califica para este estudio, nos gustaría programar una hora para hablar. La sesión se
llevará a cabo en un dispositivo basado en web usando Zoom o GoToMeeting. Le enviaremos un
correo electrónico con un enlace para descargar Zoom o GoToMeeting y un formulario que explica
sus derechos como participante. También me gustaría programar una sesión para probar Zoom o
GoToMeeting con usted antes de la entrevista. ¿Está bien?

o Yes

→ ( CONTINUAR - estupendo. Primero
configuremos la sesión de 60 minutos.
[Programe la entrevista cognitiva de 60
minutos.] Gracias. Ahora programemos una
breve sesión antes de la entrevista para
asegurarme de que todo lo relacionado con la
tecnología está funcionando. [Programe la
sesión de registro de 10 a 15 minutos]. Después
de esta llamada, le enviaré por correo
electrónico un enlace para descargar Zoom o
GoToMeeting, así como las invitaciones a
reuniones para nuestro sesión y entrevista.
También enviaremos un paquete físico de
materiales a la dirección que proporcionó. El
paquete se enviará en un sobre grande:
Conserve este paquete; lo abrirá durante la

o No


RECLUTADOR: Marque los criterios en que encaja este adulto con el fin de clasificar la entrevista
cognitiva que vamos a realizar.
Criterios de la entrevista:


Ningún joven menor de 18
años vive actualmente en
el hogar

Un joven menor de 18
años que vive
actualmente en el hogar

Dos o más jóvenes
menores de 18 años que
viven actualmente en el

Además de los criterios de entrevista para padres anteriores, utilice los criterios de entrevista en
español a continuación para las entrevistas en español:
Bilingual (Spanish/English)
(Q7 = Muy Bien, Bien)

Monolingual (Spanish)
(Q6 & 7= No habla
inglés, Nada bien & Q6=

*RECRUITER NOTE: If asked about more details about the certified mail: Una vez que complete la
sesión, AIR le enviará el incentivo y el recibí vía correo postal certificado. Esto requiere que esté
usted en casa para abrir la puerta y firmar el paquete que le entregue el empleado de correos. Si usted
no está disponible para firmar el envío, es posible que USPS requiera que vaya a su oficina de
correos local para recoger el correo certificado. En tal caso, USPS requerirá una forma de
identificación para recoger el paquete.


Appendix B. Round 1 Materials




Economics and Statistics Administration

U.S. Census Bureau

Washington, DC 20233-0001

201940000090 22


March 14, 2023

MEMBER OF [Cognitive Interview Participant’s TOWN] HOUSEHOLD
ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear [Cognitive Interview Participant’s Town] household:
Recently, we asked for your help with the 2023 National Household Education Survey.
We are contacting you again to ask for your response. This survey is the only way we
can gather important information about education.
Please fill out the enclosed survey and return it as soon as possible.
Here is how to respond:

If there are no children in this household: Answer the first question on the
survey and return it in the postage-paid envelope that is provided. You’re done!


If there are children in this household: Please complete the very brief survey
and return it in the postage-paid envelope that is provided. For most people, this
survey takes 3 minutes or less.

Answers to commonly asked questions about the survey are included in this mailing.
You can also call us toll-free at 1–888–840–8353 with any questions or to complete
the survey with an interviewer. If there are no children in your household, this call will
take 5 minutes or less.
Thank you for taking part in this important study.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director
U.S. Census Bureau


Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-13L(SM) (02-2021)


Commonly Asked Questions about the
National Household Education Survey
Why was I chosen for this survey?
Your address was randomly selected to be part of this survey from a list of all the addresses in the United States.
We do not know who lives at each address. However, every address had a chance to be selected. Now that your
address was chosen, your response is vital to the success of the study!
Can you replace my address with another one?
No. Now that your address has been chosen, information about your household’s experiences will represent
hundreds of households like yours. Together with other survey participants, your experiences will represent those of
everyone in the United States. We cannot replace you. You should not give the survey to another household
even if you do not have children.
Why should I take part in this survey?
The results of this survey are used by policymakers and researchers to improve programs for children. This survey is
the best way to learn about children’s care, early learning activities, and schooling from your perspective. We cannot
get this information from any other sources, including from other government agencies.
If there are no children or anyone currently in school in my household, should I respond?
Yes, you should respond to this survey. We need responses from households without children to get survey results
that represent everyone in the U.S. population. If there are no children in your household, you will only need to
answer one question!
How will the responses I provide be used? Will my privacy be protected?
Your responses will be combined with those of others to produce statistical summaries and reports. Your address
and household members’ names will not be included on anything the study releases or shares. Your responses may
be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose
except as required by law. Per the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protected from
cybersecurity risks through screening of the systems that transmit your data.
How much time will it take to respond to this survey?
On average, it should take 3 minutes for you to respond.
Who is doing the survey?
This survey is conducted by the Federal Government. The U.S. Census Bureau is doing the data collection for this
study by the National Center for Education Statistics, within the U.S. Department of Education. This survey has been
approved by the Office of Management and Budget, the office that reviews all federally sponsored surveys.
Who should I contact if I have questions or comments about this survey?
If you have any questions about this survey or the status of your individual survey submission, contact the Census
Bureau toll-free at 1-888-840-8353 or email [email protected].
Si usted prefiere la versión en español, vea al dorso de la carta.


OMB No. XXXX-XXXX Approval Expires XX/XX/20XX

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES)
by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There
are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed,
or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this voluntary survey
is 1850-0768. The time required to complete this survey is estimated to average 3 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and
complete and review the survey. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this survey, or any comments or concerns
regarding the status of your individual submission of this survey, please e-mail: [email protected] or write directly to: Sarah Grady, National Center for Education
Statistics (NCES), PCP, 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor, Washington, DC 20202.




National Household Education Survey

OMB No. XXXX-XXXX: Approval Expires XX/XX/20XX

Conducted for:
U.S. Department of Education

National Household Education Survey
This survey should be filled out by an
adult who lives at this address.
Please use a blue or black pen if

1. Do any children or youth age 20 or
younger live in this household? Include
small children, foster children, babies and
youth who are away at college (if they
have no other permanent home).

Child/Youth 1
3. What is his or her first name?
Start with the youngest child or
youth who is age 20 or younger. If
you prefer, you may use initials or
nicknames instead of names.
4. What is this child/youth’s month
and year of birth?

5. What is this child/youth’s sex?


Thank you.
You are FINISHED with
the National Household
Education Survey. Please
RETURN this survey to us
in the enclosed envelope.
It is important that we
receive your answer to
this question even if it is
the only question you
have to answer.

2. The Department of Education is
studying households with children or
youth age 20 or younger. Each household
is different, and we need your response
so we can send you a survey that is right
for your household.

6. Is this child/youth

currently in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mark [X] ONE only.

7. What is this child/youth’s
current grade or grade

How many children or youth age 20 or
YOUNGER live in this household?

Child/Youth 4

Child/Youth 5






First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname




year of birth

year of birth


First name or initials or nickname

year of birth


year of birth


year of birth











Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for
some or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for
some or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for
some or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for
some or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public
or private school for
some or all classes,

Public or private
school, or preschool,

Public or private
school, or preschool,

Public or private
school, or preschool,

Public or private
school, or preschool,

Public or private
school, or preschool,

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

Not in school?

Not in school?

Not in school?

Not in school?

Not in school?

GO TO child/youth 2

GO TO child/youth 3

GO TO child/youth 4

GO TO child/youth 5

Return Survey.











write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

None of these

None of these

None of these

None of these

None of these

Please verify you have listed the 5 youngest children or youth living in this household in columns 1 through 5 above.
Thank you. Please return this form in the
postage-paid envelope provided or mail it to:

U.S. Census Bureau
ATTN: DCB 60-A (0939)
1201 E. 10th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0001

Start with the youngest child or

Toll-free number for questions: 1-888-840-8353
NHES-SCRN(O) (02/03/2020)

First name or initials or nickname


Continue answering questions 3
through 7 for each child or youth
living in this household.

Child/Youth 3



children or youth age 20 or younger

Child/Youth 2



Start Here

National Center for Education Statistics



Economics and Statistics Administration

U.S. Census Bureau

Washington, DC 20233-0001

201940000090 22


14 de marzo de 2023

MIEMBRO DEL HOGAR EN [Cognitive Interview Participant’s TOWN]
ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Estimado hogar en [Cognitive Interview Participant’s TOWN]:
Recientemente, le hemos pedido su colaboración con la Encuesta Nacional 2023 en
Hogares sobre Educación. Estamos comunicándonos nuevamente con usted para
pedirle su respuesta. Esta encuesta es la única forma en la que podemos recolectar
información importante sobre educación.
Por favor, complete la encuesta adjunta y devuélvela lo más pronto posible.
Así es como debe responder:

Si no hay niños en este hogar: Responda a la primera pregunta de la
encuesta y devuélvala en el sobre con franqueo pagado que se le ha
proporcionado, ¡Y ya terminó!


Si hay niños en este hogar: Por favor, complete esta breve encuesta y
devuélvala en el sobre con franqueo pagado que se le ha proporcionado. A la
mayoría de la gente, esta encuesta le toma 3 minutos o menos.

En este correo se incluyen respuestas a las preguntas más frequentes sobre la encuesta.
También nos puede llamar al número gratis 1–888–840–8353 para cualquier pregunta, o para
completar la encuesta con un encuestador. Si no hay niños en este hogar, esta llamada le tomará 5
minutos o menos.
Gracias por tomar parte de este importante estudio.

Ron S. Jarmin
Director en Funciones
Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.


Autorización y confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional de Estadísticas para la Educación (NCES, por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del
Departamento de Educación de EE. UU. está autorizado a realizar la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares
sobre Educación (NHES, por sus siglas en inglés) por medio del Acta de Reforma de Ciencias para la
Educación 2002 (ESRA 2002, titulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. administra
esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decidiera no participar en este
estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos, y no puede
divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C.
§9573 y 6 U.S.C §151).

NHES-13L(SM) (03-2021)


Preguntas Más Frecuentes sobre la
Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre la
¿Por qué fui seleccionado para esta encuesta?
Su dirección fue seleccionada al azar de una lista de direcciones en los Estados Unidos para tomar parte de esta
encuesta. No sabemos quiénes viven en cada dirección. Sin embargo, cualquiera de estas direcciones podría haber
sido seleccionada. Ahora que su dirección fue escogida, ¡su respuesta es vital para el éxito de este estudio!
¿Puede reemplazar mi dirección con alguna otra?
No. Ahora que su dirección ha sido seleccionada, la información sobre las experiencias de su hogar representará a
cientos de hogares como el suyo. Junto con otras encuestas participantes, sus experiencias representarán a las de
todos en los Estados Unidos. No podemos reemplazarlo. No deberá usted dar la encuesta a otro hogar, aun si
usted no tiene niños.
¿Por qué debería tomar parte de esta encuesta?
Los resultados de esta encuesta son usados por legisladores e investigadores para mejorar los programas para
niños. Esta encuesta es la mejor forma de saber sobre el cuidado de niños, actividades tempranas de aprendizaje, y
enseñanza desde su perspectiva. No podemos obtener esta información desde ninguna otra fuente, incluyendo
otras agencias gubernamentales.
¿Si en mi hogar no hay niños o alguien que esté actualmente en la escuela, debería responder?
Si. Usted debería responder a esta encuesta. Necesitamos respuestas de hogares que no tienen niños para obtener
resultados de la encuesta que representen a cada uno en la población de los EE. UU. ¡Si no hay niños en su
hogar, usted necesitará responder solo a una pregunta!
¿Cómo serán usadas sus respuestas? ¿Estará protegida mi privacidad?
Sus respuestas serán mezcladas con la de otros para preparar resúmenes e informes estadísticos. Su dirección y
nombres de los miembros de su hogar no serán incluidos en nada que este estudio publique o comparta. Sus
respuestas pueden ser usadas solo para fines estadísticos y no pueden ser divulgadas o usadas en ninguna forma
identificable con ningún otro propósito excepto cuando así lo requiera la ley. De acuerdo con el Acta Federal de
Mejora de Seguridad Cibernética de 2015, sus datos están protegidos de los riesgos de seguridad cibernética
mediante el filtrado de sistemas que transmiten sus datos.
¿Cuánto tiempo llevará el responder a esta encuesta?
En promedio, le llevará 3 minutos para responder.
¿Quién está haciendo la encuesta?
Está encuesta es realizada por el Gobierno Federal. La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. está realizando la
recolección de datos para este estudio del Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación, del Departamento de
Educación de los EE. UU. Esta encuesta ha sido aprobada por la Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto, la oficina
que revisa todas las encuestas auspiciadas a nivel federal.
¿Con quién debería comunicarme si tengo preguntas sobre esta encuesta?
Si tiene preguntas sobre esta encuesta, o estatus de la entrega individual de su encuesta, comuníquese con la
Oficina del Censo al número gratis 1-888-840-8353 o envie un correo electrónico a [email protected].
If you prefer the English version, see the other side of the letter

Número de OMB XXXX-XXXX: Aprobado hasta XX/XX/20XX

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en Inglés), dentro del Departamento de Educación está autorizado a realizar esta Encuesta Nacional en
Hogares sobre Educación (NHES por sus siglas en inglés) por medio de la Reforma a la Ley de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002, titulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina
del Censo de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide no participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde
puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C.
§151). De acuerdo con la Ley de Reducción de Papeleo de 1995, no se requiere que ninguna persona responda a una recopilación de información a menos que muestre un
número de control OMB válido. El número de control OMB válido para esta encuesta voluntaria es 1850-0768. El tiempo requerido para completar esta encuesta se estima en un
promedio de 3 minutos por respuesta, incluido el tiempo para revisar las instrucciones, reunir los datos necesarios y completar y revisar la encuesta. Si tiene algún comentario
sobre la precisión del tiempo estimado, las sugerencias para mejorar esta encuesta, o cualquier comentario o inquietud con respecto al estado de su presentación individual de
esta encuesta, por favor envie un correo electrónico a: [email protected] o escriba a: Sarah Grady, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), PCP, 550 12th St., SW, 4th
floor, Washington, DC 20202.




Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación

Número de OMB . XXXX-XXXX: Aprobado hasta XX/XX/20XX

Realizada por:
Departamento de Educación de E.E.U.U

Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación
Esta encuesta debe ser completada
por un adulto que viva en este hogar.
Por favor, de ser posible, use una
pluma o bolígrafo de tinta negra o

1. ¿Vive algún niño o joven menor
de 20 años en este hogar?Incluya niños
pequeños, niños de crianza temporal
(Foster), bebés y aquellos que viven en
viviendas universitarias (si no tienen otro
hogar permanente).

3. ¿Cuál es el nombre, iniciales o
apodo del niño(a)?Empiece con el
más joven de los niños o jóvenes
que sea de 20 años
o menor. Si lo prefiere, puede usar
iniciales o apodos en vez de
4. ¿En qué mes y año nació este
5. ¿De qué sexo es este niño(a)/


Gracias. Usted ha
Encuesta Nacional en
Hogares sobre
Educación. Por favor
DEVUELVA esta encuesta
en el sobre adjunto. Es
importante que
recibamos su respuesta a
esta pregunta aunque
sea la única pregunta
que tiene que responder.

2. El Departamento de Educación está
estudiando hogares con niños o jóvenes de
20 años o menores. Cada hogar es
diferente, y necesitamos su respuesta para
poder enviarle la encuesta apropiada para
su hogar.

6. Actualmente, ¿este niño o
joven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Marque [X] UNA SOLA respuesta.

7. Actualmente, ¿en qué grado
o equivalencia de
grado está este niño?

Niño(a)/joven 4

Niño(a)/joven 5





Nombre, iniciales o apodo

Nombre, iniciales o apodo


Nombre, iniciales o apodo



año de nacimiento

Nombre, iniciales o apodo

año de nacimiento


Nombre, iniciales o apodo

año de nacimiento







Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en vez
de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en vez
de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en vez
de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

No está siguiendo estudios?

No está siguiendo estudios?

No está siguiendo estudios?

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 2

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 3

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 4








año de nacimiento


año de nacimiento





Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en vez
de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en vez
de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

No está siguiendo estudios?

No está siguiendo estudios?

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 5

Devuelva la encuesta.





Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

Ninguno de estos

Ninguno de estos

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

Ninguno de estos

Ninguno de estos

Ninguno de estos


Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Verifique por favor que haya anotado en las columnas del 1 a 5 arriba a los 5 niños o jóvenes más jóvenes que viven en este hogar.
Muchas gracias. Por favor devuelva este formulario en
el sobre estampillado incluido o envíelo por correo al:

U.S. Census Bureau
ATTN: DCB 60-A (0939)
1201 E. 10th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0001

Empiece con el más joven de
los niños o jóvenes.
NHES-SCRN(O) (02/03/2020)

Niño(a)/joven 3



Niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menores

Niño(a)/joven 2


Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

¿Cuántos niños o jóvenes de 20años o
menores viven es este hogar?

Siga respondiendo a las
preguntas 3 a 7 para cada niño o
joven que vive en este hogar.

Niño(a)/joven 1

Para cualquier pregunta llame gratis al: 1-888-840-8353


Empiece Aquí

Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación

Appendix C. Round 2 Materials




Economics and Statistics Administration

U.S. Census Bureau

Washington, DC 20233-0001

201940000090 22


March 14, 2023

MEMBER OF [Cognitive Interview Participant’s TOWN] HOUSEHOLD
ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear [Cognitive Interview Participant’s Town] household:
Recently, we asked for your help with the 2023 National Household Education Survey.
We are following up to ask for your help. This survey is the only way we can gather
important information about education. For most people, this survey takes 3 minutes or
Please fill out the enclosed survey and return it within two weeks.
Here is how to respond:

If there are no children or youth in this household age 20 or younger:
Answer the first question on the survey and return it in the postage-paid
envelope that is provided. You’re done!


If there are children or youth in this household age 20 or younger: Please
complete the very brief survey and return it in the postage-paid envelope that is

Answers to frequently asked questions about the survey are included in this mailing.
You can also call us toll-free at 1–888–840–8353 with any questions or to complete
the survey with an interviewer.
Thank you for taking part in this important study.

Ron S. Jarmin
Performing the Non-Exclusive Functions
and Duties of the Director, U.S. Census Bureau

Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-13L(SM) (02-2021)


Frequently Asked Questions about the
National Household Education Survey
Why was I chosen for this survey?
Your address was randomly selected to be part of this survey from a list of all the addresses in the United States.
We do not know who lives at each address. However, every address had a chance to be selected. Now that your
address was chosen, your response is vital to the success of the study!
No children live here. Should I give this survey to a neighbor or family member who has children?
No. Now that your address has been chosen, information about your household’s experiences will represent
hundreds of households like yours. Together with other survey participants, your experiences will represent those of
everyone in the United States. We cannot replace you. You should not give the survey to another household
even if you do not have children.
Who is doing the survey?
This survey is conducted by the Federal Government. The U.S. Census Bureau is doing the data collection for this
study by the National Center for Education Statistics, within the U.S. Department of Education. This survey has been
approved by the Office of Management and Budget, the office that reviews all federally sponsored surveys.
Why should I take part in the survey?
The survey results will be used by policymakers and researchers to improve programs for children. This survey is the
best way to learn about children’s care, early learning activities, and schooling from your perspective. While the
Census Bureau collects similar information, this survey is unique and asks for up-to-date information not available
from any other sources, including other government agencies.
How will the responses I provide be used? Will my privacy be protected?
Your responses will be combined with those of others to produce statistical summaries and reports. Your address
and household members’ names will not be included on anything the study releases or shares. Your responses may
be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose
except as required by law.
How much time will it take to respond to this survey?
On average, it should take 3 minutes for you to respond.
If there are no children or anyone currently in school in my household, should I respond?
Yes, you should respond to this survey. We need responses from households without children to get survey results
that represent everyone in the U.S. population. If there are no children in your household, you will only need to
answer one question!
Who should I contact if I have questions or comments about this survey?
If you have any questions about this survey or the status of your individual survey submission, contact the Census
Bureau toll-free at 1-888-840-8353.

Si usted prefiere la versión en español, vea al dorso de la carta.

OMB No. XXXX-XXXX Approval Expires XX/XX/20XX

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES)
by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There
are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed,
or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this voluntary survey
is 1850-0768. The time required to complete this survey is estimated to average 3 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and
complete and review the survey. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this survey, or any comments or concerns
regarding the status of your individual submission of this survey, please e-mail: [email protected] or write directly to: Sarah Grady, National Center for Education
Statistics (NCES), PCP, 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor, Washington, DC 20202.




National Household Education Survey

OMB No. XXXX-XXXX: Approval Expires XX/XX/20XX

Conducted for:
U.S. Department of Education

National Household Education Survey
This survey should be filled out by an
adult who lives at this address.
Please use a blue or black pen if

1. Do any children or youth age 20 or
younger live in this household?Include
small children, foster children, babies and
youth who are away at college (if they
have no other permanent home).

3. What is his or her first name?
Start with the youngest child or
youth who is age 20 or younger. If
you prefer, you may use initials or
nicknames instead of names.
4. What is this child/youth’s month
and year of birth?

5. What is this child/youth’s sex?
Thank you.
You are FINISHED with
the National Household
Education Survey. Please
RETURN this survey to us
in the enclosed envelope.
It is important that we
receive your answer to
this question even if it is
the only question you
have to answer.

6. Is this child/youth

currently in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mark [X] ONE only.

2. The Department of Education is
studying households with children or
youth age 20 or younger. Each household
is different, and we need your response
so we can send you a survey that is right
for your household.
How many children or youth age 20 or
YOUNGER live in this household?



7. What is this child/youth’s
current grade or grade

Continue answering questions 3
through 7 for each child or youth
living in this household.


Start with the youngest child or
NHES-SCRN(O) (02/03/2020)

Child/Youth 1

Child/Youth 2

Child/Youth 3

Child/Youth 4

Child/Youth 5






First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname




year of birth

First name or initials or nickname

year of birth


First name or initials or nickname

year of birth


year of birth


year of birth











Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public
or private school for
some or all classes,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private
school, or preschool,

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

Not in school?

Not in school?

Not in school?

Not in school?

Not in school?

GO TO child/youth 2

GO TO child/youth 3

GO TO child/youth 4

GO TO child/youth 5

Return Survey.











write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

None of these

None of these

None of these

None of these

None of these

Please verify you have listed the 5 youngest children or youth living in this household in columns 1 through 5 above. Thank you. Please return this form in the postage-paid envelope provided.


Start Here

National Center for Education Statistics



Economics and Statistics Administration

U.S. Census Bureau

Washington, DC 20233-0001

201940000090 22


14 de marzo de 2023

MIEMBRO DEL HOGAR EN [Cognitive Interview Participant’s TOWN]
ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Estimado hogar en [Cognitive Interview Participant’s TOWN]:
Recientemente, le hemos pedido su colaboración con la Encuesta Nacional 2023 en
Hogares sobre Educación. Estamos comunicándonos nuevamente con usted para
pedirle su ayuda. Esta encuesta es la única forma en la que podemos recolectar
información importante sobre educación. La mayoría de personas tardan 3 minutos o
menos en completar esta encuesta.
Por favor, complete la encuesta adjunta y devuélvela en dos semanas o menos.
Así es como debe responder:

Si no hay niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menos en este hogar: Responda a
la primera pregunta de la encuesta y devuélvala en el sobre con franqueo
pagado que se le ha proporcionado, ¡Y ya terminó!


Si hay niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menos en este hogar: Por favor,
complete esta breve encuesta y devuélvala en el sobre con franqueo pagado
que se le ha proporcionado. A la mayoría de la gente, esta encuesta le toma 3
minutos o menos.

En este correo se incluyen respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes sobre la encuesta.
También nos puede llamar al número gratis 1–888–840–8353 para cualquier pregunta, o para
completar la encuesta con un encuestador.
Gracias por tomar parte de este importante estudio.
Ron S. Jarmin
En ejercicio de funciones y obligaciones no exclusivas
del Director, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Autorización y confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional de Estadísticas para la Educación (NCES, por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del
Departamento de Educación de EE. UU. está autorizado a realizar la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares
sobre Educación (NHES, por sus siglas en inglés) por medio del Acta de Reforma de Ciencias para la
Educación 2002 (ESRA 2002, titulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. administra
esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decidiera no participar en este
estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos, y no puede
divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C.
§9573 y 6 U.S.C §151).

NHES-13L(SM) (03-2021)


Preguntas Más Frecuentes sobre la
Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre la
¿Por qué fui seleccionado para esta encuesta?
Su dirección fue seleccionada al azar de una lista de direcciones en los Estados Unidos para tomar parte de esta
encuesta. No sabemos quiénes viven en cada dirección. Sin embargo, cualquiera de estas direcciones podría haber
sido seleccionada. Ahora que su dirección fue escogida, ¡su respuesta es vital para el éxito de este estudio!
No viven niños aquí. ¿Puedo darle la encuesta a un vecino o pariente que tenga niños?
No. Ahora que su dirección ha sido seleccionada, la información sobre las experiencias de su hogar representará a
cientos de hogares como el suyo. Junto con otras encuestas participantes, sus experiencias representarán a las de
todos en los Estados Unidos. No podemos reemplazarlo. No deberá usted dar la encuesta a otro hogar, aun si
usted no tiene niños.
¿Quién está haciendo la encuesta?
Está encuesta es realizada por el Gobierno Federal. La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. está realizando la
recolección de datos para este estudio del Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación, del Departamento de
Educación de los EE. UU. Esta encuesta ha sido aprobada por la Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto, la
oficina que revisa todas las encuestas auspiciadas a nivel federal.
¿Por qué debería tomar parte de esta encuesta?
Los resultados de esta encuesta serán usados por legisladores e investigadores para mejorar los programas para
niños. Esta encuesta es la mejor forma de saber sobre el cuidado de niños, actividades tempranas de aprendizaje, y
enseñanza desde su perspectiva. Aunque le Oficina del Censo recoge información similar, esta encuesta es única, y
le pregunta por información actualizada que no podemos obtener de ninguna otra fuente, incluyendo otras agencias
¿Cómo serán usadas sus respuestas? ¿Estará protegida mi privacidad?
Sus respuestas serán mezcladas con la de otros para preparar resúmenes e informes estadísticos. Su dirección y
nombres de los miembros de su hogar no serán incluidos en nada que este estudio publique o comparta. Sus
respuestas pueden ser usadas solo para fines estadísticos y no pueden ser divulgadas o usadas en ninguna forma
identificable con ningún otro propósito excepto cuando así lo requiera la ley.
¿Cuánto tiempo llevará el responder a esta encuesta?
En promedio, le llevará 3 minutos para responder.
¿Si en mi hogar no hay niños o alguien que esté actualmente en la escuela, debería responder?
Si. Usted debería responder a esta encuesta. Necesitamos respuestas de hogares que no tienen niños para obtener
resultados de la encuesta que representen a cada uno en la población de los EE. UU. ¡Si no hay niños en su
hogar, usted necesitará responder solo a una pregunta!
¿Con quién debería comunicarme si tengo preguntas sobre esta encuesta?
Si tiene preguntas sobre esta encuesta, o estatus de la entrega individual de su encuesta, comuníquese con la
Oficina del Censo al número gratis 1-888-840-8353.
If you prefer the English version, see the other side of the letter

Número de OMB XXXX-XXXX: Aprobado hasta XX/XX/20XX

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en Inglés), dentro del Departamento de Educación está autorizado a realizar esta Encuesta Nacional en
Hogares sobre Educación (NHES por sus siglas en inglés) por medio de la Reforma a la Ley de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002, titulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina
del Censo de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide no participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde
puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C.
§151). De acuerdo con la Ley de Reducción de Papeleo de 1995, no se requiere que ninguna persona responda a una recopilación de información a menos que muestre un
número de control OMB válido. El número de control OMB válido para esta encuesta voluntaria es 1850-0768. El tiempo requerido para completar esta encuesta se estima en un
promedio de 3 minutos por respuesta, incluido el tiempo para revisar las instrucciones, reunir los datos necesarios y completar y revisar la encuesta. Si tiene algún comentario
sobre la precisión del tiempo estimado, las sugerencias para mejorar esta encuesta, o cualquier comentario o inquietud con respecto al estado de su presentación individual de
esta encuesta, por favor envie un correo electrónico a: [email protected] o escriba a: Sarah Grady, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), PCP, 550 12th St., SW, 4th
floor, Washington, DC 20202.




Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación

Número de OMB . XXXX-XXXX: Aprobado hasta XX/XX/20XX

Realizada por:
Departamento de Educación de E.E.U.U

Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación
Esta encuesta debe ser completada
por un adulto que viva en este hogar.
Por favor, de ser posible, use una
pluma o bolígrafo de tinta negra o

1. ¿Vive algún niño o joven menor
de 20 años en este hogar?Incluya niños
pequeños, niños de crianza temporal
(Foster), bebés y aquellos que viven en
viviendas universitarias (si no tienen otro
hogar permanente).

3. ¿Cuál es el nombre, iniciales o
apodo del niño(a)? Empiece con el
más joven de los niños o jóvenes
que sea de 20 años o menor. Si lo
prefiere, puede usar iniciales o
apodos en vez de nombres.


Gracias. Usted ha
Encuesta Nacional en
Hogares sobre
Educación. Por favor
DEVUELVA esta encuesta
en el sobre adjunto. Es
importante que
recibamos su respuesta a
esta pregunta aunque
sea la única pregunta
que tiene que responder.



6. Actualmente, ¿este niño o
joven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Marque [X] UNA SOLA respuesta.

7. Actualmente, ¿en qué grado o
equivalencia de grado está este

Niño(a)/joven 4

Niño(a)/joven 5






Nombre, iniciales o apodo

Nombre, iniciales o apodo


Empiece con el más joven de
los niños o jóvenes.

Nombre, iniciales o apodo



ño de nacimiento

Nombre, iniciales o apodo

ño de nacimiento


Nombre, iniciales o apodo

ño de nacimiento


ño de nacimiento


ño de nacimiento











Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

No está siguiendo estudios?

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

No está siguiendo estudios?

No está siguiendo estudios?

No está siguiendo estudios?

No está siguiendo estudios?

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 2

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 3

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 4

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 5

Devuelva la encuesta.











Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Siga respondiendo a las
preguntas 3 a 7 para cada niño o
joven que vive en este hogar.

NHES-SCRN(O) (02/03/2020)

Niño(a)/joven 3


2. El Departamento de Educación está
estudiando hogares con niños o jóvenes de
20 años o menores. Cada hogar es
diferente, y necesitamos su respuesta para
poder enviarle la encuesta apropiada para
su hogar.
¿Cuántos niños o jóvenes de 20años o
menores viven es este hogar?

Niño(a)/joven 2

4. ¿En qué mes y año nació este

5. ¿De qué sexo es este niño(a)/


Niño(a)/joven 1

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

Ninguno de estos

Ninguno de estos

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

Ninguno de estos

Ninguno de estos

Ninguno de estos

Verifique por favor que haya anotado en las columnas del 1 a 5 arriba a los 5 niños o jóvenes más jóvenes que viven en este hogar. Muchas gracias. Por favor devuelva este formulario en el sobre estampillado incluido.


Empiece Aquí

Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación

Appendix D. Interviewer Protocols
Round 1: NHES 2023 Cognitive Interview Protocol - ENGLISH
Interview ID:

Date of

First Name:
No. of


Interviewer Instructions: The following scripts, with the exception of Informed Consent, should
NOT be read verbatim. Text in italics is suggested content with which the interviewer should be
thoroughly familiar in advance. Text in brackets [ ] presents instructions for the interviewer.
Hello, my name is  and I work for American Institutes for Research. It’s nice to meet
you, thanks for joining us today to help us out.[Confirm that they can hear and see (if applicable)
you and your screen okay – trouble shoot if needed if the video or audio are not working well].
How are you doing today? Do you have a pen or pencil and the materials in front of you right now?
[If they do not have the materials, wait for them to retrieve the packet. If they say they never received
the materials SAY] I am very sorry the materials did not arrive. I will share my screen during our
conversation so you can see the documents.
As noted before please make sure you are in a quiet space to make sure you can hear us, and we can
hear you clearly. It is okay if there are interruptions during this interview, but we hope to minimize
them as much as possible.
You are here today to help us out with a survey that we are working on for the U.S. Department of
Education. Your feedback will help us make sure that the materials are easy to follow and
understand. When we start the interview, I will ask you to open the package and look through the
materials as if this was a package you had just received in the mail. I’d like you to talk to me about
your impressions of the materials as you open the package. I’ll also have some questions for you
about the materials as you look at them.
Because the information you provide is so important, I am going to be taking notes while you are
answering the survey and while we are talking [INSERT IF THERE IS AN OBSERVER: and my
colleague will also be observing our session today].
Also, this interview will be audio recorded so researchers can review the audio recording later. Even
though I can see you, no video of you will be recorded. The recording will just be of the sound and
the computer screener. Any information that refers to you or your family personally, like your name
or name of your child’s school, will not be included in our report, and your responses will be used
for research purposes only. Is all of this OK?


Remember, you are not being tested; there are no right or wrong answers. We want you to tell us
what you think about the materials.
If at any time you want to stop, just let me know.
[If, for any reason, the participant is no longer interested in participating, thank the participant for
his/her time and end the interview.]
Before we continue, have you read the document called Informed Consent that I mailed to you on
[date]? [If YES, SAY] Great! Please say aloud if you agree to participate in the interview. [If, for
any reason, the participant does not consent, thank the participant for his/her time and end the
interview.] [If NO, SAY] I am happy to read the document aloud to you right now. [Read the
Informed Consent.] If you agree, please say that you consent to participate in the interview. [The
interviewer will sign and date the consent form.]
Before we begin do you have any questions? [Answer any questions they may ask.]
[If the respondent has consented to recording, start the recording the video conference using
the “record” option in GoToMeeting/Zoom.]


While you open the materials, I want you to talk aloud about what you are thinking as you are
looking at them and reading their contents. Hearing what is going on in your head will help me
understand how to make the materials better. To help you get started on thinking aloud, we are
going to do a practice activity. Here is an example. [Demonstrate by asking yourself the question
and answering it using ‘think-aloud.’ After you have completed the example, say]
On the screen there is a question, I would like you to read the question out loud and think aloud as
you decide on your answer.
[Share your screen with the respondent for the think aloud practice. If you are not able to share
your screen or the participant opted for only using phone for the interview, please read the question
out loud to the participant and have them think out loud.]
How many glasses of water did you drink yesterday?
Probe as needed for detail: How did you arrive at that answer? What were you visualizing when
you were deciding on that answer? Can you tell me more about what you are including in your
When complete: Thank you; that’s the kind of detail I’m looking for when you talk to me
about what you are seeing in the package.



Now please open the package and talk to me about what you are seeing and noticing as you open it.
Take a few moments looking through the package.
[Make sure to give participants ample time to look at the materials. We want participants to look
through and review all the materials as if they received this packet in the mail before asking specific
questions about each document. If they ask if they should fill out the screener immediately, say you
would like for them to read it now but that they will fill it out later in the interview.
The notetaker should write down the order in which participants look at the materials, the length of
time participants spend on each document, and a description of any facial expressions and/or body
language exhibited while reading and discussing each document.
The interviewer should make a mental note of the facial expressions and/or body language of the
participants as they review the materials and probe during the interview to understand what was
going through the participants’ minds. For example: “I noticed you were frowning a bit as you were
reading that letter. Can you tell me a little bit about why you were frowning?”
Before asking about the individual documents, the interview should ask the following questions:]
What did you notice first?
What does it seem like this package is for?
Does anything seem unusual about the materials?
If you received this package in the mail and I were not here, what do you think you would do next
with the package? Why?
[If unclear what participant is reviewing] Tell me what you are looking at now?


[The question about what the participant would do next with the package may tell us which
material the person would read next. Start the discussion with the first document that the
the participant did not really look at any of the material, ask:
If you wanted to discover more about this package, what would you look at next?
Please look over the material, and then I will ask you some questions. Remember to share what is
going on in your head as you read the document.



Third Screener Letter - English.................................................................................................. 36
Commonly Asked Questions – English ...................................................................................... 39
Screener - English...................................................................................................................... 43


Third Screener Letter - English

[If CAQ enclosure interview go to page XX; if screener go to page XX]
SAY: Please read aloud the information on this page. Please remember to also talk about what is
going on in your head as you read the letter. [Follow the lead of the participant as to how much
they want to read. Some may read the whole letter aloud; others may read it paragraph by
paragraph. What is important is that you gather their impressions on each component of the letter.]


You’re finished looking at the letter? What
do you think the letter is for?
In your own words, what is the letter telling
Did anything stand out about the letter?

Now I have some questions about specific sections of the letter. We’ll start at the
first paragraph.

Material Section
Recently, we asked for your help with the 2023
National Household Education Survey. We are
contacting you again to ask for your response.
This survey is the only way we can gather
important information about education.

What was your immediate reaction when
you read this paragraph?
How do you feel about the tone of this
How interested would you be in
responding to this survey?
What timeline does “as soon as possible”
mean to you?

Please fill out the enclosed survey
and return it as soon as possible.
Here is how to respond:

In your own words, what do you think this
part of the letter is asking you to do?

If there are no children in this
How would you respond if you received
household: Answer the first question on this in the mail?
the survey and return it in the postagepaid envelope that is provided. You’re


Material Section

Who do you think qualifies as “children in
this household”?

If there are children in this
household: Please complete the very
brief survey and return it in the postagepaid envelope that is provided. For most
people, this survey takes 3 minutes or

Answers to commonly asked questions about
the survey are included in this mailing.

What does “commonly asked questions”
mean to you?
Do you remember seeing Commonly
Asked Questions enclosure when you first
looked through the packet?
How likely it is that you would look at the
Commonly Asked Questions? Why?
In your own words, what is this asking you
to do?

You can also call us toll-free at 1–888–
840–8353 with any questions or to
complete the survey with an interviewer. If
there are no children in your household,
this call will take 5 minutes or less.

How likely is it that you would call the tollfree number? Why or why not?

What is your reaction after reading this

Thank you for taking part in this important

Authorization and Confidentiality of
Information section

What is your reaction to this information?
Does it influence your decision to respond
to the survey request?
Do you tend to read or skip over these

If not already covered during the think-aloud ask:

What are your overall impressions of this letter?


Who do you think is conducting the survey?



What do you think about the length – too long, too short, or just right?


Are there other types of information you would want on this letter?


Do you have a sense from this letter of how long the survey would take you to complete? Would
this information influence your likelihood to participate? Why or why not?

SAY: What part of the package would you look at next? Why?

Third Screener Letter - English.................................................................................................. 36
Commonly Asked Questions – English ...................................................................................... 39
Screener - English...................................................................................................................... 43


Commonly Asked Questions – English

SAY: Please remember to tell me what you are thinking as you go through this document.
Please read aloud the parts that you would read to yourself if I were not here.
What do you think is the purpose of this
Which part of the document got your
attention? Why?
Do you think any part of this document
would influence your decision, either
positively or negatively, to respond to the
Which part(s)?
Now I have some questions about specific sections Do you think this question is useful to
of this page. We’ll start at the first question and
include? Why or why not?
In your own words, can you tell me what
Why was I chosen for this survey?
the answer to this question is saying?

Your address was randomly selected to be part
of this survey from a list of all the addresses in
the United States. We do not know who lives at
each address. However, every address had a
chance to be selected. Now that your address
was chosen, your response is vital to the
success of the study!

What do you think “randomly selected”
means in this answer?
Do you think the answer would make more
sense if it said, “Your address was
scientifically selected to be a part of this
survey…?” Why or why not?

Can you replace my address with another one? Do you think this question is useful to
include? Why or why not?
No. Now that your address has been chosen,
information about your household’s
In your own words, can you tell me what
experiences will represent hundreds of
the answer to this question is saying?
households like yours. Together with other
survey participants, your experiences will
represent those of everyone in the United
States. We cannot replace you. You should not
give the survey to another household even if
you do not have children.




Why should I take part in this survey?

In your own words, can you tell me what
the answer to this question is saying?

The results of this survey are used by
policymakers and researchers to improve
programs for children. This survey is the best
way to learn about children’s care, early
learning activities, and schooling from your
perspective. We cannot get this information
from any other sources, including from other
government agencies.

[For participants with no children in the
household]: Does this question and answer
influence your response to the survey
After reading this answer, do you believe
there are ways for the Department of
Education to get this type of information,
other than this survey?

If there are no children or anyone currently in
school in my household, should I respond?

In your own words, can you tell me what
the answer to this question is saying?

Yes, you should respond to this survey. We
need responses from households without
children to get survey results that represent
everyone in the U.S. population. If there are no
children in your household, you will only need
to answer one question!

[For participants with no children in the
household]: Does this question and answer
influence your response to the survey

How will the responses I provide be used? Will
my privacy be protected?

In your own words, can you tell me what
the answer to this question is saying?

Your responses will be combined with those of
others to produce statistical summaries and
reports. Your address and household members’
names will not be included on anything the
study releases or shares. Your responses may
be used only for statistical purposes and may
not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form
for any other purpose except as required by
law. Per the Federal Cybersecurity
Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are
protected from cybersecurity risks through
screening of the systems that transmit your

Do you typically have privacy concerns
when asked to complete a survey? To what
extent do you feel that this answer
addresses those concerns?



Thinking about your day-to-day life, how
likely is it that you would do a threeminute survey on paper?

How much time will it take to respond to
this survey?

How about on the internet?
On average, it should take 3 minutes for
you to respond.
Why do you think this question and answer
are included?

Who is doing this survey?

Is there anything confusing about it?
This survey is conducted by the Federal
Government. The U.S. Census Bureau is
doing the data collection for this study by
the National Center for Education Statistics,
within the U.S. Department of Education.
This survey has been approved by the
Office of Management and Budget, the
office that reviews all federally sponsored
Who should I contact if I have questions or
comments about the survey?
If you have any questions about this survey or
the status of your individual survey submission,
contact the Census Bureau toll-free at 1-888840-8353.

I won’t ask you specifically about the last
question and answer. Is there anything
about this document that you would like to
tell me before we move on?

If not already covered during the think-aloud ask:

What are your overall impressions of this Commonly Asked Questions document?


Are there other questions and answers that you feel should be listed?


Do you feel the answers adequately address the questions?


What do you think about the length – too long, too short, or just right?


What do you think of the tone of the document?


What do you think about the layout?


What do you think about the color?



How easy was it to read the document?


After reading the Commonly Asked Questions document, how likely are you to complete the


When thinking about responding to the survey, does the Commonly Asked Questions document
make you more likely, less likely, or neither?

SAY [IF NEEDED]: What part of the package would you look at next? Why?

Third Screener Letter - English.................................................................................................. 36
Commonly Asked Questions – English ...................................................................................... 39
Screener - English...................................................................................................................... 43


Screener - English
SAY [IF LAST MATERIAL DISCUSSED]: I would now like you take a look at the screener.
Let’s take a few moments for you to read it and to complete it. Please read aloud and talk to me
about everything you are thinking as you go through the survey. Since I can’t see what you are
filling out, it is especially important for me to hear where you are and what you are writing on
the paper. [Please note about how long it takes for the participant to complete the screener. Note
any body language that suggests that they are having difficulty.]
[Have the participant verbally walk you through how they are completing the screener. Probe
anytime they suggested they were confused or unsure of what to do next. If not covered, ask the
following questions]
Questionnaire location
Front cover

What are your first impressions of the
How do the pictures influence you to open
or not open the screener?

Completing the screener

How easy or hard was it to complete the
[For households without children] How
clear was it that your response to the
survey was important?
[For households with more than one child]
How did you decide which child to list first?
What other directions, if any, do you wish
were included on the screener?
What questions, if any, would you not
complete on the screener?
Once you completed the screener, what
would you do next?


Third Screener Letter - English.................................................................................................. 36
Commonly Asked Questions – English ...................................................................................... 39
Screener - English...................................................................................................................... 43


Thank you very much for participating. Your feedback was invaluable and will help us improve
the materials. Within the next ten business days, you will receive an envelope through certified
mail with the $40 as a thank you for your help.
Before we end, is there anything we haven’t talked about that you think is important for me to
know about the materials we went over today?
Again, thank you for your time and have a great day.


Round 1: NHES 2023 Cognitive Interview Protocol - SPANISH
Interview ID:

Date of

First Name:
No. of


Instrucciones para el entrevistador: El siguiente guion NO debe ser leído textualmente. El
texto en letra cursiva solo es contenido con el cual el entrevistador debe familiarizarse antes de la
entrevista. El texto entre paréntesis [ ] contiene instrucciones para el entrevistador.
Hola, mi nombre es  y trabajo para American Institutes for Research. Mucho gusto
de conocerle. Gracias por venir a ayudarnos el día de hoy. [Confirm that they can hear and see
(if applicable) you and your screen okay – trouble shoot if needed if the video or audio are not
working well]. ¿Qué tal está? ¿Tiene un bolígrafo o lápiz y los materiales con usted en este
momento? [If they do not have the materials, wait for them to retrieve the packet. If they say they
never received the materials SAY] Siento que los materiales no hayan llegado. Voy a compartir mi
pantalla durante nuestra conversación para que pueda ver los documentos.
Como le comentamos anteriormente, por favor asegúrese de que está en un lugar tranquilo para que
nos podamos escuchar bien. No pasa nada si hay interrupciones durante la entrevista, pero nos
gustaría poder tener las menos posibles.
Usted está aquí hoy para ayudarnos con una encuesta que estamos realizando para el
Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos. Su opinión nos ayudará a mejorar los
materiales para que sean fáciles de entender y completar. Cuando empecemos la entrevista, le
pediré que abra el paquete que le enviamos y mire los materiales como si fuera un paquete que
acaba de recibir por correo. Me gustaría que me contara sobre lo que piensa de los materiales
cuando abre el paquete. También le haré preguntas sobre los materiales cuando los esté
Debido a que la información que usted nos dará es muy importante, voy a estar tomando notas
mientras estamos hablando [INSERTE SI HAY UN OBSERVADOR: y mi colega también va
a observar nuestra sesión de hoy].
Además, esta entrevista será grabada en audio para que los investigadores del estudio puedan
revisar la grabación más tarde. Aunque yo puedo verlo por cámara, le garantizo que su imagen
no será grabada. La grabación será solo del sonido y de la pantalla de la computadora.
Cualquier información que se refiera a usted o a su familia personalmente, tal como su nombre
o la escuela de su hijo(a), no será incluida en nuestro informe y sus respuestas serán utilizadas
únicamente para fines de investigación. ¿Le parece bien?


Recuerde que esto no es un examen. Queremos que nos diga lo que usted piensa acerca de los
Si en algún momento usted desea detenerse, solo déjemelo saber.
[Si por algún motivo el participante ya no tiene interés en participar, agradézcale por su tiempo
y termine la entrevista.]
Antes de continuar, ¿ha leído el documento llamado “Consentimiento Informado” que le envié en
[date]? [If YES, SAY] Estupendo! Por favor diga en voz alta si está de acuerdo en participar en esta
entrevista. [If, for any reason, the participant does not consent, thank the participant for his/her time
and end the interview.] [If NO, SAY] Puedo leerle el documento en voz alta ahora mismo. [Read the
Informed Consent.] If you agree, please say that you consent to participate in the interview. [The
interviewer will sign and date the consent form.]
Antes de que continuemos, ¿tiene alguna pregunta sobre lo que acabo de decir? [Responda a
cualquier pregunta que pueda hacer el participante.]
[Si el participante ha consentido ser grabado, comience la grabación (con video si aplica).
Para empezar la grabación, haga click en “Record” en los controles de GoToMeeting.]


Mientras abre los materiales, quiero que piense en voz alta sobre lo que piensa cuando los mira
y lee su contenido. Escucharle hablar sobre lo que piensa me ayudará a entender cómo mejorar
los materiales. Para ayudarle a empezar a pensar en voz alta vamos a hacer un ejercicio de
práctica. Un ejemplo podría ser… [Enseñe un ejemplo preguntándose la pregunta y respondiendo
con la técnica de ‘pensar en voz alta’. Una vez que haya dado el ejemplo, diga]
Hay una pregunta en la pantalla, me gustaría que repitiera la pregunta en voz alta y piense en
voz alta a medida que decide cuál es su respuesta.
[Comparta la pantalla con el entrevistado para la práctica de pensar en voz alta. Si no puede
compartir la pantalla o el participante está solo por teléfono, lea la pregunta en voz alta y diga al
entrevistado que piense en voz alta]
¿Cuántos vasos de agua tomó usted ayer?
Por favor dígame lo que está pensando mientras me da su respuesta.
Pregunte según sea necesario para obtener información detallada: ¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta?
¿Qué estaba visualizando mientras estaba decidiendo qué responder? ¿Puede decirme más
acerca de lo que usted está incluyendo en su cuenta?
Cuando haya completado el ejercicio: Gracias. Ése es el tipo de detalle que busco cuando usted
me hable acerca de lo que ve en el paquete.


Ahora por favor abra el paquete y cuénteme lo que está viendo a medida que lo abre. Mire el
contenido del paquete durante un par de minutos.
[Make sure to give participants ample time to look at the materials. We want participants to look
through and review all the materials as if they received this packet in the mail before asking specific


questions about each document. If they ask if they should fill out the screener immediately, say you
would like for them to read it now but that they will fill it out later in the interview.
The notetaker should write down the order in which participants look at the materials, the length of
time participants spend on each document, and a description of any facial expressions and/or body
language exhibited while reading and discussing each document.
The interviewer should make a mental note of the facial expressions and/or body language of the
participants as they review the materials and probe during the interview to understand what was
going through the participants’ minds. For example: “I noticed you were frowning a bit as you were
reading that letter. Can you tell me a little bit about why you were frowning?”
Before asking about the individual documents, the interview should ask the following questions:]
¿Qué fue lo primer que le llamó la atención?
¿Para qué cree que es este paquete?
¿Hay algo que le parezca fuera de lo normal en los materiales?
Si recibiera este paquete por correo y yo no estuviera delante, ¿qué cree que haría con el paquete
a continuación? ¿Por qué?
[Si no está claro lo que el participante está revisando] ¿Podría decirme lo que está revisando en
este momento?


[The question about what the participant would do next with the package may tell us which
material the person would read next. Start the discussion with the first document that the
the participant did not really look at any of the material, ask:
Si quisiera saber más sobre este paquete, ¿qué es lo siguiente que miraría?
¿Por qué?
Revise ese material, y luego le haré algunas preguntas. Recuerde en pensar env oz alta y contarme
lo que piensa a medida que lee el documento.

Third Screener Letter – Spanish ................................................................................................ 49
Commonly Asked Questions – Spanish..................................................................................... 52


Screener - Spanish .................................................................................................................... 56


Third Screener Letter – Spanish

[If CAQ enclosure interview go to page XX; if screener go to page XX]
DIGA: Por favor lea en voz alta la información de esta página. Recuerde que también tiene que
contarme lo que piensa al leer la carta. [Follow the lead of the participant as to how much they
want to read. Some may read the whole letter aloud; others may read it paragraph by paragraph.
What is important is that you gather their impressions on each component of the letter.]


¿Ha terminado de revisar la carta? ¿Para qué
cree que es la carta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué le está
diciendo la carta?
¿Le llamó la atención algo acerca de la carta?

Ahora tengo algunas preguntas sobre secciones específicas de la carta. Empecemos
con el primer párrafo.

Sección del Material
Recientemente, le hemos pedido su
colaboración con la Encuesta Nacional 2023 en
Hogares sobre la Educación. Estamos
comunicándonos nuevamente con usted para
pedirle su respuesta. Esta encuesta es la única
forma en la que podemos recolectar información
importante sobre educación.
Por favor, llene la encuesta adjunta y devuélvela
lo más pronto posible.
Se debe responder así:

Si no hay niños en este
hogar: Responda la primera
pregunta de la encuesta y
devuélvala en el sobre con
franqueo pagado que se le
está proporcionando, ¡Y ya


Si hay niños en este hogar:
Por favor, complete esta
muy breve encuesta y
devuélvala en el sobre con
franqueo pagado que se le


¿Cuál fue su primera reacción al leer este
¿Qué le parece el tono de este párrafo?
¿Qué tan interesado(a) estaría en
responder a esta encuesta?
¿Qué franja de tiempo entiende usted
por “lo más pronto posible”?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué cree que le
está diciendo que haga esta parte de la
¿Cómo contestaría si recibiera esto por
¿Quién cree que cuenta como “niños en
este hogar”?

Sección del Material
está proporcionando. A la
mayoría de la gente, esta
encuesta le toma 3 minutos
o menos.
En este correo se incluyen respuestas a las
preguntas más frecuentes sobre la encuesta.


También, nos puede llamar al número gratis 1–
888–840–8353 para cualquier sobre pregunta, o
para completar la encuesta con un encuestador.
Si no hay niños en este hogar, esta llamada le
tomará 5 minutos o menos.
Gracias por tomar parte de este importante

¿Qué quiere decir “preguntas más
frecuentes” para usted?
¿Recuerda haber visto un material
adjunto de Preguntas Más Frecuentes la
primera vez que miró el paquete?
¿Cree usted que revisaría las preguntas
más frecuentes? ¿Por qué?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué le dicen
que haga en este párrafo?
¿Cree usted que llamaría al número
gratis? ¿Por qué o por qué no?
¿Cuál es su reacción después de leer esa
¿Cuál es su reacción a esa información?
¿Influye de alguna manera su decisión a
responder a la encuesta?
¿Tiende a leer o a saltarse este tipo de

Autorización y confidencialidad de la

Si el participante no lo ha mencionado al pensar en voz alta, pregunte:

¿Cuáles son sus impresiones generales sobre esta carta?


¿Quién cree que está llevando a cabo esta encuesta?


¿Qué piensa sobre cómo de larga es la carta – muy larga, muy corta o suficiente?


¿Hay otros tipos de información que le gustaría ver en esta carta?


¿Se hace una idea con esta carta de cuánto le llevará completar la encuesta? ¿Influiría esta
información la probabilidad de que usted participe? ¿Por qué o por qué no?

DIGA: ¿Qué parte del paquete miraría ahora? ¿Por qué?

Third Screener Letter – Spanish ................................................................................................ 49
Commonly Asked Questions – Spanish..................................................................................... 52


Screener - Spanish .................................................................................................................... 56


Commonly Asked Questions – Spanish

SAY: Acuérdese de decirme lo que piensa mientras revisa el document. Por favor lea en alto las
partes que usted se leería a sí mismo si yo no estuviera delante.
¿Cuál cree que es el objetivo de este
¿Qué parte del documento le llamó la
atención? ¿Por qué?
¿Cree que algo de este documento influirá
su decisión, ya sea de manera positiva o
negativa, de responder a la encuesta?
¿Qué partes?
¿Por qué?
Ahora tengo algunas preguntas sobre secciones
¿Cree que es útil incluir esta pregunta?
específicas de esta página. Empecemos por la
¿Por qué o por qué no?
primera pregunta y respuesta.
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué cree que la
¿Por qué fui seleccionado para esta encuesta? respuesta a esta pregunta le está diciendo?
Su dirección fue seleccionada al azar de una
¿Qué cree que quiere decir “seleccionada
lista de direcciones en los Estados Unidos para al azar” en esta respuesta?
tomar parte de esta encuesta. No sabemos
¿Cree que esta respuesta tendría más
quiénes viven en cada dirección. Sin embargo,
sentido si dijera “Su dirección fue
cualquiera de estas direcciones podría haber
seleccionada de manera científica para
sido seleccionada. Ahora que su dirección fue
tomar parte de esta encuesta…? ¿Por qué
escogida, ¡su respuesta es vital para el éxito de o por qué no?
este estudio!
¿Puede reemplazar mi dirección con alguna
No. Ahora que su dirección ha sido
seleccionada, la información sobre las
experiencias de su hogar representará a cientos
de hogares como el suyo. Junto con otras
encuestas participantes, sus experiencias
representarán a las de todos en los Estados
Unidos. No podemos reemplazarlo. No deberá
usted dar la encuesta a otro hogar, aun si usted
no tiene niños.
¿Por qué debería tomar parte de esta
Los resultados de esta encuesta son usados por
legisladores e investigadores para mejorar los
programas para niños. Esta encuesta es la
mejor forma de saber sobre el cuidado de


¿Cree que es útil incluir esta pregunta?
¿Por qué o por qué no?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué cree que la
respuesta a esta pregunta le está diciendo?

En sus propias palabras, ¿qué cree que la
respuesta a esta pregunta le está diciendo?
[For participants with no children in the
household]: Esta pregunta y respuesta,
¿influye su decisión de responder a la

niños, actividades tempranas de aprendizaje, y
enseñanza desde su perspectiva. No podemos
obtener esta información desde ninguna otra
fuente, incluyendo otras agencias
¿Si en mi hogar no hay niños o alguien que
esté actualmente en la escuela, debería
Si. Usted debería responder a esta encuesta.
Necesitamos respuestas de hogares que no
tienen niños para obtener resultados de la
encuesta que representen a cada uno en la
población de los EE. UU. ¡Si no hay niños en su
hogar, usted necesitará responder solo a una
¿Cómo serán usadas las respuestas que
proporciono? ¿Estará protegida mi privacidad?
Sus respuestas serán mezcladas con la de otros
para preparar resúmenes y reportes
estadísticos. Su dirección y nombres de los
miembros de su hogar no serán incluidos en
nada que este estudio publique o comparta.
Sus respuestas pueden ser usadas solo para
fines estadísticos y no pueden ser divulgadas o
usadas en ninguna forma identificable con
ningún otro propósito excepto cuando así lo
requiera la ley. De acuerdo con el Acta Federal
de Mejora de Seguridad Cibernética de 2015,
sus datos están protegidos de los riesgos de
seguridad cibernética mediante el filtrado de
sistemas que transmiten sus datos.
¿Cuánto tiempo llevará el responder a
esta encuesta?
En promedio, le llevará 3 minutos para

Después de leer esta respuesta, ¿cree que
hay alguna otra manera en que el
Departamento de Educación podría
obtener este tipo de información que no es
esta encuesta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué cree que la
respuesta a esta pregunta le está diciendo?
[For participants with no children in the
household]: Esta pregunta y respuesta,
¿influye su decisión de responder a la

En sus propias palabras, ¿qué cree que la
respuesta a esta pregunta le está diciendo?
Normalmente, ¿tiene preocupaciones
acerca de su privacidad cuando le piden
que complete una encuesta? ¿En qué
medida siente que este párrafo responde a
sus preocupaciones?

Pensando en su rutina diaria, ¿cree que
haría una encuesta en papel de tres
¿Y si fuera por internet?

¿Por qué cree que se han incluido esta
pregunta y respuesta?
¿Hay algo que le parezca confuso en este

¿Quién está haciendo la encuesta?
Esta encuesta es realizada por el Gobierno
Federal. La Oficina del Censo de los EE.
UU. está realizando la recolección de datos


para este estudio del Centro Nacional de
Estadísticas para la Educación, del
Departamento de Educación de los EE. UU.
Esta encuesta ha sido aprobada por la
Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto,
la oficina que revisa todas las encuestas
auspiciadas a nivel federal.


No tengo preguntas específicas sobre la
última pregunta y respuesta. ¿Hay algo en
este documento de lo que le gustaría
platicar antes de pasemos al siguiente

¿Con quién debería comunicarme si
tengo preguntas sobre esta encuesta?
Si tiene preguntas sobre esta encuesta, o
estatus de la entrega individual de su
encuesta, comuníquese con la Oficina del
Censo al número gratis 1-888-840-8353.

Si el participante no lo ha mencionado al pensar en voz alta, pregunte:

¿Cuáles son sus impresiones generales sobre este documento de Preguntas Más Frecuentes?


¿Hay otras preguntas y respuestas que cree que deberíamos incluir?


¿Cree que las respuestas cubren las respuestas de manera correcta?


¿Qué piensa sobre cómo de larga es la carta – muy larga, muy corta o suficiente?


¿Qué piensa del tono del documento?


¿Qué piensa sobre el diseño del documento?


¿Qué le parece el color usado en el documento?


¿Qué tan fácil o difícil le resultó leer el documento?


Después de leer el documento de Preguntas Más Frecuentes, ¿cree que respondería a la


Pensando en responder a la encuesta, ¿cree que el documento de Preguntas Más Frecuentes
hace que sea más probable, menos probable, o no afecta a su decisión de responder?

DIGA [SI ES NECESARIO]: ¿Qué parte del paquete miraría ahora? ¿Por qué?

Third Screener Letter – Spanish ................................................................................................ 49
Commonly Asked Questions – Spanish..................................................................................... 52
Screener - Spanish .................................................................................................................... 56


Screener - Spanish

SAY [IF LAST MATERIAL DISCUSSED]: Ahora me gustaría que revise la encuesta.
Tómese unos momentos para leer y completar la encuesta. Lea por favor en voz alta y cuénteme
lo que piensa a medida que lee la encuesta. Ya que no puedo ver lo que está escribiendo, es muy
importante que me indique dónde está y qué está escribiendo en el papel. [Please note about how
long it takes for the participant to complete the screener. Note any body language that suggests
that they are having difficulty.]
[Have the participant verbally walk you through how they are completing the screener. Probe
anytime they suggested they were confused or unsure of what to do next. If not covered, ask the
following questions]
Parte de la encuesta

¿Cuáles son sus primeras impresiones
sobre la encuesta?
¿En qué manera influyen las fotos en su
decisión de abrir o no abrir la encuesta?
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil le resultó completar
la encuesta?
[For households without children] ¿Qué tan
claro le parece que su respuesta a la
encuesta es importante?
[For households with more than one child]
¿Cómo decidió que niño(a) escribir
¿Hay otras instrucciones que le gustaría
que incluyese la encuesta?
¿Qué preguntas, si es que hay alguna,
dejaría en blanco?
Una vez completada la encuesta, ¿cuál
sería el siguiente paso?

Completar la encuesta

Third Screener Letter – Spanish ................................................................................................ 49
Commonly Asked Questions – Spanish..................................................................................... 52
Screener - Spanish .................................................................................................................... 56



Muchas gracias por participar. Sus opiniones son de gran importancia y utilidad y nos ayudarán a
mejorar los materiales. En los próximos diez días, usted recibirá un sobre por correo certificado
con $40 como agradecimiento por su ayuda.
Antes de que terminemos, ¿hay algo de los materiales de lo que no hayamos platicado que cree
que es importante que sepamos?
Una vez más, muchas gracias por su tiempo, espero que tenga un lindo día.


Round 2: NHES 2023 Cognitive Interview Protocol - ENGLISH
Interview ID:

Date of

First Name:
No. of


Interviewer Instructions: The following scripts, with the exception of Informed Consent, should
NOT be read verbatim. Text in italics is suggested content with which the interviewer should be
thoroughly familiar in advance. Text in brackets [ ] presents instructions for the interviewer.
Hello, my name is  and I work for American Institutes for Research. It’s nice to meet
you, thanks for joining us today to help us out.[Confirm that they can hear and see (if applicable)
you and your screen okay – trouble shoot if needed if the video or audio are not working well].
How are you doing today? Do you have a pen or pencil and the materials in front of you right now?
[If they do not have the materials, wait for them to retrieve the packet. If they say they never received
the materials SAY] I am very sorry the materials did not arrive. I will share my screen during our
conversation so you can see the documents.
As noted before please make sure you are in a quiet space to make sure you can hear us, and we can
hear you clearly. It is okay if there are interruptions during this interview, but we hope to minimize
them as much as possible.
You are here today to help us out with a survey that we are working on for the U.S. Department of
Education. Your feedback will help us make sure that the materials are easy to follow and
understand. When we start the interview, I will ask you to open the package and look through the
materials as if this was a package you had just received in the mail. I’d like you to talk to me about
your impressions of the materials as you open the package. I’ll also have some questions for you
about the materials as you look at them.
Because the information you provide is so important, I am going to be taking notes while you are
answering the survey and while we are talking [INSERT IF THERE IS AN OBSERVER: and my
colleague will also be observing our session today].
Also, this interview will be audio recorded so researchers can review the audio recording later. Even
though I can see you, no video of you will be recorded. The recording will just be of the sound and
the computer screener. Any information that refers to you or your family personally, like your name
or name of your child’s school, will not be included in our report, and your responses will be used
for research purposes only. Is all of this OK?
Remember, you are not being tested; there are no right or wrong answers. We want you to tell us
what you think about the materials.
If at any time you want to stop, just let me know.


[If, for any reason, the participant is no longer interested in participating, thank the participant for
his/her time and end the interview.]
Before we continue, have you read the document called Informed Consent that I mailed to you on
[date]? [If YES, SAY] Great! Please say aloud if you agree to participate in the interview. [If, for
any reason, the participant does not consent, thank the participant for his/her time and end the
interview.] [If NO, SAY] I am happy to read the document aloud to you right now. [Read the
Informed Consent.] If you agree, please say that you consent to participate in the interview. [The
interviewer will sign and date the consent form.]
Before we begin do you have any questions? [Answer any questions they may ask.]
[If the respondent has consented to recording, start the recording the video conference using
the “record” option in GoToMeeting/Zoom.]


While you open the materials, I want you to talk aloud about what you are thinking as you are
looking at them and reading their contents. Hearing what is going on in your head will help me
understand how to make the materials better. To help you get started on thinking aloud, we are going
to do a practice activity. Here is an example. [Demonstrate by asking yourself the question and
answering it using ‘think-aloud.’ After you have completed the example, say]
On the screen there is a question, I would like you to read the question out loud and think aloud as
you decide on your answer.
[Share your screen with the respondent for the think aloud practice. If you are not able to share
your screen or the participant opted for only using phone for the interview, please read the question
out loud to the participant and have them think out loud.]
How many glasses of water did you drink yesterday?
Probe as needed for detail: How did you arrive at that answer? What were you visualizing when
you were deciding on that answer? Can you tell me more about what you are including in your
When complete: Thank you; that’s the kind of detail I’m looking for when you talk to me about
what you are seeing in the package.



Now please open the package and talk to me about what you are seeing and noticing as you open it.
Take a few moments looking through the package.
[Make sure to give participants ample time to look at the materials. We want participants to look
through and review all the materials as if they received this packet in the mail before asking specific
questions about each document. If they ask if they should fill out the screener immediately, say you
would like for them to read it now but that they will fill it out later in the interview.
The notetaker should write down the order in which participants look at the materials, the length of
time participants spend on each document, and a description of any facial expressions and/or body
language exhibited while reading and discussing each document.
The interviewer should make a mental note of the facial expressions and/or body language of the
participants as they review the materials and probe during the interview to understand what was
going through the participants’ minds. For example: “I noticed you were frowning a bit as you were
reading that letter. Can you tell me a little bit about why you were frowning?”
Before asking about the individual documents, the interview should ask the following questions:]
What did you notice first?
What does it seem like this package is for?
Does anything seem unusual about the materials?
If you received this package in the mail and I were not here, what do you think you would do next
with the package? Why?
[If unclear what participant is reviewing] Tell me what you are looking at now?


[The question about what the participant would do next with the package may tell us which
material the person would read next. Start the discussion with the first document that the
the participant did not really look at any of the material, ask:
If you wanted to discover more about this package, what would you look at next?
Please look over the material, and then I will ask you some questions. Remember to share what is
going on in your head as you read the document.



NHES 2023 Cognitive Interview Protocol - ENGLISH .................................................................... 32
Third Screener Letter - English.................................................................................................. 62
Frequently Asked Questions – English...................................................................................... 65
Screener - English...................................................................................................................... 69


Third Screener Letter - English

[If FAQ enclosure interview go to page XX; if screener go to page XX]
SAY: Please read aloud the information on this page. Please remember to also talk about what is
going on in your head as you read the letter. [Follow the lead of the participant as to how much
they want to read. Some may read the whole letter aloud; others may read it paragraph by
paragraph. What is important is that you gather their impressions on each component of the letter.]


You’re finished looking at the letter? What
do you think the letter is for?
In your own words, what is the letter telling
Did anything stand out about the letter?

Now I have some questions about specific sections of the letter. We’ll start at the
first paragraph.

Material Section
Recently, we asked for your help with the 2023
National Household Education Survey. We are
following up to ask for your help. This survey is
the only way we can gather important
information about education. For most people,
this survey takes 3 minutes or less.

How do you feel about the tone of this
How interested would you be in
responding to this survey?
What is your reaction to the deadline?
Would you prefer for it to be more openended like “as soon as possible”?

Please fill out the enclosed survey
and return it within two weeks.
Here is how to respond:

What was your immediate reaction when
you read this paragraph?

In your own words, what do you think this
part of the letter is asking you to do?

If there are no children or youth in
this household age 20 or younger:
Answer the first question on the survey
and return it in the postage-paid


How would you respond if you received
this in the mail?

Material Section
envelope that is provided. You’re done!


• If there are children or youth in this
household age 20 or younger: Please
complete the very brief survey and
return it in the postage-paid envelope
that is provided.

Do you remember seeing frequently asked
questions enclosure when you first looked
through the packet?

Answers to frequently asked questions about
the survey are included in this mailing.

How likely it is that you would look at the
Frequently Asked Questions? Why?
In your own words, what is this asking you
to do?

You can also call us toll-free at 1–888–
840–8353 with any questions or to
complete the survey with an interviewer.

How likely is it that you would call the tollfree number? Why or why not?
What is your reaction after reading this

Thank you for taking part in this important

Authorization and Confidentiality of
Information section

What is your reaction to this information?
Does it influence your decision to respond
to the survey request?
Do you tend to read or skip over these

If not already covered during the think-aloud ask:

What are your overall impressions of this letter?


Who do you think is conducting the survey?


What do you think about the length – too long, too short, or just right?


Are there other types of information you would want on this letter?



Do you have a sense from this letter of how long the survey would take you to complete? Would
this information influence your likelihood to participate? Why or why not?

SAY: What part of the package would you look at next? Why?

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interview Protocol - ENGLISH .................................................................... 32
Third Screener Letter - English.................................................................................................. 62
Frequently Asked Questions – English...................................................................................... 65
Screener - English...................................................................................................................... 69


Frequently Asked Questions – English

SAY: Please remember to tell me what you are thinking as you go through this document.
Please read aloud the parts that you would read to yourself if I were not here.
What do you think is the purpose of this
Which part of the document got your
attention? Why?
Do you think any part of this document
would influence your decision, either
positively or negatively, to respond to the
Which part(s)?
Do you think this question is useful to
include? Why or why not?

Now I have some questions about specific
sections of this page. We’ll start at the first
question and answer.

In your own words, can you tell me what
the answer to this question is saying?

Why was I chosen for this survey?
Your address was randomly selected to be part
of this survey from a list of all the addresses in
the United States. We do not know who lives at
each address. However, every address had a
chance to be selected. Now that your address
was chosen, your response is vital to the
success of the study!

What do you think “randomly selected”
means in this answer?

No children live here. Should I give this survey
to a neighbor or family member who has
No. Now that your address has been chosen,
information about your household’s
experiences will represent hundreds of
households like yours. Together with other
survey participants, your experiences will
represent those of everyone in the United
States. We cannot replace you. You should not

Do you think this question is useful to
include? Why or why not?


Do you think the answer would make more
sense if it said, “Your address was
scientifically selected to be a part of this
survey…?” Why or why not?

In your own words, can you tell me what
the answer to this question is saying?

give the survey to another household even if
you do not have children.


Why do you think this question and answer
are included?

Who is doing this survey?
This survey is conducted by the Federal
Government. The U.S. Census Bureau is doing
the data collection for this study by the
National Center for Education Statistics, within
the U.S. Department of Education. This survey
has been approved by the Office of
Management and Budget, the office that
reviews all federally sponsored surveys.
Why should I take part in this survey?
The survey results will be used by policymakers
and researchers to improve programs for
children. This survey is the best way to learn
about children’s care, early learning activities,
and schooling from your perspective. While the
Census Bureau collects similar information, this
survey is unique and asks for up-to-date
information not available from any other
sources, including other government agencies.

Is there anything confusing about it?

After reading this answer, do you believe
there are ways for the Department of
Education to get this type of information,
other than this survey?
Why do you think this question and answer
are included?
Is there anything confusing about it?
In your own words, can you tell me what
the answer to this question is saying?
[For participants with no children in the
household]: Does this question and answer
influence your response to the survey

How will the responses I provide be used? Will In your own words, can you tell me what
my privacy be protected?
the answer to this question is saying?
Your responses will be combined with those of
others to produce statistical summaries and
reports. Your address and household members’
names will not be included on anything the


Do you typically have privacy concerns
when asked to complete a survey? To what
extent do you feel that this answer
addresses those concerns?

study releases or shares. Your responses may
be used only for statistical purposes and may
not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form
for any other purpose except as required by


Thinking about your day-to-day life, how
likely is it that you would do a threeminute survey on paper?

How much time will it take to respond to
this survey?

How about on the internet?
On average, it should take 3 minutes for
you to respond.
What is your reaction to this question?

If there are no children or anyone
currently in school in my household,
should I respond?

[For households without children or youth]
Does this question make it more likely that
you would respond to the survey?

Yes, you should respond to this survey. We
need responses from households without
children to get survey results that represent
everyone in the U.S. population. If there
are no children in your household, you
will only need to answer one question!

Who should I contact if I have questions or
comments about the survey?
If you have any questions about this survey or
the status of your individual survey submission,
contact the Census Bureau toll-free at 1-888840-8353.

I won’t ask you specifically about the last
question and answer. Is there anything
about this document that you would like to
tell me before we move on?

If not already covered during the think-aloud ask:

What are your overall impressions of this Frequently Asked Questions document?


Are there other questions and answers that you feel should be listed?



Do you feel the answers adequately address the questions?


What do you think about the length – too long, too short, or just right?


What do you think of the tone of the document?


What do you think about the layout?


What do you think about the color?


How easy was it to read the document?


After reading the Frequently Asked Questions document, how likely are you to complete the


When thinking about responding to the survey, does the Frequently Asked Questions document
make you more likely, less likely, or neither?

SAY [IF NEEDED]: What part of the package would you look at next? Why?

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interview Protocol - ENGLISH .................................................................... 32
Third Screener Letter - English.................................................................................................. 62
Frequently Asked Questions – English...................................................................................... 65
Screener - English...................................................................................................................... 69


Screener - English
SAY [IF LAST MATERIAL DISCUSSED]: I would now like you take a look at the screener.
Let’s take a few moments for you to read it and to complete it. Please read aloud and talk to me
about everything you are thinking as you go through the survey. Since I can’t see what you are
filling out, it is especially important for me to hear where you are and what you are writing on
the paper. [Please note about how long it takes for the participant to complete the screener. Note
any body language that suggests that they are having difficulty.]
[Have the participant verbally walk you through how they are completing the screener. Probe
anytime they suggested they were confused or unsure of what to do next. If not covered, ask the
following questions]
Questionnaire location
Front cover

What are your first impressions of the
How do the pictures influence you to open
or not open the screener?

Completing the screener

How easy or hard was it to complete the
[For households where participant is not
the parent or guardian of children/youth
living there] How clear was it that you
could complete the survey even though
you are not the parent or guardian?
[For households without children] How
clear was it that your response to the
survey was important?
[For households with more than one child]
How did you decide which child to list first?
What other directions, if any, do you wish
were included on the screener?
What questions, if any, would you not
complete on the screener?


Questionnaire location

Once you completed the screener, what
would you do next?


NHES 2023 Cognitive Interview Protocol - ENGLISH .................................................................... 32
Third Screener Letter - English.................................................................................................. 62
Frequently Asked Questions – English...................................................................................... 65
Screener - English...................................................................................................................... 69


Thank you very much for participating. Your feedback was invaluable and will help us improve
the materials. Within the next ten business days, you will receive an envelope through certified
mail with the $40 as a thank you for your help.
Before we end, is there anything we haven’t talked about that you think is important for me to
know about the materials we went over today?
Again, thank you for your time and have a great day.


Round 2: NHES 2023 Cognitive Interview Protocol - SPANISH
Interview ID:

Date of

First Name:
No. of


Instrucciones para el entrevistador: El siguiente guion NO debe ser leído textualmente. El
texto en letra cursiva solo es contenido con el cual el entrevistador debe familiarizarse antes de la
entrevista. El texto entre paréntesis [ ] contiene instrucciones para el entrevistador.
Hola, mi nombre es  y trabajo para American Institutes for Research. Mucho gusto
de conocerle. Gracias por venir a ayudarnos el día de hoy. [Confirm that they can hear and see
(if applicable) you and your screen okay – trouble shoot if needed if the video or audio are not
working well]. ¿Qué tal está? ¿Tiene un bolígrafo o lápiz y los materiales con usted en este
momento? [If they do not have the materials, wait for them to retrieve the packet. If they say they
never received the materials SAY] Siento que los materiales no hayan llegado. Voy a compartir mi
pantalla durante nuestra conversación para que pueda ver los documentos.
Como le comentamos anteriormente, por favor asegúrese de que está en un lugar tranquilo para que
nos podamos escuchar bien. No pasa nada si hay interrupciones durante la entrevista, pero nos
gustaría poder tener las menos posibles.
Usted está aquí hoy para ayudarnos con una encuesta que estamos realizando para el
Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos. Su opinión nos ayudará a mejorar los
materiales para que sean fáciles de entender y completar. Cuando empecemos la entrevista, le
pediré que abra el paquete que le enviamos y mire los materiales como si fuera un paquete que
acaba de recibir por correo. Me gustaría que me contara sobre lo que piensa de los materiales
cuando abre el paquete. También le haré preguntas sobre los materiales cuando los esté
Debido a que la información que usted nos dará es muy importante, voy a estar tomando notas
mientras estamos hablando [INSERTE SI HAY UN OBSERVADOR: y mi colega también va
a observar nuestra sesión de hoy].
Además, esta entrevista será grabada en audio para que los investigadores del estudio puedan
revisar la grabación más tarde. Aunque yo puedo verlo por cámara, le garantizo que su imagen
no será grabada. La grabación será solo del sonido y de la pantalla de la computadora.
Cualquier información que se refiera a usted o a su familia personalmente, tal como su nombre
o la escuela de su hijo(a), no será incluida en nuestro informe y sus respuestas serán utilizadas
únicamente para fines de investigación. ¿Le parece bien?


Recuerde que esto no es un examen. Queremos que nos diga lo que usted piensa acerca de los
Si en algún momento usted desea detenerse, solo déjemelo saber.
[Si por algún motivo el participante ya no tiene interés en participar, agradézcale por su tiempo
y termine la entrevista.]
Antes de continuar, ¿ha leído el documento llamado “Consentimiento Informado” que le envié en
[date]? [If YES, SAY] Estupendo! Por favor diga en voz alta si está de acuerdo en participar en esta
entrevista. [If, for any reason, the participant does not consent, thank the participant for his/her time
and end the interview.] [If NO, SAY] Puedo leerle el documento en voz alta ahora mismo. [Read the
Informed Consent.] If you agree, please say that you consent to participate in the interview. [The
interviewer will sign and date the consent form.]
Antes de que continuemos, ¿tiene alguna pregunta sobre lo que acabo de decir? [Responda a
cualquier pregunta que pueda hacer el participante.]
[Si el participante ha consentido ser grabado, comience la grabación (con video si aplica). Para
empezar la grabación, haga click en “Record” en los controles de GoToMeeting.]


Mientras abre los materiales, quiero que piense en voz alta sobre lo que piensa cuando los mira
y lee su contenido. Escucharle hablar sobre lo que piensa me ayudará a entender cómo mejorar
los materiales. Para ayudarle a empezar a pensar en voz alta vamos a hacer un ejercicio de
práctica. Un ejemplo podría ser… [Enseñe un ejemplo preguntándose la pregunta y respondiendo
con la técnica de ‘pensar en voz alta’. Una vez que haya dado el ejemplo, diga]
Hay una pregunta en la pantalla, me gustaría que repitiera la pregunta en voz alta y piense en
voz alta a medida que decide cuál es su respuesta.
[Comparta la pantalla con el entrevistado para la práctica de pensar en voz alta. Si no puede
compartir la pantalla o el participante está solo por teléfono, lea la pregunta en voz alta y diga al
entrevistado que piense en voz alta]
¿Cuántos vasos de agua tomó usted ayer?
Por favor dígame lo que está pensando mientras me da su respuesta.
Pregunte según sea necesario para obtener información detallada: ¿Cómo llegó a esa respuesta?
¿Qué estaba visualizando mientras estaba decidiendo qué responder? ¿Puede decirme más
acerca de lo que usted está incluyendo en su cuenta?
Cuando haya completado el ejercicio: Gracias. Ése es el tipo de detalle que busco cuando usted
me hable acerca de lo que ve en el paquete.


Ahora por favor abra el paquete y cuénteme lo que está viendo a medida que lo abre. Mire el
contenido del paquete durante un par de minutos.
[Make sure to give participants ample time to look at the materials. We want participants to look
through and review all the materials as if they received this packet in the mail before asking specific


questions about each document. If they ask if they should fill out the screener immediately, say you
would like for them to read it now but that they will fill it out later in the interview.
The notetaker should write down the order in which participants look at the materials, the length of
time participants spend on each document, and a description of any facial expressions and/or body
language exhibited while reading and discussing each document.
The interviewer should make a mental note of the facial expressions and/or body language of the
participants as they review the materials and probe during the interview to understand what was
going through the participants’ minds. For example: “I noticed you were frowning a bit as you were
reading that letter. Can you tell me a little bit about why you were frowning?”
Before asking about the individual documents, the interview should ask the following questions:]
¿Qué fue lo primero que le llamó la atención?
¿Para qué cree que es este paquete?
¿Hay algo que le parezca fuera de lo normal en los materiales?
Si recibiera este paquete por correo y yo no estuviera delante, ¿qué cree que haría con el paquete
a continuación? ¿Por qué?
[Si no está claro lo que el participante está revisando] ¿Podría decirme lo que está revisando en
este momento?


[The question about what the participant would do next with the package may tell us which
material the person would read next. Start the discussion with the first document that the
the participant did not really look at any of the material, ask:
Si quisiera saber más sobre este paquete, ¿qué es lo siguiente que miraría?
¿Por qué?
Revise ese material, y luego le haré algunas preguntas. Recuerde en pensar env oz alta y contarme
lo que piensa a medida que lee el documento.

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interview Protocol - SPANISH .................................................................... 72
Third Screener Letter – Spanish ................................................................................................ 76


Frequently Asked Questions – Spanish..................................................................................... 79
Screener - Spanish .................................................................................................................... 82


Third Screener Letter – Spanish

[If FAQ enclosure interview go to page XX; if screener go to page XX]
DIGA: Por favor lea en voz alta la información de esta página. Recuerde que también tiene que
contarme lo que piensa al leer la carta. [Follow the lead of the participant as to how much they
want to read. Some may read the whole letter aloud; others may read it paragraph by paragraph.
What is important is that you gather their impressions on each component of the letter.]


¿Ha terminado de revisar la carta? ¿Para qué
cree que es la carta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué le está
diciendo la carta?
¿Le llamó la atención algo acerca de la carta?

Ahora tengo algunas preguntas sobre secciones específicas de la carta. Empecemos
con el primer párrafo.

Sección del Material
Recientemente, le hemos pedido su
colaboración con la Encuesta Nacional 2023 en
Hogares sobre la Educación. Estamos
comunicándonos nuevamente con usted para
pedirle su respuesta. Esta encuesta es la única
forma en la que podemos recolectar información
importante sobre educación. La mayoría de
personas tardan 3 minutos o menos en
completar esta encuesta.
Por favor, complete la encuesta adjunta y
devuélvela en dos semanas o menos.

¿Cuál fue su primera reacción al leer este
¿Qué le parece el tono de este párrafo?
¿Qué tan interesado(a) estaría en
responder a esta encuesta?

Se debe responder así:

En sus propias palabras, ¿qué cree que le
está diciendo que haga esta parte de la
¿Cómo contestaría si recibiera esto por


Si no hay niños o jóvenes
de 20 años o menos en este
hogar: Responda la primera
pregunta de la encuesta y
devuélvala en el sobre con
franqueo pagado que se le
está proporcionando, ¡Y ya


¿Qué tan probable es que complete una
encuesta en dos semanas?
¿Preferiría una fecha límite más abierta,
como "lo antes posible"?

Sección del Material


Si hay niños o jóvenes de
20 años o menos en este
hogar: Por favor, complete
esta muy breve encuesta y
devuélvala en el sobre con
franqueo pagado que se le
está proporcionando. A la
mayoría de la gente, esta
encuesta le toma 3 minutos
o menos.
En este correo se incluyen respuestas a las
preguntas más frecuentes sobre la encuesta.

También, nos puede llamar al número gratis 1–
888–840–8353 para cualquier sobre pregunta, o
para completar la encuesta con un encuestador.
Gracias por tomar parte de este importante

¿Qué quiere decir “preguntas más
frecuentes” para usted?
¿Recuerda haber visto un material
adjunto de Preguntas Más Frecuentes la
primera vez que miró el paquete?
¿Cree usted que revisaría las preguntas
más frecuentes? ¿Por qué?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué le dicen
que haga en este párrafo?
¿Cree usted que llamaría al número
gratis? ¿Por qué o por qué no?
¿Cuál es su reacción después de leer esa
¿Cuál es su reacción a esa información?
¿Influye de alguna manera su decisión a
responder a la encuesta?
¿Tiende a leer o a saltarse este tipo de

Autorización y confidencialidad de la

Si el participante no lo ha mencionado al pensar en voz alta, pregunte:

¿Cuáles son sus impresiones generales sobre esta carta?


¿Quién cree que está llevando a cabo esta encuesta?


¿Qué piensa sobre cómo de larga es la carta – muy larga, muy corta o suficiente?


¿Hay otros tipos de información que le gustaría ver en esta carta?


¿Se hace una idea con esta carta de cuánto le llevará completar la encuesta? ¿Influiría esta
información la probabilidad de que usted participe? ¿Por qué o por qué no?


DIGA: ¿Qué parte del paquete miraría ahora? ¿Por qué?

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interview Protocol - SPANISH .................................................................... 72
Third Screener Letter – Spanish ................................................................................................ 76
Frequently Asked Questions – Spanish..................................................................................... 79
Screener - Spanish .................................................................................................................... 82


Frequently Asked Questions – Spanish

SAY: Acuérdese de decirme lo que piensa mientras revisa el document. Por favor lea en alto las
partes que usted se leería a sí mismo si yo no estuviera delante.
¿Cuál cree que es el objetivo de este
¿Qué parte del documento le llamó la
atención? ¿Por qué?
¿Cree que algo de este documento influirá
su decisión, ya sea de manera positiva o
negativa, de responder a la encuesta?
¿Qué partes?
¿Por qué?
Ahora tengo algunas preguntas sobre secciones
¿Cree que es útil incluir esta pregunta?
específicas de esta página. Empecemos por la
¿Por qué o por qué no?
primera pregunta y respuesta.
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué cree que la
¿Por qué fui seleccionado para esta encuesta? respuesta a esta pregunta le está diciendo?
Su dirección fue seleccionada al azar de una
¿Qué cree que quiere decir “seleccionada
lista de direcciones en los Estados Unidos para al azar” en esta respuesta?
tomar parte de esta encuesta. No sabemos
¿Cree que esta respuesta tendría más
quiénes viven en cada dirección. Sin embargo,
sentido si dijera “Su dirección fue
cualquiera de estas direcciones podría haber
seleccionada de manera científica para
sido seleccionada. Ahora que su dirección fue
tomar parte de esta encuesta…? ¿Por qué
escogida, ¡su respuesta es vital para el éxito de o por qué no?
este estudio!
No viven niños aquí. ¿Puedo darle la encuesta
a un vecino o pariente que tenga niños?
No. Ahora que su dirección ha sido
seleccionada, la información sobre las
experiencias de su hogar representará a cientos
de hogares como el suyo. Junto con otras
encuestas participantes, sus experiencias
representarán a las de todos en los Estados
Unidos. No podemos reemplazarlo. No deberá
usted dar la encuesta a otro hogar, aun si usted
no tiene niños.
¿Quién está haciendo la encuesta?
Esta encuesta es realizada por el Gobierno
Federal. La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. está
realizando la recolección de datos para este


¿Cree que es útil incluir esta pregunta?
¿Por qué o por qué no?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué cree que la
respuesta a esta pregunta le está diciendo?

¿Por qué cree que se han incluido esta
pregunta y respuesta?
¿Hay algo que le parezca confuso en este

estudio del Centro Nacional de Estadísticas
para la Educación, del Departamento de
Educación de los EE. UU. Esta encuesta ha sido
aprobada por la Oficina de Administración y
Presupuesto, la oficina que revisa todas las
encuestas auspiciadas a nivel federal.
¿Por qué debería tomar parte de esta
Los resultados de esta encuesta serán usados
por legisladores e investigadores para mejorar
los programas para niños. Esta encuesta es la
mejor forma de saber sobre el cuidado de
niños, actividades tempranas de aprendizaje, y
enseñanza desde su perspectiva. Aunque le
Oficina del Censo recoge información similar,
esta encuesta es única, y le pregunta por
información actualizada que no podemos
obtener de ninguna otra fuente, incluyendo
otras agencias gubernamentales.
¿Cómo serán usadas las respuestas que
proporciono? ¿Estará protegida mi privacidad?
Sus respuestas serán mezcladas con la de otros
para preparar resúmenes e informes
estadísticos. Su dirección y nombres de los
miembros de su hogar no serán incluidos en
nada que este estudio publique o comparta.
Sus respuestas pueden ser usadas solo para
fines estadísticos y no pueden ser divulgadas o
usadas en ninguna forma identificable con
ningún otro propósito excepto cuando así lo
requiera la ley.
¿Cuánto tiempo llevará el responder a
esta encuesta?
En promedio, le llevará 3 minutos para
¿Si en mi hogar no hay niños o alguien que
esté actualmente en la escuela, debería
Si. Usted debería responder a esta encuesta.
Necesitamos respuestas de hogares que no
tienen niños para obtener resultados de la


En sus propias palabras, ¿qué cree que la
respuesta a esta pregunta le está diciendo?
[For participants with no children in the
household]: Esta pregunta y respuesta,
¿influye su decisión de responder a la
Después de leer esta respuesta, ¿cree que
hay alguna otra manera en que el
Departamento de Educación podría
obtener este tipo de información que no es
esta encuesta?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué cree que la
respuesta a esta pregunta le está diciendo?
Normalmente, ¿tiene preocupaciones
acerca de su privacidad cuando le piden
que complete una encuesta? ¿En qué
medida siente que este párrafo responde a
sus preocupaciones?

Pensando en su rutina diaria, ¿cree que
haría una encuesta en papel de tres
¿Y si fuera por internet?
En sus propias palabras, ¿qué cree que la
respuesta a esta pregunta le está diciendo?
[For participants with no children in the
household]: Esta pregunta y respuesta,
¿influye su decisión de responder a la


encuesta que representen a cada uno en la
población de los EE. UU. ¡Si no hay niños en su
hogar, usted necesitará responder solo a una
¿Con quién debería comunicarme si
tengo preguntas sobre esta encuesta?
Si tiene preguntas sobre esta encuesta, o
estatus de la entrega individual de su
encuesta, comuníquese con la Oficina del
Censo al número gratis 1-888-840-8353.


No tengo preguntas específicas sobre la
última pregunta y respuesta. ¿Hay algo en
este documento de lo que le gustaría
platicar antes de pasemos al siguiente

Si el participante no lo ha mencionado al pensar en voz alta, pregunte:

¿Cuáles son sus impresiones generales sobre este documento de Preguntas Más Frecuentes?


¿Hay otras preguntas y respuestas que cree que deberíamos incluir?


¿Cree que las respuestas cubren las respuestas de manera correcta?


¿Qué piensa sobre cómo de larga es la carta – muy larga, muy corta o suficiente?


¿Qué piensa del tono del documento?


¿Qué piensa sobre el diseño del documento?


¿Qué le parece el color usado en el documento?


¿Qué tan fácil o difícil le resultó leer el documento?


Después de leer el documento de Preguntas Más Frecuentes, ¿cree que respondería a la


Pensando en responder a la encuesta, ¿cree que el documento de Preguntas Más Frecuentes
hace que sea más probable, menos probable, o no afecta a su decisión de responder?

DIGA [SI ES NECESARIO]: ¿Qué parte del paquete miraría ahora? ¿Por qué?

NHES 2023 Cognitive Interview Protocol - SPANISH .................................................................... 72
Third Screener Letter – Spanish ................................................................................................ 76
Frequently Asked Questions – Spanish..................................................................................... 79
Screener - Spanish .................................................................................................................... 82


Screener - Spanish

SAY [IF LAST MATERIAL DISCUSSED]: Ahora me gustaría que revise la encuesta.
Tómese unos momentos para leer y completar la encuesta. Lea por favor en voz alta y cuénteme
lo que piensa a medida que lee la encuesta. Ya que no puedo ver lo que está escribiendo, es muy
importante que me indique dónde está y qué está escribiendo en el papel. [Please note about how
long it takes for the participant to complete the screener. Note any body language that suggests
that they are having difficulty.]
[Have the participant verbally walk you through how they are completing the screener. Probe
anytime they suggested they were confused or unsure of what to do next. If not covered, ask the
following questions]
Parte de la encuesta

¿Cuáles son sus primeras impresiones sobre
la encuesta?
¿En qué manera influyen las fotos en su
decisión de abrir o no abrir la encuesta?
¿Qué tan fácil o difícil le resultó completar
la encuesta?
[For households without children] ¿Qué tan
claro le parece que su respuesta a la
encuesta es importante?
[For households with more than one child]
¿Cómo decidió que niño(a) escribir

Completar la encuesta

[For households where participant is not
the parent or guardian
of children/youth living there] ¿Qué tan
claro fue “que podía completar la encuesta
aunque no sea el padre o tutor?
¿Hay otras instrucciones que le gustaría que
incluyese la encuesta?
¿Qué preguntas, si es que hay alguna,
dejaría en blanco?
Una vez completada la encuesta, ¿cuál sería
el siguiente paso?

Third Screener Letter – Spanish ................................................................................................ 49


Commonly Asked Questions – Spanish..................................................................................... 52
Screener - Spanish .................................................................................................................... 56



Muchas gracias por participar. Sus opiniones son de gran importancia y utilidad y nos ayudarán a
mejorar los materiales. En los próximos diez días, usted recibirá un sobre por correo certificado
con $40 como agradecimiento por su ayuda.
Antes de que terminemos, ¿hay algo de los materiales de lo que no hayamos platicado que cree
que es importante que sepamos?
Una vez más, muchas gracias por su tiempo, espero que tenga un lindo día.


About the American Institutes for Research
Established in 1946, with headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, the American
Institutes for Research® (AIR®) is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization that
conducts behavioral and social science research and delivers technical
assistance to solve some of the most urgent challenges in the U.S. and around
the world. We advance evidence in the areas of education, health, the
workforce, human services, and international development to create a better,
more equitable world. The AIR family of organizations now includes IMPAQ,
Maher & Maher, and Kimetrica. For more information, visit AIR.ORG.

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2023 National Household Education Survey (NHES) English and
Spanish Alternate Contact and Early Bird Incentive Contact
Materials Cognitive Interviews(OMB# 1850-0803 v.290)


December 10, 2021


Lisa Hudson, Michelle McNamara, Rebecca
Bielamowicz, NCES


Maria Payri, Katie Herz, Maryan Carbuccia-Abbott,
and Danielle Battle, AIR


National Household Education Survey (NHES):2023 Early Bird and
Alternate Contact Materials Testing Cognitive Interviews – Final

In order to test the NHES:2023 early bird incentive experimental condition contact materials,
alternate contact materials and opt-out screener, and envelope salutation options, AIR
conducted two rounds of cognitive interviews (total of 35) between September 15, 2021 and
November 1, 2021 in English and Spanish. Interviews took place virtually using the conferencing
platform Zoom. Respondents read aloud all materials and verbalized their thought processes as
they reviewed the documents.
All interviewers were trained in cognitive interviewing methods as well as the protocols
designed for this set of NHES materials. Whenever possible, observers from AIR and NCES
attended the interviews and had the opportunity to pose additional questions to the
participant once the protocol was completed.
After round 1 was conducted a debrief meeting took place between AIR and NCES to discuss
the results from the first 17 interviews. Below is a summary of the changes between round 1
and round 2:

Added definition of children as “children or youth age 20 or younger” where applicable
Added “with and without children” to Alternate letter Follow-up 3
Added fake user IDs following the data collection format (with combinations that won’t
be used in production)
Edited the postcards to make the font size bigger

Sample and Recruitment
Recruitment for round 1 started on September 1, 2021 and round 2 recruitment started on
October 11, 2021. Recruitment involved a combination of Craigslist ads and outreach to the


team’s personal network (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn). A team of recruiters, one of whom was
bilingual, screened all prospective participants to determine eligibility. Participants were
selected based on the presence and number of youths in the household, with a focus on diverse
demographic respondent characteristics such as race, level of education, and housing
arrangement (renter versus not). Recruitment was ongoing during the interviewing period to
maximize participation. Table 1 shows the sample distribution for each of the two rounds and
the total across both rounds for both English and Spanish respondents.


Table 1: Sample distribution by round, language, condition, and selected characteristics
Total (round 1)


Total (round 2)











Alternate contact materials






Early bird materials






























Two or more












Black or African-American












American Indian or Alaska Native






Prefer not to say


















Prefer not to say






Less than high school






High school graduate






Some college






College graduate






Graduate degree






Condition assignment

Housing arrangement

Number of youths in household



Hispanic/Latinx ethnicity

Level of Education

One participant who indicated a response outside of the racial categories provided (Hispanic) was excluded from
the “Race” data in the table.



This memo outlines the major findings from both rounds of cognitive interviews and concludes
with recommendations for changes prior to the development of the final materials for the
NHES:2023 data collection. In the findings, participants’ language and/or the number of youth
in the participants’ households are mentioned only when participants with shared
demographics expressed opinions different from participants in other demographic groups.

Overarching issues
This section describes issues that were common to both early bird and alternate contact
materials in each round of testing, as well as respondent type.
Participants generally felt positive about the letters, mentioning the length as being “just right”,
“fine”, or the tone of the letters as being correct and well written. Some also mentioned the
colors were “nice”. One participant (Spanish) in the second round mentioned that the only
letter that was long was the first one.
Some participants acknowledged that the letters looked like official communications from the
government and not spam. Two participants seemed to think the survey was part of the U.S.
decennial census (one participant said she would complete the survey so that more money
would be directed to her community).
After round 1, where participants found it wasn’t clear who we meant by children in the
household, we made some changes and included some text to further explain what “children in
this household” meant for round 2. All letters included language explaining that children in the
household meant anyone under 20 years old. Even after doing so, there were still some
participants who were not confident when answering the question of who qualifies as “children
in this household”. Out of the 18 participants in round 2, five participants did not state that it
meant “younger than 20 years”. Interestingly, all five participants were Spanish speakers. Some
participants felt it meant until teenage years or high school.
Also in round 1, because the letters had blank User ID numbers for the online survey
instructions, some participants (n=3) were confused when the materials mentioned the “User
ID.”. Participants did not realize that the letters were a draft and that the final versions would
include a User ID number. As a result of this finding, in round 2 fake IDs were included on the
letters and participants did not express any issues in that round.
Regarding the time it would take to complete the survey, round 1 participants understood it
depended on whether there are children in the household. Most participants had a negative
reaction when they read the 30-minute estimate to complete the survey, as they would
compare it to the 3-minute estimate when there are no children in the household. One
participant said others might feel discouraged to complete the survey with the 30-minute

estimate. Others said that no matter how long it takes, they would be interested to complete
the survey, as it would improve the lives of kids. Participants in the early bird incentive
condition were more likely to express willingness to complete the survey, but one participant
mentioned the additional incentive ($20) was not enough for 30 minutes of their time.
Lastly, two round 2 participants (one English, one Spanish) were not impressed by the $5
incentive. They felt it was a lot of time for just $5 dollars, and that the amount was insignificant.
Other participants said that there needs to be more explanation on the benefits to completing
this survey –i.e., what good would result to the education system from completing the survey.
However, most participants were happy to be offered this amount and said they would
complete the survey regardless of the incentive.

Envelope Addressee and Salutation Line
Across both rounds, most English-speaking participants were indifferent about the addressee
and salutation lines, although some suggested including their name in the addressee line. The
preferred addressee line in Spanish was “Person living at this  address” while in English,
the preferred addressee line was “Owner or tenant of this  address”.
Table 2: Total Preference of Addressee Line by Language and Renter Status (All rounds)
Addressee Line
Person living at this  address
Occupant of this  address
Owner or tenant of this  address
Indifferent (1=2=3)






One participant (English speaking, owner) felt the same way about addressee line 1 and 2, so they are counted
twice in this table.


The preferred addressee line “Person living at this  address (Persona que vive en esta
dirección de )” also received some concerns in round 1. One Spanish participant said this
would be weird in their home country and an English speaker said it felt very impersonal.
The addressee line “Occupant of this  address (Ocupante de esta dirección de )”
resulted in some negative concerns, specifically for the Spanish participants, who had some
trouble understanding the word “ocupante” (occupant). They brought up that occupant is used
in Spanish for people who are taking up space.
Finally, the addressee line “Owner or tenant of this  address (Propietario(a) o
inquilino(a) de esta dirección de  address” as the addressee line, as it was the most
preferred option in both rounds, particularly for renters.
After making the change to explain what “children in this household” meant,
participants were clearer about the definition of the age that they would include, so we



recommend keeping this change. NCES may want to consider including “children or
youth” every time “children” is mentioned in each letter, as some participants found the
inconsistency confusing.
Use the version of the alternate contact opt-out screener with pictures, as it was
preferred by most participants regardless of whether they had children or not.
No further changes are recommended for all other materials, given participants overall
good impressions.

Additionally, AIR recommends the following prior to the next round of testing for future NHES


Have two envelope conditions for the due date: “Please respond by November 12” and
“Please respond to the survey by November 12”. While only one respondent suggested
including “to the survey” in that sentence, we believe it might be beneficial to include
the survey language but want to be mindful that this might prevent others from opening
Have two conditions for the QR code, one that includes the code in all letters, and
another one that includes the code only in the postcard, as it is currently the case.
Change the time it takes to complete language for Follow-up Letter 4: where it says “for
most people, it would take three minutes”, say “for many people, it would take three
minutes”. While only 27% of the households have children, people might think that
number is higher, and feel like we are giving misleading information.


Appendix A: Testing Materials Round 1


Alternate Contact – English


Advance Letter

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




January XX, 2023

Person living at this  address
ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear person living at this  address,
I am pleased to inform you that your household has been selected to participate in an important
national survey on the education of children in the United States, the 2023 National Household
Education Survey. The U.S. Census Bureau conducts this survey of households on behalf of the
U.S. Department of Education every few years. We conduct it to gather information about learning
activities that happen outside of schools.
What to expect next:

In a few days you will receive an invitation in the mail from us to complete the survey.


The survey can be completed at home by an adult in the household.


If there are no children in your household, it takes about 3 minutes to complete. If there are
children in your household, it will take about 30 minutes to complete because we will ask
questions about one of the children in the household.


We included $5 as a token of our appreciation for your participation. Please look for it in your
next mailing from us!

If you would like more information, please visit or contact us toll-free at 1-888840-8353.
Thank you in advance for your help with this important survey.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau


Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-10L(W) (04-2021)


Follow-up Letter 1

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




January XX, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear person living at this  address,

Last week, the U.S. Census Bureau sent a letter to your household about the 2023 National
Household Education Survey. The focus of this survey is the care and educational activities of
children. First, we need to determine if your household has children.

If there are no children in your household, let us know and you are done! The survey will
take only about 3 minutes to complete.


If there are children in your household, we will ask questions about the care and
education of one of the children. The survey will take about 30 minutes to complete.

Please complete this survey online as soon as possible using the instructions below. Follow
these three easy steps.
1. Go to:
2. Enter your User ID:
3. Click "Begin survey" to participate in the survey.
Even if there are no children in your household, please log in to let us know.

We know that you are busy, and we have enclosed $5 as a token of our appreciation for your
We understand that some households do not have Internet access. If you prefer to complete
the survey by phone, have questions, or need assistance, please contact the U.S.
Census Bureau toll-free at 1–888–840–8353. Answers to commonly asked questions about
the survey are included in this mailing. You can also find more information online at
Thank you for your participation in this valuable national survey. We look forward to your

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau Enclosures

Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).


Advance Letter

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




January XX, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear person living at this  address,
I am pleased to inform you that your household has been selected to participate in an important
national survey on the education of children in the United States, the 2023 National Household
Education Survey. The U.S. Census Bureau conducts this survey of households on behalf of the
U.S. Department of Education every few years. We conduct it to gather information about learning
activities that happen outside of schools.
What to expect next:

In a few days you will receive an invitation in the mail from us to complete the survey.


The survey can be completed at home by an adult in the household.


If there are no children in your household, it takes about 3 minutes to complete. If there are
children in your household, it will take about 30 minutes to complete because we will ask
questions about one of the children in the household.


We included $5 as a token of our appreciation for your participation. Please look for it in your
next mailing from us!

If you would like more information, please visit or contact us toll-free at 1-888840-8353.
Thank you in advance for your help with this important survey.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau


Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-10L(W) (04-2021)


Follow-up Letter 1

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




January XX, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear person living at this  address,

Last week, the U.S. Census Bureau sent a letter to your household about the 2023 National
Household Education Survey. The focus of this survey is the care and educational activities of
children. First, we need to determine if your household has children.

If there are no children in your household, let us know and you are done! The survey will
take only about 3 minutes to complete.


If there are children in your household, we will ask questions about the care and
education of one of the children. The survey will take about 30 minutes to complete.

Please complete this survey online as soon as possible using the instructions below. Follow
these three easy steps.
1. Go to:
2. Enter your User ID:
3. Click "Begin survey" to participate in the survey.
Even if there are no children in your household, please log in to let us know.

We know that you are busy, and we have enclosed $5 as a token of our appreciation for your
We understand that some households do not have Internet access. If you prefer to complete
the survey by phone, have questions, or need assistance, please contact the U.S.
Census Bureau toll-free at 1–888–840–8353. Answers to commonly asked questions about
the survey are included in this mailing. You can also find more information online at
Thank you for your participation in this valuable national survey. We look forward to your

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau Enclosures

Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).


Thank you/Reminder Letter


U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

Dear person living at this  address,
Recently we mailed you a letter asking you to participate in the 2023 National Household Education Survey.
If you or someone in your household has already completed the survey, we thank you very much for your
help! If you have not completed your survey, please do so right away. Households without children just need
to login and let us know there are no children in the household. Households with children will be asked questions
about the care and education of ONE of their children.
Follow these steps to finish the survey online:
1. Go to:
2. Enter your User ID:
3. Click "Begin survey" to participate in the survey.
Even if there are no children in your household, please log in to let us know.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us toll-free at 1–888–840–8353.

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
Recientemente le enviamos por correo postal una carta para invitarlo(a) a participar en la Encuesta Nacional en
Hogares sobre Educación del 2023. Si usted o alguien en su hogar ya ha completado la encuesta, ¡le damos las gracias
por su ayuda! Si no ha completado la encuesta, por favor, hágalo cuanto antes. Los hogares en donde no hay niños, solo
necesitan ingresar a la encuesta online y dejarnos saber que no hay niños en su hogar. A los hogares con niños se les
preguntará sobre el cuidado y la educación de UNO de sus niños.
Siga estos pasos para finalizar la encuesta por Internet:
1. Visite:
2. Escriba su identificación de usuario:
3. Haga clic en “Empezar encuesta” para participar en la encuesta.
Aún si no hay niños en su hogar, por favor, ingrese a la encuesta online para hacérnoslo saber.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros llamando al número gratuito 1–888–840–8353.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau


Follow-up Letter 2

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




February XX, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear person living at this  address,

We have mailed this survey using rush delivery because of the importance of YOUR response to
the success of the 2023 National Household Education Survey. The purpose of the survey is to
gather information about children’s care and educational activities. We cannot replace you with
another household. Our records indicate that your 2023 National Household Education Survey
response has not yet been submitted.
The first question of the survey asks whether there are children in your household. Once you fill
out the first question of the survey:
• If there are NO children: You are done!
• If there are children: You will be asked additional questions about the care and education of
ONE child.
Please respond to this survey. Follow these steps to complete the survey:
1. Go to:
2. Enter your User ID:
3. Click "Begin survey" to participate in the survey.
Even if there are no children in your household, please log in to let us know.

If you have questions, need assistance, or prefer to complete the survey by phone, please
contact us toll-free at 1–888–840–8353. Answers to commonly asked questions about the
survey are included in this mailing. You can also find more information online at
Thank you for taking part in this important survey.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau


Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-12L(AC) (05-2021)


Follow-up Letter 3

Economics and Statistics Administration

U.S. Census Bureau

Washington, DC 20233-0001

201940000090 22


March XX, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear person living at this  address,
Recently, we asked for your help with the 2023 National Household Education Survey.
We are contacting you again to ask for your response. This survey is the only way we
can gather important information about children’s care and educational activities. For
most people, this survey takes 3 minutes or less.
Please fill out the enclosed survey and return it as soon as possible. The purpose of
this survey is to identify households with children.

If there are no children in this household: Answer the first question on the
survey and return it in the postage-paid envelope that is provided. You’re done!


If there are children in this household: Please complete the brief survey and
return it in the postage-paid envelope that is provided. We may send you
another survey to learn more about the care and education of ONE child in your

Answers to commonly asked questions about the survey are included in this mailing.
You can also call us toll-free at 1–888–840–8353 with any questions or to complete the
survey with an interviewer. If there are no children in your household, this call will take
5 minutes or less.
Thank you for taking part in this important study.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau Enclosures


Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-13L(AC) (05-2021)


Follow-up Letter 4

U.S. Census Bureau

Washington, DC 20233-0001




April XX, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear person living at this  address,

I am personally writing to request only a few minutes of your time to help with the National
Household Education Survey. Whether your household is large or small, has children or not, your
response is needed to provide the best possible data about education in America. If there are no
children in your household, you just need to answer ONE question. If there are children in your
household, you will answer a few additional questions. For most people, it takes 3 minutes or less to
complete the survey.
If you have any questions or would like to complete the survey with an interviewer, please
give us a call toll-free at 1–888–840–8353. Answers to commonly asked questions about
the survey are included in this mailing. Please respond as soon as possible.
You can find more information online at
Thank you for taking part in this important survey.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau


Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-14L(AC) (05-2021)



Your household has been invited to participate in the National Household Education Survey.
It is important that we hear from you this week. If you have already responded, THANK YOU!
If you have not responded, please answer this ONE question below and return this card
using the postage-paid envelope that is provided.

Are there any children or youth age 20 or younger living in this household?
Include small children, foster children, babies and youth who are away at college (if they have no
other permanent home).


Thank you again for your time.

If you have questions, need
assistance, or prefer to complete

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau

the survey with an interviewer,
contact us toll-free at

Authorization and Confidentiality of information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is authorized to conduct the
National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The
U.S. Census Bureau is administering this voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to


participate in this study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or
used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).

OMB No. XXXX-XXXX Approval Expires XX/XX/20XX

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

National Household Education Survey
Start Here: The Department of Education is studying households with

children or youth age 20 or younger.

This survey should be filled out by an adult household member living at this address. Please use a
blue or black pen if available.

1. Are there any children or youth age 20 or younger
living in this household?
Include small children, foster children, babies and youth who are away
at college (if they have no other permanent home).



Please complete the rest of this brief survey, starting with
question 2 on the next page. Each household is different,
and we need your response so we can send you a survey that
is right for your household.

Thank you. You are FINISHED with the National Household
Education Survey. Please RETURN this survey to us in the
enclosed envelope. It is important that we receive your
answer to this question even if it is the only question you
have to answer.

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is authorized to conduct the National Household Education
Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this voluntary
survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this study. All of the information you provide may be used
only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151). According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays
a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this voluntary survey is 1850-0768. The time required to complete this survey is estimated
to average 3 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and complete and review the survey. If you have
any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this survey, or any comments or concerns regarding the status
of your individual submission of this survey, please e-mail: [email protected] or write directly to: Sarah Grady, National Center for Education Statistics
(NCES), PCP, 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor, Washington, DC 20202.


OMB No. XXXX-XXXX: Approval Expires XX/XX/20XX

Conducted for:
U.S. Department of Education

National Household Education Survey
Continue here
2. How many children or youth age
20 or YOUNGER live in this household?

3. What is his or her first name?
Start with the youngest child or
youth who is age 20 or younger. If
you prefer, you may use initials or
nicknames instead of names.

National Center for Education Statistics

Child/Youth 1

Child/Youth 2

Child/Youth 3

Child/Youth 4

Child/Youth 5






First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname


5. What is this child/youth’s sex?

6. Is this child/youth

currently in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mark [X] ONE only.

7. What is this child/youth’s
current grade orgrade



year of birth

year of birth


year of birth


year of birth


year of birth











Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public
or private school for
some or all classes,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private
school, or preschool,

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

Not in school?

Not in school?

Not in school?

Not in school?

Not in school?

GO TO child/youth 2

GO TO child/youth 3

GO TO child/youth 4

GO TO child/youth 5

Return Survey.











write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

None of these

None of these

None of these

None of these

None of these

Please verify you have listed the 5 youngest children or youth living in this household in columns 1 through 5 above. Thank you. Please return this form in the postage-paid envelope provided.


Continue answering questions 3
through 7 for each child or youth
living in this household.



4. What is this child/youth’s month
and year of birth?

OMB No. XXXX-XXXX Approval Expires XX/XX/20XX

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

National Household Education Survey

Here: The Department of Education is studying households with
children or youth age 20 or younger.
This survey should be filled out by an adult household member living at this address. Please use a
blue or black pen if available.

1. Are there any children or youth age 20 or younger
living in this household?
Include small children, foster children, babies and youth who are away
at college (if they have no other permanent home).

Please complete the rest of this brief survey, starting with question
2 on the next page. Each household is different, and we need your
response so we can send you a survey that is right for your household.


Thank you. You are FINISHED with the National Household Education
Survey. Please RETURN this survey to us in the enclosed envelope. It is
important that we receive your answer to this question even if it is the
only question you have to answer.

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is authorized to conduct the National Household Education
Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this voluntary
survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this study. All of the information you provide may be used
only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151). According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays
a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this voluntary survey is 1850-0768. The time required to complete this survey is estimated
to average 3 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and complete and review the survey. If you have
any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this survey, or any comments or concerns regarding the status
of your individual submission of this survey, please e-mail: [email protected] or write directly to: Sarah Grady, National Center for Education Statistics
(NCES), PCP, 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor, Washington, DC 20202.


OMB No. XXXX-XXXX: Approval Expires XX/XX/20XX

Conducted for:
U.S. Department of Education

National Household Education Survey
Continue here
2. How many children or youth age
20 or YOUNGER live in this household?

3. What is his or her first name?
Start with the youngest child or
youth who is age 20 or younger. If
you prefer, you may use initials or
nicknames instead of names.

National Center for Education Statistics

Child/Youth 1

Child/Youth 2

Child/Youth 3

Child/Youth 4

Child/Youth 5






First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname


5. What is this child/youth’s sex?

6. Is this child/youth

currently in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mark [X] ONE only.

7. What is this child/youth’s
current grade orgrade



year of birth

year of birth


year of birth


year of birth


year of birth











Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public
or private school for
some or all classes,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private
school, or preschool,

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

Not in school?

Not in school?

Not in school?

Not in school?

Not in school?

GO TO child/youth 2

GO TO child/youth 3

GO TO child/youth 4

GO TO child/youth 5

Return Survey.











write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

None of these

None of these

None of these

None of these

None of these

Please verify you have listed the 5 youngest children or youth living in this household in columns 1 through 5 above. Thank you. Please return this form in the postage-paid envelope provided.


Continue answering questions 3
through 7 for each child or youth
living in this household.



4. What is this child/youth’s month
and year of birth?

Alternate Contact – Spanish


Carta de Introducción

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




XX de enero, 2023

Persona que vive en esta dirección de 
ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
Me complace informarle que su hogar fue seleccionado para participar en una importante
encuesta nacional sobre la educación de los niños en los Estados Unidos, la Encuesta
Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación del 2023. La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU., en
nombre del Departamento de Educación de los EE. UU., realiza esta encuesta en los hogares
cada ciertos años para recopilar información sobre las actividades de aprendizaje que se
llevan a cabo fuera de las escuelas.
Qué debe esperar próximamente:

Dentro de unos días, recibirá de nuestra parte una invitación por correo postal para
completar la encuesta.


La encuesta puede ser respondida en casa por cualquier adulto que se encuentre en el


Si no hay niños en su hogar, le llevará como 3 minutos completarla. Si hay niños en su
hogar, le llevará como 30 minutos completarla porque le haremos preguntas acerca de uno
de los niños en el hogar.


Como muestra de nuestro agradecimiento, incluiremos $5 por su participación en este
estudio. ¡Los recibirá en nuestro próximo envío por correo!

Si desea recibir más información sobre este estudio, visite o comuníquese con
nosotros llamando al número gratuito 1–888–840–8353.
Le agradecemos de antemano por su ayuda con este importante estudio.

Ron S. Jarmin
Director en funciones, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.


Aviso sobre la autorización y la confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del
Departamento de Educación, está autorizado a realizar este estudio por medio de la Reforma a la Ley
de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002; titulo 20; sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo
de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide
no participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines
estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando
lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-10LB(AC) (07-2021)


Carta de seguimiento 1

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




XX de enero, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
La semana pasada, la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. envió una carta a su hogar sobre la
Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación 2023. El enfoque de esta encuesta es el cuidado y
las actividades educativas de los niños. Primero, necesitamos determinar si hay niños en su

Si no hay niños en su hogar, déjenoslo saber, y ¡eso es todo! Completar la encuesta le
llevará solo como 3 minutos.


Si hay niños en su hogar, le haremos preguntas sobre el cuidado y la educación de uno de
los niños. Completar la encuesta le llevará como 30 minutos.

Complete esta encuesta por Internet tan pronto como sea posible, siguiendo las instrucciones a
continuación. Siga estos tres sencillos pasos:

1. Visite:
2. Escriba su identificación de usuario:
3. Haga clic en “Empezar encuesta” para participar en la encuesta.
Aún si no hay niños en su hogar, por favor ingrese a la encuesta online para dejárnoslo saber.

Sabemos que usted es una persona ocupada, y como muestra de nuestro agradecimiento incluimos $5
por su tiempo.
Entendemos que no todos los hogares tienen acceso a Internet. Si desea recibir la encuesta en otro
formato, tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda adicional, comuníquese con la Oficina del
Censo de los EE. UU. llamando al número gratuito 1–888–840–8353. Puede encontrar más
información disponible en Internet en:
Le agradecemos su participación en esta importante encuesta nacional. Esperamos su respuesta.

Ron S. Jarmin
Director en funciones, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Aviso sobre la autorización y la confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del
Departamento de Educación, está autorizado a realizar este estudio por medio de la Reforma a la Ley
de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002; titulo 20; sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo
de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide
no participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines
estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando
lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-11LB(AC) (07-2021)


Thank you/Reminder Letter


U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

Dear person living at this  address,
Recently we mailed you a letter asking you to participate in the 2023 National Household Education Survey.
If you or someone in your household has already completed the survey, we thank you very much for your
help! If you have not completed your survey, please do so right away. Households without children just need
to login and let us know there are no children in the household. Households with children will be asked questions
about the care and education of ONE of their children.
Follow these steps to finish the survey online:
1. Go to:
2. Enter your User ID:
3. Click "Begin survey" to participate in the survey.
Even if there are no children in your household, please log in to let us know.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us toll-free at 1–888–840–8353.

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
Recientemente le enviamos por correo postal una carta para invitarlo(a) a participar en la Encuesta Nacional en
Hogares sobre Educación del 2023. Si usted o alguien en su hogar ya ha completado la encuesta, ¡le damos las gracias
por su ayuda! Si no ha completado la encuesta, por favor, hágalo cuanto antes. Los hogares en donde no hay niños, solo
necesitan ingresar a la encuesta online y dejarnos saber que no hay niños en su hogar. A los hogares con niños se les
preguntará sobre el cuidado y la educación de UNO de sus niños.
Siga estos pasos para finalizar la encuesta por Internet:
1. Visite:
2. Escriba su identificación de usuario:
3. Haga clic en “Empezar encuesta” para participar en la encuesta.
Aún si no hay niños en su hogar, por favor, ingrese a la encuesta online para hacérnoslo saber.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros llamando al número gratuito 1–888–840–8353.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau


Carta de seguimiento 2

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




XX de febrero, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
Le hemos enviado esta encuesta mediante el servicio de entrega urgente debido a la importancia
que tiene su respuesta para el éxito de la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación 2023. El
propósito de la encuesta es recolectar información acerca del cuidado de niños y actividades de
educación. No podemos reemplazarle con otro hogar. Nuestros récords indican que todavía su
Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación del 2023 no nos ha sido enviada.
La primera pregunta que la encuesta hace es si hay niños en su hogar. Una vez que usted complete
la primera pregunta de la encuesta:
Si NO hay niños: ¡Usted ya terminó!
Si hay niños: Se le hará preguntas adicionales acerca del cuidado y educación de UNO de los
Siga estos pasos para completar la encuesta:

1. Visite:
2. Escriba su identificación de usuario:
3. Haga clic en “Empezar encuesta” para participar en la encuesta.
Aún si no hay niños en su hogar, por favor ingrese a la encuesta online para dejárnoslo saber.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, necesita ayuda o prefiere completar la encuesta por teléfono
comuníquese con nosotros llamando al número gratuito 1–888–840–8353. Puede encontrar más
información disponible en Internet en:
Gracias por participar en este importante estudio.

Ron S. Jarmin
Director en funciones, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.


Aviso sobre la autorización y la confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del
Departamento de Educación, está autorizado a realizar este estudio por medio de la Reforma a la Ley
de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002; titulo 20; sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo
de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide
no participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines
estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando
lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-12LB(AC) (07-2021)



Carta de seguimiento 3

Economics and Statistics Administration

U.S. Census Bureau

Washington, DC 20233-0001

201940000090 22


XX de marzo, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
Recientemente, le hemos pedido su colaboración con la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares
sobre Educación 2023. Estamos comunicándonos nuevamente con usted para pedirle
su respuesta. Esta encuesta es la única forma en la que podemos recolectar
información importante sobre el cuidado y actividades educativas de los niños.
A la mayoría de la gente, esta encuesta le toma 3 minutos o menos.
Por favor, complete la encuesta adjunta y devuélvela lo más pronto posible. El
propósito de esta encuesta es identificar hogares en donde hay niños.
Así es como debe responder:

Si no hay niños en este hogar: Responda a la primera pregunta de la
encuesta y devuélvala en el sobre con franqueo pagado que se le ha
proporcionado, ¡Y ya terminó!


Si hay niños en este hogar: Por favor, complete esta breve encuesta y
devuélvala en el sobre con franqueo pagado que se le ha proporcionado. Puede
que le enviemos otra encuesta para saber más acerca del cuidado y educación
de UNO de los niños de su hogar.

En este correo se incluyen respuestas a las preguntas más frequentes sobre la encuesta.
También nos puede llamar al número gratis 1–888–840–8353 para cualquier pregunta, o para
completar la encuesta con un encuestador. Si no hay niños en su hogar, esta llamada le tomará 5
minutos o menos.
Gracias por tomar parte de este importante estudio.
Ron S. Jarmin
Director en funciones, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Aviso sobre la autorización y la confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional de Estadísticas para la Educación (NCES, por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del
Departamento de Educación de EE. UU. está autorizado a realizar la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares
sobre Educación (NHES, por sus siglas en inglés) por medio del Acta de Reforma de Ciencias para la
Educación 2002 (ESRA 2002, titulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. administra
esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decidiera no participar en este
estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos, y no puede
divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C.
§9573 y 6 U.S.C §151).

NHES-13LB(AC) (07-2021)


Carta de seguimiento 4

U.S. Census Bureau



Washington, DC 20233-0001



XX de abril, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,

Le estoy escribiendo personalmente para pedirle solo unos minutos de su tiempo para colaborar con la
Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación. Independientemente de que su hogar sea grande o
pequeño, tenga hijos o no, sus respuestas son importantes para proporcionarnos los mejores datos
posibles sobre la educación en los Estados Unidos. Si no hay niños en su hogar, usted solo necesita
responder UNA pregunta. Si hay niños en su hogar, usted responderá unas cuantas preguntas adicionales.
A la mayoría de la gente, le toma 3 minutos o menos completar la encuesta.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o desea completar la encuesta con un entrevistador, llámenos al número gratuito
1–888–840–8353. En este correo se incluyen respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes sobre la
encuesta. Por favor, responda tan pronto como le sea posible.
Puede encontrar más información disponible en Internet sobre este estudio en:
Gracias por participar en este importante estudio.


Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau

Autorización y confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional de Estadísticas para la Educación (NCES, por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del
Departamento de Educación de EE. UU. está autorizado a realizar la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares
sobre Educación (NHES, por sus siglas en inglés) por medio del Acta de Reforma de Ciencias para la
Educación 2002 (ESRA 2002, titulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. administra
esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decidiera no participar en este
estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos, y no puede
divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C.
§9573 y 6 U.S.C §151).


Nacional en
Hogares sobre

Hemos invitado a su hogar a participar en la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares para la Educación.
Es importante que obtengamos su respuesta esta semana. Si ya ha contestado, ¡GRACIAS!
Si no ha respondido, por favor conteste UNA sola pregunta a continuación y devuelva
esta tarjeta usando el sobre de franqueo prepagado que se proporciona.

¿Vive algún niño o joven menor de 20 años en este hogar?
Incluya niños pequeños, ni os de crianza temporal Foster), bebés y aquellos que viven en viviendas
universitarias (si no tienen otro hogar permanente).


Gracias, nuevamente, por su tiempo.

Si usted tiene preguntas, necesita
ayuda, o prefiere completar la
encuesta con un entrevistador,
comuníquese con nosotros a
nuestro número gratis

Ron S. Jarmin
Director en funciones, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.
Aviso sobre la autorización y la confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional para Estad sticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en Inglés), dentro del Departamento de Educación, est
autorizado a realizar este estudio por medio de la Reforma a la Ley de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002; titulo 20;
sección §9543). La Oficina del Censo de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones
3u2dio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines estad sticos y no puede
si decide no participar en este est718
divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151).

Número de OMB XXXX-XXXX: Aprobado hasta XX/XX/20XX

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación
Empiece Aquí: El Departamento de Educación está estudiando hogares con niños o
jóvenes de 20 años o menores.
Esta encuesta debe ser completada por un adulto que viva en este hogar. Por favor, de ser
posible, use una pluma o bolígrafo de tinta negra o azul.

1. Hay algún niño o joven menor de 20 años viviendo en
este hogar?
Incluya niños pequeños, niños de crianza temporal (Foster), bebés y
aquellos que viven en viviendas universitarias (si no tienen otro hogar



Complete el resto de esta breve encuesta, empezando por la
pregunta 2 en la página siguiente.. Cada hogar es diferente,
y necesitamos su respuesta para poder enviarle la encuesta
apropiada para su hogar.

Gracias. Usted ha TERMINADO con la Encuesta Nacional en
Hogares sobre Educación. Por favor DEVUELVA esta
encuesta en el sobre adjunto. Es importante que recibamos
su respuesta a esta pregunta aunque sea la única pregunta
que tiene que responder.

TEl Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en Inglés), dentro del Departamento de Educación está autorizado a realizar esta Encuesta Nacional en
Hogares sobre Educación (NHES por sus siglas en inglés) por medio de la Reforma a la Ley de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002, titulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina
del Censo de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide no participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde
puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C.
§151). De acuerdo con la Ley de Reducción de Papeleo de 1995, no se requiere que ninguna persona responda a una recopilación de información a menos que muestre un número
de control OMB válido. El número de control OMB válido para esta encuesta voluntaria es 1850-0768. El tiempo requerido para completar esta encuesta se estima en un promedio
de 3 minutos por respuesta, incluido el tiempo para revisar las instrucciones, reunir los datos necesarios y completar y revisar la encuesta. Si tiene algún comentario sobre la
precisión del tiempo estimado, las sugerencias para mejorar esta encuesta, o cualquier comentario o inquietud con respecto al estado de su presentación individual de esta
encuesta, por favor envie un correo electrónico a: [email protected] o escriba a: Sarah Grady, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), PCP, 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor,
Washington, DC 20202.


Número de OMB . XXXX-XXXX: Aprobado hasta XX/XX/20XX

Realizada por:
Departamento de Educación de E.E.U.U

Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación
menores viven es este hogar?



Siga respondiendo a las
preguntas 3 a 7 para cada niño o
joven que vive en este hogar.

3. ¿Cuál es el nombre, iniciales o
apodo del niño(a)? Empiece con el
más joven de los niños o jóvenes
que sea de 20 años o menor. Si lo
prefiere, puede usar iniciales o
apodos en vez de nombres.

Niño(a)/joven 1

Niño(a)/joven 2

Niño(a)/joven 3

Niño(a)/joven 4

Niño(a)/joven 5






4. ¿En qué mes y año nació este

6. Actualmente, ¿este niño o
joven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Marque [X] UNA SOLA respuesta.

7. Actualmente, ¿en qué grado o
equivalencia de grado está este

Nombre, iniciales o apodo


5. ¿De qué sexo es este niño(a)/

Nombre, iniciales o apodo

Nombre, iniciales o apodo



ño de nacimiento

Nombre, iniciales o apodo

ño de nacimiento


Nombre, iniciales o apodo

ño de nacimiento


ño de nacimiento


ño de nacimiento











Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

No está siguiendo estudios?

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

No está siguiendo estudios?

No está siguiendo estudios?

No está siguiendo estudios?

No está siguiendo estudios?

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 2

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 3

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 4

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 5

Devuelva la encuesta.











Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

Ninguno de estos

Ninguno de estos

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

Ninguno de estos

Ninguno de estos

Ninguno de estos

Verifique por favor que haya anotado en las columnas del 1 a 5 arriba a los 5 niños o jóvenes más jóvenes que viven en este hogar. Muchas gracias. Por favor devuelva este formulario en el sobre estampillado incluido.


2. ¿Cuántos niños o jóvenes de 20años o


Continúe aquí

Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación

Número de OMB XXXX-XXXX: Aprobado hasta XX/XX/20XX

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación

Empiece Aquí: El Departamento de Educación está estudiando hogares con
niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menores.

Esta encuesta debe ser completada por un adulto que viva en este hogar. Por favor, de ser
posible, use una pluma o bolígrafo de tinta negra o azul.

1. ¿Hay algún niño o joven menor de 20 años viviendo en
este hogar?
Incluya niños pequeños, niños de crianza temporal (Foster), bebés y aquellos que viven en
viviendas universitarias (si no tienen otro hogar permanente).



Complete el resto de esta breve encuesta, empezando por la pregunta

2 en la página siguiente.. Cada hogar es diferente, y necesitamos su
respuesta para poder enviarle la encuesta apropiada para su hogar.
Gracias. Usted ha TERMINADO con la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares
sobre Educación. Por favor DEVUELVA esta encuesta en el sobre
adjunto. Es importante que recibamos su respuesta a esta pregunta
aunque sea la única pregunta que tiene que responder.

El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en Inglés), dentro del Departamento de Educación está autorizado a realizar esta Encuesta Nacional en
Hogares sobre Educación (NHES por sus siglas en inglés) por medio de la Reforma a la Ley de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002, titulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina
del Censo de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide no participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde
puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C.
§151). De acuerdo con la Ley de Reducción de Papeleo de 1995, no se requiere que ninguna persona responda a una recopilación de información a menos que muestre un número
de control OMB válido. El número de control OMB válido para esta encuesta voluntaria es 1850-0768. El tiempo requerido para completar esta encuesta se estima en un promedio
de 3 minutos por respuesta, incluido el tiempo para revisar las instrucciones, reunir los datos necesarios y completar y revisar la encuesta. Si tiene algún comentario sobre la
precisión del tiempo estimado, las sugerencias para mejorar esta encuesta, o cualquier comentario o inquietud con respecto al estado de su presentación individual de esta
encuesta, por favor envie un correo electrónico a: [email protected] o escriba a: Sarah Grady, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), PCP, 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor,
Washington, DC 20202.


Número de OMB . XXXX-XXXX: Aprobado hasta XX/XX/20XX

Realizada por:
Departamento de Educación de E.E.U.U

Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación
menores viven es este hogar?



Siga respondiendo a las
preguntas 3 a 7 para cada niño o
joven que vive en este hogar.

Empiece con el más joven de los
niños o jóvenes.

3. ¿Cuál es el nombre, iniciales o
apodo del niño(a)? Empiece con el
más joven de los niños o jóvenes
que sea de 20 años o menor. Si lo
prefiere, puede usar iniciales o
apodos en vez de nombres.

Niño(a)/joven 1

Niño(a)/joven 2

Niño(a)/joven 3

Niño(a)/joven 4

Niño(a)/joven 5






4. ¿En qué mes y año nació este

6. Actualmente, ¿este niño o
joven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Marque [X] UNA SOLA respuesta.

7. Actualmente, ¿en qué grado o
equivalencia de grado está este

Nombre, iniciales o apodo


5. ¿De qué sexo es este niño(a)/

Nombre, iniciales o apodo

Nombre, iniciales o apodo



ño de nacimiento

Nombre, iniciales o apodo

ño de nacimiento


Nombre, iniciales o apodo

ño de nacimiento


ño de nacimiento


ño de nacimiento











Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

No está siguiendo estudios?

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

No está siguiendo estudios?

No está siguiendo estudios?

No está siguiendo estudios?

No está siguiendo estudios?

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 2

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 3

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 4

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 5

Devuelva la encuesta.











Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

Ninguno de estos

Ninguno de estos

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

Ninguno de estos

Ninguno de estos

Ninguno de estos

Verifique por favor que haya anotado en las columnas del 1 a 5 arriba a los 5 niños o jóvenes más jóvenes que viven en este hogar. Muchas gracias. Por favor devuelva este formulario en el sobre estampillado incluido.


2. ¿Cuántos niños o jóvenes de 20años o


Continúe aquí

Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación

Early Bird – English


Advance Letter

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




September XX, 2021

Person living at this  address
ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear person living at this  address,

I am pleased to inform you that your household has been selected to participate in an important
national survey on the education of people in the United States, the 2023 National Household
Education Survey. The U.S. Census Bureau conducts this survey of households on behalf of the
U.S. Department of Education every few years. We conduct it to gather information about learning
activities that happen outside of schools.
What to expect next:

In a few days you will receive an invitation in the mail from us to complete the survey.


The survey can be completed at home by an adult in the household.


Depending on your answers, it takes about 3 to 30 minutes to complete.


We included $5 as a token of our appreciation for your participation. Please look for it in your
next mailing from us! Also, if you complete the survey by November 12th, we will mail
you an additional $20.

If you would like more information, please visit or contact us toll-free at 1-888840-8353.
Thank you in advance for your help with this important survey.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau

Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-10L(EB) (06-2021)


Follow-up Letter 1

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




September XX, 2021

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear person living at this  address,

Last week, the U.S. Census Bureau sent a letter to your household about the 2023 National
Household Education Survey. Please complete this survey online as soon as possible using
the instructions below.
Follow these three easy steps.
1. Go to:
2. Enter your User ID:
3. Click "Begin survey" to participate in the survey.
Even if there are no children in your household, please log in to let us know.

This survey will take only about 3 minutes if there are no children in your household. If there
are children, it will take about 30 minutes. We know that you are busy, and we have enclosed
$5 as a token of our appreciation for your time.
If you complete the survey by November 12, we will mail you an additional $20 as a
thank you for your prompt response.
We understand that some households do not have Internet access. If you prefer to complete
the survey by phone, have questions, or need assistance, please contact the U.S.
Census Bureau toll-free at 1–888–840–8353. Answers to commonly asked questions about
the survey are included in this mailing. You can also find more information online at
Thank you for your participation in this valuable national survey. We look forward to your

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau

Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).


Thank you/Reminder Letter


U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

Dear person living at this  address,
Recently we mailed you a letter asking you to participate in the 2023 National Household Education Survey.
If you or someone in your household has already completed the survey, we thank you very much for your
help! If you have not completed your survey, please do so right away. Remember, if we get your response by
November 12, we will send you an additional $20.
Follow these steps to finish the survey online:
1. Go to:
2. Enter your User ID:
3. Click "Begin survey" to participate in the survey.
Even if there are no children in your household, please log in to let us know.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us toll-free at 1–888–840–8353.

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
Recientemente le enviamos por correo postal una carta para invitarlo(a) a participar en la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares
sobre Educación del 2019. Si usted o alguien en su hogar ya ha completado la encuesta, ¡le damos las gracias por su
ayuda! Si no ha completado la encuesta, por favor, hágalo cuanto antes. Recuerde, si recibimos su respuesta el 12 de
noviembre o antes, le enviaremos $20 adicionales.
Siga estos pasos para finalizar la encuesta por Internet:
1. Visite:
2. Escriba su identificación de usuario:
3. Haga clic en “Empezar encuesta” para participar en la encuesta.
Aún si no hay niños en su hogar, por favor, regístrese para hacérnoslo saber.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros llamando al número gratuito 1–888–840–8353.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau

Follow-up Letter 2

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




September XX, 2021

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear person living at this  address,

We have mailed this survey using rush delivery because of the importance of YOUR response to
the success of the survey. We cannot replace you with another household. We have not yet
received your completed survey for the 2023 National Household Education Survey.
Complete your survey by November 12 and we will mail you $20 as a token of our
appreciation for your prompt response.
Please respond to this survey. Follow these steps to complete the survey:
1. Go to:
2. Enter your User ID:
3. Click "Begin survey" to participate in the survey.
Even if there are no children in your household, please log in to let us know.

If you have questions, need assistance, or prefer to complete the survey by phone, please
contact us toll-free at 1–888–840–8353. Answers to commonly asked questions about the
survey are included in this mailing. You can also find more information online at
Thank you for taking part in this important survey.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau


Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-12L(EB) (06-2021)



This is your last chance to participate in the National Household
Education Survey. It is important that we hear from you this week.
If you have already responded, THANK YOU! If not, you may still complete the survey
online. Just follow these easy steps!
1. Go to: You can also access this website
by scanning the QR code below.
2. Enter your User ID:


3. Click "Begin Survey" to participate in the survey.

Even if there are no
children in your household,
please log in to let us know.

Thank you again for your time.

If you have questions, need
assistance, or prefer to complete
the survey with an interviewer,
contact us toll-free at

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau
Authorization and Confidentiality of information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is authorized to conduct the
National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The
U.S. Census Bureau is administering this voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to
participate in this study. All of the731
information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or
used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).

Early Bird – Spanish


Carta de Introducción

U.S. Census Bureau



Washington, DC 20233-0001



XX de septiembre, 2021

Persona que vive en esta dirección de 
ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
Me complace informarle que su hogar fue seleccionado para participar en una importante encuesta
nacional sobre la educación de las personas en los Estados Unidos, la Encuesta Nacional en
Hogares sobre Educación del 2023. La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU., en nombre del
Departamento de Educación de los EE. UU., realiza esta encuesta en los hogares cada ciertos años
para recopilar información sobre las actividades de aprendizaje que se llevan a cabo fuera de las
Qué debe esperar próximamente:

Dentro de unos días, recibirá de nuestra parte una invitación por correo postal para
completar la encuesta.


La encuesta puede ser respondida en casa por cualquier adulto que se encuentre en el


Dependiendo de cuáles sean sus respuestas, tardará entre 3 y 30 minutos en completarla.


Como muestra de nuestro agradecimiento, incluiremos $5 por su participación en este
estudio. ¡Los recibirá en nuestro próximo envío por correo! Además, si completa la encuesta
para el 12 de noviembre, le enviaremos por correo $20 adicionales.

Si desea recibir más información sobre este estudio, visite o comuníquese con
nosotros llamando al número gratuito 1–888–840–8353.
Le agradecemos de antemano por su ayuda con este importante estudio.

Ron S. Jarmin
Director en funciones, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.


Aviso sobre la autorización y la confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del
Departamento de Educación, está autorizado a realizar este estudio por medio de la Reforma a la Ley de
las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002, titulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo de
Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide no
participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos
y no puede divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley
(20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151).


Carta de seguimiento 1

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001

201940000090 22


XX de septiembre, 2021

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
La semana pasada, la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. envió una carta a su hogar sobre la
Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación del 2023. Por favor, complete esta encuesta por
Internet tan pronto como sea posible, siguiendo las instrucciones a continuación.
Siga estos tres sencillos pasos:

1. Visite:
2. Escriba su identificación de usuario:
3. Haga clic en “Empezar encuesta” para participar en la encuesta.
Aún si no hay niños en su hogar, por favor, ingrese a la encuesta online y déjenoslo saber.

Esta encuesta le tomará solo como 3 minutos si en su hogar no hay niños. Si hay niños, le tomará como 30
minutos. Sabemos que usted es una persona ocupada y como muestra de nuestro agradecimiento
incluimos $5 por su tiempo.
Si usted completa la encuesta para el 12 de noviembre, le enviaremos $20 adicionales como
agradecimiento por su pronta respuesta.
Entendemos que no todos los hogares tienen acceso a Internet. Si prefiere completar la encuesta por
teléfono, tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda adicional, comuníquese con la Oficina del
Censo de los EE. UU. llamando al número gratuito 1–888–840–8353. En este correo se incluyen
respuestas a preguntas frecuentes. Puede encontrar más información disponible en Internet en:
Le agradecemos su participación en esta importante encuesta nacional. Esperamos su respuesta.

Ron S. Jarmin
Director en funciones, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Aviso sobre la autorización y la confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del
Departamento de Educación, está autorizado a realizar este estudio por medio de la Reforma a la Ley
de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002, titulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo
de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide
no participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines
estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando
lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-11LB(EB) (07-2021)


Thank you/Reminder Letter


U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

Dear person living at this  address,
Recently we mailed you a letter asking you to participate in the 2023 National Household Education Survey.
If you or someone in your household has already completed the survey, we thank you very much for your
help! If you have not completed your survey, please do so right away. Remember, if we get your response by
November 12, we will send you an additional $20.
Follow these steps to finish the survey online:
1. Go to:
2. Enter your User ID:
3. Click "Begin survey" to participate in the survey.
Even if there are no children in your household, please log in to let us know.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us toll-free at 1–888–840–8353.
Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
Recientemente le enviamos por correo postal una carta para invitarlo(a) a participar en la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares
sobre Educación del 2019. Si usted o alguien en su hogar ya ha completado la encuesta, ¡le damos las gracias por su
ayuda! Si no ha completado la encuesta, por favor, hágalo cuanto antes. Recuerde, si recibimos su respuesta el 12 de
noviembre o antes, le enviaremos $20 adicionales.
Siga estos pasos para finalizar la encuesta por Internet:
1. Visite:
2. Escriba su identificación de usuario:
3. Haga clic en “Empezar encuesta” para participar en la encuesta.
Aún si no hay niños en su hogar, por favor, regístrese para hacérnoslo saber.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros llamando al número gratuito 1–888–840–8353.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau

Carta de seguimiento 2

U.S. Census Bureau



Washington, DC 20233-0001



XX de septiembre, 2021

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
Debido a la importancia que tiene su respuesta para el éxito de la encuesta, le hemos enviado
esta encuesta mediante el servicio de entrega urgente. No podemos reemplazarlo con otro
hogar. Todavía no hemos recibido su encuesta completa de la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares
sobre Educación del 2023.
Complete su encuesta para el 12 de noviembre y le enviaremos $20 como agradecimiento a
su pronta respuesta.
Por favor, responda a esta encuesta siguiendo los pasos a continuación:

1. Visite:
2. Escriba su identificación de usuario:
3. Haga clic en “Empezar encuesta” para participar en la encuesta.
Aún si no hay niños en su hogar, por favor ingrese a la encuesta online para dejárnoslo saber.

Si tiene alguna pregunta o si necesita ayuda, comuníquese con nosotros llamando al
número gratuito 1–888–840–8353. Se incluyen respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes en
este correo. Puede encontrar más información disponible en Internet en:
Gracias por participar en este importante estudio.

Ron S. Jarmin
Director en funciones, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Aviso sobre la autorización y la confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del
Departamento de Educación, está autorizado a realizar este estudio por medio de la Reforma a la Ley
de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002, titulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo
de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide
no participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines
estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando
lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-12LB(EB) (07-2021)


Nacional en
Hogares sobre

Esta es su última oportunidad de participar en la Encuesta Nacional en
Hogares sobre Educación. Es importante que sepamos de usted esta semana.
iSi usted ya ha respondido, GRACIAS! Si no, usted todavía puede completar
la encuesta en línea. iSolo siga los siguientes pasos!
1. Vaya a: También puede acceder
esta pagina web escaneando el código QR a continuación.
2. Escriba su identificación de usuario: USUARIO ID
3. Haga clic en “Empezar encuesta” para
participar en la encuesta.

Aún si no hay niños en su
hogar, por favor, regístrese

Gracias, nuevamente, por su tiempo.

para hacérnoslo saber.


Si usted tiene preguntas, necesita
ayuda, o prefiere completar la
encuesta con un entrevistador,
comuníquese con nosotros a
nuestro número gratis

Ron S. Jarmin
Director en funciones, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.
Aviso sobre la autorización y la confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional para Estad sticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en Inglés), dentro del Departamento de Educación, est
autorizado a realizar este estudio por medio de la Reforma a la Ley de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002; titulo 20;
sección §9543). La Oficina del Censo de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si
decide no participar en este estudio.
Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines estad sticos y no puede
divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151).

Envelope Covers – English


BC-1728(0939S) (8-6-2018) 9" x 11.1/2" Window 2" x 5"

Economics and Statistics Administration
US Census Bureau


1201 E 10TH Street
Jeffersonville IN 47132-0001
Penalty for Private Use $300
BC-1728(0939S) (8-2018)

Please respond by November 12.




FLAP SIDE of envelope

Envelope Covers – Spanish


BC-1728(0939S) (8-6-2018) 9" x 11.1/2" Window 2" x 5"

Economics and Statistics Administration
US Census Bureau


1201 E 10TH Street
Jeffersonville IN 47132-0001
Penalty for Private Use $300
BC-1728(0939S) (8-2018)

Por favor responda antes del 12 de noviembre.




FLAP SIDE of envelope

Appendix B: Testing Materials Round 2


Alternate Contact – English


Advance Letter

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




January XX, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear person living at this  address,
I am pleased to inform you that your household has been selected to participate in an important
national survey on the education of children in the United States, the 2023 National Household
Education Survey. The U.S. Census Bureau conducts this survey of households on behalf of the
U.S. Department of Education every few years. We conduct it to gather information about learning
activities that happen outside of schools.
What to expect next:

In a few days you will receive an invitation in the mail from us to complete the survey.


The survey can be completed at home by an adult in the household.


If there are no children or youth age 20 or younger in your household, it takes about 3
minutes to complete. If there are children in your household, it will take about 30 minutes
to complete because we will ask questions about one of the children in the household.


We included $5 as a token of our appreciation for your participation. Please look for it in your
next mailing from us!

If you would like more information, please visit or contact us toll-free at 1-888840-8353.
Thank you in advance for your help with this important survey.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau


Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-10L(W) (04-2021)


Follow-up Letter 1

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




January XX, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear person living at this  address,
Last week, the U.S. Census Bureau sent a letter to your household about the 2023 National
Household Education Survey. The focus of this survey is the care and educational activities of
children. First, we need to determine if your household has children.

If there are no children or youth age 20 or younger in your household, let us know and
you are done! The survey willtake only about 3 minutes to complete.


If there are children or youth age 20 or younger in your household, we will ask
questions about the care and education of one of the children. The survey will take
about 30 minutes to complete.

Please complete this survey online as soon as possible using the instructions below. Follow
these three easy steps.
1. Go to:
2. Enter your User ID: 5555-5555
3. Click "Begin survey" to participate in the survey.
Even if there are no children in your household, please log in to let us know.

We know that you are busy, and we have enclosed $5 as a token of our appreciation for your
We understand that some households do not have Internet access. If you prefer to complete
the survey by phone, have questions, or need assistance, please contact the U.S.
Census Bureau toll-free at 1–888–840–8353. Answers to commonly asked questions about
the survey are included in this mailing. You can also find more information online at
Thank you for your participation in this valuable national survey. We look forward to your

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau Enclosures

Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).


Thank you/Reminder Letter


U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

Dear person living at this  address,
Recently we mailed you a letter asking you to participate in the 2023 National Household Education Survey.
If you or someone in your household has already completed the survey, we thank you very much for your
help! If you have not completed your survey, please do so right away. Households without children or youth
age 20 or younger just need to login and let us know there are no children in the household. Households with
children will be asked questions about the care and education of ONE of their children.
Follow these steps to finish the survey online:
1. Go to:
Enter your User ID: 5555-5555
Click "Begin survey" to participate in the survey.
Even if there are no children in your household, please log in to let us know.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us toll-free at 1–888–840–8353.
Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
Recientemente le enviamos por correo postal una carta para invitarlo(a) a participar en la Encuesta Nacional en
Hogares sobre Educación del 2023. Si usted o alguien en su hogar ya ha completado la encuesta, ¡le damos las gracias
por su ayuda! Si no ha completado la encuesta, por favor, hágalo cuanto antes. Los hogares en donde no hay niños o
jóvenes de 20 años o menos, solo necesitan ingresar a la encuesta online y dejarnos saber que no hay niños en su
hogar. A los hogares con niños se les preguntará sobre el cuidado y la educación de UNO de sus niños.
Siga estos pasos para finalizar la encuesta por Internet:
1. Visite:
2. Escriba su identificación de usuario: 5555-5555
3. Haga clic en “Empezar encuesta” para participar en la encuesta.
Aún si no hay niños en su hogar, por favor, ingrese a la encuesta online para hacérnoslo saber.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros llamando al número gratuito 1–888–840–8353.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau


Follow-up Letter 2

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




February XX, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear person living at this  address,
We have mailed this survey using rush delivery because of the importance of YOUR response to
the success of the 2023 National Household Education Survey. The purpose of the survey is to
gather information about children’s care and educational activities. We cannot replace you with
another household. Our records indicate that your 2023 National Household Education Survey
response has not yet been submitted.
The first question of the survey asks whether there are children or youth age 20 or younger in your
household. Once you fill out the first question of the survey:

If there are NO children: You are done!
If there are children: You will be asked additional questions about the care and education of ONE

Please respond to this survey. Follow these steps to complete the survey:
1. Go to:
2. Enter your User ID: 5555-5555
3. Click "Begin survey" to participate in the survey.
Even if there are no children in your household, please log in to let us know.

If you have questions, need assistance, or prefer to complete the survey by phone, please
contact us toll-free at 1–888–840–8353. Answers to commonly asked questions about the
survey are included in this mailing. You can also find more information online at
Thank you for taking part in this important survey.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau


Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-12L(AC) (05-2021)



Follow-up Letter 3

Economics and Statistics Administration

U.S. Census Bureau

Washington, DC 20233-0001

201940000090 22


March XX, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear person living at this  address,
Recently, we asked for your help with the 2023 National Household Education Survey.
We are contacting you again to ask for your response. This survey is the only way we
can gather important information about children’s care and educational activities. For
most people, this survey takes 3 minutes or less.
Please fill out the enclosed survey and return it as soon as possible. The purpose of
this survey is to identify households with and without children.

If there are no children or youth age 20 or younger in this household:
Answer the first question on the survey and return it in the postage-paid
envelope that is provided. You’re done!


If there are children or youth age 20 or younger in this household: Please
complete the brief survey and return it in the postage-paid envelope that is
provided. We may send you another survey to learn more about the care and
education of ONE child in yourhousehold.

Answers to commonly asked questions about the survey are included in this mailing.
You can also call us toll-free at 1–888–840–8353 with any questions or to complete the
survey with an interviewer. If there are no children in your household, this call will take
5 minutes or less.
Thank you for taking part in this important study.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau Enclosures


Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-13L(AC) (05-2021)


Follow-up Letter 4

U.S. Census Bureau

Washington, DC 20233-0001




April XX, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear person living at this  address,
I am personally writing to request only a few minutes of your time to help with the National
Household Education Survey. Whether your household is large or small, has children or not, your
response is needed to provide the best possible data about education in America. If there are no
children or youth age 20 or younger in your household, you just need to answer ONE question. If
there are children in your household, you will answer a few additional questions. For most people, it
takes 3 minutes or less tocomplete the survey.
If you have any questions or would like to complete the survey with an interviewer, please
give us a call toll-free at 1–888–840–8353. Answers to commonly asked questions about
the survey are included in this mailing. Please respond as soon as possible.
You can find more information online at
Thank you for taking part in this important survey.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau


Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-14L(AC) (05-2021)



Your household has been invited to participate in the National Household
Education Survey. It is important that we hear from you this week. If you have
already responded, THANK YOU!
If you have not responded, please answer this ONE question below and
return this card using the postage-paid envelope that is provided.
Are there any children or youth age 20 or younger living in this household?
Include small children, foster children, babies and youth who are away at college (if
they have no other permanent home).

Thank you again for your time.

If you have questions, need
assistance, or prefer to complete
the survey with an interviewer,
contact us toll-free at

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau
Authorization and Confidentiality of information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is authorized to conduct the
National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The
U.S. Census Bureau is administering
760 this voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to
participate in this study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or
used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).

OMB No. XXXX-XXXX Approval Expires XX/XX/20XX

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

National Household Education Survey
Start Here: The Department of Education is studying households with

children or youth age 20 or younger.

This survey should be filled out by an adult household member living at this address. Please use a
blue or black pen if available.

1. Are there any children or youth age 20 or younger
living in this household?
Include small children, foster children, babies and youth who are away
at college (if they have no other permanent home).



Please complete the rest of this brief survey, starting with
question 2 on the next page. Each household is different,
and we need your response so we can send you a survey that
is right for your household.

Thank you. You are FINISHED with the National Household
Education Survey. Please RETURN this survey to us in the
enclosed envelope. It is important that we receive your
answer to this question even if it is the only question you
have to answer.

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is authorized to conduct the National Household Education
Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this voluntary
survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this study. All of the information you provide may be used
only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151). According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays
a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this voluntary survey is 1850-0768. The time required to complete this survey is estimated
to average 3 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and complete and review the survey. If you have
any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this survey, or any comments or concerns regarding the status
of your individual submission of this survey, please e-mail: [email protected] or write directly to: Sarah Grady, National Center for Education Statistics
(NCES), PCP, 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor, Washington, DC 20202.


OMB No. XXXX-XXXX: Approval Expires XX/XX/20XX

Conducted for:
U.S. Department of Education

National Household Education Survey
Continue here
2. How many children or youth age
20 or YOUNGER live in this household?

3. What is his or her first name?
Start with the youngest child or
youth who is age 20 or younger. If
you prefer, you may use initials or
nicknames instead of names.

National Center for Education Statistics

Child/Youth 1

Child/Youth 2

Child/Youth 3

Child/Youth 4

Child/Youth 5






First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname


5. What is this child/youth’s sex?

6. Is this child/youth

currently in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mark [X] ONE only.

7. What is this child/youth’s
current grade orgrade



year of birth

year of birth


year of birth


year of birth


year of birth











Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public
or private school for
some or all classes,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private
school, or preschool,

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

Not in school?

Not in school?

Not in school?

Not in school?

Not in school?

GO TO child/youth 2

GO TO child/youth 3

GO TO child/youth 4

GO TO child/youth 5

Return Survey.











write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

None of these

None of these

None of these

None of these

None of these

Please verify you have listed the 5 youngest children or youth living in this household in columns 1 through 5 above. Thank you. Please return this form in the postage-paid envelope provided.


Continue answering questions 3
through 7 for each child or youth
living in this household.



4. What is this child/youth’s month
and year of birth?

OMB No. XXXX-XXXX Approval Expires XX/XX/20XX

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

National Household Education Survey

Here: The Department of Education is studying households with
children or youth age 20 or younger.
This survey should be filled out by an adult household member living at this address. Please use a
blue or black pen if available.

1. Are there any children or youth age 20 or younger
living in this household?
Include small children, foster children, babies and youth who are away
at college (if they have no other permanent home).

Please complete the rest of this brief survey, starting with question
2 on the next page. Each household is different, and we need your
response so we can send you a survey that is right for your household.


Thank you. You are FINISHED with the National Household Education
Survey. Please RETURN this survey to us in the enclosed envelope. It is
important that we receive your answer to this question even if it is the
only question you have to answer.

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is authorized to conduct the National Household Education
Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this voluntary
survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this study. All of the information you provide may be used
only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151). According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays
a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this voluntary survey is 1850-0768. The time required to complete this survey is estimated
to average 3 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and complete and review the survey. If you have
any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this survey, or any comments or concerns regarding the status
of your individual submission of this survey, please e-mail: [email protected] or write directly to: Sarah Grady, National Center for Education Statistics
(NCES), PCP, 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor, Washington, DC 20202.


OMB No. XXXX-XXXX: Approval Expires XX/XX/20XX

Conducted for:
U.S. Department of Education

National Household Education Survey
Continue here
2. How many children or youth age
20 or YOUNGER live in this household?

3. What is his or her first name?
Start with the youngest child or
youth who is age 20 or younger. If
you prefer, you may use initials or
nicknames instead of names.

National Center for Education Statistics

Child/Youth 1

Child/Youth 2

Child/Youth 3

Child/Youth 4

Child/Youth 5






First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname

First name or initials or nickname


5. What is this child/youth’s sex?

6. Is this child/youth

currently in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mark [X] ONE only.

7. What is this child/youth’s
current grade orgrade



year of birth

year of birth


year of birth


year of birth


year of birth











Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public or
private school for some
or all classes,

Homeschool INSTEAD
of attending a public
or private school for
some or all classes,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private school,
or preschool,

Public or private
school, or preschool,

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

College, university or
vocational school, or

Not in school?

Not in school?

Not in school?

Not in school?

Not in school?

GO TO child/youth 2

GO TO child/youth 3

GO TO child/youth 4

GO TO child/youth 5

Return Survey.











write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

write grade
1 through 12

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

College, university or
vocational school

None of these

None of these

None of these

None of these

None of these

Please verify you have listed the 5 youngest children or youth living in this household in columns 1 through 5 above. Thank you. Please return this form in the postage-paid envelope provided.


Continue answering questions 3
through 7 for each child or youth
living in this household.



4. What is this child/youth’s month
and year of birth?

Alternate Contact – Spanish


Carta de Introducción

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




XX de enero, 2023

Persona que vive en esta dirección de 
ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
Me complace informarle que su hogar fue seleccionado para participar en una importante
encuesta nacional sobre la educación de los niños en los Estados Unidos, la Encuesta
Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación del 2023. La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU., en
nombre del Departamento de Educación de los EE. UU., realiza esta encuesta en los hogares
cada ciertos años para recopilar información sobre las actividades de aprendizaje que se
llevan a cabo fuera de las escuelas.
Qué debe esperar próximamente:

Dentro de unos días, recibirá de nuestra parte una invitación por correo postal para
completar la encuesta.


La encuesta puede ser respondida en casa por cualquier adulto que se encuentre en el


Si no hay niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menos en su hogar, le llevará como 3 minutos
completarla. Si hay niños en su hogar, le llevará como 30 minutos completarla porque le
haremos preguntas acerca de unode los niños en el hogar.


Como muestra de nuestro agradecimiento, incluiremos $5 por su participación en este
estudio. ¡Los recibirá en nuestro próximo envío por correo!

Si desea recibir más información sobre este estudio, visite o comuníquese con
nosotros llamando al número gratuito 1–888–840–8353.
Le agradecemos de antemano por su ayuda con este importante estudio.

Ron S. Jarmin
Director en funciones, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.


Aviso sobre la autorización y la confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del
Departamento de Educación, está autorizado a realizar este estudio por medio de la Reforma a la Ley
de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002; titulo 20; sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo
de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide no
participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos
y no puede divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuandolo exija la ley
(20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-10LB(AC) (07-2021)


Carta de seguimiento 1

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




XX de enero, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
La semana pasada, la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. envió una carta a su hogar sobre la
Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación 2023. El enfoque de esta encuesta es el cuidado y
las actividades educativas de los niños. Primero, necesitamos determinar si hay niños en su

Si no hay niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menos en su hogar, déjenoslo saber, y ¡eso
es todo! Completar la encuesta lellevará solo como 3 minutos.


Si hay niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menos en su hogar, le haremos preguntas sobre el
cuidado y la educación de uno delos niños. Completar la encuesta le llevará como 30

Complete esta encuesta por Internet tan pronto como sea posible, siguiendo las instrucciones a
continuación. Siga estos tres sencillos pasos:

1. Visite:
2. Escriba su identificación de usuario: 5555-5555
3. Haga clic en “Empezar encuesta” para participar en la encuesta.
Aún si no hay niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menos en su hogar, por favor ingrese a la
encuesta online para dejárnoslo saber.

Sabemos que usted es una persona ocupada, y como muestra de nuestro agradecimiento incluimos $5
por su tiempo.
Entendemos que no todos los hogares tienen acceso a Internet. Si desea recibir la encuesta en otro
formato, tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda adicional, comuníquese con la Oficina del
Censo de los EE. UU. llamando al número gratuito 1–888–840–8353. Puede encontrar más
información disponible en Internet en:
Le agradecemos su participación en esta importante encuesta nacional. Esperamos su respuesta.

Ron S. Jarmin
Director en funciones, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Aviso sobre la autorización y la confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del
Departamento de Educación, está autorizado a realizar este estudio por medio de la Reforma a la Ley
de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002; titulo 20; sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo
de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide
no participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines
estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando
lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-11LB(AC) (07-2021)


Thank you/Reminder Letter


U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

Dear person living at this  address,
Recently we mailed you a letter asking you to participate in the 2023 National Household Education Survey.
If you or someone in your household has already completed the survey, we thank you very much for your
help! If you have not completed your survey, please do so right away. Households without children or youth
age 20 or younger just needto login and let us know there are no children in the household. Households with
children will be asked questions about the care and education of ONE of their children.
Follow these steps to finish the survey online:
1. Go to:
Enter your User ID: 5555-5555
Click "Begin survey" to participate in the survey.
Even if there are no children in your household, please log in to let us know.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us toll-free at 1–888–840–8353.
Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
Recientemente le enviamos por correo postal una carta para invitarlo(a) a participar en la Encuesta Nacional en
Hogares sobre Educación del 2023. Si usted o alguien en su hogar ya ha completado la encuesta, ¡le damos las gracias
por su ayuda! Si no ha completado la encuesta, por favor, hágalo cuanto antes. Los hogares en donde no hay niños o
jóvenes de 20 años o menos, solo necesitan ingresar a la encuesta online y dejarnos saber que no hay niños en su
hogar. A los hogares con niños se les preguntará sobre el cuidado y la educación de UNO de sus niños.
Siga estos pasos para finalizar la encuesta por Internet:
1. Visite:
2. Escriba su identificación de usuario: 5555-5555
3. Haga clic en “Empezar encuesta” para participar en la encuesta.
Aún si no hay niños en su hogar, por favor, ingrese a la encuesta online para hacérnoslo saber.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros llamando al número gratuito 1–888–840–8353.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau


Carta de seguimiento 2

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




XX de febrero, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
Le hemos enviado esta encuesta mediante el servicio de entrega urgente debido a la importancia
que tiene su respuesta para el éxito de la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación 2023. El
propósito de la encuesta es recolectar información acerca del cuidado de niños y actividades de
educación. No podemos reemplazarle con otro hogar. Nuestros récords indican que todavía su
Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación del 2023 no nos ha sido enviada.
La primera pregunta que la encuesta hace es si hay niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menos en su
hogar. Una vez que usted completela primera pregunta de la encuesta:
Si NO hay niños: ¡Usted ya terminó!
Si hay niños: Se le hará preguntas adicionales acerca del cuidado y educación de UNO de los
Siga estos pasos para completar la encuesta:

1. Visite:
2. Escriba su identificación de usuario: 5555-5555
3. Haga clic en “Empezar encuesta” para participar en la encuesta.
Aún si no hay niños en su hogar, por favor ingrese a la encuesta online para dejárnoslo saber.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, necesita ayuda o prefiere completar la encuesta por teléfono
comuníquese con nosotros llamando al número gratuito 1–888–840–8353. Puede encontrar más
información disponible en Internet en:
Gracias por participar en este importante estudio.

Ron S. Jarmin
Director en funciones, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.


Aviso sobre la autorización y la confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del
Departamento de Educación, está autorizado a realizar este estudio por medio de la Reforma a la Ley
de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002; titulo 20; sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo
de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide
no participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines
estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando
lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-12LB(AC) (07-2021)


Economics and Statistics Administration

Carta de seguimiento 3

201940000090 22

U.S. Census Bureau

Washington, DC 20233-0001


XX de marzo, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
Recientemente, le hemos pedido su colaboración con la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares
sobre Educación 2023. Estamos comunicándonos nuevamente con usted para pedirle
su respuesta. Esta encuesta es la única forma en la que podemos recolectar
información importante sobre el cuidado y actividades educativas de los niños.
A la mayoría de la gente, esta encuesta le toma 3 minutos o menos.
Por favor, complete la encuesta adjunta y devuélvela lo más pronto posible. El
propósito de esta encuesta es identificar hogares con o sin niños.
Así es como debe responder:

Si no hay niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menos en este hogar: Responda
a la primera pregunta de laencuesta y devuélvala en el sobre con franqueo
pagado que se le ha proporcionado, ¡Y ya terminó!


Si hay niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menos en este hogar: Por favor,
complete esta breve encuesta y devuélvala en el sobre con franqueo pagado
que se le ha proporcionado. Puedeque le enviemos otra encuesta para saber
más acerca del cuidado y educación de UNO de los niños de su hogar.

En este correo se incluyen respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes sobre la encuesta.
También nos puede llamar al número gratis 1–888–840–8353 para cualquier pregunta, o para
completar la encuesta con un encuestador. Si no hay niños en su hogar, esta llamada le tomará 5
minutos o menos.
Gracias por tomar parte de este importante estudio.
Ron S. Jarmin
Director en funciones, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.


Aviso sobre la autorización y la confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional de Estadísticas para la Educación (NCES, por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del
Departamento de Educación de EE. UU. está autorizado a realizar la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares
sobre Educación (NHES, por sus siglas en inglés) por medio del Acta de Reforma de Ciencias para la
Educación 2002 (ESRA 2002, titulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. administra
esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decidiera no participar en este
estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos, y no puede
divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C.
§9573 y 6 U.S.C §151).

NHES-13LB(AC) (07-2021)


Carta de seguimiento 4

U.S. Census Bureau



Washington, DC 20233-0001



XX de abril, 2023

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
Le estoy escribiendo personalmente para pedirle solo unos minutos de su tiempo para colaborar con la
Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación. Independientemente de que su hogar sea grande o
pequeño, tenga hijos o no, sus respuestas son importantes para proporcionarnos los mejores datos
posibles sobre la educación en los Estados Unidos. Si no hay niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menos en su
hogar, usted solo necesita responder UNA pregunta. Si hay niños en su hogar, usted responderá unas
cuantas preguntas adicionales.A la mayoría de la gente, le toma 3 minutos o menos completar la encuesta.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o desea completar la encuesta con un entrevistador, llámenos al número gratuito
1–888–840–8353. En este correo se incluyen respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes sobre la
encuesta. Por favor, responda tan pronto como le sea posible.

Gracias por participar en este importante estudio.


Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau


Autorización y confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional de Estadísticas para la Educación (NCES, por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del
Departamento de Educación de EE. UU. está autorizado a realizar la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares
sobre Educación (NHES, por sus siglas en inglés) por medio del Acta de Reforma de Ciencias para la
Educación 2002 (ESRA 2002, titulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. administra
esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decidiera no participar en este
estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos, y no puede
divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C.
§9573 y 6 U.S.C §151).


Nacional en
Hogares sobre

Hemos invitado a su hogar a participar en la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares para
la Educación. Es importante que obtengamos su respuesta esta semana. Si ya
ha contestado, ¡GRACIAS!
Si no ha respondido, por favor conteste UNA sola pregunta a continuación y
devuelva esta tarjeta usando el sobre de franqueo prepagado que se proporciona.
¿Vive algún niño o joven de 20 años o menos en este hogar?
Incluya niños pequeños, ni os de crianza temporal (Foster), bebés y aquellos que viven en
viviendas universitarias (si no tienen otro hogar permanente).

Gracias, nuevamente, por su tiempo.

Si usted tiene preguntas, necesita
ayuda, o prefiere completar la
encuesta con un entrevistador,
comuníquese con nosotros a
nuestro número gratis

Ron S. Jarmin
Director en funciones, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.
Aviso sobre la autorización y la confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional para Estad sticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en Inglés), dentro del Departamento de Educación, está
autorizado a realizar este estudio por medio de la Reforma a la Ley de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002; titulo 20;
sección §9543). La Oficina del Censo de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si

3 777

decide no participar en este estu dio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines estad sticos y no puede
divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151).

Número de OMB XXXX-XXXX: Aprobado hasta XX/XX/20XX

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación
Empiece Aquí: El Departamento de Educación está estudiando hogares con niños o
jóvenes de 20 años o menores.

Esta encuesta debe ser completada por un adulto que viva en este hogar. Por favor, de ser
posible, use una pluma o bolígrafo de tinta negra o azul.

1. Hay algún niño o joven menor de 20 años viviendo en
este hogar?
Incluya niños pequeños, niños de crianza temporal (Foster), bebés y
aquellos que viven en viviendas universitarias (si no tienen otro hogar



Complete el resto de esta breve encuesta, empezando por la
pregunta 2 en la página siguiente.. Cada hogar es diferente,
y necesitamos su respuesta para poder enviarle la encuesta
apropiada para su hogar.

Gracias. Usted ha TERMINADO con la Encuesta Nacional en
Hogares sobre Educación. Por favor DEVUELVA esta
encuesta en el sobre adjunto. Es importante que recibamos
su respuesta a esta pregunta aunque sea la única pregunta
que tiene que responder.

TEl Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en Inglés), dentro del Departamento de Educación está autorizado a realizar esta Encuesta Nacional en
Hogares sobre Educación (NHES por sus siglas en inglés) por medio de la Reforma a la Ley de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002, titulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina
del Censo de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide no participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde
puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C.
§151). De acuerdo con la Ley de Reducción de Papeleo de 1995, no se requiere que ninguna persona responda a una recopilación de información a menos que muestre un número
de control OMB válido. El número de control OMB válido para esta encuesta voluntaria es 1850-0768. El tiempo requerido para completar esta encuesta se estima en un promedio
de 3 minutos por respuesta, incluido el tiempo para revisar las instrucciones, reunir los datos necesarios y completar y revisar la encuesta. Si tiene algún comentario sobre la
precisión del tiempo estimado, las sugerencias para mejorar esta encuesta, o cualquier comentario o inquietud con respecto al estado de su presentación individual de esta
encuesta, por favor envie un correo electrónico a: [email protected] o escriba a: Sarah Grady, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), PCP, 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor,
Washington, DC 20202.



Número de OMB . XXXX-XXXX: Aprobado hasta XX/XX/20XX

Realizada por:
Departamento de Educación de E.E.U.U

Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación
2. ¿Cuántos niños o jóvenes de 20años o
menores viven es este hogar?



Siga respondiendo a las
preguntas 3 a 7 para cada niño o
joven que vive en este hogar.

3. ¿Cuál es el nombre, iniciales o
apodo del niño(a)? Empiece con el
más joven de los niños o jóvenes
que sea de 20 años o menor. Si lo
prefiere, puede usar iniciales o
apodos en vez de nombres.

Niño(a)/joven 1

Niño(a)/joven 2

Niño(a)/joven 3

Niño(a)/joven 4

Niño(a)/joven 5






4. ¿En qué mes y año nació este


5. ¿De qué sexo es este niño(a)/

6. Actualmente, ¿este niño o
joven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Marque [X] UNA SOLA respuesta.

7. Actualmente, ¿en qué grado o
equivalencia de grado está este

Nombre, iniciales o apodo

Nombre, iniciales o apodo

Nombre, iniciales o apodo


ño de nacimiento

ño de nacimiento



Nombre, iniciales o apodo

Nombre, iniciales o apodo



ño de nacimiento

ño de nacimiento

ño de nacimiento











Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

No está siguiendo estudios?

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

No está siguiendo estudios?

No está siguiendo estudios?

No está siguiendo estudios?

No está siguiendo estudios?

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 2

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 3

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 4

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 5

Devuelva la encuesta.











Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

Ninguno de estos

Ninguno de estos

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

Ninguno de estos

Ninguno de estos

Ninguno de estos



Continúe aquí

Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación


Verifique por favor que haya anotado en las columnas del 1 a 5 arriba a los 5 niños o jóvenes más jóvenes que viven en este hogar. Muchas gracias. Por favor devuelva este formulario en el sobre estampillado incluido.


Número de OMB XXXX-XXXX: Aprobado hasta XX/XX/20XX

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación

Empiece Aquí: El Departamento de Educación está estudiando hogares con
niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menores.

Esta encuesta debe ser completada por un adulto que viva en este hogar. Por favor, de ser
posible, use una pluma o bolígrafo de tinta negra o azul.

1. ¿Hay algún niño o joven menor de 20 años viviendo en
este hogar?
Incluya niños pequeños, niños de crianza temporal (Foster), bebés y aquellos que viven en
viviendas universitarias (si no tienen otro hogar permanente).



Complete el resto de esta breve encuesta, empezando por la pregunta

2 en la página siguiente.. Cada hogar es diferente, y necesitamos su
respuesta para poder enviarle la encuesta apropiada para su hogar.
Gracias. Usted ha TERMINADO con la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares
sobre Educación. Por favor DEVUELVA esta encuesta en el sobre
adjunto. Es importante que recibamos su respuesta a esta pregunta
aunque sea la única pregunta que tiene que responder.

El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en Inglés), dentro del Departamento de Educación está autorizado a realizar esta Encuesta Nacional en
Hogares sobre Educación (NHES por sus siglas en inglés) por medio de la Reforma a la Ley de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002, titulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina
del Censo de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide no participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde
puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C.
§151). De acuerdo con la Ley de Reducción de Papeleo de 1995, no se requiere que ninguna persona responda a una recopilación de información a menos que muestre un número
de control OMB válido. El número de control OMB válido para esta encuesta voluntaria es 1850-0768. El tiempo requerido para completar esta encuesta se estima en un promedio
de 3 minutos por respuesta, incluido el tiempo para revisar las instrucciones, reunir los datos necesarios y completar y revisar la encuesta. Si tiene algún comentario sobre la
precisión del tiempo estimado, las sugerencias para mejorar esta encuesta, o cualquier comentario o inquietud con respecto al estado de su presentación individual de esta
encuesta, por favor envie un correo electrónico a: [email protected] o escriba a: Sarah Grady, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), PCP, 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor,
Washington, DC 20202.



Número de OMB . XXXX-XXXX: Aprobado hasta XX/XX/20XX

Realizada por:
Departamento de Educación de E.E.U.U

Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación
2. ¿Cuántos niños o jóvenes de 20años o
menores viven es este hogar?



Siga respondiendo a las
preguntas 3 a 7 para cada niño o
joven que vive en este hogar.

Empiece con el más joven de los
niños o jóvenes.

3. ¿Cuál es el nombre, iniciales o
apodo del niño(a)? Empiece con el
más joven de los niños o jóvenes
que sea de 20 años o menor. Si lo
prefiere, puede usar iniciales o
apodos en vez de nombres.

Niño(a)/joven 1

Niño(a)/joven 2

Niño(a)/joven 3

Niño(a)/joven 4

Niño(a)/joven 5






4. ¿En qué mes y año nació este


5. ¿De qué sexo es este niño(a)/

6. Actualmente, ¿este niño o
joven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Marque [X] UNA SOLA respuesta.

7. Actualmente, ¿en qué grado o
equivalencia de grado está este

Nombre, iniciales o apodo

Nombre, iniciales o apodo

Nombre, iniciales o apodo


ño de nacimiento

ño de nacimiento



Nombre, iniciales o apodo

Nombre, iniciales o apodo



ño de nacimiento

ño de nacimiento

ño de nacimiento











Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

Recibe enseñanza escolar en
el hogar (homeschool) en
vez de asistir a una escuela
pública o privada para
algunas o todas las clases,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

En una escuela pública o
privada, o en preescolar,

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

No está siguiendo estudios?

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

Está en un college,
universidad o escuela
vocacional o de oficios, o

No está siguiendo estudios?

No está siguiendo estudios?

No está siguiendo estudios?

No está siguiendo estudios?

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 2

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 3

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 4

VAYA AL niño(a)/joven 5

Devuelva la encuesta.











Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

Anote el grado
del 1 al 12

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

Ninguno de estos

Ninguno de estos

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

College, universidad o
escuela vocacional o de

Ninguno de estos

Ninguno de estos

Ninguno de estos



Continúe aquí

Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación


Verifique por favor que haya anotado en las columnas del 1 a 5 arriba a los 5 niños o jóvenes más jóvenes que viven en este hogar. Muchas gracias. Por favor devuelva este formulario en el sobre estampillado incluido.


Early Bird – English


Advance Letter

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




September XX, 2021

Person living at this  address
ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear person living at this  address,

I am pleased to inform you that your household has been selected to participate in an important
national survey on the education of people in the United States, the 2023 National Household
Education Survey. The U.S. Census Bureau conducts this survey of households on behalf of the
U.S. Department of Education every few years. We conduct it to gather information about learning
activities that happen outside of schools.
What to expect next:

In a few days you will receive an invitation in the mail from us to complete the survey.


The survey can be completed at home by an adult in the household.


Depending on your answers, it takes about 3 to 30 minutes to complete.


We included $5 as a token of our appreciation for your participation. Please look for it in your
next mailing from us! Also, if you complete the survey by November 12th, we will mail
you an additional $20.

If you would like more information, please visit or contact us toll-free at 1-888840-8353.
Thank you in advance for your help with this important survey.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau

Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-10L(EB) (06-2021)


Follow-up Letter 1

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




September XX, 2021

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear person living at this  address,
Last week, the U.S. Census Bureau sent a letter to your household about the 2023 National
Household Education Survey. Please complete this survey online as soon as possible using
the instructions below.
Follow these three easy steps.
1. Go to:
2. Enter your User ID: 5555-5555
3. Click "Begin survey" to participate in the survey.
Even if there are no children or youth age 20 or younger in your household, please log in to let us know.

This survey will take only about 3 minutes if there are no children or youth age 20 or younger
in your household. If there are children, it will take about 30 minutes. We know that you are
busy, and we have enclosed $5 as a token of our appreciation for your time.
If you complete the survey by November 12, we will mail you an additional $20 as a
thank you for your prompt response.
We understand that some households do not have Internet access. If you prefer to complete
the survey by phone, have questions, or need assistance, please contact the U.S.
Census Bureau toll-free at 1–888–840–8353. Answers to commonly asked questions about
the survey are included in this mailing. You can also find more information online at
Thank you for your participation in this valuable national survey. We look forward to your

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau

Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).



Thank you/Reminder Letter

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

Dear person living at this  address,
Recently we mailed you a letter asking you to participate in the 2023 National Household Education Survey.
If you or someone in your household has already completed the survey, we thank you very much for your
help! If you have not completed your survey, please do so right away. Remember, if we get your response by
November 12, we will send you an additional $20.
Follow these steps to finish the survey online:
1. Go to:
Enter your User ID: 5555-5555
Click "Begin survey" to participate in the survey.
Even if there are no children or youth age 20 or younger in your household, please log
in to let us know.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us toll-free at 1–888–840–8353.
Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
Recientemente le enviamos por correo postal una carta para invitarlo(a) a participar en la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares
sobre Educación del 2019. Si usted o alguien en su hogar ya ha completado la encuesta, ¡le damos las gracias por su
ayuda! Si no ha completado la encuesta, por favor, hágalo cuanto antes. Recuerde, si recibimos su respuesta el 12 de
noviembre o antes, le enviaremos $20 adicionales.
Siga estos pasos para finalizar la encuesta por Internet:
1. Visite:
2. Escriba su identificación de usuario: 5555-5555
3. Haga clic en “Empezar encuesta” para participar en la encuesta.
Aún si no hay niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menos en su hogar, por favor, regístrese para hacérnoslo saber.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros llamando al número gratuito 1–888–840–8353.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau


Follow-up Letter 2

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001




September XX, 2021

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Dear person living at this  address,
We have mailed this survey using rush delivery because of the importance of YOUR response to
the success of the survey. We cannot replace you with another household. We have not yet
received your completed survey for the 2023 National Household Education Survey.
Complete your survey by November 12 and we will mail you $20 as a token of our
appreciation for your prompt response.
Please respond to this survey. Follow these steps to complete the survey:
1. Go to:
2. Enter your User ID: 5555-5555
3. Click "Begin survey" to participate in the survey.
Even if there are no children or youth age 20 or younger in your household, please log in to let us know.

If you have questions, need assistance, or prefer to complete the survey by phone, please
contact us toll-free at 1–888–840–8353. Answers to commonly asked questions about the
survey are included in this mailing. You can also find more information online at
Thank you for taking part in this important survey.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau

Authorization and Confidentiality of Information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is
authorized to conduct the National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences
Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The U.S. Census Bureau is administering this
voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this
study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-12L(EB) (06-2021)



This is your last chance to participate in the National Household
Education Survey. It is important that we hear from you this week.
If you have already responded, THANK YOU! If not, you may still complete the survey
online. Just follow these easy steps!
1. Go to: You can also access this website
by scanning the QR code below.
2. Enter your User ID:


3. Click "Begin Survey" to participate in the survey.

Even if there are no
children or youth age 20 or
younger in your household,
please log in to let us know.

Thank you again for your time.

If you have questions, need
assistance, or prefer to complete
the survey with an interviewer,
contact us toll-free at

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau
Authorization and Confidentiality of information
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education, is authorized to conduct the
National Household Education Survey (NHES) by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). The
U.S. Census Bureau is administering this voluntary survey on behalf of NCES. There are no penalties should you choose not to
participate in this study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or
used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).

Early Bird – Spanish


Carta de Introducción

U.S. Census Bureau



Washington, DC 20233-0001



XX de octubre, 2021

Persona que vive en esta dirección de 
ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
Me complace informarle que su hogar fue seleccionado para participar en una importante encuesta
nacional sobre la educación de las personas en los Estados Unidos, la Encuesta Nacional en
Hogares sobre Educación del 2023. La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU., en nombre del
Departamento de Educación de los EE. UU., realiza esta encuesta en los hogares cada ciertos años
para recopilar información sobre las actividades de aprendizaje que se llevan a cabo fuera de las
Qué debe esperar próximamente:

Dentro de unos días, recibirá de nuestra parte una invitación por correo postal para
completar la encuesta.


La encuesta puede ser respondida en casa por cualquier adulto que se encuentre en el


Dependiendo de cuáles sean sus respuestas, tardará entre 3 y 30 minutos en completarla.


Como muestra de nuestro agradecimiento, incluiremos $5 por su participación en este
estudio. ¡Los recibirá en nuestro próximo envío por correo! Además, si completa la encuesta
para el 12 de noviembre, le enviaremos por correo $20 adicionales.

Si desea recibir más información sobre este estudio, visite o comuníquese con
nosotros llamando al número gratuito 1–888–840–8353.
Le agradecemos de antemano por su ayuda con este importante estudio.

Ron S. Jarmin
Director en funciones, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.


Aviso sobre la autorización y la confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del
Departamento de Educación, está autorizado a realizar este estudio por medio de la Reforma a la Ley de
las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002, titulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo de
Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide no
participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos
y no puede divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley
(20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151).


Carta de seguimiento 1

U.S. Census Bureau


Washington, DC 20233-0001

201940000090 22


XX de octubre, 2021

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
La semana pasada, la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. envió una carta a su hogar sobre la
Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación del 2023. Por favor, complete esta encuesta por
Internet tan pronto como sea posible, siguiendo las instrucciones a continuación.
Siga estos tres sencillos pasos:

1. Visite:
2. Escriba su identificación de usuario: 5555-5555
3. Haga clic en “Empezar encuesta” para participar en la encuesta.
Aún si no hay niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menos en su hogar, por favor, ingrese a la encuesta online y
déjenoslo saber.

Esta encuesta le tomará solo como 3 minutos si en su hogar no hay niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menos.
Si hay niños, le tomará como 30minutos. Sabemos que usted es una persona ocupada y como muestra de
nuestro agradecimiento incluimos $5 por su tiempo.
Si usted completa la encuesta para el 12 de noviembre, le enviaremos $20 adicionales como
agradecimiento por su pronta respuesta.
Entendemos que no todos los hogares tienen acceso a Internet. Si prefiere completar la encuesta por
teléfono, tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda adicional, comuníquese con la Oficina del
Censo de los EE. UU. llamando al número gratuito 1–888–840–8353. En este correo se incluyen
respuestas a preguntas frecuentes. Puede encontrar más información disponible en Internet en:
Le agradecemos su participación en esta importante encuesta nacional. Esperamos su respuesta.

Ron S. Jarmin
Director en funciones, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Aviso sobre la autorización y la confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del
Departamento de Educación, está autorizado a realizar este estudio por medio de la Reforma a la Ley
de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002, titulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo
de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide
no participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines
estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando
lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-11LB(EB) (07-2021)



Thank you/Reminder Letter

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001

Dear person living at this  address,
Recently we mailed you a letter asking you to participate in the 2023 National Household Education Survey.
If you or someone in your household has already completed the survey, we thank you very much for your
help! If you have not completed your survey, please do so right away. Remember, if we get your response by
November 12, we will send you an additional $20.
Follow these steps to finish the survey online:
1. Go to:
Enter your User ID: 5555-5555
Click "Begin survey" to participate in the survey.
Even if there are no children or youth age 20 or youngerin your household, please log
in to let us know.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us toll-free at 1–888–840–8353.
Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,

Recientemente le enviamos por correo postal una carta para invitarlo(a) a participar en la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares
sobre Educación del 2019. Si usted o alguien en su hogar ya ha completado la encuesta, ¡le damos las gracias por su
ayuda! Si no ha completado la encuesta, por favor, hágalo cuanto antes. Recuerde, si recibimos su respuesta el 12 de
noviembre o antes, le enviaremos $20 adicionales.
Siga estos pasos para finalizar la encuesta por Internet:
1. Visite:
2. Escriba su identificación de usuario: 5555-5555
3. Haga clic en “Empezar encuesta” para participar en la encuesta.
Aún si no hay niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menos en su hogar, por favor, regístrese para hacérnoslo saber.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros llamando al número gratuito 1–888–840–8353.

Ron S. Jarmin
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau


Carta de seguimiento 2

U.S. Census Bureau



Washington, DC 20233-0001



XX de octubre, 2021

ANYTOWN, ST 54321-6789

Estimada persona que vive en esta dirección de ,
Debido a la importancia que tiene su respuesta para el éxito de la encuesta, le hemos enviado
esta encuesta mediante el servicio de entrega urgente. No podemos reemplazarlo con otro
hogar. Todavía no hemos recibido su encuesta completa de la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares
sobre Educación del 2023.
Complete su encuesta para el 12 de noviembre y le enviaremos $20 como agradecimiento a
su pronta respuesta.
Por favor, responda a esta encuesta siguiendo los pasos a continuación:

1. Visite:
2. Escriba su identificación de usuario: 5555-5555
3. Haga clic en “Empezar encuesta” para participar en la encuesta.
Aún si no hay niños o jóvenes de 20 años o menos en su hogar, por favor ingrese a la encuesta online para dejárnoslo

Si tiene alguna pregunta o si necesita ayuda, comuníquese con nosotros llamando al
número gratuito 1–888–840–8353. Se incluyen respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes en
este correo. Puede encontrar más información disponible en Internet en:
Gracias por participar en este importante estudio.

Ron S. Jarmin
Director en funciones, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.


Aviso sobre la autorización y la confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del
Departamento de Educación, está autorizado a realizar este estudio por medio de la Reforma a la Ley
de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002, titulo 20, sección 9543). La Oficina del Censo
de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si decide
no participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines
estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando
lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151).

NHES-12LB(EB) (07-2021)


Nacional en
Hogares sobre

Esta es su última oportunidad de participar en la Encuesta Nacional en
Hogares sobre Educación. Es importante que sepamos de usted esta semana.
iSi usted ya ha respondido, GRACIAS! Si no, usted todavía puede completar
la encuesta en línea. iSolo siga los siguientes pasos!
1. Vaya a: También puede acceder
esta pagina web escaneand o el código QR a continuación.
2. Escriba su identificación de usuario: 5555-5555
3. Haga clic en “Empezar encuesta” para
participar en la encuesta.

Aún si no hay niños o jóvenes
de 20 años o menos en su
hogar, por favor, regístrese

Gracias, nuevamente, por su tiempo.

para hacérnoslo saber.


Si usted tiene preguntas, necesita
ayuda, o prefiere completar la
encuesta con un entrevistador,
comuníquese con nosotros a
nuestro número gratis

Ron S. Jarmin
Director en funciones, Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.
Aviso sobre la autorización y la confidencialidad de la información
El Centro Nacional para Estad sticas de la Educación (NCES por sus siglas en Inglés), dentro del Departamento de Educación, est
autorizado a realizar este estudio por medio de la Reforma a la Ley de las Ciencias de la Educación del 2002 (ESRA 2002; titulo 20;
sección §9543). La Oficina del Censo de Estados Unidos administra esta encuesta voluntaria en nombre de NCES. No hay sanciones si
decide no participar en este estudio. Toda la información que brinde puede ser utilizada solo con fines estad sticos y no puede
divulgarse ni usarse en forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (20 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151).

Envelope Covers – English


BC-1728(0939S) (8-6-2018) 9" x 11.1/2" Window 2" x 5"

Economics and Statistics Administration
US Census Bureau


1201 E 10TH Street
Jeffersonville IN 47132-0001
Penalty for Private Use $300
BC-1728(0939S) (8-2018)

Please respond by November 12.




FLAP SIDE of envelope

Envelope Covers – Spanish


BC-1728(0939S) (8-6-2018) 9" x 11.1/2" Window 2" x 5"

Economics and Statistics Administration
US Census Bureau


1201 E 10TH Street
Jeffersonville IN 47132-0001
Penalty for Private Use $300
BC-1728(0939S) (8-2018)

Por favor responda antes del 12 de noviembre.




FLAP SIDE of envelope

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleNHES ECPP 2017 Cognitive Interviews Report
SubjectPrepared for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
AuthorStephen Wenck
File Modified2022-01-31
File Created2021-12-17

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