NAEP 2022 Change Memo v26

NAEP 2022 Change Memo v26.docx

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2022 Materials Update #3

NAEP 2022 Change Memo v26

OMB: 1850-0928

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National Center for Education Statistics

February 22, 2022


To: Robert Sivinski, OMB

From: Pat Etienne, NCES

Through: Carrie Clarady, NCES

Re: National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2022 Materials Update #3
(OMB# 1850-0928 v.26)

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), is a federally authorized survey of student achievement at grades 4, 8, and 12 in various subject areas, such as mathematics, reading, writing, science, U.S. history, civics, and technology and engineering literacy (TEL). The National Assessment of Educational Progress Authorization Act (Public Law 107-279 Title III, section 303) requires the assessment to collect data on specified student groups and characteristics, including information organized by race/ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status, disability, and limited English proficiency. It requires fair and accurate presentation of achievement data and permits the collection of background, noncognitive, or descriptive information that is related to academic achievement and aids in fair reporting of results. The intent of the law is to provide representative sample data on student achievement for the nation, the states, and subpopulations of students and to monitor progress over time. The nature of NAEP is that burden alternates from a relatively low burden in national-level administration years to a substantial burden increase in state-level administration years when the sample has to allow for estimates for individual states and some of the large urban districts.

The request to conduct NAEP 2022 was approved in October 2021 (OMB# 1850-0928 v.25). This request updates Part A and Part B: Updates to the 2022 NAEP administration to include Long Term Trend (LTT) Age 13; Appendix H1 (added LTT Age 13 eFiling screens); and Appendices K4 & K4-S (LTT): Updated to include LTT Age 13 SQs for students and schools. Appendices D4 (LTT Age 13 communication materials) and I4 (MyNAEP screens LTT age 13) are newly created for this amendment submission.

The table below provides a summary of the general changes that were made to each of the documents as compared to those approved in October 2021 (OMB# 1850-0928 v.25). In addition, NCES will now administer LTT Age 13 in the fall of 2022, which will include additional survey questionnaires to students and school administrators related to the COVID-19 outbreak. As such, the approved version’s (OMB# 1850-0928 v.25) burden of 422,683 hours will increase by 8,586 hours, which amounts to a total burden of 431,269 hours as a result of adding LTT Age 13. The costs to the federal government have increased from $103,334,500 in v.25 to $107,535,725 in this amendment as a result of the added activities needed to execute the LTT Age 13 administration, which is a difference of $4,201,225. The Revised Costs to Federal Government table reflecting the changes in cost by adding LTT Age 13 is below.

Summary of All Changes



Part A

  • Added language throughout Part A addressing the addition of the LTT Age 13 administration in the fall of 2022.

  • Revised Amendment #3 schedule of materials.

  • Updated burden table:

      • Added 8,586 additional hours for LTT Age 13 administration

      • Revised note #6 for Exhibit 1 burden table

      • Revised Exhibit 2 estimated burden costs

  • Updated costs to the federal government.

  • Updated Section A.16 Time Schedule.

Part B

  • Added language throughout Part B addressing the addition of the LTT Age 13 administration in the fall of 2022.

  • Added timeline of LTT Age 13 school coordinator responsibilities.

Appendix D4

  • All new English and Spanish communication materials for LTT Age 13.

Appendix H1

  • New eFiling screens for LTT Age 13; see pages 73-107.

Appendix I4

  • MyNAEP screens for LTT Age 13.

  • Note: this document shows where LTT Age 13 will be programmed for the fall administration. No changes are reflected in the screenshots, however, because LTT Age 9 is in progress currently and screens cannot be reprogrammed until this administration has been completed.

Appendices K4, K4-S

  • Included LTT Age 13 SQ items in English and Spanish. Math, Reading, and COVID-19 SQ items for students, and core and COVID-19 SQ items for schools are added for the LTT Age 13 administration. The COVID-19 items for both student and school are new for LTT Age 13. See K4-7 through K4-12 (English) and K4-S-3 and K4-S-4 (bilingual).

Part A

A.1.a. Purpose of Submission

NAEP consists of two assessment programs: the NAEP long-term trend (LTT) assessment and the main NAEP assessment. The LTT assessments are given at the national level only and are administered to students at ages 9, 13, and 17 in a manner that is very different from that used for the main NAEP assessments. LTT reports mathematics and reading results that present trend data since the 1970s. LTT was last administered in 2020 for ages 9 and 13 but due to the COVID-19 outbreak and school closures, NCES decided that age 9 would be re-administered in Spring 2022. Additionally, NAGB decided at their November 2021 meeting that NAEP will re-administer LTT Age 13 in the Fall of 2022. This submission only covers the administration of the 2022 main NAEP and NAEP LTT assessments.

The library of possible items to be used in the NAEP 2022 questionnaires is provided in Appendix F. Updated Approved versions of the 2022 Main NAEP and LTT Age 9 questionnaires are provided in Appendices J1-J3, and J-S, K4, and K4-S in the Amendment (OMB# 1850-0928 v.25). Given the new decision to re-administer LTT Age 13 in the fall, updated versions of the LTT Age 13 questionnaires are provided in Appendices K4 and K4-S in this Amendment. The final approved versions of the early 2022 Main NAEP and LTT Age 9 communication and recruitment materials are available in Appendices D1 and D2 in this the Amendment (OMB# 1850-0928 v.25). Updated versions of the LTT Age 13 communication and recruitment materials are available in D4 in this Amendment.

NAEP 2022 Amendment Schedule Table

Amendment #2

(this submission-August 2021)

Part A: Updates to the 2022 NAEP administration

Appendix C: 2022 Sampling Memo (final version)

Appendix D1, D2, and D3 (LTT): Late and revised communication materials, including the Spanish translations

Appendix E: 2022 Assessment Feedback Forms

Appendix I and I3 (LTT): Remaining sections of MyNAEP needed by November 2021 will be updated, specifically: a) Prepare for Assessment; b) Review and Verify List of Students Selected for NAEP; c) Complete SD/EL Student Information; d) Manage Questionnaires; e) Plan for Assessment Day; f) Update Student Lists; g) Support Assessment Activities; h) Wrap up

Appendix I2 (PR): Final MyNAEP versions

Appendices J1-J3 & J-S, and K4 & K4-S (LTT): Final versions of all SQs

Amendment #3

(this submission-February 2022)

Part A: Updates to the 2022 NAEP administration – adding LTT Age 13 in Fall 2022

Part B: Updates to the 2022 NAEP administration – adding LTT Age 13 in Fall 2022

Appendix D4 (LTT Age 13): LTT communication materials, including the Spanish translations

Appendix H1: LTT instructions for entering student information

Appendix I4 (LTT Age 13): LTT MyNAEP screens

Appendices K4 & K4-S (LTT): Final versions of LTT Age 13 SQs

A.1.c.3. Survey Items

The long-term trend evaluations for ages 9 and 13 were completed in NAEP 2019-2020, and the LTT Age 17 evaluation was scheduled to take place in March 2020. When schools closed in the spring of 2020 in response to the global coronavirus pandemic, the LTT Age 17 was delayed indefinitely. Recently, NCES and NAGB have decided to instead administer LTT Age 9 again as part of NAEP 2022; although it would delay the age 17 collection further, repeating the age 9 collection in 2022 has the advantage of enabling more direct pre- and post-pandemic comparisons for age 9 students. Similarly, NAGB decided in November 2021 that NAEP will re-administer LTT Age 13 in the fall of 2022, further allowing pre- and post-pandemic comparisons for the age 13 students.

To minimize burden on the respondents and maximize the constructs addressed via the questionnaires, NAEP may spiral items across respondents and/or rotate some non-required items across assessment administrations. The possible “library” of items for the NAEP 2022 questionnaires, for each subject and respondent, are included in Appendix F. Updated Approved versions of the 2022 Main NAEP and LTT Age 9 questionnaires are provided in Appendices J1-J3, and J-S, K4, and K4-S in the Amendment (OMB# 1850-0928 v.25. Updated versions of the LTT Age 13 questionnaires are provided in Appendices K4 and K4-S in this Amendment.

A.1.d. Overview of 2022 NAEP Assessments

The Governing Board determines NAEP policy and the assessment schedule,8 and future Governing Board decisions may result in changes to the plans represented here. Any changes will be presented in subsequent clearance packages or revisions to the current package.

The 2022 data collection9 will consist of the following:

  • Operational national/state/TUDA DBA in mathematics and reading at grades 4 and 8, and Puerto Rico in mathematics at grades 4 and 8; and

  • Operational national DBA in U.S. history and civics at grade 8.

8 The Governing Board assessment schedule can be found at

9 Although we currently plan to administer the long-term trend assessment for LTT Age 9 in the spring of 2022 and LTT Age 13 in the fall of 2022, it is not considered part of the NAEP 2022 data collection. For more detail on the age 9 and age 13 data collection, please see OMB# 1850-0928 v.17.

A.12. Estimation of Respondent Reporting Burden (2022)

The burden numbers for NAEP data collections fluctuate considerably, with the number of students sampled every other year being much larger than in the years in between.

Exhibit 1 provides the burden information per respondent group, by grade and by year, for the 2022 data collections. The original long-term trend collection for 17 year olds was approved in OMB# 1850-0928 v.17, and was originally intended to be conducted in 2022. Given the NAGB decision to reassess LTT Age 9 instead of LTT Age 17, there is an increase in burden that has been identified separately from the age 17 burden hours in the table. This additional LTT Age 9 burden was appended to the table to account for this difference between the pre-approved LTT Age 17 burden and the requirement to reassess LTT Age 9. In November 2021, NAGB also made the decision to reassess LTT Age 13, and the new burden is reflected in the Exhibit 1.

Exhibit 2 summarizes the burden by respondent group.

A description of the respondents or study is provided below, as supporting information for Exhibit 1:

  • Students—Students in fourth and eighth grades will be assessed using 60-minutes of cognitive blocks in one subject followed by a non-cognitive block which requires up to a total of 15-minutes to complete. The core non-cognitive items are answered by students across subject areas and are related to demographic information. In addition, students answer subject-specific non-cognitive items. In 2022, students will also answer questions about their learning experiences related to the COVID-19, adding an additional 5-minutes to the non-cognitive block, for a total of 20-minutes. Based on timing data collected from cognitive interviews and previous DBA, fourth-grade students can respond to approximately four non-cognitive items per minute, while eighth- and twelfth-grade students can respond to approximately six non-cognitive items per minute. Using this information, the non-cognitive blocks are assembled so that most students can complete all items in the allocated amount of time. Each cognitive and non-cognitive block is timed so that the burden listed above is the maximum burden time for each student. The administrators and/or test delivery system will move students to the next section once the maximum amount of time is reached. Additional student burden accounts for time to read directions, log on to the digital device, and view a tutorial. This additional burden is estimated at 15-minutes. The cognitive or assessment items are not included in the burden estimate because they are not subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act. Therefore, the total burden for students is 35-minutes. The assessments given in Puerto Rico are translated into Spanish. To account for the language complexities, additional time is provided for the cognitive blocks (for a total of 80-minutes). The burden for students in Puerto Rico is up to 15-minutes for the non-cognitive block, an additional 5-minutes for the COVID-19 block, and an additional 15-minutes for directions, logging into the digital device, and the tutorial, for a total of 35-minutes. COVID-19 SQ items are being added to the Long-term Trend Age 9 and Age 13 questionnaires. It is estimated this will require an additional 5-minutes in burden for each student, resulting in a total of 20-minutes for the LTT Age 9 and Age 13 questionnaires.

  • Principals/Administrators—The school administrators in the sampled schools are asked to complete a questionnaire. The core items are designed to measure school characteristics and policies that research has shown are highly correlated with student achievement. Subject-specific items concentrate on curriculum and instructional services issues. In 2022, school administrators will also answer questions about their school’s preparation, instructional organization and practices related to the COVID-19 outbreak. The burden for school administrators is determined in the same manner as burden for teachers (see above) and is estimated to average 40-minutes per principal/administrator, although burden may vary depending on the number of subject-specific sections included. The 40-minute burden estimate includes a supplemental charter school questionnaire designed to collect information on charter school policies and characteristics and is provided to administrators of charter schools who are sampled to participate in NAEP. The supplement covers organization and school governance, parental involvement, and curriculum and offerings. Traditionally, NAEP has never administered a principal/administrator questionnaire with long-term trend. Due to interest in collecting data relevant to the COVID-19 outbreak, additional COVID-19 items and amended core items will be added to the Long-term Trend assessments for both Age 9 and Age 13. The additional burden for this these questionnaires is estimated to be the same as main NAEP at 40-minutes.

New Revised Burden - Version 26

Total Burden Hours increased by an estimated 8,586 hours [total burden hours=422,683 (OMB# 1850-0928 v.25) to total burden hours=431,269 (OMB# 1850-0928 v.26)] due to the addition of LTT Age 13 in fall of 2022. The updated burden table is below.




School Questionnaire
(school principal)

sample submission,
& assessment feedback
(school coordinator)

SD/EL (school personnel)

Total Burden (in hours)

# of Students

Avg. minutes per response

Burden (in hours)

# of Teachers

Avg. minutes per response

Burden (in hours)

# of Schools

Avg. minutes per response

Burden (in hours)

# of Schools

Burden (in hours)1

# of Schools

# of SD/EL Students2

Avg. minutes per response

Burden (in hours)

4th Grade

Operational (Math and Reading) assessment

















Puerto Rico Math

















4th Grade Totals

















8th Grade

Operational (Reading, Math, U.S. History, and Civics) assessments





25 for teachers who teach 1 subject; additional 10 for each additional subject3












Puerto Rico Math

















8th Grade Totals


















LTT Operational Mathematics and Reading

















New APPROVED v.25 - Burden5 - LTT Age 9

LTT Operational Mathematics and Reading

















NEW Burden6 - LTT Age 13

LTT Operational Mathematics and Reading

















Total Requested Burden












































Total number of respondents



Total number of responses



Notes for 2022 table in Exhibit 1

  1. Per NAGB’s November 2021 decision, NAEP will administer LTT Age 13 in October-December 2022.


Total Annual Estimated Burden Time Cost for NAEP 2022 Assessments

 Data Collection Year

Number of Respondents

Number of Responses

Total Burden (in hours)








The estimated respondent burden across all these activities translates into an estimated total burden time cost 422,683 431,269 hours15, broken out by respondent group in the table below.


Teachers and School Staff



























Revised – A.14. Estimates of Cost to the Federal Government

The total cost to the federal government for the administrations of the 2022 NAEP data collections (contract costs and NCES salaries and expenses) is estimated to be $103,334,500 $107,535,725, which includes costs for modifications to the field staff model to allow for flexibility of administration required given the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as NAGB’s decision to administer LTT Age 13 in the fall of 2022. The 2022 assessment cost estimate is shown in the table below.

NCES salaries and expenses


Contract costs



Printing, packaging, and distribution, and scoring



Item Development



Sampling, recruiting and training, data collection, and weighting



Recruitment and State Support


Design, analysis and reporting



Securing and transferring DBA assessment data



DBA system development



A.15. Reasons for Changes in Burden (from last Clearance submittal)

The nature of NAEP is that burden alternates from a relatively low burden in national-level administration years to a substantial burden increase in state-level administration years that include one or more assessments that support national, state-by-state, and certain urban districts reporting. In state/district assessment years, NAEP samples approximately 400,000-800,000 students, while in national-only assessment years, approximately 50,000-100,000 students. In 2022, NAEP will conduct state/district assessments. Some previous clearance packages have included multiple years, while this submission covers only 2022. Finally, the overall student sample size is reduced as compared with previous administrations (approximately 490,000 students compared to approximately 750,000 for similar assessments in 2019). The decrease in student sample size is also reflected in fewer schools and associated burden. The burden for LTT has increased to allow for the administration of COVID-related questionnaires to students and principals/school administrators. Additionally, LTT Age 13 was added to the burden per NAGB’s decision to administer the assessment in fall of 2022.

A.16. Time Schedule for Data Collection and Publications

The time schedule for the data collection for the 2022 assessments is shown below.

NAEP 2022 Administration

January–March 2022

Age 9 Long-term Trend Administration

January–March 2022

Age 13 Long-term Trend Administration

October–December 2022

The grades 4 and 8 reading and mathematics national and state results are typically released to the public around October of the same year (i.e., about 6-7 months after the end of data collection). All other operational assessments are typically released 12-15 months after the end of data collection.

The operational schedule for the NAEP assessments generally follows the same schedule for each assessment cycle. The dates below show the specifics the typical timeframe, applied to for the 2022 state-level assessments:

  • Spring–Summer 2021: Select the school sample and notify schools

  • October–November 2021: States, districts, or schools submit the list of students

  • December 2021: Select the student sample

  • December 2021–January 2022: Schools prepare for the assessments using the MyNAEP system

  • January–March 2022: Administer the assessments

  • March–May 2022: Process the data, score constructed response items, and calculate sampling weights

  • June–July 2022: Analyze the data

  • July–September 2022: Prepare the reports, obtaining feedback from reviewers

  • October 2022: Release the results

Part B

B.1.a. Sampling Procedures

Participating states vary depending on the subject and grade assessed, but may include the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Department of Defense Education Activity, and (for mathematics assessments only) Puerto Rico.

2 NAEP IRT scaling requires a minimum sample size of 1,500-2,000 students per item in order to estimate stable item parameters. Therefore, national assessments with larger item pools have larger samples.

3 NAEP IRT scaling is conducted for most pilot assessments, requiring a minimum of 1,500-2,000 students per item in order to estimate stable item parameters. Therefore, pilot assessments with larger item pools have larger samples.

4 Although we currently plan to administer the long-term trend assessment for 9-year-olds (LTT Age 9) in the spring of 2022 and 13-year-olds (LTT age 13) in the fall of 2022, they it are is not considered part of the NAEP 2022 data collection; see section A.1.a. for more detail on why they it are is being administered at this time.

B.2.b. School Coordinator Responsibilities

The school coordinators are responsible for preparing for the NAEP assessment in the school using the MyNAEP system, which is an online secure site that provides participating schools with a convenient way to prepare for the upcoming assessment. MyNAEP serves as the primary resource and action center throughout the assessment process. The secure MyNAEP system may also be used for special studies. The site also offers school coordinators an electronic way to prepare for the assessment at their own pace. The NAEP field representative will schedule an initial call in December to pre-review the major areas of the MyNAEP system with the school coordinator. The content of the 2022 MyNAEP system is provided in Appendix I, revised sections are noted as “New”. The MyNAEP system for the LTT activities is found in Appendix I3.

The MyNAEP menu is a virtual checklist of all activities that school coordinators will need to complete throughout the school year. The following describes the different sections and activities that need to be completed, and the purpose and timeframe for each.

  • Register and Provide School Information

  • Tasks: Register for the MyNAEP website and provide school contact information and school characteristics, including student enrollment for the selected grade, charter school status, and important dates.

  • Purpose: Gain access to the secure MyNAEP website as the designated school coordinator and ensure that NAEP has the most up-to-date information about the school.

  • Timeline: August and October 2021. LTT Age 9 August and October 2021. LTT Age 13 August – September 2022.

  • Submit Student List/Sample

  • Tasks: NAEP collects a list of all students in the selected grade for each school. The school submits an Excel file with all students and their demographic data (see Appendix H for a sample from 2021). Note, as described in Section A.12, the school coordinator is only responsible for this task if the State Coordinator has not previously submitted the student list for sampling. As such, only a portion of the school coordinators are responsible for this task.

  • Purpose: Draw a representative sample of students from the school to participate in the NAEP assessments. Ensure all students have an opportunity to be sampled.

  • Timeline: October and November 2021. LTT Age 9 October and November 2021. LTT Age 13 August – September 2022.

  • Review and Verify List of Students Selected for NAEP

  • Tasks: Review demographic data to make sure they are correct and add any missing demographic data. School coordinators will be asked to review and verify student information and also to indicate whether students were displaced from a natural disaster.

  • Purpose: Demographic data are used for reporting results of student groups in The Nation’s Report Card.

  • Timeline: December 2021 and January 2022. LTT Age 9 November and December 2021. LTT Age 13 August – December 2022.

  • Complete SD/EL Student Information

  • Tasks: Determine how students participate in NAEP (i.e., without accommodations, with accommodations, or do not test). Provide the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) disability status, English proficiency, primary language, grade- or age-level performance, and accommodations, using the state-specific NAEP inclusion policies (see Appendices D1-5 and D1-6 for samples of the NAEP 2021 SD and EL inclusion policies, which are customized by the NAEP State Coordinators). For the LTT 2020 SD/EL templates, see Appendices D3-16 and D3-17 (OMB#1850-0928 v.17).

  • Purpose: Make sure students have appropriate supports to access the NAEP assessment.

  • Timeline: December 2021 and January 2022. LTT Age 9 November and December 2021. LTT Age 13 August – December 2022.

  • Notify Parents

  • Tasks: Download and customize the parent notification letter (see Appendix D2-12 [public schools], and D2-11 [private schools]), upload the customized letter to the system, and certify the date parents were notified. A translation notice is available to accompany the parent notification letter in instances where parents do not speak English or Spanish (see Appendix D1-7-ML).

  • Purpose: Ensure that parents/legal guardians are notified of their student’s selection to participate in NAEP, which is a requirement of the Reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).5

  • Timeline: November 2021 and January 2022. LTT Age 9 November and December 2021. LTT Age 13 August – December 2022.

  • Manage Questionnaires

  • Tasks: For the main NAEP administration only, identify respondents for school and teacher questionnaires, send respondents links to online questionnaires, and monitor completion of questionnaires. Distribute information about NAEP to teachers (see Appendix D1-4 for a sample from 2021)

  • Purpose: Results are used to provide contextual data from schools and teachers in The Nation’s Report Card.

  • Timeline: December 2021 and January 2022. LTT Age 13 August – December 2022.

  • Update Student List

  • Tasks: Identify any newly enrolled students since the original list of students was provided. Upload a current list of students via Excel or review original list and add newly enrolled students.

  • Purpose: Ensures all students have an opportunity to be sampled so NAEP can assess a representative sample of students.

  • Timeline: January 2022.

  • Plan for Assessment Day and Encourage Participation

  • Tasks: Determine assessment session times and locations, share cell phone policy to ensure security of NAEP items, and make a plan to encourage student participation.

  • Purpose: Ensure that the school is prepared for a successful administration of NAEP.

  • Timeline: December 2021 and January 2022. LTT Age 9 November and December 2021. LTT Age 13 August – December 2022.

  • Support Assessment Day Activities

  • Tasks: Print resources to notify students and teachers.

  • Purpose: Ensure students arrive at assessment location prepared and on time.

  • Timeline: One week prior to assessment date.

B.2.c. Administration Procedures

The field staff use scripts and carefully timed sections to administer the LTT age 9 and LTT age 13 paper-based assessments. In addition, many of the instructions are provided on the tablets from the assessment system for DBA assessments.

1515 The average hourly earnings of teachers and principals derived from May 2019 Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Occupation Employment Statistics is $27.47 for teachers and school staff and $49.65 for principals. If mean hourly wage was not provided, it was computed assuming 2,080 hours per year. The exception is the student wage, which is based on the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. Source: BLS Occupation Employment Statistics, datatype: Occupation codes: Elementary school teachers (25-2021); Middle school teachers (25-2022); High school teachers (25-2031); Principals (11-9032); last modified date May 2019.  

5 Please note that parents/legal guardians are required to receive notification of student participation but NAEP does not require explicit parental consent (by law, parents/guardians of students selected to participate in NAEP must be notified in writing of their child’s selection prior to the administration of the assessment).

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