Funding Entity |
Funding Entity Type |
Funding Opportunity Name |
Identifying Number |
Funding Type |
Applicant |
Promise Zone Preference Available |
PZ Support |
Funding Amount |
[Application] Submission Date |
Notification Date |
Beginning of Funding Period |
End of Funding Period |
Status |
Description |
Notes |
Date Last Updated |
Please list the entity that is providing the investment or the grant. |
What type of entity is providing the assistance/investment? |
Enter the name of the program, grant opportunity, etc. from which the applicant is receiving assistance/investment. |
If a federal grant, please input the CDFA number (catalog of federal domestic assistance). If not federal, input the local identifying opportunity number, if applicable. |
Please indicate the type of assistance or investment the Promise Zone or Promise Zone partner is receiving. |
Who is applying for/receiving the assistance/investment? |
Please indicate if the Promise Zone lead agency provided any support to the application, either a letter of Support (LOS), and/or a PZ Preference Point certification form (HUD 50153). |
If known, please indicate the amount requested in an application. |
Please indicate the date the application was submitted. If this is not known, please list the date of the deadline to apply. |
The date the applicant was notified of their award or denial. |
The date the funds are deployed to/spendable by the applicant. |
The date that all funds must be spent down by. |
Please indicate whether the assistance/investment has been Awarded, Denied, or is still Pending. |
Briefly describe how these funds will be used to advance the Promise Zone's goals. |
Enter comments and caveats to the entry here. |
Please use this column to indicate that the status of a given investment has changed within the last quarter. |
Please list federal agencies in the following format: Dept. of Treasury |
For awarded grants/investments, the total amount for all years funded should be listed here. |
Do not include the specific granting Office or Department name here; only include the cabine-level agency name. |
Federal government |
You may include the specific granting Department or Program Office in parentheses after the name of the opportunity. |
CDFA, or any other type of unique identifier |
Grant = direct monetary assistance earmarked for certain activities that does not have to be paid back; e.g. educational services, job-training, additional money for SNAP recipients to buy fruits and vegetables, etc. |
Preference Points |
LOS = letter of support provided by PZ lead agency |
(List federal agencies as shown in |
State government |
Technical Assistance |
Priority Consideration |
Preference Point Certification Form (HUD 50153) |
Dept. of Health and Human Services |
Municipal/County government |
In-kind assistance is not direct monetary assistance, but has monetary value. If you allocate human capital, or technological equipment are exmaples. |
Other (some kind of local PZ preference) |
Dept. of Agriculture |
Philanthropic |
Capital investment |
Dept. of Housing and Urban Development |
Private means a for-profit entity. Non-profit foundations that are off-shoots of for-profit companies should be considered philanthropic, not Private. |
Dept. of Commerce |
Other |
Dept. of Education |
Dept. of Energy |
Dept. of Treasury |
Dept. of Transportation |
National Science Foundation |
Dept. of Defense |
Dept. of Justice |
Dept. of Labor |
Dept. of Veteran's Affairs |
Small Business Administration |
National Endowment for the Arts |
Environmental Protection Agency |