The American Community Survey

The American Community Survey and the Puerto Rico Community Survey

Attachment P - American Community Survey Group Quarters Resident Data Collection Package

The American Community Survey

OMB: 0607-0810

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Attachment P - ACS-17(L)(GQ)(2022) ACS Resident Introductory Letter (English)

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233
Office of the Director

A message from the Director of the U.S. Census Bureau ...
Dear Resident:
The U.S. Census Bureau is conducting a very important survey called the American
Community Survey (ACS). The ACS is an on-going monthly survey that tells us what the
population looks like and how it lives. The Census Bureau chose this facility, not you
personally, as part of a randomly selected sample. Participating in the ACS is important and
also required by law (Title 13, United States Code (U.S.C.), Sections 141, 193, 221, and 223).
An ACS field representative from the Census Bureau will conduct a personal interview with
you or you may complete the survey questionnaire yourself. We estimate this survey will take
about 25 minutes of your time. If you fill out the questionnaire yourself, please place it in the
envelope that the ACS field representative gave you. The field representative will arrange for a
convenient time to pick it up.
The ACS produces critical, up-to-date information that is used to meet the needs of
communities across the United States. For example, results from this survey may be used to
decide where new schools, hospitals, and fire stations are needed. The ACS estimates are
used by federal, tribal, state, and local governments to make decisions and to develop
programs that will provide healthcare, education, and transportation services that affect you
and your community.
The Census Bureau is required by law to keep your information confidential. We are not
permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify you. Per the Federal
Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protected from cybersecurity risks
through screening of the systems that transmit your data. The Census Bureau can only use
your responses to produce statistics. The enclosed brochure provides answers to frequently
asked questions about the ACS.
If you have access to the Internet and want to learn more about the ACS, please visit the
Census Bureau’s website at: Thank you for your help.


ACS-17(L)(GQ)(2022) (6-17-2021)

Attachment P - ACS-17(L)(GQ)(S)(2022)ACS Resident Introductory Letter (Spanish)

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233
Office of the Director

Un mensaje del Director de la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. ...
Estimado señor o señora,
La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. está realizando una encuesta nacional muy importante
conocida como la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense (ACS, por sus siglas en
inglés). La ACS es una encuesta mensual continua que nos indica cómo es la población y
cómo vive. La Oficina del Censo no lo escogió a usted personalmente, sino este alojamiento
como parte de una muestra al azar. Participar en la ACS es importante y también lo requiere
la ley (secciones 141, 193, 221 y 223 del título 13 del Código de los Estados Unidos).
Un representante de la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense realizará una entrevista
en persona con usted, o usted mismo puede completar el cuestionario de la encuesta.
Estimamos que esta encuesta tomará aproximadamente 25 minutos de su tiempo. Si usted
mismo contesta el cuestionario, por favor, échelo en el sobre que le entregó el representante
de la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense. El representante acordará con usted el
mejor momento para recogerlo.
La Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense produce información actual y crítica que se
utiliza para satisfacer las necesidades de comunidades en todo los Estados Unidos. Por
ejemplo, puede que los resultados de esta encuesta se usen para decidir dónde se necesitan
nuevas escuelas, hospitales y estaciones de bomberos. El gobierno federal, los gobiernos de
las tribus y los gobiernos estatales y locales usan los estimados de la ACS para tomar
decisiones y elaborar programas que brinden atención médica, educación y servicios de
transporte que le atañen austed y a su comunidad.
La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. está obligada por ley a mantener confidencial su
información. A la Oficina del Censo no se le permite divulgar sus respuestas de manera que
usted pudiera ser identificado. En conformidad con la Ley para el Fortalecimiento de la
Seguridad Cibernética Federal del 2015, sus datos están protegidos contra los riesgos de
seguridad cibernética mediante los controles aplicados a los sistemas que trasmiten su
información (sección 9 del título 13 del Código de los Estados Unidos). Por ley, la Oficina del
Censo solamente puede usar sus respuestas para producir estadísticas. El folleto adjunto
proporciona respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes acerca de la Encuesta sobre la
Comunidad Estadounidense.
Si tiene acceso a lnternet y desea obtener más información acerca de la Encuesta sobre la
Comunidad Estadounidense, visite el sitio de la Oficina del Censo por Internet en Gracias por su ayuda.

Documentos adjuntos

ACS-17(L)(GQ)(S)(2022) (6-17-2021)

Attachment P - ACS-21(GQ) (2022) ACS GQ Confidentiality Notice

American Community Survey
Your Answers Are Confidential
The U.S. Census Bureau is conducting the American Community Survey. We appreciate your
participation and cooperation.
Your answers are required and confidential by law (Title 13, United States Code, Sections 9, 141,
193, 214, and 221). The U.S. Census Bureau is required by law to protect your information. The
Census Bureau is not permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify you.
The Census Bureau estimates that this form will take about 25 minutes to complete, including the time for reviewing the instructions
and answers. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this burden, to: Paperwork Reduction Project
0607-0810, U.S. Census Bureau, 4600 Silver Hill Road, ADDC – 4H277 , Washington, DC 20233. You may e-mail comments to
[email protected]; use "Paperwork Project 0607-0810" as the subject.
Respondents are not required to respond to any information collection unless a valid approval number has been assigned by the Office
of Management and Budget. The approval number for the American Community Survey is: OMB No. 0607-0810.

Thank you for your cooperation. The Census Bureau appreciates your help.
Para la traducción al español, véase al dorso. (For a Spanish translation, see the reverse side.)
ACS-21(GQ) (7-2019)

Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense
Sus Respuestas son Confidenciales
La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. está llevando a cabo la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad
Estadounidense. Agradecemos su participación y cooperación.
Sus respuestas son obligatorias y confidenciales por ley (secciones 9, 141,193, 214 y 221 del título
13 del Código de los EE. UU.). La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. está obligada por ley a mantener
confidencial su información. A la Oficina del Censo no se le permite divulgar sus respuestas de
manera que usted pudiera ser identificado.
La Oficina del Censo estima que le tomará aproximadamente 25 minutos completar este cuestionario, incluyendo el tiempo para
repasar las instrucciones y respuestas. Si tiene algún comentario sobre el tiempo que toma completar este cuestionario o cualquier
otro aspecto de la recopilación debe enviarlo a: Paperwork Reduction Project 0607–0810, U.S. Census Bureau, 4600 Silver Hill
Road, ADDC – 4H277, Washington, DC 20233. Puede dirigir sus comentarios por correo electrónico a [email protected]; y use
como referencia “Paperwork Project 0607-0810”.
No se requiere que las personas respondan a ninguna recopilación de información a menos que la Oficina de Administración y
Presupuesto le asigne un número de aprobación válido. El número de aprobación para la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad
Estadounidense es: Núm. de OMB 0607-0810.

Gracias por su cooperación. La Oficina del Censo agradece su ayuda.
For an English translation, see the reverse side. (Para la traducción al inglés, véase al dorso.)
ACS-21(GQ) (7-2019)

Attachment P - ACS-50(GQ) ACS Brochure (English and Spanish)
How will the Census Bureau use
the information that I provide?
By law, the Census Bureau can only use
your responses to produce statistics.
The Census Bureau is not permitted to
publicly release your responses in a way
that could identify you. Per the Federal
Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015,
your data are protected from
cybersecurity risks through screening of
the systems that transmit your data. The
Census Bureau will also use this
information to improve the ACS,
ultimately resulting in even better data for
your community and the nation.

The American Community
Survey brings you
estimates every year
about . . .
education, children,
families, employment,
income, immigration,
race and Hispanic origin,
housing, group quarters,
rural life, commuting
patterns, and military

How do I get more information about
the American Community Survey?
For more information about the ACS, or to
obtain survey results from past years, we
encourage you to visit our website at:

The American
Community Survey
Group Quarters
or contact us by mail at the following
American Community Survey
U.S. Census Bureau
4600 Silver Hill Road
Washington, DC 20233-7500
You can also telephone the Census Bureau’s
regional office nearest you as listed below:

Census Bureau Regional Offices
Atlanta, GA
1-800-424-6974 (ext. 53955)
Chicago, IL
1-800-865-6384 (ext. 1)
Denver, CO
Los Angeles, CA
1-800-992-3530 (ext. 1)
New York, NY
1-800-991-2520 (ext. 1)
Philadelphia, PA

Issued June 2021
Connect with us @uscensusbureau

ACS-50GQ_July_2020.indd 1

6/25/2021 8:15:08 AM

What is the American Community
The American Community Survey (ACS)
provides current demographic, social,
economic, and housing characteristics
every year. In the past, this information
was only available every 10 years when the
decennial census was conducted. Estimates
from the ACS helps communities make
informed decisions and is a key to their
Only a small sample of addresses is
selected to participate in the ACS
and represent other addresses in the
community. In addition to this household
sample, the U.S. Census Bureau selects a
sample of group quarters (GQ) facilities
from a sample of all GQs in your area each
year. Individuals from sampled GQs are
randomly selected to participate in the
ACS. A Census Bureau representative will
contact the sample GQs and individuals
and conduct a personal interview. If a
personal interview is not possible, the
Census Bureau representative may collect
your information over the telephone
or ask that you complete the survey
questionnaire. If you complete the survey
yourself, a Census Bureau representative
will arrange for a day and time to return
to the GQ to pick up the completed

Do the sampled group quarters
and individuals have to answer the
questions on the ACS?
Yes. Your response to this survey is
required by law (Title 13, United States
Code, Sections 141, 193, 221, and 223).

ACS-50GQ_July_2020.indd 2

The Census Bureau estimates the survey will
take about 25 minutes to complete. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate
or any other aspect of this collection
of information, including suggestions
for reducing this burden estimate, to:
Paperwork Reduction Project, U.S. Census
Bureau, 4600 Silver Hill Road, ADDC-4H277,
Washington, DC, 20233. You may e-mail
comments to ; use
“Paperwork Project” as the subject.
The U.S. Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) approved this survey and gave it
OMB approval No. 0607-0810. Displaying
this number shows that the Census Bureau
is authorized to conduct this survey. Please
use this number in any correspondence
concerning this survey. Respondents are
not required to respond to any information
collection unless it displays a valid approval
number from the OMB.

How will my participation help me
and my community?
Billions of government and business dollars
are distributed among states, communities,
and population groups based on the social,
economic, housing, and GQ information
available for that area.

The information you provide will help you
and other individuals, local governments,
nongovernmental organizations, and
businesses to:
•	 Distribute resources to communities.
• 	 Improve your community by deciding 		
	 where in your town new highways, 		
schools, and hospitals can do the most 		
• 	 Measure changes in the well-being of 		
	 children, families, and senior citizens to 		
	 plan for future programs.
• 	 Plan for emergency situations that 	
	 might affect your community, such as
	 floods, fires, and other natural disasters.

Is the information I provide
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law
to keep your information confidential. The
Census Bureau is not permitted to publicly
release your responses in a way that could
identify you. Per the Federal Cybersecurity
Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are
protected from cybersecurity risks through
screening of the systems that transmit your

6/25/2021 8:15:08 AM

Attachment P - ACS-51(GQ)(RA) Remote Alaska FAQ Brochure
How will the Census Bureau use
the information that I provide?
The Census Bureau will compile and publish
estimates for geographical areas, such as,
for the nation, states, counties and Puerto
Rico municipios. The Census Bureau will not
publish or release information that would
identify a facility, or its residents. Estimates
are then available for use by a variety of
programs supporting your community.

Is the information I provide
strictly confidential?
Yes. The U.S. Census Bureau is required by
law to keep your information confidential.
The Census Bureau is not permitted to
publicly release your responses in a way that
could identify you. Per the Federal
Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015,
your data are protected from cybersecurity
risks through screening of the systems that
transmit your data.

When will the results of the
survey be available?
The previous years’ results of the American
Community Survey are released every Fall.
Survey estimates are released each year for
areas of 65,000 or more people. For smaller
areas, results are available in the form of
3-year and 5-year estimates.

Where can I get assistance or
find more information about the
American Community Survey in
For questions or assistance with completing
this survey, telephone the Census Bureau’s
Los Angeles Regional Office at 1-800-992-3530
(ext. 1).
For more information about the American
Community Survey, we encourage you to visit
our website at:
or contact us by mail at the following address:
American Community Survey
U.S. Census Bureau
4600 Silver Hill Road
Washington, DC 20233-7500

The American
Survey brings
you estimates
every year about . . .
education, children,
families, employment,
income, veterans,
commuting patterns,
and housing.

Will American Indians and Alaska
Natives be recruited for jobs?
The Census Bureau has always relied on the
help of American Indians and Alaska Natives
to make the census work and will do the
same to make the American Community
Survey work.

Issued July 2020
Connect with us @uscensusbureau

The American
Community Survey
Group Quarters

What Is the American
Community Survey?
The American Community Survey (ACS) provides
current demographic, social, economic, and
housing characteristics every year. In the past,
this information was only available every 10 years
when the decennial census was conducted.
Estimates from the American Community Survey
help communities make informed decisions and
are a key to their future.
Only a small sample of addresses is selected to
participate in the American Community Survey
and represent other addresses in the community.
In addition to household sample, the U.S. Census
Bureau selects a sample of group quarters (GQ)
facilities from a sample of all GQs in your area
each year. Individuals from sampled GQs are
randomly selected to participate in the ACS.
A Census Bureau representative will contact
the sample GQs and individuals and conduct a
personal interview. If a personal interview is not
possible, the Census Bureau representative may
collect your information over the telephone or
ask that you complete the survey questionnaire.
If you complete the survey yourself, a Census
Bureau representative will arrange for a day
and time to return to the GQ to pick up the
completed questionnaire.

Do the sampled group quarters
and individuals have to answer
the questions on the American
Community Survey?
Yes. Your response to this survey is required by
law (Title 13, United States Code, Sections 141,
193 and 221). The Census Bureau estimates the
survey will take about 25 minutes to complete.
Send comments regarding this burden estimate
or any other aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing

this burden, to: Paperwork Reduction Project,
U.S. Census Bureau, 4600 Silver Hill Road,
ADDC-4H277, Washington, DC 20233. You may
e-mail comments to [email protected]; use
“Paperwork Project” as the subject.
The U.S. Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) approved this survey and gave it OMB
approval Number 0607-0810. Displaying this
number shows that the Census Bureau is
authorized to conduct this survey. Please use
this number in any correspondence concerning
this survey. Respondents are not required to
respond to any information collection unless it
displays a valid approval number from the OMB.

How will my participation help me
and my community?
Billions of dollars are allocated among states,
communities, villages, and population groups
based on the social, economic, housing, and GQ
information available for that area.
The information you provide will help you
and other individuals, local governments,
nongovernmental organizations, and businesses
• Ensure fair distribution of tax dollars
and other resources.

• Evaluate programs to increase their
effectiveness and target specific needs.
• Improve your community’s quality of life by
building new roads, improving airstrips,
schools, and hospitals, and deciding where in
your town they can do the most good.
• Observe change over time in such key
areas as the well-being of children, families,
and senior citizens.
• Help communities plan for emergency
situations that might affect you or your
neighbors, such as floods, fires, and
other natural disasters.
• Help village leaders and Alaska Native
corporations plan for better education
and health services.

What about my tribe or my village?
The use of American Community Survey
estimates could result in improved utility
services, new housing, job training, better
school facilities, or a new or improved health
clinic that benefits you, your family, or your
village. For example, the Workforce Investment
Act of 1998 requires information about
American Indian and Alaska Native households
to support training and employment activities.
Your participation in the American Community
Survey will provide this critically important

Attachment P - BRE 6385-46(GQ)(2022) ACS GQ Business Reply Mail Envelope

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233
Office of the Director

Survey Form Enclosed


6385-46(GQ) (5-29-2019)

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2022-03-23
File Created2022-03-23

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