Crosswalk of non-substantive changes to 2022 NYTS

Attachment Q2_Crosswalk_NYTS_2022-2023_(2022.03.21).docx

National Youth Tobacco Surveys (NYTS) 2021-2023

Crosswalk of non-substantive changes to 2022 NYTS

OMB: 0920-0621

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Crosswalk of non-substantive changes to 2022 NYTS to create proposed 2023 NYTS (01/13/2023)

Type of change code: M = Modification, R = Reinstatement from previous cycle of NYTS, O= Order change, I = Instructions change, N = New addition, D = Deletion

Type of Change

Current Question/Item

Requested Change


[instruct_2] The next several sections of questions ask about your use of particular kinds of tobacco products, such as e-cigarettes, cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, hookahs, roll-your own-cigarettes, pipes, snus, dissolvable tobacco, bidis, heated tobacco products, and nicotine pouches.

At the beginning of each section, you will see a brief description and an image showing examples of each kind of tobacco product.

For 2023, the tobacco-product specific sections have been reordered according to prevalence of use. Instruct_2 has been edited to reflect this change:

[instruct_2] The next several sections of questions ask about your use of particular kinds of tobacco products, such as e-cigarettes, cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, snus, nicotine pouches, other oral nicotine products, hookahs, heated tobacco products, pipe tobacco, bidis, and roll-your own-cigarettes.

At the beginning of each section, you will see a brief description and an image showing examples of each kind of tobacco product.


[instruct_3] The next several questions are about electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes, such as JUUL, SMOK, Suorin, Vuse, blu, Puff Bar, or STIG. You may also know them as vapes, mods, e-cigs, e-hookahs, or vape-pens. ‘

For the rest of this survey, these products and devices will be called e-cigarettes.

E-cigarettes are battery powered devices that usually contain a nicotine-based liquid that is vaporized and inhaled.

Edit to brand examples based on market-share data:

[instruct_3] The next several questions are about electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes, such as JUUL, Vuse, NJOY, Puff Bar, blu, or Bidi Stick. You also may know them as vapes, mods, e-cigs, e-hookahs, or vape-pens.

For the rest of this survey, these products and devices will be called e-cigarettes.

E-cigarettes are battery powered devices that usually contain a nicotine-based liquid that is vaporized and inhaled.


[13] Which of the following best describes the type of e-cigarette you have used in the past 30 days?

If you have used more than one type, please think about the one you use most often.

  1. A disposable e-cigarette (for example, Puff Bar or STIG)

  2. An e-cigarette that uses pre-filled or refillable pods or cartridges (for example, JUUL SMOK, or Suorin)

  3. An e-cigarette with a tank that you refill with liquids (including mod systems that can be customized by the user)

  4. I don’t know the type

Edit to brand examples based on market-share data:

[13] Which of the following best describes the type of e-cigarette you have used in the past 30 days?

If you have used more than one type, please think about the one you use most often.

  1. A disposable e-cigarette (for example, Puff Bar or Bidi Stick)

  2. An e-cigarette that uses pre-filled or refillable pods or cartridges (for example, JUUL Vuse, or Suorin)

  3. An e-cigarette with a tank that you refill with liquids (including mod systems that can be customized by the user)

  4. I don’t know the type


[14] During the past 30 days, what e-cigarette brands did you use? (Select one or more)

  1. blu

  2. Eonsmoke

  3. JUUL

  4. Leap

  5. Logic

  6. Mojo

  7. NJOY

  8. Posh

  9. Puff Bar

  10. SMOK (including NOVO)

  11. STIG

  12. Suorin

  13. Vuse

  14. Some other brand(s) not listed here (specify): _________

  15. Not sure / I don’t know the brand

Edit to brands based on market-share data:

[14] During the past 30 days, what e-cigarette brands did you use? (Select one or more)

  1. Bidi Stick

  2. blu

  3. JAK

  4. JUUL

  5. Hyde

  6. Leap

  7. Logic

  8. Mojo

  9. NJOY

  10. Posh (including Posh Plus)

  11. Puff Bar

  12. SMOK (including NOVO)

  13. STIG

  14. Suorin

  15. Vuse

  16. Some other brand(s) not listed here (specify): __________

  17. Not sure / I don’t know the brand


[15] During the past 30 days, what brand of e-cigarettes did you usually use? (Choose only one answer)

  1. I did not use a usual brand

  2. blu

  3. Eonsmoke

  4. JUUL

  5. Leap

  6. Logic

  7. Mojo

  8. NJOY

  9. Posh

  10. Puff Bar

  11. SMOK (including NOVO)

  12. STIG

  13. Suorin

  14. Vuse

  15. Some other brand not listed here (specify): _________

  16. Not sure / I don’t know the brand

Edit to brands based on market-share data:

[15] During the past 30 days, what brand of e-cigarettes did you usually use? (Choose only one answer)

  1. I did not use a usual brand

  2. Bidi Stick

  3. blu

  4. JAK

  5. JUUL

  6. Hyde

  7. Leap

  8. Logic

  9. Mojo

  10. NJOY

  11. Posh (including Posh Plus)

  12. Puff Bar

  13. SMOK (including NOVO)

  14. STIG

  15. Suorin

  16. Vuse

  17. Some other brand not listed here (specify): ________

  18. Not sure / I don’t know the brand


[18a] Were any of the e-cigarettes that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other flavor?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know

For each product (excluding cigarettes), the questions to assess flavored use have been edited to ask about non-tobacco flavors and tobacco flavors, separately. The original question was edited to specify non-tobacco flavors:

[18a] Were any of the e-cigarettes that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other non-tobacco flavor?

Do not think about tobacco flavor when answering this question.

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know



A new question will assess use of tobacco-flavors:

[19a] Were any of the e-cigarettes that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like tobacco?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know


[19a] What flavors were the e-cigarettes that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Menthol

  2. Mint

  3. Clove or spice

  4. Fruit

  5. Chocolate

  6. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  7. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  8. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify:_______)

Edits to flavor choices to add tobacco-flavor; and non-alcoholic drinks [based on previous write-in responses] and to edit option D:

[20a] What flavors were the e-cigarettes that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Tobacco-flavor

  2. Menthol

  3. Mint

  4. Spice (such as cinnamon, vanilla, or clove)

  5. Fruit

  6. Chocolate

  7. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  8. Non-alcoholic drink (such as coffee, soda, lemonade, or other beverage)

  9. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  10. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: _________)



In recent years, iced flavors (which combine sweet fruit and cooling mint or menthol flavors) have entered the marketplace. We propose including a new question to assess use of iced flavors for specific tobacco products:

[21] Did any of the flavors that you used in the past 30 days have names or descriptions that included the word “ice” or “iced” (for example, blueberry ice or strawberry ice)?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t know



In recent years, concept flavors (vague, non-characterizing descriptions on packaging that do not expressly refer to specific flavors) have become popular. We propose including a new question to assess use of ‘concept’ flavors for specific tobacco products:

[22] Did any of the flavors that you used in the past 30 days have a name that did not describe a specific flavor, such as “solar,” “purple,” “jazz,” “island bash,” “fusion” or some other word or phrase?

  1. Yes (specify): ___________________

  2. No

  3. Don’t know


[21a] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your e-cigarette devices, pods, cartridges, or e-liquid refills? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy e-cigarettes during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought them from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product website or store website like eBay or Facebook Marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify):__________

Edited language for option H for clarity:

[24a] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your e-cigarette devices, pods, cartridges, or e-liquid refills? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy e-cigarettes during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought them from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product website, online vape or tobacco store or another online marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify):___________


[41] During the past 30 days, what brands of cigarettes did you smoke? (Select one or more)

  1. American Spirit

  2. Camel

  3. GPC, Basic, or Doral

  4. Kool

  5. Marlboro

  6. Maverick

  7. Newport

  8. L&M

  9. Pall Mall

  10. Parliament

  11. Winston

  12. Some other brand not listed here (Please specify: ______)

  13. Not sure / I don’t know the brand

Edited brands based on market share data:

[44] During the past 30 days, what brands of cigarettes did you smoke? (Select one or more)

  1. American Spirit

  2. Camel

  3. Eagle

  4. Kool

  5. Marlboro

  6. Maverick

  7. Newport

  8. L&M

  9. Pall Mall

  10. Winston

  11. Some other brand not listed here (Please specify: _____)

  12. Not sure / I don’t know the brand


[42] During the past 30 days, what brand of cigarettes did you usually smoke? (Choose only one answer)

  1. I did not smoke a usual brand

  2. American Spirit

  3. Camel

  4. GPC, Basic, or Doral

  5. Kool

  6. Marlboro

  7. Maverick

  8. Newport

  9. L&M

  10. Pall Mall

  11. Parliament

  12. Winston

  13. Some other brand not listed here (Please specify: _____)

  14. Not sure / I don’t know the brand

Edited brands based on market share data:

[45] During the past 30 days, what brand of cigarettes did you usually smoke? (Choose only one answer)

  1. I did not smoke a usual brand

  2. American Spirit

  3. Camel

  4. Eagle

  5. Kool

  6. Marlboro

  7. Maverick

  8. Newport

  9. L&M

  10. Pall Mall

  11. Winston

  12. Some other brand not listed here (Please specify: _____)

  13. Not sure / I don’t know the brand


[21b] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your cigarettes? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy cigarettes during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought them from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product website or store website like eBay or Facebook Marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify):__________

Consistent across products, we request edits to the language for option H for clarity:

[24b] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your cigarettes? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy cigarettes during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought them from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product website, online vape or tobacco store or another online marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): ____________


[instruct_6] The next several questions are about the use of cigars, cigarillors, or little cigars, such as Swisher Sweets, Black and Mild, Garcia y Vega, Cheyenne, White Owl, or Dutch Masters

Edit to brand examples based on market-share data:

[instruct_6] The next several questions are about the use of cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars such as Swisher Sweets, Middleton’s (Black & Mild), Backwoods, Garcia y Vega, Cheyenne, White Owl, or Dutch Masters.



According to recent NYTS data, cigars are the 2nd – 3rd most commonly used tobacco product among youth. Thus, additional questions about have been added to further describe use of this product among youth. New question to assess cigar brand(s) used during the past 30 days:

[59] During the past 30 days, what brands of cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars did you smoke? (Select one or more)

  1. Backwoods

  2. Cheyenne

  3. Dutch Masters

  4. Garcia Y Vega

  5. Middleton’s (including Black & Mild)

  6. Optimo

  7. Phillies

  8. Swisher Sweets

  9. White Owl

  10. Some other brand not listed here (specify): ___________

  11. Not Sure / I don’t know the brand



New question to assess usual cigar brand used during the past 30 days:

[60] During the past 30 days, what brand of cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars did you usually use? (Choose only one answer)

  1. I did not use a usual brand

  2. Backwoods

  3. Cheyenne

  4. Dutch Masters

  5. Garcia Y Vega

  6. Middleton’s (including Black & Mild)

  7. Optimo

  8. Phillies

  9. Swisher Sweets

  10. White Owl

  11. Some other brand not listed here (specify): _____________

  12. Not Sure / I don’t know the brand


[18b] Were any of the cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other flavor?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know

Consistent across products, we request edits to flavor use questions to specify non-tobacco flavors:

[18b] Were any of the cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other non-tobacco flavor?

Do not think about tobacco flavor when answering this question.

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know



Consistent across products, we request a new question to assess use of tobacco-flavors:

[19b] Were any of the cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like tobacco?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know


[19b] What flavors were the cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Menthol

  2. Mint

  3. Clove or spice

  4. Fruit

  5. Chocolate

  6. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  7. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  8. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: _______)

Consistent across products, we request edits to flavor choices:

[20b] What flavors were the cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Tobacco-flavor

  2. Menthol

  3. Mint

  4. Spice (such as cinnamon, vanilla, or clove)

  5. Fruit

  6. Chocolate

  7. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  8. Non-alcoholic drink (such as coffee, soda, lemonade, or other beverage)

  9. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  10. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: _________)



New question to assess use of iced flavors:

[21] Did any of the flavors that you used in the past 30 days have names or descriptions that included the word “ice” or “iced” (for example, blueberry ice or strawberry ice)?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t know



New question to assess use of ‘concept’ flavors:

[22] Did any of the flavors that you used in the past 30 days have a name that did not describe a specific flavor, such as “solar,” “purple,” “jazz,” “island bash,” “fusion” or some other word or phrase?

  1. Yes (specify): ___________________

  2. No

  3. Don’t know


[21c] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought them from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product or store website, eBay, or Facebook Marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): ______________

Consistent across products, we request edits to the language for option H for clarity:

[24c] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought them from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product website, online vape or tobacco store or another online marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): _____________


[instruct_8] The next several questions are about the use of chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip, such as Copenhagen, Grizzly, Skoal, or Longhorn.

Do not think about snus or dissolvable tobacco products when you answer these questions.

Edited brand examples based on market share data. Given changes to the product marketplace, throughout the 2023 survey, we have rebranded “dissolvable tobacco products” as “[other] oral nicotine products”. Additionally, we have included nicotine pouches in the ‘do not think about…” language.

[instruct_8] The next several questions are about the use of chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip, such as Copenhagen, Grizzly, Skoal, or Red Seal.

Do not think about snus, nicotine pouches, or other oral nicotine products when you answer these questions.



Consistent across several products, we request a new question to assess chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip brand(s) used in the past 30 days:

[72] During the past 30 days, what brands of chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip did you use? (Select one or more)

  1. Copenhagen

  2. Grizzly

  3. Kodiak

  4. Longhorn

  5. Red Man

  6. Red Seal

  7. Skoal

  8. Timber Wolf

  9. Some other brand(s) not listed here (specify): ________

  10. Not sure / I don’t know the brand



Consistent across several products, we request a new question to assess usual chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip brand used during the past 30 days:

[73] During the past 30 days, what brand of chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip did you usually use? (Choose only one answer)

  1. I did not use a usual brand

  2. Copenhagen

  3. Grizzly

  4. Kodiak

  5. Longhorn

  6. Red Man

  7. Red Seal

  8. Skoal

  9. Timber Wolf

  10. Some other brand not listed here (specify): ________

  11. Not sure / I don’t know the brand


[18c] Was any of the chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other flavor?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know

Consistent across products, we request edits to flavor use questions to specify non-tobacco flavors:

[18c] Was any of the chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other non-tobacco flavor?

Do not think about tobacco flavor when answering this question.

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know



Consistent across products, we request a new question to assess use of tobacco-flavors:

[19c] Was any of the chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like tobacco?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know


[20d] What flavors was the chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Menthol

  2. Mint

  3. Clove or spice

  4. Fruit

  5. Chocolate

  6. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  7. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  8. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: ____________)

Consistent across products, we request edits to flavor choices:

[20c] What flavors was the chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Tobacco-flavor

  2. Menthol

  3. Mint

  4. Spice (such as cinnamon, vanilla, or clove)

  5. Fruit

  6. Chocolate

  7. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  8. Non-alcoholic drink (such as coffee, soda, lemonade, or other beverage)

  9. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  10. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: _________)


[21d] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought it from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product or store website, eBay or Facebook Marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify):___________

Consistent across products, we request edits to the language for option H:

[24d] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought it from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product website, online vape or tobacco store or another online marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): __________



[instruct_13] The next few questions are about snus, such as Camel Snus, Marlboro Snus, or General Snus. Snus is a type of smokeless tobacco that comes in a small pouch that you put under your lip.

Do not think about other forms of smokeless tobacco, such as chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, or dissolvable tobacco products when answering these questions.

Edited order of products throughout the survey (thus instruction changed from instruct_13 to instruct_9). We’ve also edited product description and “do not think about” language for clarity:

[instruct_9] The next few questions are about snus, such as Camel Snus, Marlboro Snus, or General Snus. Snus is a type of smokeless tobacco that comes in a small pouch that you put under your lip. Snus is different from other some smokeless tobacco products such as nicotine pouches, because it does contain tobacco leaf.

Do not think about chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, nicotine pouches, or other oral nicotine products when answering these questions.


[18f] Was any of the snus that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other flavor?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know

Consistent across products, we request edits to flavor use questions to specify non-tobacco flavors:

[18d] Was any of the snus that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other non-tobacco flavor?

Do not think about tobacco flavor when answering this question.

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know



Consistent across products, we request a new question to assess use of tobacco-flavors:

[19d] Was any of the snus that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like tobacco?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know


[19f] What flavors was the snus that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Menthol

  2. Mint

  3. Clove or spice

  4. Fruit

  5. Chocolate

  6. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  7. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  8. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: ____________)

Consistent across products, we request to edit the flavor choices:

[20d] What flavors was the snus that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Tobacco-flavor

  2. Menthol

  3. Mint

  4. Spice (such as cinnamon, vanilla, or clove)

  5. Fruit

  6. Chocolate

  7. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  8. Non-alcoholic drink (such as coffee, soda, lemonade, or other beverage)

  9. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  10. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: _________)


[21g] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your snus? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy snus during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought it from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product or store website, eBay or Facebook Marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify):___________

Consistent across products, edited language for option H for clarity:

[24e] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your snus? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy snus during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought it from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product website, online vape or tobacco store or another online marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): ___________


[instruct_17] The next section is about “nicotine pouches” such as Zyn, on!, or Velo. These small, flavored pouches contain nicotine that comes from tobacco. Users place them in their mouth. Nicotine pouches are different from other smokeless tobacco products such as snus, dip, or chewing tobacco, because they do not contain any tobacco leaf.

Do not think about other forms of smokeless tobacco, such as chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, snus, or dissolvable tobacco when answering these questions.

Edited order of products (thus changed from instruct_17 to instruct_10); we’ve edited product description, brand examples, and “do not think about” language for clarity:

[instruct_10] The next section is about nicotine pouches such as Zyn, on!, Velo or Rogue. These small, flavored pouches are filled with a nicotine-containing powder. Users place nicotine pouches in their mouth and do not need to spit. Nicotine pouches are different from some other smokeless tobacco products such as snus, dip, or chewing tobacco, because they do not contain any tobacco leaf.

Do not think about chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, snus, or other oral nicotine products when answering these questions.



According to recent market share data, nicotine pouch sales have increased substantially in recent years. Thus, additional questions have been added to further describe use of this product among youth. We request to add a question to assess nicotine pouch brand(s) used in the past 30 days:

[81] During the past 30 days, what nicotine pouch brands did you use? (Select one or more)

  1. on!

  2. Rogue

  3. Velo

  4. Zyn

  5. Some other brand(s) not listed here (specify): __________

  6. Not sure / I don’t know the brand



We request to add a new question to assess usual nicotine pouch brand used in the past 30 days:

[82] During the past 30 days, what brand of nicotine pouches did you usually use? (Choose only one answer)

  1. I did not use a usual brand

  2. on!

  3. Rogue

  4. Velo

  5. Zyn

  6. Some other brand(s) not listed here (specify): _______

  7. Not sure / I don’t know the brand


[18k] Were any of the nicotine pouches that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other flavor?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know

Consistent across products, we request edits to flavor use questions to specify non-tobacco flavors:

[18e] Were any of the nicotine pouches that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other non-tobacco flavor?

Do not think about tobacco flavor when answering this question.

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know



Consistent across products, we request to add a question to assess use of tobacco-flavors:

[19e] Were any of the nicotine pouches that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like tobacco?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know


[19k] What flavors were the nicotine pouches that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Menthol

  2. Mint

  3. Clove or spice

  4. Fruit

  5. Chocolate

  6. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  7. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  8. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: _____________________________)

Consistent across products, we request to edit flavor choices:

[20e] What flavors were the nicotine pouches that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Tobacco-flavor

  2. Menthol

  3. Mint

  4. Spice (such as cinnamon, vanilla, or clove)

  5. Fruit

  6. Chocolate

  7. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  8. Non-alcoholic drink (such as coffee, soda, lemonade, or other beverage)

  9. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  10. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: _________)


[21l] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your nicotine pouches? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy nicotine pouches during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought them from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product or store website, eBay, or Facebook Marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): _____________

Consistent across products, we request to edit language for option H for clarity:

[24f] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your nicotine pouches? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy nicotine pouches during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought it from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product website, online vape or tobacco store or another online marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): _____________


[instruct_14] The next few questions are about dissolvable tobacco products such as Ariva, Stonewall, Camel Orbs, Camel Sticks, Camel Strips, or Marlboro Orbs. Most dissolvable tobacco products are made of finely ground flavored tobacco that dissolves in your mouth. They may come in a variety of shapes.

Do not think about other forms of smokeless tobacco, such as chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, or snus when answering these questions.

We’ve edited order of products (changed from instruct_14 to instruct_11). We have also edited product description, brand examples, and “do not think about” language for clarity. Due to changes in the tobacco product marketplace, we’ve rebranded this product class from “dissolvable tobacco products” to “oral nicotine products” throughout:

[instruct_11] The next few questions are about other oral nicotine products. Oral nicotine products come in a variety of shapes and types, such as lozenges, discs, tablets, gums, dissolvable tobacco products, and other products. Examples of these products include Velo Nicotine Lozenges, Rogue Lozenges, Rogue Tablets, Verve discs or Stonewall. Most oral nicotine products dissolve in your mouth and do not require spitting.

Do not think about chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, snus, or nicotine pouches when answering these questions.


[79] Have you ever used dissolvable tobacco products, even just one time?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Due to changes in the tobacco product marketplace, we’ve edited from dissolvable tobacco products to oral nicotine products:

[85] Have you ever used any oral nicotine products, even just one time?

  1. Yes

  2. No


[80] During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use dissolvable tobacco products?

Specify: |__|__| (Range 0 – 30)

Due to changes in the tobacco product marketplace, we’ve edited from dissolvable tobacco products to oral nicotine products:

[86] During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use oral nicotine products?

Specify: |__|__| (Range 0 – 30)


[18g] Were any of the dissolvable tobacco products that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other flavor?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know

Due to changes in the tobacco product marketplace, we’ve edited from dissolvable tobacco products to oral nicotine products. Additionally, consistent across products, we request edits to flavor use questions to specify non-tobacco flavors:

[18f] Were any of the oral nicotine products that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other non-tobacco flavor?

Do not think about tobacco flavor when answering this question.

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know



Consistent across products, we request to add a question to assess use of tobacco-flavors:

[19f] Were any of the oral nicotine products that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like tobacco?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know


[19g] What flavors were the dissolvable tobacco products that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Menthol

  2. Mint

  3. Clove or spice

  4. Fruit

  5. Chocolate

  6. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  7. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  8. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: ___________)

Due to changes in the tobacco product marketplace, we’ve edited from dissolvable tobacco products to oral nicotine products. Additionally, consistent across products, we request to edit flavor choices:

[20f] What flavors were the oral nicotine products that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Tobacco-flavor

  2. Menthol

  3. Mint

  4. Spice (such as cinnamon, vanilla, or clove)

  5. Fruit

  6. Chocolate

  7. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  8. Non-alcoholic drink (such as coffee, soda, lemonade, or other beverage)

  9. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  10. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: _________)


[20h] During the past 30 days, how did you get your dissolvable tobacco products? (Select one or more)

  1. I bought them myself

  2. I had someone else buy them for me

  3. I asked someone to give me some

  4. Someone offered them to me

  5. I got them from a friend

  6. I got them from a family member

  7. I took them from a store or another person

  8. I got them in some other way (specify: _____________)

Due to changes in the tobacco product marketplace, we’ve edited from dissolvable tobacco products to oral nicotine products.

[23g] During the past 30 days, how did you get your oral nicotine products? (Select one or more)

  1. I bought them myself

  2. I had someone else buy them for me

  3. I asked someone to give me some

  4. Someone offered them to me

  5. I got them from a friend

  6. I got them from a family member

  7. I took them from a store or another person

  8. I got them in some other way (specify: _____________)


[21h] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your dissolvable tobacco products? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy dissolvable tobacco products during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought them from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a website or a secondary source, like eBay or Facebook marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): _________________

Due to changes in the tobacco product marketplace, we’ve edited from dissolvable tobacco products to oral nicotine products. Consistent across products, we request to edit language for option H for clarity:

[24g] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your oral nicotine products? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy oral nicotine products during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought it from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product website, online vape or tobacco store or another online marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): _____________


[instruct_9] The next several questions are about smoking tobacco in a hookah, which is a type of waterpipe. Shisha (or hookah tobacco) is smoked in a hookah.

Edited order of products (changed from instruct_9 to instruct_12); no other changes to the description were made:

[instruct_12] The next several questions are about smoking tobacco in a hookah, which is a type of waterpipe. Shisha (or hookah tobacco) is smoked in a hookah.


[18d] Was any of the tobacco in a hookah or waterpipe that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other flavor?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know

Consistent across products, we request edits to flavor use questions to specify non-tobacco flavors:

[18g] Was any of the tobacco in a hookah or waterpipe that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other non-tobacco flavor?

Do not think about tobacco flavor when answering this question.

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know



Consistent across products, we request to add a question to assess use of tobacco-flavors:

[19g] Was any of the tobacco in a hookah or waterpipe that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like tobacco?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know


[19d] What flavors were the dissolvable tobacco products that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Menthol

  2. Mint

  3. Clove or spice

  4. Fruit

  5. Chocolate

  6. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  7. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  8. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: ___________)

Consistent across products, we request to edited flavor choices:

[20g] What flavors was the tobacco in a hookah or waterpipe that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Tobacco-flavor

  2. Menthol

  3. Mint

  4. Spice (such as cinnamon, vanilla, or clove)

  5. Fruit

  6. Chocolate

  7. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  8. Non-alcoholic drink (such as coffee, soda, lemonade, or other beverage)

  9. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  10. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: _________)


[21e] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your hookah tobacco? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy hookah tobacco during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought them from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a website or a secondary source, like eBay or Facebook marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): _________________

Consistent across products, we request to edit language for option H for clarity:

[24h] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your hookah tobacco? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy hookah tobacco during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought it from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product website, online vape or tobacco store or another online marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): _____________


[instruct_16] The next section is about “heated tobacco products” such as iQOS, glo, and Eclipse. You may know them as heated cigarettes or “heat-not-burn” tobacco products. Heated tobacco products heat tobacco sticks (“heatsticks”) or capsules to produce a vapor. They are different from e-cigarettes, which heat a liquid to produce a vapor.

Do not think about e-cigarettes when answering these questions.

Edited order of products (changed from instruct_16 to instruct_13); edited product examples (based on market data) and description for clarity:

[instruct_13] The next section is about heated tobacco products such as IQOS or Eclipse. You may know them as heated cigarettes or “heat-not-burn” tobacco products. Heated tobacco products heat processed tobacco leaf in the form of sticks (“heatsticks”), plugs, or capsules to produce a vapor that the user inhales. They are different from e-cigarettes, which heat a liquid to produce a vapor.

Do not think about e-cigarettes when answering these questions.


[18j] Were any of the heated tobacco products that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other flavor?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know

Consistent across products, we request edits to flavor use questions to specify non-tobacco flavors:

[18h] Were any of the heated tobacco products that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other non-tobacco flavor? Do not think about tobacco flavor when answering this question.

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know



Consistent across products, we request to add a question to assess tobacco-flavors:

[19h] Were any of the heated tobacco products that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like tobacco?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know


[19j] What flavors were the heated tobacco products that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Menthol

  2. Mint

  3. Clove or spice

  4. Fruit

  5. Chocolate

  6. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  7. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  8. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: ___________)

Consistent across products, we request to edit flavor choices:

[20h] What flavors were the heated tobacco products that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Tobacco-flavor

  2. Menthol

  3. Mint

  4. Spice (such as cinnamon, vanilla, or clove)

  5. Fruit

  6. Chocolate

  7. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  8. Non-alcoholic drinks (such as coffee, soda, lemonade, or other beverage)

  9. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  10. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: __________)


[21k] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your heated tobacco products? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy heated tobacco products during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought them from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product or store website, eBay, or Facebook Marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): _____________

Consistent across products, we request to edit language of option H for clarity:

[24i] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your heated tobacco products? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy heated tobacco products during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought them from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product website, online vape or tobacco store or another online marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): _____________


[Instruct_10] The next several sections are about the use of other tobacco products, not described in the previous sections.

N/A – this instruction was removed as no longer relevant.


[instruct_12] The next few questions are about smoking tobacco in a pipe.

Do not think about smoking tobacco in a hookah (waterpipe) when answering these questions.

Edited order of products (changed from instruct_12 to instruct_14); no change to product description is requested:

[instruct_14] The next few questions are about smoking tobacco in a pipe.

Do not think about smoking tobacco in a hookah (waterpipe) when answering these questions.


[18e] Were any of the pipes filled with tobacco that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other flavor?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know

Consistent across products, we request edits to flavor use questions to specify non-tobacco flavors:

[18i] Were any of the pipes filled with tobacco that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other non-tobacco flavor?

Do not think about tobacco flavor when answering this question.

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know



Consistent across products, we request to add a question to assess tobacco-flavors:

[19i] Were any of the pipes filled with tobacco that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like tobacco?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know


[19e] What flavors were the pipes filled with tobacco that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Menthol

  2. Mint

  3. Clove or spice

  4. Fruit

  5. Chocolate

  6. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  7. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  8. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: ___________)

Consistent across products, we request to edit flavor choices:

[20i] What flavors were the pipes filled with tobacco that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Tobacco-flavor

  2. Menthol

  3. Mint

  4. Spice (such as cinnamon, vanilla, or clove)

  5. Fruit

  6. Chocolate

  7. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  8. Non-alcoholic drinks (such as coffee, soda, lemonade, or other beverage)

  9. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  10. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: __________)


[21f] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your pipe tobacco? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy pipe tobacco during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought them from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product or store website, eBay, or Facebook Marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): _____________

Consistent across products, we request to edit language of option H for clarity:

[24j] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your pipe tobacco? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy pipe tobacco during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought them from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product website, online vape or tobacco store or another online marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): _____________


[18h] Were any of the bidis that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other flavor?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know

Consistent across products, we request edits to flavor use questions to specify non-tobacco flavors:

[18j] Were any of the bidis that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other non-tobacco flavor?

Do not think about tobacco flavor when answering this question.

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know



Consistent across products, we request to add a question to assess tobacco-flavors:

[19j] Were any of the bidis that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like tobacco?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know


[19h] What flavors were the bidis that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Menthol

  2. Mint

  3. Clove or spice

  4. Fruit

  5. Chocolate

  6. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  7. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  8. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: ___________)

Consistent across products we request to edit flavor choices:

[20j] What flavors were the bidis that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Tobacco-flavor

  2. Menthol

  3. Mint

  4. Spice (such as cinnamon, vanilla, or clove)

  5. Fruit

  6. Chocolate

  7. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  8. Non-alcoholic drinks (such as coffee, soda, lemonade, or other beverage)

  9. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  10. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: __________)


[21i] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your bidis? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy bidis during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought them from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product or store website, eBay, or Facebook Marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): _____________

Consistent across products, we request to edit language of option H for clarity:

[24k] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your bidis? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy bidis during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought them from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product website, online vape or tobacco store or another online marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): _____________


[instruct_11] The next few questions are about roll-your-own cigarettes.

Do not think about manufactured cigarettes when answering these questions.

Edited order of products (changed from instruct_11 to instruct_16); no other change to product description is requested:

[instruct_16] The next few questions are about roll-your-own cigarettes.

Do not think about manufactured cigarettes when answering these questions.


[18i] Were any of the roll-your-own cigarettes that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other flavor?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know

Consistent across products, we request edits to flavor use questions to specify non-tobacco flavors:

[18k] Were any of the roll-your-own cigarettes that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove or spice, alcoholic drinks, candy, fruit, chocolate, or any other non-tobacco flavor?

Do not think about tobacco flavor when answering this question.

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know



Consistent across products, we request to add a question to assess tobacco-flavors:

[19k] Were any of the roll-your-own cigarettes that you used in the past 30 days flavored to taste like tobacco?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know


[19i] What flavors were the roll-your-own cigarettes that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Menthol

  2. Mint

  3. Clove or spice

  4. Fruit

  5. Chocolate

  6. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  7. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  8. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: ___________)

Consistent across products, we request to edit flavor choices:

[20k] What flavors were the roll-your-own cigarettes that you have used in the past 30 days? (Select one or more)

  1. Tobacco-flavor

  2. Menthol

  3. Mint

  4. Spice (such as cinnamon, vanilla, or clove)

  5. Fruit

  6. Chocolate

  7. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, margarita, or other cocktails)

  8. Non-alcoholic drinks (such as coffee, soda, lemonade, or other beverage)

  9. Candy, desserts, or other sweets

  10. Some other flavor not listed here (Specify: __________)


[21j] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your roll-your-own cigarettes? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy roll-your-own cigarettes during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought them from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product or store website, eBay, or Facebook Marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): _____________

Consistent across products, we request to edit language of option H for clarity:

[24l] During the past 30 days, where did you buy your roll-your-own cigarettes? (Select one or more)

  1. I did not buy roll-your-own cigarettes during the past 30 days [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE]

  2. I bought them from another person (a friend, family member, or someone else)

  3. A gas station or convenience store

  4. A grocery store

  5. A drugstore

  6. A mall or shopping center kiosk/stand

  7. A vending machine

  8. On the Internet (such as a product website, online vape or tobacco store or another online marketplace)

  9. Through the mail

  10. Through a delivery service (such as DoorDash or Postmates)

  11. A vape shop or tobacco shop

  12. Some other place not listed here (specify): _____________


[instruct_19] In answering the next 5 questions, please think about all of the tobacco products that you have used in the past 30 days, including e-cigarettes, cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, hookahs, roll-your-own cigarettes, pipes, snus, dissolvable tobacco, bidis, heated tobacco products, and nicotine pouches.

Edited to reflect edited product order changes throughout the survey:

[instruct_18] In answering the next 5 questions, please think about all of the tobacco products that you have used in the past 30 days, including e-cigarettes, cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, snus, nicotine pouches, other oral nicotine products, hookahs, heated tobacco products, pipe tobacco, bidis, and roll-your own-cigarettes.


[instruct_22] The next several questions are about visits to a doctor, dentist, nurse, or other health professional during the past 12 months.

We propose rotating this section (health care professional assessment of use, and advice not to use tobacco products) off of the 2023 survey.


[97] Have you visited a doctor, dentist, or nurse in the past 12 months?

  1. Yes

  2. No

We propose rotating this section (health care professional assessment of use, and advice not to use tobacco products) off of the 2023 survey.


[instruct_23] Please think about cigarettes, only, when answering the next two questions.

We propose rotating this section (health care professional assessment of use, and advice not to use tobacco products) off of the 2023 survey.


[98] During any of these visits to a doctor, dentist, nurse, or other health professional, were you asked if you used cigarettes?

  1. Yes

  2. No

We propose rotating this section (health care professional assessment of use, and advice not to use tobacco products) off of the 2023 survey.


[99] During any of these visits, were you advised to not use cigarettes?

  1. Yes

  2. No

We propose rotating this section (health care professional assessment of use, and advice not to use tobacco products) off of the 2023 survey.


[instruct_24] Please think about e-cigarettes, only, when answering the next two questions.

We propose rotating this section (health care professional assessment of use, and advice not to use tobacco products) off of the 2023 survey.


[100] During any of these visits to a doctor, dentist, nurse, or other health professional, were you asked if you used e-cigarettes?

  1. Yes

  2. No

We propose rotating this section (health care professional assessment of use, and advice not to use tobacco products) off of the 2023 survey.


[101] During any of these visits, were you advised to not use e-cigarettes?

  1. Yes

  2. No

We propose rotating this section (health care professional assessment of use, and advice not to use tobacco products) off of the 2023 survey.


[instruct_25] Please think about all other tobacco products when answering the next two questions.

This includes: cigars, smokeless tobacco products, hookah, roll-your-own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, snus, dissolvable tobacco, bidis, heated tobacco products, or nicotine pouches.

Do not think of e-cigarettes or manufactured cigarettes when answering these questions.

We propose rotating this section (health care professional assessment of use, and advice not to use tobacco products) off of the 2023 survey.


[102] During any of these visits to a doctor, dentist, nurse, or other health professional, were you asked if you used any of these other tobacco products?

  1. Yes

  2. No

We propose rotating this section (health care professional assessment of use, and advice not to use tobacco products) off of the 2023 survey.


[103] During any of these visits, were you advised to not use any of these other tobacco products?

  1. Yes

  2. No

We propose rotating this section (health care professional assessment of use, and advice not to use tobacco products) off of the 2023 survey.


[instruct_26] The next seven questions are about different topics related to antitobacco messaging

We request to edit this instruction to reflect changes to the questions included in this section.

[instruct_21] The next five questions are related to antitobacco messaging.


[109] In the past 12 months, have you seen or heard The Real Cost, on television, the internet, social media, or radio as part of ads about tobacco?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Not sure

We request to delete this question for the 2023 administration.



[110] In the past 12 months, have you seen or heard any other ads against tobacco with the following names or slogans on television, the internet, social media, or on the radio? (Select one or more)

  1. Truth

  2. Tips or Tips From Former Smokers

  3. Fresh Empire

  4. This Free Life

  5. Some other ad (Specify): ____________________

  6. I haven’t seen or heard of any of these ads

We request to delete this question for the 2023 administration.



[instruct_27] The next 17 questions ask about your thoughts on tobacco products.

We request to modify this instruction to reflect deletion of question in this section.

[instruct_22] The next several questions ask about your thoughts on tobacco products.


[114] How much do you think people harm themselves when they use chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, snus, or dissolvable tobacco products, some days but not every day?

    1. No harm

    2. Little harm

    3. Some harm

    4. A lot of harm

We request to delete this question for the 2023 administration.



[115] Do you believe that chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, snus, or dissolvable tobacco products are (LESS ADDICTIVE, EQUALLY ADDICTIVE, or MORE ADDICTIVE) than cigarettes?

  1. Less addictive

  2. Equally addictive

  3. More addictive

  4. I have never heard of chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, snus, or dissolvable tobacco products

  5. I don’t know enough about these products

We request to delete this question for the 2023 administration.



[118] How much do you think people harm themselves when they smoke tobacco in a hookah or waterpipe some days but not every day?

  1. No harm

  2. Little harm

  3. Some harm

  4. A lot of harm

We request to delete this question for the 2023 administration.



[119] Do you believe that smoking tobacco in a hookah or waterpipe is (LESS ADDICTIVE, EQUALLY ADDICTIVE, or MORE ADDICTIVE) than cigarettes?

  1. Less addictive

  2. Equally addictive

  3. More addictive

  4. I have never heard of smoking tobacco in a hookah or waterpipe

  5. I don’t know enough about these products

We request to delete this question for the 2023 administration.



[121] Do you think that e-cigarettes…

  1. Never contain nicotine

  2. Rarely contain nicotine

  3. Sometimes contain nicotine

  4. Usually contain nicotine

  5. Always contain nicotine

We request to delete this question for the 2023 administration.



[122] How strongly do you agree with the statement ‘All tobacco products are dangerous’?

  1. Strongly agree

  2. Agree

  3. Disagree

  4. Strongly disagree

We request to delete this question for the 2023 administration.



[123] Do you think that breathing the vapor from other people’s e-cigarettes causes…

  1. No harm

  2. Little harm

  3. Some harm

  4. A lot of harm

We request to delete this question for the 2023 administration.



[124] Not including the vapor from e-cigarettes, do you think that breathing smoke from other people’s cigarettes or other tobacco products causes…

  1. No harm

  2. Little harm

  3. Some harm

  4. A lot of harm

We request to delete this question for the 2023 administration.



[127] Please complete the following sentence. My friends think that e-cigarette use is…

  1. Completely acceptable

  2. Mostly acceptable

  3. Mostly not acceptable

  4. Not acceptable

We request to delete this question for the 2023 administration.



[instruct_28] The next five questions ask about e-cigarette advertisements.

Do not think about cigarettes or other tobacco products when answering these questions.

We request to rotate these questions off of the 2023 administration.



[128] When you are using the Internet, how often do you see ads or promotions for e-cigarettes?

  1. I do not use the Internet

  2. Never

  3. Rarely

  4. Sometimes

  5. Most of the time

  6. Always

We request to rotate these questions off of the 2023 administration.



[129] When you read newspapers or magazines, how often do you see ads or promotions for e-cigarettes?

  1. I do not read newspapers or magazines

  2. Never

  3. Rarely

  4. Sometimes

  5. Most of the time

  6. Always

We request to rotate these questions off of the 2023 administration.



[130] When you go to a convenience store, supermarket, gas station, kiosk/storefront, or shopping center, how often do you see ads or promotions for e-cigarettes?

  1. I never go to a convenience store, supermarket, gas station, kiosk/storefront, or shopping center

  2. Never

  3. Rarely

  4. Sometimes

  5. Most of the time

  6. Always

We request to rotate these questions off of the 2023 administration.



[131] When you watch TV or streaming services (such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime), or go to the movies, how often do you see ads or promotions for e-cigarettes?

  1. I do not watch TV or streaming services, or go to the movies

  2. Never

  3. Rarely

  4. Sometimes

  5. Most of the time

  6. Always

We request to rotate these questions off of the 2023 administration.



[132] When you watch TV or streaming services (such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime), or go to the movies, how often do you see people or characters using e-cigarettes?

  1. I do not watch TV or streaming services, or go to the movies

  2. Never

  3. Rarely

  4. Sometimes

  5. Most of the time

  6. Always

We request to rotate these questions off of the 2023 administration.



[instruct_29] The next several questions ask about e-cigarettes and social media (such as YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, or TikTok).

Do not think about cigarettes or other tobacco products when answering these questions.

Edited social media examples in this instruction:

[instruct_28] The next several questions ask about e-cigarettes and social media (such as YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, TikTok, or Twitch).

Do not think about cigarettes or other tobacco products when answering these questions


[135] On which social media sites have you seen posts or content related to e-cigarettes? (Select one or more)

  1. Facebook

  2. Instagram

  3. Snapchat

  4. TikTok

  5. Twitter

  6. Reddit

  7. YouTube

  8. Some other site (specify: _______________________)

Edited option choices to include “Twitch”:

[150] On which social media sites have you seen posts or content related to e-cigarettes? (Select one or more)

  1. Facebook

  2. Instagram

  3. Snapchat

  4. TikTok

  5. Twitch

  6. Twitter

  7. Reddit

  8. YouTube

  9. Some other site (specify: _______________________)


[instruct_30] The next five questions ask about advertisements for cigarettes and other tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, hookahs, roll-your-own cigarettes, pipes, snus, dissolvable tobacco, bidis, heated tobacco products, and nicotine pouches).

Do not think of e-cigarettes when answering these questions.

We request to rotate these questions off of the 2023 administration.



[139] When you are using the Internet, how often do you see ads or promotions for cigarettes or other tobacco products?

  1. I do not use the Internet

  2. Never

  3. Rarely

  4. Sometimes

  5. Most of the time

  6. Always

We request to rotate these questions off of the 2023 administration.



[140] When you read newspapers or magazines, how often do you see ads or promotions for cigarettes or other tobacco products?

  1. I do not read newspapers or magazines

  2. Never

  3. Rarely

  4. Sometimes

  5. Most of the time

  6. Always

We request to rotate these questions off of the 2023 administration.



[141] When you go to a convenience store, supermarket, gas station, kiosk/storefront, or shopping center, how often do you see ads or promotions for cigarettes or other tobacco products?

  1. I never go to a convenience store, supermarket, gas station, kiosk/storefront, or shopping center

  2. Never

  3. Rarely

  4. Sometimes

  5. Most of the time

  6. Always

We request to rotate these questions off of the 2023 administration.



[142] When you watch TV or streaming services (such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime), or go to the movies, how often do you see ads or promotions for cigarettes or other tobacco products?

  1. I do not watch TV or streaming services, or go to the movies

  2. Never

  3. Rarely

  4. Sometimes

  5. Most of the time

  6. Always

We request to rotate these questions off of the 2023 administration.



[143] When you watch TV or streaming services (such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime), or go to the movies, how often do you see people or characters using cigarettes or other tobacco products?

  1. I do not watch TV or streaming services, or go to the movies

  2. Never

  3. Rarely

  4. Sometimes

  5. Most of the time

  6. Always

We request to rotate these questions off of the 2023 administration.



[Instruct_33] The last fourteen questions ask about your experiences at home and at school.

We request to edit this instruction to reflect re-ordering of questions as follows:

[instruct_26] The next two questions ask about your experiences with tobacco products at school and at home.


[152] Have you ever seen anyone using an e-cigarette, such as JUUL, SMOK, Suorin, Vuse, blu, Puff Bar, or STIG in any locations while at school or on school property? (Select one or more)


  2. Yes, inside a school bathroom or locker room

  3. Yes, inside a classroom

  4. Yes, inside some other area of the school (hallway, cafeteria)

  5. Yes, outside of the school, such as in the parking lot, sidewalk, sports field, or other school grounds

  6. Yes, somewhere else not listed here [SPECIFY: ______]

We request to edit this question for clarity and to update the brand examples according to market research:

[137] While at school or on school property, have you ever seen anyone using an e-cigarette, such as JUUL, Vuse, NJOY, Puff Bar, blu, or Bidi Stick in any of the following locations? (Select one or more)

  1. Yes, inside a school bathroom or locker room

  2. Yes, inside a classroom

  3. Yes, inside some other area of the school (hallway, cafeteria)

  4. Yes, outside of the school, such as in the parking lot, sidewalk, sports field, or other school grounds

  5. Yes, somewhere else not listed here [SPECIFY: ______]



[153] Does anyone who lives with you now…? (Select one or more)

  1. Use e-cigarettes

  2. Smoke cigarettes

  3. Smoke cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars

  4. Use chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip

  5. Smoke tobacco in a hookah or waterpipe

  6. Smoke roll-your-own cigarettes

  7. Smoke pipes filled with tobacco (not hookah or waterpipes)

  8. Use snus

  9. Use dissolvable tobacco products

  10. Smoke bidis (small brown cigarettes wrapped in a leaf)

  11. Use heated tobacco products

  12. Use nicotine pouches

  13. No one who lives with me now uses any form of tobacco [EXCLUSIVE]

We request to edit the order of the response options (consistent with how product-specific sections have been reordered throughout):

[138] Does anyone who lives with you now…? (Select one or more)

  1. Use e-cigarettes

  2. Smoke cigarettes

  3. Smoke cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars

  4. Use chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip

  5. Use snus

  6. Use nicotine pouches

  7. Use other oral nicotine products

  8. Smoke tobacco in a hookah or waterpipe

  9. Use heated tobacco products

  10. Smoke pipes filled with tobacco (not hookah or waterpipe)

  11. Smoke bidis

  12. Smoke roll-your-own cigarettes

  13. No one who lives with me now uses any form of tobacco [EXCLUSIVE]



We request to include the Adolescent Discrimination and Distress Index (ADDI). The ADDI is a 15-item scale focused on racial and ethnic discrimination in three areas: educational discrimination, institutional discrimination, and peer discrimination. This scale will be used to assess disparities in tobacco product use by this important health equity measure, which is a priority for the Office on Smoking and Health and the CDC.

[Instruct_27] The next two sets of questions ask about discrimination you may experienced because of your race and ethnicity.



We propose including the ADDI, which is asked in two sets of questions. . The first question set contains 15 statements; respondents will answer yes or no, based on the instructions provided:

[139a-o] After each statement in this question, tell us whether you have experienced each of the following types of discrimination because of your race or ethnicity. Remember, we are only interested in occasions when racial-ethnic discrimination was at least partly responsible for your experience. Have you experienced this?

[for each statement, the answer choices are “yes” or “no”]

A. You were discouraged from joining an advanced level class.

B. You were wrongly disciplined or given after-school detention.

C. You were given a lower grade than you deserved.

D. You were discouraged from joining a club.

E. Others your age did not include you in their activities.

F. People expected more of you than they expected of others your age.

G. People expected less of you than they expected of others your age.

H. People assumed your English was poor.

I. You were hassled by the police.

J. You were hassled by a store clerk or store guard.

K. You were called racially insulting names.

L. You received poor service at a restaurant or store.

M. People acted as if they thought you were not smart.

N. People acted as if they were afraid of you.

O. You were threatened.



The second question set is asked among respondents who answered “yes” to one or more statements in Q166; for each statement the respondent reported experiencing they are asked to report the level of distress this caused them [140a-o]. Answer choices range from “not at all,” “slightly,” “moderately,” “considerably,” and “extremely”:

[140a-o] How much did this experience upset you?

[for each statement, the answer choices are “not at all,” “slightly,” “moderately,” “considerably,” and “extremely”]

[SHOW IF 140a = yes]

A. You were discouraged from joining an advanced level class.

[SHOW IF 140b = yes]

B. You were wrongly disciplined or given after-school detention.

[SHOW IF 140c = yes]

C. You were given a lower grade than you deserved.

[SHOW IF 140d = yes]

D. You were discouraged from joining a club.

[SHOW IF 140e = yes]

E. Others your age did not include you in their activities.

[SHOW IF 140f = yes]

F. People expected more of you than they expected of others your age.

[SHOW IF 140g = yes]

G. People expected less of you than they expected of others your age.

[SHOW IF 140h = yes]

H. People assumed your English was poor.

[SHOW IF 140i = yes]

I. You were hassled by the police.

[SHOW IF 140j = yes]

J. You were hassled by a store clerk or store guard.

[SHOW IF 140k = yes]

K. You were called racially insulting names.

[SHOW IF 140l = yes]

L. You received poor service at a restaurant or store.

[SHOW IF 140m = yes]

M. People acted as if they thought you were not smart.

[SHOW IF 140n = yes]

N. People acted as if they were afraid of you.

[SHOW IF 140o = yes]

O. You were threatened.



We propose to include the Neighborhood Environment Scale (NES), which includes 10 statements to gauge perceptions on the safety and conditions where a respondent lives. i

[instruct_28] The next several questions are about the neighborhood where you live.



We propose to include the NES – a scale which includes 10 statements to gauge perceptions on the safety and conditions where a respondent lives. The NES sub-statements are analyzed as a single measure and can approximate socio-economic indicators.

[141a-j] How true are the following statements about your neighborhood?

[for each statement, the answer choices are “not at all true,” “a little true,” “sort of true,” and “very true”]

How true are the following statements about your neighborhood?

A. There are plenty of safe places to walk or spend time outdoors in my neighborhood.

B. Every few weeks, some kid in my neighborhood gets beat-up or mugged.

C. Every few weeks, some adult gets beat-up or mugged in my neighborhood.

D. I have seen people using or selling drugs in my neighborhood.

E. In the morning or later in the day, I often see drunk people on the street in my neighborhood.

F. Most adults in my neighborhood respect the law.

G. I feel safe when I walk around my neighborhood by myself during the day.

H. People who live in my neighborhood often damage or steal each other’s property.

I. I feel safe when I walk around my neighborhood by myself at night.

J. In my neighborhood, the people with the most money are the drug dealers.



We will include a new instruction to introduce the last section on the survey.

[instruct_29] The last several questions ask about your experiences at home and at school.


[155] Which of the following best describes you?

  1. Heterosexual (straight)

  2. Gay or Lesbian

  3. Bisexual

  4. Not Sure

We propose to edit this question for clarity and inclusivity by providing respondents with a broader range of options to describe their sexual orientation. Question recommendation is from the Trevor Project, as suggested by consultation with the National LGBT Cancer Network:

[142] Sexual orientation is a person’s emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attraction to another person. There are many pas a person can describe their sexual orientation and many labels a person can use. Which of these options best describes your sexual orientation?

  1. Straight or heterosexual

  2. Gay or lesbian

  3. Bisexual, pansexual, or queer

  4. Asexual

  5. I am not sure

  6. I don’t know what this question means

  7. Decline to answer


[156] Some people describe themselves as transgender when their sex at birth does not match the way they think or feel about their gender. Are you transgender?

  1. No, I am not transgender

  2. Yes, I am transgender

  3. I am not sure if I am transgender

  4. I do not know what this question is asking

We propose to edit this question for clarity and inclusivity by providing respondents with a broader range of options to describe their gender identity. Question recommendation is from the Trevor Project, as suggested by consultation with the National LGBT Cancer Network:

[143] Some people describe themselves as transgender and/or nonbinary when the way they think or feel about their gender is different from their sex assigned at birth. Do you identify as transgender and/or nonbinary?

  1. No, I am not transgender and/or ninbinary

  2. Yes, I am transgender and/or nonbinary

  1. I am not sure yet or questioning if I am transgender and/or nonbinary

  2. I do not know what this question is asking

  3. Decline to answer


[161] Does your family own a vehicle (such as a car, van, or truck)?

  1. No

  2. Yes, one

  3. Yes, two or more

We propose removing the questions from the Family Affluence Scale for the 2023 administration.


[162] Do you have your own bedroom?

  1. No

  2. Yes

We propose removing the questions from the Family Affluence Scale for the 2023 administration.


[163] How many computers (including laptops and tablets, not including game consoles and smartphones) does your family own?

  1. None

  2. One

  3. Two

  4. More than two

We propose removing the questions from the Family Affluence Scale for the 2023 administration.


[164] During the past 12 months, how many times did you travel on vacation with your family?

  1. Not at all

  2. Once

  3. Twice

  4. More than twice

We propose removing the questions from the Family Affluence Scale for the 2023 administration.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorGentzke, Andrea (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-08-31

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